同步操作将从 Gitee 极速下载/spacemacs 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
and o
. The variable can now take a
property list with the following keywords supported: :relative t
to turn on
relative lines, :disabled-for-modes mode1 mode2 ...
to disable line numbers
in specific major modes and :size-limit-kb n
to disable line numbers when
the size of the buffer is greater than n (thanks to deb0ch)quela
, package-build
, ido-vertical-mode
and spacemacs-theme
instead of org
effectively avoiding
to install Org twice.rotate-windows
(thanks to bmag)dotspacemacs-enable-paste-transient-state
to nil to
reflect its value in the doftile template (tanks to toupeira);
in issue report body (thanks to d12frosted):async
keyword can now take a predicate functionSPC m g G
SPC w +
to toggle between vertical and horizontal windows
layout (thanks to nixmaniack, bmag)SPC w TAB
to go to last selected window (thanks to adelq)gf
in compilation mode to find file at point
(thanks to FrancescElies)gD
to jump to definition in another window
(thanks to quicknir)SPC x l S
to reverse sort lines (duianto)SPC x l c
and SPC x l C
to sort lines by column (duianto)SPC f T
to jump to currently opened file in neotree
(thanks to arjun-urs)neotree
to take a quick look at the currently
selected file (thanks to sdwolf)SPC b .
(thanks to quicknir)spacemacs/count-word-analysis
by including information from
instead of window-numbering.el
for window numbers
(thanks to deb0ch)C
(thanks to lanejo01)SPC p C-g
to easier SPC p G
(thanks to TheBB)SPC x l d
(thanks to deb0ch)auto-highlight-symbol
with evil
as well as isearch
(thanks to TheBB)helm
or ivy
as completion framework for dumb-jump
(thanks to deuill)buffer-menu-mode
(thanks to bgamari)ansible-vault
(auto-de/encryption of files)company
with company-ansible
for auto-complete
(thanks to d12frosted)pyim
into the .cache
directory (thanks to DCPRevere)flymd
. Flymd is a realtime markdown preview (hodge)cider-test-xxxx
functions (thanks to mahinshaw)SPC m h i
to inspect a definitionslime-edit-definition
(thanks to phoe)credo
.SPC m e c
to evaluate current sexp. Evaluation of current setq
form is under SPC m e C
and edebug
, see tutorial in README.org
for wolfram-mode
game. (thanks to et2010)go--position-bytes
(thanks to db47h)company-web
loading (ralesi)g r
to update buffer, g j
to move to next filter group
and g k
to move to previous filter group (thanks to donm)axes.color_cycle
warning in matplotlibrc (thanks to Retorz)SPC f b
to counsel-bookmark
(thanks to gilbertw1)d
(thanks to d12frosted)ivy
layout transient state when pressing b
(thanks to gilbertw1)tern
by marking it async (thanks to coreygrunewald)SPC m i t
to insert a Table of Contentsmmm-mode
linter in mode-lineorg-edit-src-exit
(thanks to david-sawatzke)SPC m i a
for org-attach
(thanks to smile12341234)SPC m e
to SPC m e e
for org-export-dispatch
on folded headings (thanks to dschoepe)R
to refresh buffer (thanks to FrancescElies)gf
to go to file at point (thanks to FrancescElies)python-auto-set-local-pyvenv-virtualenv
to autoload
a virtual env with a .venv
file (thanks to korayal)ob-restclient
to add org-babel
support to restclient
SPC m j
(thanks to tko)SPC m n
SPC m p
(thanks to tko)SPC m h h
(thanks to NJBS)SPC m q
(thanks to swaroopch)help-window-select
(thanks to bmag)ensime
variable name user-emacs-ensime-directory
(thanks to brakhane)company-backends-scheme-mode
(thanks to pnagy)company
with glsl-company
package (thanks to d12frosted)flyspell-correct-helm
and flyspell-correct
(thanks to ralesi and d12frosted)version-control-diff-side
to set the fringe
side where to display version control info (thanks to emmanueltouzery)smerge-mode
on SPC g r
(thanks to perfectayush)SPC b #
is a number between 0 and 9 (thanks to quicknir)SPC t m t
. Toggle of the modeline
is now in SPC t m T
. (thanks to jupl)SPC t h s
(thanks to jupl)doc/BEGINNERS_TUTORIAL.org
and stekene-theme
to system description (SPC h d s
for Emacs 25 and later (thanks to JAremko)doom
themes (thanks to TheBB)dotspacemacs-startup-lists
(was previously
changed to be nil)dotspacemacs/layers
(thanks to TheBB):toggle
expression from being evaluated for excluded packages
(thanks to TheBB)golden-ratio
toggle key in window transient-state only when
package is used (thanks to bmag)conf-mode
(by deriving conf-mode
) (thanks to valentjedi)SPC c h
to hide/show comments in a file using the package
key binding to quit the evil-number
transient-state (thanks to duianto)linum-relative
now correctly activates linum
(thanks to deb0ch)spacemacs/company-load-clang-complete-file
) (thanks to jlewallen)DCD
(thanks to tuhdo)SPC m g g
to go to definitionSPC m g b
to jump back (after go to definition with above command)SPC m g r
to find references to all symbol at point(thanks to tuhdo)
in matplotlibrc
(thanks to Retorz)ivy
restrict buffers to current spacemacs layout (thanks to bmag)org-babel
(thanks to usharf)flycheck
on idle since recent changes to flycheck-mix
make it safe
(thanks to aaronjensen)fill-column-indicator
only when the package is effectively used
(thanks to bmag)magit
2.8 built-in fullscreen display function (update your
packages) (thanks to houli)go-oracle
by go-guru
(thanks to edrex)GOPATH
when initializing go-guru
(thanks to goofansu)go-rename
on symlinked projects (thanks to grncdr)M-RET
(meta-return) to open the file packages.el
of a layer in helm-spacemacs-help
under SPC h SPC
(thanks to CestDiego)prog-mode
in Emacs 25
(thanks to TheBB)cmti
extension to list of ignored completion extensions
(thanks to rgrinberg)org-async-init.el
(thanks to fintelkai):q
and :wq
ex commands for abort and finalize in
and org-src-edit
(thanks to mwillsey)Twitter Bootstrap
for export to html.
To enable the support for bootstrap
set the new layer variable
to t
(thanks to kalhauge)nimsuggest
for better completion using Nim’s IDE tool
(thanks to tuhdo)eldoc
via nimsuggest
(thanks to tuhdo)SPC m g g
to jump to definitionSPC m g b
to jump back(thanks to tuhdo)
by plantuml-mode
(thanks to skuro)python-tab-width
configurable (thanks to TheBB)wdb
debugger when inserting breakpoints using SPC m d b
(thanks to koterpillar)semantic
for imenu
only when semantic-mode
is enabled
(thanks to bmag)spacemacs/python-execute-file
on SPC m c c
to pre-fill
“python <filename>” as the compile command when using the universal prefix
argument SPC u SPC m c c
(thanks to bmag)minitest
test runner (thanks to pawandubey)ruby-mode
and enh-ruby-mode
(thanks to selmanj)ensime
obsolete commands ensime-db-start
(thanks to atreeyang)SPC i !
to insert shebang line in script files using
package insert-shebang
feature flycheck-explain-error
on SPC e e
(thanks to fmdkdd)xterm-color
package (thanks to bixuanzju)dotspacemacs-ex-command-key
variable (thanks to Dietr1ch)dotspacemacs-install-packages
to all
to run only the tests in current
buffer (thanks to bmag)dotspacemacs-ex-command-key
to define the key to press
to enter an Evil ex command, default is :
(thanks to Dietr1ch)dotspacemacs-startup-lists
to nil
(thanks to drewokane)jade-mode
by pug-mode
(Jade is now Pug) (thanks to robbyoconnor)orgtbl-mode
, this makes working with tables much nicer
(thanks to robbyoconnor)emmet-mode
(thanks to kaipr)J
and K
key bindings on the home buffer to navigate between widgets
(thanks to tobimensch)extensions
are deprecated as announced in previous release, if you still
have extensions
directories you must rename them to local
and move
the contents of the extensions.el
files to the packages.el
files adding
the keyword :location local
to them in the package list. Refer to other
layers for examples (for instance the python
variables are now deprecated as announced in
previous release, you must now use the keyword :excluded t
of the package
list, see the vim-empty-lines
layer for example.SPC :
acting as M-x
as been replaced by SPC SPC
If you want to revert to the old SPC :
key binding set the new
variable dotspacemacs-emacs-command-key
to “:”.SPC f e h
is now SPC h SPC
We moved SPC w c
and SPC w C
to SPC w d
and SPC w D
.SPC w
and SPC b
regarding deletion to clean redundant actions
and bring more consistency between the two prefixes (see
Distribution layer changes
section in change log for more information)SPC j
prefix has been modified to include jump
commands are now behind the prefix SPC j
for jump
SPC j j
to jump to a character in the buffer (works as an evil motion)SPC j l
to jump to a line with avy (works as an evil motion)SPC j w
to jump to a word in the current buffer (works as an evil motion)SPC j j
to split a line has been moved to SPC j n
SPC j h
and SPC j l
have been moved to SPC j 0
and SPC j $
respectively.SPC J
to split a string or sexp has been moved to SPC j s
that are not about help have
been moved to different key bindings:
SPC h b
for =helm-filtered-bookmarks~is now SPC f b
SPC h l
for helm-resume
is now SPC r l
for helm-locate-library
is now SPC f e l
to nil
have been reorganised to free up some keys
and capitalize on Magit
dispatch menu to keep things consistent (see
section in change log for more information)SPC b b
lists the buffers of
the current layout, use SPC B b
to list all the opened buffers.org-indent
is now turned off by defaultspacemacs|define-micro-state
is deprecated, it is replaced by the new
powered macro spacemacs|define-transient-state
to switch to a layout and keep
the transient state open.all
for dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
variable. To install all the packages supported by Spacemacs there is a new
variable dotspacemacs-install-packages
in colors
You have to replace it by colors-colorize-identifiers 'all
layer has been replaced by the new layer keyboard-layout
, see the
of the layer for more info.auto-mode-alist
(similar to
lazy install of packages but for layers) via the variable
, when used it replaces helm
(thanks to justbur, d12frosted, goofansu, lszekeres, nixmaniack, ralesi,
TheBB, zilongshanren)keyboard-layout
, currently supported layouts are bépo
and dvorak
(thanks to StreakyCobra)Hydra
, they replace the deprecated
micro states (thanks to justbur)jump to definition
abstraction to handle multiple jump backends like
tags, dumb-jump etc… (thanks to TheBB)SPC q d
to restart Emacs in debug mode with command line parameter
to restart Emacs without Spacemacs but with a list of
selected packages to load.(thanks to StreakyCobra)
and hybrid
editing styles to fix configuration
layer has been split into multiple layers to allow better
modularity (these layers are in +spacemacs
(thanks to justbur)
(thanks to thudo)+lang
(thanks to JP-Ellis)+lang
(thanks to jb55)+tools
(thanks to nickanderson)completion
(moved from spacemacs-base) (thanks to justbur)+tools
(thanks to bmag)completion
(thanks to justbur)+misc
(thanks to CodeFalling)+tools
(thanks to Andre0991)+lang
(thanks to robbyoconnor)+tools
(thanks to choppsv1)+lang
(thanks to Ell)+chat
(thanks to kostajh)+tools
(thanks to StreakyCobra):packages
for the list of layers in variable
, :packages
allow to select or exclude
packages from a layer.:enabled-for
for the list of layers in variable
, this keyword controls the effect of a
layer on the other layers. For instance one can enable the auto-completion
only for the python
layer with the value
(auto-completion :enabled-for python)
Note that this keyword is the opposite of the existing keyword
. (thanks to TheBB)dotspacemacs-editing-style
can now be a list containing the
keyword :variables
(similar to dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
) to
define additional variables to modify the behavior of the editing style. This
new keyword is useful for hybrid
style which supports these variables:
, if non nil then buffer are evilified,hybrid-mode-enable-hjkl-bindings
, if non nil navigation on hjkl
keys is
enabled (for instance in helm
, the default state when opening a new buffer,
by default it is normal
can now be a list (thanks to TheBB)dotspacemacs-startup-lists
(thanks to tonyday567)
to nil
to nil
to nil
in variable dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
which has been replaced
by adding support for cons cells in variable dotspacemacs-startup-list
(thanks to ralesi)dotspacemacs-enable-lazy-installation
to install a layer only
when a file with a supported type is opened. Possible values are all
and nil
will lazy install only unused layersall
will lazy install any layer that support lazy installation even the
used layersnil
disable the lazy installation feature
Default value is unused
. It is a list of packages, these
packages cannot be updated or rollbacked.dotspacemacs-install-packages
which replaces the variable
. This new variable defines the behavior
of Spacemacs for installed packages.
Possible values are used-only
, used-but-keep-unused
and all
installs only explicitly used packages and uninstall any
unused packages as well as their unused dependencies.used-but-keep-unused
installs only the used packages but won’t uninstall
them if they become unused.all
installs all packages supported by Spacemacs and never uninstall
them.Default value is used-only
which replaces the variable
. This variable represents the key to press after
the leader key to execute M-x
. Default value is SPC
to allow choosing between
different code folding methods. Currently supported are evil
, origami
and vimish
Default value is evil
. (thanks to ralesi)dotspacemacs-ex-substitute-global
, if non-nil then
the behavior of the g
flag in :substitute
ex-command is inverted.
Default value is nil (thanks to fbergroth)dotspacemacs-smart-closing-parenthesis
. If non-nil pressing
the closing parenthesis )
key in insert mode passes over any automatically
added closing parenthesis, bracket, quote, etc…
This can be temporary disabled by pressing C-q
before )
. Default is nil.
