同步操作将从 锅巴汉化/MiniTES 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
// Tab functions
function showMain () {
unlockAllTabs(); // Enable all tabs..
document.getElementById('mainButton').disabled = true; // except this one.
document.getElementById('mapTab').className = 'invisible'; // Make all the other tab divs nonexistant
document.getElementById('keyItemsTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('equipsTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('optionsTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('faqTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('aboutTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('statsTab').className = 'visible extraChromeTextWidth2';// Make this tab div exist
cow.currentTab = "main"; // Triggers the main game loop
cow.masterGamestateVariable = "refreshRNGNow"; // Rolls a new event when you click
writeConsole(""); // Erases console
function showEquips () {
document.getElementById('equipsButton').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('statsTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('mapTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('keyItemsTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('aboutTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('faqTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('optionsTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('equipsTab').className = 'visible';
document.getElementById('equipsButton').innerHTML = "<span id='IEhack'>装备</span>"; // Clears the 'NEW!' readout
cow.currentTab = "equips";
function showKeyItems () {
document.getElementById('keyItemsButton').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('statsTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('mapTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('equipsTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('aboutTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('faqTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('optionsTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('keyItemsTab').className = 'visible';
document.getElementById('keyItemsButton').innerHTML = "<span id='IEhack'>道具</span>"; // Clears the 'NEW!' readout
cow.currentTab = "keyItems";
function showMap () {
document.getElementById('worldMapButton').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('statsTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('keyItemsTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('equipsTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('aboutTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('faqTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('optionsTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('mapTab').className = 'visible';
document.getElementById('mapText').innerHTML = '';
cow.currentTab = "map";
if (cow.keyItem22have == true) { document.getElementById('map24').className = 'fullBrightText clickable'; } // Reveals Undercrypt if it's unlocked
function showOptions () {
document.getElementById('optionsButton').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('statsTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('keyItemsTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('equipsTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('mapTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('aboutTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('faqTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('optionsTab').className = 'visible';
cow.currentTab = "options";
function showFAQ () {
document.getElementById('faqButton').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('statsTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('keyItemsTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('equipsTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('mapTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('optionsTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('aboutTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('faqTab').className = 'visible';
cow.currentTab = "faq";
function showAbout () {
document.getElementById('aboutButton').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('statsTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('keyItemsTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('equipsTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('mapTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('optionsTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('faqTab').className = 'invisible';
document.getElementById('aboutTab').className = 'visible';
cow.currentTab = "about";
function preloader() {
function waitForLogin() {
if (cow.kongUsername) { // NOTE - This username login part doubles as a sitelock
else {
setTimeout(waitForLogin, 500); // Ghetto animation engine variation because we don't need 60FPS. 2FPS is fine.
function kongregateStuff() {
kongregateAPI.loadAPI(function(){ // Initialize
window.kongregate = kongregateAPI.getAPI(); //
cow.kongUsername = kongregate.services.getUsername(); // Get username for the savefile
// if (kongregate.services.isGuest()) { cow.kongUsername = 'guest'; } // Already covered by the API
kongregate.services.addEventListener('login', kongLiveLogin); // Recognize live page logins, and execute this function
function kongLiveLogin() {
var x = kongregate.services.getUsername();
console.log('Kong username changed to: ' + x);
cow.kongUsername = x; // This is OK because the new username isn't saved
function submitScores() { // High Scores and future badges
var q = cow.axe + cow.sword + cow.dagger + cow.fist + cow.speech + cow.critical + cow.spear + cow.mace + cow.dodge + cow.block + cow.unlock + cow.hArmor + cow.mArmor + cow.lArmor + cow.athlete + cow.medic + cow.endure + cow.smash + cow.climb + cow.stealth;
kongregate.stats.submit("Player Level", cow.level);
kongregate.stats.submit("Combined Skill Level", q);
kongregate.stats.submit("Max HP", cow.maxHP);
if (cow.keyItem1have == true) { kongregate.stats.submit("Apprentice", 1); } // Easy Apprentice Find the Guild Pass
if (cow.mapItem1have == true && cow.mapItem2have == true && cow.mapItem3have == true && cow.mapItem4have == true && cow.mapItem5have == true && cow.mapItem6have == true && cow.mapItem7have == true && cow.mapItem8have == true)
{ kongregate.stats.submit("Protector", 1); } // Medium Protector Collect all eight maps
if (cow.keyItem21have == true) { kongregate.stats.submit("Guardian", 1); } // Hard Guardian Complete the Game
if (cow.keyItem24have == true) { kongregate.stats.submit("Champion", 1); } // Impossible Champion Complete the Postgame
setTimeout(submitScores, 30000);
function autoSave() {
var zzz = 'minitesSAVEFILE' + cow.kongUsername;
localStorage.setItem(zzz, JSON.stringify(cow));
function loadGame() {
var zzz = 'minitesSAVEFILE' + cow.kongUsername;
var q = localStorage.getItem(zzz);
console.log('Attempting login with Kong username: ' + cow.kongUsername);
if (q != null) {
window.cow = JSON.parse(q);
cow.hp = cow.maxHP;
cow.currentMap = "Vieda Port";
cow.currentTab = "main";
cow.worldMapRNG = 0;
cow.itemDropRNG = 0;
cow.itemClassRNG = 0;
cow.masterGamestateVariable = "startingAnEvent";
cow.waitCounter = 0,
cow.travelDestination = "";
cow.travellingTime = 0;
cow.restingMap = "";
cow.restingTime = 0;
cow.currentImprovingSkill = "";
cow.gameplayClock = 0;
cow.overrideCurrentMapDisplay = "";
cow.combatState = "off";
cow.mobCurrentHP = "9999";
cow.endTurn = false;
function exportSave () {
var q = JSON.stringify(window.opener.cow);
console.log (JSON.stringify(window.opener.cow));
document.getElementById('exportSaveTextField').value = q;
function exportEncryptedSave() {
var q = JSON.stringify(window.opener.cow);
q = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(q, 'notVerySecretHash');
