'use strict';
var JSZip = require('jszip');
function _interopDefaultLegacy (e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e : { 'default': e }; }
var JSZip__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(JSZip);
/*! *****************************************************************************
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
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***************************************************************************** */
/* global Reflect, Promise */
var extendStatics = function(d, b) {
extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return extendStatics(d, b);
function __extends(d, b) {
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
var columeHeader_word = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'];
var columeHeader_word_index = { 'A': 0, 'B': 1, 'C': 2, 'D': 3, 'E': 4, 'F': 5, 'G': 6, 'H': 7, 'I': 8, 'J': 9, 'K': 10, 'L': 11, 'M': 12, 'N': 13, 'O': 14, 'P': 15, 'Q': 16, 'R': 17, 'S': 18, 'T': 19, 'U': 20, 'V': 21, 'W': 22, 'X': 23, 'Y': 24, 'Z': 25 };
var coreFile = "docProps/core.xml";
var appFile = "docProps/app.xml";
var workBookFile = "xl/workbook.xml";
var calcChainFile = "xl/calcChain.xml";
var stylesFile = "xl/styles.xml";
var sharedStringsFile = "xl/sharedStrings.xml";
var theme1File = "xl/theme/theme1.xml";
var workbookRels = "xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels";
//Excel Built-In cell type
var ST_CellType = {
"Boolean": "b",
"Date": "d",
"Error": "e",
"InlineString": "inlineStr",
"Number": "n",
"SharedString": "s",
"String": "str",
var numFmtDefault = {
"0": 'General',
"1": '0',
"2": '0.00',
"3": '#,##0',
"4": '#,##0.00',
"9": '0%',
"10": '0.00%',
"11": '0.00E+00',
"12": '# ?/?',
"13": '# ??/??',
"14": 'm/d/yy',
"15": 'd-mmm-yy',
"16": 'd-mmm',
"17": 'mmm-yy',
"18": 'h:mm AM/PM',
"19": 'h:mm:ss AM/PM',
"20": 'h:mm',
"21": 'h:mm:ss',
"22": 'm/d/yy h:mm',
"37": '#,##0 ;(#,##0)',
"38": '#,##0 ;[Red](#,##0)',
"39": '#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)',
"40": '#,##0.00;[Red](#,##0.00)',
"45": 'mm:ss',
"46": '[h]:mm:ss',
"47": 'mmss.0',
"48": '##0.0E+0',
"49": '@'
var indexedColors = {
"0": '00000000',
"1": '00FFFFFF',
"2": '00FF0000',
"3": '0000FF00',
"4": '000000FF',
"5": '00FFFF00',
"6": '00FF00FF',
"7": '0000FFFF',
"8": '00000000',
"9": '00FFFFFF',
"10": '00FF0000',
"11": '0000FF00',
"12": '000000FF',
"13": '00FFFF00',
"14": '00FF00FF',
"15": '0000FFFF',
"16": '00800000',
"17": '00008000',
"18": '00000080',
"19": '00808000',
"20": '00800080',
"21": '00008080',
"22": '00C0C0C0',
"23": '00808080',
"24": '009999FF',
"25": '00993366',
"26": '00FFFFCC',
"27": '00CCFFFF',
"28": '00660066',
"29": '00FF8080',
"30": '000066CC',
"31": '00CCCCFF',
"32": '00000080',
"33": '00FF00FF',
"34": '00FFFF00',
"35": '0000FFFF',
"36": '00800080',
"37": '00800000',
"38": '00008080',
"39": '000000FF',
"40": '0000CCFF',
"41": '00CCFFFF',
"42": '00CCFFCC',
"43": '00FFFF99',
"44": '0099CCFF',
"45": '00FF99CC',
"46": '00CC99FF',
"47": '00FFCC99',
"48": '003366FF',
"49": '0033CCCC',
"50": '0099CC00',
"51": '00FFCC00',
"52": '00FF9900',
"53": '00FF6600',
"54": '00666699',
"55": '00969696',
"56": '00003366',
"57": '00339966',
"58": '00003300',
"59": '00333300',
"60": '00993300',
"61": '00993366',
"62": '00333399',
"63": '00333333',
"64": null,
"65": null,
var borderTypes = {
"none": 0,
"thin": 1,
"hair": 2,
"dotted": 3,
"dashed": 4,
"dashDot": 5,
"dashDotDot": 6,
"double": 7,
"medium": 8,
"mediumDashed": 9,
"mediumDashDot": 10,
"mediumDashDotDot": 11,
"slantDashDot": 12,
"thick": 13
var fontFamilys = {
"0": "defualt",
"1": "Roman",
"2": "Swiss",
"3": "Modern",
"4": "Script",
"5": "Decorative"
function getcellrange(txt, sheets, sheetId) {
if (sheets === void 0) { sheets = {}; }
if (sheetId === void 0) { sheetId = "1"; }
var val = txt.split("!");
var sheettxt = "", rangetxt = "", sheetIndex = -1;
if (val.length > 1) {
sheettxt = val[0];
rangetxt = val[1];
var si = sheets[sheettxt];
if (si == null) {
sheetIndex = parseInt(sheetId);
else {
sheetIndex = parseInt(si);
else {
sheetIndex = parseInt(sheetId);
rangetxt = val[0];
if (rangetxt.indexOf(":") == -1) {
var row = parseInt(rangetxt.replace(/[^0-9]/g, "")) - 1;
var col = ABCatNum(rangetxt.replace(/[^A-Za-z]/g, ""));
if (!isNaN(row) && !isNaN(col)) {
return {
"row": [row, row],
"column": [col, col],
"sheetIndex": sheetIndex
else {
return null;
else {
var rangetxtArray = rangetxt.split(":");
var row = [], col = [];
row[0] = parseInt(rangetxtArray[0].replace(/[^0-9]/g, "")) - 1;
row[1] = parseInt(rangetxtArray[1].replace(/[^0-9]/g, "")) - 1;
// if (isNaN(row[0])) {
// row[0] = 0;
// }
// if (isNaN(row[1])) {
// row[1] = sheetdata.length - 1;
// }
if (row[0] > row[1]) {
return null;
col[0] = ABCatNum(rangetxtArray[0].replace(/[^A-Za-z]/g, ""));
col[1] = ABCatNum(rangetxtArray[1].replace(/[^A-Za-z]/g, ""));
// if (isNaN(col[0])) {
// col[0] = 0;
// }
// if (isNaN(col[1])) {
// col[1] = sheetdata[0].length - 1;
// }
if (col[0] > col[1]) {
return null;
return {
"row": row,
"column": col,
"sheetIndex": sheetIndex
//列下标 字母转数字
function ABCatNum(abc) {
abc = abc.toUpperCase();
var abc_len = abc.length;
if (abc_len == 0) {
return NaN;
var abc_array = abc.split("");
var wordlen = columeHeader_word.length;
var ret = 0;
for (var i = abc_len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (i == abc_len - 1) {
ret += columeHeader_word_index[abc_array[i]];
else {
ret += Math.pow(wordlen, abc_len - i - 1) * (columeHeader_word_index[abc_array[i]] + 1);
return ret;
//列下标 数字转字母
function chatatABC(index) {
var wordlen = columeHeader_word.length;
if (index < wordlen) {
return columeHeader_word[index];
else {
var last = 0, ret = "";
var i = 1, n = 0;
while (index >= (wordlen / (wordlen - 1)) * (Math.pow(wordlen, i++) - 1)) {
n = i;
var index_ab = index - (wordlen / (wordlen - 1)) * (Math.pow(wordlen, n - 1) - 1); //970
last = index_ab + 1;
for (var x = n; x > 0; x--) {
var last1 = last; //-702=268, 3
if (x == 1) {
last1 = last1 % wordlen;
if (last1 == 0) {
last1 = 26;
return ret + columeHeader_word[last1 - 1];
last1 = Math.ceil(last1 / Math.pow(wordlen, x - 1));
//last1 = last1 % wordlen;
ret += columeHeader_word[last1 - 1];
if (x > 1) {
last = last - (last1 - 1) * wordlen;
* @return ratio, default 0.75 1in = 2.54cm = 25.4mm = 72pt = 6pc, pt = 1/72 In, px = 1/dpi In
function getptToPxRatioByDPI() {
return 72 / 96;
* @emus EMUs, Excel drawing unit
* @return pixel
function getPxByEMUs(emus) {
if (emus == null) {
return 0;
var inch = emus / 914400;
var pt = inch * 72;
var px = pt / getptToPxRatioByDPI();
return px;
* @dom xml attribute object
* @attr attribute name
* @d if attribute is null, return default value
* @return attribute value
function getXmlAttibute(dom, attr, d) {
var value = dom[attr];
value = value == null ? d : value;
return value;
* @columnWidth Excel column width
* @return pixel column width
function getColumnWidthPixel(columnWidth) {
var pix = Math.round((columnWidth - 0.83) * 8 + 5);
return pix;
* @rowHeight Excel row height
* @return pixel row height
function getRowHeightPixel(rowHeight) {
var pix = Math.round(rowHeight / getptToPxRatioByDPI());
return pix;
function LightenDarkenColor(sixColor, tint) {
var hex = sixColor.substring(sixColor.length - 6, sixColor.length);
var rgbArray = hexToRgbArray("#" + hex);
var hslArray = rgbToHsl(rgbArray[0], rgbArray[1], rgbArray[2]);
if (tint > 0) {
hslArray[2] = hslArray[2] * (1.0 - tint) + tint;
else if (tint < 0) {
hslArray[2] = hslArray[2] * (1.0 + tint);
else {
return "#" + hex;
var newRgbArray = hslToRgb(hslArray[0], hslArray[1], hslArray[2]);
return rgbToHex("RGB(" + newRgbArray.join(",") + ")");
function rgbToHex(rgb) {
var reg = /^#([0-9a-fA-f]{3}|[0-9a-fA-f]{6})$/;
// 如果是rgb颜色表示
if (/^(rgb|RGB)/.test(rgb)) {
var aColor = rgb.replace(/(?:\(|\)|rgb|RGB)*/g, "").split(",");
var strHex = "#";
for (var i = 0; i < aColor.length; i++) {
var hex = Number(aColor[i]).toString(16);
if (hex.length < 2) {
hex = '0' + hex;
strHex += hex;
if (strHex.length !== 7) {
strHex = rgb;
return strHex;
else if (reg.test(rgb)) {
var aNum = rgb.replace(/#/, "").split("");
if (aNum.length === 6) {
return rgb;
else if (aNum.length === 3) {
var numHex = "#";
for (var i = 0; i < aNum.length; i += 1) {
numHex += (aNum[i] + aNum[i]);
return numHex;
return rgb;
function hexToRgbArray(hex) {
var sColor = hex.toLowerCase();
var reg = /^#([0-9a-fA-f]{3}|[0-9a-fA-f]{6})$/;
// 如果是16进制颜色
if (sColor && reg.test(sColor)) {
if (sColor.length === 4) {
var sColorNew = "#";
for (var i = 1; i < 4; i += 1) {
sColorNew += sColor.slice(i, i + 1).concat(sColor.slice(i, i + 1));
sColor = sColorNew;
var sColorChange = [];
for (var i = 1; i < 7; i += 2) {
sColorChange.push(parseInt("0x" + sColor.slice(i, i + 2)));
return sColorChange;
return null;
* HSL颜色值转换为RGB.
* 换算公式改编自 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_color_space.
* h, s, 和 l 设定在 [0, 1] 之间
* 返回的 r, g, 和 b 在 [0, 255]之间
* @param Number h 色相
* @param Number s 饱和度
* @param Number l 亮度
* @return Array RGB色值数值
function hslToRgb(h, s, l) {
var r, g, b;
if (s == 0) {
r = g = b = l; // achromatic
else {
var hue2rgb = function hue2rgb(p, q, t) {
if (t < 0)
t += 1;
if (t > 1)
t -= 1;
if (t < 1 / 6)
return p + (q - p) * 6 * t;
if (t < 1 / 2)
return q;
if (t < 2 / 3)
return p + (q - p) * (2 / 3 - t) * 6;
return p;
var q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s;
var p = 2 * l - q;
r = hue2rgb(p, q, h + 1 / 3);
g = hue2rgb(p, q, h);
b = hue2rgb(p, q, h - 1 / 3);
return [Math.round(r * 255), Math.round(g * 255), Math.round(b * 255)];
* RGB 颜色值转换为 HSL.
* 转换公式参考自 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_color_space.
