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errors.go 10.53 KB
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// Copyright 2014 Roger Peppe.
// See LICENCE file for details.
// Package errgo provides a way to create
// and diagnose errors. It is compatible with
// the usual Go error idioms but adds a way to wrap errors
// so that they record source location information
// while retaining a consistent way for code to
// inspect errors to find out particular problems.
package errgo
import (
const debug = false
// Err holds a description of an error along with information about
// where the error was created.
// It may be embedded in custom error types to add
// extra information that this errors package can
// understand.
type Err struct {
// Message_ holds the text of the error message. It may be empty
// if Underlying is set.
Message_ string
// Cause_ holds the cause of the error as returned
// by the Cause method.
Cause_ error
// Underlying_ holds the underlying error, if any.
Underlying_ error
// File and Line identify the source code location where the error was
// created.
File string
Line int
// Location implements Locationer.
func (e *Err) Location() (file string, line int) {
return e.File, e.Line
// Underlying returns the underlying error if any.
func (e *Err) Underlying() error {
return e.Underlying_
// Cause implements Causer.
func (e *Err) Cause() error {
return e.Cause_
// Message returns the top level error message.
func (e *Err) Message() string {
return e.Message_
// Error implements error.Error.
func (e *Err) Error() string {
switch {
case e.Message_ == "" && e.Underlying_ == nil:
return "<no error>"
case e.Message_ == "":
return e.Underlying_.Error()
case e.Underlying_ == nil:
return e.Message_
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v", e.Message_, e.Underlying_)
// GoString returns the details of the receiving error
// message, so that printing an error with %#v will
// produce useful information.
func (e *Err) GoString() string {
return Details(e)
// Causer is the type of an error that may provide
// an error cause for error diagnosis. Cause may return
// nil if there is no cause (for example because the
// cause has been masked).
type Causer interface {
Cause() error
// Wrapper is the type of an error that wraps another error. It is
// exposed so that external types may implement it, but should in
// general not be used otherwise.
type Wrapper interface {
// Message returns the top level error message,
// not including the message from the underlying
// error.
Message() string
// Underlying returns the underlying error, or nil
// if there is none.
Underlying() error
// Locationer can be implemented by any error type
// that wants to expose the source location of an error.
type Locationer interface {
// Location returns the name of the file and the line
// number associated with an error.
Location() (file string, line int)
// Details returns information about the stack of
// underlying errors wrapped by err, in the format:
// [{filename:99: error one} {otherfile:55: cause of error one}]
// The details are found by type-asserting the error to
// the Locationer, Causer and Wrapper interfaces.
// Details of the underlying stack are found by
// recursively calling Underlying when the
// underlying error implements Wrapper.
func Details(err error) string {
if err == nil {
return "[]"
var s []byte
s = append(s, '[')
for {
s = append(s, '{')
if err, ok := err.(Locationer); ok {
file, line := err.Location()
if file != "" {
s = append(s, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", file, line)...)
s = append(s, ": "...)
if cerr, ok := err.(Wrapper); ok {
s = append(s, cerr.Message()...)
err = cerr.Underlying()
} else {
s = append(s, err.Error()...)
err = nil
if debug {
if err, ok := err.(Causer); ok {
if cause := err.Cause(); cause != nil {
s = append(s, fmt.Sprintf("=%T", cause)...)
s = append(s, Details(cause)...)
s = append(s, '}')
if err == nil {
s = append(s, ' ')
s = append(s, ']')
return string(s)
// SetLocation records the source location of the error by setting
// e.Location, at callDepth stack frames above the call.
func (e *Err) SetLocation(callDepth int) {
_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(callDepth + 1)
e.File, e.Line = file, line
func setLocation(err error, callDepth int) {
if e, _ := err.(*Err); e != nil {
e.SetLocation(callDepth + 1)
// New returns a new error with the given error message and no cause. It
// is a drop-in replacement for errors.New from the standard library.
func New(s string) error {
err := &Err{Message_: s}
return err
// Newf returns a new error with the given printf-formatted error
// message and no cause.
func Newf(f string, a ...interface{}) error {
err := &Err{Message_: fmt.Sprintf(f, a...)}
return err
// match returns whether any of the given
// functions returns true when called with err as an
// argument.
func match(err error, pass ...func(error) bool) bool {
for _, f := range pass {
if f(err) {
return true
return false
// Is returns a function that returns whether the
// an error is equal to the given error.
