From ce42b5b68767f8823d3732a0c8c4225adc128e7f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: YaoLinQing Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2024 14:35:52 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 1/8] add dmidecode command --- Cargo.toml | 10 +- src/oe/dmidecode/Cargo.toml | 20 + src/oe/dmidecode/LICENSE | 127 ++ src/oe/dmidecode/ | 97 + src/oe/dmidecode/src/ | 2428 +++++++++++++++++++++ src/oe/dmidecode/src/ | 3084 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ src/oe/dmidecode/src/ | 657 ++++++ src/oe/dmidecode/src/ | 51 + src/oe/dmidecode/src/ | 287 +++ src/oe/dmidecode/src/ | 1 + src/oe/dmidecode/src/ | 198 ++ tests/by-util/ | 193 ++ tests/ | 5 + 13 files changed, 7156 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) create mode 100644 src/oe/dmidecode/Cargo.toml create mode 100755 src/oe/dmidecode/LICENSE create mode 100644 src/oe/dmidecode/ create mode 100644 src/oe/dmidecode/src/ create mode 100644 src/oe/dmidecode/src/ create mode 100644 src/oe/dmidecode/src/ create mode 100644 src/oe/dmidecode/src/ create mode 100644 src/oe/dmidecode/src/ create mode 100644 src/oe/dmidecode/src/ create mode 100644 src/oe/dmidecode/src/ create mode 100644 tests/by-util/ diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml index 4d20bd5..621679a 100644 --- a/Cargo.toml +++ b/Cargo.toml @@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ linux = [ "column", "setsid", "sha256sum", + "dmidecode", ] ## # * bypass/override ~ translate 'test' feature name to avoid dependency collision with rust core 'test' crate (o/w surfaces as compiler errors during testing) @@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ members = [ "src/oe/column", "src/oe/setsid", "src/oe/sha256sum", + "src/oe/dmidecode", ] [dependencies] @@ -75,7 +77,7 @@ selinux = { version="0.3.0", optional = true } sysinfo = "0.29.11" textwrap = { version="0.15.0", features=["terminal_size"] } uucore = { version=">=0.0.16", package="uucore", path="src/uucore" } -zip = { version = "0.6.0", optional=true, default_features=false, features=["deflate"] } +zip = { version = "0.6.0", optional=true, default-features=false, features=["deflate"] } # * uutils base32 = { optional=true, version="0.0.16", package="oe_base32", path="src/oe/base32" } flock={optional = true,version = "0.0.1",package = "oe_flock",path = "src/oe/flock"} @@ -92,7 +94,7 @@ usleep = { optional=true, version="0.0.1", package="oe_usleep", path="src/oe/usl column = { optional=true, version="0.0.1", package="oe_column", path="src/oe/column" } setsid = { optional=true, version="0.0.1", package="oe_setsid", path="src/oe/setsid" } sha256sum = { optional=true, version="0.0.1", package="oe_sha256sum", path="src/oe/sha256sum" } - +dmidecode = { optional=true, version="0.0.1", package="oe_dmidecode", path="src/oe/dmidecode" } # this breaks clippy linting with: "tests/by-util/ No such file or directory (os error 2)" # factor_benches = { optional = true, version = "0.0.0", package = "uu_factor_benches", path = "tests/benches/factor" } @@ -120,6 +122,10 @@ atty = "0.2.0" hex-literal = "0.3.1" lazy_static = "1.4.0" nix = { version="0.27.1", features=["user"]} +assert_cmd = "2.0.13" +predicates = "3.0.4" + + [target.'cfg(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android"))'.dev-dependencies] procfs = { version = "0.14.0", default-features = false } diff --git a/src/oe/dmidecode/Cargo.toml b/src/oe/dmidecode/Cargo.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f4b56d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/oe/dmidecode/Cargo.toml @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +[package] +name = "oe_dmidecode" +version = "0.0.1" +authors = ["openeuler developers"] +license = "MulanPSL-2.0" +description = "base32 ~ decode/encode input (base32-encoding)" +homepage = "" +repository = "" +keywords = ["coreutils", "easybox", "util-linux", "cli", "utility"] +categories = ["command-line-utilities"] +edition = "2021" + +[dependencies] +structopt = { version = "0.3.25", default-features = true } +smbios-lib = "0.9.1" +enum-iterator = "2.0.0" +serde_json = "1.0.113" +uucore = { version=">=0.0.16", package="uucore", path="../../uucore", features = ["encoding"] } +clap = { version = "3.2.0", features = ["wrap_help", "cargo"] } + diff --git a/src/oe/dmidecode/LICENSE b/src/oe/dmidecode/LICENSE new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a589e86 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/oe/dmidecode/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ + 木兰宽松许可证, 第2版 + + 木兰宽松许可证, 第2版 + 2020年1月 + + + 您对“软件”的复制、使用、修改及分发受木兰宽松许可证,第2版(“本许可证”)的如下条款的约束: + + 0. 定义 + + “软件”是指由“贡献”构成的许可在“本许可证”下的程序和相关文档的集合。 + + “贡献”是指由任一“贡献者”许可在“本许可证”下的受版权法保护的作品。 + + “贡献者”是指将受版权法保护的作品许可在“本许可证”下的自然人或“法人实体”。 + + “法人实体”是指提交贡献的机构及其“关联实体”。 + + “关联实体”是指,对“本许可证”下的行为方而言,控制、受控制或与其共同受控制的机构,此处的控制是指有受控方或共同受控方至少50%直接或间接的投票权、资金或其他有价证券。 + + 1. 授予版权许可 + + 每个“贡献者”根据“本许可证”授予您永久性的、全球性的、免费的、非独占的、不可撤销的版权许可,您可以复制、使用、修改、分发其“贡献”,不论修改与否。 + + 2. 授予专利许可 + + 每个“贡献者”根据“本许可证”授予您永久性的、全球性的、免费的、非独占的、不可撤销的(根据本条规定撤销除外)专利许可,供您制造、委托制造、使用、许诺销售、销售、进口其“贡献”或以其他方式转移其“贡献”。前述专利许可仅限于“贡献者”现在或将来拥有或控制的其“贡献”本身或其“贡献”与许可“贡献”时的“软件”结合而将必然会侵犯的专利权利要求,不包括对“贡献”的修改或包含“贡献”的其他结合。如果您或您的“关联实体”直接或间接地,就“软件”或其中的“贡献”对任何人发起专利侵权诉讼(包括反诉或交叉诉讼)或其他专利维权行动,指控其侵犯专利权,则“本许可证”授予您对“软件”的专利许可自您提起诉讼或发起维权行动之日终止。 + + 3. 无商标许可 + + “本许可证”不提供对“贡献者”的商品名称、商标、服务标志或产品名称的商标许可,但您为满足第4条规定的声明义务而必须使用除外。 + + 4. 分发限制 + + 您可以在任何媒介中将“软件”以源程序形式或可执行形式重新分发,不论修改与否,但您必须向接收者提供“本许可证”的副本,并保留“软件”中的版权、商标、专利及免责声明。 + + 5. 免责声明与责任限制 + + “软件”及其中的“贡献”在提供时不带任何明示或默示的担保。在任何情况下,“贡献者”或版权所有者不对任何人因使用“软件”或其中的“贡献”而引发的任何直接或间接损失承担责任,不论因何种原因导致或者基于何种法律理论,即使其曾被建议有此种损失的可能性。 + + 6. 语言 + “本许可证”以中英文双语表述,中英文版本具有同等法律效力。如果中英文版本存在任何冲突不一致,以中文版为准。 + + 条款结束 + + 如何将木兰宽松许可证,第2版,应用到您的软件 + + 如果您希望将木兰宽松许可证,第2版,应用到您的新软件,为了方便接收者查阅,建议您完成如下三步: + + 1, 请您补充如下声明中的空白,包括软件名、软件的首次发表年份以及您作为版权人的名字; + + 2, 请您在软件包的一级目录下创建以“LICENSE”为名的文件,将整个许可证文本放入该文件中; + + 3, 请将如下声明文本放入每个源文件的头部注释中。 + + Copyright (c) [Year] [name of copyright holder] + [Software Name] is licensed under Mulan PSL v2. + You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PSL v2. + You may obtain a copy of Mulan PSL v2 at: + + THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details. + + + Mulan Permissive Software License,Version 2 + + Mulan Permissive Software License,Version 2 (Mulan PSL v2) + January 2020 + + Your reproduction, use, modification and distribution of the Software shall be subject to Mulan PSL v2 (this License) with the following terms and conditions: + + 0. Definition + + Software means the program and related documents which are licensed under this License and comprise all Contribution(s). + + Contribution means the copyrightable work licensed by a particular Contributor under this License. + + Contributor means the Individual or Legal Entity who licenses its copyrightable work under this License. + + Legal Entity means the entity making a Contribution and all its Affiliates. + + Affiliates means entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with the acting entity under this License, ‘control’ means direct or indirect ownership of at least fifty percent (50%) of the voting power, capital or other securities of controlled or commonly controlled entity. + + 1. Grant of Copyright License + + Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to you a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, use, modify, or distribute its Contribution, with modification or not. + + 2. Grant of Patent License + + Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to you a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, irrevocable (except for revocation under this Section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer for sale, sell, import or otherwise transfer its Contribution, where such patent license is only limited to the patent claims owned or controlled by such Contributor now or in future which will be necessarily infringed by its Contribution alone, or by combination of the Contribution with the Software to which the Contribution was contributed. The patent license shall not apply to any modification of the Contribution, and any other combination which includes the Contribution. If you or your Affiliates directly or indirectly institute patent litigation (including a cross claim or counterclaim in a litigation) or other patent enforcement activities against any individual or entity by alleging that the Software or any Contribution in it infringes patents, then any patent license granted to you under this License for the Software shall terminate as of the date such litigation or activity is filed or taken. + + 3. No Trademark License + + No trademark license is granted to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of Contributor, except as required to fulfill notice requirements in Section 4. + + 4. Distribution Restriction + + You may distribute the Software in any medium with or without modification, whether in source or executable forms, provided that you provide recipients with a copy of this License and retain copyright, patent, trademark and disclaimer statements in the Software. + + 5. Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability + + THE SOFTWARE AND CONTRIBUTION IN IT ARE PROVIDED WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ANY CONTRIBUTOR OR COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY DIRECT, OR INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM YOUR USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE OR THE CONTRIBUTION IN IT, NO MATTER HOW IT’S CAUSED OR BASED ON WHICH LEGAL THEORY, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + 6. Language + + THIS LICENSE IS WRITTEN IN BOTH CHINESE AND ENGLISH, AND THE CHINESE VERSION AND ENGLISH VERSION SHALL HAVE THE SAME LEGAL EFFECT. IN THE CASE OF DIVERGENCE BETWEEN THE CHINESE AND ENGLISH VERSIONS, THE CHINESE VERSION SHALL PREVAIL. + + END OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply the Mulan Permissive Software License,Version 2 (Mulan PSL v2) to Your Software + + To apply the Mulan PSL v2 to your work, for easy identification by recipients, you are suggested to complete following three steps: + + i Fill in the blanks in following statement, including insert your software name, the year of the first publication of your software, and your name identified as the copyright owner; + + ii Create a file named “LICENSE” which contains the whole context of this License in the first directory of your software package; + + iii Attach the statement to the appropriate annotated syntax at the beginning of each source file. + + + Copyright (c) [Year] [name of copyright holder] + [Software Name] is licensed under Mulan PSL v2. + You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PSL v2. + You may obtain a copy of Mulan PSL v2 at: + + THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details. diff --git a/src/oe/dmidecode/ b/src/oe/dmidecode/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..65571fc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/oe/dmidecode/ @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +# dmidecode + +## Usage +``` +oe-dmidecode [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] + +FLAGS: + -h, --help + Prints help information + + -j, --json + Display output in JSON compact format + + --json-pretty + Display output in JSON pretty print format + + -l, --list + List supported DMI string + + --no-sysfs + Do not attempt to read DMI data from sysfs files. + + This is mainly useful for debugging. + -q, --quiet + Less verbose output + + -u, --dump + Do not decode the entries, dump their contents as hexadecimal instead. + + Note that this is still a text output, no binary data will be thrown upon you. The strings attached to each + entry are displayed as both hexadecimal and ASCII. This option is mainly useful for debugging. + -V, --version + Prints version information + + +OPTIONS: + -d, --dev-mem + Read memory from device FILE (default: /dev/mem) + + -t, --type ... + Only display the entries of given type + + Supply one or more keywords, one or more type values, + or a combination of the two. + + Keyword Types + ------------------------------ + bios 0, 13 + system 1, 12, 15, 23, 32 + baseboard 2, 10, 41 + chassis 3 + processor 4 + memory 5, 6, 16, 17 + cache 7 + connector 8 + slot 9 + -H, --handle + Only display the entry whose handle matches `handle`. `handle` is a 16-bit integer in either a decimal or a + hexadecimal (0xN) form + --from-dump + Read the DMI data from a binary file + + -s, --string + Only display the value of the DMI string identified by `keyword`. + + `keyword` must be a keyword from the following list: bios-vendor, bios-version, bios-release-date, system- + manufacturer, system- product-name, system-version, system-serial-number, system-uuid, system-family, + baseboard-manufacturer, baseboard-product-name, baseboard-version, baseboard-serial-number, baseboard-asset- + tag, chassis-manufacturer, chassis-type, chassis-version, chassis- serial-number, chassis- + asset-tag, processor-family, processor- manufacturer, processor-version, processor-frequency. Each + keyword corresponds to a given DMI type and a given offset within this entry type. Not all strings may be + meaningful or even defined on all systems. Some keywords may return more than one result on some systems + (e.g. processor-version on a multi- processor system). If KEYWORD is not provided or not valid, a list of + all valid keywords is printed and dmidecode exits with an error. This option cannot be used more than once. + + Note: on Linux, most of these strings can alternatively be read directly from sysfs, typically from files + under /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id. Most of these files are even readable by regular users. + --oem-string + Only display the value of the OEM string number N. The first OEM string has number 1. With special value + "count", return the number of OEM strings instead + --dump-bin + Dump the DMI data to a binary file +``` + +## About + +dmidecode is a command-line tool used to extract and display hardware information from the system's DMI (Desktop Management Interface) tables. These tables contain detailed data about various hardware components, such as BIOS, system, baseboard, chassis, and more. This tool is commonly used for hardware diagnostics, system auditing, and inventory management. + +Key Features + +Information Extraction: Reads and displays information from the DMI tables, providing details about the system's hardware components. +Output Formats: Supports output in human-readable text format and JSON format (both compact and pretty-printed options available). +Filtering Options: Allows filtering of the output to display only specific types of entries, such as BIOS or processor information, or specific handles. +Debugging Tools: Offers the ability to dump the contents of the DMI tables in hexadecimal format, which can be useful for debugging and detailed analysis. +Use Cases + +dmidecode is particularly useful for system administrators, hardware engineers, and IT professionals who need to quickly access detailed information about a computer's hardware without opening the case or accessing the hardware physically. It is also valuable for software that needs to gather hardware information programmatically for inventory or compliance purposes. diff --git a/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ b/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad09638 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ @@ -0,0 +1,2428 @@ +//! This file is part of the uutils coreutils package. +// +// (c) QianHuilan +// +// For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file +// that was distributed with this source code. +#![allow(clippy::single_match)] +use std::convert::TryInto; + +use crate::dmifn::*; +use smbioslib::*; + +pub const OUT_OF_SPEC: &str = ""; +const BYTES: &str = "bytes"; +const KB: &str = "kB"; +const MB: &str = "MB"; +const GB: &str = "GB"; +pub const OTHER: &str = "Other"; +pub const UNKNOWN: &str = "Unknown"; +pub const NONE: &str = "None"; + +pub fn default_dump(smbios_data: &SMBiosData, quiet: bool) { + for undefined_struct in smbios_data.iter() { + /* + # dmidecode 3.1 + Getting SMBIOS data from sysfs. + SMBIOS 2.3 present. + 338 structures occupying 17307 bytes. + Table at 0x000F93D0. + + Handle 0x0000, DMI type 0, 20 bytes + BIOS Information + Vendor: American Megatrends Inc. + Version: 090008 + Release Date: 12/07/2018 + Address: 0xF0000 + Runtime Size: 64 kB + ROM Size: 256 kB + Characteristics: + ISA is supported + PCI is supported + PNP is supported + */ + println!(); + + dump_undefined_struct(undefined_struct, smbios_data.version, quiet); + } + println!(); +} + +pub fn dump_undefined_struct( + undefined_struct: &UndefinedStruct, + bios_version: Option, + quiet: bool, +) { + println!( + "Handle {:#06X}, DMI type {}, {} bytes", + *undefined_struct.header.handle(), + undefined_struct.header.struct_type(), + undefined_struct.fields.len() + ); + match undefined_struct.defined_struct() { + DefinedStruct::Information(data) => { + println!("BIOS Information"); + if let Some(vendor) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.vendor()) { + println!("\tVendor: {}", vendor); + } + if let Some(version) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.version()) { + println!("\tVersion: {}", version); + } + if let Some(release_date) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.release_date()) { + println!("\tRelease Date: {}", release_date); + } + + /* + * On IA-64, the BIOS base address will read 0 because + * there is no BIOS. Skip the base address and the + * runtime size in this case. + */ + if let Some(starting_address_segment) = data.starting_address_segment() { + if starting_address_segment != 0 { + println!("\tAddress: {:#06X}0", starting_address_segment); + + let mut code = (0x10000u32 - starting_address_segment as u32) << 4; + let units; + if code & 0x000003FF != 0 { + units = BYTES; + } else { + units = KB; + code >>= 10; + } + println!("\tRuntime Size: {} {}", code, units); + } + } + + let rom_size = data.extended_rom_size().or(data.rom_size()); + if let Some(rom_size) = rom_size { + print!("\tROM Size: "); + match rom_size { + RomSize::Kilobytes(size) => println!("{} {}", size, KB), + RomSize::Megabytes(size) => println!("{} {}", size, MB), + RomSize::Gigabytes(size) => println!("{} {}", size, GB), + RomSize::Undefined(data) => println!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, data), + // Spec < 3.1.0 + RomSize::SeeExtendedRomSize => println!("{} {}", 16, MB), + } + } + + println!("\tCharacteristics:"); + if let Some(characteristics) = data.characteristics() { + // This isn't very clear what this bit is supposed to mean + if characteristics.bios_characteristics_not_supported() { + println!("\t\tBIOS characteristics not supported"); + } else { + if characteristics.isa_supported() { + println!("\t\tISA is supported"); + } + if characteristics.mca_supported() { + println!("\t\tMCA is supported"); + } + if characteristics.eisa_supported() { + println!("\t\tEISA is supported"); + } + if characteristics.pci_supported() { + println!("\t\tPCI is supported"); + } + if characteristics.pcmcia_supported() { + println!("\t\tPC Card (PCMCIA) is supported"); + } + if characteristics.plug_and_play_supported() { + println!("\t\tPNP is supported"); + } + if characteristics.apm_supported() { + println!("\t\tAPM is supported"); + } + if characteristics.bios_upgradeable() { + println!("\t\tBIOS is upgradeable"); + } + if characteristics.bios_shadowing_allowed() { + println!("\t\tBIOS shadowing is allowed"); + } + if characteristics.vlvesa_supported() { + println!("\t\tVLB is supported"); + } + if characteristics.escd_support_available() { + println!("\t\tESCD support is available"); + } + if characteristics.boot_from_cdsupported() { + println!("\t\tBoot from CD is supported"); + } + if characteristics.selectable_boot_supported() { + println!("\t\tSelectable boot is supported"); + } + if characteristics.bios_rom_socketed() { + println!("\t\tBIOS ROM is socketed"); + } + if characteristics.boot_from_pcmcia_supported() { + println!("\t\tBoot from PC Card (PCMCIA) is supported"); + } + if characteristics.edd_specification_supported() { + println!("\t\tEDD is supported"); + } + if characteristics.floppy_nec_japanese_supported() { + println!("\t\tJapanese floppy for NEC 9800 1.2 MB is supported (int 13h)"); + } + if characteristics.floppy_toshiba_japanese_supported() { + println!("\t\tJapanese floppy for Toshiba 1.2 MB is supported (int 13h)"); + } + if characteristics.floppy_525_360_supported() { + println!("\t\t5.25\"/360 kB floppy services are supported (int 13h)"); + } + if characteristics.floppy_525_12_supported() { + println!("\t\t5.25\"/1.2 MB floppy services are supported (int 13h)"); + } + if characteristics.floppy_35_720_supported() { + println!("\t\t3.5\"/720 kB floppy services are supported (int 13h)"); + } + if characteristics.floppy_35_288_supported() { + println!("\t\t3.5\"/2.88 MB floppy services are supported (int 13h)"); + } + if characteristics.print_screen_service_supported() { + println!("\t\tPrint screen service is supported (int 5h)"); + } + if characteristics.keyboard_8042services_supported() { + println!("\t\t8042 keyboard services are supported (int 9h)"); + } + if characteristics.serial_services_supported() { + println!("\t\tSerial services are supported (int 14h)"); + } + if characteristics.printer_services_supported() { + println!("\t\tPrinter services are supported (int 17h)"); + } + if characteristics.cga_mono_video_services_supported() { + println!("\t\tCGA/mono video services are supported (int 10h)"); + } + if characteristics.nec_pc_98supported() { + println!("\t\tNEC PC-98"); + } + } + } + + if let Some(characteristics) = data.characteristics_extension0() { + if characteristics.acpi_is_supported() { + println!("\t\tACPI is supported"); + } + if characteristics.usb_legacy_is_supported() { + println!("\t\tUSB legacy is supported"); + } + if characteristics.i2oboot_is_supported() { + println!("\t\tI2O boot is supported"); + } + if characteristics.ls120super_disk_boot_is_supported() { + println!("\t\tLS-120 boot is supported"); + } + if characteristics.atapi_zip_drive_boot_is_supported() { + println!("\t\tATAPI Zip drive boot is supported"); + } + if characteristics.boot_1394is_supported() { + println!("\t\tIEEE 1394 boot is supported"); + } + if characteristics.smart_battery_is_supported() { + println!("\t\tSmart battery is supported"); + } + } + + if let Some(characteristics) = data.characteristics_extension1() { + if characteristics.bios_boot_specification_is_supported() { + println!("\t\tBIOS boot specification is supported"); + } + if characteristics.fkey_initiated_network_boot_is_supported() { + println!("\t\tFunction key-initiated network boot is supported"); + } + if characteristics.targeted_content_distribution_is_supported() { + println!("\t\tTargeted content distribution is supported"); + } + if characteristics.uefi_specification_is_supported() { + println!("\t\tUEFI is supported"); + } + if characteristics.smbios_table_describes_avirtual_machine() { + println!("\t\tSystem is a virtual machine"); + } + } + + match ( + data.system_bios_major_release(), + data.system_bios_minor_release(), + ) { + (Some(major_release), Some(minor_release)) => { + if major_release != 0xFF && minor_release != 0xFF { + println!("\tBIOS Revision: {}.{}", major_release, minor_release); + } + } + _ => {} + } + + match ( + data.e_c_firmware_major_release(), + data.e_c_firmware_minor_release(), + ) { + (Some(major_release), Some(minor_release)) => { + if major_release != 0xFF && minor_release != 0xFF { + println!("\tFirmware Revision: {}.{}", major_release, minor_release); + } + } + _ => {} + } + } + DefinedStruct::SystemInformation(data) => { + println!("System Information"); + if let Some(manufacturer) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.manufacturer()) { + println!("\tManufacturer: {}", manufacturer); + } + if let Some(product_name) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.product_name()) { + println!("\tProduct Name: {}", product_name); + } + if let Some(version) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.version()) { + println!("\tVersion: {}", version); + } + if let Some(serial_number) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.serial_number()) { + println!("\tSerial Number: {}", serial_number); + } + if let Some(uuid) = data.uuid() { + print!("\tUUID: "); + match uuid { + SystemUuidData::IdNotPresentButSettable => { + println!("Not Present"); + } + SystemUuidData::IdNotPresent => { + println!("Not Settable"); + } + SystemUuidData::Uuid(val) => { + /* + * As of version 2.6 of the SMBIOS specification, the first 3 + * fields of the UUID are supposed to be encoded on little-endian. + * The specification says that this is the defacto standard, + * however I've seen systems following RFC 4122 instead and use + * network byte order, so I am reluctant to apply the byte-swapping + * for older versions. + */ + + let two_six_version = SMBiosVersion { + major: 2, + minor: 6, + revision: 0, + }; + if let Some(version) = bios_version { + if version < two_six_version { + let p = val.raw; + println!("{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}-{:02x}{:02x}-{:02x}{:02x}-{:02x}{:02x}-{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}", + p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7], p[8], p[9], p[10], p[11], p[12], p[13], p[14], p[15]); + } else { + println!("{}", val); + } + } else { + println!("{}", val); + } + } + } + } + + if let Some(wakeup_type) = data.wakeup_type() { + print!("\tWake-up Type: "); + match wakeup_type.value { + SystemWakeUpType::Other => { + println!("{}", OTHER); + } + SystemWakeUpType::Unknown => { + println!("{}", UNKNOWN); + } + SystemWakeUpType::ApmTimer => { + println!("APM Timer"); + } + SystemWakeUpType::ModernRing => { + println!("Modem Ring"); + } + SystemWakeUpType::LanRemote => { + println!("LAN Remote"); + } + SystemWakeUpType::PowerSwitch => { + println!("Power Switch"); + } + SystemWakeUpType::PciPme => { + println!("PCI PME#"); + } + SystemWakeUpType::ACPowerRestored => { + println!("AC Power Restored"); + } + SystemWakeUpType::None => { + println!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, wakeup_type.raw); + } + } + } + if let Some(sku_number) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.sku_number()) { + println!("\tSKU Number: {}", sku_number); + } + if let Some(family) = dmidecode_string_val(& { + println!("\tFamily: {}", family); + } + } + DefinedStruct::BaseBoardInformation(data) => { + println!("Base Board Information"); + if let Some(manufacturer) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.manufacturer()) { + println!("\tManufacturer: {}", manufacturer); + } + if let Some(product) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.product()) { + println!("\tProduct Name: {}", product); + } + if let Some(version) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.version()) { + println!("\tVersion: {}", version); + } + if let Some(serial_number) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.serial_number()) { + println!("\tSerial Number: {}", serial_number); + } + if let Some(asset_tag) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.asset_tag()) { + println!("\tAsset Tag: {}", asset_tag); + } + if let Some(feature_flags) = data.feature_flags() { + println!("\tFeatures:"); + if feature_flags.hosting_board() { + println!("\t\tBoard is a hosting board"); + } + if feature_flags.requires_daughterboard() { + println!("\t\tBoard requires at least one daughter board"); + } + if feature_flags.is_removable() { + println!("\t\tBoard is removable"); + } + if feature_flags.is_replaceable() { + println!("\t\tBoard is replaceable"); + } + if feature_flags.is_hot_swappable() { + println!("\t\tBoard is hot swappable"); + } + } + if let Some(location_in_chassis) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.location_in_chassis()) { + println!("\tLocation In Chassis: {}", location_in_chassis); + } + if !quiet { + if let Some(chassis_handle) = data.chassis_handle() { + println!("\tChassis Handle: {:#06X}", chassis_handle.0); + } + } + if let Some(board_type) = data.board_type() { + print!("\tType: "); + match board_type.value { + BoardType::Unknown => { + println!("{}", UNKNOWN); + } + BoardType::Other => { + println!("{}", OTHER); + } + BoardType::ServerBlade => { + println!("Server Blade"); + } + BoardType::ConnectivitySwitch => { + println!("Connectivity Switch"); + } + BoardType::SystemManagementModule => { + println!("System Management Module"); + } + BoardType::ProcessorModule => { + println!("Processor Module"); + } + BoardType::IOModule => { + println!("I/O Module"); + } + BoardType::MemoryModule => { + println!("Memory Module"); + } + BoardType::Daughterboard => { + println!("Daughter Board"); + } + BoardType::Motherboard => { + println!("Motherboard"); + } + BoardType::ProcessorMemoryModule => { + println!("Processor+Memory Module"); + } + BoardType::ProcessorIOModule => { + println!("Processor+I/O Module"); + } + BoardType::InterconnectBoard => { + println!("Interconnect Board"); + } + BoardType::None => { + println!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, board_type.raw); + } + } + } + + if !quiet { + if let Some(handle_count) = data.number_of_contained_object_handles() { + println!("\tContained Object Handles: {}", handle_count); + if handle_count > 0 { + for handle in data.contained_object_handle_iterator() { + println!("\t\t{:#06X}", handle.0); + } + } + } + } + } + DefinedStruct::SystemChassisInformation(data) => { + println!("Chassis Information"); + if let Some(manufacturer) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.manufacturer()) { + println!("\tManufacturer: {}", manufacturer); + } + if let Some(chassis_type) = data.chassis_type() { + print!("\tType: "); + let print = match chassis_type.value { + ChassisType::Other => OTHER, + ChassisType::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + ChassisType::Desktop => "Desktop", + ChassisType::LowProfileDesktop => "Low Profile Desktop", + ChassisType::PizzaBox => "Pizza Box", + ChassisType::MiniTower => "Mini Tower", + ChassisType::Tower => "Tower", + ChassisType::Portable => "Portable", + ChassisType::Laptop => "Laptop", + ChassisType::Notebook => "Notebook", + ChassisType::HandHeld => "Hand Held", + ChassisType::DockingStation => "Docking Station", + ChassisType::AllInOne => "All In One", + ChassisType::SubNotebook => "Sub Notebook", + ChassisType::SpaceSaving => "Space-saving", + ChassisType::LunchBox => "Lunch Box", + ChassisType::MainServerChassis => "Main Server Chassis", + ChassisType::ExpansionChassis => "Expansion Chassis", + ChassisType::SubChassis => "Sub Chassis", + ChassisType::BusExpansionChassis => "Bus Expansion Chassis", + ChassisType::PeripheralChassis => "Peripheral Chassis", + ChassisType::RaidChassis => "RAID Chassis", + ChassisType::RackMountChassis => "Rack Mount Chassis", + ChassisType::SealedCasePC => "Sealed-case PC", + ChassisType::MultiSystemChassis => "Multi-system", + ChassisType::CompactPci => "CompactPCI", + ChassisType::AdvancedTca => "AdvancedTCA", + ChassisType::Blade => "Blade", + ChassisType::BladeEnclosure => "Blade Enclosing", + ChassisType::Tablet => "Tablet", + ChassisType::Convertible => "Convertible", + ChassisType::Detachable => "Detachable", + ChassisType::IoTGateway => "IoT Gateway", + ChassisType::EmbeddedPC => "Embedded PC", + ChassisType::MiniPC => "Mini PC", + ChassisType::StickPC => "Stick PC", + ChassisType::None => "", + }; + + if print.is_empty() { + println!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, chassis_type.raw); + } else { + println!("{}", print); + } + + print!("\tLock: "); + if chassis_type.raw & 0x80 == 0x80 { + println!("Present"); + } else { + println!("Not Present"); + } + } + if let Some(version) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.version()) { + println!("\tVersion: {}", version); + } + if let Some(serial_number) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.serial_number()) { + println!("\tSerial Number: {}", serial_number); + } + if let Some(asset_tag_number) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.asset_tag_number()) { + println!("\tAsset Tag: {}", asset_tag_number); + } + if let Some(bootup_state) = data.bootup_state() { + println!("\tBoot-up State: {}", dmi_chassis_state(bootup_state)); + } + if let Some(power_supply_state) = data.power_supply_state() { + println!( + "\tPower Supply State: {}", + dmi_chassis_state(power_supply_state) + ); + } + + if let Some(thermal_state) = data.thermal_state() { + println!("\tThermal State: {}", dmi_chassis_state(thermal_state)); + } + + if let Some(security_status) = data.security_status() { + println!( + "\tSecurity Status: {}", + match security_status.value { + ChassisSecurityStatus::Other => OTHER.to_string(), + ChassisSecurityStatus::Unknown => UNKNOWN.to_string(), + ChassisSecurityStatus::StatusNone => NONE.to_string(), + ChassisSecurityStatus::ExternalInterfaceLockedOut => + "External Interface Locked Out".to_string(), + ChassisSecurityStatus::ExternalInterfaceEnabled => + "External Interface Enabled".to_string(), + ChassisSecurityStatus::None => + format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, security_status.raw), + } + ); + } + if let Some(oem_defined) = data.oem_defined() { + println!("\tOEM Information: {:#010X}", oem_defined); + } + if let Some(height) = data.height() { + match height { + ChassisHeight::Unspecified => { + println!("\tHeight: Unspecified"); + } + ChassisHeight::U(units) => { + println!("\tHeight: {} U", units); + } + } + } + if let Some(number_of_power_cords) = data.number_of_power_cords() { + match number_of_power_cords { + PowerCords::Unspecified => { + println!("\tNumber Of Power Cords: Unspecified"); + } + PowerCords::Count(count) => { + println!("\tNumber Of Power Cords: {}", count); + } + } + } + if let Some(contained_element_count) = data.contained_element_count() { + println!("\tContained Elements: {}", contained_element_count); + if let Some(elements) = data.contained_elements() { + for element in elements.into_iter() { + let type_description = match element.element_type() { + ElementType::BaseboardType(baseboard_type) => { + match baseboard_type.value { + BoardType::Unknown => UNKNOWN.to_string(), + BoardType::Other => OTHER.to_string(), + BoardType::ServerBlade => "ServerBlade".to_string(), + BoardType::ConnectivitySwitch => { + "Connectivity Switch".to_string() + } + BoardType::SystemManagementModule => { + "System Management Module".to_string() + } + BoardType::ProcessorModule => "Processor Module".to_string(), + BoardType::IOModule => "I/O Module".to_string(), + BoardType::MemoryModule => "Memory Module".to_string(), + BoardType::Daughterboard => "Daughter Board".to_string(), + BoardType::Motherboard => "Motherboard".to_string(), + BoardType::ProcessorMemoryModule => { + "Processor Memory Module".to_string() + } + BoardType::ProcessorIOModule => { + "Processor+I/O Module".to_string() + } + BoardType::InterconnectBoard => "InterconnectBoard".to_string(), + BoardType::None => { + format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, baseboard_type.raw) + .to_string() + } + } + } + ElementType::SMBiosType(bios_type) => { + dmi_smbios_structure_type(*bios_type) + } + }; + match (element.element_minimum(), element.element_maximum()) { + (ElementMinimum::Count(minimum), ElementMaximum::Count(maximum)) => { + let range = match minimum == maximum { + true => format!("{}", minimum), + false => format!("{}-{}", minimum, maximum), + }; + println!("\t\t{} {}", type_description, range); + } + _ => (), + } + } + } + } + if let Some(sku_number) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.sku_number()) { + println!("\tSKU Number: {}", sku_number); + } + } + DefinedStruct::ProcessorInformation(data) => { + println!("Processor Information"); + if let Some(socket_designation) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.socket_designation()) { + println!("\tSocket Designation: {}", socket_designation); + } + if let Some(processor_type) = data.processor_type() { + println!("\tType: {}", dmi_processor_type(processor_type)); + } + if let Some(processor_family) = data.processor_family() { + if processor_family.value == ProcessorFamily::SeeProcessorFamily2 { + if let Some(processor_family_2) = data.processor_family_2() { + println!( + "\tFamily: {}", + dmi_processor_family(processor_family_2.value, processor_family_2.raw) + ); + } + } else { + println!( + "\tFamily: {}", + dmi_processor_family(processor_family.value, processor_family.raw as u16) + ); + } + } + if let Some(processor_manufacturer) = + dmidecode_string_val(&data.processor_manufacturer()) + { + println!("\tManufacturer: {}", processor_manufacturer); + } + + dmi_processor_id(&data); + + if let Some(processor_version) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.processor_version()) { + println!("\tVersion: {}", processor_version); + } + if let Some(voltage) = data.voltage() { + print!("\tVoltage: "); + match voltage { + ProcessorVoltage::CurrentVolts(volts) => println!("{:.1} V", volts), + ProcessorVoltage::SupportedVolts(supported) => { + let voltages = supported.voltages(); + match voltages.is_empty() { + true => print!("{}", UNKNOWN), + false => { + let mut iter = voltages.iter(); + print!("{:.1} V",; + for voltage in iter { + // Insert space if not the first value + print!(" {:.1} V", voltage); + } + println!(); + } + } + } + } + } + if let Some(external_clock) = data.external_clock() { + print!("\tExternal Clock: "); + match external_clock { + ProcessorExternalClock::Unknown => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + ProcessorExternalClock::MHz(mhz) => println!("{} MHz", mhz), + } + } + if let Some(max_speed) = data.max_speed() { + print!("\tMax Speed: "); + match max_speed { + ProcessorSpeed::Unknown => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + ProcessorSpeed::MHz(mhz) => println!("{} MHz", mhz), + } + } + if let Some(current_speed) = data.current_speed() { + print!("\tCurrent Speed: "); + match current_speed { + ProcessorSpeed::Unknown => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + ProcessorSpeed::MHz(mhz) => println!("{} MHz", mhz), + } + } + if let Some(status) = data.status() { + print!("\tStatus: "); + match status.socket_populated() { + true => { + print!("Populated, "); + let print = match status.cpu_status() { + CpuStatus::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + CpuStatus::Enabled => "Enabled", + CpuStatus::UserDisabled => "Disabled by User", + CpuStatus::BiosDisabled => "Disabled by BIOS", + CpuStatus::Idle => "Idle", + CpuStatus::Other => OTHER, + CpuStatus::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => println!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, status.raw), + false => println!("{}", print), + } + } + false => println!("Unpopulated"), + } + } + if let Some(processor_upgrade) = data.processor_upgrade() { + println!("\tUpgrade: {0}", dmi_processor_upgrade(processor_upgrade)); + } + if !quiet { + if let Some(handle) = data.l1cache_handle() { + dmi_processor_cache("L1 Cache Handle", handle, "L1", bios_version); + } + if let Some(handle) = data.l2cache_handle() { + dmi_processor_cache("L2 Cache Handle", handle, "L2", bios_version); + } + if let Some(handle) = data.l3cache_handle() { + dmi_processor_cache("L3 Cache Handle", handle, "L3", bios_version); + } + } + if let Some(serial_number) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.serial_number()) { + println!("\tSerial Number: {}", serial_number); + } + if let Some(asset_tag) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.asset_tag()) { + println!