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0.313}, 78: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 19.688, 'y': 150, 'x': 179, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': 0.313}, 79: {'yoffset': 34.063, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 18.25, 'y': 216, 'x': 137, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -0.063}, 80: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 17.313, 'y': 108, 'x': 115, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': 0.313}, 81: {'yoffset': 34.063, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 18.25, 'y': 72, 'x': 159, 'height': 38, 'xoffset': -0.063}, 82: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 18.5, 'y': 144, 'x': 115, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': 0.313}, 83: {'yoffset': 34.063, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 17.188, 'y': 180, 'x': 115, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -0.438}, 84: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 16.5, 'y': 216, 'x': 115, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -1.063}, 85: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 18.375, 'y': 36, 'x': 140, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': 0.125}, 86: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 18.5, 'y': 184, 'x': 199, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -1.0}, 87: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 28, 'xadvance': 25.875, 'y': 36, 'x': 62, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -0.813}, 88: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 22, 'xadvance': 19.75, 'y': 72, 'x': 137, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -0.813}, 89: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 18.188, 'y': 220, 'x': 199, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -1.375}, 90: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 18, 'xadvance': 17.0, 'y': 0, 'x': 221, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -0.438}, 91: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 12, 'xadvance': 11.563, 'y': 144, 'x': 50, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': 0.688}, 92: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 17.5, 'y': 148, 'x': 220, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -1.313}, 93: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 12, 'xadvance': 11.563, 'y': 180, 'x': 50, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -0.5}, 94: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 18.188, 'y': 237, 'x': 33, 'height': 18, 'xoffset': -0.625}, 95: {'yoffset': 1.063, 'width': 27, 'xadvance': 23.0, 'y': 143, 'x': 0, 'height': 7, 'xoffset': -1.5}, 96: {'yoffset': 40.625, 'width': 12, 'xadvance': 11.5, 'y': 36, 'x': 50, 'height': 9, 'xoffset': -0.188}, 97: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 18.75, 'y': 72, 'x': 219, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -1.0}, 98: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 18.625, 'y': 36, 'x': 178, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': 0.313}, 99: {'yoffset': 34.063, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 17.813, 'y': 36, 'x': 197, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -0.063}, 100: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 18.75, 'y': 36, 'x': 159, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': 0.313}, 101: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 17, 'xadvance': 16.938, 'y': 72, 'x': 33, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': 0.313}, 102: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 17, 'xadvance': 15.813, 'y': 144, 'x': 33, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': 0.313}, 103: {'yoffset': 34.063, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 18.0, 'y': 218, 'x': 159, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -0.063}, 104: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 19.563, 'y': 108, 'x': 137, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': 0.313}, 105: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 9, 'xadvance': 8.688, 'y': 216, 'x': 81, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': 0.313}, 106: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 13, 'xadvance': 11.813, 'y': 148, 'x': 241, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -1.063}, 107: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 19.0, 'y': 186, 'x': 179, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': 0.313}, 108: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 17, 'xadvance': 15.625, 'y': 180, 'x': 33, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': 0.313}, 109: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 25, 'xadvance': 24.875, 'y': 36, 'x': 90, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': 0.313}, 110: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 19.688, 'y': 146, 'x': 159, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': 0.313}, 111: {'yoffset': 34.063, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 18.25, 'y': 180, 'x': 90, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -0.063}, 112: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 17.313, 'y': 144, 'x': 90, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': 0.313}, 113: {'yoffset': 34.063, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 18.25, 'y': 112, 'x': 179, 'height': 38, 'xoffset': -0.063}, 114: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 18.5, 'y': 108, 'x': 90, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': 0.313}, 115: {'yoffset': 34.063, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 17.188, 'y': 72, 'x': 90, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -0.438}, 116: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 16.5, 'y': 36, 'x': 235, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -1.063}, 117: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 18.375, 'y': 36, 'x': 216, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': 0.125}, 118: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 18.5, 'y': 112, 'x': 220, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -1.0}, 119: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 28, 'xadvance': 25.875, 'y': 0, 'x': 62, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -0.813}, 120: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 22, 'xadvance': 19.75, 'y': 72, 'x': 115, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -0.813}, 121: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 18.188, 'y': 220, 'x': 220, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -1.375}, 122: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 18, 'xadvance': 17.0, 'y': 0, 'x': 203, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -0.438}, 123: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 14, 'xadvance': 11.813, 'y': 220, 'x': 241, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -1.0}, 124: {'yoffset': 36.688, 'width': 8, 'xadvance': 23.0, 'y': 76, 'x': 0, 'height': 42, 'xoffset': 8.188}, 125: {'yoffset': 33.688, 'width': 14, 'xadvance': 11.813, 'y': 184, 'x': 241, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -0.75}, 126: {'yoffset': 20.938, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 18.188, 'y': 133, 'x': 0, 'height': 10, 'xoffset': -1.188}}, 'base': 42, 'face': 'Bebas Neue'};