// It is intended to be used as a "pass" argument
// to Mask and friends; for example:
// return errgo.Mask(err, errgo.Is(http.ErrNoCookie))
// would return an error with an http.ErrNoCookie cause
// only if that was err's diagnosis; otherwise the diagnosis
// would be itself.
func Is(err error) func(error) bool {
return func(err1 error) bool {
return err == err1
// Any returns true. It can be used as an argument to Mask
// to allow any diagnosis to pass through to the wrapped
// error.
func Any(error) bool {
return true
// NoteMask returns an Err that has the given underlying error,
// with the given message added as context, and allowing
// the cause of the underlying error to pass through into
// the result if allowed by the specific pass functions
// (see Mask for an explanation of the pass parameter).
func NoteMask(underlying error, msg string, pass ...func(error) bool) error {
err := noteMask(underlying, msg, pass...)
setLocation(err, 1)
return err
// noteMask is exactly like NoteMask except it doesn't set the location
// of the returned error, so that we can avoid setting it twice
// when it's used in other functions.
func noteMask(underlying error, msg string, pass ...func(error) bool) error {
newErr := &Err{
Underlying_: underlying,
Message_: msg,
if len(pass) > 0 {
if cause := Cause(underlying); match(cause, pass...) {
newErr.Cause_ = cause
if debug {
if newd, oldd := newErr.Cause_, Cause(underlying); newd != oldd {
log.Printf("Mask cause %[1]T(%[1]v)->%[2]T(%[2]v)", oldd, newd)
log.Printf("call stack: %s", callers(0, 20))
log.Printf("len(allow) == %d", len(pass))
log.Printf("old error %#v", underlying)
log.Printf("new error %#v", newErr)
return newErr
// Mask returns an Err that wraps the given underyling error. The error
// message is unchanged, but the error location records the caller of
// Mask.
// If err is nil, Mask returns nil.
// By default Mask conceals the cause of the wrapped error, but if
// pass(Cause(err)) returns true for any of the provided pass functions,
// the cause of the returned error will be Cause(err).
// For example, the following code will return an error whose cause is
// the error from the os.Open call when (and only when) the file does
// not exist.
// f, err := os.Open("non-existent-file")
// if err != nil {
// return errgo.Mask(err, os.IsNotExist)
// }
// In order to add context to returned errors, it
// is conventional to call Mask when returning any
// error received from elsewhere.
func Mask(underlying error, pass ...func(error) bool) error {
if underlying == nil {
return nil
err := noteMask(underlying, "", pass...)
setLocation(err, 1)
return err
// Notef returns an Error that wraps the given underlying
// error and adds the given formatted context message.
// The returned error has no cause (use NoteMask
// or WithCausef to add a message while retaining a cause).
func Notef(underlying error, f string, a ...interface{}) error {
err := noteMask(underlying, fmt.Sprintf(f, a...))
setLocation(err, 1)
return err
// MaskFunc returns an equivalent of Mask that always allows the
// specified causes in addition to any causes specified when the
// returned function is called.
// It is defined for convenience, for example when all calls to Mask in
// a given package wish to allow the same set of causes to be returned.
func MaskFunc(allow ...func(error) bool) func(error, ...func(error) bool) error {
return func(err error, allow1 ...func(error) bool) error {
var allowEither []func(error) bool
if len(allow1) > 0 {
// This is more efficient than using a function literal,
// because the compiler knows that it doesn't escape.
allowEither = make([]func(error) bool, len(allow)+len(allow1))
copy(allowEither, allow)
copy(allowEither[len(allow):], allow1)
} else {
allowEither = allow
err = Mask(err, allowEither...)
setLocation(err, 1)
return err
// WithCausef returns a new Error that wraps the given
// (possibly nil) underlying error and associates it with
// the given cause. The given formatted message context
// will also be added. If underlying is nil and f is empty and has no arguments,
// the message will be the same as the cause.
func WithCausef(underlying, cause error, f string, a ...interface{}) error {
var msg string
if underlying == nil && f == "" && len(a) == 0 && cause != nil {
msg = cause.Error()
} else {
msg = fmt.Sprintf(f, a...)
err := &Err{
Underlying_: underlying,
Cause_: cause,
Message_: msg,
return err
// Cause returns the cause of the given error. If err does not
// implement Causer or its Cause method returns nil, it returns err itself.
// Cause is the usual way to diagnose errors that may have
// been wrapped by Mask or NoteMask.
func Cause(err error) error {
var diag error
if err, ok := err.(Causer); ok {
diag = err.Cause()
if diag != nil {
return diag
return err
// callers returns the stack trace of the goroutine that called it,
// starting n entries above the caller of callers, as a space-separated list
// of filename:line-number pairs with no new lines.
func callers(n, max int) []byte {
var b bytes.Buffer
prev := false
for i := 0; i < max; i++ {
_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(n + 1)
if !ok {
return b.Bytes()
if prev {
fmt.Fprintf(&b, " ")
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%s:%d", file, line)
prev = true
return b.Bytes()
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:mirrors/errgo.git
