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package.nls.json 41.85 KB
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"language.language": "Language",
"language.en": "English",
"language.zh": "Chinese",
"language.project": "Project",
"language.project-name": "Project name",
"language.project-path": "Project path",
"language.name": "Name",
"language.path": "Path",
"language.pick-project-path": "Click to select project path",
"language.java-project": "Java project",
"language.jdk-path": "JDK path",
"language.out-path": "output path",
"language.java-maven-project": "Maven java project",
"language.java-gradle-project": "Gradle java project",
"language.c-project": "C project",
"language.cplus-project": "C++ project",
"language.go-project": "GO project",
"language.python-project": "Python project",
"language.js-project": "Javascript project",
"language.qt-project": "Qt Project",
"language.qt-widgets-project": "Qt Widgets Project",
"language.qt-project-title": "Create Qt Console Project",
"language.prev": "Previous",
"language.next": "Next",
"language.project-type": "project type",
"language.include-statictemplate": "select static library",
"language.include-dynamictemplate": "select dynamic library",
"language.run-file": "Run file",
"language.go-path": "GOPATH",
"language.build-tools": "build tools",
"language.select-please": "select please",
"language.compiletool": "compiler",
"language.files-tobe-add": "Files to be add",
"language.class-name": "Class Name",
"language.base-class": "Base Class",
"language.header-file": "Header File",
"language.source-file": "Source File",
"language.form-file": "Form file",
"language.import-java-project": "Import java project",
"language.import-cplus-project": "Import c++ project",
"language.select-dir": "Select dir",
"language.select-file": "Select file",
"language.create": "Create",
"language.needReload": "Window is Opened, need reolad ?",
"language.needReloadDetail": "Select 'Yes' to reload the page; The data that has been operated or entered will be lost; Do not load, please select 'Cancel'",
"language.cancel": "Cancel",
"language.confirm": "Confirm",
"language.setting": "Setting",
"language.desc-setting": "Open setting page",
"language.create-project": "Create Project",
"language.run-project": "Run Tasks with Label 'run'",
"language.create-x": "Create{0}",
"language.desc-create-project": "Create a new project",
"language.open-new-project-where": "Open a new project in the current window or a new window",
"language.open-new-project-where-detail": "The current window already has open project. Select 'Current Window' to replace it with a new project; select 'New Window' to create a new window to open the new project; select 'Cancel' to not open the new project",
"language.open-terminal-to-install": "Open the terminal to perform system source installation : {0} ?",
"language.open-terminal-to-install-detail": "Open the terminal to perform system source installation, requiring sudo authorization.",
"language.current-window": "Current window",
"language.new-window": "New window",
"language.config-project": "Config Project",
"language.config-x": "Config{0}",
"language.desc-config-project": "Config a project",
"language.blank-project": "Blank project",
"language.default-project": "Default Project",
"language.library-static-project": "static lib project",
"language.library-dynamic-project": "dynamic lib project",
"language.import-c-project": "Import c project",
"language.create-c-project": "Create c project",
"language.desc-create-c-project": "Create a new c project",
"language.c-library-static-project": "C static lib project",
"language.c-library-dynamic-project": "C dynamic lib project",
"language.import-project": "Import existing project",
"language.desc-import-project": "Import existing projects from the filesystem",
"language.help-page": "Help page",
"language.desc-help-page": "Open help page",
"language.welcome-kylinos-project": "Welcome to Kylinos Project Manager",
"language.CreateProjectSuccess": "Creage Project Success",
"language.CreateProjectError": "Creage Project Failed",
"language.NewFile": "New File",
"language.NewFolder": "New Folder",
"language.Copy": "Copy",
"language.Paste": "Paste",
"language.Delete": "Delete",
"language.ImportFile": "Import File",
"language.ImportFolder": "Import Folder",
"language.Rename": "Rename",
"language.Extract": "Extract",
"language.Rebuild": "Rebuild",
"language.Refresh": "Refresh",
"language.RevelInFolder": "Revel In Folder",
"language.RevelInTerminal": "Open Path In Terminal",
"language.Untar": "Untar",
"language.UntarDsc": "Untar Dsc Package",
"language.Save": "Save",
"language.SaveAs": "SaveAs",
"language.DefaultPackage": "Default Package",
"language.CommandPackage": "Input Command to Package",
"language.CreateDefaultDirectory": "Create Default Directory",
"language.openProject": "Please open a project!",
"language.openProjectAsk": "Please open a project, Open now?",
"language.donotPromptAgain": "Don't prompt again",
"language.OpenDirectory": "Open Directory",
"language.Close": "Close",
"language.CreateDefaultSpec": "Create Default Spec",
