同步操作将从 Damien Nguyen/mindquantum 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
@echo off
rem Copyright 2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
rem Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
rem you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
rem You may obtain a copy of the License at
rem http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
rem Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
rem distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
rem WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
rem See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
rem limitations under the License.
set BASEPATH=%~dp0
set SCRIPTDIR=%BASEPATH%\scripts\build
set PROGRAM=%~nx0
if "%CI%" == "" goto :DONE_CI
if /I "%CI%" == "true" goto :CI_TRUE
if %CI% == 1 goto :CI_TRUE
goto :DONE_CI
if NOT %JENKINS_URL% == "" (
echo %JENKINS_URL% | findstr /r "^https*://build.mindspore.cn">nul 2>&1
if %errorlevel% == 0 set _IS_MINDSPORE_CI=1
rem ============================================================================
rem Default values
set configure_only=0
set do_clean=0
set do_clean_build_dir=0
set do_clean_cache=0
set do_docs=0
set do_install=0
set prefix=
call %SCRIPTDIR%\default_values.bat
rem ============================================================================
set result=false
if "%1" == "" goto :done_parsing
if /I "%1" == "/h" set result=true
if /I "%1" == "/Help" set result=true
if "%result%" == "true" (
call :help_message
goto :END
if /I "%1" == "/N" (
set dry_run=1
shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/analyzer" (
set enable_analyzer=1
shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/B" set result=true
if /I "%1" == "/Build" set result=true
if "%result%" == "true" (
set value=%2
if not defined value goto :arg_build
if "!value:~0,1!" == "/" (
echo %BASENAME%: option requires an argument -- '/B,/Build'
goto :END
set build_dir=!value!
shift & shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/Clean" (
set do_clean=1
shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/Clean3rdParty" (
set do_clean_3rdparty=1
shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/CleanAll" (
set do_clean_venv=1
set do_clean_build_dir=1
shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/CleanCache" (
set do_clean_cache=1
shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/CleanVenv" (
set do_clean_venv=1
shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/C" set result=true
if /I "%1" == "/Configure" set result=true
if "%result%" == "true" (
set do_configure=1
shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/ConfigureOnly" (
set configure_only=1
shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/CudaArch" (
set value=%2
if not defined value goto :arg_cuda_arch
if "!value:~0,1!" == "/" (
echo %BASENAME%: option requires an argument -- '/CudaArch'
goto :END
call :ToCMakeList value
set cuda_arch=!value!
shift & shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/CppSim" (
set enable_cppsim=1
shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/Cxx" (
set enable_cxx=1
shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/Debug" (
set build_type=Debug
shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/DebugCMake" (
set cmake_debug_mode=1
shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/Doc" set result=true
if /I "%1" == "/Docs" set result=true
if "%result%" == "true" (
set do_docs=1
shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/NoGitee" (
set enable_gitee=0
shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/Gitee" (
set enable_gitee=1
shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/Gpu" (
set enable_gpu=1
shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/Install" (
set do_install=1
shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/J" set result=true
if /I "%1" == "/Jobs" set result=true
if "%result%" == "true" (
set value=%2
if not defined value goto :arg_build
if "!value:~0,1!" == "/" (
echo %BASENAME%: option requires an argument -- '/B,/Build'
goto :END
set n_jobs=!value!
shift & shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/LocalPkgs" (
set force_local_pkgs=1
shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/Logging" (
set enable_logging=1
shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/LoggingDebug" (
set enable_logging=1
set logging_enable_debug=1
shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/LoggingTrace" (
set enable_logging=1
set logging_enable_trace=1
shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/Ninja" (
set ninja=1
shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/OnlyPytest" (
set install_only_pytest=1
shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/Prefix" (
set value=%2
if not defined value goto :arg_prefix
if "!value:~0,1!" == "/" (
echo %BASENAME%: option requires an argument -- '/Prefix'
goto :END
set prefix_dir=!value!
shift & shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/Quiet" (
set cmake_make_silent=1
shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/ShowLibraries" (
call :print_show_libraries
goto :END
if /I "%1" == "/Test" (
set enable_tests=1
shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/UpdateVenv" (
set do_update_venv=1
shift & goto :initial
if /I "%1" == "/Venv" (
set value=%2
if not defined value goto :arg_venv
if "!value:~0,1!" == "/" (
echo %BASENAME%: option requires an argument -- '/Venv'
goto :END
set python_venv_path=!value!
shift & shift & goto :initial
set value=%1
set with_header=!value:~0,5!
if /I "!with_header!" == "/with" (
set library=!value:~5!
call :LoCase library
if not defined local_pkgs (
set local_pkgs=!library!
