// Fantasy Map Generator main script
// Azgaar ([email protected]). Minsk, 2017-2019
// https://github.com/Azgaar/Fantasy-Map-Generator
// MIT License
// I don't mind of any help with programming.
// See also https://github.com/Azgaar/Fantasy-Map-Generator/issues/153
"use strict";
const version = "1.4"; // generator version
document.title += " v" + version;
// if map version is not stored, clear localStorage and show a message
if (rn(localStorage.getItem("version"), 2) !== rn(version, 2)) {
setTimeout(showWelcomeMessage, 8000);
// append svg layers (in default order)
let svg = d3.select("#map");
let defs = svg.select("#deftemp");
let viewbox = svg.select("#viewbox");
let scaleBar = svg.select("#scaleBar");
let legend = svg.append("g").attr("id", "legend");
let ocean = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "ocean");
let oceanLayers = ocean.append("g").attr("id", "oceanLayers");
let oceanPattern = ocean.append("g").attr("id", "oceanPattern");
let lakes = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "lakes");
let landmass = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "landmass");
let texture = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "texture");
let terrs = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "terrs");
let biomes = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "biomes");
let cells = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "cells");
let gridOverlay = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "gridOverlay");
let coordinates = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "coordinates");
let compass = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "compass");
let rivers = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "rivers");
let terrain = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "terrain");
let relig = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "relig");
let cults = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "cults");
let regions = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "regions");
let statesBody = regions.append("g").attr("id", "statesBody");
let statesHalo = regions.append("g").attr("id", "statesHalo");
let provs = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "provs");
let zones = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "zones").style("display", "none");
let borders = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "borders");
let stateBorders = borders.append("g").attr("id", "stateBorders");
let provinceBorders = borders.append("g").attr("id", "provinceBorders");
let routes = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "routes");
let roads = routes.append("g").attr("id", "roads");
let trails = routes.append("g").attr("id", "trails");
let searoutes = routes.append("g").attr("id", "searoutes");
let temperature = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "temperature");
let coastline = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "coastline");
let ice = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "ice").style("display", "none");
let prec = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "prec").style("display", "none");
let population = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "population");
let labels = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "labels");
let icons = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "icons");
let burgIcons = icons.append("g").attr("id", "burgIcons");
let anchors = icons.append("g").attr("id", "anchors");
let armies = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "armies").style("display", "none");
let markers = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "markers").style("display", "none");
let fogging = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "fogging-cont").attr("mask", "url(#fog)").append("g").attr("id", "fogging").style("display", "none");
let ruler = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "ruler").style("display", "none");
let debug = viewbox.append("g").attr("id", "debug");
// lake and coast groups
lakes.append("g").attr("id", "freshwater");
lakes.append("g").attr("id", "salt");
lakes.append("g").attr("id", "sinkhole");
lakes.append("g").attr("id", "frozen");
lakes.append("g").attr("id", "lava");
lakes.append("g").attr("id", "dry");
coastline.append("g").attr("id", "sea_island");
coastline.append("g").attr("id", "lake_island");
labels.append("g").attr("id", "states");
labels.append("g").attr("id", "addedLabels");
let burgLabels = labels.append("g").attr("id", "burgLabels");
burgIcons.append("g").attr("id", "cities");
burgLabels.append("g").attr("id", "cities");
anchors.append("g").attr("id", "cities");
burgIcons.append("g").attr("id", "towns");
burgLabels.append("g").attr("id", "towns");
anchors.append("g").attr("id", "towns");
// population groups
population.append("g").attr("id", "rural");
population.append("g").attr("id", "urban");
// fogging
fogging.append("rect").attr("x", 0).attr("y", 0).attr("width", "100%").attr("height", "100%");
fogging.append("rect").attr("x", 0).attr("y", 0).attr("width", "100%").attr("height", "100%").attr("fill", "#e8f0f6").attr("filter", "url(#splotch)");
// assign events separately as not a viewbox child
scaleBar.on("mousemove", () => tip("Click to open Units Editor"));
legend.on("mousemove", () => tip("Drag to change the position. Click to hide the legend")).on("click", () => clearLegend());
// main data variables
let grid = {}; // initial grapg based on jittered square grid and data
let pack = {}; // packed graph and data
let seed, mapId, mapHistory = [], elSelected, modules = {}, notes = [];
let customization = 0; // 0 - no; 1 = heightmap draw; 2 - states draw; 3 - add state/burg; 4 - cultures draw
let biomesData = applyDefaultBiomesSystem();
let nameBases = Names.getNameBases(); // cultures-related data
const fonts = ["Almendra+SC", "Georgia", "Arial", "Times+New+Roman", "Comic+Sans+MS", "Lucida+Sans+Unicode", "Courier+New"]; // default web-safe fonts
let color = d3.scaleSequential(d3.interpolateSpectral); // default color scheme
const lineGen = d3.line().curve(d3.curveBasis); // d3 line generator with default curve interpolation
// d3 zoom behavior
let scale = 1, viewX = 0, viewY = 0;
const zoom = d3.zoom().scaleExtent([1, 20]).on("zoom", zoomed);
// default options
let options = {pinNotes:false}; // options object
let mapCoordinates = {}; // map coordinates on globe
options.winds = [225, 45, 225, 315, 135, 315]; // default wind directions
let graphWidth = +mapWidthInput.value, graphHeight = +mapHeightInput.value; // voronoi graph extention, cannot be changed arter generation
let svgWidth = graphWidth, svgHeight = graphHeight; // svg canvas resolution, can be changed
landmass.append("rect").attr("x", 0).attr("y", 0).attr("width", graphWidth).attr("height", graphHeight);
oceanPattern.append("rect").attr("fill", "url(#oceanic)").attr("x", 0).attr("y", 0).attr("width", graphWidth).attr("height", graphHeight);
oceanLayers.append("rect").attr("id", "oceanBase").attr("x", 0).attr("y", 0).attr("width", graphWidth).attr("height", graphHeight);
void function removeLoading() {
d3.select("#loading").transition().duration(4000).style("opacity", 0).remove();
d3.select("#initial").transition().duration(4000).attr("opacity", 0).remove();
d3.select("#optionsContainer").transition().duration(3000).style("opacity", 1);
d3.select("#tooltip").transition().duration(4000).style("opacity", 1);
// decide which map should be loaded or generated on page load
void function checkLoadParameters() {
const url = new URL(window.location.href);
const params = url.searchParams;
// of there is a valid maplink, try to load .map file from URL
if (params.get("maplink")) {
console.warn("Load map from URL");
const maplink = params.get("maplink");
const pattern = /(ftp|http|https):\/\/(\w+:{0,1}\w*@)?(\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-\/]))?/;
const valid = pattern.test(maplink);
if (valid) {loadMapFromURL(maplink, 1); return;}
else showUploadErrorMessage("Map link is not a valid URL", maplink);
// if there is a seed (user of MFCG provided), generate map for it
if (params.get("seed")) {
console.warn("Generate map for seed");
// open latest map if option is active and map is stored
if (onloadMap.value === "saved") {
ldb.get("lastMap", blob => {
if (blob) {
console.warn("Load last saved map");
try {
catch(error) {
console.warn("Cannot load stored map, random map to be generated");
} else {
console.error("No map stored, random map to be generated");
console.warn("Generate random map");
function loadMapFromURL(maplink, random) {
const URL = decodeURIComponent(maplink);
fetch(URL, {method: 'GET', mode: 'cors'})
.then(response => {
if(response.ok) return response.blob();
throw new Error("Cannot load map from URL");
}).then(blob => uploadMap(blob))
.catch(error => {
showUploadErrorMessage(error.message, URL, random);
if (random) generateMapOnLoad();
function showUploadErrorMessage(error, URL, random) {
alertMessage.innerHTML = `Cannot load map from the ${link(URL, "link provided")}.