"language.CreateSpec": "Create Spec",
"language.CreatePreinst": "Create preinst",
"language.CreatePostinst": "Create postinst",
"language.CreatePostRm": "Create postrm",
"language.CreatePrerm": "Create prerm",
"language.CreateTemplateControl": "Create Default control",
"language.CreateControl": "Create control",
"language.ImportTarSource": "Import tar Source",
"language.GenerateConfig": "Generate Config",
"language.ShowRPMTreeView": "Show RPM TreeView",
"language.CloseRPMTreeView": "Close RPM TreeView",
"language.ShowDEBTreeView": "Show DEB TreeView",
"language.CloseDEBTreeView": "Close DEB TreeView",
"language.ShowDEBSourceTreeView": "Show DEB Source TreeView",
"language.CloseDEBSourceTreeView": "Close DEB Source TreeView",
"language.BuildPackage": "Package RPM/DEB",
"language.BuildDEBPackage":"DEB PACKAGE",
"language.BuildRPMPackage":"RPM PACKAGE",
"language.RpmPackage": "RPM Package",
"language.DebPackage": "DEB Binary Package",
"language.DebSourcePackage": "DEB Source Package",
"language.CreateSpecCancel": "Create spec Cancel or Path is incorrect!",
"language.CreateSpecSuccess": "Spec Created, Save it!",
"language.CreateControlSuccess": "control file Created, Save it!",
"language.CreatePreinstSuccess": "preinst file Created, Save it!",
"language.CreatePostinstSuccess": "postinst file Created, Save it!",
"language.CreatePostrmSuccess": "postrm file Created, Save it!",
"language.CreatePrermSuccess": "prerm file Created, Save it!",
"language.ShowError": "Error!",
"language.ShouldInputPackageName": "Must Input Package Name!",
"language.ShouldInputVersion": "Must Input Version!",
"language.ShouldInputMaintainer": "Must Input Maintainer!",
"language.ShouldInputLicense": "Must Input License!",
"language.ShouldInputSummary": "Must Input Summary!",
"language.ShouldInputRelease": "Must Input Release!",
"language.ShouldInputDescription": "Must Input Description!",
"language.OpenDirectoryFirst": "Open Working Directory First!",
"language.PackageWithSpec": "Please Package with *.spec File!",
"language.PutSpecInSPECS": "Please Put spec file in SPECS Directory!",
"language.OperationCancelled": "OperationCancelled!",
"language.yes": "yes",
"language.no": "no",
"language.CannotSelectOutsideFiles": "Can't select outside file or Path",
"language.chooseProjectDir": "Choose Directory",
"language.chooseFile": "Choose File",
"language.chooseDirOrFile": "Choose Directory Or File",
"extension.project.noprojectidefile": "The project identity file does not exist",
"language.CreateQtConsoleTemplate": "Create Qt Console Application Project",
"language.CreateQtWidgetsTemplate": "Create Qt Widgets Application Project",
"language.errorNameEmpty": "Name is empty!",
"language.errorFileDirExist": "The file or directory already exists",
"language.errorFileNotfound": "File is illegal !",
"language.errorPathNotfound": "Path is illegal !",
"language.errorNumber": "Input number please",
"language.errorInputEmpty": "Can't empty",
"language.errorExeFile": "Not an executable file",
"language.errorData": "Data structure error",
"language.errorProjectName": "The project name is illegal!",
"language.errorProjectType": "The project type is illegal!",
"language.errorBuildTools": "The project build tool is illegal!",
"language.errorStandardC": "Current {0} version: {1}, does not support {2}, please choose a supported C language standard! Reference: C90 (ANSI C): Earlier versions of GCC. C99: GCC 4.3. C11: GCC 4.8. C17: GCC 7. C2X (C23): Experimental support, starting from GCC 9. ",
"language.errorStandardCplus": "Current {0} version: {1}, does not support {2}, please select the supported C++ language standard! C++98: Earlier versions of g++. C++03: g++3.4. C++11: g++4.8. C++14: g++5.1. C++17: g++7.1. C++20: g++10.1. ",
"Language.errorStandardCForCMake": "Current CMake version: {0}, Gcc {1}, does not support {2}. Please choose a supported C language standard! Reference: C11: Cmake 3.1. C17: CMake 3.9. C23: CMake 3.23. Please refer to the latest official CMake documentation to confirm the specific support situation; C99: GCC 4.3. C11: GCC 4.8. C17: GCC 7. C2X (C23): Experimental support, starting from GCC 9.",
"Language.errorStandardCplusForCMake": "Current CMake version: {0}, Gcc {1}, does not support {2}. Please choose a supported C++standard! C++98/C++03: CMake 3.0. C++11: CMake 3.1. C++14: CMake 3.3. C++17: CMake 3.8. CMake 3.12 have further enhanced support for C++17. C++20: CMake 3.20. C++23: CMake 3.25. C++98: Earlier versions of g++. C++03: g++3.4. C++11: g++4.8. C++14: g++5.1. C++17: g++7.1. C++20: g++10.1.",
"language.errorComplilerPara": "The project compiler parameter is illegal!",
"language.errorComplilerOptmizeLevelPara": "The project compiler Optimize Level parameter is illegal!",
"language.errorComplilerWarningLevelPara": "The project compiler Warning Level parameter is illegal!",
"language.errorComplilerDebugPara": "The project compiler Debug Mode parameter is illegal!",
"language.errorComplilerExtraPara": "The project compiler Extra parameter is illegal!",
"language.erroroutputFileName": "The compile target file name is illegal!",
