## URI Path Match    
We treat restful requests as a resource, resource format like `requestUri===httpMethod`.   
That is the request uri + request method(`post,get,put,delete...or *, * match all request method`) is considered as a resource as a whole.  
`eg: /api/v2/book===get, /api/v3/book===*`    
The `requestUri` here support url path match: `str*str`, `*`, `**`     

| Wildcard                   | Describe   |           
| ---                        | ---        |       
| `str*str`                    | the * in string match 0 or more characters  |
| `*`                          | Match 0 or 1 directories                    |
| `**`                         | Match 0 or more directories                 |    

| Sample                      | Note  |
| ---                         | ---   |
| `*.html`                    | can match `content.html`, `user-ui.html` etc    |
| `/api/*/book`               | can match `/api/user/book` or `/api/book` etc   |
| `/**`                       | can match any path                              |
| `/**/foo`                   | can match `/api/user/book/foo` etc              |    

Match priority: Raw string > `*.html` > `*` > `**`  
Longest path matching principle:  
eg: when `requestUri` is `/app/book/foo`,If there are two matching patterns - `/app/**` and `/app/book/*`,will match`/app/book/*`