${random?`A new random map is generated. `:''}
Please ensure the linked file is reachable and CORS is allowed on server side`;
$("#alert").dialog({title: "Loading error", width: "32em", buttons: {OK: function() {$(this).dialog("close");}}});
function generateMapOnLoad() {
applyStyleOnLoad(); // apply default of previously selected style
generate(); // generate map
focusOn(); // based on searchParams focus on point, cell or burg from MFCG
applyPreset(); // apply saved layers preset
// focus on coordinates, cell or burg provided in searchParams
function focusOn() {
const url = new URL(window.location.href);
const params = url.searchParams;
if (params.get("from") === "MFCG" && document.referrer) {
if (params.get("seed").length === 13) {
// show back burg from MFCG
params.set("burg", params.get("seed").slice(-4));
} else {
// select burg for MFCG
const s = +params.get("scale") || 8;
let x = +params.get("x");
let y = +params.get("y");
const c = +params.get("cell");
if (c) {
x = pack.cells.p[c][0];
y = pack.cells.p[c][1];
const b = +params.get("burg");
if (b && pack.burgs[b]) {
x = pack.burgs[b].x;
y = pack.burgs[b].y;
if (x && y) zoomTo(x, y, s, 1600);
// find burg for MFCG and focus on it
function findBurgForMFCG(params) {
const cells = pack.cells, burgs = pack.burgs;
if (pack.burgs.length < 2) {console.error("Cannot select a burg for MFCG"); return;}
// used for selection
const size = +params.get("size");
const coast = +params.get("coast");
const port = +params.get("port");
const river = +params.get("river");
let selection = defineSelection(coast, port, river);
if (!selection.length) selection = defineSelection(coast, !port, !river);
if (!selection.length) selection = defineSelection(!coast, 0, !river);
if (!selection.length) selection = [burgs[1]]; // select first if nothing is found
function defineSelection(coast, port, river) {
if (port && river) return burgs.filter(b => b.port && cells.r[b.cell]);
if (!port && coast && river) return burgs.filter(b => !b.port && cells.t[b.cell] === 1 && cells.r[b.cell]);
if (!coast && !river) return burgs.filter(b => cells.t[b.cell] !== 1 && !cells.r[b.cell]);
if (!coast && river) return burgs.filter(b => cells.t[b.cell] !== 1 && cells.r[b.cell]);
if (coast && river) return burgs.filter(b => cells.t[b.cell] === 1 && cells.r[b.cell]);
return [];
// select a burg with closest population from selection
const selected = d3.scan(selection, (a, b) => Math.abs(a.population - size) - Math.abs(b.population - size));
const burgId = selection[selected].i;
if (!burgId) {console.error("Cannot select a burg for MFCG"); return;}
const b = burgs[burgId];
const referrer = new URL(document.referrer);
for (let p of referrer.searchParams) {
if (p[0] === "name") b.name = p[1]; else
if (p[0] === "size") b.population = +p[1]; else
if (p[0] === "seed") b.MFCG = +p[1]; else
if (p[0] === "shantytown") b.shanty = +p[1]; else
b[p[0]] = +p[1]; // other parameters
b.MFCGlink = document.referrer; // set direct link to MFCG
if (params.get("name") && params.get("name") != "null") b.name = params.get("name");
const label = burgLabels.select("[data-id='" + burgId + "']");
if (label.size()) {
label.text(b.name).classed("drag", true).on("mouseover", function() {
d3.select(this).classed("drag", false);
label.on("mouseover", null);
zoomTo(b.x, b.y, 8, 1600);
tip("Here stands the glorious city of " + b.name, true, "success", 15000);
// apply default biomes data
function applyDefaultBiomesSystem() {
const name = ["Marine","Hot desert","Cold desert","Savanna","Grassland","Tropical seasonal forest","Temperate deciduous forest","Tropical rainforest","Temperate rainforest","Taiga","Tundra","Glacier","Wetland"];
const color = ["#466eab","#fbe79f","#b5b887","#d2d082","#c8d68f","#b6d95d","#29bc56","#7dcb35","#409c43","#4b6b32","#96784b","#d5e7eb","#0b9131"];
const habitability = [0,4,10,22,30,50,100,80,90,12,4,0,12];
const iconsDensity = [0,3,2,120,120,120,120,150,150,100,5,0,150];
const icons = [{},{dune:3, cactus:6, deadTree:1},{dune:9, deadTree:1},{acacia:1, grass:9},{grass:1},{acacia:8, palm:1},{deciduous:1},{acacia:5, palm:3, deciduous:1, swamp:1},{deciduous:6, swamp:1},{conifer:1},{grass:1},{},{swamp:1}];
const cost = [10,200,150,60,50,70,70,80,90,200,1000,5000,150]; // biome movement cost
const biomesMartix = [ // hot ↔ cold [>19°C; <-4°C]; dry ↕ wet
new Uint8Array([1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,10]),
new Uint8Array([3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,9,9,9,9,10,10,10]),
new Uint8Array([5,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,9,9,9,9,9,10,10,10]),
new Uint8Array([5,6,6,6,6,6,6,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,9,9,9,9,9,9,10,10,10]),
new Uint8Array([7,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,10,10])
// parse icons weighted array into a simple array
for (let i=0; i < icons.length; i++) {
const parsed = [];
for (const icon in icons[i]) {
for (let j = 0; j < icons[i][icon]; j++) {parsed.push(icon);}
icons[i] = parsed;
return {i:d3.range(0, name.length), name, color, biomesMartix, habitability, iconsDensity, icons, cost};
function showWelcomeMessage() {
const post = link("https://www.reddit.com/r/FantasyMapGenerator/comments/ft5b41/update_new_version_is_published_into_the_battle_v14/", "Main changes:"); // announcement on Reddit
const changelog = link("https://github.com/Azgaar/Fantasy-Map-Generator/wiki/Changelog", "previous version");
const reddit = link("https://www.reddit.com/r/FantasyMapGenerator", "Reddit community");
const discord = link("https://discordapp.com/invite/X7E84HU", "Discord server");
const patreon = link("https://www.patreon.com/azgaar", "Patreon");
const desktop = link("https://github.com/Azgaar/Fantasy-Map-Generator/wiki/Q&A#is-there-a-desktop-version", "desktop application");
alertMessage.innerHTML = `The Fantasy Map Generator is updated up to version <b>${version}</b>.
This version is compatible with ${changelog}, loaded <i>.map</i> files will be auto-updated.
<li>Military forces changes (${link("https://github.com/Azgaar/Fantasy-Map-Generator/wiki/Military-Forces", "detailed description")})</li>
<li>Battle simulation (${link("https://github.com/Azgaar/Fantasy-Map-Generator/wiki/Battle-Simulator", "detailed description")})</li>
<li>Ice layer and Ice editor</li>
<li>Route and River Elevation profile (by EvolvedExperiment)</li>
<li>Image Converter enhancement</li>
<li>Name generator improvement</li>
<li>Improved integration with City Generator</li>
<li>Fogging restyle</li>
<p>You can can also download a ${desktop}.</p>
<p>Join our ${discord} and ${reddit} to ask questions, share maps, discuss the Generator and Worlbuilding, report bugs and propose new features.</p>
<span>Thanks for all supporters on ${patreon}!</i></span>`;
{resizable: false, title: "Fantasy Map Generator update", width: "28em",
buttons: {OK: function() {$(this).dialog("close")}},
position: {my: "center", at: "center", of: "svg"},
close: () => localStorage.setItem("version", version)}
function zoomed() {
const transform = d3.event.transform;
const scaleDiff = scale - transform.k;
const positionDiff = viewX - transform.x | viewY - transform.y;
if (!positionDiff && !scaleDiff) return;
scale = transform.k;
viewX = transform.x;
viewY = transform.y;
viewbox.attr("transform", transform);
// update grid only if view position
if (positionDiff) drawCoordinates();
// rescale only if zoom is changed
if (scaleDiff) {
// zoom image converter overlay
const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
if (canvas && +canvas.style.opacity) {
const img = document.getElementById("image");
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.setTransform(scale, 0, 0, scale, viewX, viewY);
