同步操作将从 Gitee 极速下载/forge 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
* Forge webpack build rules.
* @author Digital Bazaar, Inc.
* Copyright 2011-2016 Digital Bazaar, Inc.
const path = require('path');
// build multiple outputs
module.exports = [];
// custom setup for each output
// all built files will export the "forge" library but with different content
const outputs = [
// core forge library crypto and utils
entry: ['./lib/index.js'],
filenameBase: 'forge'
// core forge library + extra utils and networking support
entry: ['./lib/index.all.js'],
filenameBase: 'forge.all'
// prime webworker
entry: ['./lib/prime.worker.js', './lib/forge.js'],
filenameBase: 'prime.worker',
library: null,
libraryTarget: null
// Custom builds can be created by specifying the high level files you need
// webpack will pull in dependencies as needed.
// Note: Some modules, such as pbkdf2, may require explicitly listing other
// modules they require, such as sha1 or sha256. This is to allow smaller
// builds when you don't require a default dependency.
// Note: If using UMD or similar, add forge.js *last* to properly export
// the top level forge namespace.
// Example: sha1 + ...
// entry: ['./lib/sha1.js', ..., './lib/forge.js'],
// filenameBase: 'forge.custom',
// libraryTarget: 'umd'
// Example: PBKDF2 + sha1, explicitly include sha1 default
// entry: ['./lib/pbkdf2.js', './lib/sha1.js', './lib/forge.js'],
// filenameBase: 'forge.pbkdf2-sha1',
// libraryTarget: 'umd'
// Example: PBKDF2 + sha256, without the sha1 default
// entry: ['./lib/pbkdf2.js', './lib/sha256.js', './lib/forge.js'],
// filenameBase: 'forge.pbkdf2-sha256',
// libraryTarget: 'umd'
outputs.forEach(info => {
// common to bundle and minified
const common = {
// each output uses the "forge" name but with different contents
entry: {
forge: info.entry
// disable various node shims as forge handles this manually
node: {
Buffer: false,
process: false,
crypto: false,
setImmediate: false
// plain unoptimized unminified bundle
const bundle = Object.assign({}, common, {
mode: 'development',
output: {
path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'),
filename: info.filenameBase + '.js',
library: info.library || '[name]',
libraryTarget: info.libraryTarget || 'umd'
if(info.library === null) {
delete bundle.output.library;
if(info.libraryTarget === null) {
delete bundle.output.libraryTarget;
// optimized and minified bundle
const minify = Object.assign({}, common, {
mode: 'production',
output: {
path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'),
filename: info.filenameBase + '.min.js',
library: info.library || '[name]',
libraryTarget: info.libraryTarget || 'umd'
devtool: 'cheap-module-source-map',
plugins: [
new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
sourceMap: true,
compress: {
warnings: true
output: {
comments: false
//beautify: true
if(info.library === null) {
delete minify.output.library;
if(info.libraryTarget === null) {
delete minify.output.libraryTarget;
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