同步操作将从 gakkiox/wxappUnpacker 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
const wu = require("./wuLib.js");
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
const {VM} = require('vm2');
const cssbeautify = require('cssbeautify');
const csstree = require('css-tree');
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
function doWxss(dir, cb, mainDir, nowDir) {
let saveDir = dir;
let isSubPkg = mainDir && mainDir.length > 0;
if (isSubPkg) {
saveDir = mainDir
function GwxCfg() {
GwxCfg.prototype = {
$gwx() {
for (let i = 0; i < 300; i++) GwxCfg.prototype["$gwx" + i] = GwxCfg.prototype.$gwx;
let runList = {}, pureData = {}, result = {}, actualPure = {}, importCnt = {}, frameName = "", onlyTest = true,
blockCss = [];//custom block css file which won't be imported by others.(no extension name)
function cssRebuild(data) {//need to bind this as {cssFile:__name__} before call
let cssFile;
function statistic(data) {
function addStat(id) {
if (!importCnt[id]) importCnt[id] = 1, statistic(pureData[id]);
else ++importCnt[id];
if (typeof data === "number") return addStat(data);
for (let content of data) if (typeof content === "object" && content[0] == 2) addStat(content[1]);
function makeup(data) {
var isPure = typeof data === "number";
if (onlyTest) {
if (!isPure) {
if (data.length == 1 && data[0][0] == 2) data = data[0][1];
else return "";
if (!actualPure[data] && !blockCss.includes(wu.changeExt(wu.toDir(cssFile, frameName), ""))) {
console.log("Regard " + cssFile + " as pure import file.");
actualPure[data] = cssFile;
return "";
let res = [], attach = "";
if (isPure && actualPure[data] != cssFile) {
if (actualPure[data]) return '@import "' + wu.changeExt(wu.toDir(actualPure[data], cssFile), ".wxss") + '";\n';
else {
res.push("/*! Import by _C[" + data + "], whose real path we cannot found. */");
attach = "/*! Import end */";
let exactData = isPure ? pureData[data] : data;
for (let content of exactData)
if (typeof content === "object") {
switch (content[0]) {
case 0://rpx
res.push(content[1] + "rpx");
case 1://add suffix, ignore it for restoring correct!
case 2://import
} else res.push(content);
return res.join("") + attach;
return () => {
cssFile = this.cssFile;
if (!result[cssFile]) result[cssFile] = "";
result[cssFile] += makeup(data);
function runVM(name, code) {
let wxAppCode = {}, handle = {cssFile: name};
let vm = new VM({
sandbox: Object.assign(new GwxCfg(), {
__wxAppCode__: wxAppCode,
setCssToHead: cssRebuild.bind(handle),
$gwx(path, global) {
// console.log('do css runVm: ' + name);
for (let name in wxAppCode) {
handle.cssFile = path.resolve(saveDir, name);
if (name.endsWith(".wxss")) {
function preRun(dir, frameFile, mainCode, files, cb) {
runList[path.resolve(dir, "./app.wxss")] = mainCode;
for (let name of files) {
if (name != frameFile) {
wu.get(name, code => {
code = code.replace(/display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;/gm, '');
code = code.slice(0, code.indexOf("\n"));
if (code.indexOf("setCssToHead(") > -1) {
let lastName = name;
let dirSplit = name.split(nowDir + '/');
if (dirSplit.length > 1) {
lastName = path.resolve(saveDir, dirSplit[1]);
runList[lastName] = code.slice(code.indexOf("setCssToHead("));
function runOnce() {
for (let name in runList) runVM(name, runList[name]);
function transformCss(style) {
let ast = csstree.parse(style);
csstree.walk(ast, function (node) {
if (node.type == "Comment") {//Change the comment because the limit of css-tree
node.type = "Raw";
node.value = "\n/*" + node.value + "*/\n";
if (node.type == "TypeSelector") {
if (node.name.startsWith("wx-")) node.name = node.name.slice(3);
else if (node.name == "body") node.name = "page";
if (node.children) {
const removeType = ["webkit", "moz", "ms", "o"];
let list = {};
node.children.each((son, item) => {
if (son.type == "Declaration") {
if (list[son.property]) {
let a = item, b = list[son.property], x = son, y = b.data, ans = null;
if (x.value.type == 'Raw' && x.value.value.startsWith("progid:DXImageTransform")) {
ans = b;
} else if (y.value.type == 'Raw' && y.value.value.startsWith("progid:DXImageTransform")) {