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// Zoom to a specific point
function zoomTo(x, y, z = 8, d = 2000) {
const transform = d3.zoomIdentity.translate(x * -z + graphWidth / 2, y * -z + graphHeight / 2).scale(z);
svg.transition().duration(d).call(zoom.transform, transform);
// Reset zoom to initial
function resetZoom(d = 1000) {
svg.transition().duration(d).call(zoom.transform, d3.zoomIdentity);
// calculate x,y extreme points of viewBox
function getViewBoxExtent() {
// x = trX / scale * -1 + graphWidth / scale
// y = trY / scale * -1 + graphHeight / scale
return [[Math.abs(viewX / scale), Math.abs(viewY / scale)], [Math.abs(viewX / scale) + graphWidth / scale, Math.abs(viewY / scale) + graphHeight / scale]];
// active zooming feature
function invokeActiveZooming() {
if (coastline.select("#sea_island").size() && +coastline.select("#sea_island").attr("auto-filter")) {
// toggle shade/blur filter for coatline on zoom
const filter = scale > 1.5 && scale <= 2.6 ? null : scale > 2.6 ? "url(#blurFilter)" : "url(#dropShadow)";
coastline.select("#sea_island").attr("filter", filter);
// rescale lables on zoom
if (labels.style("display") !== "none") {
labels.selectAll("g").each(function(d) {
if (this.id === "burgLabels") return;
const desired = +this.dataset.size;
const relative = Math.max(rn((desired + desired / scale) / 2, 2), 1);
this.getAttribute("font-size", relative);
const hidden = hideLabels.checked && (relative * scale < 6 || relative * scale > 50);
if (hidden) this.classList.add("hidden"); else this.classList.remove("hidden");
// turn off ocean pattern if scale is big (improves performance)
oceanPattern.select("rect").attr("fill", scale > 10 ? "#fff" : "url(#oceanic)").attr("opacity", scale > 10 ? .2 : null);
// change states halo width
if (!customization) {
const haloSize = rn(statesHalo.attr("data-width") / scale, 1);
statesHalo.attr("stroke-width", haloSize).style("display", haloSize > 3 ? "block" : "none");
// rescale map markers
if (+markers.attr("rescale") && markers.style("display") !== "none") {
markers.selectAll("use").each(function(d) {
const x = +this.dataset.x, y = +this.dataset.y, desired = +this.dataset.size;
const size = Math.max(desired * 5 + 25 / scale, 1);
d3.select(this).attr("x", x - size/2).attr("y", y - size).attr("width", size).attr("height", size);
// rescale rulers to have always the same size
if (ruler.style("display") !== "none") {
const size = rn(1 / scale ** .3 * 2, 1);
ruler.selectAll("circle").attr("r", 2 * size).attr("stroke-width", .5 * size);
ruler.selectAll("rect").attr("stroke-width", .5 * size);
ruler.selectAll("text").attr("font-size", 10 * size);
ruler.selectAll("line, path").attr("stroke-width", size);
// add drag to upload logic, pull request from @evyatron
void function addDragToUpload() {
document.addEventListener("dragover", function(e) {
document.getElementById("mapOverlay").style.display = null;
document.addEventListener('dragleave', function(e) {
document.getElementById("mapOverlay").style.display = "none";
document.addEventListener("drop", function(e) {
const overlay = document.getElementById("mapOverlay");
overlay.style.display = "none";
if (e.dataTransfer.items == null || e.dataTransfer.items.length !== 1) return; // no files or more than one
const file = e.dataTransfer.items[0].getAsFile();
if (file.name.indexOf('.map') == -1) { // not a .map file
alertMessage.innerHTML = 'Please upload a <b>.map</b> file you have previously downloaded';
resizable: false, title: "Invalid file format", position: {my: "center", at: "center", of: "svg"},
buttons: {Close: function() {$(this).dialog("close");}}
// all good - show uploading text and load the map
overlay.style.display = null;
overlay.innerHTML = "Uploading<span>.</span><span>.</span><span>.</span>";
if (closeDialogs) closeDialogs();
uploadMap(file, () => {
overlay.style.display = "none";
overlay.innerHTML = "Drop a .map file to open";
function generate() {
try {
const timeStart = performance.now();
console.group("Generated Map " + seed);
calculateVoronoi(grid, grid.points);
console.warn(`TOTAL: ${rn((performance.now()-timeStart)/1000,2)}s`);
console.groupEnd("Generated Map " + seed);
catch(error) {
alertMessage.innerHTML = `An error is occured on map generation. Please retry.
<br>If error is critical, clear the stored data and try again.
<p id="errorBox">${parseError(error)}</p>`;
resizable: false, title: "Generation error", width:"32em", buttons: {
"Clear data": function() {localStorage.clear(); localStorage.setItem("version", version);},
Regenerate: function() {regenerateMap(); $(this).dialog("close");},
Ignore: function() {$(this).dialog("close");}
}, position: {my: "center", at: "center", of: "svg"}
// generate map seed (string!) or get it from URL searchParams
function generateSeed() {
const first = !mapHistory[0];
const url = new URL(window.location.href);
const params = url.searchParams;
const urlSeed = url.searchParams.get("seed");
if (first && params.get("from") === "MFCG" && urlSeed.length === 13) seed = urlSeed.slice(0,-4);
else if (first && urlSeed) seed = urlSeed;
else if (optionsSeed.value && optionsSeed.value != seed) seed = optionsSeed.value;
else seed = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1e9).toString();
optionsSeed.value = seed;
// Place points to calculate Voronoi diagram
function placePoints() {
const cellsDesired = 10000 * densityInput.value; // generate 10k points for each densityInput point
const spacing = grid.spacing = rn(Math.sqrt(graphWidth * graphHeight / cellsDesired), 2); // spacing between points before jirrering
grid.boundary = getBoundaryPoints(graphWidth, graphHeight, spacing);
grid.points = getJitteredGrid(graphWidth, graphHeight, spacing); // jittered square grid
grid.cellsX = Math.floor((graphWidth + 0.5 * spacing) / spacing);
grid.cellsY = Math.floor((graphHeight + 0.5 * spacing) / spacing);
// calculate Delaunay and then Voronoi diagram
function calculateVoronoi(graph, points) {
const n = points.length;
const allPoints = points.concat(grid.boundary);
const delaunay = Delaunator.from(allPoints);
const voronoi = Voronoi(delaunay, allPoints, n);
graph.cells = voronoi.cells;
graph.cells.i = n < 65535 ? Uint16Array.from(d3.range(n)) : Uint32Array.from(d3.range(n)); // array of indexes
graph.vertices = voronoi.vertices;
// Mark features (ocean, lakes, islands)
function markFeatures() {
Math.seedrandom(seed); // restart Math.random() to get the same result on heightmap edit in Erase mode
const cells = grid.cells, heights = grid.cells.h;
cells.f = new Uint16Array(cells.i.length); // cell feature number
cells.t = new Int8Array(cells.i.length); // cell type: 1 = land coast; -1 = water near coast;
grid.features = [0];
for (let i=1, queue=[0]; queue[0] !== -1; i++) {
cells.f[queue[0]] = i; // feature number
const land = heights[queue[0]] >= 20;
let border = false; // true if feature touches map border
while (queue.length) {
const q = queue.pop();
if (cells.b[q]) border = true;
cells.c[q].forEach(function(e) {
const eLand = heights[e] >= 20;
//if (eLand) cells.t[e] = 2;
if (land === eLand && cells.f[e] === 0) {
cells.f[e] = i;
if (land && !eLand) {
cells.t[q] = 1;
cells.t[e] = -1;
const type = land ? "island" : border ? "ocean" : "lake";
grid.features.push({i, land, border, type});
queue[0] = cells.f.findIndex(f => !f); // find unmarked cell
// How to handle lakes generated near seas? They can be both open or closed.
// As these lakes are usually get a lot of water inflow, most of them should have brake the treshold and flow to sea via river or strait (see Ancylus Lake).
// So I will help this process and open these kind of lakes setting a treshold cell heigh below the sea level (=19).
