同步操作将从 Gitee 极速下载/openmetadata 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
PY_SOURCE ?= ingestion/src
.PHONY: help
@grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[35m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
.PHONY: env38
python3.8 -m venv env38
.PHONY: clean_env37
rm -rf env38
.PHONY: install
install: ## Install the ingestion module to the current environment
python -m pip install ingestion/
.PHONY: install_apis
install_apis: ## Install the REST APIs module to the current environment
python -m pip install openmetadata-airflow-apis/
.PHONY: install_test
install_test: ## Install the ingestion module with test dependencies
python -m pip install "ingestion[test]/"
.PHONY: install_dev
install_dev: ## Install the ingestion module with dev dependencies
python -m pip install "ingestion[dev]/"
.PHONY: install_all
install_all: ## Install the ingestion module with all dependencies
python -m pip install "ingestion[all]/"
.PHONY: precommit_install
precommit_install: ## Install the project's precommit hooks from .pre-commit-config.yaml
@echo "Installing pre-commit hooks"
@echo "Make sure to first run install_test first"
pre-commit install
.PHONY: lint
lint: ## Run pylint on the Python sources to analyze the codebase
PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:./ingestion/plugins" find $(PY_SOURCE) -path $(PY_SOURCE)/metadata/generated -prune -false -o -type f -name "*.py" | xargs pylint --ignore-paths=$(PY_SOURCE)/metadata_server/
.PHONY: py_format
py_format: ## Run black and isort to format the Python codebase
pycln ingestion/ openmetadata-airflow-apis/ --extend-exclude $(PY_SOURCE)/metadata/generated
isort ingestion/ openmetadata-airflow-apis/ --skip $(PY_SOURCE)/metadata/generated --skip ingestion/env --skip ingestion/build --skip openmetadata-airflow-apis/build --profile black --multi-line 3
black ingestion/ openmetadata-airflow-apis/ --extend-exclude $(PY_SOURCE)/metadata/generated
.PHONY: py_format_check
py_format_check: ## Check if Python sources are correctly formatted
pycln ingestion/ openmetadata-airflow-apis/ --diff --extend-exclude $(PY_SOURCE)/metadata/generated
isort --check-only ingestion/ openmetadata-airflow-apis/ --skip $(PY_SOURCE)/metadata/generated --skip ingestion/build --profile black --multi-line 3
black --check --diff ingestion/ openmetadata-airflow-apis/ --extend-exclude $(PY_SOURCE)/metadata/generated
PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:./ingestion/plugins" pylint --fail-under=10 $(PY_SOURCE)/metadata --ignore-paths $(PY_SOURCE)/metadata/generated || (echo "PyLint error code $$?"; exit 1)
## Ingestion models generation
.PHONY: generate
generate: ## Generate the pydantic models from the JSON Schemas to the ingestion module
@echo "Running Datamodel Code Generator"
@echo "Make sure to first run the install_dev recipe"
mkdir -p ingestion/src/metadata/generated
python scripts/datamodel_generation.py
$(MAKE) py_antlr js_antlr
$(MAKE) install
## Ingestion tests & QA
.PHONY: run_ometa_integration_tests
run_ometa_integration_tests: ## Run Python integration tests
coverage run --rcfile ingestion/.coveragerc -a --branch -m pytest -c ingestion/setup.cfg --junitxml=ingestion/junit/test-results-integration.xml ingestion/tests/integration/ometa ingestion/tests/integration/orm_profiler ingestion/tests/integration/test_suite ingestion/tests/integration/data_insight
.PHONY: unit_ingestion
unit_ingestion: ## Run Python unit tests
coverage run --rcfile ingestion/.coveragerc -a --branch -m pytest -c ingestion/setup.cfg --junitxml=ingestion/junit/test-results-unit.xml --ignore=ingestion/tests/unit/source ingestion/tests/unit
.PHONY: run_python_tests
run_python_tests: ## Run all Python tests with coverage
coverage erase
$(MAKE) unit_ingestion
$(MAKE) run_ometa_integration_tests
coverage report --rcfile ingestion/.coveragerc || true
.PHONY: coverage
coverage: ## Run all Python tests and generate the coverage XML report
$(MAKE) run_python_tests
coverage xml --rcfile ingestion/.coveragerc -o ingestion/coverage.xml || true
sed -e "s/$(shell python -c "import site; import os; from pathlib import Path; print(os.path.relpath(site.getsitepackages()[0], str(Path.cwd())).replace('/','\/'))")/src/g" ingestion/coverage.xml >> ingestion/ci-coverage.xml
.PHONY: sonar_ingestion
sonar_ingestion: ## Run the Sonar analysis based on the tests results and push it to SonarCloud
docker run \
--rm \
-e SONAR_HOST_URL="https://sonarcloud.io" \
-e SONAR_LOGIN=$(token) \
-v ${PWD}/ingestion:/usr/src \
sonarsource/sonar-scanner-cli \
.PHONY: run_apis_tests
run_apis_tests: ## Run the openmetadata airflow apis tests
coverage erase
coverage run --rcfile openmetadata-airflow-apis/.coveragerc -a --branch -m pytest --junitxml=openmetadata-airflow-apis/junit/test-results.xml openmetadata-airflow-apis/tests
coverage report --rcfile openmetadata-airflow-apis/.coveragerc
.PHONY: coverage_apis
