**English** | [中文](./README_CN.md) <p align="center"> <img align="left" width="175" src="image/logo.png"> <br> </p> <br> **DDMQ** is a distributed messaging product built by DiDi Infrastructure Team based on [Apache RocketMQ](https://rocketmq.apache.org/). As a distributed messaging middleware, DDMQ provides low latency, high throughput and high available messaging service to many important large-scale distributed systems inside [DiDi](https://www.didiglobal.com/). DDMQ provides realtime messaging, delay-time messaging and transactional messaging to satisfy different scenarios. Through an easy-to-use Web Console and simple SDK Client, developers can experience producing and consuming messages in the most simple and stable way. ---------- ### Features * Messaging model: support both P2P and Pub/Sub messaging model * Massive message storage, support both RocketMQ and Kafka as storage engine * Low latency & High throughput * Delay message, use RocksDB as storage engine * Transactional message: provide transaction similar to X/Open XA * Multiple language client SDK: provide client SDK in PHP, Java, Go, C/C++, Python * Message transition and filter with user-defined Groovy script * An easy-to-use Web Console ---------- ### Architecture Overview <center> <img src="image/arch.png" width = "80%" /> </center> ---------- ### Modules * carrera-common: common code for other modules, such as encapsulate zk operations. * carrera-producer: message producer proxy with built-in Thrift Server, responsible for forwarding message from SDK client to broker. * carrera-consumer: message consumer proxy with built-in Thrift Server, provide SDK PULL and HTTP PUSH for message consumption. * carrera-chronos: delay message module, use RocksDB as storage engine. * carrera-sdk: producer and consumer SDK, support Java/C/C++/Go/PHP/Python. * rocketmq: based on RocketMQ (Ver 4.2.0),add new features such as broker auto fail-over. * carrera-console: a Spring-based User Web Console. * carrera-monitor: consumer lag monitor and DDMQ cluster monitor. * carrera-docker: provide a DDMQ docker image that runs in standalone mode. ---------- ### Quick Start We provide a standalone version of DDMQ as Docker image, read [this](carrera-docker/README.md) for more information. ---------- ### Deployment #### Dependencies * 64bit OS, Linux/Unix/Mac * 64bit JDK 1.8+ * Maven 3.2.x * MySQL 5.7.x * Tomcat 7/8/9 * Zookeeper 3.4.x #### Deployment Procedures * Deploy MySQL & Zookeeper > Install MySQL 5.7: <https://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql-installation-excerpt/5.7/en/> > Install Zookeeper 3.4.x: <https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/r3.1.2/zookeeperStarted.html> * Deploy RocketMQ >Guide: [RocketMQ](rocketmq/README.md) * Init MySQL Tables >Guide: [MySQL](carrera-console/README.md) * Deploy Console >Guide: [Console](carrera-console/README.md) * Init Zookeeper Node and Data > call console api: > * curl http://console_addr:8080/carrera/api/odin/internal/v4/initZkPath > * curl http://console_addr:8080/carrera/api/odin/internal/v4/initAllZk * Deploy Producer Proxy >Guide: [Deploy PProxy](carrera-producer/README.md) * Deploy Consumer Proxy >Guide: [Deploy CProxy](carrera-consumer/README.md) * Deploy Chronos >Guide: [Deploy Chronos](carrera-chronos/README.md) ---------- ### Usage * read [DDMQ Console Manual](carrera-console/USAGE.md) for more information. ---------- ### Contributing Welcome to contribute by creating issues or sending pull requests. See [Contributing Guide](CONTRIBUTING.md) for guidelines. ---------- ### Contact Feel free to contact DDMQ developers via <ddmq_open_source@didiglobal.com> ---------- ### License DDMQ is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file.