exportSaveTextField.value = q;
function importSave () {
var q = prompt('在这里粘贴你的存档代码');
if (q != null) {
window.cow = JSON.parse(q);
cow.hp = cow.maxHP;
cow.currentMap = "Vieda Port";
cow.currentTab = "main";
cow.worldMapRNG = 0;
cow.itemDropRNG = 0;
cow.itemClassRNG = 0;
cow.masterGamestateVariable = "startingAnEvent";
cow.waitCounter = 0,
cow.travelDestination = "";
cow.travellingTime = 0;
cow.restingMap = "";
cow.restingTime = 0;
cow.currentImprovingSkill = "";
cow.gameplayClock = 0;
cow.overrideCurrentMapDisplay = "";
cow.combatState = "off";
cow.mobCurrentHP = "9999";
cow.endTurn = false;
} else alert("导入存档已取消");
function importEncryptedSave() {
var q = prompt('在这里粘贴你的存档代码');
if (q != null) {
q = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(q, 'notVerySecretHash'); // Decrypt save file
q = q.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8); // Required because the decrypter outputs hex instead of ascii by default. This reconverts it
window.cow = JSON.parse(q);
cow.hp = cow.maxHP;
cow.currentMap = "Vieda Port";
cow.currentTab = "main";
cow.worldMapRNG = 0;
cow.itemDropRNG = 0;
cow.itemClassRNG = 0;
cow.masterGamestateVariable = "startingAnEvent";
cow.waitCounter = 0,
cow.travelDestination = "";
cow.travellingTime = 0;
cow.restingMap = "";
cow.restingTime = 0;
cow.currentImprovingSkill = "";
cow.gameplayClock = 0;
cow.overrideCurrentMapDisplay = "";
cow.combatState = "off";
cow.mobCurrentHP = "9999";
cow.endTurn = false;
} else alert("导入存档已取消");
function eraseSave () {
if (confirm("重置游戏存档?") ) {
if (confirm("最后一次警告-您的存档将被永久重置!!(游戏中也没有声望系统,仅供参考。)") ) {
window.cow = {"level":1,"levelXP":0,"hp":30,"maxHP":30,"minDMG":3,"maxDMG":5,"ac":0,"kongUsername":'',"str":5,"def":5,"agi":5,"spd":5,"cha":5,"luk":5,"axe":1,"sword":1,"dagger":1,"fist":1,"speech":1,"critical":1,"spear":1,"mace":1,"dodge":1,"block":1,"unlock":1,"hArmor":1,"mArmor":1,"lArmor":1,"athlete":1,"medic":1,"endure":1,"smash":1,"climb":1,"stealth":1,"strXP":0,"defXP":0,"agiXP":0,"spdXP":0,"chaXP":0,"lukXP":0,"axeXP":0,"swordXP":0,"daggerXP":0,"fistXP":0,"speechXP":0,"criticalXP":0,"spearXP":0,"maceXP":0,"dodgeXP":0,"blockXP":0,"unlockXP":0,"hArmorXP":0,"mArmorXP":0,"lArmorXP":0,"athleteXP":0,"medicXP":0,"endureXP":0,"smashXP":0,"climbXP":0,"stealthXP":0,"equippedHeadArmor":"","equippedShoulderArmor":"","equippedGloves":"","equippedBodyArmor":"","equippedPants":"","equippedShoes":"","equippedShield":"","equippedWeapon":"Fist1","currentMap":"Vieda Port","currentTab":"options","worldMapRNG":0,"itemDropRNG":0,"itemClassRNG":0,"masterGamestateVariable":"startingAnEvent","waitCounter":0,"travelDestination":"","travellingTime":0,"restingMap":"","restingTime":0,"currentImprovingSkill":"smash","cssDefaultTheme":"Black","gameplayClock":1,"minutesPlayed":0,"hoursPlayed":0,"respawnAtVieda":true,"overrideCurrentMapDisplay":"","combatState":"off","mobCurrentHP":"9999","endTurn":false,"keyItem1have":false,"keyItem2have":false,"keyItem3have":false,"keyItem4have":false,"keyItem5have":false,"keyItem6have":false,"keyItem7have":false,"keyItem8have":false,"keyItem9have":false,"keyItem10have":false,"keyItem11have":false,"keyItem12have":false,"keyItem13have":false,"keyItem14have":false,"keyItem15have":false,"keyItem16have":false,"keyItem17have":false,"keyItem18have":false,"keyItem19have":false,"keyItem20have":false,"keyItem21have":false,"keyItem22have":false,"keyItem23have":false,"keyItem24have":false,"mapItem1have":false,"mapItem2have":false,"mapItem3have":false,"mapItem4have":false,"mapItem5have":false,"mapItem6have":false,"mapItem7have":false,"mapItem8have":false,"seal1have":false,"seal2have":false,"seal3have":false,"seal4have":false,"seal5have":false,"seal6have":false,"seal7have":false,"seal8have":false,"bestlightHeadArmor":0,"bestlightShoulderArmor":0,"bestlightGloves":0,"bestlightBodyArmor":0,"bestlightPants":0,"bestlightShoes":0,"bestlightShield":0,"bestmediumHeadArmor":0,"bestmediumShoulderArmor":0,"bestmediumGloves":0,"bestmediumBodyArmor":0,"bestmediumPants":0,"bestmediumShoes":0,"bestmediumShield":0,"bestheavyHeadArmor":0,"bestheavyShoulderArmor":0,"bestheavyGloves":0,"bestheavyBodyArmor":0,"bestheavyPants":0,"bestheavyShoes":0,"bestheavyShield":0,"bestdagger":0,"bestfist":1,"bestsword":0,"bestmace":0,"bestspear":0,"bestaxe":0}
alert('Save file has been reset.');
} else {
//code here for no save but leave (No)
} else {
//code here for don't leave (Cancel)
function highlightKeyItemLocations() {
// initialize icons
document.getElementById('map1').innerHTML = "O";
document.getElementById('map2').innerHTML = ".";
document.getElementById('map3').innerHTML = ";";
document.getElementById('map4').innerHTML = "O";
document.getElementById('map5').innerHTML = "O";
document.getElementById('map6').innerHTML = "~";
document.getElementById('map7').innerHTML = "o";
document.getElementById('map8').innerHTML = "o";
document.getElementById('map9').innerHTML = "п";
document.getElementById('map10').innerHTML = "O";
document.getElementById('map11').innerHTML = ".";
document.getElementById('map12').innerHTML = "#";
document.getElementById('map13').innerHTML = "%";
document.getElementById('map14').innerHTML = "o";
document.getElementById('map15').innerHTML = "ᴒ";
document.getElementById('map16').innerHTML = "⁔";
document.getElementById('map17').innerHTML = "O";
document.getElementById('map18').innerHTML = "~";
document.getElementById('map19').innerHTML = "o";
document.getElementById('map20').innerHTML = "ᴧ";
document.getElementById('map21').innerHTML = "п";
document.getElementById('map22').innerHTML = ".";
document.getElementById('map23').innerHTML = ";";
document.getElementById('map24').innerHTML = ",";
// highlight
if (cow.keyItem17have == true) {
var q = '⁕';
if (cow.keyItem1have == false) {document.getElementById('map1').innerHTML = q;}
if (cow.keyItem2have == false) {document.getElementById('map2').innerHTML = q;}
if (cow.keyItem3have == false) {document.getElementById('map3').innerHTML = q;}
if (cow.keyItem4have == false) {document.getElementById('map3').innerHTML = q;}
if (cow.keyItem5have == false) {document.getElementById('map4').innerHTML = q;}
if (cow.keyItem6have == false) {document.getElementById('map5').innerHTML = q;}
if (cow.keyItem7have == false) {document.getElementById('map5').innerHTML = q;}
if (cow.keyItem8have == false) {document.getElementById('map6').innerHTML = q;}
if (cow.keyItem9have == false) {document.getElementById('map8').innerHTML = q;}
if (cow.keyItem10have == false) {document.getElementById('map9').innerHTML = q;}
if (cow.keyItem11have == false) {document.getElementById('map13').innerHTML = q;}
if (cow.keyItem12have == false) {document.getElementById('map13').innerHTML = q;}
if (cow.keyItem13have == false) {document.getElementById('map14').innerHTML = q;}
if (cow.keyItem14have == false) {document.getElementById('map15').innerHTML = q;}
if (cow.keyItem15have == false) {document.getElementById('map19').innerHTML = q;}
if (cow.keyItem16have == false) {document.getElementById('map20').innerHTML = q;}
if (cow.keyItem17have == false) {document.getElementById('map21').innerHTML = q;}
if (cow.keyItem18have == false) {document.getElementById('map22').innerHTML = q;}
if (cow.keyItem19have == false) {document.getElementById('map22').innerHTML = q;}
if (cow.keyItem20have == false) {document.getElementById('map23').innerHTML = q;}
if (cow.mapItem1have == false) {document.getElementById('map6').innerHTML = q;}
if (cow.mapItem2have == false) {document.getElementById('map7').innerHTML = q;}
if (cow.mapItem3have == false) {document.getElementById('map10').innerHTML = q;}
if (cow.mapItem4have == false) {document.getElementById('map11').innerHTML = q;}
if (cow.mapItem5have == false) {document.getElementById('map12').innerHTML = q;}