"language.errorRunFileName": "The run file name is illegal!",
"language.erroroutPath": "The compile target path is illegal!",
"language.errorProjectNameEmpty": "The project name can't be empty!",
"language.errorProjectPath": "The project path does not exist!",
"language.errorJdkPath": "Jdk path does not exist!",
"language.invalidJdkPath": "Current Jdk path is invalid jdk path, whether to continue to create java project? ",
"language.modifyJdkPath":"Please modify jdk path",
"language.errorProjectNameExist": "The project name already exists!",
"language.errorQmakePath": "The path of qmake does not exist!",
"language.errorCmakePath": "The path of cmake does not exist!",
"language.errorDebuggerPath": "The path of Debugger does not exist!",
"language.errorTranslaterPath": "The path of Translater does not exist!",
"language.successQtProjectConfig": "saved successfully!",
"language.errorWriteTasksJsonFile": "Failed to write tasks.json file data!",
"language.errorWriteLaunchJsonFile": "Failed to write launch.json file data!",
"language.errorFormFileName": "Form file is illegal!",
"language.errorSourceFileName": "Source file is illegal!",
"language.errorHeaderFileName": "Header file is illegal!",
"language.createJavaDefaultTemplate": "Create Java default template",
"language.createJavaMavenTemplate": "Create Java maven template",
"language.UpdateJavaMavenArchetypeTemplate": "Update Java maven archetype template",
"language.errorCanNotFindLib": "Can not find project dependcy , Please use apt or yum to install:",
"language.errorCanNotFindLibAndInstall": "Can not find project dependcy,Do you want install it? ",
"language.inputSudoPasswdTips": "need input sudo password to install install dependcy lib",
"language.getSudoPasswd": "The password for sudo privileges is required, please enter",
"language.installSuccess": "Package installed successfully\n",
"language.installSuccessInFo":"Package installed successfully!",
"language.packageNotFound": "Package not found!",
"language.installLibReturn": "Install lib result:",
"language.haveBeenInstall": "have been installed",
"language.checkDepency": "Check Project Dependcy libs:",
"language.ExportJar": "Export Jar",
"language.installFailed": "Install failed,Please use apt-get or yum install indepency lib",
"language.continueCreateOrNot": "Cotinue create project or not?",
"language.errorCompileC": "The path of Compile C does not exist!",
"language.errorCompileCXX": "The path of Compile C++ does not exist!",
"language.CreateCBlankTemplate": "Create C blank template",
"language.CreateCDefaultTemplate": "Create C default template",
"language.CreateCStaticLibTemplate": "Create C static lib template",
"language.CreateCDynamicLibTemplate": "Create C dynamic lib template",
"language.CreateCCmakeTemplate": "Create C cmake template",
"language.CreateCPlusPlusDefaultTemplate": "Create C++ default template",
"language.CreateCPlusPlusBlankTemplate": "Create C++ blank template",
"language.CreateCPlusPlusStaticLibTemplate": "Create C++ static lib template",
"language.CreateCPlusPlusDynamicLibTemplate": "Create C++ dynamic lib template",
"language.CreateCPlusPlusCmakeTemplate": "Create C++ cmake template",
"language.CreateFortranDefaultTemplate": "Create Fortran default template",
"language.CreateFortranBlankTemplate": "Create Fortran blank template",
"language.CreateCmakeTemplate": "Create cmake template",
"language.CreateOpencvTemplate": "Create opencv template",
"language.CreatePythonProj": "Create Python Projcet",
"language.CreateJavaScriptProj": "Create JavaScript Project",
"language.CreateJavaScriptWebProj": "Create JavaScript Web Project",
"language.CreateGoProj": "Create Go Project",
"language.errorPath": "Path is illegal !",
"language.errorName": "Name is illegal !",
"language.saveSuccess": "Saved successfully",
"language.saveError": "Saved Failed",
"language.PerformanceAnalysis": "Performance Analysis",
"language.isRpmDebCommandExist": "Please confirm whether the packaging tool exists?",
"language.operationProject": "Project operation",
"language.createCProject": "Create C/C++ Project",
"language.createNewProject": "Create New Project",
"language.createNewProjectTitle": "Create New Project",
"language.configTheProjectTitle": "Config The Project",
"language.configTheProject": "Config The Project",
"language.buildProject": "Build",
"language.buildProjectTitle": "Click to buid",
"language.buildProjectTitleCMake": "Click to buid, support select cmake-tools",
"language.buildProjectTitleDisable": "The current project does not support building",
"language.debugProject": "Enter the Run and Debug page",
"language.debugProjectTitle": "Click to enter the Run and Debug page",
"language.runProject": "Run",
"language.runProjectTitle": "Click to start the task labeled 'run' in the workspace. If not, show the task list and select run task",
"language.runProjectTitleCMake": "Click to run, support select cmake-tools",
"language.packageRpm.nameNull": "Package name cannot be empty!",
"language.packageRpm.nameInclude": "The package name cannot contain spaces, operators<,>,=",
"language.packageRpm.summaryNull": "Summary cannot be empty!",