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{'yoffset': 27.063, 'width': 8, 'xadvance': 10.875, 'y': 238, 'x': 246, 'height': 14, 'xoffset': 3.0}, 40: {'yoffset': 33.0, 'width': 16, 'xadvance': 12.0, 'y': 105, 'x': 24, 'height': 41, 'xoffset': -0.5}, 41: {'yoffset': 33.0, 'width': 16, 'xadvance': 12.0, 'y': 211, 'x': 48, 'height': 41, 'xoffset': -2.188}, 42: {'yoffset': 28.938, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 16.375, 'y': 238, 'x': 227, 'height': 18, 'xoffset': 0.438}, 43: {'yoffset': 20.688, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 18.875, 'y': 237, 'x': 135, 'height': 19, 'xoffset': 0.25}, 44: {'yoffset': 6.938, 'width': 11, 'xadvance': 9.5, 'y': 15, 'x': 225, 'height': 15, 'xoffset': -2.25}, 45: {'yoffset': 14.938, 'width': 15, 'xadvance': 15.063, 'y': 247, 'x': 181, 'height': 7, 'xoffset': 0.25}, 46: {'yoffset': 6.938, 'width': 10, 'xadvance': 9.5, 'y': 243, 'x': 92, 'height': 10, 'xoffset': -0.875}, 47: {'yoffset': 31.875, 'width': 22, 'xadvance': 19.25, 'y': 94, 'x': 135, 'height': 38, 'xoffset': -1.0}, 48: {'yoffset': 26.875, 'width': 22, 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'y': 222, 'x': 24, 'height': 30, 'xoffset': 0.438}, 58: {'yoffset': 20.188, 'width': 11, 'xadvance': 9.5, 'y': 185, 'x': 243, 'height': 23, 'xoffset': -0.875}, 59: {'yoffset': 20.25, 'width': 13, 'xadvance': 9.5, 'y': 0, 'x': 173, 'height': 29, 'xoffset': -2.25}, 60: {'yoffset': 22.563, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 18.875, 'y': 0, 'x': 121, 'height': 21, 'xoffset': 0.25}, 61: {'yoffset': 18.75, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 18.875, 'y': 0, 'x': 210, 'height': 15, 'xoffset': 0.688}, 62: {'yoffset': 22.563, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 18.875, 'y': 0, 'x': 141, 'height': 21, 'xoffset': -0.563}, 63: {'yoffset': 27.625, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 18.625, 'y': 185, 'x': 0, 'height': 30, 'xoffset': 0.938}, 64: {'yoffset': 27.625, 'width': 38, 'xadvance': 37.75, 'y': 0, 'x': 0, 'height': 38, 'xoffset': 0.188}, 65: {'yoffset': 27.125, 'width': 26, 'xadvance': 21.563, 'y': 209, 'x': 201, 'height': 29, 'xoffset': -3.125}, 66: {'yoffset': 27.063, 'width': 23, 'xadvance': 22.875, 'y': 123, 'x': 233, 'height': 29, 'xoffset': 0.188}, 67: {'yoffset': 27.625, 'width': 24, 'xadvance': 21.063, 'y': 187, 'x': 109, 'height': 30, 'xoffset': 0.25}, 68: {'yoffset': 27.063, 'width': 25, 'xadvance': 24.188, 'y': 123, 'x': 183, 'height': 29, 'xoffset': 0.188}, 69: {'yoffset': 27.063, 'width': 22, 'xadvance': 19.5, 'y': 94, 'x': 234, 'height': 29, 'xoffset': 0.188}, 70: {'yoffset': 27.063, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 18.188, 'y': 65, 'x': 169, 'height': 29, 'xoffset': 0.188}, 71: {'yoffset': 27.625, 'width': 25, 'xadvance': 23.625, 'y': 153, 'x': 230, 'height': 30, 'xoffset': 0.25}, 72: {'yoffset': 27.063, 'width': 25, 'xadvance': 24.625, 'y': 94, 'x': 184, 'height': 29, 'xoffset': 0.188}, 73: {'yoffset': 27.063, 'width': 12, 'xadvance': 10.813, 'y': 0, 'x': 198, 'height': 29, 'xoffset': 0.188}, 74: {'yoffset': 27.063, 'width': 16, 'xadvance': 11.0, 'y': 215, 'x': 0, 'height': 35, 'xoffset': -3.75}, 75: {'yoffset': 27.063, 'width': 26, 'xadvance': 22.438, 'y': 209, 'x': 227, 'height': 29, 'xoffset': 0.188}, 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'xadvance': 19.875, 'y': 238, 'x': 201, 'height': 15, 'xoffset': 0.5}, 95: {'yoffset': -0.563, 'width': 22, 'xadvance': 19.25, 'y': 248, 'x': 157, 'height': 7, 'xoffset': -3.313}, 96: {'yoffset': 31.875, 'width': 14, 'xadvance': 12.125, 'y': 243, 'x': 78, 'height': 11, 'xoffset': -0.438}, 97: {'yoffset': 21.625, 'width': 22, 'xadvance': 21.375, 'y': 38, 'x': 60, 'height': 24, 'xoffset': -0.375}, 98: {'yoffset': 29.438, 'width': 22, 'xadvance': 21.75, 'y': 132, 'x': 135, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': -0.125}, 99: {'yoffset': 21.625, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 17.25, 'y': 38, 'x': 211, 'height': 24, 'xoffset': -0.375}, 100: {'yoffset': 29.438, 'width': 24, 'xadvance': 21.688, 'y': 153, 'x': 181, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': -0.375}, 101: {'yoffset': 21.625, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 19.25, 'y': 38, 'x': 169, 'height': 24, 'xoffset': -0.375}, 102: {'yoffset': 29.5, 'width': 24, 'xadvance': 12.375, 'y': 65, 'x': 0, 'height': 40, 'xoffset': -4.188}, 103: {'yoffset': 21.688, 'width': 23, 'xadvance': 21.625, 'y': 216, 'x': 157, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': -1.125}, 104: {'yoffset': 29.438, 'width': 22, 'xadvance': 21.25, 'y': 212, 'x': 78, 'height': 31, 'xoffset': -0.25}, 105: {'yoffset': 30.938, 'width': 13, 'xadvance': 10.0, 'y': 0, 'x': 108, 'height': 33, 'xoffset': -0.375}, 106: {'yoffset': 30.938, 'width': 17, 'xadvance': 10.0, 'y': 196, 'x': 135, 'height': 41, 'xoffset': -4.938}, 107: {'yoffset': 29.438, 'width': 22, 'xadvance': 20.813, 'y': 181, 'x': 78, 'height': 31, 'xoffset': -0.25}, 108: {'yoffset': 29.438, 'width': 12, 'xadvance': 10.438, 'y': 0, 'x': 161, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': 0.0}, 109: {'yoffset': 21.625, 'width': 32, 'xadvance': 31.375, 'y': 185, 'x': 181, 'height': 24, 'xoffset': -0.25}, 110: {'yoffset': 21.625, 'width': 22, 'xadvance': 21.25, 'y': 38, 'x': 104, 'height': 24, 'xoffset': -0.25}, 111: {'yoffset': 21.625, 'width': 22, 'xadvance': 21.313, 'y': 38, 'x': 82, 'height': 24, 'xoffset': -0.375}, 112: {'yoffset': 21.625, 'width': 24, 'xadvance': 21.75, 'y': 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157, 'height': 31, 'xoffset': -2.25}, 122: {'yoffset': 21.063, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 16.375, 'y': 38, 'x': 190, 'height': 23, 'xoffset': -2.5}, 123: {'yoffset': 32.438, 'width': 16, 'xadvance': 12.0, 'y': 145, 'x': 0, 'height': 40, 'xoffset': -0.813}, 124: {'yoffset': 31.375, 'width': 12, 'xadvance': 14.375, 'y': 211, 'x': 64, 'height': 37, 'xoffset': 1.688}, 125: {'yoffset': 32.438, 'width': 16, 'xadvance': 12.0, 'y': 105, 'x': 0, 'height': 40, 'xoffset': -2.313}, 126: {'yoffset': 16.125, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 18.875, 'y': 246, 'x': 109, 'height': 9, 'xoffset': -0.438}}, 'base': 41, 'face': 'Fira Sans'};