* r, g, 和 b 需要在 [0, 255] 范围内
* 返回的 h, s, 和 l 在 [0, 1] 之间
* @param Number r 红色色值
* @param Number g 绿色色值
* @param Number b 蓝色色值
* @return Array HSL各值数组
function rgbToHsl(r, g, b) {
r /= 255, g /= 255, b /= 255;
var max = Math.max(r, g, b), min = Math.min(r, g, b);
var h, s, l = (max + min) / 2;
if (max == min) {
h = s = 0; // achromatic
else {
var d = max - min;
s = l > 0.5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min);
switch (max) {
case r:
h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0);
case g:
h = (b - r) / d + 2;
case b:
h = (r - g) / d + 4;
h /= 6;
return [h, s, l];
function generateRandomIndex(prefix) {
if (prefix == null) {
prefix = "Sheet";
var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, "").split("");
var mid = "";
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
mid += userAgent[Math.round(Math.random() * (userAgent.length - 1))];
var time = new Date().getTime();
return prefix + "_" + mid + "_" + time;
function escapeCharacter(str) {
if (str == null || str.length == 0) {
return str;
return str.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/ /g, ' ').replace(/'/g, "'").replace(/¡/g, "¡").replace(/¢/g, "¢").replace(/£/g, "£").replace(/¤/g, "¤").replace(/¥/g, "¥").replace(/¦/g, "¦").replace(/§/g, "§").replace(/¨/g, "¨").replace(/©/g, "©").replace(/ª/g, "ª").replace(/«/g, "«").replace(/¬/g, "¬").replace(/­/g, "").replace(/®/g, "®").replace(/¯/g, "¯").replace(/°/g, "°").replace(/±/g, "±").replace(/²/g, "²").replace(/³/g, "³").replace(/´/g, "´").replace(/µ/g, "µ").replace(/¶/g, "¶").replace(/·/g, "·").replace(/¸/g, "¸").replace(/¹/g, "¹").replace(/º/g, "º").replace(/»/g, "»").replace(/¼/g, "¼").replace(/½/g, "½").replace(/¾/g, "¾").replace(/¿/g, "¿").replace(/×/g, "×").replace(/÷/g, "÷").replace(/À/g, "À").replace(/Á/g, "Á").replace(/Â/g, "Â").replace(/Ã/g, "Ã").replace(/Ä/g, "Ä").replace(/Å/g, "Å").replace(/Æ/g, "Æ").replace(/Ç/g, "Ç").replace(/È/g, "È").replace(/É/g, "É").replace(/Ê/g, "Ê").replace(/Ë/g, "Ë").replace(/Ì/g, "Ì").replace(/Í/g, "Í").replace(/Î/g, "Î").replace(/Ï/g, "Ï").replace(/Ð/g, "Ð").replace(/Ñ/g, "Ñ").replace(/Ò/g, "Ò").replace(/Ó/g, "Ó").replace(/Ô/g, "Ô").replace(/Õ/g, "Õ").replace(/Ö/g, "Ö").replace(/Ø/g, "Ø").replace(/Ù/g, "Ù").replace(/Ú/g, "Ú").replace(/Û/g, "Û").replace(/Ü/g, "Ü").replace(/Ý/g, "Ý").replace(/Þ/g, "Þ").replace(/ß/g, "ß").replace(/à/g, "à").replace(/á/g, "á").replace(/â/g, "â").replace(/ã/g, "ã").replace(/ä/g, "ä").replace(/å/g, "å").replace(/æ/g, "æ").replace(/ç/g, "ç").replace(/è/g, "è").replace(/é/g, "é").replace(/ê/g, "ê").replace(/ë/g, "ë").replace(/ì/g, "ì").replace(/í/g, "í").replace(/î/g, "î").replace(/ï/g, "ï").replace(/ð/g, "ð").replace(/ñ/g, "ñ").replace(/ò/g, "ò").replace(/ó/g, "ó").replace(/ô/g, "ô").replace(/õ/g, "õ").replace(/ö/g, "ö").replace(/ø/g, "ø").replace(/ù/g, "ù").replace(/ú/g, "ú").replace(/û/g, "û").replace(/ü/g, "ü").replace(/ý/g, "ý").replace(/þ/g, "þ").replace(/ÿ/g, "ÿ");
var fromulaRef = /** @class */ (function () {
function fromulaRef() {
fromulaRef.trim = function (str) {
if (str == null) {
str = "";
return str.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, "");
fromulaRef.functionCopy = function (txt, mode, step) {
var _this = this;
if (_this.operatorjson == null) {
var arr = _this.operator.split("|"), op = {};
for (var i_1 = 0; i_1 < arr.length; i_1++) {
op[arr[i_1].toString()] = 1;
_this.operatorjson = op;
if (mode == null) {
mode = "down";
if (step == null) {
step = 1;
if (txt.substr(0, 1) == "=") {
txt = txt.substr(1);
var funcstack = txt.split("");
var i = 0, str = "", function_str = "";
var matchConfig = {
"bracket": 0,
"comma": 0,
"squote": 0,
"dquote": 0
while (i < funcstack.length) {
var s = funcstack[i];
if (s == "(" && matchConfig.dquote == 0) {
matchConfig.bracket += 1;
if (str.length > 0) {
function_str += str + "(";
else {
function_str += "(";
str = "";
else if (s == ")" && matchConfig.dquote == 0) {
matchConfig.bracket -= 1;
function_str += _this.functionCopy(str, mode, step) + ")";
str = "";
else if (s == '"' && matchConfig.squote == 0) {
if (matchConfig.dquote > 0) {
function_str += str + '"';
matchConfig.dquote -= 1;
str = "";
else {
matchConfig.dquote += 1;
str += '"';
else if (s == ',' && matchConfig.dquote == 0) {
function_str += _this.functionCopy(str, mode, step) + ',';
str = "";
else if (s == '&' && matchConfig.dquote == 0) {
if (str.length > 0) {
function_str += _this.functionCopy(str, mode, step) + "&";
str = "";
else {
function_str += "&";
else if (s in _this.operatorjson && matchConfig.dquote == 0) {
var s_next = "";
if ((i + 1) < funcstack.length) {
s_next = funcstack[i + 1];
var p = i - 1, s_pre = null;
if (p >= 0) {
do {
s_pre = funcstack[p--];
} while (p >= 0 && s_pre == " ");
if ((s + s_next) in _this.operatorjson) {
if (str.length > 0) {
function_str += _this.functionCopy(str, mode, step) + s + s_next;
str = "";
else {
function_str += s + s_next;
else if (!(/[^0-9]/.test(s_next)) && s == "-" && (s_pre == "(" || s_pre == null || s_pre == "," || s_pre == " " || s_pre in _this.operatorjson)) {
str += s;
else {
if (str.length > 0) {
function_str += _this.functionCopy(str, mode, step) + s;
str = "";
else {
function_str += s;
else {
str += s;
if (i == funcstack.length - 1) {
if (_this.iscelldata(_this.trim(str))) {
if (mode == "down") {
function_str += _this.downparam(_this.trim(str), step);
else if (mode == "up") {
function_str += _this.upparam(_this.trim(str), step);
else if (mode == "left") {
function_str += _this.leftparam(_this.trim(str), step);
else if (mode == "right") {
function_str += _this.rightparam(_this.trim(str), step);
else {
function_str += _this.trim(str);
return function_str;
fromulaRef.downparam = function (txt, step) {
return this.updateparam("d", txt, step);
fromulaRef.upparam = function (txt, step) {
return this.updateparam("u", txt, step);
fromulaRef.leftparam = function (txt, step) {
return this.updateparam("l", txt, step);
fromulaRef.rightparam = function (txt, step) {
return this.updateparam("r", txt, step);
fromulaRef.updateparam = function (orient, txt, step) {
var _this = this;
var val = txt.split("!"), rangetxt, prefix = "";
if (val.length > 1) {
rangetxt = val[1];
prefix = val[0] + "!";
else {
rangetxt = val[0];
if (rangetxt.indexOf(":") == -1) {
var row = parseInt(rangetxt.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ""));
var col = ABCatNum(rangetxt.replace(/[^A-Za-z]/g, ""));
var freezonFuc = _this.isfreezonFuc(rangetxt);
var $row = freezonFuc[0] ? "$" : "", $col = freezonFuc[1] ? "$" : "";
if (orient == "u" && !freezonFuc[0]) {
row -= step;
else if (orient == "r" && !freezonFuc[1]) {
col += step;
else if (orient == "l" && !freezonFuc[1]) {
col -= step;
else if (!freezonFuc[0]) {
row += step;
if (row < 0 || col < 0) {
return _this.error.r;
if (!isNaN(row) && !isNaN(col)) {
return prefix + $col + chatatABC(col) + $row + (row);
else if (!isNaN(row)) {
return prefix + $row + (row);
else if (!isNaN(col)) {
return prefix + $col + chatatABC(col);
else {
return txt;
else {
rangetxt = rangetxt.split(":");
var row = [], col = [];
row[0] = parseInt(rangetxt[0].replace(/[^0-9]/g, ""));
row[1] = parseInt(rangetxt[1].replace(/[^0-9]/g, ""));
if (row[0] > row[1]) {
return txt;
col[0] = ABCatNum(rangetxt[0].replace(/[^A-Za-z]/g, ""));
col[1] = ABCatNum(rangetxt[1].replace(/[^A-Za-z]/g, ""));
if (col[0] > col[1]) {
return txt;
var freezonFuc0 = _this.isfreezonFuc(rangetxt[0]);
var freezonFuc1 = _this.isfreezonFuc(rangetxt[1]);
var $row0 = freezonFuc0[0] ? "$" : "", $col0 = freezonFuc0[1] ? "$" : "";
var $row1 = freezonFuc1[0] ? "$" : "", $col1 = freezonFuc1[1] ? "$" : "";
if (orient == "u") {
if (!freezonFuc0[0]) {
row[0] -= step;
if (!freezonFuc1[0]) {
row[1] -= step;
else if (orient == "r") {
if (!freezonFuc0[1]) {
col[0] += step;
if (!freezonFuc1[1]) {
col[1] += step;
else if (orient == "l") {
if (!freezonFuc0[1]) {
col[0] -= step;
if (!freezonFuc1[1]) {
col[1] -= step;
else {
if (!freezonFuc0[0]) {
row[0] += step;
if (!freezonFuc1[0]) {
row[1] += step;
if (row[0] < 0 || col[0] < 0) {
return _this.error.r;
if (isNaN(col[0]) && isNaN(col[1])) {
return prefix + $row0 + (row[0]) + ":" + $row1 + (row[1]);
else if (isNaN(row[0]) && isNaN(row[1])) {
return prefix + $col0 + chatatABC(col[0]) + ":" + $col1 + chatatABC(col[1]);
else {
return prefix + $col0 + chatatABC(col[0]) + $row0 + (row[0]) + ":" + $col1 + chatatABC(col[1]) + $row1 + (row[1]);
fromulaRef.iscelldata = function (txt) {
var val = txt.split("!"), rangetxt;
if (val.length > 1) {
rangetxt = val[1];
else {
rangetxt = val[0];
var reg_cell = /^(([a-zA-Z]+)|([$][a-zA-Z]+))(([0-9]+)|([$][0-9]+))$/g; //增加正则判断单元格为字母+数字的格式:如 A1:B3
var reg_cellRange = /^(((([a-zA-Z]+)|([$][a-zA-Z]+))(([0-9]+)|([$][0-9]+)))|((([a-zA-Z]+)|([$][a-zA-Z]+))))$/g; //增加正则判断单元格为字母+数字或字母的格式:如 A1:B3,A:A
if (rangetxt.indexOf(":") == -1) {
var row = parseInt(rangetxt.replace(/[^0-9]/g, "")) - 1;
var col = ABCatNum(rangetxt.replace(/[^A-Za-z]/g, ""));
if (!isNaN(row) && !isNaN(col) && rangetxt.toString().match(reg_cell)) {
return true;
else if (!isNaN(row)) {
return false;
else if (!isNaN(col)) {
return false;
else {
return false;
else {
reg_cellRange = /^(((([a-zA-Z]+)|([$][a-zA-Z]+))(([0-9]+)|([$][0-9]+)))|((([a-zA-Z]+)|([$][a-zA-Z]+)))|((([0-9]+)|([$][0-9]+s))))$/g;
rangetxt = rangetxt.split(":");
var row = [], col = [];
row[0] = parseInt(rangetxt[0].replace(/[^0-9]/g, "")) - 1;
row[1] = parseInt(rangetxt[1].replace(/[^0-9]/g, "")) - 1;
if (row[0] > row[1]) {
return false;
col[0] = ABCatNum(rangetxt[0].replace(/[^A-Za-z]/g, ""));
col[1] = ABCatNum(rangetxt[1].replace(/[^A-Za-z]/g, ""));
if (col[0] > col[1]) {
return false;
if (rangetxt[0].toString().match(reg_cellRange) && rangetxt[1].toString().match(reg_cellRange)) {
return true;
else {
return false;
fromulaRef.isfreezonFuc = function (txt) {
var row = txt.replace(/[^0-9]/g, "");
var col = txt.replace(/[^A-Za-z]/g, "");
var row$ = txt.substr(txt.indexOf(row) - 1, 1);
var col$ = txt.substr(txt.indexOf(col) - 1, 1);
var ret = [false, false];
if (row$ == "$") {
ret[0] = true;
if (col$ == "$") {
ret[1] = true;
return ret;
fromulaRef.operator = '==|!=|<>|<=|>=|=|+|-|>|<|/|*|%|&|^';
fromulaRef.error = {
v: "#VALUE!",
n: "#NAME?",
na: "#N/A",
r: "#REF!",
d: "#DIV/0!",
nm: "#NUM!",
nl: "#NULL!",
sp: "#SPILL!" //数组范围有其它值
fromulaRef.operatorjson = null;
return fromulaRef;
function isChinese(temp) {
var re = /[^\u4e00-\u9fa5]/;
var reg = /[\u3002|\uff1f|\uff01|\uff0c|\u3001|\uff1b|\uff1a|\u201c|\u201d|\u2018|\u2019|\uff08|\uff09|\u300a|\u300b|\u3008|\u3009|\u3010|\u3011|\u300e|\u300f|\u300c|\u300d|\ufe43|\ufe44|\u3014|\u3015|\u2026|\u2014|\uff5e|\ufe4f|\uffe5]/;
if (reg.test(temp))
return true;
if (re.test(temp))
return false;
return true;
function isJapanese(temp) {
var re = /[^\u0800-\u4e00]/;
if (re.test(temp))
return false;
return true;
function isKoera(chr) {
if (((chr > 0x3130 && chr < 0x318F) ||
(chr >= 0xAC00 && chr <= 0xD7A3))) {
return true;
return false;
function getBinaryContent(path, options) {
var promise, resolve, reject;
var callback;
if (!options) {
options = {};
// taken from jQuery
var createStandardXHR = function () {
try {
return new window.XMLHttpRequest();
catch (e) { }
var createActiveXHR = function () {
try {
return new window.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
catch (e) { }
// Create the request object
var createXHR = (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.ActiveXObject) ?
/* Microsoft failed to properly
* implement the XMLHttpRequest in IE7 (can't request local files),
* so we use the ActiveXObject when it is available
* Additionally XMLHttpRequest can be disabled in IE7/IE8 so
* we need a fallback.
function () {
return createStandardXHR() || createActiveXHR();
} :
// For all other browsers, use the standard XMLHttpRequest object
// backward compatible callback
if (typeof options === "function") {
callback = options;
options = {};
else if (typeof options.callback === 'function') {
// callback inside options object
callback = options.callback;
resolve = function (data) { callback(null, data); };
reject = function (err) { callback(err, null); };
try {
var xhr = createXHR();
xhr.open('GET', path, true);
// recent browsers
if ("responseType" in xhr) {
xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
// older browser
if (xhr.overrideMimeType) {
xhr.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined");
xhr.onreadystatechange = function (event) {
// use `xhr` and not `this`... thanks IE
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
if (xhr.status === 200 || xhr.status === 0) {
try {
resolve(function (xhr) {
// for xhr.responseText, the 0xFF mask is applied by JSZip
return xhr.response || xhr.responseText;
catch (err) {
reject(new Error(err));
else {
reject(new Error("Ajax error for " + path + " : " + this.status + " " + this.statusText));
if (options.progress) {
xhr.onprogress = function (e) {
path: path,
originalEvent: e,
percent: e.loaded / e.total * 100,
loaded: e.loaded,
total: e.total
catch (e) {
reject(new Error(e), null);
// returns a promise or undefined depending on whether a callback was
// provided
return promise;
var xmloperation = /** @class */ (function () {
function xmloperation() {
* @param tag Search xml tag name , div,title etc.
* @param file Xml string
* @return Xml element string
xmloperation.prototype.getElementsByOneTag = function (tag, file) {
//<a:[^/>: ]+?>.*?</a:[^/>: ]+?>
var readTagReg;
if (tag.indexOf("|") > -1) {
var tags = tag.split("|"), tagsRegTxt = "";
for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
var t = tags[i];
tagsRegTxt += "|<" + t + " [^>]+?[^/]>[\\s\\S]*?</" + t + ">|<" + t + " [^>]+?/>|<" + t + ">[\\s\\S]*?</" + t + ">|<" + t + "/>";
tagsRegTxt = tagsRegTxt.substr(1, tagsRegTxt.length);
readTagReg = new RegExp(tagsRegTxt, "g");
else {
readTagReg = new RegExp("<" + tag + " [^>]+?[^/]>[\\s\\S]*?</" + tag + ">|<" + tag + " [^>]+?/>|<" + tag + ">[\\s\\S]*?</" + tag + ">|<" + tag + "/>", "g");
var ret = file.match(readTagReg);
if (ret == null) {
return [];
else {
return ret;
return xmloperation;
var ReadXml = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ReadXml, _super);
function ReadXml(files) {
var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
_this.originFile = files;
return _this;
* @param path Search xml tag group , div,title etc.