"language.packageRpm.summaryLength": "The length of summary should be less than 70 characters",
"language.packageRpm.versionNull": "Version cannot be empty!",
"language.packageRpm.versionInclude": "Version can only contain letters, numbers,spot,underline,plus",
"language.packageRpm.releaseNull": "Release cannot be empty!",
"language.packageRpm.releaseInclude": "Release can only contain letters, numbers,spot,underline,plus",
"language.packageRpm.licenseNull": "License cannot be empty!",
"language.packageRpm.licenseLength": "The length of license should be less than 70 characters",
"language.packageRpm.description": "Description cannot be empty!",
"language.packageRpm.epoch": "Epoch must be an unsigned integer",
"language.packageRpm.save": "Save path does not exist!",
"language.packageRpm.createPackageEnvError": "Failed to create packaging environment!",
"language.packageRpm.createTmpDirError": "Failed to create the package directory, please check whether the /tmp directory can still create a directory!",
"language.packageRpm.openProject": "Please open a project in the workspace!",
"language.packageRpm.createSpecFileError": "Error in creating Spec file",
"language.packageRpm.buildPackageEnv": "Error building packaging environment",
"language.packageRpm.savePackage": "Error saving packaging file!",
"language.packageRpm.savePackageInfo": "Error saving packaging file!",
"language.packageDeb.nameInclude": "The package name cannot contain illegal symbol!",
"language.packageDeb.nameEmpty": "Package name cannot be empty!",
"language.package.nameExceed": "Package name length exceed!",
"language.package.formatExceed": "Package format length exceed!",
"language.package.versionExceed": "Package version length exceed!",
"language.package.standardversionExceed":"Package Standard Version length exceed!",
"language.package.maintainerExceed": "Package maintainer length exceed!",
"language.package.descriptionExceed": "Package description length exceed!",
"language.package.sectionExceed": "Package section length exceed!",
"language.package.architectureExceed": "Package architecture length exceed!",
"language.package.priorityExceed": "Package priority length exceed!",
"language.package.binarypathExceed": "Package binarypath length exceed!",
"language.package.essentialExceed": "Package essential length exceed!",
"language.package.originExceed": "Package origin length exceed!",
"language.package.tagExceed": "Package tag length exceed!",
"language.package.sourceExceed": "Package source length exceed!",
"language.package.dependsExceed": "Package depends length exceed!",
"language.package.predependsExceed": "Package predepends length exceed!",
"language.package.suggestExceed": "Package suggest length exceed!",
"language.package.conflictsExceed": "Package conflicts length exceed!",
"language.package.breaksExceed": "Package breaks length exceed!",
"language.package.providesExceed": "Package provides length exceed!",
"language.package.replacesExceed": "Package replaces length exceed!",
"language.package.rulesExceed": "Package rules length exceed!",
"language.packageDebSource.rulesEmpty":"rules can not be empty!",
"language.packageDebSource.copyrightEmpty":"copyright can not be empty!",
"language.packageDebSource.changelogsEmpty":"changelog can not be empty!",
"language.package.copyrightExceed": "Package copyright length exceed!",
"language.package.changelogsExceed": "Package changelogs length exceed!",
"language.package.substvarsExceed": "Package substvars length exceed!",
"language.package.preinstExceed": "Package preinst length exceed!",
"language.package.postinstExceed": "Package postinst length exceed!",
"language.package.prermExceed": "Package prerm length exceed!",
"language.package.postrmExceed": "Package postrm length exceed!",
"language.package.bugUrlExceed":"Package bugUrl length exceed!",
"language.package.HomePageExceed":"HomePage length exceed!",
"language.package.HomePageNotUrl":"HomePage is not valid url!",
"language.package.VCSBrowserExceed":"VCSBrowser length Exceed!",
"language.package.VCSBrowserNotUrl":"VCSBrowser is not valid url!",
"language.package.VCSGitExceed":"VCSGit length Exceed!",
"language.package.VCSGitNotUrl":"VCSGit is not valid url!",
"language.package.homePageExceed":"Package homePage length exceed!",
"language.package.homepageNotUrl":"Package homePage not Url formats!",
"language.package.bugsNotUrl":"Package bugs not Url formats!",
"language.package.releaseExceed":"Package release length exceed!",
"language.package.epochExceed":"Package epoch length exceed!",
"language.package.urlExceed": "Package url length exceed!",
"language.package.excludearchExceed": "excludearch length exceed!",
"language.package.exclusivearchExceed": "exclusivearch length exceed!",
"language.package.excludeosExceed": "exclusiveos length exceed!",
"language.package.exclusiveosExceed": "exclusiveos length exceed!",
"language.package.buildarchExceed": "buildarch length exceed!",
"language.package.bugurl": "bugurl length exceed!",
"language.package.packagerExceed": "packager length exceed!",
"language.package.requiresExceed": "requires length exceed!",