coverage_apis: ## Run the python tests on openmetadata-airflow-apis
$(MAKE) run_apis_tests
coverage xml --rcfile openmetadata-airflow-apis/.coveragerc -o openmetadata-airflow-apis/coverage.xml
sed -e "s/$(shell python -c "import site; import os; from pathlib import Path; print(os.path.relpath(site.getsitepackages()[0], str(Path.cwd())).replace('/','\/'))")\///g" openmetadata-airflow-apis/coverage.xml >> openmetadata-airflow-apis/ci-coverage.xml
## Ingestion publish
.PHONY: publish
publish: ## Publish the ingestion module to PyPI
$(MAKE) install_dev generate
cd ingestion; \
python setup.py install sdist bdist_wheel; \
twine check dist/*; \
twine upload dist/*
.PHONY: build_docker_connectors
build_docker_connectors: ## Build all Ingestion Framework Sources Images to be used as Docker Operators in Airflow
@echo "Building Docker connectors. Make sure to run build_docker_base first"
python ingestion/connectors/docker-cli.py build
.PHONY: push_docker_connectors
push_docker_connectors: ## Push all Sources Docker Images to DockerHub
@echo "Pushing Docker connectors. Make sure to run build_docker_connectors first"
python ingestion/connectors/docker-cli.py push
## Yarn
.PHONY: yarn_install_cache
yarn_install_cache: ## Use Yarn to install UI dependencies
cd openmetadata-ui/src/main/resources/ui && yarn install --frozen-lockfile
.PHONY: yarn_start_dev_ui
yarn_start_dev_ui: ## Run the UI locally with Yarn
cd openmetadata-ui/src/main/resources/ui && yarn start
## Ingestion Core
.PHONY: core_install_dev
core_install_dev: ## Prepare a venv for the ingestion-core module
cd ingestion-core; \
rm -rf venv; \
python3 -m venv venv; \
. venv/bin/activate; \
python3 -m pip install ".[dev]"
.PHONY: core_clean
core_clean: ## Clean the ingestion-core generated files
rm -rf ingestion-core/src/metadata/generated
rm -rf ingestion-core/build
rm -rf ingestion-core/dist
.PHONY: core_generate
core_generate: ## Generate the pydantic models from the JSON Schemas to the ingestion-core module
$(MAKE) core_install_dev
mkdir -p ingestion-core/src/metadata/generated; \
. ingestion-core/venv/bin/activate; \
datamodel-codegen --input openmetadata-spec/src/main/resources/json/schema --input-file-type jsonschema --output ingestion-core/src/metadata/generated/schema
$(MAKE) core_py_antlr
.PHONY: core_bump_version_dev
core_bump_version_dev: ## Bump a `dev` version to the ingestion-core module. To be used when schemas are updated
$(MAKE) core_install_dev
cd ingestion-core; \
. venv/bin/activate; \
python -m incremental.update metadata --dev
.PHONY: core_publish
core_publish: ## Install, generate and publish the ingestion-core module to Test PyPI
$(MAKE) core_clean core_generate
cd ingestion-core; \
. venv/bin/activate; \
python setup.py install sdist bdist_wheel; \
twine check dist/*; \
twine upload -r testpypi dist/*
.PHONY: core_py_antlr
core_py_antlr: ## Generate the Python core code for parsing FQNs under ingestion-core
antlr4 -Dlanguage=Python3 -o ingestion-core/src/metadata/generated/antlr ${PWD}/openmetadata-spec/src/main/antlr4/org/openmetadata/schema/*.g4
.PHONY: py_antlr
py_antlr: ## Generate the Python code for parsing FQNs
antlr4 -Dlanguage=Python3 -o ingestion/src/metadata/generated/antlr ${PWD}/openmetadata-spec/src/main/antlr4/org/openmetadata/schema/*.g4
.PHONY: js_antlr
js_antlr: ## Generate the Python code for parsing FQNs
antlr4 -Dlanguage=JavaScript -o openmetadata-ui/src/main/resources/ui/src/generated/antlr ${PWD}/openmetadata-spec/src/main/antlr4/org/openmetadata/schema/*.g4
.PHONY: install_antlr_cli
install_antlr_cli: ## Install antlr CLI locally
echo '#!/usr/bin/java -jar' > /usr/local/bin/antlr4
curl https://www.antlr.org/download/antlr-4.9.2-complete.jar >> /usr/local/bin/antlr4
chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/antlr4
.PHONY: docker-docs
docker-docs: ## Runs the OM docs in docker passing openmetadata-docs as volume for content and images
docker run --name openmetadata-docs -p 3000:3000 -v ${PWD}/openmetadata-docs/content:/docs/content/ -v ${PWD}/openmetadata-docs/images:/docs/public/images openmetadata/docs:latest
.PHONY: docker-docs-validate
docker-docs-validate: ## Runs the OM docs in docker passing openmetadata-docs as volume for content and images
docker run --entrypoint '/bin/sh' -v ${PWD}/openmetadata-docs/content:/docs/content/ -v ${PWD}/openmetadata-docs/images:/docs/public/images openmetadata/docs:latest -c 'npm run export'
.PHONY: docker-docs-local
docker-docs-local: ## Runs the OM docs in docker with a local image
docker run --name openmetadata-docs -p 3000:3000 -v ${PWD}/openmetadata-docs/content:/docs/content/ -v ${PWD}/openmetadata-docs/images:/docs/public/images openmetadata-docs:local
SNYK_ARGS := --severity-threshold=high
.PHONY: snyk-ingestion-report
snyk-ingestion-report: ## Uses Snyk CLI to validate the ingestion code and container. Don't stop the execution
@echo "Validating Ingestion container..."
