import os from "os";
import path from "path";
import * as url from "url";
import fs from "fs-extra";
import verda from "verda";
import which from "which";
export const build = verda.create();
const { task, file, oracle, phony, computed } = build.ruleTypes;
const { de, fu } = build.rules;
const { run, node, rm, cd, mv, fail } = build.actions;
const { FileList } = build.predefinedFuncs;
// Directories
const PREFIX = `Sarasa`;
const BUILD = `.build`;
const OUT = `out`;
const SOURCES = `sources`;
const PROJECT_ROOT = url.fileURLToPath(new URL(".", import.meta.url));
// Command line
const NODEJS = `node`;
const SEVEN_ZIP = process.env.SEVEN_ZIP_PATH || "7z";
const OTC2OTF = `otc2otf`;
const TTFAUTOHINT = process.env.TTFAUTOHINT_PATH || "ttfautohint";
const TTC_BUNDLE = [
const Chlorophytum = [NODEJS, `node_modules/@chlorophytum/cli/bin/_startup`];
// Entrypoint
const Start = phony("all", async t => {
const [config, version] = await t.need(Config, Version);
await t.need(Ttf, Ttc);
let archiveTargets = [
TtcArchive(`7z`, `TTC`, version),
TtcArchive(`7z`, `TTC-Unhinted`, version),
TtcArchive(`zip`, `TTC`, version),
TtcArchive(`zip`, `TTC-Unhinted`, version),
SuperTtcArchive(`7z`, `TTC`, version),
SuperTtcArchive(`7z`, `TTC-Unhinted`, version),
SuperTtcArchive(`zip`, `TTC`, version),
SuperTtcArchive(`zip`, `TTC-Unhinted`, version),
AllFamilyTtfArchive(`7z`, `TTF`, version),
AllFamilyTtfArchive(`7z`, `TTF-Unhinted`, version)
// Standalone archives
for (const f of config.familyOrder) {
archiveTargets.push(SingleFamilyTtfArchive(`7z`, `TTF`, f, version));
archiveTargets.push(SingleFamilyTtfArchive(`7z`, `TTF-Unhinted`, f, version));
archiveTargets.push(SingleFamilyTtfArchive(`zip`, `TTF`, f, version));
archiveTargets.push(SingleFamilyTtfArchive(`zip`, `TTF-Unhinted`, f, version));
for (const sf of config.subfamilyOrder) {
archiveTargets.push(StandaloneTtfArchive(`7z`, `TTF`, f, sf, version));
archiveTargets.push(StandaloneTtfArchive(`7z`, `TTF-Unhinted`, f, sf, version));
const [packages] = await t.need(archiveTargets);
await run(
await node(
packages.map(x => x.full),
const SuperTtc = phony(`super-ttc`, async target => {
await target.need(SuperTtcFile`TTC`, SuperTtcFile`TTC-Unhinted`);
const Ttc = phony(`ttc`, async t => {
await t.need(Ttf);
await t.need(TtcFontFiles`TTC`, TtcFontFiles`TTC-Unhinted`);
const Ttf = phony(`ttf`, async t => {
await t.need(TtfFontFiles`TTF`, TtfFontFiles`TTF-Unhinted`);
const CheckTtfAutoHintExists = oracle("oracle:check-ttfautohint-exists", async target => {
try {
return await which(TTFAUTOHINT);
} catch (e) {
fail("External dependency <ttfautohint>, needed for building hinted font, does not exist.");
const Dependencies = oracle("oracles::dependencies", async () => {
const pkg = await fs.readJSON(path.resolve(PROJECT_ROOT, "package.json"));
const depJson = {};
for (const pkgName in pkg.dependencies) {
const depPkg = await fs.readJSON(
path.resolve(PROJECT_ROOT, "node_modules", pkgName, "package.json")
const depVer = depPkg.version;
depJson[pkgName] = depVer;
return { requirements: pkg.dependencies, actual: depJson };
const Version = oracle("oracles::version", async t => {
return (await fs.readJson(path.resolve(PROJECT_ROOT, "package.json"))).version;
const SuperTtcArchive = file.make(
(format, infix, version) => `${OUT}/${PREFIX}-Super${infix}-${version}.${format}`,
async (t, out, format, infix) => {
const [input] = await t.need(SuperTtcFile(infix));
await rm(out.full);
await SevenZipCompress(format, true, `${OUT}/.super-ttc`, out.full, input.base);
const TtcArchive = file.make(
(format, infix, version) => `${OUT}/${PREFIX}-${infix}-${version}.${format}`,
async (t, out, format, infix) => {
