let Do x = fun _ -> x
let inline Zip x = fun a -> x => (fun b -> a,b)
module IOMonad =
type IO<'a> =
private | IO of (unit -> 'a)
static member (>>=) (IO r,f:'a -> _ IO) =
IO (r >> (f >> (fun (IO r) -> r ())))
static member (=>) (IO r,f:'a->'b) =
IO (r >> f)
module IO =
let wrap = IO
let unwrap (IO r) = r ()
type IOBuilder () =
member _.Bind (a:'a IO,f) = a >>= f
member _.Zero () = IO ignore
let io = IO.IOBuilder ()
let readLine = IO.wrap stdin.ReadLine
let readInt = readLine => int
let readFloat = readLine => float
let printLine str = IO.wrap (fun () -> stdout.WriteLine (string str))
let action =
printLine "== IO Monad =="
>>= Do (printLine "Input string, int and float:")
>>= Do readLine
>>= Zip readInt
>>= Zip readFloat
=> string
>>= printLine
let actionByComputationExpression =
io {
do! printLine "== IOMonad =="
do! printLine "Input string, int and float:"
let! line = readLine
let! i = readInt
let! f = readFloat
let r = (line,i),f
do! printLine (string r)
module StateMonad =
type State<'a,'s> =
private | State of ('s -> ('a * 's))
static member (>>=) (State (a:'s->'a*'s),f:'a->State<'b,'s>) : State<'b,'s> =
State (fun s -> let v,state = a s in let (State p) = f v in p state)
static member (=>) (State s,f:'a -> 'b) =
State (fun state ->
let a,state2 = s state
f a,state2)
module State =
let wrap = State
let eval a (State s) = s a |> fst
type StateBuilder () =
member _.Bind (a:State<_,_>,f) = a >>= f
member _.Zero () = State (fun x -> x,x)
member _.Return x = x
let state = State.StateBuilder ()
let inc = State.wrap (fun x -> x + 1,x + 1)
let pushStack (value:'a) = State.wrap (fun (stack:'a list) -> (),value::stack)
let popStack () : State<'a option,'a list> =
State.wrap (function | value :: remainder -> (Some value),remainder | [] -> None,[])
let action =
IOMonad.printLine "== State Monad =="
>>= Do (
>>= Do inc
>>= Do inc
|> State.eval 0
|> string
|> IOMonad.printLine)
>>= Do (
pushStack 1
>>= Do (pushStack 2)
>>= Do (pushStack 3)
>>= Do (popStack ())
|> State.eval []
|> string
|> (+) "Stack Top:"
|> IOMonad.printLine)
open IOMonad
let actionWithComputationExpression =
io {
do! printLine "== State Monad =="
state {
let! _ = inc
let! _ = inc
let! _ = inc
|> State.eval 0
|> string
|> printLine
state {
let! _ = pushStack 2
let! _ = pushStack 3
return popStack ()
|> State.eval []
|> string
|> (+) "Stack Top:"
|> IOMonad.printLine
module ErrorMonad =
type Error<'a,'e> =
| OK of 'a
| Err of 'e
static member (>>=) (e:Error<'a,'e>,f:'a->Error<'b,'e>) : Error<'b,'e> =
match e with
| OK a -> f a
| Err e -> Err e
type ErrorBuilder () =
member _.Bind (a:Error<'a,'e>,f) = a >>= f
member _.Return x = x
let error = ErrorBuilder ()
let action =
IOMonad.printLine "== Error Monad =="
>>= Do (
OK 1
>>= fun x -> OK (1+x)
|> string
|> IOMonad.printLine)
>>= Do(
OK 1
>>= fun _ -> Err 0
|> string
|> IOMonad.printLine)
open IOMonad
let actionWithComputationExpression =
io {
do! printLine "== Error Monad =="
error {
let! x = OK 1
return OK (x + 1)
|> string
|> printLine
error {
let! _ = OK 1
let! y = Err 0
let z = y + 1
return OK z
|> string
|> printLine
module ReaderMonad =
type Reader<'a,'src> =
private | Reader of ('src -> 'a)
static member (>>=) (Reader (r:'src->'a),f:'a->Reader<'b,'src>) : Reader<'b,'src> =
Reader (fun src -> let (Reader b) = src |> r |> f in b src)
static member (=>) (Reader r,f:'a -> 'b) =
r >> f |> Reader
module Reader =
let wrap = Reader
let eval src (Reader r) = r src
type ReaderBuilder () =
member _.Bind (a:Reader<_,_>,f) = a >>= f
member _.Return x = x
let reader = Reader.ReaderBuilder ()
let action =
IOMonad.printLine "== Reader Monad =="
>>= Do (
Reader.wrap (fun (x:string) -> x.[0])
>>= Zip (Reader.wrap (fun (x:string) -> x.[1]))
|> Reader.eval "MO"
|> string
|> IOMonad.printLine)
open IOMonad
let actionWithComputationExpression =
io {
do! printLine "== Reader Monad =="
reader {
let! a = Reader.wrap (fun (x:string) -> x.[0])
let! b = Reader.wrap (fun (x:string) -> x.[1])
return Reader.wrap (fun _ -> a,b)
|> Reader.eval "MO"
|> string
|> IOMonad.printLine
module WriterMonad =
type Writer<'a,'w when 'w : (static member (+) : 'w*'w -> 'w)> =
| Writer of 'a * 'w
static member inline (>>=) (Writer (a,w),f:'a->Writer<'b,'w2>) : Writer<'b,'w2> =
let (Writer (a2,w2)) = f a in Writer (a2,w + w2)
static member inline (=>) (Writer (a,b),f:'a -> 'b) =
Writer (f a,b)
module Writer =
let inline wrap v initLog = Writer (v,initLog)
let inline snd (Writer (_,s)) = s
let inline eval (Writer (a,_)) = a
type WriterBuilder () =
member _.Bind (a:Writer<_,_>,f) = a >>= f
member _.Return x = x
let writer = Writer.WriterBuilder ()
let action =
IOMonad.printLine "== Writer Monad =="
>>= Do (
Writer.wrap 0 "zero|"
>>= Zip (Writer.wrap 1 "one")
|> string
|> IOMonad.printLine)
open IOMonad
let actionWithComputationExpression =
io {
do! printLine "== Writer Monad =="
writer {
let! x = Writer.wrap 0 "zero|"
return Writer.wrap (x,1) "one"
|> string
|> IOMonad.printLine
IOMonad.printLine "======== Monad Directly ========"
>>= Do ErrorMonad.action
>>= Do StateMonad.action
>>= Do ReaderMonad.action
>>= Do WriterMonad.action
>>= Do IOMonad.action
>>= Do (IOMonad.printLine "")
>>= Do (IOMonad.printLine "======== Monad With Computation Expression ========")
>>= Do ErrorMonad.actionWithComputationExpression
>>= Do StateMonad.actionWithComputationExpression
>>= Do ReaderMonad.actionWithComputationExpression
>>= Do WriterMonad.actionWithComputationExpression
>>= Do IOMonad.actionByComputationExpression
|> IOMonad.IO.unwrap
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