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一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
TheNorthMemory 提交于 2024-03-09 18:57 . bump to 0.8.12
/// <reference types="node" />
import { ReadStream } from "fs";
import { Readable } from "stream";
import { AgentOptions } from "https";
import { AxiosInstance, AxiosRequestConfig, AxiosResponse } from "axios";
import { CipherKey, BinaryLike } from 'crypto'
* Wechatpay Axios Plugin
export namespace WechatpayAxiosPlugin {
* Aes - Advanced Encryption Standard
class Aes {
* @property {string} hex - Alias of `hex` string
* @deprecated v0.8.0 - Only for compatible, use the literal `hex` string instead
static get hex(): string;
* @property {string} utf8 - Alias of `utf8` string
* @deprecated v0.8.0 - Only for compatible, use the literal `utf8` string instead
static get utf8(): string;
* @property {string} base64 - Alias of `base64` string
* @deprecated v0.8.0 - Only for compatible, use the literal `base64` string instead
static get base64(): string;
* @property {integer} BLOCK_SIZE - The `aes` block size
* @deprecated v0.8.0 - Only for compatible, use the literal `16` number instead
static get BLOCK_SIZE(): number;
* @property {string} ALGO_AES_256_GCM - The `aes-256-gcm` algorithm
* @deprecated v0.8.0 - Only for compatible, use the literal `aes-256-gcm` string instead
static get ALGO_AES_256_GCM(): string;
* @property {string} ALGO_AES_256_ECB - The `aes-256-ecb` algorithm
* @deprecated v0.8.0 - Only for compatible, use the literal `aes-256-ecb` string instead
static get ALGO_AES_256_ECB(): string;
* @property {string} ALGO_AES_128_CBC - The `aes-128-cbc` algorithm
* @deprecated v0.8.0 - Only for compatible, use the literal `aes-128-cbc` string instead
static get ALGO_AES_128_CBC(): string;
* Encrypts plaintext.
* @deprecated v0.8.0 - Only for compatible, use the `AesGcm.encrypt` method instead
* @param {BinaryLike} iv - The initialization vector, 16 bytes string.
* @param {CipherKey} key - The secret key, 32 bytes string.
* @param {string} plaintext - Text to encode.
* @param {string} aad - The additional authenticated data, maybe empty string.
* @returns {string} Base64-encoded ciphertext.
static encrypt(iv: BinaryLike, key: CipherKey, plaintext: string, aad?: string): string;
* Decrypts ciphertext.
* @deprecated v0.8.0 - Only for compatible, use the `AesGcm.decrypt` method instead
* @param {BinaryLike} iv - The initialization vector, 16 bytes string.
* @param {CipherKey} key - The secret key, 32 bytes string.
* @param {string} ciphertext - Base64-encoded ciphertext.
* @param {string} aad - The additional authenticated data, maybe empty string.
* @returns {string} Utf-8 plaintext.
static decrypt(iv: BinaryLike, key: CipherKey, ciphertext: string, aad?: string): string;
* @property {object} pkcs7 - The PKCS7 padding/unpadding container
static get pkcs7(): {
* padding, 32 bytes/256 bits `secret key` may optional need the last block.
* @see [rfc2315]{@link https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2315#section-10.3}
* @memberof Aes.pkcs7#
* @summary
* The padding can be removed unambiguously since all input is
* padded and no padding string is a suffix of another. This
* padding method is well-defined if and only if k < 256;
* methods for larger k are an open issue for further study.
* @param {string|Buffer} thing - The input
* @param {boolean} [optional = true] - The flag for the last padding, default `true`
* @return {Buffer} - The PADDING tailed payload
padding: (thing: string | Buffer, optional?: boolean | undefined) => Buffer;
* unpadding
* @memberof Aes.pkcs7#
* @param {string|Buffer} thing - The input
* @return {Buffer} - The PADDING wiped payload
unpadding: (thing: string | Buffer) => Buffer;
* Aes - Advanced Encryption Standard
namespace Aes {
* Aes encrypt/decrypt using `aes-256-gcm` algorithm with `AAD`.
class AesGcm extends Aes {
* Encrypts plaintext.
* @param {BinaryLike} iv - The initialization vector, 16 bytes.
* @param {CipherKey} key - The secret key, 32 bytes.
