* revised at 2018-10-28
* revised at 2017-10-27
* revised at 2017-6-18
* revised at 2017-6-1
* revised at 2017-5-28
* By Kerui Du, [email protected]
capture program drop psecta
program define psecta, eclass prop(xt)
version 12.1
syntax varname, ///
[name(varname) Gen(str) kq(real 0.3) cr(real 0) incr(real 0.05) maxcr(real 50) Adjust fr(real 0) NOMata NOPRTlogtreg]
local cmdline `0'
if (`kq'>=1 | `kq'<0 ) {
disp as red "kq should be set between 0 and 1."
error 121
if (`fr'<0 | `fr'>1){
disp as red "fr should be set between 0 and 1."
error 121
_xt, trequired
local id=r(ivar)
local time=r(tvar)
tempvar dataflag
qui gen `dataflag'=1
qui tsfill, full
if ("`noprtlogtreg'"!="") local prt="qui"
qui tab `id', nofreq
local Ncross=r(r)
if (`Ncross'==1){
qui keep if `dataflag'==1
disp as error "The number of individuals should be greater than one!"
error 2000
su `time', meanonly
local mint=r(min)
qui count if `time'==`mint'& !missing(`varlist')
if (r(N)!=`Ncross'){
qui keep if `dataflag'==1
di as error "Observations at the starting period must not be missing!"
error 2001
tempvar _club tempid
if ("`name'"==""){
qui gen `tempid'=string(`id')
else {
cap confirm numeric var `name'
if _rc==0 {
qui gen `tempid'=string(`name')
else {
qui gen `tempid'=`name'
local vgetcluster getcluster
if ("`nomata'"!=""){
local vgetcluster getclusterstata
//disp "`vgetcluster'"
tempname rclub
`vgetcluster' `varlist', id(`id') time(`time') gen(`_club') kq(`kq') fr(`fr') cr(`cr') incr(`incr') maxcr(`maxcr') `adjust'
mat `rclub'=e(club)
qui tab `_club', nofreq
local nclub = r(r)
qui count if missing(`_club')
local flag=r(N)
if `flag'==_N {
//disp as red "There are no convergent subgroups."
if ("`gen'"!=""){
qui gen `gen'=`_club'
ereturn scalar nclub=`nclub'
ereturn matrix club=`rclub'
mat tmp=J(1,1,.)
ereturn matrix bm= tmp
mat tmp=J(1,1,.)
ereturn matrix tm= tmp
ereturn local cmd="psecta"
ereturn local varlist `varlist'
ereturn local cmdline psecta `cmdline'
qui keep if `dataflag'==1
//qui tab `_club', nofreq
//local nclub = r(r)
tempname beta tvalue
mat `beta'=J(1,`nclub',.)
mat `tvalue'=J(1,`nclub',.)
disp _n
disp as green "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Club classifications xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
forvalues j=1/`nclub' {
local cnames `cnames' " Club`j'"
qui tab `id' if `_club'==`j', nofreq
local nm=r(r)
//disp _n
disp as green "------------------------------- Club `j' :(`nm')-------------------------------"
qui putmata txt=(`tempid') if `_club'==`j'& `time'==`time'[1], replace
mata: _prttext(txt',62)
disp as green "--------------------------------------------------------------------------"
//disp _n
`prt' logtreg `varlist' if `_club'==`j', kq(`kq') `nomata'
mat `beta'[1,`j']=e(beta)
mat `tvalue'[1,`j']=e(tstat)
//sleep 500
//sleep 500
if `flag'>0 {
qui tab `id' if missing(`_club'), nofreq
local nm=r(r)
//disp _n
disp as green "----------------------- Not convergent Group `=`nclub'+1' :(`nm') ----------------------"
qui levelsof `id' if missing(`_club'), local(noncon) clean
qui putmata txt=(`tempid') if missing(`_club') & `time'==`time'[1], replace
mata: _prttext(txt',62)
disp as green "--------------------------------------------------------------------------"
if `:word count `noncon''>=2 {
`prt' logtreg `varlist' if missing(`_club'), kq(`kq') `nomata'
mat `beta'=(`beta',e(beta))
mat `tvalue'=(`tvalue',e(tstat))
local cnames `cnames' "Group`=`nclub'+1'"
disp "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
if ("`gen'"!=""){
qui gen `gen'=`_club'
ereturn scalar nclub=`nclub'
ereturn matrix club=`rclub'
mat colnames `beta' = `cnames'
mat rownames `beta' = "Coeff"
mat colnames `tvalue' = `cnames'
mat rownames `tvalue' = "T-stat"
ereturn matrix bm=`beta'
ereturn matrix tm=`tvalue'
ereturn local cmd="psecta"
ereturn local varlist `varlist'
ereturn local cmdline psecta `cmdline'
qui keep if `dataflag'==1
* Revised 2018-10-28
**New version 2016-11-01 Afternoon
* Kerui Du, [email protected]
capture program drop getcluster
program define getcluster, eclass
version 12.1
syntax varname, ///
id(varname) time(varname) ///
[Gen(str) kq(real 0.3) fr(real 0) cr(real 0) incr(real 0.05) maxcr(real 50) Adjust]
if ("`fr'"=="") {
local fr=0
if (`fr'<0 | `fr'>1){
disp as red "fr should be set between 0 and 1."
