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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
GdaConst.cpp 40.17 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
* GeoDa TM, Copyright (C) 2011-2015 by Luc Anselin - all rights reserved
* This file is part of GeoDa.
* GeoDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GeoDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "GdaConst.h"
#include "GeneralWxUtils.h"
#include "GenUtils.h"
#include <wx/mstream.h>
// 10 local + 29 http
const char* GdaConst::sample_names[] = {
"Moral Statistics of France (1833)",
"US County Homicides",
"House Prices Baltimore",
"House Prices Boston",
"Columbus Crime",
"Nepal Aid",
"NYC Data",
"Malaria Colombia Cities",
"Phoenix ACS",
"San Francisco Crime"
const char* GdaConst::sample_layer_names[] = {
"US Homicides",
"Baltimore Home Sales",
"Boston Home Sales",
"Columbus Crime",
"Nepal Aid",
"NYC Data",
"Colombia Malaria",
"Phoenix ACS",
"SanFran Crime"
const char* GdaConst::sample_datasources[] = {
const char* GdaConst::sample_meta_urls[] = {
const char* GdaConst::raw_zoom_in[] = {
"16 16 48 1",
" g None",
". g #979797",
"+ g #787878",
"@ g #686868",
"# g #717171",
"$ g #8A8A8A",
"% g #909090",
"& g #D6D6D6",
"* g #EFEFEF",
"= g #DEDEDE",
"- g #A3A3A3",
"; g #6D6D6D",
"> g #9F9F9F",
", g #AAAAAA",
"' g #F8F8F8",
") g #C4C4C4",
"! g #929292",
"~ g #F5F5F5",
"{ g #F2F2F2",
"] g #444444",
"^ g #EEEEEE",
"/ g #F6F6F6",
"( g #8E8E8E",
"_ g #8F8F8F",
": g #D5D5D5",
"< g #E8E8E8",
"[ g #E1E1E1",
"} g #F3F3F3",
"| g #D0D0D0",
"1 g #707070",
"2 g #EDEDED",
"3 g #DCDCDC",
"4 g #676767",
"5 g #D8D8D8",
"6 g #C0C0C0",
"7 g #777777",
"8 g #A1A1A1",
"9 g #EBEBEB",
"0 g #828282",
"a g #6B6B6B",
"b g #B2B2B2",
"c g #696969",
"d g #949494",
"e g #CACACA",
"f g #BEBEBE",
"g g #848484",
"h g #747474",
"i g #666666",
" ",
" .+@#$ ",
" #%&*=-;> ",
" #,''''')@ ",
" .!~'{]^{/(_ ",
" +:'{<][<}|1 ",
" @2']]]]]^34 ",
" 15'^[]:[^67 ",
" _8'{<][<90. ",
" ab'}^^},; ",
" >cde3fg#hii ",
" _#@+. iii ",
" iii ",
" ii ",
" ",
" "
const char* GdaConst::raw_zoom_out[] = {
"16 16 48 1",
" g None",
". g #979797",
"+ g #787878",
"@ g #686868",
"# g #717171",
"$ g #8A8A8A",
"% g #909090",
"& g #D6D6D6",
"* g #EFEFEF",
"= g #DEDEDE",
"- g #A3A3A3",
"; g #6D6D6D",
"> g #9F9F9F",
", g #AAAAAA",
"' g #F8F8F8",
") g #C4C4C4",
"! g #929292",
"~ g #F5F5F5",
"{ g #F2F2F2",
"] g #EDEDED",
"^ g #EEEEEE",
"/ g #F6F6F6",
"( g #8E8E8E",
"_ g #8F8F8F",
": g #D5D5D5",
"< g #E8E8E8",
"[ g #E1E1E1",
"} g #F3F3F3",
"| g #D0D0D0",
"1 g #707070",
"2 g #444444",
"3 g #DCDCDC",
"4 g #676767",
"5 g #D8D8D8",
"6 g #C0C0C0",
"7 g #777777",
"8 g #A1A1A1",
"9 g #EBEBEB",
"0 g #828282",
"a g #6B6B6B",
"b g #B2B2B2",
"c g #696969",
"d g #949494",
"e g #CACACA",
"f g #BEBEBE",
"g g #848484",
"h g #747474",
"i g #666666",
" ",
" .+@#$ ",
" #%&*=-;> ",
" #,''''')@ ",
" .!~'{]^{/(_ ",
" +:'{<[[<}|1 ",
" @]'22222^34 ",
" 15'^[::[^67 ",
" _8'{<[[<90. ",
" ab'}^^},; ",
" >cde3fg#hii ",
" _#@+. iii ",
" iii ",
" ii ",
" ",
" "};
const char* GdaConst::delete_icon_xpm[] = {
"16 16 31 1 ",
" c #CD5050",
". c #D76262",
"X c #DA6868",
"o c #DB6868",
"O c #DB6969",
"+ c #DC6969",
"@ c #DC6B6B",
"# c #DE6B6B",
"$ c #DD6C6C",
"% c #E17070",
"& c #E07171",
"* c #E07272",
"= c #E17272",
"- c #E27373",
"; c #E37373",
": c #E37474",
"> c #EB7C7C",
", c #F88E8E",
"< c #FB9191",
"1 c #FB9292",
"2 c #FA9393",
"3 c #FD9191",
"4 c #FF9191",
"5 c #FF9393",
"6 c #FD9494",
"7 c #FE9494",
"8 c #FF9494",
"9 c #FF9595",
"0 c #FF9696",
"q c #FF9898",
"w c None",
"www wwwwwwwwwwww",
"www wwwwwwwwwwww",
wxString GdaConst::FieldTypeToStr(GdaConst::FieldType ft)
if (ft == GdaConst::double_type) return "real";
if (ft == GdaConst::long64_type) return "integer";
if (ft == GdaConst::string_type) return "string";
if (ft == GdaConst::date_type) return "date";
if (ft == GdaConst::time_type) return "time";
if (ft == GdaConst::datetime_type) return "datetime";
if (ft == GdaConst::placeholder_type) return "placeholder";