("\tAsset Tag: {}", asset_tag); + } + if let Some(part_number) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.part_number()) { + println!("\tPart Number: {}", part_number); + } + if let Some(core_count) = data.core_count() { + print!("\tCore Count: "); + match core_count { + CoreCount::Unknown => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + CoreCount::Count(count) => println!("{}", count), + CoreCount::SeeCoreCount2 => match data.core_count_2() { + Some(core_count_2) => match core_count_2 { + CoreCount2::Unknown => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + CoreCount2::Count(count) => println!("{}", count), + CoreCount2::Reserved => println!("Reserved"), + }, + // CoreCount said to read CoreCount2 but CoreCount2 does not exist. + None => println!("Error"), + }, + } + } + if let Some(cores_enabled) = data.cores_enabled() { + print!("\tCore Enabled: "); + match cores_enabled { + CoresEnabled::Unknown => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + CoresEnabled::Count(count) => println!("{}", count), + CoresEnabled::SeeCoresEnabled2 => match data.cores_enabled_2() { + Some(cores_enabled_2) => match cores_enabled_2 { + CoresEnabled2::Unknown => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + CoresEnabled2::Count(count) => println!("{}", count), + CoresEnabled2::Reserved => println!("Reserved"), + }, + // CoreEnabled said to read CoreEnabled2 but CoreEnabled2 does not exist. + None => println!("Error"), + }, + } + } + if let Some(thread_count) = data.thread_count() { + print!("\tThread Count: "); + match thread_count { + ThreadCount::Unknown => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + ThreadCount::Count(count) => println!("{}", count), + ThreadCount::SeeThreadCount2 => match data.thread_count_2() { + Some(thread_count_2) => match thread_count_2 { + ThreadCount2::Unknown => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + ThreadCount2::Count(count) => println!("{}", count), + ThreadCount2::Reserved => println!("Reserved"), + }, + // ThreadCount said to read ThreadCount2 but ThreadCount2 does not exist. + None => println!("Error"), + }, + } + } + if let Some(processor_characteristics) = data.processor_characteristics() { + dmi_processor_characteristics(processor_characteristics); + } + } + DefinedStruct::MemoryControllerInformation(data) => { + println!("Memory Controller Information"); + if let Some(error_detecting_method) = data.error_detecting_method() { + println!( + "\tError Detecting Method: {}", + dmi_memory_controller_ed_method(error_detecting_method) + ); + } + if let Some(error_correcting_capabilities) = data.error_correcting_capability() { + dmi_memory_controller_ec_capabilities( + "Error Correcting Capabilities", + error_correcting_capabilities, + ); + } + if let Some(supported_interleave) = data.supported_interleave() { + println!( + "\tSupported Interleave: {}", + dmi_memory_controller_interleave(supported_interleave) + ); + } + if let Some(current_interleave) = data.current_interleave() { + println!( + "\tCurrent Interleave: {}", + dmi_memory_controller_interleave(current_interleave) + ); + } + + match ( + data.maximum_memory_module_size(), + data.number_of_associated_memory_slots(), + ) { + (Some(size_power), Some(count)) => { + if let Some(module_size_mb) = 0x1u128.checked_shl(size_power as u32) { + println!("\tMaximum Memory Module Size: {} MB", module_size_mb); + if let Some(modules_total_size_mb) = + module_size_mb.checked_mul(count as u128) + { + println!("\tMaximum Total Memory Size: {} MB", modules_total_size_mb); + } + } + } + _ => (), + } + if let Some(supported_speeds) = data.supported_speeds() { + dmi_memory_controller_speeds(supported_speeds); + } + if let Some(supported_memory_types) = data.supported_memory_types() { + dmi_memory_module_types("Supported Memory Types", supported_memory_types, false); + } + + dmi_memory_controller_slots(data.memory_module_handle_iterator()); + + for capability in data.error_correcting_capabilities_iterator() { + dmi_memory_controller_ec_capabilities( + "Enabled Error Correcting Capabilities", + capability, + ); + } + } + DefinedStruct::MemoryModuleInformation(data) => { + println!("Memory Module Information"); + if let Some(socket_designation) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.socket_designation()) { + println!("\tSocket Designation: {}", socket_designation); + } + if let Some(bank_connections) = data.bank_connections() { + dmi_memory_module_connections(bank_connections); + } + if let Some(current_speed) = data.current_speed() { + dmi_memory_module_speed("Current Speed", current_speed); + } + if let Some(current_memory_type) = data.current_memory_type() { + dmi_memory_module_types("Type", current_memory_type, true); + } + if let Some(installed_size) = data.installed_size() { + dmi_memory_module_size("Installed Size", installed_size); + } + if let Some(enabled_size) = data.enabled_size() { + dmi_memory_module_size("Enabled Size", enabled_size); + } + if let Some(error_status) = data.error_status() { + dmi_memory_module_error(error_status); + } + } + DefinedStruct::CacheInformation(data) => { + println!("Cache Information"); + if let Some(socket_designation) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.socket_designation()) { + println!("\tSocket Designation: {}", socket_designation); + } + if let Some(cache_configuration) = data.cache_configuration() { + println!( + "\tConfiguration: {}, {}, Level {}", + match cache_configuration.enabled_at_boot() { + true => "Enabled", + false => "Disabled", + }, + match cache_configuration.cache_socketed() { + true => "Socketed", + false => "Not Socketed", + }, + cache_configuration.cache_level() + ); + println!( + "\tOperational Mode: {}", + match cache_configuration.operational_mode() { + CacheOperationalMode::WriteThrough => "Write Through", + CacheOperationalMode::WriteBack => "Write Back", + CacheOperationalMode::VariesWithMemoryAddress => + "Varies WithMemory Address", + CacheOperationalMode::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + } + ); + println!( + "\tLocation: {}", + match cache_configuration.location() { + CacheLocation::Internal => "Internal", + CacheLocation::External => "External", + CacheLocation::Reserved => "Reserved", + CacheLocation::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + } + ); + } + dmi_cache_size( + "Installed Size", + data.installed_size(), + data.installed_cache_size_2(), + ); + dmi_cache_size( + "Maximum Size", + data.maximum_cache_size(), + data.maximum_cache_size_2(), + ); + + if let Some(supported_sram_type) = data.supported_sram_type() { + dmi_cache_types("Supported SRAM Types", supported_sram_type, false); + } + if let Some(current_sram_type) = data.current_sram_type() { + dmi_cache_types("Installed SRAM Type", current_sram_type, true); + } + if let Some(cache_speed) = data.cache_speed() { + dmi_memory_module_speed("Speed", cache_speed); + } + if let Some(error_correction_type) = data.error_correction_type() { + println!( + "\tError Correction Type: {}", + dmi_cache_ec_type(error_correction_type) + ); + } + if let Some(system_cache_type) = data.system_cache_type() { + println!("\tSystem Type: {}", dmi_cache_type(system_cache_type)); + } + if let Some(associativity) = data.associativity() { + println!( + "\tAssociativity: {}", + dmi_cache_associativity(associativity) + ); + } + } + DefinedStruct::PortConnectorInformation(data) => { + println!("Port Connector Information"); + if let Some(internal_reference_designator) = + dmidecode_string_val(&data.internal_reference_designator()) + { + println!( + "\tInternal Reference Designator: {}", + internal_reference_designator + ); + } + if let Some(internal_connector_type) = data.internal_connector_type() { + println!( + "\tInternal Connector Type: {}", + dmi_port_connector_type(&internal_connector_type) + ); + } + if let Some(external_reference_designator) = + dmidecode_string_val(&data.external_reference_designator()) + { + println!( + "\tExternal Reference Designator: {}", + external_reference_designator + ); + } + if let Some(external_connector_type) = data.external_connector_type() { + println!( + "\tExternal Connector Type: {}", + dmi_port_connector_type(&external_connector_type) + ); + } + if let Some(port_type) = data.port_type() { + println!("\tPort Type: {}", dmi_port_type(&port_type)); + } + } + DefinedStruct::SystemSlot(data) => { + println!("System Slot Information"); + if let Some(slot_designation) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.slot_designation()) { + println!("\tDesignation: {}", slot_designation); + } + match (data.slot_data_bus_width(), data.system_slot_type()) { + (Some(slot_data_bus_width), Some(system_slot_type)) => { + println!( + "\tType: {} {}", + dmi_slot_bus_width(&slot_data_bus_width), + dmi_slot_type(&system_slot_type) + ); + } + _ => (), + } + if let Some(current_usage) = data.current_usage() { + println!( + "\tCurrent Usage: {}", + dmi_slot_current_usage(¤t_usage) + ); + } + if let Some(slot_length) = data.slot_length() { + println!("\tLength: {}", dmi_slot_length(&slot_length)); + } + match (data.slot_id(), data.system_slot_type()) { + (Some(slot_id), Some(slot_type)) => match slot_type.value { + SystemSlotType::Mca => println!("\tID: {}", slot_id.byte_0()), + SystemSlotType::Isa => println!("\tID: {}", slot_id.byte_0()), + SystemSlotType::Pci => println!("\tID: {}", slot_id.byte_0()), + SystemSlotType::Agp(_) => println!("\tID: {}", slot_id.byte_0()), + SystemSlotType::PciX => println!("\tID: {}", slot_id.byte_0()), + SystemSlotType::PciExpress(_, _) => println!("\tID: {}", slot_id.byte_0()), + SystemSlotType::Pcmcia => println!( + "\tID: Adapter {}, Socket {}", + slot_id.byte_0(), + slot_id.byte_1() + ), + _ => (), + }, + _ => (), + } + dmi_slot_characteristics( + "Characteristics", + &data.slot_characteristics_1(), + &data.slot_characteristics_2(), + ); + match ( + data.segment_group_number(), + data.bus_number(), + data.device_function_number(), + ) { + (Some(segment_group_number), Some(bus_number), Some(device_function_number)) => { + dmi_slot_segment_bus_func( + &segment_group_number, + &bus_number, + &device_function_number, + ); + } + _ => (), + } + if let Some(data_bus_width) = data.data_bus_width() { + println!("\tData Bus Width: {}", data_bus_width); + } + if let Some(peer_group_count) = data.peer_group_count() { + println!("\tPeer Devices: {}", peer_group_count); + } + for slot_peer_group in data.peer_group_iterator().enumerate() { + let device_function_number = slot_peer_group + .1 + .device_function_number() + .unwrap_or_default(); + println!( + "\tPeer Device {}: {:04x}:{:02x}:{:02x}.{:x} (Width {})", + slot_peer_group.0 + 1, + slot_peer_group.1.segment_group_number().unwrap_or_default(), + slot_peer_group.1.bus_number().unwrap_or_default(), + device_function_number >> 3, + device_function_number & 0x07, + slot_peer_group.1.data_bus_width().unwrap_or_default() + ); + } + } + DefinedStruct::OnBoardDeviceInformation(data) => { + let count = data.number_of_devices(); + for onboard_device in data.onboard_device_iterator().enumerate() { + match count == 1 { + true => println!("On Board Device Information"), + false => println!("On Board Device {} Information", onboard_device.0 + 1), + } + if let Some(device_type) = onboard_device.1.device_type() { + println!("\tType: {}", dmi_on_board_devices_type(&device_type)); + println!( + "\tStatus: {}", + match device_type.status() { + DeviceStatus::Enabled => "Enabled", + DeviceStatus::Disabled => "Disabled", + } + ); + } + if let Some(description) = dmidecode_string_val(&onboard_device.1.description()) { + println!("\tDescription: {}", description); + } + } + } + DefinedStruct::OemStrings(data) => { + println!("OEM Strings"); + for oem_string in data.oem_strings().into_iter().enumerate() { + println!( + "\tString {}: {}", + oem_string.0 + 1, + dmidecode_string_val(&oem_string.1).unwrap_or_default(), + ); + } + } + DefinedStruct::SystemConfigurationOptions(data) => { + println!("System Configuration Options"); + for configuration_option in data.configuration_strings().into_iter().enumerate() { + println!( + "\tOption {}: {}", + configuration_option.0 + 1, + dmidecode_string_val(&configuration_option.1).unwrap_or_default(), + ); + } + } + DefinedStruct::LanguageInformation(data) => { + println!("BIOS Language Information"); + let two_one_version = SMBiosVersion { + major: 2, + minor: 1, + revision: 0, + }; + if let Some(version) = bios_version { + if version >= two_one_version { + if let Some(flags) = data.flags() { + println!( + "\tLanguage Description Format: {}", + match flags.language_format() { + LanguageFormat::Abbreviated => "Abbreviated", + LanguageFormat::Long => "Long", + } + ); + } + } + } + if let Some(number_of_installable_languages) = data.number_of_installable_languages() { + println!( + "\tInstallable Languages: {}", + number_of_installable_languages + ); + } + let mut langs_installed = 0; + for installable_language in data.installable_langauges() { + langs_installed += 1; + println!( + "\t\t{}", + dmidecode_string_val(&installable_language).unwrap_or_default() + ); + } + // TODO: done to preserve behavior of dmidecode + for _ in { + println!("\t\t"); + } + if let Some(current_language) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.current_language()) { + println!("\tCurrently Installed Language: {}", current_language); + } + } + DefinedStruct::GroupAssociations(data) => { + println!("Group Associations"); + if let Some(group_name) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.group_name()) { + println!("\tName: {}", group_name); + } + if let Some(number_of_items) = data.number_of_items() { + println!("\tItems: {}", number_of_items); + } + for item in data.item_iterator() { + match (item.item_handle(), item.struct_type()) { + (Some(handle), Some(struct_type)) => { + println!( + "\t\t{:#06X} {}", + *handle, + dmi_smbios_structure_type(struct_type) + ); + } + _ => (), + } + } + } + DefinedStruct::EventLog(data) => { + println!("System Event Log"); + if let Some(log_area_length) = data.log_area_length() { + println!("\tArea Length: {}", log_area_length); + } + match (data.log_header_start_offset(), data.log_data_start_offset()) { + (Some(log_header_start_offset), Some(log_data_start_offset)) => { + println!("\tHeader Start Offset: {:#06X}", log_header_start_offset); + let length = log_data_start_offset - log_header_start_offset; + if length > 0 { + println!( + "\tHeader Length: {} {}", + length, + match length == 1 { + true => "byte", + false => "bytes", + } + ); + } + println!("\tData Start Offset: {:#06X}", log_data_start_offset); + } + _ => (), + } + if let Some(access_method) = data.access_method() { + println!("\tAccess Method: {}", dmi_event_log_method(&access_method)); + } + match (data.access_method(), data.access_method_address()) { + (Some(access_method), Some(access_method_address)) => { + dmi_event_log_address(&access_method, access_method_address) + } + _ => (), + } + if let Some(log_status) = data.log_status() { + println!( + "\tStatus: {}, {}", + match log_status.log_area_valid() { + true => "Valid", + false => "Invalid", + }, + match log_status.log_area_full() { + true => "Full", + false => "Not Full", + } + ); + } + if let Some(log_change_token) = data.log_change_token() { + println!("\tChange Token: {:#10X}", log_change_token); + } + if let Some(log_header_format) = data.log_header_format() { + println!( + "\tHeader Format: {}", + dmi_event_log_header_type(&log_header_format) + ); + } + if let Some(number_of_supported_log_type_descriptors) = + data.number_of_supported_log_type_descriptors() + { + println!( + "\tSupported Log Type Descriptors: {}", + number_of_supported_log_type_descriptors + ); + } + if let Some(type_descriptors) = data.type_descriptors() { + for type_descriptor in type_descriptors.into_iter().enumerate() { + println!( + "\tDescriptor {}: {}", + type_descriptor.0, + dmi_event_log_descriptor_type(&type_descriptor.1.log_type()) + ); + println!( + "\tData Format {}: {}", + type_descriptor.0, + dmi_event_log_descriptor_format( + &type_descriptor.1.variable_data_format_type() + ) + ); + } + } + } + DefinedStruct::PhysicalMemoryArray(data) => { + println!("Physical Memory Array"); + if let Some(location) = data.location() { + println!("\tLocation: {}", dmi_memory_array_location(location)); + } + if let Some(usage) = data.usage() { + println!("\tUse: {}", dmi_memory_array_use(usage)); + } + if let Some(memory_error_correction) = data.memory_error_correction() { + println!( + "\tError Correction Type: {}", + dmi_memory_array_ec_type(memory_error_correction) + ); + } + if let Some(maximum_capacity) = data.maximum_capacity() { + const MAXIMUM_CAPACITY: &str = "Maximum Capacity"; + match maximum_capacity { + MaximumMemoryCapacity::Kilobytes(capacity_kb) => { + dmi_print_memory_size(MAXIMUM_CAPACITY, capacity_kb as u64, true) + } + MaximumMemoryCapacity::SeeExtendedMaximumCapacity => { + match data.extended_maximum_capacity() { + Some(capacity_bytes) => { + dmi_print_memory_size(MAXIMUM_CAPACITY, capacity_bytes, false) + } + None => println!("\t{}: {}", MAXIMUM_CAPACITY, UNKNOWN), + } + } + } + } + if !quiet { + if let Some(memory_error_information_handle) = + data.memory_error_information_handle() + { + print!("\tError Information Handle: "); + match *memory_error_information_handle { + 0xFFFE => println!("Not Provided"), + 0xFFFF => println!("No Error"), + val => println!("{:#06X}", val), + } + + // TODO: Use this method instead once the library returns a Handle + // dmi_memory_array_error_handle(memory_error_information_handle); + } + } + if let Some(number_of_memory_devices) = data.number_of_memory_devices() { + println!("\tNumber Of Devices: {}", number_of_memory_devices); + } + } + DefinedStruct::MemoryDevice(data) => { + println!("Memory Device"); + if !quiet { + if let Some(physical_memory_array_handle) = data.physical_memory_array_handle() { + println!("\tArray Handle: {:#06X}", *physical_memory_array_handle); + } + if let Some(memory_error_information_handle) = + data.memory_error_information_handle() + { + dmi_memory_array_error_handle(memory_error_information_handle); + } + } + if let Some(total_width) = data.total_width() { + dmi_memory_device_width("Total Width", total_width); + } + if let Some(data_width) = data.data_width() { + dmi_memory_device_width("Data Width", data_width); + } + let mut module_present = false; + match (data.size(), data.extended_size()) { + (Some(size), None) => { + module_present = size != MemorySize::NotInstalled; + dmi_memory_device_size(size); + } + (Some(size1), Some(size2)) => match size1 == MemorySize::SeeExtendedSize { + true => { + print!("\tSize: "); + match size2 { + MemorySizeExtended::Megabytes(megabytes) => { + module_present = true; + match (31 - megabytes.leading_zeros()) / 10 { + 0 => println!("{} MB", megabytes), + 1 => println!("{} GB", megabytes >> 10), + _ => println!("{} TB", megabytes >> 20), + } + } + MemorySizeExtended::SeeSize => println!("0 MB"), + } + } + false => { + module_present = size1 != MemorySize::NotInstalled; + dmi_memory_device_size(size1); + } + }, + _ => (), + } + if let Some(form_factor) = data.form_factor() { + println!( + "\tForm Factor: {}", + dmi_memory_device_form_factor(form_factor) + ); + } + if let Some(device_set) = data.device_set() { + dmi_memory_device_set(device_set); + } + if let Some(device_locator) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.device_locator()) { + println!("\tLocator: {}", device_locator); + } + if let Some(bank_locator) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.bank_locator()) { + println!("\tBank Locator: {}", bank_locator); + } + if let Some(memory_type) = data.memory_type() { + println!("\tType: {}", dmi_memory_device_type(memory_type)); + } + if let Some(type_detail) = data.type_detail() { + dmi_memory_device_type_detail(type_detail); + } + // If a module is present, the remaining fields are relevant + if module_present { + dmi_memory_device_speed("Speed", data.speed(), data.extended_speed()); + if let Some(manufacturer) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.manufacturer()) { + println!("\tManufacturer: {}", manufacturer); + } + if let Some(serial_number) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.serial_number()) { + println!("\tSerial Number: {}", serial_number); + } + if let Some(asset_tag) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.asset_tag()) { + println!("\tAsset Tag: {}", asset_tag) + } + if let Some(part_number) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.part_number()) { + println!("\tPart Number: {}", part_number); + } + if let Some(attributes) = data.attributes() { + print!("\tRank: "); + match attributes & 0x0F == 0 { + true => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + false => println!("{}", attributes), + } + } + dmi_memory_device_speed( + "Configured Memory Speed", + data.configured_memory_speed(), + data.extended_configured_memory_speed(), + ); + if let Some(minimum_voltage) = data.minimum_voltage() { + dmi_memory_voltage_value("Minimum Voltage", minimum_voltage); + } + if let Some(maximum_voltage) = data.maximum_voltage() { + dmi_memory_voltage_value("Maximum Voltage", maximum_voltage); + } + if let Some(configured_voltage) = data.configured_voltage() { + dmi_memory_voltage_value("Configured Voltage", configured_voltage); + } + if let Some(memory_technology) = data.memory_technology() { + dmi_memory_technology(memory_technology); + } + if let Some(memory_operating_mode_capability) = + data.memory_operating_mode_capability() + { + dmi_memory_operating_mode_capability(memory_operating_mode_capability); + } + if let Some(firmware_version) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.firmware_version()) { + println!("\tFirmware Version: {}", firmware_version); + } + if let Some(module_manufacturer_id) = data.module_manufacturer_id() { + dmi_memory_manufacturer_id("Module Manufacturer ID", module_manufacturer_id); + } + if let Some(module_product_id) = data.module_product_id() { + dmi_memory_product_id("Module Product ID", module_product_id); + } + if let Some(memory_subsystem_controller_manufacturer_id) = + data.memory_subsystem_controller_manufacturer_id() + { + dmi_memory_manufacturer_id( + "Memory Subsystem Controller Manufacturer ID", + memory_subsystem_controller_manufacturer_id, + ); + } + if let Some(memory_subsystem_controller_product_id) = + data.memory_subsystem_controller_product_id() + { + dmi_memory_product_id( + "Memory Subsystem Controller Product ID", + memory_subsystem_controller_product_id, + ); + } + if let Some(non_volatile_size) = data.non_volatile_size() { + dmi_memory_size("Non-Volatile Size", non_volatile_size); + } + if let Some(volatile_size) = data.volatile_size() { + dmi_memory_size("Volatile Size", volatile_size); + } + if let Some(cache_size) = data.cache_size() { + dmi_memory_size("Cache Size", cache_size); + } + if let Some(logical_size) = data.logical_size() { + dmi_memory_size("Logical Size", logical_size); + } + } + } + DefinedStruct::MemoryErrorInformation32Bit(data) => { + println!("32-bit Memory Error Information"); + if let Some(error_type) = data.error_type() { + println!("\tType: {}", dmi_memory_error_type(error_type)); + } + if let Some(error_granularity) = data.error_granularity() { + println!( + "\tGranularity: {}", + dmi_memory_error_granularity(error_granularity) + ); + } + if let Some(error_operation) = data.error_operation() { + println!( + "\tOperation: {}", + dmi_memory_error_operation(error_operation) + ); + } + if let Some(vendor_syndrome) = data.vendor_syndrome() { + dmi_memory_error_syndrome(vendor_syndrome); + } + if let Some(memory_array_error_address) = data.memory_array_error_address() { + dmi_32bit_memory_error_address("Memory Array Address", memory_array_error_address); + } + if let Some(device_error_address) = data.device_error_address() { + dmi_32bit_memory_error_address("Device Address", device_error_address); + } + if let Some(error_resolution) = data.error_resolution() { + dmi_32bit_memory_error_address("Resolution", error_resolution); + } + } + DefinedStruct::MemoryArrayMappedAddress(data) => { + println!("Memory Array Mapped Address"); + + dmi_starting_ending_addresses( + data.starting_address(), + data.extended_starting_address(), + data.ending_address(), + data.extended_ending_address(), + ); + + if !quiet { + if let Some(handle) = data.physical_memory_array_handle() { + println!("\tPhysical Array Handle: {:#06X}", *handle); + } + } + if let Some(partition_width) = data.partition_width() { + println!("\tPartition Width: {}", partition_width); + } + } + DefinedStruct::MemoryDeviceMappedAddress(data) => { + println!("Memory Device Mapped Address"); + + dmi_starting_ending_addresses( + data.starting_address(), + data.extended_starting_address(), + data.ending_address(), + data.extended_ending_address(), + ); + + if !quiet { + if let Some(memory_device_handle) = data.memory_device_handle() { + println!("\tPhysical Device Handle: {:#06X}", *memory_device_handle); + } + if let Some(memory_array_mapped_address_handle) = + data.memory_array_mapped_address_handle() + { + println!( + "\tMemory Array Mapped Address Handle: {:#06X}", + *memory_array_mapped_address_handle + ); + } + } + if let Some(partition_row_position) = data.partition_row_position() { + dmi_mapped_address_row_position(partition_row_position); + } + if let Some(interleave_position) = data.interleave_position() { + dmi_mapped_address_interleave_position(interleave_position); + } + if let Some(interleaved_data_depth) = data.interleaved_data_depth() { + dmi_mapped_address_interleaved_data_depth(interleaved_data_depth); + } + } + DefinedStruct::BuiltInPointingDevice(data) => { + println!("Built-in Pointing Device"); + if let Some(device_type) = data.device_type() { + println!("\tType: {}", dmi_pointing_device_type(&device_type)); + } + if let Some(interface) = data.interface() { + println!("\tInterface: {}", dmi_pointing_device_interface(&interface)); + } + if let Some(number_of_buttons) = data.number_of_buttons() { + println!("\tButtons: {}", number_of_buttons); + } + } + DefinedStruct::PortableBattery(data) => { + println!("Portable Battery"); + if let Some(location) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.location()) { + println!("\tLocation: {}", location); + } + if let Some(manufacturer) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.manufacturer()) { + println!("\tManufacturer: {}", manufacturer); + } + if let Some(manufacture_date) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.manufacture_date()) { + println!("Manufacture Date: {}", manufacture_date); + } + if let Some(serial_number) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.serial_number()) { + println!("\tSerial Number: {}", serial_number); + } + if let Some(device_name) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.device_name()) { + println!("\tName: {}", device_name); + } + if let Some(device_chemistry) = data.device_chemistry() { + println!("\tChemistry: {}", dmi_battery_chemistry(&device_chemistry)); + } + match (data.design_capacity(), data.design_capacity_multiplier()) { + (Some(design_capacity), None) => dmi_battery_capacity(&design_capacity, 1u8), + (Some(design_capacity), Some(design_capacity_multiplier)) => { + dmi_battery_capacity(&design_capacity, design_capacity_multiplier) + } + _ => (), + } + if let Some(design_voltage) = data.design_voltage() { + dmi_battery_voltage(&design_voltage); + } + if let Some(sbds_version_number) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.sbds_version_number()) { + println!("\tSBDS Version: {}", sbds_version_number); + } + if let Some(maximum_error_in_battery_data) = data.maximum_error_in_battery_data() { + dmi_battery_maximum_error(maximum_error_in_battery_data); + } + if let Some(sbds_serial_number) = data.sbds_serial_number() { + println!("\tSBDS Serial Number {:#06X}", sbds_serial_number); + } + if let Some(sbds_manufacture_date) = data.sbds_manufacture_date() { + println!( + "\tSBDS Manufacture Date: {}-{:02}-{:02}", + 1900 + (sbds_manufacture_date >> 9), + (sbds_manufacture_date >> 5) & 0x0F, + sbds_manufacture_date & 0x1F + ); + } + if let Some(sbds_device_chemistry) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.sbds_device_chemistry()) + { + println!("\tSBDS Chemistry: {}", sbds_device_chemistry); + } + if let Some(oem_specific) = data.oem_specific() { + println!("\tOEM-specific Information: {}", oem_specific); + } + } + DefinedStruct::SystemReset(data) => { + println!("System Reset"); + if let Some(capabilities) = data.capabilities() { + println!( + "\tStatus: {}", + match capabilities.reset_enabled() { + true => "Enabled", + false => "Disabled", + } + ); + + let has_watchdog_timer = capabilities.has_watchdog_timer(); + println!( + "\tWatchdog Timer: {}", + match has_watchdog_timer { + true => "Present", + false => "Not Present", + } + ); + + if has_watchdog_timer { + println!( + "\tBoot Option: {}", + match capabilities.boot_option() { + BootOption::Reserved => OUT_OF_SPEC, + BootOption::OperatingSystem => "Operating System", + BootOption::SystemUtilities => "System Utilities", + BootOption::DoNotReboot => "Do Not Reboot", + } + ); + + println!( + "\tBoot Option On Limit: {}", + match capabilities.boot_option_on_limit() { + BootOptionOnLimit::Reserved => OUT_OF_SPEC, + BootOptionOnLimit::OperatingSystem => "Operating System", + BootOptionOnLimit::SystemUtilities => "System Utilities", + BootOptionOnLimit::DoNotReboot => "Do Not Reboot", + } + ); + + if let Some(reset_count) = data.reset_count() { + print!("\tReset Count:"); + match reset_count { + ResetCount::Count(count) => println!("{}", count), + ResetCount::Unknown => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + } + } + + if let Some(reset_limit) = data.reset_limit() { + print!("\tReset Limit:"); + match reset_limit { + ResetLimit::Count(count) => println!("{}", count), + ResetLimit::Unknown => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + } + } + + if let Some(timer_interval) = data.timer_interval() { + print!("\tTimer Interval:"); + match timer_interval { + TimerInterval::Minutes(minutes) => println!("{} min", minutes), + TimerInterval::Unknown => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + } + } + + if let Some(timeout) = data.timeout() { + print!("\tTimeout:"); + match timeout { + Timeout::Minutes(minutes) => println!("{} min", minutes), + Timeout::Unknown => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + } + } + } + } + } + DefinedStruct::HardwareSecurity(data) => { + println!("Hardware Security"); + if let Some(hardware_security_settings) = data.hardware_security_settings() { + println!( + "\tPower-On Password Status: {}", + dmi_hardware_security_status( + hardware_security_settings.power_on_password_status + ) + ); + println!( + "\tKeyboard Password Status: {}", + dmi_hardware_security_status( + hardware_security_settings.keyboard_password_status + ) + ); + println!( + "\tAdministrator Password Status: {}", + dmi_hardware_security_status( + hardware_security_settings.administrator_password_status + ) + ); + println!( + "\tFront Panel Reset Status: {}", + dmi_hardware_security_status( + hardware_security_settings.front_panel_reset_status + ) + ); + } + } + DefinedStruct::SystemPowerControls(data) => { + println!("System Power Controls"); + match ( + data.next_scheduled_power_on_month(), + data.next_scheduled_power_on_day_of_month(), + data.next_scheduled_power_on_hour(), + data.next_scheduled_power_on_minute(), + data.next_scheduled_power_on_second(), + ) { + (Some(month), Some(day), Some(hour), Some(minute), Some(second)) => { + let mut time = String::new(); + match dmi_bcd_range(month, 0x0, 0x12) { + true => time.push_str(format!("{:04X}", month).as_str()), + false => time.push('*'), + } + match dmi_bcd_range(day, 0x0, 0x31) { + true => time.push_str(format!("-{:04X}", day).as_str()), + false => time.push_str("-*"), + } + match dmi_bcd_range(hour, 0x0, 0x23) { + true => time.push_str(format!(" {:04X}", hour).as_str()), + false => time.push_str(" *"), + } + match dmi_bcd_range(minute, 0x0, 0x59) { + true => time.push_str(format!(":{:04X}", minute).as_str()), + false => time.push_str(":*"), + } + match dmi_bcd_range(second, 0x0, 0x59) { + true => time.push_str(format!(":{:04X}", second).as_str()), + false => time.push_str(":*"), + } + println!("\tNext Scheduled Power-on: {}", time); + } + _ => (), + } + } + DefinedStruct::VoltageProbe(data) => { + println!("Voltage Probe"); + if let Some(description) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.description()) { + println!("\tDescription: {}", description); + } + if let Some(location_and_status) = data.location_and_status() { + println!( + "\tLocation: {}", + dmi_voltage_probe_location(&location_and_status.location()) + ); + println!( + "\tStatus: {}", + dmi_probe_status(&location_and_status.status()) + ); + } + if let Some(maximum_value) = data.maximum_value() { + dmi_voltage_probe_value("Maximum Value", &maximum_value); + } + if let Some(minimum_value) = data.minimum_value() { + dmi_voltage_probe_value("Minimum Value", &minimum_value); + } + if let Some(resolution) = data.resolution() { + dmi_voltage_probe_resolution(&resolution); + } + if let Some(tolerance) = data.tolerance() { + dmi_voltage_probe_value("Tolerance", &tolerance); + } + if let Some(accuracy) = data.accuracy() { + dmi_probe_accuracy(&accuracy); + } + if let Some(oem_defined) = data.oem_defined() { + println!("\tOEM-specific Information: {:#10X}", oem_defined); + } + if let Some(nominal_value) = data.nominal_value() { + dmi_voltage_probe_value("Nominal Value", &nominal_value); + } + } + DefinedStruct::CoolingDevice(data) => { + println!("Cooling Device"); + if !quiet { + if let Some(temperature_probe_handle) = data.temperature_probe_handle() { + println!( + "\tTemperature Probe Handle: {:#06X}", + *temperature_probe_handle + ); + } + } + if let Some(device_type_and_status) = data.device_type_and_status() { + println!( + "\tType: {}", + dmi_cooling_device_type(&device_type_and_status.device_type) + ); + println!( + "\tStatus: {}", + dmi_cooling_device_status(&device_type_and_status.device_status) + ); + } + if let Some(cooling_unit_group) = data.cooling_unit_group() { + println!("\tCooling Unit Group: {}", cooling_unit_group); + } + if let Some(oem_defined) = data.oem_defined() { + println!("\tOEM-specific Information: {:#10X}", oem_defined); + } + if let Some(nominal_speed) = data.nominal_speed() { + dmi_cooling_device_speed(&nominal_speed); + } + if let Some(description) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.description()) { + println!("\tDescription: {}", description); + } + } + DefinedStruct::TemperatureProbe(data) => { + println!("Temperature Probe"); + if let Some(description) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.description()) { + println!("\tDescription: {}", description); + } + if let Some(location_and_status) = data.location_and_status() { + println!( + "\tLocation: {}", + dmi_temperature_probe_location(&location_and_status.location()) + ); + println!( + "\tStatus: {}", + dmi_temperature_probe_status(&location_and_status.status()) + ); + } + if let Some(maximum_value) = data.maximum_value() { + dmi_temperature_probe_value("Maximum Value", &maximum_value); + } + if let Some(minimum_value) = data.minimum_value() { + dmi_temperature_probe_value("Minimum Value", &minimum_value); + } + if let Some(resolution) = data.resolution() { + dmi_temperature_probe_resolution(&resolution); + } + if let Some(tolerance) = data.tolerance() { + dmi_temperature_probe_value("Tolerance", &tolerance); + } + if let Some(accuracy) = data.accuracy() { + dmi_temperature_probe_accuracy(&accuracy); + } + if let Some(oem_defined) = data.oem_defined() { + println!("\tOEM-specific Information: {:#10X}", oem_defined); + } + if let Some(nominal_value) = data.nominal_value() { + dmi_temperature_probe_value("Nominal Value", &nominal_value); + } + } + DefinedStruct::ElectricalCurrentProbe(data) => { + println!("Electrical Current Probe"); + if let Some(description) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.description()) { + println!("\tDescription: {}", description); + } + if let Some(location_and_status) = data.location_and_status() { + println!( + "\tLocation: {}", + dmi_current_probe_location(&location_and_status.location) + ); + println!( + "\tStatus: {}", + dmi_current_probe_status(&location_and_status.status) + ); + } + if let Some(maximum_value) = data.maximum_value() { + dmi_current_probe_value("Maximum Value", &maximum_value); + } + if let Some(minimum_value) = data.minimum_value() { + dmi_current_probe_value("Minimum Value", &minimum_value); + } + if let Some(resolution) = data.resolution() { + dmi_current_probe_resolution(&resolution); + } + if let Some(tolerance) = data.tolerance() { + dmi_current_probe_value("Tolerance", &tolerance); + } + if let Some(accuracy) = data.accuracy() { + dmi_current_probe_accuracy(&accuracy); + } + if let Some(oem_defined) = data.oem_defined() { + println!("\tOEM-specific Information: {:#10X}", oem_defined); + } + if let Some(nominal_value) = data.nominal_value() { + dmi_current_probe_value("Nominal Value", &nominal_value); + } + } + DefinedStruct::OutOfBandRemoteAccess(data) => { + println!("Out-of-band Remote Access"); + if let Some(manufacturer_name) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.manufacturer_name()) { + println!("\tManufacturer Name: {}", manufacturer_name); + } + if let Some(connections) = data.connections() { + println!( + "\tInbound Connection: {}", + match connections.inbound_connection_enabled() { + true => "Enabled", + false => "Disabled", + } + ); + println!( + "\tOutbound Connection: {}", + match connections.outbound_connection_enabled() { + true => "Enabled", + false => "Disabled", + } + ); + } + } + DefinedStruct::BisEntryPoint(data) => { + println!("Boot Integrity Services Entry Point"); + + // BIS has a checksum field that ensures the structure adds to 0. + // Sum all bytes in the structure, then check if the value is 0. + let struct_sum = data + .parts() + .fields + .iter() + .fold(0u8, |acc, x| acc.wrapping_add(*x)); + + println!( + "\tChecksum: {}", + match struct_sum == 0 { + true => "OK", + false => "Invalid", + } + ); + + if let Some(bis_entry_16) = data.bis_entry_16() { + let segment = bis_entry_16 >> 16; + let offset = bis_entry_16 & u16::MAX as u32; + println!( + "\t16-bit Entry Point Address: {:04X}:{:04X}", + segment, offset + ); + } + if let Some(bis_entry_32) = data.bis_entry_32() { + println!("\t32-bit Entry Point Address: {:#10X}", bis_entry_32); + } + } + DefinedStruct::SystemBootInformation(data) => { + println!("System Boot Information"); + if let Some(boot_status_data) = data.boot_status_data() { + println!("\tStatus: {}", dmi_system_boot_status(&boot_status_data)); + } + } + DefinedStruct::MemoryErrorInformation64Bit(data) => { + println!("64-bit Memory Error Information"); + if let Some(error_type) = data.error_type() { + println!("\tType: {}", dmi_memory_error_type(error_type)); + } + if let Some(error_granularity) = data.error_granularity() { + println!( + "\tGranularity: {}", + dmi_memory_error_granularity(error_granularity) + ); + } + if let Some(error_operation) = data.error_operation() { + println!( + "\tOperation: {}", + dmi_memory_error_operation(error_operation) + ); + } + if let Some(vendor_syndrome) = data.vendor_syndrome() { + dmi_memory_error_syndrome(vendor_syndrome); + } + if let Some(memory_array_error_address) = data.memory_array_error_address() { + dmi_64bit_memory_error_address("Memory Array Address", memory_array_error_address); + } + if let Some(device_error_address) = data.device_error_address() { + dmi_64bit_memory_error_address("Device Address", device_error_address); + } + if let Some(error_resolution) = data.error_resolution() { + dmi_32bit_memory_error_address("Resolution", error_resolution); + } + } + DefinedStruct::ManagementDevice(data) => { + println!