* @param {string} plaintext - Text to encode.
* @param {string} aad - The additional authenticated data, maybe empty string.
* @returns {string} Base64-encoded ciphertext.
static encrypt(iv: BinaryLike, key: CipherKey, plaintext: string, aad?: string): string;
* Decrypts ciphertext.
* @param {BinaryLike} iv - The initialization vector, 16 bytes.
* @param {CipherKey} key - The secret key, 32 bytes.
* @param {string} ciphertext - Base64-encoded ciphertext.
* @param {string} aad - The additional authenticated data, maybe empty string.
* @returns {string} Utf-8 plaintext.
static decrypt(iv: BinaryLike, key: CipherKey, ciphertext: string, aad?: string): string;
* Aes encrypt/decrypt using `aes-256-ecb` algorithm with pkcs7padding.
class AesEcb extends Aes {
* Encrypts plaintext.
* @param {string} plaintext - Text to encode.
* @param {CipherKey} key - The secret key, 32 bytes.
* @param {BinaryLike} iv - The initialization vector.
* @returns {string} Base64-encoded ciphertext.
static encrypt(plaintext: string, key: CipherKey, iv?: BinaryLike): string;
* Decrypts ciphertext.
* Notes here: While turns the `setAutoPadding(true)`, it works well.
* Beause the `pkcs5padding` is a subset of `pkcs7padding`.
* Let's `unpadding` self.
* @param {string} ciphertext - Base64-encoded ciphertext.
* @param {CipherKey} key - The secret key, 32 bytes.
* @param {BinaryLike} iv - The initialization vector.
* @returns {string} Utf-8 plaintext.
static decrypt(ciphertext: string, key: CipherKey, iv?: BinaryLike): string;
* Aes encrypt/decrypt using `aes-128-cbc` algorithm with pkcs7padding.
class AesCbc extends Aes {
* Encrypts plaintext.
* @param {string} plaintext - Text to encode.
* @param {CipherKey} key - The secret key, 16 bytes.
* @param {BinaryLike} [iv] - The initialization vector, 16 bytes.
* @returns {string} Base64-encoded ciphertext.
static encrypt(plaintext: string, key: CipherKey, iv: BinaryLike): string;
* Decrypts ciphertext.
* Notes here: While turns the `setAutoPadding(true)`, it works well.
* Beause the `pkcs5padding` is a subset of `pkcs7padding`.
* Let's `unpadding` self.
* @param {string} ciphertext - Base64-encoded ciphertext.
* @param {CipherKey} key - The secret key, 16 bytes.
* @param {BinaryLike} [iv] - The initialization vector, 16 bytes.
* @returns {string} Utf-8 plaintext.
static decrypt(ciphertext: string, key: CipherKey, iv: BinaryLike): string;
* Crypto hash functions utils.
* [Specification]{@link https://pay.weixin.qq.com/wiki/doc/api/jsapi.php?chapter=4_3}
class Hash {
* Calculate the input string with an optional secret `key` in MD5,
* when the `key` is Falsey, this method works as normal `MD5`.
* - [agency] is available {@since v0.4.3}, [spec]{@link https://work.weixin.qq.com/api/doc/90000/90135/90281}
* @param {BinaryLike} thing - The input string.
* @param {CipherKey | undefined} [key] - The secret key string.
* @param {boolean|number|string} [agency = false] - The secret **key** is from wework, placed with `true` or better of the `AgentId` value.
* @return {string} - data signature
static md5(thing: BinaryLike, key?: CipherKey | undefined, agency?: boolean | number | string | undefined): string;
* Calculate the input string with a secret `key` as of `algorithm` string which is one of the 'sha256', 'sha512' etc.
* @param {BinaryLike} thing - The input string.
* @param {CipherKey} key - The secret key string.
* @param {string} [algorithm = sha256] - The algorithm string, default is `sha256`.
* @return {string} - data signature
static hmac(thing: BinaryLike, key: CipherKey, algorithm?: string | undefined): string;
* @deprecated {@since v0.5.5}, instead of by `hmac`
* Calculate the input string with a secret `key` in HMAC-SHA256
* @param {BinaryLike} thing - The input string.
* @param {CipherKey} key - The secret key string.