return "unknown";
std::map<std::string, GdaConst::DataSourceType> GdaConst::datasrc_str_to_type;
std::map<GdaConst::DataSourceType, std::string> GdaConst::datasrc_type_to_str;
std::map<GdaConst::DataSourceType,std::string> GdaConst::datasrc_type_to_prefix;
std::map<GdaConst::DataSourceType, std::set<std::string> >
std::map<GdaConst::DataSourceType, std::set<std::string> >
wxString GdaConst::db_field_name_regex;
wxString GdaConst::db_field_name_illegal_regex;
wxString GdaConst::default_field_name_regex;
wxString GdaConst::default_field_name_illegal_regex;
wxString GdaConst::no_field_warning;
wxString GdaConst::db_field_warning;
wxString GdaConst::default_field_warning;
std::map<GdaConst::DataSourceType, int> GdaConst::datasrc_field_lens;
std::map<GdaConst::DataSourceType, int> GdaConst::datasrc_table_lens;
std::map<GdaConst::DataSourceType, wxString> GdaConst::datasrc_field_warning;
std::map<GdaConst::DataSourceType, wxString> GdaConst::datasrc_field_regex;
std::map<GdaConst::DataSourceType, wxString> GdaConst::datasrc_field_illegal_regex;
std::map<GdaConst::DataSourceType, bool> GdaConst::datasrc_field_casesensitive;
wxCursor GdaConst::zoomInCursor;
wxCursor GdaConst::zoomOutCursor;
// Resource Files
const wxString GdaConst::gda_prefs_fname_sqlite("geoda_prefs.sqlite");
const wxString GdaConst::gda_prefs_fname_json("geoda_prefs.json");
const wxString GdaConst::gda_prefs_html_table("html_entries");
const wxString GdaConst::gda_prefs_html_table_menu("menu_title");
const wxString GdaConst::gda_prefs_html_table_url("url");
wxFont* GdaConst::extra_small_font = 0;
wxFont* GdaConst::small_font = 0;
wxFont* GdaConst::medium_font = 0;
wxFont* GdaConst::large_font = 0;
bool GdaConst::gda_draw_map_labels = false;
int GdaConst::gda_map_label_font_size = 6;
bool GdaConst::gda_create_csvt = false;
bool GdaConst::gda_enable_set_transparency_windows = false;
int GdaConst::default_display_decimals = 6; // move in preference
double GdaConst::gda_autoweight_stop = 0.0001; // move in preference
bool GdaConst::gda_use_gpu = false;
int GdaConst::gda_ui_language = 0;
double GdaConst::gda_eigen_tol = 0.00000001;
bool GdaConst::gda_set_cpu_cores = true;
int GdaConst::gda_cpu_cores = 6;
wxString GdaConst::gda_user_email = "";
uint64_t GdaConst::gda_user_seed = 123456789;
bool GdaConst::use_gda_user_seed = true;
int GdaConst::gdal_http_timeout = 5;
#ifdef __WXOSX__
bool GdaConst::enable_high_dpi_support = true;
bool GdaConst::enable_high_dpi_support = false;
bool GdaConst::show_csv_configure_in_merge = true;
bool GdaConst::show_recent_sample_connect_ds_dialog = true;
bool GdaConst::use_cross_hatching = false;
int GdaConst::transparency_highlighted = 255;
int GdaConst::transparency_unhighlighted = 80;
int GdaConst::transparency_map_on_basemap = 200;
bool GdaConst::use_basemap_by_default = false;
int GdaConst::default_basemap_selection = 0;
bool GdaConst::hide_sys_table_postgres = false;
bool GdaConst::hide_sys_table_sqlite = false;
bool GdaConst::disable_crash_detect = false;
bool GdaConst::disable_auto_upgrade = false;
int GdaConst::plot_transparency_highlighted = 255;
int GdaConst::plot_transparency_unhighlighted = 50;
int GdaConst::gda_ogr_csv_header = 1;
wxString GdaConst::gda_ogr_csv_x_name = "";
wxString GdaConst::gda_ogr_csv_y_name = "";
wxString GdaConst::gda_display_datetime_format = "";
std::vector<wxString> GdaConst::gda_datetime_formats(10);
wxString GdaConst::gda_datetime_formats_str = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S,%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S,%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S,%Y-%m-%d,%m/%d/%Y,%Y/%m/%d,%H:%M:%S,%H:%M,%Y/%m/%d %H:%M %p";
wxString GdaConst::gda_basemap_sources =
"\nCarto.Light(No Label),https://{s}.basemaps.cartocdn.com/light_nolabels/{z}/{x}/{y}@2x.png"
"\nCarto.Dark(No Label),https://{s}.basemaps.cartocdn.com/dark_nolabels/{z}/{x}/{y}@2x.png"