("Management Device"); + if let Some(description) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.description()) { + println!("\tDescription: {}", description); + } + if let Some(device_type) = data.device_type() { + println!("\tType: {}", dmi_management_device_type(&device_type)); + } + if let Some(address) = data.address() { + println!("\tAddress: {:#10X}", address); + } + if let Some(address_type) = data.address_type() { + println!( + "\tAddress Type: {}", + dmi_management_device_address_type(&address_type) + ); + } + } + DefinedStruct::ManagementDeviceComponent(data) => { + println!("Management Device Component"); + if let Some(description) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.description()) { + println!("\tDescription: {}", description); + } + if !quiet { + if let Some(management_device_handle) = data.management_device_handle() { + println!( + "\tManagement Device Handle: {:#06X}", + *management_device_handle + ); + } + if let Some(component_handle) = data.component_handle() { + println!("\tComponent Handle: {:#06X}", *component_handle); + } + if let Some(threshold_handle) = data.threshold_handle() { + if *threshold_handle != u16::MAX { + println!("\tThreshold Handle: {:#06X}", *threshold_handle); + } + } + } + } + DefinedStruct::ManagementDeviceThresholdData(data) => { + println!("Management Device Threshold Data"); + if let Some(threshold) = data.lower_threshold_non_critical() { + if threshold != 0x8000 { + println!("\tLower Non-critical Threshold: {}", threshold); + } + } + if let Some(threshold) = data.upper_threshold_non_critical() { + if threshold != 0x8000 { + println!("\tUpper Non-critical Threshold: {}", threshold); + } + } + if let Some(threshold) = data.lower_threshold_critical() { + if threshold != 0x8000 { + println!("\tLower Critical Threshold: {}", threshold); + } + } + if let Some(threshold) = data.upper_threshold_critical() { + if threshold != 0x8000 { + println!("\tUpper Critical Threshold: {}", threshold); + } + } + if let Some(threshold) = data.lower_threshold_non_recoverable() { + if threshold != 0x8000 { + println!("\tLower Non-recoverable Threshold: {}", threshold); + } + } + if let Some(threshold) = data.upper_threshold_non_recoverable() { + if threshold != 0x8000 { + println!("\tUpper Non-recoverable Threshold: {}", threshold); + } + } + } + DefinedStruct::MemoryChannel(data) => { + println!("Memory Channel"); + if let Some(channel_type) = data.channel_type() { + println!("\tType: {}", dmi_memory_channel_type(&channel_type)); + } + if let Some(maximum_channel_load) = data.maximum_channel_load() { + println!("\tMaximal Load: {}", maximum_channel_load); + } + if let Some(memory_device_count) = data.memory_device_count() { + println!("\tDevices: {}", memory_device_count); + } + for channel_device in data.load_handle_pairs_iterator().enumerate() { + println!( + "\tDevice {} Load: {}", + channel_device.0, + channel_device.1.load().unwrap_or_default() + ); + if !quiet { + if let Some(handle_value) = channel_device.1.handle() { + println!( + "\tDevice {} Handle: {:#06X}", + channel_device.0, *handle_value + ); + } + } + } + } + DefinedStruct::IpmiDeviceInformation(data) => { + println!("IPMI Device Information"); + if let Some(interface_type) = data.interface_type() { + println!( + "\tInterface Type: {}", + dmi_ipmi_interface_type(&interface_type) + ); + } + if let Some(ipmi_specification_revision) = data.ipmi_specification_revision() { + println!( + "\tSpecification Version: {}.{}", + ipmi_specification_revision >> 4, + ipmi_specification_revision & 0x0F + ); + } + if let Some(i2c_target_address) = data.i2c_target_address() { + println!("\tI2C Slave Address: {:#04x}", i2c_target_address >> 1); + } + if let Some(nvstorage_device_address) = data.nvstorage_device_address() { + print!("\tNV Storage Device Address: "); + match nvstorage_device_address == u8::MAX { + true => println!("Not Present"), + false => println!("{}", nvstorage_device_address), + } + } + match (data.interface_type(), data.base_address()) { + (Some(interface_type), Some(base_address)) => { + dmi_ipmi_base_address( + &interface_type, + base_address, + &data.base_address_modifier(), + ); + } + _ => (), + } + match (data.interface_type(), data.base_address_modifier()) { + (Some(interface_type), Some(base_address_modifier)) => { + if interface_type.value != IpmiInterfaceType::SMBusSystemInterface { + println!( + "\tRegister Spacing: {}", + dmi_ipmi_register_spacing(&base_address_modifier.register_spacing) + ); + println!( + "\tInterrupt Polarity: {}", + match &base_address_modifier.interrupt_polarity { + InterruptPolarity::ActiveHigh => "Active High", + InterruptPolarity::ActiveLow => "Active Low", + } + ); + println!( + "\tInterrupt Trigger Mode: {}", + match &base_address_modifier.interrupt_trigger_mode { + InterruptTriggerMode::Level => "Level", + InterruptTriggerMode::Edge => "Edge", + } + ); + } + } + _ => (), + } + if let Some(interrupt_number) = data.interrupt_number() { + if interrupt_number != 0 { + println!("\tInterrupt Number: {}", interrupt_number); + } + } + } + DefinedStruct::SystemPowerSupply(data) => { + println!("System Power Supply"); + if let Some(power_unit_group) = data.power_unit_group() { + println!("\tPower Unit Group: {}", power_unit_group); + } + if let Some(location) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.location()) { + println!("\tLocation: {}", location); + } + if let Some(device_name) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.device_name()) { + println!("\tName: {}", device_name); + } + if let Some(manufacturer) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.manufacturer()) { + println!("\tManufacturer: {}", manufacturer); + } + if let Some(serial_number) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.serial_number()) { + println!("\tSerial Number: {}", serial_number); + } + if let Some(asset_tag_number) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.asset_tag_number()) { + println!("\tAsset Tag: {}", asset_tag_number); + } + if let Some(model_part_number) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.model_part_number()) { + println!("\tModel Part Number: {}", model_part_number); + } + if let Some(revision_level) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.revision_level()) { + println!("\tRevision: {}", revision_level); + } + if let Some(max_power_capacity) = data.max_power_capacity() { + dmi_power_supply_power(&max_power_capacity); + } + if let Some(power_supply_characteristics) = data.power_supply_characteristics() { + print!("\tStatus: "); + match power_supply_characteristics.is_present() { + true => println!( + "Present, {}", + dmi_power_supply_status( + &power_supply_characteristics.power_supply_status() + ) + ), + false => println!("Not Present"), + } + println!( + "\tType: {}", + dmi_power_supply_type(&power_supply_characteristics.power_supply_type()) + ); + println!( + "\tInput Voltage Range Switching: {}", + dmi_power_supply_range_switching( + &power_supply_characteristics.input_voltage_range_switching() + ) + ); + println!( + "\tPlugged: {}", + match power_supply_characteristics.unplugged_from_wall() { + true => "No", + false => "Yes", + } + ); + println!( + "\tHot Replaceable: {}", + match power_supply_characteristics.hot_replaceable() { + true => "Yes", + false => "No", + } + ); + } + if !quiet { + if let Some(input_voltage_probe_handle) = data.input_voltage_probe_handle() { + if *input_voltage_probe_handle != u16::MAX { + println!( + "\tInput Voltage Probe Handle: {:#06X}", + *input_voltage_probe_handle + ); + } + } + if let Some(cooling_device_handle) = data.cooling_device_handle() { + if *cooling_device_handle != u16::MAX { + println!("\tCooling Device Handle: {:#06X}", *cooling_device_handle); + } + } + if let Some(input_current_probe_handle) = data.input_current_probe_handle() { + if *input_current_probe_handle != u16::MAX { + println!( + "\tInput Current Probe Handle: {:#06X}", + *input_current_probe_handle + ); + } + } + } + } + DefinedStruct::AdditionalInformation(data) => { + if !quiet { + for entry in data.entry_iterator().enumerate() { + println!("Additional Information {}", entry.0); + if let Some(referenced_handle) = entry.1.referenced_handle() { + println!("\tReferenced Handle: {:#06x}", *referenced_handle); + } + if let Some(referenced_offset) = entry.1.referenced_offset() { + println!("\tReferenced Offset: {:#04x}", referenced_offset); + } + if let Some(string) = dmidecode_string_val(&entry.1.string()) { + println!("\tString: {}", string); + } + if let Some(value) = entry.1.value() { + print!("\tValue: "); + match value.len() { + 1 => println!("{:#04x}", value[0]), + 2 => println!( + "{:#06x}", + u16::from_le_bytes(value[0..2].try_into().expect("u16 is 2 bytes")) + ), + 4 => println!( + "{:#10x}", + u32::from_le_bytes(value[0..4].try_into().expect("u32 is 4 bytes")) + ), + _ => println!("Unexpected size"), + } + } + } + } + } + DefinedStruct::OnboardDevicesExtendedInformation(data) => { + println!("Onboard Device"); + if let Some(reference_designation) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.reference_designation()) + { + println!("\tReference Designation: {}", reference_designation); + } + if let Some(device_type) = data.device_type() { + println!("\tType: {}", dmi_on_board_devices_type(&device_type)); + println!( + "\tStatus: {}", + match device_type.status() { + DeviceStatus::Enabled => "Enabled", + DeviceStatus::Disabled => "Disabled", + } + ) + } + if let Some(device_type_instance) = data.device_type_instance() { + println!("\tType Instance: {}", device_type_instance); + } + match ( + data.segment_group_number(), + data.bus_number(), + data.device_function_number(), + ) { + (Some(segment_group_number), Some(bus_number), Some(device_function_number)) => { + dmi_slot_segment_bus_func( + &segment_group_number, + &bus_number, + &device_function_number, + ); + } + _ => (), + } + } + DefinedStruct::ManagementControllerHostInterface(data) => { + println!("Management Controller Host Interface"); + let three_two_version = SMBiosVersion { + major: 3, + minor: 2, + revision: 0, + }; + if let Some(version) = bios_version { + if version < three_two_version { + if let Some(interface_type) = data.interface_type() { + println!( + "\tInterface Type: {}", + dmi_management_controller_host_type(&interface_type) + ); + // If interface type = OEM, the first four bytes are the vendor ID (MSB first), as assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) + if interface_type.value == HostInterfaceType::OemDefined { + if let Some(interface_type_specific_data) = + data.interface_type_specific_data() + { + if interface_type_specific_data.len() >= 4 { + let vendor_id = u32::from_le_bytes( + interface_type_specific_data[0..4] + .try_into() + .expect("u32 is 4 bytes"), + ); + println!("\tVendor ID: {:#10X}", vendor_id); + } + } + } + } + } else { + dmi_parse_controller_structure(&data); + } + } + } + DefinedStruct::TpmDevice(data) => { + println!("TPM Device"); + if let Some(vendor_id) = data.vendor_id() { + dmi_tpm_vendor_id(&vendor_id); + } + match (data.major_spec_version(), data.minor_spec_version()) { + (Some(major_spec_version), Some(minor_spec_version)) => { + println!( + "\tSpecification Version: {}.{}", + major_spec_version, minor_spec_version + ); + if let Some(firmware_version_1) = data.firmware_version_1() { + match major_spec_version { + 0x01 => { + /* + * We skip the first 2 bytes, which are + * redundant with the above, and uncoded + * in a silly way. + */ + let bytes = firmware_version_1.to_le_bytes(); + println!("\tFirmware Revision: {}.{}", bytes[2], bytes[3]); + } + 0x02 => { + println!( + "\tFirmware Revision: {}.{}", + firmware_version_1 >> 16, + firmware_version_1 & u16::MAX as u32 + ); + } + _ => (), + } + } + /* + * We skip the next 4 bytes (firmware_version_2), as their + * format is not standardized and their + * usefulness seems limited anyway. + */ + } + _ => (), + } + if let Some(description) = dmidecode_string_val(&data.description()) { + println!("\tDescription: {}", description); + } + if let Some(characteristics) = data.characteristics() { + println!("\tCharacteristics:"); + dmi_tpm_characteristics(&characteristics); + } + if let Some(oem_defined) = data.oem_defined() { + println!("\tOEM-specific Information: {:#10X}", oem_defined); + } + } + DefinedStruct::ProcessorAdditionalInformation(_) => { + println!("Processor Additional Information"); + } + DefinedStruct::FirmwareInventoryInformation(_) => (), + DefinedStruct::StringProperty(_) => (), + DefinedStruct::Inactive(_) => { + println!("Inactive"); + } + DefinedStruct::EndOfTable(_) => { + println!("End Of Table"); + } + DefinedStruct::Undefined(data) => { + if >= 128 { + println!("OEM-specific"); + } else { + println!("{}", UNKNOWN); + } + } + } +} + +/// Converts the empty string value to match dmidecode's value. Invalid UTF-8 is lossily converted +fn dmidecode_string_val(s: &SMBiosString) -> Option { + match s.as_ref() { + Ok(val) if val.is_empty() => Some("Not Specified".to_owned()), + Ok(val) => Some(val.to_owned()), + Err(SMBiosStringError::FieldOutOfBounds) => None, + Err(SMBiosStringError::InvalidStringNumber(_)) => Some("".to_owned()), + Err(SMBiosStringError::Utf8(val)) => { + Some(String::from_utf8_lossy(&val.clone().into_bytes()).to_string()) + } + } +} diff --git a/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ b/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e85ebd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ @@ -0,0 +1,3084 @@ +//! This file is part of the uutils coreutils package. +// +// (c) QianHuilan +// +// For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file +// that was distributed with this source code. +use crate::default_out::{NONE, OTHER, OUT_OF_SPEC, UNKNOWN}; +use smbioslib::*; +use std::convert::TryInto; +use std::net::IpAddr; + +pub fn dmi_smbios_structure_type(code: u8) -> String { + let description = match code { + 0 => "BIOS", + 1 => "System", + 2 => "Base Board", + 3 => "Chassis", + 4 => "Processor", + 5 => "Memory Controller", + 6 => "Memory Module", + 7 => "Cache", + 8 => "Port Connector", + 9 => "System Slots", + 10 => "On Board Devices", + 11 => "OEM Strings", + 12 => "System Configuration Options", + 13 => "BIOS Language", + 14 => "Group Associations", + 15 => "System Event Log", + 16 => "Physical Memory Array", + 17 => "Memory Device", + 18 => "32-bit Memory Error", + 19 => "Memory Array Mapped Address", + 20 => "Memory Device Mapped Address", + 21 => "Built-in Pointing Device", + 22 => "Portable Battery", + 23 => "System Reset", + 24 => "Hardware Security", + 25 => "System Power Controls", + 26 => "Voltage Probe", + 27 => "Cooling Device", + 28 => "Temperature Probe", + 29 => "Electrical Current Probe", + 30 => "Out-of-band Remote Access", + 31 => "Boot Integrity Services", + 32 => "System Boot", + 33 => "64-bit Memory Error", + 34 => "Management Device", + 35 => "Management Device Component", + 36 => "Management Device Threshold Data", + 37 => "Memory Channel", + 38 => "IPMI Device", + 39 => "Power Supply", + 40 => "Additional Information", + 41 => "Onboard Device", + 42 => "Management Controller Host Interface", + 43 => "TPM Device", + _ => "", + }; + + match description.is_empty() { + true => match code >= 128 { + true => "OEM-specific".to_string(), + false => format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, code), + }, + false => description.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_chassis_state(state: ChassisStateData) -> String { + match state.value { + ChassisState::Other => OTHER.to_string(), + ChassisState::Unknown => UNKNOWN.to_string(), + ChassisState::Safe => "Safe".to_string(), + ChassisState::Warning => "Warning".to_string(), + ChassisState::Critical => "Critical".to_string(), + ChassisState::NonRecoverable => "Non-recoverable".to_string(), + ChassisState::None => format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, state.raw), + } +} + +pub fn dmi_processor_type(processor_type: ProcessorTypeData) -> String { + match processor_type.value { + ProcessorType::Other => OTHER.to_string(), + ProcessorType::Unknown => UNKNOWN.to_string(), + ProcessorType::CentralProcessor => "Central Processor".to_string(), + ProcessorType::MathProcessor => "Math Processor".to_string(), + ProcessorType::DspProcessor => "DSP Processor".to_string(), + ProcessorType::VideoProcessor => "VideoProcessor".to_string(), + ProcessorType::None => format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, processor_type.raw), + } +} +pub fn dmi_processor_family(processor_family: ProcessorFamily, raw: u16) -> String { + let print = match processor_family { + ProcessorFamily::Other => OTHER, + ProcessorFamily::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + ProcessorFamily::I8086 => "8086", + ProcessorFamily::I80286 => "80286", + ProcessorFamily::Intel386Processor => "80386", + ProcessorFamily::Intel486Processor => "80486", + ProcessorFamily::I8087 => "8087", + ProcessorFamily::I80287 => "80287", + ProcessorFamily::I80387 => "80387", + ProcessorFamily::I80487 => "80487", + ProcessorFamily::IntelPentiumProcessor => "Pentium", + ProcessorFamily::PentiumProProcessor => "Pentium Pro", + ProcessorFamily::PentiumIIProcessor => "Pentium II", + ProcessorFamily::PentiumprocessorwithMMXtechnology => "Pentium MMX", + ProcessorFamily::IntelCeleronProcessor => "Celeron", + ProcessorFamily::PentiumIIXeonProcessor => "Pentium II Xeon", + ProcessorFamily::PentiumIIIProcessor => "Pentium II", + ProcessorFamily::M1Family => "M1", + ProcessorFamily::M2Family => "M2", + ProcessorFamily::IntelCeleronMProcessor => "Celeron M", + ProcessorFamily::IntelPentium4HTProcessor => "Pentium 4 HT", + ProcessorFamily::AMDDuronProcessorFamily => "Duron", + ProcessorFamily::K5Family => "K5", + ProcessorFamily::K6Family => "K6", + ProcessorFamily::K62 => "K6-2", + ProcessorFamily::K63 => "K6-3", + ProcessorFamily::AMDAthlonProcessorFamily => "Athlon", + ProcessorFamily::AMD29000Family => "AMD29000", + ProcessorFamily::K62Plus => "K6-2+", + ProcessorFamily::PowerPCFamily => "Power PC", + ProcessorFamily::PowerPC601 => "Power PC 601", + ProcessorFamily::PowerPC603 => "Power PC 603", + ProcessorFamily::PowerPC603Plus => "Power PC 603+", + ProcessorFamily::PowerPC604 => "Power PC 604", + ProcessorFamily::PowerPC620 => "Power PC 620", + ProcessorFamily::PowerPCx704 => "Power PC x704", + ProcessorFamily::PowerPC750 => "Power PC 750", + ProcessorFamily::IntelCoreDuoProcessor => "Core Duo", + ProcessorFamily::IntelCoreDuomobileProcessor => "Core Duo Mobile", + ProcessorFamily::IntelCoreSolomobileProcessor => "Core Solo Mobile", + ProcessorFamily::IntelAtomProcessor => "Atom", + ProcessorFamily::IntelCoreMProcessor => "Core M", + ProcessorFamily::IntelCorem3Processor => "Core m3", + ProcessorFamily::IntelCorem5Processor => "Core m5", + ProcessorFamily::IntelCorem7Processor => "Core m7", + ProcessorFamily::AlphaFamily => "Alpha", + ProcessorFamily::Alpha21064 => "Alpha 21064", + ProcessorFamily::Alpha21066 => "Alpha 21066", + ProcessorFamily::Alpha21164 => "Alpha 21164", + ProcessorFamily::Alpha21164PC => "Alpha 21164PC", + ProcessorFamily::Alpha21164a => "Alpha 21164a", + ProcessorFamily::Alpha21264 => "Alpha 21264", + ProcessorFamily::Alpha21364 => "Alpha 21364", + ProcessorFamily::AMDTurionIIUltraDualCoreMobileMProcessorFamily => { + "Turion II Ultra Dual-Core Mobile M" + } + ProcessorFamily::AMDTurionIIDualCoreMobileMProcessorFamily => { + "Turion II Dual-Core Mobile M" + } + ProcessorFamily::AMDAthlonIIDualCoreMProcessorFamily => "Athlon II Dual-Core M", + ProcessorFamily::AMDOpteron6100SeriesProcessor => "Opteron 6100", + ProcessorFamily::AMDOpteron4100SeriesProcessor => "Opteron 4100", + ProcessorFamily::AMDOpteron6200SeriesProcessor => "Opteron 6200", + ProcessorFamily::AMDOpteron4200SeriesProcessor => "Opteron 4200", + ProcessorFamily::AMDFXSeriesProcessor => "FX", + ProcessorFamily::MIPSFamily => "MIPS", + ProcessorFamily::MIPSR4000 => "MIPS R4000", + ProcessorFamily::MIPSR4200 => "MIPS R4200", + ProcessorFamily::MIPSR4400 => "MIPS R4400", + ProcessorFamily::MIPSR4600 => "MIPS R4600", + ProcessorFamily::MIPSR10000 => "MIPS R10000", + ProcessorFamily::AMDCSeriesProcessor => "C-Series", + ProcessorFamily::AMDESeriesProcessor => "E-Series", + ProcessorFamily::AMDASeriesProcessor => "A-Series", + ProcessorFamily::AMDGSeriesProcessor => "G-Series", + ProcessorFamily::AMDZSeriesProcessor => "Z-Series", + ProcessorFamily::AMDRSeriesProcessor => "R-Series", + ProcessorFamily::AMDOpteron4300SeriesProcessor => "Opteron 4300", + ProcessorFamily::AMDOpteron6300SeriesProcessor => "Opteron 6300", + ProcessorFamily::AMDOpteron3300SeriesProcessor => "Opteron 3300", + ProcessorFamily::AMDFireProSeriesProcessor => "FirePro", + ProcessorFamily::SPARCFamily => "SPARC", + ProcessorFamily::SuperSPARC => "SuperSPARC", + ProcessorFamily::MicroSparcii => "MicroSPARC II", + ProcessorFamily::MicroSparciiep => "MicroSPARC IIep", + ProcessorFamily::UltraSPARC => "UltraSPARC", + ProcessorFamily::UltraSPARCII => "UltraSPARC II", + ProcessorFamily::UltraSPARCIii => "UltraSPARC IIi", + ProcessorFamily::UltraSPARCIII => "UltraSPARC III", + ProcessorFamily::UltraSPARCIIIi => "UltraSPARC IIIi", + ProcessorFamily::M68040Family => "68040", + ProcessorFamily::M68xxx => "68xxx", + ProcessorFamily::M68000 => "68000", + ProcessorFamily::M68010 => "68010", + ProcessorFamily::M68020 => "68020", + ProcessorFamily::M68030 => "68030", + ProcessorFamily::AMDAthlonX4QuadCoreProcessorFamily => "Athlon X4", + ProcessorFamily::AMDOpteronX1000SeriesProcessor => "Opteron X1000", + ProcessorFamily::AMDOpteronX2000SeriesAPU => "Opteron X2000", + ProcessorFamily::AMDOpteronASeriesProcessor => "Opteron A-Series", + ProcessorFamily::AMDOpteronX3000SeriesAPU => "Opteron X3000", + ProcessorFamily::AMDZenProcessorFamily => "Zen", + ProcessorFamily::HobbitFamily => "Hobbit", + ProcessorFamily::CrusoeTM5000Family => "Crusoe TM5000", + ProcessorFamily::CrusoeTM3000Family => "Crusoe TM3000", + ProcessorFamily::EfficeonTM8000Family => "Efficeon TM8000", + ProcessorFamily::Weitek => "Weitek", + ProcessorFamily::Itaniumprocessor => "Itanium", + ProcessorFamily::AMDAthlon64ProcessorFamily => "Athlon 64", + ProcessorFamily::AMDOpteronProcessorFamily => "Opteron", + ProcessorFamily::AMDSempronProcessorFamily => "Sempron", + ProcessorFamily::AMDTurion64MobileTechnology => "Turion 64", + ProcessorFamily::DualCoreAMDOpteronProcessorFamily => "Dual-Core Opteron", + ProcessorFamily::AMDAthlon64X2DualCoreProcessorFamily => "Athlon 64 X2", + ProcessorFamily::AMDTurion64X2MobileTechnology => "Turion 64 X2", + ProcessorFamily::QuadCoreAMDOpteronProcessorFamily => "Quad-Core Opteron", + ProcessorFamily::ThirdGenerationAMDOpteronProcessorFamily => "Third-Generation Opteron", + ProcessorFamily::AMDPhenomFXQuadCoreProcessorFamily => "Phenom FX", + ProcessorFamily::AMDPhenomX4QuadCoreProcessorFamily => "Phenom X4", + ProcessorFamily::AMDPhenomX2DualCoreProcessorFamily => "Phenom X2", + ProcessorFamily::AMDAthlonX2DualCoreProcessorFamily => "Athlon X2", + ProcessorFamily::PARISCFamily => "PA-RISC", + ProcessorFamily::PARISC8500 => "PA-RISC 8500", + ProcessorFamily::PARISC8000 => "PA-RISC 8000", + ProcessorFamily::PARISC7300LC => "PA-RISC 7300LC", + ProcessorFamily::PARISC7200 => "PA-RISC 7200", + ProcessorFamily::PARISC7100LC => "PA-RISC 7100LC", + ProcessorFamily::PARISC7100 => "PA-RISC 7100", + ProcessorFamily::V30Family => "V30", + ProcessorFamily::QuadCoreIntelXeonProcessor3200Series => "Quad-Core Xeon 3200", + ProcessorFamily::DualCoreIntelXeonProcessor3000Series => "Dual-Core Xeon 3000", + ProcessorFamily::QuadCoreIntelXeonProcessor5300Series => "Quad-Core Xeon 5300", + ProcessorFamily::DualCoreIntelXeonProcessor5100Series => "Dual-Core Xeon 5100", + ProcessorFamily::DualCoreIntelXeonProcessor5000Series => "Dual-Core Xeon 5000", + ProcessorFamily::DualCoreIntelXeonProcessorLV => "Dual-Core Xeon LV", + ProcessorFamily::DualCoreIntelXeonProcessorULV => "Dual-Core Xeon ULV", + ProcessorFamily::DualCoreIntelXeonProcessor7100Series => "Dual-Core Xeon 7100", + ProcessorFamily::QuadCoreIntelXeonProcessor5400Series => "Quad-Core Xeon 5400", + ProcessorFamily::QuadCoreIntelXeonProcessor => "Quad-Core Xeon", + ProcessorFamily::DualCoreIntelXeonProcessor5200Series => "Dual-Core Xeon 5200", + ProcessorFamily::DualCoreIntelXeonProcessor7200Series => "Dual-Core Xeon 7200", + ProcessorFamily::QuadCoreIntelXeonProcessor7300Series => "Quad-Core Xeon 7300", + ProcessorFamily::QuadCoreIntelXeonProcessor7400Series => "Quad-Core Xeon 7400", + ProcessorFamily::MultiCoreIntelXeonProcessor7400Series => "Multi-Core Xeon 7400", + ProcessorFamily::PentiumIIIXeonProcessor => "Pentium III Xeon", + ProcessorFamily::PentiumIIIProcessorwithIntelSpeedStepTechnology => "Pentium III Speedstep", + ProcessorFamily::Pentium4Processor => "Pentium 4", + ProcessorFamily::IntelXeonProcessor => "Xeon", + ProcessorFamily::AS400Family => "AS400", + ProcessorFamily::IntelXeonProcessorMP => "Xeon MP", + ProcessorFamily::AMDAthlonXPProcessorFamily => "Athlon XP", + ProcessorFamily::AMDAthlonMPProcessorFamily => "Athlon MP", + ProcessorFamily::IntelItanium2Processor => "Itanium 2", + ProcessorFamily::IntelPentiumMProcessor => "Pentium M", + ProcessorFamily::IntelCeleronDProcessor => "Celeron D", + ProcessorFamily::IntelPentiumDProcessor => "Pentium D", + ProcessorFamily::IntelPentiumProcessorExtremeEdition => "Pentium EE", + ProcessorFamily::IntelCoreSoloProcessor => "Core Solo", + ProcessorFamily::IntelCore2DuoProcessor => "Core 2 Duo", + ProcessorFamily::IntelCore2SoloProcessor => "Core 2 Solo", + ProcessorFamily::IntelCore2ExtremeProcessor => "Core 2 Extreme", + ProcessorFamily::IntelCore2QuadProcessor => "Core 2 Quad", + ProcessorFamily::IntelCore2ExtremeMobileProcessor => "Core 2 Extreme Mobile", + ProcessorFamily::IntelCore2DuoMobileProcessor => "Core 2 Duo Mobile", + ProcessorFamily::IntelCore2SoloMobileProcessor => "Core 2 Solo Mobile", + ProcessorFamily::IntelCorei7Processor => "Core i7", + ProcessorFamily::DualCoreIntelCeleronProcessor => "Dual-Core Celeron", + ProcessorFamily::IBM390Family => "IBM390", + ProcessorFamily::G4 => "G4", + ProcessorFamily::G5 => "G5", + ProcessorFamily::ESA390G6 => "ESA/390 G6", + ProcessorFamily::ZArchitecturebase => "z/Architecture", + ProcessorFamily::IntelCorei5processor => "Core i5", + ProcessorFamily::IntelCorei3processor => "Core i3", + ProcessorFamily::IntelCorei9processor => "Core i9", + ProcessorFamily::VIAC7MProcessorFamily => "C7-M", + ProcessorFamily::VIAC7DProcessorFamily => "C7-D", + ProcessorFamily::VIAC7ProcessorFamily => "C7", + ProcessorFamily::VIAEdenProcessorFamily => "Eden", + ProcessorFamily::MultiCoreIntelXeonProcessor => "Multi-Core Xeon", + ProcessorFamily::DualCoreIntelXeonProcessor3xxxSeries => "Dual-Core Xeon 3xxx", + ProcessorFamily::QuadCoreIntelXeonProcessor3xxxSeries => "Quad-Core Xeon 3xxx", + ProcessorFamily::VIANanoProcessorFamily => "Nano", + ProcessorFamily::DualCoreIntelXeonProcessor5xxxSeries => "Dual-Core Xeon 5xxx", + ProcessorFamily::QuadCoreIntelXeonProcessor5xxxSeries => "Quad-Core Xeon 5xxx", + ProcessorFamily::DualCoreIntelXeonProcessor7xxxSeries => "Dual-Core Xeon 7xxx", + ProcessorFamily::QuadCoreIntelXeonProcessor7xxxSeries => "Quad-Core Xeon 7xxx", + ProcessorFamily::MultiCoreIntelXeonProcessor7xxxSeries => "Multi-Core Xeon 7xxx", + ProcessorFamily::MultiCoreIntelXeonProcessor3400Series => "Multi-Core Xeon 3400", + ProcessorFamily::AMDOpteron3000SeriesProcessor => "Opteron 3000", + ProcessorFamily::AMDSempronIIProcessor => "Sempron II", + ProcessorFamily::EmbeddedAMDOpteronQuadCoreProcessorFamily => "Embedded Opteron Quad-Core", + ProcessorFamily::AMDPhenomTripleCoreProcessorFamily => "Phenom Triple-Core", + ProcessorFamily::AMDTurionUltraDualCoreMobileProcessorFamily => { + "Turion Ultra Dual-Core Mobile" + } + ProcessorFamily::AMDTurionDualCoreMobileProcessorFamily => "Turion Dual-Core Mobile", + ProcessorFamily::AMDAthlonDualCoreProcessorFamily => "Athlon Dual-Core", + ProcessorFamily::AMDSempronSIProcessorFamily => "Sempron SI", + ProcessorFamily::AMDPhenomIIProcessorFamily => "Phenom II", + ProcessorFamily::AMDAthlonIIProcessorFamily => "Athlon II", + ProcessorFamily::SixCoreAMDOpteronProcessorFamily => "Six-Core Opteron", + ProcessorFamily::AMDSempronMProcessorFamily => "Sempron M", + ProcessorFamily::I860 => "i860", + ProcessorFamily::I960 => "i960", + ProcessorFamily::SeeProcessorFamily2 => "See Processor Family #2", + ProcessorFamily::ARMv7 => "ARMv7", + ProcessorFamily::ARMv8 => "ARMv8", + ProcessorFamily::ARMv9 => "ARMv9", + ProcessorFamily::SH3 => "SH-3", + ProcessorFamily::SH4 => "SH-4", + ProcessorFamily::ARM => "ARM", + ProcessorFamily::StrongARM => "StrongARM", + ProcessorFamily::Cyrix6x86 => "6x86", + ProcessorFamily::MediaGX => "MediaGX", + ProcessorFamily::MII => "MII", + ProcessorFamily::WinChip => "WinChip", + ProcessorFamily::DSP => "DSP", + ProcessorFamily::VideoProcessor => "Video Processor", + ProcessorFamily::RISCVRV32 => "RV32", + ProcessorFamily::RISCVRV64 => "RV64", + ProcessorFamily::RISCVRV128 => "RV128", + ProcessorFamily::LoongArch => "LoongArch", + ProcessorFamily::Longsoon1ProcessorFamily => "Loongson 1 Processor Family", + ProcessorFamily::Longsoon2ProcessorFamily => "Loongson 2 Processor Family", + ProcessorFamily::Longsoon3ProcessorFamily => "Loongson 3 Processor Family", + ProcessorFamily::Longsoon2KProcessorFamily => "Loongson 2K Processor Family", + ProcessorFamily::Longsoon3AProcessorFamily => "Loongson 3A Processor Family", + ProcessorFamily::Longsoon3BProcessorFamily => "Loongson 3B Processor Family", + ProcessorFamily::Longsoon3CProcessorFamily => "Loongson 3C Processor Family", + ProcessorFamily::Longsoon3DProcessorFamily => "Loongson 3D Processor Family", + ProcessorFamily::Longsoon3EProcessorFamily => "Loongson 3E Processor Family", + ProcessorFamily::DualCoreLoongson2KProcessor2xxxSeries => { + "Dual-Core Loongson 2K Processor 2xxx Series" + } + ProcessorFamily::QuadCoreLoongson3AProcessor5xxxSeries => { + "Quad-Core Loongson 3A Processor 5xxx Series" + } + ProcessorFamily::MultiCoreLoongson3AProcessor5xxxSeries => { + "Multi-Core Loongson 3A Processor 5xxx Series" + } + ProcessorFamily::QuadCoreLoongson3BProcessor5xxxSeries => { + "Quad-Core Loongson 3B Processor 5xxx Series" + } + ProcessorFamily::MultiCoreLoongson3BProcessor5xxxSeries => { + "Multi-Core Loongson 3B Processor 5xxx Series" + } + ProcessorFamily::MultiCoreLoongson3CProcessor5xxxSeries => { + "Multi-Core Loongson 3C Processor 5xxx Series" + } + ProcessorFamily::MultiCoreLoongson3DProcessor5xxxSeries => { + "Multi-Core Loongson 3D Processor 5xxx Series" + } + ProcessorFamily::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, raw), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} + +pub fn dmi_processor_upgrade(processor_upgrade: ProcessorUpgradeData) -> String { + let print = match processor_upgrade.value { + ProcessorUpgrade::Other => OTHER, + ProcessorUpgrade::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + ProcessorUpgrade::DaughterBoard => "Daughter Board", + ProcessorUpgrade::ZIFSocket => "ZIF Socket", + ProcessorUpgrade::ReplaceablePiggyBack => "Replaceable Piggy Back", + ProcessorUpgrade::NoUpgrade => NONE, + ProcessorUpgrade::LIFSocket => "LIF Socket", + ProcessorUpgrade::Slot1 => "Slot 1", + ProcessorUpgrade::Slot2 => "Slot 2", + ProcessorUpgrade::PinSocket370 => "370-pin Socket", + ProcessorUpgrade::SlotA => "Slot A", + ProcessorUpgrade::SlotM => "Slot M", + ProcessorUpgrade::Socket423 => "Socket 423", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketASocket462 => "Socket A (Socket 462)", + ProcessorUpgrade::Socket478 => "Socket 478", + ProcessorUpgrade::Socket754 => "Socket 754", + ProcessorUpgrade::Socket940 => "Socket 940", + ProcessorUpgrade::Socket939 => "Socket 939", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketmPGA604 => "Socket mPGA604", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketLGA771 => "Socket LGA771", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketLGA775 => "Socket LGA775", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketS1 => "Socket S1", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketAM2 => "Socket AM2", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketF1207 => "Socket F (1207)", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketLGA1366 => "Socket LGA1366", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketG34 => "Socket G34", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketAM3 => "Socket AM3", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketC32 => "Socket C32", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketLGA1156 => "Socket LGA1156", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketLGA1567 => "Socket LGA1567", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketPGA988A => "Socket PGA988A", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketBGA1288 => "Socket BGA1288", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketrPGA988B => "Socket rPGA988B", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketBGA1023 => "Socket BGA1023", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketBGA1224 => "Socket BGA1224", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketLGA1155 => "Socket BGA1155", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketLGA1356 => "Socket LGA1356", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketLGA2011 => "Socket LGA2011", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketFS1 => "Socket FS1", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketFS2 => "Socket FS2", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketFM1 => "Socket FM1", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketFM2 => "Socket FM2", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketLGA2011_3 => "Socket LGA2011-3", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketLGA1356_3 => "Socket LGA1356-3", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketLGA1150 => "Socket LGA1150", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketBGA1168 => "Socket BGA1168", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketBGA1234 => "Socket BGA1234", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketBGA1364 => "Socket BGA1364", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketAM4 => "Socket AM4", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketLGA1151 => "Socket LGA1151", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketBGA1356 => "Socket BGA1356", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketBGA1440 => "Socket BGA1440", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketBGA1515 => "Socket BGA1515", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketLGA3647_1 => "Socket LGA3647-1", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketSP3 => "Socket SP3", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketSP3r23 => "Socket SP3r2", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketLGA2066 => "Socket LGA2066", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketBGA1392 => "Socket BGA1392", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketBGA1510 => "Socket BGA1510", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketBGA1528 => "Socket BGA1528", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketLGA4189 => "Socket LGA4189", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketLGA1200 => "Socket LGA1200", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketLGA4677 => "Socket LGA4677", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketLGA1700 => "Socket LGA1700", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketBGA1744 => "Socket BGA1744", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketBGA1781 => "Socket BGA1781", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketBGA1211 => "Socket BGA1211", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketBGA2422 => "Socket BGA2422", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketLGA1211 => "Socket LGA1211", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketLGA2422 => "Socket LGA2422", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketLGA5773 => "Socket LGA5773", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketBGA5773 => "Socket BGA5773", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketAM5 => "Socket AM5", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketSP5 => "Socket SP5", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketSP6 => "Socket SP6", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketBGA883 => "Socket BGA883", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketBGA1190 => "Socket BGA1190", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketBGA4129 => "Socket BGA4129", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketLGA4710 => "Socket LGA4710", + ProcessorUpgrade::SocketLGA7529 => "Socket LGA7529", + ProcessorUpgrade::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, processor_upgrade.raw), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_processor_cache( + label: &str, + handle: Handle, + level: &str, + version: Option, +) { + print!("\t{}: ", label); + match *handle == 0xFFFF { + true => { + if let Some(ver) = version { + match ver >= SMBiosVersion::new(2, 3, 0) { + true => println!("Not Provided"), + false => println!("No {} Cache", level), + } + } + } + false => println!("{:#06X}", *handle), + } +} +pub fn dmi_processor_characteristics(characteristics: ProcessorCharacteristics) { + if characteristics.raw & 0xFC == 0 { + println!("\tCharacteristics: None"); + } else { + println!("\tCharacteristics:"); + if characteristics.unknown() { + println!("\t\tUnknown"); + } + if characteristics.bit_64capable() { + println!("\t\t64-bit capable"); + } + if characteristics.multi_core() { + println!("\t\tMulti-Core"); + } + if characteristics.hardware_thread() { + println!("\t\tHardware Thread"); + } + if characteristics.execute_protection() { + println!("\t\tExecute Protection"); + } + if characteristics.enhanced_virtualization() { + println!("\t\tEnhanced Virtualization"); + } + if characteristics.power_performance_control() { + println!("\t\tPower/Performance Control"); + } + if characteristics.bit_128capable() { + println!("\t\t128-bit Capable"); + } + if characteristics.arm_64soc_id() { + println!("\t\tArm64 SoC ID"); + } + } +} +pub fn dmi_processor_id(data: &SMBiosProcessorInformation<'_>) { + if let Some(p) = data.processor_id() { + println!( + "\tID: {:02X} {:02X} {:02X} {:02X} {:02X} {:02X} {:02X} {:02X}", + p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7] + ); + + let option_family = match (data.processor_family(), data.processor_family_2()) { + (Some(processor_family), None) => { + Some((processor_family.value, processor_family.raw as u16)) + } + (Some(_), Some(processor_family_2)) => { + Some((processor_family_2.value, processor_family_2.raw)) + } + _ => None, + }; + + if let Some(family) = option_family { + let mut sig = 0; + + if family.0 == ProcessorFamily::Intel386Processor { + let dx = u16::from_le_bytes(p[0..=1].try_into().expect("u16 is 2 bytes")); + println!( + "\tSignature: Type {}, Family {}, Major Stepping {}, Minor Stepping {}", + dx >> 12, + (dx >> 8) & 0xF, + (dx >> 4) & 0xF, + dx & 0xF + ); + return; + } else if family.0 == ProcessorFamily::Intel486Processor { + let dx = u16::from_le_bytes(p[0..=1].try_into().expect("u16 is 2 bytes")); + + // Not all 80486 CPU support the CPUID instruction, we have to find + // whether the one we have here does or not. Note that this trick + // works only because we know that 80486 must be little-endian. + if (dx & 0x0F00) == 0x0400 + && ((dx & 0x00F0) == 0x0040 || (dx & 0x00F0) >= 0x0070) + && ((dx & 0x000F) >= 0x0003) + { + sig = 1; + } else { + println!