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ShpFile.h 9.13 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Xun Li 提交于 2018-04-11 21:53 . prepare for International GeoDa #352
* GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2015 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved
* This file is part of GeoDa.
* GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <wx/string.h>
namespace Shapefile {
Shapefiles use only 32-bit signed integers and IEEE 64-bit
double-precision floating point numbers. The wxWidgets typedef for int is
a signed 32-bit integer and the typedef for double is garunteed to be a
64-bit IEEE double. We will therefore use these types whenever the ESRI
Shapefile documentation refers to Integer and Double respectively.
We use the abbreviation BE for Big Endian and LE for Little Endian byte
order. Values in memory are always stored in the correct byte order for
the computer on which the code is compiled for (ie Big Endian for Power
PC and Little Endian for Intel). The annotations below are just a note
for how the byte order must be stored on disk. We must therefore be
careful to correct the byte order when reading and writing from disk as
necessary. We also note the starting byte position on disk where
struct Header {
Header() : file_code(0), file_length(0), version(0), shape_type(0),
bbox_x_min(0), bbox_y_min(0),
bbox_x_max(0), bbox_y_max(0),
bbox_z_min(0), bbox_z_max(0),
bbox_m_min(0), bbox_m_max(0) {}
wxInt32 file_code; // byte 0, BE, should have value 9994
wxInt32 file_length; // byte 24, BE, the num of 16-bit words in the file
wxInt32 version; // byte 28, LE, should have value 1000
wxInt32 shape_type; // byte 32, one of 14 values from ShapeType enum
wxFloat64 bbox_x_min; // byte 36, LE, bounding box for X. similar below
wxFloat64 bbox_y_min; // byte 44, LE
wxFloat64 bbox_x_max; // byte 52, LE
wxFloat64 bbox_y_max; // byte 60, LE
wxFloat64 bbox_z_min; // byte 68, LE, if unused, then has value 0.0
wxFloat64 bbox_z_max; // byte 76, LE, if unused, then has value 0.0
wxFloat64 bbox_m_min; // byte 84, LE, if unused, then has value 0.0
wxFloat64 bbox_m_max; // byte 92, LE, if unused, then has value 0.0
enum ShapeType {
std::string shapeTypeToString(wxInt32 st);
struct Point {
Point() : x(0), y(0) {}
Point(wxFloat64 x_s, wxFloat64 y_s) : x(x_s), y(y_s) {}
wxFloat64 x;
wxFloat64 y;
//bool equals(Point* p){ return x==p->x && y==p->y; }
//bool equals(Point& p){ return x==p.x && y==p.y; }
bool equals(Point* p, double precision_threshold=0.0) {
return (abs(x - p->x) <= precision_threshold &&
abs(y - p->y) <= precision_threshold);
bool equals(Point& p, double precision_threshold=0.0) {
return (abs(x - p.x) <= precision_threshold &&
abs(y - p.y) <= precision_threshold);
bool operator==(Point const& a, Point const& b);
std::size_t hash_value(Point const& p);
struct Edge {
Edge() : a(0,0), b(1,1) {}
Edge(const Point& a_s, const Point& b_s, bool ordered=false)
: a(a_s), b(b_s)
if (!ordered && ((a_s.x > b_s.x) ||
(a_s.x == b_s.x && a_s.y > b_s.y ))) {
a = b_s; b = a_s;
Point a;
Point b;
bool operator==(Edge const& e1, Edge const& e2);
std::size_t hash_value(Edge const& e);
struct RecordContents {
RecordContents() : shape_type(0) {}
virtual ~RecordContents() {}
RecordContents(Shapefile::ShapeType st) : shape_type(st) {}
wxInt32 shape_type; // byte 0, LE, one value from ShapeType enum
struct NullShapeContents : public RecordContents {
NullShapeContents() : RecordContents(Shapefile::NULL_SHAPE) {}
virtual ~NullShapeContents() {}
//shape_type = 0, byte 0, LE
struct PointContents : public RecordContents {
PointContents() : RecordContents(Shapefile::POINT_TYP), x(0), y(0) {}
virtual ~PointContents() {}
//shape_type = 1, byte 0, LE
wxFloat64 x; // byte 4, LE
wxFloat64 y; // byte 12, LE
struct PolyLineContents : public RecordContents {
PolyLineContents() : RecordContents(Shapefile::POLY_LINE), box(4,0),
num_parts(0), num_points(0), parts(0), points(0) {}
virtual ~PolyLineContents() {}
//shape_type = 3, byte 0, LE
std::vector<wxFloat64> box; // byte 4, LE
