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interaction_head.py 11.20 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
ddwhzh 提交于 2023-04-17 22:19 . code review
Interaction head and its submodules
Fred Zhang <[email protected]>
The Australian National University
Australian Centre for Robotic Vision
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np
from torch import nn, Tensor
from typing import List
from collections import OrderedDict
import pocket
from ops import compute_spatial_encodings
from add_on.net import *
from gfin_module.base_interaction_head import Base_InteractionHead
from gfin_module.hof import HOFmodule
#from gfin_module.coop import HOFmodule
class InteractionHead(Base_InteractionHead):
Interaction head that constructs and classifies box pairs
box_pair_predictor: nn.Module
Module that classifies box pairs
hidden_state_size: int (256)
Size of the object features
representation_size: int (512)
Size of the human-object pair features
num_channels: int (2048)
Number of channels in the global image features
num_classes: int (24)
Number of target classes
human_idx: int
The index of human/person class
object_class_to_target_class: List[list]
The set of valid action classes for each object type
def __init__(self,
box_pair_predictor: nn.Module,
object_class_to_target_class: List[list],
args, num_query=500,
tb_writer = None
) -> None:
self.num_query = num_query
self.box_pair_predictor = box_pair_predictor
hidden_state_size = args.hidden_dim
self.hidden_state_size = hidden_state_size
representation_size = args.repr_dim
self.representation_size = representation_size
self.num_classes = args.num_classes
self.human_idx = args.human_idx
self.object_class_to_target_class = object_class_to_target_class
self.args = args
self.nheads = args.nheads
self.menc_inter_layer = args.menc_inter_layer
self.dec_inter_layers = args.dec_inter_layers
self.num_heads = args.nheads
self.inference = args.inference
self.layer_num = args.dec_inter_layers
self.device = args.device
self.input_proj = nn.Conv2d(num_channels[-1], hidden_state_size, kernel_size=1)
if args.dataset =='hicodet':
nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.input_proj.weight, gain=1)
nn.init.constant_(self.input_proj.bias, 0)
self.HOI_encoder = self.build_encode(d_model = hidden_state_size, nhead=args.nheads, num_encoder_layers = args.enc_inter_layers,
dim_feedforward = args.dim_feedforward, dropout = args.dropout, activation = "relu", normalize_before = False)
self.spatial_head = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(36, 128), nn.ReLU(),
nn.Linear(128, 256), nn.ReLU(),
nn.Linear(256, representation_size), nn.ReLU(),)
self.pairwise_fusion_layer = HOFmodule(
hidden_size = hidden_state_size,
representation_size = representation_size,
num_layers = args.menc_inter_layer,
num_heads=args.nheads, return_weights = True)
self.HOI_layer = self.build_decode(d_model = hidden_state_size * 2, nhead = args.nheads, num_decoder_layers = args.dec_inter_layers,
dim_feedforward = args.dim_feedforward, dropout = args.dropout, activation = "relu", normalize_before = False,
return_intermediate_dec = True, num_channels = representation_size, representation_size = representation_size)
self.detr_res_linear = nn.Linear(hidden_state_size, hidden_state_size)
self.detr_memory_linear = nn.Linear(hidden_state_size, hidden_state_size)
def forward(self, images, resnet_features: OrderedDict, srcs,
detr_memory, image_shapes: Tensor, sample_wh:Tensor,
region_props: List[dict], masks=None, poses=None):
device = self.device
###################################### 1.GCE #####################################
hof_memory = None
hof_memory = self.GEC_forward(resnet_features, srcs, detr_memory, masks, poses)
###################################### GCE #####################################
boxes_h_collated = []
boxes_o_collated = []
prior_collated = []
object_class_collated = []
attn_maps_collated = []
HOI_tokens_collated = []
prior_score = []
# 每一个sample
for b_idx, props in enumerate(region_props):
n = len(props['boxes'])
box = props['boxes']
score = props['scores']
label = props['labels']
unary_token = props['hidden_states']
is_human = (label == self.human_idx)
n_h = torch.sum(is_human)
if n_h == 0 or n <= 1:
boxes_h_collated.append(torch.zeros(0, device=device, dtype=torch.int64))
boxes_o_collated.append(torch.zeros(0, device=device, dtype=torch.int64))
object_class_collated.append(torch.zeros(0, device=device, dtype=torch.int64))
prior_collated.append(torch.zeros(2, 0, self.num_classes, device=device))