) else (
set local_pkgs=!local_pkgs!,!library!
shift & goto :initial
set unparsed_args=!unparsed_args! %1
shift & goto :initial
rem ============================================================================
rem Locate python or python3
call %SCRIPTDIR%\locate_python3.bat
rem ============================================================================
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if !do_clean_build_dir! == 1 (
echo Deleting build folder: !build_dir!
if exist !build_dir! call :call_cmd rd /Q /S !build_dir!
rem NB: `created_venv` variable can be used to detect if a virtualenv was created or not
call %SCRIPTDIR%\python_virtualenv_activate.bat
if NOT !dry_run! == 1 (
rem Make sure the root directory is in the virtualenv PATH
for /F %%i in ('!PYTHON! -c "import site; print(site.getsitepackages()[0])"') do set site_pkg_dir=%%i
set pth_file=!site_pkg_dir!\mindquantum_local.pth
if NOT exist !pth_file! (
echo Creating pth-file in !pth_file!
echo %BASEPATH% > !pth_file!
rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Locate cmake or cmake3
call %SCRIPTDIR%\locate_cmake.bat
rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Locate ninja if needed
if !ninja! == 1 (
call %SCRIPTDIR%\locate_ninja.bat
rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
call %SCRIPTDIR%\python_virtualenv_update.bat
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Setup arguments for build
call %SCRIPTDIR%\dos\build_locally_cmake_option.bat BUILD_TESTING !enable_tests!
call %SCRIPTDIR%\dos\build_locally_cmake_option.bat CLEAN_3RDPARTY_INSTALL_DIR !do_clean_3rdparty!
call %SCRIPTDIR%\dos\build_locally_cmake_option.bat ENABLE_ANALYZER !enable_analyzer!
call %SCRIPTDIR%\dos\build_locally_cmake_option.bat ENABLE_CMAKE_DEBUG !cmake_debug_mode!
call %SCRIPTDIR%\dos\build_locally_cmake_option.bat ENABLE_CPPSIM !enable_cppsim!
call %SCRIPTDIR%\dos\build_locally_cmake_option.bat ENABLE_CUDA !enable_gpu!
call %SCRIPTDIR%\dos\build_locally_cmake_option.bat ENABLE_CXX_EXPERIMENTAL !enable_cxx!
call %SCRIPTDIR%\dos\build_locally_cmake_option.bat ENABLE_DOCUMENTATION !do_docs!
call %SCRIPTDIR%\dos\build_locally_cmake_option.bat ENABLE_GITEE !enable_gitee!
call %SCRIPTDIR%\dos\build_locally_cmake_option.bat ENABLE_LOGGING !enable_logging!
call %SCRIPTDIR%\dos\build_locally_cmake_option.bat ENABLE_LOGGING_DEBUG_LEVEL !logging_enable_debug!
call %SCRIPTDIR%\dos\build_locally_cmake_option.bat ENABLE_LOGGING_TRACE_LEVEL !logging_enable_trace!
call %SCRIPTDIR%\dos\build_locally_cmake_option.bat ENABLE_PROJECTQ !enable_projectq!
set cmake_args=!cmake_args! %RETVAL%
set cmake_args=!cmake_args! -DENABLE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=!build_type!
if !cmake_make_silent! == 1 (
set cmake_args=!cmake_args! -DUSE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE:BOOL=OFF
) else (
set cmake_args=!cmake_args! -DUSE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE:BOOL=ON
if !force_local_pkgs! == 1 (
set cmake_args=!cmake_args! -DMQ_FORCE_LOCAL_PKGS=all
) else (
if NOT "!local_pkgs!" == "" set cmake_args=!cmake_args! -DMQ_FORCE_LOCAL_PKGS=!local_pkgs!
if NOT "!prefix_dir!" == "" set cmake_args=!cmake_args! -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:FILEPATH=!prefix_dir!