* @param fileName One of uploadfileList, uploadfileList is file group, {key:value}
* @return Xml element calss
ReadXml.prototype.getElementsByTagName = function (path, fileName) {
var file = this.getFileByName(fileName);
var pathArr = path.split("/"), ret;
for (var key in pathArr) {
var path_1 = pathArr[key];
if (ret == undefined) {
ret = this.getElementsByOneTag(path_1, file);
else {
if (ret instanceof Array) {
var items = [];
for (var key_1 in ret) {
var item = ret[key_1];
items = items.concat(this.getElementsByOneTag(path_1, item));
ret = items;
else {
ret = this.getElementsByOneTag(path_1, ret);
var elements = [];
for (var i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) {
var ele = new Element(ret[i]);
return elements;
* @param name One of uploadfileList's name, search for file by this parameter
* @retrun Select a file from uploadfileList
ReadXml.prototype.getFileByName = function (name) {
for (var fileKey in this.originFile) {
if (fileKey.indexOf(name) > -1) {
return this.originFile[fileKey];
return "";
return ReadXml;
var Element = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(Element, _super);
function Element(str) {
var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
_this.elementString = str;
var readAttrReg = new RegExp('[a-zA-Z0-9_:]*?=".*?"', "g");
var attrList = _this.container.match(readAttrReg);
_this.attributeList = {};
if (attrList != null) {
for (var key in attrList) {
var attrFull = attrList[key];
// let al= attrFull.split("=");
if (attrFull.length == 0) {
var attrKey = attrFull.substr(0, attrFull.indexOf('='));
var attrValue = attrFull.substr(attrFull.indexOf('=') + 1);
if (attrKey == null || attrValue == null || attrKey.length == 0 || attrValue.length == 0) {
_this.attributeList[attrKey] = attrValue.substr(1, attrValue.length - 2);
return _this;
* @param name Get attribute by key in element
* @return Single attribute
Element.prototype.get = function (name) {
return this.attributeList[name];
* @param tag Get elements by tag in elementString
* @return Element group
Element.prototype.getInnerElements = function (tag) {
var ret = this.getElementsByOneTag(tag, this.elementString);
var elements = [];
for (var i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) {
var ele = new Element(ret[i]);
if (elements.length == 0) {
return null;
return elements;
* @desc get xml dom value and container, <container>value</container>
Element.prototype.setValue = function () {
var str = this.elementString;
if (str.substr(str.length - 2, 2) == "/>") {
this.value = "";
this.container = str;
else {
var firstTag = this.getFirstTag();
var firstTagReg = new RegExp("(<" + firstTag + " [^>]+?[^/]>)([\\s\\S]*?)</" + firstTag + ">|(<" + firstTag + ">)([\\s\\S]*?)</" + firstTag + ">", "g");
var result = firstTagReg.exec(str);
if (result != null) {
if (result[1] != null) {
this.container = result[1];
this.value = result[2];
else {
this.container = result[3];
this.value = result[4];
* @desc get xml dom first tag, <a><b></b></a>, get a
Element.prototype.getFirstTag = function () {
var str = this.elementString;
var firstTag = str.substr(0, str.indexOf(' '));
if (firstTag == "" || firstTag.indexOf(">") > -1) {
firstTag = str.substr(0, str.indexOf('>'));
firstTag = firstTag.substr(1, firstTag.length);
return firstTag;
return Element;
function combineIndexedColor(indexedColorsInner, indexedColors) {
var ret = {};
if (indexedColorsInner == null || indexedColorsInner.length == 0) {
return indexedColors;
for (var key in indexedColors) {
var value = indexedColors[key], kn = parseInt(key);
var inner = indexedColorsInner[kn];
if (inner == null) {
ret[key] = value;
else {
var rgb = inner.attributeList.rgb;
ret[key] = rgb;
return ret;
function getColor(color, styles, type) {
var attrList = color.attributeList;
var clrScheme = styles["clrScheme"];
var indexedColorsInner = styles["indexedColors"];
var mruColorsInner = styles["mruColors"];
var indexedColorsList = combineIndexedColor(indexedColorsInner, indexedColors);
var indexed = attrList.indexed, rgb = attrList.rgb, theme = attrList.theme, tint = attrList.tint;
var bg;
if (indexed != null) {
var indexedNum = parseInt(indexed);
bg = indexedColorsList[indexedNum];
if (bg != null) {
bg = bg.substring(bg.length - 6, bg.length);
bg = "#" + bg;
else if (rgb != null) {
rgb = rgb.substring(rgb.length - 6, rgb.length);
bg = "#" + rgb;
else if (theme != null) {
var themeNum = parseInt(theme);
if (themeNum == 0) {
themeNum = 1;
else if (themeNum == 1) {
themeNum = 0;
else if (themeNum == 2) {
themeNum = 3;
else if (themeNum == 3) {
themeNum = 2;
var clrSchemeElement = clrScheme[themeNum];
if (clrSchemeElement != null) {
var clrs = clrSchemeElement.getInnerElements("a:sysClr|a:srgbClr");
if (clrs != null) {
var clr = clrs[0];
var clrAttrList = clr.attributeList;
// console.log(clr.container, );
if (clr.container.indexOf("sysClr") > -1) {
// if(type=="g" && clrAttrList.val=="windowText"){
// bg = null;
// }
// else if((type=="t" || type=="b") && clrAttrList.val=="window"){
// bg = null;
// }
// else
if (clrAttrList.lastClr != null) {
bg = "#" + clrAttrList.lastClr;
else if (clrAttrList.val != null) {
bg = "#" + clrAttrList.val;
else if (clr.container.indexOf("srgbClr") > -1) {
// console.log(clrAttrList.val);
bg = "#" + clrAttrList.val;
if (tint != null) {
var tintNum = parseFloat(tint);
if (bg != null) {
bg = LightenDarkenColor(bg, tintNum);
return bg;
* @dom xml attribute object
* @attr attribute name
* @d if attribute is null, return default value
* @return attribute value
function getlineStringAttr(frpr, attr) {
var attrEle = frpr.getInnerElements(attr), value;
if (attrEle != null && attrEle.length > 0) {
if (attr == "b" || attr == "i" || attr == "strike") {
value = "1";
else if (attr == "u") {
var v = attrEle[0].attributeList.val;
if (v == "double") {
value = "2";
else if (v == "singleAccounting") {
value = "3";
else if (v == "doubleAccounting") {
value = "4";
else {
value = "1";
else if (attr == "vertAlign") {
var v = attrEle[0].attributeList.val;
if (v == "subscript") {
value = "1";
else if (v == "superscript") {
value = "2";
else {
value = attrEle[0].attributeList.val;
return value;
var LuckyFileBase = /** @class */ (function () {
function LuckyFileBase() {
return LuckyFileBase;
var LuckySheetBase = /** @class */ (function () {
function LuckySheetBase() {
return LuckySheetBase;
var LuckyFileInfo = /** @class */ (function () {
function LuckyFileInfo() {
return LuckyFileInfo;
var LuckySheetCelldataBase = /** @class */ (function () {
function LuckySheetCelldataBase() {
return LuckySheetCelldataBase;
var LuckySheetCelldataValue = /** @class */ (function () {
function LuckySheetCelldataValue() {
return LuckySheetCelldataValue;
var LuckySheetCellFormat = /** @class */ (function () {
function LuckySheetCellFormat() {
return LuckySheetCellFormat;
var LuckyInlineString = /** @class */ (function () {
function LuckyInlineString() {
return LuckyInlineString;
var LuckyConfig = /** @class */ (function () {
function LuckyConfig() {
return LuckyConfig;
var LuckySheetborderInfoCellForImp = /** @class */ (function () {
function LuckySheetborderInfoCellForImp() {
return LuckySheetborderInfoCellForImp;
var LuckySheetborderInfoCellValue = /** @class */ (function () {
function LuckySheetborderInfoCellValue() {
return LuckySheetborderInfoCellValue;
var LuckySheetborderInfoCellValueStyle = /** @class */ (function () {
function LuckySheetborderInfoCellValueStyle() {
return LuckySheetborderInfoCellValueStyle;
var LuckySheetConfigMerge = /** @class */ (function () {
function LuckySheetConfigMerge() {
return LuckySheetConfigMerge;
var LuckysheetCalcChain = /** @class */ (function () {
function LuckysheetCalcChain() {
return LuckysheetCalcChain;
var LuckyImageBase = /** @class */ (function () {
function LuckyImageBase() {
return LuckyImageBase;
var LuckySheetCelldata = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(LuckySheetCelldata, _super);
function LuckySheetCelldata(cell, styles, sharedStrings, mergeCells, sheetFile, ReadXml) {
var _this =
_super.call(this) || this;
_this.cell = cell;
_this.sheetFile = sheetFile;
_this.styles = styles;
_this.sharedStrings = sharedStrings;
_this.readXml = ReadXml;
_this.mergeCells = mergeCells;
var attrList = cell.attributeList;
var r = attrList.r, s = attrList.s, t = attrList.t;
var range = getcellrange(r);
_this.r = range.row[0];
_this.c = range.column[0];
_this.v = _this.generateValue(s, t);
return _this;
* @param s Style index ,start 1
* @param t Cell type, Optional value is ST_CellType, it's found at constat.ts
LuckySheetCelldata.prototype.generateValue = function (s, t) {
var _this = this;
var v = this.cell.getInnerElements("v");
var f = this.cell.getInnerElements("f");
if (v == null) {
v = this.cell.getInnerElements("t");
var cellXfs = this.styles["cellXfs"];
var cellStyleXfs = this.styles["cellStyleXfs"];
var cellStyles = this.styles["cellStyles"];
var fonts = this.styles["fonts"];
var fills = this.styles["fills"];
var borders = this.styles["borders"];
var numfmts = this.styles["numfmts"];
var clrScheme = this.styles["clrScheme"];
var sharedStrings = this.sharedStrings;
var cellValue = new LuckySheetCelldataValue();
if (f != null) {
var formula = f[0], attrList = formula.attributeList;
var t_1 = attrList.t, ref = attrList.ref, si = attrList.si;
var formulaValue = f[0].value;
if (t_1 == "shared") {
this._fomulaRef = ref;
this._formulaType = t_1;
this._formulaSi = si;
// console.log(ref, t, si);
if (ref != null || (formulaValue != null && formulaValue.length > 0)) {
formulaValue = escapeCharacter(formulaValue);
cellValue.f = "=" + formulaValue;
var familyFont = null;
var quotePrefix;
if (s != null) {
var sNum = parseInt(s);
var cellXf = cellXfs[sNum];
var xfId = cellXf.attributeList.xfId;
var numFmtId = void 0, fontId = void 0, fillId = void 0, borderId = void 0;
var horizontal = void 0, vertical = void 0, wrapText = void 0, textRotation = void 0, shrinkToFit = void 0, indent = void 0, applyProtection = void 0;
if (xfId != null) {
var cellStyleXf = cellStyleXfs[parseInt(xfId)];
var attrList = cellStyleXf.attributeList;
var applyNumberFormat_1 = attrList.applyNumberFormat;
var applyFont_1 = attrList.applyFont;
var applyFill_1 = attrList.applyFill;
var applyBorder_1 = attrList.applyBorder;
var applyAlignment_1 = attrList.applyAlignment;
// let applyProtection = attrList.applyProtection;
applyProtection = attrList.applyProtection;
quotePrefix = attrList.quotePrefix;
if (applyNumberFormat_1 != "0" && attrList.numFmtId != null) {
// if(attrList.numFmtId!="0"){
numFmtId = attrList.numFmtId;
// }
if (applyFont_1 != "0" && attrList.fontId != null) {
fontId = attrList.fontId;
if (applyFill_1 != "0" && attrList.fillId != null) {
fillId = attrList.fillId;
if (applyBorder_1 != "0" && attrList.borderId != null) {
borderId = attrList.borderId;
if (applyAlignment_1 != null && applyAlignment_1 != "0") {
var alignment = cellStyleXf.getInnerElements("alignment");
if (alignment != null) {
var attrList_1 = alignment[0].attributeList;
if (attrList_1.horizontal != null) {
horizontal = attrList_1.horizontal;
if (attrList_1.vertical != null) {
vertical = attrList_1.vertical;
if (attrList_1.wrapText != null) {
wrapText = attrList_1.wrapText;
if (attrList_1.textRotation != null) {
textRotation = attrList_1.textRotation;
if (attrList_1.shrinkToFit != null) {
shrinkToFit = attrList_1.shrinkToFit;
if (attrList_1.indent != null) {
indent = attrList_1.indent;
var applyNumberFormat = cellXf.attributeList.applyNumberFormat;
var applyFont = cellXf.attributeList.applyFont;
var applyFill = cellXf.attributeList.applyFill;
var applyBorder = cellXf.attributeList.applyBorder;
var applyAlignment = cellXf.attributeList.applyAlignment;
if (cellXf.attributeList.applyProtection != null) {
applyProtection = cellXf.attributeList.applyProtection;
if (cellXf.attributeList.quotePrefix != null) {
quotePrefix = cellXf.attributeList.quotePrefix;
if (applyNumberFormat != "0" && cellXf.attributeList.numFmtId != null) {
numFmtId = cellXf.attributeList.numFmtId;
if (applyFont != "0") {
fontId = cellXf.attributeList.fontId;
if (applyFill != "0") {
fillId = cellXf.attributeList.fillId;
if (applyBorder != "0") {
borderId = cellXf.attributeList.borderId;
if (applyAlignment != "0") {
var alignment = cellXf.getInnerElements("alignment");
if (alignment != null && alignment.length > 0) {
var attrList = alignment[0].attributeList;
if (attrList.horizontal != null) {
horizontal = attrList.horizontal;
if (attrList.vertical != null) {
vertical = attrList.vertical;
if (attrList.wrapText != null) {
wrapText = attrList.wrapText;
if (attrList.textRotation != null) {
textRotation = attrList.textRotation;
if (attrList.shrinkToFit != null) {
shrinkToFit = attrList.shrinkToFit;
if (attrList.indent != null) {
indent = attrList.indent;
if (numFmtId != undefined) {
var numf = numfmts[parseInt(numFmtId)];
var cellFormat = new LuckySheetCellFormat();
cellFormat.fa = escapeCharacter(numf);
// console.log(numf, numFmtId, this.v);
cellFormat.t = t;
cellValue.ct = cellFormat;
if (fillId != undefined) {
var fillIdNum = parseInt(fillId);
var fill = fills[fillIdNum];
// console.log(cellValue.v);
var bg = this.getBackgroundByFill(fill, clrScheme);
if (bg != null) {
cellValue.bg = bg;
if (fontId != undefined) {
var fontIdNum = parseInt(fontId);
var font = fonts[fontIdNum];
if (font != null) {
var sz = font.getInnerElements("sz"); //font size
var colors = font.getInnerElements("color"); //font color
var family = font.getInnerElements("name"); //font family
var familyOverrides = font.getInnerElements("family"); //font family will be overrided by name
var charset = font.getInnerElements("charset"); //font charset
var bolds = font.getInnerElements("b"); //font bold
var italics = font.getInnerElements("i"); //font italic
var strikes = font.getInnerElements("strike"); //font italic
var underlines = font.getInnerElements("u"); //font italic
if (sz != null && sz.length > 0) {
var fs = sz[0].attributeList.val;
if (fs != null) {
cellValue.fs = parseInt(fs);
if (colors != null && colors.length > 0) {
var color = colors[0];
var fc = getColor(color, this.styles);
if (fc != null) {
cellValue.fc = fc;
if (familyOverrides != null && familyOverrides.length > 0) {
var val = familyOverrides[0].attributeList.val;
if (val != null) {
familyFont = fontFamilys[val];
if (family != null && family.length > 0) {
var val = family[0].attributeList.val;
if (val != null) {
cellValue.ff = val;
if (bolds != null && bolds.length > 0) {
var bold = bolds[0].attributeList.val;
if (bold == "0") {
cellValue.bl = 0;
else {
cellValue.bl = 1;
if (italics != null && italics.length > 0) {
var italic = italics[0].attributeList.val;
if (italic == "0") {
cellValue.it = 0;
else {
cellValue.it = 1;
if (strikes != null && strikes.length > 0) {
var strike = strikes[0].attributeList.val;
if (strike == "0") {
cellValue.cl = 0;
else {
cellValue.cl = 1;
if (underlines != null && underlines.length > 0) {
var underline = underlines[0].attributeList.val;
if (underline == "single") {
cellValue.un = 1;
else if (underline == "double") {
cellValue.un = 2;
else if (underline == "singleAccounting") {
cellValue.un = 3;
else if (underline == "doubleAccounting") {
cellValue.un = 4;
else {
cellValue.un = 0;
// vt: number | undefined//Vertical alignment, 0 middle, 1 up, 2 down, alignment
// ht: number | undefined//Horizontal alignment,0 center, 1 left, 2 right, alignment
// tr: number | undefined //Text rotation,0: 0、1: 45 、2: -45、3 Vertical text、4: 90 、5: -90, alignment
// tb: number | undefined //Text wrap,0 truncation, 1 overflow, 2 word wrap, alignment
if (horizontal != undefined) { //Horizontal alignment
