*! version 3.2.3, 2017-12-31
* By Kerry Du
capture program drop lmdi
program define lmdi, rclass
version 12.0
* syntax
* lmdi decom_var = varlist, t(varname) over(varlist) [ADD ///
* zero(real 1e-20) tol(real 0.01) sav(string) replace]
* lmdi decom_var = (factor_1_varlist).. factor_k_varname ... factor_n_varname, ///
* t(varname) over(varlist) [ADD zero(real 1e-20) tol(real 0.01) sav(string) replace]
* lmdi decom_var = factor_1_varname ... factor_k_varname...(factor_n_varlist), ///
* t(varname) over(varlist) [ADD zero(real 1e-20) tol(real 0.01) sav(string) replace]
* example
* lmdi E= (Es1 Es2 Es3) I Y, t(year) over(region sector)
//disp "`0'"
gettoken cmla 0: 0, p(",")
syntax, t(varname numeric) over(varlist) [ADD zero(real 1e-20) TOLerance(real 0.01) SAVing(string) REPLACE]
gettoken yvar cmla: cmla, p("= ( ),")
if ("`yvar'"=="=" | "`yvar'"=="," | "`yvar'"=="(" | "`yvar'"==")"){
disp as red "The decomposed variable must be specified!"
exit 198
gettoken word cmla: cmla, p("= ( ),")
if !strmatch("`word'","=") {
disp as red `"Only one variable before "=" is allowed!"'
exit 198
local k=0
gettoken word cmla:cmla,p("= ( ),")
local idflag `over'
//local pjlist
while !("`word'"==","| "`word'"=="") {
//disp "`word'"
local k=`k'+1
if ("`word'"=="(" ){
local pj=0
gettoken word cmla: cmla,p("= ( ),")
while !("`word'"==")" | "`word'"==""){
//tempvar _eff`k'_`t'
//qui gen _eff`k'_`t'=`word'
//disp "`word'"
local pj=`pj'+1
rename `word' _eff`k'_`pj'
local eff`k' `eff`k'' `word'
gettoken word cmla: cmla,p("= ( ),")
local pjlist `pjlist' `pj'
local reshvar `reshvar' _eff`k'_
gettoken word cmla: cmla,p("= ( ),")
//tempvar _eff`k'
//tempvar id`k'
//qui reshape long _eff`k'_, i(`t' `idflag') j(`id`k'')
//local idflag `idflag' `id`k''
//disp "`idflag'"
else {
//disp "`word'"
//tempvar _eff`k'
//qui gen `_eff`k''=`word'
rename `word' _eff`k'_
local eff`k' `word'
gettoken word cmla: cmla,p("= ( ),")
//disp "eff`k'=`eff`k''"
gettoken pj1 pjlist: pjlist
while !("`pjlist'"==""){
//disp "`pj1'"
gettoken pj2 pjlist: pjlist
//disp "`pj2'"
if !strmatch("`pj1'","`pj2'"){
disp as red "ERROR: the # of vars in different parenthese ( ) should be equal."
exit 198
local pj1 `pj2'
if !("`pj1'"=="") {
tempvar _newid
qui reshape long `reshvar', i(`t' `idflag') j(`_newid')
local idflag `idflag' `_newid'
//disp "`0'"
//local 0 ", `0'"
//syntax, t(varname) over(varlist) [ADD zero(real 1e-20) crtv(real 0.01)]
//syntax varlist, t(varname) over(varlist) [ADD zero(real 1e-20) crtv(real 0.01)]
qui egen _chsum0=rowtotal(`sum')
qui egen _chsum1=total(_chsum0), by(`t')
cap assert abs(_chsum/`yvar'-1)<=`crtv'
if _rc!=0 {
disp as red "ERROR:The varlist can not form an identity"
//disp "k=" `k'
tempvar chprod chsum2 lfun dfun Dtot2
qui gen `chprod'=1
forvalues i=1/`k' {
qui replace _eff`i'_=`zero' if missing(_eff`i'_)| _eff`i'_==0
qui replace `chprod'=`chprod'*_eff`i'_
qui egen `chsum2'=total(`chprod'), by(`t')
cap assert abs(`chsum2'/`yvar'-1)<=`tolerance'
if _rc!=0 {
disp as red "ERROR:The specified variables can not form an identity"
qui gen `lfun'=0
qui bys `idflag' (`t'): replace `lfun'= ///
(`chprod'-`chprod'[_n-1])/ln(`chprod'/`chprod'[_n-1]) if `chprod'!=`chprod'[_n-1]