if (cow.mapItem6have == false) {document.getElementById('map16').innerHTML = q;}
if (cow.mapItem7have == false) {document.getElementById('map17').innerHTML = q;}
if (cow.mapItem8have == false) {document.getElementById('map18').innerHTML = q;}
// if (cow.seal1have == false) {document.getElementById('map8').innerHTML = q;}
// if (cow.seal2have == false) {document.getElementById('map9').innerHTML = q;}
// if (cow.seal3have == false) {document.getElementById('map13').innerHTML = q;}
// if (cow.seal4have == false) {document.getElementById('map14').innerHTML = q;}
// if (cow.seal5have == false) {document.getElementById('map15').innerHTML = q;}
// if (cow.seal6have == false) {document.getElementById('map19').innerHTML = q;}
// if (cow.seal7have == false) {document.getElementById('map20').innerHTML = q;}
// if (cow.seal8have == false) {document.getElementById('map21').innerHTML = q;}
var r = "X";
if (cow.currentMap == "Vieda Port") { document.getElementById('map1').innerHTML = r; }
if (cow.currentMap == "Nomad's Guild") { document.getElementById('map2').innerHTML = r; }
if (cow.currentMap == "Crystalspire Forest") { document.getElementById('map3').innerHTML = r; }
if (cow.currentMap == "Ardana Residential") { document.getElementById('map4').innerHTML = r; }
if (cow.currentMap == "Ardana Markenplace") { document.getElementById('map5').innerHTML = r; }
if (cow.currentMap == "Silverpool Tides") { document.getElementById('map6').innerHTML = r; }
if (cow.currentMap == "Madras") { document.getElementById('map7').innerHTML = r; }
if (cow.currentMap == "Elcot") { document.getElementById('map8').innerHTML = r; }
if (cow.currentMap == "Crimson Palace") { document.getElementById('map9').innerHTML = r; }
if (cow.currentMap == "Ardana Slums") { document.getElementById('map10').innerHTML = r; }
if (cow.currentMap == "Obsidian Grasslands") { document.getElementById('map11').innerHTML = r; }
if (cow.currentMap == "Deadmoor Tower") { document.getElementById('map12').innerHTML = r; }
if (cow.currentMap == "Sea of Hileo") { document.getElementById('map13').innerHTML = r; }
if (cow.currentMap == "Rydale Keep") { document.getElementById('map14').innerHTML = r; }
if (cow.currentMap == "Farin's Delve") { document.getElementById('map15').innerHTML = r; }
if (cow.currentMap == "Skyview") { document.getElementById('map16').innerHTML = r; }
if (cow.currentMap == "Ba'ryst") { document.getElementById('map17').innerHTML = r; }
if (cow.currentMap == "Prismatic Delta") { document.getElementById('map18').innerHTML = r; }
if (cow.currentMap == "Cerrak") { document.getElementById('map19').innerHTML = r; }
if (cow.currentMap == "Burning Cloudsea") { document.getElementById('map20').innerHTML = r; }
if (cow.currentMap == "Siruvan") { document.getElementById('map21').innerHTML = r; }
if (cow.currentMap == "Midnight's Reach") { document.getElementById('map22').innerHTML = r; }
if (cow.currentMap == "Forest of Ice") { document.getElementById('map23').innerHTML = r; }
if (cow.currentMap == "Undercrypt") { document.getElementById('map24').innerHTML = r; }
function updateGameplayClock () {
var q = ( cow.minutesPlayed < 10 ? "0" : "" ) + cow.minutesPlayed; // adds extra zeroes via brainfuck
document.getElementById('textGameplayClock').innerHTML = cow.hoursPlayed + ':' + q;
// Switch Themes
function changeTheme (q) {
cow.cssDefaultTheme = q;
document.getElementById('loadCSSThemeHere').innerHTML = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="theme' + q + '.css">';
// Make the selected theme fullBrightText
document.getElementById('BlackThemeText').className = 'fadedText3 clickable';
document.getElementById('WhiteThemeText').className = 'fadedText3 clickable';
document.getElementById('PurpleThemeText').className = 'fadedText3 clickable';
document.getElementById('BlueThemeText').className = 'fadedText3 clickable';
document.getElementById('MatrixThemeText').className = 'fadedText3 clickable';
document.getElementById('AmberThemeText').className = 'fadedText3 clickable';
document.getElementById('BiosThemeText').className = 'fadedText3 clickable';
document.getElementById(q+'ThemeText').className = 'fullBrightText';
// Load Default theme onLoad
function loadDefaultOptions () {
// Themes
document.getElementById('loadCSSThemeHere').innerHTML = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="theme' + cow.cssDefaultTheme + '.css">';
document.getElementById(cow.cssDefaultTheme+'ThemeText').className = 'fullBrightText';
// Respawn location
if (cow.respawnAtVieda == true) { document.getElementById('textRespawnAtVieda').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
if (cow.respawnAtVieda == false) { document.getElementById('textRespawnWhereYouDied').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
function changeRespawnLocation (q) {
if (q == "Vieda") { cow.respawnAtVieda = true }
if (q == "whereYouDied") { cow.respawnAtVieda = false }
document.getElementById('textRespawnAtVieda').className = 'fadedText3 clickable';
document.getElementById('textRespawnWhereYouDied').className = 'fadedText3 clickable';
// World map button functions
function gotoArea (q) {
if (cow.currentMap == window['map'+q].name) { // if clicked map location is same as current, go back instantly
cow.masterGamestateVariable = "refreshRNGNow";
} else if (q == 24 && cow.keyItem22have == false) { // if undercrypt is locked and clicked, do nothing
} else { // otherwise activate travelling mode
cow.masterGamestateVariable = "startingAnEvent";
cow.travelDestination = window['map'+q].name;
cow.currentMap = "travelling";
cow.travellingTime = (3 / (cow.athlete/75)); // TRAVELLING TIME / ATHLETE FORMULA!!!!!
if (cow.keyItem12have == true) {cow.travellingTime *= 0.66} //
if (cow.travellingTime > 15) { cow.travellingTime = 15} /////
if (cow.travellingTime < 3) { cow.travellingTime = 3} ///////////////
// Update map text descriptions functions
function mapText (q) { document.getElementById('mapText').innerHTML = cnItem(window['map'+q].text);
if (q == 24 && cow.keyItem22have == false) document.getElementById('mapText').innerHTML = ''; } // undercrypt hack
function mapTextClear () { document.getElementById('mapText').innerHTML = ''; }
// Update equips text descriptions functions
function equipsArmorText (q) {
var r = cow['best'+q];
if (q.substring(0, 5) == "light") { var s = "Light Armor"}
if (q.substring(0, 6) == "medium") { var s = "Medium Armor"}
if (q.substring(0, 5) == "heavy") { var s = "Heavy Armor"}
if (r >= 1) document.getElementById('equipsStatText').innerHTML = cnItem(s) + ': ' + window[q+r].armorClass + ' 护甲';
if (r >= 1 && q.slice(-6) == "Shield") document.getElementById('equipsStatText').innerHTML = cnItem(s) + ': +' + r*2 + '% 几率格挡';
function equipsWeaponText (q) {
var r = cow['best'+q];
var s = capitalizeFirstLetter(q);
if (r >= 1) document.getElementById('equipsStatText').innerHTML = cnItem(s) + ': ' + window[q+r].minDamage + ' - ' + window[q+r].maxDamage + ' 伤害';
function equipsTextClear () { document.getElementById('equipsStatText').innerHTML = '<br>' }
// Update key items text descriptions functions
function keyItemText (q) { if (cow['keyItem'+q+'have'] == true) { document.getElementById('keyItemDescriptionText').innerHTML = window['keyItem'+q].text; } }
function mapItemText (q) { if (cow['mapItem'+q+'have'] == true) { document.getElementById('keyItemDescriptionText').innerHTML = window['mapItem'+q].text; } }
function sealItemText (q) { if (cow['seal'+q+'have'] == true) { document.getElementById('keyItemDescriptionText').innerHTML = window['seal'+q].text; } }
function keyItemTextClear () { document.getElementById('keyItemDescriptionText').innerHTML = ''; }
// Free diablo 3 battle.net redeem code
function cubeCat () {
var surfaceArea = '86YCYZ-7CMW-8ETXD2-D727-RGMNZV'; // Placed here on 1-17-2017. Claimed on 7-1-2017.