(thanks to StreakyCobra)dotspacemacs-retain-visual-mode-on-shift
, If non nil >
remapped to >gv
and <
is remapped to <gv
in visual mode, default
value is nil (thanks to Stebalien)dotspacemacs-visual-line-move-text
, if non-nil, J
and K
move lines up and down when in visual mode. Default value is nil.
(thanks to Stebalien)dotspacemacs-helm-use-fuzzy
. It controls fuzzy matching in
helm. If set to always
, force fuzzy matching in all non-asynchronous
sources. If set to source
, preserve individual source settings. Else,
disable fuzzy matching in all sources. Default value is always
(thanks to quicknir)dotspacemacs-elpa-subdirectory
. Can be nil
or a form that
evaluates to a package directory. For example, to use different package
directories for different Emacs versions, set this to emacs-version
(thanks to bmag, TheBB and emacs18)dotspacemacs-startup-buffer-responsive
to enable the
recenter of the home buffer contents when the window is resized.
(thanks to TheBB)evil-ediff
(thanks to justbur)evil-visual-mark-mode
(thanks to nixmaniack)vimish-fold
and evil-vimish-fold
(used only if new variable dotspacemacs-folding-method
is set to origami
) (thanks to Keith Pinson)origami
(used only if new variable dotspacemacs-folding-method
is set to origami
) (thanks to ralesi)link-hint
SPC x o
to use avy to select a link in the frame and open itSPC x O
to use avy to select multiple links in the frame and open them(thanks to StreakyCobra)
SPC i U 1
to insert UUIDv1 (use universal arg. to insert w/ CID format)SPC i U 4
to insert UUIDv4 (use universal arg. to insert w/ CID format)SPC i U U
to insert UUIDv4 (use universal arg. to insert w/ CID format)centered-buffer-mode
on SPC w c
(thanks to JAremko)evil-jumper
package, it is now integrated in evil
(thanks to justbur)smooth-scrolling
package and replace it by an Emacs built-in
layer to spacemacs
in GUI now execute evil-jump-forward
(thanks to justbur)spacemacs-large-file-modes-list
to disable large file check
for some major modes (thanks to myrjola)spacemacs-spaceline-additional-segments
to set additional
segments for the Spaceline mode-line. They are inserted between global
segments (thanks to riccardomurri)SPC q r
to restart Emacs and restore layoutsSPC q R
to restart Emacs without restoring layouts(thanks to StreakyCobra)
and evil ex-command :enew
to open a new empty
buffer (thanks to balajisivaraman)SPC f h
to open a binary file with hexl
(thanks to TheBB)SPC p F
to find file around point in the project context
(thanks to thudo)SPC p T
to projectile-test-project
(thanks to joehillen)SPC p %
to replace in project using a regular expression
(thanks to d12frosted)SPC p o
to open the TODOs buffer for the current projectSPC b a
to add a buffer to the current layoutSPC b r
to remove a buffer from the current layoutSPC B b
to list all the buffers in all layouts(thanks to CestDiego)
and SPC b
regarding deletion to clean redundant actions
and bring more consistency between the two prefixes:
SPC b k
has been removedSPC b m
(buffer move) has been removed because the functionality
is available via SPC w
with SPC w h/j/k/l
, SPC w H/J/K/L
.SPC b K
(kill other buffers) is now SPC b m
to map with SPC w m
(kill other window or maximize). Using the universal prefix argument
SPC u SPC b m
will also kill the windows.SPC b C-k
(kill buffer matching regexp) is now on SPC b C-d
now kills a buffer using ace-window
.SPC b d
and SPC b D
now accept an universal prefix argument to
also delete the window. So SPC u SPC b d
and SPC u SPC b D
the buffer and the window.SPC j
is now also for jumping
, introduced key bindings are:
SPC j 0
to go to the beginning of line (and set a mark at the previous
location in the line)SPC j $
to go to the end of line (and set a mark at the previous location
in the line)SPC j b
to undo a jump (go back to previous location)SPC j d
to jump to a listing of the current directorySPC j D
to jump to a listing of the current directory (other window)SPC j f
to jump to the definition of the function around pointSPC j i
to jump to a definition in buffer (imenu)SPC j j
to jump to a character in the buffer (works as an evil motion)SPC j J
to jump to a suite of two characters in the buffer
(works as an evil motion)SPC j I
to jump to a definition in any buffer (imenu)SPC j k
to jump to next line and indent it using auto-indent rulesSPC j l
to jump to a line with avy (works as an evil motion)SPC j n
to split the current line at point, insert a new line and
auto-indentSPC j s
to split a quoted string or s-expression in placeSPC j S
to split a quoted string or s-expression, insert a new line and
auto-indentSPC j u
to jump to a URL in the current bufferSPC j v
to jump to the definition/declaration of the variable around pointSPC j w
to jump to a word in the current buffer (works as an evil motion)(thanks to justbur)
SPC h .
to search for dotfile variablesSPC h f
to search for FAQSPC h l
to search for layersSPC h p
to search for packagesSPC h r
to search for documentation filesSPC h t
to search for toggles(thanks to justbur)
SPC x j c
to set the justification to centerSPC x j f
to set the justification to fullSPC x j l
to set the justification to leftSPC x j n
to set the justification to noneSPC x j r
to set the justification to right(thanks to StreakyCobra)
SPC w f
to toggle follow
mode (thanks to JAremko)SPC w F
to create new frame (thanks to JP-Ellis)SPC w R
to rotate windows backward (thanks to Dominionized)r
and R
in windows
transient state to rotate windows
forward and backward (thanks to TheBB)SPC x a \
to align backslashes (thanks to nocash)SPC h d d
for helm-apropos
(thanks to StreakyCobra)[ f
and ] f
to go to the next or previous file in current
directory (thanks to fbergroth)gr
in helm-ag
buffers to update saved results
(thanks to darkfeline)SPC f b
for bookmark-jump
(thanks to darkfeline)SPC t W
to toggle whitespace cleanup (thanks to TheBB)GNE
) and a new transient state
to navigate through errors on key binding SPC e .
(thanks to TheBB)ivy
and helm
result buffers (thanks to TheBB)ESC
now quits help
buffers (thanks to olivierverdier)=
can now be used to increase transparency in the transparency transient
state (thanks to sooheon)SPC b d
now always kill buffers (thanks to toupeira)SPC f o
can now open directories as well using the universal prefix
argument (thanks to bixuanzju)evil-unimpaired
(thanks to iurifq)iedit-insert
state (thanks to madand)tar-mode
(thanks to fbergroth)image-mode
(thanks to TheBB)archive-mode
(thanks to lislon)occur-mode
(thanks to nixmaniack)p
for previous match to auto-highlight-symbol
transient state
(thanks to microamp)G
in doc-view
to go to a page
(thanks to TheBB)smartparens
to comint-mode
(thanks to CestDiego)neotree
on ?
(thanks to bmag)align-repeat
to work with empty regexps (thanks to TheBB)undo-tree
(thanks to ohspite)ESC
re binding in visual state (thanks to sooheon)leuven
resets all the layouts (thanks to bmag)dotspacemacs-auto-resume-layouts
to t (thanks to cpaulik)SPC b b
potentially not restricted to layout-local buffers
(thanks to aroig)rainbow-delimiter-mode
in various modes (thanks to StreakyCobra)neotree
window number assignment (thanks to bmag)neotree
losing track of its window when changing workspaces or
layouts (thanks to bmag)SPC s e
for emacs style users, the binding now call iedit
instead of
(thanks to AlejandroCatalina)SPC s c
to work with evil-search-module
(thanks to StreakyCobra)SPC i j
(insert new line below) and SPC i k
(insert new line above)
(thanks to TheBB)dotspacemacs-remap-Y-to-y$
which had no effect (thanks to TheBB)avy--with-avy-keys
(thanks to NJBS)visual-line
toggle (thanks to TheBB)spacemacs/evil-smart-goto-definition
(thanks to Stebalien)Symbol's value as variable is void: osx-use-dictionary-app
the osx
layer is not used (thanks to nixmaniack)configuration-layer//resolve-package-archives
for local URLs
(thanks to d12frosted)ffap-machine-p-known
to reject
to prevent find-file-at-point
pinging what looks like domains (thanks to mineo)ediff
(thanks to mazinbokhari)highlight-long-lines
to support prefix argument to set
the column where to start the highlight (thanks to dcluna)messages
and which-key
buffers (thanks to sooheon)visual-mode
to ” Ⓛ” or ” L” to match key binding
(thanks to xiaohanyu)evil-mc
when there is no cursor.org
base configuration from the org
layer to the spacemacs
distribution (thanks to d12frosted)pcre2el
key bindings to SPC x r
from SPC p y
to SPC p g
to SPC p C-g
to regenerate tagsiedit
region to auto-highlight-symbol
range (thanks to bmag)google-translate
fixes (thanks to TheBB)auto-highlight-symbol
from setting up its own default map
(thanks to bling)vi-tilde-fringe
loading after display init, fixes missing tildes
when using Emacs daemon (thanks to StreakyCobra)spacemacs
layers into sub-layers (thanks to justbur)agda-mode
(thanks to FreeSalad)jinja2-mode
and group_vars
files (thanks to nixmaniack)SPC m a ?
to SPC m h a
set the delay in second between the keys of sequence used to select
the auto-completion candidate (thanks to MadAnd)manual
for layer variable auto-completion-enable-help-tooltip
It enables the user to display help tooltip on-demand (thanks to bmag)org-download
to insert images from an URL:
SPC m i s
to Take screenshotSPC m i y
to Yank image url(thanks to krakapwa)
(hippie-expand) only in vim style (thanks to nixmaniack)company
integration with yasnipet
and hippie-expand
(thanks to TheBB)company-quickhelp
in daemon mode (thanks to TheBB)C-k
not working in company-quickhelp-mode
(thanks to TheBB)evil-complete-previous
to hippie-expand
(thanks to justbur)yasnippet
loading warning (thanks to bixuanzju)SPC m h
by SPC m h h
(thanks to ralesi)SPC m h H
to lookup documentation locally in .chm
(thanks to ralesi)better-defaults-move-to-beginning-of-code-first
(thanks to deb0ch)
on M-q
(thanks to d12frosted)gj
or C-j
for org-ref-bibtex-next-entry
or C-k
for org-ref-bibtex-previous-entry
(thanks to cpaulik)
in C files (thanks to deb0ch)fcitx
(thanks to zilongshanren)clojure-snippets
(thanks to AlejandroCatalina)SPC m s o
for switching between REPL connections
(thanks to mahinshaw)SPC m h a
for cider
apropos (thanks to birdspider)cider
SPC m g C
to browse classpathSPC m g n
to browse namespacesSPC m g N
to browse all namespacesSPC m T e
to toggle englighten modeSPC m T t
to toggle auto test mode(thanks to kalouantonis)
SPC m T e
to toggle cider-enlighten-mode
(thanks to mahinshaw)SPC m s C
to clear REPL (thanks to jgertm)SPC m h n
to cider
browse namespace (thanks to mahinshaw)SPC m e m
for cider
macroexpand 1 and SPC m e M
macroexpand all (thanks to mahinshaw)cider-jack-in-clojurescript
(thanks to mahinshaw)cider-debug
in normal state for hybrid style (thanks to sooheon)smartparens
in cider (thanks to TheBB)color-identifiers-mode
(thanks to ralesi)colors-colorize-identifiers
supporting the following
(key binding SPC t C v
) colorizes only variables via
(key binding SPC t C a
) colorizes all identifiersnil
for no additional colorisation at all(thanks to ralesi and curtmack)
(thanks to ksjogo)common-lisp-snippets
(thanks to thudo)auto-highlight-symbol
(thanks to AlejandroCatalina)SPC m s I
to choose lisp implementation with helm
(thanks to kr5x)slime-eval-last-sexp
is not defined (thanks to 111lll1l1l)SPC m g c
to go to member in current fileSPC m g I
to find implementations using idoSPC m g U
to find usages of symbol under cursor using idoSPC m r M
to rename symbol under cursor interactively(thanks to retran)
for C-like tags such as preprocessor definitions
(thanks to andschwa)dash-helm-dash-docset-path
with default value ~/.docsets
(thanks to nhenezi)docker-tramp
which provides TRAMP access to running docker
containers (thanks to cpaulik)docker
which provides basic management of docker images and
containers (thanks to cpaulik)flycheck-mix
(thanks to tomekowal)ruby-end-mode
and use smartparens
instead (thanks to mmainz)o
to open links with ace-jump
(thanks to nixmaniack)SPC m r i
for elm-sort-imports
(thanks to tko)SPC m = b
to format buffer (thanks to AetherLorde)SPC m h h
to open doc around point (thanks to obmarg)n
and p
key bindings from package list mode since they are not
useful and shadows n
to repeat last search (thanks to tko)SPC m g G
to go to definition in other windowSPC m =
(thanks to NJBS)erc-server-list
(thanks to jhenahan)org-babel
(thanks to cpaulik)thrift
(thanks to secwang)faust-mode
(thanks to magnetophon)matlab-mode
run prog-mode-hook
(thanks to TheBB)typit
for more info
(thanks to usharf and declanqian)Magit
dispatch popup and free up some keys
to be used for other commands:
SPC g >
magit-submodule-popupSPC g A
magit-cherry-pick-popupSPC g c
magit-commit-popupSPC g C
magit-checkoutSPC g d
magit-diff-popupSPC g D
spacemacs/magit-diff-headSPC g e
magit-ediff-compareSPC g E
magit-ediff-show-working-treeSPC g f
magit-fetch-popupSPC g F
magit-pull-popupSPC g i
magit-initSPC g l
magit-log-popupSPC g L
magit-log-buffer-fileSPC g r
magit-rebase-popupSPC g P
magit-push-popupSPC g U
magit-unstage-fileSPC g x
magit-reset-popupSPC g m
displaying the Magit
dispatch popupgit-link
key bindings have been moved from SPC g h
to SPC g l
it provides support for other Git hosting services (not only GitHub)
SPC g l c
on a commit hash, browse to the current file at this commitSPC g l C
on a commit hash, create link to the file at this commit
and copy itSPC g l l
on a region, browse to file at current lines positionSPC g l L
on a region, create a link to the file highlighting the
selected linesSPC g f h
to get the commit history of the current filegit-link
in git-timemachine
, this allow to copy
the SHA-1 or selected lines links for the current commit (thanks to dcluna)SPC g h c
SPC g h c /
search for a repository to clone itSPC g h c c
clone and optionally fork repositorySPC g h c r
add a remote that is an existing fork of selected remoteSPC g h c f
fork remote in current user namespaceSPC g h c u
add upstream as remotego-tab-width
(thanks to microamp)SPC m g c
to open a clone of the current buffer with a
coverage info (thanks to JAremko)gometalinter
via new layer variable
(thanks to JAremko)org-babel
(thanks to choppsv1)gtags-enable-by-default
to control whether gtags-mode
should be enabled by default or not (thanks to TheBB)SPC m g D
to navigate to definition in another window
(thanks to NJBS)helm-gtags
lighter from mode line (thanks to NJBS)haskell-completion-backend
to select the desired
completion backend (thanks to d12frosted)intero
(based on cydparser layer) (thanks to d12frosted)helm-hoogle
under SPC m h f
(thanks to jb55)hlint-refactor
(thanks to cydparser)company-ghci
(thanks to dysinger)haskell-mode
key bindings to literate-haskell-mode
(thanks to jb55)intero-apply-suggestions
(thanks to Tehnix)SPC m F
and SPC m f
(thanks to ljli)haskell-debug-mode
(thanks to d12frosted)SPC m h i
and SPC m h t
key bindinds (thanks to d12frosted)haskell-tags-on-save
by default (thanks to bgamari)structured-haskell-mode
because of poor integration (thanks to
support (thanks to d12frosted)Add layer
to Install layer
in helm-spacemacs-help
(thanks to CestDiego)helm-source-header
face not updating when changing themes
(thanks to ghoot)web-mode
pairing (disable smartparens
) (thanks to TheBB)emmet-mode
in sass and scss modes (thanks to utkarshkukreti)pug
files use jade-mode
since Jade is now called Pug
(thanks to robbyoconnor)emmet
expansion if yasnippet
isn’t turned on (thanks to TheBB)SPC m l
for extracting lemma (thanks to bixuanzju)SPC m c
for idris-case-dwim
(thanks to bixuanzju)SPC m s q
to quit the Idris process (thanks to bixuanzju)golden-ration
for idris-holes and idris-info
(thanks to houli)auto-completion
support for Idris layer, now auto-completion
will ask Idris process for completions (thanks to bixuanzju)auto-completion
in REPL (thanks to bixuanzju)golden-ratio
in holes buffer (thanks to houli)SPC m .