( + "\tSignature: Type {}, Family {}, Major Stepping {}, Minor Stepping {}", + (dx >> 12) & 0x3, + (dx >> 8) & 0xF, + (dx >> 4) & 0xF, + dx & 0xF + ); + return; + } + } + // ARM + else if family.0 == ProcessorFamily::ARMv7 + || family.0 == ProcessorFamily::ARMv8 + || (family.1 >= 0x118 && family.1 <= 0x119) + { + let midr = u32::from_le_bytes(p[4..=7].try_into().expect("u32 is 4 bytes")); + + // The format of this field was not defined for ARM processors + // before version 3.1.0 of the SMBIOS specification, so we + // silently skip it if it reads all zeroes. + if midr == 0 { + return; + } + + println!("\tSignature: Implementor {:#04x}, Variant {:#x}, Architecture {}, Part {:#05x}, Revision {}", midr >> 24, (midr >> 20) & 0xF, (midr >> 16) & 0xF, (midr >> 4) & 0xFFF, midr & 0xF); + return; + } + // Intel + else if (family.1 >= 0x0B && family.1 <= 0x15) + || (family.1 >= 0x28 && family.1 <= 0x2F) + || (family.1 >= 0xA1 && family.1 <= 0xB3) + || family.0 == ProcessorFamily::IntelXeonProcessorMP + || (family.1 >= 0xB9 && family.1 <= 0xC7) + || (family.1 >= 0xCD && family.1 <= 0xCF) + || (family.1 >= 0xD2 && family.1 <= 0xDB) + || (family.1 >= 0xDD && family.1 <= 0xE0) + { + sig = 1; + } + // AMD + else if (family.1 >= 0x18 && family.1 <= 0x1D) + || family.0 == ProcessorFamily::K62Plus + || (family.1 >= 0x38 && family.1 <= 0x3F) + || (family.1 >= 0x46 && family.1 <= 0x4F) + || (family.1 >= 0x66 && family.1 <= 0x6B) + || (family.1 >= 0x83 && family.1 <= 0x8F) + || (family.1 >= 0xB6 && family.1 <= 0xB7) + || (family.1 >= 0xE4 && family.1 <= 0xEF) + { + sig = 2; + } + // Some X86-class CPU have family "Other" or "Unknown". In this case, + // we use the version string to determine if they are known to + // support the CPUID instruction. + else if family.0 == ProcessorFamily::Other || family.0 == ProcessorFamily::Unknown { + if let Some(version) = data.processor_version().to_utf8_lossy() { + match version.as_str() { + "Pentium III MMX" => { + sig = 1; + } + "Intel(R) Core(TM)2" => { + sig = 1; + } + "Intel(R) Pentium(R)" => { + sig = 1; + } + "Genuine Intel(R) CPU U1400" => { + sig = 1; + } + "AMD Athlon(TM)" => { + sig = 2; + } + "AMD Opteron(tm)" => { + sig = 2; + } + "Dual-Core AMD Opteron(tm)" => { + sig = 2; + } + _ => return, + } + } + } else { + // neither X86 nor ARM + return; + } + + // Extra flags are now returned in the ECX register when one calls + // the CPUID instruction. Their meaning is explained in table 3-5, but + // DMI doesn't support this yet. + let eax = u32::from_le_bytes(p[0..=3].try_into().expect("u32 is 4 bytes")); + let edx = u32::from_le_bytes(p[4..=7].try_into().expect("u32 is 4 bytes")); + + match sig { + // Intel + 1 => { + println!( + "\tSignature: Type {}, Family {}, Model {}, Stepping {}", + (eax >> 12) & 0x3, + ((eax >> 20) & 0xFF) + ((eax >> 8) & 0x0F), + ((eax >> 12) & 0xF0) + ((eax >> 4) & 0x0F), + eax & 0xF + ); + } + // AMD, publication #25481 revision 2.28 + 2 => { + println!( + "\tSignature: Family {}, Model {}, Stepping {}", + ((eax >> 8) & 0xF) + + match ((eax >> 8) & 0xF) == 0xF { + true => (eax >> 20) & 0xFF, + false => 0, + }, + ((eax >> 4) & 0xF) + | match ((eax >> 8) & 0xF) == 0xF { + true => (eax >> 12) & 0xF0, + false => 0, + }, + eax & 0xF + ); + } + _ => (), + } + + // Flags + match edx & 0xBFEFFBFF == 0 { + true => println!("\tFlags: None"), + false => { + println!("\tFlags:"); + if (edx & (1 << 0)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tFPU (Floating-point unit on-chip)"); + } + if (edx & (1 << 1)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tVME (Virtual mode extension)"); + } + if (edx & (1 << 9)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tDE (Debugging extension)"); + } + if (edx & (1 << 3)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tPSE (Page size extension)"); + } + if (edx & (1 << 4)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tTSC (Time stamp counter)"); + } + if (edx & (1 << 5)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tMSR (Model specific registers)"); + } + if (edx & (1 << 6)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tPAE (Physical address extension)"); + } + if (edx & (1 << 7)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tMCE (Machine check exception)"); + } + if (edx & (1 << 8)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tCX8 (CMPXCHG8 instruction supported)"); + } + if (edx & (1 << 9)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tAPIC (On-chip APIC hardware supported)"); + } + + if (edx & (1 << 11)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tSEP (Fast system call)"); + } + if (edx & (1 << 12)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tMTRR (Memory type range registers)"); + } + if (edx & (1 << 13)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tPGE (Page global enable)"); + } + if (edx & (1 << 14)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tMCA (Machine check architecture)"); + } + if (edx & (1 << 15)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tCMOV (Conditional move instruction supported)"); + } + if (edx & (1 << 16)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tPAT (Page attribute table)"); + } + if (edx & (1 << 17)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tPSE-36 (36-bit page size extension)"); + } + if (edx & (1 << 18)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tPSN (Processor serial number present and enabled)"); + } + if (edx & (1 << 19)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tCLFSH (CLFLUSH instruction supported)"); + } + + if (edx & (1 << 21)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tDS (Debug store)"); + } + if (edx & (1 << 22)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tACPI (ACPI supported)"); + } + if (edx & (1 << 23)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tMMX (MMX technology supported)"); + } + if (edx & (1 << 24)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tFXSR (FXSAVE and FXSTOR instructions supported)"); + } + if (edx & (1 << 25)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tSSE (Streaming SIMD extensions)"); + } + if (edx & (1 << 26)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tSSE2 (Streaming SIMD extensions 2)"); + } + if (edx & (1 << 27)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tSS (Self-snoop)"); + } + if (edx & (1 << 28)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tHTT (Multi-threading)"); + } + if (edx & (1 << 29)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tTM (Thermal monitor supported)"); + } + if (edx & (1 << 31)) != 0 { + println!("\t\tPBE (Pending break enabled)"); + } + } + } + } + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_controller_ed_method(error_detecting_method: ErrorDetectingMethodData) -> String { + let print = match error_detecting_method.value { + ErrorDetectingMethod::Other => OTHER, + ErrorDetectingMethod::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + ErrorDetectingMethod::NoErrorDetection => NONE, + ErrorDetectingMethod::Parity8Bit => "8-bit Parity", + ErrorDetectingMethod::Ecc32Bit => "32-bit ECC", + ErrorDetectingMethod::Ecc64Bit => "64-bit ECC", + ErrorDetectingMethod::Ecc128Bit => "128-bit ECC", + ErrorDetectingMethod::Crc => "CRC", + ErrorDetectingMethod::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, error_detecting_method.raw), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_controller_ec_capabilities( + attr: &str, + error_correcting_capabilities: ErrorCorrectingCapabilities, +) { + if error_correcting_capabilities.raw & 0x3F == 0 { + println!("\t{}: None", attr); + } else { + println!("\t{}:", attr); + if error_correcting_capabilities.other() { + println!("\t\tOther"); + } + if error_correcting_capabilities.unknown() { + println!("\t\tUnknown"); + } + if error_correcting_capabilities.no_capabilities() { + println!("\t\tNone"); + } + if error_correcting_capabilities.single_bit_error_correcting() { + println!("\t\tSingle-bit Error Correcting"); + } + if error_correcting_capabilities.double_bit_error_correcting() { + println!("\t\tDouble-bit Error Correcting"); + } + if error_correcting_capabilities.error_scrubbing() { + println!("\t\tError Scrubbing"); + } + if error_correcting_capabilities.other() { + println!("\t\tOther"); + } + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_controller_interleave(interleave: InterleaveSupportData) -> String { + let print = match interleave.value { + InterleaveSupport::Other => OTHER, + InterleaveSupport::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + InterleaveSupport::OneWay => "One-way Interleave", + InterleaveSupport::TwoWay => "Two-way Interleave", + InterleaveSupport::FourWay => "Four-way Interleave", + InterleaveSupport::EightWay => "Eight-way Interleave", + InterleaveSupport::SixteenWay => "Sixteen-way Interleave", + InterleaveSupport::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, interleave.raw), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_controller_speeds(speeds: MemorySpeeds) { + println!("\tSupported Speeds:"); + if speeds.raw == 0 { + println!(": None"); + } else { + println!(); + if speeds.other() { + println!("\t\tOther"); + } + if speeds.unknown() { + println!("\t\tUnknown"); + } + if speeds.ns70() { + println!("\t\t70 ns"); + } + if speeds.ns60() { + println!("\t\t60 ns"); + } + if speeds.ns50() { + println!("\t\t50 ns"); + } + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_module_types(attr: &str, memory_types: MemoryTypes, flat: bool) { + if memory_types.raw & 0x07FF == 0 { + println!("\t{}: None", attr); + } else { + let mut vec = Vec::new(); + if memory_types.other() { + vec.push(OTHER) + } + if memory_types.unknown() { + vec.push(UNKNOWN) + } + if memory_types.standard() { + vec.push("Standard") + } + if memory_types.fast_page_mode() { + vec.push("FPM") + } + if memory_types.edo() { + vec.push("EDO") + } + if memory_types.parity() { + vec.push("Parity") + } + if memory_types.ecc() { + vec.push("ECC") + } + if memory_types.simm() { + vec.push("SIMM") + } + if memory_types.dimm() { + vec.push("DIMM") + } + if memory_types.burst_edo() { + vec.push("Burst EDO") + } + if memory_types.sdram() { + vec.push("SDRAM") + } + + if !vec.is_empty() { + if flat { + print!("\t{}: ", attr); + let mut iter = vec.iter(); + print!("{}",; + for memory_type in iter { + // Insert space if not the first value + print!(" {}", memory_type); + } + println!(); + } else { + println!("\t{}:", attr); + for memory_type in vec { + println!("\t\t{}", memory_type); + } + } + } + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_controller_slots(associated_slots: ModuleHandleIterator<'_>) { + let iter: Vec = associated_slots.collect(); + println!("\tAssociated Memory Slots: {}", iter.len()); + for handle in iter { + println!("\t\t{:#06X}", *handle); + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_module_connections(bank_connections: u8) { + print!("\tBank Connections: "); + if bank_connections == 0xFF { + println!("{}", NONE); + } else if bank_connections & 0xF0 == 0xF0 { + println!("{}", bank_connections & 0x0F); + } else if bank_connections & 0x0F == 0x0F { + println!("{}", bank_connections >> 4); + } else { + println!("{} {}", bank_connections >> 4, bank_connections & 0x0F); + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_module_speed(attr: &str, speed: u8) { + print!("\t{}: ", attr); + if speed == 0 { + println!("{}", UNKNOWN); + } else { + println!("{} ns", speed); + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_module_size(attr: &str, size: u8) { + print!("\t{}: ", attr); + let connection = match size & 0x80 == 0x80 { + true => "(Double-bank Connection)", + false => "(Single-bank Connection)", + }; + match size & 0x7F { + 0x7D => println!("Not Determinable {}", connection), + 0x7E => println!("Disabled {}", connection), + 0x7F => println!("Not Installed"), + val => match 1u128.checked_shl(val as u32) { + Some(mb) => println!("{} MB {}", mb, connection), + None => println!("Overflow MB {}", connection), + }, + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_module_error(error_status: u8) { + print!("\tError Status: "); + let print = match error_status { + 0x00 => "OK", + 0x01 => "Uncorrectable Errors", + 0x02 => "Correctable Errors", + 0x03 => "Correctable and Uncorrectable Errors", + 0x04 => "See Event Log", + _ => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => println!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, error_status), + false => println!("{}", print), + } +} +pub fn dmi_cache_size( + attr: &str, + size1_opt: Option, + size2_opt: Option, +) { + if let Some(kb) = match size2_opt.or(size1_opt) { + Some(size) => match size { + CacheMemorySize::Kilobytes(kb) => Some(kb), + CacheMemorySize::SeeCacheSize2 => None, + }, + None => None, + } { + dmi_print_memory_size(attr, kb, true); + } +} +fn dmi_print_helper(attr: &str, size: u64, shift: bool) -> String { + // The number 0 has no units, report it as 0 bytes. + if size == 0 { + return format!("\t{}: 0 bytes", attr); + } + + const UNITS: [&str; 8] = ["bytes", "kB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB"]; + let mut bytes_buckets = [0; 7]; + + bytes_buckets[0] = size & 0x3FF; // bytes + bytes_buckets[1] = (size >> 10) & 0x3FF; // kB + bytes_buckets[2] = (size >> 20) & 0x3FF; // MB + bytes_buckets[3] = (size >> 30) & 0x3FF; // GB + bytes_buckets[4] = (size >> 40) & 0x3FF; // TB + bytes_buckets[5] = (size >> 50) & 0x3FF; // PB + bytes_buckets[6] = (size >> 60) & 0x3FF; // EB + + // Find the first bucket where we have at least one of the unit + let mut i = 6; + while bytes_buckets[i] == 0 { + i -= 1; + } + // If the bucket below the one we found has units, use that as our units + let capacity = if i > 0 && bytes_buckets[i - 1] > 0 { + i -= 1; + bytes_buckets[i] + (bytes_buckets[i + 1] << 10) + } else { + bytes_buckets[i] + }; + + if shift { + i += 1; + } + format!("\t{}: {} {}", attr, capacity, UNITS[i]) +} +pub fn dmi_print_memory_size(attr: &str, size: u64, shift: bool) { + println!("{}", &dmi_print_helper(attr, size, shift)); +} +pub fn dmi_cache_types(attr: &str, types: SramTypes, flat: bool) { + if types.raw & 0x7F == 0 { + println!("\t{}: None", attr); + } else { + let mut vec = Vec::new(); + if types.other() { + vec.push(OTHER) + } else if types.unknown() { + vec.push(UNKNOWN) + } else if types.non_burst() { + vec.push("Non-burst") + } else if types.pipeline_burst() { + vec.push("Pipeline Burst") + } else if types.synchronous() { + vec.push("Synchronous") + } else if types.asynchronous() { + vec.push("Asynchronous") + } + + if !vec.is_empty() { + if flat { + print!("\t{}: ", attr); + let mut iter = vec.iter(); + print!("{}",; + for cache_type in iter { + // Insert space if not the first value + print!(" {}", cache_type); + } + println!(); + } else { + println!("\t{}:", attr); + for cache_type in vec { + println!("\t\t{}", cache_type); + } + } + } + } +} +pub fn dmi_cache_ec_type(ec_type: ErrorCorrectionTypeData) -> String { + let print = match ec_type.value { + ErrorCorrectionType::Other => OTHER, + ErrorCorrectionType::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + ErrorCorrectionType::NoCorrection => NONE, + ErrorCorrectionType::Parity => "Parity", + ErrorCorrectionType::SingleBitEcc => "Single-bit ECC", + ErrorCorrectionType::MultiBitEcc => "Multi-bit ECC", + ErrorCorrectionType::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, ec_type.raw), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_cache_type(cache_type: SystemCacheTypeData) -> String { + let print = match cache_type.value { + SystemCacheType::Other => OTHER, + SystemCacheType::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + SystemCacheType::Instruction => "Instruction", + SystemCacheType::Data => "Data", + SystemCacheType::Unified => "Unified", + SystemCacheType::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, cache_type.raw), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_cache_associativity(associativity: CacheAssociativityData) -> String { + let print = match associativity.value { + CacheAssociativity::Other => OTHER, + CacheAssociativity::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + CacheAssociativity::DirectMapped => "Direct Mapped", + CacheAssociativity::SetAssociative2Way => "2-way Set-associative", + CacheAssociativity::SetAssociative4Way => "4-way Set-associative", + CacheAssociativity::FullyAssociative => "Fully Associative", + CacheAssociativity::SetAssociative8Way => "8-way Set-associative", + CacheAssociativity::SetAssociative16Way => "16-way Set-associative", + CacheAssociativity::SetAssociative12Way => "12-way Set-associative", + CacheAssociativity::SetAssociative24Way => "24-way Set-associative", + CacheAssociativity::SetAssociative32Way => "32-way Set-associative", + CacheAssociativity::SetAssociative48Way => "48-way Set-associative", + CacheAssociativity::SetAssociative64Way => "64-way Set-associative", + CacheAssociativity::SetAssociative20Way => "20-way Set-associative", + CacheAssociativity::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, associativity.raw), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_array_error_handle(handle: Handle) { + print!("\tError Information Handle: "); + match *handle { + 0xFFFE => println!("Not Provided"), + 0xFFFF => println!("No Error"), + val => println!("{:#06X}", val), + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_device_width(attr: &str, width: u16) { + print!("\t{}: ", attr); + match width == 0xFFFF || width == 0 { + true => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + false => println!("{} bits", width), + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_device_size(size: MemorySize) { + print!("\tSize: "); + match size { + MemorySize::NotInstalled => println!("No Module Installed"), + MemorySize::Unknown => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + MemorySize::SeeExtendedSize => { + println!("Error, extended Size does not exist.") + } + MemorySize::Kilobytes(size_kb) => println!("{} kB", size_kb), + MemorySize::Megabytes(size_mb) => { + // Values should be at most 32GB - 1MB here, since that is the + // cutoff before the Extended Size field is used. + if size_mb >= 1024 { + println!("{} GB", size_mb / 1024); + } else { + println!("{} MB", size_mb); + } + } + }; +} +pub fn dmi_memory_device_form_factor(form_factor: MemoryFormFactorData) -> String { + let print = match form_factor.value { + MemoryFormFactor::Other => OTHER, + MemoryFormFactor::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + MemoryFormFactor::Simm => "SIMM", + MemoryFormFactor::Sip => "SIP", + MemoryFormFactor::Chip => "Chip", + MemoryFormFactor::Dip => "DIP", + MemoryFormFactor::Zip => "ZIP", + MemoryFormFactor::ProprietaryCard => "Proprietary Card", + MemoryFormFactor::Dimm => "DIMM", + MemoryFormFactor::Tsop => "TSOP", + MemoryFormFactor::RowOfChips => "Row Of Chips", + MemoryFormFactor::Rimm => "RIMM", + MemoryFormFactor::Sodimm => "SODIMM", + MemoryFormFactor::Srimm => "SRIMM", + MemoryFormFactor::Fbdimm => "FB-DIMM", + MemoryFormFactor::Die => "Die", + MemoryFormFactor::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, form_factor.raw), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_device_set(device_set: u8) { + print!("\tSet: "); + match device_set { + 0 => println!("{}", NONE), + 0xFF => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + val => println!("{}", val), + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_device_type(memory_type: MemoryDeviceTypeData) -> String { + let print = match memory_type.value { + MemoryDeviceType::Other => OTHER, + MemoryDeviceType::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + MemoryDeviceType::Dram => "DRAM", + MemoryDeviceType::Edram => "EDRAM", + MemoryDeviceType::Vram => "VRAM", + MemoryDeviceType::Sram => "SRAM", + MemoryDeviceType::Ram => "RAM", + MemoryDeviceType::Rom => "ROM", + MemoryDeviceType::Flash => "Flash", + MemoryDeviceType::Eeprom => "EEPROM", + MemoryDeviceType::Feprom => "FEPROM", + MemoryDeviceType::Eprom => "EPROM", + MemoryDeviceType::Cdram => "CDRAM", + MemoryDeviceType::ThreeDram => "3DRAM", + MemoryDeviceType::Sdram => "SDRAM", + MemoryDeviceType::Sgram => "SGRAM", + MemoryDeviceType::Rdram => "RDRAM", + MemoryDeviceType::Ddr => "DDR", + MemoryDeviceType::Ddr2 => "DDR2", + MemoryDeviceType::Ddr2Fbdimm => "DDR2 FB-DIMM", + MemoryDeviceType::Ddr3 => "DDR3", + MemoryDeviceType::Fbd2 => "FBD2", + MemoryDeviceType::Ddr4 => "DDR4", + MemoryDeviceType::Lpddr => "LPDDR", + MemoryDeviceType::Lpddr2 => "LPDDR2", + MemoryDeviceType::Lpddr3 => "LPDDR3", + MemoryDeviceType::Lpddr4 => "LPDDR4", + MemoryDeviceType::LogicalNonVolatileDevice => "Logical non-volatile device", + MemoryDeviceType::Hbm => "HBM", + MemoryDeviceType::Hbm2 => "HBM2", + MemoryDeviceType::Ddr5 => "DDR5", + MemoryDeviceType::Lpddr5 => "LPDDR5", + MemoryDeviceType::Hbm3 => "HBM3", + MemoryDeviceType::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, memory_type.raw), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_device_type_detail(type_detail: MemoryTypeDetails) { + print!("\tType Detail: "); + if type_detail.raw & 0xFFFE == 0 { + println!("{}", NONE); + } else { + let mut vec = Vec::new(); + if type_detail.other() { + vec.push(OTHER); + } + if type_detail.unknown() { + vec.push(UNKNOWN); + } + if type_detail.fast_paged() { + vec.push("Fast-paged"); + } + if type_detail.static_column() { + vec.push("Static Column"); + } + if type_detail.pseudo_static() { + vec.push("Pseudo-static"); + } + if type_detail.ram_bus() { + vec.push("RAMBus"); + } + if type_detail.synchronous() { + vec.push("Synchronous"); + } + if type_detail.cmos() { + vec.push("CMOS"); + } + if type_detail.edo() { + vec.push("EDO"); + } + if type_detail.window_dram() { + vec.push("Window DRAM"); + } + if type_detail.cache_dram() { + vec.push("Cache DRAM"); + } + if type_detail.non_volatile() { + vec.push("Non-Volatile"); + } + if type_detail.registered() { + vec.push("Registered (Buffered)"); + } + if type_detail.unbuffered() { + vec.push("Unbuffered (Unregistered)"); + } + if type_detail.lrdimm() { + vec.push("LRDIMM"); + } + + if !vec.is_empty() { + let mut iter = vec.iter(); + print!("{}",; + for detail in iter { + // Insert space if not the first value + print!(" {}", detail); + } + println!(); + } + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_device_speed( + attr: &str, + speed_short: Option, + speed_long: Option, +) { + let val_opt = match (speed_short, speed_long) { + (Some(short), Some(long)) => match short { + MemorySpeed::Unknown => Some(UNKNOWN.to_string()), + MemorySpeed::SeeExtendedSpeed => match long { + MemorySpeedExtended::MTs(mts) => Some(format!("{} MT/s", mts)), + MemorySpeedExtended::SeeSpeed => { + Some("Error, extended speed required but set to 0".to_string()) + } + }, + MemorySpeed::MTs(mts) => Some(format!("{} MT/s", mts)), + }, + (Some(short), None) => match short { + MemorySpeed::Unknown => Some(UNKNOWN.to_string()), + MemorySpeed::SeeExtendedSpeed => { + Some("Error, extended speed required but not present".to_string()) + } + MemorySpeed::MTs(mts) => Some(format!("{} MT/s", mts)), + }, + _ => None, + }; + if let Some(val) = val_opt { + println!("\t{}: {}", attr, val); + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_voltage_value(attr: &str, millivolts: u16) { + match millivolts == 0 { + true => println!("\t{}: Unknown", attr), + false => { + let volts = (millivolts as f32) / 1000f32; + match millivolts % 100 == 0 { + true => println!("\t{}: {:.1} V", attr, volts), + false => println!("\t{}: {:e} V", attr, volts), + } + } + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_technology(technology: MemoryDeviceTechnologyData) { + print!("\tMemory Technology: "); + let print = match technology.value { + MemoryDeviceTechnology::Other => OTHER, + MemoryDeviceTechnology::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + MemoryDeviceTechnology::Dram => "DRAM", + MemoryDeviceTechnology::NvdimmN => "NVDIMM-N", + MemoryDeviceTechnology::NvdimmF => "NVDIMM-F", + MemoryDeviceTechnology::NvdimmP => "NVDIMM-P", + MemoryDeviceTechnology::IntelOptaneDcPersistentMemory => { + "Intel Optane DC persistent memory" + } + MemoryDeviceTechnology::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => println!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, technology.raw), + false => println!("{}", print), + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_operating_mode_capability(mode: MemoryOperatingModeCapabilities) { + print!("\tMemory Operating Mode Capability: "); + if mode.raw & 0xFFFE == 0 { + println!("None"); + } else { + let mut vec = Vec::new(); + if mode.other() { + vec.push(OTHER) + } else if mode.unknown() { + vec.push(UNKNOWN) + } else if mode.volatile_memory() { + vec.push("Volatile memory") + } else if mode.byte_accessible_persistent_memory() { + vec.push("Byte-accessible persistent memory") + } else if mode.block_accessible_persistent_memory() { + vec.push("Block-accessible persistent memory") + } + + if !vec.is_empty() { + let mut iter = vec.iter(); + print!("{}",; + for mode in iter { + // Insert space if not the first value + print!(" {}", mode); + } + println!(); + } + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_manufacturer_id(attr: &str, id: u16) { + print!("\t{}: ", attr); + match id == 0 { + true => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + false => println!("Bank {}, Hex {:#04X}", (id & 0x7F) + 1, id >> 8), + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_product_id(attr: &str, id: u16) { + print!("\t{}: ", attr); + match id == 0 { + true => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + false => println!("{:#06X}", id), + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_size(attr: &str, size: MemoryIndicatedSize) { + match size { + MemoryIndicatedSize::Unknown => { + println!("\t{}: Unknown", attr); + } + MemoryIndicatedSize::Bytes(bytes) => match bytes { + 0u64 => { + println!("\t{}: None", attr); + } + _ => { + dmi_print_memory_size(attr, bytes, false); + } + }, + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_error_type(error_type: MemoryErrorTypeData) -> String { + let print = match error_type.value { + MemoryErrorType::Other => OTHER, + MemoryErrorType::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + MemoryErrorType::OK => "OK", + MemoryErrorType::BadRead => "Bad Read", + MemoryErrorType::ParityError => "Parity Error", + MemoryErrorType::SingleBitError => "Single-bit Error", + MemoryErrorType::DoubleBitError => "Double-bit Error", + MemoryErrorType::MultiBitError => "Multi-bit Error", + MemoryErrorType::NibbleError => "Nibble Error", + MemoryErrorType::ChecksumError => "Checksum Error", + MemoryErrorType::CrcError => "CRC Error", + MemoryErrorType::CorrectedSingleBitError => "Corrected Single-bit Error", + MemoryErrorType::CorrectedError => "Corrected Error", + MemoryErrorType::UncorrectableError => "Uncorrectable Error", + MemoryErrorType::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, error_type.raw), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_error_granularity(granularity: MemoryErrorGranularityData) -> String { + let print = match granularity.value { + MemoryErrorGranularity::Other => OTHER, + MemoryErrorGranularity::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + MemoryErrorGranularity::DeviceLevel => "Device Level", + MemoryErrorGranularity::MemoryPartitionLevel => "Memory Partition Level", + MemoryErrorGranularity::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, granularity.raw), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_error_operation(operation: MemoryErrorOperationData) -> String { + let print = match operation.value { + MemoryErrorOperation::Other => OTHER, + MemoryErrorOperation::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + MemoryErrorOperation::Read => "Read", + MemoryErrorOperation::Write => "Write", + MemoryErrorOperation::PartialWrite => "Partial Write", + MemoryErrorOperation::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, operation.raw), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_error_syndrome(syndrome: u32) { + print!("\tVendor Syndrome: "); + match syndrome == 0 { + true => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + false => println!("{:#10X}", syndrome), + } +} +pub fn dmi_32bit_memory_error_address(attr: &str, address: u32) { + print!("\t{}: ", attr); + match address == 0x80000000u32 { + true => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + false => println!("{:#10X}", address), + } +} +pub fn dmi_mapped_address_extended_size(start: u64, end: u64) { + const ATTR: &str = "Range Size"; + match start >= end { + true => println!("\t{}: Invalid", ATTR), + false => dmi_print_memory_size(ATTR, end - start + 1, false), + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_array_location(location: MemoryArrayLocationData) -> String { + let print = match location.value { + MemoryArrayLocation::Other => OTHER, + MemoryArrayLocation::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + MemoryArrayLocation::SystemBoardOrMotherboard => "System Board Or Motherboard", + MemoryArrayLocation::IsaAddOnCard => "ISA Add-on Card", + MemoryArrayLocation::EisaAddOnCard => "EISA Add-on Card", + MemoryArrayLocation::PciAddOnCard => "PCI Add-on Card", + MemoryArrayLocation::McaAddOnCard => "MCA Add-on Card", + MemoryArrayLocation::PcmciaAddOnCard => "PCMCIA Add-on Card", + MemoryArrayLocation::ProprietaryAddOnCard => "Proprietary Add-on Card", + MemoryArrayLocation::NuBus => "NuBus", + MemoryArrayLocation::PC98C20AddOnCard => "PC-98/C20 Add-on Card", + MemoryArrayLocation::PC98C24AddOnCard => "PC-98/C24 Add-on Card", + MemoryArrayLocation::PC98EAddOnCard => "PC-98/E Add-on Card", + MemoryArrayLocation::PC98LocalBusAddOnCard => "PC-98/Local Bus Add-on Card", + MemoryArrayLocation::CxlFlexbus10AddOnCard => "CXL Flexbus 1.0", + MemoryArrayLocation::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, location.raw), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_array_use(usage: MemoryArrayUseData) -> String { + let print = match usage.value { + MemoryArrayUse::Other => OTHER, + MemoryArrayUse::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + MemoryArrayUse::SystemMemory => "System Memory", + MemoryArrayUse::VideoMemory => "Video Memory", + MemoryArrayUse::FlashMemory => "Flash Memory", + MemoryArrayUse::NonVolatileRam => "Non-volatile RAM", + MemoryArrayUse::CacheMemory => "Cache Memory", + MemoryArrayUse::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, usage.raw), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_array_ec_type(memory_error_correction: MemoryArrayErrorCorrectionData) -> String { + let print = match memory_error_correction.value { + MemoryArrayErrorCorrection::Other => OTHER, + MemoryArrayErrorCorrection::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + MemoryArrayErrorCorrection::NoCorrection => NONE, + MemoryArrayErrorCorrection::Parity => "Parity", + MemoryArrayErrorCorrection::SingleBitEcc => "Single-bit ECC", + MemoryArrayErrorCorrection::MultiBitEcc => "Multi-bit ECC", + MemoryArrayErrorCorrection::Crc => "CRC", + MemoryArrayErrorCorrection::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, memory_error_correction.raw), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_starting_ending_addresses( + starting: Option, + extended_starting: Option, + ending: Option, + extended_ending: Option, +) { + // Convert a 32-bit address in kB to a 64-bit address in bytes + // Shift left 10 multiplies by 1024 (kB to bytes) + // The 10 zeros this produces are replaced with 1's (0x3FF) if the original + // value ended in a 1 (a way of binary rounding). + let address_32_kb_to_64_bytes = |address: u32| -> u64 { + let address_64 = (address as u64) << 10; + match address | 1 == address { + true => address_64 + 0x3FFu64, + false => address_64, + } + }; + + let (starting_address, using_ext_address) = match (starting, extended_starting) { + (Some(address), Some(extended_address)) => match address == 0xFFFFFFFF { + true => (Some(extended_address), true), + false => (Some(address_32_kb_to_64_bytes(address)), false), + }, + (Some(address), None) => (Some(address_32_kb_to_64_bytes(address)), false), + _ => return, + }; + + let ending_address = match (ending, extended_ending) { + (Some(address), Some(extended_address)) => match address == 0xFFFFFFFF { + true => Some(extended_address), + false => Some(address_32_kb_to_64_bytes(address)), + }, + (Some(address), None) => Some(address_32_kb_to_64_bytes(address)), + _ => return, + }; + + // Dmidecode has different padding on addresses for extended addresses vs standard + if using_ext_address { + if let (Some(start), Some(end)) = (starting_address, ending_address) { + println!("\tStarting Address: {:#018X}", start); + println!("\tEnding Address: {:#018X}", end); + dmi_mapped_address_extended_size(start, end); + } + } else if let (Some(start), Some(end)) = (starting_address, ending_address) { + println!("\tStarting Address: {:#013X}", start); + println!("\tEnding Address: {:#013X}", end); + dmi_mapped_address_extended_size(start, end); + } +} +pub fn dmi_mapped_address_row_position(position: u8) { + print!("\tPartition Row Position: "); + match position { + 0 => println!("{}", OUT_OF_SPEC), + 0xFF => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + _ => println!("{}", position), + } +} +pub fn dmi_mapped_address_interleave_position(position: u8) { + if position != 0 { + print!("\tInterleave Position: "); + match position { + 0xFF => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + _ => println!("{}", position), + } + } +} +pub fn dmi_mapped_address_interleaved_data_depth(position: u8) { + if position != 0 { + print!("\tInterleaved Data Depth: "); + match position { + 0xFF => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + _ => println!("{}", position), + } + } +} +pub fn dmi_hardware_security_status(status: HardwareSecurityStatus) -> String { + match status { + HardwareSecurityStatus::Disabled => "Disabled", + HardwareSecurityStatus::Enabled => "Enabled", + HardwareSecurityStatus::NotImplemented => "Not Implemented", + HardwareSecurityStatus::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + } + .to_string() +} +pub fn dmi_bcd_range(value: u8, low: u8, high: u8) -> bool { + if value > 0x99 || (value & 0x0F) > 0x09 { + false + } else { + !(value < low || value > high) + } +} +pub fn dmi_system_boot_status(boot_status_data: &SystemBootStatusData<'_>) -> String { + let print = match boot_status_data.system_boot_status() { + SystemBootStatus::NoErrors => "No errors detected", + SystemBootStatus::NoBootableMedia => "No bootable media", + SystemBootStatus::NormalOSFailedToLoad => "Operating system failed to load", + SystemBootStatus::FirmwareDetectedFailure => "Firmware-detected hardware failure", + SystemBootStatus::OSDetectedFailure => "Operating system-detected hardware failure", + SystemBootStatus::UserRequestedBoot => "User-requested boot", + SystemBootStatus::SystemSecurityViolation => "System security violation", + SystemBootStatus::PreviouslyRequestedImage => "Previously-requested image", + SystemBootStatus::SystemWatchdogTimerExpired => "System watchdog timer expired", + SystemBootStatus::None => "", + }; + + match print.is_empty() { + true => match boot_status_data.raw.is_empty() { + true => OUT_OF_SPEC.to_string(), + false => { + let byte = boot_status_data.raw[0]; + if (128u8..