同步操作将从 极客时间/TensorFlow-Course 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
This document is dedicated to explaining how to run the python script for this tutorial. Logistic regression
is a binary
classification algorithm in which yes or no are the only possible responses. The linear output is transformed to a probability of course between zero and 1. The decision is made by thresholding the probability and saying it belongs to which class. We consider Softmax
with cross entropy
loss for minimizing the loss.
If TensorFlow is installed in any environment(virtual environment, ...), it must be activated at first. So at first make sure the tensorFlow is available in the current environment using the following script:
Please root to the code/
directory and run the python script as the general form of below:
python [python_code_file.py]
As an example the code can be executed as follows:
python logistic_regression.py --num_epochs=50 --batch_size=512 --max_num_checkpoint=10 --num_classes=2
Different flags
are provided for training. For the full list please refer to the source code. The above example is just an example as is!
Since the code is ready-to-go, as long as the TensorFlow can be called in the IDE editor(Pycharm, Spyder,..), the code can be executed successfully.
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