with new key bindings:
SPC m d s
to start daemonSPC m d k
to stop daemon(thanks to elken)
and livid-mode
(thanks to dcluna)tern
and skewer
modes (thanks to cpaulik)SPC m %
to comment or uncomment a paragraphSPC m ;
to comment or uncomment a regionSPC m f e
to fill LaTeX environmentSPC m f p
to fill LaTeX paragraphSPC m f r
to fill LaTeX regionSPC m f s
to fill LaTeX section(thanks to kccai)
SPC m a
for TeX-command-run-all
(thanks to kccai)markdown-live-preview-engine
, Possibe values are eww
(built-in browser) or vmd
(installed with npm
(thanks to bixuanzju)SPC m c P
to live preview in Emacs’s built-in browser
(thanks to lunaryorn)mu4e-maildirs-extension
(thanks to choppsv1)mu4-alert
(thanks to zakkak)J
to go to next unread thread marking other mail read on the wayC-j
to go to next headerC-k
to go to previoys header(thanks to myrjola)
(thanks to choppsv1)helm--completing-read-default
(thanks to jeizsm)ocp-indent
(thanks to NJBS)SPC m g o
to list occurrences for identifier under point
(thanks to NJBS)ocamllex
, ocamlyacc
files (thanks to YasuharuIida)merlin-refresh
, this function is obsolete since merlin
2.0 (thanks to bixuanzju)flycheck
config, merlin is capable of doing it
(thanks to bixuanzju)exec-path
by utop
configuration (thanks to bixuanzju)org-reveal
(thanks to knl)space-doc-mode
to improve org files readability
(thanks to JAremko)org-babel
by org-projectile
(thanks to TheBB)org-projectile-file
to set the filename where you want
to store project-specific TODOs.org-agenda
for org-agenda-goto
for org-agenda-show-and-scroll-up
SPC m a
for org-agenda
SPC m d
for org-agenda-deadline
SPC m s
for org-agenda-schedule
SPC m f
for org-agenda-set-effort
for org-agenda-set-property
SPC m :
for org-agenda-set-tags
for org-agenda-clock-in
for org-agenda-clock-out
SPC m q
for org-agenda-clock-cancel
SPC m q
for org-agenda-refile
One day forwardM-h
One day backwardM-j
One week forwardM-k
One week backwardM-L
One month forwardM-H
One month backwardM-J
One year forwardM-K
One year backwardSPC m h s
for org-insert-subheading
(thanks to jgertm)org-indent
is now turned off by default because of the numerous glitches
(thanks to TheBB)evil-surround
using :
and #
(thanks to TheBB)org-imenu-depth
to 8 (thanks to justbur)org-image-actual-width
to nil which allows to resize images in an org
(thanks to nixmaniack)osx-use-dictionary-app
to use OS X dictionary app
instead of wordnet. Default value is t
. (thanks to nixmaniack)s-v
in terminals (thanks to lyallcooper)nix-mode
to variable spacemacs-indent-sensitive-modes
to disable
automatic indentation on pasting text (thanks to Profpatsch)0
and $
to full left and right scroll
(thanks to Andre0991)zr
to reset zoom factor (thanks to Andre0991)ruby-mode
for Puppetfile support (thanks to nwolfe)flycheck-purescript
(thanks to diogob)SPC m g g
(thanks to kRITZCREEK)psc-ide
to add imports on
completion. Default value is t
to get a popup buffer
showing you your current warnings/errors one at a time. This is primarily
meant as an alternative to using flycheck. Default value is nil
key bindings:
SPC m m b
to rebuilds the current file and displays any warnings or
errorsSPC m m i a
to add an import for the identifier at the current cursor
positionSPC m m i s
to inserts a suggestion for the warning/error at the current
cursor positionSPC m m t
to add a new clause for the function signature at pointSPC m m c s
to casesplits on the identifier at the current cursor
positionSPC m m q
to quit the current psc-ide-serverSPC m m L
to load a specific module(thanks to kRITZCREEK)
(thanks to cpaulik)py-isort
to sort the imports (thanks to swaroopch)org-babel
with yapfify
. Yapfify
uses project settings
applicable to the file that yapf is called on. Also it shows an error if
fails (thanks to JorisE)python-sort-imports-on-save
, if non-nil, automatically
sort imports on save. Default value is nil
(thanks to swaroopch)SPC m r I
to sort imports with isort
python package
(thanks to TheBB)SPC m V a
to activate a virtual environment in any directorySPC m V d
to deactivate the active virtual environmentSPC m V w
to work on virtual environment in WORKON_HOME
(thanks to cpaulik)
SPC m g b
for anaconda-mode-go-back
(thanks to jluttine)hy
buffers (thanks to dannyfreeman)pyenv
in hy
buffers (thanks to dannyfreeman)smartparens
in hy
buffers (thanks to dannyfreeman)pylookup
key binding SPC m h H
(thanks to darkfeline)pyenv
(thanks to cpaulik)pylookup
use std completing-read
function (thanks to darkfeline)pylookup.py
compatible with Python 2 and 3 (thanks to hemcsec)py-yapf
if anaconda-mode
is used
(thanks to cpaulik)comment-inline-offset
to 2 for python-mode
Since python’s PEP8
recommends two spaces for inline spaces (thanks to xiaohanyu)pyenv
is used (thanks to cpaulik)smartparens
(thanks to axyz)magic-mode-alist
(thanks to axyz)javascript-standard
as a flycheck
checker (thanks to shahinism)ob-http
.SPC m y
to copy the query around point as a curl
(thanks to d1egoaz)rake
with key bindings:
SPC m k k
to runs rakeSPC m k r
to re-runs the last rake taskSPC m k R
to regenerates the rake cacheSPC m k f
to finds definition of a rake task(thanks to asok)
key binding SPC m t ~
(thanks to asok)rspec
key binding SPC m t TAB
for rspec-toggle-spec-and-target
(thanks to asok)rspec
key binding SPC m t d
to run rspec in a specified directory
(thanks to dcluna)SPC b o
to run bundle open (thanks to asok)popwin
configuration to *rake-compilation*
(thanks to nixmaniack)Appraisals
files (thanks to jcf)chruby
configuration to find out the ruby version to use (thanks to asok)inf-ruby-mode
when an rspec
compilation hits a
breakpoint (thanks to dcluna)which-key
prefixes (thanks to ralesi)rust-enable-racer
, now racer
is always used
(thanks to fbergroth)company-racer
since racer
works with default
backends (thanks to fbergroth)rustfmt
which has been integrated into rust-mode
(thanks to fbergroth)racer
lighter in the mode line (thanks to NJBS)rust-enable-rustfmt-on-save
(thanks to isphinx)rustfmt
with new key binding SPC m =
to format the buffer
(thanks to isphinx)SPC m c f
to format all project files with rustfmt
(thanks to dmit)Cargo.lock
and .cargo/config
files for toml-mode
(thanks to Stebalien)org-babel
(thanks to tonylotts)scala-use-unicode-arrows
to replace ASCII arrows
with unicode ones (thanks to moonranger)sbt-mode
package (thanks to CestDiego)shell-default-full-span
, if non-nil, the shell buffers
span full width of a window (thanks to dubnde)projectile-shell-pop
(thanks to StreakyCobra)C-d
is now bound to eshell-delchar-or-maybe-eof
which checks if there is
a char after the point. If so, it performs the normal delete-char,
otherwise if quit eshell (thanks to microamp)org-babel
with no color (thanks to TheBB)projectile-multi-term-in-root
(SPC p $ t
) (thanks to TheBB)global-hl-line-mode
in shell-like
buffers (thanks to TheBB)company-shell
(thanks to joehillen)flycheck
in sh-mode
(thanks to fbergroth)SPC m \
for sh-backslash-region
to add a backslash at
end of lines (thanks to fbergroth)RET
to reindent-then-newline-and-indent
(thanks to cpaulik)flyspell-correct
instead of helm-flyspell
(thanks to d12frosted)flyspell-popup
(thanks to usharf)SPC e L
to open the errors buffer and switch to it.flycheck
loading process (thanks to TheBB)flycheck
window if already on it (thanks to bmag)flycheck-navigation-minimum-level
(thanks to maxigit)Darkokai
(thanks to ekmecic)golden-ratio
(thanks to TheBB)README.org
for more info (thanks to JAremko)SPC m s p
to send region or buffer to the web playground
(thanks to JAremko)evil-shift-width
(thanks to TheBB)tsfmt
to use the local project’s configuration (thanks to overminder)C-j
and C-k
in tide reference mode (thanks to zilongshanren)evil-unimpaired/insert-space-above
and evil-unimpaired/insert-space-below
(thanks to jschaf)] q
and [ q
for spacemacs/next-error
(thanks to bling).cmd
and .psm1
files (thanks to ralesi)core-spacemacs.el
to a new layer called
to nil
interactive so checking
for a new version can be done on demand.spacemacs|define-jump-handlers
to define jump backends for a given
mode (thanks to TheBB)local-vars-hook
which allows to read some directory
local variables before executing an hooked function (thanks to d12frosted)spacemacs/get-last-version
, this file is responsible to declare
layer dependencies.spacemacs-start-directory
. With this new variable, user can
easily load spacemacs anywhere (thanks to exaos)spacemacs-default-company-backends
which allow the user to
fine tune the default company backends inherited by all the modes
(thanks to izahn)--no-layer
and --distribution
deactivates all the layers except the distribution layer--distribution
allows to change temporarily the distributionspacemacs/report-issue
to create GitHub issues from within
Emacs based on a template (thanks to dwang20151005)configuration-layer/remove-layer
giving useful information on a
package in the Spacemacs layers context (key binding SPC h d P
for package lists <layer>-packages
. Its value can be a
symbol or a list. A package is considered to be used if the toggle evaluates
to non nil. By default :toggle
is t
for package lists <layer>-packages
. Providing a
min-version allows to fetch the elpa version of a built-in package.bootstrap
for package :step
keyword, it is used for bootstrap
for package :location
keyword, a site package is a package
installed on the host by a third party (ie. mu4e
which is installed by mu
(thanks to JAremko)spacemacs|add-toggle
a symbol that is bound to the raw prefix argument
(as in (interactive "P")
an expression overriding the default “on” toggle
message (useful to document a toggle’s argument):mode
a minor mode, when provided, :on
, :off
and :status
automatically defined to support the minor mode.(thanks to dcluna and TheBB)
support for local packages which means that local packages can be
installed like any other ELPA package (thanks to d12frosted):status
in spacemacs|add-toggle
(thanks to TheBB)omtose-darker
and omtose-softer
(thanks to Cifer-Y)user-dropbox-directory
built-inspacemacs-version@emacs-version (distribution)
function (thanks to TheBB)$SPACEMACDIR/init.el
instead of ~/.spacemacs
when both exist
(thanks to bmag)init.el
(thanks to YasuharuIida).gitignore
file to enable submodule update (thanks to jgmize)spacemacs//get-package-directory
(thanks to ivanbrennan)spacemacs/dump-vars-to-file
(thanks to bmag)emacs-eclim
package to eclim
(thanks to CestDiego)vinegar
key bindingstmux
layer (thanks to aaronjensen)scala
instead of scala-mode2
(thanks to j-martin)sbt
command to generate ensime
configuration (thanks to d1egoaz)dired-x
autoload (thanks to darkfeline)SPC f y
in dired
buffers (thanks to dcluna)C-i
key binding for evil-jump-forward
.SPC q r
to restart Emacs and restore Spacemacs layouts.spacemacs-helm
with unknown org documentation
files (thanks to kuangdash)evil-lisp-state
and evil-iedit-state
while using the emacs
editing style.persp-mode
, the package may need to be deleted
manually from the elpa
directory and a restart of Emacs may be
(thanks to zilongshanren)cider-turn-on-eldoc-mode
, using eldoc-mode
instead (thanks to tekacs and sooheon)tern
binary, if tern
is not found a message
is displayed in the *Messages*
buffer (thanks to nixmaniack)py-yapf
package (thanks to cpaulik)makefile
of pylookup
(thanks to hemcsec)semantic-idle-summary
which obfuscates anaconda
in the minibuffer (thanks to cpaulik)ensime-typecheck-current-file
, rename it to
, rename it to scala-enable-eldoc
(thanks to channingwalton)dired
configuration (thanks to StreakyCobra)Yasnippet
, the bug has been fixed upstream and is now
available in MELPA (thanks to TheBB)evil-jumper
which is now part of evil
(thanks to justbur)javascript-disable-tern-port-files
, when non nil
tern port files are not created. Default value is nil. (thanks to mijoharas)swift
major-mode key bindings (thanks to xinranmsn)neotree
buffer (thanks to bmag)SPC p l
right after Emacs started (thanks to bixuanzju)helm-imenu
(thanks to huaoguo)SPC t a
(thanks to TheBB)cider-pop-back
(thanks to mlachmih)ensime-refactor-diff-organize-imports
(thanks to TheBB)
title section.smooth-scrolling
error due to recent changes in package repositorySPC t v
to toggle smooth scrolling.evil-snipe
in ranger
(thanks to TheBB)rust
code blocks (thanks to panicbit)org-agenda-files
isn’t a list.