"language.package.buildrequiresExceed": "buildrequires length exceed!",
"language.package.buildconflictsExceed": "build length exceed!",
"language.package.obsoletesExceed": "obsoletes length exceed!",
"language.package.buildExceed": "build length exceed!",
"language.package.installExceed": "install length exceed!",
"language.package.filesExceed": "files length exceed!",
"language.package.changelogExceed": "changelog length exceed!",
"language.package.pathExceed": "path length exceed!",
"language.packageDeb.versionEmpty": "The package version cannot cannot be empty!",
"language.packageDebSource.standardversionEmpty":"The package Standard Version cannot cannot be empty!",
"language.packageDeb.versionInclude": "The package version cannot contain illegal symbol!",
"language.packageDebSource.standardversionInclude":"The package Standard Version cannot contain illegal symbol!",
"language.packageDeb.versionfirstchar": " The Version number should start with a digit!",
"language.packageDebSource.versionfirstchar":"The Standard Version number should start with a digit!",
"language.packageDeb.nameNotStartWithLetter": "The Package Name should start with letter and can not contain a capital letter!",
"language.packageDeb.maintainerEmpty": "maintainer cannot be empty!",
"language.packageDeb.maintainerInclude": "The package maintainer cannot contain illegal symbol",
"language.packageDeb.descriptionEmpty": "The package description cannot contain illegal symbol",
"language.packageDeb.UrlBug": "The Url is illegal",
"language.packageDeb.homepagebug": "The Url is illegal",
"language.packageDeb.architectureInclude": "The package architecture cannot contain illegal symbol",
"language.packageDeb.architectureEmpty": "Architecture cannot be empty!",
"language.packageDeb.binaryEmpty": "Binary path can not be empty!",
"language.package.readPackageInfo": "Error reading packaging configuration information!",
"language.packageRpm.startBuildPackage": "Start build package",
"language.packageRpm.createBuildEnv": "[1] Create a packaging environment.\n",
"language.packageRpm.createSpecFile": "[2] Create a Spec file.\n",
"language.packageRpm.execBuildPackageCmd": "[3] Execute the package command, in progress...\n",
"language.packageRpm.BuildPackageSuccess": "\n[4] Build package Success",
"language.packageRpm.BuildPackageSuccessInfo": "Build package Success",
"language.packageRpm.BuildPackageError": "\n[4] Packaging failed, please check the error message!",
"language.packageRpm.BuildPackageErrorInfo": "Packaging failed, please check the error message!",
"language.packageDeb.BuildPackageSuccess": "Build package Success",
"language.packageDeb.BuildPackageSuccessInfo": "Build package Success",
"language.packageDeb.BuildPackageError": "Packaging failed, please check the error message!",
"language.packageDeb.BuildPackageErrorInfo": "Packaging failed, please check the error message!",
"language.packageDeb.createdebpackageenv": "Create a packaging environment.\n",
"language.packageDeb.createdebcontrol": "Create deb control file.\n",
"language.packageDeb.copybinaryfile": "Copy the binary file.\n ",
"language.packageDeb.createdebshell": "Create deb install and uinstall shell file.\n",
"language.packageDeb.exedebpackage": "Execute the package command, in progress...\n",
"language.packageDeb.createdebenvfailedInfo": "Create packaging enviroment failed,please check the error message!",
"language.packageDeb.createdebcontrolfailedInfo": "Create deb control file failed,please check the error message!",
"language.packageDeb.copybinaryfailedInfo": " Copy binary file failed,please check the error message!",
"language.packageDeb.writeshellfailedInfo": "Write shell file failed,please check the error message!",
"language.packageDeb.createdebbuildfailedInfo": "Create debbuild failed,please check the error message!",
"language.packageDeb.save": "The path not exist!",
"language.packageDeb.savePathEmpty":"The Save Path is empty!",
"language.packageDeb.savepathExceed":"The Save Path is too long!",
"language.packageDeb.exedebpackagefailedInfo": "Execute packaging command failed,please check the error message!",
"language.packageDebSource.NotSupportFormat":"The current compressed package format is not currently supported, which may cause packaging failure. Please enter a compressed package in the format of. tar package/. tar. gz/. tar. xz!",
"language.packageToolsNotFound": "Package tools not found, install please!",
"language.unknowSystem": "Unknown System!",
"language.callExtensionError": "call extension error!",
"language.packageJarWar": "Package JAR/WAR",
"language.packageJar.saveErrorEmpty": "Save path cannot be empty!",
"language.packageJar.saveError": "Save path is invalid!",
"language.packageWar.NotjavawebInfo": "Current Project type is not JavaWeb,can not generate war package,Please check!",
"language.packageWar.Notjavaweb": "Current Project type is not JavaWeb,will build Jar Package,Please check if continue?",
"language.packageWar.NotContainMakefileorCmakeLists":"The current project does not have a makefile or CmakeLists file,but the install field has been filled inContinuing packaging may cause packaging failure. Are you sure you want to continue packaging?",