function openNearSeaLakes() {
if (templateInput.value === "Atoll") return; // no need for Atolls
const cells = grid.cells, features = grid.features;
if (!features.find(f => f.type === "lake")) return; // no lakes
const limit = 50; // max height that can be breached by water
for (let t = 0, removed = true; t < 5 && removed; t++) {
removed = false;
for (const i of cells.i) {
const lake = cells.f[i];
if (features[lake].type !== "lake") continue; // not a lake cell
for (const c of cells.c[i]) {
if (cells.t[c] !== 1 || cells.h[c] > limit) continue; // water cannot brake this
for (const n of cells.c[c]) {
const ocean = cells.f[n];
if (features[ocean].type !== "ocean") continue; // not an ocean
removed = removeLake(c, lake, ocean);
break check_neighbours;
function removeLake(treshold, lake, ocean) {
cells.h[treshold] = 19;
cells.t[treshold] = -1;
cells.f[treshold] = ocean;
cells.c[treshold].forEach(function(c) {
if (cells.h[c] >= 20) cells.t[c] = 1; // mark as coastline
features[lake].type = "ocean"; // mark former lake as ocean
return true;
// define map size and position based on template and random factor
function defineMapSize() {
const [size, latitude] = getSizeAndLatitude();
const randomize = new URL(window.location.href).searchParams.get("options") === "default"; // ignore stored options
if (randomize || !locked("mapSize")) mapSizeOutput.value = mapSizeInput.value = size;
if (randomize || !locked("latitude")) latitudeOutput.value = latitudeInput.value = latitude;
function getSizeAndLatitude() {
const template = document.getElementById("templateInput").value; // heightmap template
const part = grid.features.some(f => f.land && f.border); // if land goes over map borders
const max = part ? 85 : 100; // max size
const lat = part ? gauss(P(.5) ? 30 : 70, 15, 20, 80) : gauss(50, 20, 15, 85); // latiture shift
if (!part) {
if (template === "Pangea") return [100, 50];
if (template === "Shattered" && P(.7)) return [100, 50];
if (template === "Continents" && P(.5)) return [100, 50];
if (template === "Archipelago" && P(.35)) return [100, 50];
if (template === "High Island" && P(.25)) return [100, 50];
if (template === "Low Island" && P(.1)) return [100, 50];
if (template === "Pangea") return [gauss(75, 20, 30, max), lat];
if (template === "Volcano") return [gauss(30, 20, 10, max), lat];
if (template === "Mediterranean") return [gauss(30, 30, 15, 80), lat];
if (template === "Peninsula") return [gauss(15, 15, 5, 80), lat];
if (template === "Isthmus") return [gauss(20, 20, 3, 80), lat];
if (template === "Atoll") return [gauss(10, 10, 2, max), lat];
return [gauss(40, 20, 15, max), lat]; // Continents, Archipelago, High Island, Low Island
// calculate map position on globe
function calculateMapCoordinates() {
const size = +document.getElementById("mapSizeOutput").value;
const latShift = +document.getElementById("latitudeOutput").value;
const latT = size / 100 * 180;
const latN = 90 - (180 - latT) * latShift / 100;
const latS = latN - latT;
const lon = Math.min(graphWidth / graphHeight * latT / 2, 180);
mapCoordinates = {latT, latN, latS, lonT: lon*2, lonW: -lon, lonE: lon};
// temperature model
function calculateTemperatures() {
const cells = grid.cells;
cells.temp = new Int8Array(cells.i.length); // temperature array
const tEq = +temperatureEquatorInput.value;
const tPole = +temperaturePoleInput.value;
const tDelta = tEq - tPole;
const int = d3.easePolyInOut.exponent(.5); // interpolation function
d3.range(0, cells.i.length, grid.cellsX).forEach(function(r) {
const y = grid.points[r][1];
const lat = Math.abs(mapCoordinates.latN - y / graphHeight * mapCoordinates.latT); // [0; 90]
const initTemp = tEq - int(lat / 90) * tDelta;
for (let i = r; i < r+grid.cellsX; i++) {
cells.temp[i] = Math.max(Math.min(initTemp - convertToFriendly(cells.h[i]), 127), -128);
// temperature decreases by 6.5 degree C per 1km
function convertToFriendly(h) {
if (h < 20) return 0;
const exponent = +heightExponentInput.value;
const height = Math.pow(h - 18, exponent);
return rn(height / 1000 * 6.5);
// simplest precipitation model
function generatePrecipitation() {
const cells = grid.cells;
cells.prec = new Uint8Array(cells.i.length); // precipitation array
const modifier = precInput.value / 100; // user's input
const cellsX = grid.cellsX, cellsY = grid.cellsY;
let westerly = [], easterly = [], southerly = 0, northerly = 0;
{// latitude bands
// x4 = 0-5 latitude: wet through the year (rising zone)
// x2 = 5-20 latitude: wet summer (rising zone), dry winter (sinking zone)
// x1 = 20-30 latitude: dry all year (sinking zone)
// x2 = 30-50 latitude: wet winter (rising zone), dry summer (sinking zone)
// x3 = 50-60 latitude: wet all year (rising zone)
// x2 = 60-70 latitude: wet summer (rising zone), dry winter (sinking zone)
// x1 = 70-90 latitude: dry all year (sinking zone)
const lalitudeModifier = [4,2,2,2,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,2,2,1,1,1,0.5]; // by 5d step
// difine wind directions based on cells latitude and prevailing winds there
d3.range(0, cells.i.length, cellsX).forEach(function(c, i) {
const lat = mapCoordinates.latN - i / cellsY * mapCoordinates.latT;
const band = (Math.abs(lat) - 1) / 5 | 0;
const latMod = lalitudeModifier[band];
const tier = Math.abs(lat - 89) / 30 | 0; // 30d tiers from 0 to 5 from N to S
if (options.winds[tier] > 40 && options.winds[tier] < 140) westerly.push([c, latMod, tier]);
else if (options.winds[tier] > 220 && options.winds[tier] < 320) easterly.push([c + cellsX -1, latMod, tier]);
if (options.winds[tier] > 100 && options.winds[tier] < 260) northerly++;
else if (options.winds[tier] > 280 || options.winds[tier] < 80) southerly++;
// distribute winds by direction
if (westerly.length) passWind(westerly, 120 * modifier, 1, cellsX);
if (easterly.length) passWind(easterly, 120 * modifier, -1, cellsX);
const vertT = (southerly + northerly);
if (northerly) {
const bandN = (Math.abs(mapCoordinates.latN) - 1) / 5 | 0;
const latModN = mapCoordinates.latT > 60 ? d3.mean(lalitudeModifier) : lalitudeModifier[bandN];
const maxPrecN = northerly / vertT * 60 * modifier * latModN;
passWind(d3.range(0, cellsX, 1), maxPrecN, cellsX, cellsY);
if (southerly) {
const bandS = (Math.abs(mapCoordinates.latS) - 1) / 5 | 0;
const latModS = mapCoordinates.latT > 60 ? d3.mean(lalitudeModifier) : lalitudeModifier[bandS];
const maxPrecS = southerly / vertT * 60 * modifier * latModS;
passWind(d3.range(cells.i.length - cellsX, cells.i.length, 1), maxPrecS, -cellsX, cellsY);
function passWind(source, maxPrec, next, steps) {
const maxPrecInit = maxPrec;
for (let first of source) {
if (first[0]) {maxPrec = Math.min(maxPrecInit * first[1], 255); first = first[0];}
let humidity = maxPrec - cells.h[first]; // initial water amount
if (humidity <= 0) continue; // if first cell in row is too elevated cosdired wind dry
for (let s = 0, current = first; s < steps; s++, current += next) {
// no flux on permafrost
if (cells.temp[current] < -5) continue;
// water cell
if (cells.h[current] < 20) {
if (cells.h[current+next] >= 20) {
cells.prec[current+next] += Math.max(humidity / rand(10, 20), 1); // coastal precipitation
} else {
humidity = Math.min(humidity + 5 * modifier, maxPrec); // wind gets more humidity passing water cell
cells.prec[current] += 5 * modifier; // water cells precipitation (need to correctly pour water through lakes)
// land cell
const precipitation = getPrecipitation(humidity, current, next);
cells.prec[current] += precipitation;
const evaporation = precipitation > 1.5 ? 1 : 0; // some humidity evaporates back to the atmosphere
humidity = Math.min(Math.max(humidity - precipitation + evaporation, 0), maxPrec);
function getPrecipitation(humidity, i, n) {
if (cells.h[i+n] > 85) return humidity; // 85 is max passable height
const normalLoss = Math.max(humidity / (10 * modifier), 1); // precipitation in normal conditions
const diff = Math.max(cells.h[i+n] - cells.h[i], 0); // difference in height
const mod = (cells.h[i+n] / 70) ** 2; // 50 stands for hills, 70 for mountains
return Math.min(Math.max(normalLoss + diff * mod, 1), humidity);
void function drawWindDirection() {