prior_score.append(torch.zeros(0, device=device))
unary_attn = [[torch.zeros((0, 0, 1), device=device, dtype=torch.float) for _ in range(self.num_heads)] for _ in range(self.menc_inter_layer)]
HOI_token = torch.zeros((self.layer_num, 0, self.box_pair_predictor.weight.shape[-1]), dtype=torch.float, device=device)
HOI_attn = torch.zeros((self.dec_inter_layers, 1, 0, 0), device=device, dtype=torch.float)
attn_maps_collated.append((unary_attn[-1], HOI_attn))
# Permute human instances to the top
if not torch.all(label==self.human_idx):
h_idx = torch.nonzero(is_human).squeeze(1)
o_idx = torch.nonzero(is_human == False).squeeze(1)
perm = torch.cat([h_idx, o_idx])
box = box[perm]
score = score[perm]
label = label[perm]
unary_token = unary_token[perm]
# Get the pairwise indices (N, N)
x, y = torch.meshgrid(torch.arange(n, device=device), torch.arange(n, device=device))
if self.args.dataset == 'hicodet':
x_keep, y_keep = torch.nonzero(torch.logical_and(x!=y, x < n_h)).unbind(1)
elif self.args.dataset == 'vcoco':
x_keep, y_keep = torch.nonzero(x < n_h).unbind(1)
prior = self.compute_prior_scores(x_keep, y_keep, score, label)
x, y = x.flatten(), y.flatten()
###################################### 2.HOF #####################################
# Compute spatial features (NxN, 36)
box_pair_spatial_embed = None
per_image_shapes = image_shapes[b_idx]
box_pair_spatial = compute_spatial_encodings([box[x]], [box[y]], [per_image_shapes])
box_pair_spatial = self.spatial_head(box_pair_spatial)
box_pair_spatial_embed = box_pair_spatial.reshape(n, n, -1)
# pair feature encoder
unary_token, unary_attn = self.pairwise_fusion_layer(unary_token, box_pair_spatial_embed)# N, 256
unary_token = torch.cat([unary_token[x_keep], unary_token[y_keep]], -1)
###################################### HOF #####################################
###################################### 3.PID #####################################
box_pair_spatial_embed[x_keep, y_keep]
tgt, memory, mask, query_embed, pos_embed = \
self.decode_input_reshape_idx(unary_token.unsqueeze(1), hof_memory, masks[-1], poses[-1], b_idx)
HOI_token, HOI_attn, _ = self.decode_forward(tgt, memory, mask, None, pos_embed, None, self.HOI_layer)
HOI_token = HOI_token.squeeze(1)
###################################### PID #####################################
attn_maps_collated.append((unary_attn, HOI_attn))
HOI_tokens_collated = torch.cat(HOI_tokens_collated, dim=1)
if not self.training:
HOI_tokens_collated = HOI_tokens_collated[-1:]
logits = self.box_pair_predictor(HOI_tokens_collated)
return logits, prior_collated, prior_score,\
boxes_h_collated, boxes_o_collated, \
object_class_collated, attn_maps_collated
def compute_prior_scores(self, x_keep: Tensor, y_keep: Tensor, scores: Tensor, object_class: Tensor) -> Tensor:
prior_h = torch.zeros(len(x_keep), self.num_classes, device=self.device)
prior_o = torch.zeros_like(prior_h)
# Raise the power of object detection scores during inference
p = 1.0 if self.training else 2.8
s_h = scores[x_keep].pow(p)
s_o = scores[y_keep].pow(p)
# Map object class index to target class index(过滤矩阵滤掉不正确的pair)
# Object class index to target class index is a one-to-many mapping
# Vcoco会自动不过滤没有宾语的动作
target_cls_idx = [self.object_class_to_target_class[obj.item()] if x_keep[i] != y_keep[i]
else range(self.num_classes) for i, obj in enumerate(object_class[y_keep])]
# Duplicate box pair indices for each target class
pair_idx = [i for i, tar in enumerate(target_cls_idx) for _ in tar]
# Flatten mapped target indices
flat_target_idx = [t for tar in target_cls_idx for t in tar]
prior_h[pair_idx, flat_target_idx] = s_h[pair_idx]#pairN, 24
prior_o[pair_idx, flat_target_idx] = s_o[pair_idx]#pairN, 24
return torch.stack([prior_h, prior_o])#2, pairN, 24
def GEC_forward(self, resnet_features, srcs, detr_memory, masks, poses):
global_features = [self.input_proj(resnet_features[-1])]
# _, global_features, _, _ = self.backbone_forward(images)
w, h = detr_memory.shape[-2], detr_memory.shape[-1]
src, mask, pos_embed, spatial_shapes = self.encode_input_reshape(srcs = global_features[-1:], masks = masks[-1:], poses = poses[-1:])
hoi_memory, _ = self.encode_forward(src, mask, pos_embed, self.HOI_encoder)
hoi_memory = self.detr_res_linear(srcs[-1].flatten(-2).permute(2, 0, 1)) + hoi_memory
detr_memory = global_features[-1] + \
detr_memory = detr_memory.flatten(-2).permute(2,0,1)
hof_memory = torch.cat([detr_memory, hoi_memory], dim=-1)
return hof_memory
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:ddwhzh/upt.git