if !ninja! == 1 (
set cmake_args=!cmake_args! -GNinja
) else (
if !n_jobs! == -1 set n_jobs=!n_jobs_default!
set make_args=
if NOT !n_jobs! == -1 (
set cmake_args=!cmake_args! -DJOBS:STRING=!n_jobs!
set make_args=!make_args! -j !n_jobs!
rem NB: CMake < 3.24 typically set CC, CXX during the first run, which basically overwrites the values in CC, CXX. In
rem order to work around that, we explicitly set the compilers using the related CMake variables.
if NOT "!CC!" == "" set cmake_args=!cmake_args! -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER:FILEPATH=!CC!
if NOT "!CXX!" == "" set cmake_args=!cmake_args! -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:FILEPATH=!CXX!
if NOT "!CUDACXX!" == "" set cmake_args=!cmake_args! -DCMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER:FILEPATH=!CUDACXX!
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if !enable_gpu! == 1 (
if "!CUDA_PATH" == "" (
if NOT "!CUDA_HOME!" == "" (
rem Older CMake using find_package(CUDA) would rely on CUDA_HOME, but newer CMake only look at CUDACXX and
echo CUDA_HOME is defined, but CUDA_PATH is not. Setting CUDA_PATH=CUDA_HOME
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
set target_args=
if !do_install! == 1 set target_args=!target_args! --target install
if !cmake_make_silent! == 0 set make_args=!make_args! -v
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Build
if NOT exist !build_dir! goto :do_configure
if !do_clean_build_dir! == 1 goto :do_configure
if !do_clean_cache! == 1 (
echo Removing CMake cache at: !build_dir!\CMakeCache.txt
if exist !build_dir!\CMakeCache.txt call :call_cmd del /Q "!build_dir!\CMakeCache.txt"
echo Removing CMake files at: !build_dir!/CMakeFiles
if exist !build_dir!/CMakeFiles call :call_cmd rd /Q /S "!build_dir!\CMakeFiles"
echo Removing CMake files at: !build_dir!/cmake-ldtest-C
if exist !build_dir!/cmake-ldtest-C call :call_cmd rd /Q /S "!build_dir!\cmake-ldtest-C"
echo Removing CMake files at: !build_dir!/cmake-ldtest-CXX
if exist !build_dir!/cmake-ldtest-CXX call :call_cmd rd /Q /S "!build_dir!\cmake-ldtest-CXX"
goto :do_configure
if !do_configure! == 1 goto :do_configure
goto :done_configure
call :call_cmake -S !source_dir! -B !build_dir! !cmake_args! !unparsed_args!
if !configure_only! == 1 goto :END
if !do_clean! == 1 call :call_cmake --build "!build_dir!" --target clean
if !do_docs! == 1 call :call_cmake --build "!build_dir!" --config !build_type! --target docs !make_args!
call :call_cmake --build "!build_dir!" --config !build_type! !target_args! !make_args!
if DEFINED cmake_args set cmake_args=
if DEFINED unparsed_args set unparsed_args=
if DEFINED target_args set target_args=
if DEFINED make_args set make_args=
goto :END
rem ============================================================================
:: Subroutine to convert a variable VALUE to all lower case.
:: The argument for this subroutine is the variable NAME.
set %~1=!%~1:A=a!
set %~1=!%~1:B=b!
set %~1=!%~1:C=c!
set %~1=!%~1:D=d!
set %~1=!%~1:E=e!
set %~1=!%~1:F=f!
set %~1=!%~1:G=g!
set %~1=!%~1:H=h!
set %~1=!%~1:I=i!
set %~1=!%~1:J=j!
set %~1=!%~1:K=k!
set %~1=!%~1:L=l!
set %~1=!%~1:M=m!
set %~1=!%~1:N=n!
set %~1=!%~1:O=o!
set %~1=!%~1:P=p!
set %~1=!%~1:Q=q!
set %~1=!%~1:R=r!
set %~1=!%~1:S=s!
set %~1=!%~1:T=t!
set %~1=!%~1:U=u!
set %~1=!%~1:V=v!
set %~1=!%~1:W=w!
set %~1=!%~1:X=x!
set %~1=!%~1:Y=y!
