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bundle_manager.h 9.48 KB
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wenjun 提交于 2020-09-08 10:21 +08:00 . add OpenHarmony 1.0 baseline
* Copyright (c) 2020 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @addtogroup BundleManager
* @{
* @brief Provides structures and functions for managing application bundles and obtaining application information.
* You can use functions provided by this module to install, update, or uninstall an application, obtain
* {@link AbilityInfo} and {@link BundleInfo} about an application, and obtain the bundle name of an application
* based on the application's user ID (UID).
* @since 1.0
* @version 1.0
* @file bundle_manager.h
* @brief Declares functions used for managing application bundles and obtaining bundle information.
* You can use functions provided in this file to install, update, or uninstall an application, obtain
* {@link AbilityInfo} and {@link BundleInfo} about an application, obtain the bundle name of an application based
* on the application's user ID (UID), and obtain {@link BundleInfo} objects of all applications or keep-alive
* applications in the system.
* @since 1.0
* @version 1.0
#include "ability_info.h"
#include "bundle_info.h"
#include "bundle_status_callback.h"
#include "install_param.h"
#include "stdint.h"
#include "want.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
* @brief Called when an application is installed, updated, or uninstalled.
* This function can be registered through {@link Install} and {@link Uninstall} to receive the installation, update,
* and uninstallation result.
* @param resultCode Indicates the status code returned for the application installation, update, or uninstallation
* result. For details, see {@link AppexecfwkErrors}.
* @param resultMessage Indicates the result message returned with the status code.
* @since 1.0
* @version 1.0
typedef void (*InstallerCallback)(const uint8_t resultCode, const void *resultMessage);
* @brief Registers a callback to monitor the installation, update, and uninstallation state changes of an application.
* @param bundleCallback Indicates the callback to be invoked when the installation, update, or uninstallation state
* of the monitored application changes.
* @param bundleName Indicates the pointer to the bundle name of the application to monitor. If this parameter is set
* to <b>nullptr</b>, the installation, update, or uninstallation state of all applications will be
* monitored.
* @return Returns {@link ERR_OK} if this function is successfully called; returns another error code defined in
* {@link AppexecfwkErrors} otherwise.
* @since 1.0
* @version 1.0
int32_t RegisterCallback(BundleStatusCallback *BundleStatusCallback);
* @brief Unregisters a callback previously registered for monitoring the installation, update, and uninstallation
* state changes of an application.
* @param bundleName Indicates the pointer to the bundle name of the application being monitored. If this parameter
* is set to <b>nullptr</b>, monitoring on the installation, update, or uninstallation state of
* all applications will be canceled.
* @return Returns {@link ERR_OK} if this function is successfully called; returns another error code defined in
* {@link AppexecfwkErrors} otherwise.
* @since 1.0
* @version 1.0
int32_t UnregisterCallback();
* @brief Installs or updates an application.
* @param hapPath Indicates the pointer to the path for storing the OpenHarmony Ability Package (HAP) of the application
* to install or update.
* @param bundleCallback Indicates the callback to be invoked for notifying the installation or update result.
* @return Returns <b>true</b> if this function is successfully called; returns <b>false</b> otherwise.
* @since 1.0
* @version 1.0
bool Install(const char *hapPath, const InstallParam *installParam, InstallerCallback installerCallback);
* @brief Uninstalls an application.
* @param bundleName Indicates the pointer to the bundle name of the application to uninstall.
* @param bundleCallback Indicates the callback to be invoked for notifying the uninstallation result.
* @return Returns <b>true</b> if this function is successfully called; returns <b>false</b> otherwise.
* @since 1.0
* @version 1.0
bool Uninstall(const char *bundleName, const InstallParam *installParam, InstallerCallback installerCallback);
* @brief Queries the {@link AbilityInfo} of an ability based on the information carried in the {@link Want}
* structure.
* @attention Before querying an {@link AbilityInfo} object, you should first call <b>memset</b> on the
* constructed {@link AbilityInfo} object so that each field in it can be properly initialized
* for carrying the obtained information.
