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    ccccxxxx/Gaze Estimation_1 forked from ccccxxxx/Gaze Estimation

    Gaze Estimation via Bilinear Pooling-Based Attention Networks. Dakai Ren, Jiazhong Chen, Jian Zhong, Zhaoming Lu, Tao Jia, and Zongyi Li. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2021

    ccccxxxx/Gaze Estimation forked from chenjz70/Gaze_Estimation

    Gaze Estimation via Bilinear Pooling-Based Attention Networks. Dakai Ren, Jiazhong Chen, Jian Zhong, Zhaoming Lu, Tao Jia, and Zongyi Li. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2021
