同步操作将从 easysoft/ranzhi 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
VERSION=$(shell head -n 1 VERSION)
all: ranzhi
rm -fr ranzhi
rm -fr *.zip
mkdir ranzhi
cp -fr app ranzhi/
cp -fr bin ranzhi/
cp -fr config ranzhi/ && rm -fr ranzhi/config/my.php
mkdir ranzhi/db
cp -fr db/* ranzhi/db/
cp -fr doc ranzhi/ && rm -fr ranzhi/doc/phpdoc && rm -fr ranzhi/doc/doxygen
cp -fr framework ranzhi/
cp -fr lib ranzhi/
cp -fr tmp ranzhi
rm -fr ranzhi/db/temp.sql
rm -fr ranzhi/tmp/cache/*
rm -fr ranzhi/tmp/extension/*
rm -fr ranzhi/tmp/log/*
rm -fr ranzhi/tmp/model/*
rm -fr ranzhi/tmp/backup/*
cp -fr www ranzhi && rm -fr ranzhi/www/data/ && mkdir -p ranzhi/www/data/upload
cp VERSION ranzhi/
# combine js and css files.
cp -fr tools ranzhi/tools && cd ranzhi/tools/ && php ./minifyfront.php && php ./cn2tw.php
rm -fr ranzhi/tools
# delete the useless files.
find ranzhi -name .git|xargs rm -fr
find ranzhi -name tests |xargs rm -fr
for path in `find ranzhi/ -type d`; do touch "$$path/index.html"; done
rm ranzhi/www/index.html
rm ranzhi/www/sys/index.html
rm ranzhi/www/crm/index.html
rm ranzhi/www/cash/index.html
rm ranzhi/www/oa/index.html
rm ranzhi/www/team/index.html
rm ranzhi/www/doc/index.html
rm ranzhi/www/proj/index.html
# change mode.
chmod -R 777 ranzhi/tmp/
chmod -R 777 ranzhi/www/data
chmod -R 777 ranzhi/config
#chmod a+rx ranzhi/bin/*
#find ranzhi/ -name ext |xargs chmod -R 777
# zip it.
zip -rm -9 ranzhi.$(VERSION).zip ranzhi
mkdir buildroot
cp -r build/debian/DEBIAN buildroot
sed -i '/^Version/cVersion: ${VERSION}' buildroot/DEBIAN/control
mkdir buildroot/opt
mkdir buildroot/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ -p
cp build/debian/ranzhi.conf buildroot/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/
cp ranzhi.${VERSION}.zip buildroot/opt
cd buildroot/opt; unzip ranzhi.${VERSION}.zip; rm ranzhi.${VERSION}.zip
sed -i 's/index.php/\/ranzhi\/sys\/index.php/' buildroot/opt/ranzhi/www/sys/.htaccess
sed -i 's/index.php/\/ranzhi\/crm\/index.php/' buildroot/opt/ranzhi/www/crm/.htaccess
sed -i 's/index.php/\/ranzhi\/cash\/index.php/' buildroot/opt/ranzhi/www/cash/.htaccess
sed -i 's/index.php/\/ranzhi\/oa\/index.php/' buildroot/opt/ranzhi/www/oa/.htaccess
sed -i 's/index.php/\/ranzhi\/team\/index.php/' buildroot/opt/ranzhi/www/team/.htaccess
sed -i 's/index.php/\/ranzhi\/doc\/index.php/' buildroot/opt/ranzhi/www/doc/.htaccess
sed -i 's/index.php/\/ranzhi\/proj\/index.php/' buildroot/opt/ranzhi/www/proj/.htaccess
sudo dpkg -b buildroot/ ranzhi_${VERSION}_1_all.deb
rm -rf buildroot
mkdir ~/rpmbuild/SPECS -p
cp build/rpm/ranzhi.spec ~/rpmbuild/SPECS
sed -i '/^Version/cVersion:${VERSION}' ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/ranzhi.spec
mkdir ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES
cp ranzhi.${VERSION}.zip ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES
mkdir ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/etc/httpd/conf.d/ -p
cp build/debian/ranzhi.conf ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/etc/httpd/conf.d/
mkdir ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/opt/ -p
cd ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES; unzip ranzhi.${VERSION}.zip; mv ranzhi opt/ranzhi;
sed -i 's/index.php/\/ranzhi\/sys\/index.php/' ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/opt/ranzhi/www/sys/.htaccess
sed -i 's/index.php/\/ranzhi\/crm\/index.php/' ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/opt/ranzhi/www/crm/.htaccess
sed -i 's/index.php/\/ranzhi\/cash\/index.php/' ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/opt/ranzhi/www/cash/.htaccess
sed -i 's/index.php/\/ranzhi\/oa\/index.php/' ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/opt/ranzhi/www/oa/.htaccess
sed -i 's/index.php/\/ranzhi\/team\/index.php/' ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/opt/ranzhi/www/team/.htaccess
sed -i 's/index.php/\/ranzhi\/doc\/index.php/' ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/opt/ranzhi/www/doc/.htaccess
sed -i 's/index.php/\/ranzhi\/proj\/index.php/' ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/opt/ranzhi/www/proj/.htaccess
cd ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES; tar -czvf ranzhi-${VERSION}.tar.gz etc opt; rm -rf ranzhi.${VERSION}.zip etc opt;
rpmbuild -ba ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/ranzhi.spec
cp ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/ranzhi-${VERSION}-1.noarch.rpm ./
rm -rf ~/rpmbuild
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