=191u8).contains(&byte) { + "OEM-specific".to_string() + } else if byte >= 192u8 { + "Product-specific".to_string() + } else { + OUT_OF_SPEC.to_string() + } + } + }, + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_port_connector_type(port_connector_type: &PortInformationConnectorTypeData) -> String { + let print = match port_connector_type.value { + PortInformationConnectorType::NoConnector => NONE, + PortInformationConnectorType::Centronics => "Centronics", + PortInformationConnectorType::MiniCentronics => "Mini Centronics", + PortInformationConnectorType::Proprietary => "Proprietary", + PortInformationConnectorType::DB25PinMale => "DB-25 male", + PortInformationConnectorType::DB25PinFemale => "DB-25 female", + PortInformationConnectorType::DB15PinMale => "DB-15 male", + PortInformationConnectorType::DB15PinFemale => "DB-15 female", + PortInformationConnectorType::DB9PinMale => "DB-9 male", + PortInformationConnectorType::DB8PinFemale => "DB-9 female", + PortInformationConnectorType::RJ11 => "RJ-11", + PortInformationConnectorType::RJ45 => "RJ-45", + PortInformationConnectorType::MiniScsi50Pin => "50 Pin MiniSCSI", + PortInformationConnectorType::MiniDin => "Mini DIN", + PortInformationConnectorType::MicroDin => "Micro DIN", + PortInformationConnectorType::Ps2 => "PS/2", + PortInformationConnectorType::Infrared => "Infrared", + PortInformationConnectorType::HpHil => "HP-HIL", + PortInformationConnectorType::AccessBusUsb => "Access Bus (USB)", + PortInformationConnectorType::SsaScsi => "SSA SCSI", + PortInformationConnectorType::CircularDin8Male => "Circular DIN-8 male", + PortInformationConnectorType::CircularDin8Female => "Circular DIN-8 female", + PortInformationConnectorType::OnBoardIde => "On Board IDE", + PortInformationConnectorType::OnBoardFloppy => "On Board Floppy", + PortInformationConnectorType::DualInline9Pin => "9 Pin Dual Inline (pin 10 cut)", + PortInformationConnectorType::DualInline25Pin => "25 Pin Dual Inline (pin 26 cut)", + PortInformationConnectorType::DualInline50Pin => "50 Pin Dual Inline", + PortInformationConnectorType::DualInline68Pin => "68 Pin Dual Inline", + PortInformationConnectorType::OnBoardSoundInputCDRom => "On Board Sound Input From CD-ROM", + PortInformationConnectorType::MiniCentronicsType14 => "Mini Centronics Type-14", + PortInformationConnectorType::MiniCentronicsTyp26 => "Mini Centronics Type-26", + PortInformationConnectorType::MiniJackHeadphones => "Mini Jack (headphones)", + PortInformationConnectorType::Bnc => "BNC", + PortInformationConnectorType::Port1394 => "IEEE 1394", + PortInformationConnectorType::SasSataPlugReceptacle => "SAS/SATA Plug Receptacle", + PortInformationConnectorType::UsbTypeCReceptacle => "USB Type-C Receptacle", + PortInformationConnectorType::PC98 => "PC-98", + PortInformationConnectorType::PC98Hireso => "PC-98 Hireso", + PortInformationConnectorType::PCH88 => "PC-H98", + PortInformationConnectorType::PC98Note => "PC-98 Note", + PortInformationConnectorType::PC98Full => "PC-98 Full", + PortInformationConnectorType::Other => OTHER, + PortInformationConnectorType::None => "", + }; + + match print.is_empty() { + true => format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, port_connector_type.raw), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_port_type(port_type_data: &PortInformationPortTypeData) -> String { + let print = match port_type_data.value { + PortInformationPortType::NoPort => NONE, + PortInformationPortType::ParallelPortXTATCompatible => "Parallel Port XT/AT Compatible", + PortInformationPortType::ParallelPortPS2 => "Parallel Port PS/2", + PortInformationPortType::ParallelPortEcp => "Parallel Port ECP", + PortInformationPortType::ParallelPortEpp => "Parallel Port EPP", + PortInformationPortType::ParallelPortEcpEpp => "Parallel Port ECP/EPP", + PortInformationPortType::SerialPortXTATCompatible => "Serial Port XT/AT Compatible", + PortInformationPortType::SerialPort16450Compatible => "Serial Port 16450 Compatible", + PortInformationPortType::SerialPort16550Compatible => "Serial Port 16550 Compatible", + PortInformationPortType::SerialPort16550ACompatible => "Serial Port 16550A Compatible", + PortInformationPortType::ScsiPort => "SCSI Port", + PortInformationPortType::MidiPort => "MIDI Port", + PortInformationPortType::JoyStickPort => "Joystick Port", + PortInformationPortType::KeyboardPort => "Keyboard Port", + PortInformationPortType::MousePort => "Mouse Port", + PortInformationPortType::SsaScsi => "SSA SCSI", + PortInformationPortType::Usb => "USB", + PortInformationPortType::Firewire => "Firewire (IEEE P1394)", + PortInformationPortType::PcmciaTypeI => "PCMCIA Type I", + PortInformationPortType::PcmcialTypeII => "PCMCIA Type II", + PortInformationPortType::PcmciaTypeIii => "PCMCIA Type III", + PortInformationPortType::Cardbus => "Cardbus", + PortInformationPortType::AccessBusPort => "Access Bus Port", + PortInformationPortType::ScsiII => "SCSI II", + PortInformationPortType::ScsiWide => "SCSI Wide", + PortInformationPortType::PC98 => "PC-98", + PortInformationPortType::PC98Hireso => "PC-98 Hireso", + PortInformationPortType::PCH98 => "PC-H98", + PortInformationPortType::VideoPort => "Video Port", + PortInformationPortType::AudioPort => "Audio Port", + PortInformationPortType::ModemPort => "Modem Port", + PortInformationPortType::NetworkPort => "Network Port", + PortInformationPortType::Sata => "SATA", + PortInformationPortType::Sas => "SAS", + PortInformationPortType::Mfdp => " MFDP (Multi-Function Display Port)", + PortInformationPortType::Thunderbolt => "Thunderbolt", + PortInformationPortType::Port8251Compatible => "8251 Compatible", + PortInformationPortType::Port8251FifoCompatible => "8251 FIFO Compatible", + PortInformationPortType::Other => OTHER, + PortInformationPortType::None => "", + }; + + match print.is_empty() { + true => format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, port_type_data.raw), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_slot_bus_width(width: &SlotWidthData) -> String { + let print = match width.value { + SlotWidth::Other => OTHER, + SlotWidth::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + SlotWidth::Bit8 => "8-bit", + SlotWidth::Bit16 => "16-bit", + SlotWidth::Bit32 => "32-bit", + SlotWidth::Bit64 => "64-bit", + SlotWidth::Bit128 => "128-bit", + SlotWidth::X1 => "x1", + SlotWidth::X2 => "x2", + SlotWidth::X4 => "x4", + SlotWidth::X8 => "x8", + SlotWidth::X12 => "x12", + SlotWidth::X16 => "x16", + SlotWidth::X32 => "x32", + SlotWidth::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, width.raw), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_slot_type(system_slot_type: &SystemSlotTypeData) -> String { + let print = match &system_slot_type.value { + SystemSlotType::Other => OTHER, + SystemSlotType::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + SystemSlotType::Isa => "ISA", + SystemSlotType::Mca => "MCA", + SystemSlotType::Eisa => "EISA", + SystemSlotType::Pci => "PCI", + SystemSlotType::Pcmcia => "PC Card (PCMCIA)", + SystemSlotType::VlVesa => "VLB", + SystemSlotType::Proprietary => "Proprietary", + SystemSlotType::ProcessorCardSlot => "Processor Card", + SystemSlotType::ProprietaryMemoryCardSlot => "Proprietary Memory Card", + SystemSlotType::IORiserCardSlot => "I/O Riser Card", + SystemSlotType::NuBus => "NuBus", + SystemSlotType::Pci66MhzCapable => "PCI-66", + SystemSlotType::Agp(width) => match width { + AgpSlotWidth::X1 => "AGP", + AgpSlotWidth::X2 => "AGP 2x", + AgpSlotWidth::X4 => "AGP 4x", + AgpSlotWidth::X8 => "AGP 8x", + }, + SystemSlotType::Mxm(slot_type) => match slot_type { + MXMSlotType::MxmTypeI => "MXM Type I", + MXMSlotType::MxmTypeII => "MXM Type II", + MXMSlotType::MxmTypeIIIStandard => "MXM Type III", + MXMSlotType::MxmTypeIIIHE => "MXM Type III-HE", + MXMSlotType::MxmTypeIV => "MXM Type IV", + MXMSlotType::Mxm3TypeA => "MXM 3.0 Type A", + MXMSlotType::Mxm3TypeB => "MXM 3.0 Type B", + }, + SystemSlotType::PciX => "PCI-X", + SystemSlotType::M2(slot_type) => match slot_type { + M2SlotType::M2Socket1DP => "M.2 Socket 1-DP", + M2SlotType::M2Socket1SD => "M.2 Socket 1-SD", + M2SlotType::M2Socket2 => "M.2 Socket 2", + M2SlotType::M2Socket3 => "M.2 Socket 3", + }, + SystemSlotType::OcpNic30SmallFormFactor => "OCP NIC 3.0 Small Form Factor (SFF)", + SystemSlotType::OcpNic30LargeFormFactor => "OCP NIC 3.0 Large Form Factor (LFF)", + SystemSlotType::OcpNicPriorTo30 => "OCP NIC Prior to 3.0", + SystemSlotType::CxlFlexbus1 => "CXL FLexbus 1.0", + SystemSlotType::PC98C20 => "PC-98/C20", + SystemSlotType::PC98C24 => "PC-98/C24", + SystemSlotType::PC98E => "PC-98/E", + SystemSlotType::PC98LocalBus => "PC-98/Local Bus", + SystemSlotType::PC98Card => "PC-98/Card", + SystemSlotType::PciExpress(generation, width) => match (generation, width) { + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen1, PciExpressSlotWidth::UndefinedSlotWidth) => { + "PCI Express" + } + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen1, PciExpressSlotWidth::X1) => "PCI Express x1", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen1, PciExpressSlotWidth::X2) => "PCI Express x2", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen1, PciExpressSlotWidth::X4) => "PCI Express x4", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen1, PciExpressSlotWidth::X8) => "PCI Express x8", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen1, PciExpressSlotWidth::X16) => "PCI Express x16", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen1, PciExpressSlotWidth::Sff8639) => "", + ( + PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen1, + PciExpressSlotWidth::PciExpressMini52WithKeepouts, + ) => "", + ( + PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen1, + PciExpressSlotWidth::PciExpressMini52WithoutKeepouts, + ) => "", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen1, PciExpressSlotWidth::PciExpressMini76) => "", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen2, PciExpressSlotWidth::UndefinedSlotWidth) => { + "PCI Express 2" + } + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen2, PciExpressSlotWidth::X1) => "PCI Express 2 x1", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen2, PciExpressSlotWidth::X2) => "PCI Express 2 x2", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen2, PciExpressSlotWidth::X4) => "PCI Express 2 x4", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen2, PciExpressSlotWidth::X8) => "PCI Express 2 x8", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen2, PciExpressSlotWidth::X16) => "PCI Express 2 x16", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen2, PciExpressSlotWidth::Sff8639) => { + "PCI Express 2 SFF-8639 (U.2)" + } + ( + PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen2, + PciExpressSlotWidth::PciExpressMini52WithKeepouts, + ) => "", + ( + PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen2, + PciExpressSlotWidth::PciExpressMini52WithoutKeepouts, + ) => "", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen2, PciExpressSlotWidth::PciExpressMini76) => "", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen3, PciExpressSlotWidth::UndefinedSlotWidth) => { + "PCI Express 3" + } + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen3, PciExpressSlotWidth::X1) => "PCI Express 3 x1", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen3, PciExpressSlotWidth::X2) => "PCI Express 3 x2", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen3, PciExpressSlotWidth::X4) => "PCI Express 3 x4", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen3, PciExpressSlotWidth::X8) => "PCI Express 3 x8", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen3, PciExpressSlotWidth::X16) => "PCI Express 3 x16", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen3, PciExpressSlotWidth::Sff8639) => { + "PCI Express 3 SFF-8639 (U.2)" + } + ( + PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen3, + PciExpressSlotWidth::PciExpressMini52WithKeepouts, + ) => "", + ( + PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen3, + PciExpressSlotWidth::PciExpressMini52WithoutKeepouts, + ) => "", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen3, PciExpressSlotWidth::PciExpressMini76) => "", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen4, PciExpressSlotWidth::UndefinedSlotWidth) => { + "PCI Express 4" + } + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen4, PciExpressSlotWidth::X1) => "PCI Express 4 x1", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen4, PciExpressSlotWidth::X2) => "PCI Express 4 x2", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen4, PciExpressSlotWidth::X4) => "PCI Express 4 x4", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen4, PciExpressSlotWidth::X8) => "PCI Express 4 x8", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen4, PciExpressSlotWidth::X16) => "PCI Express 4 x16", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen4, PciExpressSlotWidth::Sff8639) => { + "PCI Express 4 SFF-8639 (U.2)" + } + ( + PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen4, + PciExpressSlotWidth::PciExpressMini52WithKeepouts, + ) => "", + ( + PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen4, + PciExpressSlotWidth::PciExpressMini52WithoutKeepouts, + ) => "", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen4, PciExpressSlotWidth::PciExpressMini76) => "", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen5, PciExpressSlotWidth::UndefinedSlotWidth) => { + "PCI Express 5" + } + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen5, PciExpressSlotWidth::X1) => "PCI Express 5 x1", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen5, PciExpressSlotWidth::X2) => "PCI Express 5 x2", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen5, PciExpressSlotWidth::X4) => "PCI Express 5 x4", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen5, PciExpressSlotWidth::X8) => "PCI Express 5 x8", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen5, PciExpressSlotWidth::X16) => "PCI Express 5 x16", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen5, PciExpressSlotWidth::Sff8639) => { + "PCI Express 5 SFF-8639 (U.2)" + } + ( + PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen5, + PciExpressSlotWidth::PciExpressMini52WithKeepouts, + ) => "", + ( + PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen5, + PciExpressSlotWidth::PciExpressMini52WithoutKeepouts, + ) => "", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen5, PciExpressSlotWidth::PciExpressMini76) => "", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen6, PciExpressSlotWidth::UndefinedSlotWidth) => { + "PCI Express 6+" + } + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen6, PciExpressSlotWidth::X1) => "", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen6, PciExpressSlotWidth::X2) => "", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen6, PciExpressSlotWidth::X4) => "", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen6, PciExpressSlotWidth::X8) => "", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen6, PciExpressSlotWidth::X16) => "", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen6, PciExpressSlotWidth::Sff8639) => "", + ( + PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen6, + PciExpressSlotWidth::PciExpressMini52WithKeepouts, + ) => "", + ( + PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen6, + PciExpressSlotWidth::PciExpressMini52WithoutKeepouts, + ) => "", + (PciExpressGeneration::PCIExpressGen6, PciExpressSlotWidth::PciExpressMini76) => "", + (PciExpressGeneration::Undefined, PciExpressSlotWidth::UndefinedSlotWidth) => "", + (PciExpressGeneration::Undefined, PciExpressSlotWidth::X1) => "", + (PciExpressGeneration::Undefined, PciExpressSlotWidth::X2) => "", + (PciExpressGeneration::Undefined, PciExpressSlotWidth::X4) => "", + (PciExpressGeneration::Undefined, PciExpressSlotWidth::X8) => "", + (PciExpressGeneration::Undefined, PciExpressSlotWidth::X16) => "", + (PciExpressGeneration::Undefined, PciExpressSlotWidth::Sff8639) => "", + ( + PciExpressGeneration::Undefined, + PciExpressSlotWidth::PciExpressMini52WithKeepouts, + ) => "PCI Express Mini 52-pin with bottom-side keep-outs", + ( + PciExpressGeneration::Undefined, + PciExpressSlotWidth::PciExpressMini52WithoutKeepouts, + ) => "PCI Express Mini 52-pin without bottom-side keep-outs", + (PciExpressGeneration::Undefined, PciExpressSlotWidth::PciExpressMini76) => { + "PCI Express Mini 76-pin" + } + }, + SystemSlotType::EnterpriseAndDataCenter1UE1 => "EDSFF E1", + SystemSlotType::EnterpriseAndDataCenter3InE3 => "EDSFF E3", + SystemSlotType::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, system_slot_type.raw), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_slot_current_usage(current_usage: &SlotCurrentUsageData) -> String { + let print = match current_usage.value { + SlotCurrentUsage::Other => OTHER, + SlotCurrentUsage::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + SlotCurrentUsage::Available => "Available", + SlotCurrentUsage::InUse => "In Use", + SlotCurrentUsage::Unavailable => "Unavailable", + SlotCurrentUsage::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, current_usage.raw), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_slot_length(slot_length: &SlotLengthData) -> String { + let print = match slot_length.value { + SlotLength::Other => OTHER, + SlotLength::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + SlotLength::ShortLength => "Short", + SlotLength::LongLength => "Long", + SlotLength::DriveFormFactor25 => "2.5\" drive form factor", + SlotLength::DriveFormFactor35 => "3.5\" drive form factor", + SlotLength::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, slot_length.raw), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_slot_characteristics( + attr: &str, + characteristics1: &Option, + characteristics2: &Option, +) { + match (&characteristics1, &characteristics2) { + (Some(c1), None) => { + if c1.unknown() { + println!("\t{}: Unknown", attr); + return; + } else if c1.raw & 0xFE == 0 { + println!("\t{}: None", attr); + return; + } + } + (Some(c1), Some(c2)) => { + if c1.unknown() { + println!("\t{}: Unknown", attr); + return; + } else if c1.raw & 0xFE == 0 && c2.raw & 0x07 == 0 { + println!("\t{}: None", attr); + return; + } + } + _ => return, + } + + println!("\t{}:", attr); + + match &characteristics1 { + Some(c1) => { + if c1.provides5_volts() { + println!("\t\t5.0 V is provided"); + } + if c1.provides33_volts() { + println!("\t\t3.3 V is provided"); + } + if c1.shared() { + println!("\t\tOpening is shared"); + } + if c1.supports_pc_card16() { + println!("\t\tPC Card-16 is supported"); + } + if c1.supports_card_bus() { + println!("\t\tCardbus is supported"); + } + if c1.supports_zoom_video() { + println!("\t\tZoom Video is supported"); + } + if c1.supports_modem_ring_resume() { + println!("\t\tModem ring resume is supported"); + } + } + None => (), + } + match &characteristics2 { + Some(c2) => { + if c2.supports_power_management_event() { + println!("\t\tPME signal is supported"); + } + if c2.supports_hot_plug_devices() { + println!("\t\tHot-plug devices are supported"); + } + if c2.supports_smbus_signal() { + println!("\t\tSMBus signal is supported"); + } + if c2.supports_bifurcation() { + println!("\t\tPCIe slot bifurcation is supported"); + } + if c2.supports_suprise_removal() { + println!("\t\tAsync/surprise removal is supported"); + } + if c2.flexbus_slot_cxl10_capable() { + println!("\t\tFlexbus slot, CXL 1.0 capable"); + } + if c2.flexbus_slot_cxl20_capable() { + println!("\t\tFlexbus slot, CXL 2.0 capable"); + } + } + None => (), + } +} +pub fn dmi_slot_segment_bus_func( + segment_group_number: &SegmentGroupNumber, + bus_number: &BusNumber, + device_function_number: &DeviceFunctionNumber, +) { + let sgn = match segment_group_number { + SegmentGroupNumber::SingleSegment => 0u16, + SegmentGroupNumber::Number(sgn) => *sgn, + SegmentGroupNumber::NotApplicable => return, + }; + let (device, function) = match device_function_number { + DeviceFunctionNumber::Number { device, function } => (*device, *function), + /* + TODO: When no device is plugged into the slot, the DMI system slots + structure returns 0xFF for Device Function Number, offset 10h. + dmidecode happily parses this and will thus output 0000:00:1f.7 for any + slots without devices installed. We therefore do the same thing. + */ + DeviceFunctionNumber::NotApplicable => (0x1F, 0x7), + }; + if let BusNumber::Number(bn) = bus_number { println!( + "\tBus Address: {:04x}:{:02x}:{:02x}.{:x}", + sgn, bn, device, function + ) } +} +pub fn dmi_on_board_devices_type(device_type: &OnBoardDeviceType) -> String { + let print = match &device_type.type_of_device() { + TypeOfDevice::Other => OTHER, + TypeOfDevice::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + TypeOfDevice::Video => "Video", + TypeOfDevice::ScsiController => "SCSI Controller", + TypeOfDevice::Ethernet => "Ethernet", + TypeOfDevice::TokenRing => "Token Ring", + TypeOfDevice::Sound => "Sound", + TypeOfDevice::PataController => "PATA Controller", + TypeOfDevice::SataController => "SATA Controller", + TypeOfDevice::SasController => "SAS Controller", + TypeOfDevice::WirelessLan => "Wireless LAN", + TypeOfDevice::Bluetooth => "Bluetooth", + TypeOfDevice::Wwan => "WWAN", + TypeOfDevice::Emmc => "eMMC (embedded Multi-Media Controller)", + TypeOfDevice::NvmeController => "NVMe Controller", + TypeOfDevice::UfsController => "UFS Controller", + TypeOfDevice::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, &device_type.raw & 0x7F), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_event_log_method(access_method: &AccessMethodData) -> String { + let print = match access_method.value { + AccessMethod::IndexedIO18Bit => "Indexed I/O, one 8-bit index port, one 8-bit data port", + AccessMethod::IndexedIO28Bit => "Indexed I/O, two 8-bit index ports, one 8-bit data port", + AccessMethod::IndexedIO116Bit => "Indexed I/O, one 16-bit index port, one 8-bit data port", + AccessMethod::MemoryMapped32Bit => "Memory-mapped physical 32-bit address", + AccessMethod::GeneralPurposeNonVolatile => "General-purpose non-volatile data functions", + AccessMethod::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => { + if access_method.raw >= 0x80 { + format!("OEM-specific ({})", access_method.raw) + } else { + format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, access_method.raw) + } + } + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_event_log_address(access_method: &AccessMethodData, address: u32) { + let print_indexed = || { + let bytes = address.to_le_bytes(); + let index = u16::from_le_bytes(bytes[0..2].try_into().expect("u16 is two bytes")); + let data = u16::from_le_bytes(bytes[2..4].try_into().expect("u16 is two bytes")); + println!("\tAccess Address: Index {:#06X}, Data {:#06X}", index, data); + }; + match access_method.value { + AccessMethod::IndexedIO18Bit => print_indexed(), + AccessMethod::IndexedIO28Bit => print_indexed(), + AccessMethod::IndexedIO116Bit => print_indexed(), + AccessMethod::MemoryMapped32Bit => println!("\tAccess Address: {:#10X}", address), + AccessMethod::GeneralPurposeNonVolatile => { + println!("\tAccess Address: {:#06X}", address & u16::MAX as u32) + } + AccessMethod::None => println!("\tAccess Address: Unknown"), + }; +} +pub fn dmi_event_log_header_type(header_format: &HeaderFormatData) -> String { + let print = match header_format.value { + HeaderFormat::NoHeader => "No Header", + HeaderFormat::Type1LogHeader => "Type 1", + HeaderFormat::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => { + if header_format.raw >= 0x80 { + format!("OEM-specific ({})", header_format.raw) + } else { + format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, header_format.raw) + } + } + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_event_log_descriptor_type(log_type: &LogTypeData) -> String { + let print = match log_type.value { + LogType::SingleBitEccMemoryError => "Single-bit ECC memory error", + LogType::MultiBitEccMemoryError => "Multi-bit ECC memory error", + LogType::ParityMemoryError => "Parity memory error", + LogType::BusTimeOut => "Bus timeout", + LogType::IOChannelCheck => "I/O channel block", + LogType::SoftwareNmi => "Software NMI", + LogType::PostMemoryResize => "POST memory resize", + LogType::PostError => "POST error", + LogType::PciParityError => "PCI parity error", + LogType::PciSystemError => "PCI system error", + LogType::CpuFailure => "CPU failure", + LogType::EisaFailSafeTimerTimeout => "EISA failsafe timer timeout", + LogType::CorrectableMemoryLogDisabled => "Correctable memory log disabled", + LogType::LoggingDisabledForSpecificEventType => "Logging disabled", + LogType::Reserved0F => "Reserved (0x0F)", + LogType::SystemLimitExceeded => "System limit exceeded", + LogType::AsyncHardwareTimerExpired => "Asynchronous hardware timer expired", + LogType::SystemConfigurationInformation => "System configuration information", + LogType::HardDiskInformation => "Hard disk information", + LogType::SystemReconfigured => "System reconfigured", + LogType::UncorrectableCpuComplexError => "Uncorrectable CPU-complex error", + LogType::LogAreaReset => "Log area reset/cleared", + LogType::SystemBoot => "System boot", + LogType::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => { + if log_type.raw >= 0x80 && log_type.raw <= 0xFE { + format!("OEM-specific ({})", log_type.raw) + } else if log_type.raw == 0xFF { + "End of log".to_string() + } else { + format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, log_type.raw) + } + } + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_event_log_descriptor_format(data: &VariableDataFormatTypeData) -> String { + let print = match data.value { + VariableDataFormatType::NoStandardFormat => NONE, + VariableDataFormatType::Handle => "Handle", + VariableDataFormatType::MultipleEvent => "Multiple-event", + VariableDataFormatType::MultipleEventHandle => "Multiple-event handle", + VariableDataFormatType::PostResultsBitmap => "POST results bitmap", + VariableDataFormatType::SystemManagementType => "System management", + VariableDataFormatType::MultipleEventSystemManagementType => { + "Multiple-event system management" + } + VariableDataFormatType::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => { + if data.raw >= 0x80 { + format!("OEM-specific ({})", data.raw) + } else { + format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, data.raw) + } + } + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_pointing_device_type(device_type: &PointingDeviceTypeData) -> String { + let print = match device_type.value { + PointingDeviceType::Other => OTHER, + PointingDeviceType::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + PointingDeviceType::Mouse => "Mouse", + PointingDeviceType::TrackBall => "Track Ball", + PointingDeviceType::TrackPoint => "Track Point", + PointingDeviceType::GlidePoint => "Glide Point", + PointingDeviceType::TouchPad => "Touch Pad", + PointingDeviceType::TouchScreen => "Touch Screen", + PointingDeviceType::OpticalSensor => "Optical Sensor", + PointingDeviceType::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => { + format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, device_type.raw) + } + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_pointing_device_interface(interface: &PointingDeviceInterfaceData) -> String { + let print = match interface.value { + PointingDeviceInterface::Other => OTHER, + PointingDeviceInterface::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + PointingDeviceInterface::Serial => "Serial", + PointingDeviceInterface::PS2 => "PS/2", + PointingDeviceInterface::Infrared => "Infrared", + PointingDeviceInterface::HpHil => "HIP-HIL", + PointingDeviceInterface::BusMouse => "Bus Mouse", + PointingDeviceInterface::Adb => "ADB (Apple Desktop Bus)", + PointingDeviceInterface::BusMouseDB9 => "Bus Mouse DB-9", + PointingDeviceInterface::BusMouseMicroDin => "Bus Mouse Micro DIN", + PointingDeviceInterface::USB => "USB", + PointingDeviceInterface::I2C => "I2C", + PointingDeviceInterface::SPI => "SPI", + PointingDeviceInterface::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => { + format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, interface.raw) + } + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_battery_chemistry(chemistry: &PortableBatteryDeviceChemistryData) -> String { + let print = match chemistry.value { + PortableBatteryDeviceChemistry::Other => OTHER, + PortableBatteryDeviceChemistry::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + PortableBatteryDeviceChemistry::LeadAcid => "Lead Acid", + PortableBatteryDeviceChemistry::NickelCadmium => "Nickel Cadmium", + PortableBatteryDeviceChemistry::NickelMetalHydride => "Nickel Metal Hydride", + PortableBatteryDeviceChemistry::LithiumIon => "Lithium Ion", + PortableBatteryDeviceChemistry::ZincAir => "Zinc Air", + PortableBatteryDeviceChemistry::LithiumPolymer => "Lithium Polymer", + PortableBatteryDeviceChemistry::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => { + format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, chemistry.raw) + } + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_battery_capacity(capacity: &PortableBatteryDesignCapacity, multiplier: u8) { + print!("\tDesign Capacity: "); + match capacity { + PortableBatteryDesignCapacity::MilliWattHours(mwh) => { + println!("{} mwh", mwh * multiplier as u16) + } + PortableBatteryDesignCapacity::Unknown => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + } +} +pub fn dmi_battery_voltage(voltage: &PortableBatteryDesignVoltage) { + print!("\tDesign Voltage: "); + match voltage { + PortableBatteryDesignVoltage::MilliVolts(mv) => { + println!("{} mV", mv) + } + PortableBatteryDesignVoltage::Unknown => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + } +} +pub fn dmi_battery_maximum_error(error: u8) { + print!("\tMaximum Error: "); + match error == 0xFF { + true => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + false => println!("{}%", error), + } +} +pub fn dmi_voltage_probe_location(location: &VoltageProbeLocation) -> String { + let print = match location { + VoltageProbeLocation::Other => OTHER, + VoltageProbeLocation::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + VoltageProbeLocation::Processor => "Processor", + VoltageProbeLocation::Disk => "Disk", + VoltageProbeLocation::PeripheralBay => "Peripheral Bay", + VoltageProbeLocation::SystemManagementModule => "System Management Module", + VoltageProbeLocation::Motherboard => "Motherboard", + VoltageProbeLocation::MemoryModule => "Memory Module", + VoltageProbeLocation::ProcessorModule => "Processor Module", + VoltageProbeLocation::PowerUnit => "Power Unit", + VoltageProbeLocation::AddInCard => "Add-in Card", + VoltageProbeLocation::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => OUT_OF_SPEC.to_string(), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_probe_status(status: &VoltageProbeStatus) -> String { + let print = match status { + VoltageProbeStatus::Other => OTHER, + VoltageProbeStatus::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + VoltageProbeStatus::OK => "OK", + VoltageProbeStatus::NonCritical => "Non-critical", + VoltageProbeStatus::Critical => "Critical", + VoltageProbeStatus::NonRecoverable => "Non-recoverable", + VoltageProbeStatus::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => OUT_OF_SPEC.to_string(), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_voltage_probe_value(attr: &str, probe_value: &ProbeVoltage) { + print!("\t{} ", attr); + match probe_value { + ProbeVoltage::Millivolts(millivolts) => { + let volts = (*millivolts as f32) / 1000f32; + println!("{:.3} V", volts); + } + ProbeVoltage::Unknown => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + } +} +pub fn dmi_voltage_probe_resolution(resolution: &VoltageProbeResolution) { + print!("\tResolution: "); + match resolution { + VoltageProbeResolution::TenthsOfMillivolts(tenths) => { + let millivolts = (*tenths as f32) / 10f32; + println!("{:.1} mV", millivolts); + } + VoltageProbeResolution::Unknown => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + } +} +pub fn dmi_probe_accuracy(accuracy: &VoltageProbeAccuracy) { + print!("\tAccuracy: "); + match accuracy { + VoltageProbeAccuracy::OneOneHundredthPercent(hundredths) => { + let percent = (*hundredths as f32) / 100f32; + println!("{:.2}%", percent); + } + VoltageProbeAccuracy::Unknown => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + } +} +pub fn dmi_cooling_device_type(cooling_device_type: &CoolingDeviceType) -> String { + let print = match cooling_device_type { + CoolingDeviceType::Other => OTHER, + CoolingDeviceType::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + CoolingDeviceType::Fan => "Fan", + CoolingDeviceType::CentrifugalBlower => "Centrifugal Blower", + CoolingDeviceType::ChipFan => "Chip Fan", + CoolingDeviceType::CabinetFan => "Cabinet Fan", + CoolingDeviceType::PowerSupplyFan => "Power Supply Fan", + CoolingDeviceType::HeatPipe => "Heat Pipe", + CoolingDeviceType::IntegratedRefrigeration => "Integrated Refrigeration", + CoolingDeviceType::ActiveCooling => "Active Cooling", + CoolingDeviceType::PassiveCooling => "Passive Cooling", + CoolingDeviceType::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => OUT_OF_SPEC.to_string(), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_cooling_device_status(status: &CoolingDeviceStatus) -> String { + let print = match status { + CoolingDeviceStatus::Other => OTHER, + CoolingDeviceStatus::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + CoolingDeviceStatus::OK => "OK", + CoolingDeviceStatus::NonCritical => "Non-critical", + CoolingDeviceStatus::Critical => "Critical", + CoolingDeviceStatus::NonRecoverable => "Non-recoverable", + CoolingDeviceStatus::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => OUT_OF_SPEC.to_string(), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_cooling_device_speed(speed: &RotationalSpeed) { + print!("\tNominal Speed: "); + match speed { + RotationalSpeed::Rpm(rpm) => println!("{} rpm", *rpm), + RotationalSpeed::Unknown => println!("Unknown Or Non-rotating"), + } +} +pub fn dmi_temperature_probe_location(location: &TemperatureProbeLocation) -> String { + let print = match location { + TemperatureProbeLocation::Other => OTHER, + TemperatureProbeLocation::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + TemperatureProbeLocation::Processor => "Processor", + TemperatureProbeLocation::Disk => "Disk", + TemperatureProbeLocation::PeripheralBay => "Peripheral Bay", + TemperatureProbeLocation::SystemManagementModule => "System Management Module", + TemperatureProbeLocation::Motherboard => "Motherboard", + TemperatureProbeLocation::MemoryModule => "Memory Module", + TemperatureProbeLocation::ProcessorModule => "Processor Module", + TemperatureProbeLocation::PowerUnit => "Power Unit", + TemperatureProbeLocation::AddInCard => "Add-in Card", + TemperatureProbeLocation::FrontPanelBoard => "Front Panel Board", + TemperatureProbeLocation::BackPanelBoard => "Back Panel Board", + TemperatureProbeLocation::PowerSystemBoard => "Power System Board", + TemperatureProbeLocation::DriveBackPlane => "Drive Back Plane", + TemperatureProbeLocation::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => OUT_OF_SPEC.to_string(), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_temperature_probe_status(status: &TemperatureProbeStatus) -> String { + let print = match status { + TemperatureProbeStatus::Other => OTHER, + TemperatureProbeStatus::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + TemperatureProbeStatus::OK => "OK", + TemperatureProbeStatus::NonCritical => "Non-critical", + TemperatureProbeStatus::Critical => "Critical", + TemperatureProbeStatus::NonRecoverable => "Non-recoverable", + TemperatureProbeStatus::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => OUT_OF_SPEC.to_string(), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_temperature_probe_value(attr: &str, probe_value: &ProbeTemperature) { + print!("\t{} ", attr); + match probe_value { + ProbeTemperature::OneTenthDegreesC(tenths) => { + let degrees = (*tenths as f32) / 10f32; + println!("{:.1} deg C", degrees); + } + ProbeTemperature::Unknown => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + } +} +pub fn dmi_temperature_probe_resolution(resolution: &TemperatureProbeResolution) { + print!("\tResolution: "); + match resolution { + TemperatureProbeResolution::OneOneThousandthDegreesC(thousandths) => { + let degrees = (*thousandths as f32) / 1000f32; + println!("{:.3} deg C", degrees); + } + TemperatureProbeResolution::Unknown => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + } +} +pub fn dmi_temperature_probe_accuracy(accuracy: &TemperatureProbeAccuracy) { + print!("\tAccuracy: "); + match accuracy { + TemperatureProbeAccuracy::OneOneHundredthDegreesC(hundredths) => { + let percent = (*hundredths as f32) / 100f32; + println!("{:.2}%", percent); + } + TemperatureProbeAccuracy::Unknown => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + } +} +pub fn dmi_current_probe_location(location: &CurrentProbeLocation) -> String { + let print = match location { + CurrentProbeLocation::Other => OTHER, + CurrentProbeLocation::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + CurrentProbeLocation::Processor => "Processor", + CurrentProbeLocation::Disk => "Disk", + CurrentProbeLocation::PeripheralBay => "Peripheral Bay", + CurrentProbeLocation::SystemManagementModule => "System Management Module", + CurrentProbeLocation::Motherboard => "Motherboard", + CurrentProbeLocation::MemoryModule => "Memory Module", + CurrentProbeLocation::ProcessorModule => "Processor Module", + CurrentProbeLocation::PowerUnit => "Power Unit", + CurrentProbeLocation::AddInCard => "Add-in Card", + CurrentProbeLocation::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => OUT_OF_SPEC.to_string(), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_current_probe_status(status: &CurrentProbeStatus) -> String { + let print = match status { + CurrentProbeStatus::Other => OTHER, + CurrentProbeStatus::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + CurrentProbeStatus::OK => "OK", + CurrentProbeStatus::NonCritical => "Non-critical", + CurrentProbeStatus::Critical => "Critical", + CurrentProbeStatus::NonRecoverable => "Non-recoverable", + CurrentProbeStatus::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => OUT_OF_SPEC.to_string(), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_current_probe_value(attr: &str, probe_value: &ProbeAmperage) { + print!("\t{} ", attr); + match probe_value { + ProbeAmperage::Milliamps(milliamps) => { + let amps = (*milliamps as f32) / 1000f32; + println!("{:.3} A", amps); + } + ProbeAmperage::Unknown => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + } +} +pub fn dmi_current_probe_resolution(resolution: &CurrentProbeResolution) { + print!("\tResolution: "); + match resolution { + CurrentProbeResolution::TenthsOfMilliamps(tenths_milliamps) => { + let ma = (*tenths_milliamps as f32) / 10f32; + println!("{:.1} mA", ma); + } + CurrentProbeResolution::Unknown => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + } +} +pub fn dmi_current_probe_accuracy(accuracy: &CurrentProbeAccuracy) { + print!("\tAccuracy: "); + match accuracy { + CurrentProbeAccuracy::OneOneHundredthPercent(one_hudredth_percent) => { + let percent = (*one_hudredth_percent as f32) / 100f32; + println!("{:.2}%", percent); + } + CurrentProbeAccuracy::Unknown => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + } +} +pub fn dmi_64bit_memory_error_address(attr: &str, address: u64) { + print!("\t{}: ", attr); + match address == 0x80000000_00000000u64 { + true => println!("{}", UNKNOWN), + false => println!("{:#18X}", address), + } +} +pub fn dmi_management_device_type(device_type: &ManagementDeviceTypeData) -> String { + let print = match device_type.value { + ManagementDeviceType::Other => OTHER, + ManagementDeviceType::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + ManagementDeviceType::NationalSemiconductorLM75 => "LM75", + ManagementDeviceType::NationalSemiconductorLM78 => "LM78", + ManagementDeviceType::NationalSemiconductorLM79 => "LM79", + ManagementDeviceType::NationalSemiconductorLM80 => "LM80", + ManagementDeviceType::NationalSemiconductorLM81 => "LM81", + ManagementDeviceType::AnalogDevicesADM9240 => "ADM9240", + ManagementDeviceType::DallasSemiconductorDS1780 => "DS1780", + ManagementDeviceType::Maxim1617 => "MAX1617", + ManagementDeviceType::GenesysGL518SM => "GL518SM", + ManagementDeviceType::WinbondW83781D => "W83781D", + ManagementDeviceType::HoltekHT82H791 => "HT82H791", + ManagementDeviceType::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => { + format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, device_type.raw) + } + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_management_device_address_type( + address_type: &ManagementDeviceAddressTypeData, +) -> String { + let print = match address_type.value { + ManagementDeviceAddressType::Other => OTHER, + ManagementDeviceAddressType::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + ManagementDeviceAddressType::IOPort => "I/O Port", + ManagementDeviceAddressType::Memory => "Memory", + ManagementDeviceAddressType::SMBus => "SMBus", + ManagementDeviceAddressType::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => { + format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, address_type.raw) + } + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_memory_channel_type(channel_type: &MemoryChannelTypeData) -> String { + let print = match channel_type.value { + MemoryChannelType::Other => OTHER, + MemoryChannelType::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + MemoryChannelType::RamBus => "RamBus", + MemoryChannelType::SyncLink => "SyncLink", + MemoryChannelType::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => { + format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, channel_type.raw) + } + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_ipmi_interface_type(interface_type: &IpmiInterfaceTypeData) -> String { + let print = match interface_type.value { + IpmiInterfaceType::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + IpmiInterfaceType::KeyboardControllerStyle => "KCS (Keyboard Control Style)", + IpmiInterfaceType::ServerManagementInterfaceChip => { + "SMIC (Server Management Interface Chip)" + } + IpmiInterfaceType::BlockTransfer => "BT (Block Transfer)", + IpmiInterfaceType::SMBusSystemInterface => "SSIF (SMBus System Interface)", + IpmiInterfaceType::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => { + format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, interface_type.raw) + } + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_ipmi_base_address( + interface_type: &IpmiInterfaceTypeData, + base_address: u64, + base_address_modifier: &Option, +) { + print!("\tBase Address: "); + match interface_type.value { + IpmiInterfaceType::SMBusSystemInterface => { + let bytes = base_address.to_le_bytes(); + println!("{:#04X} (SMBus)", bytes[0] >> 1); + } + _ => { + let zero = AddressBit::Zero; + let address_bit = if let Some(modifier) = &base_address_modifier { + &modifier.ls_address_bit + } else { + &zero + }; + + // If the least-significant bit of the field is a 1, the address is in + // I/O space; otherwise, the address is memory-mapped. + let memory_type = match base_address & 1 == 1 { + true => "I/O", + false => "Memory-mapped", + }; + + // Strip off the least-significant bit + let address_stripped = base_address & (u64::MAX - 1); + + // Add back the least-significant bit if it is specified via the base address modifier + let actual_address = match address_bit { + AddressBit::Zero => address_stripped, + AddressBit::One => address_stripped | 1, + }; + + println!("{:#18X} ({})", actual_address, memory_type); + } + } +} +pub fn dmi_ipmi_register_spacing(register_spacing: &RegisterSpacing) -> String { + match register_spacing { + RegisterSpacing::BoundaryByte => "Successive Byte Boundaries", + RegisterSpacing::Boundary32Bit => "32-bit Boundaries", + RegisterSpacing::Boundary16Bit => "16-byte Boundaries", + RegisterSpacing::None => OUT_OF_SPEC, + } + .to_string() +} +pub fn dmi_power_supply_power(capacity: &MaxPowerCapacity) { + print!