同步操作将从 CANN/acl 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
* @file acl_rt_allocator.h
* Copyright (c) Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2023-2023. All rights reserved.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#include "acl_base.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef void *aclrtAllocatorDesc;
typedef void *aclrtAllocator;
typedef void *aclrtAllocatorBlock;
typedef void *aclrtAllocatorAddr;
typedef void *(*aclrtAllocatorAllocFunc)(aclrtAllocator allocator, size_t size);
typedef void (*aclrtAllocatorFreeFunc)(aclrtAllocator allocator, aclrtAllocatorBlock block);
typedef void *(*aclrtAllocatorAllocAdviseFunc)(aclrtAllocator allocator, size_t size, aclrtAllocatorAddr addr);
typedef void *(*aclrtAllocatorGetAddrFromBlockFunc)(aclrtAllocatorBlock block);
* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Create allocator description
* @retval null for failed
* @retval OtherValues success
* @see aclrtAllocatorDestroyDesc
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclrtAllocatorDesc aclrtAllocatorCreateDesc();
* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Relese allocator description
* @param allocatorDesc [IN] allocator description
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclrtAllocatorCreateDesc
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtAllocatorDestroyDesc(aclrtAllocatorDesc allocatorDesc);
* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Register allocator object to allocator description
* @param allocatorDesc [IN] allocator description
* @param allocator [IN] allocator object handle
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtAllocatorSetObjToDesc(aclrtAllocatorDesc allocatorDesc, aclrtAllocator allocator);
* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Register the function pointer of alloc memory to the allocator description
* @param allocatorDesc [IN] allocator description
* @param func [IN] the function pointer of alloc memory
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtAllocatorSetAllocFuncToDesc(aclrtAllocatorDesc allocatorDesc,
aclrtAllocatorAllocFunc func);
* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Register the function pointer of free memory to the allocator description
* @param allocatorDesc [IN] allocator description
* @param func [IN] free memory function pointer
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtAllocatorSetFreeFuncToDesc(aclrtAllocatorDesc allocatorDesc,
aclrtAllocatorFreeFunc func);
* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Register the function pointer of alloc suggested memory to the allocator description
* @param allocatorDesc [IN] allocator description
* @param func [IN] the function pointer of alloc suggested memory
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtAllocatorSetAllocAdviseFuncToDesc(aclrtAllocatorDesc allocatorDesc,
aclrtAllocatorAllocAdviseFunc func);
* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Register the function pointer of get address from block to the allocator description
* @param allocatorDesc [IN] allocator description
* @param func [IN] the function pointer of get address from block
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtAllocatorSetGetAddrFromBlockFuncToDesc(aclrtAllocatorDesc allocatorDesc,
aclrtAllocatorGetAddrFromBlockFunc func);
* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Register allocator description to acl by stream
* @param stream [IN] stream handle
* @param allocatorDesc [IN] allocator description
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclrtAllocatorUnregister
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtAllocatorRegister(aclrtStream stream, aclrtAllocatorDesc allocatorDesc);
* @ingroup AscendCL
* @brief Unregister allocator description from acl by stream
* @param stream [IN] stream handle
* @retval ACL_SUCCESS The function is successfully executed.
* @retval OtherValues Failure
* @see aclrtAllocatorRegister
ACL_FUNC_VISIBILITY aclError aclrtAllocatorUnregister(aclrtStream stream);
#ifdef __cplusplus
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