if (horizontal == "center") {
cellValue.ht = 0;
else if (horizontal == "centerContinuous") {
cellValue.ht = 0; //luckysheet unsupport
else if (horizontal == "left") {
cellValue.ht = 1;
else if (horizontal == "right") {
cellValue.ht = 2;
else if (horizontal == "distributed") {
cellValue.ht = 0; //luckysheet unsupport
else if (horizontal == "fill") {
cellValue.ht = 1; //luckysheet unsupport
else if (horizontal == "general") {
cellValue.ht = 1; //luckysheet unsupport
else if (horizontal == "justify") {
cellValue.ht = 0; //luckysheet unsupport
else {
cellValue.ht = 1;
if (vertical != undefined) { //Vertical alignment
if (vertical == "bottom") {
cellValue.vt = 2;
else if (vertical == "center") {
cellValue.vt = 0;
else if (vertical == "distributed") {
cellValue.vt = 0; //luckysheet unsupport
else if (vertical == "justify") {
cellValue.vt = 0; //luckysheet unsupport
else if (vertical == "top") {
cellValue.vt = 1;
else {
cellValue.vt = 1;
if (wrapText != undefined) {
if (wrapText == "1") {
cellValue.tb = 2;
else {
cellValue.tb = 1;
else {
cellValue.tb = 1;
if (textRotation != undefined) {
// tr: number | undefined //Text rotation,0: 0、1: 45 、2: -45、3 Vertical text、4: 90 、5: -90, alignment
if (textRotation == "255") {
cellValue.tr = 3;
// else if(textRotation=="45"){
// cellValue.tr = 1;
// }
// else if(textRotation=="90"){
// cellValue.tr = 4;
// }
// else if(textRotation=="135"){
// cellValue.tr = 2;
// }
// else if(textRotation=="180"){
// cellValue.tr = 5;
// }
else {
cellValue.tr = 0;
cellValue.rt = parseInt(textRotation);
if (borderId != undefined) {
var borderIdNum = parseInt(borderId);
var border = borders[borderIdNum];
// this._borderId = borderIdNum;
var borderObject = new LuckySheetborderInfoCellForImp();
borderObject.rangeType = "cell";
// borderObject.cells = [];
var borderCellValue = new LuckySheetborderInfoCellValue();
borderCellValue.row_index = this.r;
borderCellValue.col_index = this.c;
var lefts = border.getInnerElements("left");
var rights = border.getInnerElements("right");
var tops = border.getInnerElements("top");
var bottoms = border.getInnerElements("bottom");
var diagonals = border.getInnerElements("diagonal");
var starts = border.getInnerElements("start");
var ends = border.getInnerElements("end");
var left = this.getBorderInfo(lefts);
var right = this.getBorderInfo(rights);
var top_1 = this.getBorderInfo(tops);
var bottom = this.getBorderInfo(bottoms);
var diagonal = this.getBorderInfo(diagonals);
var start = this.getBorderInfo(starts);
var end = this.getBorderInfo(ends);
var isAdd = false;
if (start != null && start.color != null) {
borderCellValue.l = start;
isAdd = true;
if (end != null && end.color != null) {
borderCellValue.r = end;
isAdd = true;
if (left != null && left.color != null) {
borderCellValue.l = left;
isAdd = true;
if (right != null && right.color != null) {
borderCellValue.r = right;
isAdd = true;
if (top_1 != null && top_1.color != null) {
borderCellValue.t = top_1;
isAdd = true;
if (bottom != null && bottom.color != null) {
borderCellValue.b = bottom;
isAdd = true;
if (isAdd) {
borderObject.value = borderCellValue;
// this.config._borderInfo[borderId] = borderObject;
this._borderObject = borderObject;
else {
cellValue.tb = 1;
if (v != null) {
var value = v[0].value;
if (/&#\d+;/.test(value)) {
value = this.htmlDecode(value);
if (t == ST_CellType["SharedString"]) {
var siIndex = parseInt(v[0].value);
var sharedSI = sharedStrings[siIndex];
var rFlag = sharedSI.getInnerElements("r");
if (rFlag == null) {
var tFlag = sharedSI.getInnerElements("t");
if (tFlag != null) {
var text_1 = "";
tFlag.forEach(function (t) {
text_1 += t.value;
text_1 = escapeCharacter(text_1);
//isContainMultiType(text) &&
if (familyFont == "Roman" && text_1.length > 0) {
var textArray = text_1.split("");
var preWordType = null, wordText = "", preWholef = null;
var wholef = "Times New Roman";
if (cellValue.ff != null) {
wholef = cellValue.ff;
var cellFormat = cellValue.ct;
if (cellFormat == null) {
cellFormat = new LuckySheetCellFormat();
if (cellFormat.s == null) {
cellFormat.s = [];
for (var i = 0; i < textArray.length; i++) {
var w = textArray[i];
var type = null, ff = wholef;
if (isChinese(w)) {
type = "c";
ff = "宋体";
else if (isJapanese(w)) {
type = "j";
ff = "Yu Gothic";
else if (isKoera(w)) {
type = "k";
ff = "Malgun Gothic";
else {
type = "e";
if ((type != preWordType && preWordType != null) || i == textArray.length - 1) {
var InlineString = new LuckyInlineString();
InlineString.ff = preWholef;
if (cellValue.fc != null) {
InlineString.fc = cellValue.fc;
if (cellValue.fs != null) {
InlineString.fs = cellValue.fs;
if (cellValue.cl != null) {
InlineString.cl = cellValue.cl;
if (cellValue.un != null) {
InlineString.un = cellValue.un;
if (cellValue.bl != null) {
InlineString.bl = cellValue.bl;
if (cellValue.it != null) {
InlineString.it = cellValue.it;
if (i == textArray.length - 1) {
if (type == preWordType) {
InlineString.ff = ff;
InlineString.v = wordText + w;
else {
InlineString.ff = preWholef;
InlineString.v = wordText;
var InlineStringLast = new LuckyInlineString();
InlineStringLast.ff = ff;
InlineStringLast.v = w;
if (cellValue.fc != null) {
InlineStringLast.fc = cellValue.fc;
if (cellValue.fs != null) {
InlineStringLast.fs = cellValue.fs;
if (cellValue.cl != null) {
InlineStringLast.cl = cellValue.cl;
if (cellValue.un != null) {
InlineStringLast.un = cellValue.un;
if (cellValue.bl != null) {
InlineStringLast.bl = cellValue.bl;
if (cellValue.it != null) {
InlineStringLast.it = cellValue.it;
else {
InlineString.v = wordText;
wordText = w;
else {
wordText += w;
preWordType = type;
preWholef = ff;
cellFormat.t = "inlineStr";
// cellFormat.s = [InlineString];
cellValue.ct = cellFormat;
// console.log(cellValue);
else {
text_1 = this.replaceSpecialWrap(text_1);
if (text_1.indexOf("\r\n") > -1 || text_1.indexOf("\n") > -1) {
var InlineString = new LuckyInlineString();
InlineString.v = text_1;
var cellFormat = cellValue.ct;
if (cellFormat == null) {
cellFormat = new LuckySheetCellFormat();
if (cellValue.ff != null) {
InlineString.ff = cellValue.ff;
if (cellValue.fc != null) {
InlineString.fc = cellValue.fc;
if (cellValue.fs != null) {
InlineString.fs = cellValue.fs;
if (cellValue.cl != null) {
InlineString.cl = cellValue.cl;
if (cellValue.un != null) {
InlineString.un = cellValue.un;
if (cellValue.bl != null) {
InlineString.bl = cellValue.bl;
if (cellValue.it != null) {
InlineString.it = cellValue.it;
cellFormat.t = "inlineStr";
cellFormat.s = [InlineString];
cellValue.ct = cellFormat;
else {
cellValue.v = text_1;
quotePrefix = "1";
else {
var styles_1 = [];
rFlag.forEach(function (r) {
var tFlag = r.getInnerElements("t");
var rPr = r.getInnerElements("rPr");
var InlineString = new LuckyInlineString();
if (tFlag != null && tFlag.length > 0) {
var text = tFlag[0].value;
text = _this.replaceSpecialWrap(text);
text = escapeCharacter(text);
InlineString.v = text;
if (rPr != null && rPr.length > 0) {
var frpr = rPr[0];
var sz = getlineStringAttr(frpr, "sz"), rFont = getlineStringAttr(frpr, "rFont"), family = getlineStringAttr(frpr, "family"), charset = getlineStringAttr(frpr, "charset"), scheme = getlineStringAttr(frpr, "scheme"), b = getlineStringAttr(frpr, "b"), i = getlineStringAttr(frpr, "i"), u = getlineStringAttr(frpr, "u"), strike = getlineStringAttr(frpr, "strike"), vertAlign = getlineStringAttr(frpr, "vertAlign"), color = void 0;
var cEle = frpr.getInnerElements("color");
if (cEle != null && cEle.length > 0) {
color = getColor(cEle[0], _this.styles);
var ff = void 0;
// if(family!=null){
// ff = fontFamilys[family];
// }
if (rFont != null) {
ff = rFont;
if (ff != null) {
InlineString.ff = ff;
else if (cellValue.ff != null) {
InlineString.ff = cellValue.ff;
if (color != null) {
InlineString.fc = color;
else if (cellValue.fc != null) {
InlineString.fc = cellValue.fc;
if (sz != null) {
InlineString.fs = parseInt(sz);
else if (cellValue.fs != null) {
InlineString.fs = cellValue.fs;
if (strike != null) {
InlineString.cl = parseInt(strike);
else if (cellValue.cl != null) {
InlineString.cl = cellValue.cl;
if (u != null) {
InlineString.un = parseInt(u);
else if (cellValue.un != null) {
InlineString.un = cellValue.un;
if (b != null) {
InlineString.bl = parseInt(b);
else if (cellValue.bl != null) {
InlineString.bl = cellValue.bl;
if (i != null) {
InlineString.it = parseInt(i);
else if (cellValue.it != null) {
InlineString.it = cellValue.it;
if (vertAlign != null) {
InlineString.va = parseInt(vertAlign);
// ff:string | undefined //font family
// fc:string | undefined//font color
// fs:number | undefined//font size
// cl:number | undefined//strike
// un:number | undefined//underline
// bl:number | undefined//blod
// it:number | undefined//italic
// v:string | undefined
else {
if (InlineString.ff == null && cellValue.ff != null) {
InlineString.ff = cellValue.ff;
if (InlineString.fc == null && cellValue.fc != null) {
InlineString.fc = cellValue.fc;
if (InlineString.fs == null && cellValue.fs != null) {
InlineString.fs = cellValue.fs;
if (InlineString.cl == null && cellValue.cl != null) {
InlineString.cl = cellValue.cl;
if (InlineString.un == null && cellValue.un != null) {
InlineString.un = cellValue.un;
if (InlineString.bl == null && cellValue.bl != null) {
InlineString.bl = cellValue.bl;
if (InlineString.it == null && cellValue.it != null) {
InlineString.it = cellValue.it;
var cellFormat = cellValue.ct;
if (cellFormat == null) {
cellFormat = new LuckySheetCellFormat();
cellFormat.t = "inlineStr";
cellFormat.s = styles_1;
cellValue.ct = cellFormat;
// else if(t==ST_CellType["InlineString"] && v!=null){
// }
else {
value = escapeCharacter(value);
cellValue.v = value;
if (quotePrefix != null) {
cellValue.qp = parseInt(quotePrefix);
return cellValue;
LuckySheetCelldata.prototype.replaceSpecialWrap = function (text) {
text = text.replace(/_x000D_/g, "").replace(/ /g, "\r\n").replace(/ /g, "\r").replace(/ /g, "\n");
return text;
LuckySheetCelldata.prototype.getBackgroundByFill = function (fill, clrScheme) {
var patternFills = fill.getInnerElements("patternFill");
if (patternFills != null) {
var patternFill = patternFills[0];
var fgColors = patternFill.getInnerElements("fgColor");
var bgColors = patternFill.getInnerElements("bgColor");
var fg = void 0, bg = void 0;
if (fgColors != null) {
var fgColor = fgColors[0];
fg = getColor(fgColor, this.styles);
if (bgColors != null) {
var bgColor = bgColors[0];
bg = getColor(bgColor, this.styles);
// console.log(fgColors,bgColors,clrScheme);
if (fg != null) {
return fg;
else if (bg != null) {
return bg;
else {
var gradientfills = fill.getInnerElements("gradientFill");
if (gradientfills != null) {
//graient color fill handler
return null;
LuckySheetCelldata.prototype.getBorderInfo = function (borders) {
if (borders == null) {
return null;
var border = borders[0], attrList = border.attributeList;
var clrScheme = this.styles["clrScheme"];
var style = attrList.style;
if (style == null || style == "none") {
return null;
var colors = border.getInnerElements("color");
var colorRet = "#000000";
if (colors != null) {
var color = colors[0];
colorRet = getColor(color, this.styles);
if (colorRet == null) {
colorRet = "#000000";
var ret = new LuckySheetborderInfoCellValueStyle();
ret.style = borderTypes[style];
ret.color = colorRet;
return ret;
LuckySheetCelldata.prototype.htmlDecode = function (str) {
return str.replace(/&#(x)?([^&]{1,5});?/g, function ($, $1, $2) {
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt($2, $1 ? 16 : 10));
return LuckySheetCelldata;
var LuckySheet = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(LuckySheet, _super);
function LuckySheet(sheetName, sheetId, sheetOrder, isInitialCell, allFileOption) {
if (isInitialCell === void 0) { isInitialCell = false; }
var _this =
_super.call(this) || this;
_this.isInitialCell = isInitialCell;
_this.readXml = allFileOption.readXml;
_this.sheetFile = allFileOption.sheetFile;
_this.styles = allFileOption.styles;
_this.sharedStrings = allFileOption.sharedStrings;
_this.calcChainEles = allFileOption.calcChain;
_this.sheetList = allFileOption.sheetList;
_this.imageList = allFileOption.imageList;
_this.name = sheetName;
_this.index = sheetId;
_this.order = sheetOrder.toString();
_this.config = new LuckyConfig();
_this.celldata = [];
_this.mergeCells = _this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("mergeCells/mergeCell", _this.sheetFile);
var clrScheme = _this.styles["clrScheme"];
var sheetView = _this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("sheetViews/sheetView", _this.sheetFile);
var showGridLines = "1", tabSelected = "0", zoomScale = "100", activeCell = "A1";
if (sheetView.length > 0) {
var attrList = sheetView[0].attributeList;
showGridLines = getXmlAttibute(attrList, "showGridLines", "1");
tabSelected = getXmlAttibute(attrList, "tabSelected", "0");
zoomScale = getXmlAttibute(attrList, "zoomScale", "100");
// let colorId = getXmlAttibute(attrList, "colorId", "0");
var selections = sheetView[0].getInnerElements("selection");
if (selections != null && selections.length > 0) {
activeCell = getXmlAttibute(selections[0].attributeList, "activeCell", "A1");
var range = getcellrange(activeCell, _this.sheetList, sheetId);
_this.luckysheet_select_save = [];
_this.showGridLines = showGridLines;
_this.status = tabSelected;
_this.zoomRatio = parseInt(zoomScale) / 100;
var tabColors = _this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("sheetPr/tabColor", _this.sheetFile);
if (tabColors != null && tabColors.length > 0) {
var tabColor = tabColors[0], attrList = tabColor.attributeList;
// if(attrList.rgb!=null){
var tc = getColor(tabColor, _this.styles);
_this.color = tc;
// }
var sheetFormatPr = _this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("sheetFormatPr", _this.sheetFile);
var defaultColWidth, defaultRowHeight;
if (sheetFormatPr.length > 0) {
var attrList = sheetFormatPr[0].attributeList;
defaultColWidth = getXmlAttibute(attrList, "defaultColWidth", "9.21");
defaultRowHeight = getXmlAttibute(attrList, "defaultRowHeight", "19");
_this.defaultColWidth = getColumnWidthPixel(parseFloat(defaultColWidth));
_this.defaultRowHeight = getRowHeightPixel(parseFloat(defaultRowHeight));
var cellOtherInfo = _this.generateConfigRowLenAndHiddenAddCell();
if (_this.formulaRefList != null) {
for (var key in _this.formulaRefList) {
var funclist = _this.formulaRefList[key];
var mainFunc = funclist["mainRef"], mainCellValue = mainFunc.cellValue;
var formulaTxt = mainFunc.fv;
var mainR = mainCellValue.r, mainC = mainCellValue.c;
// let refRange = getcellrange(ref);
for (var name_1 in funclist) {
if (name_1 == "mainRef") {
var funcValue = funclist[name_1], cellValue = funcValue.cellValue;
if (cellValue == null) {
var r = cellValue.r, c = cellValue.c;
var func = formulaTxt;
var offsetRow = r - mainR, offsetCol = c - mainC;
if (offsetRow > 0) {
func = "=" + fromulaRef.functionCopy(func, "down", offsetRow);
else if (offsetRow < 0) {
func = "=" + fromulaRef.functionCopy(func, "up", Math.abs(offsetRow));
if (offsetCol > 0) {
func = "=" + fromulaRef.functionCopy(func, "right", offsetCol);
else if (offsetCol < 0) {
func = "=" + fromulaRef.functionCopy(func, "left", Math.abs(offsetCol));
// console.log(offsetRow, offsetCol, func);
cellValue.v.f = func;
if (_this.calcChain == null) {
_this.calcChain = [];
var formulaListExist = {};
for (var c = 0; c < _this.calcChainEles.length; c++) {
var calcChainEle = _this.calcChainEles[c], attrList = calcChainEle.attributeList;
if (attrList.i != sheetId) {
var r = attrList.r, i = attrList.i, l = attrList.l, s = attrList.s, a = attrList.a, t = attrList.t;
var range = getcellrange(r);
var chain = new LuckysheetCalcChain();