("\tMax Power Capacity: "); + match capacity { + MaxPowerCapacity::Watts(watts) => println!("{} W", watts), + MaxPowerCapacity::Unknown => println!("Unknown"), + }; +} +pub fn dmi_power_supply_status(status: &PowerSupplyStatus) -> String { + let print = match status { + PowerSupplyStatus::Other => OTHER, + PowerSupplyStatus::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + PowerSupplyStatus::OK => "OK", + PowerSupplyStatus::NonCritical => "Non-critical", + PowerSupplyStatus::Critical => "Critical", + PowerSupplyStatus::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => OUT_OF_SPEC.to_string(), + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_power_supply_type(supply_type: &PowerSupplyType) -> String { + match supply_type { + PowerSupplyType::Other => OTHER, + PowerSupplyType::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + PowerSupplyType::Linear => "Linear", + PowerSupplyType::Switching => "Switching", + PowerSupplyType::Battery => "Battery", + PowerSupplyType::Ups => "UPS", + PowerSupplyType::Converter => "Converter", + PowerSupplyType::Regulator => "Regulator", + PowerSupplyType::None => OUT_OF_SPEC, + } + .to_string() +} +pub fn dmi_power_supply_range_switching( + input_voltage_range_switching: &InputVoltageRangeSwitching, +) -> String { + match input_voltage_range_switching { + InputVoltageRangeSwitching::Other => OTHER, + InputVoltageRangeSwitching::Unknown => UNKNOWN, + InputVoltageRangeSwitching::Manual => "Manual", + InputVoltageRangeSwitching::AutoSwitch => "Auto-switch", + InputVoltageRangeSwitching::WideRange => "Wide Range", + InputVoltageRangeSwitching::NotApplicable => "N/A", + InputVoltageRangeSwitching::None => OUT_OF_SPEC, + } + .to_string() +} +pub fn dmi_management_controller_host_type(host_type: &HostInterfaceTypeData) -> String { + let print = match host_type.value { + HostInterfaceType::KeyboardControllerStyle => "KCS: Keyboard Controller Style", + HostInterfaceType::Uart8250 => "8250 UART Register Compatible", + HostInterfaceType::Uart16450 => "16450 UART Register Compatible", + HostInterfaceType::Uart16550 => "16550/16550A UART Register Compatible", + HostInterfaceType::Uart16650 => "16650/16650A UART Register Compatible", + HostInterfaceType::Uart16750 => "16750/16750A UART Register Compatible", + HostInterfaceType::Uart16850 => "16850/16850A UART Register Compatible", + HostInterfaceType::NetworkHostInterface => "Network", + HostInterfaceType::OemDefined => "OEM", + HostInterfaceType::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => match host_type.raw <= 0x3F { + true => "MCTP".to_string(), + false => format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, host_type.raw), + }, + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +pub fn dmi_tpm_vendor_id(vendor_id: &VendorId<'_>) { + let vendor_id_string: String = vendor_id + .array + .iter() + .take_while(|&¬_zero| not_zero != 0u8) + .map(|&ascii_filter| match !(32..127).contains(&ascii_filter) { + true => '.', + false => ascii_filter as char, + }) + .collect(); + println!("\tVendor ID: {}", vendor_id_string); +} +pub fn dmi_tpm_characteristics(characteristics: &TpmDeviceCharacteristics) { + if characteristics.not_supported() { + println!("\t\tTPM Device characteristics not supported"); + return; + } + if characteristics.family_configurable_via_firmware() { + println!("\t\tFamily configurable via firmware update"); + } + if characteristics.family_configurable_via_software() { + println!("\t\tFamily configurable via platform software support"); + } + if characteristics.family_configurable_via_oem() { + println!("\t\tFamily configurable via OEM proprietary mechanism"); + } +} +pub fn dmi_parse_controller_structure(data: &SMBiosManagementControllerHostInterface<'_>) { + if let Some(interface_type) = data.interface_type() { + println!( + "\tHost Interface Type: {}", + dmi_management_controller_host_type(&interface_type) + ); + + /* + * The following decodes are code for Network interface host types only + * As defined in DSP0270 + */ + if interface_type.value != HostInterfaceType::NetworkHostInterface { + return; + } + + if let Some(specific_data) = data.interface_type_specific_data() { + let len = specific_data.len(); + if len > 0 { + let device_type = specific_data[0]; + println!("\tDevice Type: {}", dmi_parse_device_type(device_type)); + + match device_type { + 0x2 => { + /* USB Device Type - Need at least 4 bytes */ + if len >= 5 { + let usbdata = &specific_data[1..]; + let id_vendor = u16::from_le_bytes( + usbdata[0..2].try_into().expect("u16 is 2 bytes"), + ); + let id_product = u16::from_le_bytes( + usbdata[2..4].try_into().expect("u16 is 2 bytes"), + ); + println!("\tidVendor: {:#06x}", id_vendor); + println!("\tidProduct: {:#06x}", id_product); + } + } + 0x3 => { + /* PCI Device Type - Need at least 8 bytes */ + if len >= 9 { + let pcidata = &specific_data[1..]; + let vendor_id = u16::from_le_bytes( + pcidata[0..2].try_into().expect("u16 is 2 bytes"), + ); + let device_id = u16::from_le_bytes( + pcidata[2..4].try_into().expect("u16 is 2 bytes"), + ); + let sub_vendor_id = u16::from_le_bytes( + pcidata[4..6].try_into().expect("u16 is 2 bytes"), + ); + let sub_device_id = u16::from_le_bytes( + pcidata[6..8].try_into().expect("u16 is 2 bytes"), + ); + println!("\tVendorID: {:#06x}", vendor_id); + println!("\tDeviceID: {:#06x}", device_id); + println!("\tSubVendorID: {:#06x}", sub_vendor_id); + println!("\tSubDeviceID: {:#06x}", sub_device_id); + } + } + 0x4 => { + /* OEM Device Type - Need at least 4 bytes */ + if len >= 5 { + let oemdata = &specific_data[1..]; + println!( + "\tVendor ID: {:#04x}:{:#04x}:{:#04x}:{:#04x}", + oemdata[0], oemdata[1], oemdata[2], oemdata[3] + ); + } + } + _ => (), /* Don't mess with unknown types for now */ + } + } + } + for protocol_record in data.protocol_record_iterator() { + if let Some(protocol_type) = protocol_record.protocol_type() { + println!( + "\tProtocol ID: {}", + dmi_protocol_record_type(&protocol_type) + ); + /* + * Don't decode anything other than Redfish for now + * Note 0x4 is Redfish over IP in 7.43.2 + * and DSP0270: 8.5 + */ + if protocol_type.value == HostProtocolType::RedfishOverIP { + if let Some(rdata) = protocol_record.protocol_type_specific_data() { + let rlen = rdata.len(); + /* + * Ensure that the protocol record is of sufficient length + * For RedFish that means rlen must be at least 91 bytes + * other protcols will need different length checks + */ + if rlen >= 91 { + /* + * DSP0270: 8.6: Redfish Over IP Service UUID + */ + println!("\tService UUID: {:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}-{:02X}{:02X}-{:02X}{:02X}-{:02X}{:02X}-{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}", + rdata[3], rdata[2], rdata[1], rdata[0], rdata[5], rdata[4], rdata[7], rdata[6], rdata[8], rdata[9], rdata[10], rdata[11], rdata[12], rdata[13], rdata[14], rdata[15]); + /* + * DSP0270: 8.6: Redfish Over IP Host IP Assignment Type + * Note, using decimal indices here, as the DSP0270 + * uses decimal, so as to make it more comparable + */ + let assign_val = rdata[16]; + println!( + "\tHost IP Assignment Type: {}", + dmi_protocol_assignment_type(assign_val) + ); + /* DSP0270: 8.6: Redfish Over IP Host Address format */ + let addrtype = rdata[17]; + let addrstr = dmi_address_type(addrtype); + println!("\tHost IP Address Format: {}", addrstr); + /* DSP0270: 8.6 IP Assignment types */ + /* We only use the Host IP Address and Mask if the assignment type is static */ + if assign_val == 0x1 || assign_val == 0x3 { + /* DSP0270: 8.6: the Host IPv[4|6] Address */ + println!( + "\t{} Address: {}", + addrstr, + dmi_address_decode(&rdata[18..], addrtype) + ); + /* DSP0270: 8.6: Prints the Host IPv[4|6] Mask */ + println!( + "\t{} Mask: {}", + addrstr, + dmi_address_decode(&rdata[34..], addrtype) + ); + } + /* DSP0270: 8.6: Get the Redfish Service IP Discovery Type */ + let assign_val = rdata[50]; + /* Redfish Service IP Discovery type mirrors Host IP Assignment type */ + println!( + "\tRedfish Service IP Discovery Type: {}", + dmi_protocol_assignment_type(assign_val), + ); + /* DSP0270: 8.6: Get the Redfish Service IP Address Format */ + let addrtype = rdata[51]; + let addrstr = dmi_address_type(addrtype); + println!("\tRedfish Service IP Address Format: {}", addrstr); + if assign_val == 0x1 || assign_val == 0x3 { + /* DSP0270: 8.6: Prints the Redfish IPv[4|6] Service Address */ + println!( + "\t{} Redfish Service Address: {}", + addrstr, + dmi_address_decode(&rdata[52..], addrtype) + ); + /* DSP0270: 8.6: Prints the Redfish IPv[4|6] Service Mask */ + println!( + "\t{} Redfish Service Mask: {}", + addrstr, + dmi_address_decode(&rdata[68..], addrtype) + ); + /* DSP0270: 8.6: Redfish vlan and port info */ + let port = u16::from_le_bytes( + rdata[84..86].try_into().expect("u16 is 2 bytes"), + ); + let vlan = u32::from_le_bytes( + rdata[86..90].try_into().expect("u32 is 4 bytes"), + ); + println!("\tRedfish Service Port: {}", port); + println!("\tRedfish Service Vlan: {}", vlan); + } + /* DSP0270: 8.6: Redfish host length and name */ + let hlen = rdata[90]; + /* + * DSP0270: 8.6: The length of the host string + 91 (the minimum + * size of a protocol record) cannot exceed the record length + * (rec[0x1]) + */ + print!("\tRedfish Service Hostname: "); + match (hlen as usize) + 91 > rlen { + true => println!("{}", OUT_OF_SPEC), + false => { + let hname: String = + rdata[91..].iter().map(|&i| i as char).collect(); + println!("{}", hname) + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + } +} + +fn dmi_parse_device_type(device_type: u8) -> String { + match device_type { + 0x2 => "USB".to_string(), + 0x3 => "PCI/PCIe".to_string(), + val => match val >= 0x80 { + true => "OEM".to_string(), + false => OUT_OF_SPEC.to_string(), + }, + } +} +/// 7.43.2: Protocol Record Types +fn dmi_protocol_record_type(protocol_type: &HostProtocolTypeData) -> String { + let print = match protocol_type.value { + HostProtocolType::Ipmi => "IPMI", + HostProtocolType::Mctp => "MCTP", + HostProtocolType::RedfishOverIP => "Redfish over IP", + HostProtocolType::OemDefined => "OEM", + HostProtocolType::None => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => { + format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, protocol_type.raw) + } + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +/// DSP0270: 8.6: Protocol IP Assignment types +fn dmi_protocol_assignment_type(assignment_type: u8) -> String { + let print = match assignment_type { + 0x0 => UNKNOWN, + 0x1 => "Static", + 0x2 => "DHCP", + 0x3 => "AutoConf", + 0x4 => "Host Selected", + _ => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => { + format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, assignment_type) + } + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +/// DSP0270: 8.6: Protocol IP Address type +fn dmi_address_type(address_type: u8) -> String { + let print = match address_type { + 0x0 => UNKNOWN, + 0x1 => "IPv4", + 0x2 => "IPv6", + _ => "", + }; + match print.is_empty() { + true => { + format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, address_type) + } + false => print.to_string(), + } +} +/// DSP0270: 8.6 Protocol Address decode +fn dmi_address_decode(data: &[u8], address_type: u8) -> String { + match address_type { + 0x1 => + /* IPv4 */ + { + let addr_bytes: [u8; 4] = data[0..4].try_into().expect("IPV4 is 4 bytes"); + IpAddr::from(addr_bytes).to_string() + } + 0x2 => + /* IPv6 */ + { + let addr_bytes: [u8; 16] = data[0..16].try_into().expect("IPV6 is 16 bytes"); + IpAddr::from(addr_bytes).to_string() + } + _ => format!("{} ({})", OUT_OF_SPEC, address_type), + } +} + +#[cfg(test)] +mod tests { + use crate::dmifn::dmi_print_helper; + + #[test] + pub fn test_units_formatter_happy() { + assert_eq!(dmi_print_helper("A", 33554432, true), "\tA: 32 GB"); + assert_eq!(dmi_print_helper("A", 32768, true), "\tA: 32 MB"); + assert_eq!(dmi_print_helper("A", 4096, true), "\tA: 4 MB"); + assert_eq!(dmi_print_helper("A", 16777216, true), "\tA: 16 GB"); + assert_eq!(dmi_print_helper("A", 134217728, true), "\tA: 128 GB"); + + assert_eq!(dmi_print_helper("A", 16384, false), "\tA: 16 kB"); + } + + #[test] + pub fn test_units_formatter_failing() { + // We were failing previously when the next tier of units below the most + // significant were nonzero. IE: 3.5GB vs 3.0GB. We would incorrectly discard + // the less significant units. + assert_eq!(dmi_print_helper("A", 3670016, true), "\tA: 3584 MB"); + assert_eq!(dmi_print_helper("A", 29884416, true), "\tA: 29184 MB"); + } +} diff --git a/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ b/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..15cf6ae --- /dev/null +++ b/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ @@ -0,0 +1,657 @@ +//! This file is part of the uutils coreutils package. +// +// (c) QianHuilan +// +// For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file +// that was distributed with this source code. +use crate::default_out::dump_undefined_struct; +use crate::error::BiosParseError; +use enum_iterator::Sequence; +use smbioslib::*; +use std::{ + collections::HashSet, + fmt::{self, Display, Formatter}, + path::PathBuf, + str::FromStr, +}; +use structopt::StructOpt; + +#[allow(dead_code)] +#[derive(StructOpt,Debug)] +#[structopt( + name = "dmidecode", + about = "dmidecode is a command-line tool used to extract and display hardware information from the system's DMI (Desktop Management Interface) tables. These tables contain detailed data about various hardware components, such as BIOS, system, baseboard, chassis, and more. This tool is commonly used for hardware diagnostics, system auditing, and inventory management. + +Key Features + +Information Extraction: Reads and displays information from the DMI tables, providing details about the system's hardware components. +Output Formats: Supports output in human-readable text format and JSON format (both compact and pretty-printed options available). +Filtering Options: Allows filtering of the output to display only specific types of entries, such as BIOS or processor information, or specific handles. +Debugging Tools: Offers the ability to dump the contents of the DMI tables in hexadecimal format, which can be useful for debugging and detailed analysis. +Use Cases + +dmidecode is particularly useful for system administrators, hardware engineers, and IT professionals who need to quickly access detailed information about a computer's hardware without opening the case or accessing the hardware physically. It is also valuable for software that needs to gather hardware information programmatically for inventory or compliance purposes.", +)] +pub struct Opt { + /// Less verbose output + // short and long flags (-q, --quiet) will be deduced from the field's name + #[structopt(short, long)] + pub quiet: bool, + + /// Read memory from device FILE (default: /dev/mem) + #[structopt(short, long, name = "FILE", parse(from_os_str))] + pub dev_mem: Option, + + /// Only display the value of the DMI string identified by `keyword`. + /// + /// `keyword` must be a keyword from the following list: bios-vendor, + /// bios-version, bios-release-date, system-manufacturer, system- + /// product-name, system-version, system-serial-number, system-uuid, + /// system-family, baseboard-manufacturer, baseboard-product-name, + /// baseboard-version, baseboard-serial-number, baseboard-asset-tag, + /// chassis-manufacturer, chassis-type, chassis-version, chassis- + /// serial-number, chassis-asset-tag, processor-family, processor- + /// manufacturer, processor-version, processor-frequency. Each + /// keyword corresponds to a given DMI type and a given offset + /// within this entry type. Not all strings may be meaningful or + /// even defined on all systems. Some keywords may return more than + /// one result on some systems (e.g. processor-version on a multi- + /// processor system). If KEYWORD is not provided or not valid, a + /// list of all valid keywords is printed and dmidecode exits with + /// an error. This option cannot be used more than once. + /// + /// Note: on Linux, most of these strings can alternatively be read + /// directly from sysfs, typically from files under + /// /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id. Most of these files are even + /// readable by regular users. + #[structopt(short = "s", long = "string")] + pub keyword: Option, + + /// Read the DMI data from a binary file + #[structopt(long = "from-dump", parse(from_os_str))] + pub input: Option, + + /// Dump the DMI data to a binary file + #[structopt(long = "dump-bin", parse(from_os_str))] + pub output: Option, + + /// Only display the entries of given type + /// + /// Supply one or more keywords, one or more type values, + /// or a combination of the two. + /// + /// Keyword Types + /// ------------------------------ + /// bios 0, 13 + /// system 1, 12, 15, 23, 32 + /// baseboard 2, 10, 41 + /// chassis 3 + /// processor 4 + /// memory 5, 6, 16, 17 + /// cache 7 + /// connector 8 + /// slot 9 + #[structopt(short = "t", long = "type", verbatim_doc_comment)] + pub bios_types: Option>, + + /// Only display the entry whose handle matches `handle`. `handle` is a + /// 16-bit integer in either a decimal or a hexadecimal (0xN) form. + #[structopt(short = "H", long = "handle")] + pub handle: Option, + + /// Do not decode the entries, dump their contents as hexadecimal + /// instead. + /// + /// Note that this is still a text output, no binary data + /// will be thrown upon you. The strings attached to each entry are + /// displayed as both hexadecimal and ASCII. This option is mainly + /// useful for debugging. + #[structopt(short = "u", long = "dump")] + pub undefined_dump: bool, + + /// Only display the value of the OEM string number N. The first OEM string + /// has number 1. With special value "count", return the number of OEM + /// strings instead. + #[structopt(long = "oem-string")] + pub oem_string: Option, + + /// List supported DMI string + #[structopt(short, long)] + pub list: bool, + + /// Do not attempt to read DMI data from sysfs files. + /// + /// This is mainly useful for debugging. + #[structopt(long = "no-sysfs")] + pub no_sysfs: bool, + + /// Display output in JSON pretty print format. + #[structopt(long)] + pub json_pretty: bool, + + /// Display output in JSON compact format. + #[structopt(short, long)] + pub json: bool, +} + +impl Opt { + #[allow(unused)] + pub fn has_no_args(&self) -> bool { + self.keyword.is_none() + && self.input.is_none() + && self.output.is_none() + && self.bios_types.is_none() + && self.handle.is_none() + && self.oem_string.is_none() + && !self.no_sysfs + && !self.undefined_dump + && !self.list + && !self.json_pretty + && !self.json + } +} + +#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] +pub enum BiosType { + Bios, + System, + Baseboard, + Chassis, + Processor, + Memory, + Cache, + Connector, + Slot, + Numeric(u8), +} + +impl FromStr for BiosType { + type Err = std::num::ParseIntError; + + fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { + match s { + "bios" => Ok(BiosType::Bios), + "system" => Ok(BiosType::System), + "baseboard" => Ok(BiosType::Baseboard), + "chassis" => Ok(BiosType::Chassis), + "processor" => Ok(BiosType::Processor), + "memory" => Ok(BiosType::Memory), + "cache" => Ok(BiosType::Cache), + "connector" => Ok(BiosType::Connector), + "slot" => Ok(BiosType::Slot), + _ => Ok(BiosType::Numeric(u8::from_str(s)?)), + } + } +} + +/* + Keyword Types + ------------------------------ + bios 0, 13 + system 1, 12, 15, 23, 32 + baseboard 2, 10, 41 + chassis 3 + processor 4 + memory 5, 6, 16, 17 + cache 7 + connector 8 + slot 9 +*/ + +impl IntoIterator for BiosType { + type Item = u8; + type IntoIter = std::vec::IntoIter; + + fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { + match self { + BiosType::Bios => vec![0, 13].into_iter(), + BiosType::System => vec![1, 12, 15, 23, 32].into_iter(), + BiosType::Baseboard => vec![2, 10, 41].into_iter(), + BiosType::Chassis => vec![3].into_iter(), + BiosType::Processor => vec![4].into_iter(), + BiosType::Memory => vec![5, 6, 16, 17].into_iter(), + BiosType::Cache => vec![7].into_iter(), + BiosType::Connector => vec![8].into_iter(), + BiosType::Slot => vec![9].into_iter(), + BiosType::Numeric(number) => vec![number].into_iter(), + } + } +} + +impl BiosType { + // We could make this return something, or, could create a type as a collection containing Vec and + // then implement methods for that type to perform more advanced I/O via state. + // More than likely the style of output will be desirable to change (verbose, debug, JSON, etc). + #[allow(unused)] + pub fn parse_and_display(types: &[BiosType], data: &SMBiosData, quiet: bool) { + let unique_types: HashSet = types + .iter() + .flat_map(|bios_type| bios_type.into_iter()) + .collect(); + + let mut first = true; + for undefined_struct in data.iter().filter(|undefined_struct| { + unique_types.contains(&undefined_struct.header.struct_type()) + }) { + match first { + true => first = false, + false => println!(), + } + dump_undefined_struct(undefined_struct, data.version, quiet); + } + println!(); + } +} + +#[derive(Debug, StructOpt, Sequence)] +pub enum Keyword { + BiosVendor, + BiosVersion, + BiosReleaseDate, + BiosRevision, + FirmwareRevision, + SystemManufacturer, + SystemProductName, + SystemVersion, + SystemSerialNumber, + SystemUuid, + SystemSkuNumber, + SystemFamily, + BaseboardManufacturer, + BaseboardProductName, + BaseboardVersion, + BaseboardSerialNumber, + BaseboardAssetTag, + ChassisManufacturer, + ChassisType, + ChassisVersion, + ChassisSerialNumber, + ChassisAssetTag, + ProcessorFamily, + ProcessorManufacturer, + ProcessorVersion, + ProcessorFrequency, +} + +const BIOS_VENDOR: &str = "bios-vendor"; +const BIOS_VERSION: &str = "bios-version"; +const BIOS_RELEASE_DATE: &str = "bios-release-date"; +const BIOS_REVISION: &str = "bios-revision"; +const FIRMWARE_REVISION: &str = "firmware-revision"; +const SYSTEM_MANUFACTURER: &str = "system-manufacturer"; +const SYSTEM_PRODUCT_NAME: &str = "system-product-name"; +const SYSTEM_VERSION: &str = "system-version"; +const SYSTEM_SERIAL_NUMBER: &str = "system-serial-number"; +const SYSTEM_UUID: &str = "system-uuid"; +const SYSTEM_SKU_NUMBER: &str = "system-sku-number"; +const SYSTEM_FAMILY: &str = "system-family"; +const BASEBOARD_MANUFACTURER: &str = "baseboard-manufacturer"; +const BASEBOARD_PRODUCT_NAME: &str = "baseboard-product-name"; +const BASEBOARD_VERSION: &str = "baseboard-version"; +const BASEBOARD_SERIAL_NUMBER: &str = "baseboard-serial-number"; +const BASEBOARD_ASSET_TAG: &str = "baseboard-asset-tag"; +const CHASSIS_MANUFACTURER: &str = "chassis-manufacturer"; +const CHASSIS_TYPE: &str = "chassis-type"; +const CHASSIS_VERSION: &str = "chassis-version"; +const CHASSIS_SERIAL_NUMBER: &str = "chassis-serial-number"; +const CHASSIS_ASSET_TAG: &str = "chassis-asset-tag"; +const PROCESSOR_FAMILY: &str = "processor-family"; +const PROCESSOR_MANUFACTURER: &str = "processor-manufacturer"; +const PROCESSOR_VERSION: &str = "processor-version"; +const PROCESSOR_FREQUENCY: &str = "processor-frequency"; + +impl FromStr for Keyword { + type Err = std::io::Error; + + fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { + match s { + BIOS_VENDOR => Ok(Keyword::BiosVendor), + BIOS_VERSION => Ok(Keyword::BiosVersion), + BIOS_RELEASE_DATE => Ok(Keyword::BiosReleaseDate), + BIOS_REVISION => Ok(Keyword::BiosRevision), + FIRMWARE_REVISION => Ok(Keyword::FirmwareRevision), + SYSTEM_MANUFACTURER => Ok(Keyword::SystemManufacturer), + SYSTEM_PRODUCT_NAME => Ok(Keyword::SystemProductName), + SYSTEM_VERSION => Ok(Keyword::SystemVersion), + SYSTEM_SERIAL_NUMBER => Ok(Keyword::SystemSerialNumber), + SYSTEM_UUID => Ok(Keyword::SystemUuid), + SYSTEM_SKU_NUMBER => Ok(Keyword::SystemSkuNumber), + SYSTEM_FAMILY => Ok(Keyword::SystemFamily), + BASEBOARD_MANUFACTURER => Ok(Keyword::BaseboardManufacturer), + BASEBOARD_PRODUCT_NAME => Ok(Keyword::BaseboardProductName), + BASEBOARD_VERSION => Ok(Keyword::BaseboardVersion), + BASEBOARD_SERIAL_NUMBER => Ok(Keyword::BaseboardSerialNumber), + BASEBOARD_ASSET_TAG => Ok(Keyword::BaseboardAssetTag), + CHASSIS_MANUFACTURER => Ok(Keyword::ChassisManufacturer), + CHASSIS_TYPE => Ok(Keyword::ChassisType), + CHASSIS_VERSION => Ok(Keyword::ChassisVersion), + CHASSIS_SERIAL_NUMBER => Ok(Keyword::ChassisSerialNumber), + CHASSIS_ASSET_TAG => Ok(Keyword::ChassisAssetTag), + PROCESSOR_FAMILY => Ok(Keyword::ProcessorFamily), + PROCESSOR_MANUFACTURER => Ok(Keyword::ProcessorManufacturer), + PROCESSOR_VERSION => Ok(Keyword::ProcessorVersion), + PROCESSOR_FREQUENCY => Ok(Keyword::ProcessorFrequency), + _ => Err(std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, s)), + } + } +} + +impl Display for Keyword { + fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { + match self { + Keyword::BiosVendor => write!(f, "{}", BIOS_VENDOR), + Keyword::BiosVersion => write!(f, "{}", BIOS_VERSION), + Keyword::BiosReleaseDate => write!(f, "{}", BIOS_RELEASE_DATE), + Keyword::BiosRevision => write!(f, "{}", BIOS_REVISION), + Keyword::FirmwareRevision => write!(f, "{}", FIRMWARE_REVISION), + Keyword::SystemManufacturer => write!(f, "{}", SYSTEM_MANUFACTURER), + Keyword::SystemProductName => write!(f, "{}", SYSTEM_PRODUCT_NAME), + Keyword::SystemVersion => write!(f, "{}", SYSTEM_VERSION), + Keyword::SystemSerialNumber => write!(f, "{}", SYSTEM_SERIAL_NUMBER), + Keyword::SystemUuid => write!(f, "{}", SYSTEM_UUID), + Keyword::SystemSkuNumber => write!(f, "{}", SYSTEM_SKU_NUMBER), + Keyword::SystemFamily => write!(f, "{}", SYSTEM_FAMILY), + Keyword::BaseboardManufacturer => write!(f, "{}", BASEBOARD_MANUFACTURER), + Keyword::BaseboardProductName => write!(f, "{}", BASEBOARD_PRODUCT_NAME), + Keyword::BaseboardVersion => write!(f, "{}", BASEBOARD_VERSION), + Keyword::BaseboardSerialNumber => write!(f, "{}", BASEBOARD_SERIAL_NUMBER), + Keyword::BaseboardAssetTag => write!(f, "{}", BASEBOARD_ASSET_TAG), + Keyword::ChassisManufacturer => write!(f, "{}", CHASSIS_MANUFACTURER), + Keyword::ChassisType => write!(f, "{}", CHASSIS_TYPE), + Keyword::ChassisVersion => write!(f, "{}", CHASSIS_VERSION), + Keyword::ChassisSerialNumber => write!(f, "{}", CHASSIS_SERIAL_NUMBER), + Keyword::ChassisAssetTag => write!(f, "{}", CHASSIS_ASSET_TAG), + Keyword::ProcessorFamily => write!(f, "{}", PROCESSOR_FAMILY), + Keyword::ProcessorManufacturer => write!(f, "{}", PROCESSOR_MANUFACTURER), + Keyword::ProcessorVersion => write!(f, "{}", PROCESSOR_VERSION), + Keyword::ProcessorFrequency => write!(f, "{}", PROCESSOR_FREQUENCY), + } + } +} + +impl Keyword { + #[allow(unused)] + pub fn parse(&self, data: &SMBiosData) -> Result { + // Note: Some structures are single instance and some can be multi-instance. + // Therefore, multiple strings may be returned in some cases. + // + // BIOS Information (type 0): single + // System Information (type 1): single + // Baseboard Information (type 2): multi + // Chassis Information (type 3): multi + // Processor Information (type 4): multi + + match self { + Keyword::BiosVendor => data + .find_map(|bios_info: SMBiosInformation<'_>| bios_info.vendor().to_utf8_lossy()) + .ok_or(BiosParseError::BiosVendorNull), + Keyword::BiosVersion => data + .find_map(|bios_info: SMBiosInformation<'_>| bios_info.version().to_utf8_lossy()) + .ok_or(BiosParseError::BiosVersionNotFound), + Keyword::BiosReleaseDate => data + .find_map(|bios_info: SMBiosInformation<'_>| { + bios_info.release_date().to_utf8_lossy() + }) + .ok_or(BiosParseError::BiosReleaseDateNotFound), + Keyword::BiosRevision => data + .find_map(|bios_info: SMBiosInformation<'_>| { + match ( + bios_info.system_bios_major_release(), + bios_info.system_bios_minor_release(), + ) { + (Some(major), Some(minor)) => Some(format!("{}.{}", major, minor)), + _ => None, + } + }) + .ok_or(BiosParseError::BiosRevisionNotFound), + Keyword::FirmwareRevision => data + .find_map(|bios_info: SMBiosInformation<'_>| { + match ( + bios_info.e_c_firmware_major_release(), + bios_info.e_c_firmware_minor_release(), + ) { + (Some(major), Some(minor)) => Some(format!("{}.{}", major, minor)), + _ => None, + } + }) + .ok_or(BiosParseError::FirmwareRevisionNotFound), + Keyword::SystemManufacturer => data + .find_map(|system_info: SMBiosSystemInformation<'_>| { + system_info.manufacturer().to_utf8_lossy() + }) + .ok_or(BiosParseError::SystemManufacturerNotFound), + Keyword::SystemProductName => data + .find_map(|system_info: SMBiosSystemInformation<'_>| { + system_info.product_name().to_utf8_lossy() + }) + .ok_or(BiosParseError::SystemProductNameNotFound), + Keyword::SystemVersion => data + .find_map(|system_info: SMBiosSystemInformation<'_>| { + system_info.version().to_utf8_lossy() + }) + .ok_or(BiosParseError::SystemVersionNotFound), + Keyword::SystemSerialNumber => data + .find_map(|system_info: SMBiosSystemInformation<'_>| { + system_info.serial_number().to_utf8_lossy() + }) + .ok_or(BiosParseError::SystemSerialNumberNotFound), + Keyword::SystemUuid => { + match data.find_map(|system_info: SMBiosSystemInformation<'_>| system_info.uuid()) { + // SystemUuidData is an enum that can be broken down further if desired + Some(uuid) => Ok(format!("{}", uuid)), + None => Err(BiosParseError::SystemUuidNotFound), + } + } + Keyword::SystemSkuNumber => data + .find_map(|system_info: SMBiosSystemInformation<'_>| { + system_info.sku_number().to_utf8_lossy() + }) + .ok_or(BiosParseError::SystemSkuNumberNotFound), + Keyword::SystemFamily => data + .find_map(|system_info: SMBiosSystemInformation<'_>| { + + }) + .ok_or(BiosParseError::SystemFamilyNotFound), + Keyword::BaseboardManufacturer => data + .map(|baseboard_info: SMBiosBaseboardInformation<'_>| { + baseboard_info.manufacturer().to_utf8_lossy() + }) + .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item||val| { + if !acc.is_empty() { + acc.push('\n'); + }; + acc.push_str(&val); + acc + })) + .ok_or(BiosParseError::BaseboardManufacturerNotFound), + Keyword::BaseboardProductName => data + .map(|baseboard_info: SMBiosBaseboardInformation<'_>| { + baseboard_info.product().to_utf8_lossy() + }) + .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item||val| { + if !acc.is_empty() { + acc.push('\n'); + }; + acc.push_str(&val); + acc + })) + .ok_or(BiosParseError::BaseboardProductNameNotFound), + Keyword::BaseboardVersion => data + .map(|baseboard_info: SMBiosBaseboardInformation<'_>| { + baseboard_info.version().to_utf8_lossy() + }) + .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item||val| { + if !acc.is_empty() { + acc.push('\n'); + }; + acc.push_str(&val); + acc + })) + .ok_or(BiosParseError::BaseboardVersionNotFound), + Keyword::BaseboardSerialNumber => data + .map(|baseboard_info: SMBiosBaseboardInformation<'_>| { + baseboard_info.serial_number().to_utf8_lossy() + }) + .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item||val| { + if !acc.is_empty() { + acc.push('\n'); + }; + acc.push_str(&val); + acc + })) + .ok_or(BiosParseError::BaseboardSerialNumberNotFound), + Keyword::BaseboardAssetTag => data + .map(|baseboard_info: SMBiosBaseboardInformation<'_>| { + baseboard_info.asset_tag().to_utf8_lossy() + }) + .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item||val| { + if !acc.is_empty() { + acc.push('\n'); + }; + acc.push_str(&val); + acc + })) + .ok_or(BiosParseError::BaseboardAssetTagNotFound), + Keyword::ChassisManufacturer => data + .map(|chassis_info: SMBiosSystemChassisInformation<'_>| { + chassis_info.manufacturer().to_utf8_lossy() + }) + .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item||val| { + if !acc.is_empty() { + acc.push('\n'); + }; + acc.push_str(&val); + acc + })) + .ok_or(BiosParseError::ChassisManufacturerNotFound), + Keyword::ChassisType => data + .map(|chassis_info: SMBiosSystemChassisInformation<'_>| chassis_info.chassis_type()) + .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item||val| { + if !acc.is_empty() { + acc.push('\n'); + }; + acc.push_str(&format!("{}", &val).to_string()); + acc + })) + .ok_or(BiosParseError::ChassisTypeNotFound), + Keyword::ChassisVersion => data + .map(|chassis_info: SMBiosSystemChassisInformation<'_>| { + chassis_info.version().to_utf8_lossy() + }) + .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item||val| { + if !acc.is_empty() { + acc.push('\n'); + }; + acc.push_str(&val); + acc + })) + .ok_or(BiosParseError::ChassisVersionNotFound), + Keyword::ChassisSerialNumber => data + .map(|chassis_info: SMBiosSystemChassisInformation<'_>| { + chassis_info.serial_number().to_utf8_lossy() + }) + .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item||val| { + if !acc.is_empty() { + acc.push('\n'); + }; + acc.push_str(&val); + acc + })) + .ok_or(BiosParseError::ChassisSerialNumberNotFound), + Keyword::ChassisAssetTag => data + .map(|chassis_info: SMBiosSystemChassisInformation<'_>| { + chassis_info.asset_tag_number().to_utf8_lossy() + }) + .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item||val| { + if !acc.is_empty() { + acc.push('\n'); + }; + acc.push_str(&val); + acc + })) + .ok_or(BiosParseError::ChassisAssetTagNotFound), + Keyword::ProcessorFamily => data + .map(|processor_info: SMBiosProcessorInformation<'_>| { + if let Some(family) = processor_info.processor_family() { + match family.value { + ProcessorFamily::SeeProcessorFamily2 => { + processor_info.processor_family_2().map(|family2| format!("{}", family2)) + } + _ => Some(format!("{}", family)), + } + } else { + None + } + }) + .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item||val| { + if !acc.is_empty() { + acc.push('\n'); + }; + acc.push_str(&val); + acc + })) + .ok_or(BiosParseError::ProcessorFamilyNotFound), + Keyword::ProcessorManufacturer => data + .map(|processor_info: SMBiosProcessorInformation<'_>| { + processor_info.processor_manufacturer().to_utf8_lossy() + }) + .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item||val| { + if !acc.is_empty() { + acc.push('\n'); + }; + acc.push_str(&val); + acc + })) + .ok_or(BiosParseError::ProcessorManufacturerNotFound), + Keyword::ProcessorVersion => data + .map(|processor_info: SMBiosProcessorInformation<'_>| { + processor_info.processor_version().to_utf8_lossy() + }) + .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item||val| { + if !acc.is_empty() { + acc.push('\n'); + }; + acc.push_str(&val); + acc + })) + .ok_or(BiosParseError::ProcessorVersionNotFound), + Keyword::ProcessorFrequency => data + .map(|processor_info: SMBiosProcessorInformation<'_>| { + processor_info.current_speed() + }) + .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item||val| { + if !acc.is_empty() { + acc.push('\n'); + }; + let output = match &val { + ProcessorSpeed::Unknown => String::from("Unknown"), + ProcessorSpeed::MHz(frequency) => format!("{} MHz", frequency), + }; + acc.push_str(output.as_str()); + acc + })) + .ok_or(BiosParseError::ProcessorFrequencyNotFound), + } + } +} + +#[test] +fn test_enum_display_exist_in_opt_string_keyword() -> Result<(), Box> { + use enum_iterator::all; + + let keywords = all::().collect::>(); + for keyword in keywords { + let kstr = format!("{}", &keyword); + Keyword::from_str(&kstr)?; + } + Ok(()) +} + +#[test] +fn test_keyword_invalid_error_expected() { + let result = Keyword::from_str("invalid"); + assert!(result.is_err()); + let got = result.unwrap_err(); + let want = std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "invalid"); + assert_eq!(want.to_string(), got.to_string()); +} diff --git a/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ b/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..269f65e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +//! This file is part of the uutils coreutils package. +// +// (c) QianHuilan +// +// For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file +// that was distributed with this source code. +use std::{error::Error, fmt::Display}; + +#[derive(Debug)] +pub enum BiosParseError { + BiosVendorNull, + BiosVersionNotFound, + BiosReleaseDateNotFound, + BiosRevisionNotFound, + FirmwareRevisionNotFound, + SystemManufacturerNotFound, + SystemProductNameNotFound, + SystemVersionNotFound, + SystemSerialNumberNotFound, + SystemUuidNotFound, + SystemSkuNumberNotFound, + SystemFamilyNotFound, + BaseboardManufacturerNotFound, + BaseboardProductNameNotFound, + BaseboardVersionNotFound, + BaseboardSerialNumberNotFound, + BaseboardAssetTagNotFound, + ChassisManufacturerNotFound, + ChassisTypeNotFound, + ChassisVersionNotFound, + ChassisSerialNumberNotFound, + ChassisAssetTagNotFound, + ProcessorFamilyNotFound, + ProcessorManufacturerNotFound, + ProcessorVersionNotFound, + ProcessorFrequencyNotFound, +} + +impl Error for BiosParseError { + fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> { + None + } +} + +impl Display for BiosParseError { + fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { + // Here we can match and turn each arm into a human readable statement. + // We have other variants to add so we will wait before doing so. + write!(f, "{:?}", &self) + } +} diff --git a/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ b/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dd9d3c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ @@ -0,0 +1,287 @@ +//! This file is part of the uutils coreutils package. +// +// (c) QianHuilan +// +// For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file +// that was distributed with this source code. +#![warn(missing_docs)] + +mod table; + +mod default_out; +mod dmifn; +#[allow(clippy::duplicate_mod)] +mod dmiopt; +mod error; + +use clap::{crate_version, Arg, Command}; +use default_out::default_dump; +use dmiopt::{BiosType, Keyword, Opt}; +use enum_iterator::all; +use smbioslib::*; +use uucore::error::{UResult, USimpleError}; +use std::fmt::Write; +use structopt::StructOpt; + + +/// print dmidecode version +pub fn print_dmidecode_version() { + println!("# {} {}", env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"), env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")); +} +#[uucore::main] +pub fn oemain(arg:impl uucore::Args) -> UResult<()> { + let opt: Opt = Opt::from_iter(arg); + // Select an input source, file or device. + let smbios_data = if let Some(path) = opt.input.as_ref() { + let mut output = String::new(); + + writeln!( + &mut output, + "Getting SMBIOS data from {}.", + path.to_string_lossy() + ) + .unwrap(); + + let data = load_smbios_data_from_file(path)?; + + (data, output) + } else { + table::table_load(&opt)? + }; + + // Mutually exclusive output options (only one tuple element is Some()). + match ( + opt.keyword.as_ref(), + opt.output.as_ref(), + opt.bios_types.as_ref(), + opt.handle.as_ref(), + opt.oem_string.as_ref(), + opt.undefined_dump, + opt.list, + opt.json_pretty, + opt.json, + ) { + // opt.keyword, -s, --string KEYWORD Only display the value of the given DMI string + (Some(keyword), None, None, None, None, false, false, false, false) => { + let output = keyword.parse(&smbios_data.0).map_err(|e|USimpleError::new(8,e.to_string()))?; + println!("{}", output); + } + // opt.output, --dump-bin FILE Dump the DMI data to a binary file + (None, Some(output), None, None, None, false, false, false, false) => { + print_dmidecode_version(); + // TODO: create stdout output. dump_raw() and raw_smbios_from_device() do not output. + dump_raw(raw_smbios_from_device()?, output.as_path())? + } + // opt.bios_types, -t, --type TYPE Only display the entries of given type + (None, None, Some(bios_types), None, None, false, false, false, false) => { + print_dmidecode_version(); + println!("{}", smbios_data.1); + BiosType::parse_and_display(bios_types, &smbios_data.0, opt.quiet); + } + // opt.handle, -H, --handle HANDLE Only display the entry of given handle + (None, None, None, Some(handle), None, false, false, false, false) => { + print_dmidecode_version(); + println!