// Populate Equips Tab when it's loaded
function populateEquipsTab() {
document.getElementById('textEquips1').innerHTML = cnItem(window['lightHeadArmor'+cow.bestlightHeadArmor].name);
document.getElementById('textEquips2').innerHTML = cnItem(window['lightShoulderArmor'+cow.bestlightShoulderArmor].name);
document.getElementById('textEquips3').innerHTML = cnItem(window['lightGloves'+cow.bestlightGloves].name);
document.getElementById('textEquips4').innerHTML = cnItem(window['lightBodyArmor'+cow.bestlightBodyArmor].name);
document.getElementById('textEquips5').innerHTML = cnItem(window['lightPants'+cow.bestlightPants].name);
document.getElementById('textEquips6').innerHTML = cnItem(window['lightShoes'+cow.bestlightShoes].name);
document.getElementById('textEquips7').innerHTML = cnItem(window['lightShield'+cow.bestlightShield].name);
document.getElementById('textEquips8').innerHTML = cnItem(window['dagger'+cow.bestdagger].name);
document.getElementById('textEquips9').innerHTML = cnItem(window['fist'+cow.bestfist].name);
document.getElementById('textEquips10').innerHTML = cnItem(window['mediumHeadArmor'+cow.bestmediumHeadArmor].name);
document.getElementById('textEquips11').innerHTML = cnItem(window['mediumShoulderArmor'+cow.bestmediumShoulderArmor].name);
document.getElementById('textEquips12').innerHTML = cnItem(window['mediumGloves'+cow.bestmediumGloves].name);
document.getElementById('textEquips13').innerHTML = cnItem(window['mediumBodyArmor'+cow.bestmediumBodyArmor].name);
document.getElementById('textEquips14').innerHTML = cnItem(window['mediumPants'+cow.bestmediumPants].name);
document.getElementById('textEquips15').innerHTML = cnItem(window['mediumShoes'+cow.bestmediumShoes].name);
document.getElementById('textEquips16').innerHTML = cnItem(window['mediumShield'+cow.bestmediumShield].name);
document.getElementById('textEquips17').innerHTML = cnItem(window['sword'+cow.bestsword].name);
document.getElementById('textEquips18').innerHTML = cnItem(window['axe'+cow.bestaxe].name);
document.getElementById('textEquips19').innerHTML = cnItem(window['heavyHeadArmor'+cow.bestheavyHeadArmor].name);
document.getElementById('textEquips20').innerHTML = cnItem(window['heavyShoulderArmor'+cow.bestheavyShoulderArmor].name);
document.getElementById('textEquips21').innerHTML = cnItem(window['heavyGloves'+cow.bestheavyGloves].name);
document.getElementById('textEquips22').innerHTML = cnItem(window['heavyBodyArmor'+cow.bestheavyBodyArmor].name);
document.getElementById('textEquips23').innerHTML = cnItem(window['heavyPants'+cow.bestheavyPants].name);
document.getElementById('textEquips24').innerHTML = cnItem(window['heavyShoes'+cow.bestheavyShoes].name);
document.getElementById('textEquips25').innerHTML = cnItem(window['heavyShield'+cow.bestheavyShield].name);
document.getElementById('textEquips26').innerHTML = cnItem(window['mace'+cow.bestmace].name);
document.getElementById('textEquips27').innerHTML = cnItem(window['spear'+cow.bestspear].name);
document.getElementById('textEquipTabAC').innerHTML = cow.ac;
document.getElementById('textEquipTabMinDMG').innerHTML = cow.minDMG;
document.getElementById('textEquipTabMaxDMG').innerHTML = cow.maxDMG;
// Color current equips white when the equip tab is loaded
function colorCurrentEquipsFaded() {
// initializes all slots, unless it's a ---
for (var i = 1; i<28; i++) { document.getElementById('textEquips'+i).className = 'fadedText3 clickable';
if (document.getElementById('textEquips'+i).innerHTML == "---") document.getElementById('textEquips'+i).className = 'fadedText3';}
if (cow.equippedHeadArmor.substring(0,5) == 'light') { document.getElementById('textEquips1').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
if (cow.equippedShoulderArmor.substring(0,5) == 'light') { document.getElementById('textEquips2').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
if (cow.equippedGloves.substring(0,5) == 'light') { document.getElementById('textEquips3').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
if (cow.equippedBodyArmor.substring(0,5) == 'light') { document.getElementById('textEquips4').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
if (cow.equippedPants.substring(0,5) == 'light') { document.getElementById('textEquips5').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
if (cow.equippedShoes.substring(0,5) == 'light') { document.getElementById('textEquips6').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
if (cow.equippedShield.substring(0,5) == 'light') { document.getElementById('textEquips7').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
if (cow.equippedWeapon.substring(0,5) == 'Dagge') { document.getElementById('textEquips8').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
if (cow.equippedWeapon.substring(0,4) == 'Fist') { document.getElementById('textEquips9').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
if (cow.equippedHeadArmor.substring(0,6) == 'medium') { document.getElementById('textEquips10').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
if (cow.equippedShoulderArmor.substring(0,6) == 'medium') { document.getElementById('textEquips11').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
if (cow.equippedGloves.substring(0,6) == 'medium') { document.getElementById('textEquips12').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
if (cow.equippedBodyArmor.substring(0,6) == 'medium') { document.getElementById('textEquips13').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
if (cow.equippedPants.substring(0,6) == 'medium') { document.getElementById('textEquips14').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
if (cow.equippedShoes.substring(0,6) == 'medium') { document.getElementById('textEquips15').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
if (cow.equippedShield.substring(0,6) == 'medium') { document.getElementById('textEquips16').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
if (cow.equippedWeapon.substring(0,5) == 'Sword') { document.getElementById('textEquips17').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
if (cow.equippedWeapon.substring(0,3) == 'Axe') { document.getElementById('textEquips18').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
if (cow.equippedHeadArmor.substring(0,5) == 'heavy') { document.getElementById('textEquips19').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
if (cow.equippedShoulderArmor.substring(0,5) == 'heavy') { document.getElementById('textEquips20').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
if (cow.equippedGloves.substring(0,5) == 'heavy') { document.getElementById('textEquips21').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
if (cow.equippedBodyArmor.substring(0,5) == 'heavy') { document.getElementById('textEquips22').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
if (cow.equippedPants.substring(0,5) == 'heavy') { document.getElementById('textEquips23').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
if (cow.equippedShoes.substring(0,5) == 'heavy') { document.getElementById('textEquips24').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
if (cow.equippedShield.substring(0,5) == 'heavy') { document.getElementById('textEquips25').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
if (cow.equippedWeapon.substring(0,4) == 'Mace') { document.getElementById('textEquips26').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
if (cow.equippedWeapon.substring(0,5) == 'Spear') { document.getElementById('textEquips27').className = 'fullBrightText'; }
// Populate Key Items Tab when it's loaded
function populateKeyItemsTab() {
for (var q = 1; q<25; q++) {
document.getElementById('textKeyItem'+q).innerHTML = "---";
document.getElementById('textKeyItem'+q).className = "fadedText3";
if (cow['keyItem'+q+'have'] == true) {
document.getElementById('textKeyItem'+q).innerHTML = cnItem(window['keyItem'+q].name);
document.getElementById('textKeyItem'+q).className = "fullBrightText";
for (var q = 1; q<9; q++) {
if (cow['mapItem'+q+'have'] == true) {
document.getElementById('textMapItem'+q).innerHTML = "✸";
document.getElementById('textMapItem'+q).className = "fullBrightText";
for (var q = 1; q<9; q++) {
if (cow['seal'+q+'have'] == true) {
document.getElementById('textSeal'+q).innerHTML = "✸";
document.getElementById('textSeal'+q).className = "fullBrightText";
function rngWithinRange (min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
function recalculateWeaponDMG () {
var d = ((cow.agi/75) + 0.5); // calculate skill modifiers