"\nOther (China).GaoDe,http://webst{s}.is.autonavi.com/appmaptile?style=8&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}"
"\nOther (China).GaoDe(Satellite),http://webst{s}.is.autonavi.com/appmaptile?style=6&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}"
const wxString GdaConst::gda_lbl_not_sig = _("Not Significant");
const wxString GdaConst::gda_lbl_undefined = _("Undefined");
const wxString GdaConst::gda_lbl_neighborless = _("Neighborless");
const wxString GdaConst::gda_lbl_highhigh = _("High-High");
const wxString GdaConst::gda_lbl_lowlow = _("Low-Low");
const wxString GdaConst::gda_lbl_lowhigh = _("Low-High");
const wxString GdaConst::gda_lbl_highlow = _("High-Low");
const wxString GdaConst::gda_lbl_otherpos = _("Other Pos");
const wxString GdaConst::gda_lbl_negative = _("Negative");
const wxString GdaConst::gda_lbl_positive = _("Positive");
const wxString GdaConst::gda_lbl_1p = "< 1%";
const wxString GdaConst::gda_lbl_1p_10p = "1% - 10%";
const wxString GdaConst::gda_lbl_10p_50p = "10% - 50%";
const wxString GdaConst::gda_lbl_50p_90p = "50% - 90%";
const wxString GdaConst::gda_lbl_90p_99p = "90% - 99%";
const wxString GdaConst::gda_lbl_99p = "> 99%";
const wxString GdaConst::gda_lbl_loweroutlier = _("Lower outlier");
const wxString GdaConst::gda_lbl_25p = "< 25%";
const wxString GdaConst::gda_lbl_25p_50p = "25% - 50%";
const wxString GdaConst::gda_lbl_50p_75p = "50% - 75%";
const wxString GdaConst::gda_lbl_75p = "> 75%";
const wxString GdaConst::gda_lbl_upperoutlier = _("Upper outlier");
const wxString GdaConst::gda_lbl_n2sigma = "< -2Std";
const wxString GdaConst::gda_lbl_n2sigma_n1sigma = "[-2Std, -1Std)";
const wxString GdaConst::gda_lbl_n1sigma = "[-1Std, Mean)";
const wxString GdaConst::gda_lbl_1sigma = "(Mean, 1Std]";
const wxString GdaConst::gda_lbl_1sigma_2sigma = "(1Std, 2Std]";
const wxString GdaConst::gda_lbl_2sigma = "> 2Std";
const wxPen* GdaConst::default_myshape_pen=0;
const wxBrush* GdaConst::default_myshape_brush=0;
//background color -- this is light gray
const wxColour GdaConst::backColor(192, 192, 192);
// background color -- this is light gray
const wxColour GdaConst::darkColor(20, 20, 20);
// color of text, frames, points -- this is dark cherry
const wxColour GdaConst::textColor(128, 0, 64);
// outliers color (also used for regression, etc.) -- blue
const wxColour GdaConst::outliers_colour(0, 0, 255);
// envelope color (also used for regression, etc.) -- blue
const wxColour GdaConst::envelope_colour(0, 0, 255);
const wxColour GdaConst::selectable_outline_color(0, 0, 0); // black
const wxColour GdaConst::selectable_fill_color(49, 163, 84); // forest green
const wxColour GdaConst::highlight_color(255, 255, 0); // yellow
const wxColour GdaConst::canvas_background_color(255, 255, 255); // white
const wxColour GdaConst::legend_background_color(255, 255, 255); // white
// Map
const wxSize GdaConst::map_default_size(600, 400);
const int GdaConst::map_default_legend_width = 150;
// this is a light forest green
const wxColour GdaConst::map_default_fill_colour(49, 163, 84);
const wxColour GdaConst::map_default_outline_colour(0, 0, 0);
const wxColour GdaConst::map_default_highlight_colour(255, 255, 0); // yellow
// Connectivity Map
const wxSize GdaConst::conn_map_default_size(480, 350);
const wxColour GdaConst::conn_graph_outline_colour(55,55,55,100);
const wxColour GdaConst::conn_select_outline_colour(55,55,55,0);
const wxColour GdaConst::conn_neighbor_fill_colour(255,255,255,0);
// Heat Map
const wxColour GdaConst::heatmap_fill_colour(0, 0, 0, 10);
const wxColour GdaConst::heatmap_outline_colour(255, 255, 255, 0);
// HTML Tan
const wxColour GdaConst::conn_map_default_fill_colour(210, 180, 140);
const wxColour GdaConst::conn_map_default_outline_colour(0, 0, 0);
// HTML DarkBlue
const wxColour GdaConst::conn_map_default_highlight_colour(0, 0, 139);
// Map Movie
const wxColour GdaConst::map_movie_default_fill_colour(49, 163, 84);
const wxColour GdaConst::map_movie_default_highlight_colour(224, 113, 182);
