同步操作将从 KiCad-CN/kicad-source-mirror 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
The majority of KiCad's source code is developed and distributed under the terms
of the GPLv3 or later. However, it does include some third-party code licensed
under other licenses (see below for details).
These licenses are compatible, but a combined works as is will be governed under
the terms of the GPLv3 (or later). This includes any binary distribution of the
KiCad EDA suite by the KiCad project or any third party, e.g. Linux distributor.
You are free to use the *sources* under the terms of their respective licenses.
Licensed under BOOSTv1:
- libcontext [https://github.com/boostorg/context] in thirdparty/libcontext
- clipper in thirdparty/clipper
Licensed under ISC:
- portions of code in include/geometry/polygon_triangulation.h
Licensed under MIT:
- compoundfilereader in thirdparty/compoundfilereader
- delaunator in thirdparty/delaunator
- tinyspline_lib in thirdparty/tinyspline_lib
- nlohmann/json in thirdparty/nlohmann_json
- nlohmann/fifo_map in thirdparty/nlohmann_json
Licensed under GPLv2 (or later):
- dxflib in thirdparty/dxflib_qcad
- potrace in thirdparty/potrace
- math_for_graphics in thirdparty/other_math
- SutherlandHodgmanClipPoly in thirdparty/other_math
Licensed under ZLib:
- nanosvg in thirdparty/nanosvg
Licensed in the public domain:
- lemon in thirdparty/lemon
Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0:
- All the demo files provided in demos/*
Licensed under GPLv3 (or later):
- All remaining code not listed above
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