tempvar _Dtot
if !("`add'"==""){
qui bys `idflag' (`t'): gen `_Dtot'=`yvar'-`yvar'[_n-1]
qui gen `Dtot2'=0
qui gen `dfun'=1
else {
qui bys `idflag' (`t'): gen `_Dtot'=`yvar'/`yvar'[_n-1]
qui gen `dfun'=0
qui gen `Dtot2'=1
qui bys `idflag' (`t'): replace `dfun'= ///
(`yvar'-`yvar'[_n-1])/ln(`yvar'/`yvar'[_n-1]) if `yvar'!=`yvar'[_n-1]
//disp "k="`k'
qui su `t'
local mint=r(min)
forvalues i=1/`k' {
tempvar tempEFF`i' _EFF`i'
qui bys `idflag' (`t'): gen `tempEFF`i''=`lfun'/`dfun'*ln(_eff`i'_/_eff`i'_[_n-1])
//qui bys `idflag' (`t'): gen `tempEFF`i''=`lfun'/`dfun'*ln(`_eff`i''/`_eff`i''[_n-1])
qui egen `_EFF`i''=total(`tempEFF`i''), by(`t')
//label var _EFF`i' `"Effecf of change in (`eff`i'')"'
qui replace `_EFF`i''=. if `t'==`mint'
if !("`add'"==""){
qui replace `Dtot2'=`Dtot2'+`_EFF`i''
else {
qui replace `_EFF`i''=exp(`_EFF`i'')
qui replace `Dtot2'=`Dtot2'*`_EFF`i''
local resmat `resmat' `_EFF`i''
local matcnames `matcnames' "Eff_`i'"
//local matcnames `matcnames' _EFF`i'
cap assert abs(`_Dtot'/`Dtot2'-1)/`_Dtot'<`tolerance' if ~missing(`_Dtot')
if _rc!=0 {
disp as red "Warning: The difference between the real change and the decomposed effects in total is large than `=`crtv'*100'%."
disp as red " Please check your data preparation!"
qui tab `t', nofreq
local nt=r(r)
sort `idflag' `t'
tempvar From To
qui bys `idflag' (`t'): gen `From'=`t'[_n-1] if _n>1
qui bys `idflag' (`t'): gen `To' =`t' if _n>1
sort `idflag' `t'
//tempvar t0
//qui bys `idflag' (`t'): gen `t0'=`t'[_n-1] if _n>1
//qui cap mkmat `t0' `t' `_Dtot' `resmat' in 2/`nt', mat(mat4prt)
qui cap mkmat `From' `To' `_Dtot' `resmat' in 2/`nt', mat(mat4prt)
if _rc!=0 {
disp _n as red "Warning: Matsize too small to create a `=`nt'-1'x`=`k'+3', results are not displayed."
disp as red " You should improve the matsize, or save the results in filename.dta."
else {
//matrix colnames mat4prt = "From" "To" "_Dtot" `matcnames'
matrix colnames mat4prt = "From" "To" "Dtot" `matcnames'
//disp _n
matlist mat4prt, name(c) bor title("LMDI decomposition results:")
//disp " The decomposition results are presented as follows."
//list _Period _Dtot _EFF* in 2/`nt', c sep(0) t
disp "Note:"
disp as yellow " Dtot : Change in `yvar' over times"
forvalues i=1/`k'{
disp as yellow " Eff_`i' : Effect of change in ( `eff`i'' )"
if !("`saving'"==""){
//qui putmata period=`_Period' in 1/`nt', replace
//qui putmata result=(`_Dtot' `resmat') in 1/`nt', replace
sort `idflag' `t'
qui drop if _n>`nt'
//list `_Dtot'
mata: effmat=st_data(.,"`_Dtot' `resmat'")
qui keep `t'
sort `t'
//qui getmata _Period=period ( _Dtot `matcnames')=result, force
qui gen From=`t'[_n-1] if _n>1
qui gen To=`t' if _n>1
qui gen Dtot=.
mata: st_view(X2=.,.,"Dtot")
mata: X2[1::rows(effmat)]=effmat[.,1]
label var Dtot "change of `yvar'"
forvalues i=1/`k'{
qui gen Eff_`i'=.
mata: st_view(X3=.,.,"Eff_`i'")
mata: X3[1::rows(effmat)]=effmat[.,`=`i'+1']
label var Eff_`i' "Effect of change in ( `eff`i'' )"
//list From To Dtot Eff_* if _n>2, t sep(0)
save `saving', `replace'
disp _n
disp as yellow "The results are also saved in `saving'.dta."
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