The org-agenda-files variable can be the name of a directory or a file.
(thanks to jmiven)osx-use-options-as-meta
for Emacs 25 (thanks to d12frosted)evil-matchit
jump between html/jsx tags (thanks to tko)racket-mode
key bindings
(thanks to rodrigosetti)ensime-refactor-inline-local
to ensime-refactor-diff-inline-local
(thanks to chessman)eshell
so they are not defined globally
(thanks to bling)railscasts-theme
(thanks to olsonjeffery)toggle-maximize-centered-buffer
(thanks to justbur)display-graphic-p
to SPC h d s
(thanks to TheBB)Improve loading robustness:
SPC f e R
(thanks to MadAnd)toggle-maximize-buffer
(thanks to justbur)--debug-init
is provided.ediff
(thanks to fbergroth)pcache-directory
ends in a slash (thanks to rpglover64)SPC h I
(thanks to StreakyCobra)eww
to .gitignore
(thanks to ahyatt)default
theme (no theme) to be defined in dotspacemacs-themes
(thanks to izahn)base16
themes (thanks to curtmack)company
front-ends (thanks to fbergroth)clang
args even if flycheck
isn’t installed (thanks to TheBB)cider-test-run-tests
function (thanks to AlejandroCatalina)align-cljlet
with clojure-align
. align-cljlet
was deprecated
in favour of the vertical alignment in the clojure-mode package (thanks to
not working on sub-directories (thanks to AlejandroCatalina)erc-terminal-notifier
(thanks to Andre0991)gnus-fetch-old-headers
customization which was causing slowdown
while consulting some newsgroups (thanks to StreakyCobra)hoogle-lookup-from-local
(thanks to jb55).jsx
from web-mode
auto mode alist (thanks to lunaryorn)H
and L
key bindings from evil-org
(thanks to choppsv1)py-yapf
configuration (thanks to TheBB)anaconda-eldoc-mode
(thanks to TheBB)pyenv
if it is installed (thanks to cpaulik)company-quickhelp-mode
only when it is already enabled
(thanks to syohex)/** @jsx React.DOM */
in the
first line of a file (thanks to EMayej)popwin
for rspec
compilations (thanks to joshcass)rspec-mode
on ruby files (thanks to morhekil)evil-shift-width
(thanks to Stebalien)dracula
theme (thanks to MarkRedeman)omtose-phellack
theme (thanks to duien)majapahit
theme (thanks to kostajh)C-h
, C-j
, C-k
and C-l
(thanks to justbur)SPC V R
to reload to restart VMs (thanks to kostajh)diff-hl
margin (thanks to abaw)git-gutter
linum setup (thanks to person808)printf
(don’t call exec-path-from-shell
function on Microsoft Windows)
(thanks to syohex)C-e
and C-y
in evilified buffers to scroll lines
(thanks to CestDiego)evil-jumper
since the issue has been fixed
upstream (thanks to justbur)init-dired+
function (thanks to AlejandroCatalina)use-package
code guidelinesSPC
code blocks (thanks to rustyplanet)org
directory (thanks to tboby)C-c c
for org-capture
(thanks to AlejandroCatalina)bracketed-paste
package to improve pasted text in terminals
(thanks to AlejandroCatalina).gitignore
pattern for private
directory (thanks to jballanc)SPC h d l
to describe the last key pressed, useful
when reporting a bug (thanks to StreakyCobra)describe-system-info
function with completion engine info
(ivy completion engine will be available in 0.106) (thanks to StreakyCobra)BountySource
page to README.md
(thanks to houli)request
storage folder to .cache
key binding in the home buffer introduced in 0.105.5
(thanks to justbur)haskell-cabal-hook
(thanks to chrisbarrett).python-version
files (thanks to fbergroth)dotspacemacs-scratch-mode
to configure the default major-mode
for the scratch buffer, default value is text-mode
(thanks to TheBB)[Update packages]
in the home bufferTAB
) key in terminal (thanks to StreakyCobra)evilified
(thanks to justbur)b
key binding on home buffer (thanks to justbur)evil-jumper/forward
to <C-i>
to make it work when
is non nil (thanks to TheBB)~/.spacemacs.d/snippets
directory to the snippet sources of
after aya-expand
when holy-mode
if active
(thanks to abaw)rbenv
loading (thanks to TheBB)yasnippet
loading (thanks to TheBB)spacemacs/toggle-transparency
(thanks to justbur)emacs --daemon
when toggling holy-mode
(emacs style)TAB
key bindings to expand/collapse sections (thanks to justbur)scala-auto-insert-asterisk-in-comments
(thanks to lunaryorn)SPC h n
to browse the Emacs news (thanks to lunaryorn)monokai
theme (thanks to jonboiser)SPC l
for avy-goto-line
is now under SPC y
. SPC l
is for
spacemacs layouts.SPC a p
is now for list-processes
and SPC a P
for proced
is now on SPC a k
.SPC s l
is now used to bring back last search buffer and SPC s j
is for jumping into a file using imenu
.(setq projectile-enable-caching t)
package. If you want
to continue to use the old evilified bindings add evil-magit
to the dotspacemacs-excluded-packages
variable of your dotfile.ruby-mode
If you want to continue to use enh-ruby-mode
set the layer variable
to t
.SPC l
with eyebrowse
(thanks to CestDiego, bmag and TheBB)evil-magit
which provides
a faithful port of Magit UX using Vim key bindings (thanks to justbur)spacemacs.org
with readthedocs
documentation pages
(thanks to bobbyangelov, nashamri and TheBB)emacs
, --profile
and --adv-timers [n]
to profile and
benchmark Emacs initialization (thanks to justbur)--insecure
to disable https when fetching ELPA packages.--debug-init
(built-in Emacs parameter) now enable Spacemacs verbose
messages when Emacs is loading.extensions
directories have been renamed to local
. extensions
directories will be deprecated in 0.106.0.evil-leader
functions evil-leader/set-key
are now obsolete and will be deprecated
in a future version.SPC m ,
and SPC m c
to Valid/ConfirmSPC m a
and SPC m k
to Abort/Discard(thanks to StreakyCobra)
to ' ~, ~/
to \
and :
to |
(thanks to StreakyCobra)tools
(thanks to bmag)tools
(thanks to d12frosted)email
(thanks to darkfeline)lang
(thanks to izahn)fun
(thanks to algernon)lang
(thanks to ralesi)dotspacemacs-elpa-https
if non nil use HTTPS otherwise
use HTTP. Default is t.dotspacemacs-elpa-timeout
, default is 5 secondsdotspacemacs-check-for-update
to toggle check for Spacemacs
updates at startup, default is t
(thanks to tenthousandfailures)dotspacemacs-default-layout-name
to set the name of the
default Spacemacs layout.dotspacemacs-display-default-layout
to toggle display
of the name of the default layout in the mode-line, default is nil
to resume automatically
the last layout when Emacs starts.dotspacemacs-max-rollback-slots
to set the maximum number
of rollback slots to keep in the cache.dotspacemacs-line-numbers
to enable line numbers
globally, possible values are relative
, t
or nil
Default is nil
(thanks to StreakyCobra)dotspacemacs-distinguish-gui-tab
, if non nil then TAB
and C-i
are distinct using GUI Emacs, default is nil
(thanks to justbur)dotspacemacs-startup-recent-list-size
to configure the
number of recent files to display in the home buffer (thanks to bmag)dotspacemacs-whitespace-cleanup
to enable automatic
cleanup of whitespace on save. Possible values are all
, trailing
or nil
. Default is changed
(thanks to nixmaniack)dotspacemacs-verbose-loading
, it is now enabled automatically
with the command line parameter --debug-init
to search for current selection or symbol under point
in the current project. SPC /
is similar but does not auto-fill the search
pattern. This new behavior mimics *
and /
keys of Vim
(thanks to StreakyCobra)SPC h d F
to describe a face, by default the face under
point is selected (thanks to TheBB)SPC h k
to display the top level of key bindings
(thanks to justbur)SPC h d K
to describe a keymap (thanks to justbur)SPC h SPC
for helm-spacemacs
(SPC f e h
is still
available) (thanks to StreakyCobra)SPC f E
to edit a file with sudo
(thanks to cpaulik)SPC q r
to restart Emacs (thanks to nixmaniack)SPC c q
to close compilation window (thanks to joehillen)SPC c k
to kill current compilation (thanks to jb55)SPC x o
to open URLs with avy
(thanks to StreakyCobra)backtab
to go up a directory in helm
(thanks to justbur)SPC b s
to switch to *sratch*
buffer (thanks to StreakyCobra)help-mode
buffers to navigate links:
g b
or [
to go back (same as clicking on [back]
button)g f
or ]
to go forward (same as clicking on [forward]
button)g h
to go to help for symbol under point(thanks to AdrieanKhisbe)
SPC i l
to insert lorem ipsum text to a buffer
(thanks to lunaryorn)SPC f v d
to add a directory variable,SPC f v f
to add a local variable to the current file,SPC f v p
to add a local variable to the first line of the current file(thanks to lunaryorn)
in helm buffers to jump to a candidate using avy
(thanks to ralesi)g
and G
in helm micro-state (thanks to dsdshcym)TAB
now correctly jump between links in help buffers with motion state
(thanks to justbur)SPC t n
now toggle line numbers locally instead of globally
(thanks to StreakyCobra)SPC a p
is now for list-processes
(thanks to calebmeyer)SPC f J
now open junk file using helm
(thanks to nixmaniack)vi-tilde-fringe
to SPC T ~
to SPC a k
(thanks to calebmeyer)proced
to SPC a P
(thanks to calebmeyer)space-line
package which replaces the powerline
(thanks to TheBB)help-fns+
package (thanks to justbur)helm-flx
package (thanks to TheBB)hl-todo
package (thanks to StreakyCobra)lorem-ipsum
package (thanks to StreakyCobra)evil-shift-width
based on the current mode settings
(thanks to TheBB)slash
(/), underscore
(_), hyphen
(~) and equal
(=) (thanks to TheBB)bug-reference-prog-mode
to prog-mode-hook
(thanks to lunaryorn)ag
, pt
etc… when pressing C-s
(SPC p p
) (thanks to TheBB)which-key
and G
support in neotree
buffers (thanks to synic)compilation-scroll-output
to first-error
(thanks to joehillen)helm
micro-state bug with numerical prefix arguments (thanks to TheBB)helm
freezes when using mouse to click and drag in the results list
(thanks to TheBB)helm-do-grep-preselect-candidate
void variable error (thanks to TheBB)linum-relative-mode
toggle being called twice the first time it is used
(thanks to justbur)SPC j k
unwanted auto-comment (thanks to driftcrow)spacemacs/write-file
being repeatable with .
