->飞行控制系统设计学习程序 ->L1自适应控制 -> LQR/LQG控制 -> 自抗扰 ADRC控制 -> RBF神经网络自适应MATLAB仿真 -> 拟配
禅道适配Gitlab 的 push webhook,用于同步代码提交日志、并按禅道的关联规则进行关联;如task#98、bug#201 禅道最近这几个api变化比较大,代码可能需要自行适配
Implementation of localization using sensor fusion of GPS/INS/compass through an error-state Kalman filter.
ADRC uses an Extended state observer to linearize the Quadrotor's Nonlinear dynamics (similar to Feedback linearization). This makes it capable of eliminating disturbances (robustness).
A set of lego EV3 drivers for hitechnic gyroscope, accelerometer, motors, and wheel encoders used to balance a wheeled inverted pendulum using Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC)