var hx = require("hbuilderx");
var fs = require('fs')
const path = require("path");
const { log } = require("console");
// 引入主要的类
let CustomDocument = hx.CustomEditor.CustomDocument;
let CustomEditorProvider = hx.CustomEditor.CustomEditorProvider;
let CustomDocumentEditEvent = hx.CustomEditor.CustomDocumentEditEvent;
let jsonArr = []
let content = ''
let webViewPanelHandle
async function setView(webViewPanel, uri) {
let url = 'https://caiwu.bctos.cn/schema2view/#/'
// let url = 'http://localhost:8080/schema2view/#/'
webViewPanel.webView.html = '<script type="text/javascript">window.location.href="' + url + '"</script>';
function initViewData(content, webViewPanel) {
// console.log("同步读取 ", content)
command: "initData",
content: content
// 继承CustomDocument
class CatCustomDocument extends CustomDocument {
constructor(uri) {
dispose() {
// 继承CustomEditorProvider,实现必要的方法
class CatCustomEditorProvider extends CustomEditorProvider {
constructor(context) {
openCustomDocument(uri) {
// 创建CustomDocument
return Promise.resolve(new CatCustomDocument(uri));
resolveCustomEditor(document, webViewPanel) {
webViewPanelHandle = webViewPanel
// 关联CustomDocument与WebViewPanel
setView(webViewPanel, document._uri);
let provider = this;
webViewPanel.webView.onDidReceiveMessage(function(msg) {
// console.log('onDidReceiveMessage', msg)
if (!msg)
if (msg.command == 'save') {
} else if (msg.command == 'close') {
} else if (msg.command == 'update') {
jsonArr = msg.jsonArr
// console.log('jsonArr in', jsonArr);
provider.onDidChangeCustomDocument.fire(new CustomDocumentEditEvent(document))
} else if (msg.command == 'init') {
let file = decodeURIComponent(document._uri.slice(8))
// 同步读取
content = fs.readFileSync(file).toString()
// console.log("同步读取 ", content)
let reg =
content = content.replace(reg, function(word) {
return /^\/{2,}/.test(word) || /^\/\*/.test(word) ? "" : word;
// console.log("清除注释后 ", content)
content = JSON.parse(content)
initViewData(content, webViewPanel)
saveCustomDocument(document) {
// 保存document
console.log('saveCustomDocument in');
let file = decodeURIComponent(document._uri.slice(8))
// console.log('save file', file);
let save = saveBefor()
// console.log("待保存的内容 ", save)
//保存JSON数据 JSON.stringify(student, null, 2);
let jsonStr = JSON.stringify(save, null, 2).replace(/\\"/g, "")
// console.log("JSON数据 ", jsonStr)
//return true;
fs.writeFile(file, jsonStr, function(err) {});
let targetFile = save.filePath
console.log("targetFile ", targetFile)
let save2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(save))
delete save2.filePath
let jsonStr2 = JSON.stringify(save2, null, 2).replace(/\\"/g, "")
fs.writeFile(targetFile, jsonStr2, function(err) {});
return true;
saveCustomDocumentAs(document, destination) {
console.log('saveCustomDocumentAs', document, destination);
// document另存为至destination
return true;
function saveBefor() {
for (let r in content.permission) {
content.permission[r] = false
for (let p of jsonArr.permission) {
content.permission[p] = true
content.required = []
let order = 0
content.properties = {
"_id": {
"description": "ID,系统自动生成",
"order": order
for (let f of jsonArr.properties) {
if (f.name == '_id') continue;
if (typeof(f.bsonType) == 'undefined') f.bsonType = 'string'
order += 1
var field = {
"bsonType": f.bsonType,
"label": f.label,
"errorMessage": {},
"forceDefaultValue": {},
"order": order
if (f.isRequired) {
if (f.requiredError) field.errorMessage.required = f.requiredError
if (f.description) field.description = f.description
if (f.enumType == 'tree' && f.collection) {
field.enumType = f.enumType
field.enum = {
"collection": f.collection,
"field": f.field,
"where": f.where,
"orderby": f.orderby,
} else if (f.enumType == 'db' && f.collection) {
field.enum = {
"collection": f.collection,
"field": f.field,
"where": f.where,
"orderby": f.orderby,
} else if (f.enumType == 'array' && f.enum) {