(thanks to StreakyCobra)debug-on-error
toggle (thanks to lunaryorn)recentf-exclude
to be customizable (thanks to duerrp)spacemacs/kill-other-buffers
(thanks to TheBB)ahs-edit-mode
function which requires an argument (thanks to hanmoi-choi)spacemacs/sudo-edit
to make it work on remote ssh buffers with
multi-hops (thanks to dcluna)truncate-lines
(thanks to driftcrow)helm
to t
(thanks to xfq)holy-mode
by disabling evil-mode
(thanks to justbur)+
and =
zoom in, -
zoom out and 0
reset the zoom level (thanks to StreakyCobra)dired-dwim-target
to t
to make dired
to guess a default target
directory (thanks to StreakyCobra)helm-org-format-outline-path
to t
by default (thanks to TheBB)which-key
(thanks to justbur)last-search-buffer
to resume last search even if no saved search
(thanks to nixmaniack)count-words-analysis
output (thanks to StreakyCobra)custom-file
value if already set (thanks to lunaryorn)evil-indent-plus
package to replace evil-indent-textobject
(thanks to TheBB)evil-want-Y-yank-to-eol
to set Y behavior
(thanks to person808)evil-set-initial-state
function to set the default evil
states (thanks to justbur)tab-width
instead of obsolete default-tab-width
(thanks to lunaryorn)evil-jumper-file
(thanks to TheBB)rxt-fontify-regexp-at-point
(thanks to mineo)write-file
function and use built-in save-buffer
instead (thanks to cpaulik)Neotree
by setting
to nil
(thanks to synic)add to dotfile
action on a layer (thanks to CestDiego).org
files for editing (thanks to TheBB)helm-company
package available on C-/
while company popup is active
(thanks to TheBB)yas-snippet-dirs
setup (thanks to TheBB)yasnippet
expand to select first snippet automatically
(thanks to TheBB)auto-yasnippet
points to private directory by default
(thanks to taiansu)spacemacs/backward-kill-word-or-region
with rectangular selection
(thanks to bmag)fcitx
support (thanks to zilongshanren)avy-goto-char
(thanks to CodeFalling)SPC m s I
for cider-jack-in-clojurescript
(thanks to benalbrecht)SPC mred
for cljr-extract-def
SPC mrfu
for cljr-find-usages
and SPC mrsc
for cljr-show-changelog
(thanks to mbertheau)cljr--all-helpers
for automatic setup of refactoring key bindings
(thanks to grammati)zeal
on Microsoft Windows
(thanks to dotneter-)SPC m s c
to compile the current buffer in the IEx process
(thanks to timbuchwaldt)SPC m s m
to reload the module in the current buffer in
your IEx process (thanks to timbuchwaldt)SPC m t r
to rerun the last test (thanks to djm)q
to =quit-window=in various elixir modes (thanks to utkarshkukreti)company-mode
in alchemist-iex-mode
(thanks to utkarshkukreti)ruby-end
hook removal (thanks to TheBB)elm-repl-load
(thanks to holguinj)auto-compile
package (thanks to justbur)SPC m c c
to byte compile the current file,
SPC m c l
to popup compile-log buffer
(thanks to justbur)q
to exit macrostep
(thanks to ralesi)SPC m s i
now automatically start the correct REPL for the current
buffer (thanks to izahn)evil-snipe
mode names (thanks to person808)h
and l
bindings to eyebrowse micro-state (thanks to TheBB)eyebrowse-rename
(thanks to TheBB)Pacmacs
game (thanks to CestDiego)evil-magit
package (thanks to justbur)SPC g i
for magit-init
(thanks to CestDiego)SPC g c
for magit-checkout
(thanks to PierreR)SPC m ,
and SPC m c
to Valid/Confirm with-editor
buffers (thanks to justbur)SPC m a
and SPC m k
to Abort/Discard with-editor
buffers (thanks to justbur)gr
and gR
bindings to refresh in evilified Magit buffersorg
(thanks to mskorzhinskiy)magit
gravatars in cache directory (thanks to CestDiego)git-timemachine
and git-blame
micro-states are now idempotent when
invoked. So these micro-states can be invoked again without side effects.magit-gh-pulls
bindings from #g
to #
prefix binding is now %
instead of #f
(thanks to nixmaniack)git-magit-status-fullscreen
(thanks to bmag)evil-snipe
mode which messes with magit
buffer (thanks to
cpaulik)SPC g c
to clone and optionally fork repository
(thanks to cpaulik)SPC m x x
to run go run
for the current main package
(thanks to sectorzero)SPC m t P
to run go test
for the current package and all packages under it |SPC m t t
to run go test
for the function you’re currently in
and SPC m t s
to run go test
for the suite you’re currently in(thanks to bogdanteleaga)
from environment variables
(thanks to sectorzero)SPC m h H
to do a local (not using internet) Hoogle lookup
(thanks to jb55)SPC m g i
to jump to imports (thanks to bennofs)ghc-mod
SPC m m t
to insert templateSPC m m u
to insert template with holesSPC m m a
to select one of possible casesSPC m m f
to replace a holeSPC m m e
to expand template haskellSPC m m n
to go to next type holeSPC m m p
to go to previous type holeSPC m m >
to make indent deeperSPC m m <
to make indent shallower(thanks to Tritlo)
(thanks to d12frosted)SPC m s S
key binding for switching back from REPL
(thanks to d12frosted)haskell-interactive-popup-errors
(thanks to usharf)SPC m h t
and SPC m h i
bindings (thanks to d12frosted)SPC m s s
according to conventions, i.e. does not switch to REPL
buffer (thanks to d12frosted)ghc-mod
is disabled (thanks to d12frosted)ghci-ng
for stack projects (thanks to bjarkevad)haskell-mode
loading in cabal files (thanks to d12frosted)haskell-indentation-mode
hook (thanks to d12frosted)company-css
backend in web-mode
(thanks to TheBB)instance div.react-class
expands to < div className = "react-class"></div>
(thanks to CestDegio)css-indent-offset
as safe local variable (thanks to lunaryorn)smartparens
loading (thanks to TheBB)latex-enable-folding
to enable text folding, default
value is nil
(thanks to justbur)SPC m ,
and SPC m k
for C-c C-c
and C-c C-k
respectively (thanks to justbur)SPC m .
to mark LaTeX environmentSPC m *
to mark LaTeX sectionSPC m k
to kill TeX jobSPC m l
to recenter output bufferSPC m m
to insert LaTeX macroSPC m s
to insert LaTeX sectionSPC m v
to view output(thanks to justbur)
is non nil):
SPC m z b
to fold TeX bufferSPC m z e
to fold TeX environmentSPC m z m
to fold TeX macroSPC m z =
to fold TeX mathSPC m z r
to fold TeX region(thanks to justbur)
key bindings:
SPC m x c
to make font monospaced (for code)SPC m x e
to make font emphasisedSPC m x i
to make font italicSPC m x o
to make font obliqueSPC m x r
to remove font propertiesSPC m x f a
to use calligraphic fontSPC m x f c
to use small-caps fontSPC m x f f
to use sans serif fontSPC m x f n
to use normal fontSPC m x f r
to use serif fontSPC m x f u
to use upright font(thanks to TheBB)
SPC m -
to open output buffer (thanks to benquebec)latexmk
as the default build command (thanks to izahn)typo
(thanks to TheBB)TeX-source-correlate-mode
and TeX-PDF-mode
(thanks to justbur)SPC m x C
to insert github flavored code block
(thanks to lunaryorn)gh-md
package (thanks to tko)flycheck-nim
package (thanks to Gonzih)company-nim
which is now part of nim-mode
(thanks to robbyoconnor)opam
(thanks to TheBB)SPC m <dotspacemacs-major-mode-leader-key>
for org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c
SPC m *
for org-ctrl-c-star
for org-ctrl-c-ret
SPC m -
for org-ctrl-c-minus
SPC m ^
for org-sort
SPC m /
for org-sparse-tree
(thanks to TheBB)
for org-set-property
(thanks to swaroopch)SPC m !
for org-time-stamp-inactive
(thanks to channingwalton)SPC m D
to insert drawer (thanks to cpaulik)evil-surround
pair (thanks to TheBB)SPC a o
as prefix for org related applications like org-agenda
or org-capture
. The a
is for application
, and o
for org
(thanks to StreakyCobra)RET
in normal state for follow links (thanks to justbur)flyspell
by default (thanks to robbyoconnor)evil-org
to a local package (thanks to TheBB).org-id-locations
to cache directory (thanks to fandag)GNU ls
(thanks to lunaryorn)osx-trash
package to handle deleted items (thanks to lunaryorn)mdfind
the default backend for helm-locate
(thanks to Andre0991)Apple Color Emoji
for emojis (thanks to myrjola)puppetfile-mode
package (thanks to joehillen)psc-ide
support (thanks to kRITZCREEK)python-auto-set-local-pyenv-version
to automatically
set pyenv
version from a .python-version
file. Possible values are
, on-project-switch
or nil
, default is on-visit
(thanks to fbergroth)pylookup
to make it work again (thanks to TheBB)python-fill-column
(thanks to swaroopch)pylookup
makefile for python version 2.7.10 (thanks to hyh)flycheck
setup, do not disable jshint
but only for react
mode (thanks to lunaryorn)js-mode
snippet (thanks to rhalukongor)index.android.js
and index.ios.js
with react mode (thanks to erwan)ruby-mode
by default instead of enh-ruby-mode
(thanks to lunaryorn)ruby-enable-enh-ruby-mode
to enable enh-ruby-mode
by default instead of ruby-mode
to choose between ruby-test
(thanks to alexgirdler and dcluna)chruby
(thanks to bjeanes and Immortalin)rubocop
package (thanks to dcluna)rubocop
key bindings:
SPC m r r f
to run RuboCop on the currently visited fileSPC m r a D
to autocorrect current directorySPC m r r F
to run auto-correct on the currently visited fileSPC m r a P
to autocorrect current projectSPC m r r d
to prompt from a directory on which to run RuboCopSPC m r r D
to prompt for a directory on which to run auto-correctSPC m r r p
to run RuboCop on the entire projectSPC m r r P
to run auto-correct on the projectSPC m r r :
to SPC m r :
SPC m c C
to remove build artefacts with Cargo
(thanks to SShrike)SPC m g g
to jump to definition (thanks to isphinx)exec-path-from-shell-copy-env
for Racer
(thanks to mahinshaw)scala-enable-eldoc
to explicitly turn on el-doc
default value is nil
(thanks to d1egoaz)scala-auto-insert-asterisk-in-comments
to automatically
insert asterisk in multi-line comments (thanks to lunaryorn)SPC m b b
for sbt-command
(thanks to lunaryorn)expand-region
integration (thanks to lunaryorn)flycheck
Scala syntax checker in Ensime (thanks to lunaryorn).
(thanks to d1egoaz))SPC m s s
for scheme implementation selection
(thanks to troydm)SPC m e b
to evaluate the whole bufferSPC m e e
to evaluate last sexpSPC m e f
to evaluate current functionSPC m e l
to evaluate lineSPC m e r
to evaluate region(thanks to CestDiego)
package (thanks to CestDiego)C-j
and C-k
to browse history in normal state
(thanks to mijoharas and TheBB)C-l
in eshell
to clear buffer (thanks to CestDiego)C-c C-z
to stop jobs (thanks to darkfeline)zsh
common files with sh-mode
, zlogin
, zpreztorc
, zprofile
, zshenv
, zshrc
) (thanks to jcf)comint-move-point-for-output
to t
(thanks to CestDiego)eshell-hist-ignoredups
to t
(thanks to CestDiego)clear
in an eshell
buffer will clear the buffer
(thanks to CestDiego)spell-checking-enable-by-default
to enable/disable
by default globally (thanks to TheBB)auto-dictionary
from spacemacs layer to spell-checking
and activate it (thanks to StreakyCobra)flyspell-prog-mode
activation (thanks to lunaryorn)syntax-checking-enable-by-default
to enable/disable
by default globally (thanks to TheBB)flycheck
error list (thanks to TheBB and bmag)flycheck-pos-tip-mode
(thanks to StreakyCobra)SPC e s
and SPC e S
to select flycheck
executable (thanks to nashamri)jbeans
theme (thanks to synic)farmhouse
theme (thanks to CodeFalling)badwolf
theme (thanks to fabianhjr)vagrant-tramp-enable
variable (thanks to joehillen)SPC T d
and SPC T C-d
to toggle diff margin in the fringe
(thanks to ralesi)SPC g .