var f = ((cow.spd/75) + 0.5);
var sw = ((cow.str/75) + 0.5);
var m = ((cow.str/75) + 0.5);
var sp = ((cow.def/75) + 0.5);
var a = ((cow.def/75) + 0.5);
if (cow.equippedShield == "") { var nsb = 1.1; } else var nsb = 1; // No shield boost
if (cow.keyItem2have == true) { var whet = 1.05;} else var whet = 1; // Key Item 2
for (var q = 1; q<10; q++) {
window['dagger'+q].minDamage = daggerMin[q]; // reset all weapons damage values
window['fist'+q].minDamage = fistMin[q];
window['sword'+q].minDamage = swordMin[q];
window['mace'+q].minDamage = maceMin[q];
window['spear'+q].minDamage = spearMin[q];
window['dagger'+q].maxDamage = daggerMax[q];
window['fist'+q].maxDamage = fistMax[q];
window['sword'+q].maxDamage = swordMax[q];
window['mace'+q].maxDamage = maceMax[q];
window['spear'+q].maxDamage = spearMax[q];
window['axe'+q].maxDamage = axeMax[q];
window['dagger'+q].minDamage += (cow.smash / 10); // apply smash modifier
window['fist'+q].minDamage += (cow.smash / 10);
window['sword'+q].minDamage += (cow.smash / 10);
window['mace'+q].minDamage += (cow.smash / 10);
window['spear'+q].minDamage += (cow.smash / 10);
window['dagger'+q].maxDamage += (cow.smash / 10);
window['fist'+q].maxDamage += (cow.smash / 10);
window['sword'+q].maxDamage += (cow.smash / 10);
window['mace'+q].maxDamage += (cow.smash / 10);
window['spear'+q].maxDamage += (cow.smash / 10);
window['axe'+q].maxDamage += (cow.smash / 10);
window['dagger'+q].minDamage *= (d * nsb * whet); // apply more modifiers
window['fist'+q].minDamage *= (f * nsb * whet);
window['sword'+q].minDamage *= (sw * nsb * whet);
window['mace'+q].minDamage *= (m * nsb * whet);
window['spear'+q].minDamage *= (sp * nsb * whet);
window['dagger'+q].maxDamage *= (d * nsb * whet);
window['fist'+q].maxDamage *= (f * nsb * whet);
window['sword'+q].maxDamage *= (sw * nsb * whet);
window['mace'+q].maxDamage *= (m * nsb * whet);
window['spear'+q].maxDamage *= (sp * nsb * whet);
window['axe'+q].maxDamage *= (a * nsb * whet);
if (cow.keyItem4have == true) {
window['dagger'+q].minDamage *= ((f + sw + m + sp + a ) / 20) + 1; // apply postgame weapon synergy mod
window['fist'+q].minDamage *= ((d + sw + m + sp + a ) / 20) + 1;
window['sword'+q].minDamage *= ((d + f + m + sp + a ) / 20) + 1;
window['mace'+q].minDamage *= ((d + f + sw + sp + a ) / 20) + 1;
window['spear'+q].minDamage *= ((d + f + sw + m + a ) / 20) + 1;
window['dagger'+q].maxDamage *= ((f + sw + m + sp + a ) / 20) + 1;
window['fist'+q].maxDamage *= ((d + sw + m + sp + a ) / 20) + 1;
window['sword'+q].maxDamage *= ((d + f + m + sp + a ) / 20) + 1;
window['mace'+q].maxDamage *= ((d + f + sw + sp + a ) / 20) + 1;
window['spear'+q].maxDamage *= ((d + f + sw + m + a ) / 20) + 1;
window['axe'+q].maxDamage *= ((d + f + sw + m + sp ) / 20) + 1; }
if (cow.keyItem10have == true) {
window['dagger'+q].maxDamage += 3; // apply Frozen Soul boost
window['fist'+q].maxDamage += 3;
window['sword'+q].maxDamage += 3;
window['mace'+q].maxDamage += 3;
window['spear'+q].maxDamage += 3;
window['axe'+q].maxDamage += 3; }
window['dagger'+q].minDamage = Math.round (window['dagger'+q].minDamage); // Trim decimal places
window['fist'+q].minDamage = Math.round (window['fist'+q].minDamage);
window['sword'+q].minDamage = Math.round (window['sword'+q].minDamage);
window['mace'+q].minDamage = Math.round (window['mace'+q].minDamage);
window['spear'+q].minDamage = Math.round (window['spear'+q].minDamage);
window['dagger'+q].maxDamage = Math.round (window['dagger'+q].maxDamage);
window['fist'+q].maxDamage = Math.round (window['fist'+q].maxDamage);
window['sword'+q].maxDamage = Math.round (window['sword'+q].maxDamage);
window['mace'+q].maxDamage = Math.round (window['mace'+q].maxDamage);
window['spear'+q].maxDamage = Math.round (window['spear'+q].maxDamage);
window['axe'+q].maxDamage = Math.round (window['axe'+q].maxDamage);
function recalculatePlayerDMG () {
cow.minDMG = window[cow.equippedWeapon.toLowerCase()].minDamage;
cow.maxDMG = window[cow.equippedWeapon.toLowerCase()].maxDamage;
function recalculateArmorPieceAC () {
var l = ((cow.lArmor/75) + 0.5); // grab skill modifiers
var m = ((cow.mArmor/75) + 0.5);
var h = ((cow.hArmor/75) + 0.5);
var ll = (cow.lArmor/12);
var mm = (cow.mArmor/12);
var hh = (cow.hArmor/12);
for (var q = 1; q<10; q++) {
window['lightHeadArmor'+q].armorClass = acLight[q]; // reset all armor values
window['lightShoulderArmor'+q].armorClass = acLight[q];
window['lightGloves'+q].armorClass = acLight[q];
window['lightBodyArmor'+q].armorClass = acLight[q];
window['lightPants'+q].armorClass = acLight[q];
window['lightShoes'+q].armorClass = acLight[q];
window['mediumHeadArmor'+q].armorClass = acMedium[q];
window['mediumShoulderArmor'+q].armorClass = acMedium[q];
window['mediumGloves'+q].armorClass = acMedium[q];
window['mediumBodyArmor'+q].armorClass = acMedium[q];
window['mediumPants'+q].armorClass = acMedium[q];
window['mediumShoes'+q].armorClass = acMedium[q];
window['heavyHeadArmor'+q].armorClass = acHeavy[q];
window['heavyShoulderArmor'+q].armorClass = acHeavy[q];
window['heavyGloves'+q].armorClass = acHeavy[q];
window['heavyBodyArmor'+q].armorClass = acHeavy[q];
window['heavyPants'+q].armorClass = acHeavy[q];
window['heavyShoes'+q].armorClass = acHeavy[q];
window['lightHeadArmor'+q].armorClass *= l * 2; // apply all skill modifiers
window['lightShoulderArmor'+q].armorClass *= l * 2;
window['lightGloves'+q].armorClass *= l * 2;
window['lightBodyArmor'+q].armorClass *= l * 2;
window['lightPants'+q].armorClass *= l * 2;
window['lightShoes'+q].armorClass *= l * 2;
window['mediumHeadArmor'+q].armorClass *= m * 2;
window['mediumShoulderArmor'+q].armorClass *= m * 2;
window['mediumGloves'+q].armorClass *= m * 2;
window['mediumBodyArmor'+q].armorClass *= m * 2;
window['mediumPants'+q].armorClass *= m * 2;
window['mediumShoes'+q].armorClass *= m * 2;
window['heavyHeadArmor'+q].armorClass *= h * 2;
window['heavyShoulderArmor'+q].armorClass *= h * 2;
window['heavyGloves'+q].armorClass *= h * 2;
window['heavyBodyArmor'+q].armorClass *= h * 2;
window['heavyPants'+q].armorClass *= h * 2;
window['heavyShoes'+q].armorClass *= h * 2;
if (cow.keyItem7have == true) {
window['lightHeadArmor'+q].armorClass += 1; // apply Armorer's Hammer boost
window['lightShoulderArmor'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['lightGloves'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['lightBodyArmor'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['lightPants'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['lightShoes'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['mediumHeadArmor'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['mediumShoulderArmor'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['mediumGloves'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['mediumBodyArmor'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['mediumPants'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['mediumShoes'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['heavyHeadArmor'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['heavyShoulderArmor'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['heavyGloves'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['heavyBodyArmor'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['heavyPants'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['heavyShoes'+q].armorClass += 1; }
if (cow.keyItem9have == true) {
window['lightHeadArmor'+q].armorClass += 1; // apply hardening oil boost
window['lightShoulderArmor'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['lightGloves'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['lightBodyArmor'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['lightPants'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['lightShoes'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['mediumHeadArmor'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['mediumShoulderArmor'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['mediumGloves'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['mediumBodyArmor'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['mediumPants'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['mediumShoes'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['heavyHeadArmor'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['heavyShoulderArmor'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['heavyGloves'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['heavyBodyArmor'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['heavyPants'+q].armorClass += 1;