const wind = prec.append("g").attr("id", "wind");
d3.range(0, 6).forEach(function(t) {
if (westerly.length > 1) {
const west = westerly.filter(w => w[2] === t);
if (west && west.length > 3) {
const from = west[0][0], to = west[west.length-1][0];
const y = (grid.points[from][1] + grid.points[to][1]) / 2;
wind.append("text").attr("x", 20).attr("y", y).text("\u21C9");
if (easterly.length > 1) {
const east = easterly.filter(w => w[2] === t);
if (east && east.length > 3) {
const from = east[0][0], to = east[east.length-1][0];
const y = (grid.points[from][1] + grid.points[to][1]) / 2;
wind.append("text").attr("x", graphWidth - 52).attr("y", y).text("\u21C7");
if (northerly) wind.append("text").attr("x", graphWidth / 2).attr("y", 42).text("\u21CA");
if (southerly) wind.append("text").attr("x", graphWidth / 2).attr("y", graphHeight - 20).text("\u21C8");
// recalculate Voronoi Graph to pack cells
function reGraph() {
let cells = grid.cells, points = grid.points, features = grid.features;
const newCells = {p:[], g:[], h:[], t:[], f:[], r:[], biome:[]}; // to store new data
const spacing2 = grid.spacing ** 2;
for (const i of cells.i) {
const height = cells.h[i];
const type = cells.t[i];
if (height < 20 && type !== -1 && type !== -2) continue; // exclude all deep ocean points
if (type === -2 && (i%4=== 0 || features[cells.f[i]].type === "lake")) continue; // exclude non-coastal lake points
const x = points[i][0], y = points[i][1];
addNewPoint(x, y); // add point to array
// add additional points for cells along coast
if (type === 1 || type === -1) {
if (cells.b[i]) continue; // not for near-border cells
cells.c[i].forEach(function(e) {
if (i > e) return;
if (cells.t[e] === type) {
const dist2 = (y - points[e][1]) ** 2 + (x - points[e][0]) ** 2;
if (dist2 < spacing2) return; // too close to each other
const x1 = rn((x + points[e][0]) / 2, 1);
const y1 = rn((y + points[e][1]) / 2, 1);
addNewPoint(x1, y1);
function addNewPoint(x, y) {
newCells.p.push([x, y]);
calculateVoronoi(pack, newCells.p);
cells = pack.cells;
cells.p = newCells.p; // points coordinates [x, y]
cells.g = grid.cells.i.length < 65535 ? Uint16Array.from(newCells.g) : Uint32Array.from(newCells.g); // reference to initial grid cell
cells.q = d3.quadtree(cells.p.map((p, d) => [p[0], p[1], d])); // points quadtree for fast search
cells.h = new Uint8Array(newCells.h); // heights
cells.area = new Uint16Array(cells.i.length); // cell area
cells.i.forEach(i => cells.area[i] = Math.abs(d3.polygonArea(getPackPolygon(i))));
// Detect and draw the coasline
function drawCoastline() {
const cells = pack.cells, vertices = pack.vertices, n = cells.i.length, features = pack.features;
const used = new Uint8Array(features.length); // store conneted features
const largestLand = d3.scan(features.map(f => f.land ? f.cells : 0), (a, b) => b - a);
const landMask = defs.select("#land");
const waterMask = defs.select("#water");
for (const i of cells.i) {
const startFromEdge = !i && cells.h[i] >= 20;
if (!startFromEdge && cells.t[i] !== -1 && cells.t[i] !== 1) continue; // non-edge cell
const f = cells.f[i];
if (used[f]) continue; // already connected
if (features[f].type === "ocean") continue; // ocean cell
const type = features[f].type === "lake" ? 1 : -1; // type value to search for
const start = findStart(i, type);
if (start === -1) continue; // cannot start here
let vchain = connectVertices(start, type);
if (features[f].type === "lake") relax(vchain, 1.2);
used[f] = 1;
let points = clipPoly(vchain.map(v => vertices.p[v]), 1);
const area = d3.polygonArea(points); // area with lakes/islands
if (area > 0 && features[f].type === "lake") {
points = points.reverse();
vchain = vchain.reverse();
features[f].area = Math.abs(area);
features[f].vertices = vchain;
const path = round(lineGen(points));
if (features[f].type === "lake") {
landMask.append("path").attr("d", path).attr("fill", "black").attr("id", "land_"+f);
// waterMask.append("path").attr("d", path).attr("fill", "white").attr("id", "water_"+id); // uncomment to show over lakes
lakes.select("#"+features[f].group).append("path").attr("d", path).attr("id", "lake_"+f).attr("data-f", f); // draw the lake
} else {
landMask.append("path").attr("d", path).attr("fill", "white").attr("id", "land_"+f);
waterMask.append("path").attr("d", path).attr("fill", "black").attr("id", "water_"+f);
const g = features[f].group === "lake_island" ? "lake_island" : "sea_island";
coastline.select("#"+g).append("path").attr("d", path).attr("id", "island_"+f).attr("data-f", f); // draw the coastline
// draw ruler to cover the biggest land piece
if (f === largestLand) {
const from = points[d3.scan(points, (a, b) => a[0] - b[0])];
const to = points[d3.scan(points, (a, b) => b[0] - a[0])];
addRuler(from[0], from[1], to[0], to[1]);
// find cell vertex to start path detection
function findStart(i, t) {
if (t === -1 && cells.b[i]) return cells.v[i].find(v => vertices.c[v].some(c => c >= n)); // map border cell
const filtered = cells.c[i].filter(c => cells.t[c] === t);
const index = cells.c[i].indexOf(d3.min(filtered));
return index === -1 ? index : cells.v[i][index];
// connect vertices to chain
function connectVertices(start, t) {
const chain = []; // vertices chain to form a path
for (let i=0, current = start; i === 0 || current !== start && i < 50000; i++) {
const prev = chain[chain.length-1]; // previous vertex in chain
//d3.select("#labels").append("text").attr("x", vertices.p[current][0]).attr("y", vertices.p[current][1]).text(i).attr("font-size", "1px");
chain.push(current); // add current vertex to sequence
const c = vertices.c[current] // cells adjacent to vertex
const v = vertices.v[current] // neighboring vertices
const c0 = c[0] >= n || cells.t[c[0]] === t;
const c1 = c[1] >= n || cells.t[c[1]] === t;
const c2 = c[2] >= n || cells.t[c[2]] === t;
if (v[0] !== prev && c0 !== c1) current = v[0]; else
if (v[1] !== prev && c1 !== c2) current = v[1]; else
if (v[2] !== prev && c0 !== c2) current = v[2];
if (current === chain[chain.length-1]) {console.error("Next vertex is not found"); break;}
//chain.push(chain[0]); // push first vertex as the last one
return chain;
// move vertices that are too close to already added ones
function relax(vchain, r) {
const p = vertices.p, tree = d3.quadtree();
for (let i=0; i < vchain.length; i++) {
const v = vchain[i];
let [x, y] = [p[v][0], p[v][1]];
if (i && vchain[i+1] && tree.find(x, y, r) !== undefined) {
const v1 = vchain[i-1], v2 = vchain[i+1];
const [x1, y1] = [p[v1][0], p[v1][1]];
const [x2, y2] = [p[v2][0], p[v2][1]];
[x, y] = [(x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2];
p[v] = [x, y];
tree.add([x, y]);
// Re-mark features (ocean, lakes, islands)
function reMarkFeatures() {
const cells = pack.cells, features = pack.features = [0], temp = grid.cells.temp;
cells.f = new Uint16Array(cells.i.length); // cell feature number
cells.t = new Int16Array(cells.i.length); // cell type: 1 = land along coast; -1 = water along coast;
cells.haven = cells.i.length < 65535 ? new Uint16Array(cells.i.length) : new Uint32Array(cells.i.length);// cell haven (opposite water cell);
cells.harbor = new Uint8Array(cells.i.length); // cell harbor (number of adjacent water cells);
for (let i=1, queue=[0]; queue[0] !== -1; i++) {
const start = queue[0]; // first cell
cells.f[start] = i; // assign feature number
const land = cells.h[start] >= 20;
let border = false; // true if feature touches map border
let cellNumber = 1; // to count cells number in a feature
while (queue.length) {
const q = queue.pop();
if (cells.b[q]) border = true;
cells.c[q].forEach(function(e) {
const eLand = cells.h[e] >= 20;
if (land && !eLand) {
cells.t[q] = 1;
cells.t[e] = -1;
if (!cells.haven[q]) cells.haven[q] = e;
} else if (land && eLand) {
if (!cells.t[e] && cells.t[q] === 1) cells.t[e] = 2;
else if (!cells.t[q] && cells.t[e] === 1) cells.t[q] = 2;
if (!cells.f[e] && land === eLand) {
cells.f[e] = i;
const type = land ? "island" : border ? "ocean" : "lake";
let group;
if (type === "lake") group = defineLakeGroup(start, cellNumber, temp[cells.g[start]]);
