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0. Preface
1. Prerequisites
2. Building on Linux/Unix
3. Building on Windows
4. Building on Mac OS/X
0 Preface
This document will provide you some step-by-step
instructions to get RapidSVN up and running on
several platforms.
We are mentioning only a few configurations and
solutions that have worked for us.
If there is some configuration or information missing
that you feel might be important, dont hesitate to
post on users@rapidsvn.tigris.org.
1 Prerequisites
RapidSVN depends on several libraries, some are
optional, some are mandatory, others are necessary
only for a specific platform.
1.1 Platforms
RapidSVN has been built and is run on several platforms:
- Windows 95/98/98 SE/ME/NT/2k/XP
- Unix (Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD)
- Mac OS/X (Tiger)
1.2 Compilers
Most platforms use the GNU GCC Compiler, but
on Windows you will need some Microsoft C++ Compiler.
We are using VCC 6.0, but newer ones should work as well.
There are efforts underway to build on Windows using
GCC as well, but right now, MS VCC is the simple answer.
1.3 Libraries
RapidSVN can be compiled whereever Subversion and wxWidgets
are available. All of the other dependencies are optional or
are needed only on some platforms.
Mandatory libraries:
- Subversion >= 1.0 (for the Subversion functionality)
- Apache Portable Runtime (included with Subversion)
- Neon (included with Subversion)
- wxWidgets (for the graphical user interface)
- LibIntl (Windows only)
Optional libraries/applications:
- InnoSetup: installer for Windows
- Berkeley DB: repository access for BDB repositories
- doxygen: for code documentation
- graphviz: for code documentation (needed with doxygen)
- cppunit: for the regression tests
- OpenSSL: for SSL support)
- xsltproc: manpage generation
- DocBook XSL Manpage Stylesheet: manpage creation
- libtool: generation of "configure"
- autogen: generation of "configure"
2 Building on Linux/Unix
2.1 Building/Installing the libraries
You have to make sure Subversion and wxWidgets are compiled
and installed on your machine, including the files
needed for development (e.g. headers).
There are binary packages for Subversion and wxWidgets available
on most distributions. As long as you dont need special features
that are not compiled in you may want to stick with these.
2.2 Configuring the application
If you are building RapidSVN from the tarball, there is already
the "configure" script present. If you are building from a fresh
working copy from the repository, you need to create this script
running ./autogen.sh. You need libtool and autogen for this.
Now that you have a "configure" script in the top directory of
the RapidSVN source tree, run it and check the output:
The script will try to figure out which libraries are available
on your machine and where to find them.
There are several options for "configure" to tell the script where
to find stuff:
--with-apr-config=<location of apr-config>
--with-apu-config=<location of apu-config>
--with-neon-config=<location of neon-config>
--with-wx-config=<location of wx-config>
--with-svn-include=<directory which contains "subversion-1"
--with-svn-lib=<directory which contains "livsvn*"
These options will be pretty sufficient for most installations.
2.3 Building the application
Well, type:
Now the application should build. If you get compiler or linker
errors first check the configuration and directories on your
machine. If this doesnt solve your problems, google for help,
search the mailing list archives and if the problem is still
persistent, ask about your problem on users@rapidsvn.tigris.org.
2.4 Installing the application
Well, type (as user "root"):
make install
Of course, you can create binary packges for your distribution
as well and then use the mechanisms it provides to install the
package (e.g. dpkg, rpm). This is beyond the scope of this file.
3 Building on Windows
We are describing only ONE version or Subversion and wxWidgets
for Windows. On Unix, you often have to use the libraries that
are already installed. On Windows, things are different: you
download and build what you need.
Most people wont build RapidSVN on Windows at all but use the
binary packages.
3.1 Building on Windows using Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0
3.1.1 Building OpenSSL
Unpack the OpenSSL source package. Follow the build instructions
to configure and compile it. Configure OpenSSL so a static library
is built. You have to build using ms\nt.mak to achieve this.
The static library version of OpenSSL avoids conflicts with already
installed versions of OpenSSL DLLs on the system.
The directory that contains OpenSSL in our example will be:
3.1.2 Building ZLib
Unpack the ZLib source package. Follow the build instructions
to configure and compile it.
The directory that contains OpenSSL in our example will be:
3.1.3 Building Subversion 1.3.0
A. Unpack
Unpack a Subversion source package. Read the file INSTALL in the
Subversion directory and make sure you have installed all the
tools you need.
You will have to install Python, Perl, Microsoft Platform SDK
and an assembler like nasm or masm.
The directory that contains Subversion in our example will be:
Unpack the Berkeley DB binaries provided on the Subversion site
to the source tree. After this, the Berkeley DB directory
should be:
Unpack the LibIntl "svn-win32-libintl.zip" package provided on the
Subversion site and unpack it to a directory so after unpacking
you have a directory like:
B. Patch
Well, some releases of Subversion cant be compiled on Windows without
adding some minor modifications.