await t.need(TtcFontFiles(infix));
await rm(out.full);
await SevenZipCompress(format, true, `${OUT}/${infix}`, out.full, `*.ttc`);
const AllFamilyTtfArchive = file.make(
(format, infix, version) => `${OUT}/${PREFIX}-${infix}-${version}.${format}`,
async (t, out, format, infix, version) => {
const [config] = await t.need(Config, TtfFontFiles(infix));
await rm(out.full);
for (let j = 0; j < config.styleOrder.length; j += 1) {
const style = config.styleOrder[j];
await SevenZipCompress(format, true, `${OUT}/${infix}`, out.full, `*-${style}.ttf`);
const SingleFamilyTtfArchive = file.make(
(format, infix, family, version) => `${OUT}/${PREFIX}${family}-${infix}-${version}.${format}`,
async (t, out, format, infix, family, version) => {
const [config] = await t.need(Config, TtfFontFiles(infix));
await rm(out.full);
for (let j = 0; j < config.styleOrder.length; j += 1) {
const style = config.styleOrder[j];
let files = [];
for (const sf of config.subfamilyOrder) {
await SevenZipCompress(format, false, `${OUT}/${infix}`, out.full, files);
const StandaloneTtfArchive = file.make(
(format, infix, family, subfamily, version) =>
async (t, out, format, infix, family, subfamily, version) => {
await t.need(Config, TtfFontFiles(infix));
await rm(out.full);
await SevenZipCompress(
function SevenZipCompress(format, fMT, dir, target, ...inputs) {
const formatArgs = format === "7z" ? [`-t7z`, `-mx=9`] : [`-tzip`, `-mx=9`];
return cd(dir).run([SEVEN_ZIP, `a`], formatArgs, fMT ? [] : ["-mmt1"], [
path.relative(dir, target),
// TTF Building
const BreakShsTtc = task.make(
weight => `break-ttc::${weight}`,
async ($, weight) => {
const [config] = await $.need(Config, de(`${BUILD}/shs`));
const shsSourceMap = config.shsSourceMap;
const shsSuffix = shsSourceMap.styleMap[weight] || weight;
await run(OTC2OTF, `${SOURCES}/shs/${shsSourceMap.defaultRegion}-${shsSuffix}.ttc`);
for (const regionID in shsSourceMap.region) {
const shsPrefix = shsSourceMap.region[regionID];
const partName = `${shsPrefix}-${shsSuffix}.otf`;
if (await fs.pathExists(`${SOURCES}/shs/${partName}`)) {
await rm(`${BUILD}/shs/${partName}`);
await mv(`${SOURCES}/shs/${partName}`, `${BUILD}/shs/${partName}`);
const ShsTtf = file.make(
(region, weight) => `${BUILD}/shs/${region}-${weight}.ttf`,
async (t, out, region, weight) => {
const [config] = await t.need(Config, BreakShsTtc(weight));
const shsSourceMap = config.shsSourceMap;
const shsPrefix = shsSourceMap.region[region];
const shsSuffix = shsSourceMap.styleMap[weight] || weight;
const [, $1] = await t.need(de(out.dir), fu`${BUILD}/shs/${shsPrefix}-${shsSuffix}.otf`);
await run("otf2ttf", "-o", out.full, $1.full);
const ShsCassicalOverrideTtf = file.make(
weight => `${BUILD}/shs-classical-override/${weight}.ttf`,
async (t, out, weight) => {
const [config] = await t.need(Config);
const shsSourceMap = config.shsSourceMap;
const shsPrefix = shsSourceMap.classicalOverridePrefix;
const shsWeight = shsSourceMap.classicalOverrideSuffixMap[weight] || weight;
const [, $1] = await t.need(
await run("otf2ttf", "-o", out.full, $1.full);
const Kanji0 = file.make(
(region, style) => `${BUILD}/kanji0/${region}-${style}.ttf`,
async (t, out, region, style) => {
const [config] = await t.need(Config, Scripts);
const [$1] = await t.need(ShsTtf(region, style), de(out.dir));
let $2 = null;
if (region === config.shsSourceMap.classicalRegion) {
[$2] = await t.need(ShsCassicalOverrideTtf(style));
await RunFontBuildTask("make/kanji/build.mjs", {
main: $1.full,
classicalOverride: $2 ? $2.full : null,
o: out.full
const Hangul0 = file.make(
(region, style) => `${BUILD}/hangul0/${region}-${style}.ttf`,