error 121
if ("`adjust'"=="") {
local adj=0
else {
local adj=1
if ("`kq'"==""){
local kq=0.3
if (`kq'>=1 | `kq'<0 ) {
disp as red "kq should be set between zero and one."
error 121
if ("`cr'"=="") local cr=0
//if ("`kq'"=="") local kq=0.3
if ("`incr'"=="") local incr=0.05
if ("`maxcr'"=="") local maxcr=50
qui tab `id', nofreq
local N=r(r)
qui tab `time', nofreq
local T=r(r)
tempvar id2
egen `id2'=group(`id') //contineous id 2018-10-28
tempvar _club
qui gen `_club'=.
//test whether it is convergent for the whole sample
// 2017-7-3
qui logtreg `varlist', kq(`kq')
if (e(tstat)>-1.65){
qui replace `_club'=1
else {
qui sort `time' `id'
qui putmata vlx=(`varlist'),replace
mata: id3=1::`N'
mata: XX=id3,_vec2mat(vlx,`N',`T')
qui putmata id2=(`id2'),replace
//mata: st_matrix("club",res)
qui count if missing(`_club')
local flag=r(N)
if `flag'==_N {
//disp as red "There are no convergent subgroups."
if ("`gen'"!=""){
qui gen `gen'=`_club'
//disp "A new variable (`gen') is generated to store the results of clustering."
tempname rclub
qui sort `time' `_club' `id'
mkmat `_club' `id' if `time'==`time'[1]& !missing(`_club' ), ///
mat colnames `rclub' = "Club" "panel_id"
//mat rownames club = `rname'
ereturn local cmd="getcluster"
ereturn matrix club=`rclub'
//disp "Done!"
//use stata routines
* use findclubstata
capture program drop getclusterstata
program define getclusterstata, eclass
version 12.1
syntax varname, ///
id(varname) time(varname) ///
[Gen(str) kq(real 0.3) fr(real 0) cr(real 0) incr(real 0.05) maxcr(real 50) Adjust]
// set default parameters
if ("`cr'"=="") local cr=0
if ("`incr'"=="") local incr=0.05
if ("`maxcr'"=="") local maxcr=50
//if ("`adjust'"=="") local adjust=""
if ("`fr'"=="") {
local fr=0
if (`fr'<0 | `fr'>1){
disp as red "fr should be set between 0 and 1."
error 121
//tempvar id2 _club
//tempname clubmember
//qui egen `id2'=group(`id')
tempvar _club
qui gen `_club'=.
qui logtreg `varlist', kq(`kq') nomata
if e(tstat)>-1.65 {
qui replace `_club'=1
qui sort `time' `_club' `id'
qui mkmat `_club' `id' if `time'==`time'[1]& !missing(`_club' ), ///
mat colnames club = "Club" "panel_id"
if ("`gen'"!="") qui gen `gen'=`_club'
ereturn local cmd="getclusterstata"
ereturn matrix club=club
tempname clubmember
qui findclubstata `varlist', id(`id') time(`time') fr(`fr') cr(`cr') kq(`kq') incr(`incr') maxcr(`maxcr') `adjust'
local flag=e(flag)
//disp "flag=" `flag'
if `flag'==0 {
disp as yellow "There are no convergent subgroups."