Open the file "C:\Subversion-1.3.0\neon\src\ne_xml.c
Comment out the code the lines 50-54:
//#if !defined(XML_MAJOR_VERSION) || (XML_MAJOR_VERSION < 2 \
// && XML_MINOR_VERSION == 95 \
C. Configure
Open a command shell and make sure the Visual Studio tools are
can be found by typing "nmake". There may be a shortcut to a batch
script provided by Microsoft Visual Studio that has setup the
environment variables correctly.
Before configuring and compiling the code we want to tell Subversion
it shall link to the static library version of OpenSSL.
Create an environment variable OPENSSL_STATIC with the value "yes"
to achieve this.
Now we have to configure the source tree using a python script
and tell the script to create the Visual Studio workspace and
project files:
C:\Subversion-1.3.0> python gen-make.py -t dsp \
--with-openssl=C:\openssl-0.9.8a \
D. Compile
Start Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 and open the workspace:
Activate the configuration "__ALL__ - Debug" and start
the compilation.
After a while the compilation should have finished.
Now activate the configuration "__ALL__ - Release" and
start the compilation.
3.1.4 Building wxWidgets 2.6.2
A. Unpack
Unpack wxWidgets source package.
The directory that contains wxWidgets in our example will be:
B. Patch
wxWidgets has to be modified to run without error. The
runtime error will only occur when building and running the
Unicode Debug build of wxWidgets.
Open the file "C:\wxWidgets-2.6.2\src\common\xpmdecod.c"
Change line 553 from
name = wxStrdupA(inname);
name = _strdup(inname);
C. Configure
We have to configure and compile wxWidgets four times.
To configure wxWidgets you have to edit the file
The following setting apply for all of our configurations:
For RapidSVN we need four permutations of
BUILD = debug | release
UNICODE = 0 | 1
D. Compile
Open a command shell and make sure the Visual Studio tools are
can be found by typing "nmake". There may be a shortcut to a batch
script provided by Microsoft Visual Studio that has setup the
environment variables correctly.
Change to the directory
and type
nmake /f makefile.vc
3.1.5 Building RapidSVN
A. Prepare
Create the environment variables OPENSSL, WX and SUBVERSION.
In our example, these will be
The directory that contains RapidSVN in our example will be:
B. Compile
Now open the RapidSVN workspace in Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0:
Compilation should work out of the box now. You will
have to adapt paths a bit if you plan to use a different version
of wxWidgets or Subversion.
If you want to create an installed you have to compile the
rapidsvn - Win32 Release
rapidsvn - Win32 Unicode Release
If you plan to debug and develop for RapidSVN you might want to
build the debug configurations as well
rapidsvn - Win32 Debug
rapidsvn - Win32 Unicode Debug
C. Create Installer
Run the batch script to collect necessary DLLs:
Now open the Innosetup project and compile the installer:
3.2 Building on Windows using Cygwin and Gtk as X11 application
Notation: This build is for only development. It would generate
too many non-standard dependencies on your executable binary.
3.2.1 Installing All dependencies
Install all below tools and dependencies via setup.exe of Cygwin.
All other dependencies will be automaticaly selected.
3.2.4 Building wxWidgets as wxGtk
Extract wxWidgets source package. You should build it as wxGtk
which requires X11 server. Because wxMSW(using win32api) would
conflict with exsisting your Subversion which configured for
If you are using version 2.8.7 or lesser you might need to patch.
mkdir build/cygwin-gtk
cd build/cygwin-gtk
../../configure --with-gtk=2
make install
wxGtk would be installed into /usr/local by default with name of
ansi-release. But you can cofigure as you like.
After installation, dlls are generated in the same directory of
libraries. You should move them to your bin directory.
mv /usr/local/lib/cygwx*.dll /usr/local/bin
3.2.4 Building and installing RapidSVN
...is same as Linux/Unix section. See 2.2 - 2.4.
If your configure script failed, retry like:
./configure --with-apr-confg=apr-1-config --with-apu-config=apu-1-config
3.2.4 Using or testing RapidSVN
X11 server is required before starting RapidSVN. (Xming is
recommended instead of CygwinX.)
And DISPLAY environment variable should be set to connect to X11
server form X client.
export DISPLAY
Well, raunch RapidSVN now.
4 Building on Mac OS/X
Basically, building on Mac OS/X the same mechanisms are used
as under Linux. But there are some differences.
While on Linux an application is a binary which relies on some
shared libraries (which are single binary files as well),
application on Mac OS/X have to resist in a special directory
structure. This binary can still rely on other shared libraries,
but since most applications on Mac OS/X are installed only by
dragging the application icon to the destination you cannot
be sure, whether the installed shared libraries match the
versions you need.
We decided to use only static linking for Subversion and wxWidgets
on Mac OS/X, so everything is included in a single binary.
4.1 Preparations
Create the following directory:
This will be our temporary directory where all the necessary
libraries that aren't part of Darwin/OS X will be.
The RapidSVN working copy will be there too.
To make life easier for the configure scripts run
export PATH=$HOME/RapidSVN-build/bin:$PATH
export RAPIDSVN_ARCH="-arch i386 -arch ppc" (10.3 - 10.6)
export RAPIDSVN_ARCH="-arch i386" (10.7+)
4.2 Download and Install required packages
Make sure you have installed Xcode (so gcc will work).