// Histogram
const wxSize GdaConst::hist_default_size(600, 500);
// Table
const wxString GdaConst::placeholder_str("<placeholder>");
const wxString GdaConst::table_frame_title(_("Table"));
const wxSize GdaConst::table_default_size(750, 500);
const wxColour GdaConst::table_no_edit_color(80, 80, 80); // grey
const wxColour GdaConst::table_row_sel_color(230, 220, 40); // golden
const wxColour GdaConst::table_col_sel_color(181, 213, 251); // light blue
// following is the combination of the above two. Light greenish
const wxColour GdaConst::table_row_and_col_sel_color(206, 217, 146);
// Scatterplot
const wxSize GdaConst::scatterplot_default_size(500, 500);
const wxColour GdaConst::scatterplot_scale_color(0, 0, 0);
//const wxColour GdaConst::scatterplot_regression_color(0, 79, 241);
//const wxColour GdaConst::scatterplot_regression_selected_color(204, 41, 44);
//const wxColour GdaConst::scatterplot_regression_excluded_color(0, 146, 31);
const wxColour GdaConst::scatterplot_regression_color(100, 0, 110);
const wxColour GdaConst::scatterplot_regression_selected_color(204, 41, 44);
const wxColour GdaConst::scatterplot_regression_excluded_color(0, 79, 241);
const wxColour GdaConst::scatterplot_origin_axes_color(120, 120, 120);
wxPen* GdaConst::scatterplot_reg_pen = 0;
wxPen* GdaConst::scatterplot_reg_selected_pen = 0;
wxPen* GdaConst::scatterplot_reg_excluded_pen = 0;
wxPen* GdaConst::scatterplot_scale_pen = 0;
wxPen* GdaConst::scatterplot_origin_axes_pen = 0;
// Bubble Chart
const wxSize GdaConst::bubble_chart_default_size(550, 400);
const int GdaConst::bubble_chart_default_legend_width = 150;
// 3D Plot
// yellow
const wxColour GdaConst::three_d_plot_default_highlight_colour(255, 255, 0);
// white
const wxColour GdaConst::three_d_plot_default_point_colour(255, 255, 255);
// black
const wxColour GdaConst::three_d_plot_default_background_colour(0, 0, 0);
const wxSize GdaConst::three_d_default_size(820, 620);
// Boxplot
const wxSize GdaConst::boxplot_default_size(380, 500);
const wxColour GdaConst::boxplot_point_color(0, 0, 255);
const wxColour GdaConst::boxplot_median_color(219, 99, 28); // orange
const wxColour GdaConst::boxplot_mean_point_color(20, 200, 20); // green
const wxColour GdaConst::boxplot_q1q2q3_color(128, 0, 64); // dark cherry
// PCP (Parallel Coordinate Plot)
const wxSize GdaConst::pcp_default_size(600, 450);
const wxColour GdaConst::pcp_line_color(128, 0, 64); // dark cherry
const wxColour GdaConst::pcp_horiz_line_color(0, 98, 0); // dark green
// Averages Chart
const wxSize GdaConst::line_chart_default_size(800, 620);
// colors defined in init()
wxColour GdaConst::ln_cht_clr_regimes_hl;
wxColour GdaConst::ln_cht_clr_sel_dark;
wxColour GdaConst::ln_cht_clr_exl_dark;
wxColour GdaConst::ln_cht_clr_tm1_dark;
wxColour GdaConst::ln_cht_clr_tm2_dark;
wxColour GdaConst::ln_cht_clr_sel_light;
wxColour GdaConst::ln_cht_clr_exl_light;
wxColour GdaConst::ln_cht_clr_tm1_light;
wxColour GdaConst::ln_cht_clr_tm2_light;
// Conditional View
const wxSize GdaConst::cond_view_default_size(700, 500);
// Category Classification
const wxSize GdaConst::cat_classif_default_size(780, 520);
const wxSize GdaConst::weights_man_dlg_default_size(700, 500);
const wxSize GdaConst::data_change_type_frame_default_size(600, 400);
std::vector<wxColour> GdaConst::qualitative_colors(10);
std::vector<wxColour> GdaConst::unique_colors_60(60);
const wxString GdaConst::html_submenu_title("Web Plugins");
Certain objects such as wxFont objects need to be created after
wxWidgets is sufficiently initialized. This function will be
called just once by GdaApp::OnInit() when the program begins.
void GdaConst::init()
// standard GeoDa font creation. Through experimentation, as of the
// wxWidgets 2.9.1 release, it appears that neither wxFont::SetPixelSize()
// nor wxFont::SetPointSize() results in fonts of nearly similar vertical
// height on all of our three supported platforms, Mac, Linux and Windows.