if ("`gen'"!="") qui gen `gen'=`_club'
mat `clubmember'=e(clubmember)
local nclub=rowsof(`clubmember')
forvalues q=1/`nclub' {
qui replace `_club'=1 if `id'==`clubmember'[`q',1]
qui levelsof `id' if missing(`_club'), local(noncon)
if (`:word count `noncon''<2) {
qui sort `time' `_club' `id'
qui mkmat `_club' `id' if `time'==`time'[1]& !missing(`_club' ), ///
mat colnames club = "Club" "panel_id"
ereturn local cmd="getclusterstata"
ereturn matrix club=club
if ("`gen'"!="") qui gen `gen'=`_club'
qui logtreg `varlist' if missing(`_club'), kq(`kq') nomata
local tstat=e(tstat)
if (`tstat'>-1.65) {
qui replace `_club'=2 if missing(`_club')
qui sort `time' `_club' `id'
qui mkmat `_club' `id' if `time'==`time'[1]& !missing(`_club' ), ///
mat colnames club = "Club" "panel_id"
ereturn local cmd="getclusterstata"
ereturn matrix club=club
if ("`gen'"!="") qui gen `gen'=`_club'
else {
local eflag=1
local jt=2
while (`eflag'==1) {
qui findclubstata `varlist' if missing(`_club'), id(`id') time(`time') fr(`fr') cr(`cr') kq(`kq') incr(`incr') maxcr(`maxcr') `adjust'
local eflag=e(flag)
//disp `eflag'
if (`eflag'==0) {
qui sort `time' `_club' `id'
qui mkmat `_club' `id' if `time'==`time'[1]& !missing(`_club' ), ///
mat colnames club = "Club" "panel_id"
ereturn local cmd="getclusterstata"
ereturn matrix club=club
if ("`gen'"!="") qui gen `gen'=`_club'
*local clubmember=e(club)
*qui replace `_club'=`jt' if inlist(`id',`clubmember')
mat `clubmember'=e(clubmember)
local nclub=rowsof(`clubmember')
forvalues q=1/`nclub' {
qui replace `_club'=`jt' if `id'==`clubmember'[`q',1]
qui levelsof `id' if missing(`_club'), local(noncon)
if (`:word count `noncon''<2) {
qui sort `time' `_club' `id'
qui mkmat `_club' `id' if `time'==`time'[1]& !missing(`_club' ), ///
mat colnames club = "Club" "panel_id"
ereturn local cmd="getclusterstata"
ereturn matrix club=club
if ("`gen'"!="") qui gen `gen'=`_club'
qui logtreg `varlist' if missing(`_club'), kq(`kq') nomata
local tstat=e(tstat)
if (`tstat'>-1.65) {
qui replace `_club'=`jt'+1 if missing(`_club')
qui sort `time' `_club' `id'
qui mkmat `_club' `id' if `time'==`time'[1]& !missing(`_club' ), ///
mat colnames club = "Club" "panel_id"
ereturn local cmd="getclusterstata"
ereturn matrix club=club
if ("`gen'"!="") qui gen `gen'=`_club'
local jt=`jt'+1
qui sort `time' `_club' `id'
qui mkmat `_club' `id' if `time'==`time'[1]& !missing(`_club' ), ///
mat colnames club = "Club" "panel_id"
if ("`gen'"!="") qui gen `gen'=`_club'
ereturn local cmd="getclusterstata"
ereturn matrix club=club
// disp "Done!"
*version 4.4
*! coded in stata 12.1, change the arguement of inlist to meet large number of individuals
*For inlist, the number of arguments is between 2 and 255 for reals and between 2 and 10 for strings.
*This version use anymatch instead
* 2016-11-10
**The code is designed to find the initial convergence club
* by Kerui Du, [email protected]
capture program drop findclubstata
program define findclubstata,eclass
version 12.1
syntax varname [if] [in], ///
id(varname) time(varname) [kq(real 0.3) fr(real 0) cr(real 0) incr(real 0.05) maxcr(real 50) Adjust]
// set default parameters
if ("`cr'"=="") local cr=0
if ("`incr'"=="") local incr=0.05
if ("`maxcr'"=="") local maxcr=50
//if ("`adjust'"=="") local adjust=""
if ("`fr'"=="") {
local fr=0
if (`fr'<0 | `fr'>1){
disp as red "fr should be set between 0 and 1."
error 121
marksample touse
qui keep if `touse'
tempvar _order inarg
tempname tt tmax getid idts
// step 1 corss-section sorting
/*Cross-section [decreasing] sorting based on the final period T*/
if (`fr'==0){
gsort -`time' -`varlist'
qui gen `_order'=_n
sort `id' `time'
qui bys `id': replace `_order'=`_order'[_N]
*tab `_order'
qui su `_order'
local mid=r(max)
sort `_order' `id' `time'
else {
tempvar vsort tperiod
qui tab `time', nofreq
local nperiod=r(r)
local nperiod=int((1-`fr')*`nperiod')+1
sort `id' `time'
qui bys `id': gen `tperiod'=_n
qui bys `id': egen `vsort'=mean(`varlist') if `tperiod'>=`nperiod'
gsort -`time' -`vsort'
qui gen `_order'=_n
sort `id' `time'
qui bys `id': replace `_order'=`_order'[_N]
*tab `_order'
qui su `_order'
local mid=r(max)
sort `_order' `id' `time'
*list `id' `_order' if `time'==1
// step 2 Form a core group
// step 2.1 find the first two successive countries with tt>-1.65
local k=1
scalar `tt'=-100
while (`tt'<=-1.65 &`k'<`mid') {
qui logtreg `varlist' if `_order'==`k'| `_order'==`k'+1, kq(`kq') nomata
scalar `tt'=e(tstat)
local k=`k'+1
scalar `tt'=-100
local k=1000
// If the above loop exits with failing to find the first two successive countries with tt>-1.65
// No convergent groups exist, program ends.