field.enum = JSON.parse(f.enum)
if (f.bsonType == 'file') {
if (f.fileMediaType) field.fileMediaType = f.fileMediaType
if (f.fileExtName) field.fileExtName = f.fileExtName
if (f.bsonType == 'int') {
if (f.minimum > 0) field.minimum = f.minimum
if (f.exclusiveMinimum) field.exclusiveMinimum = f.exclusiveMinimum
if (f.exclusiveMinimum == false && f.minimum > 0 && f.minimumError) {
field.errorMessage.minimum = f.minimumError
if (f.maximum > 0) field.maximum = f.maximum
if (f.exclusiveMaximum) field.exclusiveMaximum = f.exclusiveMaximum
if (f.exclusiveMaximum == false && f.maximum > 0 && f.maximumError) {
field.errorMessage.maximum = f.maximumError
if (f.bsonType == 'string' || f.bsonType == 'array') {
if (f.minLength > 0) field.minLength = f.minLength
if (f.maxLength > 0) field.maxLength = f.maxLength
if (f.minLength > 0 && f.minLengthError) {
field.errorMessage.minLength = f.minLengthError
if (f.maxLength > 0 && f.maxLengthError) {
field.errorMessage.maxLength = f.maxLengthError
if (f.trim != 'none' && f.bsonType == 'string') field.trim = f.trim
if (f.forceDefaultValue) {
field.forceDefaultValue = {
"$env": f.forceDefaultValue
} else if (f.defaultValue) {
field.defaultValue = f.defaultValue
if (f.group) field.group = f.group
if (f.format) field.format = f.format
if (f.formatError) field.errorMessage.format = f.formatError
if (f.pattern) {
field.pattern = f.pattern
if (f.patternError) field.errorMessage.pattern = f.patternError
if (f.validateFunction) {
field.validateFunction = f.validateFunction
if (f.functionError) field.errorMessage.func = f.functionError
if (Object.keys(field.errorMessage).length == 0) {
delete field.errorMessage
if (Object.keys(field.forceDefaultValue).length == 0) {
delete field.forceDefaultValue
content.properties[f.name] = field
return content
function activate(context) {
hx.window.registerCustomEditorProvider("extension.schema2view", new CatCustomEditorProvider({
supportsMultipleEditorsPerDocument: true
let onDidSaveTextDocumentEventDispose = hx.workspace.onDidSaveTextDocument(function(document) {
// console.log('onDidSaveTextDocument', document);
if (document.fileName.indexOf('.schema.json') == -1 || document.uri.path.indexOf('/database/') == -1)
return true;
let fileName = document.fileName.replace('schema.json', 'schema.bctos.json')
let fullPath = path.join(__dirname, "temp", fileName)
if (!fs.existsSync(fullPath)) return true;
let json = fs.readFileSync(fullPath, 'utf8')
json = JSON.parse(json)
if (document.uri.path.indexOf(json.filePath) == -1) return true;
let save2 = fs.readFileSync(json.filePath, 'utf8')
save2 = JSON.parse(save2)
save2.filePath = json.filePath
let jsonStr2 = JSON.stringify(save2, null, 2).replace(/\\"/g, "")
fs.writeFile(fullPath, jsonStr2, (err) => {});
initViewData(save2, webViewPanelHandle)
let disposable = hx.commands.registerCommand('bctos.schema2view', () => {
let activeEditor = hx.window.getActiveTextEditor();
activeEditor.then(function(editor) {
let filePath = editor.document.uri.path.slice(1)
let fname = editor.document.fileName;
let index = fname.lastIndexOf('\\')
fname = fname.substr(index + 1)
let getText = editor.document.getText()
getText = getText.replace('"bsonType": ', '"filePath": "' + filePath + '","bsonType": ');
let dir = path.join(__dirname, "temp")
hx.workspace.getWorkspaceFolders().then(wsFolders => {
let files = fs.readdirSync(dir)
if (!files.length) return true;
files.forEach(file => {
let fullPath = path.join(dir, file)
fs.readFile(fullPath, 'utf8', (err, data) => {
let json = JSON.parse(data)
let exist = false
for (let f of wsFolders) {
if (json.filePath.indexOf(f.uri.fsPath + '/') != -
1) {
exist = true;
if (!exist) { //不存在当前开启的项目中的缓存文件,删除
fs.unlink(fullPath, () => {})
let f = path.join(dir, fname.replace('schema.json', 'schema.bctos.json'));
fs.writeFileSync(f, getText);
function deactivate() {}
module.exports = {
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。