chain.r = range.row[0];
chain.c = range.column[0];
chain.index = _this.index;
formulaListExist["r" + r + "c" + c] = null;
//There may be formulas that do not appear in calcChain
for (var key in cellOtherInfo.formulaList) {
if (!(key in formulaListExist)) {
var formulaListItem = cellOtherInfo.formulaList[key];
var chain = new LuckysheetCalcChain();
chain.r = formulaListItem.r;
chain.c = formulaListItem.c;
chain.index = _this.index;
if (_this.mergeCells != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < _this.mergeCells.length; i++) {
var merge = _this.mergeCells[i], attrList = merge.attributeList;
var ref = attrList.ref;
if (ref == null) {
var range = getcellrange(ref, _this.sheetList, sheetId);
var mergeValue = new LuckySheetConfigMerge();
mergeValue.r = range.row[0];
mergeValue.c = range.column[0];
mergeValue.rs = range.row[1] - range.row[0] + 1;
mergeValue.cs = range.column[1] - range.column[0] + 1;
if (_this.config.merge == null) {
_this.config.merge = {};
_this.config.merge[range.row[0] + "_" + range.column[0]] = mergeValue;
var drawingFile = allFileOption.drawingFile, drawingRelsFile = allFileOption.drawingRelsFile;
if (drawingFile != null && drawingRelsFile != null) {
var twoCellAnchors = _this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("xdr:twoCellAnchor", drawingFile);
if (twoCellAnchors != null && twoCellAnchors.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < twoCellAnchors.length; i++) {
var twoCellAnchor = twoCellAnchors[i];
var editAs = getXmlAttibute(twoCellAnchor.attributeList, "editAs", "twoCell");
var xdrFroms = twoCellAnchor.getInnerElements("xdr:from"), xdrTos = twoCellAnchor.getInnerElements("xdr:to");
var xdr_blipfills = twoCellAnchor.getInnerElements("a:blip");
if (xdrFroms != null && xdr_blipfills != null && xdrFroms.length > 0 && xdr_blipfills.length > 0) {
var xdrFrom = xdrFroms[0], xdrTo = xdrTos[0], xdr_blipfill = xdr_blipfills[0];
var rembed = getXmlAttibute(xdr_blipfill.attributeList, "r:embed", null);
var imageObject = _this.getBase64ByRid(rembed, drawingRelsFile);
// let aoff = xdr_xfrm.getInnerElements("a:off"), aext = xdr_xfrm.getInnerElements("a:ext");
// if(aoff!=null && aext!=null && aoff.length>0 && aext.length>0){
// let aoffAttribute = aoff[0].attributeList, aextAttribute = aext[0].attributeList;
// let x = getXmlAttibute(aoffAttribute, "x", null);
// let y = getXmlAttibute(aoffAttribute, "y", null);
// let cx = getXmlAttibute(aextAttribute, "cx", null);
// let cy = getXmlAttibute(aextAttribute, "cy", null);
// if(x!=null && y!=null && cx!=null && cy!=null && imageObject !=null){
// let x_n = getPxByEMUs(parseInt(x), "c"),y_n = getPxByEMUs(parseInt(y));
// let cx_n = getPxByEMUs(parseInt(cx), "c"),cy_n = getPxByEMUs(parseInt(cy));
var x_n = 0, y_n = 0;
var cx_n = 0, cy_n = 0;
imageObject.fromCol = _this.getXdrValue(xdrFrom.getInnerElements("xdr:col"));
imageObject.fromColOff = getPxByEMUs(_this.getXdrValue(xdrFrom.getInnerElements("xdr:colOff")));
imageObject.fromRow = _this.getXdrValue(xdrFrom.getInnerElements("xdr:row"));
imageObject.fromRowOff = getPxByEMUs(_this.getXdrValue(xdrFrom.getInnerElements("xdr:rowOff")));
imageObject.toCol = _this.getXdrValue(xdrTo.getInnerElements("xdr:col"));
imageObject.toColOff = getPxByEMUs(_this.getXdrValue(xdrTo.getInnerElements("xdr:colOff")));
imageObject.toRow = _this.getXdrValue(xdrTo.getInnerElements("xdr:row"));
imageObject.toRowOff = getPxByEMUs(_this.getXdrValue(xdrTo.getInnerElements("xdr:rowOff")));
imageObject.originWidth = cx_n;
imageObject.originHeight = cy_n;
if (editAs == "absolute") {
imageObject.type = "3";
else if (editAs == "oneCell") {
imageObject.type = "2";
else {
imageObject.type = "1";
imageObject.isFixedPos = false;
imageObject.fixedLeft = 0;
imageObject.fixedTop = 0;
var imageBorder = {
color: "#000",
radius: 0,
style: "solid",
width: 0
imageObject.border = imageBorder;
var imageCrop = {
height: cy_n,
offsetLeft: 0,
offsetTop: 0,
width: cx_n
imageObject.crop = imageCrop;
var imageDefault = {
height: cy_n,
left: x_n,
top: y_n,
width: cx_n
imageObject.default = imageDefault;
if (_this.images == null) {
_this.images = {};
_this.images[generateRandomIndex("image")] = imageObject;
// }
// }
return _this;
LuckySheet.prototype.getXdrValue = function (ele) {
if (ele == null || ele.length == 0) {
return null;
return parseInt(ele[0].value);
LuckySheet.prototype.getBase64ByRid = function (rid, drawingRelsFile) {
var Relationships = this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("Relationships/Relationship", drawingRelsFile);
if (Relationships != null && Relationships.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < Relationships.length; i++) {
var Relationship = Relationships[i];
var attrList = Relationship.attributeList;
var Id = getXmlAttibute(attrList, "Id", null);
var src = getXmlAttibute(attrList, "Target", null);
if (Id == rid) {
src = src.replace(/\.\.\//g, "");
src = "xl/" + src;
var imgage = this.imageList.getImageByName(src);
return imgage;
return null;
* @desc This will convert cols/col to luckysheet config of column'width
LuckySheet.prototype.generateConfigColumnLenAndHidden = function () {
var cols = this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("cols/col", this.sheetFile);
for (var i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) {
var col = cols[i], attrList = col.attributeList;
var min = getXmlAttibute(attrList, "min", null);
var max = getXmlAttibute(attrList, "max", null);
var width = getXmlAttibute(attrList, "width", null);
var hidden = getXmlAttibute(attrList, "hidden", null);
var customWidth = getXmlAttibute(attrList, "customWidth", null);
if (min == null || max == null) {
var minNum = parseInt(min) - 1, maxNum = parseInt(max) - 1, widthNum = parseFloat(width);
for (var m = minNum; m <= maxNum; m++) {
if (width != null) {
if (this.config.columnlen == null) {
this.config.columnlen = {};
this.config.columnlen[m] = getColumnWidthPixel(widthNum);
if (hidden == "1") {
if (this.config.colhidden == null) {
this.config.colhidden = {};
this.config.colhidden[m] = 0;
if (this.config.columnlen) {
delete this.config.columnlen[m];
if (customWidth != null) {
if (this.config.customWidth == null) {
this.config.customWidth = {};
this.config.customWidth[m] = 1;
* @desc This will convert cols/col to luckysheet config of column'width
LuckySheet.prototype.generateConfigRowLenAndHiddenAddCell = function () {
var rows = this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("sheetData/row", this.sheetFile);
var cellOtherInfo = {};
var formulaList = {};
cellOtherInfo.formulaList = formulaList;
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
var row = rows[i], attrList = row.attributeList;
var rowNo = getXmlAttibute(attrList, "r", null);
var height = getXmlAttibute(attrList, "ht", null);
var hidden = getXmlAttibute(attrList, "hidden", null);
var customHeight = getXmlAttibute(attrList, "customHeight", null);
if (rowNo == null) {
var rowNoNum = parseInt(rowNo) - 1;
if (height != null) {
var heightNum = parseFloat(height);
if (this.config.rowlen == null) {
this.config.rowlen = {};
this.config.rowlen[rowNoNum] = getRowHeightPixel(heightNum);
if (hidden == "1") {
if (this.config.rowhidden == null) {
this.config.rowhidden = {};
this.config.rowhidden[rowNoNum] = 0;
if (this.config.rowlen) {
delete this.config.rowlen[rowNoNum];
if (customHeight != null) {
if (this.config.customHeight == null) {
this.config.customHeight = {};
this.config.customHeight[rowNoNum] = 1;
if (this.isInitialCell) {
var cells = row.getInnerElements("c");
for (var key in cells) {
var cell = cells[key];
var cellValue = new LuckySheetCelldata(cell, this.styles, this.sharedStrings, this.mergeCells, this.sheetFile, this.readXml);
if (cellValue._borderObject != null) {
if (this.config.borderInfo == null) {
this.config.borderInfo = [];
delete cellValue._borderObject;
// let borderId = cellValue._borderId;
// if(borderId!=null){
// let borders = this.styles["borders"] as Element[];
// if(this.config._borderInfo==null){
// this.config._borderInfo = {};
// }
// if( borderId in this.config._borderInfo){
// this.config._borderInfo[borderId].cells.push(cellValue.r + "_" + cellValue.c);
// }
// else{
// let border = borders[borderId];
// let borderObject = new LuckySheetborderInfoCellForImp();
// borderObject.rangeType = "cellGroup";
// borderObject.cells = [];
// let borderCellValue = new LuckySheetborderInfoCellValue();
// let lefts = border.getInnerElements("left");
// let rights = border.getInnerElements("right");
// let tops = border.getInnerElements("top");
// let bottoms = border.getInnerElements("bottom");
// let diagonals = border.getInnerElements("diagonal");
// let left = this.getBorderInfo(lefts);
// let right = this.getBorderInfo(rights);
// let top = this.getBorderInfo(tops);
// let bottom = this.getBorderInfo(bottoms);
// let diagonal = this.getBorderInfo(diagonals);
// let isAdd = false;
// if(left!=null && left.color!=null){
// borderCellValue.l = left;
// isAdd = true;
// }
// if(right!=null && right.color!=null){
// borderCellValue.r = right;
// isAdd = true;
// }
// if(top!=null && top.color!=null){
// borderCellValue.t = top;
// isAdd = true;
// }
// if(bottom!=null && bottom.color!=null){
// borderCellValue.b = bottom;
// isAdd = true;
// }
// if(isAdd){
// borderObject.value = borderCellValue;
// this.config._borderInfo[borderId] = borderObject;
// }
// }
// }
if (cellValue._formulaType == "shared") {
if (this.formulaRefList == null) {
this.formulaRefList = {};
if (this.formulaRefList[cellValue._formulaSi] == null) {
this.formulaRefList[cellValue._formulaSi] = {};
var fv = void 0;
if (cellValue.v != null) {
fv = cellValue.v.f;
var refValue = {
t: cellValue._formulaType,
ref: cellValue._fomulaRef,
si: cellValue._formulaSi,
fv: fv,
cellValue: cellValue
if (cellValue._fomulaRef != null) {
this.formulaRefList[cellValue._formulaSi]["mainRef"] = refValue;
else {
this.formulaRefList[cellValue._formulaSi][cellValue.r + "_" + cellValue.c] = refValue;
// console.log(refValue, this.formulaRefList);
//There may be formulas that do not appear in calcChain
if (cellValue.v != null && cellValue.v.f != null) {
var formulaCell = {
r: cellValue.r,
c: cellValue.c
cellOtherInfo.formulaList["r" + cellValue.r + "c" + cellValue.c] = formulaCell;
return cellOtherInfo;
return LuckySheet;
var UDOC = {};
UDOC.G = {
concat: function (p, r) {
for (var i = 0; i < r.cmds.length; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < r.crds.length; i++)
getBB: function (ps) {
var x0 = 1e99, y0 = 1e99, x1 = -x0, y1 = -y0;
for (var i = 0; i < ps.length; i += 2) {
var x = ps[i], y = ps[i + 1];
if (x < x0)
x0 = x;
else if (x > x1)
x1 = x;
if (y < y0)
y0 = y;
else if (y > y1)
y1 = y;
return [x0, y0, x1, y1];
rectToPath: function (r) { return { cmds: ["M", "L", "L", "L", "Z"], crds: [r[0], r[1], r[2], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[0], r[3]] }; },
// a inside b
insideBox: function (a, b) { return b[0] <= a[0] && b[1] <= a[1] && a[2] <= b[2] && a[3] <= b[3]; },
isBox: function (p, bb) {
var sameCrd8 = function (pcrd, crds) {
for (var o = 0; o < 8; o += 2) {
var eq = true;
for (var j = 0; j < 8; j++)
if (Math.abs(crds[j] - pcrd[(j + o) & 7]) >= 2) {
eq = false;
if (eq)
return true;
return false;
if (p.cmds.length > 10)
return false;
var cmds = p.cmds.join(""), crds = p.crds;
var sameRect = false;
if ((cmds == "MLLLZ" && crds.length == 8)
|| (cmds == "MLLLLZ" && crds.length == 10)) {
if (crds.length == 10)
crds = crds.slice(0, 8);
var x0 = bb[0], y0 = bb[1], x1 = bb[2], y1 = bb[3];
if (!sameRect)
sameRect = sameCrd8(crds, [x0, y0, x1, y0, x1, y1, x0, y1]);
if (!sameRect)
sameRect = sameCrd8(crds, [x0, y1, x1, y1, x1, y0, x0, y0]);
return sameRect;
boxArea: function (a) { var w = a[2] - a[0], h = a[3] - a[1]; return w * h; },
newPath: function (gst) { gst.pth = { cmds: [], crds: [] }; },
moveTo: function (gst, x, y) {
var p = UDOC.M.multPoint(gst.ctm, [x, y]); //if(gst.cpos[0]==p[0] && gst.cpos[1]==p[1]) return;
gst.pth.crds.push(p[0], p[1]);
gst.cpos = p;
lineTo: function (gst, x, y) {
var p = UDOC.M.multPoint(gst.ctm, [x, y]);
if (gst.cpos[0] == p[0] && gst.cpos[1] == p[1])
gst.pth.crds.push(p[0], p[1]);
gst.cpos = p;
curveTo: function (gst, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) {
var p;
p = UDOC.M.multPoint(gst.ctm, [x1, y1]);
x1 = p[0];
y1 = p[1];
p = UDOC.M.multPoint(gst.ctm, [x2, y2]);
x2 = p[0];
y2 = p[1];
p = UDOC.M.multPoint(gst.ctm, [x3, y3]);
x3 = p[0];
y3 = p[1];
gst.cpos = p;
gst.pth.crds.push(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
closePath: function (gst) { gst.pth.cmds.push("Z"); },
arc: function (gst, x, y, r, a0, a1, neg) {
// circle from a0 counter-clock-wise to a1
if (neg)
while (a1 > a0)
a1 -= 2 * Math.PI;
while (a1 < a0)
a1 += 2 * Math.PI;
var th = (a1 - a0) / 4;
var x0 = Math.cos(th / 2), y0 = -Math.sin(th / 2);
var x1 = (4 - x0) / 3, y1 = y0 == 0 ? y0 : (1 - x0) * (3 - x0) / (3 * y0);
var x2 = x1, y2 = -y1;
var x3 = x0, y3 = -y0;
var p1 = [x1, y1], p2 = [x2, y2], p3 = [x3, y3];
var pth = { cmds: [(gst.pth.cmds.length == 0) ? "M" : "L", "C", "C", "C", "C"], crds: [x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3] };
var rot = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];
UDOC.M.rotate(rot, -th);
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
p1 = UDOC.M.multPoint(rot, p1);
p2 = UDOC.M.multPoint(rot, p2);
p3 = UDOC.M.multPoint(rot, p3);
pth.crds.push(p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1], p3[0], p3[1]);
var sc = [r, 0, 0, r, x, y];
UDOC.M.rotate(rot, -a0 + th / 2);
UDOC.M.concat(rot, sc);
UDOC.M.multArray(rot, pth.crds);
UDOC.M.multArray(gst.ctm, pth.crds);
UDOC.G.concat(gst.pth, pth);
var y = pth.crds.pop();
x = pth.crds.pop();
gst.cpos = [x, y];
toPoly: function (p) {
if (p.cmds[0] != "M" || p.cmds[p.cmds.length - 1] != "Z")
return null;
for (var i = 1; i < p.cmds.length - 1; i++)
if (p.cmds[i] != "L")
return null;
var out = [], cl = p.crds.length;
if (p.crds[0] == p.crds[cl - 2] && p.crds[1] == p.crds[cl - 1])
cl -= 2;
for (var i = 0; i < cl; i += 2)
out.push([p.crds[i], p.crds[i + 1]]);
if (UDOC.G.polyArea(p.crds) < 0)
return out;
fromPoly: function (p) {
var o = { cmds: [], crds: [] };
for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
o.crds.push(p[i][0], p[i][1]);
o.cmds.push(i == 0 ? "M" : "L");
return o;
polyArea: function (p) {
if (p.length < 6)
return 0;
var l = p.length - 2;
var sum = (p[0] - p[l]) * (p[l + 1] + p[1]);
for (var i = 0; i < l; i += 2)
sum += (p[i + 2] - p[i]) * (p[i + 1] + p[i + 3]);
return -sum * 0.5;
polyClip: function (p0, p1) {
var cp1, cp2, s, e;
var inside = function (p) {
return (cp2[0] - cp1[0]) * (p[1] - cp1[1]) > (cp2[1] - cp1[1]) * (p[0] - cp1[0]);
var isc = function () {
var dc = [cp1[0] - cp2[0], cp1[1] - cp2[1]], dp = [s[0] - e[0], s[1] - e[1]], n1 = cp1[0] * cp2[1] - cp1[1] * cp2[0], n2 = s[0] * e[1] - s[1] * e[0], n3 = 1.0 / (dc[0] * dp[1] - dc[1] * dp[0]);
return [(n1 * dp[0] - n2 * dc[0]) * n3, (n1 * dp[1] - n2 * dc[1]) * n3];
var out = p0;
cp1 = p1[p1.length - 1];
for (var j in p1) {
var cp2 = p1[j];
var inp = out;
out = [];
s = inp[inp.length - 1]; //last on the input list
for (var i in inp) {
var e = inp[i];
if (inside(e)) {
if (!inside(s)) {
else if (inside(s)) {
s = e;
cp1 = cp2;
return out;
UDOC.M = {
getScale: function (m) { return Math.sqrt(Math.abs(m[0] * m[3] - m[1] * m[2])); },
translate: function (m, x, y) { UDOC.M.concat(m, [1, 0, 0, 1, x, y]); },
rotate: function (m, a) { UDOC.M.concat(m, [Math.cos(a), -Math.sin(a), Math.sin(a), Math.cos(a), 0, 0]); },
scale: function (m, x, y) { UDOC.M.concat(m, [x, 0, 0, y, 0, 0]); },
concat: function (m, w) {