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sdfFiraMediumItalic.width = 256;
sdfFiraMediumItalic.height = 256;
var sdfFiraRegular = {'count': 97, 'chars': {0: {'yoffset': 1.5, 'width': 4, 'xadvance': 0.0, 'y': 238, 'x': 252, 'height': 4, 'xoffset': -1.5}, 13: {'yoffset': 1.5, 'width': 4, 'xadvance': 10.875, 'y': 234, 'x': 252, 'height': 4, 'xoffset': -1.5}, 32: {'yoffset': 1.5, 'width': 4, 'xadvance': 10.875, 'y': 230, 'x': 252, 'height': 4, 'xoffset': -1.5}, 33: {'yoffset': 29.75, 'width': 9, 'xadvance': 10.813, 'y': 32, 'x': 243, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': 1.063}, 34: {'yoffset': 29.75, 'width': 15, 'xadvance': 18.688, 'y': 242, 'x': 15, 'height': 14, 'xoffset': 2.125}, 35: {'yoffset': 29.0, 'width': 24, 'xadvance': 20.5, 'y': 164, 'x': 124, 'height': 31, 'xoffset': -1.375}, 36: {'yoffset': 35.375, 'width': 23, 'xadvance': 20.563, 'y': 32, 'x': 101, 'height': 44, 'xoffset': -1.0}, 37: {'yoffset': 30.625, 'width': 32, 'xadvance': 34.813, 'y': 32, 'x': 40, 'height': 34, 'xoffset': 1.563}, 38: {'yoffset': 30.25, 'width': 30, 'xadvance': 31.875, 'y': 64, 'x': 124, 'height': 33, 'xoffset': 2.25}, 39: {'yoffset': 29.75, 'width': 8, 'xadvance': 11.25, 'y': 69, 'x': 93, 'height': 14, 'xoffset': 2.125}, 40: {'yoffset': 36.125, 'width': 14, 'xadvance': 13.313, 'y': 162, 'x': 40, 'height': 44, 'xoffset': 0.125}, 41: {'yoffset': 36.125, 'width': 14, 'xadvance': 13.313, 'y': 162, 'x': 54, 'height': 44, 'xoffset': 0.0}, 42: {'yoffset': 31.813, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 18.063, 'y': 223, 'x': 15, 'height': 19, 'xoffset': -0.563}, 43: {'yoffset': 21.938, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 20.5, 'y': 151, 'x': 19, 'height': 19, 'xoffset': 1.063}, 44: {'yoffset': 6.688, 'width': 10, 'xadvance': 10.813, 'y': 128, 'x': 59, 'height': 16, 'xoffset': 0.563}, 45: {'yoffset': 15.938, 'width': 15, 'xadvance': 16.625, 'y': 248, 'x': 72, 'height': 7, 'xoffset': 1.0}, 46: {'yoffset': 6.688, 'width': 9, 'xadvance': 10.813, 'y': 122, 'x': 196, 'height': 9, 'xoffset': 1.063}, 47: {'yoffset': 34.75, 'width': 16, 'xadvance': 21.313, 'y': 166, 'x': 72, 'height': 41, 'xoffset': 2.75}, 48: {'yoffset': 29.375, 'width': 22, 'xadvance': 23.0, 'y': 32, 'x': 177, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': 0.813}, 49: {'yoffset': 28.938, 'width': 15, 'xadvance': 16.375, 'y': 176, 'x': 0, 'height': 31, 'xoffset': -0.75}, 50: {'yoffset': 29.375, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 20.813, 'y': 66, 'x': 40, 'height': 31, 'xoffset': -0.438}, 51: {'yoffset': 29.375, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 20.563, 'y': 101, 'x': 72, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': -0.938}, 52: {'yoffset': 29.438, 'width': 22, 'xadvance': 21.5, 'y': 179, 'x': 101, 'height': 31, 'xoffset': 0.0}, 53: {'yoffset': 28.938, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 21.063, 'y': 97, 'x': 40, 'height': 31, 'xoffset': -0.188}, 54: {'yoffset': 29.375, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 21.938, 'y': 69, 'x': 72, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': 0.813}, 55: {'yoffset': 28.938, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 18.125, 'y': 0, 'x': 133, 'height': 31, 'xoffset': -0.5}, 56: {'yoffset': 29.375, 'width': 22, 'xadvance': 22.75, 'y': 32, 'x': 199, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': 0.438}, 57: {'yoffset': 29.375, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 21.875, 'y': 133, 'x': 235, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': 0.438}, 58: {'yoffset': 22.0, 'width': 9, 'xadvance': 10.813, 'y': 133, 'x': 92, 'height': 25, 'xoffset': 1.063}, 59: {'yoffset': 22.0, 'width': 10, 'xadvance': 10.813, 'y': 64, 'x': 246, 'height': 31, 'xoffset': 0.563}, 60: {'yoffset': 24.125, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 20.5, 'y': 176, 'x': 15, 'height': 21, 'xoffset': 1.063}, 61: {'yoffset': 19.813, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 20.563, 'y': 125, 'x': 12, 'height': 15, 'xoffset': 1.063}, 62: {'yoffset': 24.125, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 20.5, 'y': 232, 'x': 151, 'height': 21, 'xoffset': 0.313}, 63: {'yoffset': 30.25, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 20.813, 'y': 133, 'x': 72, 'height': 33, 'xoffset': 0.188}, 64: {'yoffset': 30.25, 'width': 40, 'xadvance': 41.813, 'y': 0, 'x': 0, 'height': 41, 'xoffset': 1.375}, 65: {'yoffset': 29.813, 'width': 27, 'xadvance': 23.75, 'y': 133, 'x': 151, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': -1.313}, 66: {'yoffset': 29.75, 'width': 23, 'xadvance': 25.688, 'y': 64, 'x': 223, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': 2.813}, 67: {'yoffset': 30.25, 'width': 24, 'xadvance': 23.438, 'y': 197, 'x': 229, 'height': 33, 'xoffset': 1.063}, 68: {'yoffset': 29.813, 'width': 24, 'xadvance': 26.938, 'y': 97, 'x': 207, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': 2.813}, 69: {'yoffset': 29.813, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 22.125, 'y': 0, 'x': 114, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': 2.813}, 70: {'yoffset': 29.813, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 20.375, 'y': 0, 'x': 95, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': 2.813}, 71: {'yoffset': 30.25, 'width': 25, 'xadvance': 26.188, 'y': 197, 'x': 204, 'height': 33, 'xoffset': 1.063}, 72: {'yoffset': 29.813, 'width': 23, 'xadvance': 27.875, 'y': 64, 'x': 154, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': 2.813}, 73: {'yoffset': 29.813, 'width': 7, 'xadvance': 12.563, 'y': 101, 'x': 93, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': 2.813}, 74: {'yoffset': 29.813, 'width': 12, 'xadvance': 12.625, 'y': 166, 'x': 88, 'height': 38, 'xoffset': -1.313}, 75: {'yoffset': 29.813, 'width': 24, 'xadvance': 24.313, 'y': 165, 'x': 230, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': 2.813}, 76: {'yoffset': 29.813, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 20.625, 'y': 0, 'x': 76, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': 2.813}, 77: {'yoffset': 29.813, 'width': 31, 'xadvance': 32.625, 'y': 32, 'x': 124, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': 