to stage, unstage, commit, show diff,
show hunks, etc… (thanks to ralesi)diff-hl
, git-gutter
(thanks to ralesi)--timed-requires
and --profile
to debug
and benchmark Emacs initialization (thanks to justbur)--insecure
to disable httpsspacemacs-assets-directory
(thanks to aminb)spacemacs/recompile-elpa
interactive function (thanks to justbur)user-emacs-directory
in async-start
(thanks to brabalan)ad-redefinition-action
to accept
and TAB
(thanks to justbur)evilified-state
library to local package of spacemacs
package by bind-map
package (thanks to justbur)spacemacs-theme
and solarized-theme
(thanks to TheBB)dash
and f
buffers (thanks to sooheon)*Messages*
buffer when loading .spacemacs instead of
ignoring them (thanks to dcluna)dotspacemacs-major-mode-leader-key
to nil
(thanks to justbur)SPC T h
is used (thanks to nixmaniack)b
now jumps to the bookmark list (thanks to kccai)Spacemacs Update
button to the spacemacs buffer, and relabel the
package update button to read Update Packages
(thanks to justbur).spacemacs
file is found (thanks to person808)emacs
(thanks to justbur)spacemacs-buffer
creation (thanks to justbur)spacemacs-mode
to core-spacemacs-buffer.el
(thanks to justbur)spacemacs-buffer/goto-link-line
(thanks to justbur)configuration-layer/package-usedp
for excluded packagesREADME.org
file in configuration-layer/create-layer
(thanks to StreakyCobra):protected
keyword now accepts a list:on-enter
before :doc
in micro-stateREADME.md
introduction rewrite (thanks to purcell)Built with Spacemacs
(thanks to nashamri)HOWTOs.org
in FAQ.org
(thanks to StreakyCobra)CONTRIBUTING.md
and doc/CONTRIBUTE.org
files into a new
file (thanks to StreakyCobra).gitmodules
file (thanks to robbyoconnor)cl-
prefix to cl-lib
functions (thanks to coldnew, robbyoconnor)eval-after-load
with with-eval-after-load
(thanks to person808)README.md
(thanks to nashamri)haskell-process-load-or-reload
(thanks to
(thanks to lunaryorn)flycheck-pos-tip-mode
(thanks to StreakyCobra, TheBB and
(thanks to TheBB)evil-lisp-state
, the version 8 is supported
in version 105 of Spacemacs only.vagrant-tramp-enable
by the function
(thanks to joehillen)evil-snipe
minor mode name to match latest release of
the package (thanks to person808)haskell-mode
(thanks to PierreR)void-variable warning-minimum-level
on Emacs 24.3
(thanks to syohex)SPC m c r
binding (thanks to tko)ad-handle-definition
about advised functions getting redefined:
is rebound to |
, /
is rebound to \
and SPC
is rebound to '
file (thanks to robbyoconnor)dotspacemacs-remap-Y-to-y$
, when non nil Y
is remapped to
. Default value is t
.SPC t h a
to toggle automatic highlighting of symbol under point.org-plus-contrib
is now installed from org ELPA repository, you may
encounter strange behaviours from Org. In this case delete the org
in the elpa
directory and restart Emacs.Helm
key bindings have been slightly adjusted:
(SPC f f
): now C-h
move up a directory and C-l
enter the selected directory. describe-key
command is available on C-S-h
buffers C-h
is used to go to the next source and C-l
is the same as RET
. describe-key
command is also available on C-S-h
has been remapped to y$
saved file has been moved to the .cache
directory, if
you have a bookmark file ~/.emacs.d/bookmarks
then you’ll have to move it
to ~/.emacs.d/.cache/bookmarks
Ruby on Rails
framework has now its own layer called ruby-on-rails
be sure to add this layer to your dotfile if you use RoR.Django
framework has now its own layer called django
be sure to add this layer to your dotfile if you use it.guide-key
has been replaced by which-key
, you may encounter issues
if you have some guide-key
custom configuration, remove any guide-key
configuration and check the options offered by which-key
(was !
layer has been moved to the layers
directory in the
category +distribution
directories have been renamed to local
. extensions
directories will be deprecated in 0.105.0.tromey
ELPA repository has been removed (thanks to robbyoconnor):location
, :step
and :excluded
files and <layer>-excluded-packages
variables are now
optional and will be deprecated in the next version 0.105.0.distribution
concept: you can now choose between two distributions:
or spacemacs-base
. spacemacs-base
contains only
a minimal set of packages whereas spacemacs
is the full Spacemacs
experience. Set the distribution with dotspacemacs-distribution
which allows to use Melpa
recipes to install
packages directly from source (i.e. one can now install a package directly
from a GitHub repository).hybrid
. This style is similar to Vim style except that
all Emacs key bindings are available in hybrid (insert) state instead of Vim
key bindings. Also in this state, the buffers are evilified like in Vim style.spacemacs-dark
. The Spacemacs themes
and spacemacs-light
) become the official themes of
Spacemacs (thanks to nashamri)~/.spacemacs.d
which behaves like the Emacs
dotdirectory (i.e. ~/.spacemacs.d/init.el
is evaluated instead of
if the former exists and the latter does not) (thanks to
which provides an enhanced and better
live key bindings browsing experience. (thanks to justbur)powerline
mode-line. It is now possible to easily
define segments and arrange them (thanks to TheBB)themes-megapack
, URL: theme gallery
(thanks to robmerrell)dotspacemacs/test-dotfile
testing the integrity
of the .spacemacs
file. This function will detect any unknown layers and
bad dotspacemacs variable values (thanks to justbur)SPC m T x
conventions for executing tests in debug to SPC m t X
and SPC C-t
For major mode specific toggles only SPC m T
is available.SPC m g b
to go back to previous location after a SPC m g g
.SPC m o
for users (thanks to TheBB)dospacemacs-distribution
allowing to choose the default
packages installed by Spacemacs.dotspacemacs/user-init
. Now dotspacemacs/init
is reserved for dotspacemacs variable exclusively.any
for dotspacemacs-highlight-delimiters
, when set to
, all the delimiters are highlighted via rainbow-mode
. If non nil then helm
will be automatically resized depending on the number of candidates (thanks
to ralesi)dotspacemacs-helm-no-header
. If non nil then the helm header
is hidden when there is only one source in the helm buffer (thanks to ralesi)dotspacemacs-helm-position
which can be bottom
, top
or right
(thanks to ralesi):disabled-for
keyword for dotspacemacs-configuration-layer
allow to deactivate a layer for a set of layers. For instance
(auto-completion :disabled-for org git)
will disable auto completion for
both org and git layers.dotspacemacs/config
to dotspacemacs/user-config
. The
old function dotspacemacs/config
will be deprecated in 0.105.0.helm-find-files
(SPC f f
), now
move up a directory and C-l
enter the selected directory.
command is available on C-S-h
buffers C-h
is used to go to the next source and C-l
is the same as RET
. describe-key
command is available on C-S-h
.copy file
key binding on SPC f c
(thanks to cpaulik)SPC i u
key binding to insert unicode symbols with helm (thanks to
robbyoconnor)SPC x l s
and SPC x l u
to sort and uniquify lines in a buffer
(thanks to oppenlander)SPC f s
now asks for a filename (thanks to
cpaulik)SPC f l
to visit a file literally which means that the file will be
opened in fundamental mode
(thanks to sooheon).el
files on save (thanks to
ralesi)SPC f C d
and SPC f C u
to quickly convert Unix encoding to DOS
encoding and vice versa (thanks to ralesi)SPC t E e
to toggle emacs
style and SPC t E h
to toggle hybrid
styleSPC i K
(insert empty line above point) which now works
as expected when used from the first line of a buffer (thanks to
travisbhartwell)SPC x a
(thanks to justbur)helm-imenu
(thanks to tuhdo)wS
from prefix list in config.el
(thanks to justbur)replace
state (thanks to TheBB)Y
equivalent to y$
(thanks to person808)visual-line-mode
and evil-visual-xxx
functions. Now SPC t L
correctly enables visual-mode-line
and change Evil to visual
navigation accordingly. Use SPC t l
to disable truncated lines while
keeping default Evil behavior.SPC h b
binding. Helm removed
in the latest update and replaced it with
(thanks to sgepigon)SPC f L
for helm-locate
(thanks to ralesi)g
for entire buffer (thanks to ralesi)define-word
on SPC x w d
(thanks to swaroopch)projectile-indexing-method
to alien
. This settings will use available
tooling to speed up the build of the cache, should greatly improve the
performance on Windows (provided you have the required tools)projectile-generic-command
on Windows using find
(thanks to TheBB)neotree
bug with window number 0 (thanks to jaypei)auto-highlight-symbol
(thanks to herbertjones)neotree
SPC p t
(thanks to StreakyCobra)sp-show-pair-delay
to 0.2 instead of 0. Should fix some slowness inhighlight-parentheses
delay to 0.2highlight-parentheses
when dotspacemacs-highlight-delimiters
set to all
(thanks to tuhdo)highlight-parentheses
(thanks to
waiting for an overlay bug
to be fixedpowerline
only if it is used (thanks to sooheon)golden-ratio
work after avy-word-jump (thanks to synic)helm
windows from golden-ratio
(thanks to ralesi)evil-nerd-commenter
(thanks to endrebak)evil-indent-textobject
which has working text objects
based on the indentations (thanks to TheBB)evil-terminal-cursor-changer
since it is buggy in some
terminals (thanks to TheBB)SPC m o
to SPC m h
since SPC m o
is now reserved for users
(thanks to TheBB)auto-completion-private-snippets-directory
allows to specify a custom private snippet directory (thanks to justbur)backward-kill-word-or-region
on C-w
(thanks to justbur)disaster
package to disassemble c/c++ code on key binding SPC m D
(thanks to jb55)company-mode/more-than-prefix-guesser
(thanks to TheBB)ein:traceback-mode
(thanks to toshism)SPC m s x
key binding for cider-refresh
(thanks to sooheon)cider-jump-to-var
and use cider-find-var
instead (thanks to lukbock)SPC m T i
to toggle indentation style in clojure-mode
(thanks to lukbock)SPC m T p
key binding to toggle pretty printing in the REPL
(thanks to luxbock)cider-inspector-mode
(thanks to luxbock)C-j
and C-k
for browsing history in the REPL (thanks to luxbock)clj-refactor
key bindings (thanks to luxbock)cider-stacktrace-mode
(thanks to luxbock)spacemacs/cider-toggle-repl-font-locking
toggle font-locking in the REPL (thanks to luxbock)fancify-symbols
for clojurescript-mode
, clojurec-mode
(thanks to Xcix)cider-test-report-mode
buffers (thanks to luxbock)clj-refactor
key bindings in the REPL (thanks to luxbock)spacemacs//cider-eval-in-repl-no-focus
(thanks to luxbock)
(thanks to luxbock)clfr-rename-file-or-dir
to new function
(thanks to luxbock)SPC m d b
in REPL (It doesn’t do
anything other than messing up the buffer) (thanks to luxbock)SPC m d e
(thanks to luxbock)omnisharp-auto-complete-want-documentation
to nil
to work-around
a bug in standard Omnisharp server built in Release configuration.zeal
on Linux and Windows (thanks to CestDiego)deft-extension
by new deft-extensions
(thanks to mclearc)mix
buffers (thanks to rhalukongor)magit-gitflow
since it is now compatible with Magit 2.1
(thanks to gilbertkennen)flycheck
aware of loadpath
(thanks to CestDiego)emacs-lisp-mode
key bindings for lisp-interaction-mode
(thanks to justbur)SPC m e c
to evaluate current form (thanks to justbur)SPC m e s
to evaluate symbol under point (thanks to justbur)ERC-SASL
for SASL authentication (thanks to CestDiego)dbus
availability on OS X (thanks to cmccloud)ess-enable-smart-equals
to nil (thanks to
back-end declaration (thanks to jcpetkovich)SPC ;
for comment operatorStan
modeling language (thanks to alexanderrich)s
for switch-to-window-config
(thanks to rphillips)gt
and gT
key bindings to switch between workspaces
(thanks to joehillen)magit-push-always-verify
variable (thanks to
key binding to gitmessenger
(thanks to mijoharas)#f
key binding in magit-status
for magit-gitflow-popup
(thanks to
version of magit-gh-pulls
and fix its configuration (thanks to
(thanks to ralesi)magit-stash-mode
(thanks to nixmaniack)gist-lists
buffer (thanks to cmccloud)SPC m o
to SPC m M
since SPC m o
is now reserved for users
(thanks to TheBB)SPC m H
to SPC m m
(thanks to robbyoconnor)GOPATH
(thanks to jenanwise)GOPATH
on Windows (thanks to galaxian)SPC m o
to SPC m r
since SPC m o
is now reserved for users (thanks to TheBB)SPC m b
is now SPC m e
and SPC m d
is now SPC m h
(thanks to bogdanteleaga)SPC m r
to SPC m r n
which conflicted with oracle key bindings
(thanks to bogdanteleaga)ghc-mod
optional (thanks to michelk)SPC m z c
and SPC m z o
to contract and expand CSS
blocks (thanks to ralesi)SPC m g h
(helm-css-scss) to css-mode
(thanks to TheBB)jade
files (thanks to robbyoconnor)slim
and haml
modes (thanks to robbyoconnor)haml
, jade
and slim
(thanks to robbyoconnor).eex
extension to web-mode
(thanks to gilbertkennen).ejs
files to web-mode
(thanks to robbyoconnor).twig
files to web-mode
(thanks to axyz).asp
files to web-mode
(thanks to TheBB)gj
and gk
key bindings to go to siblings elements in web micro-state
(thanks to TheBB)smartparens
in CSS like modes (thanks to TheBB)r
key bindings in web micro-state (thanks to CestDiego)SPC m o
and SPC m O
to SPC m i
and SPC m I
SPC m o
is now reserved for users (thanks to TheBB)eclim
minor mode lighter (thanks to Devagamster)json-snatcher
on SPC m h p
(thanks to CestDiego)smartparens
configuration (thanks to fintelkai)SPC m o
to SPC m f
since SPC m o
is now reserved for users
(thanks to TheBB)org-plus-contrib
from org ELPA repositorySPC m t
(thanks to JP-Ellis)toc-org
package to plot data from tables (thanks to JP-Ellis)org-mime
(moved from gnus
layers)SPC m S
prefix (thanks to katshinka)SPC m C-S
prefix (thanks to katshinka)SPC m L
, SPC m K
, etc… (thanks to katshinka)SPC m .
to insert time-stamps (thanks to katshinka)toc-org-max-depth
to 10.SPC m o
to SPC m l
since SPC m o
is now reserved for users
(thanks to TheBB)org-directory
exists on load (thanks to ralesi)SPC m l
by calling org-open-at-point
instead of evil-org-open-links
(thanks to TheBB)org-roam-server
package to visualise a org-roam
database (thanks to KjartanOli)org-roam-protocol
support (thanks to KjartanOli)launchctld
(thanks to usharf)new-frame
function to make-frame
(thanks to fintelkai)ox-pandoc
package (thanks to jcf)php-extras
is not correctly installedflycheck
support (thanks to tko)anaconda-mode
key bindings for latest version of anaconda-mode
package (thanks cpaulik)py-yapf
for yapf
>= 0.3.0 (yapf
now returns 2 if source code was
changed) (thanks to a-sk)quit-window
to close documentation popup (thanks to cpaulik)evil-matchit
(thanks to robbyoconnor).cache
directory (thanks to person808)SPC m s B
accordingly to the conventions
(thanks to jmiven)ranger-up-directory
key binding on -
(thanks to ralesi)enh-ruby-mode
on interpreter-detected ruby files. This makes
ruby files that start with shebang ruby directives use enh-ruby-mode
(thanks to jenanwise)ruby-tools
key bindings (thanks to chrismcg)evil-matchit
(thanks to robbyoconnor)projectile-rails
mode for any type of files in a rails
project (thanks to liuxiang)racer
package (thanks to cdlm)salt-mode
package (thanks to beardedprojamz)ensime-pop-find-definition-stack
on SPC m g p
(thanks to alexanderkjeldaas)SPC m ?