set %~1=!%~1:Z=z!
exit /B 0
set %~1=!%~1: =;!
set %~1=!%~1:,=;!
exit /B 0
if NOT !dry_run! == 1 (
echo **********
echo Calling CMake with: cmake %*
echo **********
cmake %*
) else (
echo cmake %*
echo Known third-party libraries:
for %%a in (%third_party_libraries%) do (
echo - %%a
echo Build MindQunantum locally (in-source build)
echo This is mainly relevant for developers that do not want to always
echo have to reinstall the Python package
echo This script will create a Python virtualenv in the MindQuantum root
echo directory and then build all the C++ Python modules and place the
echo generated libraries in their right locations within the MindQuantum
echo folder hierarchy so Python knows how to find them.
echo A pth-file will be created in the virtualenv site-packages directory
echo so that the MindQuantum root folder will be added to the Python PATH
echo without the need to modify PYTHONPATH.
echo Usage:
echo %BASENAME% [options]
echo Options:
echo /H,/Help Show this help message and exit
echo /N Dry run; only print commands but do not execute them
echo /Analyzer Use the compiler static analysis tool during compilation (GCC & MSVC)
echo /B,/Build [dir] Specify build directory
echo Defaults to: %build_dir%
echo /C,/Clean Run make clean before building
echo /Clean3rdParty Clean 3rd party installation directory
echo /CleanAll Clean everything before building.
echo Equivalent to /CleanVenv /CleanBuilddir
echo /CleanBuildDir Delete build directory before building
echo /CleanCache Re-run CMake with a clean CMake cache
echo /CleanVenv Delete Python virtualenv before building
echo /ConfigureOnly Stop after the CMake configure and generation steps (ie. before building MindQuantum)
echo /CppSim (experimental) Enable the use of cppsim to generate simulation kernels
echo /Cxx (experimental) Enable MindQuantum C++ support
echo /Debug Build in debug mode
echo /DebugCMake Enable debugging mode for CMake configuration step
echo /Doc, /Docs Setup the Python virtualenv for building the documentation and ask CMake to build the
echo documentation
echo /Gitee Use Gitee (where possible) instead of Github/Gitlab
echo /Gpu Enable GPU support
echo /Install Build the 'install' target
echo /J,/Jobs [N] Number of parallel jobs for building
echo Defaults to: !n_jobs_default!
echo /LocalPkgs Compile third-party dependencies locally
echo /Logging Enable logging in C++ code
echo /LoggingDebug Enable DEBUG level logging macros (implies /Logging)
echo /LoggingTrace Enable TRACE level logging macros (implies /Logging /LoggingDebug)'
echo /LoggingDebug Enable DEBUG level logging macros (implies /Logging)
echo /LoggingTrace Enable TRACE level logging macros (implies /Logging /LoggingDebug)'
echo /Ninja Use the Ninja CMake generator
echo /NoGitee Do not favor Gitee over Github/Gitlab
echo /Prefix Specify installation prefix
echo /Quiet Disable verbose build rules
echo /ShowLibraries Show all known third-party libraries
echo /Venv *path* Path to Python virtual environment
echo Defaults to: %python_venv_path%
echo /With*library* Build the third-party *library* from source (*library* is case-insensitive)
echo (ignored if /LocalPkgs is passed, except for projectq)
rem echo /Without*library* Do not build the third-party library from source (*library* is case-insensitive)
rem echo (ignored if /LocalPkgs is passed, except for projectq)
echo Test related options:
echo /Test Build C++ tests and install dependencies for Python testing as well
echo /OnlyPytest Only install pytest and its dependencies when creating/building the virtualenv
echo CUDA related options:
echo /CudaArch *arch* Comma-separated list of architectures to generate device code for.
echo Only useful if /Gpu is passed. See CMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES for more information.
echo Python related options:
echo /UpdateVenv Update the python virtual environment
echo NB: any unknown arguments will be passed onto the CMake during the configuration step.
echo Example calls:
echo %BASENAME% /B build
echo %BASENAME% /B build /gpu
echo %BASENAME% /B build /cxx /WithBoost
echo %BASENAME% /B build "-DCMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER^=/opt/cuda/bin/nvcc"
rem ============================================================================
call %SCRIPTDIR%\unset_values.bat
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。