* @return {string} - data signature
static hmacSha256(thing: BinaryLike, key: CipherKey): string;
* Calculate the input in SHA1.
* @param {BinaryLike} thing - The input.
* @return {string} - data signature
static sha1(thing: BinaryLike): string;
* Calculate the input in SHA256.
* @param {BinaryLike} thing - The input.
* @return {string} - data signature
static sha256(thing: BinaryLike): string;
* Wrapping the builtins `crypto.timingSafeEqual` function.
* @param {BinaryLike} known - The string of known length to compare against.
* @param {BinaryLike?} [user] - The user-supplied string.
* @return {boolean} - Returns true when the two are equal, false otherwise.
static equals(known: BinaryLike, user?: BinaryLike | undefined | null): boolean;
* Utils of the data signature calculation.
* @param {string} type - The sign type, one of the MD5 or HMAC-SHA256.
* @param {object} data - The input data.
* @param {CipherKey} key - The secret key string.
* @return {string} - The data signature.
static sign(type: string, data: object, key: CipherKey): string;
* An Axios customizaton transform.
class Transformer {
static set mchid(value: string);
* @property {string} mchid - The merchant ID
static get mchid(): string;
static set secret(value: BinaryLike);
* @property {BinaryLike} secret - The merchant secret key string
static get secret(): BinaryLike;
* Compose the pre-request data signature
* Note here: While the [MCHID] is set, then checking the input data matching with it.
* @param {object} data - The API request parameters
* @return {object} - With data signature
static signer(data: object): object;
* Translation the javascript's object to the XML string
* @param {object} data - The API request parameters
* @return {string} - XML string
static toXml(data: object): string;
* @property {array} request - @see {import('axios').AxiosTransformer}
static get request(): (typeof Transformer.signer | typeof Transformer.toXml)[];
* Translation the XML string to the javascript's object.
* @param {string} xml - XML string
* @return {object} - Parsed as object
static toObject(xml: string): object;
* Validation the response data with the `sign` string.
* @param {object} data - The API response data
* @return {object} - The API response data
static verifier(data: object): object;
* @property {array} response - @see {import('axios').AxiosTransformer}
static get response(): (typeof Transformer.toObject | typeof Transformer.verifier)[];
* Provides easy used methods using in this project.
class Formatter {
* Cast the `CSV` bill.
* @param {string|Buffer} buffer - CSV file content.
* @returns {object} - The casted source intputs as {rows, summary} Object
static castCsvBill(buffer: string | Buffer): object;
* Cast the `CSV` line string by the keys named object.
* @param {string} row - CSV line.
* @param {array} [keys] - CSV headers.
* @param {boolean} [skipFirstChar = true] - Skip the first character of the CSV line, default is true.
* @param {string} [separator = ',`'] - Split separator, default is ',`' (two chars).
* @returns {object} - The casted source line as Object
static castCsvLine(row: string, keys?: string[], skipFirstChar?: boolean, separator?: string): object;
* Generate a Base62 random string aka `nonce`, similar as `crypto.randomBytes`.
* @param {number} [size = 32] - Nonce string length, default is 32 bytes.
* @returns {string} Base62 random string.
static nonce(size?: number): string;
* Retrieve the current `Unix` timestamp.
* @returns {number} Epoch timestamp.
static timestamp(): number;
* Formatting for the heading `Authorization` value.
* @param {string} mchid - The merchant ID.
* @param {string} nonce - The Nonce string.
* @param {string} signature - The base64-encoded `Rsa.sign` ciphertext.
* @param {string|number} timestamp - The `Unix` timestamp.
* @param {string} serial - The serial number of the merchant public certification.
* @returns {string} - The APIv3 Authorization `header` value
static authorization(mchid: string, nonce: string, signature: string, timestamp: string | number, serial: string): string;
* Formatting this `HTTP.request` for `Rsa.sign` input.
* @param {string} method - The merchant ID.
* @param {string} uri - Combined string with `URL.pathname` and `URL.search`.
* @param {string|number} timestamp - The `Unix` timestamp, should be the one used in `authorization`.
* @param {string} nonce - The `Nonce` string, should be the one used in `authorization`.
* @param {string} [body = ''] - The playload string, HTTP `GET` should be an empty string.