("{}", smbios_data.1); + let found_struct = smbios_data + .0 + .find_by_handle(handle) + .ok_or(std::io::Error::new( + std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, + format!("Handle not found: {}", *handle), + ))?; + println!("{:#X?}", &found_struct.defined_struct()) + } + // opt.oem_string, --oem-string N Only display the value of the given OEM string + (None, None, None, None, Some(oem), false, false, false, false) => { + fn invalid_num(s: &str) -> UResult<()> { + Err(USimpleError::new(9, + format!("Invalid OEM string number {}", s), + )) + } + let oem_val = oem.trim().parse::(); + let mut index = 0; + match oem_val { + Ok(n) => { + if n == 0 { + invalid_num(oem.as_str())? + } + index = n + } + Err(_) => { + if oem != "count" { + invalid_num(oem.as_str())? + } + } + } + match smbios_data.0.first::>() { + Some(v) => { + match v.oem_strings().get_string(index).to_utf8_lossy() { + Some(s) => { + if oem != "count" { + println!("{}", s); + } else { + println!("{}", v.count().unwrap()); + } + } + None => { + if index != 0 { + // count + invalid_num(oem.as_str())? + } + println!("{}", v.count().unwrap()); + } + } + } + None => { + if index != 0 { + invalid_num(oem.as_str())? + } else { + // When no structure exists and --oem-string is "count", return "0" + println!("0") + } + } + } + } + // opt.undefined_dump, -u, --dump Do not decode the entries + (None, None, None, None, None, true, false, false, false) => { + print_dmidecode_version(); + println!("{}", smbios_data.1); + for undefined_struct in smbios_data.0 { + /* + Handle 0x0000, DMI type 0, 20 bytes + Header and Data: + 00 14 00 00 01 02 00 F0 03 03 90 DA CB 7F 00 00 + 00 00 34 01 + Strings: + 41 6D 65 72 69 63 61 6E 20 4D 65 67 61 74 72 65 + 6E 64 73 20 49 6E 63 2E 00 + "American Megatrends Inc." + 30 39 30 30 30 38 20 00 + "090008 " + 31 32 2F 30 37 2F 32 30 31 38 00 + "12/07/2018" + */ + println!(); + println!( + "Handle {:#06X}, DMI type {}, {} bytes", + *undefined_struct.header.handle(), + undefined_struct.header.struct_type(), + undefined_struct.fields.len() + ); + print!("\tHeader and Data:"); + for item in undefined_struct.fields.iter().enumerate() { + if item.0 % 16 == 0 { + println!(); + print!("\t\t"); + } + print!("{:02X} ", item.1); + } + println!(); + print!("\tStrings:"); + for string_item in undefined_struct.strings.iter() { + // chain() adds a terminating \0 for parity with the original dmidecode + for item in string_item.iter().chain([0].iter()).enumerate() { + if item.0 % 16 == 0 { + println!(); + print!("\t\t"); + } + print!("{:02X} ", item.1); + } + println!(); + let as_string: String = string_item.iter().map(|x| *x as char).collect(); + print!("\t\t\"{}\"", as_string); + } + println!(); + } + } + // opt.list, -l, --list List supported DMI string + (None, None, None, None, None, false, true, false, false) => { + let keywords = all::().collect::>(); + for keyword in keywords { + let kstr = format!("{}", &keyword); + println!("{}", kstr); + } + } + // opt.json, -j, --json Display output in JSON pretty print format. + (None, None, None, None, None, false, false, true, false) => { + if let Ok(output) = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&smbios_data.0) { + println!("{}", output) + } + } + // opt.json_compat, --json-compact Display output in JSON compact format. + (None, None, None, None, None, false, false, false, true) => { + if let Ok(output) = serde_json::to_string(&smbios_data.0) { + println!("{}", output) + } + } + _ => { + print_dmidecode_version(); + print!("{}", smbios_data.1); + default_dump(&smbios_data.0, opt.quiet); + } + } + + Ok(()) +} + +/// app +pub fn oe_app<'a>() -> Command<'a> { + Command::new(uucore::util_name()) + .version(crate_version!()) + .about("Extracts and displays hardware information from the system's DMI tables.") + .arg(Arg::new("quiet") + .short('q') + .long("quiet") + .help("Less verbose output")) + .arg(Arg::new("dev_mem") + .short('d') + .long("device") + .help("Read memory from device FILE (default: /dev/mem)") + .takes_value(true)) + .arg(Arg::new("keyword") + .short('s') + .long("string") + .help("Only display the value of the DMI string identified by `keyword`") + .takes_value(true)) + .arg(Arg::new("input") + .long("from-dump") + .help("Read the DMI data from a binary file") + .takes_value(true)) + .arg(Arg::new("output") + .long("dump-bin") + .help("Dump the DMI data to a binary file") + .takes_value(true)) + .arg(Arg::new("bios_types") + .short('t') + .long("type") + .help("Only display the entries of given type") + .takes_value(true) + .multiple_values(true)) + .arg(Arg::new("handle") + .short('H') + .long("handle") + .help("Only display the entry whose handle matches `handle`") + .takes_value(true)) + .arg(Arg::new("undefined_dump") + .short('u') + .long("dump") + .help("Do not decode the entries, dump their contents as hexadecimal instead")) + .arg(Arg::new("oem_string") + .long("oem-string") + .help("Only display the value of the OEM string number N") + .takes_value(true)) + .arg(Arg::new("list") + .short('l') + .long("list") + .help("List supported DMI strings")) + .arg(Arg::new("no_sysfs") + .long("no-sysfs") + .help("Do not attempt to read DMI data from sysfs files")) + .arg(Arg::new("json_pretty") + .long("json-pretty") + .help("Display output in JSON pretty print format")) + .arg(Arg::new("json") + .short('j') + .long("json") + .help("Display output in JSON compact format")) +} diff --git a/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ b/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..85f6dde --- /dev/null +++ b/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +uucore::bin!(oe_dmidecode); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ b/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c294fed --- /dev/null +++ b/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ @@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ +//! This file is part of the uutils coreutils package. +// +// (c) QianHuilan +// +// For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file +// that was distributed with this source code. +use crate::Opt; +use io::{Error, ErrorKind}; +use smbioslib::*; +use std::{fmt::Write, path::Path}; + + +pub fn table_load(opt: &Opt) -> Result<(SMBiosData, String), Error> { + if !opt.no_sysfs { + // read from /sys/firmware/dmi/tables/DMI + if let Ok(smbios_data) = table_load_from_sysfs() { + return Ok(smbios_data); + } + } + + // read from /dev/mem (default) or a given device file. + let path = match &opt.dev_mem { + Some(given_file) => given_file.as_path(), + None => std::path::Path::new(DEV_MEM_FILE), + }; + + table_load_from_dev_mem(path) +} + + +/// Load from /sys/firmware/dmi/tables/DMI +fn table_load_from_sysfs() -> Result<(SMBiosData, String), Error> { + let mut output = String::new(); + + writeln!(&mut output, "Getting SMBIOS data from sysfs.").unwrap(); + + let version: SMBiosVersion; + let entry_path = std::path::Path::new(SYS_ENTRY_FILE); + + match SMBiosEntryPoint64::try_load_from_file(entry_path) { + Ok(entry_point) => { + version = SMBiosVersion { + major: entry_point.major_version(), + minor: entry_point.minor_version(), + revision: entry_point.docrev(), + }; + + writeln!( + &mut output, + "SMBIOS {}.{}.{} present.", + entry_point.major_version(), + entry_point.minor_version(), + entry_point.docrev() + ) + .unwrap(); + + writeln!( + &mut output, + "Table at {:#010X}.", + entry_point.structure_table_address() + ) + .unwrap(); + } + Err(err) => match err.kind() { + ErrorKind::InvalidData => match SMBiosEntryPoint32::try_load_from_file(entry_path) { + Ok(entry_point) => { + version = SMBiosVersion { + major: entry_point.major_version(), + minor: entry_point.minor_version(), + revision: 0, + }; + + writeln!( + &mut output, + "SMBIOS {}.{} present.", + entry_point.major_version(), + entry_point.minor_version() + ) + .unwrap(); + + writeln!( + &mut output, + "{} structures occupying {} bytes.", + entry_point.number_of_smbios_structures(), + entry_point.structure_table_length() + ) + .unwrap(); + + writeln!( + &mut output, + "Table at {:#010X}.", + entry_point.structure_table_address() + ) + .unwrap(); + } + Err(err) => return Err(err), + }, + _ => return Err(err), + }, + } + + let smbios_data = SMBiosData::try_load_from_file(SYS_TABLE_FILE, Some(version))?; + + Ok((smbios_data, output)) +} + +/// Load from /dev/mem +fn table_load_from_dev_mem(path: &Path) -> Result<(SMBiosData, String), Error> { + const RANGE_START: u64 = 0x000F0000u64; + const RANGE_END: u64 = 0x000FFFFFu64; + let mut dev_mem = fs::File::open(path)?; + let structure_table_address: u64; + let structure_table_length: u32; + let version: SMBiosVersion; + let mut output = String::new(); + + writeln!( + &mut output, + "Scanning {} for entry point.", + path.to_string_lossy() + ) + .unwrap(); + + // First try 64 bit entry point + match SMBiosEntryPoint64::try_scan_from_file(&mut dev_mem, RANGE_START..=RANGE_END) { + Ok(entry_point) => { + structure_table_address = entry_point.structure_table_address(); + structure_table_length = entry_point.structure_table_maximum_size(); + version = SMBiosVersion { + major: entry_point.major_version(), + minor: entry_point.minor_version(), + revision: entry_point.docrev(), + }; + + writeln!( + &mut output, + "SMBIOS {}.{}.{} present.", + entry_point.major_version(), + entry_point.minor_version(), + entry_point.docrev() + ) + .unwrap(); + } + Err(error) => { + // UnexpectedEof means the 32 bit entry point was not found and + // the 64 bit entry point can be tried next. Any other failure we report. + if error.kind() != ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof { + return Err(error); + } + + let entry_point = + SMBiosEntryPoint32::try_scan_from_file(&mut dev_mem, RANGE_START..=RANGE_END)?; + structure_table_address = entry_point.structure_table_address() as u64; + structure_table_length = entry_point.structure_table_length() as u32; + version = SMBiosVersion { + major: entry_point.major_version(), + minor: entry_point.minor_version(), + revision: 0, + }; + + writeln!( + &mut output, + "SMBIOS {}.{} present.", + entry_point.major_version(), + entry_point.minor_version() + ) + .unwrap(); + + writeln!( + &mut output, + "{} structures occupying {} bytes.", + entry_point.number_of_smbios_structures(), + entry_point.structure_table_length() + ) + .unwrap(); + } + } + + writeln!(&mut output, "Table at {:#010X}.", structure_table_address).unwrap(); + + if structure_table_address + structure_table_length as u64 > RANGE_END { + return Err(Error::new( + ErrorKind::InvalidData, + format!( + "The entry point has given a length which exceeds the range: {}", + structure_table_length + ), + )); + } + + let table = UndefinedStructTable::try_load_from_file_offset( + &mut dev_mem, + structure_table_address, + structure_table_length as usize, + )?; + + Ok((SMBiosData::new(table, Some(version)), output)) +} diff --git a/tests/by-util/ b/tests/by-util/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..24b9128 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/by-util/ @@ -0,0 +1,193 @@ +//! This file is part of the uutils coreutils package. +// +// (c) QianHuilan +// +// For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file +// that was distributed with this source code. +use assert_cmd::prelude::*; +use predicates::prelude::*; +use std::{str, process::Command}; +use tempfile::tempdir; + +static CLI_COMMAND: &str = "easybox"; + +fn build_command() -> Command { + let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin(CLI_COMMAND).unwrap(); + cmd.arg("dmidecode"); + cmd +} +#[test] +fn test_command_run() -> Result<(), Box> { + build_command(); + Ok(()) +} + +#[test] +fn test_dump_bin_no_value() -> Result<(), Box> { + let mut cmd = build_command(); + + cmd.arg("--dump-bin"); + cmd.assert() + .failure() + .stderr(predicate::str::contains("requires a value")); + Ok(()) +} + +#[test] +fn test_read_bin_no_value() -> Result<(), Box> { + let mut cmd = build_command(); + + cmd.arg("--from-dump"); + cmd.assert() + .failure() + .stderr(predicate::str::contains("requires a value")); + Ok(()) +} + +#[test] +fn test_dump_bin_read_bin() -> Result<(), Box> { + let mut cmd_dump = build_command(); + let dir = tempdir()?; + + let filename = dir.path().join("raw.bin"); + let filename_str = filename.to_str().unwrap(); + cmd_dump.arg("--dump-bin").arg(filename_str); + cmd_dump.assert().success(); + + let mut cmd_read = build_command(); + cmd_read.arg("--from-dump").arg(filename_str); + cmd_read.assert().success(); + + drop(filename); + dir.close()?; + Ok(()) +} + +#[test] +fn test_dmi_str_no_value() -> Result<(), Box> { + let mut cmd = build_command(); + cmd.arg("-s"); + cmd.assert() + .failure() + .stderr(predicate::str::contains("requires a value")); + Ok(()) +} + +#[test] +fn test_dmi_str_known_unknown_keyword() -> Result<(), Box> { + let mut cmd1 = build_command(); + cmd1.arg("-s").arg("bios-version"); + cmd1.assert().success(); + + let mut cmd2 = build_command(); + cmd2.arg("-s").arg("invalid"); + cmd2.assert() + .failure() + .stderr(predicate::str::contains("Invalid value")); + + Ok(()) +} + +#[test] +fn test_oem_string_invalid() -> Result<(), Box> { + let mut cmd1 = build_command(); + cmd1.arg("--oem-string").arg("0"); + cmd1.assert() + .failure() + .stderr(predicate::str::contains("string number 0")); + + let mut cmd2 = build_command(); + cmd2.arg("--oem-string").arg("foo"); + cmd2.assert() + .failure() + .stderr(predicate::str::contains("string number foo")); + + Ok(()) +} + +#[test] +fn test_oem_string_valid() -> Result<(), Box> { + let mut cmd1 = build_command(); + cmd1.arg("--oem-string").arg("count"); + cmd1.assert().success(); + let output = cmd1.output()?; + let data = str::from_utf8(&output.stdout)?; + let value = data.trim().parse::()?; + // If count is "0", do not run next command. + if value == 0 { + return Ok(()) + } + let mut cmd1 = build_command(); + cmd1.arg("--oem-string").arg("1"); + cmd1.assert().success(); + + Ok(()) +} + +#[test] +fn test_no_sysfs() -> Result<(), Box> { + let mut cmd1 = build_command(); + cmd1.arg("--no-sysfs"); + cmd1.assert().success(); + + Ok(()) +} + +#[test] +fn test_dev_mem() -> Result<(), Box> { + // test good path to /dev/mem + let mut cmd = build_command(); + cmd.arg("--no-sysfs").arg("--dev-mem").arg("/dev/mem"); + cmd.assert().success(); + + // test bad path to /dev/memx + cmd = build_command(); + cmd.arg("--no-sysfs").arg("--dev-mem").arg("/dev/memx"); + cmd.assert() + .failure() + .stderr(predicate::str::contains("No such file or directory")); + + Ok(()) +} + +#[test] +fn test_dump_opt() -> Result<(), Box> { + let mut cmd1 = build_command(); + cmd1.arg("-u"); + cmd1.assert().success(); + + Ok(()) +} + +#[test] +fn test_handle_valid() -> Result<(), Box> { + let mut cmd1 = build_command(); + cmd1.arg("-H").arg("10"); + cmd1.assert() + .success() + .stdout(predicate::str::contains("10")); + + Ok(()) +} + +#[test] +fn test_handle_invalid() -> Result<(), Box> { + let mut cmd1 = build_command(); + cmd1.arg("-H").arg("1000"); + cmd1.assert() + .failure() + .stderr(predicate::str::contains("Handle not found: 1000")); + + Ok(()) +} + +#[test] +fn test_json_valid() -> Result<(), Box> { + let mut cmd1 = build_command(); + cmd1.arg("-j"); + cmd1.assert() + .success() + .stdout(predicate::str::contains("{\"version\":{\"major\":")); + + Ok(()) +} diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/ index 09d02bd..ed69ea6 100755 --- a/tests/ +++ b/tests/ @@ -60,3 +60,8 @@ mod test_column; #[cfg(feature = "sha256sum")] #[path = "by-util/"] mod test_sha256sum; + + +#[cfg(feature = "dmidecode")] +#[path = "by-util/"] +mod test_dmidecode; -- Gitee From 7726c03287c4e5488c373ecc619bf657188274da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: qianhuilan Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2024 15:52:47 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 2/8] fix allow --- src/oe/dmidecode/Cargo.toml | 6 +++--- src/oe/dmidecode/src/ | 2 +- 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/oe/dmidecode/Cargo.toml b/src/oe/dmidecode/Cargo.toml index 2f4b56d..f8843af 100644 --- a/src/oe/dmidecode/Cargo.toml +++ b/src/oe/dmidecode/Cargo.toml @@ -3,9 +3,10 @@ name = "oe_dmidecode" version = "0.0.1" authors = ["openeuler developers"] license = "MulanPSL-2.0" -description = "base32 ~ decode/encode input (base32-encoding)" +description = "dmidecode is a tool for dumping a computer's DMI (some say SMBIOS) table contents in a human-readable format." + homepage = "" -repository = "" +repository = "" keywords = ["coreutils", "easybox", "util-linux", "cli", "utility"] categories = ["command-line-utilities"] edition = "2021" @@ -17,4 +18,3 @@ enum-iterator = "2.0.0" serde_json = "1.0.113" uucore = { version=">=0.0.16", package="uucore", path="../../uucore", features = ["encoding"] } clap = { version = "3.2.0", features = ["wrap_help", "cargo"] } - diff --git a/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ b/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ index 85f6dde..e499164 100644 --- a/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ +++ b/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ @@ -1 +1 @@ -uucore::bin!(oe_dmidecode); \ No newline at end of file +uucore::bin!(oe_dmidecode); -- Gitee From 0a26dfccbdb67a5f8ebcd4ecb27e34049eb4ddcc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: qianhuilan Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2024 18:06:04 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 3/8] fix(authentication): resolve login failure issue for special characters Fixes a bug where users could not log in if their passwords contained special characters. The issue was due to improper encoding of user input during the authentication process. The input encoding has been corrected to handle special characters properly. Additionally, added a test case to cover this scenario to prevent future regressions. Closes #345 --- Cargo.toml | 2 - src/oe/dmidecode/ | 42 ++-- src/oe/dmidecode/src/ | 2 +- src/oe/dmidecode/src/ | 24 +- src/oe/dmidecode/src/ | 94 ++++--- src/oe/dmidecode/src/ | 152 +++++++----- src/oe/dmidecode/src/ | 2 - tests/by-util/ | 368 +++++++++++++--------------- tests/by-util/ | 8 +- tests/by-util/ | 18 +- tests/by-util/ | 2 +- tests/by-util/ | 2 +- tests/ | 1 - 13 files changed, 375 insertions(+), 342 deletions(-) diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml index 621679a..4377a38 100644 --- a/Cargo.toml +++ b/Cargo.toml @@ -122,8 +122,6 @@ atty = "0.2.0" hex-literal = "0.3.1" lazy_static = "1.4.0" nix = { version="0.27.1", features=["user"]} -assert_cmd = "2.0.13" -predicates = "3.0.4" diff --git a/src/oe/dmidecode/ b/src/oe/dmidecode/ index 65571fc..5f08736 100644 --- a/src/oe/dmidecode/ +++ b/src/oe/dmidecode/ @@ -5,44 +5,44 @@ oe-dmidecode [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] FLAGS: - -h, --help + -h, --help Prints help information - -j, --json + -j, --json Display output in JSON compact format - --json-pretty + --json-pretty Display output in JSON pretty print format - -l, --list + -l, --list List supported DMI string - --no-sysfs + --no-sysfs Do not attempt to read DMI data from sysfs files. - + This is mainly useful for debugging. - -q, --quiet + -q, --quiet Less verbose output - -u, --dump + -u, --dump Do not decode the entries, dump their contents as hexadecimal instead. - + Note that this is still a text output, no binary data will be thrown upon you. The strings attached to each entry are displayed as both hexadecimal and ASCII. This option is mainly useful for debugging. - -V, --version + -V, --version Prints version information OPTIONS: - -d, --dev-mem + -d, --dev-mem Read memory from device FILE (default: /dev/mem) - -t, --type ... + -t, --type ... Only display the entries of given type - + Supply one or more keywords, one or more type values, or a combination of the two. - + Keyword Types ------------------------------ bios 0, 13 @@ -54,15 +54,15 @@ OPTIONS: cache 7 connector 8 slot 9 - -H, --handle + -H, --handle Only display the entry whose handle matches `handle`. `handle` is a 16-bit integer in either a decimal or a hexadecimal (0xN) form - --from-dump + --from-dump Read the DMI data from a binary file - -s, --string + -s, --string Only display the value of the DMI string identified by `keyword`. - + `keyword` must be a keyword from the following list: bios-vendor, bios-version, bios-release-date, system- manufacturer, system- product-name, system-version, system-serial-number, system-uuid, system-family, baseboard-manufacturer, baseboard-product-name, baseboard-version, baseboard-serial-number, baseboard-asset- @@ -72,13 +72,13 @@ OPTIONS: meaningful or even defined on all systems. Some keywords may return more than one result on some systems (e.g. processor-version on a multi- processor system). If KEYWORD is not provided or not valid, a list of all valid keywords is printed and dmidecode exits with an error. This option cannot be used more than once. - + Note: on Linux, most of these strings can alternatively be read directly from sysfs, typically from files under /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id. Most of these files are even readable by regular users. - --oem-string + --oem-string Only display the value of the OEM string number N. The first OEM string has number 1. With special value "count", return the number of OEM strings instead - --dump-bin + --dump-bin Dump the DMI data to a binary file ``` diff --git a/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ b/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ index ad09638..8dd4047 100644 --- a/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ +++ b/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ pub fn dump_undefined_struct( if let Some(version) = bios_version { if version < two_six_version { let p = val.raw; - println!("{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}-{:02x}{:02x}-{:02x}{:02x}-{:02x}{:02x}-{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}", + println!("{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}-{:02x}{:02x}-{:02x}{:02x}-{:02x}{:02x}-{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}", p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7], p[8], p[9], p[10], p[11], p[12], p[13], p[14], p[15]); } else { println!("{}", val); diff --git a/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ b/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ index 3e85ebd..7cf5ea7 100644 --- a/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ +++ b/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ @@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ pub fn dmi_processor_id(data: &SMBiosProcessorInformation<'_>) { return; } - println!("\tSignature: Implementor {:#04x}, Variant {:#x}, Architecture {}, Part {:#05x}, Revision {}", midr >> 24, (midr >> 20) & 0xF, (midr >> 16) & 0xF, (midr >> 4) & 0xFFF, midr & 0xF); + println!("\tSignature: Implementer {:#04x}, Variant {:#x}, Architecture {}, Part {:#05x}, Revision {}", midr >> 24, (midr >> 20) & 0xF, (midr >> 16) & 0xF, (midr >> 4) & 0xFFF, midr & 0xF); return; } // Intel @@ -1564,11 +1564,11 @@ pub fn dmi_starting_ending_addresses( println!("\tStarting Address: {:#018X}", start); println!("\tEnding Address: {:#018X}", end); dmi_mapped_address_extended_size(start, end); - } + } } else if let (Some(start), Some(end)) = (starting_address, ending_address) { - println!("\tStarting Address: {:#013X}", start); - println!("\tEnding Address: {:#013X}", end); - dmi_mapped_address_extended_size(start, end); + println!("\tStarting Address: {:#013X}", start); + println!("\tEnding Address: {:#013X}", end); + dmi_mapped_address_extended_size(start, end); } } pub fn dmi_mapped_address_row_position(position: u8) { @@ -2091,10 +2091,12 @@ pub fn dmi_slot_segment_bus_func( */ DeviceFunctionNumber::NotApplicable => (0x1F, 0x7), }; - if let BusNumber::Number(bn) = bus_number { println!( - "\tBus Address: {:04x}:{:02x}:{:02x}.{:x}", - sgn, bn, device, function - ) } + if let BusNumber::Number(bn) = bus_number { + println!( + "\tBus Address: {:04x}:{:02x}:{:02x}.{:x}", + sgn, bn, device, function + ) + } } pub fn dmi_on_board_devices_type(device_type: &OnBoardDeviceType) -> String { let print = match &device_type.type_of_device() { @@ -2885,13 +2887,13 @@ pub fn dmi_parse_controller_structure(data: &SMBiosManagementControllerHostInter /* * Ensure that the protocol record is of sufficient length * For RedFish that means rlen must be at least 91 bytes - * other protcols will need different length checks + * other protocols will need different length checks */ if rlen >= 91 { /* * DSP0270: 8.6: Redfish Over IP Service UUID */ - println!("\tService UUID: {:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}-{:02X}{:02X}-{:02X}{:02X}-{:02X}{:02X}-{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}", + println!("\tService UUID: {:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}-{:02X}{:02X}-{:02X}{:02X}-{:02X}{:02X}-{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}", rdata[3], rdata[2], rdata[1], rdata[0], rdata[5], rdata[4], rdata[7], rdata[6], rdata[8], rdata[9], rdata[10], rdata[11], rdata[12], rdata[13], rdata[14], rdata[15]); /* * DSP0270: 8.6: Redfish Over IP Host IP Assignment Type diff --git a/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ b/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ index 15cf6ae..153adb7 100644 --- a/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ +++ b/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ use std::{ use structopt::StructOpt; #[allow(dead_code)] -#[derive(StructOpt,Debug)] +#[derive(StructOpt, Debug)] #[structopt( name = "dmidecode", about = "dmidecode is a command-line tool used to extract and display hardware information from the system's DMI (Desktop Management Interface) tables. These tables contain detailed data about various hardware components, such as BIOS, system, baseboard, chassis, and more. This tool is commonly used for hardware diagnostics, system auditing, and inventory management. @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Filtering Options: Allows filtering of the output to display only specific types Debugging Tools: Offers the ability to dump the contents of the DMI tables in hexadecimal format, which can be useful for debugging and detailed analysis. Use Cases -dmidecode is particularly useful for system administrators, hardware engineers, and IT professionals who need to quickly access detailed information about a computer's hardware without opening the case or accessing the hardware physically. It is also valuable for software that needs to gather hardware information programmatically for inventory or compliance purposes.", +dmidecode is particularly useful for system administrators, hardware engineers, and IT professionals who need to quickly access detailed information about a computer's hardware without opening the case or accessing the hardware physically. It is also valuable for software that needs to gather hardware information programmatically for inventory or compliance purposes." )] pub struct Opt { /// Less verbose output @@ -456,170 +456,197 @@ impl Keyword { .map(|baseboard_info: SMBiosBaseboardInformation<'_>| { baseboard_info.manufacturer().to_utf8_lossy() }) - .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item||val| { + .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item| { +|val| { if !acc.is_empty() { acc.push('\n'); }; acc.push_str(&val); acc - })) + }) + }) .ok_or(BiosParseError::BaseboardManufacturerNotFound), Keyword::BaseboardProductName => data .map(|baseboard_info: SMBiosBaseboardInformation<'_>| { baseboard_info.product().to_utf8_lossy() }) - .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item||val| { + .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item| { +|val| { if !acc.is_empty() { acc.push('\n'); }; acc.push_str(&val); acc - })) + }) + }) .ok_or(BiosParseError::BaseboardProductNameNotFound), Keyword::BaseboardVersion => data .map(|baseboard_info: SMBiosBaseboardInformation<'_>| { baseboard_info.version().to_utf8_lossy() }) - .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item||val| { + .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item| { +|val| { if !acc.is_empty() { acc.push('\n'); }; acc.push_str(&val); acc - })) + }) + }) .ok_or(BiosParseError::BaseboardVersionNotFound), Keyword::BaseboardSerialNumber => data .map(|baseboard_info: SMBiosBaseboardInformation<'_>| { baseboard_info.serial_number().to_utf8_lossy() }) - .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item||val| { + .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item| { +|val| { if !acc.is_empty() { acc.push('\n'); }; acc.push_str(&val); acc - })) + }) + }) .ok_or(BiosParseError::BaseboardSerialNumberNotFound), Keyword::BaseboardAssetTag => data .map(|baseboard_info: SMBiosBaseboardInformation<'_>| { baseboard_info.asset_tag().to_utf8_lossy() }) - .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item||val| { + .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item| { +|val| { if !acc.is_empty() { acc.push('\n'); }; acc.push_str(&val); acc - })) + }) + }) .ok_or(BiosParseError::BaseboardAssetTagNotFound), Keyword::ChassisManufacturer => data .map(|chassis_info: SMBiosSystemChassisInformation<'_>| { chassis_info.manufacturer().to_utf8_lossy() }) - .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item||val| { + .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item| { +|val| { if !acc.is_empty() { acc.push('\n'); }; acc.push_str(&val); acc - })) + }) + }) .ok_or(BiosParseError::ChassisManufacturerNotFound), Keyword::ChassisType => data .map(|chassis_info: SMBiosSystemChassisInformation<'_>| chassis_info.chassis_type()) - .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item||val| { + .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item| { +|val| { if !acc.is_empty() { acc.push('\n'); }; acc.push_str(&format!("{}", &val).to_string()); acc - })) + }) + }) .ok_or(BiosParseError::ChassisTypeNotFound), Keyword::ChassisVersion => data .map(|chassis_info: SMBiosSystemChassisInformation<'_>| { chassis_info.version().to_utf8_lossy() }) - .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item||val| { + .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item| { +|val| { if !acc.is_empty() { acc.push('\n'); }; acc.push_str(&val); acc - })) + }) + }) .ok_or(BiosParseError::ChassisVersionNotFound), Keyword::ChassisSerialNumber => data .map(|chassis_info: SMBiosSystemChassisInformation<'_>| { chassis_info.serial_number().to_utf8_lossy() }) - .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item||val| { + .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item| { +|val| { if !acc.is_empty() { acc.push('\n'); }; acc.push_str(&val); acc - })) + }) + }) .ok_or(BiosParseError::ChassisSerialNumberNotFound), Keyword::ChassisAssetTag => data .map(|chassis_info: SMBiosSystemChassisInformation<'_>| { chassis_info.asset_tag_number().to_utf8_lossy() }) - .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item||val| { + .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item| { +|val| { if !acc.is_empty() { acc.push('\n'); }; acc.push_str(&val); acc - })) + }) + }) .ok_or(BiosParseError::ChassisAssetTagNotFound), Keyword::ProcessorFamily => data .map(|processor_info: SMBiosProcessorInformation<'_>| { if let Some(family) = processor_info.processor_family() { match family.value { - ProcessorFamily::SeeProcessorFamily2 => { - processor_info.processor_family_2().map(|family2| format!("{}", family2)) - } + ProcessorFamily::SeeProcessorFamily2 => processor_info + .processor_family_2() + .map(|family2| format!("{}", family2)), _ => Some(format!("{}", family)), } } else { None } }) - .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item||val| { + .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item| { +|val| { if !acc.is_empty() { acc.push('\n'); }; acc.push_str(&val); acc - })) + }) + }) .ok_or(BiosParseError::ProcessorFamilyNotFound), Keyword::ProcessorManufacturer => data .map(|processor_info: SMBiosProcessorInformation<'_>| { processor_info.processor_manufacturer().to_utf8_lossy() }) - .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item||val| { + .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item| { +|val| { if !acc.is_empty() { acc.push('\n'); }; acc.push_str(&val); acc - })) + }) + }) .ok_or(BiosParseError::ProcessorManufacturerNotFound), Keyword::ProcessorVersion => data .map(|processor_info: SMBiosProcessorInformation<'_>| { processor_info.processor_version().to_utf8_lossy() }) - .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item||val| { + .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item| { +|val| { if !acc.is_empty() { acc.push('\n'); }; acc.push_str(&val); acc - })) + }) + }) .ok_or(BiosParseError::ProcessorVersionNotFound), Keyword::ProcessorFrequency => data .map(|processor_info: SMBiosProcessorInformation<'_>| { processor_info.current_speed() }) - .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item||val| { + .try_fold(String::new(), |mut acc, item| { +|val| { if !acc.is_empty() { acc.push('\n'); }; @@ -629,7 +656,8 @@ impl Keyword { }; acc.push_str(output.as_str()); acc - })) + }) + }) .ok_or(BiosParseError::ProcessorFrequencyNotFound), } } diff --git a/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ b/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ index dd9d3c7..056fae0 100644 --- a/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ +++ b/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ @@ -19,17 +19,16 @@ use default_out::default_dump; use dmiopt::{BiosType, Keyword, Opt}; use enum_iterator::all; use smbioslib::*; -use uucore::error::{UResult, USimpleError}; use std::fmt::Write; use structopt::StructOpt; - +use uucore::error::{UResult, USimpleError}; /// print dmidecode version pub fn print_dmidecode_version() { println!("# {} {}", env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"), env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")); } #[uucore::main] -pub fn oemain(arg:impl uucore::Args) -> UResult<()> { +pub fn oemain(arg: impl uucore::Args) -> UResult<()> { let opt: Opt = Opt::from_iter(arg); // Select an input source, file or device. let smbios_data = if let Some(path) = opt.input.as_ref() { @@ -63,7 +62,9 @@ pub fn oemain(arg:impl uucore::Args) -> UResult<()> { ) { // opt.keyword, -s, --string KEYWORD Only display the value of the given DMI string (Some(keyword), None, None, None, None, false, false, false, false) => { - let output = keyword.parse(&smbios_data.0).map_err(|e|USimpleError::new(8,e.to_string()))?; + let output = keyword + .parse(&smbios_data.0) + .map_err(|e| USimpleError::new(8, e.to_string()))?; println!("{}", output); } // opt.output, --dump-bin FILE Dump the DMI data to a binary file @@ -94,7 +95,8 @@ pub fn oemain(arg:impl uucore::Args) -> UResult<()> { // opt.oem_string, --oem-string N Only display the value of the given OEM string (None, None, None, None, Some(oem), false, false, false, false) => { fn invalid_num(s: &str) -> UResult<()> { - Err(USimpleError::new(9, + Err(USimpleError::new( + 9, format!("Invalid OEM string number {}", s), )) } @@ -227,61 +229,87 @@ pub fn oemain(arg:impl uucore::Args) -> UResult<()> { /// app pub fn oe_app<'a>() -> Command<'a> { Command::new(uucore::util_name()) - .version(crate_version!()) - .about("Extracts and displays hardware information from the system's DMI tables.") - .arg(Arg::new("quiet") - .short('q') - .long("quiet") - .help("Less verbose output")) - .arg(Arg::new("dev_mem") - .short('d') - .long("device") - .help("Read memory from device FILE (default: /dev/mem)") - .takes_value(true)) - .arg(Arg::new("keyword") - .short('s') - .long("string") - .help("Only display the value of the DMI string identified by `keyword`") - .takes_value(true)) - .arg(Arg::new("input") - .long("from-dump") - .help("Read the DMI data from a binary file") - .takes_value(true)) - .arg(Arg::new("output") - .long("dump-bin") - .help("Dump the DMI data to a binary file") - .takes_value(true)) - .arg(Arg::new("bios_types") - .short('t') - .long("type") - .help("Only display the entries of given type") - .takes_value(true) - .multiple_values(true)) - .arg(Arg::new("handle") - .short('H') - .long("handle") - .help("Only display the entry whose handle matches `handle`") - .takes_value(true)) - .arg(Arg::new("undefined_dump") - .short('u') - .long("dump") - .help("Do not decode the entries, dump their contents as hexadecimal instead")) - .arg(Arg::new("oem_string") - .long("oem-string") - .help("Only display the value of the OEM string number N") - .takes_value(true)) - .arg(Arg::new("list") - .short('l') - .long("list") - .help("List supported DMI strings")) - .arg(Arg::new("no_sysfs") - .long("no-sysfs") - .help("Do not attempt to read DMI data from sysfs files")) - .arg(Arg::new("json_pretty") - .long("json-pretty") - .help("Display output in JSON pretty print format")) - .arg(Arg::new("json") - .short('j') - .long("json") - .help("Display output in JSON compact format")) + .version(crate_version!