The purpose of Components Contrib is to provide open, community driven reusable components for building distributed applications. These components are being used by the Dapr project, but are separate and decoupled from it.
企业级分布式应用服务EDAS(Enterprise Distributed Application Service)
项目是在danielqsj/kafka_exporter 的基础上做了二次封装。 支持IDC云商Ucloud的Ukafka服务采集监控数据。
基于Hyperledger Fabric的Gateway项目,结合Spring MVC做出的一套框架,简化Fabric区块链项目的开发。
Spring boot stater for fabric-gateway-java (
WeCMDB(Configuration Management Database 配置管理数据库),是源自微众银行运维管理实践的的一套配置管理数据库系统。
Kmesh (kernel mesh) is a data plane software for service grids. It is dedicated to providing infrastructure for service communication and service governance for cloud applications, provides better latency and noise floor performance.
Dapr is a portable, event-driven, runtime for building distributed applications across cloud and edge.