* @returns {string} - The content for `Rsa.sign`
static request(method: string, uri: string, timestamp: string | number, nonce: string, body?: string): string;
* Formatting this `HTTP.response` for `Rsa.verify` input.
* @param {string|number} timestamp - The `Unix` timestamp, should be the one from `response.headers[wechatpay-timestamp]`.
* @param {string} nonce - The `Nonce` string, should be the one from `response.headers[wechatpay-nonce]`.
* @param {string} [body = ''] - The response payload string, HTTP status(`204`) should be an empty string.
* @returns {string} - The content for `Rsa.verify`
static response(timestamp: string | number, nonce: string, body?: string): string;
* Joined this inputs by for `Line Feed`(LF) char.
* @param {string[]} pieces - The string(s) joined by line feed.
* @returns {string} - The joined string.
static joinedByLineFeed(...pieces: string[]): string;
* Sorts an Object by key.
* @param {object} thing - The input object.
* @returns {object} - The sorted object.
static ksort(thing: object): object;
* Like `queryString` does but without the `sign` and `empty value` entities.
* @param {object} thing - The input object.
* @returns {string} - The sorted object.
static queryStringLike(thing: object): string;
* This SDK mandatory configuration
type apiConfig = {
/** The merchant ID */
mchid: string,
/** The serial number of the merchant certificate, only for APIv3 */
serial: string,
/** The merchant private key, only for APIv3 */
privateKey: string | Buffer,
/** The wechatpay platform certificates in {serial: publicKey} format, only for APIv3 */
certs: platformCertificates,
/** The merchant secret key string, only for APIv2 */
secret?: string,
/** The merchant private key and certificate configuration for APIv2, while there were required in secure communication. */
merchant?: merchantCertificate & AgentOptions
/** @deprecated - {@since v0.8.8}, use {@link AgentOptions} directly */
type merchantCertificate = {
/** The merchant private key certificate as PEM format */
key?: string | Buffer,
/** The merchant certificate as PEM format */
cert?: string | Buffer,
/** The merchant private key and certificate buffer in PKCS12 format */
pfx?: Buffer,
/** The merchant private key and certificate's passphrase */
passphrase?: string
type platformCertificates = {
[key: string]: string | Buffer
* Signature for the extra request config such as the `uri_template` parameter(s).
type ExtraRequestConfig<T> = Omit<T, keyof AxiosRequestConfig>;
* Simple and lite of `multipart/form-data` implementation, most similar to `form-data`.
* @since v0.7.0
* @example
* // buffer style(Synchronous)
* (new Multipart())
* .append('a', 1)
* .append('b', '2')
* .append('c', Buffer.from('31'))
* .append('d', JSON.stringify({}), 'any.json')
* .append('e', require('fs').readFileSync('/path/your/file.jpg'), 'file.jpg')
* .getBuffer();
* // stream style(Asynchronous)
* .pipe(require('fs').createWriteStream('./file3.jpg'));
class Multipart extends Readable {
* @protected
* @memberof Multipart#
* @prop {object<string,string>} mimeTypes - Built-in mime-type mapping
protected mimeTypes: object;
* @readonly
* @memberof Multipart#
* @prop {Buffer} dashDash - Double `dash` buffer
readonly dashDash: Buffer;
* @readonly
* @memberof Multipart#
* @prop {Buffer} boundary - The boundary buffer.
readonly boundary: Buffer;
* @readonly
* @memberof Multipart#
* @prop {Buffer} EMPTY - An empty buffer
readonly EMPTY: Buffer;
* @readonly
* @memberof Multipart#
* @prop {Buffer} CRLF - Double `dash` buffer
readonly CRLF: Buffer;
* @protected
* @memberof Multipart#
* @prop {Array<Buffer|ReadStream>} data - The Multipart's instance data storage
protected data: Array<Buffer|ReadStream>;
* @protected
* @memberof Multipart#
* @prop {[string|undefined, number][]} indices - The entities' value indices whose were in {@link Multipart#data}
protected indices: [string|undefined, number][];
* To retrieve the {@link Miltipart#data} buffer
* @returns {Buffer} - The payload buffer
getBuffer(): Buffer;
* To retrieve the `Content-Type` multipart/form-data header
* @returns {object<string, string>} - The `Content-Type` header With {@link Multipart#boundary}
getHeaders(): object;
* Append a customized {@link Multipart#mimeType}
* @example
* .appendMimeTypes({p12: 'application/x-pkcs12'})
* .appendMimeTypes({txt: 'text/plain'})
* @param {object<string,string>} things - The mime-type
* @returns {Multipart} - The `Multipart` class instance self
appendMimeTypes(things: object): this;
* Append data wrapped by {@link Multipart#boundary}
* @param {string} field - The field
* @param {string|Buffer} value - The value
* @param {String} [filename] - Optional filename, when provided, then append the `Content-Type` after of the `Content-Disposition`
* @returns {Multipart} - The `Multipart` class instance self
append(field: string, value: string | Buffer | ReadStream, filename?: string): this;
* Formed a named value, a filename reported to the server, when a Buffer or FileStream is passed as the second parameter.