docker build -t openmetadata-ingestion:scan -f ingestion/Dockerfile .
snyk container test openmetadata-ingestion:scan --file=ingestion/Dockerfile $(SNYK_ARGS) --json > security-report/ingestion-docker-scan.json | true;
@echo "Validating ALL ingestion dependencies. Make sure the venv is activated."
cd ingestion; \
pip freeze > scan-requirements.txt; \
snyk test --file=scan-requirements.txt --package-manager=pip --command=python3 $(SNYK_ARGS) --json > ../security-report/ingestion-dep-scan.json | true; \
snyk code test $(SNYK_ARGS) --json > ../security-report/ingestion-code-scan.json | true;
.PHONY: snyk-airflow-apis-report
snyk-airflow-apis-report: ## Uses Snyk CLI to validate the airflow apis code. Don't stop the execution
@echo "Validating airflow dependencies. Make sure the venv is activated."
cd openmetadata-airflow-apis; \
snyk code test $(SNYK_ARGS) --json > ../security-report/airflow-apis-code-scan.json | true;
.PHONY: snyk-catalog-report
snyk-server-report: ## Uses Snyk CLI to validate the catalog code and container. Don't stop the execution
@echo "Validating catalog container... Make sure the code is built and available under openmetadata-dist"
docker build -t openmetadata-server:scan -f docker/local-metadata/Dockerfile .
snyk container test openmetadata-server:scan --file=docker/local-metadata/Dockerfile $(SNYK_ARGS) --json > security-report/server-docker-scan.json | true;
snyk test --all-projects $(SNYK_ARGS) --json > security-report/server-dep-scan.json | true;
snyk code test --all-projects --severity-threshold=high --json > security-report/server-code-scan.json | true;
.PHONY: snyk-ui-report
snyk-ui-report: ## Uses Snyk CLI to validate the UI dependencies. Don't stop the execution
snyk test --file=openmetadata-ui/src/main/resources/ui/yarn.lock $(SNYK_ARGS) --json > security-report/ui-dep-scan.json | true;
.PHONY: snyk-dependencies-report
snyk-dependencies-report: ## Uses Snyk CLI to validate the project dependencies: MySQL, Postgres and ES. Only local testing.
@echo "Validating dependencies images..."
snyk container test mysql/mysql-server:latest $(SNYK_ARGS) --json > security-report/mysql-scan.json | true;
snyk container test postgres:latest $(SNYK_ARGS) --json > security-report/postgres-scan.json | true;
snyk container test docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:7.10.2 $(SNYK_ARGS) --json > security-report/es-scan.json | true;
.PHONY: snyk-report
snyk-report: ## Uses Snyk CLI to run a security scan of the different pieces of the code
@echo "To run this locally, make sure to install and authenticate using the Snyk CLI: https://docs.snyk.io/snyk-cli/install-the-snyk-cli"
rm -rf security-report
mkdir -p security-report
$(MAKE) snyk-ingestion-report
$(MAKE) snyk-airflow-apis-report
$(MAKE) snyk-server-report
$(MAKE) snyk-ui-report
$(MAKE) export-snyk-html-report
.PHONY: export-snyk-html-report
export-snyk-html-report: ## export json file from security-report/ to HTML
@echo "Reading all results"
npm install snyk-to-html -g
ls security-report | xargs -I % snyk-to-html -i security-report/% -o security-report/%.html
# Ingestion Operators
.PHONY: build-ingestion-base-local
build-ingestion-base-local: ## Builds the ingestion DEV docker operator with the local ingestion files
$(MAKE) install_dev generate
docker build -f ingestion/operators/docker/Dockerfile-dev . -t openmetadata/ingestion-base:local
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