var a = m[0], b = m[1], c = m[2], d = m[3], tx = m[4], ty = m[5];
m[0] = (a * w[0]) + (b * w[2]);
m[1] = (a * w[1]) + (b * w[3]);
m[2] = (c * w[0]) + (d * w[2]);
m[3] = (c * w[1]) + (d * w[3]);
m[4] = (tx * w[0]) + (ty * w[2]) + w[4];
m[5] = (tx * w[1]) + (ty * w[3]) + w[5];
invert: function (m) {
var a = m[0], b = m[1], c = m[2], d = m[3], tx = m[4], ty = m[5], adbc = a * d - b * c;
m[0] = d / adbc;
m[1] = -b / adbc;
m[2] = -c / adbc;
m[3] = a / adbc;
m[4] = (c * ty - d * tx) / adbc;
m[5] = (b * tx - a * ty) / adbc;
multPoint: function (m, p) { var x = p[0], y = p[1]; return [x * m[0] + y * m[2] + m[4], x * m[1] + y * m[3] + m[5]]; },
multArray: function (m, a) { for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i += 2) {
var x = a[i], y = a[i + 1];
a[i] = x * m[0] + y * m[2] + m[4];
a[i + 1] = x * m[1] + y * m[3] + m[5];
} }
UDOC.C = {
srgbGamma: function (x) { return x < 0.0031308 ? 12.92 * x : 1.055 * Math.pow(x, 1.0 / 2.4) - 0.055; },
cmykToRgb: function (clr) {
var c = clr[0], m = clr[1], y = clr[2], k = clr[3];
// return [1-Math.min(1,c+k), 1-Math.min(1, m+k), 1-Math.min(1,y+k)];
var r = 255
+ c * (-4.387332384609988 * c + 54.48615194189176 * m + 18.82290502165302 * y + 212.25662451639585 * k + -285.2331026137004)
+ m * (1.7149763477362134 * m - 5.6096736904047315 * y + -17.873870861415444 * k - 5.497006427196366)
+ y * (-2.5217340131683033 * y - 21.248923337353073 * k + 17.5119270841813)
+ k * (-21.86122147463605 * k - 189.48180835922747);
var g = 255
+ c * (8.841041422036149 * c + 60.118027045597366 * m + 6.871425592049007 * y + 31.159100130055922 * k + -79.2970844816548)
+ m * (-15.310361306967817 * m + 17.575251261109482 * y + 131.35250912493976 * k - 190.9453302588951)
+ y * (4.444339102852739 * y + 9.8632861493405 * k - 24.86741582555878)
+ k * (-20.737325471181034 * k - 187.80453709719578);
var b = 255
+ c * (0.8842522430003296 * c + 8.078677503112928 * m + 30.89978309703729 * y - 0.23883238689178934 * k + -14.183576799673286)
+ m * (10.49593273432072 * m + 63.02378494754052 * y + 50.606957656360734 * k - 112.23884253719248)
+ y * (0.03296041114873217 * y + 115.60384449646641 * k + -193.58209356861505)
+ k * (-22.33816807309886 * k - 180.12613974708367);
return [Math.max(0, Math.min(1, r / 255)), Math.max(0, Math.min(1, g / 255)), Math.max(0, Math.min(1, b / 255))];
//var iK = 1-c[3];
//return [(1-c[0])*iK, (1-c[1])*iK, (1-c[2])*iK];
labToRgb: function (lab) {
var k = 903.3, e = 0.008856, L = lab[0], a = lab[1], b = lab[2];
var fy = (L + 16) / 116, fy3 = fy * fy * fy;
var fz = fy - b / 200, fz3 = fz * fz * fz;
var fx = a / 500 + fy, fx3 = fx * fx * fx;
var zr = fz3 > e ? fz3 : (116 * fz - 16) / k;
var yr = fy3 > e ? fy3 : (116 * fy - 16) / k;
var xr = fx3 > e ? fx3 : (116 * fx - 16) / k;
var X = xr * 96.72, Y = yr * 100, Z = zr * 81.427, xyz = [X / 100, Y / 100, Z / 100];
var x2s = [3.1338561, -1.6168667, -0.4906146, -0.9787684, 1.9161415, 0.0334540, 0.0719453, -0.2289914, 1.4052427];
var rgb = [x2s[0] * xyz[0] + x2s[1] * xyz[1] + x2s[2] * xyz[2],
x2s[3] * xyz[0] + x2s[4] * xyz[1] + x2s[5] * xyz[2],
x2s[6] * xyz[0] + x2s[7] * xyz[1] + x2s[8] * xyz[2]];
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
rgb[i] = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, UDOC.C.srgbGamma(rgb[i])));
return rgb;
UDOC.getState = function (crds) {
return {
font: UDOC.getFont(),
dd: { flat: 1 },
space: "/DeviceGray",
// fill
ca: 1,
colr: [0, 0, 0],
sspace: "/DeviceGray",
// stroke
CA: 1,
COLR: [0, 0, 0],
bmode: "/Normal",
SA: false, OPM: 0, AIS: false, OP: false, op: false, SMask: "/None",
lwidth: 1,
lcap: 0,
ljoin: 0,
mlimit: 10,
SM: 0.1,
doff: 0,
dash: [],
ctm: [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
cpos: [0, 0],
pth: { cmds: [], crds: [] },
cpth: crds ? UDOC.G.rectToPath(crds) : null // clipping path
UDOC.getFont = function () {
return {
Tc: 0,
Tw: 0,
Th: 100,
Tl: 0,
Tf: "Helvetica-Bold",
Tfs: 1,
Tmode: 0,
Trise: 0,
Tk: 0,
Tal: 0,
Tun: 0,
Tm: [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
Tlm: [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
Trm: [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
var FromEMF = function () {
FromEMF.Parse = function (buff, genv) {
buff = new Uint8Array(buff);
var off = 0;
var prms = { fill: false, strk: false, bb: [0, 0, 1, 1], wbb: [0, 0, 1, 1], fnt: { nam: "Arial", hgh: 25, und: false, orn: 0 }, tclr: [0, 0, 0], talg: 0 }, gst, tab = [], sts = [];
var rI = FromEMF.B.readShort, rU = FromEMF.B.readUshort, rI32 = FromEMF.B.readInt, rU32 = FromEMF.B.readUint, rF32 = FromEMF.B.readFloat;
while (true) {
var fnc = rU32(buff, off);
off += 4;
var fnm = FromEMF.K[fnc];
var siz = rU32(buff, off);
off += 4;
//if(gst && isNaN(gst.ctm[0])) throw "e";
var loff = off;
//if(opn++==253) break;
var obj = null, oid = 0;
//console.log(fnm, siz);
if (fnm == "EOF") {
else if (fnm == "HEADER") {
prms.bb = FromEMF._readBox(buff, loff);
loff += 16; //console.log(fnm, prms.bb);
genv.StartPage(prms.bb[0], prms.bb[1], prms.bb[2], prms.bb[3]);
gst = UDOC.getState(prms.bb);
else if (fnm == "SAVEDC")
sts.push(JSON.stringify(gst), JSON.stringify(prms));
else if (fnm == "RESTOREDC") {
var dif = rI32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
while (dif < -1) {
prms = JSON.parse(sts.pop());
gst = JSON.parse(sts.pop());
else if (fnm == "SELECTCLIPPATH") {
gst.cpth = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(gst.pth));
//else if(fnm=="INTERSECTCLIPRECT") { var r=prms.crct=FromEMF._readBox(buff, loff); /*var y0=r[1],y1=r[3]; if(y0>y1){r[1]=y1; r[3]=y0;}*/ console.log(prms.crct); }
else if (fnm == "SETMITERLIMIT")
gst.mlimit = rU32(buff, loff);
else if (fnm == "SETTEXTCOLOR")
prms.tclr = [buff[loff] / 255, buff[loff + 1] / 255, buff[loff + 2] / 255];
else if (fnm == "SETTEXTALIGN")
prms.talg = rU32(buff, loff);
else if (fnm == "SETVIEWPORTEXTEX" || fnm == "SETVIEWPORTORGEX") {
if (prms.vbb == null)
prms.vbb = [];
var coff = fnm == "SETVIEWPORTORGEX" ? 0 : 2;
prms.vbb[coff] = rI32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
prms.vbb[coff + 1] = rI32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
FromEMF._updateCtm(prms, gst);
else if (fnm == "SETWINDOWEXTEX" || fnm == "SETWINDOWORGEX") {
var coff = fnm == "SETWINDOWORGEX" ? 0 : 2;
prms.wbb[coff] = rI32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
prms.wbb[coff + 1] = rI32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
if (fnm == "SETWINDOWEXTEX")
FromEMF._updateCtm(prms, gst);
//else if(fnm=="SETMETARGN") {}
else if (fnm == "COMMENT") {
var ds = rU32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
else if (fnm == "SELECTOBJECT") {
var ind = rU32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
//console.log(ind.toString(16), tab, tab[ind]);
if (ind == 0x80000000) {
prms.fill = true;
gst.colr = [1, 1, 1];
} // white brush
else if (ind == 0x80000005) {
prms.fill = false;
} // null brush
else if (ind == 0x80000007) {
prms.strk = true;
prms.lwidth = 1;
gst.COLR = [0, 0, 0];
} // black pen
else if (ind == 0x80000008) {
prms.strk = false;
} // null pen
else if (ind == 0x8000000d) ; // system font
else if (ind == 0x8000000e) ; // device default font
else {
var co = tab[ind]; //console.log(ind, co);
if (co.t == "b") {
prms.fill = co.stl != 1;
if (co.stl == 0) ;
else if (co.stl == 1) ;
throw co.stl + " e";
gst.colr = co.clr;
else if (co.t == "p") {
prms.strk = co.stl != 5;
gst.lwidth = co.wid;
gst.COLR = co.clr;
else if (co.t == "f") {
prms.fnt = co;
gst.font.Tf = co.nam;
gst.font.Tfs = Math.abs(co.hgh);
gst.font.Tun = co.und;
throw "e";
else if (fnm == "DELETEOBJECT") {
var ind = rU32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
if (tab[ind] != null)
tab[ind] = null;
throw "e";
else if (fnm == "CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT") {
oid = rU32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
obj = { t: "b" };
obj.stl = rU32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
obj.clr = [buff[loff] / 255, buff[loff + 1] / 255, buff[loff + 2] / 255];
loff += 4;
obj.htc = rU32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
//console.log(oid, obj);
else if (fnm == "CREATEPEN" || fnm == "EXTCREATEPEN") {
oid = rU32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
obj = { t: "p" };
if (fnm == "EXTCREATEPEN") {
loff += 16;
obj.stl = rU32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
obj.wid = rU32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
//obj.stl = rU32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
else {
obj.stl = rU32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
obj.wid = rU32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
loff += 4;
obj.clr = [buff[loff] / 255, buff[loff + 1] / 255, buff[loff + 2] / 255];
loff += 4;
oid = rU32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
obj = { t: "f", nam: "" };
obj.hgh = rI32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
loff += 4 * 2;
obj.orn = rI32(buff, loff) / 10;
loff += 4;
var wgh = rU32(buff, loff);
loff += 4; //console.log(fnm, obj.orn, wgh);
//console.log(rU32(buff,loff), rU32(buff,loff+4), buff.slice(loff,loff+8));
obj.und = buff[loff + 1];
obj.stk = buff[loff + 2];
loff += 4 * 2;
while (rU(buff, loff) != 0) {
obj.nam += String.fromCharCode(rU(buff, loff));
loff += 2;
if (wgh > 500)
obj.nam += "-Bold";
//console.log(wgh, obj.nam);
else if (fnm == "EXTTEXTOUTW") {
//console.log(buff.slice(loff-8, loff-8+siz));
loff += 16;
var mod = rU32(buff, loff);
loff += 4; //console.log(mod);
var scx = rF32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
var scy = rF32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
var rfx = rI32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
var rfy = rI32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
//console.log(mod, scx, scy,rfx,rfy);
gst.font.Tm = [1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0];
UDOC.M.rotate(gst.font.Tm, prms.fnt.orn * Math.PI / 180);
UDOC.M.translate(gst.font.Tm, rfx, rfy);
var alg = prms.talg; //console.log(alg.toString(2));
if ((alg & 6) == 6)
gst.font.Tal = 2;
else if ((alg & 7) == 0)
gst.font.Tal = 0;
throw alg + " e";
if ((alg & 24) == 24) ; // baseline
else if ((alg & 24) == 0)
UDOC.M.translate(gst.font.Tm, 0, gst.font.Tfs);
throw "e";
var crs = rU32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
var ofs = rU32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
var ops = rU32(buff, loff);
loff += 4; //if(ops!=0) throw "e";
loff += 16;
var ofD = rU32(buff, loff);
loff += 4; //console.log(ops, ofD, loff, ofs+off-8);
ofs += off - 8; //console.log(crs, ops);
var str = "";
for (var i = 0; i < crs; i++) {
var cc = rU(buff, ofs + i * 2);
str += String.fromCharCode(cc);
var oclr = gst.colr;
gst.colr = prms.tclr;
//console.log(str, gst.colr, gst.font.Tm);
//var otfs = gst.font.Tfs; gst.font.Tfs *= 1/gst.ctm[0];
genv.PutText(gst, str, str.length * gst.font.Tfs * 0.5);
gst.colr = oclr;
//gst.font.Tfs = otfs;
//console.log(rfx, rfy, scx, ops, rcX, rcY, rcW, rcH, offDx, str);
else if (fnm == "BEGINPATH") {
else if (fnm == "ENDPATH") ;
else if (fnm == "CLOSEFIGURE")
else if (fnm == "MOVETOEX") {
UDOC.G.moveTo(gst, rI32(buff, loff), rI32(buff, loff + 4));
else if (fnm == "LINETO") {
if (gst.pth.cmds.length == 0) {
var im = gst.ctm.slice(0);
var p = UDOC.M.multPoint(im, gst.cpos);
UDOC.G.moveTo(gst, p[0], p[1]);
UDOC.G.lineTo(gst, rI32(buff, loff), rI32(buff, loff + 4));
else if (fnm == "POLYGON" || fnm == "POLYGON16" || fnm == "POLYLINE" || fnm == "POLYLINE16" || fnm == "POLYLINETO" || fnm == "POLYLINETO16") {
loff += 16;
var ndf = fnm.startsWith("POLYGON"), isTo = fnm.indexOf("TO") != -1;
var cnt = rU32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
if (!isTo)
loff = FromEMF._drawPoly(buff, loff, cnt, gst, fnm.endsWith("16") ? 2 : 4, ndf, isTo);
if (!isTo)
FromEMF._draw(genv, gst, prms, ndf);
//console.log(prms, gst.lwidth);
else if (fnm == "POLYPOLYGON16") {
loff += 16;
var ndf = fnm.startsWith("POLYPOLYGON"), isTo = fnm.indexOf("TO") != -1;
var nop = rU32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
loff += 4;
var pi = loff;
loff += nop * 4;
if (!isTo)
for (var i = 0; i < nop; i++) {
var ppp = rU(buff, pi + i * 4);
loff = FromEMF._drawPoly(buff, loff, ppp, gst, fnm.endsWith("16") ? 2 : 4, ndf, isTo);
if (!isTo)
FromEMF._draw(genv, gst, prms, ndf);
else if (fnm == "POLYBEZIER" || fnm == "POLYBEZIER16" || fnm == "POLYBEZIERTO" || fnm == "POLYBEZIERTO16") {
loff += 16;
var is16 = fnm.endsWith("16"), rC = is16 ? rI : rI32, nl = is16 ? 2 : 4;
var cnt = rU32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
if (fnm.indexOf("TO") == -1) {
UDOC.G.moveTo(gst, rC(buff, loff), rC(buff, loff + nl));
loff += 2 * nl;
while (cnt > 0) {
UDOC.G.curveTo(gst, rC(buff, loff), rC(buff, loff + nl), rC(buff, loff + 2 * nl), rC(buff, loff + 3 * nl), rC(buff, loff + 4 * nl), rC(buff, loff + 5 * nl));
loff += 6 * nl;
cnt -= 3;
else if (fnm == "RECTANGLE" || fnm == "ELLIPSE") {
var bx = FromEMF._readBox(buff, loff);
if (fnm == "RECTANGLE") {
UDOC.G.moveTo(gst, bx[0], bx[1]);
UDOC.G.lineTo(gst, bx[2], bx[1]);
UDOC.G.lineTo(gst, bx[2], bx[3]);
UDOC.G.lineTo(gst, bx[0], bx[3]);
else {
var x = (bx[0] + bx[2]) / 2, y = (bx[1] + bx[3]) / 2;
UDOC.G.arc(gst, x, y, (bx[2] - bx[0]) / 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
FromEMF._draw(genv, gst, prms, true);
//console.log(prms, gst.lwidth);
else if (fnm == "FILLPATH")
genv.Fill(gst, false);
else if (fnm == "STROKEPATH")
else if (fnm == "STROKEANDFILLPATH") {
genv.Fill(gst, false);
var mat = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++)
mat.push(rF32(buff, loff + i * 4));
loff += 24;
//console.log(fnm, gst.ctm.slice(0), mat);
gst.ctm = mat;
else {
var mod = rU32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
if (mod == 2) {
var om = gst.ctm;
gst.ctm = mat;
UDOC.M.concat(gst.ctm, om);
throw "e";
else if (fnm == "SETSTRETCHBLTMODE") {
var sm = rU32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
else if (fnm == "STRETCHDIBITS") {
var bx = FromEMF._readBox(buff, loff);
loff += 16;
var xD = rI32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
var yD = rI32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
var xS = rI32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
var yS = rI32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
var wS = rI32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
var hS = rI32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
var ofH = rU32(buff, loff) + off - 8;
loff += 4;
var szH = rU32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
var ofB = rU32(buff, loff) + off - 8;
loff += 4;
var szB = rU32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
var usg = rU32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
if (usg != 0)
throw "e";
var bop = rU32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
var wD = rI32(buff, loff);
loff += 4;
var hD = rI32(buff, loff);
loff += 4; //console.log(bop, wD, hD);
//console.log(ofH, szH, ofB, szB, ofH+40);
//console.log(bx, xD,yD,wD,hD);
var hl = rU32(buff, ofH);
ofH += 4;
var w = rU32(buff, ofH);
ofH += 4;
var h = rU32(buff, ofH);
ofH += 4;
if (w != wS || h != hS)
throw "e";
var ps = rU(buff, ofH);
ofH += 2;
var bc = rU(buff, ofH);
ofH += 2;
if (bc != 8 && bc != 24 && bc != 32)
throw bc + " e";
var cpr = rU32(buff, ofH);
ofH += 4;
if (cpr != 0)
throw cpr + " e";
var sz = rU32(buff, ofH);
ofH += 4;
var xpm = rU32(buff, ofH);
ofH += 4;
var ypm = rU32(buff, ofH);
ofH += 4;
var cu = rU32(buff, ofH);
ofH += 4;
var ci = rU32(buff, ofH);
ofH += 4; //console.log(hl, w, h, ps, bc, cpr, sz, xpm, ypm, cu, ci);
var rl = Math.floor(((w * ps * bc + 31) & ~31) / 8);
var img = new Uint8Array(w * h * 4);
if (bc == 8) {