else if (type === "ocean") group = defineOceanGroup(cellNumber);
else if (type === "island") group = defineIslandGroup(start, cellNumber);
features.push({i, land, border, type, cells: cellNumber, firstCell: start, group});
queue[0] = cells.f.findIndex(f => !f); // find unmarked cell
function defineLakeGroup(cell, number, temp) {
if (temp > 31) return "dry";
if (temp > 24) return "salt";
if (temp < -3) return "frozen";
const height = d3.max(cells.c[cell].map(c => cells.h[c]));
if (height > 69 && number < 3 && cell%5 === 0) return "sinkhole";
if (height > 69 && number < 10 && cell%5 === 0) return "lava";
return "freshwater";
function defineOceanGroup(number) {
if (number > grid.cells.i.length / 25) return "ocean";
if (number > grid.cells.i.length / 100) return "sea";
return "gulf";
function defineIslandGroup(cell, number) {
if (cell && features[cells.f[cell-1]].type === "lake") return "lake_island";
if (number > grid.cells.i.length / 10) return "continent";
if (number > grid.cells.i.length / 1000) return "island";
return "isle";
// temporary elevate some lakes to resolve depressions and flux the water to form an open (exorheic) lake
function elevateLakes() {
if (templateInput.value === "Atoll") return; // no need for Atolls
const cells = pack.cells, features = pack.features;
const maxCells = cells.i.length / 100; // size limit; let big lakes be closed (endorheic)
cells.i.forEach(i => {
if (cells.h[i] >= 20) return;
if (features[cells.f[i]].group !== "freshwater" || features[cells.f[i]].cells > maxCells) return;
cells.h[i] = 20;
//debug.append("circle").attr("cx", cells.p[i][0]).attr("cy", cells.p[i][1]).attr("r", .5).attr("fill", "blue");
// assign biome id for each cell
function defineBiomes() {
const cells = pack.cells, f = pack.features, temp = grid.cells.temp, prec = grid.cells.prec;
cells.biome = new Uint8Array(cells.i.length); // biomes array
for (const i of cells.i) {
if (f[cells.f[i]].group === "freshwater") cells.h[i] = 19; // de-elevate lakes; here to save some resources
const t = temp[cells.g[i]]; // cell temperature
const h = cells.h[i]; // cell height
const m = h < 20 ? 0 : calculateMoisture(i); // cell moisture
cells.biome[i] = getBiomeId(m, t, h);
function calculateMoisture(i) {
let moist = prec[cells.g[i]];
if (cells.r[i]) moist += Math.max(cells.fl[i] / 20, 2);
const n = cells.c[i].filter(isLand).map(c => prec[cells.g[c]]).concat([moist]);
return rn(4 + d3.mean(n));
// assign biome id to a cell
function getBiomeId(moisture, temperature, height) {
if (temperature < -5) return 11; // permafrost biome, including sea ice
if (height < 20) return 0; // marine biome: liquid water cells
if (moisture > 40 && temperature > -2 && (height < 25 || moisture > 24 && height > 24)) return 12; // wetland biome
const m = Math.min(moisture / 5 | 0, 4); // moisture band from 0 to 4
const t = Math.min(Math.max(20 - temperature, 0), 25); // temparature band from 0 to 25
return biomesData.biomesMartix[m][t];
// assess cells suitability to calculate population and rand cells for culture center and burgs placement
function rankCells() {
const cells = pack.cells, f = pack.features;
cells.s = new Int16Array(cells.i.length); // cell suitability array
cells.pop = new Float32Array(cells.i.length); // cell population array
const flMean = d3.median(cells.fl.filter(f => f)) || 0, flMax = d3.max(cells.fl) + d3.max(cells.conf); // to normalize flux
const areaMean = d3.mean(cells.area); // to adjust population by cell area
for (const i of cells.i) {
if (cells.h[i] < 20) continue; // no population in water
let s = +biomesData.habitability[cells.biome[i]]; // base suitability derived from biome habitability
if (!s) continue; // uninhabitable biomes has 0 suitability
if (flMean) s += normalize(cells.fl[i] + cells.conf[i], flMean, flMax) * 250; // big rivers and confluences are valued
s -= (cells.h[i] - 50) / 5; // low elevation is valued, high is not;
if (cells.t[i] === 1) {
if (cells.r[i]) s += 15; // estuary is valued
const type = f[cells.f[cells.haven[i]]].type;
const group = f[cells.f[cells.haven[i]]].group;
if (type === "lake") {
// lake coast is valued
if (group === "freshwater") s += 30;
else if (group !== "lava" && group !== "dry") s += 10;
} else {
s += 5; // ocean coast is valued
if (cells.harbor[i] === 1) s += 20; // safe sea harbor is valued
cells.s[i] = s / 5; // general population rate
// cell rural population is suitability adjusted by cell area
cells.pop[i] = cells.s[i] > 0 ? cells.s[i] * cells.area[i] / areaMean : 0;
// generate some markers
function addMarkers(number = 1) {
if (!number) return;
const cells = pack.cells, states = pack.states;
void function addVolcanoes() {
let mounts = Array.from(cells.i).filter(i => cells.h[i] > 70).sort((a, b) => cells.h[b] - cells.h[a]);
let count = mounts.length < 10 ? 0 : Math.ceil(mounts.length / 300 * number);
if (count) addMarker("volcano", "🌋", 52, 50, 13);
while (count && mounts.length) {
const cell = mounts.splice(biased(0, mounts.length-1, 5), 1);
const x = cells.p[cell][0], y = cells.p[cell][1];
const id = appendMarker(cell, "volcano");
const proper = Names.getCulture(cells.culture[cell]);
const name = P(.3) ? "Mount " + proper : Math.random() > .3 ? proper + " Volcano" : proper;
notes.push({id, name, legend:`Active volcano. Height: ${getFriendlyHeight([x, y])}`});
void function addHotSprings() {
let springs = Array.from(cells.i).filter(i => cells.h[i] > 50).sort((a, b) => cells.h[b]-cells.h[a]);
let count = springs.length < 30 ? 0 : Math.ceil(springs.length / 1000 * number);
if (count) addMarker("hot_springs", "♨️", 50, 52, 12.5);
while (count && springs.length) {
const cell = springs.splice(biased(1, springs.length-1, 3), 1);
const id = appendMarker(cell, "hot_springs");
const proper = Names.getCulture(cells.culture[cell]);
const temp = convertTemperature(gauss(30,15,20,100));
notes.push({id, name: proper + " Hot Springs", legend:`A hot springs area. Temperature: ${temp}`});
void function addMines() {
let hills = Array.from(cells.i).filter(i => cells.h[i] > 47 && cells.burg[i]);
let count = !hills.length ? 0 : Math.ceil(hills.length / 7 * number);
if (!count) return;
addMarker("mine", "⛏️", 48, 50, 13.5);
const resources = {"salt":5, "gold":2, "silver":4, "copper":2, "iron":3, "lead":1, "tin":1};
while (count && hills.length) {
const cell = hills.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * hills.length), 1);
const id = appendMarker(cell, "mine");
const resource = rw(resources);
const burg = pack.burgs[cells.burg[cell]];
const name = `${burg.name} — ${resource} mining town`;
const population = rn(burg.population * populationRate.value * urbanization.value);
const legend = `${burg.name} is a mining town of ${population} people just nearby the ${resource} mine`;
notes.push({id, name, legend});
void function addBridges() {
const meanRoad = d3.mean(cells.road.filter(r => r));
const meanFlux = d3.mean(cells.fl.filter(fl => fl));
let bridges = Array.from(cells.i)
.filter(i => cells.burg[i] && cells.h[i] >= 20 && cells.r[i] && cells.fl[i] > meanFlux && cells.road[i] > meanRoad)
.sort((a, b) => (cells.road[b] + cells.fl[b] / 10) - (cells.road[a] + cells.fl[a] / 10));
let count = !bridges.length ? 0 : Math.ceil(bridges.length / 12 * number);
if (count) addMarker("bridge", "🌉", 50, 50, 14);
while (count && bridges.length) {
const cell = bridges.splice(0, 1);
const id = appendMarker(cell, "bridge");
const burg = pack.burgs[cells.burg[cell]];
const river = pack.rivers.find(r => r.i === pack.cells.r[cell]);
const riverName = river ? `${river.name} ${river.type}` : "river";
const name = river && P(.2) ? river.name : burg.name;
notes.push({id, name:`${name} Bridge`, legend:`A stone bridge over the ${riverName} near ${burg.name}`});
void function addInns() {
const maxRoad = d3.max(cells.road) * .9;
let taverns = Array.from(cells.i).filter(i => cells.crossroad[i] && cells.h[i] >= 20 && cells.road[i] > maxRoad);
if (!taverns.length) return;
const count = Math.ceil(4 * number);
addMarker("inn", "🍻", 50, 50, 14.5);
const color = ["Dark", "Light", "Bright", "Golden", "White", "Black", "Red", "Pink", "Purple", "Blue", "Green", "Yellow", "Amber", "Orange", "Brown", "Grey"];
