from Constant import *
from Menu import Background, MenuText
from Page import Page
from SpriteGroup import SpriteGroup
from Control import Control
import Global as glb
class Page_Achieve(Page):
def __init__(self):
self.update_range = pg.Rect(0, 0, SCR_W, SCR_H)
self.data = glb.achieve.vals
spg = SpriteGroup()
spg.add(MenuText('游戏档案', 64, posy = 0.1))
self.esc = MenuText('返回 [ESC]', 36, color = LIGHT_RED, posy = 0.9)
self.prev = self.next = None
self.text = SpriteGroup()
self.idx = 0
def refresh(self, ctrl: Control):
if ctrl.get_key(CTRL_ESC) or ctrl.get_click(self.esc.rect):
return PAGE_EXIT
if self.prev is not None and (ctrl.get_key(CTRL_L) or ctrl.get_click(self.prev.rect)):
self.idx -= 1
elif self.next is not None and (ctrl.get_key(CTRL_R) or ctrl.get_click(self.next.rect)):
self.idx += 1
return PAGE_NONE
def update(self):
self.prev = self.next = None
if self.idx > 0:
self.prev = MenuText('上一页 [A]', 36, posx = 0.2, posy = 0.9)
if self.idx < 4:
self.next = MenuText('下一页 [D]', 36, posx = 0.8, posy = 0.9)
if self.idx == 0:
self.text.add(MenuText(f'获得的金钱:{self.data["tot-money"]}', 30, posy = 0.25))
self.text.add(MenuText(f'挖掘的土块:{self.data["tot-dirt"]}', 30, posy = 0.35))
self.text.add(MenuText(f'挖掘的矿物:{self.data["tot-ore"]}', 30, posy = 0.45))
self.text.add(MenuText(f'挖掘的宝箱:{self.data["tot-chest"]}', 30, posy = 0.55))
self.text.add(MenuText(f'解救的 NPC:{self.data["tot-npc"]}', 30, posy = 0.65))
self.text.add(MenuText(f'行走的距离:{self.data["tot-move"]}', 30, posy = 0.75))
elif self.idx == 1:
for i in range(0, DIRT_TOT):
tmp = DIRTS[i]
self.text.add(MenuText(f'挖掘的 {get_name(tmp)}:{self.data[tmp]}', 28, posy = 0.25 + i * 0.09))
elif self.idx == 2:
hf = ORE_TOT // 2 + 1
for i in range(0, hf):
tmp = ORES[i]
self.text.add(MenuText(f'挖掘的 {get_name(tmp)}:{self.data[tmp]}', 20, posx = 0.25, posy = 0.22 + i * 0.058))
for i in range(hf, ORE_TOT):
tmp = ORES[i]
self.text.add(MenuText(f'挖掘的 {get_name(tmp)}:{self.data[tmp]}', 20, posx = 0.75, posy = 0.22 + (i - hf) * 0.058))
elif self.idx == 3:
hf = CHEST_TOT // 2 + 1
for i in range(0, hf):
tmp = CHESTS[i]
self.text.add(MenuText(f'获得的 {get_name(tmp)}:{self.data[tmp]}', 24, posx = 0.25, posy = 0.22 + i * 0.07))
for i in range(hf, CHEST_TOT):
tmp = CHESTS[i]
self.text.add(MenuText(f'获得的 {get_name(tmp)}:{self.data[tmp]}', 24, posx = 0.75, posy = 0.22 + (i - hf) * 0.07))
elif self.idx == 4:
hf = NPC_TOT // 2 + 1
for i in range(0, hf):
tmp = NPCS[i]
self.text.add(MenuText(f'解救的 {get_name(tmp)}:{self.data[tmp]}', 20, posx = 0.25, posy = 0.22 + i * 0.053))
for i in range(hf, NPC_TOT):
tmp = NPCS[i]
self.text.add(MenuText(f'解救的 {get_name(tmp)}:{self.data[tmp]}', 20, posx = 0.75, posy = 0.22 + (i - hf) * 0.053))
def draw(self, scr):
for obj in self.list:
if self.prev is not None:
if self.next is not None:
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