同步操作将从 hvwyl/circuitjs1-zh 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
<meta name="viewport" content="width=820">
<title>Circuit Simulator Applet</title>
<link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="favicon.ico">
<iframe id="circuitFrame" width=800 height=550 src="circuitjs.html?startCircuit=jsinterface.txt"></iframe>
Javascript Interface Example
You can write javascript code that interfaces with the simulator running in an iframe, as long as the
simulator code is hosted on the same website (has the same origin). Your code can get the list of circuit
elements and get information about each element (like the voltage of each node, and the current of two-terminal elements),
and set the voltage of external voltage nodes.
<button onclick="sim.setSimRunning(true)">Start</button>
<button onclick="sim.setSimRunning(false)">Stop</button>
extsin frequency:
<input id="freq" value="10" />
extsin amplitude:
<input id="ampl" value="10" />
<div id="info"></div>
// get iframe the simulator is running in. Must have same origin as this file!
var iframe = document.getElementById("circuitFrame");
var sim;
var freq, ampl;
var elmList = [];
function round(x) {
return Math.round(x*1000)/1000;
// called when simulator updates its display
function didUpdate(sim) {
var info = document.getElementById("info");
info.innerHTML = "time = " + round(sim.getTime()) + "<br>running = " + sim.isRunning();
// get voltage of labeled node "vsense"
var vsense = sim.getNodeVoltage("vsense");
info.innerHTML += "<br>V(vsense) = " + round(vsense);
freq = parseFloat(document.getElementById("freq").value);
ampl = parseFloat(document.getElementById("ampl").value);
var bstr = "";
var bval = 0;
var i;
for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {
var v = sim.getNodeVoltage("D" + i);
if (v > 2.5) {
bstr += "1";
bval = 2*bval+1;
} else {
bstr += "0";
bval = 2*bval;
info.innerHTML += "<br>counter value = <tt>" + bstr + "</tt> = " + bval;
var rcount = 0;
// go through list of elements
for (const elm of elmList) {
if (elm.getType() == "ResistorElm") {
// show info about each resistor
info.innerHTML += "<br>resistor " + rcount + " voltage diff = " + round(elm.getVoltageDiff());
info.innerHTML += "<br>resistor " + rcount + " current = " + round(elm.getCurrent() * 1000) + " mA";
} else if (elm.getType() == "LabeledNodeElm") {
// show voltage of each labeled node
info.innerHTML += "<br>V(" + elm.getLabelName() + ") = " + round(elm.getVoltage(0));
// called when simulator analyzes a circuit (when a circuit is loaded or edited)
function didAnalyze(sim) {
console.log("analyzed circuit");
// get the list of elements
elmList = sim.getElements();
// log some info about each one
for (const elm of elmList) {
console.log("elm " + elm.getType() + ", " + elm.getPostCount() + " posts");
console.log("elm info: " + elm.getInfo());
// called every timestep
function didStep(sim) {
var t = sim.getTime();
var q = ampl*Math.sin(freq*Math.PI*2*t);
// set voltage of external voltage "extsin"
sim.setExtVoltage("extsin", ampl*Math.sin(freq*Math.PI*2*t));
// callback called when simulation is done initializing
function simLoaded() {
// get simulator object
sim = iframe.contentWindow.CircuitJS1;
// set up callbacks on update and timestep
sim.onupdate = didUpdate;
sim.ontimestep = didStep;
sim.onanalyze = didAnalyze;
// set up callback
iframe.contentWindow.oncircuitjsloaded = simLoaded;
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