* @param want Indicates the pointer to the {@link Want} structure used for querying the specified ability.
* @param abilityInfo Indicates the pointer to the obtained {@link AbilityInfo} object.
* @return Returns {@link ERR_OK} if this function is successfully called; returns another error code defined in
* {@link AppexecfwkErrors} otherwise.
* @since 1.0
* @version 1.0
uint8_t QueryAbilityInfo(const Want *want, AbilityInfo *abilityInfo);
* @brief Obtains the {@link BundleInfo} of an application based on the specified bundle name.
* @attention Before querying a {@link BundleInfo} object, you should first call <b>memset</b> on the constructed
* {@link BundleInfo} object so that each field in it can be properly initialized for carrying the
* obtained information.
* @param bundleName Indicates the pointer to the name of the application bundle to query.
* @param flags Specifies whether the obtained {@link BundleInfo} object can contain {@link AbilityInfo}. The value
* <b>1</b> indicates that it can contain {@link AbilityInfo}, and <b>0</b> indicates that it cannot.
* @param bundleInfo Indicates the pointer to the obtained {@link BundleInfo} object.
* @return Returns {@link ERR_OK} if this function is successfully called; returns another error code defined in
* {@link AppexecfwkErrors} otherwise.
* @since 1.0
* @version 1.0
uint8_t GetBundleInfo(const char *bundleName, int32_t flags, BundleInfo *bundleInfo);
* @brief Obtains the {@link BundleInfo} of all bundles in the system.
* @param flags Specifies whether each of the obtained {@link BundleInfo} objects can contain {@link AbilityInfo}.
* The value <b>1</b> indicates that it can contain {@link AbilityInfo}, and <b>0</b> indicates that
* it cannot.
* @param bundleInfos Indicates the double pointer to the obtained {@link BundleInfo} objects.
* @param len Indicates the pointer to the number of {@link BundleInfo} objects obtained.
* @return Returns {@link ERR_OK} if this function is successfully called; returns another error code defined in
* {@link AppexecfwkErrors} otherwise.
* @since 1.0
* @version 1.0
uint8_t GetBundleInfos(const int flags, BundleInfo **bundleInfos, int32_t *len);
* @brief Obtains the {@link BundleInfo} of all keep-alive applications in the system.
* @param bundleInfos Indicates the double pointer to the obtained {@link BundleInfo} objects.
* @param len Indicates the pointer to the number of {@link BundleInfo} objects obtained.
* @return Returns {@link ERR_OK} if this function is successfully called; returns another error code defined in
* {@link AppexecfwkErrors} otherwise.
* @since 1.0
* @version 1.0
uint8_t QueryKeepAliveBundleInfos(BundleInfo **bundleInfos, int32_t *len);
* @brief Obtains the {@link BundleInfo} of application bundles based on the specified {@link MetaData}.
* @param metaDataKey Indicates the pointer to the metadata name in the {@link MetaData}.
* @param bundleInfos Indicates the double pointer to the obtained {@link BundleInfo} objects.
* @param len Indicates the pointer to the number of {@link BundleInfo} objects obtained.
* @return Returns {@link ERR_OK} if this function is successfully called; returns another error code defined in
* {@link AppexecfwkErrors} otherwise.
* @since 1.0
* @version 1.0
uint8_t GetBundleInfosByMetaData(const char *metaDataKey, BundleInfo **bundleInfos, int32_t *len);
* @brief Obtains the bundle name of an application based on the specified UID.
* @param uid Indicates the UID of the application to query.
* @param bundleName Indicates the double pointer to the bundle name of the application.
* @return Returns {@link ERR_OK} if this function is successfully called; returns another error code defined in
* {@link AppexecfwkErrors} otherwise.
* @since 1.0
* @version 1.0
uint8_t GetBundleNameForUid(int32_t uid, char **bundleName);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
/** @} */
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