Download the following tarballs:
- db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz
- apr-1.4.5.tar.bz2
- apr-util-1.3.12.tar.bz2
- neon-0.29.6.tar.gz
- subversion-1.7.1.tar.bz2
- wxMac-2.8.12.tar.gz
Extract the packages to $HOME/RapidSVN-build, so
we have a directory $HOME/RapidSVN-build/subversion-1.7.1
and so on.
4.3 Configure/Compile/Install Berkeley DB
cd to:
Configure a static build:
CFLAGS="-O3 $RAPIDSVN_ARCH -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -fvisibility=hidden" \
LDFLAGS="$RAPIDSVN_ARCH -mmacosx-version-min=10.4" \
../dist/configure --prefix=$HOME/RapidSVN-build --disable-shared
Compile and install Berkeley DB:
make install
4.4 Configure/Compile/Install apr
cd to:
Configure a static build:
CFLAGS="-O3 $RAPIDSVN_ARCH -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -fvisibility=hidden" \
LDFLAGS="$RAPIDSVN_ARCH -mmacosx-version-min=10.4" \
./configure --prefix=$HOME/RapidSVN-build --disable-shared
Compile and install apr:
make install
4.5 Configure/Compile/Install apr-util
cd to:
Configure a static build:
CFLAGS="-O3 $RAPIDSVN_ARCH -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -fvisibility=hidden" \
LDFLAGS="$RAPIDSVN_ARCH -mmacosx-version-min=10.4" \
./configure --prefix=$HOME/RapidSVN-build --with-apr=$HOME/RapidSVN-build \
--with-dbm=db48 --with-berkeley-db=$HOME/RapidSVN-build
Compile and install apr-util:
make install
4.6 Configure/Compile/Install neon
cd to:
Configure a static build:
CFLAGS="-O3 $RAPIDSVN_ARCH -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -fvisibility=hidden" \
LDFLAGS="$RAPIDSVN_ARCH -mmacosx-version-min=10.4" \
./configure --prefix=$HOME/RapidSVN-build --disable-shared --with-ssl=openssl
Compile and install neon:
make install
4.7 Configure/Compile/Install Subversion
cd to:
Configure a static build with OpenSSL and Berkeley DB support:
CFLAGS="-g -O2 $RAPIDSVN_ARCH -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -fvisibility=hidden -I$HOME/RapidSVN-build/include" \
LDFLAGS="$RAPIDSVN_ARCH -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -L$HOME/RapidSVN-build/lib" ./configure --prefix=$HOME/RapidSVN-build \
--with-berkeley-db --disable-shared --without-apxs --with-apr=$HOME/RapidSVN-build --with-apr-util=$HOME/RapidSVN-build
Compile and install Subversion:
make install
You can check your installation for OpenSSL support by
svn --version
Check for the line '- handles 'https' scheme'.
You can check your installation for Berkeley DB support by
svnadmin create --fs-type=bdb /tmp/test
4.8 Configure/Compile/Install wxWidgets
cd to the extracted wxWidgets directory.
Configure wxWidgets, so it is NOT built as shared library;
with Unicode support:
sed -e "s#-arch ppc -arch i386#$RAPIDSVN_ARCH#" < configure > configure-rapidsvn
chmod +x configure-rapidsvn
CFLAGS="-I$HOME/RapidSVN-build/include/apr-1 -fvisibility=hidden" \
CXXFLAGS="-I$HOME/RapidSVN-build/include/apr-1 -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden" \
LDFLAGS="-L$HOME/RapidSVN-build/lib" \
./configure-rapidsvn --prefix=$HOME/RapidSVN-build \
--disable-shared --enable-unicode --enable-universal_binary \
--with-macosx-version-min=10.4 --with-macosx-sdk=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk
Compile wxWidgets:
Install wxWidgets after successful compilation:
make install
If you have set PATH you can run "wx-config" now.
If this works you have a running wxWidgets installation
4.9 Configure/Compile/Install RapidSVN
Download and extract a RapidSVN tarball
or checkout a new working copy of RapidSVN in
Cd to the directory.
Now configure the static build:
CFLAGS="-g -O2 $RAPIDSVN_ARCH -fvisibility=hidden -I$HOME/RapidSVN-build/include" \
CXXFLAGS="-g -O2 $RAPIDSVN_ARCH -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden" \
LDFLAGS="$RAPIDSVN_ARCH -L$HOME/RapidSVN-build/lib" ./configure --prefix=$HOME/RapidSVN-build \
--disable-shared \
--with-svn-include=$HOME/RapidSVN-build/include \
--with-svn-lib=$HOME/RapidSVN-build/lib \
--with-apr-config=$HOME/RapidSVN-build/bin/apr-1-config \
--with-apu-config=$HOME/RapidSVN-build/bin/apu-1-config \
--with-wx-config=$HOME/RapidSVN-build/bin/wx-config \
Compile RapidSVN:
Since you cannot run a carbon application directly you
have to create RapidSVN.app first:
cd packages/osx
You can run RapidSVN from the shell:
open -a RapidSVN.app
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:loomman/RapidSVN.git