* @param {string} name - The field name
* @param {string|Buffer|ReadStream} value - The value
* @param {string} [filename] - Optional filename, when provided, then append the `Content-Type` after of the `Content-Disposition`
* @returns {Array<Buffer|ReadStream>} - The part of data
formed(name: string, value: string | Buffer | ReadStream, filename?: string): Array<Buffer | ReadStream>;
* To go through all key/value pairs contained in this {@link Multipart#data} instance
* @return {Iterator<[string|undefined, Buffer|ReadStream]>} - An Array Iterator key/value pairs.
entries(): Iterator<[string | undefined, Buffer | ReadStream]>;
* Sets a new value for an existing key inside a {@link Multipart#data} instance, or adds the key/value if it does not already exist.
* @param {string} name - The field name
* @param {string|Buffer|ReadStream} value - The value
* @param {string} [filename] - Optional filename, when provided, then append the `Content-Type` after of the `Content-Disposition`
* @returns {this} - The Multipart instance
set(name: string, value: string | Buffer | ReadStream, filename?: string): this;
* Returns the first value associated with a given key from within a {@link Multipart#data} instance
* @param {string} name - The field name
* @return {Buffer|ReadStream|undefined} value - The value, undefined means none named key exists
get(name: string): Buffer | ReadStream | undefined;
* Returns all values associated with a given key from within a {@link Multipart#data} instance
* @param {string} name - The field name
* @return {(Buffer|ReadStream)[]} value(s) - The value(s)
getAll(name: string): (Buffer | ReadStream)[];
* Returns a boolean stating whether a {@link Multipart#data} instance contains a certain key.
* @param {string} name - The field name
* @return {boolean} - True for contains
has(name: string): boolean;
* Deletes a key and its value(s) from a {@link Multipart#data} instance
* @param {string} name - The field name
* @returns {this} - The Multipart instance
delete(name: string): this;
* To go through all keys contained in {@link Multipart#data} instance
* @return {Iterator<string|undefined>} - An Array Iterator key pairs.
keys(): Iterator<string | undefined>;
* To go through all values contained in {@link Multipart#data} instance
* @returns {Iterator<Array<Buffer|ReadStream>>} - An Array Iterator value pairs.
values(): Iterator<Array<Buffer | ReadStream>>;
* @returns {string} - FormData string
static get [Symbol.toStringTag](): "FormData";
* @returns {string} - FormData string
get [Symbol.toStringTag](): "FormData";
* @returns {string} - FormData string
toString(): "[object FormData]";
* The WeChatPay APIv3' specific, the `meta` JSON
* @return {object<string, string>|null} - The `meta{filename,sha1}` information.
toJSON(): { filename: string, sha1: string } | null;
* alias of {@link Multipart#entries}
* @returns {Iterator<[string|undefined, Buffer|ReadStream]>} - An Array Iterator key/value pairs.
[Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<[string|undefined, Buffer|ReadStream]>;
_read(): void;
* Pushing {@link Multipart#data} into the readable BufferList
* @param {boolean} [end = true] - End the writer when the reader ends. Default: true.
* @returns {Promise<this>} - The Multipart instance
flowing(end?: boolean): Promise<this>;
* Attaches a Writable stream to the {@link Multipart} instance
* @param {NodeJS.WritableStream} destination - The destination for writing data
* @param {object} [options] - Pipe options
* @param {boolean} [options.end = true] - End the writer when the reader ends. Default: true.
