同步操作将从 RT-Thread/rt-thread 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
- To test the low power mode: - To test the ELM FatFs: 1. copy "bsp/efm32/copy_this_file_shell.c" to "components/finsh/" 2. rename it to "shell.c" replacing the original file 3. and then compile - To test the lwIP: 1. You should have a ENC28J60 Ethernet controller and connect it with your board properly 2. Please turn on the following defines in "rtconfig.h": #define EFM32_USING_ETHERNET #define RT_USING_LWIP #RT_LWIP_* 3. please also turn on the following define to use simple http server #define EFM32_USING_ETH_HTTPD or turn on the following defines to use EFM32 Ethernet utility functions (due to memory limitation, you may not turn on both) #define EFM32_USING_ETH_UTILS #define hostName "onelife.dyndns.org" /* Please change to your own host name */ #define userPwdB64 "dXNlcjpwYXNzd2Q=" /* Please change to your own user name and password (base 64 encoding) */ 4. and then compile
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