(thanks to Profpatsch)eldoc
support in eshell (thanks to ppold)eshell-prompt-extras
for eshell (thanks to ppold)smart eshell
in eshell via the layer variable
(thanks to ppold)multi-term
(thanks to martinmr)magit-status
alias for eshell
(thanks to myrjola)eshell
prompt from deletion with evil commands. A new
layer variable shell-protect-eshell-prompt
allows to opt-out this behavior
(thanks to myrjola).SPC e l
to toggle error list buffer (thanks to bmag)SPC e v
to verify the flycheck setup (thanks to bmag)SPC e h
to describe the flycheck checkers (thanks to bmag)SPC a W
to open the Wakatime dashboard in the browser
(thanks to CestDiego)with-eval-after-load
backport (thanks to justbur)g
, GG
, C-b
, C-f
, C-d
and C-u
(thanks to sooheon)C-z
in evilified-state
to switch to emacs-state
for the next
command (thanks to justbur):eval-after-load
keyword to spacemacs|evilify-map
from evilified state keymap, use a visual selection instead.C-g
macro which is now simpler and more robustspacemacs/describe-system-info
which put useful
information in the clipboard, ready to be pasted in an IRC channel for
instance (thanks to swaroopch)configuration-layer/declare-layer
which can be used in config.el
of a layer to add required layers.dotspacemacs|symbol-value
with new special variable value
. This variable will evaluate (display-graphic-p)
when called with dotspacemacs|symbol-value
. Use this special value
to be able to have unicode symbol in GUI client but not in terminal
function prefix (thanks to person808)spacemacs/describe-system
(thanks to TheBB)M-m
work correctly
(thanks to justbur)after-init-hook
with better hook emacs-startup-hook
(thanks to vkz)SPC u
not repeating universal-argument (thanks to luxbock)ace-link
in spacemacs buffer (thanks to avoine)init.el
(not yet officially supported)
(thanks to justbur)return
binding in terminal in home buffer(thanks to d12frosted)gc-cons-threshold
to 100MB and define it in init.el
to resolve orphansspacemacs|add-toggle
macro (thanks to TheBB)use-package
(thanks to TheBB)tooltip-use-echo-area
usage which is obsolete since Emacs 24.1
(thanks to xfq)dotspacemacs/init
(thanks to sooheon)CONTRIBUTE.md
(thanks to robbyoconnor)which-key
(were also working with guide-key
) (thanks to martinmr)!user
contrib directory.SPC h b
(bookmarks) (thanks to sgepigon)reveal-in-osx-finder
(thanks to fintelkai)clojurec-mode
and clojurex-mode
(thanks to benalbrecht)reveal-in-finder
to its new name reveal-in-osx-finder
(thanks to syohex)magit-repository-directories
variable name (thanks to travisbhartwell)magit-blame
key binding (thanks to jenanwise)magit-log-all
instead of magit-log
on SPC g l
(thanks to tuhdo)F
in Vim style in Magit
status buffer, now F
is correctly
bound to pull
popup menuk
key binding in Magit
status buffer.evil-escape
starter keyMagit 2.1
and later, be
sure to update your packages.auctex
layer has been renamed latex
, be sure to update your
dotfile if you use this layer.erlang/elixir
layer has been split into two layers erlang
, be sure to update your dotfile if you use these layers.git
layer has been split into two layers: git
and github
the layer variable git-enabled-github-support
is deprecated, you
have to add the layer github
in your dotfile.git-gutter
has been replaced by diff-hl
. This package is in
the new layer version-control
, be sure to add this new layer to
your dotfile.SPC p e
is now SPC p r
(recent files)
is now SPC p G
(regenerate tags)
SPC p r
is now SPC p R
, it will ask
for a version number and warn if the current branch is not master
Users on develop
branch cannot use this function (it has no effect).ag
, pt
and ack
with a new key binding scheme. Check the documentation for
searching with an external tool
which enable or
disable auto-saving of modified files. Possible values are original
auto-save the file in-place, cache
to auto-save the file to another
file stored in the cache directory and nil
to disable auto-saving.
Default value is cache
.SPC x a
prefix (thanks to justbur and
to avoid an issue
with abnormal high size of savehist
file (thanks to tuhdo)helm-spacemacs
(thanks to person808).org
files in helm-spacemacs
(thanks to tuhdo)helm-spacemacs
(thanks to tuhdo)f
library in helm-spacemacs
(thanks to person808)C-o
in holy-mode
since it shadows too many packages key bindings
(thanks to tuhdo)helm-ag
and helm-grep
buffers (obtained by pressing f3
the helm buffer while searching) (thanks to cpaulik)ag
, pt
and ack
are done with the same interface based on
and auto-highlight-symbol
(thanks to justbur)grep
to match the new search interface
(thanks to justbur)smart-search-project
on SPC /
now fallback to searching files in current
directory when there is no project (thanks to justbur)dired-goto-file
with helm-find-files
in Dired (thanks to tuhdo)SPC s l
key binding, it allows to quickly
jump to file headers using Helm (thanks to tuhdo)auto-save
mode (thanks to tuhdo):defer 1
in helm
initialization (which means that helm will be
auto-loaded automatically after 1 second of idle time)helm-resume
opening window in half of split screen (thanks to sooheon)helm
header to display the input pattern (thanks to tuhdo)open-in-external-app
when the buffer is not visiting a file
(thanks to travisbhartwell)C-r
in insert state
SPC p e
is now SPC p r
(recent files)
is now SPC p G
(regenerate tags)
SPC p r
is now SPC p R
on C-d
, it fixes C-d
scroll down
behavior in normal state
, user has to press the stock binding C-c C-d
to send an EOF
(thanks to kini)helm-yas-display-key-on-candidate
to t
(thanks to
while expanding to fix a bug with
(thanks to tuhdo)auto-completion-enable-snippets-in-popup
to add
snippets directly to auto-completion popup (thanks to person808).ahk
file extension declaration (thanks to ralesi)gdb-mi
(gdb-many-windows) which enables an IDE like debugger
frontend for Emacs (thanks to tuhdo)SPC e w
to eval last sexp and replace it with the result (thanks to
1.0 feature (thanks to tonini)micro-state
and new-package
(thanks to
mode (thanks to BlinkD)erc-yank
on p
in normal state if gist
package is available
(thanks to CestDiego)QML
mode for .qml
files (thanks to bennofs)ledger-report-mode
(thanks to darkfeline)git-gutter
by diff-hl
(thanks to tuhdo)gc
prefix command as unused from guide-key (thanks to tko)magit-diff
key binding on SPC g d
(thanks to kevinushey)magit-diff
without advices (thanks to tarsius)Magit
(thanks to tarsius)magit-last-seen-setup-instructions
(thanks to tarsius)Magit
to C-S-w
to display the log for the current file (thanks to tko)SPC m g a
to switch between tests and implementation (thanks to
for compilation-mode
and shell-mode
(thanks to tuhdo)company-cabal
support for auto-completion in .cabal
files (thanks
to bjarkevad)electric-indent-local-mode
in some versions of Emacs
(thanks to jeremyjh)C-RET
and S-RET
key bindings to behave like the ein
web interface
(thanks to cpaulik)SPC f s
to save the notebook (thanks to cpaulik)RefTeX
(thanks to JP-Ellis)LatexMk
, to enable it set the layer variable
to =”LatexMk”= (thanks to JP-Ellis)auto-fill-mode
, with an environment-aware auto-fill function, you
can enable auto-fill
support by setting the layer variable
to t
. You can also inhibit it in some environments
with the variable latex-nofill-env
(thanks to JP-Ellis)build-view
in favour of just build
as it seemed to be
broken and introduce SPC m v
to view (thanks to JP-Ellis)dotspacemacs/config
package (thanks to CestDiego)org-clock-save.el
to cache folder (thanks to BlinkD)SPC m :
for org-set-tags
(thanks to cpaulik)osx-use-option-as-meta
allowing to enable or disable the
mapping of option
key to meta
key. This is especially useful for some
European keyboard layouts like Finish or Swedish (thanks to tko)⌘ +
and ⌘ -
key bindings to scale text (thanks to JoshTGreenwood
and zimbatm)dired-use-ls-dired
if gls
was found on path (thanks to
usharf)C-⌘ f
(thanks to usharf)⌘ a
(select all) ⌘ W
(close frame) and ⌘ n
(new frame)
(thanks to mveytsman)⌘ v
paste behavior (thanks sooheon)SPC a s p
to start a powershell
buffer (thanks to ralesi)SPC m r r
for powershell-regexp-to-regex
(thanks to ralesi)$(
text object (thanks to ralesi)pytest
(thanks to cpaulik)python-test-runner
to choose between nose
to t
in REPLs, should fix indent errors (thanks to
layer (thanks to cpaulik)electric-pair-skip
(thanks x-ji)flycheck
(thanks to swaroopch)racer
(thanks to JP-Ellis)compile
instead of the shell for cargo
. This allow Emacs to parse the
output, including all the errors (thanks to JP-Ellis)ensime
to .cache/ensime
(thanks to cyrillk)flycheck
default configuration to trigger checks. Checks
are now performed live (thanks to tuhdo and thrnio)spacemacs/switch-to-version
when dotspacemacs-verbose-loading
is set to t
are categories.
(thanks to TheBB)dotspacemacs-startup-banner
is set to nil
(thanks to ptb)material-light
theme (thanks to cpaulik)(package-initialize)
in the init.el
file (thanks to justbur)configuration-layer/update-packages
batch mode (thanks to travisbhartwell)doc
directory (thanks to person808)ox-gfm
by moving it to extensionsox-gfm
, be sure to add this layer to your dotfile.shell
, be sure to add this layer to your dotfile if you use a shell
inside Emacs.SPC f e R
instead of
C-c C-c
or SPC m c c
. Note that SPC f e R
can be triggered
anywhere (it is not restricted to the dotfile anymore).SPC b b
instead of SPC b s
.SPC f f
now uses helm-find-files
instead of ido
, use the new
dotfile variable dotspacemacs-use-ido
to get the old behavior back.TAB
and C-z
key bindings have been swapped.:variables
keyword need to be quoted
like in a regular setq
which is a list of search tool
executable names. Spacemacs uses the first installed tool of the list
with search related key bindings (SPC /
, SPC s ...