for (var y = 0; y < h; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < w; x++) {
var qi = (y * w + x) << 2, ind = buff[ofB + (h - 1 - y) * rl + x] << 2;
img[qi] = buff[ofH + ind + 2];
img[qi + 1] = buff[ofH + ind + 1];
img[qi + 2] = buff[ofH + ind + 0];
img[qi + 3] = 255;
if (bc == 24) {
for (var y = 0; y < h; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < w; x++) {
var qi = (y * w + x) << 2, ti = ofB + (h - 1 - y) * rl + x * 3;
img[qi] = buff[ti + 2];
img[qi + 1] = buff[ti + 1];
img[qi + 2] = buff[ti + 0];
img[qi + 3] = 255;
if (bc == 32) {
for (var y = 0; y < h; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < w; x++) {
var qi = (y * w + x) << 2, ti = ofB + (h - 1 - y) * rl + x * 4;
img[qi] = buff[ti + 2];
img[qi + 1] = buff[ti + 1];
img[qi + 2] = buff[ti + 0];
img[qi + 3] = buff[ti + 3];
var ctm = gst.ctm.slice(0);
gst.ctm = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];
UDOC.M.scale(gst.ctm, wD, -hD);
UDOC.M.translate(gst.ctm, xD, yD + hD);
UDOC.M.concat(gst.ctm, ctm);
genv.PutImage(gst, img, w, h);
gst.ctm = ctm;
else {
console.log(fnm, siz);
if (obj != null)
tab[oid] = obj;
off += siz - 8;
FromEMF._readBox = function (buff, off) { var b = []; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
b[i] = FromEMF.B.readInt(buff, off + i * 4); return b; };
FromEMF._updateCtm = function (prms, gst) {
var mat = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];
var wbb = prms.wbb, bb = prms.bb, vbb = (prms.vbb && prms.vbb.length == 4) ? prms.vbb : prms.bb;
//var y0 = bb[1], y1 = bb[3]; bb[1]=Math.min(y0,y1); bb[3]=Math.max(y0,y1);
UDOC.M.translate(mat, -wbb[0], -wbb[1]);
UDOC.M.scale(mat, 1 / wbb[2], 1 / wbb[3]);
UDOC.M.scale(mat, vbb[2], vbb[3]);
//UDOC.M.scale(mat, vbb[2]/(bb[2]-bb[0]), vbb[3]/(bb[3]-bb[1]));
//UDOC.M.scale(mat, bb[2]-bb[0],bb[3]-bb[1]);
gst.ctm = mat;
FromEMF._draw = function (genv, gst, prms, needFill) {
if (prms.fill && needFill)
genv.Fill(gst, false);
if (prms.strk && gst.lwidth != 0)
FromEMF._drawPoly = function (buff, off, ppp, gst, nl, clos, justLine) {
var rS = nl == 2 ? FromEMF.B.readShort : FromEMF.B.readInt;
for (var j = 0; j < ppp; j++) {
var px = rS(buff, off);
off += nl;
var py = rS(buff, off);
off += nl;
if (j == 0 && !justLine)
UDOC.G.moveTo(gst, px, py);
UDOC.G.lineTo(gst, px, py);
if (clos)
return off;
FromEMF.B = {
uint8: new Uint8Array(4),
readShort: function (buff, p) { var u8 = FromEMF.B.uint8; u8[0] = buff[p]; u8[1] = buff[p + 1]; return FromEMF.B.int16[0]; },
readUshort: function (buff, p) { var u8 = FromEMF.B.uint8; u8[0] = buff[p]; u8[1] = buff[p + 1]; return FromEMF.B.uint16[0]; },
readInt: function (buff, p) { var u8 = FromEMF.B.uint8; u8[0] = buff[p]; u8[1] = buff[p + 1]; u8[2] = buff[p + 2]; u8[3] = buff[p + 3]; return FromEMF.B.int32[0]; },
readUint: function (buff, p) { var u8 = FromEMF.B.uint8; u8[0] = buff[p]; u8[1] = buff[p + 1]; u8[2] = buff[p + 2]; u8[3] = buff[p + 3]; return FromEMF.B.uint32[0]; },
readFloat: function (buff, p) { var u8 = FromEMF.B.uint8; u8[0] = buff[p]; u8[1] = buff[p + 1]; u8[2] = buff[p + 2]; u8[3] = buff[p + 3]; return FromEMF.B.flot32[0]; },
readASCII: function (buff, p, l) { var s = ""; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++)
s += String.fromCharCode(buff[p + i]); return s; }
FromEMF.B.int16 = new Int16Array(FromEMF.B.uint8.buffer);
FromEMF.B.uint16 = new Uint16Array(FromEMF.B.uint8.buffer);
FromEMF.B.int32 = new Int32Array(FromEMF.B.uint8.buffer);
FromEMF.B.uint32 = new Uint32Array(FromEMF.B.uint8.buffer);
FromEMF.B.flot32 = new Float32Array(FromEMF.B.uint8.buffer);
FromEMF.C = {
EMR_HEADER: 0x00000001,
EMR_POLYBEZIER: 0x00000002,
EMR_POLYGON: 0x00000003,
EMR_POLYLINE: 0x00000004,
EMR_POLYLINETO: 0x00000006,
EMR_POLYPOLYGON: 0x00000008,
EMR_EOF: 0x0000000E,
EMR_SETPIXELV: 0x0000000F,
EMR_SETMAPMODE: 0x00000011,
EMR_SETBKMODE: 0x00000012,
EMR_SETROP2: 0x00000014,
EMR_SETBKCOLOR: 0x00000019,
EMR_MOVETOEX: 0x0000001B,
EMR_SAVEDC: 0x00000021,
EMR_RESTOREDC: 0x00000022,
EMR_CREATEPEN: 0x00000026,
EMR_ANGLEARC: 0x00000029,
EMR_ELLIPSE: 0x0000002A,
EMR_RECTANGLE: 0x0000002B,
EMR_ROUNDRECT: 0x0000002C,
EMR_ARC: 0x0000002D,
EMR_CHORD: 0x0000002E,
EMR_PIE: 0x0000002F,
EMR_LINETO: 0x00000036,
EMR_ARCTO: 0x00000037,
EMR_POLYDRAW: 0x00000038,
EMR_BEGINPATH: 0x0000003B,
EMR_ENDPATH: 0x0000003C,
EMR_FILLPATH: 0x0000003E,
EMR_STROKEPATH: 0x00000040,
EMR_FLATTENPATH: 0x00000041,
EMR_WIDENPATH: 0x00000042,
EMR_ABORTPATH: 0x00000044,
EMR_COMMENT: 0x00000046,
EMR_FILLRGN: 0x00000047,
EMR_FRAMERGN: 0x00000048,
EMR_INVERTRGN: 0x00000049,
EMR_PAINTRGN: 0x0000004A,
EMR_BITBLT: 0x0000004C,
EMR_MASKBLT: 0x0000004E,
EMR_PLGBLT: 0x0000004F,
EMR_EXTTEXTOUTA: 0x00000053,
EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW: 0x00000054,
EMR_POLYBEZIER16: 0x00000055,
EMR_POLYGON16: 0x00000056,
EMR_POLYLINE16: 0x00000057,
EMR_POLYBEZIERTO16: 0x00000058,
EMR_POLYLINETO16: 0x00000059,
EMR_POLYPOLYGON16: 0x0000005B,
EMR_POLYDRAW16: 0x0000005C,
EMR_SETICMMODE: 0x00000062,
EMR_GLSRECORD: 0x00000066,
EMR_PIXELFORMAT: 0x00000068,
EMR_DRAWESCAPE: 0x00000069,
EMR_EXTESCAPE: 0x0000006A,
EMR_ALPHABLEND: 0x00000072,
EMR_SETLAYOUT: 0x00000073,
FromEMF.K = [];
// (function() {
// var inp, out, stt;
// inp = FromEMF.C; out = FromEMF.K; stt=4;
// for(var p in inp) out[inp[p]] = p.slice(stt);
// } )();
var ToContext2D = function (needPage, scale) {
this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
this.bb = null;
this.currPage = 0;
this.needPage = needPage;
this.scale = scale;
ToContext2D.prototype.StartPage = function (x, y, w, h) {
if (this.currPage != this.needPage)
this.bb = [x, y, w, h];
var scl = this.scale, dpr = window.devicePixelRatio;
var cnv = this.canvas, ctx = this.ctx;
cnv.width = Math.round(w * scl);
cnv.height = Math.round(h * scl);
ctx.translate(0, h * scl);
ctx.scale(scl, -scl);
cnv.setAttribute("style", "border:1px solid; width:" + (cnv.width / dpr) + "px; height:" + (cnv.height / dpr) + "px");
ToContext2D.prototype.Fill = function (gst, evenOdd) {
if (this.currPage != this.needPage)
var ctx = this.ctx;
this._setStyle(gst, ctx);
this._draw(gst.pth, ctx);
ToContext2D.prototype.Stroke = function (gst) {
if (this.currPage != this.needPage)
var ctx = this.ctx;
this._setStyle(gst, ctx);
this._draw(gst.pth, ctx);
ToContext2D.prototype.PutText = function (gst, str, stw) {
if (this.currPage != this.needPage)
var scl = this._scale(gst.ctm);
var ctx = this.ctx;
this._setStyle(gst, ctx);
var m = [1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0];
this._concat(m, gst.font.Tm);
this._concat(m, gst.ctm);
//console.log(str, m, gst); throw "e";
ctx.transform(m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4], m[5]);
ctx.fillText(str, 0, 0);
ToContext2D.prototype.PutImage = function (gst, buff, w, h, msk) {
if (this.currPage != this.needPage)
var ctx = this.ctx;
if (buff.length == w * h * 4) {
buff = buff.slice(0);
if (msk && msk.length == w * h * 4)
for (var i = 0; i < buff.length; i += 4)
buff[i + 3] = msk[i + 1];
var cnv = document.createElement("canvas"), cctx = cnv.getContext("2d");
cnv.width = w;
cnv.height = h;
var imgd = cctx.createImageData(w, h);
for (var i = 0; i < buff.length; i++)
imgd.data[i] = buff[i];
cctx.putImageData(imgd, 0, 0);
var m = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];
this._concat(m, [1 / w, 0, 0, -1 / h, 0, 1]);
this._concat(m, gst.ctm);
ctx.transform(m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4], m[5]);
ctx.drawImage(cnv, 0, 0);
ToContext2D.prototype.ShowPage = function () { this.currPage++; };
ToContext2D.prototype.Done = function () { };
function _flt(n) { return "" + parseFloat(n.toFixed(2)); }
ToContext2D.prototype._setStyle = function (gst, ctx) {
var scl = this._scale(gst.ctm);
ctx.fillStyle = this._getFill(gst.colr, gst.ca, ctx);
ctx.strokeStyle = this._getFill(gst.COLR, gst.CA, ctx);
ctx.lineCap = ["butt", "round", "square"][gst.lcap];
ctx.lineJoin = ["miter", "round", "bevel"][gst.ljoin];
ctx.lineWidth = gst.lwidth * scl;
var dsh = gst.dash.slice(0);
for (var i = 0; i < dsh.length; i++)
dsh[i] = _flt(dsh[i] * scl);
ctx.miterLimit = gst.mlimit * scl;
var fn = gst.font.Tf, ln = fn.toLowerCase();
var p0 = ln.indexOf("bold") != -1 ? "bold " : "";
var p1 = (ln.indexOf("italic") != -1 || ln.indexOf("oblique") != -1) ? "italic " : "";
ctx.font = p0 + p1 + gst.font.Tfs + "px \"" + fn + "\"";
ToContext2D.prototype._getFill = function (colr, ca, ctx) {
if (colr.typ == null)
return this._colr(colr, ca);
else {
var grd = colr, crd = grd.crds, mat = grd.mat, scl = this._scale(mat), gf;
if (grd.typ == "lin") {
var p0 = this._multPoint(mat, crd.slice(0, 2)), p1 = this._multPoint(mat, crd.slice(2));
gf = ctx.createLinearGradient(p0[0], p0[1], p1[0], p1[1]);
else if (grd.typ == "rad") {
var p0 = this._multPoint(mat, crd.slice(0, 2)), p1 = this._multPoint(mat, crd.slice(3));
gf = ctx.createRadialGradient(p0[0], p0[1], crd[2] * scl, p1[0], p1[1], crd[5] * scl);
for (var i = 0; i < grd.grad.length; i++)
gf.addColorStop(grd.grad[i][0], this._colr(grd.grad[i][1], ca));
return gf;
ToContext2D.prototype._colr = function (c, a) { return "rgba(" + Math.round(c[0] * 255) + "," + Math.round(c[1] * 255) + "," + Math.round(c[2] * 255) + "," + a + ")"; };
ToContext2D.prototype._scale = function (m) { return Math.sqrt(Math.abs(m[0] * m[3] - m[1] * m[2])); };
ToContext2D.prototype._concat = function (m, w) {
var a = m[0], b = m[1], c = m[2], d = m[3], tx = m[4], ty = m[5];
m[0] = (a * w[0]) + (b * w[2]);
m[1] = (a * w[1]) + (b * w[3]);
m[2] = (c * w[0]) + (d * w[2]);
m[3] = (c * w[1]) + (d * w[3]);
m[4] = (tx * w[0]) + (ty * w[2]) + w[4];
m[5] = (tx * w[1]) + (ty * w[3]) + w[5];
ToContext2D.prototype._multPoint = function (m, p) { var x = p[0], y = p[1]; return [x * m[0] + y * m[2] + m[4], x * m[1] + y * m[3] + m[5]]; },
ToContext2D.prototype._draw = function (path, ctx) {
var c = 0, crds = path.crds;
for (var j = 0; j < path.cmds.length; j++) {
var cmd = path.cmds[j];
if (cmd == "M") {
ctx.moveTo(crds[c], crds[c + 1]);
c += 2;
else if (cmd == "L") {
ctx.lineTo(crds[c], crds[c + 1]);
c += 2;
else if (cmd == "C") {
ctx.bezierCurveTo(crds[c], crds[c + 1], crds[c + 2], crds[c + 3], crds[c + 4], crds[c + 5]);
c += 6;
else if (cmd == "Q") {
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(crds[c], crds[c + 1], crds[c + 2], crds[c + 3]);
c += 4;
else if (cmd == "Z") {
var ImageList = /** @class */ (function () {
function ImageList(files) {
if (files == null) {
this.images = {};
for (var fileKey in files) {
// let reg = new RegExp("xl/media/image1.png", "g");
if (fileKey.indexOf("xl/media/") > -1) {
var fileNameArr = fileKey.split(".");
var suffix = fileNameArr[fileNameArr.length - 1].toLowerCase();
if (suffix in { "png": 1, "jpeg": 1, "jpg": 1, "gif": 1, "bmp": 1, "tif": 1, "webp": 1, "emf": 1 }) {
if (suffix == "emf") {
var pNum = 0; // number of the page, that you want to render
var scale = 1; // the scale of the document
var wrt = new ToContext2D(pNum, scale);
var inp, out, stt;
FromEMF.K = [];
inp = FromEMF.C;
out = FromEMF.K;
stt = 4;
for (var p in inp)
out[inp[p]] = p.slice(stt);
FromEMF.Parse(files[fileKey], wrt);
this.images[fileKey] = wrt.canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
else {
this.images[fileKey] = files[fileKey];
ImageList.prototype.getImageByName = function (pathName) {
if (pathName in this.images) {
var base64 = this.images[pathName];
return new Image(pathName, base64);
return null;
return ImageList;
var Image = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(Image, _super);
function Image(pathName, base64) {
var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
_this.src = base64;
return _this;
Image.prototype.setDefault = function () {
return Image;
var LuckyFile = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(LuckyFile, _super);
function LuckyFile(files, fileName) {
var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
_this.columnWidthSet = [];
_this.rowHeightSet = [];
_this.files = files;
_this.fileName = fileName;
_this.readXml = new ReadXml(files);
_this.sharedStrings = _this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("sst/si", sharedStringsFile);
_this.calcChain = _this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("calcChain/c", calcChainFile);
_this.styles = {};
_this.styles["cellXfs"] = _this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("cellXfs/xf", stylesFile);
_this.styles["cellStyleXfs"] = _this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("cellStyleXfs/xf", stylesFile);
_this.styles["cellStyles"] = _this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("cellStyles/cellStyle", stylesFile);
_this.styles["fonts"] = _this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("fonts/font", stylesFile);
_this.styles["fills"] = _this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("fills/fill", stylesFile);
_this.styles["borders"] = _this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("borders/border", stylesFile);
_this.styles["clrScheme"] = _this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("a:clrScheme/a:dk1|a:lt1|a:dk2|a:lt2|a:accent1|a:accent2|a:accent3|a:accent4|a:accent5|a:accent6|a:hlink|a:folHlink", theme1File);
_this.styles["indexedColors"] = _this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("colors/indexedColors/rgbColor", stylesFile);
_this.styles["mruColors"] = _this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("colors/mruColors/color", stylesFile);
_this.imageList = new ImageList(files);
var numfmts = _this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("numFmt/numFmt", stylesFile);
var numFmtDefaultC = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(numFmtDefault));
for (var i = 0; i < numfmts.length; i++) {
var attrList = numfmts[i].attributeList;
var numfmtid = getXmlAttibute(attrList, "numFmtId", "49");
var formatcode = getXmlAttibute(attrList, "formatCode", "@");
// console.log(numfmtid, formatcode);
if (!(numfmtid in numFmtDefault)) {
numFmtDefaultC[numfmtid] = formatcode;
// console.log(JSON.stringify(numFmtDefaultC), numfmts);
_this.styles["numfmts"] = numFmtDefaultC;
return _this;
* @return All sheet name of workbook
LuckyFile.prototype.getSheetNameList = function () {
var workbookRelList = this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("Relationships/Relationship", workbookRels);
if (workbookRelList == null) {
var regex = new RegExp("worksheets/[^/]*?.xml");
var sheetNames = {};
for (var i = 0; i < workbookRelList.length; i++) {
var rel = workbookRelList[i], attrList = rel.attributeList;
var id = attrList["Id"], target = attrList["Target"];
if (regex.test(target)) {
sheetNames[id] = "xl/" + target;
this.sheetNameList = sheetNames;
* @param sheetName WorkSheet'name
* @return sheet file name and path in zip
LuckyFile.prototype.getSheetFileBysheetId = function (sheetId) {
// for(let i=0;i<this.sheetNameList.length;i++){
// let sheetFileName = this.sheetNameList[i];
// if(sheetFileName.indexOf("sheet"+sheetId)>-1){
// return sheetFileName;
// }
// }
return this.sheetNameList[sheetId];
* @return workBook information
LuckyFile.prototype.getWorkBookInfo = function () {
var Company = this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("Company", appFile);
var AppVersion = this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("AppVersion", appFile);
var creator = this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("dc:creator", coreFile);
var lastModifiedBy = this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("cp:lastModifiedBy", coreFile);
var created = this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("dcterms:created", coreFile);
var modified = this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("dcterms:modified", coreFile);