* @returns {stream.Writable} - The destination, allowing for a chain of pipes
pipe<T extends NodeJS.WritableStream>(destination: T, options?: {end?: boolean}): T;
* Provides some methods for the RSA `sha256WithRSAEncryption` with `RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING`.
class Rsa {
* Alias of the `RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING` mode
* Alias of the `RSA_PKCS1_PADDING` mode
readonly RSA_PKCS1_PADDING: 1;
* Encrypts text with sha256WithRSAEncryption/RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING.
* Node Limits >= 12.9.0 (`oaepHash` was added)
* @param {string} plaintext - Cleartext to encode.
* @param {string|Buffer} publicKey - A PEM encoded public certificate.
* @param {number} padding - Supporting `RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING` or `RSA_PKCS1_PADDING`, default is `RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING`.
* @returns {string} Base64-encoded ciphertext.
static encrypt(plaintext: string, publicKey: string | Buffer, padding?: Number): string;
* Decrypts base64 encoded string with `privateKey`.
* Node Limits >= 12.9.0 (`oaepHash` was added)
* @param {string} ciphertext - Was previously encrypted string using the corresponding public certificate.
* @param {string|Buffer} privateKey - A PEM encoded private key certificate.
* @param {number} padding - Supporting `RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING` or `RSA_PKCS1_PADDING`, default is `RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING`.
* @returns {string} Utf-8 plaintext.
static decrypt(ciphertext: string, privateKey: string | Buffer, padding?: Number): string;
* Creates and returns a `Sign` string that uses `sha256WithRSAEncryption`.
* @param {string} message - Content will be `crypto.Sign`.
* @param {string|Buffer} privateKey - A PEM encoded private key certificate.
* @returns {string} Base64-encoded signature.
static sign(message: string, privateKey: string | Buffer): string;
* Verifying the `message` with given `signature` string that uses `sha256WithRSAEncryption`.
* @param {string} message - Content will be `crypto.Verify`.
* @param {string} signature - The base64-encoded ciphertext.
* @param {string|Buffer} publicKey - A PEM encoded public certificate.
* @returns {boolean} True is passed, false is failed.
static verify(message: string, signature: string, publicKey: string | Buffer): boolean;
* Decorate the `Axios` instance
class Decorator {
* @property {object} defaults - The defaults configuration whose pased in `Axios`.
static get defaults(): {
baseURL: string;
headers: {
Accept: string,
'Content-Type': string,
'User-Agent': string,
* Deep merge the input with the defaults
* @param {object} config - The configuration.
* @returns {object} - With the built-in configuration.
static withDefaults(config?: object): object;
* Create an APIv2's client
* @param {object} config - configuration
* @param {string} [config.mchid] - The merchant ID
* @param {string} [config.secret] - The merchant secret key string
* @param {object} [config.merchant] - The merchant private key and certificate AKA {@link AgentOptions} for APIv2, while there were required in secure communication.
* @param {string|Buffer} [config.merchant.cert] - The merchant cert chains in PEM format
* @param {string|Buffer} [config.merchant.key] - The merchant private keys in PEM format
* @param {string|Buffer} [config.merchant.pfx] - The merchant PFX or PKCS12 encoded private key and certificate chain.
* @param {string|Buffer} [config.merchant.passphrase] - The merchant shared passphrase used for a single private key and/or a PFX.
* @returns {AxiosInstance} - The axios instance
static xmlBased(config?: {
mchid: string;
secret: string;
merchant: merchantCertificate;
}): AxiosInstance;
* APIv3's requestInterceptor
* @return {function} Named `signer` function
static requestInterceptor(): Function;
* APIv3's responseVerifier
* @param {object} certs The wechatpay platform serial and certificate(s), `{serial: publicKey}` pair
* @return {function} Named as `verifier` function
static responseVerifier(certs?: platformCertificates): Function;
* Create an APIv3's client
* @param {object} config - configuration
* @param {string} config.mchid - The merchant ID
* @param {string} config.serial - The serial number of the merchant certificate
* @param {string|Buffer} config.privateKey - The merchant private key certificate
* @param {object} config.certs - The wechatpay provider size configuration, `{serial: publicKey}` pair
* @returns {AxiosInstance} - The axios instance
static jsonBased(config?: {
mchid: string;
serial: string;
privateKey: string | Buffer;
certs: platformCertificates;
}): AxiosInstance;
* Decorate factory
* @param {object} config - configuration
* @param {string} config.mchid - The merchant ID
* @param {string} config.serial - The serial number of the merchant certificate
* @param {string|Buffer} config.privateKey - The merchant private key certificate
* @param {object} config.certs - The wechatpay provider size configuration, `{serial: publicKey}` pair
* @param {string} [config.secret] - The merchant secret key string
* @param {object} [config.merchant] - The merchant private key and certificate AKA {@link AgentOptions} for APIv2, while there were required in secure communication.