window['heavyShoes'+q].armorClass += 1; }
if (cow.keyItem8have == true) {
window['lightHeadArmor'+q].armorClass += (mm + hh); // apply Magearmor Ring boost
window['lightShoulderArmor'+q].armorClass += (mm + hh);
window['lightGloves'+q].armorClass += (mm + hh);
window['lightBodyArmor'+q].armorClass += (mm + hh);
window['lightPants'+q].armorClass += (mm + hh);
window['lightShoes'+q].armorClass += (mm + hh);
window['mediumHeadArmor'+q].armorClass += (ll + hh);
window['mediumShoulderArmor'+q].armorClass += (ll + hh);
window['mediumGloves'+q].armorClass += (ll + hh);
window['mediumBodyArmor'+q].armorClass += (ll + hh);
window['mediumPants'+q].armorClass += (ll + hh);
window['mediumShoes'+q].armorClass += (ll + hh);
window['heavyHeadArmor'+q].armorClass += (ll + mm);
window['heavyShoulderArmor'+q].armorClass += (ll + mm);
window['heavyGloves'+q].armorClass += (ll + mm);
window['heavyBodyArmor'+q].armorClass += (ll + mm);
window['heavyPants'+q].armorClass += (ll + mm);
window['heavyShoes'+q].armorClass += (ll + mm); }
window['lightHeadArmor'+q].armorClass = Math.round (window['lightHeadArmor'+q].armorClass *10)/10; // remove decimal places
window['lightShoulderArmor'+q].armorClass = Math.round (window['lightShoulderArmor'+q].armorClass *10)/10;
window['lightGloves'+q].armorClass = Math.round (window['lightGloves'+q].armorClass *10)/10;
window['lightBodyArmor'+q].armorClass = Math.round (window['lightBodyArmor'+q].armorClass *10)/10;
window['lightPants'+q].armorClass = Math.round (window['lightPants'+q].armorClass *10)/10;
window['lightShoes'+q].armorClass = Math.round (window['lightShoes'+q].armorClass *10)/10;
window['mediumHeadArmor'+q].armorClass = Math.round (window['mediumHeadArmor'+q].armorClass *10)/10;
window['mediumShoulderArmor'+q].armorClass = Math.round (window['mediumShoulderArmor'+q].armorClass *10)/10;
window['mediumGloves'+q].armorClass = Math.round (window['mediumGloves'+q].armorClass *10)/10;
window['mediumBodyArmor'+q].armorClass = Math.round (window['mediumBodyArmor'+q].armorClass *10)/10;
window['mediumPants'+q].armorClass = Math.round (window['mediumPants'+q].armorClass *10)/10;
window['mediumShoes'+q].armorClass = Math.round (window['mediumShoes'+q].armorClass *10)/10;
window['heavyHeadArmor'+q].armorClass = Math.round (window['heavyHeadArmor'+q].armorClass *10)/10;
window['heavyShoulderArmor'+q].armorClass = Math.round (window['heavyShoulderArmor'+q].armorClass *10)/10;
window['heavyGloves'+q].armorClass = Math.round (window['heavyGloves'+q].armorClass *10)/10;
window['heavyBodyArmor'+q].armorClass = Math.round (window['heavyBodyArmor'+q].armorClass *10)/10;
window['heavyPants'+q].armorClass = Math.round (window['heavyPants'+q].armorClass *10)/10;
window['heavyShoes'+q].armorClass = Math.round (window['heavyShoes'+q].armorClass *10)/10;
function recalculatePlayerAC () {
cow.ac = 0;
if (cow.equippedHeadArmor != "") cow.ac += window[cow.equippedHeadArmor].armorClass; // add up ac of the 6 gear pieces
if (cow.equippedShoulderArmor != "") cow.ac += window[cow.equippedShoulderArmor].armorClass;
if (cow.equippedGloves != "") cow.ac += window[cow.equippedGloves].armorClass;
if (cow.equippedBodyArmor != "") cow.ac += window[cow.equippedBodyArmor].armorClass;
if (cow.equippedPants != "") cow.ac += window[cow.equippedPants].armorClass;
if (cow.equippedShoes != "") cow.ac += window[cow.equippedShoes].armorClass;
cow.ac = Math.round(cow.ac*10)/10;
cow.ac *= 1; // fixes 00.4 to 0.4
// Equip an armor piece when you click it
function equipArmor (q, r) {
// De-equipping your current shield
if (r == "Shield" && cow.equippedShield.substring(0, 5) == q.substring(0, 5)) {
cow.equippedShield = "";
} else
// equipping armor pieces
if (cow['best'+q+r] != 0) {
var t = q.toLowerCase();
var s = cow['best'+t+r];
cow['equipped'+r] = t+r+s;
// Equip a weapon when you click it
function equipWeapon (q) {
var r = q.toLowerCase();
if (cow['best'+r] != 0) {
var s = cow['best'+r];
cow.equippedWeapon = q+s;
function addItemDropToInventory (q) {
// if the found item is isn't a Key Item, select a random loot drop
if (q.substring(0,1) == "T") {
var s;
if (cow.itemClassRNG < 3) { s = 'lightHeadArmor'} else
if (cow.itemClassRNG < 6) { s = 'lightShoulderArmor'} else
if (cow.itemClassRNG < 9) { s = 'lightGloves'} else
if (cow.itemClassRNG < 12) { s = 'lightBodyArmor'} else
if (cow.itemClassRNG < 15) { s = 'lightPants'} else
if (cow.itemClassRNG < 18) { s = 'lightShoes'} else
if (cow.itemClassRNG < 21) { s = 'lightShield'} else
if (cow.itemClassRNG < 24) { s = 'mediumHeadArmor'} else
if (cow.itemClassRNG < 27) { s = 'mediumShoulderArmor'} else
if (cow.itemClassRNG < 30) { s = 'mediumGloves'} else
if (cow.itemClassRNG < 33) { s = 'mediumBodyArmor'} else
if (cow.itemClassRNG < 36) { s = 'mediumPants'} else
if (cow.itemClassRNG < 39) { s = 'mediumShoes'} else
if (cow.itemClassRNG < 42) { s = 'mediumShield'} else
if (cow.itemClassRNG < 45) { s = 'heavyHeadArmor'} else
if (cow.itemClassRNG < 48) { s = 'heavyShoulderArmor'} else
if (cow.itemClassRNG < 51) { s = 'heavyGloves'} else
if (cow.itemClassRNG < 54) { s = 'heavyBodyArmor'} else
if (cow.itemClassRNG < 57) { s = 'heavyPants'} else
if (cow.itemClassRNG < 60) { s = 'heavyShoes'} else
if (cow.itemClassRNG < 63) { s = 'heavyShield'} else
if (cow.itemClassRNG < 69) { s = 'dagger'} else
if (cow.itemClassRNG < 75) { s = 'sword'} else
if (cow.itemClassRNG < 81) { s = 'axe'} else
if (cow.itemClassRNG < 87) { s = 'fist'} else
if (cow.itemClassRNG < 93) { s = 'mace'} else
if (cow.itemClassRNG <= 99) { s = 'spear'}
r = s + q.substring(1,2)
// if the loot is better than your current gear, take it
if (r.slice(-1) > cow['best'+r.slice(0, -1)]) {
writeConsole ("Equipment found: " + window[r].name);
// cow[r+'have'] = true;
cow['best'+r.slice(0, -1)] = r.slice(-1); // recalculate best armor/weapon
document.getElementById('equipsButton').innerHTML = "<span id='IEhack'>新!</span>"; // Puts NEW! text on the equips button
// reEquip the best of all your currently equipped items
if (cow.equippedHeadArmor.substring(0, 1) == "l") {equipArmor('light', 'HeadArmor')}
if (cow.equippedShoulderArmor.substring(0, 1) == "l") {equipArmor('light', 'ShoulderArmor')}
if (cow.equippedGloves.substring(0, 1) == "l") {equipArmor('light', 'Gloves')}
if (cow.equippedBodyArmor.substring(0, 1) == "l") {equipArmor('light', 'BodyArmor')}
if (cow.equippedPants.substring(0, 1) == "l") {equipArmor('light', 'Pants')}
if (cow.equippedShoes.substring(0, 1) == "l") {equipArmor('light', 'Shoes')}
if (cow.equippedShield != "" && cow.equippedShield.substring(0, 1) == "l") {equipArmor('light', 'Shield'); equipArmor('light', 'Shield')}
if (cow.equippedHeadArmor.substring(0, 1) == "m") {equipArmor('medium', 'HeadArmor')}
if (cow.equippedShoulderArmor.substring(0, 1) == "m") {equipArmor('medium', 'ShoulderArmor')}
if (cow.equippedGloves.substring(0, 1) == "m") {equipArmor('medium', 'Gloves')}
if (cow.equippedBodyArmor.substring(0, 1) == "m") {equipArmor('medium', 'BodyArmor')}
if (cow.equippedPants.substring(0, 1) == "m") {equipArmor('medium', 'Pants')}
if (cow.equippedShoes.substring(0, 1) == "m") {equipArmor('medium', 'Shoes')}
if (cow.equippedShield != "" && cow.equippedShield.substring(0, 1) == "m") {equipArmor('medium', 'Shield'); equipArmor('medium', 'Shield')}
if (cow.equippedHeadArmor.substring(0, 1) == "h") {equipArmor('heavy', 'HeadArmor')}
if (cow.equippedShoulderArmor.substring(0, 1) == "h") {equipArmor('heavy', 'ShoulderArmor')}
if (cow.equippedGloves.substring(0, 1) == "h") {equipArmor('heavy', 'Gloves')}
if (cow.equippedBodyArmor.substring(0, 1) == "h") {equipArmor('heavy', 'BodyArmor')}
if (cow.equippedPants.substring(0, 1) == "h") {equipArmor('heavy', 'Pants')}
if (cow.equippedShoes.substring(0, 1) == "h") {equipArmor('heavy', 'Shoes')}
if (cow.equippedShield != "" && cow.equippedShield.substring(0, 1) == "h") {equipArmor('heavy', 'Shield'); equipArmor('heavy', 'Shield')}
if (cow.equippedWeapon.substring(0, 1) == "D") {equipWeapon('Dagger')}
if (cow.equippedWeapon.substring(0, 1) == "F") {equipWeapon('Fist')}
if (cow.equippedWeapon.substring(0, 2) == "Sw") {equipWeapon('Sword')}
if (cow.equippedWeapon.substring(0, 1) == "M") {equipWeapon('Mace')}
if (cow.equippedWeapon.substring(0, 2) == "Sp") {equipWeapon('Spear')}
if (cow.equippedWeapon.substring(0, 1) == "A") {equipWeapon('Axe')}
// if you find a Key Item, and the player doesn't already have it..
