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html += ' <p>厂家招募中</p>';
html += ' </div>';
html += ' </a>';
html += '</li>';
$.each(items, function(n,value) {
if(value.Lv == 3){
html += '<li class="fac_item">';
html += ' <a href="store.php?id='+value.FactoryId+'">';
html += ' <div class="fac_img">';
html += ' <img width="238" height="110" src="'+value.ListPic+'"/>';
html += ' </div>' ;
html += ' <div class="fac_name">';
html += ' <p>'+value.Abbreviation+'</p>';
html += ' </div>';
html += ' </a>';
html += '</li>';
for(var f3 = 0; f3 < (3-count3F) ; f3++){
html += '<li class="fac_item">';
html += ' <a href="javascript:;">';
html += ' <div class="fac_img">';
html += ' <img width="238" height="110" src="images/defaultshop.jpg"/>';
html += ' </div>';
html += ' <div class="fac_name">';
html += ' <p>厂家招募中</p>';
html += ' </div>';
html += ' </a>';
html += '</li>';
$('#index_2 .shop_main_r').html(html);
$.get("api.php?act=randomFactory&seriesId={$3f_id}", {},function(data){
var html = "";
if(data != ''){
items = $.parseJSON(data);
var count1F = 0;
var count2F = 0;
var count3F = 0;
$.each(items, function(n,value) {
if(value.Lv == 1){
html += '<li class="fac_item">';
html += ' <a href="store.php?id='+value.FactoryId+'">';
html += ' <div class="fac_img">';
html += ' <img width="238" height="110" src="'+value.ListPic+'"/>';
html += ' </div>' ;
html += ' <div class="fac_name">';
html += ' <p>'+value.Abbreviation+'</p>';
html += ' </div>';
html += ' </a>';
html += '</li>';
for(var f1 = 0; f1 < (3-count1F) ; f1++){
html += '<li class="fac_item">';
html += ' <a href="javascript:;">';
html += ' <div class="fac_img">';
html += ' <img width="238" height="110" src="images/defaultshop.jpg"/>';
html += ' </div>';
html += ' <div class="fac_name">';
html += ' <p>厂家招募中</p>';
html += ' </div>';
html += ' </a>';
html += '</li>';
$.each(items, function(n,value) {
if(value.Lv == 2){
html += '<li class="fac_item">';
html += ' <a href="store.php?id='+value.FactoryId+'">';
html += ' <div class="fac_img">';
html += ' <img width="238" height="110" src="'+value.ListPic+'"/>';
html += ' </div>' ;
html += ' <div class="fac_name">';
html += ' <p>'+value.Abbreviation+'</p>';
html += ' </div>';
html += ' </a>';
html += '</li>';
for(var f2 = 0; f2 < (3-count2F) ; f2++){
html += '<li class="fac_item">';
html += ' <a href="javascript:;">';
html += ' <div class="fac_img">';
html += ' <img width="238" height="110" src="images/defaultshop.jpg"/>';
html += ' </div>';
html += ' <div class="fac_name">';
html += ' <p>厂家招募中</p>';
html += ' </div>';
html += ' </a>';
html += '</li>';
$.each(items, function(n,value) {
if(value.Lv == 3){
html += '<li class="fac_item">';
html += ' <a href="store.php?id='+value.FactoryId+'">';
html += ' <div class="fac_img">';
html += ' <img width="238" height="110" src="'+value.ListPic+'"/>';
html += ' </div>' ;
html += ' <div class="fac_name">';
html += ' <p>'+value.Abbreviation+'</p>';
html += ' </div>';
html += ' </a>';
html += '</li>';
for(var f3 = 0; f3 < (3-count3F) ; f3++){
html += '<li class="fac_item">';
html += ' <a href="javascript:;">';
html += ' <div class="fac_img">';
html += ' <img width="238" height="110" src="images/defaultshop.jpg"/>';
html += ' </div>';
html += ' <div class="fac_name">';
html += ' <p>厂家招募中</p>';
html += ' </div>';
html += ' </a>';
html += '</li>';
$('#index_3 .shop_main_r').html(html);
$.get("api.php?act=randomFactory&seriesId={$4f_id}", {},function(data){
var html = "";
if(data != ''){
items = $.parseJSON(data);
var count1F = 0;
var count2F = 0;
var count3F = 0;
$.each(items, function(n,value) {
if(value.Lv == 1){
html += '<li class="fac_item">';
html += ' <a href="store.php?id='+value.FactoryId+'">';
html += ' <div class="fac_img">';
html += ' <img width="238" height="110" src="'+value.ListPic+'"/>';
html += ' </div>' ;
html += ' <div class="fac_name">';
html += ' <p>'+value.Abbreviation+'</p>';
html += ' </div>';
html += ' </a>';
html += '</li>';
for(var f1 = 0; f1 < (3-count1F) ; f1++){
html += '<li class="fac_item">';
html += ' <a href="javascript:;">';
html += ' <div class="fac_img">';
html += ' <img width="238" height="110" src="images/defaultshop.jpg"/>';
html += ' </div>';
html += ' <div class="fac_name">';
html += ' <p>厂家招募中</p>';
html += ' </div>';
html += ' </a>';
html += '</li>';
$.each(items, function(n,value) {
if(value.Lv == 2){
html += '<li class="fac_item">';
html += ' <a href="store.php?id='+value.FactoryId+'">';
html += ' <div class="fac_img">';
html += ' <img width="238" height="110" src="'+value.ListPic+'"/>';
html += ' </div>' ;
html += ' <div class="fac_name">';
html += ' <p>'+value.Abbreviation+'</p>';
html += ' </div>';
html += ' </a>';
html += '</li>';
for(var f2 = 0; f2 < (3-count2F) ; f2++){
html += '<li class="fac_item">';
html += ' <a href="javascript:;">';
html += ' <div class="fac_img">';
html += ' <img width="238" height="110" src="images/defaultshop.jpg"/>';
html += ' </div>';
html += ' <div class="fac_name">';
html += ' <p>厂家招募中</p>';
html += ' </div>';
html += ' </a>';
html += '</li>';
$.each(items, function(n,value) {
if(value.Lv == 3){
html += '<li class="fac_item">';
html += ' <a href="store.php?id='+value.FactoryId+'">';
html += ' <div class="fac_img">';
html += ' <img width="238" height="110" src="'+value.ListPic+'"/>';
html += ' </div>' ;
html += ' <div class="fac_name">';
html += ' <p>'+value.Abbreviation+'</p>';
html += ' </div>';
html += ' </a>';
html += '</li>';
for(var f3 = 0; f3 < (3-count3F) ; f3++){
html += '<li class="fac_item">';
html += ' <a href="javascript:;">';
html += ' <div class="fac_img">';
html += ' <img width="238" height="110" src="images/defaultshop.jpg"/>';
html += ' </div>';
html += ' <div class="fac_name">';
html += ' <p>厂家招募中</p>';
html += ' </div>';
html += ' </a>';
html += '</li>';
for(var empty = 0; empty < 9 ; empty++){
html += '<li class="fac_item">';
html += ' <a href="javascript:;">';
html += ' <div class="fac_img">';
html += ' <img width="238" height="110" src="images/defaultshop.jpg"/>';
html += ' </div>';
html += ' <div class="fac_name">';
html += ' <p>厂家招募中</p>';
html += ' </div>';
html += ' </a>';
html += '</li>';
$('#index_4 .shop_main_r').html(html);
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