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Gitee 极速下载/comicgen

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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/gramener/comicgen
script.js 6.29 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
S Anand 提交于 2023-10-24 06:00 . DOC: Release version 1.9.8
/* globals hljs, ClipboardJS, showdown */
- URL should match code. e.g. go to biden, change colors, go to ava. Biden's colors are in URL
async function init() {
const response = await fetch("dist/characterlist.json");
const chars = await response.json();
// Current values of character name and parent attributes. If these change, menu should be redrawn
let current = {};
// Return the menu dropdowns given a selection (q).
// Result = {label: [option, option, ...], label: [...]}
const options = function (q) {
let result = { name: Object.keys(chars) };
const char = chars[q.name] || Object.values(chars)[0];
current = { name: char };
// If the character is a template, i.e. uses other characters, index.json/lookup defines
// dropdowns for each parameter. For example:
// "dee_emotion": { "select": "emotion", "from": "dee", "where": { "angle": "side" } }
// ... means that ?dee_emotion= is picked up from the "emotion" dropdown from character "dee".
// TODO: Not yet implemented
_.each(char.lookups, (lookup, key) => {
let filter = { name: lookup.from };
_.each(lookup.where, (filter_val, filter_key) => {
if (filter_val.expr) {
// TODO: Don't hard-code side
let expr = new Function("q", `return q["${filter_val.expr}"] || 'side'`);
filter[filter_key] = expr(q);
} else {
filter[filter_key] = filter_val;
result[key] = options(filter)[lookup.select];
// If the character is a basic character, i.e. its made of files under its own directory,
// index.json/patterns defines dropdowns for each parameter.
char.patterns.forEach((pattern) => {
let node = char.files;
let hierarchy = [];
// Split each pattern by "/" like the directory structure
for (const dir of pattern.split(/\s*\/\s*/)) {
// (Recursively) loop through each directory
if (dir.match(/\{\{/)) {
// If dir is a variable (e.g. "{{face}}" or "{{face}}.svg"), get all matching keys, filter by current/first option
let key = dir.slice(2, -2);
result[key] = Object.keys(node);
node = node[q[key]] || Object.values(node)[0];
} else {
// If dir is a value (e.g. "face"), filter all nodes
node = node[dir];
// When a parent in the dropdown hierarchy changes, redraw the menu.
// e.g. in {{angle}}/pose/{{pose}}.svg, if angle changes, redraw for new poses.
hierarchy.slice(0, -1).forEach((key) => (current[key] = ""));
return result;
const menu_template = _.template(document.querySelector("#menu-template").innerHTML);
const code_template = _.template(document.querySelector("#codegen").innerHTML);
const $codetemp = document.querySelector("#codetemp");
const $menu = document.querySelector("#menu");
const $character = document.querySelector("#character .target");
// ID of the dropdown that last triggered a change. Useful to re-focus on it if menu is redrawn
let trigger_id = "";
// Current background color. When the menu is redrawn, preserve this color on the page
let state = { bgcolor: "#ffffff" };
const config = {
typeclass: {
color: "form-control-color",
number: "form-control-number",
range: "form-range d-inline-block my-2 border-0",
function getParams() {
let params = new URLSearchParams();
for (let node of $menu.querySelectorAll("select, input")) params.append(node.name, node.value);
return params;
function bg_color(e) {
if (e.target.classList.contains("bg-color"))
// The first rule in the first sheet defines the background color for the target-container
state.bgcolor = document.styleSheets[0].cssRules[0].style.backgroundColor = e.target.value;
// Render the document based on query parameters
async function render() {
let q = g1.url.parse(location.hash.replace(/^#/, "?")).searchKey;
// If the name or parent keys have changed, re-render the menu
const menu_change = !current.name || _.some(current, (val, key) => current[key] != q[key]);
// If the menu has changed, re-render the menu
if (menu_change) {
let opt = options(q);
$menu.innerHTML = menu_template({ q, chars, config, options: opt });
for (let key in current) current[key] = q[key];
let params = getParams();
const response = await fetch("comic?" + params);
$character.innerHTML = await response.text();
$codetemp.innerHTML = code_template({
url: location.origin + location.pathname + "comic?" + params || "",
if (trigger_id) document.querySelector(`#${trigger_id}`).focus();
// When location hash changes (or initially), re-render
window.addEventListener("hashchange", render, false);
// When inputs change, change location hash -- but no oftener than 200ms
let delay = 200;
let lastUpdated = 0;
let event, timeout;
$menu.addEventListener("input", (e) => {
event = { hash: getParams(), id: e.target.id };
let diff = +new Date() - lastUpdated;
if (diff < delay) {
if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout);
timeout = setTimeout(updateURL, diff);
function updateURL() {
location.hash = event.hash;
trigger_id = event.id;
lastUpdated = +new Date();
document.body.addEventListener("input", bg_color, false);
document.body.addEventListener("change", bg_color, false);
new ClipboardJS(".copy");
// Render part of README.md as Markdown. Sections delimited by <!-- var ... !>...<!-- end -->
$.get("README.md").done(function (text) {
let converter = new showdown.Converter({ ghCodeBlocks: true, tables: true });
text.match(/<!--\s*var\s+\S*\s*-->[\s\S]*?<!--\s*end\s*-->/gim).forEach(function (match) {
let lines = match.split(/\n/);
let name = lines[0].replace(/^<!--\s*var\s+/, "").replace(/\s*-->$/, "");
$('md[data-target="' + name + '"]')
.addClass("d-block my-4")
.html(converter.makeHtml(lines.slice(1, -1).join("\n")))
.each(function () {
$("md table")
.addClass("table table-sm")
.each(function () {
$(this).attr("target", "_blank");
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:mirrors/comicgen.git