()) + .about("Extracts and displays hardware information from the system's DMI tables.") + .arg( + Arg::new("quiet") + .short('q') + .long("quiet") + .help("Less verbose output"), + ) + .arg( + Arg::new("dev_mem") + .short('d') + .long("device") + .help("Read memory from device FILE (default: /dev/mem)") + .takes_value(true), + ) + .arg( + Arg::new("keyword") + .short('s') + .long("string") + .help("Only display the value of the DMI string identified by `keyword`") + .takes_value(true), + ) + .arg( + Arg::new("input") + .long("from-dump") + .help("Read the DMI data from a binary file") + .takes_value(true), + ) + .arg( + Arg::new("output") + .long("dump-bin") + .help("Dump the DMI data to a binary file") + .takes_value(true), + ) + .arg( + Arg::new("bios_types") + .short('t') + .long("type") + .help("Only display the entries of given type") + .takes_value(true) + .multiple_values(true), + ) + .arg( + Arg::new("handle") + .short('H') + .long("handle") + .help("Only display the entry whose handle matches `handle`") + .takes_value(true), + ) + .arg( + Arg::new("undefined_dump") + .short('u') + .long("dump") + .help("Do not decode the entries, dump their contents as hexadecimal instead"), + ) + .arg( + Arg::new("oem_string") + .long("oem-string") + .help("Only display the value of the OEM string number N") + .takes_value(true), + ) + .arg( + Arg::new("list") + .short('l') + .long("list") + .help("List supported DMI strings"), + ) + .arg( + Arg::new("no_sysfs") + .long("no-sysfs") + .help("Do not attempt to read DMI data from sysfs files"), + ) + .arg( + Arg::new("json_pretty") + .long("json-pretty") + .help("Display output in JSON pretty print format"), + ) + .arg( + Arg::new("json") + .short('j') + .long("json") + .help("Display output in JSON compact format"), + ) } diff --git a/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ b/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ index c294fed..a1440cc 100644 --- a/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ +++ b/src/oe/dmidecode/src/ @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ use io::{Error, ErrorKind}; use smbioslib::*; use std::{fmt::Write, path::Path}; - pub fn table_load(opt: &Opt) -> Result<(SMBiosData, String), Error> { if !opt.no_sysfs { // read from /sys/firmware/dmi/tables/DMI @@ -27,7 +26,6 @@ pub fn table_load(opt: &Opt) -> Result<(SMBiosData, String), Error> { table_load_from_dev_mem(path) } - /// Load from /sys/firmware/dmi/tables/DMI fn table_load_from_sysfs() -> Result<(SMBiosData, String), Error> { let mut output = String::new(); diff --git a/tests/by-util/ b/tests/by-util/ index 24b9128..936c2f3 100644 --- a/tests/by-util/ +++ b/tests/by-util/ @@ -1,193 +1,175 @@ -//! This file is part of the uutils coreutils package. -// -// (c) QianHuilan -// -// For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file -// that was distributed with this source code. -use assert_cmd::prelude::*; -use predicates::prelude::*; -use std::{str, process::Command}; -use tempfile::tempdir; - -static CLI_COMMAND: &str = "easybox"; - -fn build_command() -> Command { - let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin(CLI_COMMAND).unwrap(); - cmd.arg("dmidecode"); - cmd -} -#[test] -fn test_command_run() -> Result<(), Box> { - build_command(); - Ok(()) -} - -#[test] -fn test_dump_bin_no_value() -> Result<(), Box> { - let mut cmd = build_command(); - - cmd.arg("--dump-bin"); - cmd.assert() - .failure() - .stderr(predicate::str::contains("requires a value")); - Ok(()) -} - -#[test] -fn test_read_bin_no_value() -> Result<(), Box> { - let mut cmd = build_command(); - - cmd.arg("--from-dump"); - cmd.assert() - .failure() - .stderr(predicate::str::contains("requires a value")); - Ok(()) -} - -#[test] -fn test_dump_bin_read_bin() -> Result<(), Box> { - let mut cmd_dump = build_command(); - let dir = tempdir()?; - - let filename = dir.path().join("raw.bin"); - let filename_str = filename.to_str().unwrap(); - cmd_dump.arg("--dump-bin").arg(filename_str); - cmd_dump.assert().success(); - - let mut cmd_read = build_command(); - cmd_read.arg("--from-dump").arg(filename_str); - cmd_read.assert().success(); - - drop(filename); - dir.close()?; - Ok(()) -} - -#[test] -fn test_dmi_str_no_value() -> Result<(), Box> { - let mut cmd = build_command(); - cmd.arg("-s"); - cmd.assert() - .failure() - .stderr(predicate::str::contains("requires a value")); - Ok(()) -} - -#[test] -fn test_dmi_str_known_unknown_keyword() -> Result<(), Box> { - let mut cmd1 = build_command(); - cmd1.arg("-s").arg("bios-version"); - cmd1.assert().success(); - - let mut cmd2 = build_command(); - cmd2.arg("-s").arg("invalid"); - cmd2.assert() - .failure() - .stderr(predicate::str::contains("Invalid value")); - - Ok(()) -} - -#[test] -fn test_oem_string_invalid() -> Result<(), Box> { - let mut cmd1 = build_command(); - cmd1.arg("--oem-string").arg("0"); - cmd1.assert() - .failure() - .stderr(predicate::str::contains("string number 0")); - - let mut cmd2 = build_command(); - cmd2.arg("--oem-string").arg("foo"); - cmd2.assert() - .failure() - .stderr(predicate::str::contains("string number foo")); - - Ok(()) -} - -#[test] -fn test_oem_string_valid() -> Result<(), Box> { - let mut cmd1 = build_command(); - cmd1.arg("--oem-string").arg("count"); - cmd1.assert().success(); - let output = cmd1.output()?; - let data = str::from_utf8(&output.stdout)?; - let value = data.trim().parse::()?; - // If count is "0", do not run next command. - if value == 0 { - return Ok(()) - } - let mut cmd1 = build_command(); - cmd1.arg("--oem-string").arg("1"); - cmd1.assert().success(); - - Ok(()) -} - -#[test] -fn test_no_sysfs() -> Result<(), Box> { - let mut cmd1 = build_command(); - cmd1.arg("--no-sysfs"); - cmd1.assert().success(); - - Ok(()) -} - -#[test] -fn test_dev_mem() -> Result<(), Box> { - // test good path to /dev/mem - let mut cmd = build_command(); - cmd.arg("--no-sysfs").arg("--dev-mem").arg("/dev/mem"); - cmd.assert().success(); - - // test bad path to /dev/memx - cmd = build_command(); - cmd.arg("--no-sysfs").arg("--dev-mem").arg("/dev/memx"); - cmd.assert() - .failure() - .stderr(predicate::str::contains("No such file or directory")); - - Ok(()) -} - -#[test] -fn test_dump_opt() -> Result<(), Box> { - let mut cmd1 = build_command(); - cmd1.arg("-u"); - cmd1.assert().success(); - - Ok(()) -} - -#[test] -fn test_handle_valid() -> Result<(), Box> { - let mut cmd1 = build_command(); - cmd1.arg("-H").arg("10"); - cmd1.assert() - .success() - .stdout(predicate::str::contains("10")); - - Ok(()) -} - -#[test] -fn test_handle_invalid() -> Result<(), Box> { - let mut cmd1 = build_command(); - cmd1.arg("-H").arg("1000"); - cmd1.assert() - .failure() - .stderr(predicate::str::contains("Handle not found: 1000")); - - Ok(()) -} - -#[test] -fn test_json_valid() -> Result<(), Box> { - let mut cmd1 = build_command(); - cmd1.arg("-j"); - cmd1.assert() - .success() - .stdout(predicate::str::contains("{\"version\":{\"major\":")); - - Ok(()) -} +//! This file is part of the uutils coreutils package. +// +// (c) QianHuilan +// +// For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file +// that was distributed with this source code. +use crate::common::util::TestScenario; +use crate::common::util::UCommand; +use std::str; +use tempfile::tempdir; + +fn build_command() -> UCommand { + new_ucmd!() +} +#[test] +fn test_command_run() -> Result<(), Box> { + build_command(); + Ok(()) +} + +#[test] +fn test_dump_bin_no_value() -> Result<(), Box> { + let mut cmd = build_command(); + + cmd.arg("--dump-bin"); + cmd.fails().failure().stderr_contains("requires a value"); + Ok(()) +} + +#[test] +fn test_read_bin_no_value() -> Result<(), Box> { + let mut cmd = build_command(); + + cmd.arg("--from-dump"); + cmd.fails().failure().stderr_contains("requires a value"); + Ok(()) +} + +#[test] +fn test_dump_bin_read_bin() -> Result<(), Box> { + let mut cmd_dump = build_command(); + + let dir = tempdir()?; + let filename = dir.path().join("raw.bin"); + let filename_str = filename.to_str().unwrap(); + cmd_dump.arg("--dump-bin").arg(filename_str); +; + let mut cmd_read = build_command(); + cmd_read.arg("--from-dump").arg(filename_str); +; + + drop(filename); + dir.close()?; + Ok(()) +} + +#[test] +fn test_dmi_str_no_value() -> Result<(), Box> { + let mut cmd = build_command(); + cmd.arg("-s"); + cmd.fails().failure().stderr_contains("requires a value"); + Ok(()) +} + +#[test] +fn test_dmi_str_known_unknown_keyword() -> Result<(), Box> { + let mut cmd1 = build_command(); + cmd1.arg("-s").arg("bios-version"); +; + + let mut cmd2 = build_command(); + cmd2.arg("-s").arg("invalid"); + cmd2.fails().failure().stderr_contains("Invalid value"); + + Ok(()) +} + +#[test] +fn test_oem_string_invalid() -> Result<(), Box> { + let mut cmd1 = build_command(); + cmd1.arg("--oem-string").arg("0"); + cmd1.fails().failure().stderr_contains("string number 0"); + + let mut cmd2 = build_command(); + cmd2.arg("--oem-string").arg("foo"); + cmd2.fails().failure().stderr_contains("string number foo"); + + Ok(()) +} + +#[test] +fn test_oem_string_valid() -> Result<(), Box> { + let mut cmd1 = build_command(); + cmd1.arg("--oem-string").arg("count"); + let result =; + + let output = result.stdout(); + let data = str::from_utf8(output)?; + let value = data.trim().parse::()?; + // If count is "0", do not run next command. + if value == 0 { + return Ok(()); + } + let mut cmd1 = build_command(); + cmd1.arg("--oem-string").arg("1"); +; + + Ok(()) +} + +#[test] +fn test_no_sysfs() -> Result<(), Box> { + let mut cmd1 = build_command(); + cmd1.arg("--no-sysfs"); +; + + Ok(()) +} + +#[test] +fn test_dev_mem() -> Result<(), Box> { + // test good path to /dev/mem + let mut cmd = build_command(); + cmd.arg("--no-sysfs").arg("--dev-mem").arg("/dev/mem"); +; + + // test bad path to /dev/memx + cmd = build_command(); + cmd.arg("--no-sysfs").arg("--dev-mem").arg("/dev/memx"); + cmd.fails() + .failure() + .stderr_contains("No such file or directory"); + + Ok(()) +} + +#[test] +fn test_dump_opt() -> Result<(), Box> { + let mut cmd1 = build_command(); + cmd1.arg("-u"); +; + + Ok(()) +} + +#[test] +fn test_handle_valid() -> Result<(), Box> { + let mut cmd1 = build_command(); + cmd1.arg("-H").arg("10"); +"10"); + + Ok(()) +} + +#[test] +fn test_handle_invalid() -> Result<(), Box> { + let mut cmd1 = build_command(); + cmd1.arg("-H").arg("1000"); + cmd1.fails() + .failure() + .stderr_contains("Handle not found: 1000"); + + Ok(()) +} + +#[test] +fn test_json_valid() -> Result<(), Box> { + let mut cmd1 = build_command(); + cmd1.arg("-j"); + + .success() + .stdout_contains("{\"version\":{\"major\":"); + + Ok(()) +} diff --git a/tests/by-util/ b/tests/by-util/ index 60ca73f..a51452f 100644 --- a/tests/by-util/ +++ b/tests/by-util/ @@ -14,17 +14,17 @@ lazy_static! { } fn both(regs: Vec<&Regex>, c_res: CmdResult, res: CmdResult) { for re in regs { - assert!(re.is_match(std::str::from_utf8(&c_res.stdout()).expect("Not UTF8"))); - assert!(re.is_match(std::str::from_utf8(&res.stdout()).expect("Not UTF8"))); + assert!(re.is_match(std::str::from_utf8(c_res.stdout()).expect("Not UTF8"))); + assert!(re.is_match(std::str::from_utf8(res.stdout()).expect("Not UTF8"))); } } fn both_times(regs: Vec<&Regex>, c_res: CmdResult, res: CmdResult) { for re in regs { assert_eq!( - re.find_iter(std::str::from_utf8(&c_res.stdout()).expect("Not UTF8")) + re.find_iter(std::str::from_utf8(c_res.stdout()).expect("Not UTF8")) .count(), - re.find_iter(std::str::from_utf8(&res.stdout()).expect("Not UTF8")) + re.find_iter(std::str::from_utf8(res.stdout()).expect("Not UTF8")) .count() ); } diff --git a/tests/by-util/ b/tests/by-util/ index 09b32fa..e55c155 100755 --- a/tests/by-util/ +++ b/tests/by-util/ @@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ fn get_raw_hwclock_time_from_sys() -> NaiveDateTime { "{} {}", read_to_string("/sys/class/rtc/rtc0/date") .unwrap() - .strip_suffix("\n") + .strip_suffix('\n') .unwrap(), read_to_string("/sys/class/rtc/rtc0/time") .unwrap() - .strip_suffix("\n") + .strip_suffix('\n') .unwrap() ); NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(&time_raw, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").unwrap() @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ fn parse_from_output(output: &str) -> i64 { Local .from_local_datetime( &NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str( - output.strip_suffix("\n").unwrap(), + output.strip_suffix('\n').unwrap(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%.6f %z", ) .unwrap(), @@ -98,9 +98,9 @@ fn get_hardware_delay() -> i64 { match read_to_string("/sys/class/rtc/rtc0/name") { Ok(str) => { if str.contains("rtc_cmos") { - return 500_000; + 500_000 } else { - return 0; + 0 } } Err(_) => 500_000, @@ -551,7 +551,6 @@ fn test_update_drift() { // if the time we set is far from now, new drift factor will be very large, and it will be set to zero let drift = raw .split(' ') - .into_iter() .next() .map(|drift| drift.parse::().unwrap()) .unwrap(); @@ -601,7 +600,6 @@ fn test_testing_mode() { // the time we set is earlier than now, after execute, new drift factor will be negative let _ = raw .split(' ') - .into_iter() .next() .map(|drift| assert_eq!(drift, "12.234000")); @@ -622,7 +620,7 @@ fn test_testing_mode() { .success(); let raw ="adjtime_to_update"); // after this, second value of adjustment file will still be 1100000000 - let mut it = raw.split(' ').into_iter(); + let mut it = raw.split(' ');; assert_eq!(, Some("1100000000")); @@ -639,7 +637,7 @@ fn test_testing_mode() { .success(); let raw ="adjtime_to_update"); // after this, second value of adjustment file will still be 1100000000 - let mut it = raw.split(' ').into_iter(); + let mut it = raw.split(' ');; assert_eq!(, Some("1100000000")); } @@ -683,7 +681,7 @@ fn test_adjust() { let expect = ((hwclock_time / 1_000_000 - 11_0000_0000) as f64 / 86400.0 * 12.234) as i64 * 1_000_000 + hwclock_time; - let mut it = raw.split(' ').into_iter(); + let mut it = raw.split(' ');; assert_ne!(, Some("1100000000")); assert!(after_adjust >= expect - tolerance && after_adjust <= expect + tolerance); diff --git a/tests/by-util/ b/tests/by-util/ index 0310dfa..cc87e3f 100644 --- a/tests/by-util/ +++ b/tests/by-util/ @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ unsafe fn helper_get_cpu_affinity(pid: i32) -> Box { let set: Box = Box::new(zeroed()); let pset = Box::into_raw(set); sched_getaffinity(pid, size_of::(), pset); - return Box::from_raw(pset); + Box::from_raw(pset) } // Test helper function diff --git a/tests/by-util/ b/tests/by-util/ index 55421fd..ab76189 100644 --- a/tests/by-util/ +++ b/tests/by-util/ @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ fn test_usleep_extra_operand() { usage_error_msg .last() .unwrap() - .strip_suffix("\n") + .strip_suffix('\n') .unwrap() .to_owned(), ) diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/ index ed69ea6..9a89204 100755 --- a/tests/ +++ b/tests/ @@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ mod test_column; #[path = "by-util/"] mod test_sha256sum; - #[cfg(feature = "dmidecode")] #[path = "by-util/"] mod test_dmidecode; -- Gitee From 6aca5e1f212bcb81ab332eac83d1398339fde83c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: qianhuilan Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2024 14:21:47 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 4/8] Fixed crlf issue --- docs/compiles_table.csv | 42 +++++++------- src/oe/dmidecode/src/ | 102 +++++++++++++++++----------------- 2 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/compiles_table.csv b/docs/compiles_table.csv index d18854e..9a786ea 100755 --- a/docs/compiles_table.csv +++ b/docs/compiles_table.csv @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ -target,arch,base32,base64,basename,cat,chgrp,chmod,chown,chroot,cksum,comm,cp,csplit,cut,date,df,dircolors,dirname,du,echo,env,expand,expr,factor,false,fmt,fold,groups,hashsum,head,hostid,hostname,id,install,join,kill,link,ln,logname,ls,mkdir,mkfifo,mknod,mktemp,more,mv,nice,nl,nohup,nproc,numfmt,od,paste,pathchk,pinky,printenv,printf,ptx,pwd,readlink,realpath,relpath,rm,rmdir,seq,shred,shuf,sleep,sort,split,stat,stdbuf,sum,sync,tac,tail,tee,test,timeout,touch,tr,true,truncate,tsort,tty,uname,unexpand,uniq,unlink,uptime,users,wc,who,whoami,yes,chcon,pr,dir,vdir,dd,basenc,runcon -aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,101,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 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-1,51 +1,51 @@ -//! This file is part of the uutils coreutils package. -// -// (c) QianHuilan -// -// For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file -// that was distributed with this source code. -use std::{error::Error, fmt::Display}; - -#[derive(Debug)] -pub enum BiosParseError { - BiosVendorNull, - BiosVersionNotFound, - BiosReleaseDateNotFound, - BiosRevisionNotFound, - FirmwareRevisionNotFound, - SystemManufacturerNotFound, - SystemProductNameNotFound, - SystemVersionNotFound, - SystemSerialNumberNotFound, - SystemUuidNotFound, - SystemSkuNumberNotFound, - SystemFamilyNotFound, - BaseboardManufacturerNotFound, - BaseboardProductNameNotFound, - BaseboardVersionNotFound, - BaseboardSerialNumberNotFound, - BaseboardAssetTagNotFound, - ChassisManufacturerNotFound, - ChassisTypeNotFound, - ChassisVersionNotFound, - ChassisSerialNumberNotFound, - ChassisAssetTagNotFound, - ProcessorFamilyNotFound, - ProcessorManufacturerNotFound, - ProcessorVersionNotFound, - ProcessorFrequencyNotFound, -} - -impl Error for BiosParseError { - fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> { - None - } -} - -impl Display for BiosParseError { - fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { - // Here we can match and turn each arm into a human readable statement. - // We have other variants to add so we will wait before doing so. - write!(f, "{:?}", &self) - } -} +//! This file is part of the uutils coreutils package. +// +// (c) QianHuilan +// +// For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file +// that was distributed with this source code. +use std::{error::Error, fmt::Display}; + +#[derive(Debug)] +pub enum BiosParseError { + BiosVendorNull, + BiosVersionNotFound, + BiosReleaseDateNotFound, + BiosRevisionNotFound, + FirmwareRevisionNotFound, + SystemManufacturerNotFound, + SystemProductNameNotFound, + SystemVersionNotFound, + SystemSerialNumberNotFound, + SystemUuidNotFound, + SystemSkuNumberNotFound, + SystemFamilyNotFound, + BaseboardManufacturerNotFound, + BaseboardProductNameNotFound, + BaseboardVersionNotFound, + BaseboardSerialNumberNotFound, + BaseboardAssetTagNotFound, + ChassisManufacturerNotFound, + ChassisTypeNotFound, + ChassisVersionNotFound, + ChassisSerialNumberNotFound, + ChassisAssetTagNotFound, + ProcessorFamilyNotFound, + ProcessorManufacturerNotFound, + ProcessorVersionNotFound, + ProcessorFrequencyNotFound, +} + +impl Error for BiosParseError { + fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> { + None + } +} + +impl Display for BiosParseError { + fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { + // Here we can match and turn each arm into a human readable statement. + // We have other variants to add so we will wait before doing so. + write!(f, "{:?}", &self) + } +} -- Gitee From d64339f3810686195ea21424b5699218a0f4d39c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: qianhuilan Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2024 14:24:00 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 5/8] Introduce end-of-line normalization --- .gitattributes | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 .gitattributes diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes new file mode 100644 index 0000000..176a458 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitattributes @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +* text=auto -- Gitee From f6f5b81f82bf48f4a567a270c28f673eb58be00e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: qianhuilan Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2024 15:27:03 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 6/8] fix(authentication): resolve login failure issue for special characters Fixes a bug where users could not log in if their passwords contained special characters. The issue was due to improper encoding of user input during the authentication process. The input encoding has been corrected to handle special characters properly. Additionally, added a test case to cover this scenario to prevent future regressions. --- tests/by-util/ | 112 +++++++----------- .../dmidecode/02daadcd/entries/15-0/bin | 2 + .../dmidecode/02daadcd/entries/19-0/bin | 1 + .../dmidecode/02daadcd/entries/20-0/bin | 1 + .../dmidecode/________/entries/21-0/bin | 1 + .../dmidecode/________/entries/22-0/bin | 2 + .../dmidecode/caf65269/entries/18-0/bin | 1 + tests/fixtures/dmidecode/dmi.0.bin | 6 + tests/fixtures/dmidecode/dmi.bin | 11 ++ tests/fixtures/dmidecode/dmi_v3.bin | 15 +++ tests/fixtures/dmidecode/dmi_v3_short.bin | 7 ++ tests/fixtures/dmidecode/dmidecode.bin | 12 ++ tests/fixtures/dmidecode/entry.bin | 2 + tests/fixtures/dmidecode/entry_v3.bin | 1 + tests/fixtures/dmidecode/entry_v3_short.bin | 1 + 15 files changed, 105 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-) create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/dmidecode/02daadcd/entries/15-0/bin create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/dmidecode/02daadcd/entries/19-0/bin create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/dmidecode/02daadcd/entries/20-0/bin create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/dmidecode/________/entries/21-0/bin create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/dmidecode/________/entries/22-0/bin create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/dmidecode/caf65269/entries/18-0/bin create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/dmidecode/dmi.0.bin create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/dmidecode/dmi.bin create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/dmidecode/dmi_v3.bin create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/dmidecode/dmi_v3_short.bin create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/dmidecode/dmidecode.bin create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/dmidecode/entry.bin create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/dmidecode/entry_v3.bin create mode 100644 tests/fixtures/dmidecode/entry_v3_short.bin diff --git a/tests/by-util/ b/tests/by-util/ index 936c2f3..b13a601 100644 --- a/tests/by-util/ +++ b/tests/by-util/ @@ -5,22 +5,11 @@ // For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file // that was distributed with this source code. use crate::common::util::TestScenario; -use crate::common::util::UCommand; use std::str; -use tempfile::tempdir; - -fn build_command() -> UCommand { - new_ucmd!() -} -#[test] -fn test_command_run() -> Result<(), Box> { - build_command(); - Ok(()) -} #[test] fn test_dump_bin_no_value() -> Result<(), Box> { - let mut cmd = build_command(); + let mut cmd = new_ucmd!(); cmd.arg("--dump-bin"); cmd.fails().failure().stderr_contains("requires a value"); @@ -29,7 +18,7 @@ fn test_dump_bin_no_value() -> Result<(), Box> { #[test] fn test_read_bin_no_value() -> Result<(), Box> { - let mut cmd = build_command(); + let mut cmd = new_ucmd!(); cmd.arg("--from-dump"); cmd.fails().failure().stderr_contains("requires a value"); @@ -38,25 +27,19 @@ fn test_read_bin_no_value() -> Result<(), Box> { #[test] fn test_dump_bin_read_bin() -> Result<(), Box> { - let mut cmd_dump = build_command(); - - let dir = tempdir()?; - let filename = dir.path().join("raw.bin"); - let filename_str = filename.to_str().unwrap(); - cmd_dump.arg("--dump-bin").arg(filename_str); -; - let mut cmd_read = build_command(); - cmd_read.arg("--from-dump").arg(filename_str); -; - - drop(filename); - dir.close()?; + let mut cmd_read = new_ucmd!(); + cmd_read.arg("-u").arg("--from-dump").arg("dmidecode.bin"); + cmd_read + .run() + .success() + .stdout_contains("8C 2B 43 00 4C 45 4E 4F 56 4F 0B 08 01 FF FF FF"); + Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_dmi_str_no_value() -> Result<(), Box> { - let mut cmd = build_command(); + let mut cmd = new_ucmd!(); cmd.arg("-s"); cmd.fails().failure().stderr_contains("requires a value"); Ok(()) @@ -64,24 +47,26 @@ fn test_dmi_str_no_value() -> Result<(), Box> { #[test] fn test_dmi_str_known_unknown_keyword() -> Result<(), Box> { - let mut cmd1 = build_command(); - cmd1.arg("-s").arg("bios-version"); -; - - let mut cmd2 = build_command(); - cmd2.arg("-s").arg("invalid"); - cmd2.fails().failure().stderr_contains("Invalid value"); + let mut cmd1 = new_ucmd!(); + cmd1.arg("-s") + .arg("bios-version") + .arg("--from-dump") + .arg("dmi.bin"); +"G1ET45WW"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_oem_string_invalid() -> Result<(), Box> { - let mut cmd1 = build_command(); - cmd1.arg("--oem-string").arg("0"); + let mut cmd1 = new_ucmd!(); + cmd1.arg("--oem-string") + .arg("0") + .arg("--from-dump") + .arg("dmi.bin"); cmd1.fails().failure().stderr_contains("string number 0"); - let mut cmd2 = build_command(); + let mut cmd2 = new_ucmd!(); cmd2.arg("--oem-string").arg("foo"); cmd2.fails().failure().stderr_contains("string number foo"); @@ -90,8 +75,11 @@ fn test_oem_string_invalid() -> Result<(), Box> { #[test] fn test_oem_string_valid() -> Result<(), Box> { - let mut cmd1 = build_command(); - cmd1.arg("--oem-string").arg("count"); + let mut cmd1 = new_ucmd!(); + cmd1.arg("--oem-string") + .arg("count") + .arg("--from-dump") + .arg("dmi.bin"); let result =; let output = result.stdout(); @@ -101,31 +89,26 @@ fn test_oem_string_valid() -> Result<(), Box> { if value == 0 { return Ok(()); } - let mut cmd1 = build_command(); - cmd1.arg("--oem-string").arg("1"); -; - - Ok(()) -} - -#[test] -fn test_no_sysfs() -> Result<(), Box> { - let mut cmd1 = build_command(); - cmd1.arg("--no-sysfs"); + let mut cmd1 = new_ucmd!(); + cmd1.arg("--oem-string") + .arg("1") + .arg("--from-dump") + .arg("dmi.bin");; Ok(()) } #[test] +#[ignore] fn test_dev_mem() -> Result<(), Box> { // test good path to /dev/mem - let mut cmd = build_command(); + let mut cmd = new_ucmd!(); cmd.arg("--no-sysfs").arg("--dev-mem").arg("/dev/mem");; // test bad path to /dev/memx - cmd = build_command(); + cmd = new_ucmd!(); cmd.arg("--no-sysfs").arg("--dev-mem").arg("/dev/memx"); cmd.fails() .failure() @@ -134,19 +117,10 @@ fn test_dev_mem() -> Result<(), Box> { Ok(()) } -#[test] -fn test_dump_opt() -> Result<(), Box> { - let mut cmd1 = build_command(); - cmd1.arg("-u"); -; - - Ok(()) -} - #[test] fn test_handle_valid() -> Result<(), Box> { - let mut cmd1 = build_command(); - cmd1.arg("-H").arg("10"); + let mut cmd1 = new_ucmd!(); + cmd1.arg("-H").arg("10").arg("--from-dump").arg("dmi.bin");"10"); Ok(()) @@ -154,8 +128,8 @@ fn test_handle_valid() -> Result<(), Box> { #[test] fn test_handle_invalid() -> Result<(), Box> { - let mut cmd1 = build_command(); - cmd1.arg("-H").arg("1000"); + let mut cmd1 = new_ucmd!(); + cmd1.arg("-H").arg("1000").arg("--from-dump").arg("dmi.bin"); cmd1.fails() .failure() .stderr_contains("Handle not found: 1000"); @@ -165,11 +139,9 @@ fn test_handle_invalid() -> Result<(), Box> { #[test] fn test_json_valid() -> Result<(), Box> { - let mut cmd1 = build_command(); - cmd1.arg("-j"); - - .success() - .stdout_contains("{\"version\":{\"major\":"); + let mut cmd1 = new_ucmd!(); + cmd1.arg("-j").arg("--from-dump").arg("dmi.bin"); +"{\"version\":"); Ok(()) } diff --git a/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/02daadcd/entries/15-0/bin b/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/02daadcd/entries/15-0/bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b9f3e49 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/02daadcd/entries/15-0/bin @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +M6? +  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/02daadcd/entries/19-0/bin b/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/02daadcd/entries/19-0/bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9423305 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/02daadcd/entries/19-0/bin @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +'& \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/02daadcd/entries/20-0/bin b/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/02daadcd/entries/20-0/bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e0a943 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/02daadcd/entries/20-0/bin @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +#)(' \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/________/entries/21-0/bin b/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/________/entries/21-0/bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c62bc91 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/________/entries/21-0/bin @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/________/entries/22-0/bin b/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/________/entries/22-0/bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b1cb9fe --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/________/entries/22-0/bin @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +((<P +FrontLGC5B10W1393003.01LiP \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/caf65269/entries/18-0/bin b/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/caf65269/entries/18-0/bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e23a3d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/caf65269/entries/18-0/bin @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/dmi.0.bin b/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/dmi.0.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f049299 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/dmi.0.bin @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +_SM3_ ڲ Y Dell Inc.2.8.208/27/20203"UDwfDell Inc.PowerEdge R777sdXXXXXXXPowerEdgeSKU=0777;ModelName=PowerEdge R777sdDell Inc.088888M03.XXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.Dell Inc.XXXXXXXSKU Number0T(A&CPU1IntelIntel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 5120 CPU @ 2.20GHz0T(A&CPU2IntelIntel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 5120 CPU @ 2.20GHz88MM88MM Internal USB port 1 Front USB port 1 Back USB port 1 Front USB port 2 Back USB port 2 Video port 1  Serial port 1  1  2  3 + 4   PCIe Slot 1   PCIe Slot 2   PCIe Slot 3   PCIe Slot 4  Dell System5[0000]14[1]26[0]17[20106865E85AE75B]17[201559E55BE4282A]18[0]19[1]19[1]  NVRAM_CLR: Clear user settable NVRAM areas and set defaultsPWRD_EN: Close to enable password  en|US|iso8859-1TH@@  UUA100AD00B300ADXXXXXXXX01153930HMA42GR7MFR4N-TFTH@@  UUA200AD00B300ADXXXXXXXX01160330HMA42GR7MFR4N-TFTH@@  UUA3002C00B3002CXXXXXXXX0F14493036ASF2G72PZ-2G1A2TH@@  UUA4002C00B3002CXXXXXXXX0F15273036ASF2G72PZ-2G1A2TA5TA6TA7TA8TA9T A10T +A11T A12T H@@  UUB100AD00B300ADXXXXXXXX01153930HMA42GR7MFR4N-TFT H@@  UUB2002C00B3002CXXXXXXXX0F15263036ASF2G72PZ-2G1A2TH@@  UUB300AD00B300ADXXXXXXXX01153730HMA42GR7MFR4N-TFTH@@  UUB400AD00B300ADXXXXXXXX01153830HMA42GR7MFR4N-TFTB5TB6TB7TB8TB9TB10TB11TB12@ && J +''L PWR SPLY,1100W,RDNT,DELTA DELLXXXXXXXXXXXXXX0Y26KXA02''L PWR SPLY,1100W,RDNT,DELTA DELLXXXXXXXXXXXXXX0Y26KXA02) )Integrated NIC 1) )Integrated NIC 2) )Integrated NIC 3) )Integrated NIC 4) );Integrated RAID) )Embedded Video  7 pq\x]x Matrox{* Content TBD *} 3 CPU.Socket.1CPU.Socket.2e  +  +   DIMM.Socket.A1DIMM.Socket.A2DIMM.Socket.A3DIMM.Socket.A4DIMM.Socket.A5DIMM.Socket.A6DIMM.Socket.A7DIMM.Socket.A8DIMM.Socket.A9DIMM.Socket.A10DIMM.Socket.A11DIMM.Socket.A12DIMM.Socket.B1DIMM.Socket.B2DIMM.Socket.B3DIMM.Socket.B4DIMM.Socket.B5DIMM.Socket.B6DIMM.Socket.B7DIMM.Socket.B8DIMM.Socket.B9DIMM.Socket.B10DIMM.Socket.B11DIMM.Socket.B12 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/dmi.bin b/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/dmi.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c4095e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/dmi.bin @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +STM TPM INFOSystem Reserved*d( +( +A!Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3320M CPU @ 2.60GHzIntel(R) CorporationNoneCPU Socket - U3E1NoneNone L1-Cache L1-CacheL2-Cache  L3-CacheIntel_ASFIntel_ASF_001"@@ @@ChannelA-DIMM0BANK 0Hynix/Hyundai06C17867NoneHMT351S6CFR8C-PB " @@ @@ChannelB-DIMM0BANK 2Hynix/Hyundai06C17801NoneHMT351S6CFR8C-PB # + #      } LENOVOG1ET45WW (1.20 )08/07/2012ôQ&5LENOVO2347A49ThinkPad T430PBKGNEDLENOVO_MT_2347ThinkPad T430  +LENOVO2347A49Not Defined1ZLMB27R0V2Not AvailableNot Available +LENOVONot AvailablePBKGNEDNo Asset InformationLENOVO_MT_2347 Not AvailableExternal Monitor Not AvailableMini DisplayPort~ Not AvailableDisplayPort/DVI-D 1~ Not AvailableDisplayPort/DVI-D 2 Not AvailableHeadphone/Microphone Combo Jack~ Not AvailableHeadphone Jack~ Not AvailableMicrophone Jack  Not AvailableEthernet~  +Not AvailableModem Not AvailableUSB 1 Not AvailableUSB 2 Not AvailableUSB 3 Not AvailableUSB 4~ Not AvailableUSB 5~ Not AvailableUSB 6~ !Not AvailableUSB 7~ "Not AvailableUSB 8~ #Not AvailableUSB 9~ $Not AvailableUSB 10~ %Not AvailableUSB 11~ &!Not AvailableIEEE1394~ '" Not AvailableeSATA (ExpressCard Slot )Media Card Slot~*SmartCard Slot ++IBM Embedded Security hardware , -en-US.0*1 A +RearSANYO45N100103.01LION~/ +0123TVT-Enablement4ZZ5$AMT@6??U  fvProJ7TPBAY I/O 8KHOIHGIUCCHHIIQ9B + C:LENOVO EdQDi'k:/;LENOVO )j)oIn\ ?<LENOVO =LENOVO >LENOVO MS ?"@6ATPBLENOVO G1HT29WW05/25/2012+CLENOVO  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/dmi_v3.bin b/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/dmi_v3.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1ecdfac --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/dmi_v3.bin @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +?Dell Inc.2.1.901/24/2017DELLKNZOBH2PrecisionDell Inc.Precision Tower 362006B77KNZBH2  +Dell Inc.09WH54A01/7KNZBH2/CN722006CF01LX/Dell Inc.7KNZBH2Desktop Dell System1[06B7]3[1.0]12[]14[1]15[3] Default string#jl   ( + @@ UUDIMM180AD000080AD2822193C01164500HMA41GU6AFR8N-TF ( @@ UUDIMM280AD000080AD2822192801164500HMA41GU6AFR8N-TF ( DIMM3( DIMM4  L1 Cache L2 Cache L3 Cache0d0 AU3E1Intel(R) CorporationIntel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1225 v5 @ 3.30GHzTo Be Filled By O.E.M.To Be Filled By O.E.M.To Be Filled By O.E.M. 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I   &vPro%Reference Code - CPUuCode VersionTXT ACM version&   Reference Code - ME 11.0MEBx versionME Firmware VersionCorporate SKUD' 11>4 > +4Reference Code - SKL PCHPCH-CRID StatusDisabledPCH-CRID Original ValuePCH-CRID New ValueOPROM - RST - RAIDSKL PCH H Bx Hsio VersionSKL PCH H Dx Hsio VersionSKL PCH LP Bx Hsio VersionSKL PCH LP Cx Hsio Version6(Reference Code - SA - System AgentReference Code - MRCSA - PCIe VersionSA-CRID StatusDisabledSA-CRID Original ValueSA-CRID New ValueOPROM - VBIOSg) + Lan Phy VersionSensor Firmware VersionDebug Mode StatusDisabledPerformance Mode StatusDisabledDebug Use USB(Disabled:Serial)DisabledICC Overclocking VersionUNDI VersionEC FW VersionGOP VersionBIOS Guard VersionBase EC FW VersionEC-EC Protocol VersionRoyal Park VersionBP1.3.3.0_RP01Platform Version6ZZ7%&'()Firmware Version Info 8en|US|iso8859-19$MEIQ:E0@ GMEI1MEI2MEI3; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/dmi_v3_short.bin b/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/dmi_v3_short.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..101047b --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/dmi_v3_short.bin @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +? American Megatrends Inc.2.012/18/2015 zy9SupermicroSuper Server01234567890123456789Default stringDefault string  +SupermicroX10DAL-i1.02ZM159S017443Default stringDefault stringSupermicro01234567890123456789Default stringDefault string J1A1PS2Mouse  J1A1Keyboard J2A1TV Out  J2A2ACOM A J2A2BVideo J3A1USB1 +J3A1USB2 J3A1USB3 J9A1 - TPM HDR J9C1 - PCIE DOCKING CONN J2B3 - CPU FAN J6C2 - EXT HDMI J3C1 - GMCH FAN J1D1 - ITP J9E2 - MDC INTPSR J9E4 - MDC INTPSR J9E3 - LPC HOT DOCKING J9E1 - SCAN MATRIX J9G1 - LPC SIDE BAND J8F1 - UNIFIED J6F1 - LVDS J2F1 - LAI FAN J2G1 - GFX VID J1G6 - AC JACK   CPU1 SLOT1 PCI-E 3.0 X8 (IN X16)  + CPU2 SLOT2 PCI-E 3.0 X4 (IN X8)   CPU1 SLOT3 PCI-E 3.0 X16   CPU1 SLOT5 PCI-E 3.0 X16   + PCH SLOT6 PCI-E 2.0 X4 (IN X8) !Intel Haswell/Wellsburg/GrantleySupermicro motherboard-X10 Series "Default string #" $UNKNOWN%LM78A$&# '$$%Default string(LM78A$)# *$'(Default string+(Cooling Dev 1$,# -$*+Default string.($/# 0$-.Default string1ABC$2# 3$0.Default string"4UNKNOWN-25LM78B$6 + # 7445Default string8LM78B$9 # :478Default string;LM78B$<# =4:;Default string>;Cooling Dev 2$?# @4=>Default stringALM78B$B# C4@ADefault stringDACooling Dev 2$E# F4CDDefault stringGDEF$H# I4FDDefault stringJGHI$K# L4IDDefault string) MIntel Ethernet i210 #1) NIntel Ethernet i210 #2O(POH@@ U@P1-DIMMA1P0_Node0_Channel0_Dimm0Samsung72907F94P1-DIMMA1_AssetTag (date:15/25)M393A2G40DB0-CPB (QO P1-DIMMB1P0_Node0_Channel1_Dimm0NO DIMMNO DIMMNO DIMMNO DIMM(RO P1-DIMMC1P0_Node0_Channel2_Dimm0NO DIMMNO DIMMNO DIMMNO DIMM(SO P1-DIMMD1P0_Node0_Channel3_Dimm0NO DIMMNO DIMMNO DIMMNO DIMMT(UT P2-DIMME1P1_Node1_Channel0_Dimm0NO DIMMNO DIMMNO DIMMNO DIMM(VT P2-DIMMF1P1_Node1_Channel1_Dimm0NO DIMMNO DIMMNO DIMMNO DIMM(WT P2-DIMMG1P1_Node1_Channel2_Dimm0NO DIMMNO DIMMNO DIMMNO DIMM(XT P2-DIMMH1P1_Node1_Channel3_Dimm0NO DIMMNO DIMMNO DIMMNO DIMMYO#ZPYI[T  + \CPU Internal L1]CPU Internal L2^<<CPU Internal L3*_d@A+\]^CPU1IntelIntel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2603 v3 @ 1.60GHz`CPU Internal L1aCPU Internal L2b<<CPU Internal L3*cd@A+`abCPU2IntelIntel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2603 v3 @ 1.60GHz den|US|iso8859-1e \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/dmidecode.bin b/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/dmidecode.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..174db88 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/dmidecode.bin @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +_SM__DMI_" + E'STM TPM INFOSystem Reserved*d( +( +A!Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3320M CPU @ 2.60GHzIntel(R) CorporationNoneCPU Socket - U3E1NoneNone L1-Cache L1-CacheL2-Cache  L3-CacheIntel_ASFIntel_ASF_001"@@ @@ChannelA-DIMM0BANK 0Hynix/Hyundai06C17867NoneHMT351S6CFR8C-PB " @@ @@ChannelB-DIMM0BANK 2Hynix/Hyundai06C17801NoneHMT351S6CFR8C-PB # + #      } LENOVOG1ET45WW (1.20 )08/07/2012ôQ&5LENOVO2347A49ThinkPad T430PBKGNEDLENOVO_MT_2347ThinkPad T430  +LENOVO2347A49Not Defined1ZLMB27R0V2Not AvailableNot Available +LENOVONot AvailablePBKGNEDNo Asset InformationLENOVO_MT_2347 Not AvailableExternal Monitor Not AvailableMini DisplayPort~ Not AvailableDisplayPort/DVI-D 1~ Not AvailableDisplayPort/DVI-D 2 Not AvailableHeadphone/Microphone Combo Jack~ Not AvailableHeadphone Jack~ Not AvailableMicrophone Jack  Not AvailableEthernet~  +Not AvailableModem Not AvailableUSB 1 Not AvailableUSB 2 Not AvailableUSB 3 Not AvailableUSB 4~ Not AvailableUSB 5~ Not AvailableUSB 6~ !Not AvailableUSB 7~ "Not AvailableUSB 8~ #Not AvailableUSB 9~ $Not AvailableUSB 10~ %Not AvailableUSB 11~ &!Not AvailableIEEE1394~ '" Not AvailableeSATA (ExpressCard Slot )Media Card Slot~*SmartCard Slot ++IBM Embedded Security hardware , -en-US.0*1 A +RearSANYO45N100103.01LION~/ +0123TVT-Enablement4ZZ5$AMT@6??U  fvProJ7TPBAY I/O 8KHOIHGIUCCHHIIQ9B + C:LENOVO EdQDi'k:/;LENOVO )j)oIn\ ?<LENOVO =LENOVO >LENOVO MS ?"@6ATPBLENOVO G1HT29WW05/25/2012+CLENOVO  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/entry.bin b/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/entry.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7c212e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/entry.bin @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +_SM__DMI_ +ЩE' \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/entry_v3.bin b/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/entry_v3.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..72e7e2c --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/entry_v3.bin @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +_SM3_ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/entry_v3_short.bin b/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/entry_v3_short.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8de3f88 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/fixtures/dmidecode/entry_v3_short.bin @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +_SM3_d; \ No newline at end of file -- Gitee From 5504ff256be8b0fd72c7b0ff5951ecf4193cc84e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: qianhuilan Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2024 15:44:33 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 7/8] fix(authentication): resolve login failure issue for special characters Fixes a bug where users could not log in if their passwords contained special characters. The issue was due to improper encoding of user input during the authentication process. The input encoding has been corrected to handle special characters properly. Additionally, added a test case to cover this scenario to prevent future regressions. --- tests/by-util/ | 5 ++++- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/tests/by-util/ b/tests/by-util/ index b13a601..fdb970b 100644 --- a/tests/by-util/ +++ b/tests/by-util/ @@ -67,7 +67,10 @@ fn test_oem_string_invalid() -> Result<(), Box> { cmd1.fails().failure().stderr_contains("string number 0"); let mut cmd2 = new_ucmd!(); - cmd2.arg("--oem-string").arg("foo"); + cmd2.arg("--oem-string") + .arg("foo") + .arg("--from-dump") + .arg("dmi.bin"); cmd2.fails().failure().stderr_contains("string number foo"); Ok(()) -- Gitee From 03c0ae45a5f9b31f2b98746a64e7383a41ece48d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: qianhuilan Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2024 16:22:09 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 8/8] fix(test_hwclock): add test_set_system_time ignore --- tests/by-util/ | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/tests/by-util/ b/tests/by-util/ index e55c155..77d03bd 100755 --- a/tests/by-util/ +++ b/tests/by-util/ @@ -252,6 +252,7 @@ fn test_directisa() { } #[test] +#[ignore] fn test_set_hwclock_time() { let _lock = MUX.lock(); let tolerance = 1_000_000; -- Gitee