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kerrydu 提交于 2021-12-12 16:41 . typos
{* *! version 1.1 21 Oct 2021}{...}
{cmd:help gtfpch}
{bf:gtfpch} {hline 2} Total Factor Productivity with Undesirable Outputs in Stata
{p 8 21 2}
{cmd:gtfpch} {it:{help varlist:inputvars}} {cmd:=} {it:{help varlist:desirable_outputvars}} {cmd::} {it:{help varlist:undesirable_outputvars}} {ifin}
{cmd:,} [{it:options}]
{synoptset 28 tabbed}{...}
{synopt:{cmdab:d:mu:(varname)}}specifies names of DMUs.
{synopt:{opt gx(varlist)}}specifies direction components for input adjustment.
The order of variables specified in gx() should as the same in {it:{help varlist:inputvars}}.
The i-th variable in gx() should be the direction of the i-th variable in {it:{help varlist:inputvars}}.
{synopt:{opt gy(varlist)}}specifies direction components for desirable output adjustment.
The order of variables specified in gy() should as the same in {it:{help varlist:desirable_outputvars}}.
The i-th variable in gy() should be the direction of the i-th variable in {it:{help varlist:desirable_outputvars}}.
{synopt:{opt gb(varlist)}}specifies direction components for undesirable output adjustment.
The order of variables specified in gb() should as the same in {it:{help varlist:undesirable_outputvars}}.
The i-th variable in gb() should be the direction of the i-th variable in {it:{help varlist:undesirable_outputvars}}.
{synopt:{cmdab:seq:uential}}specifies sequential production technology.
{synopt:{cmdab:bi:ennial}}specifies biennial production technology.
{synopt:{opt global}}specifies global production technology.
{synopt:{cmdab:nonr:adial}}specifies using nonradial directional distance function(NDDF).
{synopt:*{opt wmat(name)}}specifies a weight rowvector for adjustment of input and output variables.
{synopt:*{cmdab:luen:berger}}specifies estimating Luenberger productivity index. The default is Malmquist–Luenberger productivity index.
{synopt:*{opt ort(string)}}specifies the oriention. The default is ort(out).
ort(out) means the output oriented productivity index(indicator); ort(i) means the input oriented productivity
index(indicator); ort(h) means the hybrid productivity indicator.
{synopt:{opt fgnz}}specifies decomposing TFP change following the spirit of Färe, Grosskopf, Norris, and Zhang's (1994) method.
{synopt:{opt rd}}specifies decomposing TFP change following the spirit of Ray and Desli's (1997) method.
{synopt:{opt sav:ing(filename[,replace])}}specifies that the results be saved in {it:filename}.dta.
{synopt:{opt frame(framename)}}specifies that the results be saved in {it:framename} frame.
{synopt:{opt maxiter(#)}}specifies the maximum number of iterations, which must be an integer greater than 0. The default value of maxiter is 16000.
{synopt:{opt tol(real)}}specifies the convergence-criterion tolerance, which must be greater than 0. The default value of tol is 1e-8.
{synopt:{opt noprint}}suppress display of the results.{p_end}
{synopt:{opt noch:eck}}suppress checking for new version. It is suggested to be
used for saving time when internet connection is unavailable. {p_end}
{p 4 6 2} A panel variable and a time variable must be specified; use xtset. {p_end}
{p 4 6 2}* wmat(name) can only be used when nonradial is specified. {p_end}
{p 4 6 2}* Luenberger productivity indicator is estimated when nonradial is specified.{p_end}
{p 4 6 2}* ort(h) can only be used for Luenberger productivity indicator.{p_end}
{cmd:gtfpch} selects the input and output variables in the opened data set and estimate the TFP index by options specified.
The gtfpch program requires initial data set that contains the input and output variables for observed units.
Variable names must be identified by inputvars for input variable, by desirable_outputvars for desirable output variable, and by undesirable_outputvars for undesirable output variable
to allow that {cmd:gtfpch} program can identify and handle the multiple input-output data set.
{phang}{cmd:. use "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kerrydu/gtfpch/master/example_ddf.dta"}
{phang}{cmd:. xtset id t}
{phang}{cmd:. gtfpch labor capital energy= gdp: co2, nonr sav(ddf_result)}
{phang}{cmd:. gtfpch labor capital energy= gdp: co2, ort(i)}
{phang}{cmd:. gtfpch labor capital energy= gdp: co2, seq luen sav(ddf_result,replace)}
{title:Saved Results}
{cmd: r(file)} the filename stores results of {cmd:gtfpch}.
{cmd: r(frame)} the frame name stores results of {cmd:gtfpch}.
{cmd: r(weight)} the weight vector for non-radial DDF {cmd:gtfpch}.
{cmd: r(gvec)} the directional vector {cmd:gtfpch}.
{marker references}{...}
Chung, Y.H., Färe, R., Grosskopf, S. Productivity and Undesirable Outputs: A Directional Distance Function Approach.
Journal of Environmental Management, 1997, 51:229-240.
Chambers R.G. Exact nonradial input, output, and productivity measurement. Economic Theory, 2002, 20 (4):751-765
Färe, R., Grosskopf, S. Directional distance functions and slacks-based measures of efficiency. European Journal of Operational Research, 2010, 200:320-322.
Oh, D.-h. A global Malmquist-Luenberger productivity index. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 2010, 34:183-197.
Oh, D.-h., Heshmati A. A sequential Malmquist–Luenberger productivity index: Environmentally sensitive productivity growth
considering the progressive nature of technology. Energy Economics, 2010,3 2:1345-1355.
Zhou, P., Ang, B.W., Wang, H. Energy and CO2 emission performance in electricity generation: a non-radial directional distance function approach. Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2012, 221:625-635.
Mahlberg, B., Sahoo, B.K. Radial and non-radial decompositions of Luenberger productivity indicator with an illustrative application,
International Journal of Production Economics, 2011, 131:721-726.
Färe, R., Grosskopf, S., Norris, M., & Zhang, Z. (1994). Productivity Growth, Technical Progress, and Efficiency Change in Industrialized Countries. The American Economic Review, 84(1), 66-83.
Ray, S., & Desli, E. (1997). Productivity Growth, Technical Progress, and Efficiency Change in Industrialized Countries: Comment. The American Economic Review, 87(5), 1033-1039.
Jesús T. Pastor, Mette Asmild, C.A. Knox Lovell (2011). The biennial Malmquist productivity change index, Socio-Economic Planning, 45(1):10-15.
Daoping Wang, Kerui Du, Ning Zhang (2021). {browse "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kerrydu/gtfpch/master/manuscript.pdf":Measuring technical efficiency and total factor productivity change with undesirable outputs in Stata}, Working paper.
{marker support}{...}
{pstd}{cmd:gtfpch} requires the {cmd:moremata} package.{p_end}
{pstd}_compile_mata.ado and _get_version.ado are borrowed from Sergio Correia's {cmd:ftools} package({browse "https://github.com/sergiocorreia/ftools":Github repo}).{p_end}
Daoping Wang
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Shanghai, China
Kerui Du
Xiamen University
Xiamen, China
Ning Zhang
Shandong University
Jinan, China
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:kerrydu/gtfpch.git