ans = a;
} else {
let xValue = x.value.children && x.value.children.head && x.value.children.head.data.name,
yValue = y.value.children && y.value.children.head && y.value.children.head.data.name;
if (xValue && yValue) for (let type of removeType) if (xValue == `-${type}-${yValue}`) {
ans = b;
} else if (yValue == `-${type}-${xValue}`) {
ans = a;
} else {
let mValue = `-${type}-`;
if (xValue.startsWith(mValue)) xValue = xValue.slice(mValue.length);
if (yValue.startsWith(mValue)) yValue = yValue.slice(mValue.length);
if (ans === null) ans = b;
list[son.property] = ans;
} else list[son.property] = item;
for (let name in list) if (!name.startsWith('-'))
for (let type of removeType) {
let fullName = `-${type}-${name}`;
if (list[fullName]) {
delete list[fullName];
return cssbeautify(csstree.generate(ast), {indent: ' ', autosemicolon: true});
wu.scanDirByExt(dir, ".html", files => {
let frameFile = "";
if (fs.existsSync(path.resolve(dir, "page-frame.html")))
frameFile = path.resolve(dir, "page-frame.html");
else if (fs.existsSync(path.resolve(dir, "app-wxss.js")))
frameFile = path.resolve(dir, "app-wxss.js");
else if (fs.existsSync(path.resolve(dir, "page-frame.js")))
frameFile = path.resolve(dir, "page-frame.js");
else throw Error("page-frame-like file is not found in the package by auto.");
wu.get(frameFile, code => {
code = code.replace(/display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;/gm, '');
let scriptCode = code;
//extract script content from html
if (frameFile.endsWith(".html")) {
try {
const $ = cheerio.load(code);
scriptCode = [].join.apply($('html').find('script').map(function (item) {
return $(this).html();
}, "\n"));
} catch (e) {
let window = {
screen: {
width: 720,
height: 1028,
orientation: {
type: 'vertical'
let navigator = {
userAgent: "iPhone"
scriptCode = scriptCode.slice(scriptCode.lastIndexOf('window.__wcc_version__'));
let mainCode = 'window= ' + JSON.stringify(window) +
';\nnavigator=' + JSON.stringify(navigator) +
';\nvar __mainPageFrameReady__ = window.__mainPageFrameReady__ || function(){};var __WXML_GLOBAL__={entrys:{},defines:{},modules:{},ops:[],wxs_nf_init:undefined,total_ops:0};var __vd_version_info__=__vd_version_info__||{}' +
";\n" + scriptCode;
//remove setCssToHead function
mainCode = mainCode.replace('var setCssToHead = function', 'var setCssToHead2 = function');
code = code.slice(code.lastIndexOf('var setCssToHead = function(file, _xcInvalid'));
code = code.slice(code.lastIndexOf('\nvar _C= ') + 1);
code = code.slice(0, code.indexOf('\n'));
let vm = new VM({sandbox: {}});
pureData = vm.run(code + "\n_C");
console.log("Guess wxss(first turn)...");
preRun(dir, frameFile, mainCode, files, () => {
frameName = frameFile;
onlyTest = true;
onlyTest = false;
console.log("Import count info: %j", importCnt);
for (let id in pureData) if (!actualPure[id]) {
if (!importCnt[id]) importCnt[id] = 0;
if (importCnt[id] <= 1) {
console.log("Cannot find pure import for _C[" + id + "] which is only imported " + importCnt[id] + " times. Let importing become copying.");
} else {
let newFile = path.resolve(saveDir, "__wuBaseWxss__/" + id + ".wxss");
console.log("Cannot find pure import for _C[" + id + "], force to save it in (" + newFile + ").");
id = Number.parseInt(id);
actualPure[id] = newFile;
cssRebuild.call({cssFile: newFile}, id)();
console.log("Guess wxss(first turn) done.\nGenerate wxss(second turn)...");
console.log("Generate wxss(second turn) done.\nSave wxss...");
console.log('saveDir: ' + saveDir);
for (let name in result) {
let pathFile = path.resolve(saveDir, wu.changeExt(name, ".wxss"));
wu.save(pathFile, transformCss(result[name]));
let delFiles = {};
for (let name of files) delFiles[name] = 8;
delFiles[frameFile] = 4;
module.exports = {doWxss: doWxss};
if (require.main === module) {
wu.commandExecute(doWxss, "Restore wxss files.\n\n<dirs...>\n\n<dirs...> restore wxss file from a unpacked directory(Have page-frame.html (or app-wxss.js) and other html file).");
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