1.0}, 78: {'yoffset': 29.813, 'width': 23, 'xadvance': 28.25, 'y': 195, 'x': 124, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': 2.813}, 79: {'yoffset': 30.25, 'width': 27, 'xadvance': 28.563, 'y': 97, 'x': 124, 'height': 33, 'xoffset': 1.063}, 80: {'yoffset': 29.813, 'width': 22, 'xadvance': 24.0, 'y': 32, 'x': 221, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': 2.813}, 81: {'yoffset': 30.25, 'width': 29, 'xadvance': 28.563, 'y': 32, 'x': 72, 'height': 37, 'xoffset': 1.063}, 82: {'yoffset': 29.813, 'width': 23, 'xadvance': 24.875, 'y': 64, 'x': 177, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': 2.813}, 83: {'yoffset': 30.25, 'width': 23, 'xadvance': 22.375, 'y': 97, 'x': 231, 'height': 33, 'xoffset': -0.438}, 84: {'yoffset': 29.75, 'width': 24, 'xadvance': 21.125, 'y': 200, 'x': 151, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': -0.875}, 85: {'yoffset': 29.813, 'width': 23, 'xadvance': 27.5, 'y': 64, 'x': 200, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': 2.375}, 86: {'yoffset': 29.813, 'width': 26, 'xadvance': 24.0, 'y': 133, 'x': 178, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': -0.938}, 87: {'yoffset': 29.813, 'width': 36, 'xadvance': 34.0, 'y': 0, 'x': 40, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': -0.5}, 88: {'yoffset': 29.813, 'width': 26, 'xadvance': 22.75, 'y': 165, 'x': 178, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': -1.313}, 89: {'yoffset': 29.813, 'width': 26, 'xadvance': 22.563, 'y': 165, 'x': 204, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': -1.313}, 90: {'yoffset': 29.813, 'width': 22, 'xadvance': 21.375, 'y': 32, 'x': 155, 'height': 32, 'xoffset': -0.25}, 91: {'yoffset': 35.0, 'width': 12, 'xadvance': 13.313, 'y': 109, 'x': 0, 'height': 42, 'xoffset': 1.25}, 92: {'yoffset': 34.75, 'width': 16, 'xadvance': 21.313, 'y': 207, 'x': 72, 'height': 41, 'xoffset': 2.75}, 93: {'yoffset': 35.0, 'width': 12, 'xadvance': 13.313, 'y': 67, 'x': 0, 'height': 42, 'xoffset': 0.563}, 94: {'yoffset': 36.0, 'width': 22, 'xadvance': 21.313, 'y': 109, 'x': 12, 'height': 16, 'xoffset': -0.313}, 95: {'yoffset': -1.063, 'width': 23, 'xadvance': 21.313, 'y': 244, 'x': 101, 'height': 7, 'xoffset': -0.813}, 96: {'yoffset': 34.375, 'width': 13, 'xadvance': 12.188, 'y': 144, 'x': 59, 'height': 10, 'xoffset': -0.313}, 97: {'yoffset': 23.625, 'width': 22, 'xadvance': 22.375, 'y': 227, 'x': 124, 'height': 26, 'xoffset': 0.375}, 98: {'yoffset': 32.313, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 24.25, 'y': 76, 'x': 101, 'height': 35, 'xoffset': 2.5}, 99: {'yoffset': 23.625, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 19.5, 'y': 0, 'x': 211, 'height': 26, 'xoffset': 0.813}, 100: {'yoffset': 32.313, 'width': 22, 'xadvance': 24.375, 'y': 165, 'x': 151, 'height': 35, 'xoffset': 0.813}, 101: {'yoffset': 23.625, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 22.375, 'y': 0, 'x': 170, 'height': 26, 'xoffset': 0.813}, 102: {'yoffset': 32.313, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 13.75, 'y': 128, 'x': 40, 'height': 34, 'xoffset': -0.625}, 103: {'yoffset': 25.563, 'width': 24, 'xadvance': 21.5, 'y': 97, 'x': 151, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -0.25}, 104: {'yoffset': 32.25, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 24.125, 'y': 210, 'x': 101, 'height': 34, 'xoffset': 2.5}, 105: {'yoffset': 33.188, 'width': 9, 'xadvance': 11.438, 'y': 67, 'x': 12, 'height': 35, 'xoffset': 1.563}, 106: {'yoffset': 33.188, 'width': 12, 'xadvance': 11.438, 'y': 207, 'x': 88, 'height': 44, 'xoffset': -1.938}, 107: {'yoffset': 32.313, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 21.063, 'y': 145, 'x': 101, 'height': 34, 'xoffset': 2.5}, 108: {'yoffset': 32.313, 'width': 11, 'xadvance': 11.875, 'y': 207, 'x': 0, 'height': 35, 'xoffset': 2.125}, 109: {'yoffset': 23.625, 'width': 31, 'xadvance': 35.375, 'y': 133, 'x': 204, 'height': 26, 'xoffset': 2.5}, 110: {'yoffset': 23.625, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 24.125, 'y': 0, 'x': 191, 'height': 26, 'xoffset': 2.5}, 111: {'yoffset': 23.625, 'width': 23, 'xadvance': 23.875, 'y': 230, 'x': 229, 'height': 26, 'xoffset': 0.813}, 112: {'yoffset': 23.625, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 24.25, 'y': 111, 'x': 101, 'height': 34, 'xoffset': 2.5}, 113: {'yoffset': 23.625, 'width': 22, 'xadvance': 24.375, 'y': 130, 'x': 124, 'height': 34, 'xoffset': 0.813}, 114: {'yoffset': 23.625, 'width': 15, 'xadvance': 15.688, 'y': 197, 'x': 15, 'height': 26, 'xoffset': 2.5}, 115: {'yoffset': 23.625, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 19.438, 'y': 0, 'x': 231, 'height': 26, 'xoffset': -0.5}, 116: {'yoffset': 28.5, 'width': 18, 'xadvance': 15.063, 'y': 0, 'x': 152, 'height': 31, 'xoffset': -0.625}, 117: {'yoffset': 23.125, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 23.813, 'y': 41, 'x': 0, 'height': 26, 'xoffset': 2.313}, 118: {'yoffset': 23.125, 'width': 23, 'xadvance': 20.25, 'y': 230, 'x': 204, 'height': 25, 'xoffset': -1.063}, 119: {'yoffset': 23.125, 'width': 32, 'xadvance': 29.875, 'y': 97, 'x': 175, 'height': 25, 'xoffset': -0.688}, 120: {'yoffset': 23.125, 'width': 23, 'xadvance': 19.625, 'y': 231, 'x': 178, 'height': 25, 'xoffset': -1.438}, 121: {'yoffset': 23.125, 'width': 23, 'xadvance': 20.125, 'y': 197, 'x': 178, 'height': 34, 'xoffset': -1.063}, 122: {'yoffset': 23.125, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 18.063, 'y': 151, 'x': 0, 'height': 25, 'xoffset': -0.438}, 123: {'yoffset': 35.875, 'width': 14, 'xadvance': 13.313, 'y': 206, 'x': 54, 'height': 43, 'xoffset': -0.438}, 124: {'yoffset': 34.625, 'width': 7, 'xadvance': 16.5, 'y': 67, 'x': 21, 'height': 41, 'xoffset': 5.063}, 125: {'yoffset': 35.875, 'width': 14, 'xadvance': 13.313, 'y': 206, 'x': 40, 'height': 43, 'xoffset': 0.188}, 126: {'yoffset': 17.063, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 20.5, 'y': 122, 'x': 175, 'height': 9, 'xoffset': 0.125}}, 'base': 44, 'face': 'Fira Sans'};
sdfFiraRegular.img = "textures/sprites/fonts/FiraSans-Regular.sdf.png";
sdfFiraRegular.width = 256;
sdfFiraRegular.height = 256;
