同步操作将从 物联星空科技有限公司/daloradius汉化版 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
daloRADIUS Copyright (C) 2007 by Liran Tal. All rights reserved.
For release information and license, read LICENSE.
daloRADIUS version 0.9 stable release
by Liran Tal of Enginx <[email protected]>
OpenSuse installation guide contributed by Carlos Cesario <[email protected]>
Apache 1/2
PHP 4/5
PHP DB Abstraction Layer (may require PHP Pear)
PHP Mail
MySQL 4/5
daloRADIUS has been tested on openSUSE 10.2 with apache2, php5 and mysql-server-5
packages but should be able to work on older versions of the mentioned packages
(apache1, php4 or mysql4).
Packages that has been tested are:
apache2 2.2.3-22
php5 5.2.0-19
mysql5 5.0.26-14
daloRADIUS has also been deployed on Windows successfully and is under
testing and more QA work, thanks to Gustavo Mariani.
To see Gustavo's installation notes regarding a Microsoft Windows deployment
please attend to INSTALL.win
For opensuse users I've put down a list of all packages which you need installed to get
this running in even less time so that you don't have to spend time on figuring out which
packages are required and which are not.
yast2 -i apache2 apache2-mod_php5 apache2-prefork php5 php5-gd php5-pear php5-pear-db php-mail
If you are using smart (http://en.opensuse.org/Smart) use
smart install apache2 apache2-mod_php5 apache2-prefork php5 php5-gd php5-pear php5-pear-db
Now if you plan on working with mysql as the database server then you need
1. to install the database server, being mysql.
2. to install the php5-mysql package which contains the libraries to talk to it
You would have to do the same if you choose another database server, for example PostgreSQL -
you would have to install the postgresql database server and php5-pgsql.
Assuming we decide on working with MySQL:
yast2 -i php5-mysql mysql mysql-client
To smart
smart install php5-mysql mysql mysql-client
Setup mysql root password
mysqladmin -u root password yourrootsqlpassword
Note: PHP installations are different on different systems, so please consult the OPTIONAL PHP CONFIGURATION
section below if you have any problems.
Upgrading is fairly easy and is do-able in a few quick steps:
1. create a backup copy of the configuration file daloradius.conf which is
located in the library/ directory.
2. extract the tar-ball (daloradius-X.Y.tar.gz) to the same directory of the
previous copy, over-writing all the files.
3. copy the back'ed up daloradius.conf over the one from the extracted archive
4. if you are upgrading from 0.9-5 or lower you also need to import to the radius
database the file mysql-migrate-0.95-to-0.96.sql
with MySQL you would do something like:
mysql -u root -p radius < contrib/db/mysql-migrate-0.95-to-0.96.sql
5. if required, setup the permissions on library/daloradius.conf so that the webserver's
user/group has write access to it.
daloRADIUS homepage is hosted on sourceforge at the address
of http://sourceforge.net/projects/daloradius/ and you may
get the latest release from there if you haven't already done so.
extract the daloradius.tar.gz archive to /srv/www/htdocs
tar -zxvf daloradius.tar.gz
cp daloradius/ /srv/www/htdocs -R
Setting Permissions
You also need to change permissions so that the webserver user and group are
owning daloRADIUS's directory. In OpenSUSE the user is wwwrun and group is
www so we need to do this:
chown wwwrun:www /srv/www/htdocs/daloradius -R
chmod 644 /srv/www/htdocs/daloradius/library/daloradius.conf
The chmod command is for having the daloradius.conf configuration file
writable by the webserver for easy administration from the Web interface.
If you are working with FreeRADIUS and MySQL already then you
probably have the radius database and corrosponding tables
loaded up in MySQL.
If this is the case, you may use the mysql-daloradius.sql file to load the other
tables that daloRADIUS makes use of into the radius database.
Incase that you *DO NOT* have FreeRADIUS installed or haven't
installed the radius database on your MySQL system then I
have provided you with a file that includes both daloRADIUS's own tables as well
as the tables that FreeRADIUS requires, the file is mysql-daloradius-and-freeradius.sql
I have also provided you with a sample file of my own test system
that you can play with (it includes both freeradius and daloradius tables)
Installing the Database Scheme:
If you have FreeRADIUS and MySQL with the radius database already imported:
cd /srv/www/htdocs/daloradius/contrib/db
mysql -u root -p radius < mysql-daloradius.sql
If you *DONT HAVE* the radius database in MySQL:
cd /srv/www/htdocs/daloradius/contrib/db
mysqladmin -u root -p create radius
mysql -u root -p radius < fr2-mysql-daloradius-and-freeradius.sql
Now, simply adjust the MySQL database information in
daloRADIUS's config file.
cd /srv/www/htdocs/daloradius/library/
vi daloradius.conf
Fill in the database details and you're done.
Save the file and exit.
daloRADIUS has a Configuration screen from the GUI although ofcourse
you will not be able to login and reach the configuration screen for these
purposes until you enter the correct database information in library/daloradius.conf
- IMPORTANT: make sure that the file in library/daloradius.conf is writable
(and ofcourse readable) by the webserver user and group.
- Browse to your daloRADIUS installation: http://server/daloradius/index.php
- Login with the default administrator/radius
- Go to Config menu item and set up the database
Surf to http://yourip/daloradius
Login to the management:
username: administrator
password: radius
These details are kept in the radius database, in the operators table
incase you ever want to change it.
IRC chat available at #daloradius on freenode (irc.freenode.net)
But most developers and users of daloRADIUS are always available on #freeradius as well.
Mailing-List: [email protected]
Register here: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/daloradius-users
I do my best to reply quickly to emails on my spare time, so if
all else fails you may contact me at [email protected]
Liran Tal.
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