this.info = new LuckyFileInfo();
this.info.name = this.fileName;
this.info.creator = creator.length > 0 ? creator[0].value : "";
this.info.lastmodifiedby = lastModifiedBy.length > 0 ? lastModifiedBy[0].value : "";
this.info.createdTime = created.length > 0 ? created[0].value : "";
this.info.modifiedTime = modified.length > 0 ? modified[0].value : "";
this.info.company = Company.length > 0 ? Company[0].value : "";
this.info.appversion = AppVersion.length > 0 ? AppVersion[0].value : "";
* @return All sheet , include whole information
LuckyFile.prototype.getSheetsFull = function (isInitialCell) {
if (isInitialCell === void 0) { isInitialCell = true; }
var sheets = this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("sheets/sheet", workBookFile);
var sheetList = {};
for (var key in sheets) {
var sheet = sheets[key];
sheetList[sheet.attributeList.name] = sheet.attributeList["sheetId"];
this.sheets = [];
var order = 0;
for (var key in sheets) {
var sheet = sheets[key];
var sheetName = sheet.attributeList.name;
var sheetId = sheet.attributeList["sheetId"];
var rid = sheet.attributeList["r:id"];
var sheetFile = this.getSheetFileBysheetId(rid);
var drawing = this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("worksheet/drawing", sheetFile), drawingFile = void 0, drawingRelsFile = void 0;
if (drawing != null && drawing.length > 0) {
var attrList = drawing[0].attributeList;
var rid_1 = getXmlAttibute(attrList, "r:id", null);
if (rid_1 != null) {
drawingFile = this.getDrawingFile(rid_1, sheetFile);
drawingRelsFile = this.getDrawingRelsFile(drawingFile);
if (sheetFile != null) {
var sheet_1 = new LuckySheet(sheetName, sheetId, order, isInitialCell, {
sheetFile: sheetFile,
readXml: this.readXml,
sheetList: sheetList,
styles: this.styles,
sharedStrings: this.sharedStrings,
calcChain: this.calcChain,
imageList: this.imageList,
drawingFile: drawingFile,
drawingRelsFile: drawingRelsFile,
this.columnWidthSet = [];
this.rowHeightSet = [];
LuckyFile.prototype.extendArray = function (index, sets, def, hidden, lens) {
if (index < sets.length) {
var startIndex = sets.length, endIndex = index;
var allGap = 0;
if (startIndex > 0) {
allGap = sets[startIndex - 1];
// else{
// sets.push(0);
// }
for (var i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
var gap = def, istring = i.toString();
if (istring in hidden) {
gap = 0;
else if (istring in lens) {
gap = lens[istring];
allGap += Math.round(gap + 1);
LuckyFile.prototype.imagePositionCaculation = function (sheet) {
var images = sheet.images, defaultColWidth = sheet.defaultColWidth, defaultRowHeight = sheet.defaultRowHeight;
var colhidden = {};
if (sheet.config.colhidden) {
colhidden = sheet.config.colhidden;
var columnlen = {};
if (sheet.config.columnlen) {
columnlen = sheet.config.columnlen;
var rowhidden = {};
if (sheet.config.rowhidden) {
rowhidden = sheet.config.rowhidden;
var rowlen = {};
if (sheet.config.rowlen) {
rowlen = sheet.config.rowlen;
for (var key in images) {
var imageObject = images[key]; //Image, luckyImage
var fromCol = imageObject.fromCol;
var fromColOff = imageObject.fromColOff;
var fromRow = imageObject.fromRow;
var fromRowOff = imageObject.fromRowOff;
var toCol = imageObject.toCol;
var toColOff = imageObject.toColOff;
var toRow = imageObject.toRow;
var toRowOff = imageObject.toRowOff;
var x_n = 0, y_n = 0;
var cx_n = 0, cy_n = 0;
if (fromCol >= this.columnWidthSet.length) {
this.extendArray(fromCol, this.columnWidthSet, defaultColWidth, colhidden, columnlen);
if (fromCol == 0) {
x_n = 0;
else {
x_n = this.columnWidthSet[fromCol - 1];
x_n = x_n + fromColOff;
if (fromRow >= this.rowHeightSet.length) {
this.extendArray(fromRow, this.rowHeightSet, defaultRowHeight, rowhidden, rowlen);
if (fromRow == 0) {
y_n = 0;
else {
y_n = this.rowHeightSet[fromRow - 1];
y_n = y_n + fromRowOff;
if (toCol >= this.columnWidthSet.length) {
this.extendArray(toCol, this.columnWidthSet, defaultColWidth, colhidden, columnlen);
if (toCol == 0) {
cx_n = 0;
else {
cx_n = this.columnWidthSet[toCol - 1];
cx_n = cx_n + toColOff - x_n;
if (toRow >= this.rowHeightSet.length) {
this.extendArray(toRow, this.rowHeightSet, defaultRowHeight, rowhidden, rowlen);
if (toRow == 0) {
cy_n = 0;
else {
cy_n = this.rowHeightSet[toRow - 1];
cy_n = cy_n + toRowOff - y_n;
console.log(defaultColWidth, colhidden, columnlen);
console.log(fromCol, this.columnWidthSet[fromCol], fromColOff);
console.log(toCol, this.columnWidthSet[toCol], toColOff, JSON.stringify(this.columnWidthSet));
imageObject.originWidth = cx_n;
imageObject.originHeight = cy_n;
imageObject.crop.height = cy_n;
imageObject.crop.width = cx_n;
imageObject.default.height = cy_n;
imageObject.default.left = x_n;
imageObject.default.top = y_n;
imageObject.default.width = cx_n;
console.log(this.columnWidthSet, this.rowHeightSet);
* @return drawing file string
LuckyFile.prototype.getDrawingFile = function (rid, sheetFile) {
var sheetRelsPath = "xl/worksheets/_rels/";
var sheetFileArr = sheetFile.split("/");
var sheetRelsName = sheetFileArr[sheetFileArr.length - 1];
var sheetRelsFile = sheetRelsPath + sheetRelsName + ".rels";
var drawing = this.readXml.getElementsByTagName("Relationships/Relationship", sheetRelsFile);
if (drawing.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < drawing.length; i++) {
var relationship = drawing[i];
var attrList = relationship.attributeList;
var relationshipId = getXmlAttibute(attrList, "Id", null);
if (relationshipId == rid) {
var target = getXmlAttibute(attrList, "Target", null);
if (target != null) {
return target.replace(/\.\.\//g, "");
return null;
LuckyFile.prototype.getDrawingRelsFile = function (drawingFile) {
var drawingRelsPath = "xl/drawings/_rels/";
var drawingFileArr = drawingFile.split("/");
var drawingRelsName = drawingFileArr[drawingFileArr.length - 1];
var drawingRelsFile = drawingRelsPath + drawingRelsName + ".rels";
return drawingRelsFile;
* @return All sheet base information widthout cell and config
LuckyFile.prototype.getSheetsWithoutCell = function () {
* @return LuckySheet file json
LuckyFile.prototype.Parse = function () {
// let xml = this.readXml;
// for(let key in this.sheetNameList){
// let sheetName=this.sheetNameList[key];
// let sheetColumns = xml.getElementsByTagName("row/c/f", sheetName);
// console.log(sheetColumns);
// }
// return "";
// for(let i=0;i<this.sheets.length;i++){
// let sheet = this.sheets[i];
// let _borderInfo = sheet.config._borderInfo;
// if(_borderInfo==null){
// continue;
// }
// let _borderInfoKeys = Object.keys(_borderInfo);
// _borderInfoKeys.sort();
// for(let a=0;a<_borderInfoKeys.length;a++){
// let key = parseInt(_borderInfoKeys[a]);
// let b = _borderInfo[key];
// if(b.cells.length==0){
// continue;
// }
// if(sheet.config.borderInfo==null){
// sheet.config.borderInfo = [];
// }
// sheet.config.borderInfo.push(b);
// }
// }
return this.toJsonString(this);
LuckyFile.prototype.toJsonString = function (file) {
var LuckyOutPutFile = new LuckyFileBase();
LuckyOutPutFile.info = file.info;
LuckyOutPutFile.sheets = [];
file.sheets.forEach(function (sheet) {
var sheetout = new LuckySheetBase();
//let attrName = ["name","color","config","index","status","order","row","column","luckysheet_select_save","scrollLeft","scrollTop","zoomRatio","showGridLines","defaultColWidth","defaultRowHeight","celldata","chart","isPivotTable","pivotTable","luckysheet_conditionformat_save","freezen","calcChain"];
if (sheet.name != null) {
sheetout.name = sheet.name;
if (sheet.color != null) {
sheetout.color = sheet.color;
if (sheet.config != null) {
sheetout.config = sheet.config;
// if(sheetout.config._borderInfo!=null){
// delete sheetout.config._borderInfo;
// }
if (sheet.index != null) {
sheetout.index = sheet.index;
if (sheet.status != null) {
sheetout.status = sheet.status;
if (sheet.order != null) {
sheetout.order = sheet.order;
if (sheet.row != null) {
sheetout.row = sheet.row;
if (sheet.column != null) {
sheetout.column = sheet.column;
if (sheet.luckysheet_select_save != null) {
sheetout.luckysheet_select_save = sheet.luckysheet_select_save;
if (sheet.scrollLeft != null) {
sheetout.scrollLeft = sheet.scrollLeft;
if (sheet.scrollTop != null) {
sheetout.scrollTop = sheet.scrollTop;
if (sheet.zoomRatio != null) {
sheetout.zoomRatio = sheet.zoomRatio;
if (sheet.showGridLines != null) {
sheetout.showGridLines = sheet.showGridLines;
if (sheet.defaultColWidth != null) {
sheetout.defaultColWidth = sheet.defaultColWidth;
if (sheet.defaultRowHeight != null) {
sheetout.defaultRowHeight = sheet.defaultRowHeight;
if (sheet.celldata != null) {
// sheetout.celldata = sheet.celldata;
sheetout.celldata = [];
sheet.celldata.forEach(function (cell) {
var cellout = new LuckySheetCelldataBase();
cellout.r = cell.r;
cellout.c = cell.c;
cellout.v = cell.v;
if (sheet.chart != null) {
sheetout.chart = sheet.chart;
if (sheet.isPivotTable != null) {
sheetout.isPivotTable = sheet.isPivotTable;
if (sheet.pivotTable != null) {
sheetout.pivotTable = sheet.pivotTable;
if (sheet.luckysheet_conditionformat_save != null) {
sheetout.luckysheet_conditionformat_save = sheet.luckysheet_conditionformat_save;
if (sheet.freezen != null) {
sheetout.freezen = sheet.freezen;
if (sheet.calcChain != null) {
sheetout.calcChain = sheet.calcChain;
if (sheet.images != null) {
sheetout.images = sheet.images;
return JSON.stringify(LuckyOutPutFile);
return LuckyFile;
var HandleZip = /** @class */ (function () {
function HandleZip(file) {
// Support nodejs fs to read files
// if(file instanceof File){
this.uploadFile = file;
// }
HandleZip.prototype.unzipFile = function (successFunc, errorFunc) {
// var new_zip:JSZip = new JSZip();
JSZip__default['default'].loadAsync(this.uploadFile) // 1) read the Blob
.then(function (zip) {
var fileList = {}, lastIndex = Object.keys(zip.files).length, index = 0;
zip.forEach(function (relativePath, zipEntry) {
var fileName = zipEntry.name;
var fileNameArr = fileName.split(".");
var suffix = fileNameArr[fileNameArr.length - 1].toLowerCase();
var fileType = "string";
if (suffix in { "png": 1, "jpeg": 1, "jpg": 1, "gif": 1, "bmp": 1, "tif": 1, "webp": 1, }) {
fileType = "base64";
else if (suffix == "emf") {
fileType = "arraybuffer";
zipEntry.async(fileType).then(function (data) {
if (fileType == "base64") {
data = "data:image/" + suffix + ";base64," + data;
fileList[zipEntry.name] = data;
// console.log(lastIndex, index);
if (lastIndex == index + 1) {
}, function (e) {
HandleZip.prototype.unzipFileByUrl = function (url, successFunc, errorFunc) {
var new_zip = new JSZip__default['default']();
getBinaryContent(url, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
throw err; // or handle err
JSZip__default['default'].loadAsync(data).then(function (zip) {
var fileList = {}, lastIndex = Object.keys(zip.files).length, index = 0;
zip.forEach(function (relativePath, zipEntry) {
var fileName = zipEntry.name;
var fileNameArr = fileName.split(".");
var suffix = fileNameArr[fileNameArr.length - 1].toLowerCase();
var fileType = "string";
if (suffix in { "png": 1, "jpeg": 1, "jpg": 1, "gif": 1, "bmp": 1, "tif": 1, "webp": 1, }) {
fileType = "base64";
else if (suffix == "emf") {
fileType = "arraybuffer";
zipEntry.async(fileType).then(function (data) {
if (fileType == "base64") {
data = "data:image/" + suffix + ";base64," + data;
fileList[zipEntry.name] = data;
// console.log(lastIndex, index);
if (lastIndex == index + 1) {
}, function (e) {
HandleZip.prototype.newZipFile = function () {
var zip = new JSZip__default['default']();
this.workBook = zip;
//title:"nested/hello.txt", content:"Hello Worldasdfasfasdfasfasfasfasfasdfas"
HandleZip.prototype.addToZipFile = function (title, content) {
if (this.workBook == null) {
var zip = new JSZip__default['default']();
this.workBook = zip;
this.workBook.file(title, content);
return HandleZip;
// //demo
// function demoHandler(){
// let upload = document.getElementById("Luckyexcel-demo-file");
// let selectADemo = document.getElementById("Luckyexcel-select-demo");
// let downlodDemo = document.getElementById("Luckyexcel-downlod-file");
// let mask = document.getElementById("lucky-mask-demo");
// if(upload){
// window.onload = () => {
// upload.addEventListener("change", function(evt){
// var files:FileList = (evt.target as any).files;
// if(files==null || files.length==0){
// alert("No files wait for import");
// return;
// }
// let name = files[0].name;
// let suffixArr = name.split("."), suffix = suffixArr[suffixArr.length-1];
// if(suffix!="xlsx"){
// alert("Currently only supports the import of xlsx files");
// return;
// }
// LuckyExcel.transformExcelToLucky(files[0], function(exportJson:any, luckysheetfile:string){
// if(exportJson.sheets==null || exportJson.sheets.length==0){
// alert("Failed to read the content of the excel file, currently does not support xls files!");
// return;
// }
// console.log(exportJson, luckysheetfile);
// window.luckysheet.destroy();
// window.luckysheet.create({
// container: 'luckysheet', //luckysheet is the container id
// showinfobar:false,
// data:exportJson.sheets,
// title:exportJson.info.name,
// userInfo:exportJson.info.name.creator
// });
// });
// });
// selectADemo.addEventListener("change", function(evt){
// var obj:any = selectADemo;
// var index = obj.selectedIndex;
// var value = obj.options[index].value;
// var name = obj.options[index].innerHTML;
// if(value==""){
// return;
// }
// mask.style.display = "flex";
// LuckyExcel.transformExcelToLuckyByUrl(value, name, function(exportJson:any, luckysheetfile:string){
// if(exportJson.sheets==null || exportJson.sheets.length==0){
// alert("Failed to read the content of the excel file, currently does not support xls files!");
// return;
// }
// console.log(exportJson, luckysheetfile);
// mask.style.display = "none";
// window.luckysheet.destroy();
// window.luckysheet.create({
// container: 'luckysheet', //luckysheet is the container id
// showinfobar:false,
// data:exportJson.sheets,
// title:exportJson.info.name,
// userInfo:exportJson.info.name.creator
// });
// });
// });
// downlodDemo.addEventListener("click", function(evt){
// var obj:any = selectADemo;
// var index = obj.selectedIndex;
// var value = obj.options[index].value;
// if(value.length==0){
// alert("Please select a demo file");
// return;
// }
// var elemIF:any = document.getElementById("Lucky-download-frame");
// if(elemIF==null){
// elemIF = document.createElement("iframe");
// elemIF.style.display = "none";
// elemIF.id = "Lucky-download-frame";
// document.body.appendChild(elemIF);
// }
// elemIF.src = value;
// // elemIF.parentNode.removeChild(elemIF);
// });
// }
// }
// }
// demoHandler();
// api
var LuckyExcel = /** @class */ (function () {
function LuckyExcel() {
LuckyExcel.transformExcelToLucky = function (excelFile, callBack) {
var handleZip = new HandleZip(excelFile);
handleZip.unzipFile(function (files) {
var luckyFile = new LuckyFile(files, excelFile.name);
var luckysheetfile = luckyFile.Parse();
var exportJson = JSON.parse(luckysheetfile);
if (callBack != undefined) {
callBack(exportJson, luckysheetfile);
}, function (err) {
LuckyExcel.transformExcelToLuckyByUrl = function (url, name, callBack) {
var handleZip = new HandleZip();
handleZip.unzipFileByUrl(url, function (files) {
var luckyFile = new LuckyFile(files, name);
var luckysheetfile = luckyFile.Parse();
var exportJson = JSON.parse(luckysheetfile);
if (callBack != undefined) {
callBack(exportJson, luckysheetfile);
}, function (err) {
LuckyExcel.transformLuckyToExcel = function (LuckyFile, callBack) {
return LuckyExcel;
module.exports = LuckyExcel;
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