Unary-pairwise transformer for human-object interaction detection
Fred Zhang <[email protected]>
The Australian National University
Australian Centre for Robotic Vision
import os
from sklearn.metrics import SCORERS
import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
import utils
from torch import nn, Tensor
import numpy as np
from typing import Optional, List
from torchvision.ops.boxes import batched_nms, box_iou
from ops import *
from interaction_head import InteractionHead
import sys
from detr.models import build_model
from detr.util import box_ops
def build_detr(args):
net, criterion, postprocessors = build_model(args)
num_channels = net.backbone[0].num_channels
if os.path.exists(args.pretrained):
if dist.get_rank() == 0:
print(f"Load weights for the object detector from {args.pretrained}")
checkpoint = torch.load(args.pretrained, map_location='cpu')
net = utils.load_model(net, checkpoint['model_state_dict'])
return net, criterion, postprocessors, num_channels
def build_detector(args, class_corr, tb_writer=None):
# 读取detr模型
net, criterion, postprocessors, num_channels = build_detr(args)
predictor = torch.nn.Linear(args.repr_dim, args.num_classes)
num_channels = net.backbone[0].num_channels
interaction_head = InteractionHead(
num_channels, # (2048)
tb_writer = tb_writer)
# UPT模型
detector = GFIN(net, postprocessors, interaction_head, args = args)
return detector
class GFIN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,
detector: nn.Module,
postprocessor: nn.Module,
interaction_head: nn.Module,
) -> None:
self.detector = detector
self.postprocessor = postprocessor
self.interaction_head = interaction_head
self.dataset = args.dataset
self.cascade_layer = args.cascade_layer
self.dec_layers = args.dec_layers
self.aux_attn_loss = args.aux_attn_loss,
self.label_match = args.label_match
self.Hungarian = args.Hungarian
self.no_nms = args.no_nms
def forward(self,
images: List[Tensor],
targets: Optional[List[dict]] = None
) -> List[dict]:
self.device = images[0].device
if self.training and targets is None:
raise ValueError("In training mode, targets should be passed")
# 2048, 256(DETR部分,可以变成特征文件加速训练)
original_image_sizes = torch.as_tensor([im.size()[-2:] for im in images], device=self.device)
with torch.no_grad():
no_prop_srcs, srcs, masks, poses, outputs = self.DETR_forward(images)
detections, features, detr_memory = self.mutil_layer_process(outputs, original_image_sizes)
region_props = self.prepare_region_proposals(detections, features)
sample_wh = torch.tensor([max(original_image_sizes[:, 0]), max(original_image_sizes[:, 1])], device=self.device)
logits, prior, prior_score, bh, bo, objects, attn_maps = \
self.interaction_head(images, no_prop_srcs, srcs,
detr_memory, original_image_sizes, sample_wh,
region_props, masks, poses)
boxes = [r['boxes'] for r in region_props]
location = [r['location'] for r in region_props]
od_labels = [r['labels'] for r in region_props]
od_scores = [r['scores'] for r in region_props]
if self.training:
interaction_loss = self.compute_interaction_loss(boxes, bh, bo, logits, prior,
od_labels, targets,
loss_dict = dict(interaction_loss=interaction_loss)
return loss_dict
detections = self.postprocessing(boxes, bh, bo, logits,
prior, od_labels, od_scores,
objects, attn_maps, original_image_sizes, location)
return detections
def DETR_forward(self, images):
# 2048, 256(DETR部分,可以变成特征文件加速训练)
# 同DETR的forward
no_prop_srcs, srcs, masks, poses = self.detector.backbone_forward(images)