wxInt32 num_parts; // byte 36, LE
wxInt32 num_points; // byte 40, LE
std::vector<wxInt32> parts; // byte 44, array of size num_parts, LE
// stores the first index in array for each part
//Point points; // byte 44 + 4*num_parts, array of size num_parts, LE
std::vector<Point> points;
struct PolygonContents : public RecordContents {
PolygonContents() : RecordContents(Shapefile::POLYGON), box(4,0),
num_parts(0), num_points(0), parts(0), points(0) {}
virtual ~PolygonContents() {}
//shape_type = 5, byte 0, LE
std::vector<wxFloat64> box; // byte 4, LE
wxInt32 num_parts; // byte 36, LE, the number of rings in the polygon
wxInt32 num_points; // byte 40, LE, total number of points for all rings
std::vector<wxInt32> parts; // byte 44, array of size num_parts, LE
// stores the first index in array for each part
std::vector<Point> points; // byte 44 + 4*num_parts, array of
// size num_parts, LE
bool intersect(PolygonContents* shp) {
return !(shp->box[0] > box[2] || shp->box[1] > box[3] ||
shp->box[2] < box[0] || shp->box[3] < box[1]);
struct MainRecordHeader {
MainRecordHeader() : record_number(0), content_length(0) {}
/** Record Numbers begin at 1 and are sequential. */
wxInt32 record_number; // byte 0, BE
/** The number of 16-bit words in the record contents section.
Each record contributes (4 + content_length) 16-bit words towards the
total length of the file as stored at byte 24 of the Main File Header
(.SHP). */
wxInt32 content_length; // byte 4, BE
struct MainRecord {
MainRecord(): header(), contents_p(0) {}
virtual ~MainRecord() { if (contents_p) delete contents_p;
contents_p = 0; }
MainRecordHeader header;
RecordContents* contents_p;
struct Main {
Main() : header(), records(0) {}
virtual ~Main() {}
Header header;
std::vector<MainRecord> records;
struct IndexRecord {
IndexRecord() : offset(0), content_length(0) {}
/** offset of a record is the number of 16-bit words from the start of
the main file (.SHP) to the first byte of the record header for the
record. Therefore, the offset for the first record is always 50 since
there are 100 bytes in the main file (and index file) header. */
wxInt32 offset; // byte 0, BE
/** content_length is the number of 16-bit words in the record. It
starts at byte 4 from the beginning of the record and is stored with
Big Endian byte order. */
wxInt32 content_length; // byte 4, BE
/** Contains all of the data in an Index Shapefile as described in the
ESRI Shapefile document. The contends of this data structure are
sufficient to completely create a valid .SHX file. */
struct Index {
Index() : header(), records(0) {}
virtual ~Index() {}
Header header;
std::vector<IndexRecord> records;
wxFloat64 myDOUBLE_SWAP_ON_BE( wxFloat64 x );
wxInt32 myINT_SWAP_ON_BE( int x );
wxInt32 myINT_SWAP_ON_LE( int x );
int calcNumIndexHeaderRecords(const Header& header);
bool writeHeader(std::ofstream& out_file,
const Shapefile::Header& header,
wxString& err_msg);
bool writePointIndexFile(const wxString& fname, const Index& index,
wxString& err_msg);
bool writePointMainFile(const wxString& fname, const Main& main,
wxString& err_msg);
bool writePolygonIndexFile(const wxString& fname, const Index& index,
wxString& err_msg);
/** read just the shapefile type from the header */
const int spaces_per_indent = 2;
std::string getIndentString(int indent);
std::string pointToString(const Point& p);
std::string edgeToString(const Edge& e);
std::string boxToString(const std::vector<wxFloat64>& box);
inline std::string boolToString(const bool b) {
return b ? "true" : "false"; }
/** The following are helper functions for populateMain. */
bool populatePolygonMainRecords(std::vector<MainRecord>& mr,
std::ifstream& file,
bool skip_m=true, bool skip_z=true);
bool populatePolyLineMainRecords(std::vector<MainRecord>& mr,
std::ifstream& file,
bool skip_m=true, bool skip_z=true);
bool populatePointMainRecords(std::vector<MainRecord>& mr,
std::ifstream& file,
bool skip_m=true, bool skip_z=true);
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[email protected]:geoda/geoda_mirror.git