// Therefore, at present we will specify sizes differently on each
// platform according to experimentation. When we specify the font
// using point size, it seems that Linux and Windows are very similar, but
// Mac is considerably smaller.
int ref_extra_small_pt_sz = 6;
int ref_small_pt_sz = 8;
int ref_medium_pt_sz = 12;
int ref_large_pt_sz = 16;
if (GeneralWxUtils::isMac()) {
ref_extra_small_pt_sz += 4;
ref_small_pt_sz += 4;
ref_medium_pt_sz += 5;
ref_large_pt_sz += 5;
if (GeneralWxUtils::isWindows()) {
ref_extra_small_pt_sz += 2;
extra_small_font = wxFont::New(ref_extra_small_pt_sz,
wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, false, wxEmptyString,
small_font = wxFont::New(ref_small_pt_sz, wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS,
medium_font = wxFont::New(ref_medium_pt_sz, wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS,
large_font = wxFont::New(ref_large_pt_sz, wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS,
GdaConst::gda_datetime_formats[0] = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S";
GdaConst::gda_datetime_formats[1] = "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S";
GdaConst::gda_datetime_formats[2] = "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S";
GdaConst::gda_datetime_formats[3] = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S";
GdaConst::gda_datetime_formats[4] = "%Y-%m-%d";
GdaConst::gda_datetime_formats[5] = "%m/%d/%Y";
GdaConst::gda_datetime_formats[6] = "%Y/%m/%d";
GdaConst::gda_datetime_formats[7] = "%H:%M:%S";
GdaConst::gda_datetime_formats[8] = "%H:%M";
GdaConst::gda_datetime_formats[9] = "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M %p";
// GdaShape resources
default_myshape_pen = wxBLACK_PEN;
default_myshape_brush = wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH;
//ScatterPlot and ScatterNewPlot resources
scatterplot_reg_pen = new wxPen(scatterplot_regression_color, 2);
scatterplot_reg_selected_pen =
new wxPen(scatterplot_regression_selected_color, 2);
scatterplot_reg_excluded_pen =
new wxPen(scatterplot_regression_excluded_color, 2);
scatterplot_scale_pen = new wxPen(scatterplot_scale_color);
scatterplot_origin_axes_pen =
new wxPen(scatterplot_origin_axes_color, 1, wxSHORT_DASH);
wxBitmap zoomin_bitmap(GdaConst::raw_zoom_in);
zoomInCursor = wxCursor(zoomin_bitmap.ConvertToImage());
wxBitmap zoomout_bitmap(GdaConst::raw_zoom_out);
zoomOutCursor = wxCursor(zoomout_bitmap.ConvertToImage());
// Averages Chart Colors
ln_cht_clr_regimes_hl = wxColour(255,255,102); // yellow #FFFF66
ln_cht_clr_sel_dark = wxColour(204, 41, 44); // red
ln_cht_clr_sel_light = GdaColorUtils::ChangeBrightness(ln_cht_clr_sel_dark,125);
ln_cht_clr_exl_dark = wxColour(0, 79, 241); // blue
ln_cht_clr_exl_light = GdaColorUtils::ChangeBrightness(ln_cht_clr_exl_dark, 125);
ln_cht_clr_tm1_dark = wxColour(147, 36, 255); // purple
ln_cht_clr_tm1_light = GdaColorUtils::ChangeBrightness(ln_cht_clr_tm1_dark, 125);
ln_cht_clr_tm2_dark = wxColour(115, 61, 26); // brown
ln_cht_clr_tm2_light = GdaColorUtils::ChangeBrightness(ln_cht_clr_tm2_dark, 125);
// Following 4 colors are colour-blind safe colors from Color Brewer 2.0
// LineChartStats::
// wxColour _sample0_clr_light(178,223,138); // light green
// wxColour _sample1_clr_light(166,206,227); // light blue
// wxColour _sample0_clr_dark(51,160,44); // dark green
// wxColour _sample1_clr_dark(31,120,180); // dark blue
// From Colorbrewer 2.0
qualitative_colors[0] = wxColour(166, 206, 227);
qualitative_colors[1] = wxColour(31, 120, 180);
qualitative_colors[2] = wxColour(178, 223, 138);
qualitative_colors[3] = wxColour(51, 160, 44);
qualitative_colors[4] = wxColour(251, 154, 153);
qualitative_colors[5] = wxColour(227, 26, 28);
qualitative_colors[6] = wxColour(253, 191, 111);
qualitative_colors[7] = wxColour(255, 127, 0);
qualitative_colors[8] = wxColour(202, 178, 214);
qualitative_colors[9] = wxColour(106, 61, 154);
// From http://phrogz.net/css/distinct-colors.html
unique_colors_60[0] = wxColour(166,206,227),
unique_colors_60[1] = wxColour(31,120,180),
unique_colors_60[2] = wxColour(178,223,138),
unique_colors_60[3] = wxColour(51,160,44),
unique_colors_60[4] = wxColour(251,154,153),
unique_colors_60[5] = wxColour(227,26,28),
unique_colors_60[6] = wxColour(253,191,111),
unique_colors_60[7] = wxColour(255,127,0),
unique_colors_60[8] = wxColour(106,61,154),
unique_colors_60[9] = wxColour(255,255,153),
unique_colors_60[10] = wxColour(177,89,40),
unique_colors_60[11] = wxColour(255,255,179),
unique_colors_60[12] = wxColour(190,186,218),
unique_colors_60[13] = wxColour(251,128,114),
unique_colors_60[14] = wxColour(128,177,211),
unique_colors_60[15] = wxColour(179,222,105),
unique_colors_60[16] = wxColour(252,205,229),
unique_colors_60[17] = wxColour(217,217,217),
unique_colors_60[18] = wxColour(188,128,189),
unique_colors_60[19] = wxColour(204,235,197),
unique_colors_60[20] = wxColour(140,70,70);
unique_colors_60[21] = wxColour(229,126,57);
unique_colors_60[22] = wxColour(242,162,0);
unique_colors_60[23] = wxColour(166,160,83);
unique_colors_60[24] = wxColour(0,77,41);
unique_colors_60[25] = wxColour(0,48,51);
unique_colors_60[26] = wxColour(0,61,115);
unique_colors_60[27] = wxColour(198,182,242);
unique_colors_60[28] = wxColour(87,26,102);