"language.packageWar.yes": "yes",
"language.packageWar.no": "no",
"language.packagenotmaven": "Current Project type is not maven,Please Check!",
"language.packageWar.gradleNotFoundTask": "Please create a packaging task first!",
"language.packageWar.gradlePkgJar": "The package war task is not found, do you want to package the jar?",
"language.packageWar.gradleTaskSearch": "Querying tasks",
"language.packageWar.notFoundpom": "The pom.xml file does not exist!",
"language.packageWar.ProjectBuiltToolsError": "Currently, only maven and gradle projects are supported!",
"language.chooseInstallFiles.title": "Package file selection",
"language.chooseInstallFiles.noticeInstall": "{0} is required to create {1} projects. Please re-run the command after the extension is installed.",
"language.chooseInstallFiles.noticeUpdate": "{0} needs to be updated to create {1} projects. Please re-run the command after the extension is updated.",
"language.update": "Update",
"language.install": "Install",
"viewsWelcome.workbench.createNewProject": "You can create a new project by clicking the button below.\n[Create New Project](command:project.createProject)",
"language.description-includespath-c-makefile": "GCC compiler options, used to specify the header file directory to be searched during compilation.",
"language.description-librarypath-c-makefile": "GCC linker option, used to specify the directory of library files to be searched when linking.",
"language.description-libraries-c-makefile": "GCC linker option, used to specify the library file to be used when linking. The format is -l<name>. During compilation, the linker will search for library files named lib<name>.a or lib<name>.so and link them to the final output file",
"language.description-includespath-c-cmake": "As a parameter for the 'include_directories' in the CMakeLists.txt file. It is a command used by CMake to specify the header file directory that needs to be searched during compilation. When the compiler encounters an # include statement, it searches for header files in these specified directories.",
"language.description-librarypath-c-cmake": "As a parameter for the 'link_directories' in the CMakeLists.txt file. It is a command used by CMake to specify the directory of library files that need to be searched when linking. When the compiler searches for library files during the linking phase, it will look for them in these specified directories.",
"language.description-librariesPackage-c-cmake": "As a parameter for 'find_package' in the CMakeLists.txt file. It is a command used by CMake to search for and load external libraries or packages. It finds and imports the configuration of the library, making the relevant information of the library available for use in the project.",
"language.description-librariesTarget-c-cmake": "As a parameter for the 'target_link_libraries' in the CMakeLists.txt file. It is a command used by CMake to specify the libraries or targets that need to be linked to compile the target. It associates external libraries or other targets with the current target to ensure proper linking of required dependencies at compile time.",
"language.description-projectSubType-wxWidgets":"wxWidgets is a cross-platform GUI library that supports running on Windows, Linux, macOS and other platforms. It uses original controls and provides a similar look and feel to the operating system.",
"language.description-projectSubType-GTK":" GTK is an open source graphical toolkit commonly used in Linux desktop environments such as GNOME. It supports multiple language bindings, including C, C++, Python, and more.",
"language.description-standard-c-cdefault": "Use default c standard",
"language.description-standard-c-c90": "C89/C90, the first formal standard of the C language, was published by ANSI and ISO/IEC in 1989 (C89) and 1990 (C90) respectively. This standard provides a formal definition of the core features of the C language, including basic syntax, keywords, data types, operators, expressions, statements, functions, input/output processing, etc.",
"language.description-standard-c-c99": "C99, ISO released the C99 standard in 1999. It has made multiple extensions to the C language, including preprocessors for compilers, composite assignments, new data types (such as long long, eBool), complex constant expressions, variable length arrays, support for some C++style annotations, and enhancements to mathematical functions.",
"language.description-standard-c-c11": "C11, ISO released the C11 standard in 2011, which is an update to C99. C11 has introduced more new features, such as support for multithreading (through the Thread_local and thread library), enhanced support for generic programming (through the _Generic selector), static assertions (Static.assert), atomic operations, and functions with boundary checks (such as memset_s and memcpy_s).",
"language.description-standard-c-c17": "C17, also known as C18, is a minor revision of C11, mainly aimed at correcting defects and uncertainties in some standards without introducing new features.",
