# QShop

#### Description
QShop商城,是全新推出的一款轻量级、高性能、前后端分离的电商系统,支持微信小程序,前后端源码100%开源,完美支持二次开发,让您快速搭建个性化独立商城。 技术架构:.Net6、WebAPI、Swagger、NUnit、VUE、Element-UI、Ant Design Vue,专注轻量可持续稳定的高可用系统,可学习可商用。

#### Software Architecture
Software architecture description

#### Installation

1.  xxxx
2.  xxxx
3.  xxxx

#### Instructions

1.  xxxx
2.  xxxx
3.  xxxx

#### Contribution

1.  Fork the repository
2.  Create Feat_xxx branch
3.  Commit your code
4.  Create Pull Request

#### Gitee Feature

1.  You can use Readme\_XXX.md to support different languages, such as Readme\_en.md, Readme\_zh.md
2.  Gitee blog [blog.gitee.com](https://blog.gitee.com)
3.  Explore open source project [https://gitee.com/explore](https://gitee.com/explore)
4.  The most valuable open source project [GVP](https://gitee.com/gvp)
5.  The manual of Gitee [https://gitee.com/help](https://gitee.com/help)
6.  The most popular members  [https://gitee.com/gitee-stars/](https://gitee.com/gitee-stars/)