unique_colors_60[29] = wxColour(255,191,217);
unique_colors_60[30] = wxColour(229,130,115);
unique_colors_60[31] = wxColour(140,98,70);
unique_colors_60[32] = wxColour(76,51,0);
unique_colors_60[33] = wxColour(52,115,29);
unique_colors_60[34] = wxColour(96,128,113);
unique_colors_60[35] = wxColour(64,217,255);
unique_colors_60[36] = wxColour(153,173,204);
unique_colors_60[37] = wxColour(31,0,77);
unique_colors_60[38] = wxColour(166,0,111);
unique_colors_60[39] = wxColour(255,64,115);
unique_colors_60[40] = wxColour(166,44,0);
unique_colors_60[41] = wxColour(217,184,163);
unique_colors_60[42] = wxColour(89,85,67);
unique_colors_60[43] = wxColour(170,217,163);
unique_colors_60[44] = wxColour(0,191,128);
unique_colors_60[45] = wxColour(57,103,115);
unique_colors_60[46] = wxColour(0,58,217);
unique_colors_60[47] = wxColour(98,86,115);
unique_colors_60[48] = wxColour(242,121,186);
unique_colors_60[49] = wxColour(242,0,32);
unique_colors_60[50] = wxColour(76,20,0);
unique_colors_60[51] = wxColour(51,39,26);
unique_colors_60[52] = wxColour(229,218,57);
unique_colors_60[53] = wxColour(61,242,61);
unique_colors_60[54] = wxColour(102,204,197);
unique_colors_60[55] = wxColour(0,162,242);
unique_colors_60[56] = wxColour(89,101,179);
unique_colors_60[57] = wxColour(184,54,217);
unique_colors_60[58] = wxColour(89,0,36);
unique_colors_60[59] = wxColour(0,0,36);
// Filenames or field names start with a letter, and they can contain any
// combination of the letters A through Z, the digits 0 through 9,
// the colon (:) (in dBASE II field names only), and the underscore (_)
default_field_name_regex = "^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$";
default_field_name_illegal_regex = "((^[^a-zA-Z]+)|[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+)";
// There might be a problem when field name contains ' or " when using
// INSERT sql clause to export/save table.
// Details: no problem in Postgresq; error in Oracle; unknown in MySQL
db_field_name_regex = "[^'\"]+";
db_field_name_illegal_regex = "['\"]+";
// Warning message for valid field name of different field type
no_field_warning = "There is no restriction of variable name.";
db_field_warning = "A valid variable name should not contains any\n"
"quotes (' or \").";
default_field_warning =
"A valid variable name should have the first character be a\n"
"letter, and the remaining characters be either letters,\n"
"numbers or underscores.";
datasrc_str_to_type["DBF"] = ds_dbf;
datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_dbf] = "";
datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_dbf] = "dBase";
datasrc_table_lens[ds_dbf] = 128;
datasrc_field_lens[ds_dbf] = 10;
datasrc_field_warning[ds_dbf] = default_field_warning;
datasrc_field_regex[ds_dbf] = db_field_name_regex;
datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_dbf] = db_field_name_illegal_regex;
datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_dbf] = false;
datasrc_str_to_type["ESRI Shapefile"] = ds_shapefile;
datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_shapefile] = "";
datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_shapefile] = "ESRI Shapefile";
// share the same with DBF
datasrc_table_lens[ds_shapefile] = 128;
datasrc_field_lens[ds_shapefile] = 10;
datasrc_field_warning[ds_shapefile] = default_field_warning;
datasrc_field_regex[ds_shapefile] = db_field_name_regex;
datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_shapefile] = db_field_name_illegal_regex;
datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_shapefile] = false;
datasrc_str_to_type["FileGDB"] = ds_esri_file_geodb;
datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_esri_file_geodb] = "";
datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_esri_file_geodb] = "ESRI File GeoDatabase";
datasrc_table_lens[ds_esri_file_geodb] = 160;
datasrc_field_lens[ds_esri_file_geodb] = 64;
datasrc_field_warning[ds_esri_file_geodb] = no_field_warning;
datasrc_field_regex[ds_esri_file_geodb] = wxEmptyString;
datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_esri_file_geodb] = true;
datasrc_str_to_type["PGeo"] = ds_esri_personal_gdb;
datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_esri_personal_gdb] = "PGeo";
datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_esri_personal_gdb] ="ESRI Personal GeoDatabase";
//follows Microsoft Access .mdb
datasrc_table_lens[ds_esri_personal_gdb] = 64;
datasrc_field_lens[ds_esri_personal_gdb] = 64;
datasrc_field_warning[ds_esri_personal_gdb] = no_field_warning;
datasrc_field_regex[ds_esri_personal_gdb] = wxEmptyString;
datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_esri_personal_gdb] = true;
datasrc_str_to_type["SDE"] = ds_esri_arc_sde;
datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_esri_arc_sde] = "SDE:";
datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_esri_arc_sde] = "ESRI ArcSDE";
//ArcSDE doesn't support writing, so following will be ignored
datasrc_table_lens[ds_esri_arc_sde] = 32;
datasrc_field_lens[ds_esri_arc_sde] = 32;
datasrc_field_warning[ds_esri_arc_sde] = default_field_warning;
datasrc_field_regex[ds_esri_arc_sde] = db_field_name_regex;
datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_esri_arc_sde] = true;