if (q.substring(0,3) == "key" && cow[q+'have'] == false) {
writeConsole ("发现稀有物品: " + cnItem(window[q].name));
cow[q+'have'] = true;
document.getElementById('keyItemsButton').innerHTML = "<span id='IEhack'>新!</span>"; // Puts NEW! text on the key items button
if (q.substring(0,3) == "map" && cow[q+'have'] == false) {
writeConsole ("发现稀有物品: " + cnItem(window[q].name));
cow[q+'have'] = true;
document.getElementById('keyItemsButton').innerHTML = "<span id='IEhack'>新!</span>"; // Puts NEW! text on the key items button
if (q.substring(0,4) == "seal" && cow[q+'have'] == false) {
writeConsole ("发现稀有物品: " + cnItem(window[q].name));
cow[q+'have'] = true;
document.getElementById('keyItemsButton').innerHTML = "<span id='IEhack'>新!</span>"; // Puts NEW! text on the key items button
function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) {
return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
function lockAllTabs() {
document.getElementById('mainButton').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('equipsButton').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('keyItemsButton').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('worldMapButton').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('optionsButton').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('faqButton').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('aboutButton').disabled = true;
function unlockAllTabs() {
document.getElementById('mainButton').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('equipsButton').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('keyItemsButton').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('worldMapButton').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('optionsButton').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('faqButton').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('aboutButton').disabled = false;
function unlockAllTabsExceptMain() {
document.getElementById('equipsButton').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('keyItemsButton').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('worldMapButton').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('optionsButton').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('faqButton').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('aboutButton').disabled = false;
// Write to Console function
function writeConsole (q) {
document.getElementById('console4').innerHTML = document.getElementById('console3').innerHTML;
document.getElementById('console3').innerHTML = document.getElementById('console2').innerHTML;
document.getElementById('console2').innerHTML = document.getElementById('console1').innerHTML;
document.getElementById('console1').innerHTML = q;
// Write to Console without scrolling
function updateConsole (q) {
document.getElementById('console1').innerHTML = q;
function updateMainTextSpans() {
document.getElementById('textLevel').innerHTML = cow.level;
document.getElementById('textMaxHP').innerHTML = cow.maxHP;
document.getElementById('textMainTabMinDMG').innerHTML = cow.minDMG;
document.getElementById('textMainTabMaxDMG').innerHTML = cow.maxDMG;
document.getElementById('textMainTabAC').innerHTML = cow.ac;
// currentMap display, and all the various hacks for it
document.getElementById('textCurrentMap').innerHTML = cnItem(cow.currentMap);
if (cow.currentMap == "resting") { document.getElementById('textCurrentMap').innerHTML = cow.overrideCurrentMapDisplay; }
if (cow.currentMap == "respawning") { document.getElementById('textCurrentMap').innerHTML = cow.overrideCurrentMapDisplay; }
if (cow.currentMap == "travelling") { document.getElementById('textCurrentMap').innerHTML = "..." }
if (document.getElementById('textCurrentMap').innerHTML == "Ardana Residential") { document.getElementById('textCurrentMap').innerHTML = "Ardana - Residential"; }
if (document.getElementById('textCurrentMap').innerHTML == "Ardana Marketplace") { document.getElementById('textCurrentMap').innerHTML = "Ardana - Marketplace"; }
if (document.getElementById('textCurrentMap').innerHTML == "Ardana Slums") { document.getElementById('textCurrentMap').innerHTML = "Ardana - Slums"; }
// document.getElementById('textDebug1').innerHTML = cow.masterGamestateVariable;
// document.getElementById('textDebug2').innerHTML = cow.hp;
document.getElementById('textDEF').innerHTML = cow.def;
document.getElementById('textSTR').innerHTML = cow.str;
document.getElementById('textAGI').innerHTML = cow.agi;
document.getElementById('textSPD').innerHTML = cow.spd;
document.getElementById('textCHA').innerHTML = cow.cha;
document.getElementById('textLUK').innerHTML = cow.luk;
document.getElementById('textAxe').innerHTML = cow.axe;
document.getElementById('textSword').innerHTML = cow.sword;
document.getElementById('textDagger').innerHTML = cow.dagger;
document.getElementById('textFist').innerHTML = cow.fist;
document.getElementById('textSpeech').innerHTML = cow.speech;
document.getElementById('textCritical').innerHTML = cow.critical;
document.getElementById('textSpear').innerHTML = cow.spear;
document.getElementById('textMace').innerHTML = cow.mace;
document.getElementById('textDodge').innerHTML = cow.dodge;
document.getElementById('textBlock').innerHTML = cow.block;
document.getElementById('textUnlock').innerHTML = cow.unlock;
document.getElementById('textHArmor').innerHTML = cow.hArmor;
document.getElementById('textMArmor').innerHTML = cow.mArmor;
document.getElementById('textLArmor').innerHTML = cow.lArmor;
document.getElementById('textAthlete').innerHTML = cow.athlete;
document.getElementById('textMedic').innerHTML = cow.medic;
document.getElementById('textEndure').innerHTML = cow.endure;
document.getElementById('textSmash').innerHTML = cow.smash;
document.getElementById('textClimb').innerHTML = cow.climb;
document.getElementById('textStealth').innerHTML = cow.stealth;
function rerollWorldMapRNGifMasterGameTimerIsUp() {
if (cow.masterGamestateVariable == "refreshRNGNow") {
cow.worldMapRNG = Math.floor(Math.random()*99);
cow.itemDropRNG = Math.floor(Math.random()*99);
cow.itemClassRNG = Math.floor(Math.random()*99);
cow.masterGamestateVariable = "startingAnEvent";
function statGrowth() {
// Cap all skills at stat level
if (cow.axe >= cow.def) { cow.axeXP = 0 }
if (cow.spear >= cow.def) { cow.spearXP = 0 }
if (cow.hArmor >= cow.def) { cow.hArmorXP = 0 }
if (cow.endure >= cow.def) { cow.endureXP = 0 }
if (cow.sword >= cow.str) { cow.swordXP = 0 }
if (cow.mace >= cow.str) { cow.maceXP = 0 }
if (cow.mArmor >= cow.str) { cow.mArmorXP = 0 }
if (cow.smash >= cow.str) { cow.smashXP = 0 }
if (cow.dagger >= cow.agi) { cow.daggerXP = 0 }
if (cow.dodge >= cow.agi) { cow.dodgeXP = 0 }
if (cow.lArmor >= cow.agi) { cow.lArmorXP = 0 }
if (cow.climb >= cow.agi) { cow.climbXP = 0 }
if (cow.fist >= cow.spd) { cow.fistXP = 0 }
if (cow.block >= cow.spd) { cow.blockXP = 0 }
if (cow.athlete >= cow.spd) { cow.athleteXP = 0 }
if (cow.stealth >= cow.spd) { cow.stealthXP = 0 }
if (cow.speech >= cow.cha) { cow.speechXP = 0 }
if (cow.unlock >= cow.cha) { cow.unlockXP = 0 }
if (cow.medic >= cow.cha) { cow.medicXP = 0 }
// if (cow.critical >= cow.luk){ cow.criticalXP = 0 }
// Level up skills
if (cow.axeXP >= 100) { cow.axeXP = 0; cow.axe++; cow.defXP++; cow.levelXP++; updateConsole("斧子 技能现在等级 " + cow.axe); recalculateWeaponDMG(); recalculatePlayerDMG();}