if (`k'>=`mid'&`tt'<=-1.65){
//disp as red "Exit: No convergent groups are found."
ereturn scalar flag=0 // record whether convergent club exists
// If the first two successive countries with tt>-1.65 are found, next to step 2.2
// step 2.2 increase k to find the core group
*else {
local j=`k'+1
local idlist `=`k'-1' `k'
scalar `tmax'=`tt'
local tmaxindex `=`k'-1' `k' // record k for which yields the hihgest value of tt
while (`j'<=`mid' & `tt'>-1.65){
local idlist `idlist' `j'
qui cap drop `inarg'
qui egen `inarg'=anymatch(`_order'), values(`idlist')
qui logtreg `varlist' if `inarg'==1, kq(`kq') nomata
scalar `tt'=e(tstat)
// record the j when the maixmum t statistic is obtainded
if `tmax'<=`tt'{
scalar `tmax'=`tt'
local tmaxindex `idlist'
local j=`j'+1
// step 3 extend the core group to an initial convergence club
//step 3.1 Form a complementary core group
qui cap drop `inarg'
qui egen `inarg'=anymatch(`_order'), values(`tmaxindex')
qui levelsof `_order' if `inarg'==0, local(cin1) clean // record the complementary core group
// step 3.2 add one country at a time
local initialclub `tmaxindex'
foreach i of local cin1{
local inarg2 `tmaxindex' `i'
qui cap drop `inarg'
qui egen `inarg'=anymatch(`_order'), values(`inarg2')
qui logtreg `varlist' if `inarg'==1, kq(`kq') nomata
scalar `tt'=e(tstat)
//record i such that the t statistic is greater than cr
if `tt'>`cr' {
local initialclub `initialclub' `i'
//disp "`initialclub'"
//disp `:word count `initialclub''
// step 3.3 check if the convergence hypothesis holds for the obtainded group in step 3.2
qui cap drop `inarg'
qui egen `inarg'=anymatch(`_order'), values(`initialclub')
qui logtreg `varlist' if `inarg'==1, kq(`kq') nomata
scalar `tt'=e(tstat)
// check whether initialclub=tmaxindex
local ifempty: list initialclub-tmaxindex
if (`tt'<=-1.65 & "`ifempty'"!="") {
if "`adjust'"=="" { // use the original method of PS-2007
while (`tt'<=-1.65 & `cr'<`maxcr') {
// set the maximum value of cr to ensure the exit of the loops
local cr=`cr'+`incr' // raise cr, then repeat step 3.2
local initialclub `tmaxindex'
foreach i of local cin1{
local inarg2 `tmaxindex' `i'
qui cap drop `inarg'
qui egen `inarg'=anymatch(`_order'), values(`inarg2')
qui logtreg `varlist' if `inarg'==1, kq(`kq') nomata
scalar `tt'=e(tstat)
if `tt'>`cr' {
local initialclub `initialclub' `i'
qui cap drop `inarg'
qui egen `inarg'=anymatch(`_order'), values(`initialclub')
qui logtreg `varlist' if `inarg'==1, kq(`kq') nomata
scalar `tt'=e(tstat)
if (`tt'<=-1.65) local initialclub `tmaxindex'
else {
// adjusted step 3.3
local cin1: list initialclub - tmaxindex
local initialclub `tmaxindex'
while ("`cin1'"!="") {
local tcan
foreach i of local cin1{
local inarg2 `initialclub' `i'
qui cap drop `inarg'
qui egen `inarg'=anymatch(`_order'), values(`inarg2')
qui logtreg `varlist' if `inarg'==1, kq(`kq') nomata
local tcan `tcan' `=e(tstat)'
mata: tscin=-strtoreal(tokens(st_local("tcan")))',strtoreal(tokens(st_local("cin1")))'
mata: st_numscalar("`getid'",sort(tscin,1)[1,2])
local getid2=`getid'
mata: st_numscalar("`idts'",-sort(tscin,1)[1,1])
if (`idts'<=-1.65) {
continue, break
else {
local initialclub `initialclub' `getid2'
*disp "`initialclub'"
local cin1: list cin1 - initialclub
// return matrix instead
tempname clubmem remaind
qui cap drop `inarg'
qui egen `inarg'=anymatch(`_order'), values(`initialclub')
gsort -`inarg' `time' `id'
*qui tab `id' if `inarg', nofreq
*local nclub=r(r)
mkmat `id' if (`inarg'==1 & `time'==`time'[1]), mat(`clubmem')
//mat list clubmember
ereturn mat clubmember=`clubmem'
mkmat `id' if (`inarg'==0 & `time'==`time'[1]), mat(`remaind')
ereturn mat remainder=`remaind'
ereturn scalar flag=1
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