## Filename: Makefile
## Project: OpenArty, an entirely open SoC based upon the Arty platform
## Purpose: A master project makefile. It tries to build all targets
## within the project, mostly by directing subdirectory makes.
## Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
## Gisselquist Technology, LLC
## Copyright (C) 2015-2019, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
## This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
## your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
## for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
## with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory. Run make with no
## target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
## <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for a copy.
## License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on www.gnu.org,
## http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
.PHONY: all
all: check-install archive datestamp rtl sim sw
# all: datestamp archive rtl sw sim bench bit
# Could also depend upon load, if desired, but not necessary
BENCH := # `find bench -name Makefile` `find bench -name "*.cpp"` `find bench -name "*.h"`
SIM := `find sim -name Makefile` `find sim -name "*.cpp"` `find sim -name "*.h"` `find sim -name "*.c"`
RTL := `find rtl -name "*.v"` `find rtl -name Makefile`
NOTES := `find . -name "*.txt"` `find . -name "*.html"`
SW := `find sw -name "*.cpp"` `find sw -name "*.c"` \
`find sw -name "*.h"` `find sw -name "*.sh"` \
`find sw -name "*.py"` `find sw -name "*.pl"` \
`find sw -name "*.png"` `find sw -name Makefile`
DEVSW := `find sw/board -name "*.cpp"` `find sw/board -name "*.h"` \
`find sw/board -name Makefile`
BIN := `find xilinx -name "*.bit"`
AUTODATA := `find autodata -name "*.txt"`
CONSTRAINTS := autodata/arty.xdc migmem.xdc
YYMMDD:=`date +%Y%m%d`
SUBMAKE:= $(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C
# Check that we have all the programs available to us that we need
.PHONY: check-install
check-install: check-perl check-verilator check-zip-gcc check-gpp
.PHONY: check-perl
$(call checkif-installed,perl,)
.PHONY: check-autofpga
$(call checkif-installed,autofpga,-V)
.PHONY: check-verilator
$(call checkif-installed,verilator,-V)
.PHONY: check-zip-gcc
$(call checkif-installed,zip-gcc,-v)
.PHONY: check-gpp
$(call checkif-installed,g++,-v)
# Now that we know that all of our required components exist, we can build
# things
# Create a datestamp file, so that we can check for the build-date when the
# project was put together.
.PHONY: datestamp
datestamp: check-perl
@bash -c 'perl mkdatev.pl > lastbuild.v'
$(call copyif-changed,lastbuild.v,rtl/builddate.v)
@grep "^.define" rtl/builddate.v
# Make a tar archive of this file, as a poor mans version of source code control
# (Sorry ... I've been burned too many times by files I've wiped away ...)
.PHONY: archive
tar --transform s,^,$(YYMMDD)-arty/, -chjf $(YYMMDD)-arty.tjz $(ARCHIVEFILES)
# Build our main (and toplevel) Verilog files via autofpga
.PHONY: autodata
autodata: check-autofpga
$(SUBMAKE) autodata
$(call copyif-changed,autodata/toplevel.v,rtl/toplevel.v)
$(call copyif-changed,autodata/main.v,rtl/main.v)
$(call copyif-changed,autodata/regdefs.h,sw/host/regdefs.h)
$(call copyif-changed,autodata/regdefs.cpp,sw/host/regdefs.cpp)
$(call copyif-changed,autodata/board.h,sw/zlib/board.h)
$(call copyif-changed,autodata/board.ld,sw/board/board.ld)
$(call copyif-changed,autodata/bkram.ld,sw/board/bkram.ld)
$(call copyif-changed,autodata/sdram.ld,sw/board/sdram.ld)
$(call copyif-changed,autodata/rtl.make.inc,rtl/make.inc)
$(call copyif-changed,autodata/testb.h,sim/verilated/testb.h)
$(call copyif-changed,autodata/main_tb.cpp,sim/verilated/main_tb.cpp)
$(call copyif-changed,autodata/build.xdc,artix.xdc)
$(call copyif-changed,autodata/iscachable.v,rtl/iscachable.v)
# Verify that the rtl has no bugs in it, while also creating a Verilator
# simulation class library that we can then use for simulation
.PHONY: verilated
verilated: datestamp check-verilator
+@$(SUBMAKE) rtl
.PHONY: rtl
rtl: verilated
# Build a simulation of this entire design
.PHONY: sim
sim: rtl check-gpp
+@$(SUBMAKE) sim/verilated
# A master target to build all of the support software
.PHONY: sw
sw: sw-host sw-zlib sw-board
# Build the host support software
.PHONY: sw-host
$(SUBMAKE) sw/host
# Build the hardware specific newlib library
.PHONY: sw-zlib
sw-zlib: check-zip-gcc
+@$(SUBMAKE) sw/zlib
# Build the board software. This may (or may not) use the software library
.PHONY: sw-board
sw-board: sw-zlib check-zip-gcc
+@$(SUBMAKE) sw/board
# Copy a file from the autodata directory that had been created by
# autofpga, into the directory structure where it might be used.
define copyif-changed
@bash -c 'cmp $(1) $(2); if [[ $$? != 0 ]]; then echo "Copying $(1) to $(2)"; cp $(1) $(2); fi'
# Check if the given program is installed
define checkif-installed
@bash -c '$(1) $(2) < /dev/null >& /dev/null; if [[ $$? != 0 ]]; then echo "Program not found: $(1)"; exit -1; fi'
.PHONY: clean
+$(SUBMAKE) autodata clean
+$(SUBMAKE) sim/verilated clean
+$(SUBMAKE) rtl clean
+$(SUBMAKE) sw/zlib clean
+$(SUBMAKE) sw/board clean
+$(SUBMAKE) sw/host clean
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