if (cow.spearXP >= 100) { cow.spearXP = 0; cow.spear++; cow.defXP++; cow.levelXP++; updateConsole("矛 技能现在等级 " + cow.spear); recalculateWeaponDMG(); recalculatePlayerDMG();}
if (cow.hArmorXP >= 100) { cow.hArmorXP = 0; cow.hArmor++; cow.defXP++; cow.levelXP++; updateConsole("重型护甲 技能现在等级 " + cow.hArmor); recalculateArmorPieceAC(); recalculatePlayerAC();}
if (cow.endureXP >= 100) { cow.endureXP = 0; cow.endure++; cow.defXP++; cow.levelXP+= .25; updateConsole("耐力 技能现在等级 " + cow.endure)}
if (cow.swordXP >= 100) { cow.swordXP = 0; cow.sword++; cow.strXP++; cow.levelXP++; updateConsole("剑 技能现在等级 " + cow.sword); recalculateWeaponDMG(); recalculatePlayerDMG();}
if (cow.maceXP >= 100) { cow.maceXP = 0; cow.mace++; cow.strXP++; cow.levelXP++; updateConsole("权杖 技能现在等级 " + cow.mace); recalculateWeaponDMG(); recalculatePlayerDMG();}
if (cow.mArmorXP >= 100) { cow.mArmorXP = 0; cow.mArmor++; cow.strXP++; cow.levelXP++; updateConsole("中级护甲 技能现在等级 " + cow.mArmor); recalculateArmorPieceAC(); recalculatePlayerAC();}
if (cow.smashXP >= 100) { cow.smashXP = 0; cow.smash++; cow.strXP++; cow.levelXP+= .25; updateConsole("粉碎 技能现在等级 " + cow.smash); recalculateWeaponDMG(); recalculatePlayerDMG();}
if (cow.daggerXP >= 100) { cow.daggerXP = 0; cow.dagger++; cow.agiXP++; cow.levelXP++; updateConsole("匕首 技能现在等级 " + cow.dagger); recalculateWeaponDMG(); recalculatePlayerDMG();}
if (cow.dodgeXP >= 100) { cow.dodgeXP = 0; cow.dodge++; cow.agiXP++; cow.levelXP++; updateConsole("闪避 技能现在等级 " + cow.dodge)}
if (cow.lArmorXP >= 100) { cow.lArmorXP = 0; cow.lArmor++; cow.agiXP++; cow.levelXP++; updateConsole("轻型护甲 技能现在等级 " + cow.lArmor); recalculateArmorPieceAC(); recalculatePlayerAC();}
if (cow.climbXP >= 100) { cow.climbXP = 0; cow.climb++; cow.agiXP++; cow.levelXP+= .25; updateConsole("攀爬 技能现在等级 " + cow.climb)}
if (cow.fistXP >= 100) { cow.fistXP = 0; cow.fist++; cow.spdXP++; cow.levelXP++; updateConsole("拳头 技能现在等级 " + cow.fist); recalculateWeaponDMG(); recalculatePlayerDMG();}
if (cow.blockXP >= 100) { cow.blockXP = 0; cow.block++; cow.spdXP++; cow.levelXP++; updateConsole("格挡 技能现在等级 " + cow.block)}
if (cow.athleteXP >= 100) { cow.athleteXP = 0; cow.athlete++; cow.spdXP++; cow.levelXP+= .25; updateConsole("移动 技能现在等级 " + cow.athlete)}
if (cow.stealthXP >= 100) { cow.stealthXP = 0; cow.stealth++; cow.spdXP++; cow.levelXP+= .25; updateConsole("隐形 技能现在等级 " + cow.stealth)}
if (cow.speechXP >= 100) { cow.speechXP = 0; cow.speech++; cow.chaXP++; cow.levelXP+= .25; updateConsole("口才 技能现在等级 " + cow.speech)}
if (cow.unlockXP >= 100) { cow.unlockXP = 0; cow.unlock++; cow.chaXP++; cow.levelXP+= .25; updateConsole("解锁 技能现在等级 " + cow.unlock)}
if (cow.medicXP >= 100) { cow.medicXP = 0; cow.medic++; cow.chaXP++; cow.levelXP+= .25; updateConsole("治疗 技能现在等级 " + cow.medic)}
if (cow.criticalXP >= 100) { cow.criticalXP = 0; cow.critical++; cow.lukXP++; cow.levelXP+= .25; updateConsole("暴击 技能现在等级 " + cow.critical)}
// Cap skills at 99, and prevent any further XP gain
if (cow.axe >= 99) {cow.axe = 99; cow.axeXP = 0; }
if (cow.spear >= 99) {cow.spear = 99; cow.spearXP = 0; }
if (cow.hArmor >= 99) {cow.hArmor = 99; cow.hArmorXP = 0; }
if (cow.endure >= 99) {cow.endure = 99; cow.endureXP = 0; }
if (cow.sword >= 99) {cow.sword = 99; cow.swordXP = 0; }
if (cow.mace >= 99) {cow.mace = 99; cow.maceXP = 0; }
if (cow.mArmor >= 99) {cow.mArmor = 99; cow.mArmorXP = 0; }
if (cow.smash >= 99) {cow.smash = 99; cow.smashXP = 0; }
if (cow.dagger >= 99) {cow.dagger = 99; cow.daggerXP = 0; }
if (cow.dodge >= 99) {cow.dodge = 99; cow.dodgeXP = 0; }
if (cow.lArmor >= 99) {cow.lArmor = 99; cow.lArmorXP = 0; }
if (cow.climb >= 99) {cow.climb = 99; cow.climbXP = 0; }
if (cow.fist >= 99) {cow.fist = 99; cow.fistXP = 0; }
if (cow.block >= 99) {cow.block = 99; cow.blockXP = 0; }
if (cow.athlete >= 99) {cow.athlete = 99; cow.athleteXP = 0; }
if (cow.stealth >= 99) {cow.stealth = 99; cow.stealthXP = 0; }
if (cow.speech >= 99) {cow.speech = 99; cow.speechXP = 0; }
if (cow.unlock >= 99) {cow.unlock = 99; cow.unlockXP = 0; }
if (cow.medic >= 99) {cow.medic = 99; cow.medicXP = 0; }
if (cow.critical >= 99) {cow.critical = 99; cow.criticalXP = 0; }
// Cap statXPs at 3
if (cow.defXP > 3) { cow.defXP = 3; }
if (cow.strXP > 3) { cow.strXP = 3; }
if (cow.agiXP > 3) { cow.agiXP = 3; }
if (cow.spdXP > 3) { cow.spdXP = 3; }
if (cow.chaXP > 3) { cow.chaXP = 3; }
if (cow.lukXP > 3) { cow.lukXP = 3; }
// Level up, and boost stats
if (cow.levelXP >= 10) {
cow.def += cow.defXP; cow.str += cow.strXP; cow.agi += cow.agiXP; cow.spd += cow.spdXP; cow.cha += cow.chaXP; cow.luk += cow.lukXP;
cow.defXP = 0; cow.strXP = 0; cow.agiXP = 0; cow.spdXP = 0; cow.chaXP = 0; cow.lukXP = 0;
cow.levelXP = 0;
var q = (((cow.def + cow.str + cow.agi) + 10) / cow.level * .66666);
if (q<3) { q = 3 };
cow.maxHP += q;
cow.maxHP = Math.round (cow.maxHP);
updateConsole ("You are now Lv. " + cow.level);
function updateEXPProgressBars() {
// Update EXP Bar
var q = Math.round (cow.levelXP * 2);
document.getElementById('expBar').innerHTML = Array(q+1).join("*");
document.getElementById('expBarEmptySpace').innerHTML = Array(21-q).join(".");
// Update Skill XP Display
if (cow.currentImprovingSkill == "invis") {
document.getElementById('textCurrentlyGrindingSkill').innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById('textCurrentlyGrindingSkillXP').innerHTML = "";
} else {
document.getElementById('textCurrentlyGrindingSkill').innerHTML = cnItem(cow.currentImprovingSkill.toUpperCase()) +" 升级进度";
document.getElementById('textCurrentlyGrindingSkillXP').innerHTML = '[' + cow[cow.currentImprovingSkill+'XP'].toFixed(1) + '%]';
if ( document.getElementById('textCurrentlyGrindingSkillXP').innerHTML >= 100) { document.getElementById('textCurrentlyGrindingSkillXP').innerHTML = 0; }
// proper spacing for skillXP. Windows treats   weird so this is an intentional hack
document.getElementById('skillXPEmptySpace').innerHTML = "<span style='opacity:0.001;'>" + Array(26-document.getElementById('textCurrentlyGrindingSkillXP').innerHTML.length).join(".") + '</span>';
// proper spacing for Location
document.getElementById('locationReadoutEmptySpace').innerHTML = "<span style='opacity:0.001;'>" + Array(24-document.getElementById('textCurrentMap').innerHTML.length).join(".") + '</span>';
function preloadStuff() {
function load(filename) {
var xmlhttp;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else { // code for IE6, IE5
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {
var q = document.createElement('span'); // Extra stuff to make IE happy. Fuck IE
q.setAttribute('id', 'loadSound'); //
q.setAttribute('class', 'invisible'); //
document.body.appendChild(q); //
document.getElementById("loadSound").innerHTML = '<embed src="' + filename + '" controller="1" autoplay="0" autostart="0" />';
xmlhttp.open("GET", filename, true);
// Fonts
// Themes
function incrementGame() {
if (cow.gameplayClock % 20) {} else { autoSave(); cow.minutesPlayed++; cow.gameplayClock = 0 } // If remainder is 0, do this
if (cow.minutesPlayed % 5 == 0 && cow.gameplayClock == 1) { updateConsole ("游戏已保存.."); }
if (cow.minutesPlayed >= 60) { cow.hoursPlayed++; cow.minutesPlayed = 0 }
setTimeout('game()', 3000)
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