datasrc_str_to_type["CSV"] = ds_csv;
datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_csv] = "";
datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_csv] = "Comma Separated Value";
//CSV should have no restriction except the comma character, but we give
//a limitation to a reasonable 128 length
datasrc_table_lens[ds_csv] = 128;
datasrc_field_lens[ds_csv] = 128;
datasrc_field_warning[ds_csv] = "Field name should not contains comma(,).";
datasrc_field_regex[ds_csv] = "[^,]+";
datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_csv] = "[,]+";
datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_csv] = true;
datasrc_str_to_type["GeoJSON"] = ds_geo_json;
datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_geo_json] = "";
datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_geo_json] = "GeoJSON";
//GeoJSON seams like has no restriction
datasrc_table_lens[ds_geo_json] = 128;
datasrc_field_lens[ds_geo_json] = 128;
datasrc_field_warning[ds_geo_json] = db_field_warning;
datasrc_field_regex[ds_geo_json] = db_field_name_regex;
datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_geo_json] = db_field_name_illegal_regex;
datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_geo_json] = true;
datasrc_str_to_type["GML"] = ds_gml;
datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_gml] = "";
datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_gml] = "Geography Markup Language";
datasrc_table_lens[ds_gml] = 128;
datasrc_field_lens[ds_gml] = 128;
datasrc_field_warning[ds_gml] =
"A valid variable name should only contains either letters,\n"
"numbers or underscores. Brackets (e.g. < or > ) are not allowed.";
datasrc_field_regex[ds_gml] = "[^<> ]+";
datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_gml] = "[<> ]+";
datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_gml] = true;
datasrc_str_to_type["KML"] = ds_kml;
datasrc_str_to_type["LIBKML"] = ds_kml;
datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_kml] = "";
datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_kml] = "Keyhole Markup Language";
datasrc_table_lens[ds_kml] = 128;
datasrc_field_lens[ds_kml] = 128;
datasrc_field_warning[ds_kml] = db_field_warning;
datasrc_field_regex[ds_kml] = db_field_name_regex;
datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_kml] = db_field_name_illegal_regex;
datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_kml] = true;
datasrc_str_to_type["MapInfo File"] = ds_mapinfo;
datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_mapinfo] = "";
datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_mapinfo] = "MapInfo File (TAB and MIF/MID)";
datasrc_table_lens[ds_mapinfo] = 128;
datasrc_field_lens[ds_mapinfo] = 32;
datasrc_field_warning[ds_mapinfo] = default_field_warning;
datasrc_field_regex[ds_mapinfo] = default_field_name_regex;
datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_mapinfo] = default_field_name_illegal_regex;
datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_mapinfo] = true;
datasrc_str_to_type["MySQL"] = ds_mysql;
datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_mysql] = "MYSQL:";
datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_mysql] = "MySQL";
datasrc_table_lens[ds_mysql] = 64;
datasrc_field_lens[ds_mysql] = 64;
datasrc_field_warning[ds_mysql] = db_field_warning;
datasrc_field_regex[ds_mysql] = db_field_name_regex;
datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_mysql] = db_field_name_illegal_regex;
datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_mysql] = true;
datasrc_str_to_type["OCI"] = ds_oci;
datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_oci] = "OCI:";
datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_oci] = "Oracle Spatial";
datasrc_table_lens[ds_oci] = 30;
datasrc_field_lens[ds_oci] = 30;
datasrc_field_warning[ds_oci] = db_field_warning;
datasrc_field_regex[ds_oci] = db_field_name_regex;
datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_oci] = db_field_name_illegal_regex;
datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_oci] = false;
datasrc_str_to_type["PostgreSQL"] = ds_postgresql;
datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_postgresql] = "PG:";
datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_postgresql] = "PostgreSQL / PostGIS";
datasrc_table_lens[ds_postgresql] = 31;
datasrc_field_lens[ds_postgresql] = 31;
datasrc_field_warning[ds_postgresql] = db_field_warning;
datasrc_field_regex[ds_postgresql] = db_field_name_regex;
datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_postgresql] = db_field_name_illegal_regex;
datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_postgresql] = true;
datasrc_str_to_type["Carto"] = ds_cartodb;
datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_cartodb] = "Carto:";
datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_cartodb] = "Carto";
datasrc_table_lens[ds_cartodb] = 31;
datasrc_field_lens[ds_cartodb] = 31;
datasrc_field_warning[ds_cartodb] = db_field_warning;
datasrc_field_regex[ds_cartodb] = db_field_name_regex;
datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_cartodb] = db_field_name_illegal_regex;
datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_cartodb] = true;
datasrc_str_to_type["SQLite"] = ds_sqlite;
datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_sqlite] = "";
datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_sqlite] = "SQLite / Spatialite";
datasrc_table_lens[ds_sqlite] = 128;
datasrc_field_lens[ds_sqlite] = 128;
datasrc_field_warning[ds_sqlite] = no_field_warning;
datasrc_field_regex[ds_sqlite] = wxEmptyString;
datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_sqlite] = wxEmptyString;
datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_sqlite] = true;
datasrc_str_to_type["GPKG"] = ds_gpkg;
datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_gpkg] = "";
datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_gpkg] = "GeoPackage";
datasrc_table_lens[ds_gpkg] = 128;
datasrc_field_lens[ds_gpkg] = 128;
datasrc_field_warning[ds_gpkg] = no_field_warning;
datasrc_field_regex[ds_gpkg] = wxEmptyString;
datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_gpkg] = wxEmptyString;
datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_gpkg] = true;
datasrc_str_to_type["WFS"] = ds_wfs;
datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_wfs] = "WFS:";
datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_wfs] = "OGC Web Feature Service";
datasrc_table_lens[ds_wfs] = 128;
datasrc_field_lens[ds_wfs] = 128;
datasrc_field_warning[ds_wfs] = no_field_warning;
datasrc_field_regex[ds_wfs] = wxEmptyString;
datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_wfs] = wxEmptyString;
datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_wfs] = true;
// Since XLS can be dBase, we use dBase as its field name limitation
datasrc_str_to_type["XLS"] = ds_xls;
datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_xls] = "";
datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_xls] = "Microsoft Excel";
datasrc_table_lens[ds_xls] = 128;
datasrc_field_lens[ds_xls] = 10;
datasrc_field_warning[ds_xls] = default_field_warning;
datasrc_field_regex[ds_xls] = default_field_name_regex;
datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_xls] = default_field_name_illegal_regex;
datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_xls] = false;
datasrc_str_to_type["XLSX"] = ds_xlsx;
datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_xlsx] = "";
datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_xlsx] = "Microsoft Excel Extensions";
datasrc_table_lens[ds_xlsx] = 128;
datasrc_field_lens[ds_xlsx] = 10;
datasrc_field_warning[ds_xlsx] = default_field_warning;
datasrc_field_regex[ds_xlsx] = default_field_name_regex;
datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_xlsx] = default_field_name_illegal_regex;
datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_xlsx] = false;
datasrc_str_to_type["ODS"] = ds_ods;
datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_ods] = "";
datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_ods] = "Open Office Spreadsheet";
datasrc_table_lens[ds_ods] = 128;
datasrc_field_lens[ds_ods] = 128;
datasrc_field_warning[ds_ods] = default_field_warning;
datasrc_field_regex[ds_ods] = default_field_name_regex;
datasrc_field_illegal_regex[ds_ods] = default_field_name_illegal_regex;
datasrc_field_casesensitive[ds_ods] = false;
//not supported yet
//datasrc_str_to_type["OSM"] = ds_osm;
//datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_xls] = "";
//datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_xls] = "OSM";
//datasrc_str_to_type["MSSQLSpatial"] = ds_ms_sql;
//datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_ms_sql] = "MSSQL:";
//datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_ms_sql] = "Microsoft SQL Server";
//datasrc_str_to_type["ArcObjects"] = ds_esri_arc_obj;
//datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_esri_arc_obj] = "AO";
//datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_esri_arc_obj] = "ESRI ArcObjects";
//datasrc_str_to_type["ODBC"] = ds_odbc;
//datasrc_type_to_prefix[ds_odbc] = "ODBC:";
//datasrc_type_to_fullname[ds_odbc] = "ODBC";
typedef std::map<std::string, DataSourceType> ds_map;
for (ds_map::iterator it=datasrc_str_to_type.begin();
it != datasrc_str_to_type.end(); it++) {
datasrc_type_to_str[it->second] = it->first;
datasrc_req_flds[it->second] = std::set<std::string>();
datasrc_opt_flds[it->second] = std::set<std::string>();
typedef std::map<DataSourceType, std::set<std::string> > ds_fld_map;
for (ds_fld_map::iterator it=datasrc_req_flds.begin();
it != datasrc_req_flds.end(); it++) {
DataSourceType type = it->first;
if (type == ds_esri_file_geodb || type == ds_csv ||
type == ds_dbf || type == ds_gml ||
type == ds_kml || type == ds_mapinfo ||
type == ds_shapefile || type == ds_sqlite ||
type == ds_gpkg || type == ds_xls ||
type == ds_geo_json || type == ds_osm)
// These are simple files, and a file name must be supplied
} else if (type == ds_esri_arc_obj || type == ds_esri_personal_gdb ||
type == ds_esri_arc_sde || type == ds_mysql ||
type == ds_ms_sql || type == ds_oci || type == ds_odbc)
} else if ( type == ds_wfs) {
} else if (type == ds_postgresql) {
for (ds_fld_map::iterator it=datasrc_opt_flds.begin();
it != datasrc_opt_flds.end(); it++) {
DataSourceType type = it->first;
if (type == ds_postgresql) {
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:geoda/geoda_mirror.git
