🔥🔥🔥 Apache SeaTunnel 致力于成为世界一流的超高性能数据集成工具,同时支持海量数据的离线和实时同步,每天可以稳定高效同步万亿级数据,已在字节跳动、滴滴、腾讯云、B 站、360、Shopee、印度电信、英国最大零售商Tesco等数百家海内外公司生产上使用
下载最新版请去官网:https://seatunnel.apache.org,加微信:easyworkflow 进官方群
The purpose of Components Contrib is to provide open, community driven reusable components for building distributed applications. These components are being used by the Dapr project, but are separate and decoupled from it.
项目是在danielqsj/kafka_exporter 的基础上做了二次封装。 支持IDC云商Ucloud的Ukafka服务采集监控数据。
Curator is to Zookeeper what Pallas is to Elasticsearch
Kmesh (kernel mesh) is a data plane software for service grids. It is dedicated to providing infrastructure for service communication and service governance for cloud applications, provides better latency and noise floor performance.
Dapr is a portable, event-driven, runtime for building distributed applications across cloud and edge.