const animal = ["Antelope", "Ape", "Badger", "Bear", "Beaver", "Bison", "Boar", "Buffalo", "Cat", "Crane", "Crocodile", "Crow", "Deer", "Dog", "Eagle", "Elk", "Fox", "Goat", "Goose", "Hare", "Hawk", "Heron", "Horse", "Hyena", "Ibis", "Jackal", "Jaguar", "Lark", "Leopard", "Lion", "Mantis", "Marten", "Moose", "Mule", "Narwhal", "Owl", "Panther", "Rat", "Raven", "Rook", "Scorpion", "Shark", "Sheep", "Snake", "Spider", "Swan", "Tiger", "Turtle", "Wolf", "Wolverine", "Camel", "Falcon", "Hound", "Ox"];
const adj = ["New", "Good", "High", "Old", "Great", "Big", "Major", "Happy", "Main", "Huge", "Far", "Beautiful", "Fair", "Prime", "Ancient", "Golden", "Proud", "Lucky", "Fat", "Honest", "Giant", "Distant", "Friendly", "Loud", "Hungry", "Magical", "Superior", "Peaceful", "Frozen", "Divine", "Favorable", "Brave", "Sunny", "Flying"];
for (let i=0; i < taverns.length && i < count; i++) {
const cell = taverns.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * taverns.length), 1);
const id = appendMarker(cell, "inn");
const type = P(.3) ? "inn" : "tavern";
const name = P(.5) ? ra(color) + " " + ra(animal) : P(.6) ? ra(adj) + " " + ra(animal) : ra(adj) + " " + capitalize(type);
notes.push({id, name: "The " + name, legend:`A big and famous roadside ${type}`});
void function addLighthouses() {
const lands = cells.i.filter(i => cells.harbor[i] > 6 && cells.c[i].some(c => cells.h[c] < 20 && cells.road[c]));
const lighthouses = Array.from(lands).map(i => [i, cells.v[i][cells.c[i].findIndex(c => cells.h[c] < 20 && cells.road[c])]]);
if (lighthouses.length) addMarker("lighthouse", "🚨", 50, 50, 16);
const count = Math.ceil(4 * number);
for (let i=0; i < lighthouses.length && i < count; i++) {
const cell = lighthouses[i][0], vertex = lighthouses[i][1];
const id = appendMarker(cell, "lighthouse");
const proper = cells.burg[cell] ? pack.burgs[cells.burg[cell]].name : Names.getCulture(cells.culture[cell]);
notes.push({id, name: getAdjective(proper) + " Lighthouse" + name, legend:`A lighthouse to keep the navigation safe`});
void function addWaterfalls() {
const waterfalls = cells.i.filter(i => cells.r[i] && cells.h[i] > 70);
if (waterfalls.length) addMarker("waterfall", "⟱", 50, 54, 16.5);
const count = Math.ceil(3 * number);
for (let i=0; i < waterfalls.length && i < count; i++) {
const cell = waterfalls[i];
const id = appendMarker(cell, "waterfall");
const proper = cells.burg[cell] ? pack.burgs[cells.burg[cell]].name : Names.getCulture(cells.culture[cell]);
notes.push({id, name: getAdjective(proper) + " Waterfall" + name, legend:`An extremely beautiful waterfall`});
void function addBattlefields() {
let battlefields = Array.from(cells.i).filter(i => cells.state[i] && cells.pop[i] > 2 && cells.h[i] < 50 && cells.h[i] > 25);
let count = battlefields.length < 100 ? 0 : Math.ceil(battlefields.length / 500 * number);
if (count) addMarker("battlefield", "⚔️", 50, 52, 12);
while (count && battlefields.length) {
const cell = battlefields.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * battlefields.length), 1);
const id = appendMarker(cell, "battlefield");
const campaign = ra(states[cells.state[cell]].campaigns);
const date = generateDate(campaign.start, campaign.end);
const name = Names.getCulture(cells.culture[cell]) + " Battlefield";
const legend = `A historical battle of the ${campaign.name}. \r\nDate: ${date} ${options.era}`;
notes.push({id, name, legend});
function addMarker(id, icon, x, y, size) {
const markers = svg.select("#defs-markers");
if (markers.select("#marker_"+id).size()) return;
const symbol = markers.append("symbol").attr("id", "marker_"+id).attr("viewBox", "0 0 30 30");
symbol.append("path").attr("d", "M6,19 l9,10 L24,19").attr("fill", "#000000").attr("stroke", "none");
symbol.append("circle").attr("cx", 15).attr("cy", 15).attr("r", 10).attr("fill", "#ffffff").attr("stroke", "#000000").attr("stroke-width", 1);
symbol.append("text").attr("x", x+"%").attr("y", y+"%").attr("fill", "#000000").attr("stroke", "#3200ff").attr("stroke-width", 0)
.attr("font-size", size+"px").attr("dominant-baseline", "central").text(icon);
function appendMarker(cell, type) {
const x = cells.p[cell][0], y = cells.p[cell][1];
const id = getNextId("markerElement");
const name = "#marker_" + type;
markers.append("use").attr("id", id)
.attr("xlink:href", name).attr("data-id", name)
.attr("data-x", x).attr("data-y", y).attr("x", x - 15).attr("y", y - 30)
.attr("data-size", 1).attr("width", 30).attr("height", 30);
return id;
// regenerate some zones
function addZones(number = 1) {
const data = [], cells = pack.cells, states = pack.states, burgs = pack.burgs;
const used = new Uint8Array(cells.i.length); // to store used cells
for (let i=0; i < rn(Math.random() * 1.8 * number); i++) addInvasion(); // invasion of enemy lands
for (let i=0; i < rn(Math.random() * 1.6 * number); i++) addRebels(); // rebels along a state border
for (let i=0; i < rn(Math.random() * 1.6 * number); i++) addProselytism(); // proselitism of organized religion
for (let i=0; i < rn(Math.random() * 1.6 * number); i++) addCrusade(); // crusade on heresy lands
for (let i=0; i < rn(Math.random() * 1.8 * number); i++) addDisease(); // disease starting in a random city
for (let i=0; i < rn(Math.random() * 1.4 * number); i++) addDisaster(); // disaster starting in a random city
for (let i=0; i < rn(Math.random() * 1.4 * number); i++) addEruption(); // volcanic eruption aroung volcano
for (let i=0; i < rn(Math.random() * 1.0 * number); i++) addAvalanche(); // avalanche impacting highland road
for (let i=0; i < rn(Math.random() * 1.4 * number); i++) addFault(); // fault line in elevated areas
for (let i=0; i < rn(Math.random() * 1.4 * number); i++) addFlood() // flood on river banks
for (let i=0; i < rn(Math.random() * 1.2 * number); i++) addTsunami() // tsunami starting near coast
function addInvasion() {
const atWar = states.filter(s => s.diplomacy && s.diplomacy.some(d => d === "Enemy"));
if (!atWar.length) return;
const invader = ra(atWar);
const target = invader.diplomacy.findIndex(d => d === "Enemy");
const cell = ra(cells.i.filter(i => cells.state[i] === target && cells.c[i].some(c => cells.state[c] === invader.i)));
if (!cell) return;
const cellsArray = [], queue = [cell], power = rand(5, 30);
while (queue.length) {
const q = P(.4) ? queue.shift() : queue.pop();
if (cellsArray.length > power) break;
cells.c[q].forEach(e => {
if (used[e]) return;
if (cells.state[e] !== target) return;
used[e] = 1;
const invasion = rw({"Invasion":4, "Occupation":3, "Raid":2, "Conquest":2,
"Subjugation":1, "Foray":1, "Skirmishes":1, "Incursion":2, "Pillaging":1, "Intervention":1});
const name = getAdjective(invader.name) + " " + invasion;
data.push({name, type:"Invasion", cells:cellsArray, fill:"url(#hatch1)"});
function addRebels() {
const state = ra(states.filter(s => s.i && s.neighbors.some(n => n)));
if (!state) return;
const neib = ra(state.neighbors.filter(n => n));
const cell = cells.i.find(i => cells.state[i] === state.i && cells.c[i].some(c => cells.state[c] === neib));
const cellsArray = [], queue = [cell], power = rand(10, 30);
while (queue.length) {
const q = queue.shift();
if (cellsArray.length > power) break;
cells.c[q].forEach(e => {
if (used[e]) return;
if (cells.state[e] !== state.i) return;
used[e] = 1;
if (e%4 !== 0 && !cells.c[e].some(c => cells.state[c] === neib)) return;
const rebels = rw({"Rebels":5, "Insurgents":2, "Mutineers":1, "Rioters":1, "Separatists":1,
"Secessionists":1, "Insurrection":2, "Rebellion":1, "Conspiracy":2});
const name = getAdjective(states[neib].name) + " " + rebels;
data.push({name, type:"Rebels", cells:cellsArray, fill:"url(#hatch3)"});
function addProselytism() {
const organized = ra(pack.religions.filter(r => r.type === "Organized"));
if (!organized) return;
const cell = ra(cells.i.filter(i => cells.religion[i] && cells.religion[i] !== organized.i && cells.c[i].some(c => cells.religion[c] === organized.i)));
if (!cell) return;
const target = cells.religion[cell];
const cellsArray = [], queue = [cell], power = rand(10, 30);
while (queue.length) {
const q = queue.shift();