var sdfGeorgia = {'count': 95, 'chars': {32: {'yoffset': 1.5, 'width': 4, 'xadvance': 8.688, 'y': 251, 'x': 229, 'height': 4, 'xoffset': -1.5}, 33: {'yoffset': 27.063, 'width': 8, 'xadvance': 11.875, 'y': 174, 'x': 137, 'height': 29, 'xoffset': 2.125}, 34: {'yoffset': 28.375, 'width': 14, 'xadvance': 14.813, 'y': 236, 'x': 31, 'height': 13, 'xoffset': 0.563}, 35: {'yoffset': 23.125, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 23.125, 'y': 230, 'x': 235, 'height': 25, 'xoffset': 1.188}, 36: {'yoffset': 28.25, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 22.0, 'y': 174, 'x': 117, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': 1.25}, 37: {'yoffset': 27.0, 'width': 29, 'xadvance': 29.5, 'y': 57, 'x': 59, 'height': 30, 'xoffset': 0.438}, 38: {'yoffset': 27.0, 'width': 28, 'xadvance': 25.625, 'y': 144, 'x': 117, 'height': 30, 'xoffset': -0.188}, 39: {'yoffset': 28.375, 'width': 7, 'xadvance': 7.688, 'y': 230, 'x': 195, 'height': 13, 'xoffset': 0.375}, 40: {'yoffset': 28.438, 'width': 14, 'xadvance': 13.5, 'y': 167, 'x': 45, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': 0.563}, 41: {'yoffset': 28.438, 'width': 14, 'xadvance': 13.5, 'y': 62, 'x': 0, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -0.313}, 42: {'yoffset': 27.063, 'width': 18, 'xadvance': 17.0, 'y': 236, 'x': 88, 'height': 16, 'xoffset': 0.0}, 43: {'yoffset': 20.375, 'width': 22, 'xadvance': 23.125, 'y': 29, 'x': 93, 'height': 22, 'xoffset': 1.0}, 44: {'yoffset': 5.938, 'width': 9, 'xadvance': 9.75, 'y': 236, 'x': 106, 'height': 14, 'xoffset': 0.188}, 45: {'yoffset': 12.438, 'width': 14, 'xadvance': 13.5, 'y': 136, 'x': 194, 'height': 6, 'xoffset': 0.0}, 46: {'yoffset': 5.875, 'width': 8, 'xadvance': 9.75, 'y': 241, 'x': 137, 'height': 8, 'xoffset': 1.0}, 47: {'yoffset': 28.25, 'width': 18, 'xadvance': 16.875, 'y': 87, 'x': 59, 'height': 38, 'xoffset': -0.688}, 48: {'yoffset': 20.938, 'width': 22, 'xadvance': 22.125, 'y': 230, 'x': 173, 'height': 24, 'xoffset': 0.313}, 49: {'yoffset': 20.938, 'width': 15, 'xadvance': 15.5, 'y': 0, 'x': 72, 'height': 23, 'xoffset': 0.813}, 50: {'yoffset': 20.938, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 20.125, 'y': 29, 'x': 137, 'height': 23, 'xoffset': 0.438}, 51: {'yoffset': 20.875, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 19.813, 'y': 57, 'x': 138, 'height': 29, 'xoffset': -0.375}, 52: {'yoffset': 20.75, 'width': 22, 'xadvance': 20.375, 'y': 86, 'x': 207, 'height': 29, 'xoffset': -0.625}, 53: {'yoffset': 20.313, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 19.063, 'y': 57, 'x': 118, 'height': 29, 'xoffset': -0.438}, 54: {'yoffset': 27.063, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 20.375, 'y': 193, 'x': 59, 'height': 30, 'xoffset': 0.313}, 55: {'yoffset': 20.375, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 18.063, 'y': 57, 'x': 158, 'height': 29, 'xoffset': 0.063}, 56: {'yoffset': 27.063, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 21.438, 'y': 223, 'x': 59, 'height': 30, 'xoffset': 0.313}, 57: {'yoffset': 20.938, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 20.375, 'y': 65, 'x': 31, 'height': 30, 'xoffset': 0.0}, 58: {'yoffset': 18.875, 'width': 8, 'xadvance': 11.188, 'y': 115, 'x': 248, 'height': 21, 'xoffset': 1.688}, 59: {'yoffset': 18.938, 'width': 9, 'xadvance': 11.25, 'y': 125, 'x': 77, 'height': 27, 'xoffset': 0.938}, 60: {'yoffset': 20.813, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 23.125, 'y': 29, 'x': 218, 'height': 22, 'xoffset': 1.875}, 61: {'yoffset': 15.688, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 23.125, 'y': 236, 'x': 0, 'height': 12, 'xoffset': 1.188}, 62: {'yoffset': 20.813, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 23.125, 'y': 170, 'x': 0, 'height': 22, 'xoffset': 2.0}, 63: {'yoffset': 27.0, 'width': 17, 'xadvance': 17.188, 'y': 57, 'x': 221, 'height': 29, 'xoffset': 0.375}, 64: {'yoffset': 25.563, 'width': 31, 'xadvance': 33.438, 'y': 29, 'x': 0, 'height': 33, 'xoffset': 1.438}, 65: {'yoffset': 26.813, 'width': 29, 'xadvance': 24.188, 'y': 115, 'x': 117, 'height': 29, 'xoffset': -2.188}, 66: {'yoffset': 26.438, 'width': 24, 'xadvance': 23.563, 'y': 115, 'x': 146, 'height': 28, 'xoffset': 0.125}, 67: {'yoffset': 27.0, 'width': 25, 'xadvance': 23.125, 'y': 174, 'x': 145, 'height': 30, 'xoffset': -0.125}, 68: {'yoffset': 26.438, 'width': 28, 'xadvance': 27.0, 'y': 174, 'x': 202, 'height': 28, 'xoffset': 0.125}, 69: {'yoffset': 26.438, 'width': 24, 'xadvance': 23.5, 'y': 174, 'x': 230, 'height': 28, 'xoffset': 0.0}, 70: {'yoffset': 26.438, 'width': 23, 'xadvance': 21.563, 'y': 86, 'x': 140, 'height': 28, 'xoffset': 0.0}, 71: {'yoffset': 27.0, 'width': 28, 'xadvance': 26.125, 'y': 144, 'x': 145, 'height': 30, 'xoffset': -0.125}, 72: {'yoffset': 26.438, 'width': 29, 'xadvance': 29.375, 'y': 202, 'x': 173, 'height': 28, 'xoffset': 0.25}, 73: {'yoffset': 26.438, 'width': 15, 'xadvance': 14.063, 'y': 57, 'x': 238, 'height': 28, 'xoffset': -0.125}, 74: {'yoffset': 26.375, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 18.625, 'y': 86, 'x': 229, 'height': 29, 'xoffset': -1.313}, 75: {'yoffset': 26.438, 'width': 28, 'xadvance': 25.0, 'y': 202, 'x': 202, 'height': 28, 'xoffset': 0.313}, 76: {'yoffset': 26.438, 'width': 23, 'xadvance': 21.75, 'y': 86, 'x': 117, 'height': 28, 'xoffset': 0.25}, 77: {'yoffset': 26.438, 'width': 34, 'xadvance': 33.313, 'y': 29, 'x': 59, 'height': 28, 'xoffset': -0.688}, 78: {'yoffset': 26.438, 'width': 30, 'xadvance': 27.563, 'y': 57, 'x': 88, 'height': 29, 'xoffset': -1.125}, 79: {'yoffset': 27.0, 'width': 28, 'xadvance': 26.813, 'y': 144, 'x': 173, 'height': 30, 'xoffset': -0.125}, 80: {'yoffset': 26.438, 'width': 23, 'xadvance': 22.0, 'y': 115, 'x': 225, 'height': 28, 'xoffset': 0.125}, 81: {'yoffset': 27.063, 'width': 28, 'xadvance': 26.813, 'y': 29, 'x': 31, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -0.125}, 82: {'yoffset': 26.438, 'width': 28, 'xadvance': 25.313, 'y': 144, 'x': 201, 'height': 28, 'xoffset': 0.25}, 83: {'yoffset': 27.0, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 20.25, 'y': 163, 'x': 59, 'height': 30, 'xoffset': 0.25}, 84: {'yoffset': 26.438, 'width': 25, 'xadvance': 22.313, 'y': 202, 'x': 230, 'height': 28, 'xoffset': -1.25}, 85: {'yoffset': 26.375, 'width': 29, 'xadvance': 27.25, 'y': 115, 'x': 88, 'height': 29, 'xoffset': -0.188}, 86: {'yoffset': 26.375, 'width': 29, 'xadvance': 24.0, 'y': 86, 'x': 88, 'height': 29, 'xoffset': -2.188}, 87: {'yoffset': 26.375, 'width': 39, 'xadvance': 35.188, 'y': 0, 'x': 0, 'height': 29, 'xoffset': -1.563}, 88: {'yoffset': 26.438, 'width': 29, 'xadvance': 25.625, 'y': 174, 'x': 173, 'height': 28, 'xoffset': -1.25}, 89: {'yoffset': 26.438, 'width': 27, 'xadvance': 22.188, 'y': 144, 'x': 229, 'height': 28, 'xoffset': -2.25}, 90: {'yoffset': 26.438, 'width': 24, 'xadvance': 21.688, 'y': 115, 'x': 170, 'height': 28, 'xoffset': -1.0}, 91: {'yoffset': 28.188, 'width': 13, 'xadvance': 13.5, 'y': 98, 'x': 0, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': 1.438}, 92: {'yoffset': 28.25, 'width': 18, 