同步操作将从 OpenCloudOS Stream/qt5-qtimageformats 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
From d7cbc5e19a68af202825a99dfef9773a7b31c88d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eirik Aavitsland <eirik.aavitsland@qt.io>
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2022 14:52:19 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 01/10] webp: support sequential input device if full file is
Since we do no random access during decoding, just a readAll() of the
whole image file. So if it is all available already, we can handle a
sequential device. That is useful for Quick AnimationImage, which will
pass a finished QNetworkReply as the input device.
This commit removes some seek() calls in the header checking, that
supposedly should reset the device position. These were in practice
either no-ops or bugs, since the device is only being peeked, so the
position never changes in the first place, and a QImageIOHandler is
supposed to read from the device at the position it is at when passed.
Fixes: QTBUG-70245
Change-Id: I5a4ff5fa4bbd19b0545ad41645969d714b4dc7d5
Reviewed-by: Allan Sandfeld Jensen <allan.jensen@qt.io>
Reviewed-by: Shawn Rutledge <shawn.rutledge@qt.io>
(cherry picked from commit 369be99d82a7c1182e3693756ab545cea86bb90d)
.../imageformats/webp/qwebphandler.cpp | 29 +++++++++----------
1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/plugins/imageformats/webp/qwebphandler.cpp b/src/plugins/imageformats/webp/qwebphandler.cpp
index 82d38cb..d02eb05 100644
--- a/src/plugins/imageformats/webp/qwebphandler.cpp
+++ b/src/plugins/imageformats/webp/qwebphandler.cpp
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
#include <qdebug.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qvariant.h>
+#include <QtEndian>
static const int riffHeaderSize = 12; // RIFF_HEADER_SIZE from webp/format_constants.h
@@ -102,21 +103,23 @@ bool QWebpHandler::ensureScanned() const
m_scanState = ScanError;
- if (device()->isSequential()) {
- qWarning() << "Sequential devices are not supported";
+ QWebpHandler *that = const_cast<QWebpHandler *>(this);
+ const int headerBytesNeeded = sizeof(WebPBitstreamFeatures);
+ QByteArray header = device()->peek(headerBytesNeeded);
+ if (header.size() < headerBytesNeeded)
return false;
- }
- qint64 oldPos = device()->pos();
- device()->seek(0);
- QWebpHandler *that = const_cast<QWebpHandler *>(this);
- QByteArray header = device()->peek(sizeof(WebPBitstreamFeatures));
+ // We do no random access during decoding, just a readAll() of the whole image file. So if
+ // if it is all available already, we can accept a sequential device. The riff header contains
+ // the file size minus 8 bytes header
+ qint64 byteSize = qFromLittleEndian<quint32>(header.constData() + 4);
+ if (device()->isSequential() && device()->bytesAvailable() < byteSize + 8) {
+ qWarning() << "QWebpHandler: Insufficient data available in sequential device";
+ return false;
+ }
if (WebPGetFeatures((const uint8_t*)header.constData(), header.size(), &(that->m_features)) == VP8_STATUS_OK) {
if (m_features.has_animation) {
// For animation, we have to read and scan whole file to determine loop count and images count
- device()->seek(oldPos);
if (that->ensureDemuxer()) {
that->m_loop = WebPDemuxGetI(m_demuxer, WEBP_FF_LOOP_COUNT);
that->m_frameCount = WebPDemuxGetI(m_demuxer, WEBP_FF_FRAME_COUNT);
@@ -126,17 +129,13 @@ bool QWebpHandler::ensureScanned() const
if (that->m_features.has_alpha)
- // We do not reset device position since we have read in all data
m_scanState = ScanSuccess;
- return true;
} else {
m_scanState = ScanSuccess;
- device()->seek(oldPos);
return m_scanState == ScanSuccess;
@@ -159,7 +158,7 @@ bool QWebpHandler::ensureDemuxer()
bool QWebpHandler::read(QImage *image)
- if (!ensureScanned() || device()->isSequential() || !ensureDemuxer())
+ if (!ensureScanned() || !ensureDemuxer())
return false;
QRect prevFrameRect;
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