if (cellsArray.length > power) break;
cells.c[q].forEach(e => {
if (used[e]) return;
if (cells.religion[e] !== target) return;
if (cells.h[e] < 20) return;
used[e] = 1;
//if (e%2 !== 0 && !cells.c[e].some(c => cells.state[c] === neib)) return;
const name = getAdjective(organized.name.split(" ")[0]) + " Proselytism";
data.push({name, type:"Proselytism", cells:cellsArray, fill:"url(#hatch6)"});
function addCrusade() {
const heresy = ra(pack.religions.filter(r => r.type === "Heresy"));
if (!heresy) return;
const cellsArray = cells.i.filter(i => !used[i] && cells.religion[i] === heresy.i);
if (!cellsArray.length) return;
cellsArray.forEach(i => used[i] = 1);
const name = getAdjective(heresy.name.split(" ")[0]) + " Crusade";
data.push({name, type:"Crusade", cells:cellsArray, fill:"url(#hatch6)"});
function addDisease() {
const burg = ra(burgs.filter(b => !used[b.cell] && b.i && !b.removed)); // random burg
if (!burg) return;
const cellsArray = [], cost = [], power = rand(20, 37);
const queue = new PriorityQueue({comparator: (a, b) => a.p - b.p});
queue.queue({e:burg.cell, p:0});
while (queue.length) {
const next = queue.dequeue();
if (cells.burg[next.e] || cells.pop[next.e]) cellsArray.push(next.e);
used[next.e] = 1;
cells.c[next.e].forEach(function(e) {
const r = cells.road[next.e];
const c = r ? Math.max(10 - r, 1) : 100;
const p = next.p + c;
if (p > power) return;
if (!cost[e] || p < cost[e]) {
cost[e] = p;
queue.queue({e, p});
const adjective = () => ra(["Great", "Silent", "Severe", "Blind", "Unknown", "Loud", "Deadly", "Burning", "Bloody", "Brutal", "Fatal"]);
const animal = () => ra(["Ape", "Bear", "Boar", "Cat", "Cow", "Dog", "Pig", "Fox", "Bird", "Horse", "Rat", "Raven", "Sheep", "Spider", "Wolf"]);
const color = () => ra(["Golden", "White", "Black", "Red", "Pink", "Purple", "Blue", "Green", "Yellow", "Amber", "Orange", "Brown", "Grey"]);
const type = rw({"Fever":5, "Pestilence":2, "Flu":2, "Pox":2, "Smallpox":2, "Plague":4, "Cholera":2, "Dropsy":1, "Leprosy":2});
const name = rw({[color()]:4, [animal()]:2, [adjective()]:1}) + " " + type;
data.push({name, type:"Disease", cells:cellsArray, fill:"url(#hatch12)"});
function addDisaster() {
const burg = ra(burgs.filter(b => !used[b.cell] && b.i && !b.removed)); // random burg
if (!burg) return;
const cellsArray = [], cost = [], power = rand(5, 25);
const queue = new PriorityQueue({comparator: (a, b) => a.p - b.p});
queue.queue({e:burg.cell, p:0});
while (queue.length) {
const next = queue.dequeue();
if (cells.burg[next.e] || cells.pop[next.e]) cellsArray.push(next.e);
used[next.e] = 1;
cells.c[next.e].forEach(function(e) {
const c = rand(1, 10);
const p = next.p + c;
if (p > power) return;
if (!cost[e] || p < cost[e]) {
cost[e] = p;
queue.queue({e, p});
const type = rw({"Famine":5, "Dearth":1, "Drought":3, "Earthquake":3, "Tornadoes":1, "Wildfires":1});
const name = getAdjective(burg.name) + " " + type;
data.push({name, type:"Disaster", cells:cellsArray, fill:"url(#hatch5)"});
function addEruption() {
const volcano = document.getElementById("markers").querySelector("use[data-id='#marker_volcano']");
if (!volcano) return;
const x = +volcano.dataset.x, y = +volcano.dataset.y, cell = findCell(x, y);
const id = volcano.id;
const note = notes.filter(n => n.id === id);
if (note[0]) note[0].legend = note[0].legend.replace("Active volcano", "Erupting volcano");
const name = note[0] ? note[0].name.replace(" Volcano", "") + " Eruption" : "Volcano Eruption";
const cellsArray = [], queue = [cell], power = rand(10, 30);
while (queue.length) {
const q = P(.5) ? queue.shift() : queue.pop();
if (cellsArray.length > power) break;
cells.c[q].forEach(e => {
if (used[e] || cells.h[e] < 20) return;
used[e] = 1;
data.push({name, type:"Disaster", cells:cellsArray, fill:"url(#hatch7)"});
function addAvalanche() {
const roads = cells.i.filter(i => !used[i] && cells.road[i] && cells.h[i] >= 70);
if (!roads.length) return;
const cell = +ra(roads);
const cellsArray = [], queue = [cell], power = rand(3, 15);
while (queue.length) {
const q = P(.3) ? queue.shift() : queue.pop();
if (cellsArray.length > power) break;
cells.c[q].forEach(e => {
if (used[e] || cells.h[e] < 65) return;
used[e] = 1;
const proper = getAdjective(Names.getCultureShort(cells.culture[cell]));
const name = proper + " Avalanche";
data.push({name, type:"Disaster", cells:cellsArray, fill:"url(#hatch5)"});
function addFault() {
const elevated = cells.i.filter(i => !used[i] && cells.h[i] > 50 && cells.h[i] < 70);
if (!elevated.length) return;
const cell = ra(elevated);
const cellsArray = [], queue = [cell], power = rand(3, 15);
while (queue.length) {
const q = queue.pop();
if (cells.h[q] >= 20) cellsArray.push(q);
if (cellsArray.length > power) break;
cells.c[q].forEach(e => {
if (used[e] || cells.r[e]) return;
used[e] = 1;
const proper = getAdjective(Names.getCultureShort(cells.culture[cell]));
const name = proper + " Fault";
data.push({name, type:"Disaster", cells:cellsArray, fill:"url(#hatch2)"});
function addFlood() {
const fl = cells.fl.filter(fl => fl), meanFlux = d3.mean(fl), maxFlux = d3.max(fl), flux = (maxFlux - meanFlux) / 2 + meanFlux;
const rivers = cells.i.filter(i => !used[i] && cells.h[i] < 50 && cells.r[i] && cells.fl[i] > flux && cells.burg[i]);
if (!rivers.length) return;
const cell = +ra(rivers), river = cells.r[cell];
const cellsArray = [], queue = [cell], power = rand(5, 30);
while (queue.length) {
const q = queue.pop();
if (cellsArray.length > power) break;
cells.c[q].forEach(e => {
if (used[e] || cells.h[e] < 20 || cells.r[e] !== river || cells.h[e] > 50 || cells.fl[e] < meanFlux) return;
used[e] = 1;
const name = getAdjective(burgs[cells.burg[cell]].name) + " Flood";
data.push({name, type:"Disaster", cells:cellsArray, fill:"url(#hatch13)"});
function addTsunami() {
const coastal = cells.i.filter(i => !used[i] && cells.t[i] === -1 && pack.features[cells.f[i]].type !== "lake");
if (!coastal.length) return;
const cell = +ra(coastal);
const cellsArray = [], queue = [cell], power = rand(10, 30);
while (queue.length) {
const q = queue.shift();
if (cells.t[q] === 1) cellsArray.push(q);
if (cellsArray.length > power) break;
cells.c[q].forEach(e => {
if (used[e]) return;
if (cells.t[e] > 2) return;
if (pack.features[cells.f[e]].type === "lake") return;
used[e] = 1;
const proper = getAdjective(Names.getCultureShort(cells.culture[cell]));
const name = proper + " Tsunami";
data.push({name, type:"Disaster", cells:cellsArray, fill:"url(#hatch13)"});
void function drawZones() {
.attr("id", (d, i) => "zone"+i).attr("data-description", d => d.name).attr("data-type", d => d.type)
.attr("data-cells", d => d.cells.join(",")).attr("fill", d => d.fill)
.selectAll("polygon").data(d => d.cells).enter().append("polygon")
.attr("points", d => getPackPolygon(d)).attr("id", function(d) {return this.parentNode.id+"_"+d});
// show map stats on generation complete
function showStatistics() {
const template = templateInput.value;
const templateRandom = locked("template") ? "" : "(random)";
const stats = ` Seed: ${seed}
Canvas size: ${graphWidth}x${graphHeight}
Template: ${template} ${templateRandom}
Points: ${grid.points.length}
Cells: ${pack.cells.i.length}
Map size: ${mapSizeOutput.value}%
States: ${pack.states.length-1}
Provinces: ${pack.provinces.length-1}
Burgs: ${pack.burgs.length-1}
Religions: ${pack.religions.length-1}
Culture set: ${culturesSet.selectedOptions[0].innerText}
Cultures: ${pack.cultures.length-1}`;
mapId = Date.now(); // unique map id is it's creation date number
mapHistory.push({seed, width:graphWidth, height:graphHeight, template, created:mapId});
const regenerateMap = debounce(function() {
console.warn("Generate new random map");
closeDialogs("#worldConfigurator, #options3d");
customization = 0;
if (ThreeD.options.isOn) ThreeD.redraw();
if ($("#worldConfigurator").is(":visible")) editWorld();
}, 500);
// clear the map
function undraw() {
viewbox.selectAll("path, circle, polygon, line, text, use, #zones > g, #armies > g, #ruler > g").remove();
defs.selectAll("path, clipPath").remove();
notes = [];
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