"language.description-standard-c-c2x": "C2x, the latest standard for the C language, was released in 2023 and will soon be supported by mainstream compilers. The C2x standard introduces many new features. ",
"language.description-standard-c-c23": "C23, the latest standard for the C language, was released in 2023 and will soon be supported by mainstream compilers. The C23 standard introduces many new features. ",
"language.description-email-c": "Version number, author, email information will be written into the header comments of the main program file, such as src/main.c|src/main.cpp.",
"language.description-licenses-c": "Selecting a license will generate a LICENSE.txt file after creating the project, and the selected license content will be written to the file",
"language.description-standard-c++-c++default": "Use default c++ standard",
"language.description-standard-c++-c++98": "The 1998 ISO C++ standard plus the 2003 technical corrigendum and some additional defect reports. Same as -ansi for C++ code.",
"language.description-standard-c++-c++03": "The 1998 ISO C++ standard plus the 2003 technical corrigendum and some additional defect reports. Same as -ansi for C++ code.",
"language.description-standard-c++-c++11": "The 2011 ISO C++ standard plus amendments. The name c++0x is deprecated.",
"language.description-standard-c++-c++14": "GNU dialect of -std=c++14. This is the default for C++ code. The name gnu++1y is deprecated.",
"language.description-standard-c++-c++17": "The 2017 ISO C++ standard plus amendments. The name c++1z is deprecated.",
"language.description-standard-c++-c++20": "C++20(C++2a),The next revision of the ISO C++ standard, tentatively planned for 2020. Support is highly experimental, and will almost certainly change in incompatible ways in future releases.",
"language.description-standard-c++-c++23": "C++23(C++2b),The next revision of the ISO C++ standard, planned for 2023. Support is highly experimental, and will almost certainly change in incompatible ways in future releases.",
"language.description-standard-c++-c++26": "C++26(C++2c),The next revision of the ISO C++ standard, planned for 2026. Support is highly experimental, and will almost certainly change in incompatible ways in future releases.",
"language.description-buildTools-c-makefile": "Makefile is an automated build tool commonly used for compiling and managing programming language projects such as C/C++. It defines a series of rules and objectives, automatically handling the compilation and linking of source code through commands such as make.",
"language.description-buildTools-c-cmake": "CMake is a cross platform automated build system that uses a configuration file called CMakeLists.txt to describe the project's build process.",
"language.description-buildTools-c-qmake": "QMake is a build tool provided by the Qt framework for automating the construction of Qt applications and libraries. QMake uses a project file called. pro to describe the construction process of a project, which contains information such as source code files, header files, and resource files. QMake can generate Makefiles or other build files suitable for multiple platforms. ",
"language.buildByCMake Tools": "Using CMake Tools to build project (dependent on the CMake tools plugin)",
"language.buildByTasks": "Use task to build (dependent on tasks.json)",
"language.selectToBuild": "Select build method",
"language.runByCMake Tools": "Run projects using CMake Tools (dependent on the CMake tools plugin)",
"language.runByTasks": "Use task to run (dependent on tasks.json)",
"language.selectToRun": "Select Run Method",
"language.runTask": "Run tasks",
"language.refreshOperation": "Refreshing Operation ...",
"language.addOperation": "Add custom action button ...",
"language.addCommand": " Add \"call IDE command\" button",
"language.addTerminal": "Add \"Open Terminal to Execute Command\" Button",
"language.addTask": "Open tasks.json to add task configuration",
"language.addLaunch": "Open launcher. json to add debugging configuration",
"language.operationType": "Select the custom button type to add",
"language.operationTypeHolder": "Please select the custom button type to add. You can directly add IDE commands, call terminal execution commands.",
"language.operationCommand": "Add custom IDE commands ",
"language.operationCommandRegular": "Format error, the command format is usually composed of letters, numbers, decimal points (.), and dashes (-). They usually follow the pattern of namespace.action, with a length limit of 1-512 inches",
"language.operationCommandHolder": "Please enter the IDE command to be called, which can be clicked to activate the command. The length limit is 1-512 inches",
"language.operationTerminal": "Add custom terminal command ",
"language.operationTerminalRegular": "Format error, supports current directory/absolute path, length limit 1-1024 ",
"language.operationTerminalHolder": "Please enter the terminal command to be called. You can click to launch the IDE terminal to execute the command, with a length limit of 1-1024 inches",