async (t, out, region, style) => {
await t.need(Config, Scripts);
const [$1] = await t.need(ShsTtf(region, style), de(out.dir));
await RunFontBuildTask("make/hangul/build.mjs", { main: $1.full, o: out.full });
const NonKanji = file.make(
(region, style) => `${BUILD}/non-kanji0/${region}-${style}.ttf`,
async (t, out, region, style) => {
await t.need(Config, Scripts);
const [$1] = await t.need(ShsTtf(region, style), de(out.dir));
await RunFontBuildTask("make/non-kanji/build.mjs", { main: $1.full, o: out.full });
function flagsOfFamily(config, family) {
return {
goth: config.families[family].isGothic || false,
mono: config.families[family].isMono || false,
pwid: config.families[family].isPWID || false,
tnum: config.families[family].isTNUM || false,
term: config.families[family].isTerm || false
const WS0 = file.make(
(family, region, style) => `${BUILD}/ws0/${family}-${region}-${style}.ttf`,
(...args) => BuildPunct("ws", ...args)
const AS0 = file.make(
(family, region, style) => `${BUILD}/as0/${family}-${region}-${style}.ttf`,
(...args) => BuildPunct("as", ...args)
const FEMisc0 = file.make(
(family, region, style) => `${BUILD}/fe-misc0/${family}-${region}-${style}.ttf`,
(...args) => BuildPunct("fe-misc", ...args)
async function BuildPunct(blockName, t, out, family, region, style) {
const [config] = await t.need(Config, Scripts);
const latinFamily = config.families[family].latinGroup;
const [, $1, $2] = await t.need(
NonKanji(region, style),
LatinSource(latinFamily, style)
await RunFontBuildTask(`make/punct/${blockName}.mjs`, {
main: $1.full,
lgc: $2.full,
o: out.full,
...flagsOfFamily(config, family)
const LatinSource = file.make(
(group, style) => `${BUILD}/latin-${group}/${group}-${style}.ttf`,
async (t, out, group, style) => {
const [config] = await t.need(Config, Scripts, de(out.dir));
const latinCfg = config.latinGroups[group] || {};
let sourceStyle = style;
const isCff = latinCfg.isCff;
const sourceFile = `sources/${group}/${group}-${sourceStyle}` + (isCff ? ".otf" : ".ttf");
const [source] = await t.need(fu(sourceFile));
if (isCff) {
await run("otf2ttf", "-o", out.full, source.full);
} else {
await t.need(CheckTtfAutoHintExists);
await run("ttfautohint", "-d", source.full, out.full);
const Pass1 = file.make(
(family, region, style) => `${BUILD}/pass1/${family}-${region}-${style}.ttf`,
async (t, out, family, region, style) => {
const [config] = await t.need(Config, Scripts);
const version = await t.need(Version);
const latinFamily = config.families[family].latinGroup;
const latinCfg = config.latinGroups[latinFamily] || {};
const [, $1, $2, $3, $4] = await t.need(
LatinSource(latinFamily, style),
AS0(family, region, deItalizedNameOf(config, style)),
WS0(family, region, deItalizedNameOf(config, style)),
FEMisc0(family, region, deItalizedNameOf(config, style))
await RunFontBuildTask("make/pass1/index.mjs", {
main: $1.full,
as: $2.full,
ws: $3.full,
feMisc: $4.full,
o: out.full,
family: family,
subfamily: region,
style: style,
italize: deItalizedNameOf(config, out.name) === out.name ? false : true,
latinCfg: latinCfg,
...flagsOfFamily(config, family)
const Pass1Hinted = file.make(
(family, region, style) => `${BUILD}/pass1-hinted/${family}-${region}-${style}.ttf`,
async (t, out, family, region, style) => {
const [pass1] = await t.need(
Pass1(family, region, style),
await run("ttfautohint", pass1.full, out.full);
const Prod = file.make(
(family, region, style) => `${OUT}/TTF/${PREFIX}${family}${region}-${style}.ttf`,
(t, out, family, region, style) =>
MakeProd(t, out, family, region, style, {
Pass1: HfoPass1,
Kanji: HfoHani,
Hangul: HfoHang
const ProdUnhinted = file.make(