out = self.detector.neck_forward(srcs, masks, poses, self.detector.query_embed.weight) # features, memory
outputs = self.detector.head_forward(out)
return no_prop_srcs, srcs, masks, poses, outputs
def mutil_layer_process(self, outputs, original_image_sizes):
num_batch = len(original_image_sizes)
# 取出每一个decoder的结果
detections = [dict(scores=torch.zeros((0,), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device),
labels=torch.zeros((0,), dtype=torch.int32, device=self.device),
boxes=torch.zeros((0, 4), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device),
# pred_logits=torch.zeros((0, 81), dtype=torch.float32, device=outputs['out_query'].device),
location=torch.zeros((0, 2), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)) for _ in range(num_batch)]
features = torch.zeros((num_batch, 0, 256), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)
# 级联预测
for i in range(self.cascade_layer, self.dec_layers):
results_per_layer = {'pred_logits': outputs['pred_logits_cascade'][i],
'pred_boxes': outputs['pred_boxes_cascade'][i]}
results_per_layer = self.postprocessor['bbox'](results_per_layer, original_image_sizes)
num_query = results_per_layer[-1]['scores'].shape[-1]#100
location = torch.tensor( [(i, x) for x in range(num_query)], device=self.device)
for bn in range(num_batch):
detections[bn]['scores'] = torch.cat([detections[bn]['scores'],
results_per_layer[bn]['scores']], dim=0)
detections[bn]['labels'] = torch.cat([detections[bn]['labels'],
results_per_layer[bn]['labels']], dim=0)
detections[bn]['boxes'] = torch.cat([detections[bn]['boxes'],
results_per_layer[bn]['boxes']], dim=0)
detections[bn]['location'] = torch.cat([detections[bn]['location'], location], dim=0)
features = torch.cat([features, outputs['out_query'][i]], dim=1)
# 值的变化不影响结果
detr_memory = outputs['memory']
return detections, features, detr_memory
def prepare_region_proposals(self, results, hidden_states):
region_props = []
for res, hs in zip(results, hidden_states):
# 100
sc, lb, bx, loc = res.values()
if not self.no_nms:
keep = batched_nms(bx, sc, lb, self.fg_iou_thresh)
sc = sc[keep].view(-1)
lb = lb[keep].view(-1)
bx = bx[keep].view(-1, 4)
hs = hs[keep].view(-1, 256)
loc = loc[keep].view(-1, 2)
# 置信度 > 0.2
keep = torch.nonzero(sc >= self.box_score_thresh).squeeze(1)
is_human = (lb == self.human_idx)
hum = torch.nonzero(is_human).squeeze(1)
obj = torch.nonzero(~is_human).squeeze(1)
n_human = is_human[keep].sum()
n_object = len(keep) - n_human
# Keep the number of human and object instances in a specified interval
# 3-15
if n_human < self.min_instances:# 如果置信度过小至少要三个人的bbox
keep_h = sc[hum].argsort(descending=True)[:self.min_instances]
keep_h = hum[keep_h]
elif n_human > self.max_instances:# 只取前面几个
keep_h = sc[hum].argsort(descending=True)[:self.max_instances]
keep_h = hum[keep_h]
keep_h = torch.nonzero(is_human[keep]).squeeze(1)
keep_h = keep[keep_h]
# 3-15
if n_object < self.min_instances:
keep_o = sc[obj].argsort(descending=True)[:self.min_instances]
keep_o = obj[keep_o]
elif n_object > self.max_instances:
keep_o = sc[obj].argsort(descending=True)[:self.max_instances]
keep_o = obj[keep_o]
keep_o = torch.nonzero(is_human[keep] == 0).squeeze(1)
keep_o = keep[keep_o]
keep = torch.cat([keep_h, keep_o])
#obj_word_embed = self.obj_word_embedding[lb[keep]]
hidden_states = hs[keep],
return region_props
def recover_boxes(self, boxes, size):