* @param {string|Buffer} [config.merchant.cert] - The merchant cert chains in PEM format
* @param {string|Buffer} [config.merchant.key] - The merchant private keys in PEM format
* @param {string|Buffer} [config.merchant.pfx] - The merchant PFX or PKCS12 encoded private key and certificate chain.
* @param {string|Buffer} [config.merchant.passphrase] - The merchant shared passphrase used for a single private key and/or a PFX.
* @constructor
constructor(config: apiConfig & AxiosRequestConfig);
* Getter APIv2's client (xmlBased)
* @returns {AxiosInstance} - The axios instance
get v2(): AxiosInstance;
* Getter APIv3's client (jsonBased)
* @returns {AxiosInstance} - The axios instance
get v3(): AxiosInstance;
* Request the remote `pathname` by a HTTP `method` verb
* @param {string} [pathname] - The pathname string.
* @param {string} [method] - The method string.
* @param {any} [data] - The data.
* @param {any} [config] - The config.
* @returns {PromiseLike} - The `AxiosPromise`
request<T = any, R = AxiosResponse<T>, D = any>(pathname?: string | undefined, method?: string | undefined, data?: object | any, config?: ExtraRequestConfig<D> & AxiosRequestConfig): PromiseLike<R>;
* A WeChatPay OpenAPI v2&v3's amazing client.
* @example
* const {Wechatpay} = require('wechatpay-axios-plugin');
* const wxpay = new Wechatpay({
* mchid,
* serial,
* privateKey: '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n-FULL-OF-THE-FILE-CONTENT-\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----',
* certs: {
* 'serial_number': '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n-FULL-OF-THE-FILE-CONTENT-\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----',
* },
* secret,
* merchant: {
* cert,
* key,
* // pfx,
* // passphase,
* }
* });
* wxpay.v2.pay.micropay({}).then(console.info).catch(console.error);
* wxpay.v2.secapi.pay.refund.POST({}).then(console.info).catch(console.error);
* wxpay.v3.marketing.busifavor.stocks.post({})
* .then(({data}) => console.info(data))
* .catch(({response: {data}}) => console.error(data));
* wxpay.v3.pay.transactions.native.post({})
* .then(({data: {code_url}}) => console.info(code_url))
* .catch(({ response: {data}}) => console.error(data));
* (async () => {
* try {
* const {data: detail} = await wxpay.v3.pay.transactions.id.$transaction_id$
* .get({params: {mchid: '1230000109'}, transaction_id: '1217752501201407033233368018'});
* // or simple like this
* // const {data: detail} = await wxpay.v3.pay.transactions.id['{transaction_id}']
* // .get({params: {mchid: '1230000109'}, transaction_id: '1217752501201407033233368018'});
* // or simple like this
* // const {data: detail} = await wxpay.v3.pay.transactions.id['1217752501201407033233368018']
* // .get({params: {mchid: '1230000109'}});
* console.info(detail);
* } catch({response: {status, statusText, data}}) {
* console.error(status, statusText, data);
* }
* })();
class Wechatpay {
* @property {Decorator} client - The Decorator instance
* @returns {Decorator}
static get client(): Decorator;
* Constructor of the magic APIv2&v3's `chain`.
