MindSpore is a new open source deep learning training/inference framework that could be used for mobile, edge and cloud scenarios.
Ascend Extension for PyTorch
MindSpore Golden Stick is a open source deep learning model compression algorithom framework.
Bio-Computing Platform Featuring Large-Scale Representation Learning and Multi-Task Deep Learning “螺旋桨”生物计算工具集
MindSpore Reinforcement是一个开源的强化学习框架,支持使用强化学习算法对agent进行分布式训练。
PyTorch device extension plugin for Cambricon MLU.
全面支持 OpenMMLab 算法库在多种云、边端设备中部署,并提供高度可扩展的 SDK 开发框架,打通模型部署“最后一公里”。
一个推理库的实现, A DIY deep learning inference framework.
Ascend TensorFlow Adapter