(family, region, style) => `${OUT}/TTF-Unhinted/${PREFIX}${family}${region}-${style}.ttf`,
(t, out, family, region, style) =>
MakeProd(t, out, family, region, style, {
Pass1: (w, f, r, s) => Pass1(f, r, s),
Kanji: (w, r, s) => Kanji0(r, s),
Hangul: (w, r, s) => Hangul0(r, s)
async function MakeProd(t, out, family, region, style, fragT) {
const [config] = await t.need(Config, Scripts, de(out.dir));
const version = await t.need(Version);
const weight = deItalizedNameOf(config, style);
const [, $1, $2, $3] = await t.need(
fragT.Pass1(weight, family, region, style),
fragT.Kanji(weight, region, weight),
fragT.Hangul(weight, region, weight)
await RunFontBuildTask("make/pass2/index.mjs", {
main: $1.full,
kanji: $2.full,
hangul: $3.full,
o: out.full,
italize: weight === style ? false : true,
const HintDirPrefix = weight => `${BUILD}/hf-${weight}`;
const JHint = oracle("hinting-jobs", async () => os.cpus().length);
const GroupHintStyleList = computed(`group-hint-style-list`, async t => {
const [config] = await t.need(Config);
const results = [];
for (const style in config.styles) {
if (config.styles[style].uprightStyleMap) continue;
await results.push(style);
return results;
const GroupHintSelfPass1 = file.make(
weight => `${BUILD}/.hc/${weight}-pass1.gz`,
async (t, out, weight) => {
const [config, jHint] = await t.need(Config, JHint, de(out.dir));
const [hintCfg] = await t.need(fu`hcfg/${weight}.json`);
const hd = HintingDeps(config, weight);
await t.need(hd.pass1Deps);
await run(
[`-c`, hintCfg.full],
[`-h`, out.full],
[`--jobs`, jHint],
const GroupHintSelfFe = file.make(
weight => `${BUILD}/.hc/${weight}-fe.gz`,
async (t, out, weight) => {
const [config, jHint] = await t.need(Config, JHint, de(out.dir));
const [hintCfg] = await t.need(fu`hcfg/${weight}.json`);
const hd = HintingDeps(config, weight);
await t.need(hd.haniDeps, hd.hangDeps);
await run(
[`-c`, hintCfg.full],
[`-h`, out.full],
[`--jobs`, jHint],
const HgzHani = file.make(
(weight, region, style) => `${HintDirPrefix(weight)}/hani/${region}-${style}.hint.gz`,
(t, out, weight, region, style) => t.need(GroupHintSelfFe(weight))
const HgzHang = file.make(
(weight, region, style) => `${HintDirPrefix(weight)}/hang/${region}-${style}.hint.gz`,
(t, out, weight, region, style) => t.need(GroupHintSelfFe(weight))
const HgzPass1 = file.make(
(weight, family, region, style) =>
(t, out, weight, family, region, style) => t.need(GroupHintSelfPass1(weight))
const GroupHintDependent = task.make(
weight => `group-hint-dependent::${weight}`,
async (t, weight) => {
const [styleList] = await t.need(GroupHintStyleList);
const weightIndex = styleList.indexOf(weight);
if (weightIndex > 0) await t.need(GroupHintDependent(styleList[weightIndex - 1]));
await t.need(GroupHintSelfPass1(weight), GroupHintSelfFe(weight));
const GroupInstr = task.make(
weight => `group-instr::${weight}`,
async (t, weight) => {
const [config, hintCfg] = await t.need(Config, fu`hcfg/${weight}.json`);
const hd = HintingDeps(config, weight);
await t.need(GroupHintDependent(weight));
await t.need(hd.pass1Results, hd.haniResults, hd.hangResults);
await run(
[`-c`, hintCfg.full],
const GroupInstrAll = task(`group-instr-all`, async t => {
const [styleList] = await t.need(GroupHintStyleList);
await t.need(styleList.map(w => GroupInstr(w)));
const HfoHani = file.make(
(weight, region, style) => `${HintDirPrefix(weight)}/hani/${region}-${style}.ttf`,
const HfoHang = file.make(
(weight, region, style) => `${HintDirPrefix(weight)}/hang/${region}-${style}.ttf`,
const HfoPass1 = file.make(
(weight, family, region, style) =>
async function HfoBuildProc(t, out, weight) {
await t.need(de(out.dir));
await t.need(GroupInstrAll);
// Support functions