Supported tools are ag
, pt
, ack
and grep
which selects a scope
to highlight delimiters. Possible value is all
, current
or nil
Default is all
. (thanks to tuhdo)dotspacemacs-additional-packages
. Adding packages to
this list will install them without needing them to be wrapped in a
layer. Ideal for quickly add a package. The package configuration
can be put in dotspacemas/config
. If non nil then ido
replaces helm
for some commands. For now only find-files
(SPC f f) is replaced.SPC f e D
to open an ediff
buffer between the user
dotfile and the current template.dotspacemacs-enable-paste-micro-state
to nil
in the dotfile template.markdown
or org
(thanks to cpaulik)global-mode-string
for mode-line (thanks to 3marcusw)guide-key
buffer at the bottom instead of the right so we get
more space. Also fix some issues with other popup interaction.zoom-frm
(thanks to ralesi)golden-ratio
excluded buffers coverage (thanks to tuhdo)evil-window-*
commands to golden-ratio
managed commands
(thanks to riclima)subword-mode
(thanks to mkcode)open-junk-file
package which allows to quickly create a junk file
in .cache
directory. Bound to SPC f J
(thanks to tuhdo)SPC T s
to toggle semantic-stickyfunc (thanks to cpaulik)SPC b Y
and SPC b P
to copy/paste whole buffer (thanks to swaroopch)SPC h d b
to describe-bindings
(thanks to mkcode)SPC t m t
(thanks to jupl)move-text
package which can activated by setting
to current
(thanks to tuhdo)clean-aindent-mode
package to cleanly delete virtual indentation
(thanks to tuhdo)yasnippet
and hippie-exp
to auto-completion
and shell packages to new shell
and helm-flyspell
to syntax-checking
layerSPC b r
to SPC f R
(rename file)SPC t s
for syntax checkingSPC t S
for spelling checkingSPC t f
for fill columnSPC t F
for auto-fillSPC t c
for camelcasesp-local-pair
to :config
of smartparens
so user can override
them (thanks to person808)SPC b 0
and SPC b $
redundant key bindings (thanks to tuhdo)scroll
face more subtle (thanks to tuhdo)recentf-exclude
variable, now cache folder is correctly excluded
(thanks to rcherrueau)SPC i
(thanks to nashamri)spray
cursor issue when quitting.fci-mode
face color, should be better in most themes
(thanks to tuhdo)smooth-scroll
configuration (thanks to sooheon)spacemacs/init-evil-lisp-state
to use use-package
(thanks to mveytsman)Tab
and C-z
in Helm (thanks to darkfeline)popwin
to improve popup window interactions (thanks to
(thanks to danielwuz)Open README
action of
, use the universal argument C-u
to open
the file without rendering it (thanks to tuhdo)helm-spacemacs
instead of helm-bookmarks
(thanks to darkfeline)C-SPC
on M-SPC
and S-M-SPC
for helm
and ido
key behave like ido
(thanks to tuhdo)face-remapping-alist
in helm
and ido
(which does not exist) by projectile-vc
(thanks to swaroopch)toggle-maximize-buffer
(thanks to tuhdo)evil-execute-in-normal-state
in holy-mode
(thanks to tuhdo)<
and >
to <gv
and >gv
(allow to indent a region several times).spacemacs/smart-goto-definition
which attempts to call
SPC m g g
and falls back to evil-goto-definition
if that fails
(thanks to luxbock)C-o
with M-o
in dired
buffer since C-o
is replaced with
(thanks to tuhdo)evil-smart-*
functions respect the leader key (thanks to person808)evil-jump-to-var
with evil-set-jump
(thanks to luxbock)ace-jump-line
(SPC l
) as an evil motion.RefTeX
package (thanks to rpglover64)flycheck
always recompile TeX (thanks to kvelicka)auto-completion-return-key-behavior
set the action to perform when the
key is pressed, the possible values are complete
and nil
set the action to perform when the
key is pressed, the possible values are complete
, cycle
and nil
is a string of two characters
denoting a key sequence that will perform a complete
action if the
sequence has been entered quickly enough. If its value is nil
then the
feature is disabled.RET
-> complete
-> cycle
and sequence is
, to activate it set the layer variable
to t
(thanks to person808)auto-yasnippet
package on SPC i S
(thanks to tuhdo)company-tooltip-flip
(thanks to tuhdo)C-x C-x
to go to the original mark and run yas-expand
to wrap the selected region in expanded snippet. (thanks to tuhdo)hippie-expand
to expand snippets (thanks to tuhdo)company-yasnippet
backends use SPC i s
and C-p
and fci-mode
incompatibility (thanks to tuhdo)yas-new-snippet
to CestDiego)SPC t a
now correctly toggle company
by default.yasnippet-snippets
submodule (thanks mkcode)yasnippet
(thanks to tuhdo)c-c++-enable-clang-support
(thanks to ceales)auto-mode-alist
(thanks ceales)clang-format
support (thanks to gnzlbg)ham
mode (thanks to CestDiego)SPC m s c
(thanks to jcsims)SPC m t a
to reload test namespace before running all tests (thanks to
voxdolo)SPC m t r
to reload test namespace and re-run failed tests (thanks to
voxdolo)SPC m t t
to reload test namespace and run focused test (thanks to
voxdolo)rainbow identifiers
color profiles for gotham
themes.rainbow identifiers
to set default
lightness and saturation for a given theme.SPC m f
bindings for code formatting to SPC m =
package with a micro-state on SPC m d m
(thanks to person808)SPC a i i
key binding to switch to active ERC channels (thanks
to swaroopch)erc-hl-nicks
(thanks to CestDiego)erc-image
(thanks to CestDiego)ViewLogMode
for viewing logs (thanks to CestDiego)erc-yt
(thanks to CestDiego)erc-social-graph
(thanks to CestDiego)company-ess
in ess
(thanks to jcpetkovich)matlab
package (thanks to TheBB)git-gutter
key bindings work with or without the fringe (thanks
to person808)git-gutter
and linum-mode
integration (thanks to person808)s
key binding to stage item in visual state.with-eval-after-load
by eval-after-load
(compatible with 24.3)
(thanks to person808)evil-snipe
in magit-status-mode
(thanks to person808)fci-mode
(fill column) in git-commit-mode
(thanks to tuhdo)helm-gitignore
package on SPC g I
(thanks to jupl)helm-gtags-dwim-other-window
on SPC m g G
(thanks to mijoharas)haskell-indentation
is loaded before calling members (thanks
to chrisbarrett)identation
instead of indentation
to chrisbarrett)haskell-indentation
(thanks to chrisbarrett)ghci-ng
key bindings being overridden (thanks to bjarkevad)haskell-snippets
for function haskell-process-do-type-on-prev-line
(thanks to
micro-state key bindings (thanks to CestDiego)emmet
key bindings fixes (thanks to louy2 and mkcode)smartparens
in web-mode
(thanks to louy2 and mkcode)eco
to web-mode
(thanks to louy2 and mkcode)T
key with emmet
package (thanks to CestDiego)sp-local-pair
(thanks to CestDiego)rainbow-delimiters
for LESS
and SCSS
(thanks to jupl)js-doc
package (thanks to geksilla)web-beautify
package on SPC m =
(thanks to elliotec)tern
key bindings.SPC m c r
(thanks to CarlQLange)SPC m i k
to insert <kbd>...</kbd>
pairs (thanks to CestDiego)utop
(thanks to edwintorok)ocp-indent
(thanks to edwintorok)company
auto-completion (thanks to edwintorok)flycheck
syntax checking (thanks to edwintorok)merlin
key bindings (thanks to edwintorok)org-startup-indented
instead of a hook so users can easily
remove org-indent-mode
(thanks to darkfeline)org-pomodoro-clock
to mode-line (thanks to swaroopch)org-present
package (thanks to swaroopch)SPC m j
for helm-org-in-buffer-headings
(thanks to swaroopch)SPC m n
for org-narrow-to-subtree
(thanks to mattly)SPC m N
for widen
(thanks to mattly)SPC m i k
to insert <kbd>...</kbd>
pairs (thanks to CestDiego)htmlize
package to enable syntax highlight in export HTML
(thanks to tetsusoh)org-async
(thanks to justbur)Command-s
work with other modes (thanks to linktohack)dired
use coreutils gls
if installed (thanks to usharf)auto-completion
support (thanks to PierreR)nose.el
is now compatible with virtualenv
(thanks to danielwuz)python-remove-unused-imports
on SPC m c i
(thanks to danielwuz)pip-requirement
package (thanks to CestDiego)company
in Python REPL for code completion (thanks to tuhdo)holy-mode
is active (thanks to
executable can be
found on the system (thanks to tuhdo)rcirc-track-minor-mode
to the rcirc-mode-hooks
(thanks to
ex-command which switches between implementation and test
(thanks to naliwajek)erm-darken-color
SPC m d A
to attach to remote debugger (thanks to siegelzero)semanticdb
if it doesn’t exist (thanks to CestDiego)shell-pop
to toggle shell/eshell and terminals (thanks to tuhdo)term
(thanks to darkfeline)term-send-tab
only in insert state (thanks to darkfeline)up
and down
in shell to cycle through previous commands (thanks to
command in multi-term
.SPC p $ t
to run multi-term
at project rootsmartparens
in SLIME REPL (thanks to tuhdo)smex
prompt whitespace (thanks to TheBB)syntax-checking-flycheck-pos-tip
to enable or disable
documentation popup (thanks to beardedprojamz)apropospriate-theme
to megapackjazz-theme
to megapack (thanks to matDobek)base16
(thanks to mkaito)c-c++
injected hooks (not yet documented):variables
keyword now behaves like regular setq
instead of package-alist
to detect orphans
(fix false orphan positives when the dependencies of a package change)contrib
with !
(thanks to trishume)spacemacs-useless-buffers-regexp
to define other buffers to
avoid (thanks to person808)dotspacemacs/location
now respect dotspacemacs-filepath
(thanks to coldnew)lv.el
(thanks to edwintorok)setq
instead of defvar
(thanks to
with setq
for variable definition <layer>-packages
and <layer>-pre-extensions
are not considered orphans anymore.emacs.d
is a symlink
(thanks to louy2)Thanks to the new holy-mode
Spacemacs can now be used by Vim users
or Emacs users by setting the dotspacemacs-editing-style
variable to
=’vim= or =’emacs= in the dotfile. In Emacs
style the leader is
available on M-m
. It is possible to dynamically switch between the
two style with SPC P tab
A package is now considered to be used only if there is a corresponding
function explicitly defined.
There is now two new functions to initialize a given package:
which is called before the init function<layer>/post-init-<package>
which is called after the init function
Even if a pre
or post
function exist for a given package, an init
function is still required to consider the package to be used.Spacemacs now officially support auto-completion. The old layer
has been removed and auto-complete
has been removed
from the spacemacs layer.
They are now part of a new layer called auto-completion
You’ll have to this add layer to your dotfile to enable auto-completion.
Flycheck has been removed from the Spacemacs layer and moved to a new
layer called syntax-checking
You’ll have to add this layer to your dotfile to enable the fly syntax
Org packages have been removed from Spacemacs layer and moved to a new
You’ll have to add this layer to your dotfile to enable the Org
configuration of Spacemacs.
Recent files, project and bookmarks can be displayed on the startup
buffer. Check for the new dotfile variable dotspacemacs-startup-lists
(thanks to CarlQLange)
Lighter letters have been updated, now the letter corresponds to the
key binding to toggle the associated mode. For instance auto-completion
is on ⓐ and thus can be toggled with SPC t a
The package update should now prevent even more errors when upgrading a batch of packages.
(thanks to person808)fish-mode
can be either vim
or emacs
if non nil the loading prints logs in
the *Messages*
buffer. Default value is nil
is a list of symbols to display recent
items in the startup buffer, possible values are: recents
and projects
(thanks to CarlQLange)auto-completion
layerSPC m g a
and SPC m g A
for open alternate file
(thanks to mijoharas)SPC m e f
eval function at pointcider-eval-sexp-fu
(thanks to nashamri)auto-complete
by company
for auto-completionSPC d
commands on SPC h
to meet Spacemacs conventions (thanks to
without asking for symbol, close it with q
(thanks to
configuration, it is now lazy-loaded and the
list is now a buffer local variable. company
not enabled globally anymore.company-delay
to 0.2 instead of 0company-quickhelp
for Emacs version < 24.4company
in various languages (thanks to trishume)eval-sexp-fu
(thanks to tuhdo)SPC m e b
, SPC m e c
and SPC m e r
to evaluate
the buffer, the current form starting by set
or def
and the region
respectively (thanks to ralesi)ess-R-object-popup
and ess-R-data-view
(thanks to jcpetkovich)Nim
language (thanks to trishume)syntax-checking
(thanks to tuhdo)lua
files (thanks rphillips)gitconfig-mode
and git-commit-mode
(thanks to ralesi)gitattributes-mode
and gitignore-mode
(thanks to r4ts0n)git-link
package (thanks to CestDiego)magit-gh-pulls
only after requesting it (thanks to cpaulik)run-package-tests
command on SPC m t p
(thanks to robmerrell)go-oracle
(thanks to Pursuit92)SPC m t
and SPC m i
under SPC m h
(it is now integrated in haskell-mode
autoload (thanks to jcpetkovich)flycheck
loadingSPC m t
to SPC m h t
according to Spacemacs conventions (thanks
to jeremyjh)cmm-mode
(thanks to bgamari)helm-colors
key binding on SPC C l
(thanks to tuhdo)helm-ff-doted-directory
consistent (thanks to tuhdo)pt
the platinum searcher (thanks to ralesi)helm-ag-edit
which select the
first available external search tool (pt, ag, ack or grep) (thanks to
globally (thanks to tuhdo)helm-info-at-point
, helm-locate-library
and helm-minibuffer-history
(thanks to tuhdo)helm-suggest
(thanks to
cpaulik)SPC a i
with markdown-mode
(thanks to bgamari)org
on SPC m p
(thanks to swaroopch)org-clock-cancel
on SPC m q
and org-set-effort
on SPC m f
(thanks to swaroopch)org-indent
to SPC p p
(thanks to CestDiego)SPC p S
to SPC p p
SPC m h d
(thanks to danielwuz)pylookup
layer where themes could not be browsed in Helm.material
theme (thanks to cpaulik)darktooth
theme (thanks to person808)gotham
theme (thanks to person808)sass-mode
(thanks to ryanartecona)evil
state called evilified
which is used in evilified
, string-edit
, visual-regexp-steroids
and wdired
functions to *-usedp
in normal state to SPC m h h
if it exists
(thanks to person808)SPC w =
(thanks to kini)SPC j =
(thanks to tuhdo)SPC w SPC
for ace-window
(thanks to ralesi)SPC b h
to open the startup buffer (thanks to ralesi)SPC t ~
to toggle Vim tildeshighlight-numbers
(thanks to tuhdo)highlight-indentation
on SPC t h i
and SPC t h c
(thanks to
on SPC t i
(thanks to ralesi)info+
to improve Info reading experience (thanks to tuhdo)auto-completion
, git
, markdown
, org
and syntax-checking
(thanks to CarlQLange)SPC T
: fringe, menu bar, tool bar,
frame maximize, frame fullscreen, frame transparencyextensions.el
in ido-completion-map
to ido-delete-file-at-head
(thanks to segv)doge
banner grammar (thanks to mathpunk)HOTOWs.md
file in /doc
Buy A Drink
badge to README.mdholy-mode
(thanks to tuhdo)rainbow-identifiers
package (fixes error with required haskell-yas
declared in themes-megapack
as the default search tool instead of pt
, pt
conflict with pt
command line tool from TCL parser tools.此处可能存在不合适展示的内容,页面不予展示。您可通过相关编辑功能自查并修改。
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。