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OpenCloudOS Stream/libformula

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libformula-1.1.3-remove-ant-contrib-support.patch 9.17 KB
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nilusyi 提交于 2023-05-26 15:10 +08:00 . OCS package init
diff --git a/common_build.xml b/common_build.xml
index 3a42daa..5575f19 100644
--- a/common_build.xml
+++ b/common_build.xml
@@ -152,9 +152,6 @@
<property name="cobertura.build.cache.dir"
description="Directory where the Cobertura jar (and dependencies) is placed after it is auto-downloaded by the build" />
- <property name="antcontrib.build.cache.dir"
- value="${build.cache.dir}/ant-contrib"
- description="Directory where the Ant-Contrib jar (and dependencies) is placed after it is auto-downloaded by the build" />
<property name="pentaho.build.cache.dir"
description="Directory where the Pentaho ant tasks jar (and dependencies) is placed after it is auto-downloaded by the build" />
@@ -326,68 +323,6 @@
- install-antcontrib
- (Fetches and) installs ant-contrib tasks.
- ====================================================================-->
- <target name="install-antcontrib"
- depends="antcontrib.download-check">
- <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml">
- <classpath>
- <fileset dir="${antcontrib.build.cache.dir}">
- <include name="*.jar" />
- </fileset>
- </classpath>
- </taskdef>
- </target>
- <!--=======================================================================
- antcontrib.download-check
- Fetches ant-contrib from sourceforge if it is not already present
- ====================================================================-->
- <target name="antcontrib.download-check">
- <condition property="antcontrib.available">
- <and>
- <available file="${antcontrib.build.cache.dir}" />
- <available classname="net.sf.antcontrib.logic.IfTask">
- <classpath>
- <fileset dir="${antcontrib.build.cache.dir}">
- <include name="*.jar" />
- </fileset>
- </classpath>
- </available>
- </and>
- </condition>
- <antcall target="antcontrib.download" />
- </target>
- <!--=======================================================================
- antcontrib.download
- Fetches ant-contrib from sourceforge
- ====================================================================-->
- <target name="antcontrib.download" unless="antcontrib.available">
- <mkdir dir="${tmp.build.cache.dir}" />
- <get src="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/ant-contrib/ant-contrib-1.0b3-bin.zip"
- dest="${tmp.build.cache.dir}/antcontrib.zip"
- usetimestamp="true" />
- <unzip src="${tmp.build.cache.dir}/antcontrib.zip" dest="${tmp.build.cache.dir}">
- <patternset>
- <include name="**/*.jar" />
- </patternset>
- </unzip>
- <copy todir="${antcontrib.build.cache.dir}">
- <fileset dir="${tmp.build.cache.dir}/ant-contrib">
- <include name="**/*.jar" />
- </fileset>
- </copy>
- </target>
- <!--=======================================================================
Ensures that all the required directories exist before processing
@@ -445,7 +380,7 @@
(Fetches and) installs the SVN ANT for use by this ant script
<target name="install-svnant"
- depends="install-antcontrib, svnant.download-check">
+ depends="svnant.download-check">
<istrue value="${svnant.isinstalled}" />
@@ -492,57 +427,12 @@
- set-build.id
- Sets a property build.id to the either "development" or the svn revision
- if in release mode
- ====================================================================-->
- <target name="set-build.id" unless="build.id" depends="install-antcontrib">
- <if>
- <istrue value="${release}" />
- <then>
- <antcallback target="svn-revision" return="svn.revision" />
- <property name="build.id" value="${svn.revision}" />
- </then>
- <else>
- <property name="build.id" value="development" />
- </else>
- </if>
- </target>
- <!--=================================================================================
- version-properties: common Ant driven version file generation. Projects that produce
- a package or packages should run this target. Projects that produce
- jars only should NOT.
- ===================================================================================-->
- <target name="version-properties" depends="set-build.id">
- <tstamp>
- <format property="build.time" pattern="yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm aa"/>
- </tstamp>
- <propertyfile
- file="version.properties" comment="Release Build version info">
- <entry key="release.major.number" value="${release.major.number}" />
- <entry key="release.minor.number" value="${release.minor.number}" />
- <entry key="release.milestone.number" value="${release.milestone.number}" />
- <entry key="release.candidate.token" value="${release.candidate.token}" />
- <entry key="impl.vendor" value="${impl.vendor}" />
- <entry key="impl.version" value="${release.major.number}.${release.minor.number}.${release.milestone.number}.${build.id}" />
- <entry key="impl.title" value="${impl.title}" />
- <entry key="buildDate" value="${build.time}"/>
- <entry key="svn.revision" value="${build.id}"/>
- <entry key="release.build.number" default="0" type="int" operation="+" value="1" pattern="0000"/>
- </propertyfile>
- <property file="${basedir}/version.properties"/>
- </target>
- <!--=======================================================================
(Fetches and) installs the IVY jar for use by this ant script
<target name="install-ivy"
- depends="install-antcontrib,ivy.download-check">
+ depends="ivy.download-check">
<istrue value="${ivy.isinstalled}" />
@@ -602,7 +492,7 @@
Verifies that there are no SNAPSHOT dependencies defined in the ivy xml.
If there are SNAPSHOTS, fail the release build.
- <target name="ivy.check-releasable" depends="install-ivy, install-antcontrib">
+ <target name="ivy.check-releasable" depends="install-ivy">
<istrue value="${release}" />
@@ -769,7 +659,7 @@
Publishes the jar file for this project to a Maven2 repository.
<target name="publish-pentaho-nojar"
- depends="install-antcontrib,create-pom,ivy.deliver">
+ depends="create-pom,ivy.deliver">
<antcall target="maven-publish-dependencies">
<param name="publish.groupId" value="${ivy.artifact.group}" />
<param name="publish.artifactId" value="${ivy.artifact.id}" />
@@ -1082,26 +972,10 @@
duplicate copying of resources from src tree (handled by compile.src_copy
if jar.include.source is set.
- <target name="compile.res_copy" depends="install-antcontrib">
- <if>
- <available file="${res.dir}" />
- <then>
- <copy todir="${classes.dir}">
- <fileset dir="${res.dir}" />
- </copy>
- </then>
- </if>
- <if>
- <not>
- <isset property="jar.include.source" />
- </not>
- <then>
- <copy todir="${classes.dir}" flatten="false">
- <fileset dir="${src.dir}" excludes="**/*.java" />
- </copy>
- </then>
- </if>
+ <target name="compile.res_copy">
+ <copy todir="${classes.dir}" flatten="false">
+ <fileset dir="${src.dir}" excludes="**/*.java" />
+ </copy>
@@ -1151,7 +1025,7 @@
Creates a jar file from the bin directory
- <target name="jar" depends="compile,set-build.id,generate.manifest" description="Jars up the bin directory after a compile">
+ <target name="jar" depends="compile,generate.manifest" description="Jars up the bin directory after a compile">
<jar destfile="${dist.dir}/${ivy.artifact.id}-${project.revision}.jar" manifest="${dist.manifest.file}">
<fileset dir="${classes.dir}" />
@@ -1164,7 +1038,7 @@
Creates a new manifest file if one is not specified, or updates
an existing manifest file if one is specified.
- <target name="generate.manifest" depends="init,set-build.id">
+ <target name="generate.manifest" depends="init">
<delete file="${dist.manifest.file}" />
<touch file="${dist.manifest.file}" />
<copy file="${manifest.file}" tofile="${dist.manifest.file}" overwrite="true" failonerror="false" />
@@ -1648,4 +1522,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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