function HintingDeps(config, weight) {
let out = {
haniDeps: [],
hangDeps: [],
pass1Deps: [],
haniResults: [],
hangResults: [],
pass1Results: [],
haniParams: [],
hangParams: [],
pass1Params: []
for (let sf of config.subfamilyOrder) {
const input = Kanji0(sf, weight);
const hgz = HgzHani(weight, sf, weight);
const hfo = HfoHani(weight, sf, weight);
const input = Hangul0(sf, weight);
const hgz = HgzHang(weight, sf, weight);
const hfo = HfoHang(weight, sf, weight);
for (let f of config.familyOrder) {
for (let sf of config.subfamilyOrder) {
for (const style in config.styles) {
if (deItalizedNameOf(config, style) !== weight) continue;
const input = Pass1Hinted(f, sf, style);
const hgz = HgzPass1(weight, f, sf, style);
const hfo = HfoPass1(weight, f, sf, style);
return out;
function* HintParams(items) {
for (const [input, hgz, hfo] of items) {
yield [input, hgz];
// TTC building
const TtcFile = file.make(
(infix, style) => `${OUT}/${infix}/${PREFIX}-${style}.ttc`,
async (t, out, infix, style) => {
const prodT = /Unhinted/i.test(infix) ? ProdUnhinted : Prod;
const [config] = await t.need(Config, de(out.dir));
let requirements = [];
for (let family of config.familyOrder) {
for (let region of config.subfamilyOrder) {
requirements.push(prodT(family, region, style));
const [$$] = await t.need(requirements);
await MakeTtc(config, [...$$.map(t => t.full)], out.full);
const TtcFontFiles = task.make(
infix => `intermediate::ttcFontFiles::${infix}`,
async (t, infix) => {
const [config] = await t.need(Config);
await t.need(config.styleOrder.map(st => TtcFile(infix, st)));
const TtfFontFiles = task.make(
infix => `intermediate::ttfFontFiles::${infix}`,
async (t, infix) => {
const prodT = /Unhinted/i.test(infix) ? ProdUnhinted : Prod;
const [config] = await t.need(Config);
let reqs = [];
for (let f of config.familyOrder)
for (let sf of config.subfamilyOrder)
for (let st of config.styleOrder) {
reqs.push(prodT(f, sf, st));
await t.need(...reqs);
const SuperTtcFile = file.make(
infix => `${OUT}/.super-ttc/${PREFIX}-Super${infix}.ttc`,
async (target, out, infix) => {
const [config] = await target.need(Config, de(out.dir));
const [inputs] = await target.need(config.styleOrder.map(st => TtcFile(infix, st)));
await MakeSuperTtc(
inputs.map(x => x.full),
// Build Scripts & Config
const ScriptsStructure = oracle("dep::scripts-dir-structure", target =>
FileList({ under: `make`, pattern: `**/*.mjs` })(target)
const Scripts = task("dep::scripts", async t => {
await t.need(Dependencies);
const [scriptList] = await t.need(ScriptsStructure);
await t.need(scriptList.map(fu));
const Config = oracle("dep::config", async () => {
const configPath = path.resolve(PROJECT_ROOT, "config.json");
const privateConfigPath = path.resolve(PROJECT_ROOT, "config.private.json");
const config = await fs.readJSON(configPath);
if (fs.existsSync(privateConfigPath)) {
const privateConfig = await fs.readJSON(privateConfigPath);
config.buildOptions = Object.assign(
config.buildOptions || {},
privateConfig.buildOptions || {}
return config;
// Cleanup
phony(`clean`, async () => {
phony(`full-clean`, async () => {
await rm(BUILD);
await rm(OUT);
// CLI wrappers
async function MakeTtc(config, from, to) {
await run(TTC_BUNDLE, "--verbose", "-x", ["-o", to], from);
async function MakeSuperTtc(config, from, to) {
await run(TTC_BUNDLE, "--verbose", ["-o", to], from);
async function RunFontBuildTask(recipe, args) {
return await node(recipe, args);
function deItalizedNameOf(config, set) {
return (set + "")
.map(w => (config.styles[w] ? config.styles[w].uprightStyleMap || w : w))
export default build;
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