'xadvance': 16.875, 'y': 125, 'x': 59, 'height': 38, 'xoffset': 0.063}, 93: {'yoffset': 28.188, 'width': 13, 'xadvance': 13.5, 'y': 134, 'x': 0, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -0.313}, 94: {'yoffset': 27.125, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 23.125, 'y': 241, 'x': 117, 'height': 15, 'xoffset': 1.813}, 95: {'yoffset': -1.688, 'width': 27, 'xadvance': 23.188, 'y': 251, 'x': 202, 'height': 5, 'xoffset': -1.563}, 96: {'yoffset': 28.5, 'width': 11, 'xadvance': 18.0, 'y': 152, 'x': 77, 'height': 11, 'xoffset': 4.25}, 97: {'yoffset': 19.313, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 18.125, 'y': 29, 'x': 178, 'height': 22, 'xoffset': -0.125}, 98: {'yoffset': 28.5, 'width': 23, 'xadvance': 20.188, 'y': 175, 'x': 88, 'height': 31, 'xoffset': -1.75}, 99: {'yoffset': 19.375, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 16.313, 'y': 192, 'x': 0, 'height': 22, 'xoffset': -0.25}, 100: {'yoffset': 28.5, 'width': 23, 'xadvance': 20.688, 'y': 210, 'x': 117, 'height': 31, 'xoffset': -0.25}, 101: {'yoffset': 19.375, 'width': 19, 'xadvance': 17.375, 'y': 214, 'x': 0, 'height': 22, 'xoffset': -0.25}, 102: {'yoffset': 28.688, 'width': 17, 'xadvance': 11.75, 'y': 205, 'x': 31, 'height': 31, 'xoffset': -1.063}, 103: {'yoffset': 19.313, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 18.313, 'y': 57, 'x': 178, 'height': 29, 'xoffset': -0.75}, 104: {'yoffset': 28.5, 'width': 24, 'xadvance': 21.0, 'y': 204, 'x': 145, 'height': 31, 'xoffset': -1.375}, 105: {'yoffset': 28.125, 'width': 12, 'xadvance': 10.563, 'y': 62, 'x': 14, 'height': 30, 'xoffset': -0.75}, 106: {'yoffset': 28.125, 'width': 14, 'xadvance': 10.563, 'y': 167, 'x': 31, 'height': 38, 'xoffset': -4.125}, 107: {'yoffset': 28.5, 'width': 23, 'xadvance': 19.313, 'y': 144, 'x': 88, 'height': 31, 'xoffset': -1.375}, 108: {'yoffset': 28.5, 'width': 13, 'xadvance': 10.313, 'y': 134, 'x': 13, 'height': 31, 'xoffset': -1.5}, 109: {'yoffset': 19.25, 'width': 33, 'xadvance': 31.688, 'y': 230, 'x': 202, 'height': 21, 'xoffset': -0.5}, 110: {'yoffset': 19.25, 'width': 23, 'xadvance': 21.25, 'y': 235, 'x': 145, 'height': 21, 'xoffset': -0.438}, 111: {'yoffset': 19.375, 'width': 20, 'xadvance': 19.438, 'y': 29, 'x': 198, 'height': 22, 'xoffset': -0.25}, 112: {'yoffset': 19.25, 'width': 22, 'xadvance': 20.563, 'y': 86, 'x': 163, 'height': 29, 'xoffset': -0.938}, 113: {'yoffset': 19.75, 'width': 23, 'xadvance': 20.125, 'y': 206, 'x': 88, 'height': 30, 'xoffset': -0.25}, 114: {'yoffset': 19.25, 'width': 17, 'xadvance': 14.688, 'y': 0, 'x': 39, 'height': 21, 'xoffset': -0.438}, 115: {'yoffset': 19.375, 'width': 16, 'xadvance': 15.563, 'y': 0, 'x': 56, 'height': 22, 'xoffset': -0.125}, 116: {'yoffset': 24.125, 'width': 15, 'xadvance': 12.438, 'y': 29, 'x': 238, 'height': 27, 'xoffset': -1.25}, 117: {'yoffset': 19.063, 'width': 23, 'xadvance': 20.688, 'y': 57, 'x': 198, 'height': 22, 'xoffset': -0.938}, 118: {'yoffset': 18.813, 'width': 22, 'xadvance': 17.938, 'y': 29, 'x': 115, 'height': 21, 'xoffset': -1.813}, 119: {'yoffset': 18.813, 'width': 31, 'xadvance': 26.563, 'y': 115, 'x': 194, 'height': 21, 'xoffset': -1.563}, 120: {'yoffset': 18.813, 'width': 21, 'xadvance': 18.125, 'y': 29, 'x': 157, 'height': 21, 'xoffset': -1.313}, 121: {'yoffset': 18.813, 'width': 22, 'xadvance': 17.75, 'y': 86, 'x': 185, 'height': 29, 'xoffset': -1.813}, 122: {'yoffset': 18.813, 'width': 18, 'xadvance': 15.938, 'y': 98, 'x': 13, 'height': 21, 'xoffset': -0.563}, 123: {'yoffset': 28.438, 'width': 17, 'xadvance': 15.438, 'y': 131, 'x': 31, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -0.25}, 124: {'yoffset': 28.25, 'width': 6, 'xadvance': 13.5, 'y': 87, 'x': 77, 'height': 38, 'xoffset': 4.125}, 125: {'yoffset': 28.438, 'width': 17, 'xadvance': 15.438, 'y': 95, 'x': 31, 'height': 36, 'xoffset': -0.375}, 126: {'yoffset': 14.625, 'width': 22, 'xadvance': 23.125, 'y': 0, 'x': 87, 'height': 10, 'xoffset': 0.75}}, 'base': 38, 'face': 'Georgia'};
sdfGeorgia.img = "textures/sprites/fonts/Georgia.sdf.png";
sdfGeorgia.width = 256;
sdfGeorgia.height = 256;
var clock = new XG.Clock();
function init() {
container = document.createElement( 'div' );
document.body.appendChild( container );
// renderer
var pars = {
"width" : SCREEN_WIDTH,
"height" : SCREEN_HEIGHT,
"scale" : SCALE,
"antialias" : false,
"tonemapping": XG.NoOperator,
"brightness": BRIGHTNESS,
"clearColor": 0x050505,
"clearAlpha": 1.0,
"backend" : backend,
"devicePixelRatio" : 1.0
renderer = new XG.ForwardRenderer( pars );
container.appendChild( renderer.domElement );
renderer.domElement.style.position = "absolute";
renderer.domElement.style.top = MARGIN + "px";
renderer.domElement.style.left = "0px";
// camera
camera = new XG.PerspectiveCamera( cameraFovInit, SCREEN_WIDTH / SCREEN_HEIGHT, 1, 2000 );
camera.position.set( 0, 0, 200 );
// scene
scene = new XG.Scene();
scene.add( camera );
// fonts
fontsToLoad = 1;
//loadFont( sdfBebas );
//loadFont( sdfFiraMediumItalic );
//loadFont( sdfFiraRegular );
loadFont( sdfGeorgia );
// objects
canvas = document.getElementById( 'canvas' );
ctx = canvas.getContext( '2d' );
imageInfo = [
[ 500, 'textures/avatars/avatar-male-inv.png' ],
[ 500, 'textures/avatars/avatar-female-inv.png' ],
[ 600, 'textures/avatars/fog.jpg' ],
[ 600, 'textures/avatars/avatar-body-inv.png' ],
[ 600, 'textures/avatars/montana.jpg' ],
[ 600, 'textures/avatars/hand.jpg' ],
for ( var i = 0, il = imageInfo.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
var imgUrl = imageInfo[ i ][ 1 ];
var img = new Image();
img.src = imgUrl;
imageList[ i ] = img;
var initImage = imageList[ 0 ];
initImage.onload = function() {
var numSprites = isMobile ? 40000 : 80000;
var depth = 200;
var characterField = createCharacterField( initImage, numSprites, depth );
characterFieldList[ 0 ] = characterField;
characterFieldList[ 1 ] = characterField;
setCharacterField( 0 );
setImage( initImage );
var bigImage = imageList[ 2 ];
bigImage.onload = function() {
var numSprites = isMobile ? 80000 : 160000;
var depth = 200;
var characterField = createCharacterField( initImage, numSprites, depth );
characterFieldList[ 2 ] = characterField;
characterFieldList[ 3 ] = characterField;
characterFieldList[ 4 ] = characterField;
characterFieldList[ 5 ] = characterField;
characterFieldList[ 6 ] = characterField;
// stats
stats = new Stats();
container.appendChild( stats.domElement );
stats.domElement.className = "noselect";
// events
window.addEventListener( 'resize', onWindowResize, false );
renderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'mousemove', onDocumentMouseMove, false );
renderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'mousedown', onDocumentMouseClick, false );
renderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'touchmove', onTouchMove, false );
renderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'wheel', onDocumentWheel, false );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function createCharacterField( image, numSprites, depth ) {
var materialParameters = {
"fogEnabled" : true,
"fogDensity" : 0.002,
"fogColor" : 0x050505
canvas.width = image.width;
canvas.height = image.height;
canvas.style.width = image.width + 'px';
canvas.style.height = image.height + 'px';
ctx.drawImage( image, 0, 0 );
var pixel = ctx.getImageData( 0, 0, image.width, image.height );
var imageData = pixel.data;
var characterFieldData = generateCharacterField( sdfGeorgia, numSprites, materialParameters, image.width, image.height, depth );
characterFieldData.geometry.dynamic = true;
characterFieldData.mesh.visible = false;
scene.add( characterFieldData.mesh );
return characterFieldData;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function refreshImagePixelIndex( sprites, width, height ) {
var numSprites = sprites.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < numSprites; i ++ ) {
var sprite = sprites[ i ];
var x = sprite[ 1 ];
var y = sprite[ 2 ];
var z = sprite[ 3 ];
var px = Math.floor( x + width * 0.5 );
var py = height - 1 - Math.floor( y + height * 0.5 );
var pixelIndex = py * width + px;
sprite[ 9 ] = pixelIndex;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function setCharacterField( index ) {
if ( currentMesh ) currentMesh.visible = false;
var characterField = characterFieldList[ index ];
currentMesh = characterField.mesh;
currentGeometry = characterField.geometry;
currentSprites = characterField.sprites;
currentUniforms = characterField.material.uniforms;
currentMesh.visible = true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function setImage( image ) {
canvas.width = image.width;
canvas.height = image.height;
canvas.style.width = image.width + 'px';
canvas.style.height = image.height + 'px';
ctx.drawImage( image, 0, 0 );
var pixel = ctx.getImageData( 0, 0, image.width, image.height );
var imageData = pixel.data;
refreshGeometryPositions( currentGeometry, imageData, currentSprites, image.width, image.height );
refreshImagePixelIndex( currentSprites, image.width, image.height );
setGeometryColors( currentGeometry, imageData, currentSprites );
updateGeometryData( currentGeometry, imageData, currentSprites );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function refreshGeometryPositions( geometry, data, sprites, width, height ) {
var numSprites = sprites.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < numSprites; i ++ ) {
var sprite = sprites[ i ];
var x = ( XG.Math.randomFloat16() - 0.5 ) * width;
var y = ( XG.Math.randomFloat16() - 0.5 ) * height;
var z = sprite[ 3 ];
geometry.setSpritePosition( i, x, y, z );
var dx = XG.Math.randomFloat( -5, 5 );
var dy = XG.Math.randomFloat( -5, 5 );
sprite[ 1 ] = x;
sprite[ 2 ] = y;
sprite[ 4 ] = dx;
sprite[ 5 ] = dy;
geometry.attributes[ "offset" ].needsUpdate = true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function setGeometryColors( geometry, imageData, sprites ) {
var numSprites = sprites.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < numSprites; i ++ ) {
var sprite = sprites[ i ];
var depth = sprite[ 0 ];
var pixelIndex = sprite[ 9 ];
var pixelOffset = pixelIndex * 4;
var r = imageData[ pixelOffset ];
var g = imageData[ pixelOffset + 1 ];
var b = imageData[ pixelOffset + 2 ];
r = ( r / 255 ) * depth;
g = ( g / 255 ) * depth;
b = ( b / 255 ) * depth;
geometry.setSpriteColor( i, r, g, b );
geometry.attributes[ "color" ].needsUpdate = true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function updateGeometryData( geometry, data, sprites ) {
var numSprites = sprites.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < numSprites; i ++ ) {
var sprite = sprites[ i ];
var d = sprite[ 0 ];
var x = sprite[ 1 ];
var y = sprite[ 2 ];
var z = sprite[ 3 ];
var pixelIndex = sprite[ 9 ];
var pixelOffset = pixelIndex * 4;
var r = data[ pixelOffset ];
var g = data[ pixelOffset + 1 ];
var b = data[ pixelOffset + 2 ];
r = ( r / 255 ) * d;
g = ( g / 255 ) * d;
b = ( b / 255 ) * d;
//if ( r < 0.1 ) geometry.setSpritePosition( i, x, y, 10000.0 );
if ( g < 0.135 ) geometry.setSpritePosition( i, x, y, 10000.0 );
//if ( b < 0.2 ) geometry.setSpritePosition( i, x, y, 10000.0 );
geometry.attributes[ "offset" ].needsUpdate = true;
// event handlers
function onWindowResize ( event ) {
SCREEN_WIDTH = window.innerWidth;
SCREEN_HEIGHT = window.innerHeight - 2 * MARGIN;
renderer.setSize( SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT );
mobileInfoElement.style.top = Math.floor( ( SCREEN_HEIGHT - mobileInfoElement.offsetHeight ) * 0.5 + MARGIN ) + 'px';
function onDocumentMouseMove ( event ) {
mouseX = ( event.clientX - windowHalfX );
mouseY = ( event.clientY - windowHalfY );
function onDocumentMouseClick ( event ) {
function onTouchMove( event ) {
var touches = event.touches;
var touch = touches[ 0 ];
mouseX = ( touch.clientX - windowHalfX );
mouseY = ( touch.clientY - windowHalfY );
function onDocumentWheel ( event ) {
var unit = event.deltaMode;
var scale = 1;
if ( unit === 0 ) scale = 0.01; // pixels
else if ( unit === 1 ) scale = 0.1; // lines
cameraFovTarget += event.deltaY * scale;
var maxFov = 90;
var minFov = 4;
if ( cameraFovTarget > maxFov ) {
cameraFovTarget = maxFov;
if ( cameraFovTarget < minFov ) {
cameraFovTarget = minFov;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function nextImage() {
currentImageIndex = ( currentImageIndex + 1 ) % imageList.length;
setCharacterField( currentImageIndex );
var image = imageList[ currentImageIndex ];
setImage( image );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function patchSpriteMaterial() {
var vertexShader = [
"uniform float time;",
"attribute vec3 color;",
"attribute vec3 offset;",
"attribute vec2 scale;",
"attribute vec2 localoffset;",
"varying vec2 vUv;",
"varying vec3 vColor;",
'void main() {',
"vUv = uv;",
"vColor = color;",
"float ax = mod( ( localoffset.x + offset.x * time * 0.15 ), 5.0 );",
"float ay = mod( ( localoffset.y - time * 12.0 ) / scale.x, 5.0 ) - 2.5;",
"vec3 animoffset = vec3( ax, ay, 0.0 );",
"vec4 tmpPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4( offset + animoffset, 1.0 ) + vec4( position * vec3( scale, 1.0 ), 0.0 );",
"gl_Position = projectionMatrix * tmpPosition;",
].join( "\n" );
XG.SpriteShader.vertexShader = vertexShader;
XG.SpriteShader.uniforms[ "time" ] = { "type": "f", "value": 0.0 };