"language.operationName": "Custom button name ",
"language.operationNameRegular": "Format error, including both Chinese and English characters, and allowing common symbols such as spaces, underscores, and dashes, with a length limit of 1-20 inches",
"language.operationNameHolder": "Please enter the custom button name, Chinese and English characters, and common symbols (such as spaces, underscores, dashes, etc.), with a length limit of 1-20 inches",
"language.baseOption": "Base operation",
"language.task": "Task list(tasks.json)",
"language.cmake": "Run CMake",
"language.makefile": "Run Makefile",
"language.script": "Node.js script list(package.json)",
"language.debug": "Debug Config list(launch.json)",
"language.helpTitleTask": "Open tasks(tasks.json) introduction link",
"language.helpTitleLaunch": "Open debug(launch.json) introduction link",
"language.helpTitleOption": "Open the operation introduction link",
"language.configTask": "Configure tasks, open tasks.json",
"language.configLaunch": "Configure debugs, open launch.json",
"language.baseOptionTitle": "Some basic operations of the project ",
"language.deleteButton": "Click to delete button",
"language.taskTitle": "Parse . vscode/tasks.json, you can click the following button to execute the corresponding task",
"language.cmakeTitle": "Parse ./MakeLists.txt, you can click the following buttons to execute various build commands",
"language.makefileTitle ": "Parse ./Makefile, you can click the following buttons to execute various build commands",
"language.scriptTitle ":"Parse the script in package.json, you can click the following button to execute each script",
"language.debugTitle": "Parse luanch.json, you can click thie following button to debug",
"language.buttonTitle": "Click to run {0}",
"language.buttonScriptTitle": "Click to run script: {0}",
"language.buttonLaunchTitle": "Click to run debug:{0}",
"language.buttonTaskTitle": "Click to run task:{0}",
"language.buttonCustomTitleCommand": "Click to call command {0}",
"language.buttonCustomTitleTerminal": "Click to open terminal to run {0}",
"language.parseTaskError": "Parse tasks.json error: {0}",
"language.parseError": "Parse {0} error: {1}",
"language.selectLibraryFindLib": "You have selected the {0} directory, which contains the lib/lib64 path. You can replace it with {1}. Do you want to replace it? ",
"language.selectLibraryFindLibDetail": "You have selected the {0} directory, which contains the lib/lib64 path. Do you want to change it to {1}? ",
"language.selectLibraryFindInclude": "You have selected the {0} directory, which contains the include path. You can replace it with {1}. Do you want to replace it? ",
"language.selectLibraryFindIncludeDetail": "You have selected the {0} directory, which contains the include path. Do you want to change it to {1}? ",
"language.downloadFileExistOver": "Overwrite",
"language.downloadFileExistCancel": "Abandon",
"language.downloadFileExist": "The target download file already exists {0}. Continuing to download will overwrite the file. Do you want to overwrite it? ",
"language.downloadFileExtractedOpen": "The source code package has been downloaded and unzipped to {0}. Do you want to open the terminal to edit the source code? ",
"language.libraryAddTitle": "Enter the name of the library to be added. It is recommended to name it with the link library name as the default link file keyword",
"language.libraryAddCheckNotice": "Please enter a legal library name (including: a-z A-Z 0-9 _.-)",
"language.libraryAddDuplicateKey": "Library name conflict, Duplicate key!",
"language.extensions.install": "install {0}",
"language.extensions.uninstallThanInstall": "Uninstall extension plugin, install {0}",
"language.extensions.enable": "Enable {0}",
"language.extensions.enableHolder": "Extension {0} Installed but not activated, is it enabled?",
"language.extensions.useInstalled": "Use the installed {0}",
"language.extensions.uninstallThanInstallHolder": "Extension {1} has been installed, do you want to use it directly? Or should we uninstall {1} and install {0}?",
"language.extensions.installHolder": "Extension {0} is not installed, do you want to install it?",
"language.extensions.todoUninstall": "Uninstalling extension: {0}...",
"language.extensions.uninstall": "Uninstall extension: {0}",
"language.extensions.uninstalling": "Uninstalling extension {0}...",
"language.extensions.uninstalled": "Extension {0} uninstalled",
"language.noBuildTask": "The construction task for the workspace was not found. Please choose to configure default build tasks or open the workspace tasks.json file for editing",
"language.configureBuildTask": "Configure Default Build Task",
"language.openOrCreateTasksJson": "Open tasks.json",
"language.pleaseOpenWorkspace": "Please open a workspace first.",
"language.createOrOpenError": "An error occurred while creating or opening tasks.json: {0}",
"language.noticeReload": "Need to reload the window to take effect, do you want to reload?",
"language.reload": "reload",
"language.emptyList": "The list is empty"
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:autumnzw/ide-project-manager.git
