{right:version 1.0}
{cmd:gitee} {hline 2} install, and uninstall Stata packages from
{browse "http://www.gitee.com":Gitee} website
{p 8 16 2}
{cmd: gitee} {help gitee##subcommand:{it:subcommand}} {it:username/repository[/subfolder]} [{cmd:,} branch(string) replace force]
{p 8 16 2}
{cmd: gitee} {help gitee##subcommand:{it:subcommand}} [{it:packagename}]{cmd:,} from({it:directory_or_url}) [replace force]
{p 4 4 2}
The {bf:gitee} command takes two subcommands:
{marker subcommand}{...}
{synoptset 20 tabbed}{...}
{synopt:{opt install}}installs the package from the specified repository. {p_end}
{synopt:{opt get}} copies the ancillary files of a specified package to your computer.{p_end}
{p 4 4 2}
{synoptset 20 tabbed}{...}
{synopt:{opt replace}}specifies that the downloaded files replace existing
files if any of the files already exists.{p_end}
{synopt:{opt force}}specifies that the downloaded files replace existing
files if any of the files already exists, even if Stata thinks all the files
are the same. force implies replace.{p_end}
{synopt:{opt branch(string)}}specifies the branch in the repository; by default, it is master.{p_end}
{synopt:{opt from(directory_or_url)}}specifies the directory or URL where installable packages
may be found.{p_end}
{p 4 4 2}
install the fect package from Gitee
. gitee install arlionn/fect_stata
. gitee install fect, from(https://gitee.com/arlionn/fect_stata)
copies the ancillary files of fect package
. gitee get arlionn/fect_stata
. gitee get fect, from(https://gitee.com/arlionn/fect_stata)
install sdsfe and spsfe from Gitee
. gitee install kerrydu/sdsfe, branch(main)
{p 4 4 2}
Kerry Du {break}
Xiamen University {break}
Email:[email protected] {break}
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