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function generateCharacterField ( font, numSprites, materialParameters, width, height, depth ) {
var textureAtlasInfo = {
"width" : font.width,
"height" : font.height,
"base" : font.base
var material = new XG.SpriteMaterial( {
"textureAtlas" : font.map,
"billboard" : true,
"antialias" : true,
"sdf" : true,
"fog" : false,
"fogDensity" : materialParameters.fogDensity,
"fogColor" : materialParameters.fogColor
} );
var geometry = new XG.SpriteGeometry( numSprites );
geometry.addAttribute( "localoffset", Float32Array, 2 );
var localoffset = geometry.attributes[ "localoffset" ].array;
var sprites = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < numSprites; i ++ ) {
var x = ( XG.Math.randomFloat16() - 0.5 ) * width;
var y = ( XG.Math.randomFloat16() - 0.5 ) * height;
var z = ( XG.Math.randomFloat16() - 0.5 ) * depth;
var spriteDepth = z / depth + 0.5;
spriteDepth *= spriteDepth;
var s = XG.Math.randomFloat( 0.05, 0.15 ) * 1.0;
var sx = s;
var sy = s;
//var glyphIndex = XG.Math.randomInt( 48, 49 ); // 0 ... 1
//var glyphIndex = XG.Math.randomInt( 97, 122 ); // A ... Z
//var glyphIndex = XG.Math.randomInt( 65, 90 ); // a ... z
var glyphIndex = XG.Math.randomInt( 48, 57 ); // 0 ... 9
var glyphInfo = font.chars[ glyphIndex ];
geometry.setSpritePosition( i, x, y, z );
geometry.setSpriteScale( i, sx, sy );
geometry.setSpriteTexture( i, glyphInfo, textureAtlasInfo );
geometry.setSpriteColor( i, 1, 0, 0 );
var dx = XG.Math.randomFloat( 0, 5 );
var dy = XG.Math.randomFloat( -5, 5 );
var px = Math.floor( x + width * 0.5 );
var py = height - 1 - Math.floor( y + height * 0.5 );
var pixelIndex = py * width + px;
sprites[ i ] = [ spriteDepth, x, y, z, dx, dy, sx, sy, glyphIndex, pixelIndex ];
var indexOffset = i * 8;
localoffset[ indexOffset ] = dx;
localoffset[ indexOffset + 1 ] = dy;
localoffset[ indexOffset + 2 ] = dx;
localoffset[ indexOffset + 3 ] = dy;
localoffset[ indexOffset + 4 ] = dx;
localoffset[ indexOffset + 5 ] = dy;
localoffset[ indexOffset + 6 ] = dx;
localoffset[ indexOffset + 7 ] = dy;
sprites.sort( compareDepths );
for ( var i = 0; i < numSprites; i ++ ) {
var sprite = sprites[ i ];
var x = sprite[ 1 ];
var y = sprite[ 2 ];
var z = sprite[ 3 ];
geometry.setSpritePosition( i, x, y, z );
var mesh = new XG.Mesh( geometry, material );
var characterFieldInfo = {
"mesh" : mesh,
"geometry" : geometry,
"material" : material,
"sprites" : sprites,
"font" : font,
"textureAtlasInfo" : textureAtlasInfo
return characterFieldInfo;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function compareDepths( a, b ) {
return a[ 0 ] - b[ 0 ];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function fontCallback () {
fontCounter += 1;
if ( fontCounter >= fontsToLoad ) {
loadingElement.style.display = "none";
function loadFont ( font ) {
var map = XG.ImageUtils.loadTexture( font.img, fontCallback );
map.anisotropy = 16;
font.map = map;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// updates
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function animate() {
requestAnimationFrame( animate );
function render() {
var delta = clock.getDelta();
delta = Math.min( delta, 0.1 );
var time = clock.elapsedTime;
// update scene
if ( currentUniforms ) {
currentUniforms[ "time" ].value = time;
if ( isMobile && mobileInfoVisible ) {
if ( time > 2 ) mobileInfoOpacity = XG.Math.clamp( mobileInfoOpacity - delta, 0, 1 );
mobileInfoElement.style.opacity = mobileInfoOpacity;
if ( mobileInfoOpacity === 0 ) {
mobileInfoElement.style.display = "none";
mobileInfoVisible = false;
// update camera
targetX = mouseX * 0.04;
targetY = mouseY * 0.04;
angle += 0.05 * ( targetX - angle );
height += 0.05 * ( targetY - height );
var f = 0.005;
var d = imageInfo[ currentImageIndex ][ 0 ];
var x = -Math.sin( angle * f ) * d;
var z = Math.cos( angle * f ) * d;
var y = 1.5 * height + 0;
camera.position.set( x, y, z );
camera.lookAt( target );
var zoomSpeed = 2.0;
camera.fov = camera.fov + ( cameraFovTarget - camera.fov ) * delta * zoomSpeed;
// render scene
renderer.render( scene, camera );
frameCounter += 1;
</script><div><canvas width="858" height="971" style="width: 858px; height: 971px; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px;"></canvas><div id="stats" class="noselect" style="width: 80px; opacity: 0.9; cursor: pointer;"><div id="fps" style="padding: 0px 0px 3px 3px; text-align: left; background-color: rgb(0, 0, 34);"><div id="fpsText" style="color: rgb(0, 255, 255); font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 9px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 15px;">61 FPS (43-61)</div><div id="fpsGraph" style="position: relative; width: 74px; height: 30px; background-color: rgb(0, 255, 255);"><span style="width: 1px; height: 30px; float: left; background-color: rgb(17, 17, 51);"></span><span style="width: 1px; height: 30px; float: left; background-color: rgb(17, 17, 51);"></span><span style="width: 1px; height: 30px; float: left; background-color: rgb(17, 17, 51);"></span><span style="width: 1px; height: 30px; float: left; background-color: rgb(17, 17, 51);"></span><span style="width: 1px; 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height: 30px; float: left; background-color: rgb(17, 17, 51);"></span><span style="width: 1px; height: 30px; float: left; background-color: rgb(17, 17, 51);"></span><span style="width: 1px; height: 30px; float: left; background-color: rgb(17, 17, 51);"></span><span style="width: 1px; height: 30px; float: left; background-color: rgb(17, 17, 51);"></span><span style="width: 1px; height: 30px; float: left; background-color: rgb(17, 17, 51);"></span><span style="width: 1px; height: 30px; float: left; background-color: rgb(17, 17, 51);"></span><span style="width: 1px; height: 30px; float: left; background-color: rgb(17, 17, 51);"></span><span style="width: 1px; height: 30px; float: left; background-color: rgb(17, 17, 51);"></span><span style="width: 1px; height: 30px; float: left; background-color: rgb(17, 17, 51);"></span><span style="width: 1px; height: 30px; float: left; background-color: rgb(17, 17, 51);"></span><span style="width: 1px; height: 30px; float: left; background-color: rgb(17, 17, 51);"></span><span style="width: 1px; 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明新美食 3❤
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西雅烘焙 3❤
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鲜果时光 3❤
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堕落的啵啵鱼 3❤
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熊家无二韩式炸鸡 2❤
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