boxes = box_ops.box_cxcywh_to_xyxy(boxes)
h, w = size
scale_fct = torch.stack([w, h, w, h])
boxes = boxes * scale_fct
return boxes
def associate_with_ground_truth(self, boxes_h, boxes_o, od_labels,
targets, data_type='vcoco'):
hoi_pair_num = boxes_h.shape[0]#==boxes_o.shape[0]
labels = torch.zeros(hoi_pair_num, self.num_classes, device=self.device)
gt_boxes_h = torch.zeros(hoi_pair_num, 4, device=self.device)
gt_boxes_o = torch.zeros(hoi_pair_num, 4, device=self.device)
# gt_label = torch.zeros(hoi_pair_num, dtype=torch.int, device=self.device)
th = targets['boxes_h']
to = targets['boxes_o']
gt_bx_h = self.recover_boxes(th, targets['size'])
gt_bx_o = self.recover_boxes(to, targets['size'])
olb = targets['object']
vlb = targets['labels']
# 人和物的iou都要大于0.5
iou = torch.min(
box_iou(boxes_h, gt_bx_h),#pairN,
box_iou(boxes_o, gt_bx_o) #pairN,
iou_bool = (iou >= self.fg_iou_thresh)
x, y = torch.nonzero(iou_bool).unbind(1)
xx, yy = x, y
if self.label_match:
od_labels = od_labels+1 if data_type=='vcoco' else od_labels
xx = x[od_labels[x]==olb[y]]
yy = y[olb[y]==od_labels[x]]
verb_label = vlb[yy]
labels[xx, verb_label] = 1
gt_boxes_h[xx] = gt_bx_h[yy]
gt_boxes_o[xx] = gt_bx_o[yy]
return labels, gt_boxes_h, gt_boxes_o
def compute_interaction_loss(self, boxes, bh, bo,
logits_layer, priors,
od_labels, targets,
attn_maps=None, topK=20, score_thre=0., alpha = 1., beta=1.):
label_list = []
gt_boxes_h_list = []
gt_boxes_o_list = []
pred_boxes_h_list = []
pred_boxes_o_list = []
# 每一个sample
start_i = 0
for bx, h, o, lb, target in zip(boxes, bh, bo, od_labels, targets):
labels, gt_boxes_h, gt_boxes_o = \
self.associate_with_ground_truth(bx[h], bx[o], lb[o], target, self.dataset)
label_list.append(labels)# 36, 24
labels = torch.cat(label_list)
loss = 0
# (2, N, 24) -> (N, 24)
priors = torch.cat(priors, dim=1).prod(0)# human_scroe * obj_score
# how many label
x, y = torch.nonzero(priors).unbind(1)
prior = priors[x, y]
label = labels[x, y]
cls_loss = 0
num_layer = logits_layer.shape[0]
# num_loss_layer = self.num_layer
num_loss_layer = num_layer
for _, logits in enumerate(logits_layer[num_layer-num_loss_layer : num_layer]):
logits_sigmoid = torch.sigmoid(logits)
logit = logits_sigmoid[x, y] # [n,verb_num]
score = logit * prior
cls_loss += binary_focal_loss(
score, label, reduction='sum',
alpha=self.alpha, gamma=self.gamma
cls_loss = cls_loss/num_loss_layer
n_p = len(torch.nonzero(label))
if dist.is_initialized() and self.device.type!="cpu":
world_size = dist.get_world_size()
n_p = torch.as_tensor([n_p], device=self.device)
n_p = (n_p / world_size).item()
cls_loss = cls_loss / n_p
loss += beta * cls_loss
return loss
def postprocessing(self, boxes, bh, bo,
logits, prior,
od_labels, od_scores,
objects, attn_maps,
image_sizes, location):
if logits.dim()==3:
logits = logits[-1]
n = [len(b) for b in bh]
logits = logits.split(n)
detections = []
# every sample
for bx, h, o, lg, pr, odl, ods, obj, attn, size, loc in zip(
boxes, bh, bo, logits, prior, od_labels, od_scores, objects,
attn_maps, image_sizes, location):
# (2, N, 24) -> (N, 24)
priors = pr.prod(0)
lgs = torch.sigmoid(lg)
scores = lgs * priors
x, y = torch.nonzero(priors).unbind(1)
det = dict(boxes=bx, od_labels = odl, od_scores = ods,
pairing=torch.stack([h[x], o[x]]), size=size,
scores= scores[x, y], labels=y, objects=obj[x],
attn_maps=attn, hoi_dec_location=x, od_dec_location=loc,)
return detections
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