* @param {object} config - @see {apiConfig}
* @constructor
* @returns {Proxy} - The magic APIv2&v3 container
constructor(config: apiConfig & AxiosRequestConfig)
* @property {function} GET - The alias of the HTTP `GET` request
* @param {any} config - The request configuration
* @returns {PromiseLike} - The `AxiosPromise`
// @ts-ignore: FIXEME, needs contributing
GET<T = any, R = AxiosResponse<T>>(config?: ExtraRequestConfig & AxiosRequestConfig): Promise<R>;
* @property {function} POST - The alias of the HTTP `POST` request
* @param {any} data - The request post body
* @param {any} config - The request configuration
* @returns {PromiseLike} - The `AxiosPromise`
// @ts-ignore: FIXEME, needs contributing
POST<T = any, R = AxiosResponse<T>>(data?: any, config?: ExtraRequestConfig & AxiosRequestConfig): Promise<R>;
* @property {function} PUT - The alias of the HTTP 'PUT' request
* @param {any} data - The request post body
* @param {any} config - The request configuration
* @returns {PromiseLike} - The `AxiosPromise`
// @ts-ignore: FIXEME, needs contributing
PUT<T = any, R = AxiosResponse<T>>(data?: any, config?: ExtraRequestConfig & AxiosRequestConfig): Promise<R>;
* @property {function} PATCH - The alias of the HTTP 'PATCH' request
* @param {any} data - The request post body
* @param {any} config - The request configuration
* @returns {PromiseLike} - The `AxiosPromise`
// @ts-ignore: FIXEME, needs contributing
PATCH<T = any, R = AxiosResponse<T>>(data?: any, config?: ExtraRequestConfig & AxiosRequestConfig): Promise<R>;
* @property {function} DELETE - The alias of the HTTP 'DELETE' request
* @param {any} config - The request configuration
* @returns {PromiseLike} - The `AxiosPromise`
// @ts-ignore: FIXEME, needs contributing
DELETE<T = any, R = AxiosResponse<T>>(config?: ExtraRequestConfig & AxiosRequestConfig): Promise<R>;
* @property {function} get - The alias of the HTTP `GET` request
* @param {any} data - The request post body
* @param {any} config - The request configuration
* @returns {PromiseLike} - The `AxiosPromise`
// @ts-ignore: FIXEME, needs contributing
get<T = any, R = AxiosResponse<T>>(config?: ExtraRequestConfig & AxiosRequestConfig): Promise<R>;
* @property {function} post - The alias of the HTTP `POST` request
* @param {any} data - The request post body
* @param {any} config - The request configuration
* @returns {PromiseLike} - The `AxiosPromise`
// @ts-ignore: FIXEME, needs contributing
post<T = any, R = AxiosResponse<T>>(data?: any, config?: ExtraRequestConfig & AxiosRequestConfig): Promise<R>;
* @property {function} put - The alias of the HTTP 'PUT' request
* @param {any} data - The request post body
* @param {any} config - The request configuration
* @returns {PromiseLike} - The `AxiosPromise`
// @ts-ignore: FIXEME, needs contributing
put<T = any, R = AxiosResponse<T>>(data?: any, config?: ExtraRequestConfig & AxiosRequestConfig): Promise<R>;
* @property {function} patch - The alias of the HTTP 'PATCH' request
* @param {any} data - The request post body
* @param {any} config - The request configuration
* @returns {PromiseLike} - The `AxiosPromise`
// @ts-ignore: FIXEME, needs contributing
patch<T = any, R = AxiosResponse<T>>(data?: any, config?: ExtraRequestConfig & AxiosRequestConfig): Promise<R>;
* @property {function} delete - The alias of the HTTP 'DELETE' request
* @param {any} config - The request configuration
* @returns {PromiseLike} - The `AxiosPromise`
// @ts-ignore: FIXEME, needs contributing
delete<T = any, R = AxiosResponse<T>>(config?: ExtraRequestConfig & AxiosRequestConfig): Promise<R>;
[key: string]: this
export class Hash extends WechatpayAxiosPlugin.Hash{}
export class Transformer extends WechatpayAxiosPlugin.Transformer{}
export class Formatter extends WechatpayAxiosPlugin.Formatter{}
export class Aes extends WechatpayAxiosPlugin.Aes{}
export class Multipart extends WechatpayAxiosPlugin.Multipart {}
export class FormData extends Multipart {}
export class Rsa extends WechatpayAxiosPlugin.Rsa{}
export class Decorator extends WechatpayAxiosPlugin.Decorator{}
export class Wechatpay extends WechatpayAxiosPlugin.Wechatpay {}
export default Wechatpay;
马建仓 AI 助手
[email protected]:TheNorthMemory/wechatpay-axios-plugin.git
