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this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/README-zh.md" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/README-zh.md" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5b6f7bdf0e428860ff4e7dda290c188d4ad75e1f --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/README-zh.md" @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +# vue-admin-template + +> 这是一个极简的 vue admin 管理后台。它只包含了 Element UI & axios & iconfont & permission control & lint,这些搭建后台必要的东西。 + +[线上地址](http://panjiachen.github.io/vue-admin-template) + +[国内访问](https://panjiachen.gitee.io/vue-admin-template) + +目前版本为 `v4.0+` 基于 `vue-cli` 进行构建,若你想使用旧版本,可以切换分支到[tag/3.11.0](https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-admin-template/tree/tag/3.11.0),它不依赖 `vue-cli`。 + +## Extra + +如果你想要根据用户角色来动态生成侧边栏和 router,你可以使用该分支[permission-control](https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-admin-template/tree/permission-control) + +## 相关项目 + +- [vue-element-admin](https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin) + +- [electron-vue-admin](https://github.com/PanJiaChen/electron-vue-admin) + +- [vue-typescript-admin-template](https://github.com/Armour/vue-typescript-admin-template) + +- [awesome-project](https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin/issues/2312) + +写了一个系列的教程配套文章,如何从零构建后一个完整的后台项目: + +- [手摸手,带你用 vue 撸后台 系列一(基础篇)](https://juejin.im/post/59097cd7a22b9d0065fb61d2) +- [手摸手,带你用 vue 撸后台 系列二(登录权限篇)](https://juejin.im/post/591aa14f570c35006961acac) +- [手摸手,带你用 vue 撸后台 系列三 (实战篇)](https://juejin.im/post/593121aa0ce4630057f70d35) +- [手摸手,带你用 vue 撸后台 系列四(vueAdmin 一个极简的后台基础模板,专门针对本项目的文章,算作是一篇文档)](https://juejin.im/post/595b4d776fb9a06bbe7dba56) +- [手摸手,带你封装一个 vue component](https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000009090836) + +## Build Setup + +```bash +# 克隆项目 +git clone https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-admin-template.git + +# 进入项目目录 +cd vue-admin-template + +# 安装依赖 +npm install + +# 建议不要直接使用 cnpm 安装以来,会有各种诡异的 bug。可以通过如下操作解决 npm 下载速度慢的问题 +npm install --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org + +# 启动服务 +npm run dev +``` + +浏览器访问 [http://localhost:9528](http://localhost:9528) + +## 发布 + +```bash +# 构建测试环境 +npm run build:stage + +# 构建生产环境 +npm run build:prod +``` + +## 其它 + +```bash +# 预览发布环境效果 +npm run preview + +# 预览发布环境效果 + 静态资源分析 +npm run preview -- --report + +# 代码格式检查 +npm run lint + +# 代码格式检查并自动修复 +npm run lint -- --fix +``` + +更多信息请参考 [使用文档](https://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin-site/zh/) + +## 购买贴纸 + +你也可以通过 购买[官方授权的贴纸](https://smallsticker.com/product/vue-element-admin) 的方式来支持 vue-element-admin - 每售出一张贴纸,我们将获得 2 元的捐赠。 + +## Demo + +![demo](https://github.com/PanJiaChen/PanJiaChen.github.io/blob/master/images/demo.gif) + +## Browsers support + +Modern browsers and Internet Explorer 10+. + +| [IE / Edge](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)
IE / Edge | [Firefox](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)
Firefox | [Chrome](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)
Chrome | [Safari](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)
Safari | +| --------- | --------- | --------- | --------- | +| IE10, IE11, Edge| last 2 versions| last 2 versions| last 2 versions + +## License + +[MIT](https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-admin-template/blob/master/LICENSE) license. + +Copyright (c) 2017-present PanJiaChen diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/README.md" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/README.md" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b99f9429bcd34629bfddb0509b58c908fb3baecd --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/README.md" @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +# vue-admin-template + +English | [简体中文](./README-zh.md) + +> A minimal vue admin template with Element UI & axios & iconfont & permission control & lint + +**Live demo:** http://panjiachen.github.io/vue-admin-template + + +**The current version is `v4.0+` build on `vue-cli`. If you want to use the old version , you can switch branch to [tag/3.11.0](https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-admin-template/tree/tag/3.11.0), it does not rely on `vue-cli`** + +## Build Setup + + +```bash +# clone the project +git clone https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-admin-template.git + +# enter the project directory +cd vue-admin-template + +# install dependency +npm install + +# develop +npm run dev +``` + +This will automatically open http://localhost:9528 + +## Build + +```bash +# build for test environment +npm run build:stage + +# build for production environment +npm run build:prod +``` + +## Advanced + +```bash +# preview the release environment effect +npm run preview + +# preview the release environment effect + static resource analysis +npm run preview -- --report + +# code format check +npm run lint + +# code format check and auto fix +npm run lint -- --fix +``` + +Refer to [Documentation](https://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin-site/guide/essentials/deploy.html) for more information + +## Demo + +![demo](https://github.com/PanJiaChen/PanJiaChen.github.io/blob/master/images/demo.gif) + +## Extra + +If you want router permission && generate menu by user roles , you can use this branch [permission-control](https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-admin-template/tree/permission-control) + +For `typescript` version, you can use [vue-typescript-admin-template](https://github.com/Armour/vue-typescript-admin-template) (Credits: [@Armour](https://github.com/Armour)) + +## Related Project + +- [vue-element-admin](https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin) + +- [electron-vue-admin](https://github.com/PanJiaChen/electron-vue-admin) + +- [vue-typescript-admin-template](https://github.com/Armour/vue-typescript-admin-template) + +- [awesome-project](https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin/issues/2312) + +## Browsers support + +Modern browsers and Internet Explorer 10+. + +| [IE / Edge](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)
IE / Edge | [Firefox](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)
Firefox | [Chrome](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)
Chrome | [Safari](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)
Safari | +| --------- | --------- | --------- | --------- | +| IE10, IE11, Edge| last 2 versions| last 2 versions| last 2 versions + +## License + +[MIT](https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-admin-template/blob/master/LICENSE) license. + +Copyright (c) 2017-present PanJiaChen diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/.vs/WebApi001/DesignTimeBuild/.dtbcache" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/.vs/WebApi001/DesignTimeBuild/.dtbcache" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d0dabc350ed60258fc20e9bd4acf985f90cfd122 Binary files /dev/null and "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/.vs/WebApi001/DesignTimeBuild/.dtbcache" differ diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/.vs/WebApi001/v15/Server/sqlite3/db.lock" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/.vs/WebApi001/v15/Server/sqlite3/db.lock" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/.vs/WebApi001/v15/Server/sqlite3/storage.ide" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/.vs/WebApi001/v15/Server/sqlite3/storage.ide" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ad4fb746895005481b767a562ffc9c8bd9fbed4c Binary files /dev/null and "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/.vs/WebApi001/v15/Server/sqlite3/storage.ide" differ diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/.vs/WebApi001/v15/Server/sqlite3/storage.ide-shm" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/.vs/WebApi001/v15/Server/sqlite3/storage.ide-shm" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..89732be197ede4f36f8427ac48354ef04209baaa Binary files /dev/null and "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/.vs/WebApi001/v15/Server/sqlite3/storage.ide-shm" differ diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/.vs/WebApi001/v15/Server/sqlite3/storage.ide-wal" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/.vs/WebApi001/v15/Server/sqlite3/storage.ide-wal" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3a081e79c775de2557a69a7ac7f12ea45c52f05b Binary files /dev/null and "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/.vs/WebApi001/v15/Server/sqlite3/storage.ide-wal" differ diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/.vs/config/applicationhost.config" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/.vs/config/applicationhost.config" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ae8ea2230efb0b1290eabf661169904363af5d22 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/.vs/config/applicationhost.config" @@ -0,0 +1,993 @@ + + + + + + +
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+using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Text; + +namespace WebApi001.Domain +{ + public abstract class BaseEntity + { + public int Id { get; set; } + public bool IsActived { get; set; } + public bool IsDeleted { get; set; } + public DateTime CreatedTime { get; set; } + public DateTime UpdateTime { get; set; } + public int DisplayOrder { get; set; } + public string Romarks { get; set; } + + } +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Domain/Entity/Roles.cs" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Domain/Entity/Roles.cs" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7e8d4ffbaf003a29d161b98d1e9c1e85bc514059 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Domain/Entity/Roles.cs" @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Text; + +namespace WebApi001.Domain.Entity +{ + public class Roles:BaseEntity + { + public string RolesName { get; set; } + public string Description { get; set; } + public IEnumerable Users { get; set; } + } +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Domain/Entity/RolesPermission.cs" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Domain/Entity/RolesPermission.cs" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b29eea01d5a32130c0946a48be744806eb8008de --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Domain/Entity/RolesPermission.cs" @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Text; + +namespace WebApi001.Domain.Entity +{ + public class RolesPermission:BaseEntity + { + public int RolesId { get; set; } + public string PermissionName { get; set; } + public virtual Roles Roles { get; set; } + } +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Domain/Entity/UserRoles.cs" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Domain/Entity/UserRoles.cs" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..40188073ce2344193b3938b1ff964c52daedff1f --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Domain/Entity/UserRoles.cs" @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Text; + +namespace WebApi001.Domain.Entity +{ + public class UserRoles:BaseEntity + { + public int UserId { get; set; } + public int RolesId { get; set; } + public virtual Users Users { get; set; } + public virtual Roles Roles { get; set; } + + public void Get() + { + var user = new UserRoles(); + user.UserId = 1; + } + } +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Domain/Entity/Users.cs" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Domain/Entity/Users.cs" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..41cb62ba7fdf9bf9cee57fe50b33b62c9ddaedd6 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Domain/Entity/Users.cs" @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Text; + +namespace WebApi001.Domain.Entity +{ + public class Users :BaseEntity + { + public string Username { get; set; } + public string Password { get; set; } + //public int RolesId { get; set; } + //public Roles Roles { get; set; } + + } +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Domain/WebApi001.Domain.csproj" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Domain/WebApi001.Domain.csproj" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f1259435d8622b3263c46e2013cba8e57efc7421 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Domain/WebApi001.Domain.csproj" @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ + + + + netstandard2.0 + + + + + C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\NuGetFallbackFolder\microsoft.entityframeworkcore\2.1.1\lib\netstandard2.0\Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.dll + + + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Domain/WebApi001DoContexe.cs" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Domain/WebApi001DoContexe.cs" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..df081132abb8c74002a7d50e654677d30cd56d25 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Domain/WebApi001DoContexe.cs" @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Text; +using WebApi001.Domain.Entity; + +namespace WebApi001.Domain +{ + public class WebApi001DoContexe:DbContext + { + public WebApi001DoContexe(DbContextOptions options) : base(options) + { + + } + public DbSet Users { get; set; } + public DbSet Roles { get; set; } + public DbSet UserRoles { get; set; } + public DbSet RolesPermission { get; set; } + } +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Domain/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.dll" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Domain/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.dll" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3e6dc3ba9dddc9698075b32ae889d0fb4f57697e Binary files /dev/null and "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Domain/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.dll" differ diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Domain/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.xml" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Domain/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.xml" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..865f36ae0af9b48aeaadde20f82b254753e35346 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Domain/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.xml" @@ -0,0 +1,42663 @@ + + + + Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore + + + + + Indicates how the context detects changes to properties for an instance of the entity type. + + + + + Original values are recorded when an entity is queried from the database. Changes are detected by scanning the + current property values and comparing them to the recorded values. This scanning takes place when + is called, or when another API call (such as ) + triggers the change detection process. + + + + + To use this strategy, the entity class must implement . + Original values are recorded when an entity is queried from the database. Properties are marked as modified when the + entity raises the event. + + + + + + To use this strategy, the entity class must implement and + . + Original values are recorded when the entity raises the event. Properties + are + marked as modified when the entity raises the event. + + + Original values are only recorded when they are required to save changes to the entity. For example, properties that are configured + as + concurrency tokens. + + + + + + + To use this strategy, the entity class must implement and + . + Original values are recorded when the entity raises the . Properties are + marked as modified when the entity raises the event. + + + Original values are only recorded for all properties, regardless of whether they are required to save changes to the entity. + + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for entity instances the context is tracking. + Instances of this class are typically obtained from and it is not designed + to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether the method is called + automatically by methods of and related classes. + + + The default value is true. This ensures the context is aware of any changes to tracked entity instances + before performing operations such as or returning change tracking + information. If you disable automatic detect changes then you must ensure that + is called when entity instances have been modified. + Failure to do so may result in some changes not being persisted during + or out-of-date change tracking information being returned. + + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether navigation properties for tracked entities + will be loaded on first access. + + + The default value is true. However, lazy loading will only occur for navigation properties + of entities that have also been configured in the model for lazy loading. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the tracking behavior for LINQ queries run against the context. Disabling change tracking + is useful for read-only scenarios because it avoids the overhead of setting up change tracking for each + entity instance. You should not disable change tracking if you want to manipulate entity instances and + persist those changes to the database using . + + + This method sets the default behavior for the context, but you can override this behavior for individual + queries using the + and methods. + + + The default value is . This means the change tracker will + keep track of changes for all entities that are returned from a LINQ query. + + + + + + Gets an for each entity being tracked by the context. + The entries provide access to change tracking information and operations for each entity. + + An entry for each entity being tracked. + + + + Gets an for all entities of a given type being tracked by the context. + The entries provide access to change tracking information and operations for each entity. + + The type of entities to get entries for. + An entry for each entity of the given type that is being tracked. + + + + + Checks if any new, deleted, or changed entities are being tracked + such that these changes will be sent to the database if + or is called. + + + Note that this method calls unless + has been set to false. + + + True if there are changes to save, otherwise false. + + + + + Gets the internal state manager being used to store information about tracked entities. + + + This property is intended for use by extension methods. It is not intended to be used in + application code. + + + + + + Gets the context this change tracker belongs to. + + + + + Scans the tracked entity instances to detect any changes made to the instance data. + is usually called automatically by the context when up-to-date information is required (before + and when returning change tracking information). You typically only need to + call this method if you have disabled . + + + + + Accepts all changes made to entities in the context. It will be assumed that the tracked entities + represent the current state of the database. This method is typically called by + after changes have been successfully saved to the database. + + + + + + Begins tracking an entity and any entities that are reachable by traversing it's navigation properties. + Traversal is recursive so the navigation properties of any discovered entities will also be scanned. + The specified is called for each discovered entity and must set the + that each entity should be tracked in. If no state is set, the entity + remains untracked. + + + This method is designed for use in disconnected scenarios where entities are retrieved using one instance of + the context and then changes are saved using a different instance of the context. An example of this is a + web service where one service call retrieves entities from the database and another service call persists + any changes to the entities. Each service call uses a new instance of the context that is disposed when the + call is complete. + + + If an entity is discovered that is already tracked by the context, that entity is not processed (and it's + navigation properties are not traversed). + + + The entity to begin traversal from. + + An action to configure the change tracking information for each entity. For the entity to begin being tracked, + the must be set. + + + + + + Begins tracking an entity and any entities that are reachable by traversing it's navigation properties. + Traversal is recursive so the navigation properties of any discovered entities will also be scanned. + The specified is called for each discovered entity and must set the + that each entity should be tracked in. If no state is set, the entity + remains untracked. + + + This method is designed for use in disconnected scenarios where entities are retrieved using one instance of + the context and then changes are saved using a different instance of the context. An example of this is a + web service where one service call retrieves entities from the database and another service call persists + any changes to the entities. Each service call uses a new instance of the context that is disposed when the + call is complete. + + + Typically traversal of the graph should stop whenever an already tracked entity is encountered or when + an entity is reached that should not be tracked. For this typical behavior, use the + overload. This overload, on the other hand, + allows the callback to decide when traversal will end, but the onus is then on the caller to ensure that + traversal will not enter an infinite loop. + + + The entity to begin traversal from. + An arbitrary state object passed to the callback. + + An delegate to configure the change tracking information for each entity. The second parameter to the + callback is the arbitrary state object passed above. Iteration of the graph will not continue down the graph + if the callback returns false. + + The type of the state object. + + + + An event fired when an entity is tracked by the context, either because it was returned + from a tracking query, or because it was attached or added to the context. + + + + + + An event fired when an entity that is tracked by the associated has moved + from one to another. + + + Note that this event does not fire for entities when they are first tracked by the context. + Use the event to get notified when the context begins tracking an entity. + + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a collection + navigation property that associates this entity to a collection of another entities. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets or sets the value currently assigned to this property. If the current value is set using this property, + the change tracker is aware of the change and is not required + for the context to detect the change. + + + + + + Loads the entities referenced by this navigation property, unless + is already set to true. + + + Note that entities that are already being tracked are not overwritten with new data from the database. + + + + + + + Loads entities referenced by this navigation property, unless + is already set to true. + + + Note that entities that are already being tracked are not overwritten with new data from the database. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous save operation. + + + + + + Returns the query that would be used by to load entities referenced by + this navigation property. + + + The query can be composed over using LINQ to perform filtering, counting, etc. without + actually loading all entities from the database. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a collection + navigation property that associates this entity to a collection of another entities. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The type of the entity the property belongs to. + The type of the property. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The to which this member belongs. + + An entry for the entity that owns this member. + + + + Gets or sets the value currently assigned to this property. If the current value is set using this property, + the change tracker is aware of the change and is not required + for the context to detect the change. + + + + + + Returns the query that would be used by to load entities referenced by + this navigation property. + + + The query can be composed over using LINQ to perform filtering, counting, etc. without + actually loading all entities from the database. + + + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given entity. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets the entity being tracked by this entry. + + + + + + Gets or sets that state that this entity is being tracked in. + + + This method sets only the state of the single entity represented by this entry. It does + not change the state of other entities reachable from this one. + + + When setting the state, the entity will always end up in the specified state. For example, if you + change the state to the entity will be marked for deletion regardless + of its current state. This is different than calling where the entity + will be disconnected (rather than marked for deletion) if it is in the state. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets the context that is tracking the entity. + + + + + Gets the metadata about the shape of the entity, its relationships to other entities, and how it maps to the database. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given + property or navigation property of this entity. + + The property to access information and operations for. + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the given property. + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for all + properties and navigation properties of this entity. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given + navigation property of this entity. + + The property to access information and operations for. + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the given property. + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for all + navigation properties of this entity. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given + property of this entity. + + The property to access information and operations for. + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the given property. + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for all + properties of this entity. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a reference (i.e. non-collection) + navigation property that associates this entity to another entity. + + The name of the navigation property. + + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the + given navigation property. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and loading information for all + reference (i.e. non-collection) navigation properties of this entity. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a collection + navigation property that associates this entity to a collection of another entities. + + The name of the navigation property. + + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the + given navigation property. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and loading information for all + collection navigation properties of this entity. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating if the key values of this entity have been assigned a value. + + + For keys with store-generated properties (e.g. mapping to Identity columns), the + return value will be false if any of the store-generated properties have the + CLR default value. + + + For keys without any store-generated properties, the return value will always be + true since any value is considered a valid key value. + + + + + + Gets the current property values for this entity. + + The current values. + + + + Gets the original property values for this entity. The original values are the property + values as they were when the entity was retrieved from the database. + + The original values. + + + + + Queries the database for copies of the values of the tracked entity as they currently + exist in the database. If the entity is not found in the database, then null is returned. + + + Note that changing the values in the returned dictionary will not update the values + in the database. + + + The store values, or null if the entity does not exist in the database. + + + + + Queries the database for copies of the values of the tracked entity as they currently + exist in the database. If the entity is not found in the database, then null is returned. + + + Note that changing the values in the returned dictionary will not update the values + in the database. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the store values, + or null if the entity does not exist in the database. + + + + + + Reloads the entity from the database overwriting any property values with values from the database. + + + The entity will be in the state after calling this method, + unless the entity does not exist in the database, in which case the entity will be + . Finally, calling Reload on an + entity that does not exist in the database is a no-op. Note, however, that an Added entity may + not yet have had its permanent key value created. + + + + + + + Reloads the entity from the database overwriting any property values with values from the database. + + + The entity will be in the state after calling this method, + unless the entity does not exist in the database, in which case the entity will be + . Finally, calling Reload on an + entity that does not exist in the database is a no-op. Note, however, that an Added entity may + not yet have had its permanent key value created. + + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + Event arguments for events relating to tracked s. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The for the entity. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a node in a + graph of entities that is being traversed. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets the entry tracking information about this entity. + + + + + Gets the navigation property that is being traversed to reach this node in the graph. + + + + + Gets or sets state that will be available to all nodes that are visited after this node. + + + + + Gets the entry tracking information about this entity. + + + + + + Gets the internal entry that is tracking information about this entity. + + + This property is intended for use by extension methods. It is not intended to be used in + application code. + + + + + + Creates a new node for the entity that is being traversed next in the graph. + + The node that the entity is being traversed from. + + The internal entry tracking information about the entity being traversed to. + + The navigation property that is being traversed to reach the new node. + The newly created node. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given entity. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The type of entity being tracked by this entry. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets the entity being tracked by this entry. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given + property of this entity. + + + A lambda expression representing the property to access information and operations for + (t => t.Property1). + + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the given property. + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a reference (i.e. non-collection) + navigation property that associates this entity to another entity. + + + A lambda expression representing the property to access information and operations for + (t => t.Property1). + + + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the + given navigation property. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a collection + navigation property that associates this entity to a collection of another entities. + + + A lambda expression representing the property to access information and operations for + (t => t.Property1). + + + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the + given navigation property. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a reference (i.e. non-collection) + navigation property that associates this entity to another entity. + + The name of the navigation property. + + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the + given navigation property. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a collection + navigation property that associates this entity to a collection of another entities. + + The name of the navigation property. + + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the + given navigation property. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given + property of this entity. + + The type of the property. + The property to access information and operations for. + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the given property. + + + + Event arguments for the event. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The state that the entity is transitioning from. + + + + + The state that the entity is transitioning to. + + + + + Event arguments for the event. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + True if the entity is being tracked as part of a database query; false otherwise. + + + + + A service to traverse a graph of entities and perform some action on at each node. + + + + + Traverses a graph of entities allowing an action to be taken at each node. + + The node that is being visited. + An arbitrary state object. + A delegate to call to handle the node. + The type of the state object. + + + + Traverses a graph of entities allowing an action to be taken at each node. + + The node that is being visited. + An arbitrary state object. + A delegate to call to handle the node. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + The type of the state object. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + The state manager is tracking for a single query for one entity type and no self-refs. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + The state manager is tracking for a single query, but with multiple entity types and/or self refs. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + The state manager is tracking for multiple queries and/or with other tracked entities. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + A collection that stays in sync with entities of a given type being tracked by + a . Call to obtain a + local view. + + + This local view will stay in sync as entities are added or removed from the context. Likewise, entities + added to or removed from the local view will automatically be added to or removed + from the context. + + + Adding an entity to this collection will cause it to be tracked in the + state by the context unless it is already being tracked. + + + Removing an entity from this collection will cause it to be marked as , + unless it was previously in the Added state, in which case it will be detached from the context. + + + The collection implements , + , and such that + notifications are generated when an entity starts being tracked by the context or is + marked as or . + + + Do not use this type directly for data binding. Instead call + for WPF binding, or for WinForms. + + + The type of the entity in the local view. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Returns an implementation that stays in sync with this collection. + Use this for WPF data binding. + + The collection. + + + + Returns an for all tracked entities of type TEntity + that are not marked as deleted. + + An enumerator for the collection. + + + + Returns an for all tracked entities of type TEntity + that are not marked as deleted. + + An enumerator for the collection. + + + + + Adds a new entity to the . If the entity is not being tracked or is currently + marked as deleted, then it becomes tracked as . + + + Note that only the given entity is tracked. Any related entities discoverable from + the given entity are not automatically tracked. + + + The item to start tracking. + + + + + Marks all entities of type TEntity being tracked by the + as . + + + Entities that are currently marked as will be marked + as since the Added state indicates that the entity + has not been saved to the database and hence it does not make sense to attempt to + delete it from the database. + + + + + + Returns true if the entity is being tracked by the context and has not been + marked as Deleted. + + The entity to check. + True if the entity is being tracked by the context and has not been marked as Deleted. + + + + Copies to an array all entities of type TEntity that are being tracked and are + not marked as Deleted. + + The array into which to copy entities. + The index into the array to start copying. + + + + + Marks the given entity as . + + + Entities that are currently marked as will be marked + as since the Added state indicates that the entity + has not been saved to the database and hence it does not make sense to attempt to + delete it from the database. + + + The entity to delete. + True if the entity was being tracked and was not already Deleted. + + + + The number of entities of type TEntity that are being tracked and are not marked + as Deleted. + + + + + False, since the collection is not read-only. + + + + + Occurs when a property of this collection (such as ) changes. + + + + + Occurs when a property of this collection (such as ) is changing. + + + + + Occurs when the contents of the collection changes, either because an entity + has been directly added or removed from the collection, or because an entity + starts being tracked, or because an entity is marked as Deleted. + + + + + Raises the event. + + Details of the property that changed. + + + + Raises the event. + + Details of the property that is changing. + + + + Raises the event. + + Details of the change. + + + + Returns an implementation that stays in sync with this collection. + Use this for WinForms data binding. + + The binding list. + + + + + This method is called by data binding frameworks when attempting to data bind + directly to a . + + + This implementation always throws an exception as + does not maintain an ordered list with indexes. Instead call + for WPF binding, or for WinForms. + + + Always thrown. + Never returns, always throws an exception. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection is a collection of System.Collections.IList objects. + Always returns false. + + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given property + or navigation property. + + + Scalar properties use the derived class , reference navigation + properties use the derived class , and collection navigation + properties use the derived class . + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + For non-navigation properties, gets or sets a value indicating whether the value of this + property has been modified and should be updated in the database when + + is called. + + + For navigation properties, gets or sets a value indicating whether any of foreign key + property values associated with this navigation property have been modified and should + be updated in the database when is called. + + + + + + Gets the metadata that describes the facets of this property and how it maps to the database. + + + + + Gets or sets the value currently assigned to this property. If the current value is set using this property, + the change tracker is aware of the change and is not required + for the context to detect the change. + + + + + The to which this member belongs. + + An entry for the entity that owns this member. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a navigation property + that associates this entity to one or more other entities. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Loads the entity or entities referenced by this navigation property, unless + is already set to true. + + + Note that entities that are already being tracked are not overwritten with new data from the database. + + + + + + + Loads the entity or entities referenced by this navigation property, unless + is already set to true. + + + Note that entities that are already being tracked are not overwritten with new data from the database. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + + + Returns the query that would be used by to load entities referenced by + this navigation property. + + + The query can be composed over using LINQ to perform filtering, counting, etc. without + actually loading all entities from the database. + + + The query to load related entities. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether the entity or entities referenced by this navigation property + are known to be loaded. + + + Loading entities from the database using + or + + , , or will set this flag. Subsequent calls to + or will then be a no-op. + + + It is possible for IsLoaded to be false even if all related entities are loaded. This is because, depending on + how entities are loaded, it is not always possible to know for sure that all entities in a related collection + have been loaded. In such cases, calling or will ensure all + related entities are loaded and will set this flag to true. + + + + True if all the related entities are loaded or the IsLoaded has been explicitly set to true. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether any of foreign key property values associated + with this navigation property have been modified and should be updated in the database + when is called. + + + + + Gets the metadata that describes the facets of this property and how it maps to the database. + + + + + + Extends and adds an explicit implementation of . + + + The method is implemented to return an + implementation that stays in sync with the ObservableCollection. + + + This class can be used to implement navigation properties on entities for use in Windows Forms data binding. + For WPF data binding use an ObservableCollection rather than an instance of this class. + + + The type of elements in the collection. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class that + contains elements copied from the specified collection. + + The collection from which the elements are copied. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class that + contains elements copied from the specified list. + + The list from which the elements are copied. + + + + Always false because there is never a contained collection. + + + + + Returns an implementation that stays in sync with + this . The returned list is cached on this object + such that the same list is returned each time this method is called. + + + An in sync with the ObservableCollection. + + + + + A hash set that implements the interfaces required for Entity Framework to use notification based change tracking + for a collection navigation property. + + The type of elements in the hash set. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + that is empty and uses the default equality comparer for the set type. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + that is empty and uses the specified equality comparer for the set type. + + + The implementation to use when + comparing values in the set, or null to use the default + implementation for the set type. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + that uses the default equality comparer for the set type, contains elements copied + from the specified collection, and has sufficient capacity to accommodate the + number of elements copied. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new set. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + that uses the specified equality comparer for the set type, contains elements + copied from the specified collection, and has sufficient capacity to accommodate + the number of elements copied. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new set. + + The implementation to use when + comparing values in the set, or null to use the default + implementation for the set type. + + + + + Occurs when a property of this hash set (such as ) changes. + + + + + Occurs when a property of this hash set (such as ) is changing. + + + + + Occurs when the contents of the hash set changes. + + + + + Removes all elements from the hash set. + + + + + Determines whether the hash set object contains the + specified element. + + The element to locate in the hash set. + + True if the hash set contains the specified element; otherwise, false. + + + + + Copies the elements of the hash set to an array, starting at the specified array index. + + + The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from + the hash set. The array must have zero-based indexing. + + The zero-based index in array at which copying begins. + + + + Removes the specified element from the hash set. + + The element to remove. + + True if the element is successfully found and removed; otherwise, false. + + + + + Gets the number of elements that are contained in the hash set. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the hash set is read-only. + + + + + Returns an enumerator that iterates through the hash set. + + + An enumerator for the hash set. + + + + + Adds the specified element to the hash set. + + The element to add to the set. + + true if the element is added to the hash set; false if the element is already present. + + + + + Modifies the hash set to contain all elements that are present in itself, the specified collection, or both. + + The collection to compare to the current hash set. + + + + Modifies the current hash set to contain only + elements that are present in that object and in the specified collection. + + The collection to compare to the current hash set. + + + + Removes all elements in the specified collection from the hash set. + + The collection of items to remove from the current hash set. + + + + Modifies the current hash set to contain only elements that are present either in that + object or in the specified collection, but not both. + + The collection to compare to the current hash set. + + + + Determines whether the hash set is a subset of the specified collection. + + The collection to compare to the current hash set. + + True if the hash set is a subset of other; otherwise, false. + + + + + Determines whether the hash set is a proper subset of the specified collection. + + The collection to compare to the current hash set. + + True if the hash set is a proper subset of other; otherwise, false. + + + + + Determines whether the hash set is a superset of the specified collection. + + The collection to compare to the current hash set. + + True if the hash set is a superset of other; otherwise, false. + + + + + Determines whether the hash set is a proper superset of the specified collection. + + The collection to compare to the current hash set. + + True if the hash set is a proper superset of other; otherwise, false. + + + + + Determines whether the current System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1 object and a specified collection share common elements. + + The collection to compare to the current hash set. + + True if the hash set and other share at least one common element; otherwise, false. + + + + + Determines whether the hash set and the specified collection contain the same elements. + + The collection to compare to the current hash set. + + True if the hash set is equal to other; otherwise, false. + + + + + Copies the elements of the hash set to an array. + + + The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from + the hash set. The array must have zero-based indexing. + + + + + Copies the specified number of elements of the hash set to an array, starting at the specified array index. + + + The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from + the hash set. The array must have zero-based indexing. + + The zero-based index in array at which copying begins. + The number of elements to copy to array. + + + + Removes all elements that match the conditions defined by the specified predicate + from the hash set. + + + The delegate that defines the conditions of the elements to remove. + + The number of elements that were removed from the hash set. + + + + Gets the object that is used to determine equality for the values in the set. + + + + + Sets the capacity of the hash set to the actual number of elements it contains, rounded up to a nearby, + implementation-specific value. + + + + + Raises the event. + + Details of the property that changed. + + + + Raises the event. + + Details of the property that is changing. + + + + Raises the event. + + Details of the change. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given property. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether the value of this property has been modified + and should be updated in the database when + is called. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether the value of this property is considered a + temporary value which will be replaced by a value generated from the store when + is called. + + + + + Gets the metadata that describes the facets of this property and how it maps to the database. + + + + + Gets or sets the value that was assigned to this property when it was retrieved from the database. + This property is populated when an entity is retrieved from the database, but setting it may be + useful in disconnected scenarios where entities are retrieved with one context instance and + saved with a different context instance. + + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given property. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The type of the entity the property belongs to. + The type of the property. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The to which this member belongs. + + An entry for the entity that owns this member. + + + + Gets or sets the value currently assigned to this property. If the current value is set using this property, + the change tracker is aware of the change and is not required + for the context to detect the change. + + + + + Gets or sets the value that was assigned to this property when it was retrieved from the database. + This property is populated when an entity is retrieved from the database, but setting it may be + useful in disconnected scenarios where entities are retrieved with one context instance and + saved with a different context instance. + + + + + + A collection of all property values for an entity. + + + Objects of this type can be obtained from , + , , + or . + Once obtained, the objects are usually used in various combinations to resolve optimistic + concurrency exceptions signaled by the throwing of a . + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Creates an instance of the entity type and sets all its properties using the + values from this object. + + The values of this object copied into a new entity instance. + + + + + Sets the values of this object by copying values from the given object. + + + The given object can be of any type. Any property on the object with a name that + matches a property name in the entity type and can be read will be copied. Other + properties will be ignored. This allows, for example, copying of properties from + simple Data Transfer Objects (DTOs). + + + The object to read values from. + + + + Creates a clone of the values in this object. Changes made to the new object will not be + reflected in this object and vice versa. + + A clone of this object. + + + + + Sets the values of this object by reading values from another + object. + + + The other object must be based on the same type as this object, or a type derived + from the type for this object. + + + The object from which values should be copied. + + + + + Sets the values of this object by copying values from the given dictionary. + + + The keys of the dictionary must match property names. Any key in the dictionary + that does not match the name of a property in the entity type will be ignored. + + + The dictionary to read values from. + + + + Gets the properties for which this object is storing values. + + The properties. + + + + Gets the underlying entity type for which this object is storing values. + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the property with the specified property name. + + The property name. + The value of the property. + + + + Gets or sets the value of the property. + + The property. + The value of the property. + + + + Gets the value of the property just like using the indexed property getter but + typed to the type of the generic parameter. + + The type of the property. + The property name. + The value of the property. + + + + Gets the value of the property just like using the indexed property getter but + typed to the type of the generic parameter. + + The type of the property. + The property. + The value of the property. + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a reference (i.e. non-collection) + navigation property that associates this entity to another entity. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The of the entity this navigation targets. + + An entry for the entity that owns this navigation targets. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a reference (i.e. non-collection) + navigation property that associates this entity to another entity. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The type of the entity the property belongs to. + The type of the property. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The to which this member belongs. + + An entry for the entity that owns this member. + + + + The of the entity this navigation targets. + + An entry for the entity that owns this navigation targets. + + + + Gets or sets the value currently assigned to this property. If the current value is set using this property, + the change tracker is aware of the change and is not required + for the context to detect the change. + + + + + + Returns the query that would be used by to load the entity referenced by + this navigation property. + + + The query can be composed over using LINQ to perform filtering, counting, etc. without + actually loading the entity from the database. + + + + + + + Specifies custom value snapshotting and comparison for + CLR types that cannot be compared with + and/or need a deep copy when taking a snapshot. For example, arrays of primitive types + will require both if mutation is to be detected. + + + Snapshotting is the process of creating a copy of the value into a snapshot so it can + later be compared to determine if it has changed. For some types, such as collections, + this needs to be a deep copy of the collection rather than just a shallow copy of the + reference. + + + + + + Creates a new with the given comparison and + snapshotting expressions. + + The comparison expression. + The associated hash code generator. + The snapshot expression. + + + + The type. + + + + + Compares the two instances to determine if they are equal. + + The first instance. + The second instance. + True if they are equal; false otherwise. + + + + Returns the hash code for the given instance. + + The instance. + The hash code. + + + + + Creates a snapshot of the given instance. + + + Snapshotting is the process of creating a copy of the value into a snapshot so it can + later be compared to determine if it has changed. For some types, such as collections, + this needs to be a deep copy of the collection rather than just a shallow copy of the + reference. + + + The instance. + The snapshot. + + + + The comparison expression. + + + + + The hash code expression. + + + + + + The snapshot expression. + + + Snapshotting is the process of creating a copy of the value into a snapshot so it can + later be compared to determine if it has changed. For some types, such as collections, + this needs to be a deep copy of the collection rather than just a shallow copy of the + reference. + + + + + + Takes and replaces the two parameters with the given expressions, + returning the transformed body. + + The new left expression. + The new right expression. + The body of the lambda with left and right parameters replaced. + + + + Takes the and replaces the parameter with the given expression, + returning the transformed body. + + The new expression. + The body of the lambda with the parameter replaced. + + + + Takes the and replaces the parameter with the given expression, + returning the transformed body. + + The new expression. + The body of the lambda with the parameter replaced. + + + + + Specifies custom value snapshotting and comparison for + CLR types that cannot be compared with + and/or need a deep copy when taking a snapshot. For example, arrays of primitive types + will require both if mutation is to be detected. + + + Snapshotting is the process of creating a copy of the value into a snapshot so it can + later be compared to determine if it has changed. For some types, such as collections, + this needs to be a deep copy of the collection rather than just a shallow copy of the + reference. + + + The type. + + + + Creates a new with a default comparison + expression and a shallow copy for the snapshot. + + + If true, then EF will use if the type + implements it. This is usually used when byte arrays act as keys. + + + + + Creates a new with the given comparison expression. + A shallow copy will be used for the snapshot. + + The comparison expression. + The associated hash code generator. + + + + + Creates a new with the given comparison and + snapshotting expressions. + + + Snapshotting is the process of creating a copy of the value into a snapshot so it can + later be compared to determine if it has changed. For some types, such as collections, + this needs to be a deep copy of the collection rather than just a shallow copy of the + reference. + + + The comparison expression. + The associated hash code generator. + The snapshot expression. + + + + Compares the two instances to determine if they are equal. + + The first instance. + The second instance. + True if they are equal; false otherwise. + + + + Returns the hash code for the given instance. + + The instance. + The hash code. + + + + Compares the two instances to determine if they are equal. + + The first instance. + The second instance. + True if they are equal; false otherwise. + + + + Returns the hash code for the given instance. + + The instance. + The hash code. + + + + + Creates a snapshot of the given instance. + + + Snapshotting is the process of creating a copy of the value into a snapshot so it can + later be compared to determine if it has changed. For some types, such as collections, + this needs to be a deep copy of the collection rather than just a shallow copy of the + reference. + + + The instance. + The snapshot. + + + + + Creates a snapshot of the given instance. + + + Snapshotting is the process of creating a copy of the value into a snapshot so it can + later be compared to determine if it has changed. For some types, such as collections, + this needs to be a deep copy of the collection rather than just a shallow copy of the + reference. + + + The instance. + The snapshot. + + + + The type. + + + + + The comparison expression. + + + + + The hash code expression. + + + + + + The snapshot expression. + + + Snapshotting is the process of creating a copy of the value into a snapshot so it can + later be compared to determine if it has changed. For some types, such as collections, + this needs to be a deep copy of the collection rather than just a shallow copy of the + reference. + + + + + + A DbContext instance represents a session with the database and can be used to query and save + instances of your entities. DbContext is a combination of the Unit Of Work and Repository patterns. + + + + Typically you create a class that derives from DbContext and contains + properties for each entity in the model. If the properties have a public setter, + they are automatically initialized when the instance of the derived context is created. + + + Override the method to configure the database (and + other options) to be used for the context. Alternatively, if you would rather perform configuration externally + instead of inline in your context, you can use + (or ) to externally create an instance of + (or ) and pass it to a base constructor of . + + + The model is discovered by running a set of conventions over the entity classes found in the + properties on the derived context. To further configure the model that + is discovered by convention, you can override the method. + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. The + + method will be called to configure the database (and other options) to be used for this context. + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified options. + The method will still be called to allow further + configuration of the options. + + + The options for this context. + + + + Provides access to database related information and operations for this context. + + + + + Provides access to information and operations for entity instances this context is tracking. + + + + + The metadata about the shape of entities, the relationships between them, and how they map to the database. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Creates a that can be used to query and save instances of . + + The type of entity for which a set should be returned. + A set for the given entity type. + + + + Creates a that can be used to query instances of . + + The type of query for which a DbQuery should be returned. + A DbQuery for the given query type. + + + + + Override this method to configure the database (and other options) to be used for this context. + This method is called for each instance of the context that is created. + The base implementation does nothing. + + + In situations where an instance of may or may not have been passed + to the constructor, you can use to determine if + the options have already been set, and skip some or all of the logic in + . + + + + A builder used to create or modify options for this context. Databases (and other extensions) + typically define extension methods on this object that allow you to configure the context. + + + + + Override this method to further configure the model that was discovered by convention from the entity types + exposed in properties on your derived context. The resulting model may be cached + and re-used for subsequent instances of your derived context. + + + If a model is explicitly set on the options for this context (via ) + then this method will not be run. + + + The builder being used to construct the model for this context. Databases (and other extensions) typically + define extension methods on this object that allow you to configure aspects of the model that are specific + to a given database. + + + + + Saves all changes made in this context to the database. + + + This method will automatically call to discover any + changes to entity instances before saving to the underlying database. This can be disabled via + . + + + The number of state entries written to the database. + + + An error is encountered while saving to the database. + + + A concurrency violation is encountered while saving to the database. + A concurrency violation occurs when an unexpected number of rows are affected during save. + This is usually because the data in the database has been modified since it was loaded into memory. + + + + + Saves all changes made in this context to the database. + + + Indicates whether is called after the changes have + been sent successfully to the database. + + + This method will automatically call to discover any + changes to entity instances before saving to the underlying database. This can be disabled via + . + + + The number of state entries written to the database. + + + An error is encountered while saving to the database. + + + A concurrency violation is encountered while saving to the database. + A concurrency violation occurs when an unexpected number of rows are affected during save. + This is usually because the data in the database has been modified since it was loaded into memory. + + + + + Asynchronously saves all changes made in this context to the database. + + + + This method will automatically call to discover any + changes to entity instances before saving to the underlying database. This can be disabled via + . + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous save operation. The task result contains the + number of state entries written to the database. + + + An error is encountered while saving to the database. + + + A concurrency violation is encountered while saving to the database. + A concurrency violation occurs when an unexpected number of rows are affected during save. + This is usually because the data in the database has been modified since it was loaded into memory. + + + + + Asynchronously saves all changes made in this context to the database. + + + Indicates whether is called after the changes have + been sent successfully to the database. + + + + This method will automatically call to discover any + changes to entity instances before saving to the underlying database. This can be disabled via + . + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous save operation. The task result contains the + number of state entries written to the database. + + + An error is encountered while saving to the database. + + + A concurrency violation is encountered while saving to the database. + A concurrency violation occurs when an unexpected number of rows are affected during save. + This is usually because the data in the database has been modified since it was loaded into memory. + + + + + Releases the allocated resources for this context. + + + + + Gets an for the given entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + The type of the entity. + The entity to get the entry for. + The entry for the given entity. + + + + + Gets an for the given entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + This method may be called on an entity that is not tracked. You can then + set the property on the returned entry + to have the context begin tracking the entity in the specified state. + + + The entity to get the entry for. + The entry for the given entity. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that + they will be inserted into the database when is called. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The type of the entity. + The entity to add. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + + This method is async only to allow special value generators, such as the one used by + 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.SequenceHiLo', + to access the database asynchronously. For all other cases the non async method should be used. + + + The type of the entity. + The entity to add. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous Add operation. The task result contains the + for the entity. The entry provides access to change tracking + information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state + such that no operation will be performed when + is called. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The type of the entity. + The entity to attach. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state such that it will + be updated in the database when is called. + + + All properties of the entity will be marked as modified. To mark only some properties as modified, use + to begin tracking the entity in the + state and then use the returned to mark the desired properties as modified. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The type of the entity. + The entity to update. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state such that it will + be removed from the database when is called. + + + + If the entity is already tracked in the state then the context will + stop tracking the entity (rather than marking it as ) since the + entity was previously added to the context and does not exist in the database. + + + Any other reachable entities that are not already being tracked will be tracked in the same way that + they would be if was called before calling this method. + This allows any cascading actions to be applied when is called. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The type of the entity. + The entity to remove. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to add. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + This method is async only to allow special value generators, such as the one used by + 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.SequenceHiLo', + to access the database asynchronously. For all other cases the non async method should be used. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to add. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous Add operation. The task result contains the + for the entity. The entry provides access to change tracking + information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state + such that no operation will be performed when + is called. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to attach. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state such that it will + be updated in the database when is called. + + + All properties of the entity will be marked as modified. To mark only some properties as modified, use + to begin tracking the entity in the + state and then use the returned to mark the desired properties as modified. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to update. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state such that it will + be removed from the database when is called. + + + + If the entity is already tracked in the state then the context will + stop tracking the entity (rather than marking it as ) since the + entity was previously added to the context and does not exist in the database. + + + Any other reachable entities that are not already being tracked will be tracked in the same way that + they would be if was called before calling this method. + This allows any cascading actions to be applied when is called. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to remove. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + The entities to add. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + + This method is async only to allow special value generators, such as the one used by + 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.SequenceHiLo', + to access the database asynchronously. For all other cases the non async method should be used. + + + The entities to add. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state + such that no operation will be performed when + is called. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + The entities to attach. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state such that they will + be updated in the database when is called. + + + All properties of each entity will be marked as modified. To mark only some properties as modified, use + to begin tracking each entity in the + state and then use the returned to mark the desired properties as modified. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + The entities to update. + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state such that it will + be removed from the database when is called. + + + + If any of the entities are already tracked in the state then the context will + stop tracking those entities (rather than marking them as ) since those + entities were previously added to the context and do not exist in the database. + + + Any other reachable entities that are not already being tracked will be tracked in the same way that + they would be if was called before calling this method. + This allows any cascading actions to be applied when is called. + + + The entities to remove. + + + + Begins tracking the given entities, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + The entities to add. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + + This method is async only to allow special value generators, such as the one used by + 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.SequenceHiLo', + to access the database asynchronously. For all other cases the non async method should be used. + + + The entities to add. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state + such that no operation will be performed when + is called. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + The entities to attach. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state such that they will + be updated in the database when is called. + + + All properties of each entity will be marked as modified. To mark only some properties as modified, use + to begin tracking each entity in the + state and then use the returned to mark the desired properties as modified. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + The entities to update. + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state such that it will + be removed from the database when is called. + + + + If any of the entities are already tracked in the state then the context will + stop tracking those entities (rather than marking them as ) since those + entities were previously added to the context and do not exist in the database. + + + Any other reachable entities that are not already being tracked will be tracked in the same way that + they would be if was called before calling this method. + This allows any cascading actions to be applied when is called. + + + The entities to remove. + + + + Finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with the given primary key values + is being tracked by the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the + database. Otherwise, a query is made to the database for an entity with the given primary key values + and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and returned. If no entity is found, then + null is returned. + + The type of entity to find. + The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. + The entity found, or null. + + + + Finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with the given primary key values + is being tracked by the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the + database. Otherwise, a query is made to the database for an entity with the given primary key values + and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and returned. If no entity is found, then + null is returned. + + The type of entity to find. + The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. + The entity found, or null. + + + + Finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with the given primary key values + is being tracked by the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the + database. Otherwise, a query is made to the database for an entity with the given primary key values + and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and returned. If no entity is found, then + null is returned. + + The type of entity to find. + The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + The entity found, or null. + + + + Finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with the given primary key values + is being tracked by the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the + database. Otherwise, a query is made to the database for an entity with the given primary key values + and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and returned. If no entity is found, then + null is returned. + + The type of entity to find. + The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. + The entity found, or null. + + + + Finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with the given primary key values + is being tracked by the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the + database. Otherwise, a query is made to the database for an entity with the given primary key values + and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and returned. If no entity is found, then + null is returned. + + The type of entity to find. + The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. + The entity found, or null. + + + + Finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with the given primary key values + is being tracked by the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the + database. Otherwise, a query is made to the database for an entity with the given primary key values + and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and returned. If no entity is found, then + null is returned. + + The type of entity to find. + The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + The entity found, or null. + + + + + Gets the scoped being used to resolve services. + + + This property is intended for use by extension methods that need to make use of services + not directly exposed in the public API surface. + + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + The options to be used by a . You normally override + or use a + to create instances of this class and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. You normally override + or use a + to create instances of this class and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + The extensions that store the configured options. + + + + Gets the extensions that store the configured options. + + + + + Gets the extension of the specified type. Returns null if no extension of the specified type is configured. + + The type of the extension to get. + The extension, or null if none was found. + + + + Gets the extension of the specified type. Throws if no extension of the specified type is configured. + + The type of the extension to get. + The extension. + + + + Adds the given extension to the options. + + The type of extension to be added. + The extension to be added. + The same options instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + The type of context that these options are for. Will return if the + options are not built for a specific derived context. + + + + + Specifies that no further configuration of this options object should occur. + + + + + Returns true if . has been called. A frozen options object cannot be further + configured with . + + + + + + Provides a simple API surface for configuring . Databases (and other extensions) + typically define extension methods on this object that allow you to configure the database connection (and other + options) to be used for a context. + + + You can use to configure a context by overriding + or creating a + externally and passing it to the context constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with no options set. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class to further configure + a given . + + The options to be configured. + + + + Gets the options being configured. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether any options have been configured. + + + This can be useful when you have overridden to configure + the context, but in some cases you also externally provide options via the context constructor. This property can be + used to determine if the options have already been set, and skip some or all of the logic in + . + + + + + + Sets the model to be used for the context. If the model is set, then + will not be run. + + The model to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the that will be used to create instances + for logging done by this context. It is never necessary to call this method since EF can obtain + or create a logger factory automatically. + + + There is no need to call this method when using one of the 'AddDbContext' methods. + 'AddDbContext' will ensure that the used by EF is obtained from the + application service provider. + + + Note that changing the logger factory can cause EF to build a new internal service provider, which + may cause issues with performance. Generally it is expected that no more than one or two different + instances will be used for a given application. + + + This method cannot be used if the application is setting the internal service provider + through a call to . In this case, the + should be configured directly in that service provider. + + + The logger factory to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the to be used for query caching by this context. It is never + necessary to call this method since EF can obtain or create a memory cache automatically. + + + There is no need to call this method when using one of the 'AddDbContext' methods. + 'AddDbContext' will ensure that the used by EF is obtained from the + application service provider. + + + Note that changing the memory cache can cause EF to build a new internal service provider, which + may cause issues with performance. Generally it is expected that no more than one or two different + instances will be used for a given application. + + + This method cannot be used if the application is setting the internal service provider + through a call to . In this case, the + should be configured directly in that service provider. + + + The memory cache to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the that the context should resolve all of its services from. EF will + create and manage a service provider if none is specified. + + + The service provider must contain all the services required by Entity Framework (and the database being + used). The Entity Framework services can be registered using an extension method on . + For example, the Microsoft SQL Server provider includes an AddEntityFrameworkSqlServer() method to add + the required services. + + + If the has a or + registered, then this will be used as the options for + this context instance. + + + The service provider to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the from which application services will be obtained. This + is done automatically when using 'AddDbContext', so it is rare that this method needs to be called. + + The service provider to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Enables application data to be included in exception messages, logging, etc. This can include the + values assigned to properties of your entity instances, parameter values for commands being sent + to the database, and other such data. You should only enable this flag if you have the appropriate + security measures in place based on the sensitivity of this data. + + + Note that if the application is setting the internal service provider through a call to + , then this option must configured the same way + for all uses of that service provider. Consider instead not calling + so that EF will manage the service providers and can create new instances as required. + + + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the tracking behavior for LINQ queries run against the context. Disabling change tracking + is useful for read-only scenarios because it avoids the overhead of setting up change tracking for each + entity instance. You should not disable change tracking if you want to manipulate entity instances and + persist those changes to the database using . + + + This method sets the default behavior for all contexts created with these options, but you can override this + behavior for a context instance using or on individual + queries using the + and methods. + + + The default value is . This means + the change tracker will keep track of changes for all entities that are returned from a LINQ query. + + + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the runtime behavior of warnings generated by Entity Framework. You can set a default + behavior and behaviors for each warning type. + + + Note that changing this configuration can cause EF to build a new internal service provider, which + may cause issues with performance. Generally it is expected that no more than one or two different + configurations will be used for a given application. + + + Note that if the application is setting the internal service provider through a call to + , then this option must configured the same way + for all uses of that service provider. Consider instead not calling + so that EF will manage the service providers and can create new instances as required. + + + + + optionsBuilder.ConfigureWarnings(warnings => + warnings.Default(WarningBehavior.Ignore) + .Log(CoreEventId.IncludeIgnoredWarning, CoreEventId.ModelValidationWarning) + .Throw(RelationalEventId.QueryClientEvaluationWarning)) + + + + An action to configure the warning behavior. + + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Replaces the internal Entity Framework implementation of a service contract with a different + implementation. + + + This method can only be used when EF is building and managing its internal service provider. + If the service provider is being built externally and passed to + , then replacement services should be configured on + that service provider before it is passed to EF. + + + The replacement service gets the same scope as the EF service that it is replacing. + + + The type (usually an interface) that defines the contract of the service to replace. + The new implementation type for the service. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Adds the given extension to the options. If an existing extension of the same type already exists, it will be replaced. + + + This method is intended for use by extension methods to configure the context. It is not intended to be used in + application code. + + + The type of extension to be added. + The extension to be added. + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides a simple API surface for configuring . Databases (and other extensions) + typically define extension methods on this object that allow you to configure the database connection (and other + options) to be used for a context. + + + You can use to configure a context by overriding + or creating a + externally and passing it to the context constructor. + + + The type of context to be configured. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with no options set. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class to further configure + a given . + + The options to be configured. + + + + Gets the options being configured. + + + + + Sets the model to be used for the context. If the model is set, then + will not be run. + + The model to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the that will be used to create instances + for logging done by this context. It is never necessary to call this method since EF can obtain + or create a logger factory automatically. + + + There is no need to call this method when using one of the 'AddDbContext' methods. + 'AddDbContext' will ensure that the used by EF is obtained from the + application service provider. + + + Note that changing the logger factory can cause EF to build a new internal service provider, which + may cause issues with performance. Generally it is expected that no more than one or two different + instances will be used for a given application. + + + This method cannot be used if the application is setting the internal service provider + through a call to . In this case, the + should be configured directly in that service provider. + + + The logger factory to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the to be used for query caching by this context. It is never + necessary to call this method since EF can obtain or create a memory cache automatically. + + + There is no need to call this method when using one of the 'AddDbContext' methods. + 'AddDbContext' will ensure that the used by EF is obtained from the + application service provider. + + + Note that changing the memory cache can cause EF to build a new internal service provider, which + may cause issues with performance. Generally it is expected that no more than one or two different + instances will be used for a given application. + + + This method cannot be used if the application is setting the internal service provider + through a call to . In this case, the + should be configured directly in that service provider. + + + The memory cache to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the that the context should resolve all of its services from. EF will + create and manage a service provider if none is specified. + + + The service provider must contain all the services required by Entity Framework (and the database being + used). The Entity Framework services can be registered using an extension method on . + For example, the Microsoft SQL Server provider includes an AddEntityFrameworkSqlServer() method to add + the required services. + + + If the has a or + registered, then this will be used as the options for + this context instance. + + + The service provider to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the from which application services will be obtained. This + is done automatically when using 'AddDbContext', so it is rare that this method needs to be called. + + The service provider to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Enables application data to be included in exception messages, logging, etc. This can include the + values assigned to properties of your entity instances, parameter values for commands being sent + to the database, and other such data. You should only enable this flag if you have the appropriate + security measures in place based on the sensitivity of this data. + + + Note that if the application is setting the internal service provider through a call to + , then this option must configured the same way + for all uses of that service provider. Consider instead not calling + so that EF will manage the service providers and can create new instances as required. + + + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the tracking behavior for LINQ queries run against the context. Disabling change tracking + is useful for read-only scenarios because it avoids the overhead of setting up change tracking for each + entity instance. You should not disable change tracking if you want to manipulate entity instances and + persist those changes to the database using . + + + This method sets the default behavior for all contexts created with these options, but you can override this + behavior for a context instance using or on individual + queries using the + and methods. + + + The default value is . This means the + change tracker will keep track of changes for all entities that are returned from a LINQ query. + + + + + + + Configures the runtime behavior of warnings generated by Entity Framework. You can set a default + behavior and behaviors for each warning type. + + + Note that changing this configuration can cause EF to build a new internal service provider, which + may cause issues with performance. Generally it is expected that no more than one or two different + configurations will be used for a given application. + + + Note that if the application is setting the internal service provider through a call to + , then this option must configured the same way + for all uses of that service provider. Consider instead not calling + so that EF will manage the service providers and can create new instances as required. + + + + + optionsBuilder.ConfigureWarnings(warnings => + warnings.Default(WarningBehavior.Ignore) + .Log(CoreEventId.IncludeIgnoredWarning, CoreEventId.ModelValidationWarning) + .Throw(RelationalEventId.QueryClientEvaluationWarning)) + + + + An action to configure the warning behavior. + + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Replaces the internal Entity Framework implementation of a service contract with a different + implementation. + + + This method can only be used when EF is building and managing its internal service provider. + If the service provider is being built externally and passed to + , then replacement services should be configured on + that service provider before it is passed to EF. + + + The replacement service gets the same scope as the EF service that it is replacing. + + + The type (usually an interface) that defines the contract of the service to replace. + The new implementation type for the service. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + The options to be used by a . You normally override + or use a + to create instances of this class and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + The type of the context these options apply to. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. You normally override + or use a + to create instances of this class and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. You normally override + or use a + to create instances of this class and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + The extensions that store the configured options. + + + + Adds the given extension to the options. + + The type of extension to be added. + The extension to be added. + The same options instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + The type of context that these options are for (). + + + + + Provides CLR methods that get translated to database functions when used in LINQ to Entities queries. + The methods on this class are accessed via . + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + Provides CLR methods that get translated to database functions when used in LINQ to Entities queries. + The methods on this class are accessed via . + + + + + + An implementation of the SQL LIKE operation. On relational databases this is usually directly + translated to SQL. + + + Note that if this function is translated into SQL, then the semantics of the comparison will + depend on the database configuration. In particular, it may be either case-sensitive or + case-insensitive. If this function is evaluated on the client, then it will always use + a case-insensitive comparison. + + + The DbFunctions instance. + The string that is to be matched. + The pattern which may involve wildcards %,_,[,],^. + true if there is a match. + + + + + An implementation of the SQL LIKE operation. On relational databases this is usually directly + translated to SQL. + + + Note that if this function is translated into SQL, then the semantics of the comparison will + depend on the database configuration. In particular, it may be either case-sensitive or + case-insensitive. If this function is evaluated on the client, then it will always use + a case-insensitive comparison. + + + The DbFunctions instance. + The string that is to be matched. + The pattern which may involve wildcards %,_,[,],^. + + The escape character (as a single character string) to use in front of %,_,[,],^ + if they are not used as wildcards. + + true if there is a match. + + + + + An API for getting logger categories in an Intellisense/tab-completion friendly manner. + + + Get an Entity Framework Core logger category using its Name property. For example, + LoggerCategory.Database.Sql.Name. + + + Use these types with or + to create a logger. + + + + + + The root/prefix for all Entity Framework categories. + + + + + Logger categories for messages related to database interactions. + + + + + Logger category for messages related to connection operations. + + + + + Logger category for command execution, including SQL sent to the database. + + + + + Logger category for messages related to transaction operations. + + + + + Logger category for messages related to , excluding + messages specifically relating to database interactions which are covered by + the categories. + + + + + Logger categories for messages related to model building and metadata. + + + + + Logger category for messages from model validation. + + + + + Logger category for messages related to queries, excluding + the generated SQL, which is in the category. + + + + + Logger category for miscellaneous messages from the Entity Framework infrastructure. + + + + + Logger category for messages from scaffolding/reverse engineering. + + + + + Logger category messages from Migrations. + + + + + Logger category for messages from change detection and tracking. + + + + + + A can be used to query instances of . + LINQ queries against a will be translated into queries against the database. + + + The results of a LINQ query against a will contain the results + returned from the database and may not reflect changes made in the context that have not + been persisted to the database. For example, the results will not contain newly added views + and may still contain views that are marked for deletion. + + + Depending on the database being used, some parts of a LINQ query against a + may be evaluated in memory rather than being translated into a database query. + + + objects are usually obtained from a + property on a derived or from the + method. + + + The type of view being operated on by this view. + + + + Returns an which when enumerated will execute a query against the database + to load all views from the database. + + The query results. + + + + Returns an which when enumerated will execute a query against the database + to load all views from the database. + + The query results. + + + + Returns an which when enumerated will asynchronously execute the query against + the database. + + The query results. + + + + Gets the IQueryable element type. + + + + + Gets the IQueryable LINQ Expression. + + + + + Gets the IQueryable provider. + + + + + + Gets the scoped being used to resolve services. + + + This property is intended for use by extension methods that need to make use of services + not directly exposed in the public API surface. + + + + + + + A can be used to query and save instances of . + LINQ queries against a will be translated into queries against the database. + + + The results of a LINQ query against a will contain the results + returned from the database and may not reflect changes made in the context that have not + been persisted to the database. For example, the results will not contain newly added entities + and may still contain entities that are marked for deletion. + + + Depending on the database being used, some parts of a LINQ query against a + may be evaluated in memory rather than being translated into a database query. + + + objects are usually obtained from a + property on a derived or from the + method. + + + The type of entity being operated on by this set. + + + + + Gets an that represents a local view of all Added, Unchanged, + and Modified entities in this set. + + + This local view will stay in sync as entities are added or removed from the context. Likewise, entities + added to or removed from the local view will automatically be added to or removed + from the context. + + + This property can be used for data binding by populating the set with data, for example by using the + extension method, + and then binding to the local data through this property by calling + for WPF binding, or + for WinForms. + + + + + + Finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with the given primary key values + is being tracked by the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the + database. Otherwise, a query is made to the database for an entity with the given primary key values + and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and returned. If no entity is found, then + null is returned. + + The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. + The entity found, or null. + + + + Finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with the given primary key values + is being tracked by the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the + database. Otherwise, a query is made to the database for an entity with the given primary key values + and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and returned. If no entity is found, then + null is returned. + + The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. + The entity found, or null. + + + + Finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with the given primary key values + is being tracked by the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the + database. Otherwise, a query is made to the database for an entity with the given primary key values + and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and returned. If no entity is found, then + null is returned. + + The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + The entity found, or null. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to add. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + + This method is async only to allow special value generators, such as the one used by + 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.SequenceHiLo', + to access the database asynchronously. For all other cases the non async method should be used. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to add. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous Add operation. The task result contains the + for the entity. The entry provides access to change tracking + information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state + such that no operation will be performed when + is called. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to attach. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state such that it will + be removed from the database when is called. + + + + If the entity is already tracked in the state then the context will + stop tracking the entity (rather than marking it as ) since the + entity was previously added to the context and does not exist in the database. + + + Any other reachable entities that are not already being tracked will be tracked in the same way that + they would be if was called before calling this method. + This allows any cascading actions to be applied when is called. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to remove. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state such that it will + be updated in the database when is called. + + + All properties of the entity will be marked as modified. To mark only some properties as modified, use + to begin tracking the entity in the + state and then use the returned to mark the desired properties as modified. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to update. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + The entities to add. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + + This method is async only to allow special value generators, such as the one used by + 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.SequenceHiLo', + to access the database asynchronously. For all other cases the non async method should be used. + + + The entities to add. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state + such that no operation will be performed when + is called. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + The entities to attach. + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state such that they will + be removed from the database when is called. + + + + If any of the entities are already tracked in the state then the context will + stop tracking those entities (rather than marking them as ) since those + entities were previously added to the context and do not exist in the database. + + + Any other reachable entities that are not already being tracked will be tracked in the same way that + they would be if was called before calling this method. + This allows any cascading actions to be applied when is called. + + + The entities to remove. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state such that they will + be updated in the database when is called. + + + All properties of each entity will be marked as modified. To mark only some properties as modified, use + to begin tracking each entity in the + state and then use the returned to mark the desired properties as modified. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + The entities to update. + + + + Begins tracking the given entities, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + The entities to add. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + + This method is async only to allow special value generators, such as the one used by + 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.SequenceHiLo', + to access the database asynchronously. For all other cases the non async method should be used. + + + The entities to add. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state + such that no operation will be performed when + is called. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + The entities to attach. + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state such that they will + be removed from the database when is called. + + + + If any of the entities are already tracked in the state then the context will + stop tracking those entities (rather than marking them as ) since those + entities were previously added to the context and do not exist in the database. + + + Any other reachable entities that are not already being tracked will be tracked in the same way that + they would be if was called before calling this method. + This allows any cascading actions to be applied when is called. + + + The entities to remove. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state such that they will + be updated in the database when is called. + + + All properties of each entity will be marked as modified. To mark only some properties as modified, use + to begin tracking each entity in the + state and then use the returned to mark the desired properties as modified. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + The entities to update. + + + + Returns an which when enumerated will execute a query against the database + to load all entities from the database. + + The query results. + + + + Returns an which when enumerated will execute a query against the database + to load all entities from the database. + + The query results. + + + + Returns an which when enumerated will asynchronously execute the query against + the database. + + The query results. + + + + Gets the IQueryable element type. + + + + + Gets the IQueryable LINQ Expression. + + + + + Gets the IQueryable provider. + + + + + + Gets the scoped being used to resolve services. + + + This property is intended for use by extension methods that need to make use of services + not directly exposed in the public API surface. + + + + + + + This method is called by data binding frameworks when attempting to data bind + directly to a . + + + This implementation always throws an exception as binding directly to a + will result in a query being + sent to the database every time the data binding framework requests the contents + of the collection. Instead load the results into the context, for example, by using the + extension method, + and then bind to the local data through the by calling + for WPF binding, or + for WinForms. + + + Always thrown. + Never returns, always throws an exception. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection is a collection of System.Collections.IList objects. + Always returns false. + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + An exception that is thrown when a concurrency violation is encountered while saving to the database. A concurrency violation + occurs when an unexpected number of rows are affected during save. This is usually because the data in the database has + been modified since it was loaded into memory. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The error message that explains the reason for the exception. + The entries that were involved in the concurrency violation. + + + + An exception that is thrown when an error is encountered while saving to the database. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The error message that explains the reason for the exception. + The exception that is the cause of the current exception. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The error message that explains the reason for the exception. + The entries that were involved in the error. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The error message that explains the reason for the exception. + The entries that were involved in the error. + The exception that is the cause of the current exception. + + + + Gets the entries that were involved in the error. Typically this is a single entry, but in some cases it + may be zero or multiple entries. + + + + + + Indicates how a delete operation is applied to dependent entities in a relationship when the + principal is deleted or the relationship is severed. + + + Behaviors in the database are dependent on the database schema being created + appropriately. Using Entity Framework Migrations or + will create the appropriate schema. + + + Note that the in-memory behavior for entities that are currently tracked by + the can be different from the behavior that happens in the database. + See the behavior for more details. + + + + + + + For entities being tracked by the , the values of foreign key properties in + dependent entities are set to null. This helps keep the graph of entities in a consistent + state while they are being tracked, such that a fully consistent graph can then be written to + the database. If a property cannot be set to null because it is not a nullable type, + then an exception will be thrown when is called. + This is the same as the behavior. + + + If the database has been created from the model using Entity Framework Migrations or the + method, then the behavior in the database + is to generate an error if a foreign key constraint is violated. + This is the same as the behavior. + + + This is the default for optional relationships. That is, for relationships that have + nullable foreign keys. + + + + + + + For entities being tracked by the , the values of foreign key properties in + dependent entities are not changed. This can result in an inconsistent graph of entities + where the values of foreign key properties do not match the relationships in the + graph. If a property remains in this state when + is called, then an exception will be thrown. + + + If the database has been created from the model using Entity Framework Migrations or the + method, then the behavior in the database + is to generate an error if a foreign key constraint is violated. + + + + + + + For entities being tracked by the , the values of foreign key properties in + dependent entities are set to null. This helps keep the graph of entities in a consistent + state while they are being tracked, such that a fully consistent graph can then be written to + the database. If a property cannot be set to null because it is not a nullable type, + then an exception will be thrown when is called. + + + If the database has been created from the model using Entity Framework Migrations or the + method, then the behavior in the database is + the same as is described above for tracked entities. Keep in mind that some databases cannot easily + support this behavior, especially if there are cycles in relationships. + + + + + + + For entities being tracked by the , the dependent entities + will also be deleted when is called. + + + If the database has been created from the model using Entity Framework Migrations or the + method, then the behavior in the database is + the same as is described above for tracked entities. Keep in mind that some databases cannot easily + support this behavior, especially if there are cycles in relationships. + + + This is the default for required relationships. That is, for relationships that have + non-nullable foreign keys. + + + + + + + Identifies where to find the design time services for a given database provider. This attribute should + be present in the primary assembly of the database provider. + + + This attribute is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The name of the type that can be used to add the database providers design time services to a . + This type should implement . + + + + + Gets the name of the type that can be used to add the database providers design time services to a . + This type should implement . + + + + + + Identifies where to find additional design time services. + + + This attribute is typically used by design-time extensions. It is generally not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The assembly-qualified name of the type that can be used to add additional design time services to a . + This type should implement . + + + + + Gets the assembly-qualified name of the type that can be used to add additional design time services to a . + This type should implement . + + + + + A factory for creating derived instances. Implement this interface to enable + design-time services for context types that do not have a public default constructor. At design-time, + derived instances can be created in order to enable specific design-time + experiences such as Migrations. Design-time services will automatically discover implementations of + this interface that are in the startup assembly or the same assembly as the derived context. + + The type of the context. + + + + Creates a new instance of a derived context. + + Arguments provided by the design-time service. + An instance of . + + + + Enables configuring design-time services. Tools will automatically discover implementations of this + interface that are in the startup assembly. + + + + + Configures design-time services. Use this method to override the default design-time services with your + own implementations. + + The design-time service collection. + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a query expression. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The left . + The right . + + + + The left . + + + + + The right . + + + + + A event payload class for events that indicate + an entity is being deleted because its parent entity has been deleted. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The entity entry for the entity that is being deleted. + The entity entry for the parent that trigger the cascade. + The state that the child is transitioning to--usually 'Deleted'. + + + + The state that the child is transitioning to--usually 'Deleted'. + + + + + The entity entry for the parent that trigger the cascade. + + + + + A event payload class for events that indicate + an entity is being deleted because its required relationship to a parent has been severed. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The entity entry for the entity that is being deleted. + The entity type to which the relationship was severed. + The state that the child is transitioning to--usually 'Deleted'. + + + + The state that the child is transitioning to--usually 'Deleted'. + + + + + The entity type to which the relationship was severed. + + + + + A event payload class for events that indicate + a collection navigation property has had entities added and/or removed. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The entry for the entity instance on which the property value has changed. + The navigation property. + The entities added to the collection. + The entities removed from the collection. + + + + The entry for the entity instance on which the navigation property has been added + to or removed from. + + + + + The entities added to the collection. + + + + + The entities removed from the collection. + + + + + A event payload class for context initialization events. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The that is initialized. + The being used. + + + + The that is initialized. + + + + + The being used. + + + + + + Event IDs for events that correspond to messages logged to an + and events sent to a . + + + These IDs are also used with to configure the + behavior of warnings. + + + + + + The lower-bound for event IDs used by any Entity Framework or provider code. + + + + + The lower-bound for event IDs used by any relational database provider. + + + + + The lower-bound for event IDs used only by database providers. + + + + + The lower-bound for event IDs used only by database provider design-time and tooling. + + + + + + An error occurred while attempting to save changes to the database. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + The same entity is being tracked as a different weak entity type. + This event is in the category. + + + + + + An error occurred while processing the results of a query. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A query model is being compiled. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A query uses a row limiting operation (Skip/Take) without OrderBy which may lead to unpredictable results. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A query uses First/FirstOrDefault operation without OrderBy and filter which may lead to unpredictable results. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A query model was optimized. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A navigation was included in the query. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A navigation was ignored while compiling a query. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A query is planned for execution. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + Possible unintended comparison of collection navigation to null. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + Possible unintended reference comparison. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A warning indicating that sensitive data logging is enabled and may be logged. + + + This event may be in different categories depending on where sensitive data is being logged. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A service provider was created for internal use by Entity Framework. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + Many service providers were created in a single app domain. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A was initialized. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A transient exception has been encountered during execution and the operation will be retried. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A navigation property is being lazy-loaded. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + An attempt was made to lazy-load a property after the DbContext had been disposed. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + An attempt was made to lazy-load a property from a detached/no-tracking entity. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A shadow property has been created. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + An index was not created as the properties are already covered. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + The best match for foreign key properties are incompatible with the principal key. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + The entity type with the navigation property that has the + was configured as the dependent side in the relationship. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + Navigations separated into two relationships as was specified on both navigations. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + The properties that best match the foreign key convention are already used by a different foreign key. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + There are multiple properties that could be used as the primary key. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + There are multiple properties that could be navigations to the same type. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + There are multiple navigations with that point + to the same inverse navigation. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + There navigation that points to is not the defining navigation. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + There navigation that points to is not the defining navigation. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + Navigations separated into two relationships as was specified on properties + on both sides. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + Navigations separated into two relationships as was specified on navigations + on both sides. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + The specified on the navigation doesn't match the + specified on the property. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + DetectChanges is starting. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + DetectChanges has completed. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + DetectChanges has detected a change in a property value. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + DetectChanges has detected a change in a foreign key property value. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + DetectChanges has detected entities were added and/or removed from a collection + navigation property. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + DetectChanges has detected a change to the entity references by another entity. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + An entity is being tracked by the . + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + An entity tracked by the is changing from one + to another. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + A property of a tracked entity is getting a generated value. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + An entity is being deleted or detached because its parent was deleted. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + An entity is being deleted or detached because the required relationship to its + parent was severed. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + or one of its overloads started. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + or one of its overloads has completed. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + The is being disposed. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + A event payload class for error events that reference + a . + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The current . + The exception that triggered this event. + + + + The exception that triggered this event. + + + + + A event payload class for events that reference + a . + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The current . + + + + The current . + + + + + A event payload class for error events that reference + a type. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The type of the current . + The exception that triggered this event. + + + + The exception that triggered this event. + + + + + A event payload class for events that reference + a type. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The current . + + + + The current . + + + + + A event payload class for events that reference + a . + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The entity entry. + + + + The entity entry. + + + + + A base class for all Entity Framework event payloads. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + + + + The that defines the message ID and name. + + + + + The that would be used to log message for this event. + + + + + A logger message describing this event. + + A logger message describing this event. + + + + Defines metadata for an event with no parameters and a cached delegate to log the + event with reduced allocations. + + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Generates the message that would be logged without logging it. + Typically used for throwing an exception in warning-as-error cases. + + Optional exception associated with this event. + The message string. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Whether the event should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Base class for event definitions. + + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings. + + + + The . + + + + + The at which the event will be logged. + + + + + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings to suppress this event as an error. + + + + + Returns a warning-as-error exception wrapping the given message for this event. + + The message to wrap. + + + + Gets the log behavior for this event. This determines whether it should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + + The . + The logger to which the event would be logged. + Whether the event should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Defines metadata for an event with one parameter and a cached delegate to log the + event with reduced allocations. + + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings. + + + + Generates the message that would be logged without logging it. + Typically used for throwing an exception in warning-as-error cases. + + The message argument. + Optional exception associated with this event. + The message string. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Whether the event should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + Message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Defines metadata for an event with three parameters and a cached delegate to log the + event with reduced allocations. + + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Generates the message that would be logged without logging it. + Typically used for throwing an exception in warning-as-error cases. + + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + Optional exception associated with this event. + The message string. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Whether the event should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Defines metadata for an event with three parameters and a cached delegate to log the + event with reduced allocations. + + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Generates the message that would be logged without logging it. + Typically used for throwing an exception in warning-as-error cases. + + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + Optional exception associated with this event. + The message string. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Whether the event should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Defines metadata for an event with three parameters and a cached delegate to log the + event with reduced allocations. + + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Generates the message that would be logged without logging it. + Typically used for throwing an exception in warning-as-error cases. + + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + The fourth message argument. + Optional exception associated with this event. + The message string. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + The fourth message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Whether the event should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + The fourth message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Defines metadata for an event with three parameters and a cached delegate to log the + event with reduced allocations. + + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Generates the message that would be logged without logging it. + Typically used for throwing an exception in warning-as-error cases. + + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + The fourth message argument. + The fifth message argument. + Optional exception associated with this event. + The message string. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + The fourth message argument. + The fifth message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Whether the event should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + The fourth message argument. + The fifth message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Defines metadata for an event with three parameters and a cached delegate to log the + event with reduced allocations. + + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Generates the message that would be logged without logging it. + Typically used for throwing an exception in warning-as-error cases. + + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + The fourth message argument. + The fifth message argument. + The sixth message argument. + Optional exception associated with this event. + The message string. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + The fourth message argument. + The fifth message argument. + The sixth message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Whether the event should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + The fourth message argument. + The fifth message argument. + The sixth message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + The event payload for + execution strategy events. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + + The exceptions that have been caught during the execution of an operation. + + The delay before retrying the operation. + + Indicates whether or not the command was executed asynchronously. + + + + + A correlation ID that identifies the instance being used. + + + + + The delay before retrying the operation. + + + + + Indicates whether or not the operation is being executed asynchronously. + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a query expression. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The . + + + + The . + + + + + Defines metadata for an event with more than six parameters such that it has to have + special handling. + + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + The parameterized message definition. + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings. + The parameterized message definition. + + + + Generates the message that would be logged without logging it. + Typically used for throwing an exception in warning-as-error cases. + + A delegate that will log the message to an . + The message string. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + A delegate that will log the message to an . + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Whether the event should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + A delegate that will log the message to an . + + + + The parameterized message definition. + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a foreign key. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The foreign key. + + + + The foreign key. + + + + + + Combines and + for use by all EF Core logging so that events can be sent to both + for ASP.NET and for everything else. + + + Also intercepts messages such that warnings + can be either logged or thrown, and such that a decision as to whether to log + sensitive data or not can be made. + + + + + + Checks if the given is enabled or the given event, and, + if so, whether the event should be logged or thrown. + + The event ID that will be logged, if enabled. + The logging level to which the event will be logged. + One of Log, Throw, or Ignore. + + + + Entity Framework logging options. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether sensitive information should be written + to the underlying logger. This also has the side effect of writing a warning + to the log the first time sensitive data is logged. + + + + + The underlying . + + + + + The . + + + + + An interface implemented by any subclass that represents an + error event with an . + + + + + The exception that was thrown to signal the error. + + + + + Options set at the singleton level to control how\ + messages are logged and/or thrown in exceptions. + + + + + Reflects the option set by . + + + + + This flag is set once a warning about has been + issued to avoid logging the warning again. + + + + + Reflects the option set by . + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + an specification. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The . + + + + The result operator. + + + + + A event payload class for events from + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The current . + The entity instance on which lazy-loading was initiated. + The navigation property name of the relationship to be loaded. + + + + The entity instance on which lazy-loading was initiated. + + + + + The navigation property name of the relationship to be loaded. + + + + + Generic helper class used to implement the property. + + The logger category type. + + + + The logger category name, for use with , etc. + + The category name. + + + + The logger category name. + + The logger category name. + + + + The logger category name. + + The category. + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a navigation. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The navigation. + + + + The navigation. + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a navigation property. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The navigation property. + + + + The navigation property. + + + + + A event payload class for events that indicate + a changed property value. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The entry for the entity instance on which the property value has changed. + The property. + The old value. + The new value. + + + + The entry for the entity instance on which the property value has changed. + + + + + The old value. + + + + + The new value. + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a property. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The property. + + + + The property. + + + + + A event payload class for events that indicate + a property value. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The entry for the entity instance on which the property value has changed. + The property. + The old value. + + + + The entry for the entity instance. + + + + + The value. + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a query expression. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The . + An that can be used to render the . + + + + The . + + + + + An that can be used to render the . + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a query model. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The . + + + + The . + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a query model and an expression. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The . + The query model element requiring client-eval. + + + + The expression. + + + + + A event payload class for events that indicate + a changed property value. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The entry for the entity instance on which the property value has changed. + The navigation property. + The old referenced entity. + The new referenced entity. + + + + The entry for the entity instance on which the navigation property value has changed. + + + + + The old referenced entity. + + + + + The new referenced entity. + + + + + A event payload class for events that indicate + has completed. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The current . + The number of entities saved to the database. + + + + The number of entities saved to the database. + + + + + A event payload class for events that + specify the entities being saved and the rows affected. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + Entries for the entities being saved. + The rows affected. + + + + Entries for the entities being saved. + + + + + The rows affected. + + + + + A event payload class for events that reference + a container. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The . + + + + The . + + + + + A event payload class for events that reference + multiple containers. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The s. + + + + The s. + + + + + A event payload class for events that reference + two instances. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The first . + The second . + + + + The first . + + + + + The second . + + + + + A event payload class for events that indicate + a change of a tracked entity from one to another. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The entity entry. + The old state. + The new state. + + + + The old state. + + + + + The new state. + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + two property collections. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The first property collection. + The second property collection. + + + + The first property collection. + + + + + The second property collection. + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + two unmapped property collections. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The first property collection. + The second property collection. + + + + The first property collection. + + + + + The second property collection. + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a . + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The CLR type. + The . + + + + The CLR type. + + + + + The . + + + + + + Represents configuration for which warnings should be thrown, logged, or ignored. + by database providers or extensions. These options are set using . + + + Instances of this class are designed to be immutable. To change an option, call one of the 'With...' + methods to obtain a new instance with the option changed. + + + + + + Creates a new, empty configuration, with all options set to their defaults. + + + + + Called by a derived class constructor when implementing the method. + + The instance that is being cloned. + + + + Override this method in a derived class to ensure that any clone created is also of that class. + + A clone of this instance, which can be modified before being returned as immutable. + + + + The option set from the method. + + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with the given explicit set for + all given event IDs. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The event IDs for which the behavior should be set. + The behavior to set. + A new instance with the behaviors set. + + + + Gets the set for the given event ID, or the + if no explicit behavior has been set. + + + + + Creates a new instance with the given explicit set for + the given event ID, but only if no explicit behavior has already been set. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The event ID for which the behavior should be set. + The behavior to set. + A new instance with the behavior set, or this instance if a behavior was already set. + + + + Returns a hash code created from any options that would cause a new + to be needed. + + A hash over options that require a new service provider when changed. + + + + + Configures the runtime behavior of warnings generated by Entity Framework. + You can set a default behavior and behaviors for each warning type. + + + This class is used within the + + API and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The options builder to which the warnings configuration will be applied. + + + + Sets the default behavior when a warning is generated. + + The desired behavior. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + Causes an exception to be thrown when the specified core warnings are generated. Database providers (and other extensions) + may provide extension method overloads of this method to configure this behavior for warnings they generate. + + + The and 'RelationalEventId' for the warnings. + + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + Causes a warning to be logged when the specified core warnings are generated. Database providers (and other extensions) + may provide extension method overloads of this method to configure this behavior for warnings they generate. + + + The and 'RelationalEventId' for the warnings. + + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + Causes nothing to happen when the specified core warnings are generated. Database providers (and other extensions) + may provide extension method overloads of this method to configure this behavior for warnings they generate. + + + The and 'RelationalEventId' for the warnings. + + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + Static methods that are useful in application code where there is not an EF type for the method to be accessed from. For example, + referencing a shadow state property in a LINQ query. + + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The type of the fifth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The type of the fifth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The type of the fifth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The included property type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The query result type. + The included property type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The query result type. + The included property type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The query result type. + The included property type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The query result type. + The included property type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The type of the fifth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The type of the fifth query parameter. + The query result type. + The included property type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The type of the fifth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Addresses a given property on an entity instance. This is useful when you want to reference a shadow state property in a + LINQ query. Currently this method can only be used in LINQ queries and can not be used to access the value assigned to a + property in other scenarios. + + + The following code performs a filter using the a LastUpdated shadow state property. + + var blogs = context.Blogs + .Where(b => EF.Property<DateTime>(b, "LastUpdated") > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-5)) + + + The type of the property being referenced. + The entity to access the property on. + The name of the property. + The value assigned to the property. + + + + Provides CLR methods that get translated to database functions when used in LINQ to Entities queries. + Calling these methods in other contexts (e.g. LINQ to Objects) will throw a . + + + + + Entity Framework LINQ related extension methods. + + + + + Asynchronously determines whether a sequence contains any elements. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to check for being empty. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains true if the source sequence contains any elements; otherwise, false. + + + + + Asynchronously determines whether any element of a sequence satisfies a condition. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An whose elements to test for a condition. + + A function to test each element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains true if any elements in the source sequence pass the test in the specified + predicate; otherwise, false. + + + + + Asynchronously determines whether all the elements of a sequence satisfy a condition. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An whose elements to test for a condition. + + A function to test each element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains true if every element of the source sequence passes the test in the specified + predicate; otherwise, false. + + + + + Asynchronously returns the number of elements in a sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An that contains the elements to be counted. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the number of elements in the input sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously returns the number of elements in a sequence that satisfy a condition. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An that contains the elements to be counted. + + A function to test each element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the number of elements in the sequence that satisfy the condition in the predicate + function. + + + + + Asynchronously returns an that represents the total number of elements in a sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An that contains the elements to be counted. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the number of elements in the input sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously returns an that represents the number of elements in a sequence + that satisfy a condition. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An that contains the elements to be counted. + + A function to test each element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the number of elements in the sequence that satisfy the condition in the predicate + function. + + + + + Asynchronously returns the first element of a sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the first element of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the first element in . + + + + + Asynchronously returns the first element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the first element of. + + A function to test each element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the first element in that passes the test in + . + + + + + Asynchronously returns the first element of a sequence, or a default value if the sequence contains no elements. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the first element of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains default ( ) if + is empty; otherwise, the first element in . + + + + + Asynchronously returns the first element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition + or a default value if no such element is found. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the first element of. + + A function to test each element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains default ( ) if + is empty or if no element passes the test specified by ; otherwise, the first + element in that passes the test specified by . + + + + + Asynchronously returns the last element of a sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the last element of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the last element in . + + + + + Asynchronously returns the last element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the last element of. + + A function to test each element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the last element in that passes the test in + . + + + + + Asynchronously returns the last element of a sequence, or a default value if the sequence contains no elements. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the last element of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains default ( ) if + is empty; otherwise, the last element in . + + + + + Asynchronously returns the last element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition + or a default value if no such element is found. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the last element of. + + A function to test each element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains default ( ) if + is empty or if no element passes the test specified by ; otherwise, the last + element in that passes the test specified by . + + + + + Asynchronously returns the only element of a sequence, and throws an exception + if there is not exactly one element in the sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the single element of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the single element of the input sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously returns the only element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition, + and throws an exception if more than one such element exists. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the single element of. + + A function to test an element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the single element of the input sequence that satisfies the condition in + . + + + + + Asynchronously returns the only element of a sequence, or a default value if the sequence is empty; + this method throws an exception if there is more than one element in the sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the single element of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the single element of the input sequence, or default ( + ) + if the sequence contains no elements. + + + + + Asynchronously returns the only element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition or + a default value if no such element exists; this method throws an exception if more than one element + satisfies the condition. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the single element of. + + A function to test an element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the single element of the input sequence that satisfies the condition in + , or default ( ) if no such element is found. + + + + + Asynchronously returns the minimum value of a sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An that contains the elements to determine the minimum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the minimum value in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously invokes a projection function on each element of a sequence and returns the minimum resulting value. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + The type of the value returned by the function represented by . + + + An that contains the elements to determine the minimum of. + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the minimum value in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously returns the maximum value of a sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An that contains the elements to determine the maximum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the maximum value in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously invokes a projection function on each element of a sequence and returns the maximum resulting value. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + The type of the value returned by the function represented by . + + + An that contains the elements to determine the maximum of. + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the maximum value in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously determines whether a sequence contains a specified element by using the default equality comparer. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the single element of. + + The object to locate in the sequence. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains true if the input sequence contains the specified value; otherwise, false. + + + + + Asynchronously creates a from an by enumerating it + asynchronously. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to create a list from. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains elements from the input sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously creates an array from an by enumerating it asynchronously. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to create an array from. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains an array that contains elements from the input sequence. + + + + + Specifies related entities to include in the query results. The navigation property to be included is specified starting with the + type of entity being queried (). If you wish to include additional types based on the navigation + properties of the type being included, then chain a call to + + after this call. + + + + The following query shows including a single level of related entities. + + context.Blogs.Include(blog => blog.Posts); + + + + The following query shows including two levels of entities on the same branch. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => post.Tags); + + + + The following query shows including multiple levels and branches of related data. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => post.Tags).ThenInclude(tag => tag.TagInfo) + .Include(blog => blog.Contributors); + + + + The following query shows including a single level of related entities on a derived type using casting. + + context.Blogs.Include(blog => ((SpecialBlog)blog).SpecialPosts); + + + + The following query shows including a single level of related entities on a derived type using 'as' operator. + + context.Blogs.Include(blog => (blog as SpecialBlog).SpecialPosts); + + + + The type of entity being queried. + The type of the related entity to be included. + The source query. + + A lambda expression representing the navigation property to be included (t => t.Property1). + + + A new query with the related data included. + + + + + Specifies additional related data to be further included based on a related type that was just included. + + + + The following query shows including a single level of related entities. + + context.Blogs.Include(blog => blog.Posts); + + + + The following query shows including two levels of entities on the same branch. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => post.Tags); + + + + The following query shows including multiple levels and branches of related data. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => post.Tags).ThenInclude(tag => tag.TagInfo) + .Include(blog => blog.Contributors); + + + + The following query shows including two levels of entities on the same branch, second one being on derived type using casting. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => ((SpecialPost)post).SpecialTags); + + + + The following query shows including two levels of entities on the same branch, second one being on derived type using 'as' operator. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => (post as SpecialPost).SpecialTags); + + + + The type of entity being queried. + The type of the entity that was just included. + The type of the related entity to be included. + The source query. + + A lambda expression representing the navigation property to be included (t => t.Property1). + + + A new query with the related data included. + + + + + Specifies additional related data to be further included based on a related type that was just included. + + + + The following query shows including a single level of related entities. + + context.Blogs.Include(blog => blog.Posts); + + + + The following query shows including two levels of entities on the same branch. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => post.Tags); + + + + The following query shows including multiple levels and branches of related data. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => post.Tags).ThenInclude(tag => tag.TagInfo) + .Include(blog => blog.Contributors); + + + + The following query shows including two levels of entities on the same branch, second one being on derived type. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => ((SpecialPost)post).SpecialTags); + + + + The following query shows including two levels of entities on the same branch, second one being on derived type using alternative method. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => (post as SpecialPost).SpecialTags); + + + + The type of entity being queried. + The type of the entity that was just included. + The type of the related entity to be included. + The source query. + + A lambda expression representing the navigation property to be included (t => t.Property1). + + + A new query with the related data included. + + + + + Specifies related entities to include in the query results. The navigation property to be included is + specified starting with the type of entity being queried (). Further + navigation properties to be included can be appended, separated by the '.' character. + + + + The following query shows including a single level of related entities. + + context.Blogs.Include("Posts"); + + + + The following query shows including two levels of entities on the same branch. + + context.Blogs.Include("Posts.Tags"); + + + + The following query shows including multiple levels and branches of related data. + + context.Blogs + .Include("Posts.Tags.TagInfo') + .Include("Contributors"); + + + + The type of entity being queried. + The source query. + A string of '.' separated navigation property names to be included. + A new query with the related data included. + + + + Specifies that the current Entity Framework LINQ query should not have any + model-level entity query filters applied. + + The type of entity being queried. + The source query. + + A new query that will not apply any model-level entity query filters. + + + + + + Returns a new query where the change tracker will not track any of the entities that are returned. + If the entity instances are modified, this will not be detected by the change tracker and + will not persist those changes to the database. + + + Disabling change tracking is useful for read-only scenarios because it avoids the overhead of setting + up change tracking for each entity instance. You should not disable change tracking if you want to + manipulate entity instances and persist those changes to the database using + . + + + Identity resolution will still be performed to ensure that all occurrences of an entity with a given key + in the result set are represented by the same entity instance. + + + The default tracking behavior for queries can be controlled by . + + + The type of entity being queried. + The source query. + + A new query where the result set will not be tracked by the context. + + + + + + Returns a new query where the change tracker will keep track of changes for all entities that are returned. + Any modification to the entity instances will be detected and persisted to the database during + . + + + The default tracking behavior for queries can be controlled by . + + + The type of entity being queried. + The source query. + + A new query where the result set will not be tracked by the context. + + + + + Enumerates the query. When using Entity Framework, this causes the results of the query to + be loaded into the associated context. This is equivalent to calling ToList + and then throwing away the list (without the overhead of actually creating the list). + + The source query. + + + + Asynchronously enumerates the query. When using Entity Framework, this causes the results of the query to + be loaded into the associated context. This is equivalent to calling ToList + and then throwing away the list (without the overhead of actually creating the list). + + The source query. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + Creates a from an by enumerating it + asynchronously + according to a specified key selector function. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + The type of the key returned by . + + + An to create a from. + + A function to extract a key from each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains selected keys and values. + + + + + Creates a from an by enumerating it + asynchronously + according to a specified key selector function and a comparer. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + The type of the key returned by . + + + An to create a from. + + A function to extract a key from each element. + + An to compare keys. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains selected keys and values. + + + + + Creates a from an by enumerating it + asynchronously + according to a specified key selector and an element selector function. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + The type of the key returned by . + + + The type of the value returned by . + + + An to create a from. + + A function to extract a key from each element. + A transform function to produce a result element value from each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains values of type + selected from the input sequence. + + + + + Creates a from an by enumerating it + asynchronously + according to a specified key selector function, a comparer, and an element selector function. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + The type of the key returned by . + + + The type of the value returned by . + + + An to create a from. + + A function to extract a key from each element. + A transform function to produce a result element value from each element. + + An to compare keys. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains values of type + selected from the input sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously enumerates the query results and performs the specified action on each element. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to enumerate. + + The action to perform on each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + The state in which an entity is being tracked by a context. + + + + + The entity is not being tracked by the context. + + + + + The entity is being tracked by the context and exists in the database. Its property + values have not changed from the values in the database. + + + + + The entity is being tracked by the context and exists in the database. It has been marked + for deletion from the database. + + + + + The entity is being tracked by the context and exists in the database. Some or all of its + property values have been modified. + + + + + The entity is being tracked by the context but does not yet exist in the database. + + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets all types in the model that derive from a given entity type. + + The base type to find types that derive from. + The derived types. + + + + Gets the root base type for a given entity type. + + The type to find the root of. + + The root base type. If the given entity type is not a derived type, then the same entity type is returned. + + + + + Determines if an entity type derives from (or is the same as) a given entity type. + + The base entity type. + The entity type to check if it derives from . + + True if derives from (or is the same as) , otherwise false. + + + + + Gets the least derived type between the specified two. + + The type to compare. + The other entity type to compare with. + + The least derived type between the specified two. + If the given entity types are not related, then null is returned. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this entity type has a defining navigation. + + True if this entity type has a defining navigation. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this entity type is owned by another entity type. + + True if this entity type is owned by another entity type. + + + + Gets the primary or alternate key that is defined on the given property. Returns null if no key is defined + for the given property. + + The entity type to find the key on. + The property that the key is defined on. + The key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Gets the foreign keys defined on the given property. Only foreign keys that are defined on exactly the specified + property are returned. Composite foreign keys that include the specified property are not returned. + + The entity type to find the foreign keys on. + The property to find the foreign keys on. + The foreign keys. + + + + Gets the foreign keys defined on the given properties. Only foreign keys that are defined on exactly the specified + set of properties are returned. + + The entity type to find the foreign keys on. + The properties to find the foreign keys on. + The foreign keys. + + + + Gets the foreign key for the given properties that points to a given primary or alternate key. Returns null + if no foreign key is found. + + The entity type to find the foreign keys on. + The property that the foreign key is defined on. + The primary or alternate key that is referenced. + + The entity type that the relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the key is defined on the + base type of the hierarchy). + + The foreign key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Gets all foreign keys that target a given entity type (i.e. foreign keys where the given entity type + is the principal). + + The entity type to find the foreign keys for. + The foreign keys that reference the given entity type. + + + + Gets a navigation property on the given entity type. Returns null if no navigation property is found. + + The entity type to find the navigation property on. + The navigation property on the entity class. + The navigation property, or null if none is found. + + + + Gets a navigation property on the given entity type. Returns null if no navigation property is found. + + The entity type to find the navigation property on. + The name of the navigation property on the entity class. + The navigation property, or null if none is found. + + + + Gets all navigation properties on the given entity type. + + The entity type to get navigation properties for. + All navigation properties on the given entity type. + + + + + Gets a property on the given entity type. Returns null if no property is found. + + + This API only finds scalar properties and does not find navigation properties. Use + to find a navigation property. + + + The entity type to find the property on. + The property on the entity class. + The property, or null if none is found. + + + + Gets the index defined on the given property. Returns null if no index is defined. + + The entity type to find the index on. + The property to find the index on. + The index, or null if none is found. + + + + Gets the change tracking strategy being used for this entity type. This strategy indicates how the + context detects changes to properties for an instance of the entity type. + + The entity type to get the change tracking strategy for. + The change tracking strategy. + + + + Extension methods for + + + + + Executes the specified operation. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + A delegate representing an executable operation that doesn't return any results. + + + + Executes the specified operation and returns the result. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + + A delegate representing an executable operation that returns the result of type . + + The return type of . + The result from the operation. + + + + Executes the specified operation. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + A delegate representing an executable operation that doesn't return any results. + The type of the state. + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + A function that returns a started task. + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + A function that returns a started task. + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation and returns the result. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + + The result type of the returned by . + + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation and returns the result. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + + The result type of the returned by . + + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + A function that returns a started task. + The type of the state. + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + A function that returns a started task. + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + The type of the state. + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation and returns the result. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + The type of the state. + + The result type of the returned by . + + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + + + Executes the specified operation and returns the result. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A delegate representing an executable operation that returns the result of type . + + The type of the state. + The return type of . + The result from the operation. + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation and returns the result. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + The type of the state. + + The result type of the returned by . + + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + + + Executes the specified operation and returns the result. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + + A delegate representing an executable operation that returns the result of type . + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + The type of the state. + The return type of . + The result from the operation. + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation and returns the result. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown. + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + The type of the state. + The result type of the returned by . + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified operation in a transaction. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + + A delegate representing an executable operation. + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation in a transaction. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + + A function that returns a started task. + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation in a transaction. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + + A function that returns a started task. + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified operation in a transaction and returns the result. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + + A delegate representing an executable operation that returns the result of type . + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + The return type of . + The result from the operation. + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation in a transaction and returns the result. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + The result type of the returned by . + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified operation in a transaction. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A delegate representing an executable operation. + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + The type of the state. + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation in a transaction. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A function that returns a started task. + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + The type of the state. + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified operation in a transaction and returns the result. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A delegate representing an executable operation that returns the result of type . + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + The type of the state. + The return type of . + The result from the operation. + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation in a transaction and returns the result. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + The type of the state. + The result type of the returned by . + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified operation in a transaction and returns the result. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A delegate representing an executable operation that returns the result of type . + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + A delegate that begins a transaction using the given context. + The type of the state. + The return type of . + The result from the operation. + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation in a transaction and returns the result. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + A delegate that begins a transaction using the given context. + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + The type of the state. + The result type of the returned by . + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + This should only be called from as it is created + before the context is initialized + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This type may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + Re-writes the registration for the given service such that if the implementation type + implements , then + will be called while resolving + the service allowing additional services to be injected without breaking the existing + constructor. + + + This mechanism should only be used to allow new services to be injected in a patch or + point release without making binary breaking changes. + + + The service contract. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The string argument '{argumentName}' cannot be empty. + + + + + Unable to save changes because a circular dependency was detected in the data to be saved: '{cycle}'. + + + + + The value provided for argument '{argumentName}' must be a valid value of enum type '{enumType}'. + + + + + The application or database provider is using an Obsolete TypeMapper API even after the provider has implemented a TypeMappingSource. The code must be updated to use the non-obsolete replacement APIs, as indicated by the Obsolete compiler warnings. + + + + + The properties expression '{expression}' is not valid. The expression should represent a simple property access: 't => t.MyProperty'. When specifying multiple properties use an anonymous type: 't => new {{ t.MyProperty1, t.MyProperty2 }}'. + + + + + The expression '{expression}' is not a valid property expression. The expression should represent a simple property access: 't => t.MyProperty'. + + + + + The instance of entity type '{entityType}' cannot be tracked because another instance with the same key value for {keyProperties} is already being tracked. When attaching existing entities, ensure that only one entity instance with a given key value is attached. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the conflicting key values. + + + + + The instance of entity type '{entityType}' cannot be tracked because another instance with the key value '{keyValue}' is already being tracked. When attaching existing entities, ensure that only one entity instance with a given key value is attached. + + + + + Cannot start tracking InternalEntityEntry for entity type '{entityType}' because it was created by a different StateManager instance. + + + + + Cannot start tracking InternalEntityEntry for entity type '{entityType}' because another InternalEntityEntry is already tracking the same entity. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' could not be found. Ensure that the property exists and has been included in the model. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' is being accessed using the '{PropertyMethod}' method, but is defined in the model as a navigation property. Use either the '{ReferenceMethod}' or '{CollectionMethod}' method to access navigation properties. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' is being accessed using the '{ReferenceMethod}' or '{CollectionMethod}' method, but is defined in the model as a non-navigation property. Use the '{PropertyMethod}' method to access non-navigation properties. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' is being accessed using the '{ReferenceMethod}' method, but is defined in the model as a collection navigation property. Use the '{CollectionMethod}' method to access collection navigation properties. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' is being accessed using the '{CollectionMethod}' method, but is defined in the model as a non-collection, reference navigation property. Use the '{ReferenceMethod}' method to access reference navigation properties. + + + + + Navigation property '{navigation}' on entity type '{entityType}' cannot have 'IsLoaded' set to false because the referenced entity is non-null and therefore is loaded. + + + + + Navigation property '{navigation}' on entity of type '{entityType}' cannot be loaded because the entity is not being tracked. Navigation properties can only be loaded for tracked entities. + + + + + The collection argument '{argumentName}' must contain at least one element. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' requires a primary key to be defined. + + + + + The specified key properties {key} are not declared on the entity type '{entityType}'. Ensure key properties are declared on the target entity type. + + + + + The specified foreign key properties {foreignKey} are not declared on the entity type '{entityType}'. Ensure foreign key properties are declared on the target entity type. + + + + + The specified index properties {index} are not declared on the entity type '{entityType}'. Ensure index properties are declared on the target entity type. + + + + + The source IQueryable doesn't implement IAsyncEnumerable<{genericParameter}>. Only sources that implement IAsyncEnumerable can be used for Entity Framework asynchronous operations. + + + + + The provider for the source IQueryable doesn't implement IAsyncQueryProvider. Only providers that implement IEntityQueryProvider can be used for Entity Framework asynchronous operations. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' is configured to use the '{changeTrackingStrategy}' change tracking strategy but does not implement the required '{notificationInterface}' interface. + + + + + The collection type being used for navigation property '{navigation}' on entity type '{entityType}' does not implement 'INotifyCollectionChanged'. Any entity type configured to use the '{changeTrackingStrategy}' change tracking strategy must use collections that implement 'INotifyCollectionChanged'. Consider using 'ObservableCollection<T>' for this. + + + + + 'ObservableCollection<T>.Clear()' is not supported because it uses the 'INotifyCollectionChanged' 'Reset' operation, which does not supply the items removed. Either use multiple calls to 'Remove' or use a notifying collection that supports 'Clear', such as 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.ObservableHashSet<T>'. + + + + + The original value for property '{property}' of entity type '{entityType}' cannot be accessed because it is not being tracked. Original values are not recorded for most properties of entities when the 'ChangingAndChangedNotifications' strategy is used. To access all original values use a different change tracking strategy such as 'ChangingAndChangedNotificationsWithOriginalValues'. + + + + + The value for property '{property}' of entity type '{entityType}' cannot be set to null because its type is '{propertyType}' which is not a nullable type. + + + + + The value for property '{property}' of entity type '{entityType}' cannot be set to a value of type '{valueType}' because its type is '{propertyType}'. + + + + + The property '{property}' belongs to entity type '{entityType}' but is being used with an instance of entity type '{expectedType}'. + + + + + The specified field '{field}' could not be found for property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}'. + + + + + The specified field '{field}' of type '{fieldType}' cannot be used for the property '{entityType}.{property}' of type '{propertyType}'. Only backing fields of types that are assignable from the property type can be used. + + + + + No field was found backing property '{property}' of entity type '{entity}'. Either name the backing field so that it is picked up by convention, configure the backing field to use, or use a different '{pam}'. + + + + + No field was found backing property '{property}' of entity type '{entity}'. Lazy-loaded navigation properties must have backing fields. Either name the backing field so that it is picked up by convention or configure the backing field to use. + + + + + No backing field could be found for property '{property}' of entity type '{entity}' and the property does not have a setter. + + + + + No backing field could be found for property '{property}' of entity type '{entity}' and the property does not have a getter. + + + + + Field '{field}' of entity type '{entity}' is readonly and so cannot be set. + + + + + No property was associated with field '{field}' of entity type '{entity}'. Either configure a property or use a different '{pam}'. + + + + + The property '{property}' of entity type '{entity}' does not have a setter. Either make the property writable or use a different '{pam}'. + + + + + The property '{property}' of entity type '{entity}' does not have a getter. Either make the property readable or use a different '{pam}'. + + + + + The CLR entity materializer cannot be used for entity type '{entityType}' because it is a shadow state entity type. Materialization to a CLR type is only possible for entity types that have a corresponding CLR type. + + + + + Services for database providers {storeNames} have been registered in the service provider. Only a single database provider can be registered in a service provider. If possible, ensure that Entity Framework is managing its service provider by removing the call to UseInternalServiceProvider. Otherwise, consider conditionally registering the database provider, or maintaining one service provider per database provider. + + + + + AddDbContext was called with configuration, but the context type '{contextType}' only declares a parameterless constructor. This means that the configuration passed to AddDbContext will never be used. If configuration is passed to AddDbContext, then '{contextType}' should declare a constructor that accepts a DbContextOptions<{contextType}> and must pass it to the base constructor for DbContext. + + + + + No database provider has been configured for this DbContext. A provider can be configured by overriding the DbContext.OnConfiguring method or by using AddDbContext on the application service provider. If AddDbContext is used, then also ensure that your DbContext type accepts a DbContextOptions<TContext> object in its constructor and passes it to the base constructor for DbContext. + + + + + Entity Framework services have not been added to the internal service provider. Either remove the call to UseInternalServiceProvider so that EF will manage its own internal services, or use the method from your database provider to add the required services to the service provider (e.g. AddEntityFrameworkSqlServer). + + + + + A call was made to '{replaceService}', but Entity Framework is not building its own internal service provider. Either allow EF to build the service provider by removing the call to '{useInternalServiceProvider}', or build replacement services into the service provider before passing it to '{useInternalServiceProvider}'. + + + + + A call was made to '{useService}', but Entity Framework is not building its own internal service provider. Either allow EF to build the service provider by removing the call to '{useInternalServiceProvider}', or build the '{service}' services to use into the service provider before passing it to '{useInternalServiceProvider}'. + + + + + A call was made to '{optionCall}' that changed an option that must be constant within a service provider, but Entity Framework is not building its own internal service provider. Either allow EF to build the service provider by removing the call to '{useInternalServiceProvider}', or ensure that the configuration for '{optionCall}' does not change for all uses of a given service provider passed to '{useInternalServiceProvider}'. + + + + + An 'IServiceProvider' was created for internal use by Entity Framework. + + + + + More than twenty 'IServiceProvider' instances have been created for internal use by Entity Framework. This is commonly caused by injection of a new singleton service instance into every DbContext instance. For example, calling UseLoggerFactory passing in a new instance each time--see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=869049 for more details. Consider reviewing calls on 'DbContextOptionsBuilder' that may require new service providers to be built. + + + + + Entity Framework Core {version} initialized '{contextType}' using provider '{provider}' with options: {options} + + + + + The database provider attempted to register an implementation of the '{service}' service. This is not a service defined by EF and as such must be registered as a provider-specific service using the 'TryAddProviderSpecificServices' method. + + + + + The implementation type for the registration of the '{service}' service could not be determined. Specific implementation types must be used for services that expect multiple registrations so as to avoid duplicates. + + + + + An attempt was made to register an instance for the '{scope}' service '{service}'. Instances can only be registered for 'Singleton' services. + + + + + The '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' does not have a value set and no value generator is available for properties of type '{propertyType}'. Either set a value for the property before adding the entity or configure a value generator for properties of type '{propertyType}'. + + + + + The service dependencies type '{dependenciesType}' has been registered inappropriately in the service collection. Service dependencies types must only be registered by Entity Framework, or in rare cases by database providers and then only to change the service lifetime. + + + + + The type '{givenType}' cannot be used a a value generator because it does not inherit from '{expectedType}'. + + + + + Cannot create instance of value generator type '{generatorType}'. Ensure that the type is instantiable and has a parameterless constructor, or use the overload of HasValueGenerator that accepts a delegate. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' has a temporary value while attempting to change the entity's state to '{state}'. Either set a permanent value explicitly or ensure that the database is configured to generate values for this property. + + + + + An exception occurred in the database while iterating the results of a query for context type '{contextType}'.{newline}{error} + + + + + An exception occurred in the database while saving changes for context type '{contextType}'.{newline}{error} + + + + + DetectChanges starting for '{contextType}'. + + + + + DetectChanges completed for '{contextType}'. + + + + + Unchanged '{entityType}.{property}' detected as changed and will be marked as modified. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see property values. + + + + + Unchanged '{entityType}.{property}' detected as changed from '{oldValue}' to '{newValue}' and will be marked as modified for entity with key '{keyValues}'. + + + + + Foreign key property '{entityType}.{property}' detected as changed. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see property values. + + + + + Foreign key property '{entityType}.{property}' detected as changed from '{oldValue}' to '{newValue}' for entity with key '{keyValues}'. + + + + + Detected {addedCount} entities added and {removedCount} entities removed from navigation property '{entityType}.{property}'. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see key values. + + + + + Detected {addedCount} entities added and {removedCount} entities removed from navigation property '{entityType}.{property}' on entity with key '{keyValues}'. + + + + + Navigation property '{entityType}.{property}' detected as changed. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see key values. + + + + + Navigation property '{entityType}.{property}' for entity with key '{keyValues}' detected as changed. + + + + + Cascade state change of '{entityType}' entity to '{state}' due to deletion of parent '{parentType}' entity. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see key values. + + + + + Cascade state change of '{entityType}' entity with key '{keyValues}' to '{state}' due to deletion of parent '{parentType}' entity with key '{parentKeyValues}'. + + + + + '{entityType}' entity changed to '{state}' state due to severed required relationship to parent '{parentType}' entity. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see key values. + + + + + '{entityType}' entity with key '{keyValues}' changed to '{state}' state due to severed required relationship to parent '{parentType}' entity. + + + + + Context '{contextType}' started tracking '{entityType}' entity. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see key values. + + + + + Context '{contextType}' started tracking '{entityType}' entity with key '{keyValues}'. + + + + + An '{entityType}' entity tracked by '{contextType}' changed from '{oldState}' to '{newState}'. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see key values. + + + + + The '{entityType}' entity with key '{keyValues}' tracked by '{contextType}' changed from '{oldState}' to '{newState}'. + + + + + '{contextType}' generated a value for the '{property}' property of new '{entityType}' entity. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see key values. + + + + + '{contextType}' generated value '{keyValue}' for the '{property}' property of new '{entityType}' entity. + + + + + '{contextType}' generated a temporary value for the '{property}' property of new '{entityType}' entity. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see key values. + + + + + '{contextType}' generated temporary value '{keyValue}' for the '{property}' property of new '{entityType}' entity. + + + + + SaveChanges starting for '{contextType}'. + + + + + SaveChanges completed for '{contextType}' with {savedCount} entities written to the database. + + + + + '{contextType}' disposed. + + + + + The EF.Property<T> method may only be used within LINQ queries. + + + + + The property '{property}' cannot be added to type '{entityType}' because the type of the corresponding CLR property or field '{clrType}' does not match the specified type '{propertyType}'. + + + + + The property '{property}' cannot exist on type '{entityType}' because the type is marked as shadow state while the property is not. Shadow state types can only contain shadow state properties. + + + + + The property '{property}' cannot be removed from entity type '{entityType}' because it is being used in the key {key}. All containing keys must be removed or redefined before the property can be removed. + + + + + Cannot remove key {key} from entity type '{entityType}' because it is referenced by a foreign key in entity type '{dependentType}'. All foreign keys must be removed or redefined before the referenced key can be removed. + + + + + The service property '{property}' of type '{serviceType}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because service property '{duplicateName}' of the same type already exists on entity type '{duplicateEntityType}'. + + + + + The navigation property '{navigation}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because there is no corresponding CLR property on the underlying type and navigations properties cannot be added to shadow state. + + + + + The navigation property '{navigation}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because its CLR type '{clrType}' does not match the expected CLR type '{targetType}'. + + + + + The collection navigation property '{navigation}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because its CLR type '{clrType}' does not implement 'IEnumerable<{targetType}>'. Collection navigation properties must implement IEnumerable<> of the related entity. + + + + + The number of properties specified for the foreign key {foreignKey} on entity type '{dependentType}' does not match the number of properties in the principal key {principalKey} on entity type '{principalType}'. + + + + + The types of the properties specified for the foreign key {foreignKey} on entity type '{dependentType}' do not match the types of the properties in the principal key {principalKey} on entity type '{principalType}'. + + + + + The type of navigation property '{navigation}' on the entity type '{entityType}' is '{foundType}' which does not implement ICollection<{targetType}>. Collection navigation properties must implement ICollection<> of the target type. + + + + + The type of navigation property '{navigation}' on the entity type '{entityType}' is '{foundType}' which is an array type.. Collection navigation properties cannot be arrays. + + + + + The navigation property '{navigation}' on the entity type '{entityType}' does not have a setter and no writable backing field was found or specified. Read-only collection navigation properties must be initialized before use. + + + + + The type of navigation property '{navigation}' on the entity type '{entityType}' is '{foundType}' for which it was not possible to create a concrete instance. Either initialize the property before use, add a public parameterless constructor to the type, or use a type which can be assigned a HashSet<> or List<>. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' is part of a key and so cannot be modified or marked as modified. To change the principal of an existing entity with an identifying foreign key first delete the dependent and invoke 'SaveChanges' then associate the dependent with the new principal. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' is defined to be read-only after it has been saved, but its value has been modified or marked as modified. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' is defined to be read-only before it is saved, but its value has been set to something other than a temporary or default value. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' must be marked as read-only after it has been saved because it is part of a key. Key properties are always read-only once an entity has been saved for the first time. + + + + + The association between entity types '{firstType}' and '{secondType}' has been severed but the relationship is either marked as 'Required' or is implicitly required because the foreign key is not nullable. If the dependent/child entity should be deleted when a required relationship is severed, then setup the relationship to use cascade deletes. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the key values. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' is marked as null, but this cannot be saved because the property is marked as required. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the key values. + + + + + The foreign key {foreignKey} cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because a foreign key on the same properties already exists on entity type '{duplicateEntityType}' and also targets the key {key} on '{principalType}'. + + + + + The index {index} cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because an index on the same properties already exists on entity type '{duplicateEntityType}'. + + + + + The key {key} cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because a key on the same properties already exists on entity type '{duplicateEntityType}'. + + + + + The navigation property '{navigation}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because the target entity type '{targetType}' is defined in shadow state and navigations properties cannot point to shadow state entities. + + + + + The specified entity type '{entityType}' is invalid. It should be either the dependent entity type '{dependentType}' or the principal entity type '{principalType}' or an entity type derived from one of them. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added to the model because an entity type with the same name already exists. + + + + + The annotation '{annotation}' cannot be added because an annotation with the same name already exists. + + + + + The annotation '{annotation}' was not found. Ensure that the annotation has been added. + + + + + The property '{property}' is not a navigation property of entity type '{entityType}'. The 'Include(string)' method can only be used with a '.' separated list of navigation property names. + + + + + Compiling query model: {newline}'{queryModel}' + + + + + Optimized query model: {newline}'{queryModel}' + + + + + Including navigation: '{navigation}' + + + + + {plan} + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' cannot be marked as nullable/optional because the type of the property is '{propertyType}' which is not a nullable type. Any property can be marked as non-nullable/required, but only properties of nullable types and which are not part of primary key can be marked as nullable/optional. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' cannot be marked as nullable/optional because it has been included in a key {key}. + + + + + An attempt was made to use the model while it was being created. A DbContext instance cannot be used inside OnModelCreating in any way that makes use of the model that is being created. + + + + + An attempt was made to use the context while it is being configured. A DbContext instance cannot be used inside OnConfiguring since it is still being configured at this point. This can happen if a second operation is started on this context before a previous operation completed. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be removed because it is being referenced by foreign key {foreignKey} on '{referencingEntityType}'. All referencing foreign keys must be removed or redefined before the entity type can be removed. + + + + + The property '{property}' of the argument '{argument}' cannot be null. + + + + + The principal and dependent ends of the relationship cannot be flipped once foreign key or principal key properties have been specified. + + + + + The entity type '{type}' provided for the argument '{argumentName}' must be a reference type. + + + + + The relationship from '{referencingEntityTypeOrNavigation}' to '{referencedEntityTypeOrNavigation}' with foreign key properties {foreignKeyPropertiesWithTypes} cannot target the primary key {primaryKeyPropertiesWithTypes} because it is not compatible. Configure a principal key or a set of compatible foreign key properties for this relationship. + + + + + The property '{keyProperty}' cannot be configured as 'ValueGeneratedOnUpdate' or 'ValueGeneratedOnAddOrUpdate' because the key value cannot be changed after the entity has been added to the store. + + + + + An exception was thrown while attempting to evaluate a LINQ query parameter expression. To show additional information call EnableSensitiveDataLogging() when overriding DbContext.OnConfiguring. + + + + + The '{factory}' cannot create a value generator for property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}'. Only integer properties are supported. + + + + + A key cannot be configured on '{derivedType}' because it is a derived type. The key must be configured on the root type '{rootType}'. If you did not intend for '{rootType}' to be included in the model, ensure that it is not included in a DbSet property on your context, referenced in a configuration call to ModelBuilder, or referenced from a navigation property on a type that is included in the model. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot inherit from '{baseEntityType}' because '{baseEntityType}' is a descendant of '{entityType}'. + + + + + Unable to set a base type for entity type '{entityType}' because it has one or more keys defined. + + + + + The edge cannot be added because the graph does not contain vertex '{vertex}'. + + + + + Unable to create an instance of type entity type '{entityType}' because it is abstract. Either make it non-abstract or consider mapping at least one derived type. + + + + + Entity type '{entityType}' is defined with a single key property, but {valuesCount} values were passed to the 'DbSet.Find' method. + + + + + Entity type '{entityType}' is defined with a {propertiesCount}-part composite key, but {valuesCount} values were passed to the 'DbSet.Find' method. + + + + + The key value at position {index} of the call to 'DbSet<{entityType}>.Find' was of type '{valueType}', which does not match the property type of '{propertyType}'. + + + + + The provided principal entity key '{principalKey}' is not a key on the entity type '{principalEntityType}'. + + + + + Property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' is of type '{actualType}' but the generic type provided is of type '{genericType}'. + + + + + The DbContextOptions passed to the {contextType} constructor must be a DbContextOptions<{contextType}>. When registering multiple DbContext types make sure that the constructor for each context type has a DbContextOptions<TContext> parameter rather than a non-generic DbContextOptions parameter. + + + + + Options extension of type '{optionsExtension}' not found. + + + + + The type '{entityType}' cannot have base type '{baseType}' because the properties '{derivedPropertyType}.{derivedProperty}' and '{basePropertyType}.{baseProperty}' are conflicting. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' cannot be marked as nullable/optional because the property is a part of a key. Any property can be marked as non-nullable/required, but only properties of nullable types and which are not part of a key can be marked as nullable/optional. + + + + + The foreign key {foreignKey} on entity type '{entityType}' cannot be marked as optional because it does not contain any property of a nullable type. Any foreign key can be marked as required, but only foreign keys with at least one property of a nullable type and which is not part of primary key can be marked as optional. + + + + + Entity type '{entityType}' is in shadow-state. A valid model requires all entity types to have corresponding CLR type. + + + + + Entity type '{entityType}' has composite primary key defined with data annotations. To set composite primary key, use fluent API. + + + + + The type '{entityType}' cannot have base type '{baseType}' because both types include the navigations: {navigations}. + + + + + The entity types '{firstEntityType}' and '{secondEntityType}' do not belong to the same model. + + + + + The block size used for Hi-Lo value generation must be positive. When the Hi-Lo generator is backed by a SQL sequence this means that the sequence increment must be positive. + + + + + Value generation is not supported for property '{entityType}.{property}' because it has a '{converter}' converter configured. Configure the property to not use value generation using 'ValueGenerated.Never' or 'DatabaseGeneratedOption.None' and specify explict values instead. + + + + + The entity type related to '{entityType}' cannot be determined because the specified foreign key {foreignKey} references entity type '{principalEntityType}' that it is in the same hierarchy as the entity type that it is declared on '{dependentEntityType}'. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot inherit from '{baseEntityType}' because '{baseEntityType}' is a shadow state entity type while '{entityType}' is not. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot inherit from '{baseEntityType}' because '{entityType}' is a shadow state entity type while '{baseEntityType}' is not. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot inherit from '{baseEntityType}' because '{clrType}' is not a descendant of '{baseClrType}'. + + + + + CLR property '{property}' cannot be added to entity type '{entityType}' because it is declared on the CLR type '{clrType}'. + + + + + The InversePropertyAttribute on property '{property}' on type '{entityType}' is not valid. The property '{referencedProperty}' is not a valid navigation property on the related type '{referencedEntityType}'. Ensure that the property exists and is a valid reference or collection navigation property. + + + + + A relationship cannot be established from property '{property}' on type '{entityType}' to property '{referencedProperty}' on type '{referencedEntityType}'. Check the values in the InversePropertyAttribute to ensure relationship definitions are unique and reference from one navigation property to its corresponding inverse navigation property. + + + + + Data binding directly to a store query is not supported. Instead populate a DbSet with data, for example by calling Load on the DbSet, and then bind to local data to avoid sending a query to the database each time the databound control iterates the data. For WPF bind to 'DbSet.Local.ToObservableCollection()'. For WinForms bind to 'DbSet.Local.ToBindingList()'. For ASP.NET WebForms bind to 'DbSet.ToList()' or use Model Binding. + + + + + The derived type '{derivedType}' cannot have KeyAttribute on property '{property}' since primary key can only be declared on the root type. + + + + + InversePropertyAttributes on navigation '{navigation}' in entity type '{entityType}' and on navigation '{referencedNavigation}' in entity type '{referencedEntityType}' are not pointing to each other. + + + + + There are multiple properties pointing to navigation '{navigation}' in entity type '{entityType}'. To define composite foreign key using data annotations, use ForeignKeyAttribute on navigation. + + + + + The ForeignKeyAttributes on property '{property}' and navigation '{navigation}' in entity type '{entityType}' do not point at each other. The value of ForeignKeyAttribute on property should be navigation name and the value of ForeignKeyAttribute on navigation should be the foreign key property name. + + + + + The property list specified using ForeignKeyAttribute on navigation '{navigation}' in entity type '{entityType}' is incorrect. The attribute value should be comma-separated list of property names. + + + + + Invalid relationship has been specified using InversePropertyAttribute and ForeignKeyAttribute. The navigation '{navigation}' in entity type '{entityType}' and the navigation '{referencedNavigation}' in entity type '{referencedEntityType}' are related by InversePropertyAttribute but the ForeignKeyAttribute specified for both navigations have different values. + + + + + The property or navigation '{member}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because a property or navigation with the same name already exists on entity type '{conflictingEntityType}'. + + + + + The specified entity type '{entityType}' is invalid. It should be either the dependent entity type '{dependentType}' or the principal entity type '{principalType}'. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be removed because '{derivedEntityType}' is derived from it. All derived entity types must be removed or redefined before the entity type can be removed. + + + + + Unable to determine the relationship represented by navigation property '{entityType}.{navigation}' of type '{propertyType}'. Either manually configure the relationship, or ignore this property using the '[NotMapped]' attribute or by using 'EntityTypeBuilder.Ignore' in 'OnModelCreating'. + + + + + The property '{entityType}.{property}' could not be mapped, because it is of type '{propertyType}' which is not a supported primitive type or a valid entity type. Either explicitly map this property, or ignore it using the '[NotMapped]' attribute or by using 'EntityTypeBuilder.Ignore' in 'OnModelCreating'. + + + + + The property '{entityType}.{property}' is of type '{propertyType}' which is not supported by current database provider. Either change the property CLR type or ignore the property using the '[NotMapped]' attribute or by using 'EntityTypeBuilder.Ignore' in 'OnModelCreating'. + + + + + The property '{entityType}.{navigation}' is of an interface type ('{propertyType}'). If it is a navigation property manually configure the relationship for this property by casting it to a mapped entity type, otherwise ignore the property using the NotMappedAttribute or 'EntityTypeBuilder.Ignore' in 'OnModelCreating'. + + + + + The navigation property '{navigation}' on entity type '{entityType}' cannot be associated with foreign key {targetFk} because it was created for foreign key {actualFk}. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' was not found. Ensure that the entity type has been added to the model. + + + + + The extension method '{method}' is being used with a custom implementation of '{interfaceType}'. Use of custom implementations of the Entity Framework metadata interfaces is not supported. Consider deriving from '{concreteType}' instead. Please contact the Entity Framework team if you have a compelling case for a custom implementation of the metadata interfaces so that we can consider ways to achieve this. + + + + + Unhandled operation: MemberInitExpression binding is not a MemberAssignment + + + + + Unable to track an entity of type '{entityType}' because primary key property '{keyProperty}' is null. + + + + + Unable to track an entity of type '{entityType}' because alternate key property '{keyProperty}' is null. If the alternate key is not used in a relationship, then consider using a unique index instead. Unique indexes may contain nulls, while alternate keys must not. + + + + + Sensitive data logging is enabled. Log entries and exception messages may include sensitive application data, this mode should only be enabled during development. + + + + + An exception was thrown while attempting to evaluate the LINQ query parameter expression '{expression}'. + + + + + There are multiple navigations in entity type '{entityType}' which are pointing to same set of properties - '{propertyList}' using ForeignKeyAttribute. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' should derive from '{baseEntityType}' to reflect the hierarchy of the corresponding CLR types. + + + + + You are configuring a relationship between '{dependentEntityType}' and '{principalEntityType}' but have specified a foreign key on '{entityType}'. The foreign key must be defined on a type that is part of the relationship. + + + + + You are configuring a relationship between '{dependentEntityType}' and '{principalEntityType}' but have specified a foreign key targeting '{entityType}'. The foreign key must be targeting a type that is part of the relationship. + + + + + The property '{property}' cannot be part of a foreign key on '{entityType}' because it has value generation enabled and is contained in the key {key} defined on a base entity type '{baseEntityType}'. + + + + + The property '{property}' cannot be part of a key on '{entityType}' because it has value generation enabled and is contained in a foreign key defined on a derived entity type. + + + + + A key on entity type '{entityType}' cannot contain the property '{property}' because it is nullable/optional. All properties on which a key is declared must be marked as non-nullable/required. + + + + + A second operation started on this context before a previous operation completed. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe. + + + + + The specified entity types '{invalidDependentType}' and '{invalidPrincipalType}' are invalid. They should be '{dependentType}' and '{principalType}' or entity types in the same hierarchy. + + + + + Cannot create a DbSet for '{typeName}' because this type is not included in the model for the context. + + + + + The child/dependent side could not be determined for the one-to-one relationship between '{dependentToPrincipalNavigationSpecification}' and '{principalToDependentNavigationSpecification}'. To identify the child/dependent side of the relationship, configure the foreign key property. If these navigations should not be part of the same relationship configure them without specifying the inverse. See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=724062 for more details. + + + + + Both relationships between '{firstDependentToPrincipalNavigationSpecification}' and '{firstPrincipalToDependentNavigationSpecification}' and between '{secondDependentToPrincipalNavigationSpecification}' and '{secondPrincipalToDependentNavigationSpecification}' could use {foreignKeyProperties} as the foreign key. To resolve this configure the foreign key properties explicitly on at least one of the relationships. + + + + + The {methodName} property lambda expression '{includeLambdaExpression}' is invalid. The expression should represent a property access: 't => t.MyProperty'. To target navigations declared on derived types, specify an explicitly typed lambda parameter of the target type, E.g. '(Derived d) => d.MyProperty'. For more information on including related data, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=746393. + + + + + The corresponding CLR type for entity type '{entityType}' is not instantiable and there is no derived entity type in the model that corresponds to a concrete CLR type. + + + + + The property '{property}' cannot be added to the type '{entityType}' because there was no property type specified and there is no corresponding CLR property or field. To add a shadow state property the property type must be specified. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' has a temporary value. Either set a permanent value explicitly or ensure that the database is configured to generate values for this property. + + + + + The database generated a null value for non-nullable property '{property}' of entity type '{entityType}'. Ensure value generation configuration in the database matches the configuration in the model. + + + + + A parameterless constructor was not found on entity type '{entityType}'. In order to create an instance of '{entityType}' EF requires that a parameterless constructor be declared. + + + + + The Include operation for navigation '{include}' is unnecessary and was ignored because the navigation is not reachable in the final query results. See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=850303 for more information. + + + + + Cannot create a relationship between '{newPrincipalEntityType}.{newPrincipalNavigation}' and '{newDependentEntityType}.{newDependentNavigation}', because there already is a relationship between '{existingPrincipalEntityType}.{existingPrincipalNavigation}' and '{existingDependentEntityType}.{existingDependentNavigation}'. Navigation properties can only participate in a single relationship. + + + + + Error generated for warning '{eventName}: {message}'. This exception can be suppressed or logged by passing event ID '{eventId}' to the 'ConfigureWarnings' method in 'DbContext.OnConfiguring' or 'AddDbContext'. + + + + + Cannot access a disposed object. A common cause of this error is disposing a context that was resolved from dependency injection and then later trying to use the same context instance elsewhere in your application. This may occur if you are calling Dispose() on the context, or wrapping the context in a using statement. If you are using dependency injection, you should let the dependency injection container take care of disposing context instances. + + + + + Unable to resolve service for type '{service}'. This is often because no database provider has been configured for this DbContext. A provider can be configured by overriding the DbContext.OnConfiguring method or by using AddDbContext on the application service provider. If AddDbContext is used, then also ensure that your DbContext type accepts a DbContextOptions<TContext> object in its constructor and passes it to the base constructor for DbContext. + + + + + An exception occurred while reading a database value for property '{entityType}.{property}'. See the inner exception for more information. + + + + + An exception occurred while reading a database value for property '{entityType}.{property}'. The expected type was '{expectedType}' but the actual value was of type '{actualType}'. + + + + + An exception occurred while reading a database value for property '{entityType}.{property}'. The expected type was '{expectedType}' but the actual value was null. + + + + + An exception occurred while reading a database value. See the inner exception for more information. + + + + + An exception occurred while reading a database value. The expected type was '{expectedType}' but the actual value was of type '{actualType}'. + + + + + An exception occurred while reading a database value. The expected type was '{expectedType}' but the actual value was null. + + + + + The property '{property}' cannot be ignored on entity type '{entityType}', because it's declared on the base entity type '{baseEntityType}'. To exclude this property from your model, use NotMappedAttribute or Ignore method on the base type. + + + + + Maximum number of retries ({retryLimit}) exceeded while executing database operations with '{strategy}'. See inner exception for the most recent failure. + + + + + The configured execution strategy '{strategy}' does not support user initiated transactions. Use the execution strategy returned by '{getExecutionStrategyMethod}' to execute all the operations in the transaction as a retriable unit. + + + + + '{property}' cannot be used as a property on entity type '{entityType}' because it is configured as a navigation. + + + + + Query: '{queryModel}' uses a row limiting operation (Skip/Take) without OrderBy which may lead to unpredictable results. + + + + + The property '{property}' cannot be removed from entity type '{entityType}' because it is being used in the foreign key {foreignKey} on '{foreignKeyType}'. All containing foreign keys must be removed or redefined before the property can be removed. + + + + + The property '{property}' cannot be removed from entity type '{entityType}' because it is being used in the index {index} on '{indexType}'. All containing indexes must be removed or redefined before the property can be removed. + + + + + Query: '{queryModel}' uses First/FirstOrDefault/Last/LastOrDefault operation without OrderBy and filter which may lead to unpredictable results. + + + + + The specified poolSize must be greater than 0. + + + + + The DbContext of type '{contextType}' cannot be pooled because it does not have a single public constructor accepting a single parameter of type DbContextOptions. + + + + + OnConfiguring cannot be used to modify DbContextOptions when DbContext pooling is enabled. + + + + + The foreign keys on entity type '{dependentType}' cannot target the same entity type because it is a weak entity type. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be removed because it is referencing '{referencedEntityType}' by foreign key {foreignKey}. All foreign keys must be removed before the entity type can be removed. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added to the model because a weak entity type with the same name already exists. + + + + + The weak entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added to the model because an entity type with the same name already exists. + + + + + The type '{entityType}' cannot have weak entity type '{baseType}' as the base type. + + + + + The weak entity type '{entityType}' cannot have a base type. + + + + + The property list {propertyList} cannot be used, because it contains a duplicate - '{property}'. + + + + + The convention invocations have reached the recursion limit. This is likely an issue in EF Core, please report it. + + + + + The navigation '{navigation}' used to define the entity type '{entityType}' is not present on '{definingEntityType}'. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' is the target of multiple ownership relationships. + + + + + The ownership by '{ownershipNavigation}' should use defining navigation '{definingNavigation}' for the owned type '{entityType}' + + + + + The entity type '{ownedEntityType}' is configured as owned, but the entity type '{nonOwnedEntityType}' is not. All entity types sharing a CLR type must be configured as owned. + + + + + The navigation '{principalEntityType}.{navigation}' is not supported because it is pointing to an owned entity type '{ownedType}'. Only the ownership navigation from the entity type '{ownerType}' can point to the owned entity type. + + + + + The relationship from '{referencingEntityTypeOrNavigation}' to '{referencedEntityTypeOrNavigation}' is not supported because the owned entity type '{ownedType}' cannot be on the principal side of a non-ownership relationship. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' has a defining navigation and the supplied entity is currently referenced from several owner entities. To access the entry for a particular reference call '{targetEntryCall}' on the owner entry. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' has a defining navigation and the supplied entity is currently not being tracked. To start tracking this entity call '{targetEntryCall}' on the owner entry. + + + + + The filter expression '{filter}' specified for entity type '{entityType}' is invalid. The expression must accept a single parameter of type '{clrType}', return bool, and may not contain references to navigation properties. + + + + + The filter expression '{filter}' cannot be specified for entity type '{entityType}'. A filter may only be applied to the root entity type in a hierarchy. + + + + + Converter for model type '{converterType}' cannot be used for '{entityType}.{propertyName}' because its type is '{propertyType}'. + + + + + Comparer for type '{type}' cannot be used for '{entityType}.{propertyName}' because its type is '{propertyType}'. + + + + + The Include operation '{include}' is not supported. '{invalidNavigation}' must be a navigation property defined on an entity type. + + + + + Collection navigations are only considered null if their parent entity is null. Use '.Any()' to check whether collection navigation '{navigationPath}' is empty. + + + + + Possible unintended reference comparison between '{left}' and '{right}'. + + + + + The same entity is being tracked as different weak entity types '{dependent1}' and '{dependent2}'. If a property value changes it will result in two store changes, which might not be the desired outcome. + + + + + The instance of entity type '{entityType}' cannot be tracked because another instance with the same key value for {keyProperties} is already being tracked. When replacing owned entities modify the properties without changing the instance or detach the previous owned entity entry first. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the conflicting key values. + + + + + The instance of entity type '{entityType}' cannot be tracked because another instance with the key value '{keyValue}' is already being tracked. When replacing owned entities modify the properties without changing the instance or detach the previous owned entity entry first. + + + + + Cannot compose converter from '{typeOneIn}' to '{typeOneOut}' with converter from '{typeTwoIn}' to '{typeTwoOut}' because the output type of the first converter is different from the input type of the second converter. + + + + + The '{mapping}' does not support value conversions. Support for value conversions typically requires changes in the database provider. + + + + + The value converter '{converter}' cannot be used with type '{type}'. This converter can only be used with {allowed}. + + + + + The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because another seed entity with the same key value for {keyProperties} has already been added. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the conflicting key values. + + + + + The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because another seed entity with the key value '{keyValue}' has already been added. + + + + + The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because the value provided for the property '{property}' is not of the type '{type}'. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the involved property values. + + + + + The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because the value '{value}' provided for the property '{property}' is not of the type '{type}'. + + + + + The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because there was no value provided for the required property '{property}'. + + + + + The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because it has the navigation '{navigation}' set. To seed relationships you need to add the related entity seed to '{relatedEntityType}' and specify the foreign key values {foreignKeyProperties}. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the involved property values. + + + + + The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' with the key value '{keyValue}' cannot be added because it has the navigation '{navigation}' set. To seed relationships you need to add the related entity seed to '{relatedEntityType}' and specify the foreign key values {foreignKeyProperties}. + + + + + The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because the value provided is of a derived type '{derivedType}'. Add the derived seed entities to the corresponding entity type. + + + + + No suitable constructor found for entity type '{entityType}'. The following parameters could not be bound to properties of the entity: '{parameters}'. + + + + + Two constructors were found with the same number of parameters that could both be used by Entity Framework. The constructor to use must be configured explicitly. The two constructors are '{firstConstructor}' and '{secondConstructor}'. + + + + + The type '{entityType}' cannot be marked as owned because a non-owned entity type with the same name already exists. + + + + + Current provider doesn't support System.Transaction. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' was created in shadow state because there are no eligible CLR members with a matching name. + + + + + A transient exception has been encountered during execution and the operation will be retried after {delay}ms.{newline}{error} + + + + + Navigation property '{navigation}' of entity type '{entityType}' is being lazy-loaded. + + + + + An attempt was made to lazy-load navigation property '{navigation}' on entity type '{entityType}' after the associated DbContext was disposed. + + + + + An attempt was made to lazy-load navigation property '{navigation}' on detached entity of type '{entityType}'. Lazy-loading is not supported for detached entities or entities that are loaded with 'AsNoTracking()'. + + + + + Cannot create a DbSet for '{typeName}' because it is a query type. Use the DbContext.Query method to create a DbQuery instead. + + + + + Cannot create a DbQuery for '{typeName}' because it is not a query type. Use the DbContext.Set method to create a DbSet instead. + + + + + Unable to create a foreign key with the query type '{queryType}' as the principal type. Only entity types are allowed as foreign key principal types. + + + + + Unable to track an instance of type '{type}' because it is a query type. Only entity types may be tracked. + + + + + Cannot set '{baseType}' as the base type of '{derivedType}'. Inheritance hierarchies cannot contain a mix of entity types and query types. + + + + + The query type '{queryType}' cannot be added to the model because an entity type with the same name already exists. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added to the model because a query type with the same name already exists. + + + + + Cannot create a navigation targeting type '{type}' because it is a query type. Only entity types can be used as navigation target types. + + + + + The index {redundantIndex} was not created as the properties are already covered by the index {otherIndex}. + + + + + The foreign key properties haven't been configured by convention because the best match {foreignKey} are incompatible with the current principal key {principalKey}. This message can be disregarded if explicit configuration has been specified. + + + + + The navigation property '{navigation}' has a RequiredAttribute causing the entity type '{entityType}' to be configured as the dependent side in the corresponding relationship. + + + + + The RequiredAttribute on '{principalEntityType}.{principalNavigation}' was ignored because there is also a RequiredAttribute on '{dependentEntityType}.{dependentNavigation}'. RequiredAttribute should only be specified on the dependent side of the relationship. + + + + + Navigations '{dependentEntityType}.{dependentNavigation}' and '{principalEntityType}.{principalNavigation}' were separated into two relationships as ForeignKeyAttribute was specified on navigations on both sides. + + + + + Navigations '{dependentEntityType}.{dependentNavigation}' and '{principalEntityType}.{principalNavigation}' were separated into two relationships as ForeignKeyAttribute was specified on properties '{dependentProperty}' and '{principalProperty}' on both sides. + + + + + The relationship was separated into two relationships because ForeignKeyAttribute specified on the navigation '{navigationEntityType}.{navigation}' doesn't match the ForeignKeyAttribute specified on the property '{propertyEntityType}.{property}'. + + + + + There are multiple navigations ({navigations}) configured with InversePropertyAttribute that point to the same inverse navigation '{inverseNavigation}'. + + + + + There are multiple relationships between '{dependentEntityType}' and '{principalEntityType}' without configured foreign key properties causing EF to create shadow properties on '{dependentType}' with names dependent on the discovery order. + + + + + No relationship from '{firstEntityType}' to '{secondEntityType}' has been configured by convention because there are multiple properties on one entity type {navigationProperties} that could be matched with the properties on the other entity type {inverseNavigations}. This message can be disregarded if explicit configuration has been specified. + + + + + Primary key hasn't been configured by convention as both properties '{firstProperty}' and '{secondProperty}' could be used as the primary key for the entity type '{entityType}'. This message can be disregarded if explicit configuration has been specified. + + + + + The owned entity type '{entityType}' cannot have a base type. + + + + + Cannot create a DbSet for '{typeName}' because it is mapped to multiple entity types and should they should be accessed through the defining entities. + + + + + The navigation '{targetEntityType}.{inverseNavigation}' cannot be used as the inverse of '{weakEntityType}.{navigation}' because it's not the defining navigation '{definingNavigation}' + + + + + The navigation '{targetEntityType}.{inverseNavigation}' cannot be used as the inverse of '{ownedEntityType}.{navigation}' because it's not the ownership navigation '{ownershipNavigation}' + + + + + The property '{property}' is marked as null on entity '{entityType}' with the key value '{keyValue}', but this cannot be saved because the property is marked as required. + + + + + The association between entities '{firstType}' and '{secondType}' with the key value '{secondKeyValue}' has been severed but the relationship is either marked as 'Required' or is implicitly required because the foreign key is not nullable. If the dependent/child entity should be deleted when a required relationship is severed, then setup the relationship to use cascade deletes. + + + + + The foreign key {foreignKey} set on '{dependentEntityType}' matches an entity of type '{foundPrincipalEntityType}', however the principal entity type should be assignable to '{principalEntityType}'. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the key values. + + + + + The foreign key '{foreignKeyValues}' set on '{dependentEntityType}' with the key value '{keyValue}' matches an entity of type '{foundPrincipalEntityType}', however the principal entity type should be assignable to '{principalEntityType}'. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' is part of a relationship cycle involving its primary key. + + + + + The service property '{property}' of type '{serviceType}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because there is another property of the same type. Ignore one of the properties using the NotMappedAttribute or 'EntityTypeBuilder.Ignore' in 'OnModelCreating'. + + + + + Cannot use multiple DbContext instances within a single query execution. Ensure the query uses a single context instance. + + + + + The query type '{queryType}' cannot have a defining query bacause it is derived from '{baseType}'. Only base query types can have a defining query. + + + + + The owned entity type '{ownedType}' requires to be referenced from another entity type via a navigation. Add a navigation to an entity type that points at '{ownedType}'. + + + + + The query type '{queryType}' cannot be added to the model because a query type with the same name already exists. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets all foreign keys that target a given primary or alternate key. + + The key to find the foreign keys for. + The foreign keys that reference the given key. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets the entity that maps the given entity class. Returns null if no entity type with the given CLR type is found + or the entity type has a defining navigation. + + The model to find the entity type in. + The type to find the corresponding entity type for. + The entity type, or null if none if found. + + + + Gets the entity that maps the given entity class, where the class may be a proxy derived from the + actual entity type. Returns null if no entity type with the given CLR type is found + or the entity type has a defining navigation. + + The model to find the entity type in. + The type to find the corresponding entity type for. + The entity type, or null if none if found. + + + + Gets the entity type for the given type, defining navigation name + and the defining entity type. Returns null if no matching entity type is found. + + The model to find the entity type in. + The type of the entity type to find. + The defining navigation of the entity type to find. + The defining entity type of the entity type to find. + The entity type, or null if none are found. + + + + Gets the entity types for the given type. + + The model to find the entity type in. + The type of the entity type to find. + The entity types found. + + + + Gets the entity types for the given name. + + The model to find the entity type in. + The name of the entity type to find. + The entity types found. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the corresponding entity type has a defining navigation. + + The model to find the entity type in. + The type used to find an entity type a defining navigation. + true if the model contains a corresponding entity type with a defining navigation. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the corresponding entity type has a defining navigation. + + The model to find the entity type in. + The name used to find an entity type with a defining navigation. + true if the model contains a corresponding entity type with a defining navigation. + + + + Gets the default change tracking strategy being used for entities in the model. This strategy indicates how the + context detects changes to properties for an instance of an entity type. + + The model to get the default change tracking strategy for. + The change tracking strategy. + + + + + Gets the being used for properties of entity types in this model. + Null indicates that the default property access mode is being used. + + + Note that individual entity types can override this access mode, and individual properties of + entity types can override the access mode set on the entity type. The value returned here will + be used for any property for which no override has been specified. + + + The model to get the access mode for. + The access mode being used, or null if the default access mode is being used. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets the existing annotation with a given key, or adds a new annotation if one does not exist. + + The object to find or add the annotation to. + The key of the annotation to be found or added. + The value to be stored in the annotation if a new one is created. + The found or added annotation. + + + + Adds annotations to an object. + + The object to add the annotations to. + The annotations to be added. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets all types in the model that derive from a given entity type. + + The base type to find types that derive from. + The derived types. + + + + Gets the root base type for a given entity type. + + The type to find the root of. + + The root base type. If the given entity type is not a derived type, then the same entity type is returned. + + + + + Sets the primary key for this entity. + + The entity type to set the key on. + The primary key property. + The newly created key. + + + + Gets the existing primary key of an entity, or sets it if one is not defined. + + The entity type to get or set the key on. + The property to set as the primary key if one is not already defined. + The existing or newly created key. + + + + Gets the existing primary key of an entity, or sets it if one is not defined. + + The entity type to get or set the key on. + The properties to set as the primary key if one is not already defined. + The existing or newly created key. + + + + Gets the primary or alternate key that is defined on the given property. Returns null if no key is defined + for the given property. + + The entity type to find the key on. + The property that the key is defined on. + The key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Adds a new alternate key to this entity type. + + The entity type to add the alternate key to. + The property to use as an alternate key. + The newly created key. + + + + Gets the existing alternate key defined on a property, or creates a new one if one is not + already defined. + + The entity type to get or create the alternate key on. + The property that is used as the alternate key. + The existing or newly created alternate key. + + + + Gets the existing alternate key defined on a set of properties, or creates a new one if one is not + already defined. + + The entity type to get or create the alternate key on. + The properties that are used as the alternate key. + The existing or newly created alternate key. + + + + Gets the foreign keys defined on the given property. Only foreign keys that are defined on exactly the specified + property are returned. Composite foreign keys that include the specified property are not returned. + + The entity type to find the foreign keys on. + The property to find the foreign keys on. + The foreign keys. + + + + Gets the foreign keys defined on the given properties. Only foreign keys that are defined on exactly the specified + set of properties are returned. + + The entity type to find the foreign keys on. + The properties to find the foreign keys on. + The foreign keys. + + + + Gets the foreign key for the given properties that points to a given primary or alternate key. Returns null + if no foreign key is found. + + The entity type to find the foreign keys on. + The property that the foreign key is defined on. + The primary or alternate key that is referenced. + + The entity type that the relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the key is defined on the + base type of the hierarchy). + + The foreign key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Gets all foreign keys that target a given entity type (i.e. foreign keys where the given entity type + is the principal). + + The entity type to find the foreign keys for. + The foreign keys that reference the given entity type. + + + + Adds a new relationship to this entity. + + The entity type to add the foreign key to. + The property that the foreign key is defined on. + The primary or alternate key that is referenced. + + The entity type that the relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the key is defined on the + base type of the hierarchy). + + The newly created foreign key. + + + + Gets an existing relationship, or creates a new one if one is not already defined. + + The entity type to get or add the foreign key to. + The property that the foreign key is defined on. + The primary or alternate key that is referenced. + + The entity type that the relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the key is defined on the + base type of the hierarchy). + + The existing or newly created foreign key. + + + + Gets an existing relationship, or creates a new one if one is not already defined. + + The entity type to get or add the foreign key to. + The properties that the foreign key is defined on. + The primary or alternate key that is referenced. + + The entity type that the relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the key is defined on the + base type of the hierarchy). + + The existing or newly created foreign key. + + + + Gets a navigation property on the given entity type. Returns null if no navigation property is found. + + The entity type to find the navigation property on. + The navigation property on the entity class. + The navigation property, or null if none is found. + + + + Gets a navigation property on the given entity type. Returns null if no navigation property is found. + + The entity type to find the navigation property on. + The name of the navigation property on the entity class. + The navigation property, or null if none is found. + + + + Gets all navigation properties on the given entity type. + + The entity type to get navigation properties for. + All navigation properties on the given entity type. + + + + + Gets a property on the given entity type. Returns null if no property is found. + + + This API only finds scalar properties and does not find navigation properties. Use + to find a navigation property. + + + The entity type to find the property on. + The property on the entity class. + The property, or null if none is found. + + + + Adds a property to this entity. + + The entity type to add the property to. + The corresponding property in the entity class. + The newly created property. + + + + Gets the property with the given name, or creates a new one if one is not already defined. + + The entity type to get or add the property to. + The name of the property. + The type of value the property will hold. + The existing or newly created property. + The returned property might not have the specified type. + + + + Gets the property with the given name, or creates a new one if one is not already defined. + + The entity type to get or add the property to. + The corresponding property in the entity class. + The existing or newly created property. + The returned property might not have the specified type. + + + + Gets the index defined on the given property. Returns null if no index is defined. + + The entity type to find the index on. + The property to find the index on. + The index, or null if none is found. + + + + Adds an index to this entity. + + The entity type to add the index to. + The property to be indexed. + The newly created index. + + + + Gets the index defined on the given property or creates a new one if one is not already defined. + + The entity type to get or add the index to. + The property to be indexed. + The existing or newly created index. + + + + Gets the index defined on the given property or creates a new one if one is not already defined. + + The entity type to get or add the index to. + The properties to be indexed. + The existing or newly created index. + + + + + Sets the to use for properties and navigations of this entity type. + + + Note that individual properties and navigations can override this access mode. The value set here will + be used for any property or navigation for which no override has been specified. + + + The entity type for which to set the access mode. + The , or null to clear the mode set. + + + + + Sets the to use for navigations of this entity type. + + + Note that individual navigations can override this access mode. The value set here will + be used for any navigation for which no override has been specified. + + + The entity type for which to set the access mode. + The , or null to clear the mode set. + + + + Sets the change tracking strategy to use for this entity type. This strategy indicates how the + context detects changes to properties for an instance of the entity type. + + The entity type to set the change tracking strategy for. + The strategy to use. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets all foreign keys that target a given primary or alternate key. + + The key to find the foreign keys for. + The foreign keys that reference the given key. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets the entity that maps the given entity class. Returns null if no entity type with the given name is found. + + The model to find the entity type in. + The type to find the corresponding entity type for. + The entity type, or null if none if found. + + + + Gets the entity type for the given name, defining navigation name + and the defining entity type. Returns null if no matching entity type is found. + + The model to find the entity type in. + The type of the entity type to find. + The defining navigation of the entity type to find. + The defining entity type of the entity type to find. + The entity type, or null if none are found. + + + + Gets the entity type with the given name or adds a new entity type if none is found. + + The model to find or add the entity type to. + The name of the entity type. + The existing or newly created entity type. + + + + Gets the entity type with the given CLR class or adds a new entity type if none is found. + + The model to find or add the entity type to. + The CLR class of the entity type. + The existing or newly created entity type. + + + + Removes an entity type from the model. + + The model to remove the entity type from. + The entity type to be removed. + The entity type that was removed. + + + + Removes an entity type from the model. + + The model to remove the entity type from. + The entity type to be removed. + The entity type that was removed. + + + + Removes an entity type with a defining navigation from the model. + + The model to remove the entity type from. + The CLR class that is used to represent instances of this entity type. + The defining navigation. + The defining entity type. + The entity type that was removed. + + + + + Sets the to use for properties of all entity types + in this model. + + + Note that individual entity types can override this access mode, and individual properties of + entity types can override the access mode set on the entity type. The value set here will + be used for any property for which no override has been specified. + + + The model to set the access mode for. + The , or null to clear the mode set. + + + + Sets the default change tracking strategy to use for entities in the model. This strategy indicates how the + context detects changes to properties for an instance of an entity type. + + The model to set the default change tracking strategy for. + The strategy to use. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets the navigation property on the other end of the relationship. Returns null if + there is no navigation property defined on the other end of the relationship. + + The navigation property to find the inverse of. + + The inverse navigation, or null if none is defined. + + + + + Gets the entity type that a given navigation property will hold an instance of + (or hold instances of if it is a collection navigation). + + The navigation property to find the target entity type of. + The target entity type. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + + Sets the backing field to use for this property. + + + Backing fields are normally found by convention as described + here: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=723277. + This method is useful for setting backing fields explicitly in cases where the + correct field is not found by convention. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. This can be changed by calling + . + + + The property for which the backing field should be set. + The name of the field to use. + + + + Sets the to use for this property. + + The property for which to set the access mode. + The , or null to clear the mode set. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + + Sets the factory to use for generating values for this property, or null to clear any previously set factory. + + + Setting null does not disable value generation for this property, it just clears any generator explicitly + configured for this property. The database provider may still have a value generator for the property type. + + + The property to set the value generator for. + + A factory that will be used to create the value generator, or null to + clear any previously set factory. + + + + + Sets the maximum length of data that is allowed in this property. For example, if the property is a ' + then this is the maximum number of characters. + + The property to set the maximum length of. + The maximum length of data that is allowed in this property. + + + + Sets a value indicating whether or not this property can persist Unicode characters. + + The property to set the value for. + True if the property accepts Unicode characters, false if it does not, null to clear the setting. + + + + Gets all foreign keys that use this property (including composite foreign keys in which this property + is included). + + The property to get foreign keys for. + + The foreign keys that use this property. + + + + + Gets the primary key that uses this property (including a composite primary key in which this property + is included). + + The property to get primary key for. + + The primary that use this property, or null if it is not part of the primary key. + + + + + Gets all primary or alternate keys that use this property (including composite keys in which this property + is included). + + The property to get primary and alternate keys for. + + The primary and alternate keys that use this property. + + + + + Sets the type that the property value will be converted to before being sent to the database provider. + + The property. + The type to use, or null to remove any previously set type. + + + + Sets the custom for this property. + + The property. + The converter, or null to remove any previously set converter. + + + + Sets the custom for this property. + + The property. + The comparer, or null to remove any previously set comparer. + + + + Sets the custom for this property when performing key comparisons.. + + The property. + The comparer, or null to remove any previously set comparer. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the given navigation property is the navigation property on the dependent entity + type that points to the principal entity. + + The navigation property to check. + + True if the given navigation property is the navigation property on the dependent entity + type that points to the principal entity, otherwise false. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the given navigation property is a collection property. + + The navigation property to check. + + True if this is a collection property, false if it is a reference property. + + + + + Gets the navigation property on the other end of the relationship. Returns null if + there is no navigation property defined on the other end of the relationship. + + The navigation property to find the inverse of. + + The inverse navigation, or null if none is defined. + + + + + Gets the entity type that a given navigation property will hold an instance of + (or hold instances of if it is a collection navigation). + + The navigation property to find the target entity type of. + The target entity type. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Returns an implementation that stays in sync with the given + . + + The element type. + The collection that the binding list will stay in sync with. + The binding list. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets the name of the backing field for this property, or null if the backing field + is not known. + + The property for which the backing field will be returned. + The name of the backing field, or null. + + + + + Gets the being used for this property. + Null indicates that the default property access mode is being used. + + + The property for which to get the access mode. + The access mode being used, or null if the default access mode is being used. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets the factory that has been set to generate values for this property, if any. + + The property to get the value generator factory for. + The factory, or null if no factory has been set. + + + + Gets the maximum length of data that is allowed in this property. For example, if the property is a ' + then this is the maximum number of characters. + + The property to get the maximum length of. + The maximum length, or null if none if defined. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether or not the property can persist Unicode characters. + + The property to get the Unicode setting for. + The Unicode setting, or null if none if defined. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this property is used as a foreign key (or part of a composite foreign key). + + The property to check. + + True if the property is used as a foreign key, otherwise false. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this property is used as an index (or part of a composite index). + + The property to check. + + True if the property is used as an index, otherwise false. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this property is used as the primary key (or part of a composite primary key). + + The property to check. + + True if the property is used as the primary key, otherwise false. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this property is used as part of a primary or alternate key + (or part of a composite primary or alternate key). + + The property to check. + + True if the property is part of a key, otherwise false. + + + + + Gets all foreign keys that use this property (including composite foreign keys in which this property + is included). + + The property to get foreign keys for. + + The foreign keys that use this property. + + + + + Gets all indexes that use this property (including composite indexes in which this property + is included). + + The property to get indexes for. + + The indexes that use this property. + + + + + Gets the primary key that uses this property (including a composite primary key in which this property + is included). + + The property to get primary key for. + + The primary that use this property, or null if it is not part of the primary key. + + + + + Gets all primary or alternate keys that use this property (including composite keys in which this property + is included). + + The property to get primary and alternate keys for. + + The primary and alternate keys that use this property. + + + + + Gets the type that the property value will be converted to before being sent to the database provider. + + The property. + The provider type, or null if none has been set. + + + + Gets the custom set for this property. + + The property. + The converter, or null if none has been set. + + + + Gets the for this property, or null if none is set. + + The property. + The comparer, or null if none has been set. + + + + Gets the for this property, or null if none is set. + + The property. + The comparer, or null if none has been set. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + + Gets the being used for properties and navigations of this type. + Null indicates that the default property access mode is being used. + + + Note that individual properties and navigations can override this access mode. The value returned here will + be used for any property or navigation for which no override has been specified. + + + The type for which to get the access mode. + The access mode being used, or null if the default access mode is being used. + + + + + Gets the being used for navigations of this type. + Null indicates that the default property access mode is being used. + + + Note that individual navigations can override this access mode. The value returned here will + be used for any navigation for which no override has been specified. + + + The type for which to get the access mode. + The access mode being used, or null if the default access mode is being used. + + + + Allows configuration for an entity type to be factored into a separate class, + rather than in-line in . + Implement this interface, applying configuration for the entity in the + method, + and then apply the configuration to the model using + + in . + + The entity type to be configured. + + + + Configures the entity of type . + + The builder to be used to configure the entity type. + + + + + Extension methods for . + + + These methods are typically used by database providers (and other extensions). They are generally + not used in application code. + + + is used to hide properties that are not intended to be used in + application code but can be used in extension methods written by database providers etc. + + + + + + + Resolves a service from the exposed from a type that implements + . + + + This method is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + is used to hide properties that are not intended to be used in + application code but can be used in extension methods written by database providers etc. + + + The type of service to be resolved. + The object exposing the service provider. + The requested service. + + + + + Gets the value from a property that is being hidden using . + + + This method is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + is used to hide properties that are not intended to be used in + application code but can be used in extension methods written by database providers etc. + + + The type of the property being hidden by . + The object that exposes the property. + The object assigned to the property. + + + + + Base class for types that support reading and writing annotations. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Gets all annotations on the current object. + + + + + Adds an annotation to this object. Throws if an annotation with the specified name already exists. + + The key of the annotation to be added. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The newly added annotation. + + + + Adds an annotation to this object. Throws if an annotation with the specified name already exists. + + The key of the annotation to be added. + The annotation to be added. + The added annotation. + + + + Sets the annotation stored under the given key. Overwrites the existing annotation if an + annotation with the specified name already exists. + + The ket of the annotation to be added. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + + + + Sets the annotation stored under the given key. Overwrites the existing annotation if an + annotation with the specified name already exists. + + The key of the annotation to be added. + The annotation to be set. + The annotation that was set. + + + + Runs the corresponding conventions when an annotation was set or removed. + + The key of the set annotation. + The annotation set. + The old annotation. + The annotation that was set. + + + + Adds an annotation to this object or returns the existing annotation if one with the specified name + already exists. + + The key of the annotation to be added. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + + The existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists. Otherwise, the newly + added annotation. + + + + + Gets the annotation with the given name, returning null if it does not exist. + + The key of the annotation to find. + + The existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists. Otherwise, null. + + + + + Removes the given annotation from this object. + + The annotation to remove. + The annotation that was removed. + + + + Gets the value annotation with the given name, returning null if it does not exist. + + The key of the annotation to find. + + The value of the existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists. + Otherwise, null. + + + + + Creates a new annotation. + + The key of the annotation. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The newly created annotation. + + + + Gets all annotations on the current object. + + + + + Gets the annotation with the given name, returning null if it does not exist. + + The key of the annotation to find. + + The existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists. Otherwise, null. + + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets the annotation with the given name, throwing if it does not exist. + + The object to find the annotation on. + The key of the annotation to find. + The annotation with the specified name. + + + + + An arbitrary piece of metadata that can be stored on an object that implements . + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The key of this annotation. + The value assigned to this annotation. + + + + Gets the key of this annotation. + + + + + Gets the value assigned to this annotation. + + + + + + Represents options managed by the core of Entity Framework, as opposed to those managed + by database providers or extensions. These options are set using . + + + Instances of this class are designed to be immutable. To change an option, call one of the 'With...' + methods to obtain a new instance with the option changed. + + + + + + Creates a new set of options with everything set to default values. + + + + + Called by a derived class constructor when implementing the method. + + The instance that is being cloned. + + + + Override this method in a derived class to ensure that any clone created is also of that class. + + A clone of this instance, which can be modified before being returned as immutable. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The service contract. + The implementation type to use for the service. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + The option set from the method. + + + + + The option set from the method. + + + + + The option set from the method. + + + + + The option set from the method. + + + + + The option set from the method. + + + + + The option set from the method. + + + + + The options set from the method. + + + + + The option set from the method. + + + + + The options set from the method. + + + + + The option set from the + + method. + + + + + Adds the services required to make the selected options work. This is used when there + is no external and EF is maintaining its own service + provider internally. This allows database providers (and other extensions) to register their + required services when EF is creating an service provider. + + The collection to add services to. + False since no database provider is registered. + + + + Returns a hash code created from any options that would cause a new + to be needed. + + A hash over options that require a new service provider when changed. + + + + Gives the extension a chance to validate that all options in the extension are valid. + If options are invalid, then an exception will be thrown. + + The options being validated. + + + + Creates a message fragment for logging typically containing information about + any useful non-default options that have been configured. + + + + + Provides access to database related information and operations for a context. + Instances of this class are typically obtained from and it is not designed + to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. Instances of this class are typically + obtained from and it is not designed to be directly constructed + in your application code. + + The context this database API belongs to . + + + + + Ensures that the database for the context exists. If it exists, no action is taken. If it does not + exist then the database and all its schema are created. If the database exists, then no effort is made + to ensure it is compatible with the model for this context. + + + Note that this API does not use migrations to create the database. In addition, the database that is + created cannot be later updated using migrations. If you are targeting a relational database and using migrations, + you can use the DbContext.Database.Migrate() method to ensure the database is created and all migrations + are applied. + + + True if the database is created, false if it already existed. + + + + + Asynchronously ensures that the database for the context exists. If it exists, no action is taken. If it does not + exist then the database and all its schema are created. If the database exists, then no effort is made + to ensure it is compatible with the model for this context. + + + Note that this API does not use migrations to create the database. In addition, the database that is + created cannot be later updated using migrations. If you are targeting a relational database and using migrations, + you can use the DbContext.Database.Migrate() method to ensure the database is created and all migrations + are applied. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous save operation. The task result contains true if the database is created, + false if it already existed. + + + + + + Ensures that the database for the context does not exist. If it does not exist, no action is taken. If it does + exist then the database is deleted. + + + Warning: The entire database is deleted, and no effort is made to remove just the database objects that are used by + the model for this context. + + + True if the database is deleted, false if it did not exist. + + + + + Asynchronously ensures that the database for the context does not exist. If it does not exist, no action is taken. If it does + exist then the database is deleted. + + + Warning: The entire database is deleted, and no effort is made to remove just the database objects that are used by + the model for this context. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous save operation. The task result contains true if the database is deleted, + false if it did not exist. + + + + + Starts a new transaction. + + + A that represents the started transaction. + + + + + Asynchronously starts a new transaction. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous transaction initialization. The task result contains a + that represents the started transaction. + + + + + Applies the outstanding operations in the current transaction to the database. + + + + + Discards the outstanding operations in the current transaction. + + + + + Creates an instance of the configured . + + An instance. + + + + + Gets the current being used by the context, or null + if no transaction is in use. + + + This property will be null unless one of the 'BeginTransaction' or 'UseTransaction' methods has + been called, some of which are available as extension methods installed by EF providers. + No attempt is made to obtain a transaction from the current DbConnection or similar. + + + For relational databases, the underlying DbTransaction can be obtained using the + 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.GetDbTransaction'extension method + on the returned . + + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not a transaction will be created + automatically by if none of the + 'BeginTransaction' or 'UseTransaction' methods have been called. + + + Setting this value to false will also disable the + for + + + The default value is true, meaning that SaveChanges will always use a transaction + when saving changes. + + + Setting this value to false should only be done with caution since the database + could be left in a corrupted state if SaveChanges fails. + + + + + + + Returns the name of the database provider currently in use. + The name is typically the name of the provider assembly. + It is usually easier to use a sugar method such as 'IsSqlServer()' instead of + calling this method directly. + + + This method can only be used after the has been configured because + it is only then that the provider is known. This means that this method cannot be used + in because this is where application code sets the + provider to use as part of configuring the context. + + + + + + + Gets the scoped being used to resolve services. + + + This property is intended for use by extension methods that need to make use of services + not directly exposed in the public API surface. + + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + Identifies the that a class belongs to. For example, this attribute is used + to identify which context a migration applies to. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The associated context. + + + + Gets the associated context. + + + + + Provides information about the environment an application is running in. + + + + + Gets or sets the directory containing the application. + + + + + Gets or sets the directory containing the application content files. + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the environment. + + + + + Extension methods for setting up Entity Framework related services in an . + + + + + This method is no longer functional. Call a provider-specific method such as + AddEntityFrameworkSqlServer, AddEntityFrameworkSqlite, etc. instead. + + The service collection. + Always throws NotSupportedException. + Always throws NotSupportedException. + + + + + A builder API designed for database providers to use when registering services. + + + Providers should create an instance of this class, use its methods to register + services, and then call to fill out the remaining Entity + Framework services. + + + Relational providers should use 'EntityFrameworkRelationalServicesBuilder instead. + + + Entity Framework ensures that services are registered with the appropriate scope. In some cases a provider + may register a service with a different scope, but great care must be taken that all its dependencies + can handle the new scope, and that it does not cause issue for services that depend on it. + + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + This dictionary is exposed for testing and provider-validation only. + It should not be used from application code. + + + + + + Used by database providers to create a new for + registration of provider services. Relational providers should use + 'EntityFrameworkRelationalServicesBuilder'. + + The collection to which services will be registered. + + + + Access to the underlying . + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Database providers should call this method for access to the underlying + such that provider-specific services can be registered. + Note that implementations of Entity Framework services should be registered directly on the + and not through this method. + + The underlying map to which provider services should be added. + This builder, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Registers default implementations of all services not already registered by the provider. + Database providers must call this method as the last step of service registration--that is, + after all provider services have been registered. + + This builder, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds an implementation of an Entity Framework service only if one has not already been registered. + The scope of the service is automatically defined by Entity Framework. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + This builder, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds an implementation of an Entity Framework service only if one has not already been registered. + The scope of the service is automatically defined by Entity Framework. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + This builder, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a factory for an Entity Framework service only if one has not already been registered. + The scope of the service is automatically defined by Entity Framework. + + The contract for the service. + The factory that will create the service instance. + This builder, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a factory for an Entity Framework service only if one has not already been registered. + The scope of the service is automatically defined by Entity Framework. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The factory that will create the service instance. + This builder, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a factory for an Entity Framework service only if one has not already been registered. + The scope of the service is automatically defined by Entity Framework. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The factory that will create the service instance. + This builder, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds an implementation of an Entity Framework service only if one has not already been registered. + This method can only be used for singleton services. + + The contract for the service. + The implementation of the service. + This builder, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds an implementation of an Entity Framework service only if one has not already been registered. + This method can only be used for singleton services. + + The contract for the service. + The implementation of the service. + This builder, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + A class that exposes annotations. Annotations allow for arbitrary metadata to be stored on an object. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Gets the value annotation with the given name, returning null if it does not exist. + + The key of the annotation to find. + + The value of the existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists. Otherwise, null. + + + + + Gets the annotation with the given name, returning null if it does not exist. + + The key of the annotation to find. + + The existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists. Otherwise, null. + + + + + Gets all annotations on the current object. + + + + + + An arbitrary piece of metadata that can be stored on an object that implements . + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Gets the key of this annotation. + + + + + Gets the value assigned to this annotation. + + + + + A factory for creating derived instances. Implement this interface to enable + design-time services for context types that do not have a public default constructor. At design-time, + derived instances can be created in order to enable specific design-time + experiences such as Migrations. Design-time services will automatically discover implementations of + this interface that are in the same assembly as the derived context. + + The type of the context. + + + + Creates a new instance of a derived context. + + Information about the environment an application is running in. + An instance of . + + + + The options to be used by a . You normally override + or use a + to create instances of classes that implement this interface, they are not designed to be directly created + in your application code. + + + + + Gets the extensions that store the configured options. + + + + + Gets the extension of the specified type. Returns null if no extension of the specified type is configured. + + The type of the extension to get. + The extension, or null if none was found. + + + + + Explicitly implemented by to hide methods that are used by database provider + extension methods but not intended to be called by application developers. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + + Adds the given extension to the options. If an existing extension of the same type already exists, it will be replaced. + + + This property is intended for use by extension methods to configure the context. It is not intended to be used in + application code. + + + The type of extension to be added. + The extension to be added. + + + + + Interface for extensions that are stored in . + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Adds the services required to make the selected options work. This is used when there + is no external and EF is maintaining its own service + provider internally. This allows database providers (and other extensions) to register their + required services when EF is creating an service provider. + + The collection to add services to. + True if a database provider and was registered; false otherwise. + + + + Returns a hash code created from any options that would cause a new + to be needed. Most extensions do not have any such options and should return zero. + + A hash over options that require a new service provider when changed. + + + + Gives the extension a chance to validate that all options in the extension are valid. + Most extensions do not have invalid combinations and so this will be a no-op. + If options are invalid, then an exception should be thrown. + + The options being validated. + + + + Creates a message fragment for logging typically containing information about + any useful non-default options that have been configured. + + + + + + This interface is explicitly implemented by type to hide properties that are not intended to be used in application code + but can be used in extension methods written by database providers etc. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + The type of the property being hidden. + + + + Gets the value of the property being hidden. + + + + + + Creates keys that uniquely identifies the model for a given context. This is used to store and lookup + a cached model for a given context. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Gets the model cache key for a given context. + + + The context to get the model cache key for. + + The created key. + + + + + Performs additional configuration of the model in addition to what is discovered by convention. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + When replacing this service consider deriving the implementation from or + 'RelationalModelCustomizer' to preserve the default behavior. + + + + + + + Builds the model for a given context. + + + If any instance data from is + used when building the model, then the implementation of + also needs to be updated to ensure the model is cached correctly. + + + + The builder being used to construct the model. + + + The context instance that the model is being created for. + + + + + + Produces an based on a context. This is typically implemented by database providers to ensure that any + conventions and validation specific to their database are used. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Gets the model to be used. + + The context the model is being produced for. + The convention set to use when creating the model. + The validator to verify the model can be successfully used with the context. + The model to be used. + + + + Validates a model after it is built. + + + + + Validates a model, throwing an exception if any errors are found. + + + + + + This interface must be implemented by any service that needs to be reset between + different uses of the same in different pools. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Resets the service so that it can be used from the pool. + + + + + Implemented by any class that represents options that can only be set at the + singleton level. + + + + + Initializes the singleton options from the given . + + + + + Validates that the options in given have not + changed when compared to the options already set here, and throws if they have. + + + + + + A key that uniquely identifies the model for a given context. This is used to store and lookup + a cached model for a given context. This default implementation uses the context type as they key, thus + assuming that all contexts of a given type have the same model. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The context instance that this key is for. + + + + + Determines if this key is equivalent to a given key (i.e. if they are for the same context type). + + + The key to compare this key to. + + + True if the key is for the same context type, otherwise false. + + + + + Determines if this key is equivalent to a given object (i.e. if they are keys for the same context type). + + + The object to compare this key to. + + + True if the object is a and is for the same context type, otherwise false. + + + + + Gets the hash code for the key. + + + The hash code for the key. + + + + + + Creates keys that uniquely identifies the model for a given context. This is used to store and lookup + a cached model for a given context. This default implementation uses the context type as they key, thus + assuming that all contexts of a given type have the same model. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Gets the model cache key for a given context. + + + The context to get the model cache key for. + + The created key. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Builds the model for a given context. This default implementation builds the model by calling + on the context. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Dependencies used to create a + + + + + Performs additional configuration of the model in addition to what is discovered by convention. This default implementation + builds the model for a given context by calling + on the context. + + + The builder being used to construct the model. + + + The context instance that the model is being created for. + + + + + Adds the entity types found in properties on the context to the model. + + The being used to build the model. + The context to find properties on. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + Gets the that will locate the properties + on the derived context. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + + An implementation of that produces a model based on + the properties exposed on the context. The model is cached to avoid + recreating it every time it is requested. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Dependencies used to create a + + + + + Returns the model from the cache, or creates a model if it is not present in the cache. + + The context the model is being produced for. + The convention set to use when creating the model. + The validator to verify the model can be successfully used with the context. + The model to be used. + + + + Creates the model. This method is called when the model was not found in the cache. + + The context the model is being produced for. + The convention set to use when creating the model. + The validator to verify the model can be successfully used with the context. + The model to be used. + + + + Creates the convention set to be used for the model. Only uses the + if is null. + + The provider convention set builder to be used. + The convention set to be used. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + Gets the that will build the conventions to be used + to build the model. + + + + + Gets the that will perform additional configuration of the model + in addition to what is discovered by convention. + + + + + Gets the that will create keys used to store and lookup models + the model cache. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + The validator that enforces core rules common for all providers. + + + + + Creates a new instance of . + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Dependencies used to create a + + + + + Validates a model, throwing an exception if any errors are found. + + The model to validate. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + The validation logger. + The model logger. + + + + The validation logger. + + + + + The model logger. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + + Provides a map over a that allows + entries to be conditionally added or re-written without requiring linear scans of the service + collection each time this is done. + + + Note that the collection should not be modified without in other ways while it is being managed + by the map. The collection can be used in the normal way after modifications using the map have + been completed. + + + + + + Creates a new to operate on the given . + + The collection to work with. + + + + The underlying . + + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete type if no service for the given service + type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The service lifetime. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The factory that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The factory that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The factory that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that the given factory creates. + The factory that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that the given factory creates. + The factory that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that the given factory creates. + The factory that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The factory that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The factory that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The factory that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory if no service for the given service type + has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The factory that implements the service. + The service lifetime. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given instance + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The object that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given instance + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The object that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The service lifetime. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The factory that implements this service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The factory that implements this service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The factory that implements this service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The factory that implements this service. + The service lifetime. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given instance + to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The object that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given instance + to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The object that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Allows configuration for a query type to be factored into a separate class, + rather than in-line in . + Implement this interface, applying configuration for the query in the + method, + and then apply the configuration to the model using + + in . + + The query type to be configured. + + + + Configures the query of type . + + The builder to be used to configure the query type. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a relationship where configuration began on + an end of the relationship with a collection that contains instances of another entity type. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Gets the internal builder being used to configure the relationship. + + + This property is intended for use by extension methods that need to make use of services + not directly exposed in the public API surface. + + + + + + + Configures this as a one-to-many relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + + The name of the reference navigation property on the other end of this relationship. + If null or not specified, then there is no navigation property on the other end of the relationship. + + An object to further configure the relationship. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a relationship where configuration began on + an end of the relationship with a collection that contains instances of another entity type. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The entity type to be configured. + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Configures this as a one-to-many relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + + A lambda expression representing the reference navigation property on the other end of this + relationship (post => post.Blog). If no property is specified, the relationship will be + configured without a navigation property on the other end of the relationship. + + An object to further configure the relationship. + + + + Configures this as a one-to-many relationship. + + + The name of the reference navigation property on the other end of this relationship. + If null, there is no navigation property on the other end of the relationship. + + An object to further configure the relationship. + + + + Allows further configuration of model data. + + + + + Allows further configuration of model data. + + The entity type of the data. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring an . + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets the internal builder being used to configure the entity type. + + + + + The entity type being configured. + + + + + The model that the entity type belongs to. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the entity type. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this entity in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The name of the base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this entity in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the properties that make up the primary key for this entity type. + + The names of the properties that make up the primary key. + An object that can be used to configure the primary key. + + + + Creates an alternate key in the model for this entity type if one does not already exist over the specified + properties. This will force the properties to be read-only. Use to specify uniqueness + in the model that does not force properties to be read-only. + + The names of the properties that make up the key. + An object that can be used to configure the key. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the entity type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property, if a property with the same name exists in the entity class + then it will be added to the model. If no property exists in the entity class, then + a new shadow state property will be added. A shadow state property is one that does not have a + corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances of the entity class. + + + The type of the property to be configured. + The name of the property to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the entity type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property, if a property with the same name exists in the entity class + then it will be added to the model. If no property exists in the entity class, then + a new shadow state property will be added. A shadow state property is one that does not have a + corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances of the entity class. + + + The type of the property to be configured. + The name of the property to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the entity type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property with this overload the property name must match the + name of a CLR property or field on the entity type. This overload cannot be used to + add a new shadow state property. + + + The name of the property to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + Excludes the given property from the entity type. This method is typically used to remove properties + from the entity type that were added by convention. + + The name of then property to be removed from the entity type. + + + + Specifies a LINQ predicate expression that will automatically be applied to any queries targeting + this entity type. + + The LINQ predicate expression. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The name of the entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type provides identity to + the other type in the relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. + + An action that performs configuration of the relationship. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type provides identity to + the other type in the relationship. + + + The name of the entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. + + An action that performs configuration of the relationship. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + Configures an index on the specified properties. If there is an existing index on the given + set of properties, then the existing index will be returned for configuration. + + The names of the properties that make up the index. + An object that can be used to configure the index. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or to fully configure + the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or to fully configure + the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The name of the entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a collection that contains + instances of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the collection navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a collection that contains + instances of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The name of the entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the collection navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + Configures the to be used for this entity type. + This strategy indicates how the context detects changes to properties for an instance of the entity type. + + The change tracking strategy to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the to use for all properties of this entity type. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found by convention or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. Calling this method will change that behavior + for all properties of this entity type as described in the enum. + + + Calling this method overrides for all properties of this entity type any access mode that was + set on the model. + + + The to use for properties of this entity type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures this entity to have seed data. It is used to generate data motion migrations. + + + An array of seed data of the same type as the entity we're building. + + An object that can be used to configure the model data. + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring an . + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The entity type being configured. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the entity type. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same typeBuilder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this entity in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The name of the base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this entity in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this entity in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the properties that make up the primary key for this entity type. + + + + A lambda expression representing the primary key property(s) (blog => blog.Url). + + + If the primary key is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including the + properties (post => new { post.Title, post.BlogId }). + + + An object that can be used to configure the primary key. + + + + Creates an alternate key in the model for this entity type if one does not already exist over the specified + properties. This will force the properties to be read-only. Use to specify uniqueness + in the model that does not force properties to be read-only. + + + + A lambda expression representing the key property(s) (blog => blog.Url). + + + If the key is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including + the properties (post => new { post.Title, post.BlogId }). + + + An object that can be used to configure the key. + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the entity type. + If the specified property is not already part of the model, it will be added. + + + A lambda expression representing the property to be configured ( + blog => blog.Url). + + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + Excludes the given property from the entity type. This method is typically used to remove properties + from the entity type that were added by convention. + + + A lambda expression representing the property to be ignored + (blog => blog.Url). + + + + + Excludes the given property from the entity type. This method is typically used to remove properties + from the entity type that were added by convention. + + The name of then property to be removed from the entity type. + + + + Specifies a LINQ predicate expression that will automatically be applied to any queries targeting + this entity type. + + The LINQ predicate expression. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures an index on the specified properties. If there is an existing index on the given + set of properties, then the existing index will be returned for configuration. + + + + A lambda expression representing the property(s) to be included in the index + (blog => blog.Url). + + + If the index is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including the + properties (post => new { post.Title, post.BlogId }). + + + An object that can be used to configure the index. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + A lambda expression representing the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents + the relationship (customer => customer.Address). + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + A lambda expression representing the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents + the relationship (customer => customer.Address). + + An action that performs configuration of the relationship. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + A lambda expression representing the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents + the relationship (post => post.Blog). If no property is specified, the relationship will be + configured without a navigation property on this end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a collection that contains + instances of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + A lambda expression representing the collection navigation property on this entity type that represents + the relationship (blog => blog.Posts). If no property is specified, the relationship will be + configured without a navigation property on this end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a collection that contains + instances of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the collection navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + Configures the to be used for this entity type. + This strategy indicates how the context detects changes to properties for an instance of the entity type. + + The change tracking strategy to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the to use for all properties of this entity type. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found by convention or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. Calling this method will change that behavior + for all properties of this entity type as described in the enum. + + + Calling this method overrides for all properties of this entity type any access mode that was + set on the model. + + + The to use for properties of this entity type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures this entity to have seed data. It is used to generate data motion migrations. + + + An array of seed data. + + An object that can be used to configure the model data. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring an . + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The internal builder being used to configure the index. + + + + + The index being configured. + + + + + The model that the index belongs to. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the index. If an annotation with the key specified in + + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures whether this index is unique (i.e. the value(s) for each instance must be unique). + + A value indicating whether this index is unique. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a . + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The internal builder being used to configure the key. + + + + + The key being configured. + + + + + The model that the key belongs to. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the key. If an annotation with the key specified in + + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The entity type being configured. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a . + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The internal builder being used to configure the property. + + + + + The property being configured. + + + + + The model that the property belongs to. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the property. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures whether this property must have a value assigned or whether null is a valid value. + A property can only be configured as non-required if it is based on a CLR type that can be + assigned null. + + A value indicating whether the property is required. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the maximum length of data that can be stored in this property. + Maximum length can only be set on array properties (including properties). + + The maximum length of data allowed in the property. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property as capable of persisting unicode characters or not. + Can only be set on properties. + + A value indicating whether the property can contain unicode characters or not. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property as and + . + + + Database providers can choose to interpret this in different way, but it is commonly used + to indicate some form of automatic row-versioning as used for optimistic concurrency detection. + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the that will generate values for this property. + + + Values are generated when the entity is added to the context using, for example, + . Values are generated only when the property is assigned + the CLR default value (null for string, 0 for int, Guid.Empty for Guid, etc.). + + + A single instance of this type will be created and used to generate values for this property in all + instances of the entity type. The type must be instantiable and have a parameterless constructor. + + + This method is intended for use with custom value generation. Value generation for common cases is + usually handled automatically by the database provider. + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the that will generate values for this property. + + + Values are generated when the entity is added to the context using, for example, + . Values are generated only when the property is assigned + the CLR default value (null for string, 0 for int, Guid.Empty for Guid, etc.). + + + A single instance of this type will be created and used to generate values for this property in all + instances of the entity type. The type must be instantiable and have a parameterless constructor. + + + This method is intended for use with custom value generation. Value generation for common cases is + usually handled automatically by the database provider. + + + Setting null does not disable value generation for this property, it just clears any generator explicitly + configured for this property. The database provider may still have a value generator for the property type. + + + A type that inherits from + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures a factory for creating a to use to generate values + for this property. + + + Values are generated when the entity is added to the context using, for example, + . Values are generated only when the property is assigned + the CLR default value (null for string, 0 for int, Guid.Empty for Guid, etc.). + + + This factory will be invoked once to create a single instance of the value generator, and + this will be used to generate values for this property in all instances of the entity type. + + + This method is intended for use with custom value generation. Value generation for common cases is + usually handled automatically by the database provider. + + + A delegate that will be used to create value generator instances. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures whether this property should be used as a concurrency token. When a property is configured + as a concurrency token the value in the database will be checked when an instance of this entity type + is updated or deleted during to ensure it has not changed since + the instance was retrieved from the database. If it has changed, an exception will be thrown and the + changes will not be applied to the database. + + A value indicating whether this property is a concurrency token. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures a property to never have a value generated by the database when an instance of this + entity type is saved. + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + Note that values may still be generated by a client-side value generator, if one is set explicitly or by a convention. + + + + + Configures a property to have a value generated only when saving a new entity, unless a non-null, + non-temporary value has been set, in which case the set value will be saved instead. The value + may be generated by a client-side value generator or may be generated by the database as part + of saving the entity. + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures a property to have a value generated when saving a new or existing entity. + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures a property to have a value generated when saving an existing entity. + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the backing field to use for this property. + + + Backing fields are normally found by convention as described + here: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=723277. + This method is useful for setting backing fields explicitly in cases where the + correct field is not found by convention. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. This can be changed by calling + . + + + The field name. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the to use for this property. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found by convention or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. Calling this method will change that behavior + for this property as described in the enum. + + + Calling this method overrides for this property any access mode that was set on the + entity type or model. + + + The to use for this property. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property so that the property value is converted to the given type before + writing to the database and converted back when reading from the database. + + The type to convert to and from. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property so that the property value is converted to the given type before + writing to the database and converted back when reading from the database. + + The type to convert to and from. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property so that the property value is converted to and from the database + using the given . + + The converter to use. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a . + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the property. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures whether this property must have a value assigned or whether null is a valid value. + A property can only be configured as non-required if it is based on a CLR type that can be + assigned null. + + A value indicating whether the property is required. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the maximum length of data that can be stored in this property. + Maximum length can only be set on array properties (including properties). + + The maximum length of data allowed in the property. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property as capable of persisting unicode characters or not. + Can only be set on properties. + + A value indicating whether the property can contain unicode characters or not. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property as and + . + + + Database providers can choose to interpret this in different way, but it is commonly used + to indicate some form of automatic row-versioning as used for optimistic concurrency detection. + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the that will generate values for this property. + + + Values are generated when the entity is added to the context using, for example, + . Values are generated only when the property is assigned + the CLR default value (null for string, 0 for int, Guid.Empty for Guid, etc.). + + + A single instance of this type will be created and used to generate values for this property in all + instances of the entity type. The type must be instantiable and have a parameterless constructor. + + + This method is intended for use with custom value generation. Value generation for common cases is + usually handled automatically by the database provider. + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the that will generate values for this property. + + + Values are generated when the entity is added to the context using, for example, + . Values are generated only when the property is assigned + the CLR default value (null for string, 0 for int, Guid.Empty for Guid, etc.). + + + A single instance of this type will be created and used to generate values for this property in all + instances of the entity type. The type must be instantiable and have a parameterless constructor. + + + This method is intended for use with custom value generation. Value generation for common cases is + usually handled automatically by the database provider. + + + Setting null does not disable value generation for this property, it just clears any generator explicitly + configured for this property. The database provider may still have a value generator for the property type. + + + A type that inherits from + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures a factory for creating a to use to generate values + for this property. + + + Values are generated when the entity is added to the context using, for example, + . Values are generated only when the property is assigned + the CLR default value (null for string, 0 for int, Guid.Empty for Guid, etc.). + + + This factory will be invoked once to create a single instance of the value generator, and + this will be used to generate values for this property in all instances of the entity type. + + + This method is intended for use with custom value generation. Value generation for common cases is + usually handled automatically by the database provider. + + + A delegate that will be used to create value generator instances. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures whether this property should be used as a concurrency token. When a property is configured + as a concurrency token the value in the database will be checked when an instance of this entity type + is updated or deleted during to ensure it has not changed since + the instance was retrieved from the database. If it has changed, an exception will be thrown and the + changes will not be applied to the database. + + A value indicating whether this property is a concurrency token. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures a property to never have a value generated when an instance of this + entity type is saved. + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + Note that temporary values may still be generated for use internally before a + new entity is saved. + + + + + Configures a property to have a value generated only when saving a new entity, unless a non-null, + non-temporary value has been set, in which case the set value will be saved instead. The value + may be generated by a client-side value generator or may be generated by the database as part + of saving the entity. + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures a property to have a value generated when saving a new or existing entity. + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures a property to have a value generated when saving an existing entity. + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the backing field to use for this property. + + + Backing fields are normally found by convention as described + here: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=723277. + This method is useful for setting backing fields explicitly in cases where the + correct field is not found by convention. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. This can be changed by calling + . + + + The field name. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property so that the property value is converted to the given type before + writing to the database and converted back when reading from the database. + + The type to convert to and from. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property so that the property value is converted to the given type before + writing to the database and converted back when reading from the database. + + The type to convert to and from. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property so that the property value is converted to and from the database + using the given conversion expressions. + + The store type generated by the conversions. + An expression to convert objects when writing data to the store. + An expression to convert objects when reading data from the store. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property so that the property value is converted to and from the database + using the given . + + The store type generated by the converter. + The converter to use. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property so that the property value is converted to and from the database + using the given . + + The converter to use. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the to use for this property. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found by convention or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. Calling this method will change that behavior + for this property as described in the enum. + + + Calling this method overrides for this property any access mode that was set on the + entity type or model. + + + The to use for this property. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a query type. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The query type being configured. + + + + + The model that the query type belongs to. + + + + + Gets the internal builder being used to configure the query type. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the query type. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this query type in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The name of the base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this query type in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the query type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property, if a property with the same name exists in the query type class + then it will be added to the model. If no property exists in the query type class, then + a new shadow state property will be added. A shadow state property is one that does not have a + corresponding property in the query type class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances of the query type class. + + + The type of the property to be configured. + The name of the property to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the query type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property, if a property with the same name exists in the query type class + then it will be added to the model. If no property exists in the query type class, then + a new shadow state property will be added. A shadow state property is one that does not have a + corresponding property in the query type class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances of the query type class. + + + The type of the property to be configured. + The name of the property to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the query type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property with this overload the property name must match the + name of a CLR property or field on the query type. This overload cannot be used to + add a new shadow state property. + + + The name of the property to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + Excludes the given property from the query type. This method is typically used to remove properties + from the query type that were added by convention. + + The name of then property to be removed from the query type. + + + + Specifies a LINQ predicate expression that will automatically be applied to any queries targeting + this query type. + + The LINQ predicate expression. + An object that can be used to configure the query type. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this query type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or to fully configure + the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The query type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this query type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this query type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or to fully configure + the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The name of the query type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this query type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Sets the to use for all properties of this query type. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found by convention or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. Calling this method will change that behavior + for all properties of this query type as described in the enum. + + + Calling this method overrrides for all properties of this query type any access mode that was + set on the model. + + + The to use for properties of this query type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring an . + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The query type being configured. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the query type. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same typeBuilder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this query type in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The name of the base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this query type in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this query type in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the query type. + If the specified property is not already part of the model, it will be added. + + + A lambda expression representing the property to be configured ( + blog => blog.Url). + + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + Excludes the given property from the query type. This method is typically used to remove properties + from the query type that were added by convention. + + + A lambda expression representing the property to be ignored + (blog => blog.Url). + + + + + Excludes the given property from the query type. This method is typically used to remove properties + from the query type that were added by convention. + + The name of then property to be removed from the query type. + + + + Specifies a LINQ predicate expression that will automatically be applied to any queries targeting + this query type. + + The LINQ predicate expression. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures a query used to provide data for a query type. + + The query that will provider the underlying data for the query type. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this query type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The query type that this relationship targets. + + A lambda expression representing the reference navigation property on this query type that represents + the relationship (post => post.Blog). If no property is specified, the relationship will be + configured without a navigation property on this end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Sets the to use for all properties of this query type. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found by convention or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. Calling this method will change that behavior + for all properties of this query type as described in the enum. + + + Calling this method overrrides for all properties of this query type any access mode that was + set on the model. + + + The to use for properties of this query type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a one-to-many relationship. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The foreign key that represents this relationship. + + + + + The model that this relationship belongs to. + + + + + Gets the internal builder being used to configure this relationship. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the relationship. If an annotation with the key specified in + + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one that does not + have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to match + the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The name(s) of the foreign key property(s). + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + The name(s) of the reference key property(s). + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Configures whether this is a required relationship (i.e. whether the foreign key property(s) can + be assigned null). + + A value indicating whether this is a required relationship. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures how a delete operation is applied to dependent entities in the relationship when the + principal is deleted or the relationship is severed. + + The action to perform. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a one-to-many relationship. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The principal entity type in this relationship. + The dependent entity type in this relationship. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If is not specified, then + an attempt will be made to match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the + primary key of the principal entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that + form a unique index will be added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + A shadow state property is one that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The + current value for the property is stored in the rather than being + stored in instances of the entity class. + + + + + A lambda expression representing the foreign key property(s) (post => post.BlogId). + + + If the foreign key is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including the + properties (comment => new { comment.BlogId, comment.PostTitle }). The order specified should match the order of + corresponding keys in . + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + + + A lambda expression representing the reference key property(s) (blog => blog.BlogId). + + + If the principal key is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including + the properties (post => new { post.BlogId, post.PostTitle }). + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the relationship. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match + the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The name(s) of the foreign key property(s). + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + The name(s) of the reference key property(s). + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures whether this is a required relationship (i.e. whether the foreign key property(s) can + be assigned null). + + A value indicating whether this is a required relationship. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures how a delete operation is applied to dependent entities in the relationship when the + principal is deleted or the relationship is severed. + + The action to perform. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a relationship where configuration began on + an end of the relationship with a reference that points to an instance of another entity type. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets the internal builder being used to configure the relationship. + + + + + + Configures this as a one-to-many relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + + The name of the collection navigation property on the other end of this relationship. + If null or not specified, there is no navigation property on the other end of the relationship. + + An object to further configure the relationship. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Configures this as a one-to-one relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + + The name of the reference navigation property on the other end of this relationship. + If null or not specified, there is no navigation property on the other end of the relationship. + + An object to further configure the relationship. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a relationship where configuration began on an end of the + relationship with a reference that points to an instance of another entity type. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The entity type to be configured. + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Configures this as a one-to-many relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + + A lambda expression representing the collection navigation property on the other end of this + relationship (blog => blog.Posts). If no property is specified, the relationship will be + configured without a navigation property on the other end of the relationship. + + An object to further configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures this as a one-to-one relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + + A lambda expression representing the reference navigation property on the other end of this + relationship (blog => blog.BlogInfo). If no property is specified, the relationship will be + configured without a navigation property on the other end of the relationship. + + An object to further configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures this as a one-to-many relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + + The name of the collection navigation property on the other end of this relationship. + If null or not specified, there is no navigation property on the other end of the relationship. + + An object to further configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures this as a one-to-many relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + + The name of the reference navigation property on the other end of this relationship. + If null or not specified, there is no navigation property on the other end of the relationship. + + An object to further configure the relationship. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a one-to-one ownership. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets the internal builder being used to configure the entity type. + + + + + The entity type being configured. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the foreign key. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The name(s) of the foreign key property(s). + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + + + If multiple principal key properties are specified, the order of principal key properties should + match the order that the primary key or unique constraint properties were configured on the principal + entity type. + + + The name(s) of the reference key property(s). + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures how a delete operation is applied to dependent entities in the relationship when the + principal is deleted or the relationship is severed. + + The action to perform. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the entity type. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the entity type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property, if a property with the same name exists in the entity class + then it will be added to the model. If no property exists in the entity class, then + a new shadow state property will be added. A shadow state property is one that does not have a + corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances of the entity class. + + + The type of the property to be configured. + The name of the property to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the entity type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property, if a property with the same name exists in the entity class + then it will be added to the model. If no property exists in the entity class, then + a new shadow state property will be added. A shadow state property is one that does not have a + corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances of the entity class. + + + The type of the property to be configured. + The name of the property to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the entity type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property with this overload the property name must match the + name of a CLR property or field on the entity type. This overload cannot be used to + add a new shadow state property. + + + The name of the property to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + Excludes the given property from the entity type. This method is typically used to remove properties + from the entity type that were added by convention. + + The name of then property to be removed from the entity type. + + + + Configures an index on the specified properties. If there is an existing index on the given + set of properties, then the existing index will be returned for configuration. + + The names of the properties that make up the index. + An object that can be used to configure the index. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The name of the entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. + + An action that performs configuration of the relationship. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The name of the entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. + + An action that performs configuration of the relationship. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or to fully configure + the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or to fully configure + the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The name of the entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a collection that contains + instances of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the collection navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a collection that contains + instances of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The name of the entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the collection navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + Configures the to be used for this entity type. + This strategy indicates how the context detects changes to properties for an instance of the entity type. + + The change tracking strategy to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the to use for all properties of this entity type. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found by convention or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. Calling this method will change that behavior + for all properties of this entity type as described in the enum. + + + Calling this method overrides for all properties of this entity type any access mode that was + set on the model. + + + The to use for properties of this entity type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures this entity to have seed data. It is used to generate data motion migrations. + + + An array of seed data of the same type as the entity we're building. + + An object that can be used to configure the model data. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a one-to-one ownership. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the foreign key. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The name(s) of the foreign key property(s). + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + + A lambda expression representing the foreign key property(s) (t => t.Id1). + + + If the foreign key is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including the + properties (t => new { t.Id1, t.Id2 }). The order specified should match the order of + corresponding keys in . + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + + + If multiple principal key properties are specified, the order of principal key properties should + match the order that the primary key or unique constraint properties were configured on the principal + entity type. + + + The name(s) of the reference key property(s). + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + + + If multiple principal key properties are specified, the order of principal key properties should + match the order that the primary key or unique constraint properties were configured on the principal + entity type. + + + + + A lambda expression representing the reference key property(s) (t => t.Id). + + + If the principal key is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including + the properties (t => new { t.Id1, t.Id2 }). + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures how a delete operation is applied to dependent entities in the relationship when the + principal is deleted or the relationship is severed. + + The action to perform. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the entity type. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the entity type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property, if a property with the same name exists in the entity class + then it will be added to the model. If no property exists in the entity class, then + a new shadow state property will be added. A shadow state property is one that does not have a + corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances of the entity class. + + + The type of the property to be configured. + + A lambda expression representing the property to be configured ( + blog => blog.Url). + + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + Excludes the given property from the entity type. This method is typically used to remove properties + from the entity type that were added by convention. + + The name of then property to be removed from the entity type. + + + + Excludes the given property from the entity type. This method is typically used to remove properties + from the entity type that were added by convention. + + + A lambda expression representing the property to be ignored + (blog => blog.Url). + + + + + Configures an index on the specified properties. If there is an existing index on the given + set of properties, then the existing index will be returned for configuration. + + + + A lambda expression representing the property(s) to be included in the index + (blog => blog.Url). + + + If the index is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including the + properties (post => new { post.Title, post.BlogId }). + + + An object that can be used to configure the index. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + A lambda expression representing the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents + the relationship (customer => customer.Address). + + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + A lambda expression representing the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents + the relationship (customer => customer.Address). + + An action that performs configuration of the relationship. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + A lambda expression representing the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents + the relationship (post => post.Blog). If no property is specified, the relationship will be + configured without a navigation property on this end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a collection that contains + instances of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + A lambda expression representing the collection navigation property on this entity type that represents + the relationship (blog => blog.Posts). If no property is specified, the relationship will be + configured without a navigation property on this end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + Configures the to be used for this entity type. + This strategy indicates how the context detects changes to properties for an instance of the entity type. + + The change tracking strategy to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the to use for all properties of this entity type. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found by convention or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. Calling this method will change that behavior + for all properties of this entity type as described in the enum. + + + Calling this method overrides for all properties of this entity type any access mode that was + set on the model. + + + The to use for properties of this entity type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures this entity to have seed data. It is used to generate data motion migrations. + + + An array of seed data. + + An object that can be used to configure the model data. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a one-to-one relationship. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the relationship. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The entity type that is the dependent in this relationship (the type that has the foreign key + properties). + + + The name(s) of the foreign key property(s). + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The name of the entity type that is the dependent in this relationship (the type that has the foreign + key properties). + + + The name(s) of the foreign key property(s). + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + + If multiple principal key properties are specified, the order of principal key properties should + match the order that the primary key or unique constraint properties were configured on the principal + entity type. + + + The entity type that is the principal in this relationship (the type + that has the reference key properties). + + The name(s) of the reference key property(s). + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + + If multiple principal key properties are specified, the order of principal key properties should + match the order that the primary key or unique constraint properties were configured on the principal + entity type. + + + The name of the entity type that is the principal in this relationship (the type + that has the reference key properties). + + The name(s) of the reference key property(s). + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Configures whether this is a required relationship (i.e. whether the foreign key property(s) can + be assigned null). + + A value indicating whether this is a required relationship. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures how a delete operation is applied to dependent entities in the relationship when the + principal is deleted or the relationship is severed. + + The action to perform. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets the first entity type used to configure this relationship. + + + + + Gets the second entity type used to configure this relationship. + + + + + Gets the internal builder being used to configure this relationship. + + + + + Gets the internal builder being used to configure this relationship. + + + + + The foreign key that represents this relationship. + + + + + The model that this relationship belongs to. + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a one-to-one relationship. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the relationship. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The entity type that is the dependent in this relationship (the type that has the foreign key + properties). + + + The name(s) of the foreign key property(s). + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The entity type that is the dependent in this relationship (the type that has the foreign key + properties). + + + The name(s) of the foreign key property(s). + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + + If multiple principal key properties are specified, the order of principal key properties should + match the order that the primary key or unique constraint properties were configured on the principal + entity type. + + + The entity type that is the principal in this relationship (the type + that has the reference key properties). + + The name(s) of the reference key property(s). + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + + The entity type that is the principal in this relationship (the type + that has the reference key properties). + + The name(s) of the reference key property(s). + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The name of entity type that is the dependent in this relationship (the type that has the foreign key + properties). + + + The name(s) of the foreign key property(s). + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint + will be introduced. + + + If multiple principal key properties are specified, the order of principal key properties should + match the order that the primary key or unique constraint properties were configured on the principal + entity type. + + + The name of entity type that is the principal in this relationship (the type + that has the reference key properties). + + The name(s) of the reference key property(s). + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The entity type that is the dependent in this relationship. That is, the type + that has the foreign key properties. + + + + A lambda expression representing the foreign key property(s) (t => t.Id1). + + + If the foreign key is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including the + properties (t => new { t.Id1, t.Id2 }). The order specified should match the order of + corresponding keys in . + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + + If multiple principal key properties are specified, the order of principal key properties should + match the order that the primary key or unique constraint properties were configured on the principal + entity type. + + + The entity type that is the principal in this relationship. That is, the type + that has the reference key properties. + + + + A lambda expression representing the reference key property(s) (t => t.Id). + + + If the principal key is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including + the properties (t => new { t.Id1, t.Id2 }). + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures whether this is a required relationship (i.e. whether the foreign key property(s) can + be assigned null). + + A value indicating whether this is a required relationship. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures how a delete operation is applied to dependent entities in the relationship when the + principal is deleted or the relationship is severed. + + The action to perform. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Base implementation for a set of conventions used to build a model. This base implementation is an empty set of conventions. + + + + + Conventions to run when an entity type is added to the model. + + + + + Conventions to run when an entity type is ignored. + + + + + Conventions to run when an entity type is removed. + + + + + Conventions to run when a property is ignored. + + + + + Conventions to run when the base entity type is changed. + + + + + Conventions to run when an annotation is set or removed on an entity type. + + + + + Conventions to run when an annotation is set or removed on a model. + + + + + Conventions to run when a foreign key is added. + + + + + Conventions to run when a foreign key is removed. + + + + + Conventions to run when a key is added. + + + + + Conventions to run when a key is removed. + + + + + Conventions to run when a primary key is changed. + + + + + Conventions to run when an index is added. + + + + + Conventions to run when an index is removed. + + + + + Conventions to run when the uniqueness of an index is changed. + + + + + Conventions to run when an annotation is changed on an index. + + + + + Conventions to run when the principal end of a relationship is configured. + + + + + Conventions to run when model building is completed. + + + + + Conventions to run to setup the initial model. + + + + + Conventions to run when a navigation property is added. + + + + + Conventions to run when a navigation property is removed. + + + + + Conventions to run when the uniqueness of a foreign key is changed. + + + + + Conventions to run when the ownership of a foreign key is changed. + + + + + Conventions to run when a property is added. + + + + + Conventions to run when the nullability of a property is changed. + + + + + Conventions to run when the field of a property is changed. + + + + + Conventions to run when an annotation is changed on a property. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Parameter object containing service dependencies. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Indicates whether the specified property can have the value generated by the store or by a non-temporary value generator + when not set. + + The key property that might be store generated. + A value indicating whether the specified property should have the value generated by the sto + + + + Represents an entity type in an . + + + + + Gets the base type of the entity. Returns null if this is not a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy. + + + + + Gets the name of the defining navigation. + + + + + Gets the defining entity type. + + + + + Gets the LINQ expression filter automatically applied to queries for this entity type. + + + + + Gets the LINQ query used as the default source for queries of this type. + + + + + Gets whether this entity type is a query type. + + true if the entity type is a query type; otherwise false. + + + + + Gets primary key for this entity. Returns null if no primary key is defined. + + + To be a valid model, each entity type must have a primary key defined. Therefore, the primary key may be + null while the model is being created, but will be present by the time the model is used with a . + + + The primary key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Gets the primary or alternate key that is defined on the given properties. Returns null if no key is defined + for the given properties. + + The properties that make up the key. + The key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Gets the primary and alternate keys for this entity. + + The primary and alternate keys. + + + + Gets the foreign key for the given properties that points to a given primary or alternate key. Returns null + if no foreign key is found. + + The properties that the foreign key is defined on. + The primary or alternate key that is referenced. + + The entity type that the relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the key is defined on the + base type of the hierarchy). + + The foreign key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Gets the foreign keys defined on this entity. + + The foreign keys defined on this entity. + + + + Gets the index defined on the given properties. Returns null if no index is defined. + + The properties to find the index on. + The index, or null if none is found. + + + + Gets the indexes defined on this entity. + + The indexes defined on this entity. + + + + + Gets the property with a given name. Returns null if no property with the given name is defined. + + + This API only finds scalar properties and does not find navigation properties. Use + to find a navigation property. + + + The name of the property. + The property, or null if none is found. + + + + + Gets the properties defined on this entity. + + + This API only returns scalar properties and does not return navigation properties. Use + to get navigation properties. + + + The properties defined on this entity. + + + + + Gets the with a given name. Returns null if no property with the given name is defined. + + + This API only finds service properties and does not find scalar or navigation properties. + + + The name of the property. + The service property, or null if none is found. + + + + + Gets all the defined on this entity. + + + This API only returns service properties and does not return scalar or navigation properties. + + + The service properties defined on this entity. + + + + Represents a relationship where a foreign key property(s) in a dependent entity type + reference a corresponding primary or alternate key in a principal entity type. + + + + + Gets the dependent entity type. This may be different from the type that + are defined on when the relationship is defined a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the properties + may be defined on a base type). + + + + + Gets the foreign key properties in the dependent entity. + + + + + Gets the principal entity type that this relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance + hierarchy (since the key is defined on the base type of the hierarchy). + + + + + Gets the primary or alternate key that the relationship targets. + + + + + Gets the navigation property on the dependent entity type that points to the principal entity. + + + + + Gets the navigation property on the principal entity type that points to the dependent entity. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the values assigned to the foreign key properties are unique. + + + + + Gets a value indicating if this relationship is required. If true, the dependent entity must always be + assigned to a valid principal entity. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether this relationship defines ownership. If true, the dependent entity must always be + accessed via the navigation from the principal entity. + + + + + Gets a value indicating how a delete operation is applied to dependent entities in the relationship when the + principal is deleted or the relationship is severed. + + + + + Represents an index on a set of properties. + + + + + Gets the properties that this index is defined on. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the values assigned to the indexed properties are unique. + + + + + Gets the entity type the index is defined on. This may be different from the type that + are defined on when the index is defined a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the properties + may be defined on a base type). + + + + + Represents a primary or alternate key on an entity. + + + + + Gets the properties that make up the key. + + + + + Gets the entity type the key is defined on. This may be different from the type that + are defined on when the key is defined a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the properties + may be defined on a base type). + + + + + Metadata about the shape of entities, the relationships between them, and how they map to the database. A model is typically + created by overriding the method on a derived context, or + using . + + + + + Gets all entity types defined in the model. + + All entity types defined in the model. + + + + Gets the entity type with the given name. Returns null if no entity type with the given name is found + or the entity type has a defining navigation. + + The name of the entity type to find. + The entity type, or null if none are found. + + + + Gets the entity type for the given name, defining navigation name + and the defining entity type. Returns null if no matching entity type is found. + + The name of the entity type to find. + The defining navigation of the entity type to find. + The defining entity type of the entity type to find. + The entity type, or null if none are found. + + + + + A class that exposes annotations that can be modified. Annotations allow for arbitrary metadata to be + stored on an object. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the annotation with the given name. + + The key of the annotation. + + The value of the existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists. Otherwise, null. + + + + + Gets all annotations on the current object. + + + + + Adds an annotation to this object. Throws if an annotation with the specified name already exists. + + The key of the annotation to be added. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The newly added annotation. + + + + Sets the annotation stored under the given key. Overwrites the existing annotation if an + annotation with the specified name already exists. + + The ket of the annotation to be added. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + + + + Gets the annotation with the given name, returning null if it does not exist. + + The key of the annotation to find. + + The existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists. Otherwise, null. + + + + + Removes the given annotation from this object. + + The annotation to remove. + The annotation that was removed. + + + + + Represents an entity in an . + + + This interface is used during model creation and allows the metadata to be modified. + Once the model is built, represents a ready-only view of the same metadata. + + + + + + Gets the model this entity belongs to. + + + + + Gets or sets the base type of the entity. Returns null if this is not a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy. + + + + + Gets or sets the LINQ expression filter automatically applied to queries for this entity type. + + + + + Gets or sets whether this entity type is a query type. + + true if the entity type is a query type; otherwise false. + + + + Gets the LINQ query used as the default source for queries of this type. + + + + + Sets the primary key for this entity. + + The properties that make up the primary key. + The newly created key. + + + + + Gets primary key for this entity. Returns null if no primary key is defined. + + + To be a valid model, each entity type must have a primary key defined. Therefore, the primary key may be + null while the model is being created, but will be present by the time the model is used with a . + + + The primary key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Adds a new alternate key to this entity type. + + The properties that make up the alternate key. + The newly created key. + + + + Gets the primary or alternate key that is defined on the given properties. Returns null if no key is defined + for the given properties. + + The properties that make up the key. + The key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Gets the primary and alternate keys for this entity. + + The primary and alternate keys. + + + + Removes a primary or alternate key from this entity. + + The properties that make up the key. + The key that was removed. + + + + Adds a new relationship to this entity. + + The properties that the foreign key is defined on. + The primary or alternate key that is referenced. + + The entity type that the relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the key is defined on the + base type of the hierarchy). + + The newly created foreign key. + + + + Gets the foreign key for the given properties that points to a given primary or alternate key. Returns null + if no foreign key is found. + + The properties that the foreign key is defined on. + The primary or alternate key that is referenced. + + The entity type that the relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the key is defined on the + base type of the hierarchy). + + The foreign key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Gets the foreign keys defined on this entity. + + The foreign keys defined on this entity. + + + + Removes a relationship from this entity. + + The properties that the foreign key is defined on. + The primary or alternate key that is referenced. + + The entity type that the relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the key is defined on the + base type of the hierarchy). + + The foreign key that was removed. + + + + Adds an index to this entity. + + The properties that are to be indexed. + The newly created index. + + + + Gets the index defined on the given properties. Returns null if no index is defined. + + The properties to find the index on. + The index, or null if none is found. + + + + Gets the indexes defined on this entity. + + The indexes defined on this entity. + + + + Removes an index from this entity. + + The properties that make up the index. + The index that was removed. + + + + Adds a property to this entity. + + The name of the property to add. + The type of value the property will hold. + The newly created property. + + + + + Gets the property with a given name. Returns null if no property with the given name is defined. + + + This API only finds scalar properties and does not find navigation properties. Use + to find + a navigation property. + + + The name of the property. + The property, or null if none is found. + + + + + Gets the properties defined on this entity. + + + This API only returns scalar properties and does not return navigation properties. Use + to get navigation + properties. + + + The properties defined on this entity. + + + + Removes a property from this entity. + + The name of the property to remove. + The property that was removed. + + + + Adds a to this entity. + + The or of the property to add. + The newly created property. + + + + + Gets the with a given name. Returns null if no property with the given name is defined. + + + This API only finds service properties and does not find scalar or navigation properties. + + + The name of the property. + The service property, or null if none is found. + + + + + Gets all the defined on this entity. + + + This API only returns service properties and does not return scalar or navigation properties. + + + The service properties defined on this entity. + + + + Removes an from this entity. + + The name of the property to remove. + The property that was removed. + + + + + Represents a relationship where a foreign key property(s) in a dependent entity type + reference a corresponding primary or alternate key in a principal entity type. + + + This interface is used during model creation and allows the metadata to be modified. + Once the model is built, represents a ready-only view of the same metadata. + + + + + + Gets the foreign key properties in the dependent entity. + + + + + Gets the primary or alternate key that the relationship targets. + + + + + Gets the dependent entity type. This may be different from the type that + are defined on when the relationship is defined a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the properties + may be defined on a base type). + + + + + Gets the principal entity type that this relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance + hierarchy (since the key is defined on the base type of the hierarchy). + + + + + Gets the navigation property on the dependent entity type that points to the principal entity. + + + + + Gets the navigation property on the principal entity type that points to the dependent entity. + + + + + Sets the navigation property on the dependent entity type that points to the principal entity. + + + The name of the navigation property on the dependent type. Passing null will result in there being + no navigation property defined. + + The newly created navigation property. + + + + Sets the navigation property on the dependent entity type that points to the principal entity. + + + The navigation property on the dependent type. Passing null will result in there being + no navigation property defined. + + The newly created navigation property. + + + + Sets the navigation property on the principal entity type that points to the dependent entity. + + + The name of the navigation property on the principal type. Passing null will result in there being + no navigation property defined. + + The newly created navigation property. + + + + Sets the navigation property on the principal entity type that points to the dependent entity. + + + The name of the navigation property on the principal type. Passing null will result in there being + no navigation property defined. + + The newly created navigation property. + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether the values assigned to the foreign key properties are unique. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether this relationship is required. If true, the dependent entity must always be + assigned to a valid principal entity. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether this relationship defines ownership. If true, the dependent entity must always be + accessed via the navigation from the principal entity. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating how a delete operation is applied to dependent entities in the relationship when the + principal is deleted or the relationship is severed. + + + + + + Represents an index on a set of properties. + + + This interface is used during model creation and allows the metadata to be modified. + Once the model is built, represents a ready-only view of the same metadata. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether the values assigned to the indexed properties are unique. + + + + + Gets the properties that this index is defined on. + + + + + Gets the entity type the index is defined on. This may be different from the type that + are defined on when the index is defined a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the properties + may be defined on a base type). + + + + + + Represents a primary or alternate key on an entity. + + + This interface is used during model creation and allows the metadata to be modified. + Once the model is built, represents a ready-only view of the same metadata. + + + + + + Gets the properties that make up the key. + + + + + Gets the entity type the key is defined on. This may be different from the type that + are defined on when the key is defined a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the properties + may be defined on a base type). + + + + + + Metadata about the shape of entities, the relationships between them, and how they map to the database. A model is typically + created by overriding the method on a derived context, or + using . + + + This interface is used during model creation and allows the metadata to be modified. + Once the model is built, represents a ready-only view of the same metadata. + + + + + + + Adds a shadow state entity type to the model. + + + Shadow entities are not currently supported in a model that is used at runtime with a . + Therefore, shadow state entity types will only exist in migration model snapshots, etc. + + + The name of the entity to be added. + The new entity type. + + + + Adds an entity type to the model. + + The CLR class that is used to represent instances of the entity type. + The new entity type. + + + + Adds an entity type with a defining navigation to the model. + + The name of the entity to be added. + The defining navigation. + The defining entity type. + The new entity type. + + + + Adds an entity type with a defining navigation to the model. + + The CLR class that is used to represent instances of this entity type. + The defining navigation. + The defining entity type. + The new entity type. + + + + Gets the entity with the given name. Returns null if no entity type with the given name is found + or the entity type has a defining navigation. + + The name of the entity type to find. + The entity type, or null if none are found. + + + + Gets the entity type for the given name, defining navigation name + and the defining entity type. Returns null if no matching entity type is found. + + The name of the entity type to find. + The defining navigation of the entity type to find. + The defining entity type of the entity type to find. + The entity type, or null if none are found. + + + + Removes an entity type without a defining navigation from the model. + + The name of the entity type to be removed. + The entity type that was removed. + + + + Removes an entity type with a defining navigation from the model. + + The name of the entity to be removed. + The defining navigation. + The defining entity type. + The entity type that was removed. + + + + Gets all entity types defined in the model. + + All entity types defined in the model. + + + + Adds a query type to the model. + + The CLR class that is used to represent instances of the query type. + The query type. + + + + + Represents a navigation property which can be used to navigate a relationship. + + + This interface is used during model creation and allows the metadata to be modified. + Once the model is built, represents a ready-only view of the same metadata. + + + + + + Gets the type that this property belongs to. + + + + + Gets the foreign key that defines the relationship this navigation property will navigate. + + + + + Determines whether this navigation should be eager loaded by default. + + + + + + Represents a scalar property of an entity. + + + This interface is used during model creation and allows the metadata to be modified. + Once the model is built, represents a ready-only view of the same metadata. + + + + + + Gets the type that this property belongs to. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether this property can contain null. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating when a value for this property will be generated by the database. Even when the + property is set to be generated by the database, EF may still attempt to save a specific value (rather than + having one generated by the database) when the entity is added and a value is assigned, or the property is + marked as modified for an existing entity. See and + for more information. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether or not this property can be modified before the entity is + saved to the database. + + + If , then an exception + will be thrown if a value is assigned to this property when it is in + the state. + + + If , then any value + set will be ignored when it is in the state. + + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether or not this property can be modified before the entity is + saved to the database. + + + If , then an exception + will be thrown if a new value is assigned to this property after the entity exists in the database. + + + If , then any modification to the + property value of an entity that already exists in the database will be ignored. + + + + + + This property is obsolete. Use instead. + + + + + This property is obsolete. Use instead. + + + + + This property is obsolete. Use or instead. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether this property is used as a concurrency token. When a property is configured + as a concurrency token the value in the database will be checked when an instance of this entity type + is updated or deleted during to ensure it has not changed since + the instance was retrieved from the database. If it has changed, an exception will be thrown and the + changes will not be applied to the database. + + + + + + Base type for navigation and scalar properties. + + + This interface is used during model creation and allows the metadata to be modified. + Once the model is built, represents a ready-only view of the same metadata. + + + + + + Gets the type that this property belongs to. + + + + + A in the Entity Framework model that represents an + injected service from the . + + + + + Gets the type that this property belongs to. + + + + + + Represents a type in an . + + + This interface is used during model creation and allows the metadata to be modified. + Once the model is built, represents a ready-only view of the same metadata. + + + + + + Gets the model that this type belongs to. + + + + + Represents a navigation property which can be used to navigate a relationship. + + + + + Gets the entity type that this property belongs to. + + + + + Gets the foreign key that defines the relationship this navigation property will navigate. + + + + + Determines whether this navigation should be eager loaded by default. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Runs the conventions when an annotation was set or removed. + + The key of the set annotation. + The annotation set. + The old annotation. + The annotation that was set. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Runs the conventions when an annotation was set or removed. + + The key of the set annotation. + The annotation set. + The old annotation. + The annotation that was set. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Runs the conventions when an annotation was set or removed. + + The key of the set annotation. + The annotation set. + The old annotation. + The annotation that was set. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Runs the conventions when an annotation was set or removed. + + The key of the set annotation. + The annotation set. + The old annotation. + The annotation that was set. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this property requires a to generate + values when new entities are added to the context. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Represents a scalar property of an entity. + + + + + Gets the entity type that this property belongs to. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this property can contain null. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether or not this property can be modified before the entity is + saved to the database. + + + If , then an exception + will be thrown if a value is assigned to this property when it is in + the state. + + + If , then any value + set will be ignored when it is in the state. + + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether or not this property can be modified after the entity is + saved to the database. + + + If , then an exception + will be thrown if a new value is assigned to this property after the entity exists in the database. + + + If , then any modification to the + property value of an entity that already exists in the database will be ignored. + + + + + + This property is obsolete. Use instead. + + + + + This property is obsolete. Use instead. + + + + + This property is obsolete. Use or instead. + + + + + Gets a value indicating when a value for this property will be generated by the database. Even when the + property is set to be generated by the database, EF may still attempt to save a specific value (rather than + having one generated by the database) when the entity is added and a value is assigned, or the property is + marked as modified for an existing entity. See and + for more information. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this property is used as a concurrency token. When a property is configured + as a concurrency token the value in the database will be checked when an instance of this entity type + is updated or deleted during to ensure it has not changed since + the instance was retrieved from the database. If it has changed, an exception will be thrown and the + changes will not be applied to the database. + + + + + Gets the type of value that this property holds. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this is a shadow property. A shadow property is one that does not have a + corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances of the entity class. + + + + + Base type for navigation and scalar properties. + + + + + Gets the name of the property. + + + + + Gets the type that this property belongs to. + + + + + Gets the type of value that this property holds. + + + + + Gets the for the underlying CLR property that this + object represents. This may be null for shadow properties or properties mapped directly to fields. + + + + + Gets the for the underlying CLR field that this + object represents. This may be null for shadow properties or if the backing field for the + property is not known. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this is a shadow property. A shadow property is one that does not have a + corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances of the entity class. + + + + + A in the Entity Framework model that represents an + injected service from the . + + + + + Gets the entity type that this property belongs to. + + + + + Represents a type in an . + + + + + Gets the model that this type belongs to. + + + + + Gets the name of this type. + + + + + + Gets the CLR class that is used to represent instances of this type. Returns null if the type does not have a + corresponding CLR class (known as a shadow type). + + + Shadow types are not currently supported in a model that is used at runtime with a . + Therefore, shadow types will only exist in migration model snapshots, etc. + + + + + + Indicates how changes to the value of a property will be handled by Entity Framework change tracking + which in turn will determine whether the value set is sent to the database or not. + Used with and + + + + + + The value set or changed will be sent to the database in the normal way. + + + + + Any value set or changed will be ignored. + + + + + If an explicit value is set or the value is changed, then an exception will be thrown. + + + + + + Creates instances of that have no conventions. This is useful when + Exhaustively configuring a model based on some existing metadata. + + + This is typically not used in application code since building a model by overriding + or using + directly is much easier. + + + + + + Creates an empty model with no conventions. All aspects of the model must be exhaustively configured. + + The newly created model. + + + + + Indicates when a value for a property will be generated by the database. + + + Even when a property is set to be generated by the database, EF may still attempt to save + a specific value (rather than having one generated by the database) when an entity is added + and a value is assigned, or the property is marked as modified for an existing entity. + See for more details. + + + + + + A value is never generated by the database. + + + + + A value is generated by the database when an entity is first added to the database. The most common + scenario for this is generated primary key values. + + + + + No value is generated when the entity is first added to the database, but a value will be read + from the database whenever the entity is subsequently updated. + + + + + A value is read from the database when the entity is first added and whenever the entity + is subsequently updated. This is typically used for computed columns and scenarios such as + rowversions, timestamps, etc. + + + + + + Provides a simple API surface for configuring a that defines the shape of your + entities, the relationships between them, and how they map to the database. + + + You can use to construct a model for a context by overriding + on your derived context. Alternatively you can create the + model externally and set it on a instance that is passed to the context constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class that will + apply a set of conventions. + + The conventions to be applied to the model. + + + + The model being configured. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the model. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + The internal being used to configure this model. + + + This property is intended for use by extension methods to configure the model. It is not intended to be used in + application code. + + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a given entity type in the model. + If the entity type is not already part of the model, it will be added to the model. + + The entity type to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a given entity type in the model. + If the entity type is not already part of the model, it will be added to the model. + + The entity type to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a given entity type in the model. + If an entity type with the provided name is not already part of the model, + a new entity type that does not have a corresponding CLR type will be added to the model. + + The name of the entity type to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + + Performs configuration of a given entity type in the model. If the entity type is not already part + of the model, it will be added to the model. + + + This overload allows configuration of the entity type to be done in line in the method call rather + than being chained after a call to . This allows additional + configuration at the model level to be chained after configuration for the entity type. + + + The entity type to be configured. + An action that performs configuration of the entity type. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + + Performs configuration of a given entity type in the model. If the entity type is not already part + of the model, it will be added to the model. + + + This overload allows configuration of the entity type to be done in line in the method call rather + than being chained after a call to . This allows additional + configuration at the model level to be chained after configuration for the entity type. + + + The entity type to be configured. + An action that performs configuration of the entity type. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + + Performs configuration of a given entity type in the model. + If an entity type with the provided name is not already part of the model, + a new entity type that does not have a corresponding CLR type will be added to the model. + + + This overload allows configuration of the entity type to be done in line in the method call rather + than being chained after a call to . This allows additional + configuration at the model level to be chained after configuration for the entity type. + + + The name of the entity type to be configured. + An action that performs configuration of the entity type. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a given query type in the model. + If the query type is not already part of the model, it will be added to the model. + + The query type to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the query type. + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a given query type in the model. + If the query type is not already part of the model, it will be added to the model. + + The query type to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the query type. + + + + + Performs configuration of a given query type in the model. If the query type is not already part + of the model, it will be added to the model. + + + This overload allows configuration of the query type to be done in line in the method call rather + than being chained after a call to . This allows additional + configuration at the model level to be chained after configuration for the query type. + + + The query type to be configured. + An action that performs configuration of the query type. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + + Performs configuration of a given query type in the model. If the query type is not already part + of the model, it will be added to the model. + + + This overload allows configuration of the query type to be done in line in the method call rather + than being chained after a call to . This allows additional + configuration at the model level to be chained after configuration for the query type. + + + The query type to be configured. + An action that performs configuration of the query type. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Excludes the given entity type from the model. This method is typically used to remove types from + the model that were added by convention. + + The entity type to be removed from the model. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Excludes the given entity type from the model. This method is typically used to remove types from + the model that were added by convention. + + The entity type to be removed from the model. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Applies configuration that is defined in an instance. + + The entity type to be configured. + The configuration to be applied. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Applies configuration that is defined in an instance. + + The query type to be configured. + The configuration to be applied. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Marks an entity type as owned. All references to this type will be configured as + separate owned type instances. + + The entity type to be configured. + + + + Marks an entity type as owned. All references to this type will be configured as + separate owned type instances. + + The entity type to be configured. + + + + Configures the default to be used for this model. + This strategy indicates how the context detects changes to properties for an instance of an entity type. + + The change tracking strategy to be used. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + + Sets the to use for all properties of this entity type. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found by convention or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. Calling this method will change that behavior + for all properties in the model as described in the enum. + + + The to use for properties of this model. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Pass a value from this enum to , + , or + to change whether the property + or backing field will be used when reading and writing to a property or field. + + + If no access mode is set, then the backing field for a property will be used if possible + when constructing new instances of the entity. The property getter or setter will be used, + if possible, for all other accesses of the property. Note that when it is not possible + to use the field because it could not be found by convention and was not specified using + , then the property will be used instead. Likewise, + when it is not possible to use the property getter or setter, for example when the + property is read-only, then the field will be used instead. + + + + + + + Enforces that all accesses to the property must go through the field. + + + An exception will be thrown if this mode is set and it is not possible to read + from or write to the field. + + + + + + + Enforces that all accesses to the property must go through the field when + new instances are being constructed. New instances are typically constructed when + entities are queried from the database. + An exception will be thrown if this mode is set and it is not possible to + write to the field. + + + All other uses of the property will go through the property getters and setters, + unless this is not possible because, for example, the property is read-only, in which + case these accesses will also use the field. + + + This access mode is similar to the default mode used if none has been set except + that it will throw an exception if it is not possible to write to the field for + entity construction. The default access mode will fall back to using the property + instead. + + + + + + + Enforces that all accesses to the property must go through the property + getters and setters, even when new objects are being constructed. + + + An exception will be thrown if this mode is set and it is not possible to read + from or write to the property, for example because it is read-only. + + + + + + Indicates how the results of a query are tracked by the . + + + + + The change tracker will keep track of changes for all entities that are returned from a LINQ query. + Any modification to the entity instances will be detected and persisted to the database during + . + + + + + + The change tracker will not track any of the entities that are returned from a LINQ query. If the + entity instances are modified, this will not be detected by the change tracker and + will not persist those changes to the database. + + + Disabling change tracking is useful for read-only scenarios because it avoids the overhead of setting + up change tracking for each entity instance. You should not disable change tracking if you want to + manipulate entity instances and persist those changes to the database using + . + + + Identity resolution will still be performed to ensure that all occurrences of an entity with a given key + in the result set are represented by the same entity instance. + + + + + + Represents an asynchronous sequence produced by executing a compiled query. + + The result type. + + + + Creates a new instance of + + The underlying instance. + + + + Asynchronously creates a from this + by enumerating it asynchronously. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains elements from the input sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously creates an array from this . + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains an array that contains elements from the input sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously enumerates the query. When using Entity Framework, this causes the results of the query to + be loaded into the associated context. This is equivalent to calling ToList + and then throwing away the list (without the overhead of actually creating the list). + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + Creates a from this + by enumerating it asynchronously according to a specified key selector function. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the key returned by . + + A function to extract a key from each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains selected keys and values. + + + + + Creates a from this + by enumerating it + asynchronously + according to a specified key selector function and a comparer. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the key returned by . + + A function to extract a key from each element. + + An to compare keys. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains selected keys and values. + + + + + Creates a from this + by enumerating it asynchronously according to a specified key selector and an element selector function. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the key returned by . + + + The type of the value returned by . + + A function to extract a key from each element. + A transform function to produce a result element value from each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains values of type + selected from the input sequence. + + + + + Creates a from this + by enumerating it asynchronously according to a specified key selector function, a comparer, and an element selector function. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the key returned by . + + + The type of the value returned by . + + A function to extract a key from each element. + A transform function to produce a result element value from each element. + + An to compare keys. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains values of type + selected from the input sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously enumerates the query results and performs the specified action on each element. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + The action to perform on each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + + Creates keys that uniquely identifies a query. This is used to store and lookup + compiled versions of a query in a cache. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Dependencies used to create a + + + + + Generates the cache key for the given query. + + The query to get the cache key for. + A value indicating whether the query will be executed asynchronously. + The cache key. + + + + Generates the cache key for the given query. + + The query to get the cache key for. + A value indicating whether the query will be executed asynchronously. + The cache key. + + + + + A key that uniquely identifies a query. This is used to store and lookup + compiled versions of a query in a cache. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The query to generate the key for. + The model that queries is written against. + The tracking behavior for results of the query. + A value indicating whether the query will be executed asynchronously. + + + + Determines if this key is equivalent to a given object (i.e. if they are keys for the same query). + + + The object to compare this key to. + + + True if the object is a and is for the same query, otherwise false. + + + + + Gets the hash code for the key. + + + The hash code for the key. + + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + The model that queries will be written against. + The context that queries will be executed for. + + + + The model that queries will be written against. + + + + + The context that queries will be executed for. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + + Information required to create an instance of an entity based on a row of data returned from a query. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the struct. + + The row of data that represents this entity. + The method to materialize the data into an entity instance. + Dictionary containing mapping from property indexes to values in ValueBuffer. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the struct. + + The current for creating the entity. + The method to materialize the data into an entity instance. + Dictionary containing mapping from property indexes to values in ValueBuffer. + + + + Gets the row of data that represents this entity. + + + + + Materializes the data into an entity instance. + + The entity instance. + + + + Creates a new ValueBuffer containing only the values needed for entities of a given type. + + The type of this entity. + Updated value buffer. + + + + + The core visitor that processes a query to be executed. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Expression to reference the parameter for a query. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + The to be used when processing the query. + + + + Gets the expression that represents this query. + + + + + Gets the expression for the current parameter. + + + + + Gets the being used for this query. + + + + + Gets the being used for this query. + + + + + Creates an action to execute this query. + + The type of results that the query returns. + The query. + An action that returns the results of the query. + + + + Creates an action to asynchronously execute this query. + + The type of results that the query returns. + The query. + An action that asynchronously returns the results of the query. + + + + Executes the query and logs any exceptions that occur. + + + + + Rewrites collection navigation projections so that they can be handled by the Include pipeline. + + The query. + + + + Populates based on annotations found in the query. + + The query. + + + + Pre-processes query model before we rewrite its navigations. + + Query model to process. + + + + Applies optimizations to the query. + + The query. + True if we are compiling an async query; otherwise false. + + + + Determine whether a defining query should be applied when querying the target entity type. + + The target entity type. + The target query source. + true if the target type should have a defining query applied. + + + + Converts the results of the query from a single result to a series of results. + + The query. + The type of results returned by the query. + + + + Applies tracking behavior to the query. + + The type of results returned by the query. + The query. + + + + Creates an action to execute this query. + + The type of results that the query returns. + An action that returns the results of the query. + > + + + + Visits the root node. + + The query. + + + + Visits the node. + + The node being visited. + The query. + + + + Compiles the node. + + The node being compiled. + The query. + The compiled result. + + + + Visits nodes. + + The node being visited. + The query. + Index of the node being visited. + + + + Compiles nodes. + + The node being compiled. + The query. + The compiled result. + + + + Visits nodes. + + The node being visited. + The query. + Index of the node being visited. + + + + Compiles nodes. + + The node being compiled. + The query. + The compiled result. + + + + Visits nodes + + The node being visited. + The query. + Index of the node being visited. + + + + Compiles nodes. + + The node being compiled. + The query. + The compiled result. + + + + Visits nodes. + + The node being visited. + The query. + Index of the node being visited. + + + + Visits nodes. + + The node being visited. + The query. + The for the ordering. + Index of the node being visited. + + + + Removes orderings for a given query model. + + Query model to remove orderings on. + + + + Determines whether correlated collections (if any) can be optimized. + + True if optimization is allowed, false otherwise. + + + + Visits nodes. + + The node being visited. + The query. + + + + The _SelectAsync method info. + + + + + Visits nodes. + + The node being visited. + The query. + Index of the node being visited. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Translates a re-linq query model expression into a compiled query expression. + + The re-linq query model expression. + The query source. + True when the expression is a projector. + + A compiled query expression fragment. + + + + + Binds a method call to a value buffer access. + + The method call expression. + The target expression. + + A value buffer access expression. + + + + + Binds a member access to a value buffer access. + + The member access expression. + The target expression. + + A value buffer access expression. + + + + + Binds a value buffer read. + + Type of the member. + The target expression. + A value buffer index. + The property being bound. + + A value buffer read expression. + + + + + Binds a navigation path property expression. + + Type of the result. + The property expression. + The property binder. + + A TResult. + + + + + Binds a member expression. + + The member access expression. + The member binder. + + + + Binds a member expression. + + Type of the result. + The member access expression. + The query source. + The member binder. + + A TResult. + + + + + Binds a method call expression. + + Type of the result. + The method call expression. + The query source. + The method call binder. + + A TResult. + + + + + Binds a method call expression. + + Type of the result. + The method call expression. + The method call binder. + + A TResult. + + + + + Binds a method call expression. + + The method call expression. + The method call binder. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + The to be used when processing the query. + + The to be used when + processing the query. + + + The to be used when + processing the query. + + + The to be used when + processing the query. + + The to be used when processing the query. + + The to be used when + processing the query. + + + The to be used when processing the + query. + + + The to be used when + processing the query. + + The to be used when processing the query. + The to be used when processing the query. + The to be used when processing the query. + The to be used when processing the query. + The to be used when processing the query. + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + + Creates instances of . + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Dependencies used to create a + + + + + Creates a new . + + + Compilation context for the query. + + + The visitor for the outer query. + + The new created visitor. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Expression representing null-conditional access. + Logic in this file is based on https://github.com/bartdesmet/ExpressionFutures + + + + + Creates a new instance of NullConditionalExpression. + + Expression representing potentially nullable caller that needs to be tested for it's nullability. + Expression representing access operation. + + + + Expression representing potentially nullable caller that needs to be tested for it's nullability. + + + + + Expression representing access operation. + + + + + Indicates that the node can be reduced to a simpler node. If this returns true, + Reduce() can be called to produce the reduced form. + + + + + Gets the static type of the expression that this expression represents. + + + + + Gets the node type of this expression. + + + + + Reduces this node to a simpler expression. If CanReduce returns true, this should + return a valid expression. This method can return another node which itself must + be reduced. + + + + + Reduces the node and then calls the visitor delegate on the reduced expression. + The method throws an exception if the node is not + reducible. + + + The expression being visited, or an expression which should replace it in the tree. + + An instance of . + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Returns a textual representation of the . + + + A textual representation of the . + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Visitor for processing entity types roots. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The visitor for the query. + + + + Visits nodes. + + The node being visited. + An expression to use in place of the node. + + + + Visits entity type roots. + + The entity type of the root. + An expression to use in place of the node. + + + + A base expression visitor that ignores Block expressions. + + + + + Visits the children of the extension expression. + + + The modified expression, if it or any subexpression was modified; otherwise, returns the original expression. + + The expression to visit. + + + + Visits the children of the subquery expression. + + + The modified expression, if it or any subexpression was modified; otherwise, returns the original expression. + + The expression to visit. + + + Visits the children of the . + + The modified expression, if it or any subexpression was modified; otherwise, returns the original + expression. + + The expression to visit. + The type of the delegate. + + + + A factory for creating entity queryable expression visitors. + + + + + Creates a new entity queryable ExpressionVisitor. + + The query model visitor. + The query source. + + An ExpressionVisitor. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + A factory for creating projection expression visitors. + + + + + Creates a new ExpressionVisitor. + + The entity query model visitor. + The query source. + + An ExpressionVisitor. + + + + + A projection expression visitor. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.ExpressionVisitors.ProjectionExpressionVisitor class. + + The entity query model visitor. + + + + Visits the children of the . + + The expression to visit. + + The modified expression, if it or any subexpression was modified; otherwise, returns the original expression. + + + + + Visit a subquery. + + The subquery expression. + + A compiled query expression fragment representing the input subquery expression. + + + + + A cache key generator for the compiled query cache. + + + + + Generates a cache key. + + The query to generate a cache key for. + True if the query will be executed asynchronously. + An object representing a query cache key. + + + + A factory for creating EntityQueryModelVisitors. + + + + + Creates a new EntityQueryModelVisitor. + + Context for the query compilation. + The parent entity query model visitor. + + An EntityQueryModelVisitor instance. + + + + + Supports queryable Include/ThenInclude chaining operators. + + The entity type. + The property type. + + + + Represents a single query include operation. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.IncludeResultOperator class. + + The query source. + The set of navigation properties to be included. + + + + Gets the query source. + + + The query source. + + + + + Gets the set of navigation properties to be included. + + + The set of navigation properties to be included. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether this object is an enumerable target. + + + True if this object is an enumerable target, false if not. + + + + + Convert this object into a string representation. + + + A string that represents this object. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Structure to store metadata needed for correlated collection optimizations. + + + + + Creates a new . + + Id associated with the collection that is being optimized. + Flag indicating whether query should be tracked or not. + First navigation in the chain leading to collection navigation that is being optimized. + Collection navigation that is being optimized. + Query source that is origin of the collection navigation. + + + + Id associated with the collection that is being optimized. + + + + + Flag indicating whether query should be tracked or not. + + + + + First navigation in the chain leading to collection navigation that is being optimized. + + + + + Collection navigation that is being optimized. + + + + + Query source that is origin of the collection navigation. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Creates a new . + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Creates instances for use by the query compiler. + + + + + Creates a . + + The . + + + + Registers methods to be used with the . + + The methods to register. + The node type for these methods. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Creates instances for use by the query compiler + based on a . + + + + + Creates a new that will use the given + + + The registry to use./> + + + + Registers methods to be used with the . + + The methods to register. + The node type for these methods. + + + + Creates a . + + The . + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Factory for instances. + + + + + Creates a new QueryCompilationContext. + + true if the query will be executed asynchronously. + + A instance. + + + + + Factory for instances. + + + + + Creates a new QueryContext. + + + A QueryContext instance. + + + + + A handler for instances. + + + + + Handles a result operator. + + The entity query model visitor. + The result operator. + The query model. + + A compiled query expression fragment representing the result operator. + + + + + Signals that custom LINQ operator parameter should not be parameterized during query compilation. + + + + + A query compilation context. The primary data structure representing the state/components + used during query compilation. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Registers a mapping between correlated collection query models and metadata needed to process them. + + The main from clause. + Flag indicating whether query should be tracked or not. + First navigation in the chain leading to collection navigation that is being optimized. + Collection navigation that is being optimized. + Query source that is origin of the collection navigation. + + + + Looks up a mapping between correlated collection query models and metadata needed to process them. + + The main from clause. + The correlated sub-query metadata. + True if correlated sub-query metadata was registered; false otherwise. + + + + Gets the model. + + + The model. + + + + + Gets the logger. + + + The logger. + + + + + Gets the LINQ operator provider. + + + The LINQ operator provider. + + + + + Gets the type of the context./ + + + The type of the context. + + + + + Gets a value indicating the default configured tracking behavior. + + + true if the default is to track query results, false if not. + + + + + Gets the query source mapping. + + + The query source mapping. + + + + + Get a value indicating whether query that is being processed is asynchronous. + + + + + Gets the entity type mapped to the given query source + + + + + Gets the entity type mapped to the given query source + + + + + Updates the query source mappings to the new query sources + + The new query source mapping + + + + Adds or updates the expression mapped to a query source. + + The query source. + The expression mapped to the query source. + + + + Gets the query annotations. + + + The query annotations. + + + + + Adds query annotations to the existing list. + + The query annotations. + + + + Creates cloned annotations targeting a new QueryModel. + + A query source mapping. + A query model. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this is a tracking query. + + + true if this object is a tracking query, false if not. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this query should have model-level query filters applied. + + + true if query filters should be applied, false if not. + + + + + The query has at least one Include operation. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this query requires a query buffer. + + + true if this query requires a query buffer, false if not. + + + + + Determine if the query requires a query buffer. + + The query model. + + + + Creates query model visitor. + + + The new query model visitor. + + + + + Creates query model visitor. + + The parent entity query model visitor. + + The new query model visitor. + + + + + Adds a trackable include. + + The query source. + The included navigation path. + + + + Gets all trackable includes for a given query source. + + The query source. + + The trackable includes. + + + + + Determines all query sources that require materialization. + + The query model visitor. + The query model. + + + + Determine whether or not a query source requires materialization. + + The query source. + + true if it requires materialization, false if not. + + + + + Add a query source to the set of query sources requiring materialization. + + The query source. + + + + The principal data structure used by a compiled query during execution. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets the current DbContext. + + + + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + + The query buffer. + + + + + The state manager. + + + The state manager. + + + + + The query provider. + + + The query provider. + + + + + Gets the concurrency detector. + + + The concurrency detector. + + + + + Gets or sets the cancellation token. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + The parameter values. + + + + + Adds a parameter. + + The name. + The value. + + + + Sets a parameter value. + + The name. + The value. + + + + Removes a parameter by name. + + The name. + + The parameter value. + + + + + Notify the state manager that a tracking query is starting. + + + + + Start tracking an entity. + + The entity. + Information describing how to track the entity. + + + + Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. + + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + The cache being used to store value generator instances. + + + + + Gets the change detector. + + + + + Gets the state manager. + + + + + Gets the query provider. + + + + + Gets the concurrency detector. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + A factory for instances. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + + Creates a query buffer. + + + The new query buffer. + + + + + Creates a new QueryContext. + + + A QueryContext. + + + + + The default client-eval result operator handler. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Handles the result operator. + + The entity query model visitor. + The result operator. + The query model. + + An compiled query expression fragment representing the result operator. + + + + + Call a client operator that may have a cancellation token. + + The method to call. + A variable-length parameters list containing arguments. + + A method call expression. + + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + A query annotation that can be cloned. + + + + + Clones this annotation. + + The new query source. + The new query model. + The cloned annotation. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Represents an annotation on a query. + + + + + Gets the query source. + + + The query source. + + + + + Gets the query model. + + + The query model. + + + + + A simple default implementation of + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Dependencies used to create a + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the given .NET type is mapped. + + The .NET type. + True if the type can be mapped; otherwise false. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + The registry of known s. + + + + The registry of known s. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + + Represents the mapping between a .NET type and a database type. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Parameter object for use in the hierarchy. + + + + + Creates a new parameter object. + + The .NET type used in the EF model. + Converts types to and from the store whenever this mapping is used. + Supports custom value snapshotting and comparisons. + Supports custom comparisons between keys--e.g. PK to FK comparison. + An optional factory for creating a specific . + + + + The mapping CLR type. + + + + + The mapping converter. + + + + + The mapping comparer. + + + + + The mapping key comparer. + + + + + An optional factory for creating a specific to use with + this mapping. + + + + + Creates a new parameter object with the given + converter composed with any existing converter and set on the new parameter object. + + The converter. + The new parameter object. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The parameters for this mapping. + + + + Returns the parameters used to create this type mapping. + + + + + Gets the .NET type used in the EF model. + + + + + Converts types to and from the store whenever this mapping is used. + May be null if no conversion is needed. + + + + + An optional factory for creating a specific to use with + this mapping. + + + + + A adds custom value snapshotting and comparison for + CLR types that cannot be compared with + and/or need a deep copy when taking a snapshot. + + + + + A adds custom value comparison for use when + comparing key values to each other. For example, when comparing a PK to and FK. + + + + + Returns a new copy of this type mapping with the given + added. + + The converter to use. + A new type mapping + + + + + The main interaction point between a context and the database provider. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + + Persists changes from the supplied entries to the database. + + Entries representing the changes to be persisted. + The number of state entries persisted to the database. + + + + Asynchronously persists changes from the supplied entries to the database. + + Entries representing the changes to be persisted. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous save operation. The task result contains the + number of entries persisted to the database. + + + + + Translates a query model into a function that can be executed to get query results from the database. + + The type of results returned by the query. + An object model representing the query to be executed. + A function that will execute the query. + + + + Translates a query model into a function that can be executed to asynchronously get query results from the database. + + The type of results returned by the query. + An object model representing the query to be executed. + A function that will asynchronously execute the query. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + Factory for compilation contexts to process LINQ queries. + + + + Factory for compilation contexts to process LINQ queries. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + + The primary point where a database provider can tell EF that it has been selected for the current context. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + The type of options that the database provider will add to + to identify that is has been selected (and to store its database specific settings). + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + The unique name used to identify the database provider. This should be the same as the NuGet package name + for the providers runtime. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this database provider has been selected for a given context. + + The options for the context. + True if the database provider has been selected, otherwise false. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + Represents the execution state of an operation. + + The type of the result. + + + + Creates a new instance of . + + true if the operation succeeded. + The result of the operation if successful. + + + + Indicates whether the operation succeeded. + + + + + The result of the operation if successful. + + + + + The base class for implementations. + + + + + The default number of retry attempts. + + + + + The default maximum time delay between retries, must be nonnegative. + + + + + The default maximum random factor, must not be lesser than 1. + + + + + The default base for the exponential function used to compute the delay between retries, must be positive. + + + + + The default coefficient for the exponential function used to compute the delay between retries, must be nonnegative. + + + + + Creates a new instance of . + + The context on which the operations will be invoked. + The maximum number of retry attempts. + The maximum delay between retries. + + + + Creates a new instance of . + + Parameter object containing service dependencies. + The maximum number of retry attempts. + The maximum delay between retries. + + + + The list of exceptions that caused the operation to be retried so far. + + + + + A pseudo-random number generator that can be used to vary the delay between retries. + + + + + The maximum number of retry attempts. + + + + + The maximum delay between retries. + + + + + Parameter object containing service dependencies. + + + + + Indicates whether the strategy is suspended. The strategy is typically suspending while executing to avoid + recursive execution from nested operations. + + + + + Indicates whether this might retry the execution after a failure. + + + + + Executes the specified operation and returns the result. + + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A delegate representing an executable operation that returns the result of type . + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown. + The type of the state. + The return type of . + The result from the operation. + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation and returns the result. + + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown. + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + The type of the state. + The result type of the returned by . + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Method called before the first operation execution + + + + + Method called before retrying the operation execution + + + + + Determines whether the operation should be retried and the delay before the next attempt. + + The exception thrown during the last execution attempt. + + Returns the delay indicating how long to wait for before the next execution attempt if the operation should be retried; + null otherwise + + + + + Determines whether the specified exception could be thrown after a successful execution. + + The exception object to be verified. + + true if the specified exception could be thrown after a successful execution, otherwise false. + + + + + Determines whether the specified exception represents a transient failure that can be compensated by a retry. + + The exception object to be verified. + + true if the specified exception is considered as transient, otherwise false. + + + + + Recursively gets InnerException from as long as it is an + exception created by Entity Framework and calls on the innermost one. + + The exception to be unwrapped. + A delegate that will be called with the unwrapped exception. + The return type of . + + The result from . + + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + Indirection to the current instance. + The options for the current instance. + A logger. + + + + The options for the current instance. + + + + + Indirection to the current instance. + + + + + The logger. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + + The main interaction point between a context and the database provider. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Persists changes from the supplied entries to the database. + + Entries representing the changes to be persisted. + The number of state entries persisted to the database. + + + + Asynchronously persists changes from the supplied entries to the database. + + Entries representing the changes to be persisted. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous save operation. The task result contains the + number of entries persisted to the database. + + + + + Translates a query model into a function that can be executed to get query results from the database. + + The type of results returned by the query. + An object model representing the query to be executed. + A function that will execute the query. + + + + Translates a query model into a function that can be executed to asynchronously get query results from the database. + + The type of results returned by the query. + An object model representing the query to be executed. + A function that will asynchronously execute the query. + + + + + Creates and deletes databases for a given database provider. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + + Ensures that the database for the context does not exist. If it does not exist, no action is taken. If it does + exist then the database is deleted. + + + Warning: The entire database is deleted an no effort is made to remove just the database objects that are used by + the model for this context. + + + True if the database is deleted, false if it did not exist. + + + + + Asynchronously ensures that the database for the context does not exist. If it does not exist, no action is taken. If it does + exist then the database is deleted. + + + Warning: The entire database is deleted an no effort is made to remove just the database objects that are used by + the model for this context. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous save operation. The task result contains true if the database is deleted, + false if it did not exist. + + + + + Ensures that the database for the context exists. If it exists, no action is taken. If it does not + exist then the database and all its schema are created. If the database exists, then no effort is made + to ensure it is compatible with the model for this context. + + True if the database is created, false if it already existed. + + + + Asynchronously ensures that the database for the context exists. If it exists, no action is taken. If it does not + exist then the database and all its schema are created. If the database exists, then no effort is made + to ensure it is compatible with the model for this context. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous save operation. The task result contains true if the database is created, + false if it already existed. + + + + + + The primary point where a database provider can tell EF that it has been selected for the current context + and provide the services required for it to function. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + The unique name used to identify the database provider. This should be the same as the NuGet package name + for the providers runtime. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this database provider has been configured for a given context. + + The options for the context. + True if the database provider has been configured, otherwise false. + + + + + A transaction against the database. + + + Instances of this class are typically obtained from and it is not designed + to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + Gets the transaction identifier. + + + + + Commits all changes made to the database in the current transaction. + + + + + Discards all changes made to the database in the current transaction. + + + + + + Creates and manages the current transaction. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Begins a new transaction. + + The newly created transaction. + + + + Asynchronously begins a new transaction. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the newly created transaction. + + + + + Commits all changes made to the database in the current transaction. + + + + + Discards all changes made to the database in the current transaction. + + + + + Gets the current transaction. + + + + + A strategy that is used to execute a command or query against the database, possibly with logic to retry when a failure occurs. + + + + + Indicates whether this might retry the execution after a failure. + + + + + Executes the specified operation and returns the result. + + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A delegate representing an executable operation that returns the result of type . + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown. + The type of the state. + The return type of . + The result from the operation. + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation and returns the result. + + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown. + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + The type of the state. + The result type of the returned by . + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Factory for instances. + + + + + Creates a new . + + An instance of . + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Parameter object containing service dependencies. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this class with the given service dependencies. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Creates a new . + + An instance of . + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Manages the current . + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + The currently enlisted transaction. + + + + + Specifies an existing to be used for database operations. + + The transaction to be used. + + + + + Maps .NET types to their corresponding provider database types. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the given .NET type is mapped. + + The .NET type. + True if the type can be mapped; otherwise false. + + + + + The core type mapping interface for EF Core, starting with version 2.1. Type mappings describe how a + provider maps CLR types/values to database types/values. + + + Warning: do not implement this interface directly. Instead, derive from + for non-relational providers, or 'RelationalTypeMappingSourceBase' for relational providers. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Finds the type mapping for a given . + + The property. + The type mapping, or null if none was found. + + + + + Finds the type mapping for a given representing + a field or a property of a CLR type. + + + Note: Only call this method if there is no available, otherwise + call + + + The field or property. + The type mapping, or null if none was found. + + + + + Finds the type mapping for a given . + + + Note: Only call this method if there is no + or available, otherwise call + or + + + The CLR type. + The type mapping, or null if none was found. + + + + + Parameter object containing context needed for materialization of an entity. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Creates a new instance. + + The to use to materialize an entity. + + + + Creates a new instance. + + The to use to materialize an entity. + The current instance being used. + + + + The to use to materialize an entity. + + + + + The current instance being used. + + + + + The exception that is thrown when the action failed more times than the configured limit. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message. + + The message that describes the error. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The message that describes the error. + The exception that is the cause of the current exception. + + + + Describes metadata needed to decide on a type mapping for a property or type. + + + + + Creates a new instance of . + + The property for which mapping is needed. + + + + Creates a new instance of . + + The principal property chain for the property for which mapping is needed. + + + + Creates a new instance of . + + The CLR type in the model for which mapping is needed. + + + + Creates a new instance of . + + The property or field for which mapping is needed. + + + + Creates a new instance of . + + The CLR type in the model for which mapping is needed. + If true, then a special mapping for a key or index may be returned. + Specifies Unicode or ANSI mapping, or null for default. + Specifies a size for the mapping, or null for default. + Specifies a row-version, or null for default. + Specifies a precision for the mapping, or null for default. + Specifies a scale for the mapping, or null for default. + + + + Creates a new instance of with the given . + + The source info. + The converter to apply. + Specifies Unicode or ANSI mapping, or null for default. + Specifies a size for the mapping, or null for default. + Specifies a precision for the mapping, or null for default. + Specifies a scale for the mapping, or null for default. + + + + Returns a new with the given converter applied. + + The converter to apply. + The new mapping info. + + + + Indicates whether or not the mapping is part of a key or index. + + + + + Indicates the store-size to use for the mapping, or null if none. + + + + + Indicates whether or not the mapping supports Unicode, or null if not defined. + + + + + Indicates whether or not the mapping will be used for a row version, or null if not defined. + + + + + The suggested precision of the mapped data type. + + + + + The suggested scale of the mapped data type. + + + + + The CLR type in the model. + + + + + Compares this to another to check if they represent the same mapping. + + The other object. + True if they represent the same mapping; false otherwise. + + + + Compares this to another to check if they represent the same mapping. + + The other object. + True if they represent the same mapping; false otherwise. + + + + Returns a hash code for this object. + + The hash code. + + + + + The base class for non-relational type mapping starting with version 2.1. Non-relational providers + should derive from this class and override + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the this class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + + Finds the type mapping for a given . + + + Note: providers should typically not need to override this method. + + + The property. + The type mapping, or null if none was found. + + + + + Finds the type mapping for a given . + + + Note: Only call this method if there is no + or available, otherwise call + or + + + Note: providers should typically not need to override this method. + + + The CLR type. + The type mapping, or null if none was found. + + + + + Finds the type mapping for a given representing + a field or a property of a CLR type. + + + Note: Only call this method if there is no available, otherwise + call + + + Note: providers should typically not need to override this method. + + + The field or property. + The type mapping, or null if none was found. + + + + + The base class for non-relational type mapping starting with version 2.1. Non-relational providers + should derive from this class and override + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the this class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Dependencies used to create this + + + + + + Overridden by database providers to find a type mapping for the given info. + + + The mapping info is populated with as much information about the required type mapping as + is available. Use all the information necessary to create the best mapping. Return null + if no mapping is available. + + + The mapping info to use to create the mapping. + The type mapping, or null if none could be found. + + + + Called after a mapping has been found so that it can be validated for the given property. + + The mapping, if any. + The property, if any. + + + + + Finds the type mapping for a given . + + + Note: providers should typically not need to override this method. + + + The property. + The type mapping, or null if none was found. + + + + + Finds the type mapping for a given . + + + Note: Only call this method if there is no + or available, otherwise call + or + + + Note: providers should typically not need to override this method. + + + The CLR type. + The type mapping, or null if none was found. + + + + + Finds the type mapping for a given representing + a field or a property of a CLR type. + + + Note: Only call this method if there is no available, otherwise + call + + + Note: providers should typically not need to override this method. + + + The field or property. + The type mapping, or null if none was found. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + The registry of known s. + + + + The registry of known s. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + + Represents a set of indexed values. Typically used to represent a row of data returned from a database. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + A buffer with no values in it. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The list of values for this buffer. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The list of values for this buffer. + + The starting slot in for this buffer. + + + + + Gets the value at a requested index. + + The index of the value to get. + The value at the requested index. + + + + Gets the number of values in this buffer. + + + + + Creates a new buffer with data starting at the given index in the current buffer. + + + The slot in the current buffer that will be the starting slot in the new buffer. + + The newly created buffer. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the value buffer is empty. + + + + + Determines if this value buffer is equivalent to a given object (i.e. if they are both value buffers and contain the same values). + + + The object to compare this value buffer to. + + + True if the object is a and contains the same values, otherwise false. + + + + + Gets the hash code for the value buffer. + + + The hash code for the value buffer. + + + + + Converts values to and from two string values. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. A case-insensitive first character test is used + when converting from the store. + + The string to use for false. + The string to use for true. + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts values to and from two different values. + + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter that will convert a false false + to one value and a true to another. + + + Use for converting a to zero/one. + + + The value to convert to for false. + The value to convert to for true. + Optional custom translator from store. + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + Converts values to and from 0 and 1. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. This converter preserves order. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts arrays of bytes to and from strings. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts TModel to and from TProvider using simple casts from one type + to the other. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts a to and from a single-character . + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. This converter preserves order. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Specifies hints used by the type mapper when mapping using a . + + + + + Creates a new instance. Any hint contained in the instance + can be null to indicate it has not been specified. + + The suggested size of the mapped data type. + The suggested precision of the mapped data type. + The suggested scale of the mapped data type. + Whether or not the mapped data type should support Unicode. + An optional factory for creating a specific . + + + + Adds hints from the given object to this one. Hints that are already specified are + not overridden. + + The hints to add. + The combined hints. + + + + The suggested size of the mapped data type. + + + + + The suggested precision of the mapped data type. + + + + + The suggested scale of the mapped data type. + + + + + Whether or not the mapped data type should support Unicode. + + + + + An optional factory for creating a specific to use for model + values when this converter is being used. + + + + + Converts to and from binary representation in a long. + The DateTime is truncated beyond 0.1 millisecond precision. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts to and from arrays of bytes. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts to and from strings. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts using . This + will preserve the . + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts to and from strings. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts to and . + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + Converts enum values to and from their underlying numeric representation. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. This converter preserves order. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts enum values to and from their string representation. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. This converter does not preserve order. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts a to and from an array of . + + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + This converter does not preserve order because the ordering of bits in + the standard binary representation of a GUID does not match the ordering + in the standard string representation. + + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts a to and from a using the + standard "8-4-4-4-12" format./>. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + A registry of that can be used to find + the preferred converter to use to convert to and from a given model type + to a type that the database provider supports. + + + + + Returns the list of instances that can be + used to convert the given model type. Converters nearer the front of + the list should be used in preference to converters nearer the end. + + The type for which a converter is needed. + The store type to target, or null for any. + The converters available. + + + + Converts numeric values to and from arrays of bytes. + + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + This converter supports , , , + , , , , + , , , , + and . + + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts numeric values to and from their string representation. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts strings to and from arrays of bytes. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + The string encoding to use. + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts to and from strings. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts to and . + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Defines conversions from an object of one type in a model to an object of the same or + different type in the store. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The expression to convert objects when writing data to the store, + exactly as supplied and may not handle + nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + The expression to convert objects when reading data from the store, + exactly as supplied and may not handle + nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + Gets the function to convert objects when writing data to the store, + setup to handle nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + + + Gets the function to convert objects when reading data from the store, + setup to handle nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + + + Gets the expression to convert objects when writing data to the store, + exactly as supplied and may not handle + nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + + + Gets the expression to convert objects when reading data from the store, + exactly as supplied and may not handle + nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + + + The CLR type used in the EF model. + + + + + The CLR type used when reading and writing from the store. + + + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + Checks that the type used with a value converter is supported by that converter and throws if not. + + The type to check. + The value converter type. + The types that are supported. + The given type. + + + + Composes another instance with this one such that + the result of the first conversion is used as the input to the second conversion. + + The second converter. + The composed converter. + + + + Contains information on an available including a factory to + create an instance. + + + + + Creates a new instance. + + The CLR type used in the EF model. + The CLR type used when reading and writing from the database provider. + A factory to create the converter, if needed. + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + The CLR type used in the EF model. + + + + + The CLR type used when reading and writing from the database provider. + + + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + Creates an instance of the . + + + + + A registry of instances that can be used to find + the preferred converter to use to convert to and from a given model type + to a type that the database provider supports. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Dependencies used to create a + + + + + Returns the list of instances that can be + used to convert the given model type. Converters nearer the front of + the list should be used in preference to converters nearer the end. + + The type for which a converter is needed. + The database provider type to target, or null for any. + The converters available. + + + + Defines conversions from an object of one type in a model to an object of the same or + different type in the store. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + An expression to convert objects when writing data to the store. + An expression to convert objects when reading data from the store. + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + Gets the function to convert objects when writing data to the store, + setup to handle nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + + + Gets the function to convert objects when reading data from the store, + setup to handle nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + + + Gets the expression to convert objects when writing data to the store, + exactly as supplied and may not handle + nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + + + Gets the expression to convert objects when reading data from the store, + exactly as supplied and may not handle + nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + + + The CLR type used in the EF model. + + + + + The CLR type used when reading and writing from the store. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + The information passed to a database provider to save changes to an entity to the database. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + The type of entity to be saved to the database. + + + + + The state of the entity to be saved. + + + + + The other entry that has the same key values, if one exists. + + + + + Gets a value indicating if the specified property is modified. If true, the current value assigned + to the property should be saved to the database. + + The property to be checked. + True if the property is modified, otherwise false. + + + + Gets a value indicating if the specified property has a temporary value. + + The property to be checked. + True if the property has a temporary value, otherwise false. + + + + Gets a value indicating if the specified property should have a value generated by the database. + + The property to be checked. + True if the property should have a value generated by the database, otherwise false. + + + + Gets the value assigned to the property. + + The property to get the value for. + The value for the property. + + + + Gets the value assigned to the property when it was retrieved from the database. + + The property to get the value for. + The value for the property. + + + + Gets the value assigned to the property. + + The property to get the value for. + The type of the property. + The value for the property. + + + + Gets the value assigned to the property when it was retrieved from the database. + + The property to get the value for. + The type of the property. + The value for the property. + + + + Gets the value assigned to the property. + + The property to set the value for. + The value to set. + + + + Gets an for the entity being saved. is an API optimized for + application developers and is optimized for database providers, but there may be instances + where a database provider wants to access information from . + + An for this entity. + + + + Generates values using . + The generated values are non-temporary, meaning they will be saved to the database. + + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the values generated are temporary or permanent. This implementation + always returns false, meaning the generated values will be saved to the database. + + + + + + Acts as a by requesting a block of values from the + underlying database and returning them one by one. Will ask the underlying + database for another block when the current block is exhausted. + + + A block is represented by a low value fetched from the database, and then a block size + that indicates how many sequential values can be used, starting from the low value, before + a new low value must be fetched from the database. + + + The type of values that are generated. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The state used to keep track of which value to return next. + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + Gets the low value for the next block of values to be used. + + The low value for the next block of values to be used. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The thread safe state used by . + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The number of sequential values that can be used, starting from the low value, before + a new low value must be fetched from the database. + + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The type of values being generated. + + A function to get the next low value if needed. + + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The type of values being generated. + + A function to get the next low value if needed. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Keeps a cache of value generators for properties. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Gets the existing value generator from the cache, or creates a new one if one is not present in + the cache. + + The property to get the value generator for. + + The entity type that the value generator will be used for. When called on inherited properties on derived entity types, + this entity type may be different from the declared entity type on + + Factory to create a new value generator if one is not present in the cache. + The existing or newly created value generator. + + + + + Selects value generators to be used to generate values for properties of entities. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Selects the appropriate value generator for a given property. + + The property to get the value generator for. + + The entity type that the value generator will be used for. When called on inherited properties on derived entity types, + this entity type may be different from the declared entity type on + + The value generator to be used. + + + + Generates sequential values using the same algorithm as NEWSEQUENTIALID() + in Microsoft SQL Server. This is useful when entities are being saved to a database where sequential + GUIDs will provide a performance benefit. The generated values are non-temporary, meaning they will + be saved to the database. + + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the values generated are temporary or permanent. This implementation + always returns false, meaning the generated values will be saved to the database. + + + + + Generates values using . + The generated values are temporary, meaning they will be replaced by database + generated values when the entity is saved. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the values generated are temporary or permanent. This implementation + always returns true, meaning the generated values will be replaced by database generated values when + the entity is saved + + + + + Generates values for properties when an entity is added to a context. + + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + Template method to be overridden by implementations to perform value generation. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The generated value. + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + Template method to be overridden by implementations to perform value generation. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The generated value. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the values generated are temporary (i.e they should be replaced + by database generated values when the entity is saved) or are permanent (i.e. the generated values + should be saved to the database). + + + An example of temporary value generation is generating negative numbers for an integer primary key + that are then replaced by positive numbers generated by the database when the entity is saved. An + example of permanent value generation are client-generated values for a primary + key which are saved to the database. + + + + + + + Keeps a cache of value generators for properties. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Gets the existing value generator from the cache, or creates a new one if one is not present in + the cache. + + The property to get the value generator for. + + The entity type that the value generator will be used for. When called on inherited properties on derived entity types, + this entity type may be different from the declared entity type on + + Factory to create a new value generator if one is not present in the cache. + The existing or newly created value generator. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + Base class for factories that create value generators. + + + + + Creates a new value generator. + + The property to create the value generator for. + The newly created value generator. + + + + + Selects value generators to be used to generate values for properties of entities. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + The cache being used to store value generator instances. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + + Selects the appropriate value generator for a given property. + + The property to get the value generator for. + + The entity type that the value generator will be used for. When called on inherited properties on derived entity types, + this entity type may be different from the declared entity type on + + The value generator to be used. + + + + Creates a new value generator for the given property. + + The property to get the value generator for. + + The entity type that the value generator will be used for. When called on inherited properties on derived entity types, + this entity type may be different from the declared entity type on + + The newly created value generator. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + The cache to be used to store value generator instances. + + + + The cache being used to store value generator instances. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Generates values for properties when an entity is added to a context. + + + + + Template method to be overridden by implementations to perform value generation. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The generated value. + + + + Template method to be overridden by implementations to perform value generation. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The generated value. + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + The runtime behavior of warnings generated by Entity Framework + + + + + A warning is logged. + + + + + No action is taken. + + + + + An exception is thrown. + + + + + Extension methods for setting up Entity Framework related services in an . + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the . + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + + + public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) + { + var connectionString = "connection string to database"; + + services.AddDbContext<MyContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(connectionString)); + } + + + The type of context to be registered. + The to add services to. + + + An optional action to configure the for the context. This provides an + alternative to performing configuration of the context by overriding the + method in your derived context. + + + If an action is supplied here, the method will still be run if it has + been overridden on the derived context. configuration will be applied + in addition to configuration performed here. + + + In order for the options to be passed into your context, you need to expose a constructor on your context that takes + and passes it to the base constructor of . + + + The lifetime with which to register the DbContext service in the container. + The lifetime with which to register the DbContextOptions service in the container. + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the . + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + + + public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) + { + var connectionString = "connection string to database"; + + services.AddDbContext<MyContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(connectionString)); + } + + + The class or interface that will be used to resolve the context from the container. + The concrete implementation type to create. + The to add services to. + + + An optional action to configure the for the context. This provides an + alternative to performing configuration of the context by overriding the + method in your derived context. + + + If an action is supplied here, the method will still be run if it has + been overridden on the derived context. configuration will be applied + in addition to configuration performed here. + + + In order for the options to be passed into your context, you need to expose a constructor on your context that takes + and passes it to the base constructor of . + + + The lifetime with which to register the DbContext service in the container. + The lifetime with which to register the DbContextOptions service in the container. + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the and enables DbContext pooling. + Instance pooling can increase throughput in high-scale scenarios such as web servers by re-using + DbContext instances, rather than creating new instances for each request. + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + The type of context to be registered. + The to add services to. + + + A required action to configure the for the context. When using + context pooling, options configuration must be performed externally; + will not be called. + + + + ESets the maximum number of instances retained by the pool. + + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the and enables DbContext pooling. + Instance pooling can increase throughput in high-scale scenarios such as web servers by re-using + DbContext instances, rather than creating new instances for each request. + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + The class or interface that will be used to resolve the context from the container. + The concrete implementation type to create. + The to add services to. + + + A required action to configure the for the context. When using + context pooling, options configuration must be performed externally; + will not be called. + + + + ESets the maximum number of instances retained by the pool. + + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the and enables DbContext pooling. + Instance pooling can increase throughput in high-scale scenarios such as web servers by re-using + DbContext instances, rather than creating new instances for each request. + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + + This overload has an that provides the applications . + This is useful if you want to setup Entity Framework to resolve its internal services from the primary application service + provider. + By default, we recommend using the other overload, which allows Entity Framework to create and maintain its own + + for internal Entity Framework services. + + + The type of context to be registered. + The to add services to. + + + A required action to configure the for the context. When using + context pooling, options configuration must be performed externally; + will not be called. + + + + Sets the maximum number of instances retained by the pool. + + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the and enables DbContext pooling. + Instance pooling can increase throughput in high-scale scenarios such as web servers by re-using + DbContext instances, rather than creating new instances for each request. + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + + This overload has an that provides the applications . + This is useful if you want to setup Entity Framework to resolve its internal services from the primary application service + provider. + By default, we recommend using the other overload, which allows Entity Framework to create and maintain its own + + for internal Entity Framework services. + + + The class or interface that will be used to resolve the context from the container. + The concrete implementation type to create. + The to add services to. + + + A required action to configure the for the context. When using + context pooling, options configuration must be performed externally; + will not be called. + + + + Sets the maximum number of instances retained by the pool. + + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the . + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + + + public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) + { + var connectionString = "connection string to database"; + + services.AddDbContext<MyContext>(ServiceLifetime.Scoped); + } + + + The type of context to be registered. + The to add services to. + The lifetime with which to register the DbContext service in the container. + The lifetime with which to register the DbContextOptions service in the container. + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the . + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + + + public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) + { + var connectionString = "connection string to database"; + + services.AddDbContext<MyContext>(ServiceLifetime.Scoped); + } + + + The class or interface that will be used to resolve the context from the container. + The concrete implementation type to create. + The to add services to. + The lifetime with which to register the DbContext service in the container. + The lifetime with which to register the DbContextOptions service in the container. + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the . + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + + This overload has an that provides the applications . + This is useful if you want to setup Entity Framework to resolve its internal services from the primary application service + provider. + By default, we recommend using the other overload, which allows Entity Framework to create and maintain its own + + for internal Entity Framework services. + + + + + public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) + { + var connectionString = "connection string to database"; + + services + .AddEntityFrameworkSqlServer() + .AddDbContext<MyContext>((serviceProvider, options) => + options.UseSqlServer(connectionString) + .UseInternalServiceProvider(serviceProvider)); + } + + + The type of context to be registered. + The to add services to. + + + An optional action to configure the for the context. This provides an + alternative to performing configuration of the context by overriding the + method in your derived context. + + + If an action is supplied here, the method will still be run if it has + been overridden on the derived context. configuration will be applied + in addition to configuration performed here. + + + In order for the options to be passed into your context, you need to expose a constructor on your context that takes + and passes it to the base constructor of . + + + The lifetime with which to register the DbContext service in the container. + The lifetime with which to register the DbContextOptions service in the container. + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the . + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + + This overload has an that provides the applications . + This is useful if you want to setup Entity Framework to resolve its internal services from the primary application service + provider. + By default, we recommend using the other overload, which allows Entity Framework to create and maintain its own + + for internal Entity Framework services. + + + + + public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) + { + var connectionString = "connection string to database"; + + services + .AddEntityFrameworkSqlServer() + .AddDbContext<MyContext>((serviceProvider, options) => + options.UseSqlServer(connectionString) + .UseInternalServiceProvider(serviceProvider)); + } + + + The class or interface that will be used to resolve the context from the container. + The concrete implementation type to create. + The to add services to. + + + An optional action to configure the for the context. This provides an + alternative to performing configuration of the context by overriding the + method in your derived context. + + + If an action is supplied here, the method will still be run if it has + been overridden on the derived context. configuration will be applied + in addition to configuration performed here. + + + In order for the options to be passed into your context, you need to expose a constructor on your context that takes + and passes it to the base constructor of . + + + The lifetime with which to register the DbContext service in the container. + The lifetime with which to register the DbContextOptions service in the container. + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Extension methods for the returned from + for use with . + + + + + Specifies an existing to be used for database operations. + + The for the context. + The transaction to be used. + + + + Returns the currently enlisted transaction. + + The for the context. + The currently enlisted transaction. + + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Domain/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.Domain.deps.json" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Domain/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.Domain.deps.json" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2f535f955dcde873bea5abfa752d6555b3282e20 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Domain/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.Domain.deps.json" @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +{ + "runtimeTarget": { + "name": ".NETStandard,Version=v2.0/", + "signature": "cfe1dc2a80602aef150a12815387068463a61a0d" + }, + "compilationOptions": {}, + "targets": { + ".NETStandard,Version=v2.0": {}, + ".NETStandard,Version=v2.0/": { + "WebApi001.Domain/1.0.0": { + "dependencies": { + "NETStandard.Library": "2.0.3", + "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore": "" + }, + "runtime": { + "WebApi001.Domain.dll": {} + } + }, + "Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms/1.1.0": {}, + "NETStandard.Library/2.0.3": { + "dependencies": { + "Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms": "1.1.0" + } + }, + "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore/": { + "runtime": { + "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.dll": { + "assemblyVersion": "", + "fileVersion": "" + } + } + } + } + }, + "libraries": { + "WebApi001.Domain/1.0.0": { + "type": "project", + "serviceable": false, + "sha512": "" + }, + "Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms/1.1.0": { + "type": "package", + "serviceable": true, + "sha512": "sha512-kz0PEW2lhqygehI/d6XsPCQzD7ff7gUJaVGPVETX611eadGsA3A877GdSlU0LRVMCTH/+P3o2iDTak+S08V2+A==", + "path": "microsoft.netcore.platforms/1.1.0", + "hashPath": "microsoft.netcore.platforms.1.1.0.nupkg.sha512" + }, + "NETStandard.Library/2.0.3": { + "type": "package", + "serviceable": true, + "sha512": "sha512-st47PosZSHrjECdjeIzZQbzivYBJFv6P2nv4cj2ypdI204DO+vZ7l5raGMiX4eXMJ53RfOIg+/s4DHVZ54Nu2A==", + "path": "netstandard.library/2.0.3", + "hashPath": 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"build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/mscorlib.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/netstandard.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/netstandard.xml", + "lib/netstandard1.0/_._", + "netstandard.library.2.0.3.nupkg.sha512", + "netstandard.library.nuspec" + ] + } + }, + "projectFileDependencyGroups": { + ".NETStandard,Version=v2.0": [ + "NETStandard.Library >= 2.0.3" + ] + }, + "packageFolders": { + "C:\\Users\\HP\\.nuget\\packages\\": {}, + "C:\\Program Files\\dotnet\\sdk\\NuGetFallbackFolder": {} + }, + "project": { + "version": "1.0.0", + "restore": { + "projectUniqueName": "F:\\Git\\vue-admin-template2\\曾志勇\\WebApi001\\WebApi001.Domain\\WebApi001.Domain.csproj", + "projectName": "WebApi001.Domain", + "projectPath": "F:\\Git\\vue-admin-template2\\曾志勇\\WebApi001\\WebApi001.Domain\\WebApi001.Domain.csproj", + "packagesPath": "C:\\Users\\HP\\.nuget\\packages\\", + "outputPath": "F:\\Git\\vue-admin-template2\\曾志勇\\WebApi001\\WebApi001.Domain\\obj\\", + "projectStyle": "PackageReference", + "fallbackFolders": [ + "C:\\Program Files\\dotnet\\sdk\\NuGetFallbackFolder" + ], + "configFilePaths": [ + "C:\\Users\\HP\\AppData\\Roaming\\NuGet\\NuGet.Config", + "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\NuGet\\Config\\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Offline.config" + ], + "originalTargetFrameworks": [ + "netstandard2.0" + ], + "sources": { + "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SDKs\\NuGetPackages\\": {}, + "https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json": {} + }, + "frameworks": { + "netstandard2.0": { + "projectReferences": {} + } + }, + "warningProperties": { + "warnAsError": [ + "NU1605" + ] + } + }, + "frameworks": { + "netstandard2.0": { + "dependencies": { + "NETStandard.Library": { + "suppressParent": "All", + "target": "Package", + "version": "[2.0.3, )", + "autoReferenced": true + } + }, + "imports": [ + "net461" + ], + "assetTargetFallback": true, + "warn": true + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/Data/Efrespository.cs" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/Data/Efrespository.cs" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6d09620c57a2cf60c9e39d607a3ca84e52e9b994 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/Data/Efrespository.cs" @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using System.Text; +using WebApi001.Domain; +using WebApi001.inetrface.Data; + +namespace WebApi001.Implement.Data +{ + public class Efrespository : IRespository where T : BaseEntity + { + public Efrespository(WebApi001DoContexe db) + { + _db = db; + } + public IQueryable Table + { + get + { + return Entity; + } + } + private DbSet _entity; + private DbSet Entity + { + get + { + if (_entity == null) + { + _entity = _db.Set(); + } + return _entity; + } + } + private WebApi001DoContexe _db; + + public void Add(T entity) + { + entity.IsActived = true; + entity.IsDeleted = false; + entity.CreatedTime = DateTime.Now; + entity.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; + Entity.Add(entity); + _db.SaveChanges(); + } + + public void Add(IEnumerable entites) + { + foreach (var entity in entites) + { + entity.IsActived = true; + entity.IsDeleted = false; + entity.CreatedTime = DateTime.Now; + entity.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; + } + Entity.AddRange(entites); + _db.SaveChanges(); + } + + public void Delete(T entites) + { + Entity.Remove(entites); + _db.SaveChanges(); + } + + public void Delete(IEnumerable entites) + { + Entity.RemoveRange(entites); + _db.SaveChanges(); + } + + public T GetById(int id) + { + return Entity.Where(x => x.Id == id).FirstOrDefault(); + } + + public void Update(T entity) + { + Entity.Update(entity); + _db.SaveChanges(); + } + + public void Update(IEnumerable entites) + { + Entity.UpdateRange(entites); + _db.SaveChanges(); + } + } +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/WebApi001.Implement.csproj" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/WebApi001.Implement.csproj" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..41511e8213a31865986a521afc2169ac070cee69 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/WebApi001.Implement.csproj" @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + + + + netstandard2.0 + + + + + + + + + + C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\NuGetFallbackFolder\microsoft.entityframeworkcore\2.1.1\lib\netstandard2.0\Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.dll + + + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.dll" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.dll" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3e6dc3ba9dddc9698075b32ae889d0fb4f57697e Binary files /dev/null and "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.dll" differ diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.xml" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.xml" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..865f36ae0af9b48aeaadde20f82b254753e35346 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.xml" @@ -0,0 +1,42663 @@ + + + + Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore + + + + + Indicates how the context detects changes to properties for an instance of the entity type. + + + + + Original values are recorded when an entity is queried from the database. Changes are detected by scanning the + current property values and comparing them to the recorded values. This scanning takes place when + is called, or when another API call (such as ) + triggers the change detection process. + + + + + To use this strategy, the entity class must implement . + Original values are recorded when an entity is queried from the database. Properties are marked as modified when the + entity raises the event. + + + + + + To use this strategy, the entity class must implement and + . + Original values are recorded when the entity raises the event. Properties + are + marked as modified when the entity raises the event. + + + Original values are only recorded when they are required to save changes to the entity. For example, properties that are configured + as + concurrency tokens. + + + + + + + To use this strategy, the entity class must implement and + . + Original values are recorded when the entity raises the . Properties are + marked as modified when the entity raises the event. + + + Original values are only recorded for all properties, regardless of whether they are required to save changes to the entity. + + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for entity instances the context is tracking. + Instances of this class are typically obtained from and it is not designed + to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether the method is called + automatically by methods of and related classes. + + + The default value is true. This ensures the context is aware of any changes to tracked entity instances + before performing operations such as or returning change tracking + information. If you disable automatic detect changes then you must ensure that + is called when entity instances have been modified. + Failure to do so may result in some changes not being persisted during + or out-of-date change tracking information being returned. + + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether navigation properties for tracked entities + will be loaded on first access. + + + The default value is true. However, lazy loading will only occur for navigation properties + of entities that have also been configured in the model for lazy loading. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the tracking behavior for LINQ queries run against the context. Disabling change tracking + is useful for read-only scenarios because it avoids the overhead of setting up change tracking for each + entity instance. You should not disable change tracking if you want to manipulate entity instances and + persist those changes to the database using . + + + This method sets the default behavior for the context, but you can override this behavior for individual + queries using the + and methods. + + + The default value is . This means the change tracker will + keep track of changes for all entities that are returned from a LINQ query. + + + + + + Gets an for each entity being tracked by the context. + The entries provide access to change tracking information and operations for each entity. + + An entry for each entity being tracked. + + + + Gets an for all entities of a given type being tracked by the context. + The entries provide access to change tracking information and operations for each entity. + + The type of entities to get entries for. + An entry for each entity of the given type that is being tracked. + + + + + Checks if any new, deleted, or changed entities are being tracked + such that these changes will be sent to the database if + or is called. + + + Note that this method calls unless + has been set to false. + + + True if there are changes to save, otherwise false. + + + + + Gets the internal state manager being used to store information about tracked entities. + + + This property is intended for use by extension methods. It is not intended to be used in + application code. + + + + + + Gets the context this change tracker belongs to. + + + + + Scans the tracked entity instances to detect any changes made to the instance data. + is usually called automatically by the context when up-to-date information is required (before + and when returning change tracking information). You typically only need to + call this method if you have disabled . + + + + + Accepts all changes made to entities in the context. It will be assumed that the tracked entities + represent the current state of the database. This method is typically called by + after changes have been successfully saved to the database. + + + + + + Begins tracking an entity and any entities that are reachable by traversing it's navigation properties. + Traversal is recursive so the navigation properties of any discovered entities will also be scanned. + The specified is called for each discovered entity and must set the + that each entity should be tracked in. If no state is set, the entity + remains untracked. + + + This method is designed for use in disconnected scenarios where entities are retrieved using one instance of + the context and then changes are saved using a different instance of the context. An example of this is a + web service where one service call retrieves entities from the database and another service call persists + any changes to the entities. Each service call uses a new instance of the context that is disposed when the + call is complete. + + + If an entity is discovered that is already tracked by the context, that entity is not processed (and it's + navigation properties are not traversed). + + + The entity to begin traversal from. + + An action to configure the change tracking information for each entity. For the entity to begin being tracked, + the must be set. + + + + + + Begins tracking an entity and any entities that are reachable by traversing it's navigation properties. + Traversal is recursive so the navigation properties of any discovered entities will also be scanned. + The specified is called for each discovered entity and must set the + that each entity should be tracked in. If no state is set, the entity + remains untracked. + + + This method is designed for use in disconnected scenarios where entities are retrieved using one instance of + the context and then changes are saved using a different instance of the context. An example of this is a + web service where one service call retrieves entities from the database and another service call persists + any changes to the entities. Each service call uses a new instance of the context that is disposed when the + call is complete. + + + Typically traversal of the graph should stop whenever an already tracked entity is encountered or when + an entity is reached that should not be tracked. For this typical behavior, use the + overload. This overload, on the other hand, + allows the callback to decide when traversal will end, but the onus is then on the caller to ensure that + traversal will not enter an infinite loop. + + + The entity to begin traversal from. + An arbitrary state object passed to the callback. + + An delegate to configure the change tracking information for each entity. The second parameter to the + callback is the arbitrary state object passed above. Iteration of the graph will not continue down the graph + if the callback returns false. + + The type of the state object. + + + + An event fired when an entity is tracked by the context, either because it was returned + from a tracking query, or because it was attached or added to the context. + + + + + + An event fired when an entity that is tracked by the associated has moved + from one to another. + + + Note that this event does not fire for entities when they are first tracked by the context. + Use the event to get notified when the context begins tracking an entity. + + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a collection + navigation property that associates this entity to a collection of another entities. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets or sets the value currently assigned to this property. If the current value is set using this property, + the change tracker is aware of the change and is not required + for the context to detect the change. + + + + + + Loads the entities referenced by this navigation property, unless + is already set to true. + + + Note that entities that are already being tracked are not overwritten with new data from the database. + + + + + + + Loads entities referenced by this navigation property, unless + is already set to true. + + + Note that entities that are already being tracked are not overwritten with new data from the database. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous save operation. + + + + + + Returns the query that would be used by to load entities referenced by + this navigation property. + + + The query can be composed over using LINQ to perform filtering, counting, etc. without + actually loading all entities from the database. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a collection + navigation property that associates this entity to a collection of another entities. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The type of the entity the property belongs to. + The type of the property. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The to which this member belongs. + + An entry for the entity that owns this member. + + + + Gets or sets the value currently assigned to this property. If the current value is set using this property, + the change tracker is aware of the change and is not required + for the context to detect the change. + + + + + + Returns the query that would be used by to load entities referenced by + this navigation property. + + + The query can be composed over using LINQ to perform filtering, counting, etc. without + actually loading all entities from the database. + + + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given entity. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets the entity being tracked by this entry. + + + + + + Gets or sets that state that this entity is being tracked in. + + + This method sets only the state of the single entity represented by this entry. It does + not change the state of other entities reachable from this one. + + + When setting the state, the entity will always end up in the specified state. For example, if you + change the state to the entity will be marked for deletion regardless + of its current state. This is different than calling where the entity + will be disconnected (rather than marked for deletion) if it is in the state. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets the context that is tracking the entity. + + + + + Gets the metadata about the shape of the entity, its relationships to other entities, and how it maps to the database. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given + property or navigation property of this entity. + + The property to access information and operations for. + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the given property. + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for all + properties and navigation properties of this entity. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given + navigation property of this entity. + + The property to access information and operations for. + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the given property. + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for all + navigation properties of this entity. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given + property of this entity. + + The property to access information and operations for. + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the given property. + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for all + properties of this entity. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a reference (i.e. non-collection) + navigation property that associates this entity to another entity. + + The name of the navigation property. + + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the + given navigation property. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and loading information for all + reference (i.e. non-collection) navigation properties of this entity. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a collection + navigation property that associates this entity to a collection of another entities. + + The name of the navigation property. + + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the + given navigation property. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and loading information for all + collection navigation properties of this entity. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating if the key values of this entity have been assigned a value. + + + For keys with store-generated properties (e.g. mapping to Identity columns), the + return value will be false if any of the store-generated properties have the + CLR default value. + + + For keys without any store-generated properties, the return value will always be + true since any value is considered a valid key value. + + + + + + Gets the current property values for this entity. + + The current values. + + + + Gets the original property values for this entity. The original values are the property + values as they were when the entity was retrieved from the database. + + The original values. + + + + + Queries the database for copies of the values of the tracked entity as they currently + exist in the database. If the entity is not found in the database, then null is returned. + + + Note that changing the values in the returned dictionary will not update the values + in the database. + + + The store values, or null if the entity does not exist in the database. + + + + + Queries the database for copies of the values of the tracked entity as they currently + exist in the database. If the entity is not found in the database, then null is returned. + + + Note that changing the values in the returned dictionary will not update the values + in the database. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the store values, + or null if the entity does not exist in the database. + + + + + + Reloads the entity from the database overwriting any property values with values from the database. + + + The entity will be in the state after calling this method, + unless the entity does not exist in the database, in which case the entity will be + . Finally, calling Reload on an + entity that does not exist in the database is a no-op. Note, however, that an Added entity may + not yet have had its permanent key value created. + + + + + + + Reloads the entity from the database overwriting any property values with values from the database. + + + The entity will be in the state after calling this method, + unless the entity does not exist in the database, in which case the entity will be + . Finally, calling Reload on an + entity that does not exist in the database is a no-op. Note, however, that an Added entity may + not yet have had its permanent key value created. + + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + Event arguments for events relating to tracked s. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The for the entity. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a node in a + graph of entities that is being traversed. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets the entry tracking information about this entity. + + + + + Gets the navigation property that is being traversed to reach this node in the graph. + + + + + Gets or sets state that will be available to all nodes that are visited after this node. + + + + + Gets the entry tracking information about this entity. + + + + + + Gets the internal entry that is tracking information about this entity. + + + This property is intended for use by extension methods. It is not intended to be used in + application code. + + + + + + Creates a new node for the entity that is being traversed next in the graph. + + The node that the entity is being traversed from. + + The internal entry tracking information about the entity being traversed to. + + The navigation property that is being traversed to reach the new node. + The newly created node. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given entity. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The type of entity being tracked by this entry. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets the entity being tracked by this entry. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given + property of this entity. + + + A lambda expression representing the property to access information and operations for + (t => t.Property1). + + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the given property. + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a reference (i.e. non-collection) + navigation property that associates this entity to another entity. + + + A lambda expression representing the property to access information and operations for + (t => t.Property1). + + + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the + given navigation property. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a collection + navigation property that associates this entity to a collection of another entities. + + + A lambda expression representing the property to access information and operations for + (t => t.Property1). + + + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the + given navigation property. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a reference (i.e. non-collection) + navigation property that associates this entity to another entity. + + The name of the navigation property. + + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the + given navigation property. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a collection + navigation property that associates this entity to a collection of another entities. + + The name of the navigation property. + + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the + given navigation property. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given + property of this entity. + + The type of the property. + The property to access information and operations for. + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the given property. + + + + Event arguments for the event. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The state that the entity is transitioning from. + + + + + The state that the entity is transitioning to. + + + + + Event arguments for the event. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + True if the entity is being tracked as part of a database query; false otherwise. + + + + + A service to traverse a graph of entities and perform some action on at each node. + + + + + Traverses a graph of entities allowing an action to be taken at each node. + + The node that is being visited. + An arbitrary state object. + A delegate to call to handle the node. + The type of the state object. + + + + Traverses a graph of entities allowing an action to be taken at each node. + + The node that is being visited. + An arbitrary state object. + A delegate to call to handle the node. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + The type of the state object. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + The state manager is tracking for a single query for one entity type and no self-refs. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + The state manager is tracking for a single query, but with multiple entity types and/or self refs. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + The state manager is tracking for multiple queries and/or with other tracked entities. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + A collection that stays in sync with entities of a given type being tracked by + a . Call to obtain a + local view. + + + This local view will stay in sync as entities are added or removed from the context. Likewise, entities + added to or removed from the local view will automatically be added to or removed + from the context. + + + Adding an entity to this collection will cause it to be tracked in the + state by the context unless it is already being tracked. + + + Removing an entity from this collection will cause it to be marked as , + unless it was previously in the Added state, in which case it will be detached from the context. + + + The collection implements , + , and such that + notifications are generated when an entity starts being tracked by the context or is + marked as or . + + + Do not use this type directly for data binding. Instead call + for WPF binding, or for WinForms. + + + The type of the entity in the local view. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Returns an implementation that stays in sync with this collection. + Use this for WPF data binding. + + The collection. + + + + Returns an for all tracked entities of type TEntity + that are not marked as deleted. + + An enumerator for the collection. + + + + Returns an for all tracked entities of type TEntity + that are not marked as deleted. + + An enumerator for the collection. + + + + + Adds a new entity to the . If the entity is not being tracked or is currently + marked as deleted, then it becomes tracked as . + + + Note that only the given entity is tracked. Any related entities discoverable from + the given entity are not automatically tracked. + + + The item to start tracking. + + + + + Marks all entities of type TEntity being tracked by the + as . + + + Entities that are currently marked as will be marked + as since the Added state indicates that the entity + has not been saved to the database and hence it does not make sense to attempt to + delete it from the database. + + + + + + Returns true if the entity is being tracked by the context and has not been + marked as Deleted. + + The entity to check. + True if the entity is being tracked by the context and has not been marked as Deleted. + + + + Copies to an array all entities of type TEntity that are being tracked and are + not marked as Deleted. + + The array into which to copy entities. + The index into the array to start copying. + + + + + Marks the given entity as . + + + Entities that are currently marked as will be marked + as since the Added state indicates that the entity + has not been saved to the database and hence it does not make sense to attempt to + delete it from the database. + + + The entity to delete. + True if the entity was being tracked and was not already Deleted. + + + + The number of entities of type TEntity that are being tracked and are not marked + as Deleted. + + + + + False, since the collection is not read-only. + + + + + Occurs when a property of this collection (such as ) changes. + + + + + Occurs when a property of this collection (such as ) is changing. + + + + + Occurs when the contents of the collection changes, either because an entity + has been directly added or removed from the collection, or because an entity + starts being tracked, or because an entity is marked as Deleted. + + + + + Raises the event. + + Details of the property that changed. + + + + Raises the event. + + Details of the property that is changing. + + + + Raises the event. + + Details of the change. + + + + Returns an implementation that stays in sync with this collection. + Use this for WinForms data binding. + + The binding list. + + + + + This method is called by data binding frameworks when attempting to data bind + directly to a . + + + This implementation always throws an exception as + does not maintain an ordered list with indexes. Instead call + for WPF binding, or for WinForms. + + + Always thrown. + Never returns, always throws an exception. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection is a collection of System.Collections.IList objects. + Always returns false. + + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given property + or navigation property. + + + Scalar properties use the derived class , reference navigation + properties use the derived class , and collection navigation + properties use the derived class . + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + For non-navigation properties, gets or sets a value indicating whether the value of this + property has been modified and should be updated in the database when + + is called. + + + For navigation properties, gets or sets a value indicating whether any of foreign key + property values associated with this navigation property have been modified and should + be updated in the database when is called. + + + + + + Gets the metadata that describes the facets of this property and how it maps to the database. + + + + + Gets or sets the value currently assigned to this property. If the current value is set using this property, + the change tracker is aware of the change and is not required + for the context to detect the change. + + + + + The to which this member belongs. + + An entry for the entity that owns this member. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a navigation property + that associates this entity to one or more other entities. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Loads the entity or entities referenced by this navigation property, unless + is already set to true. + + + Note that entities that are already being tracked are not overwritten with new data from the database. + + + + + + + Loads the entity or entities referenced by this navigation property, unless + is already set to true. + + + Note that entities that are already being tracked are not overwritten with new data from the database. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + + + Returns the query that would be used by to load entities referenced by + this navigation property. + + + The query can be composed over using LINQ to perform filtering, counting, etc. without + actually loading all entities from the database. + + + The query to load related entities. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether the entity or entities referenced by this navigation property + are known to be loaded. + + + Loading entities from the database using + or + + , , or will set this flag. Subsequent calls to + or will then be a no-op. + + + It is possible for IsLoaded to be false even if all related entities are loaded. This is because, depending on + how entities are loaded, it is not always possible to know for sure that all entities in a related collection + have been loaded. In such cases, calling or will ensure all + related entities are loaded and will set this flag to true. + + + + True if all the related entities are loaded or the IsLoaded has been explicitly set to true. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether any of foreign key property values associated + with this navigation property have been modified and should be updated in the database + when is called. + + + + + Gets the metadata that describes the facets of this property and how it maps to the database. + + + + + + Extends and adds an explicit implementation of . + + + The method is implemented to return an + implementation that stays in sync with the ObservableCollection. + + + This class can be used to implement navigation properties on entities for use in Windows Forms data binding. + For WPF data binding use an ObservableCollection rather than an instance of this class. + + + The type of elements in the collection. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class that + contains elements copied from the specified collection. + + The collection from which the elements are copied. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class that + contains elements copied from the specified list. + + The list from which the elements are copied. + + + + Always false because there is never a contained collection. + + + + + Returns an implementation that stays in sync with + this . The returned list is cached on this object + such that the same list is returned each time this method is called. + + + An in sync with the ObservableCollection. + + + + + A hash set that implements the interfaces required for Entity Framework to use notification based change tracking + for a collection navigation property. + + The type of elements in the hash set. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + that is empty and uses the default equality comparer for the set type. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + that is empty and uses the specified equality comparer for the set type. + + + The implementation to use when + comparing values in the set, or null to use the default + implementation for the set type. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + that uses the default equality comparer for the set type, contains elements copied + from the specified collection, and has sufficient capacity to accommodate the + number of elements copied. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new set. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + that uses the specified equality comparer for the set type, contains elements + copied from the specified collection, and has sufficient capacity to accommodate + the number of elements copied. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new set. + + The implementation to use when + comparing values in the set, or null to use the default + implementation for the set type. + + + + + Occurs when a property of this hash set (such as ) changes. + + + + + Occurs when a property of this hash set (such as ) is changing. + + + + + Occurs when the contents of the hash set changes. + + + + + Removes all elements from the hash set. + + + + + Determines whether the hash set object contains the + specified element. + + The element to locate in the hash set. + + True if the hash set contains the specified element; otherwise, false. + + + + + Copies the elements of the hash set to an array, starting at the specified array index. + + + The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from + the hash set. The array must have zero-based indexing. + + The zero-based index in array at which copying begins. + + + + Removes the specified element from the hash set. + + The element to remove. + + True if the element is successfully found and removed; otherwise, false. + + + + + Gets the number of elements that are contained in the hash set. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the hash set is read-only. + + + + + Returns an enumerator that iterates through the hash set. + + + An enumerator for the hash set. + + + + + Adds the specified element to the hash set. + + The element to add to the set. + + true if the element is added to the hash set; false if the element is already present. + + + + + Modifies the hash set to contain all elements that are present in itself, the specified collection, or both. + + The collection to compare to the current hash set. + + + + Modifies the current hash set to contain only + elements that are present in that object and in the specified collection. + + The collection to compare to the current hash set. + + + + Removes all elements in the specified collection from the hash set. + + The collection of items to remove from the current hash set. + + + + Modifies the current hash set to contain only elements that are present either in that + object or in the specified collection, but not both. + + The collection to compare to the current hash set. + + + + Determines whether the hash set is a subset of the specified collection. + + The collection to compare to the current hash set. + + True if the hash set is a subset of other; otherwise, false. + + + + + Determines whether the hash set is a proper subset of the specified collection. + + The collection to compare to the current hash set. + + True if the hash set is a proper subset of other; otherwise, false. + + + + + Determines whether the hash set is a superset of the specified collection. + + The collection to compare to the current hash set. + + True if the hash set is a superset of other; otherwise, false. + + + + + Determines whether the hash set is a proper superset of the specified collection. + + The collection to compare to the current hash set. + + True if the hash set is a proper superset of other; otherwise, false. + + + + + Determines whether the current System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1 object and a specified collection share common elements. + + The collection to compare to the current hash set. + + True if the hash set and other share at least one common element; otherwise, false. + + + + + Determines whether the hash set and the specified collection contain the same elements. + + The collection to compare to the current hash set. + + True if the hash set is equal to other; otherwise, false. + + + + + Copies the elements of the hash set to an array. + + + The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from + the hash set. The array must have zero-based indexing. + + + + + Copies the specified number of elements of the hash set to an array, starting at the specified array index. + + + The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from + the hash set. The array must have zero-based indexing. + + The zero-based index in array at which copying begins. + The number of elements to copy to array. + + + + Removes all elements that match the conditions defined by the specified predicate + from the hash set. + + + The delegate that defines the conditions of the elements to remove. + + The number of elements that were removed from the hash set. + + + + Gets the object that is used to determine equality for the values in the set. + + + + + Sets the capacity of the hash set to the actual number of elements it contains, rounded up to a nearby, + implementation-specific value. + + + + + Raises the event. + + Details of the property that changed. + + + + Raises the event. + + Details of the property that is changing. + + + + Raises the event. + + Details of the change. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given property. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether the value of this property has been modified + and should be updated in the database when + is called. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether the value of this property is considered a + temporary value which will be replaced by a value generated from the store when + is called. + + + + + Gets the metadata that describes the facets of this property and how it maps to the database. + + + + + Gets or sets the value that was assigned to this property when it was retrieved from the database. + This property is populated when an entity is retrieved from the database, but setting it may be + useful in disconnected scenarios where entities are retrieved with one context instance and + saved with a different context instance. + + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given property. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The type of the entity the property belongs to. + The type of the property. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The to which this member belongs. + + An entry for the entity that owns this member. + + + + Gets or sets the value currently assigned to this property. If the current value is set using this property, + the change tracker is aware of the change and is not required + for the context to detect the change. + + + + + Gets or sets the value that was assigned to this property when it was retrieved from the database. + This property is populated when an entity is retrieved from the database, but setting it may be + useful in disconnected scenarios where entities are retrieved with one context instance and + saved with a different context instance. + + + + + + A collection of all property values for an entity. + + + Objects of this type can be obtained from , + , , + or . + Once obtained, the objects are usually used in various combinations to resolve optimistic + concurrency exceptions signaled by the throwing of a . + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Creates an instance of the entity type and sets all its properties using the + values from this object. + + The values of this object copied into a new entity instance. + + + + + Sets the values of this object by copying values from the given object. + + + The given object can be of any type. Any property on the object with a name that + matches a property name in the entity type and can be read will be copied. Other + properties will be ignored. This allows, for example, copying of properties from + simple Data Transfer Objects (DTOs). + + + The object to read values from. + + + + Creates a clone of the values in this object. Changes made to the new object will not be + reflected in this object and vice versa. + + A clone of this object. + + + + + Sets the values of this object by reading values from another + object. + + + The other object must be based on the same type as this object, or a type derived + from the type for this object. + + + The object from which values should be copied. + + + + + Sets the values of this object by copying values from the given dictionary. + + + The keys of the dictionary must match property names. Any key in the dictionary + that does not match the name of a property in the entity type will be ignored. + + + The dictionary to read values from. + + + + Gets the properties for which this object is storing values. + + The properties. + + + + Gets the underlying entity type for which this object is storing values. + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the property with the specified property name. + + The property name. + The value of the property. + + + + Gets or sets the value of the property. + + The property. + The value of the property. + + + + Gets the value of the property just like using the indexed property getter but + typed to the type of the generic parameter. + + The type of the property. + The property name. + The value of the property. + + + + Gets the value of the property just like using the indexed property getter but + typed to the type of the generic parameter. + + The type of the property. + The property. + The value of the property. + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a reference (i.e. non-collection) + navigation property that associates this entity to another entity. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The of the entity this navigation targets. + + An entry for the entity that owns this navigation targets. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a reference (i.e. non-collection) + navigation property that associates this entity to another entity. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The type of the entity the property belongs to. + The type of the property. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The to which this member belongs. + + An entry for the entity that owns this member. + + + + The of the entity this navigation targets. + + An entry for the entity that owns this navigation targets. + + + + Gets or sets the value currently assigned to this property. If the current value is set using this property, + the change tracker is aware of the change and is not required + for the context to detect the change. + + + + + + Returns the query that would be used by to load the entity referenced by + this navigation property. + + + The query can be composed over using LINQ to perform filtering, counting, etc. without + actually loading the entity from the database. + + + + + + + Specifies custom value snapshotting and comparison for + CLR types that cannot be compared with + and/or need a deep copy when taking a snapshot. For example, arrays of primitive types + will require both if mutation is to be detected. + + + Snapshotting is the process of creating a copy of the value into a snapshot so it can + later be compared to determine if it has changed. For some types, such as collections, + this needs to be a deep copy of the collection rather than just a shallow copy of the + reference. + + + + + + Creates a new with the given comparison and + snapshotting expressions. + + The comparison expression. + The associated hash code generator. + The snapshot expression. + + + + The type. + + + + + Compares the two instances to determine if they are equal. + + The first instance. + The second instance. + True if they are equal; false otherwise. + + + + Returns the hash code for the given instance. + + The instance. + The hash code. + + + + + Creates a snapshot of the given instance. + + + Snapshotting is the process of creating a copy of the value into a snapshot so it can + later be compared to determine if it has changed. For some types, such as collections, + this needs to be a deep copy of the collection rather than just a shallow copy of the + reference. + + + The instance. + The snapshot. + + + + The comparison expression. + + + + + The hash code expression. + + + + + + The snapshot expression. + + + Snapshotting is the process of creating a copy of the value into a snapshot so it can + later be compared to determine if it has changed. For some types, such as collections, + this needs to be a deep copy of the collection rather than just a shallow copy of the + reference. + + + + + + Takes and replaces the two parameters with the given expressions, + returning the transformed body. + + The new left expression. + The new right expression. + The body of the lambda with left and right parameters replaced. + + + + Takes the and replaces the parameter with the given expression, + returning the transformed body. + + The new expression. + The body of the lambda with the parameter replaced. + + + + Takes the and replaces the parameter with the given expression, + returning the transformed body. + + The new expression. + The body of the lambda with the parameter replaced. + + + + + Specifies custom value snapshotting and comparison for + CLR types that cannot be compared with + and/or need a deep copy when taking a snapshot. For example, arrays of primitive types + will require both if mutation is to be detected. + + + Snapshotting is the process of creating a copy of the value into a snapshot so it can + later be compared to determine if it has changed. For some types, such as collections, + this needs to be a deep copy of the collection rather than just a shallow copy of the + reference. + + + The type. + + + + Creates a new with a default comparison + expression and a shallow copy for the snapshot. + + + If true, then EF will use if the type + implements it. This is usually used when byte arrays act as keys. + + + + + Creates a new with the given comparison expression. + A shallow copy will be used for the snapshot. + + The comparison expression. + The associated hash code generator. + + + + + Creates a new with the given comparison and + snapshotting expressions. + + + Snapshotting is the process of creating a copy of the value into a snapshot so it can + later be compared to determine if it has changed. For some types, such as collections, + this needs to be a deep copy of the collection rather than just a shallow copy of the + reference. + + + The comparison expression. + The associated hash code generator. + The snapshot expression. + + + + Compares the two instances to determine if they are equal. + + The first instance. + The second instance. + True if they are equal; false otherwise. + + + + Returns the hash code for the given instance. + + The instance. + The hash code. + + + + Compares the two instances to determine if they are equal. + + The first instance. + The second instance. + True if they are equal; false otherwise. + + + + Returns the hash code for the given instance. + + The instance. + The hash code. + + + + + Creates a snapshot of the given instance. + + + Snapshotting is the process of creating a copy of the value into a snapshot so it can + later be compared to determine if it has changed. For some types, such as collections, + this needs to be a deep copy of the collection rather than just a shallow copy of the + reference. + + + The instance. + The snapshot. + + + + + Creates a snapshot of the given instance. + + + Snapshotting is the process of creating a copy of the value into a snapshot so it can + later be compared to determine if it has changed. For some types, such as collections, + this needs to be a deep copy of the collection rather than just a shallow copy of the + reference. + + + The instance. + The snapshot. + + + + The type. + + + + + The comparison expression. + + + + + The hash code expression. + + + + + + The snapshot expression. + + + Snapshotting is the process of creating a copy of the value into a snapshot so it can + later be compared to determine if it has changed. For some types, such as collections, + this needs to be a deep copy of the collection rather than just a shallow copy of the + reference. + + + + + + A DbContext instance represents a session with the database and can be used to query and save + instances of your entities. DbContext is a combination of the Unit Of Work and Repository patterns. + + + + Typically you create a class that derives from DbContext and contains + properties for each entity in the model. If the properties have a public setter, + they are automatically initialized when the instance of the derived context is created. + + + Override the method to configure the database (and + other options) to be used for the context. Alternatively, if you would rather perform configuration externally + instead of inline in your context, you can use + (or ) to externally create an instance of + (or ) and pass it to a base constructor of . + + + The model is discovered by running a set of conventions over the entity classes found in the + properties on the derived context. To further configure the model that + is discovered by convention, you can override the method. + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. The + + method will be called to configure the database (and other options) to be used for this context. + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified options. + The method will still be called to allow further + configuration of the options. + + + The options for this context. + + + + Provides access to database related information and operations for this context. + + + + + Provides access to information and operations for entity instances this context is tracking. + + + + + The metadata about the shape of entities, the relationships between them, and how they map to the database. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Creates a that can be used to query and save instances of . + + The type of entity for which a set should be returned. + A set for the given entity type. + + + + Creates a that can be used to query instances of . + + The type of query for which a DbQuery should be returned. + A DbQuery for the given query type. + + + + + Override this method to configure the database (and other options) to be used for this context. + This method is called for each instance of the context that is created. + The base implementation does nothing. + + + In situations where an instance of may or may not have been passed + to the constructor, you can use to determine if + the options have already been set, and skip some or all of the logic in + . + + + + A builder used to create or modify options for this context. Databases (and other extensions) + typically define extension methods on this object that allow you to configure the context. + + + + + Override this method to further configure the model that was discovered by convention from the entity types + exposed in properties on your derived context. The resulting model may be cached + and re-used for subsequent instances of your derived context. + + + If a model is explicitly set on the options for this context (via ) + then this method will not be run. + + + The builder being used to construct the model for this context. Databases (and other extensions) typically + define extension methods on this object that allow you to configure aspects of the model that are specific + to a given database. + + + + + Saves all changes made in this context to the database. + + + This method will automatically call to discover any + changes to entity instances before saving to the underlying database. This can be disabled via + . + + + The number of state entries written to the database. + + + An error is encountered while saving to the database. + + + A concurrency violation is encountered while saving to the database. + A concurrency violation occurs when an unexpected number of rows are affected during save. + This is usually because the data in the database has been modified since it was loaded into memory. + + + + + Saves all changes made in this context to the database. + + + Indicates whether is called after the changes have + been sent successfully to the database. + + + This method will automatically call to discover any + changes to entity instances before saving to the underlying database. This can be disabled via + . + + + The number of state entries written to the database. + + + An error is encountered while saving to the database. + + + A concurrency violation is encountered while saving to the database. + A concurrency violation occurs when an unexpected number of rows are affected during save. + This is usually because the data in the database has been modified since it was loaded into memory. + + + + + Asynchronously saves all changes made in this context to the database. + + + + This method will automatically call to discover any + changes to entity instances before saving to the underlying database. This can be disabled via + . + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous save operation. The task result contains the + number of state entries written to the database. + + + An error is encountered while saving to the database. + + + A concurrency violation is encountered while saving to the database. + A concurrency violation occurs when an unexpected number of rows are affected during save. + This is usually because the data in the database has been modified since it was loaded into memory. + + + + + Asynchronously saves all changes made in this context to the database. + + + Indicates whether is called after the changes have + been sent successfully to the database. + + + + This method will automatically call to discover any + changes to entity instances before saving to the underlying database. This can be disabled via + . + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous save operation. The task result contains the + number of state entries written to the database. + + + An error is encountered while saving to the database. + + + A concurrency violation is encountered while saving to the database. + A concurrency violation occurs when an unexpected number of rows are affected during save. + This is usually because the data in the database has been modified since it was loaded into memory. + + + + + Releases the allocated resources for this context. + + + + + Gets an for the given entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + The type of the entity. + The entity to get the entry for. + The entry for the given entity. + + + + + Gets an for the given entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + This method may be called on an entity that is not tracked. You can then + set the property on the returned entry + to have the context begin tracking the entity in the specified state. + + + The entity to get the entry for. + The entry for the given entity. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that + they will be inserted into the database when is called. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The type of the entity. + The entity to add. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + + This method is async only to allow special value generators, such as the one used by + 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.SequenceHiLo', + to access the database asynchronously. For all other cases the non async method should be used. + + + The type of the entity. + The entity to add. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous Add operation. The task result contains the + for the entity. The entry provides access to change tracking + information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state + such that no operation will be performed when + is called. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The type of the entity. + The entity to attach. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state such that it will + be updated in the database when is called. + + + All properties of the entity will be marked as modified. To mark only some properties as modified, use + to begin tracking the entity in the + state and then use the returned to mark the desired properties as modified. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The type of the entity. + The entity to update. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state such that it will + be removed from the database when is called. + + + + If the entity is already tracked in the state then the context will + stop tracking the entity (rather than marking it as ) since the + entity was previously added to the context and does not exist in the database. + + + Any other reachable entities that are not already being tracked will be tracked in the same way that + they would be if was called before calling this method. + This allows any cascading actions to be applied when is called. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The type of the entity. + The entity to remove. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to add. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + This method is async only to allow special value generators, such as the one used by + 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.SequenceHiLo', + to access the database asynchronously. For all other cases the non async method should be used. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to add. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous Add operation. The task result contains the + for the entity. The entry provides access to change tracking + information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state + such that no operation will be performed when + is called. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to attach. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state such that it will + be updated in the database when is called. + + + All properties of the entity will be marked as modified. To mark only some properties as modified, use + to begin tracking the entity in the + state and then use the returned to mark the desired properties as modified. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to update. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state such that it will + be removed from the database when is called. + + + + If the entity is already tracked in the state then the context will + stop tracking the entity (rather than marking it as ) since the + entity was previously added to the context and does not exist in the database. + + + Any other reachable entities that are not already being tracked will be tracked in the same way that + they would be if was called before calling this method. + This allows any cascading actions to be applied when is called. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to remove. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + The entities to add. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + + This method is async only to allow special value generators, such as the one used by + 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.SequenceHiLo', + to access the database asynchronously. For all other cases the non async method should be used. + + + The entities to add. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state + such that no operation will be performed when + is called. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + The entities to attach. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state such that they will + be updated in the database when is called. + + + All properties of each entity will be marked as modified. To mark only some properties as modified, use + to begin tracking each entity in the + state and then use the returned to mark the desired properties as modified. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + The entities to update. + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state such that it will + be removed from the database when is called. + + + + If any of the entities are already tracked in the state then the context will + stop tracking those entities (rather than marking them as ) since those + entities were previously added to the context and do not exist in the database. + + + Any other reachable entities that are not already being tracked will be tracked in the same way that + they would be if was called before calling this method. + This allows any cascading actions to be applied when is called. + + + The entities to remove. + + + + Begins tracking the given entities, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + The entities to add. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + + This method is async only to allow special value generators, such as the one used by + 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.SequenceHiLo', + to access the database asynchronously. For all other cases the non async method should be used. + + + The entities to add. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state + such that no operation will be performed when + is called. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + The entities to attach. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state such that they will + be updated in the database when is called. + + + All properties of each entity will be marked as modified. To mark only some properties as modified, use + to begin tracking each entity in the + state and then use the returned to mark the desired properties as modified. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + The entities to update. + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state such that it will + be removed from the database when is called. + + + + If any of the entities are already tracked in the state then the context will + stop tracking those entities (rather than marking them as ) since those + entities were previously added to the context and do not exist in the database. + + + Any other reachable entities that are not already being tracked will be tracked in the same way that + they would be if was called before calling this method. + This allows any cascading actions to be applied when is called. + + + The entities to remove. + + + + Finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with the given primary key values + is being tracked by the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the + database. Otherwise, a query is made to the database for an entity with the given primary key values + and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and returned. If no entity is found, then + null is returned. + + The type of entity to find. + The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. + The entity found, or null. + + + + Finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with the given primary key values + is being tracked by the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the + database. Otherwise, a query is made to the database for an entity with the given primary key values + and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and returned. If no entity is found, then + null is returned. + + The type of entity to find. + The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. + The entity found, or null. + + + + Finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with the given primary key values + is being tracked by the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the + database. Otherwise, a query is made to the database for an entity with the given primary key values + and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and returned. If no entity is found, then + null is returned. + + The type of entity to find. + The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + The entity found, or null. + + + + Finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with the given primary key values + is being tracked by the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the + database. Otherwise, a query is made to the database for an entity with the given primary key values + and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and returned. If no entity is found, then + null is returned. + + The type of entity to find. + The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. + The entity found, or null. + + + + Finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with the given primary key values + is being tracked by the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the + database. Otherwise, a query is made to the database for an entity with the given primary key values + and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and returned. If no entity is found, then + null is returned. + + The type of entity to find. + The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. + The entity found, or null. + + + + Finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with the given primary key values + is being tracked by the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the + database. Otherwise, a query is made to the database for an entity with the given primary key values + and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and returned. If no entity is found, then + null is returned. + + The type of entity to find. + The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + The entity found, or null. + + + + + Gets the scoped being used to resolve services. + + + This property is intended for use by extension methods that need to make use of services + not directly exposed in the public API surface. + + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + The options to be used by a . You normally override + or use a + to create instances of this class and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. You normally override + or use a + to create instances of this class and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + The extensions that store the configured options. + + + + Gets the extensions that store the configured options. + + + + + Gets the extension of the specified type. Returns null if no extension of the specified type is configured. + + The type of the extension to get. + The extension, or null if none was found. + + + + Gets the extension of the specified type. Throws if no extension of the specified type is configured. + + The type of the extension to get. + The extension. + + + + Adds the given extension to the options. + + The type of extension to be added. + The extension to be added. + The same options instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + The type of context that these options are for. Will return if the + options are not built for a specific derived context. + + + + + Specifies that no further configuration of this options object should occur. + + + + + Returns true if . has been called. A frozen options object cannot be further + configured with . + + + + + + Provides a simple API surface for configuring . Databases (and other extensions) + typically define extension methods on this object that allow you to configure the database connection (and other + options) to be used for a context. + + + You can use to configure a context by overriding + or creating a + externally and passing it to the context constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with no options set. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class to further configure + a given . + + The options to be configured. + + + + Gets the options being configured. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether any options have been configured. + + + This can be useful when you have overridden to configure + the context, but in some cases you also externally provide options via the context constructor. This property can be + used to determine if the options have already been set, and skip some or all of the logic in + . + + + + + + Sets the model to be used for the context. If the model is set, then + will not be run. + + The model to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the that will be used to create instances + for logging done by this context. It is never necessary to call this method since EF can obtain + or create a logger factory automatically. + + + There is no need to call this method when using one of the 'AddDbContext' methods. + 'AddDbContext' will ensure that the used by EF is obtained from the + application service provider. + + + Note that changing the logger factory can cause EF to build a new internal service provider, which + may cause issues with performance. Generally it is expected that no more than one or two different + instances will be used for a given application. + + + This method cannot be used if the application is setting the internal service provider + through a call to . In this case, the + should be configured directly in that service provider. + + + The logger factory to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the to be used for query caching by this context. It is never + necessary to call this method since EF can obtain or create a memory cache automatically. + + + There is no need to call this method when using one of the 'AddDbContext' methods. + 'AddDbContext' will ensure that the used by EF is obtained from the + application service provider. + + + Note that changing the memory cache can cause EF to build a new internal service provider, which + may cause issues with performance. Generally it is expected that no more than one or two different + instances will be used for a given application. + + + This method cannot be used if the application is setting the internal service provider + through a call to . In this case, the + should be configured directly in that service provider. + + + The memory cache to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the that the context should resolve all of its services from. EF will + create and manage a service provider if none is specified. + + + The service provider must contain all the services required by Entity Framework (and the database being + used). The Entity Framework services can be registered using an extension method on . + For example, the Microsoft SQL Server provider includes an AddEntityFrameworkSqlServer() method to add + the required services. + + + If the has a or + registered, then this will be used as the options for + this context instance. + + + The service provider to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the from which application services will be obtained. This + is done automatically when using 'AddDbContext', so it is rare that this method needs to be called. + + The service provider to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Enables application data to be included in exception messages, logging, etc. This can include the + values assigned to properties of your entity instances, parameter values for commands being sent + to the database, and other such data. You should only enable this flag if you have the appropriate + security measures in place based on the sensitivity of this data. + + + Note that if the application is setting the internal service provider through a call to + , then this option must configured the same way + for all uses of that service provider. Consider instead not calling + so that EF will manage the service providers and can create new instances as required. + + + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the tracking behavior for LINQ queries run against the context. Disabling change tracking + is useful for read-only scenarios because it avoids the overhead of setting up change tracking for each + entity instance. You should not disable change tracking if you want to manipulate entity instances and + persist those changes to the database using . + + + This method sets the default behavior for all contexts created with these options, but you can override this + behavior for a context instance using or on individual + queries using the + and methods. + + + The default value is . This means + the change tracker will keep track of changes for all entities that are returned from a LINQ query. + + + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the runtime behavior of warnings generated by Entity Framework. You can set a default + behavior and behaviors for each warning type. + + + Note that changing this configuration can cause EF to build a new internal service provider, which + may cause issues with performance. Generally it is expected that no more than one or two different + configurations will be used for a given application. + + + Note that if the application is setting the internal service provider through a call to + , then this option must configured the same way + for all uses of that service provider. Consider instead not calling + so that EF will manage the service providers and can create new instances as required. + + + + + optionsBuilder.ConfigureWarnings(warnings => + warnings.Default(WarningBehavior.Ignore) + .Log(CoreEventId.IncludeIgnoredWarning, CoreEventId.ModelValidationWarning) + .Throw(RelationalEventId.QueryClientEvaluationWarning)) + + + + An action to configure the warning behavior. + + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Replaces the internal Entity Framework implementation of a service contract with a different + implementation. + + + This method can only be used when EF is building and managing its internal service provider. + If the service provider is being built externally and passed to + , then replacement services should be configured on + that service provider before it is passed to EF. + + + The replacement service gets the same scope as the EF service that it is replacing. + + + The type (usually an interface) that defines the contract of the service to replace. + The new implementation type for the service. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Adds the given extension to the options. If an existing extension of the same type already exists, it will be replaced. + + + This method is intended for use by extension methods to configure the context. It is not intended to be used in + application code. + + + The type of extension to be added. + The extension to be added. + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides a simple API surface for configuring . Databases (and other extensions) + typically define extension methods on this object that allow you to configure the database connection (and other + options) to be used for a context. + + + You can use to configure a context by overriding + or creating a + externally and passing it to the context constructor. + + + The type of context to be configured. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with no options set. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class to further configure + a given . + + The options to be configured. + + + + Gets the options being configured. + + + + + Sets the model to be used for the context. If the model is set, then + will not be run. + + The model to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the that will be used to create instances + for logging done by this context. It is never necessary to call this method since EF can obtain + or create a logger factory automatically. + + + There is no need to call this method when using one of the 'AddDbContext' methods. + 'AddDbContext' will ensure that the used by EF is obtained from the + application service provider. + + + Note that changing the logger factory can cause EF to build a new internal service provider, which + may cause issues with performance. Generally it is expected that no more than one or two different + instances will be used for a given application. + + + This method cannot be used if the application is setting the internal service provider + through a call to . In this case, the + should be configured directly in that service provider. + + + The logger factory to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the to be used for query caching by this context. It is never + necessary to call this method since EF can obtain or create a memory cache automatically. + + + There is no need to call this method when using one of the 'AddDbContext' methods. + 'AddDbContext' will ensure that the used by EF is obtained from the + application service provider. + + + Note that changing the memory cache can cause EF to build a new internal service provider, which + may cause issues with performance. Generally it is expected that no more than one or two different + instances will be used for a given application. + + + This method cannot be used if the application is setting the internal service provider + through a call to . In this case, the + should be configured directly in that service provider. + + + The memory cache to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the that the context should resolve all of its services from. EF will + create and manage a service provider if none is specified. + + + The service provider must contain all the services required by Entity Framework (and the database being + used). The Entity Framework services can be registered using an extension method on . + For example, the Microsoft SQL Server provider includes an AddEntityFrameworkSqlServer() method to add + the required services. + + + If the has a or + registered, then this will be used as the options for + this context instance. + + + The service provider to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the from which application services will be obtained. This + is done automatically when using 'AddDbContext', so it is rare that this method needs to be called. + + The service provider to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Enables application data to be included in exception messages, logging, etc. This can include the + values assigned to properties of your entity instances, parameter values for commands being sent + to the database, and other such data. You should only enable this flag if you have the appropriate + security measures in place based on the sensitivity of this data. + + + Note that if the application is setting the internal service provider through a call to + , then this option must configured the same way + for all uses of that service provider. Consider instead not calling + so that EF will manage the service providers and can create new instances as required. + + + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the tracking behavior for LINQ queries run against the context. Disabling change tracking + is useful for read-only scenarios because it avoids the overhead of setting up change tracking for each + entity instance. You should not disable change tracking if you want to manipulate entity instances and + persist those changes to the database using . + + + This method sets the default behavior for all contexts created with these options, but you can override this + behavior for a context instance using or on individual + queries using the + and methods. + + + The default value is . This means the + change tracker will keep track of changes for all entities that are returned from a LINQ query. + + + + + + + Configures the runtime behavior of warnings generated by Entity Framework. You can set a default + behavior and behaviors for each warning type. + + + Note that changing this configuration can cause EF to build a new internal service provider, which + may cause issues with performance. Generally it is expected that no more than one or two different + configurations will be used for a given application. + + + Note that if the application is setting the internal service provider through a call to + , then this option must configured the same way + for all uses of that service provider. Consider instead not calling + so that EF will manage the service providers and can create new instances as required. + + + + + optionsBuilder.ConfigureWarnings(warnings => + warnings.Default(WarningBehavior.Ignore) + .Log(CoreEventId.IncludeIgnoredWarning, CoreEventId.ModelValidationWarning) + .Throw(RelationalEventId.QueryClientEvaluationWarning)) + + + + An action to configure the warning behavior. + + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Replaces the internal Entity Framework implementation of a service contract with a different + implementation. + + + This method can only be used when EF is building and managing its internal service provider. + If the service provider is being built externally and passed to + , then replacement services should be configured on + that service provider before it is passed to EF. + + + The replacement service gets the same scope as the EF service that it is replacing. + + + The type (usually an interface) that defines the contract of the service to replace. + The new implementation type for the service. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + The options to be used by a . You normally override + or use a + to create instances of this class and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + The type of the context these options apply to. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. You normally override + or use a + to create instances of this class and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. You normally override + or use a + to create instances of this class and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + The extensions that store the configured options. + + + + Adds the given extension to the options. + + The type of extension to be added. + The extension to be added. + The same options instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + The type of context that these options are for (). + + + + + Provides CLR methods that get translated to database functions when used in LINQ to Entities queries. + The methods on this class are accessed via . + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + Provides CLR methods that get translated to database functions when used in LINQ to Entities queries. + The methods on this class are accessed via . + + + + + + An implementation of the SQL LIKE operation. On relational databases this is usually directly + translated to SQL. + + + Note that if this function is translated into SQL, then the semantics of the comparison will + depend on the database configuration. In particular, it may be either case-sensitive or + case-insensitive. If this function is evaluated on the client, then it will always use + a case-insensitive comparison. + + + The DbFunctions instance. + The string that is to be matched. + The pattern which may involve wildcards %,_,[,],^. + true if there is a match. + + + + + An implementation of the SQL LIKE operation. On relational databases this is usually directly + translated to SQL. + + + Note that if this function is translated into SQL, then the semantics of the comparison will + depend on the database configuration. In particular, it may be either case-sensitive or + case-insensitive. If this function is evaluated on the client, then it will always use + a case-insensitive comparison. + + + The DbFunctions instance. + The string that is to be matched. + The pattern which may involve wildcards %,_,[,],^. + + The escape character (as a single character string) to use in front of %,_,[,],^ + if they are not used as wildcards. + + true if there is a match. + + + + + An API for getting logger categories in an Intellisense/tab-completion friendly manner. + + + Get an Entity Framework Core logger category using its Name property. For example, + LoggerCategory.Database.Sql.Name. + + + Use these types with or + to create a logger. + + + + + + The root/prefix for all Entity Framework categories. + + + + + Logger categories for messages related to database interactions. + + + + + Logger category for messages related to connection operations. + + + + + Logger category for command execution, including SQL sent to the database. + + + + + Logger category for messages related to transaction operations. + + + + + Logger category for messages related to , excluding + messages specifically relating to database interactions which are covered by + the categories. + + + + + Logger categories for messages related to model building and metadata. + + + + + Logger category for messages from model validation. + + + + + Logger category for messages related to queries, excluding + the generated SQL, which is in the category. + + + + + Logger category for miscellaneous messages from the Entity Framework infrastructure. + + + + + Logger category for messages from scaffolding/reverse engineering. + + + + + Logger category messages from Migrations. + + + + + Logger category for messages from change detection and tracking. + + + + + + A can be used to query instances of . + LINQ queries against a will be translated into queries against the database. + + + The results of a LINQ query against a will contain the results + returned from the database and may not reflect changes made in the context that have not + been persisted to the database. For example, the results will not contain newly added views + and may still contain views that are marked for deletion. + + + Depending on the database being used, some parts of a LINQ query against a + may be evaluated in memory rather than being translated into a database query. + + + objects are usually obtained from a + property on a derived or from the + method. + + + The type of view being operated on by this view. + + + + Returns an which when enumerated will execute a query against the database + to load all views from the database. + + The query results. + + + + Returns an which when enumerated will execute a query against the database + to load all views from the database. + + The query results. + + + + Returns an which when enumerated will asynchronously execute the query against + the database. + + The query results. + + + + Gets the IQueryable element type. + + + + + Gets the IQueryable LINQ Expression. + + + + + Gets the IQueryable provider. + + + + + + Gets the scoped being used to resolve services. + + + This property is intended for use by extension methods that need to make use of services + not directly exposed in the public API surface. + + + + + + + A can be used to query and save instances of . + LINQ queries against a will be translated into queries against the database. + + + The results of a LINQ query against a will contain the results + returned from the database and may not reflect changes made in the context that have not + been persisted to the database. For example, the results will not contain newly added entities + and may still contain entities that are marked for deletion. + + + Depending on the database being used, some parts of a LINQ query against a + may be evaluated in memory rather than being translated into a database query. + + + objects are usually obtained from a + property on a derived or from the + method. + + + The type of entity being operated on by this set. + + + + + Gets an that represents a local view of all Added, Unchanged, + and Modified entities in this set. + + + This local view will stay in sync as entities are added or removed from the context. Likewise, entities + added to or removed from the local view will automatically be added to or removed + from the context. + + + This property can be used for data binding by populating the set with data, for example by using the + extension method, + and then binding to the local data through this property by calling + for WPF binding, or + for WinForms. + + + + + + Finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with the given primary key values + is being tracked by the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the + database. Otherwise, a query is made to the database for an entity with the given primary key values + and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and returned. If no entity is found, then + null is returned. + + The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. + The entity found, or null. + + + + Finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with the given primary key values + is being tracked by the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the + database. Otherwise, a query is made to the database for an entity with the given primary key values + and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and returned. If no entity is found, then + null is returned. + + The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. + The entity found, or null. + + + + Finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with the given primary key values + is being tracked by the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the + database. Otherwise, a query is made to the database for an entity with the given primary key values + and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and returned. If no entity is found, then + null is returned. + + The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + The entity found, or null. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to add. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + + This method is async only to allow special value generators, such as the one used by + 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.SequenceHiLo', + to access the database asynchronously. For all other cases the non async method should be used. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to add. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous Add operation. The task result contains the + for the entity. The entry provides access to change tracking + information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state + such that no operation will be performed when + is called. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to attach. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state such that it will + be removed from the database when is called. + + + + If the entity is already tracked in the state then the context will + stop tracking the entity (rather than marking it as ) since the + entity was previously added to the context and does not exist in the database. + + + Any other reachable entities that are not already being tracked will be tracked in the same way that + they would be if was called before calling this method. + This allows any cascading actions to be applied when is called. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to remove. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state such that it will + be updated in the database when is called. + + + All properties of the entity will be marked as modified. To mark only some properties as modified, use + to begin tracking the entity in the + state and then use the returned to mark the desired properties as modified. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to update. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + The entities to add. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + + This method is async only to allow special value generators, such as the one used by + 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.SequenceHiLo', + to access the database asynchronously. For all other cases the non async method should be used. + + + The entities to add. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state + such that no operation will be performed when + is called. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + The entities to attach. + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state such that they will + be removed from the database when is called. + + + + If any of the entities are already tracked in the state then the context will + stop tracking those entities (rather than marking them as ) since those + entities were previously added to the context and do not exist in the database. + + + Any other reachable entities that are not already being tracked will be tracked in the same way that + they would be if was called before calling this method. + This allows any cascading actions to be applied when is called. + + + The entities to remove. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state such that they will + be updated in the database when is called. + + + All properties of each entity will be marked as modified. To mark only some properties as modified, use + to begin tracking each entity in the + state and then use the returned to mark the desired properties as modified. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + The entities to update. + + + + Begins tracking the given entities, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + The entities to add. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + + This method is async only to allow special value generators, such as the one used by + 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.SequenceHiLo', + to access the database asynchronously. For all other cases the non async method should be used. + + + The entities to add. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state + such that no operation will be performed when + is called. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + The entities to attach. + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state such that they will + be removed from the database when is called. + + + + If any of the entities are already tracked in the state then the context will + stop tracking those entities (rather than marking them as ) since those + entities were previously added to the context and do not exist in the database. + + + Any other reachable entities that are not already being tracked will be tracked in the same way that + they would be if was called before calling this method. + This allows any cascading actions to be applied when is called. + + + The entities to remove. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state such that they will + be updated in the database when is called. + + + All properties of each entity will be marked as modified. To mark only some properties as modified, use + to begin tracking each entity in the + state and then use the returned to mark the desired properties as modified. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + The entities to update. + + + + Returns an which when enumerated will execute a query against the database + to load all entities from the database. + + The query results. + + + + Returns an which when enumerated will execute a query against the database + to load all entities from the database. + + The query results. + + + + Returns an which when enumerated will asynchronously execute the query against + the database. + + The query results. + + + + Gets the IQueryable element type. + + + + + Gets the IQueryable LINQ Expression. + + + + + Gets the IQueryable provider. + + + + + + Gets the scoped being used to resolve services. + + + This property is intended for use by extension methods that need to make use of services + not directly exposed in the public API surface. + + + + + + + This method is called by data binding frameworks when attempting to data bind + directly to a . + + + This implementation always throws an exception as binding directly to a + will result in a query being + sent to the database every time the data binding framework requests the contents + of the collection. Instead load the results into the context, for example, by using the + extension method, + and then bind to the local data through the by calling + for WPF binding, or + for WinForms. + + + Always thrown. + Never returns, always throws an exception. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection is a collection of System.Collections.IList objects. + Always returns false. + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + An exception that is thrown when a concurrency violation is encountered while saving to the database. A concurrency violation + occurs when an unexpected number of rows are affected during save. This is usually because the data in the database has + been modified since it was loaded into memory. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The error message that explains the reason for the exception. + The entries that were involved in the concurrency violation. + + + + An exception that is thrown when an error is encountered while saving to the database. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The error message that explains the reason for the exception. + The exception that is the cause of the current exception. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The error message that explains the reason for the exception. + The entries that were involved in the error. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The error message that explains the reason for the exception. + The entries that were involved in the error. + The exception that is the cause of the current exception. + + + + Gets the entries that were involved in the error. Typically this is a single entry, but in some cases it + may be zero or multiple entries. + + + + + + Indicates how a delete operation is applied to dependent entities in a relationship when the + principal is deleted or the relationship is severed. + + + Behaviors in the database are dependent on the database schema being created + appropriately. Using Entity Framework Migrations or + will create the appropriate schema. + + + Note that the in-memory behavior for entities that are currently tracked by + the can be different from the behavior that happens in the database. + See the behavior for more details. + + + + + + + For entities being tracked by the , the values of foreign key properties in + dependent entities are set to null. This helps keep the graph of entities in a consistent + state while they are being tracked, such that a fully consistent graph can then be written to + the database. If a property cannot be set to null because it is not a nullable type, + then an exception will be thrown when is called. + This is the same as the behavior. + + + If the database has been created from the model using Entity Framework Migrations or the + method, then the behavior in the database + is to generate an error if a foreign key constraint is violated. + This is the same as the behavior. + + + This is the default for optional relationships. That is, for relationships that have + nullable foreign keys. + + + + + + + For entities being tracked by the , the values of foreign key properties in + dependent entities are not changed. This can result in an inconsistent graph of entities + where the values of foreign key properties do not match the relationships in the + graph. If a property remains in this state when + is called, then an exception will be thrown. + + + If the database has been created from the model using Entity Framework Migrations or the + method, then the behavior in the database + is to generate an error if a foreign key constraint is violated. + + + + + + + For entities being tracked by the , the values of foreign key properties in + dependent entities are set to null. This helps keep the graph of entities in a consistent + state while they are being tracked, such that a fully consistent graph can then be written to + the database. If a property cannot be set to null because it is not a nullable type, + then an exception will be thrown when is called. + + + If the database has been created from the model using Entity Framework Migrations or the + method, then the behavior in the database is + the same as is described above for tracked entities. Keep in mind that some databases cannot easily + support this behavior, especially if there are cycles in relationships. + + + + + + + For entities being tracked by the , the dependent entities + will also be deleted when is called. + + + If the database has been created from the model using Entity Framework Migrations or the + method, then the behavior in the database is + the same as is described above for tracked entities. Keep in mind that some databases cannot easily + support this behavior, especially if there are cycles in relationships. + + + This is the default for required relationships. That is, for relationships that have + non-nullable foreign keys. + + + + + + + Identifies where to find the design time services for a given database provider. This attribute should + be present in the primary assembly of the database provider. + + + This attribute is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The name of the type that can be used to add the database providers design time services to a . + This type should implement . + + + + + Gets the name of the type that can be used to add the database providers design time services to a . + This type should implement . + + + + + + Identifies where to find additional design time services. + + + This attribute is typically used by design-time extensions. It is generally not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The assembly-qualified name of the type that can be used to add additional design time services to a . + This type should implement . + + + + + Gets the assembly-qualified name of the type that can be used to add additional design time services to a . + This type should implement . + + + + + A factory for creating derived instances. Implement this interface to enable + design-time services for context types that do not have a public default constructor. At design-time, + derived instances can be created in order to enable specific design-time + experiences such as Migrations. Design-time services will automatically discover implementations of + this interface that are in the startup assembly or the same assembly as the derived context. + + The type of the context. + + + + Creates a new instance of a derived context. + + Arguments provided by the design-time service. + An instance of . + + + + Enables configuring design-time services. Tools will automatically discover implementations of this + interface that are in the startup assembly. + + + + + Configures design-time services. Use this method to override the default design-time services with your + own implementations. + + The design-time service collection. + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a query expression. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The left . + The right . + + + + The left . + + + + + The right . + + + + + A event payload class for events that indicate + an entity is being deleted because its parent entity has been deleted. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The entity entry for the entity that is being deleted. + The entity entry for the parent that trigger the cascade. + The state that the child is transitioning to--usually 'Deleted'. + + + + The state that the child is transitioning to--usually 'Deleted'. + + + + + The entity entry for the parent that trigger the cascade. + + + + + A event payload class for events that indicate + an entity is being deleted because its required relationship to a parent has been severed. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The entity entry for the entity that is being deleted. + The entity type to which the relationship was severed. + The state that the child is transitioning to--usually 'Deleted'. + + + + The state that the child is transitioning to--usually 'Deleted'. + + + + + The entity type to which the relationship was severed. + + + + + A event payload class for events that indicate + a collection navigation property has had entities added and/or removed. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The entry for the entity instance on which the property value has changed. + The navigation property. + The entities added to the collection. + The entities removed from the collection. + + + + The entry for the entity instance on which the navigation property has been added + to or removed from. + + + + + The entities added to the collection. + + + + + The entities removed from the collection. + + + + + A event payload class for context initialization events. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The that is initialized. + The being used. + + + + The that is initialized. + + + + + The being used. + + + + + + Event IDs for events that correspond to messages logged to an + and events sent to a . + + + These IDs are also used with to configure the + behavior of warnings. + + + + + + The lower-bound for event IDs used by any Entity Framework or provider code. + + + + + The lower-bound for event IDs used by any relational database provider. + + + + + The lower-bound for event IDs used only by database providers. + + + + + The lower-bound for event IDs used only by database provider design-time and tooling. + + + + + + An error occurred while attempting to save changes to the database. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + The same entity is being tracked as a different weak entity type. + This event is in the category. + + + + + + An error occurred while processing the results of a query. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A query model is being compiled. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A query uses a row limiting operation (Skip/Take) without OrderBy which may lead to unpredictable results. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A query uses First/FirstOrDefault operation without OrderBy and filter which may lead to unpredictable results. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A query model was optimized. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A navigation was included in the query. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A navigation was ignored while compiling a query. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A query is planned for execution. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + Possible unintended comparison of collection navigation to null. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + Possible unintended reference comparison. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A warning indicating that sensitive data logging is enabled and may be logged. + + + This event may be in different categories depending on where sensitive data is being logged. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A service provider was created for internal use by Entity Framework. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + Many service providers were created in a single app domain. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A was initialized. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A transient exception has been encountered during execution and the operation will be retried. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A navigation property is being lazy-loaded. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + An attempt was made to lazy-load a property after the DbContext had been disposed. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + An attempt was made to lazy-load a property from a detached/no-tracking entity. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A shadow property has been created. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + An index was not created as the properties are already covered. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + The best match for foreign key properties are incompatible with the principal key. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + The entity type with the navigation property that has the + was configured as the dependent side in the relationship. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + Navigations separated into two relationships as was specified on both navigations. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + The properties that best match the foreign key convention are already used by a different foreign key. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + There are multiple properties that could be used as the primary key. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + There are multiple properties that could be navigations to the same type. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + There are multiple navigations with that point + to the same inverse navigation. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + There navigation that points to is not the defining navigation. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + There navigation that points to is not the defining navigation. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + Navigations separated into two relationships as was specified on properties + on both sides. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + Navigations separated into two relationships as was specified on navigations + on both sides. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + The specified on the navigation doesn't match the + specified on the property. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + DetectChanges is starting. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + DetectChanges has completed. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + DetectChanges has detected a change in a property value. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + DetectChanges has detected a change in a foreign key property value. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + DetectChanges has detected entities were added and/or removed from a collection + navigation property. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + DetectChanges has detected a change to the entity references by another entity. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + An entity is being tracked by the . + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + An entity tracked by the is changing from one + to another. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + A property of a tracked entity is getting a generated value. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + An entity is being deleted or detached because its parent was deleted. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + An entity is being deleted or detached because the required relationship to its + parent was severed. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + or one of its overloads started. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + or one of its overloads has completed. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + The is being disposed. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + A event payload class for error events that reference + a . + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The current . + The exception that triggered this event. + + + + The exception that triggered this event. + + + + + A event payload class for events that reference + a . + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The current . + + + + The current . + + + + + A event payload class for error events that reference + a type. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The type of the current . + The exception that triggered this event. + + + + The exception that triggered this event. + + + + + A event payload class for events that reference + a type. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The current . + + + + The current . + + + + + A event payload class for events that reference + a . + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The entity entry. + + + + The entity entry. + + + + + A base class for all Entity Framework event payloads. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + + + + The that defines the message ID and name. + + + + + The that would be used to log message for this event. + + + + + A logger message describing this event. + + A logger message describing this event. + + + + Defines metadata for an event with no parameters and a cached delegate to log the + event with reduced allocations. + + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Generates the message that would be logged without logging it. + Typically used for throwing an exception in warning-as-error cases. + + Optional exception associated with this event. + The message string. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Whether the event should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Base class for event definitions. + + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings. + + + + The . + + + + + The at which the event will be logged. + + + + + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings to suppress this event as an error. + + + + + Returns a warning-as-error exception wrapping the given message for this event. + + The message to wrap. + + + + Gets the log behavior for this event. This determines whether it should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + + The . + The logger to which the event would be logged. + Whether the event should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Defines metadata for an event with one parameter and a cached delegate to log the + event with reduced allocations. + + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings. + + + + Generates the message that would be logged without logging it. + Typically used for throwing an exception in warning-as-error cases. + + The message argument. + Optional exception associated with this event. + The message string. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Whether the event should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + Message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Defines metadata for an event with three parameters and a cached delegate to log the + event with reduced allocations. + + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Generates the message that would be logged without logging it. + Typically used for throwing an exception in warning-as-error cases. + + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + Optional exception associated with this event. + The message string. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Whether the event should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Defines metadata for an event with three parameters and a cached delegate to log the + event with reduced allocations. + + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Generates the message that would be logged without logging it. + Typically used for throwing an exception in warning-as-error cases. + + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + Optional exception associated with this event. + The message string. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Whether the event should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Defines metadata for an event with three parameters and a cached delegate to log the + event with reduced allocations. + + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Generates the message that would be logged without logging it. + Typically used for throwing an exception in warning-as-error cases. + + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + The fourth message argument. + Optional exception associated with this event. + The message string. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + The fourth message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Whether the event should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + The fourth message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Defines metadata for an event with three parameters and a cached delegate to log the + event with reduced allocations. + + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Generates the message that would be logged without logging it. + Typically used for throwing an exception in warning-as-error cases. + + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + The fourth message argument. + The fifth message argument. + Optional exception associated with this event. + The message string. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + The fourth message argument. + The fifth message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Whether the event should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + The fourth message argument. + The fifth message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Defines metadata for an event with three parameters and a cached delegate to log the + event with reduced allocations. + + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Generates the message that would be logged without logging it. + Typically used for throwing an exception in warning-as-error cases. + + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + The fourth message argument. + The fifth message argument. + The sixth message argument. + Optional exception associated with this event. + The message string. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + The fourth message argument. + The fifth message argument. + The sixth message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Whether the event should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + The fourth message argument. + The fifth message argument. + The sixth message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + The event payload for + execution strategy events. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + + The exceptions that have been caught during the execution of an operation. + + The delay before retrying the operation. + + Indicates whether or not the command was executed asynchronously. + + + + + A correlation ID that identifies the instance being used. + + + + + The delay before retrying the operation. + + + + + Indicates whether or not the operation is being executed asynchronously. + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a query expression. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The . + + + + The . + + + + + Defines metadata for an event with more than six parameters such that it has to have + special handling. + + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + The parameterized message definition. + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings. + The parameterized message definition. + + + + Generates the message that would be logged without logging it. + Typically used for throwing an exception in warning-as-error cases. + + A delegate that will log the message to an . + The message string. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + A delegate that will log the message to an . + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Whether the event should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + A delegate that will log the message to an . + + + + The parameterized message definition. + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a foreign key. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The foreign key. + + + + The foreign key. + + + + + + Combines and + for use by all EF Core logging so that events can be sent to both + for ASP.NET and for everything else. + + + Also intercepts messages such that warnings + can be either logged or thrown, and such that a decision as to whether to log + sensitive data or not can be made. + + + + + + Checks if the given is enabled or the given event, and, + if so, whether the event should be logged or thrown. + + The event ID that will be logged, if enabled. + The logging level to which the event will be logged. + One of Log, Throw, or Ignore. + + + + Entity Framework logging options. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether sensitive information should be written + to the underlying logger. This also has the side effect of writing a warning + to the log the first time sensitive data is logged. + + + + + The underlying . + + + + + The . + + + + + An interface implemented by any subclass that represents an + error event with an . + + + + + The exception that was thrown to signal the error. + + + + + Options set at the singleton level to control how\ + messages are logged and/or thrown in exceptions. + + + + + Reflects the option set by . + + + + + This flag is set once a warning about has been + issued to avoid logging the warning again. + + + + + Reflects the option set by . + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + an specification. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The . + + + + The result operator. + + + + + A event payload class for events from + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The current . + The entity instance on which lazy-loading was initiated. + The navigation property name of the relationship to be loaded. + + + + The entity instance on which lazy-loading was initiated. + + + + + The navigation property name of the relationship to be loaded. + + + + + Generic helper class used to implement the property. + + The logger category type. + + + + The logger category name, for use with , etc. + + The category name. + + + + The logger category name. + + The logger category name. + + + + The logger category name. + + The category. + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a navigation. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The navigation. + + + + The navigation. + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a navigation property. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The navigation property. + + + + The navigation property. + + + + + A event payload class for events that indicate + a changed property value. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The entry for the entity instance on which the property value has changed. + The property. + The old value. + The new value. + + + + The entry for the entity instance on which the property value has changed. + + + + + The old value. + + + + + The new value. + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a property. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The property. + + + + The property. + + + + + A event payload class for events that indicate + a property value. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The entry for the entity instance on which the property value has changed. + The property. + The old value. + + + + The entry for the entity instance. + + + + + The value. + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a query expression. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The . + An that can be used to render the . + + + + The . + + + + + An that can be used to render the . + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a query model. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The . + + + + The . + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a query model and an expression. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The . + The query model element requiring client-eval. + + + + The expression. + + + + + A event payload class for events that indicate + a changed property value. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The entry for the entity instance on which the property value has changed. + The navigation property. + The old referenced entity. + The new referenced entity. + + + + The entry for the entity instance on which the navigation property value has changed. + + + + + The old referenced entity. + + + + + The new referenced entity. + + + + + A event payload class for events that indicate + has completed. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The current . + The number of entities saved to the database. + + + + The number of entities saved to the database. + + + + + A event payload class for events that + specify the entities being saved and the rows affected. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + Entries for the entities being saved. + The rows affected. + + + + Entries for the entities being saved. + + + + + The rows affected. + + + + + A event payload class for events that reference + a container. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The . + + + + The . + + + + + A event payload class for events that reference + multiple containers. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The s. + + + + The s. + + + + + A event payload class for events that reference + two instances. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The first . + The second . + + + + The first . + + + + + The second . + + + + + A event payload class for events that indicate + a change of a tracked entity from one to another. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The entity entry. + The old state. + The new state. + + + + The old state. + + + + + The new state. + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + two property collections. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The first property collection. + The second property collection. + + + + The first property collection. + + + + + The second property collection. + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + two unmapped property collections. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The first property collection. + The second property collection. + + + + The first property collection. + + + + + The second property collection. + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a . + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The CLR type. + The . + + + + The CLR type. + + + + + The . + + + + + + Represents configuration for which warnings should be thrown, logged, or ignored. + by database providers or extensions. These options are set using . + + + Instances of this class are designed to be immutable. To change an option, call one of the 'With...' + methods to obtain a new instance with the option changed. + + + + + + Creates a new, empty configuration, with all options set to their defaults. + + + + + Called by a derived class constructor when implementing the method. + + The instance that is being cloned. + + + + Override this method in a derived class to ensure that any clone created is also of that class. + + A clone of this instance, which can be modified before being returned as immutable. + + + + The option set from the method. + + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with the given explicit set for + all given event IDs. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The event IDs for which the behavior should be set. + The behavior to set. + A new instance with the behaviors set. + + + + Gets the set for the given event ID, or the + if no explicit behavior has been set. + + + + + Creates a new instance with the given explicit set for + the given event ID, but only if no explicit behavior has already been set. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The event ID for which the behavior should be set. + The behavior to set. + A new instance with the behavior set, or this instance if a behavior was already set. + + + + Returns a hash code created from any options that would cause a new + to be needed. + + A hash over options that require a new service provider when changed. + + + + + Configures the runtime behavior of warnings generated by Entity Framework. + You can set a default behavior and behaviors for each warning type. + + + This class is used within the + + API and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The options builder to which the warnings configuration will be applied. + + + + Sets the default behavior when a warning is generated. + + The desired behavior. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + Causes an exception to be thrown when the specified core warnings are generated. Database providers (and other extensions) + may provide extension method overloads of this method to configure this behavior for warnings they generate. + + + The and 'RelationalEventId' for the warnings. + + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + Causes a warning to be logged when the specified core warnings are generated. Database providers (and other extensions) + may provide extension method overloads of this method to configure this behavior for warnings they generate. + + + The and 'RelationalEventId' for the warnings. + + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + Causes nothing to happen when the specified core warnings are generated. Database providers (and other extensions) + may provide extension method overloads of this method to configure this behavior for warnings they generate. + + + The and 'RelationalEventId' for the warnings. + + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + Static methods that are useful in application code where there is not an EF type for the method to be accessed from. For example, + referencing a shadow state property in a LINQ query. + + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The type of the fifth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The type of the fifth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The type of the fifth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The included property type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The query result type. + The included property type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The query result type. + The included property type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The query result type. + The included property type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The query result type. + The included property type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The type of the fifth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The type of the fifth query parameter. + The query result type. + The included property type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The type of the fifth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Addresses a given property on an entity instance. This is useful when you want to reference a shadow state property in a + LINQ query. Currently this method can only be used in LINQ queries and can not be used to access the value assigned to a + property in other scenarios. + + + The following code performs a filter using the a LastUpdated shadow state property. + + var blogs = context.Blogs + .Where(b => EF.Property<DateTime>(b, "LastUpdated") > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-5)) + + + The type of the property being referenced. + The entity to access the property on. + The name of the property. + The value assigned to the property. + + + + Provides CLR methods that get translated to database functions when used in LINQ to Entities queries. + Calling these methods in other contexts (e.g. LINQ to Objects) will throw a . + + + + + Entity Framework LINQ related extension methods. + + + + + Asynchronously determines whether a sequence contains any elements. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to check for being empty. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains true if the source sequence contains any elements; otherwise, false. + + + + + Asynchronously determines whether any element of a sequence satisfies a condition. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An whose elements to test for a condition. + + A function to test each element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains true if any elements in the source sequence pass the test in the specified + predicate; otherwise, false. + + + + + Asynchronously determines whether all the elements of a sequence satisfy a condition. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An whose elements to test for a condition. + + A function to test each element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains true if every element of the source sequence passes the test in the specified + predicate; otherwise, false. + + + + + Asynchronously returns the number of elements in a sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An that contains the elements to be counted. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the number of elements in the input sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously returns the number of elements in a sequence that satisfy a condition. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An that contains the elements to be counted. + + A function to test each element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the number of elements in the sequence that satisfy the condition in the predicate + function. + + + + + Asynchronously returns an that represents the total number of elements in a sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An that contains the elements to be counted. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the number of elements in the input sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously returns an that represents the number of elements in a sequence + that satisfy a condition. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An that contains the elements to be counted. + + A function to test each element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the number of elements in the sequence that satisfy the condition in the predicate + function. + + + + + Asynchronously returns the first element of a sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the first element of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the first element in . + + + + + Asynchronously returns the first element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the first element of. + + A function to test each element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the first element in that passes the test in + . + + + + + Asynchronously returns the first element of a sequence, or a default value if the sequence contains no elements. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the first element of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains default ( ) if + is empty; otherwise, the first element in . + + + + + Asynchronously returns the first element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition + or a default value if no such element is found. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the first element of. + + A function to test each element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains default ( ) if + is empty or if no element passes the test specified by ; otherwise, the first + element in that passes the test specified by . + + + + + Asynchronously returns the last element of a sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the last element of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the last element in . + + + + + Asynchronously returns the last element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the last element of. + + A function to test each element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the last element in that passes the test in + . + + + + + Asynchronously returns the last element of a sequence, or a default value if the sequence contains no elements. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the last element of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains default ( ) if + is empty; otherwise, the last element in . + + + + + Asynchronously returns the last element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition + or a default value if no such element is found. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the last element of. + + A function to test each element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains default ( ) if + is empty or if no element passes the test specified by ; otherwise, the last + element in that passes the test specified by . + + + + + Asynchronously returns the only element of a sequence, and throws an exception + if there is not exactly one element in the sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the single element of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the single element of the input sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously returns the only element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition, + and throws an exception if more than one such element exists. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the single element of. + + A function to test an element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the single element of the input sequence that satisfies the condition in + . + + + + + Asynchronously returns the only element of a sequence, or a default value if the sequence is empty; + this method throws an exception if there is more than one element in the sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the single element of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the single element of the input sequence, or default ( + ) + if the sequence contains no elements. + + + + + Asynchronously returns the only element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition or + a default value if no such element exists; this method throws an exception if more than one element + satisfies the condition. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the single element of. + + A function to test an element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the single element of the input sequence that satisfies the condition in + , or default ( ) if no such element is found. + + + + + Asynchronously returns the minimum value of a sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An that contains the elements to determine the minimum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the minimum value in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously invokes a projection function on each element of a sequence and returns the minimum resulting value. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + The type of the value returned by the function represented by . + + + An that contains the elements to determine the minimum of. + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the minimum value in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously returns the maximum value of a sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An that contains the elements to determine the maximum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the maximum value in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously invokes a projection function on each element of a sequence and returns the maximum resulting value. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + The type of the value returned by the function represented by . + + + An that contains the elements to determine the maximum of. + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the maximum value in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously determines whether a sequence contains a specified element by using the default equality comparer. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the single element of. + + The object to locate in the sequence. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains true if the input sequence contains the specified value; otherwise, false. + + + + + Asynchronously creates a from an by enumerating it + asynchronously. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to create a list from. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains elements from the input sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously creates an array from an by enumerating it asynchronously. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to create an array from. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains an array that contains elements from the input sequence. + + + + + Specifies related entities to include in the query results. The navigation property to be included is specified starting with the + type of entity being queried (). If you wish to include additional types based on the navigation + properties of the type being included, then chain a call to + + after this call. + + + + The following query shows including a single level of related entities. + + context.Blogs.Include(blog => blog.Posts); + + + + The following query shows including two levels of entities on the same branch. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => post.Tags); + + + + The following query shows including multiple levels and branches of related data. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => post.Tags).ThenInclude(tag => tag.TagInfo) + .Include(blog => blog.Contributors); + + + + The following query shows including a single level of related entities on a derived type using casting. + + context.Blogs.Include(blog => ((SpecialBlog)blog).SpecialPosts); + + + + The following query shows including a single level of related entities on a derived type using 'as' operator. + + context.Blogs.Include(blog => (blog as SpecialBlog).SpecialPosts); + + + + The type of entity being queried. + The type of the related entity to be included. + The source query. + + A lambda expression representing the navigation property to be included (t => t.Property1). + + + A new query with the related data included. + + + + + Specifies additional related data to be further included based on a related type that was just included. + + + + The following query shows including a single level of related entities. + + context.Blogs.Include(blog => blog.Posts); + + + + The following query shows including two levels of entities on the same branch. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => post.Tags); + + + + The following query shows including multiple levels and branches of related data. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => post.Tags).ThenInclude(tag => tag.TagInfo) + .Include(blog => blog.Contributors); + + + + The following query shows including two levels of entities on the same branch, second one being on derived type using casting. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => ((SpecialPost)post).SpecialTags); + + + + The following query shows including two levels of entities on the same branch, second one being on derived type using 'as' operator. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => (post as SpecialPost).SpecialTags); + + + + The type of entity being queried. + The type of the entity that was just included. + The type of the related entity to be included. + The source query. + + A lambda expression representing the navigation property to be included (t => t.Property1). + + + A new query with the related data included. + + + + + Specifies additional related data to be further included based on a related type that was just included. + + + + The following query shows including a single level of related entities. + + context.Blogs.Include(blog => blog.Posts); + + + + The following query shows including two levels of entities on the same branch. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => post.Tags); + + + + The following query shows including multiple levels and branches of related data. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => post.Tags).ThenInclude(tag => tag.TagInfo) + .Include(blog => blog.Contributors); + + + + The following query shows including two levels of entities on the same branch, second one being on derived type. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => ((SpecialPost)post).SpecialTags); + + + + The following query shows including two levels of entities on the same branch, second one being on derived type using alternative method. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => (post as SpecialPost).SpecialTags); + + + + The type of entity being queried. + The type of the entity that was just included. + The type of the related entity to be included. + The source query. + + A lambda expression representing the navigation property to be included (t => t.Property1). + + + A new query with the related data included. + + + + + Specifies related entities to include in the query results. The navigation property to be included is + specified starting with the type of entity being queried (). Further + navigation properties to be included can be appended, separated by the '.' character. + + + + The following query shows including a single level of related entities. + + context.Blogs.Include("Posts"); + + + + The following query shows including two levels of entities on the same branch. + + context.Blogs.Include("Posts.Tags"); + + + + The following query shows including multiple levels and branches of related data. + + context.Blogs + .Include("Posts.Tags.TagInfo') + .Include("Contributors"); + + + + The type of entity being queried. + The source query. + A string of '.' separated navigation property names to be included. + A new query with the related data included. + + + + Specifies that the current Entity Framework LINQ query should not have any + model-level entity query filters applied. + + The type of entity being queried. + The source query. + + A new query that will not apply any model-level entity query filters. + + + + + + Returns a new query where the change tracker will not track any of the entities that are returned. + If the entity instances are modified, this will not be detected by the change tracker and + will not persist those changes to the database. + + + Disabling change tracking is useful for read-only scenarios because it avoids the overhead of setting + up change tracking for each entity instance. You should not disable change tracking if you want to + manipulate entity instances and persist those changes to the database using + . + + + Identity resolution will still be performed to ensure that all occurrences of an entity with a given key + in the result set are represented by the same entity instance. + + + The default tracking behavior for queries can be controlled by . + + + The type of entity being queried. + The source query. + + A new query where the result set will not be tracked by the context. + + + + + + Returns a new query where the change tracker will keep track of changes for all entities that are returned. + Any modification to the entity instances will be detected and persisted to the database during + . + + + The default tracking behavior for queries can be controlled by . + + + The type of entity being queried. + The source query. + + A new query where the result set will not be tracked by the context. + + + + + Enumerates the query. When using Entity Framework, this causes the results of the query to + be loaded into the associated context. This is equivalent to calling ToList + and then throwing away the list (without the overhead of actually creating the list). + + The source query. + + + + Asynchronously enumerates the query. When using Entity Framework, this causes the results of the query to + be loaded into the associated context. This is equivalent to calling ToList + and then throwing away the list (without the overhead of actually creating the list). + + The source query. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + Creates a from an by enumerating it + asynchronously + according to a specified key selector function. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + The type of the key returned by . + + + An to create a from. + + A function to extract a key from each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains selected keys and values. + + + + + Creates a from an by enumerating it + asynchronously + according to a specified key selector function and a comparer. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + The type of the key returned by . + + + An to create a from. + + A function to extract a key from each element. + + An to compare keys. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains selected keys and values. + + + + + Creates a from an by enumerating it + asynchronously + according to a specified key selector and an element selector function. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + The type of the key returned by . + + + The type of the value returned by . + + + An to create a from. + + A function to extract a key from each element. + A transform function to produce a result element value from each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains values of type + selected from the input sequence. + + + + + Creates a from an by enumerating it + asynchronously + according to a specified key selector function, a comparer, and an element selector function. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + The type of the key returned by . + + + The type of the value returned by . + + + An to create a from. + + A function to extract a key from each element. + A transform function to produce a result element value from each element. + + An to compare keys. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains values of type + selected from the input sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously enumerates the query results and performs the specified action on each element. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to enumerate. + + The action to perform on each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + The state in which an entity is being tracked by a context. + + + + + The entity is not being tracked by the context. + + + + + The entity is being tracked by the context and exists in the database. Its property + values have not changed from the values in the database. + + + + + The entity is being tracked by the context and exists in the database. It has been marked + for deletion from the database. + + + + + The entity is being tracked by the context and exists in the database. Some or all of its + property values have been modified. + + + + + The entity is being tracked by the context but does not yet exist in the database. + + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets all types in the model that derive from a given entity type. + + The base type to find types that derive from. + The derived types. + + + + Gets the root base type for a given entity type. + + The type to find the root of. + + The root base type. If the given entity type is not a derived type, then the same entity type is returned. + + + + + Determines if an entity type derives from (or is the same as) a given entity type. + + The base entity type. + The entity type to check if it derives from . + + True if derives from (or is the same as) , otherwise false. + + + + + Gets the least derived type between the specified two. + + The type to compare. + The other entity type to compare with. + + The least derived type between the specified two. + If the given entity types are not related, then null is returned. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this entity type has a defining navigation. + + True if this entity type has a defining navigation. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this entity type is owned by another entity type. + + True if this entity type is owned by another entity type. + + + + Gets the primary or alternate key that is defined on the given property. Returns null if no key is defined + for the given property. + + The entity type to find the key on. + The property that the key is defined on. + The key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Gets the foreign keys defined on the given property. Only foreign keys that are defined on exactly the specified + property are returned. Composite foreign keys that include the specified property are not returned. + + The entity type to find the foreign keys on. + The property to find the foreign keys on. + The foreign keys. + + + + Gets the foreign keys defined on the given properties. Only foreign keys that are defined on exactly the specified + set of properties are returned. + + The entity type to find the foreign keys on. + The properties to find the foreign keys on. + The foreign keys. + + + + Gets the foreign key for the given properties that points to a given primary or alternate key. Returns null + if no foreign key is found. + + The entity type to find the foreign keys on. + The property that the foreign key is defined on. + The primary or alternate key that is referenced. + + The entity type that the relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the key is defined on the + base type of the hierarchy). + + The foreign key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Gets all foreign keys that target a given entity type (i.e. foreign keys where the given entity type + is the principal). + + The entity type to find the foreign keys for. + The foreign keys that reference the given entity type. + + + + Gets a navigation property on the given entity type. Returns null if no navigation property is found. + + The entity type to find the navigation property on. + The navigation property on the entity class. + The navigation property, or null if none is found. + + + + Gets a navigation property on the given entity type. Returns null if no navigation property is found. + + The entity type to find the navigation property on. + The name of the navigation property on the entity class. + The navigation property, or null if none is found. + + + + Gets all navigation properties on the given entity type. + + The entity type to get navigation properties for. + All navigation properties on the given entity type. + + + + + Gets a property on the given entity type. Returns null if no property is found. + + + This API only finds scalar properties and does not find navigation properties. Use + to find a navigation property. + + + The entity type to find the property on. + The property on the entity class. + The property, or null if none is found. + + + + Gets the index defined on the given property. Returns null if no index is defined. + + The entity type to find the index on. + The property to find the index on. + The index, or null if none is found. + + + + Gets the change tracking strategy being used for this entity type. This strategy indicates how the + context detects changes to properties for an instance of the entity type. + + The entity type to get the change tracking strategy for. + The change tracking strategy. + + + + Extension methods for + + + + + Executes the specified operation. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + A delegate representing an executable operation that doesn't return any results. + + + + Executes the specified operation and returns the result. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + + A delegate representing an executable operation that returns the result of type . + + The return type of . + The result from the operation. + + + + Executes the specified operation. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + A delegate representing an executable operation that doesn't return any results. + The type of the state. + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + A function that returns a started task. + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + A function that returns a started task. + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation and returns the result. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + + The result type of the returned by . + + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation and returns the result. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + + The result type of the returned by . + + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + A function that returns a started task. + The type of the state. + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + A function that returns a started task. + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + The type of the state. + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation and returns the result. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + The type of the state. + + The result type of the returned by . + + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + + + Executes the specified operation and returns the result. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A delegate representing an executable operation that returns the result of type . + + The type of the state. + The return type of . + The result from the operation. + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation and returns the result. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + The type of the state. + + The result type of the returned by . + + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + + + Executes the specified operation and returns the result. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + + A delegate representing an executable operation that returns the result of type . + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + The type of the state. + The return type of . + The result from the operation. + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation and returns the result. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown. + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + The type of the state. + The result type of the returned by . + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified operation in a transaction. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + + A delegate representing an executable operation. + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation in a transaction. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + + A function that returns a started task. + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation in a transaction. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + + A function that returns a started task. + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified operation in a transaction and returns the result. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + + A delegate representing an executable operation that returns the result of type . + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + The return type of . + The result from the operation. + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation in a transaction and returns the result. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + The result type of the returned by . + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified operation in a transaction. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A delegate representing an executable operation. + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + The type of the state. + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation in a transaction. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A function that returns a started task. + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + The type of the state. + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified operation in a transaction and returns the result. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A delegate representing an executable operation that returns the result of type . + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + The type of the state. + The return type of . + The result from the operation. + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation in a transaction and returns the result. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + The type of the state. + The result type of the returned by . + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified operation in a transaction and returns the result. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A delegate representing an executable operation that returns the result of type . + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + A delegate that begins a transaction using the given context. + The type of the state. + The return type of . + The result from the operation. + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation in a transaction and returns the result. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + A delegate that begins a transaction using the given context. + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + The type of the state. + The result type of the returned by . + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + This should only be called from as it is created + before the context is initialized + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This type may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + Re-writes the registration for the given service such that if the implementation type + implements , then + will be called while resolving + the service allowing additional services to be injected without breaking the existing + constructor. + + + This mechanism should only be used to allow new services to be injected in a patch or + point release without making binary breaking changes. + + + The service contract. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The string argument '{argumentName}' cannot be empty. + + + + + Unable to save changes because a circular dependency was detected in the data to be saved: '{cycle}'. + + + + + The value provided for argument '{argumentName}' must be a valid value of enum type '{enumType}'. + + + + + The application or database provider is using an Obsolete TypeMapper API even after the provider has implemented a TypeMappingSource. The code must be updated to use the non-obsolete replacement APIs, as indicated by the Obsolete compiler warnings. + + + + + The properties expression '{expression}' is not valid. The expression should represent a simple property access: 't => t.MyProperty'. When specifying multiple properties use an anonymous type: 't => new {{ t.MyProperty1, t.MyProperty2 }}'. + + + + + The expression '{expression}' is not a valid property expression. The expression should represent a simple property access: 't => t.MyProperty'. + + + + + The instance of entity type '{entityType}' cannot be tracked because another instance with the same key value for {keyProperties} is already being tracked. When attaching existing entities, ensure that only one entity instance with a given key value is attached. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the conflicting key values. + + + + + The instance of entity type '{entityType}' cannot be tracked because another instance with the key value '{keyValue}' is already being tracked. When attaching existing entities, ensure that only one entity instance with a given key value is attached. + + + + + Cannot start tracking InternalEntityEntry for entity type '{entityType}' because it was created by a different StateManager instance. + + + + + Cannot start tracking InternalEntityEntry for entity type '{entityType}' because another InternalEntityEntry is already tracking the same entity. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' could not be found. Ensure that the property exists and has been included in the model. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' is being accessed using the '{PropertyMethod}' method, but is defined in the model as a navigation property. Use either the '{ReferenceMethod}' or '{CollectionMethod}' method to access navigation properties. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' is being accessed using the '{ReferenceMethod}' or '{CollectionMethod}' method, but is defined in the model as a non-navigation property. Use the '{PropertyMethod}' method to access non-navigation properties. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' is being accessed using the '{ReferenceMethod}' method, but is defined in the model as a collection navigation property. Use the '{CollectionMethod}' method to access collection navigation properties. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' is being accessed using the '{CollectionMethod}' method, but is defined in the model as a non-collection, reference navigation property. Use the '{ReferenceMethod}' method to access reference navigation properties. + + + + + Navigation property '{navigation}' on entity type '{entityType}' cannot have 'IsLoaded' set to false because the referenced entity is non-null and therefore is loaded. + + + + + Navigation property '{navigation}' on entity of type '{entityType}' cannot be loaded because the entity is not being tracked. Navigation properties can only be loaded for tracked entities. + + + + + The collection argument '{argumentName}' must contain at least one element. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' requires a primary key to be defined. + + + + + The specified key properties {key} are not declared on the entity type '{entityType}'. Ensure key properties are declared on the target entity type. + + + + + The specified foreign key properties {foreignKey} are not declared on the entity type '{entityType}'. Ensure foreign key properties are declared on the target entity type. + + + + + The specified index properties {index} are not declared on the entity type '{entityType}'. Ensure index properties are declared on the target entity type. + + + + + The source IQueryable doesn't implement IAsyncEnumerable<{genericParameter}>. Only sources that implement IAsyncEnumerable can be used for Entity Framework asynchronous operations. + + + + + The provider for the source IQueryable doesn't implement IAsyncQueryProvider. Only providers that implement IEntityQueryProvider can be used for Entity Framework asynchronous operations. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' is configured to use the '{changeTrackingStrategy}' change tracking strategy but does not implement the required '{notificationInterface}' interface. + + + + + The collection type being used for navigation property '{navigation}' on entity type '{entityType}' does not implement 'INotifyCollectionChanged'. Any entity type configured to use the '{changeTrackingStrategy}' change tracking strategy must use collections that implement 'INotifyCollectionChanged'. Consider using 'ObservableCollection<T>' for this. + + + + + 'ObservableCollection<T>.Clear()' is not supported because it uses the 'INotifyCollectionChanged' 'Reset' operation, which does not supply the items removed. Either use multiple calls to 'Remove' or use a notifying collection that supports 'Clear', such as 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.ObservableHashSet<T>'. + + + + + The original value for property '{property}' of entity type '{entityType}' cannot be accessed because it is not being tracked. Original values are not recorded for most properties of entities when the 'ChangingAndChangedNotifications' strategy is used. To access all original values use a different change tracking strategy such as 'ChangingAndChangedNotificationsWithOriginalValues'. + + + + + The value for property '{property}' of entity type '{entityType}' cannot be set to null because its type is '{propertyType}' which is not a nullable type. + + + + + The value for property '{property}' of entity type '{entityType}' cannot be set to a value of type '{valueType}' because its type is '{propertyType}'. + + + + + The property '{property}' belongs to entity type '{entityType}' but is being used with an instance of entity type '{expectedType}'. + + + + + The specified field '{field}' could not be found for property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}'. + + + + + The specified field '{field}' of type '{fieldType}' cannot be used for the property '{entityType}.{property}' of type '{propertyType}'. Only backing fields of types that are assignable from the property type can be used. + + + + + No field was found backing property '{property}' of entity type '{entity}'. Either name the backing field so that it is picked up by convention, configure the backing field to use, or use a different '{pam}'. + + + + + No field was found backing property '{property}' of entity type '{entity}'. Lazy-loaded navigation properties must have backing fields. Either name the backing field so that it is picked up by convention or configure the backing field to use. + + + + + No backing field could be found for property '{property}' of entity type '{entity}' and the property does not have a setter. + + + + + No backing field could be found for property '{property}' of entity type '{entity}' and the property does not have a getter. + + + + + Field '{field}' of entity type '{entity}' is readonly and so cannot be set. + + + + + No property was associated with field '{field}' of entity type '{entity}'. Either configure a property or use a different '{pam}'. + + + + + The property '{property}' of entity type '{entity}' does not have a setter. Either make the property writable or use a different '{pam}'. + + + + + The property '{property}' of entity type '{entity}' does not have a getter. Either make the property readable or use a different '{pam}'. + + + + + The CLR entity materializer cannot be used for entity type '{entityType}' because it is a shadow state entity type. Materialization to a CLR type is only possible for entity types that have a corresponding CLR type. + + + + + Services for database providers {storeNames} have been registered in the service provider. Only a single database provider can be registered in a service provider. If possible, ensure that Entity Framework is managing its service provider by removing the call to UseInternalServiceProvider. Otherwise, consider conditionally registering the database provider, or maintaining one service provider per database provider. + + + + + AddDbContext was called with configuration, but the context type '{contextType}' only declares a parameterless constructor. This means that the configuration passed to AddDbContext will never be used. If configuration is passed to AddDbContext, then '{contextType}' should declare a constructor that accepts a DbContextOptions<{contextType}> and must pass it to the base constructor for DbContext. + + + + + No database provider has been configured for this DbContext. A provider can be configured by overriding the DbContext.OnConfiguring method or by using AddDbContext on the application service provider. If AddDbContext is used, then also ensure that your DbContext type accepts a DbContextOptions<TContext> object in its constructor and passes it to the base constructor for DbContext. + + + + + Entity Framework services have not been added to the internal service provider. Either remove the call to UseInternalServiceProvider so that EF will manage its own internal services, or use the method from your database provider to add the required services to the service provider (e.g. AddEntityFrameworkSqlServer). + + + + + A call was made to '{replaceService}', but Entity Framework is not building its own internal service provider. Either allow EF to build the service provider by removing the call to '{useInternalServiceProvider}', or build replacement services into the service provider before passing it to '{useInternalServiceProvider}'. + + + + + A call was made to '{useService}', but Entity Framework is not building its own internal service provider. Either allow EF to build the service provider by removing the call to '{useInternalServiceProvider}', or build the '{service}' services to use into the service provider before passing it to '{useInternalServiceProvider}'. + + + + + A call was made to '{optionCall}' that changed an option that must be constant within a service provider, but Entity Framework is not building its own internal service provider. Either allow EF to build the service provider by removing the call to '{useInternalServiceProvider}', or ensure that the configuration for '{optionCall}' does not change for all uses of a given service provider passed to '{useInternalServiceProvider}'. + + + + + An 'IServiceProvider' was created for internal use by Entity Framework. + + + + + More than twenty 'IServiceProvider' instances have been created for internal use by Entity Framework. This is commonly caused by injection of a new singleton service instance into every DbContext instance. For example, calling UseLoggerFactory passing in a new instance each time--see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=869049 for more details. Consider reviewing calls on 'DbContextOptionsBuilder' that may require new service providers to be built. + + + + + Entity Framework Core {version} initialized '{contextType}' using provider '{provider}' with options: {options} + + + + + The database provider attempted to register an implementation of the '{service}' service. This is not a service defined by EF and as such must be registered as a provider-specific service using the 'TryAddProviderSpecificServices' method. + + + + + The implementation type for the registration of the '{service}' service could not be determined. Specific implementation types must be used for services that expect multiple registrations so as to avoid duplicates. + + + + + An attempt was made to register an instance for the '{scope}' service '{service}'. Instances can only be registered for 'Singleton' services. + + + + + The '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' does not have a value set and no value generator is available for properties of type '{propertyType}'. Either set a value for the property before adding the entity or configure a value generator for properties of type '{propertyType}'. + + + + + The service dependencies type '{dependenciesType}' has been registered inappropriately in the service collection. Service dependencies types must only be registered by Entity Framework, or in rare cases by database providers and then only to change the service lifetime. + + + + + The type '{givenType}' cannot be used a a value generator because it does not inherit from '{expectedType}'. + + + + + Cannot create instance of value generator type '{generatorType}'. Ensure that the type is instantiable and has a parameterless constructor, or use the overload of HasValueGenerator that accepts a delegate. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' has a temporary value while attempting to change the entity's state to '{state}'. Either set a permanent value explicitly or ensure that the database is configured to generate values for this property. + + + + + An exception occurred in the database while iterating the results of a query for context type '{contextType}'.{newline}{error} + + + + + An exception occurred in the database while saving changes for context type '{contextType}'.{newline}{error} + + + + + DetectChanges starting for '{contextType}'. + + + + + DetectChanges completed for '{contextType}'. + + + + + Unchanged '{entityType}.{property}' detected as changed and will be marked as modified. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see property values. + + + + + Unchanged '{entityType}.{property}' detected as changed from '{oldValue}' to '{newValue}' and will be marked as modified for entity with key '{keyValues}'. + + + + + Foreign key property '{entityType}.{property}' detected as changed. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see property values. + + + + + Foreign key property '{entityType}.{property}' detected as changed from '{oldValue}' to '{newValue}' for entity with key '{keyValues}'. + + + + + Detected {addedCount} entities added and {removedCount} entities removed from navigation property '{entityType}.{property}'. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see key values. + + + + + Detected {addedCount} entities added and {removedCount} entities removed from navigation property '{entityType}.{property}' on entity with key '{keyValues}'. + + + + + Navigation property '{entityType}.{property}' detected as changed. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see key values. + + + + + Navigation property '{entityType}.{property}' for entity with key '{keyValues}' detected as changed. + + + + + Cascade state change of '{entityType}' entity to '{state}' due to deletion of parent '{parentType}' entity. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see key values. + + + + + Cascade state change of '{entityType}' entity with key '{keyValues}' to '{state}' due to deletion of parent '{parentType}' entity with key '{parentKeyValues}'. + + + + + '{entityType}' entity changed to '{state}' state due to severed required relationship to parent '{parentType}' entity. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see key values. + + + + + '{entityType}' entity with key '{keyValues}' changed to '{state}' state due to severed required relationship to parent '{parentType}' entity. + + + + + Context '{contextType}' started tracking '{entityType}' entity. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see key values. + + + + + Context '{contextType}' started tracking '{entityType}' entity with key '{keyValues}'. + + + + + An '{entityType}' entity tracked by '{contextType}' changed from '{oldState}' to '{newState}'. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see key values. + + + + + The '{entityType}' entity with key '{keyValues}' tracked by '{contextType}' changed from '{oldState}' to '{newState}'. + + + + + '{contextType}' generated a value for the '{property}' property of new '{entityType}' entity. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see key values. + + + + + '{contextType}' generated value '{keyValue}' for the '{property}' property of new '{entityType}' entity. + + + + + '{contextType}' generated a temporary value for the '{property}' property of new '{entityType}' entity. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see key values. + + + + + '{contextType}' generated temporary value '{keyValue}' for the '{property}' property of new '{entityType}' entity. + + + + + SaveChanges starting for '{contextType}'. + + + + + SaveChanges completed for '{contextType}' with {savedCount} entities written to the database. + + + + + '{contextType}' disposed. + + + + + The EF.Property<T> method may only be used within LINQ queries. + + + + + The property '{property}' cannot be added to type '{entityType}' because the type of the corresponding CLR property or field '{clrType}' does not match the specified type '{propertyType}'. + + + + + The property '{property}' cannot exist on type '{entityType}' because the type is marked as shadow state while the property is not. Shadow state types can only contain shadow state properties. + + + + + The property '{property}' cannot be removed from entity type '{entityType}' because it is being used in the key {key}. All containing keys must be removed or redefined before the property can be removed. + + + + + Cannot remove key {key} from entity type '{entityType}' because it is referenced by a foreign key in entity type '{dependentType}'. All foreign keys must be removed or redefined before the referenced key can be removed. + + + + + The service property '{property}' of type '{serviceType}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because service property '{duplicateName}' of the same type already exists on entity type '{duplicateEntityType}'. + + + + + The navigation property '{navigation}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because there is no corresponding CLR property on the underlying type and navigations properties cannot be added to shadow state. + + + + + The navigation property '{navigation}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because its CLR type '{clrType}' does not match the expected CLR type '{targetType}'. + + + + + The collection navigation property '{navigation}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because its CLR type '{clrType}' does not implement 'IEnumerable<{targetType}>'. Collection navigation properties must implement IEnumerable<> of the related entity. + + + + + The number of properties specified for the foreign key {foreignKey} on entity type '{dependentType}' does not match the number of properties in the principal key {principalKey} on entity type '{principalType}'. + + + + + The types of the properties specified for the foreign key {foreignKey} on entity type '{dependentType}' do not match the types of the properties in the principal key {principalKey} on entity type '{principalType}'. + + + + + The type of navigation property '{navigation}' on the entity type '{entityType}' is '{foundType}' which does not implement ICollection<{targetType}>. Collection navigation properties must implement ICollection<> of the target type. + + + + + The type of navigation property '{navigation}' on the entity type '{entityType}' is '{foundType}' which is an array type.. Collection navigation properties cannot be arrays. + + + + + The navigation property '{navigation}' on the entity type '{entityType}' does not have a setter and no writable backing field was found or specified. Read-only collection navigation properties must be initialized before use. + + + + + The type of navigation property '{navigation}' on the entity type '{entityType}' is '{foundType}' for which it was not possible to create a concrete instance. Either initialize the property before use, add a public parameterless constructor to the type, or use a type which can be assigned a HashSet<> or List<>. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' is part of a key and so cannot be modified or marked as modified. To change the principal of an existing entity with an identifying foreign key first delete the dependent and invoke 'SaveChanges' then associate the dependent with the new principal. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' is defined to be read-only after it has been saved, but its value has been modified or marked as modified. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' is defined to be read-only before it is saved, but its value has been set to something other than a temporary or default value. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' must be marked as read-only after it has been saved because it is part of a key. Key properties are always read-only once an entity has been saved for the first time. + + + + + The association between entity types '{firstType}' and '{secondType}' has been severed but the relationship is either marked as 'Required' or is implicitly required because the foreign key is not nullable. If the dependent/child entity should be deleted when a required relationship is severed, then setup the relationship to use cascade deletes. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the key values. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' is marked as null, but this cannot be saved because the property is marked as required. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the key values. + + + + + The foreign key {foreignKey} cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because a foreign key on the same properties already exists on entity type '{duplicateEntityType}' and also targets the key {key} on '{principalType}'. + + + + + The index {index} cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because an index on the same properties already exists on entity type '{duplicateEntityType}'. + + + + + The key {key} cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because a key on the same properties already exists on entity type '{duplicateEntityType}'. + + + + + The navigation property '{navigation}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because the target entity type '{targetType}' is defined in shadow state and navigations properties cannot point to shadow state entities. + + + + + The specified entity type '{entityType}' is invalid. It should be either the dependent entity type '{dependentType}' or the principal entity type '{principalType}' or an entity type derived from one of them. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added to the model because an entity type with the same name already exists. + + + + + The annotation '{annotation}' cannot be added because an annotation with the same name already exists. + + + + + The annotation '{annotation}' was not found. Ensure that the annotation has been added. + + + + + The property '{property}' is not a navigation property of entity type '{entityType}'. The 'Include(string)' method can only be used with a '.' separated list of navigation property names. + + + + + Compiling query model: {newline}'{queryModel}' + + + + + Optimized query model: {newline}'{queryModel}' + + + + + Including navigation: '{navigation}' + + + + + {plan} + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' cannot be marked as nullable/optional because the type of the property is '{propertyType}' which is not a nullable type. Any property can be marked as non-nullable/required, but only properties of nullable types and which are not part of primary key can be marked as nullable/optional. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' cannot be marked as nullable/optional because it has been included in a key {key}. + + + + + An attempt was made to use the model while it was being created. A DbContext instance cannot be used inside OnModelCreating in any way that makes use of the model that is being created. + + + + + An attempt was made to use the context while it is being configured. A DbContext instance cannot be used inside OnConfiguring since it is still being configured at this point. This can happen if a second operation is started on this context before a previous operation completed. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be removed because it is being referenced by foreign key {foreignKey} on '{referencingEntityType}'. All referencing foreign keys must be removed or redefined before the entity type can be removed. + + + + + The property '{property}' of the argument '{argument}' cannot be null. + + + + + The principal and dependent ends of the relationship cannot be flipped once foreign key or principal key properties have been specified. + + + + + The entity type '{type}' provided for the argument '{argumentName}' must be a reference type. + + + + + The relationship from '{referencingEntityTypeOrNavigation}' to '{referencedEntityTypeOrNavigation}' with foreign key properties {foreignKeyPropertiesWithTypes} cannot target the primary key {primaryKeyPropertiesWithTypes} because it is not compatible. Configure a principal key or a set of compatible foreign key properties for this relationship. + + + + + The property '{keyProperty}' cannot be configured as 'ValueGeneratedOnUpdate' or 'ValueGeneratedOnAddOrUpdate' because the key value cannot be changed after the entity has been added to the store. + + + + + An exception was thrown while attempting to evaluate a LINQ query parameter expression. To show additional information call EnableSensitiveDataLogging() when overriding DbContext.OnConfiguring. + + + + + The '{factory}' cannot create a value generator for property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}'. Only integer properties are supported. + + + + + A key cannot be configured on '{derivedType}' because it is a derived type. The key must be configured on the root type '{rootType}'. If you did not intend for '{rootType}' to be included in the model, ensure that it is not included in a DbSet property on your context, referenced in a configuration call to ModelBuilder, or referenced from a navigation property on a type that is included in the model. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot inherit from '{baseEntityType}' because '{baseEntityType}' is a descendant of '{entityType}'. + + + + + Unable to set a base type for entity type '{entityType}' because it has one or more keys defined. + + + + + The edge cannot be added because the graph does not contain vertex '{vertex}'. + + + + + Unable to create an instance of type entity type '{entityType}' because it is abstract. Either make it non-abstract or consider mapping at least one derived type. + + + + + Entity type '{entityType}' is defined with a single key property, but {valuesCount} values were passed to the 'DbSet.Find' method. + + + + + Entity type '{entityType}' is defined with a {propertiesCount}-part composite key, but {valuesCount} values were passed to the 'DbSet.Find' method. + + + + + The key value at position {index} of the call to 'DbSet<{entityType}>.Find' was of type '{valueType}', which does not match the property type of '{propertyType}'. + + + + + The provided principal entity key '{principalKey}' is not a key on the entity type '{principalEntityType}'. + + + + + Property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' is of type '{actualType}' but the generic type provided is of type '{genericType}'. + + + + + The DbContextOptions passed to the {contextType} constructor must be a DbContextOptions<{contextType}>. When registering multiple DbContext types make sure that the constructor for each context type has a DbContextOptions<TContext> parameter rather than a non-generic DbContextOptions parameter. + + + + + Options extension of type '{optionsExtension}' not found. + + + + + The type '{entityType}' cannot have base type '{baseType}' because the properties '{derivedPropertyType}.{derivedProperty}' and '{basePropertyType}.{baseProperty}' are conflicting. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' cannot be marked as nullable/optional because the property is a part of a key. Any property can be marked as non-nullable/required, but only properties of nullable types and which are not part of a key can be marked as nullable/optional. + + + + + The foreign key {foreignKey} on entity type '{entityType}' cannot be marked as optional because it does not contain any property of a nullable type. Any foreign key can be marked as required, but only foreign keys with at least one property of a nullable type and which is not part of primary key can be marked as optional. + + + + + Entity type '{entityType}' is in shadow-state. A valid model requires all entity types to have corresponding CLR type. + + + + + Entity type '{entityType}' has composite primary key defined with data annotations. To set composite primary key, use fluent API. + + + + + The type '{entityType}' cannot have base type '{baseType}' because both types include the navigations: {navigations}. + + + + + The entity types '{firstEntityType}' and '{secondEntityType}' do not belong to the same model. + + + + + The block size used for Hi-Lo value generation must be positive. When the Hi-Lo generator is backed by a SQL sequence this means that the sequence increment must be positive. + + + + + Value generation is not supported for property '{entityType}.{property}' because it has a '{converter}' converter configured. Configure the property to not use value generation using 'ValueGenerated.Never' or 'DatabaseGeneratedOption.None' and specify explict values instead. + + + + + The entity type related to '{entityType}' cannot be determined because the specified foreign key {foreignKey} references entity type '{principalEntityType}' that it is in the same hierarchy as the entity type that it is declared on '{dependentEntityType}'. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot inherit from '{baseEntityType}' because '{baseEntityType}' is a shadow state entity type while '{entityType}' is not. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot inherit from '{baseEntityType}' because '{entityType}' is a shadow state entity type while '{baseEntityType}' is not. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot inherit from '{baseEntityType}' because '{clrType}' is not a descendant of '{baseClrType}'. + + + + + CLR property '{property}' cannot be added to entity type '{entityType}' because it is declared on the CLR type '{clrType}'. + + + + + The InversePropertyAttribute on property '{property}' on type '{entityType}' is not valid. The property '{referencedProperty}' is not a valid navigation property on the related type '{referencedEntityType}'. Ensure that the property exists and is a valid reference or collection navigation property. + + + + + A relationship cannot be established from property '{property}' on type '{entityType}' to property '{referencedProperty}' on type '{referencedEntityType}'. Check the values in the InversePropertyAttribute to ensure relationship definitions are unique and reference from one navigation property to its corresponding inverse navigation property. + + + + + Data binding directly to a store query is not supported. Instead populate a DbSet with data, for example by calling Load on the DbSet, and then bind to local data to avoid sending a query to the database each time the databound control iterates the data. For WPF bind to 'DbSet.Local.ToObservableCollection()'. For WinForms bind to 'DbSet.Local.ToBindingList()'. For ASP.NET WebForms bind to 'DbSet.ToList()' or use Model Binding. + + + + + The derived type '{derivedType}' cannot have KeyAttribute on property '{property}' since primary key can only be declared on the root type. + + + + + InversePropertyAttributes on navigation '{navigation}' in entity type '{entityType}' and on navigation '{referencedNavigation}' in entity type '{referencedEntityType}' are not pointing to each other. + + + + + There are multiple properties pointing to navigation '{navigation}' in entity type '{entityType}'. To define composite foreign key using data annotations, use ForeignKeyAttribute on navigation. + + + + + The ForeignKeyAttributes on property '{property}' and navigation '{navigation}' in entity type '{entityType}' do not point at each other. The value of ForeignKeyAttribute on property should be navigation name and the value of ForeignKeyAttribute on navigation should be the foreign key property name. + + + + + The property list specified using ForeignKeyAttribute on navigation '{navigation}' in entity type '{entityType}' is incorrect. The attribute value should be comma-separated list of property names. + + + + + Invalid relationship has been specified using InversePropertyAttribute and ForeignKeyAttribute. The navigation '{navigation}' in entity type '{entityType}' and the navigation '{referencedNavigation}' in entity type '{referencedEntityType}' are related by InversePropertyAttribute but the ForeignKeyAttribute specified for both navigations have different values. + + + + + The property or navigation '{member}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because a property or navigation with the same name already exists on entity type '{conflictingEntityType}'. + + + + + The specified entity type '{entityType}' is invalid. It should be either the dependent entity type '{dependentType}' or the principal entity type '{principalType}'. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be removed because '{derivedEntityType}' is derived from it. All derived entity types must be removed or redefined before the entity type can be removed. + + + + + Unable to determine the relationship represented by navigation property '{entityType}.{navigation}' of type '{propertyType}'. Either manually configure the relationship, or ignore this property using the '[NotMapped]' attribute or by using 'EntityTypeBuilder.Ignore' in 'OnModelCreating'. + + + + + The property '{entityType}.{property}' could not be mapped, because it is of type '{propertyType}' which is not a supported primitive type or a valid entity type. Either explicitly map this property, or ignore it using the '[NotMapped]' attribute or by using 'EntityTypeBuilder.Ignore' in 'OnModelCreating'. + + + + + The property '{entityType}.{property}' is of type '{propertyType}' which is not supported by current database provider. Either change the property CLR type or ignore the property using the '[NotMapped]' attribute or by using 'EntityTypeBuilder.Ignore' in 'OnModelCreating'. + + + + + The property '{entityType}.{navigation}' is of an interface type ('{propertyType}'). If it is a navigation property manually configure the relationship for this property by casting it to a mapped entity type, otherwise ignore the property using the NotMappedAttribute or 'EntityTypeBuilder.Ignore' in 'OnModelCreating'. + + + + + The navigation property '{navigation}' on entity type '{entityType}' cannot be associated with foreign key {targetFk} because it was created for foreign key {actualFk}. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' was not found. Ensure that the entity type has been added to the model. + + + + + The extension method '{method}' is being used with a custom implementation of '{interfaceType}'. Use of custom implementations of the Entity Framework metadata interfaces is not supported. Consider deriving from '{concreteType}' instead. Please contact the Entity Framework team if you have a compelling case for a custom implementation of the metadata interfaces so that we can consider ways to achieve this. + + + + + Unhandled operation: MemberInitExpression binding is not a MemberAssignment + + + + + Unable to track an entity of type '{entityType}' because primary key property '{keyProperty}' is null. + + + + + Unable to track an entity of type '{entityType}' because alternate key property '{keyProperty}' is null. If the alternate key is not used in a relationship, then consider using a unique index instead. Unique indexes may contain nulls, while alternate keys must not. + + + + + Sensitive data logging is enabled. Log entries and exception messages may include sensitive application data, this mode should only be enabled during development. + + + + + An exception was thrown while attempting to evaluate the LINQ query parameter expression '{expression}'. + + + + + There are multiple navigations in entity type '{entityType}' which are pointing to same set of properties - '{propertyList}' using ForeignKeyAttribute. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' should derive from '{baseEntityType}' to reflect the hierarchy of the corresponding CLR types. + + + + + You are configuring a relationship between '{dependentEntityType}' and '{principalEntityType}' but have specified a foreign key on '{entityType}'. The foreign key must be defined on a type that is part of the relationship. + + + + + You are configuring a relationship between '{dependentEntityType}' and '{principalEntityType}' but have specified a foreign key targeting '{entityType}'. The foreign key must be targeting a type that is part of the relationship. + + + + + The property '{property}' cannot be part of a foreign key on '{entityType}' because it has value generation enabled and is contained in the key {key} defined on a base entity type '{baseEntityType}'. + + + + + The property '{property}' cannot be part of a key on '{entityType}' because it has value generation enabled and is contained in a foreign key defined on a derived entity type. + + + + + A key on entity type '{entityType}' cannot contain the property '{property}' because it is nullable/optional. All properties on which a key is declared must be marked as non-nullable/required. + + + + + A second operation started on this context before a previous operation completed. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe. + + + + + The specified entity types '{invalidDependentType}' and '{invalidPrincipalType}' are invalid. They should be '{dependentType}' and '{principalType}' or entity types in the same hierarchy. + + + + + Cannot create a DbSet for '{typeName}' because this type is not included in the model for the context. + + + + + The child/dependent side could not be determined for the one-to-one relationship between '{dependentToPrincipalNavigationSpecification}' and '{principalToDependentNavigationSpecification}'. To identify the child/dependent side of the relationship, configure the foreign key property. If these navigations should not be part of the same relationship configure them without specifying the inverse. See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=724062 for more details. + + + + + Both relationships between '{firstDependentToPrincipalNavigationSpecification}' and '{firstPrincipalToDependentNavigationSpecification}' and between '{secondDependentToPrincipalNavigationSpecification}' and '{secondPrincipalToDependentNavigationSpecification}' could use {foreignKeyProperties} as the foreign key. To resolve this configure the foreign key properties explicitly on at least one of the relationships. + + + + + The {methodName} property lambda expression '{includeLambdaExpression}' is invalid. The expression should represent a property access: 't => t.MyProperty'. To target navigations declared on derived types, specify an explicitly typed lambda parameter of the target type, E.g. '(Derived d) => d.MyProperty'. For more information on including related data, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=746393. + + + + + The corresponding CLR type for entity type '{entityType}' is not instantiable and there is no derived entity type in the model that corresponds to a concrete CLR type. + + + + + The property '{property}' cannot be added to the type '{entityType}' because there was no property type specified and there is no corresponding CLR property or field. To add a shadow state property the property type must be specified. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' has a temporary value. Either set a permanent value explicitly or ensure that the database is configured to generate values for this property. + + + + + The database generated a null value for non-nullable property '{property}' of entity type '{entityType}'. Ensure value generation configuration in the database matches the configuration in the model. + + + + + A parameterless constructor was not found on entity type '{entityType}'. In order to create an instance of '{entityType}' EF requires that a parameterless constructor be declared. + + + + + The Include operation for navigation '{include}' is unnecessary and was ignored because the navigation is not reachable in the final query results. See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=850303 for more information. + + + + + Cannot create a relationship between '{newPrincipalEntityType}.{newPrincipalNavigation}' and '{newDependentEntityType}.{newDependentNavigation}', because there already is a relationship between '{existingPrincipalEntityType}.{existingPrincipalNavigation}' and '{existingDependentEntityType}.{existingDependentNavigation}'. Navigation properties can only participate in a single relationship. + + + + + Error generated for warning '{eventName}: {message}'. This exception can be suppressed or logged by passing event ID '{eventId}' to the 'ConfigureWarnings' method in 'DbContext.OnConfiguring' or 'AddDbContext'. + + + + + Cannot access a disposed object. A common cause of this error is disposing a context that was resolved from dependency injection and then later trying to use the same context instance elsewhere in your application. This may occur if you are calling Dispose() on the context, or wrapping the context in a using statement. If you are using dependency injection, you should let the dependency injection container take care of disposing context instances. + + + + + Unable to resolve service for type '{service}'. This is often because no database provider has been configured for this DbContext. A provider can be configured by overriding the DbContext.OnConfiguring method or by using AddDbContext on the application service provider. If AddDbContext is used, then also ensure that your DbContext type accepts a DbContextOptions<TContext> object in its constructor and passes it to the base constructor for DbContext. + + + + + An exception occurred while reading a database value for property '{entityType}.{property}'. See the inner exception for more information. + + + + + An exception occurred while reading a database value for property '{entityType}.{property}'. The expected type was '{expectedType}' but the actual value was of type '{actualType}'. + + + + + An exception occurred while reading a database value for property '{entityType}.{property}'. The expected type was '{expectedType}' but the actual value was null. + + + + + An exception occurred while reading a database value. See the inner exception for more information. + + + + + An exception occurred while reading a database value. The expected type was '{expectedType}' but the actual value was of type '{actualType}'. + + + + + An exception occurred while reading a database value. The expected type was '{expectedType}' but the actual value was null. + + + + + The property '{property}' cannot be ignored on entity type '{entityType}', because it's declared on the base entity type '{baseEntityType}'. To exclude this property from your model, use NotMappedAttribute or Ignore method on the base type. + + + + + Maximum number of retries ({retryLimit}) exceeded while executing database operations with '{strategy}'. See inner exception for the most recent failure. + + + + + The configured execution strategy '{strategy}' does not support user initiated transactions. Use the execution strategy returned by '{getExecutionStrategyMethod}' to execute all the operations in the transaction as a retriable unit. + + + + + '{property}' cannot be used as a property on entity type '{entityType}' because it is configured as a navigation. + + + + + Query: '{queryModel}' uses a row limiting operation (Skip/Take) without OrderBy which may lead to unpredictable results. + + + + + The property '{property}' cannot be removed from entity type '{entityType}' because it is being used in the foreign key {foreignKey} on '{foreignKeyType}'. All containing foreign keys must be removed or redefined before the property can be removed. + + + + + The property '{property}' cannot be removed from entity type '{entityType}' because it is being used in the index {index} on '{indexType}'. All containing indexes must be removed or redefined before the property can be removed. + + + + + Query: '{queryModel}' uses First/FirstOrDefault/Last/LastOrDefault operation without OrderBy and filter which may lead to unpredictable results. + + + + + The specified poolSize must be greater than 0. + + + + + The DbContext of type '{contextType}' cannot be pooled because it does not have a single public constructor accepting a single parameter of type DbContextOptions. + + + + + OnConfiguring cannot be used to modify DbContextOptions when DbContext pooling is enabled. + + + + + The foreign keys on entity type '{dependentType}' cannot target the same entity type because it is a weak entity type. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be removed because it is referencing '{referencedEntityType}' by foreign key {foreignKey}. All foreign keys must be removed before the entity type can be removed. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added to the model because a weak entity type with the same name already exists. + + + + + The weak entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added to the model because an entity type with the same name already exists. + + + + + The type '{entityType}' cannot have weak entity type '{baseType}' as the base type. + + + + + The weak entity type '{entityType}' cannot have a base type. + + + + + The property list {propertyList} cannot be used, because it contains a duplicate - '{property}'. + + + + + The convention invocations have reached the recursion limit. This is likely an issue in EF Core, please report it. + + + + + The navigation '{navigation}' used to define the entity type '{entityType}' is not present on '{definingEntityType}'. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' is the target of multiple ownership relationships. + + + + + The ownership by '{ownershipNavigation}' should use defining navigation '{definingNavigation}' for the owned type '{entityType}' + + + + + The entity type '{ownedEntityType}' is configured as owned, but the entity type '{nonOwnedEntityType}' is not. All entity types sharing a CLR type must be configured as owned. + + + + + The navigation '{principalEntityType}.{navigation}' is not supported because it is pointing to an owned entity type '{ownedType}'. Only the ownership navigation from the entity type '{ownerType}' can point to the owned entity type. + + + + + The relationship from '{referencingEntityTypeOrNavigation}' to '{referencedEntityTypeOrNavigation}' is not supported because the owned entity type '{ownedType}' cannot be on the principal side of a non-ownership relationship. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' has a defining navigation and the supplied entity is currently referenced from several owner entities. To access the entry for a particular reference call '{targetEntryCall}' on the owner entry. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' has a defining navigation and the supplied entity is currently not being tracked. To start tracking this entity call '{targetEntryCall}' on the owner entry. + + + + + The filter expression '{filter}' specified for entity type '{entityType}' is invalid. The expression must accept a single parameter of type '{clrType}', return bool, and may not contain references to navigation properties. + + + + + The filter expression '{filter}' cannot be specified for entity type '{entityType}'. A filter may only be applied to the root entity type in a hierarchy. + + + + + Converter for model type '{converterType}' cannot be used for '{entityType}.{propertyName}' because its type is '{propertyType}'. + + + + + Comparer for type '{type}' cannot be used for '{entityType}.{propertyName}' because its type is '{propertyType}'. + + + + + The Include operation '{include}' is not supported. '{invalidNavigation}' must be a navigation property defined on an entity type. + + + + + Collection navigations are only considered null if their parent entity is null. Use '.Any()' to check whether collection navigation '{navigationPath}' is empty. + + + + + Possible unintended reference comparison between '{left}' and '{right}'. + + + + + The same entity is being tracked as different weak entity types '{dependent1}' and '{dependent2}'. If a property value changes it will result in two store changes, which might not be the desired outcome. + + + + + The instance of entity type '{entityType}' cannot be tracked because another instance with the same key value for {keyProperties} is already being tracked. When replacing owned entities modify the properties without changing the instance or detach the previous owned entity entry first. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the conflicting key values. + + + + + The instance of entity type '{entityType}' cannot be tracked because another instance with the key value '{keyValue}' is already being tracked. When replacing owned entities modify the properties without changing the instance or detach the previous owned entity entry first. + + + + + Cannot compose converter from '{typeOneIn}' to '{typeOneOut}' with converter from '{typeTwoIn}' to '{typeTwoOut}' because the output type of the first converter is different from the input type of the second converter. + + + + + The '{mapping}' does not support value conversions. Support for value conversions typically requires changes in the database provider. + + + + + The value converter '{converter}' cannot be used with type '{type}'. This converter can only be used with {allowed}. + + + + + The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because another seed entity with the same key value for {keyProperties} has already been added. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the conflicting key values. + + + + + The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because another seed entity with the key value '{keyValue}' has already been added. + + + + + The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because the value provided for the property '{property}' is not of the type '{type}'. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the involved property values. + + + + + The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because the value '{value}' provided for the property '{property}' is not of the type '{type}'. + + + + + The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because there was no value provided for the required property '{property}'. + + + + + The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because it has the navigation '{navigation}' set. To seed relationships you need to add the related entity seed to '{relatedEntityType}' and specify the foreign key values {foreignKeyProperties}. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the involved property values. + + + + + The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' with the key value '{keyValue}' cannot be added because it has the navigation '{navigation}' set. To seed relationships you need to add the related entity seed to '{relatedEntityType}' and specify the foreign key values {foreignKeyProperties}. + + + + + The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because the value provided is of a derived type '{derivedType}'. Add the derived seed entities to the corresponding entity type. + + + + + No suitable constructor found for entity type '{entityType}'. The following parameters could not be bound to properties of the entity: '{parameters}'. + + + + + Two constructors were found with the same number of parameters that could both be used by Entity Framework. The constructor to use must be configured explicitly. The two constructors are '{firstConstructor}' and '{secondConstructor}'. + + + + + The type '{entityType}' cannot be marked as owned because a non-owned entity type with the same name already exists. + + + + + Current provider doesn't support System.Transaction. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' was created in shadow state because there are no eligible CLR members with a matching name. + + + + + A transient exception has been encountered during execution and the operation will be retried after {delay}ms.{newline}{error} + + + + + Navigation property '{navigation}' of entity type '{entityType}' is being lazy-loaded. + + + + + An attempt was made to lazy-load navigation property '{navigation}' on entity type '{entityType}' after the associated DbContext was disposed. + + + + + An attempt was made to lazy-load navigation property '{navigation}' on detached entity of type '{entityType}'. Lazy-loading is not supported for detached entities or entities that are loaded with 'AsNoTracking()'. + + + + + Cannot create a DbSet for '{typeName}' because it is a query type. Use the DbContext.Query method to create a DbQuery instead. + + + + + Cannot create a DbQuery for '{typeName}' because it is not a query type. Use the DbContext.Set method to create a DbSet instead. + + + + + Unable to create a foreign key with the query type '{queryType}' as the principal type. Only entity types are allowed as foreign key principal types. + + + + + Unable to track an instance of type '{type}' because it is a query type. Only entity types may be tracked. + + + + + Cannot set '{baseType}' as the base type of '{derivedType}'. Inheritance hierarchies cannot contain a mix of entity types and query types. + + + + + The query type '{queryType}' cannot be added to the model because an entity type with the same name already exists. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added to the model because a query type with the same name already exists. + + + + + Cannot create a navigation targeting type '{type}' because it is a query type. Only entity types can be used as navigation target types. + + + + + The index {redundantIndex} was not created as the properties are already covered by the index {otherIndex}. + + + + + The foreign key properties haven't been configured by convention because the best match {foreignKey} are incompatible with the current principal key {principalKey}. This message can be disregarded if explicit configuration has been specified. + + + + + The navigation property '{navigation}' has a RequiredAttribute causing the entity type '{entityType}' to be configured as the dependent side in the corresponding relationship. + + + + + The RequiredAttribute on '{principalEntityType}.{principalNavigation}' was ignored because there is also a RequiredAttribute on '{dependentEntityType}.{dependentNavigation}'. RequiredAttribute should only be specified on the dependent side of the relationship. + + + + + Navigations '{dependentEntityType}.{dependentNavigation}' and '{principalEntityType}.{principalNavigation}' were separated into two relationships as ForeignKeyAttribute was specified on navigations on both sides. + + + + + Navigations '{dependentEntityType}.{dependentNavigation}' and '{principalEntityType}.{principalNavigation}' were separated into two relationships as ForeignKeyAttribute was specified on properties '{dependentProperty}' and '{principalProperty}' on both sides. + + + + + The relationship was separated into two relationships because ForeignKeyAttribute specified on the navigation '{navigationEntityType}.{navigation}' doesn't match the ForeignKeyAttribute specified on the property '{propertyEntityType}.{property}'. + + + + + There are multiple navigations ({navigations}) configured with InversePropertyAttribute that point to the same inverse navigation '{inverseNavigation}'. + + + + + There are multiple relationships between '{dependentEntityType}' and '{principalEntityType}' without configured foreign key properties causing EF to create shadow properties on '{dependentType}' with names dependent on the discovery order. + + + + + No relationship from '{firstEntityType}' to '{secondEntityType}' has been configured by convention because there are multiple properties on one entity type {navigationProperties} that could be matched with the properties on the other entity type {inverseNavigations}. This message can be disregarded if explicit configuration has been specified. + + + + + Primary key hasn't been configured by convention as both properties '{firstProperty}' and '{secondProperty}' could be used as the primary key for the entity type '{entityType}'. This message can be disregarded if explicit configuration has been specified. + + + + + The owned entity type '{entityType}' cannot have a base type. + + + + + Cannot create a DbSet for '{typeName}' because it is mapped to multiple entity types and should they should be accessed through the defining entities. + + + + + The navigation '{targetEntityType}.{inverseNavigation}' cannot be used as the inverse of '{weakEntityType}.{navigation}' because it's not the defining navigation '{definingNavigation}' + + + + + The navigation '{targetEntityType}.{inverseNavigation}' cannot be used as the inverse of '{ownedEntityType}.{navigation}' because it's not the ownership navigation '{ownershipNavigation}' + + + + + The property '{property}' is marked as null on entity '{entityType}' with the key value '{keyValue}', but this cannot be saved because the property is marked as required. + + + + + The association between entities '{firstType}' and '{secondType}' with the key value '{secondKeyValue}' has been severed but the relationship is either marked as 'Required' or is implicitly required because the foreign key is not nullable. If the dependent/child entity should be deleted when a required relationship is severed, then setup the relationship to use cascade deletes. + + + + + The foreign key {foreignKey} set on '{dependentEntityType}' matches an entity of type '{foundPrincipalEntityType}', however the principal entity type should be assignable to '{principalEntityType}'. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the key values. + + + + + The foreign key '{foreignKeyValues}' set on '{dependentEntityType}' with the key value '{keyValue}' matches an entity of type '{foundPrincipalEntityType}', however the principal entity type should be assignable to '{principalEntityType}'. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' is part of a relationship cycle involving its primary key. + + + + + The service property '{property}' of type '{serviceType}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because there is another property of the same type. Ignore one of the properties using the NotMappedAttribute or 'EntityTypeBuilder.Ignore' in 'OnModelCreating'. + + + + + Cannot use multiple DbContext instances within a single query execution. Ensure the query uses a single context instance. + + + + + The query type '{queryType}' cannot have a defining query bacause it is derived from '{baseType}'. Only base query types can have a defining query. + + + + + The owned entity type '{ownedType}' requires to be referenced from another entity type via a navigation. Add a navigation to an entity type that points at '{ownedType}'. + + + + + The query type '{queryType}' cannot be added to the model because a query type with the same name already exists. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets all foreign keys that target a given primary or alternate key. + + The key to find the foreign keys for. + The foreign keys that reference the given key. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets the entity that maps the given entity class. Returns null if no entity type with the given CLR type is found + or the entity type has a defining navigation. + + The model to find the entity type in. + The type to find the corresponding entity type for. + The entity type, or null if none if found. + + + + Gets the entity that maps the given entity class, where the class may be a proxy derived from the + actual entity type. Returns null if no entity type with the given CLR type is found + or the entity type has a defining navigation. + + The model to find the entity type in. + The type to find the corresponding entity type for. + The entity type, or null if none if found. + + + + Gets the entity type for the given type, defining navigation name + and the defining entity type. Returns null if no matching entity type is found. + + The model to find the entity type in. + The type of the entity type to find. + The defining navigation of the entity type to find. + The defining entity type of the entity type to find. + The entity type, or null if none are found. + + + + Gets the entity types for the given type. + + The model to find the entity type in. + The type of the entity type to find. + The entity types found. + + + + Gets the entity types for the given name. + + The model to find the entity type in. + The name of the entity type to find. + The entity types found. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the corresponding entity type has a defining navigation. + + The model to find the entity type in. + The type used to find an entity type a defining navigation. + true if the model contains a corresponding entity type with a defining navigation. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the corresponding entity type has a defining navigation. + + The model to find the entity type in. + The name used to find an entity type with a defining navigation. + true if the model contains a corresponding entity type with a defining navigation. + + + + Gets the default change tracking strategy being used for entities in the model. This strategy indicates how the + context detects changes to properties for an instance of an entity type. + + The model to get the default change tracking strategy for. + The change tracking strategy. + + + + + Gets the being used for properties of entity types in this model. + Null indicates that the default property access mode is being used. + + + Note that individual entity types can override this access mode, and individual properties of + entity types can override the access mode set on the entity type. The value returned here will + be used for any property for which no override has been specified. + + + The model to get the access mode for. + The access mode being used, or null if the default access mode is being used. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets the existing annotation with a given key, or adds a new annotation if one does not exist. + + The object to find or add the annotation to. + The key of the annotation to be found or added. + The value to be stored in the annotation if a new one is created. + The found or added annotation. + + + + Adds annotations to an object. + + The object to add the annotations to. + The annotations to be added. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets all types in the model that derive from a given entity type. + + The base type to find types that derive from. + The derived types. + + + + Gets the root base type for a given entity type. + + The type to find the root of. + + The root base type. If the given entity type is not a derived type, then the same entity type is returned. + + + + + Sets the primary key for this entity. + + The entity type to set the key on. + The primary key property. + The newly created key. + + + + Gets the existing primary key of an entity, or sets it if one is not defined. + + The entity type to get or set the key on. + The property to set as the primary key if one is not already defined. + The existing or newly created key. + + + + Gets the existing primary key of an entity, or sets it if one is not defined. + + The entity type to get or set the key on. + The properties to set as the primary key if one is not already defined. + The existing or newly created key. + + + + Gets the primary or alternate key that is defined on the given property. Returns null if no key is defined + for the given property. + + The entity type to find the key on. + The property that the key is defined on. + The key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Adds a new alternate key to this entity type. + + The entity type to add the alternate key to. + The property to use as an alternate key. + The newly created key. + + + + Gets the existing alternate key defined on a property, or creates a new one if one is not + already defined. + + The entity type to get or create the alternate key on. + The property that is used as the alternate key. + The existing or newly created alternate key. + + + + Gets the existing alternate key defined on a set of properties, or creates a new one if one is not + already defined. + + The entity type to get or create the alternate key on. + The properties that are used as the alternate key. + The existing or newly created alternate key. + + + + Gets the foreign keys defined on the given property. Only foreign keys that are defined on exactly the specified + property are returned. Composite foreign keys that include the specified property are not returned. + + The entity type to find the foreign keys on. + The property to find the foreign keys on. + The foreign keys. + + + + Gets the foreign keys defined on the given properties. Only foreign keys that are defined on exactly the specified + set of properties are returned. + + The entity type to find the foreign keys on. + The properties to find the foreign keys on. + The foreign keys. + + + + Gets the foreign key for the given properties that points to a given primary or alternate key. Returns null + if no foreign key is found. + + The entity type to find the foreign keys on. + The property that the foreign key is defined on. + The primary or alternate key that is referenced. + + The entity type that the relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the key is defined on the + base type of the hierarchy). + + The foreign key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Gets all foreign keys that target a given entity type (i.e. foreign keys where the given entity type + is the principal). + + The entity type to find the foreign keys for. + The foreign keys that reference the given entity type. + + + + Adds a new relationship to this entity. + + The entity type to add the foreign key to. + The property that the foreign key is defined on. + The primary or alternate key that is referenced. + + The entity type that the relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the key is defined on the + base type of the hierarchy). + + The newly created foreign key. + + + + Gets an existing relationship, or creates a new one if one is not already defined. + + The entity type to get or add the foreign key to. + The property that the foreign key is defined on. + The primary or alternate key that is referenced. + + The entity type that the relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the key is defined on the + base type of the hierarchy). + + The existing or newly created foreign key. + + + + Gets an existing relationship, or creates a new one if one is not already defined. + + The entity type to get or add the foreign key to. + The properties that the foreign key is defined on. + The primary or alternate key that is referenced. + + The entity type that the relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the key is defined on the + base type of the hierarchy). + + The existing or newly created foreign key. + + + + Gets a navigation property on the given entity type. Returns null if no navigation property is found. + + The entity type to find the navigation property on. + The navigation property on the entity class. + The navigation property, or null if none is found. + + + + Gets a navigation property on the given entity type. Returns null if no navigation property is found. + + The entity type to find the navigation property on. + The name of the navigation property on the entity class. + The navigation property, or null if none is found. + + + + Gets all navigation properties on the given entity type. + + The entity type to get navigation properties for. + All navigation properties on the given entity type. + + + + + Gets a property on the given entity type. Returns null if no property is found. + + + This API only finds scalar properties and does not find navigation properties. Use + to find a navigation property. + + + The entity type to find the property on. + The property on the entity class. + The property, or null if none is found. + + + + Adds a property to this entity. + + The entity type to add the property to. + The corresponding property in the entity class. + The newly created property. + + + + Gets the property with the given name, or creates a new one if one is not already defined. + + The entity type to get or add the property to. + The name of the property. + The type of value the property will hold. + The existing or newly created property. + The returned property might not have the specified type. + + + + Gets the property with the given name, or creates a new one if one is not already defined. + + The entity type to get or add the property to. + The corresponding property in the entity class. + The existing or newly created property. + The returned property might not have the specified type. + + + + Gets the index defined on the given property. Returns null if no index is defined. + + The entity type to find the index on. + The property to find the index on. + The index, or null if none is found. + + + + Adds an index to this entity. + + The entity type to add the index to. + The property to be indexed. + The newly created index. + + + + Gets the index defined on the given property or creates a new one if one is not already defined. + + The entity type to get or add the index to. + The property to be indexed. + The existing or newly created index. + + + + Gets the index defined on the given property or creates a new one if one is not already defined. + + The entity type to get or add the index to. + The properties to be indexed. + The existing or newly created index. + + + + + Sets the to use for properties and navigations of this entity type. + + + Note that individual properties and navigations can override this access mode. The value set here will + be used for any property or navigation for which no override has been specified. + + + The entity type for which to set the access mode. + The , or null to clear the mode set. + + + + + Sets the to use for navigations of this entity type. + + + Note that individual navigations can override this access mode. The value set here will + be used for any navigation for which no override has been specified. + + + The entity type for which to set the access mode. + The , or null to clear the mode set. + + + + Sets the change tracking strategy to use for this entity type. This strategy indicates how the + context detects changes to properties for an instance of the entity type. + + The entity type to set the change tracking strategy for. + The strategy to use. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets all foreign keys that target a given primary or alternate key. + + The key to find the foreign keys for. + The foreign keys that reference the given key. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets the entity that maps the given entity class. Returns null if no entity type with the given name is found. + + The model to find the entity type in. + The type to find the corresponding entity type for. + The entity type, or null if none if found. + + + + Gets the entity type for the given name, defining navigation name + and the defining entity type. Returns null if no matching entity type is found. + + The model to find the entity type in. + The type of the entity type to find. + The defining navigation of the entity type to find. + The defining entity type of the entity type to find. + The entity type, or null if none are found. + + + + Gets the entity type with the given name or adds a new entity type if none is found. + + The model to find or add the entity type to. + The name of the entity type. + The existing or newly created entity type. + + + + Gets the entity type with the given CLR class or adds a new entity type if none is found. + + The model to find or add the entity type to. + The CLR class of the entity type. + The existing or newly created entity type. + + + + Removes an entity type from the model. + + The model to remove the entity type from. + The entity type to be removed. + The entity type that was removed. + + + + Removes an entity type from the model. + + The model to remove the entity type from. + The entity type to be removed. + The entity type that was removed. + + + + Removes an entity type with a defining navigation from the model. + + The model to remove the entity type from. + The CLR class that is used to represent instances of this entity type. + The defining navigation. + The defining entity type. + The entity type that was removed. + + + + + Sets the to use for properties of all entity types + in this model. + + + Note that individual entity types can override this access mode, and individual properties of + entity types can override the access mode set on the entity type. The value set here will + be used for any property for which no override has been specified. + + + The model to set the access mode for. + The , or null to clear the mode set. + + + + Sets the default change tracking strategy to use for entities in the model. This strategy indicates how the + context detects changes to properties for an instance of an entity type. + + The model to set the default change tracking strategy for. + The strategy to use. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets the navigation property on the other end of the relationship. Returns null if + there is no navigation property defined on the other end of the relationship. + + The navigation property to find the inverse of. + + The inverse navigation, or null if none is defined. + + + + + Gets the entity type that a given navigation property will hold an instance of + (or hold instances of if it is a collection navigation). + + The navigation property to find the target entity type of. + The target entity type. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + + Sets the backing field to use for this property. + + + Backing fields are normally found by convention as described + here: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=723277. + This method is useful for setting backing fields explicitly in cases where the + correct field is not found by convention. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. This can be changed by calling + . + + + The property for which the backing field should be set. + The name of the field to use. + + + + Sets the to use for this property. + + The property for which to set the access mode. + The , or null to clear the mode set. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + + Sets the factory to use for generating values for this property, or null to clear any previously set factory. + + + Setting null does not disable value generation for this property, it just clears any generator explicitly + configured for this property. The database provider may still have a value generator for the property type. + + + The property to set the value generator for. + + A factory that will be used to create the value generator, or null to + clear any previously set factory. + + + + + Sets the maximum length of data that is allowed in this property. For example, if the property is a ' + then this is the maximum number of characters. + + The property to set the maximum length of. + The maximum length of data that is allowed in this property. + + + + Sets a value indicating whether or not this property can persist Unicode characters. + + The property to set the value for. + True if the property accepts Unicode characters, false if it does not, null to clear the setting. + + + + Gets all foreign keys that use this property (including composite foreign keys in which this property + is included). + + The property to get foreign keys for. + + The foreign keys that use this property. + + + + + Gets the primary key that uses this property (including a composite primary key in which this property + is included). + + The property to get primary key for. + + The primary that use this property, or null if it is not part of the primary key. + + + + + Gets all primary or alternate keys that use this property (including composite keys in which this property + is included). + + The property to get primary and alternate keys for. + + The primary and alternate keys that use this property. + + + + + Sets the type that the property value will be converted to before being sent to the database provider. + + The property. + The type to use, or null to remove any previously set type. + + + + Sets the custom for this property. + + The property. + The converter, or null to remove any previously set converter. + + + + Sets the custom for this property. + + The property. + The comparer, or null to remove any previously set comparer. + + + + Sets the custom for this property when performing key comparisons.. + + The property. + The comparer, or null to remove any previously set comparer. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the given navigation property is the navigation property on the dependent entity + type that points to the principal entity. + + The navigation property to check. + + True if the given navigation property is the navigation property on the dependent entity + type that points to the principal entity, otherwise false. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the given navigation property is a collection property. + + The navigation property to check. + + True if this is a collection property, false if it is a reference property. + + + + + Gets the navigation property on the other end of the relationship. Returns null if + there is no navigation property defined on the other end of the relationship. + + The navigation property to find the inverse of. + + The inverse navigation, or null if none is defined. + + + + + Gets the entity type that a given navigation property will hold an instance of + (or hold instances of if it is a collection navigation). + + The navigation property to find the target entity type of. + The target entity type. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Returns an implementation that stays in sync with the given + . + + The element type. + The collection that the binding list will stay in sync with. + The binding list. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets the name of the backing field for this property, or null if the backing field + is not known. + + The property for which the backing field will be returned. + The name of the backing field, or null. + + + + + Gets the being used for this property. + Null indicates that the default property access mode is being used. + + + The property for which to get the access mode. + The access mode being used, or null if the default access mode is being used. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets the factory that has been set to generate values for this property, if any. + + The property to get the value generator factory for. + The factory, or null if no factory has been set. + + + + Gets the maximum length of data that is allowed in this property. For example, if the property is a ' + then this is the maximum number of characters. + + The property to get the maximum length of. + The maximum length, or null if none if defined. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether or not the property can persist Unicode characters. + + The property to get the Unicode setting for. + The Unicode setting, or null if none if defined. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this property is used as a foreign key (or part of a composite foreign key). + + The property to check. + + True if the property is used as a foreign key, otherwise false. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this property is used as an index (or part of a composite index). + + The property to check. + + True if the property is used as an index, otherwise false. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this property is used as the primary key (or part of a composite primary key). + + The property to check. + + True if the property is used as the primary key, otherwise false. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this property is used as part of a primary or alternate key + (or part of a composite primary or alternate key). + + The property to check. + + True if the property is part of a key, otherwise false. + + + + + Gets all foreign keys that use this property (including composite foreign keys in which this property + is included). + + The property to get foreign keys for. + + The foreign keys that use this property. + + + + + Gets all indexes that use this property (including composite indexes in which this property + is included). + + The property to get indexes for. + + The indexes that use this property. + + + + + Gets the primary key that uses this property (including a composite primary key in which this property + is included). + + The property to get primary key for. + + The primary that use this property, or null if it is not part of the primary key. + + + + + Gets all primary or alternate keys that use this property (including composite keys in which this property + is included). + + The property to get primary and alternate keys for. + + The primary and alternate keys that use this property. + + + + + Gets the type that the property value will be converted to before being sent to the database provider. + + The property. + The provider type, or null if none has been set. + + + + Gets the custom set for this property. + + The property. + The converter, or null if none has been set. + + + + Gets the for this property, or null if none is set. + + The property. + The comparer, or null if none has been set. + + + + Gets the for this property, or null if none is set. + + The property. + The comparer, or null if none has been set. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + + Gets the being used for properties and navigations of this type. + Null indicates that the default property access mode is being used. + + + Note that individual properties and navigations can override this access mode. The value returned here will + be used for any property or navigation for which no override has been specified. + + + The type for which to get the access mode. + The access mode being used, or null if the default access mode is being used. + + + + + Gets the being used for navigations of this type. + Null indicates that the default property access mode is being used. + + + Note that individual navigations can override this access mode. The value returned here will + be used for any navigation for which no override has been specified. + + + The type for which to get the access mode. + The access mode being used, or null if the default access mode is being used. + + + + Allows configuration for an entity type to be factored into a separate class, + rather than in-line in . + Implement this interface, applying configuration for the entity in the + method, + and then apply the configuration to the model using + + in . + + The entity type to be configured. + + + + Configures the entity of type . + + The builder to be used to configure the entity type. + + + + + Extension methods for . + + + These methods are typically used by database providers (and other extensions). They are generally + not used in application code. + + + is used to hide properties that are not intended to be used in + application code but can be used in extension methods written by database providers etc. + + + + + + + Resolves a service from the exposed from a type that implements + . + + + This method is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + is used to hide properties that are not intended to be used in + application code but can be used in extension methods written by database providers etc. + + + The type of service to be resolved. + The object exposing the service provider. + The requested service. + + + + + Gets the value from a property that is being hidden using . + + + This method is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + is used to hide properties that are not intended to be used in + application code but can be used in extension methods written by database providers etc. + + + The type of the property being hidden by . + The object that exposes the property. + The object assigned to the property. + + + + + Base class for types that support reading and writing annotations. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Gets all annotations on the current object. + + + + + Adds an annotation to this object. Throws if an annotation with the specified name already exists. + + The key of the annotation to be added. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The newly added annotation. + + + + Adds an annotation to this object. Throws if an annotation with the specified name already exists. + + The key of the annotation to be added. + The annotation to be added. + The added annotation. + + + + Sets the annotation stored under the given key. Overwrites the existing annotation if an + annotation with the specified name already exists. + + The ket of the annotation to be added. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + + + + Sets the annotation stored under the given key. Overwrites the existing annotation if an + annotation with the specified name already exists. + + The key of the annotation to be added. + The annotation to be set. + The annotation that was set. + + + + Runs the corresponding conventions when an annotation was set or removed. + + The key of the set annotation. + The annotation set. + The old annotation. + The annotation that was set. + + + + Adds an annotation to this object or returns the existing annotation if one with the specified name + already exists. + + The key of the annotation to be added. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + + The existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists. Otherwise, the newly + added annotation. + + + + + Gets the annotation with the given name, returning null if it does not exist. + + The key of the annotation to find. + + The existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists. Otherwise, null. + + + + + Removes the given annotation from this object. + + The annotation to remove. + The annotation that was removed. + + + + Gets the value annotation with the given name, returning null if it does not exist. + + The key of the annotation to find. + + The value of the existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists. + Otherwise, null. + + + + + Creates a new annotation. + + The key of the annotation. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The newly created annotation. + + + + Gets all annotations on the current object. + + + + + Gets the annotation with the given name, returning null if it does not exist. + + The key of the annotation to find. + + The existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists. Otherwise, null. + + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets the annotation with the given name, throwing if it does not exist. + + The object to find the annotation on. + The key of the annotation to find. + The annotation with the specified name. + + + + + An arbitrary piece of metadata that can be stored on an object that implements . + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The key of this annotation. + The value assigned to this annotation. + + + + Gets the key of this annotation. + + + + + Gets the value assigned to this annotation. + + + + + + Represents options managed by the core of Entity Framework, as opposed to those managed + by database providers or extensions. These options are set using . + + + Instances of this class are designed to be immutable. To change an option, call one of the 'With...' + methods to obtain a new instance with the option changed. + + + + + + Creates a new set of options with everything set to default values. + + + + + Called by a derived class constructor when implementing the method. + + The instance that is being cloned. + + + + Override this method in a derived class to ensure that any clone created is also of that class. + + A clone of this instance, which can be modified before being returned as immutable. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The service contract. + The implementation type to use for the service. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + The option set from the method. + + + + + The option set from the method. + + + + + The option set from the method. + + + + + The option set from the method. + + + + + The option set from the method. + + + + + The option set from the method. + + + + + The options set from the method. + + + + + The option set from the method. + + + + + The options set from the method. + + + + + The option set from the + + method. + + + + + Adds the services required to make the selected options work. This is used when there + is no external and EF is maintaining its own service + provider internally. This allows database providers (and other extensions) to register their + required services when EF is creating an service provider. + + The collection to add services to. + False since no database provider is registered. + + + + Returns a hash code created from any options that would cause a new + to be needed. + + A hash over options that require a new service provider when changed. + + + + Gives the extension a chance to validate that all options in the extension are valid. + If options are invalid, then an exception will be thrown. + + The options being validated. + + + + Creates a message fragment for logging typically containing information about + any useful non-default options that have been configured. + + + + + Provides access to database related information and operations for a context. + Instances of this class are typically obtained from and it is not designed + to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. Instances of this class are typically + obtained from and it is not designed to be directly constructed + in your application code. + + The context this database API belongs to . + + + + + Ensures that the database for the context exists. If it exists, no action is taken. If it does not + exist then the database and all its schema are created. If the database exists, then no effort is made + to ensure it is compatible with the model for this context. + + + Note that this API does not use migrations to create the database. In addition, the database that is + created cannot be later updated using migrations. If you are targeting a relational database and using migrations, + you can use the DbContext.Database.Migrate() method to ensure the database is created and all migrations + are applied. + + + True if the database is created, false if it already existed. + + + + + Asynchronously ensures that the database for the context exists. If it exists, no action is taken. If it does not + exist then the database and all its schema are created. If the database exists, then no effort is made + to ensure it is compatible with the model for this context. + + + Note that this API does not use migrations to create the database. In addition, the database that is + created cannot be later updated using migrations. If you are targeting a relational database and using migrations, + you can use the DbContext.Database.Migrate() method to ensure the database is created and all migrations + are applied. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous save operation. The task result contains true if the database is created, + false if it already existed. + + + + + + Ensures that the database for the context does not exist. If it does not exist, no action is taken. If it does + exist then the database is deleted. + + + Warning: The entire database is deleted, and no effort is made to remove just the database objects that are used by + the model for this context. + + + True if the database is deleted, false if it did not exist. + + + + + Asynchronously ensures that the database for the context does not exist. If it does not exist, no action is taken. If it does + exist then the database is deleted. + + + Warning: The entire database is deleted, and no effort is made to remove just the database objects that are used by + the model for this context. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous save operation. The task result contains true if the database is deleted, + false if it did not exist. + + + + + Starts a new transaction. + + + A that represents the started transaction. + + + + + Asynchronously starts a new transaction. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous transaction initialization. The task result contains a + that represents the started transaction. + + + + + Applies the outstanding operations in the current transaction to the database. + + + + + Discards the outstanding operations in the current transaction. + + + + + Creates an instance of the configured . + + An instance. + + + + + Gets the current being used by the context, or null + if no transaction is in use. + + + This property will be null unless one of the 'BeginTransaction' or 'UseTransaction' methods has + been called, some of which are available as extension methods installed by EF providers. + No attempt is made to obtain a transaction from the current DbConnection or similar. + + + For relational databases, the underlying DbTransaction can be obtained using the + 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.GetDbTransaction'extension method + on the returned . + + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not a transaction will be created + automatically by if none of the + 'BeginTransaction' or 'UseTransaction' methods have been called. + + + Setting this value to false will also disable the + for + + + The default value is true, meaning that SaveChanges will always use a transaction + when saving changes. + + + Setting this value to false should only be done with caution since the database + could be left in a corrupted state if SaveChanges fails. + + + + + + + Returns the name of the database provider currently in use. + The name is typically the name of the provider assembly. + It is usually easier to use a sugar method such as 'IsSqlServer()' instead of + calling this method directly. + + + This method can only be used after the has been configured because + it is only then that the provider is known. This means that this method cannot be used + in because this is where application code sets the + provider to use as part of configuring the context. + + + + + + + Gets the scoped being used to resolve services. + + + This property is intended for use by extension methods that need to make use of services + not directly exposed in the public API surface. + + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + Identifies the that a class belongs to. For example, this attribute is used + to identify which context a migration applies to. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The associated context. + + + + Gets the associated context. + + + + + Provides information about the environment an application is running in. + + + + + Gets or sets the directory containing the application. + + + + + Gets or sets the directory containing the application content files. + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the environment. + + + + + Extension methods for setting up Entity Framework related services in an . + + + + + This method is no longer functional. Call a provider-specific method such as + AddEntityFrameworkSqlServer, AddEntityFrameworkSqlite, etc. instead. + + The service collection. + Always throws NotSupportedException. + Always throws NotSupportedException. + + + + + A builder API designed for database providers to use when registering services. + + + Providers should create an instance of this class, use its methods to register + services, and then call to fill out the remaining Entity + Framework services. + + + Relational providers should use 'EntityFrameworkRelationalServicesBuilder instead. + + + Entity Framework ensures that services are registered with the appropriate scope. In some cases a provider + may register a service with a different scope, but great care must be taken that all its dependencies + can handle the new scope, and that it does not cause issue for services that depend on it. + + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + This dictionary is exposed for testing and provider-validation only. + It should not be used from application code. + + + + + + Used by database providers to create a new for + registration of provider services. Relational providers should use + 'EntityFrameworkRelationalServicesBuilder'. + + The collection to which services will be registered. + + + + Access to the underlying . + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Database providers should call this method for access to the underlying + such that provider-specific services can be registered. + Note that implementations of Entity Framework services should be registered directly on the + and not through this method. + + The underlying map to which provider services should be added. + This builder, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Registers default implementations of all services not already registered by the provider. + Database providers must call this method as the last step of service registration--that is, + after all provider services have been registered. + + This builder, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds an implementation of an Entity Framework service only if one has not already been registered. + The scope of the service is automatically defined by Entity Framework. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + This builder, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds an implementation of an Entity Framework service only if one has not already been registered. + The scope of the service is automatically defined by Entity Framework. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + This builder, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a factory for an Entity Framework service only if one has not already been registered. + The scope of the service is automatically defined by Entity Framework. + + The contract for the service. + The factory that will create the service instance. + This builder, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a factory for an Entity Framework service only if one has not already been registered. + The scope of the service is automatically defined by Entity Framework. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The factory that will create the service instance. + This builder, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a factory for an Entity Framework service only if one has not already been registered. + The scope of the service is automatically defined by Entity Framework. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The factory that will create the service instance. + This builder, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds an implementation of an Entity Framework service only if one has not already been registered. + This method can only be used for singleton services. + + The contract for the service. + The implementation of the service. + This builder, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds an implementation of an Entity Framework service only if one has not already been registered. + This method can only be used for singleton services. + + The contract for the service. + The implementation of the service. + This builder, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + A class that exposes annotations. Annotations allow for arbitrary metadata to be stored on an object. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Gets the value annotation with the given name, returning null if it does not exist. + + The key of the annotation to find. + + The value of the existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists. Otherwise, null. + + + + + Gets the annotation with the given name, returning null if it does not exist. + + The key of the annotation to find. + + The existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists. Otherwise, null. + + + + + Gets all annotations on the current object. + + + + + + An arbitrary piece of metadata that can be stored on an object that implements . + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Gets the key of this annotation. + + + + + Gets the value assigned to this annotation. + + + + + A factory for creating derived instances. Implement this interface to enable + design-time services for context types that do not have a public default constructor. At design-time, + derived instances can be created in order to enable specific design-time + experiences such as Migrations. Design-time services will automatically discover implementations of + this interface that are in the same assembly as the derived context. + + The type of the context. + + + + Creates a new instance of a derived context. + + Information about the environment an application is running in. + An instance of . + + + + The options to be used by a . You normally override + or use a + to create instances of classes that implement this interface, they are not designed to be directly created + in your application code. + + + + + Gets the extensions that store the configured options. + + + + + Gets the extension of the specified type. Returns null if no extension of the specified type is configured. + + The type of the extension to get. + The extension, or null if none was found. + + + + + Explicitly implemented by to hide methods that are used by database provider + extension methods but not intended to be called by application developers. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + + Adds the given extension to the options. If an existing extension of the same type already exists, it will be replaced. + + + This property is intended for use by extension methods to configure the context. It is not intended to be used in + application code. + + + The type of extension to be added. + The extension to be added. + + + + + Interface for extensions that are stored in . + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Adds the services required to make the selected options work. This is used when there + is no external and EF is maintaining its own service + provider internally. This allows database providers (and other extensions) to register their + required services when EF is creating an service provider. + + The collection to add services to. + True if a database provider and was registered; false otherwise. + + + + Returns a hash code created from any options that would cause a new + to be needed. Most extensions do not have any such options and should return zero. + + A hash over options that require a new service provider when changed. + + + + Gives the extension a chance to validate that all options in the extension are valid. + Most extensions do not have invalid combinations and so this will be a no-op. + If options are invalid, then an exception should be thrown. + + The options being validated. + + + + Creates a message fragment for logging typically containing information about + any useful non-default options that have been configured. + + + + + + This interface is explicitly implemented by type to hide properties that are not intended to be used in application code + but can be used in extension methods written by database providers etc. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + The type of the property being hidden. + + + + Gets the value of the property being hidden. + + + + + + Creates keys that uniquely identifies the model for a given context. This is used to store and lookup + a cached model for a given context. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Gets the model cache key for a given context. + + + The context to get the model cache key for. + + The created key. + + + + + Performs additional configuration of the model in addition to what is discovered by convention. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + When replacing this service consider deriving the implementation from or + 'RelationalModelCustomizer' to preserve the default behavior. + + + + + + + Builds the model for a given context. + + + If any instance data from is + used when building the model, then the implementation of + also needs to be updated to ensure the model is cached correctly. + + + + The builder being used to construct the model. + + + The context instance that the model is being created for. + + + + + + Produces an based on a context. This is typically implemented by database providers to ensure that any + conventions and validation specific to their database are used. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Gets the model to be used. + + The context the model is being produced for. + The convention set to use when creating the model. + The validator to verify the model can be successfully used with the context. + The model to be used. + + + + Validates a model after it is built. + + + + + Validates a model, throwing an exception if any errors are found. + + + + + + This interface must be implemented by any service that needs to be reset between + different uses of the same in different pools. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Resets the service so that it can be used from the pool. + + + + + Implemented by any class that represents options that can only be set at the + singleton level. + + + + + Initializes the singleton options from the given . + + + + + Validates that the options in given have not + changed when compared to the options already set here, and throws if they have. + + + + + + A key that uniquely identifies the model for a given context. This is used to store and lookup + a cached model for a given context. This default implementation uses the context type as they key, thus + assuming that all contexts of a given type have the same model. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The context instance that this key is for. + + + + + Determines if this key is equivalent to a given key (i.e. if they are for the same context type). + + + The key to compare this key to. + + + True if the key is for the same context type, otherwise false. + + + + + Determines if this key is equivalent to a given object (i.e. if they are keys for the same context type). + + + The object to compare this key to. + + + True if the object is a and is for the same context type, otherwise false. + + + + + Gets the hash code for the key. + + + The hash code for the key. + + + + + + Creates keys that uniquely identifies the model for a given context. This is used to store and lookup + a cached model for a given context. This default implementation uses the context type as they key, thus + assuming that all contexts of a given type have the same model. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Gets the model cache key for a given context. + + + The context to get the model cache key for. + + The created key. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Builds the model for a given context. This default implementation builds the model by calling + on the context. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Dependencies used to create a + + + + + Performs additional configuration of the model in addition to what is discovered by convention. This default implementation + builds the model for a given context by calling + on the context. + + + The builder being used to construct the model. + + + The context instance that the model is being created for. + + + + + Adds the entity types found in properties on the context to the model. + + The being used to build the model. + The context to find properties on. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + Gets the that will locate the properties + on the derived context. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + + An implementation of that produces a model based on + the properties exposed on the context. The model is cached to avoid + recreating it every time it is requested. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Dependencies used to create a + + + + + Returns the model from the cache, or creates a model if it is not present in the cache. + + The context the model is being produced for. + The convention set to use when creating the model. + The validator to verify the model can be successfully used with the context. + The model to be used. + + + + Creates the model. This method is called when the model was not found in the cache. + + The context the model is being produced for. + The convention set to use when creating the model. + The validator to verify the model can be successfully used with the context. + The model to be used. + + + + Creates the convention set to be used for the model. Only uses the + if is null. + + The provider convention set builder to be used. + The convention set to be used. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + Gets the that will build the conventions to be used + to build the model. + + + + + Gets the that will perform additional configuration of the model + in addition to what is discovered by convention. + + + + + Gets the that will create keys used to store and lookup models + the model cache. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + The validator that enforces core rules common for all providers. + + + + + Creates a new instance of . + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Dependencies used to create a + + + + + Validates a model, throwing an exception if any errors are found. + + The model to validate. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + The validation logger. + The model logger. + + + + The validation logger. + + + + + The model logger. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + + Provides a map over a that allows + entries to be conditionally added or re-written without requiring linear scans of the service + collection each time this is done. + + + Note that the collection should not be modified without in other ways while it is being managed + by the map. The collection can be used in the normal way after modifications using the map have + been completed. + + + + + + Creates a new to operate on the given . + + The collection to work with. + + + + The underlying . + + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete type if no service for the given service + type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The service lifetime. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The factory that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The factory that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The factory that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that the given factory creates. + The factory that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that the given factory creates. + The factory that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that the given factory creates. + The factory that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The factory that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The factory that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The factory that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory if no service for the given service type + has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The factory that implements the service. + The service lifetime. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given instance + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The object that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given instance + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The object that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The service lifetime. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The factory that implements this service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The factory that implements this service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The factory that implements this service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The factory that implements this service. + The service lifetime. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given instance + to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The object that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given instance + to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The object that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Allows configuration for a query type to be factored into a separate class, + rather than in-line in . + Implement this interface, applying configuration for the query in the + method, + and then apply the configuration to the model using + + in . + + The query type to be configured. + + + + Configures the query of type . + + The builder to be used to configure the query type. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a relationship where configuration began on + an end of the relationship with a collection that contains instances of another entity type. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Gets the internal builder being used to configure the relationship. + + + This property is intended for use by extension methods that need to make use of services + not directly exposed in the public API surface. + + + + + + + Configures this as a one-to-many relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + + The name of the reference navigation property on the other end of this relationship. + If null or not specified, then there is no navigation property on the other end of the relationship. + + An object to further configure the relationship. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a relationship where configuration began on + an end of the relationship with a collection that contains instances of another entity type. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The entity type to be configured. + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Configures this as a one-to-many relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + + A lambda expression representing the reference navigation property on the other end of this + relationship (post => post.Blog). If no property is specified, the relationship will be + configured without a navigation property on the other end of the relationship. + + An object to further configure the relationship. + + + + Configures this as a one-to-many relationship. + + + The name of the reference navigation property on the other end of this relationship. + If null, there is no navigation property on the other end of the relationship. + + An object to further configure the relationship. + + + + Allows further configuration of model data. + + + + + Allows further configuration of model data. + + The entity type of the data. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring an . + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets the internal builder being used to configure the entity type. + + + + + The entity type being configured. + + + + + The model that the entity type belongs to. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the entity type. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this entity in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The name of the base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this entity in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the properties that make up the primary key for this entity type. + + The names of the properties that make up the primary key. + An object that can be used to configure the primary key. + + + + Creates an alternate key in the model for this entity type if one does not already exist over the specified + properties. This will force the properties to be read-only. Use to specify uniqueness + in the model that does not force properties to be read-only. + + The names of the properties that make up the key. + An object that can be used to configure the key. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the entity type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property, if a property with the same name exists in the entity class + then it will be added to the model. If no property exists in the entity class, then + a new shadow state property will be added. A shadow state property is one that does not have a + corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances of the entity class. + + + The type of the property to be configured. + The name of the property to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the entity type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property, if a property with the same name exists in the entity class + then it will be added to the model. If no property exists in the entity class, then + a new shadow state property will be added. A shadow state property is one that does not have a + corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances of the entity class. + + + The type of the property to be configured. + The name of the property to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the entity type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property with this overload the property name must match the + name of a CLR property or field on the entity type. This overload cannot be used to + add a new shadow state property. + + + The name of the property to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + Excludes the given property from the entity type. This method is typically used to remove properties + from the entity type that were added by convention. + + The name of then property to be removed from the entity type. + + + + Specifies a LINQ predicate expression that will automatically be applied to any queries targeting + this entity type. + + The LINQ predicate expression. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The name of the entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type provides identity to + the other type in the relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. + + An action that performs configuration of the relationship. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type provides identity to + the other type in the relationship. + + + The name of the entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. + + An action that performs configuration of the relationship. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + Configures an index on the specified properties. If there is an existing index on the given + set of properties, then the existing index will be returned for configuration. + + The names of the properties that make up the index. + An object that can be used to configure the index. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or to fully configure + the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or to fully configure + the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The name of the entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a collection that contains + instances of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the collection navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a collection that contains + instances of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The name of the entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the collection navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + Configures the to be used for this entity type. + This strategy indicates how the context detects changes to properties for an instance of the entity type. + + The change tracking strategy to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the to use for all properties of this entity type. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found by convention or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. Calling this method will change that behavior + for all properties of this entity type as described in the enum. + + + Calling this method overrides for all properties of this entity type any access mode that was + set on the model. + + + The to use for properties of this entity type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures this entity to have seed data. It is used to generate data motion migrations. + + + An array of seed data of the same type as the entity we're building. + + An object that can be used to configure the model data. + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring an . + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The entity type being configured. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the entity type. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same typeBuilder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this entity in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The name of the base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this entity in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this entity in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the properties that make up the primary key for this entity type. + + + + A lambda expression representing the primary key property(s) (blog => blog.Url). + + + If the primary key is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including the + properties (post => new { post.Title, post.BlogId }). + + + An object that can be used to configure the primary key. + + + + Creates an alternate key in the model for this entity type if one does not already exist over the specified + properties. This will force the properties to be read-only. Use to specify uniqueness + in the model that does not force properties to be read-only. + + + + A lambda expression representing the key property(s) (blog => blog.Url). + + + If the key is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including + the properties (post => new { post.Title, post.BlogId }). + + + An object that can be used to configure the key. + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the entity type. + If the specified property is not already part of the model, it will be added. + + + A lambda expression representing the property to be configured ( + blog => blog.Url). + + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + Excludes the given property from the entity type. This method is typically used to remove properties + from the entity type that were added by convention. + + + A lambda expression representing the property to be ignored + (blog => blog.Url). + + + + + Excludes the given property from the entity type. This method is typically used to remove properties + from the entity type that were added by convention. + + The name of then property to be removed from the entity type. + + + + Specifies a LINQ predicate expression that will automatically be applied to any queries targeting + this entity type. + + The LINQ predicate expression. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures an index on the specified properties. If there is an existing index on the given + set of properties, then the existing index will be returned for configuration. + + + + A lambda expression representing the property(s) to be included in the index + (blog => blog.Url). + + + If the index is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including the + properties (post => new { post.Title, post.BlogId }). + + + An object that can be used to configure the index. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + A lambda expression representing the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents + the relationship (customer => customer.Address). + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + A lambda expression representing the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents + the relationship (customer => customer.Address). + + An action that performs configuration of the relationship. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + A lambda expression representing the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents + the relationship (post => post.Blog). If no property is specified, the relationship will be + configured without a navigation property on this end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a collection that contains + instances of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + A lambda expression representing the collection navigation property on this entity type that represents + the relationship (blog => blog.Posts). If no property is specified, the relationship will be + configured without a navigation property on this end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a collection that contains + instances of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the collection navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + Configures the to be used for this entity type. + This strategy indicates how the context detects changes to properties for an instance of the entity type. + + The change tracking strategy to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the to use for all properties of this entity type. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found by convention or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. Calling this method will change that behavior + for all properties of this entity type as described in the enum. + + + Calling this method overrides for all properties of this entity type any access mode that was + set on the model. + + + The to use for properties of this entity type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures this entity to have seed data. It is used to generate data motion migrations. + + + An array of seed data. + + An object that can be used to configure the model data. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring an . + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The internal builder being used to configure the index. + + + + + The index being configured. + + + + + The model that the index belongs to. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the index. If an annotation with the key specified in + + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures whether this index is unique (i.e. the value(s) for each instance must be unique). + + A value indicating whether this index is unique. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a . + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The internal builder being used to configure the key. + + + + + The key being configured. + + + + + The model that the key belongs to. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the key. If an annotation with the key specified in + + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The entity type being configured. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a . + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The internal builder being used to configure the property. + + + + + The property being configured. + + + + + The model that the property belongs to. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the property. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures whether this property must have a value assigned or whether null is a valid value. + A property can only be configured as non-required if it is based on a CLR type that can be + assigned null. + + A value indicating whether the property is required. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the maximum length of data that can be stored in this property. + Maximum length can only be set on array properties (including properties). + + The maximum length of data allowed in the property. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property as capable of persisting unicode characters or not. + Can only be set on properties. + + A value indicating whether the property can contain unicode characters or not. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property as and + . + + + Database providers can choose to interpret this in different way, but it is commonly used + to indicate some form of automatic row-versioning as used for optimistic concurrency detection. + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the that will generate values for this property. + + + Values are generated when the entity is added to the context using, for example, + . Values are generated only when the property is assigned + the CLR default value (null for string, 0 for int, Guid.Empty for Guid, etc.). + + + A single instance of this type will be created and used to generate values for this property in all + instances of the entity type. The type must be instantiable and have a parameterless constructor. + + + This method is intended for use with custom value generation. Value generation for common cases is + usually handled automatically by the database provider. + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the that will generate values for this property. + + + Values are generated when the entity is added to the context using, for example, + . Values are generated only when the property is assigned + the CLR default value (null for string, 0 for int, Guid.Empty for Guid, etc.). + + + A single instance of this type will be created and used to generate values for this property in all + instances of the entity type. The type must be instantiable and have a parameterless constructor. + + + This method is intended for use with custom value generation. Value generation for common cases is + usually handled automatically by the database provider. + + + Setting null does not disable value generation for this property, it just clears any generator explicitly + configured for this property. The database provider may still have a value generator for the property type. + + + A type that inherits from + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures a factory for creating a to use to generate values + for this property. + + + Values are generated when the entity is added to the context using, for example, + . Values are generated only when the property is assigned + the CLR default value (null for string, 0 for int, Guid.Empty for Guid, etc.). + + + This factory will be invoked once to create a single instance of the value generator, and + this will be used to generate values for this property in all instances of the entity type. + + + This method is intended for use with custom value generation. Value generation for common cases is + usually handled automatically by the database provider. + + + A delegate that will be used to create value generator instances. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures whether this property should be used as a concurrency token. When a property is configured + as a concurrency token the value in the database will be checked when an instance of this entity type + is updated or deleted during to ensure it has not changed since + the instance was retrieved from the database. If it has changed, an exception will be thrown and the + changes will not be applied to the database. + + A value indicating whether this property is a concurrency token. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures a property to never have a value generated by the database when an instance of this + entity type is saved. + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + Note that values may still be generated by a client-side value generator, if one is set explicitly or by a convention. + + + + + Configures a property to have a value generated only when saving a new entity, unless a non-null, + non-temporary value has been set, in which case the set value will be saved instead. The value + may be generated by a client-side value generator or may be generated by the database as part + of saving the entity. + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures a property to have a value generated when saving a new or existing entity. + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures a property to have a value generated when saving an existing entity. + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the backing field to use for this property. + + + Backing fields are normally found by convention as described + here: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=723277. + This method is useful for setting backing fields explicitly in cases where the + correct field is not found by convention. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. This can be changed by calling + . + + + The field name. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the to use for this property. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found by convention or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. Calling this method will change that behavior + for this property as described in the enum. + + + Calling this method overrides for this property any access mode that was set on the + entity type or model. + + + The to use for this property. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property so that the property value is converted to the given type before + writing to the database and converted back when reading from the database. + + The type to convert to and from. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property so that the property value is converted to the given type before + writing to the database and converted back when reading from the database. + + The type to convert to and from. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property so that the property value is converted to and from the database + using the given . + + The converter to use. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a . + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the property. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures whether this property must have a value assigned or whether null is a valid value. + A property can only be configured as non-required if it is based on a CLR type that can be + assigned null. + + A value indicating whether the property is required. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the maximum length of data that can be stored in this property. + Maximum length can only be set on array properties (including properties). + + The maximum length of data allowed in the property. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property as capable of persisting unicode characters or not. + Can only be set on properties. + + A value indicating whether the property can contain unicode characters or not. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property as and + . + + + Database providers can choose to interpret this in different way, but it is commonly used + to indicate some form of automatic row-versioning as used for optimistic concurrency detection. + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the that will generate values for this property. + + + Values are generated when the entity is added to the context using, for example, + . Values are generated only when the property is assigned + the CLR default value (null for string, 0 for int, Guid.Empty for Guid, etc.). + + + A single instance of this type will be created and used to generate values for this property in all + instances of the entity type. The type must be instantiable and have a parameterless constructor. + + + This method is intended for use with custom value generation. Value generation for common cases is + usually handled automatically by the database provider. + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the that will generate values for this property. + + + Values are generated when the entity is added to the context using, for example, + . Values are generated only when the property is assigned + the CLR default value (null for string, 0 for int, Guid.Empty for Guid, etc.). + + + A single instance of this type will be created and used to generate values for this property in all + instances of the entity type. The type must be instantiable and have a parameterless constructor. + + + This method is intended for use with custom value generation. Value generation for common cases is + usually handled automatically by the database provider. + + + Setting null does not disable value generation for this property, it just clears any generator explicitly + configured for this property. The database provider may still have a value generator for the property type. + + + A type that inherits from + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures a factory for creating a to use to generate values + for this property. + + + Values are generated when the entity is added to the context using, for example, + . Values are generated only when the property is assigned + the CLR default value (null for string, 0 for int, Guid.Empty for Guid, etc.). + + + This factory will be invoked once to create a single instance of the value generator, and + this will be used to generate values for this property in all instances of the entity type. + + + This method is intended for use with custom value generation. Value generation for common cases is + usually handled automatically by the database provider. + + + A delegate that will be used to create value generator instances. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures whether this property should be used as a concurrency token. When a property is configured + as a concurrency token the value in the database will be checked when an instance of this entity type + is updated or deleted during to ensure it has not changed since + the instance was retrieved from the database. If it has changed, an exception will be thrown and the + changes will not be applied to the database. + + A value indicating whether this property is a concurrency token. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures a property to never have a value generated when an instance of this + entity type is saved. + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + Note that temporary values may still be generated for use internally before a + new entity is saved. + + + + + Configures a property to have a value generated only when saving a new entity, unless a non-null, + non-temporary value has been set, in which case the set value will be saved instead. The value + may be generated by a client-side value generator or may be generated by the database as part + of saving the entity. + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures a property to have a value generated when saving a new or existing entity. + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures a property to have a value generated when saving an existing entity. + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the backing field to use for this property. + + + Backing fields are normally found by convention as described + here: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=723277. + This method is useful for setting backing fields explicitly in cases where the + correct field is not found by convention. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. This can be changed by calling + . + + + The field name. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property so that the property value is converted to the given type before + writing to the database and converted back when reading from the database. + + The type to convert to and from. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property so that the property value is converted to the given type before + writing to the database and converted back when reading from the database. + + The type to convert to and from. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property so that the property value is converted to and from the database + using the given conversion expressions. + + The store type generated by the conversions. + An expression to convert objects when writing data to the store. + An expression to convert objects when reading data from the store. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property so that the property value is converted to and from the database + using the given . + + The store type generated by the converter. + The converter to use. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property so that the property value is converted to and from the database + using the given . + + The converter to use. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the to use for this property. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found by convention or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. Calling this method will change that behavior + for this property as described in the enum. + + + Calling this method overrides for this property any access mode that was set on the + entity type or model. + + + The to use for this property. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a query type. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The query type being configured. + + + + + The model that the query type belongs to. + + + + + Gets the internal builder being used to configure the query type. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the query type. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this query type in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The name of the base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this query type in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the query type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property, if a property with the same name exists in the query type class + then it will be added to the model. If no property exists in the query type class, then + a new shadow state property will be added. A shadow state property is one that does not have a + corresponding property in the query type class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances of the query type class. + + + The type of the property to be configured. + The name of the property to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the query type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property, if a property with the same name exists in the query type class + then it will be added to the model. If no property exists in the query type class, then + a new shadow state property will be added. A shadow state property is one that does not have a + corresponding property in the query type class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances of the query type class. + + + The type of the property to be configured. + The name of the property to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the query type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property with this overload the property name must match the + name of a CLR property or field on the query type. This overload cannot be used to + add a new shadow state property. + + + The name of the property to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + Excludes the given property from the query type. This method is typically used to remove properties + from the query type that were added by convention. + + The name of then property to be removed from the query type. + + + + Specifies a LINQ predicate expression that will automatically be applied to any queries targeting + this query type. + + The LINQ predicate expression. + An object that can be used to configure the query type. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this query type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or to fully configure + the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The query type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this query type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this query type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or to fully configure + the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The name of the query type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this query type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Sets the to use for all properties of this query type. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found by convention or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. Calling this method will change that behavior + for all properties of this query type as described in the enum. + + + Calling this method overrrides for all properties of this query type any access mode that was + set on the model. + + + The to use for properties of this query type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring an . + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The query type being configured. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the query type. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same typeBuilder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this query type in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The name of the base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this query type in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this query type in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the query type. + If the specified property is not already part of the model, it will be added. + + + A lambda expression representing the property to be configured ( + blog => blog.Url). + + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + Excludes the given property from the query type. This method is typically used to remove properties + from the query type that were added by convention. + + + A lambda expression representing the property to be ignored + (blog => blog.Url). + + + + + Excludes the given property from the query type. This method is typically used to remove properties + from the query type that were added by convention. + + The name of then property to be removed from the query type. + + + + Specifies a LINQ predicate expression that will automatically be applied to any queries targeting + this query type. + + The LINQ predicate expression. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures a query used to provide data for a query type. + + The query that will provider the underlying data for the query type. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this query type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The query type that this relationship targets. + + A lambda expression representing the reference navigation property on this query type that represents + the relationship (post => post.Blog). If no property is specified, the relationship will be + configured without a navigation property on this end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Sets the to use for all properties of this query type. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found by convention or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. Calling this method will change that behavior + for all properties of this query type as described in the enum. + + + Calling this method overrrides for all properties of this query type any access mode that was + set on the model. + + + The to use for properties of this query type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a one-to-many relationship. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The foreign key that represents this relationship. + + + + + The model that this relationship belongs to. + + + + + Gets the internal builder being used to configure this relationship. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the relationship. If an annotation with the key specified in + + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one that does not + have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to match + the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The name(s) of the foreign key property(s). + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + The name(s) of the reference key property(s). + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Configures whether this is a required relationship (i.e. whether the foreign key property(s) can + be assigned null). + + A value indicating whether this is a required relationship. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures how a delete operation is applied to dependent entities in the relationship when the + principal is deleted or the relationship is severed. + + The action to perform. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a one-to-many relationship. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The principal entity type in this relationship. + The dependent entity type in this relationship. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If is not specified, then + an attempt will be made to match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the + primary key of the principal entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that + form a unique index will be added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + A shadow state property is one that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The + current value for the property is stored in the rather than being + stored in instances of the entity class. + + + + + A lambda expression representing the foreign key property(s) (post => post.BlogId). + + + If the foreign key is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including the + properties (comment => new { comment.BlogId, comment.PostTitle }). The order specified should match the order of + corresponding keys in . + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + + + A lambda expression representing the reference key property(s) (blog => blog.BlogId). + + + If the principal key is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including + the properties (post => new { post.BlogId, post.PostTitle }). + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the relationship. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match + the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The name(s) of the foreign key property(s). + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + The name(s) of the reference key property(s). + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures whether this is a required relationship (i.e. whether the foreign key property(s) can + be assigned null). + + A value indicating whether this is a required relationship. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures how a delete operation is applied to dependent entities in the relationship when the + principal is deleted or the relationship is severed. + + The action to perform. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a relationship where configuration began on + an end of the relationship with a reference that points to an instance of another entity type. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets the internal builder being used to configure the relationship. + + + + + + Configures this as a one-to-many relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + + The name of the collection navigation property on the other end of this relationship. + If null or not specified, there is no navigation property on the other end of the relationship. + + An object to further configure the relationship. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Configures this as a one-to-one relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + + The name of the reference navigation property on the other end of this relationship. + If null or not specified, there is no navigation property on the other end of the relationship. + + An object to further configure the relationship. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a relationship where configuration began on an end of the + relationship with a reference that points to an instance of another entity type. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The entity type to be configured. + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Configures this as a one-to-many relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + + A lambda expression representing the collection navigation property on the other end of this + relationship (blog => blog.Posts). If no property is specified, the relationship will be + configured without a navigation property on the other end of the relationship. + + An object to further configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures this as a one-to-one relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + + A lambda expression representing the reference navigation property on the other end of this + relationship (blog => blog.BlogInfo). If no property is specified, the relationship will be + configured without a navigation property on the other end of the relationship. + + An object to further configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures this as a one-to-many relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + + The name of the collection navigation property on the other end of this relationship. + If null or not specified, there is no navigation property on the other end of the relationship. + + An object to further configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures this as a one-to-many relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + + The name of the reference navigation property on the other end of this relationship. + If null or not specified, there is no navigation property on the other end of the relationship. + + An object to further configure the relationship. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a one-to-one ownership. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets the internal builder being used to configure the entity type. + + + + + The entity type being configured. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the foreign key. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The name(s) of the foreign key property(s). + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + + + If multiple principal key properties are specified, the order of principal key properties should + match the order that the primary key or unique constraint properties were configured on the principal + entity type. + + + The name(s) of the reference key property(s). + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures how a delete operation is applied to dependent entities in the relationship when the + principal is deleted or the relationship is severed. + + The action to perform. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the entity type. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the entity type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property, if a property with the same name exists in the entity class + then it will be added to the model. If no property exists in the entity class, then + a new shadow state property will be added. A shadow state property is one that does not have a + corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances of the entity class. + + + The type of the property to be configured. + The name of the property to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the entity type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property, if a property with the same name exists in the entity class + then it will be added to the model. If no property exists in the entity class, then + a new shadow state property will be added. A shadow state property is one that does not have a + corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances of the entity class. + + + The type of the property to be configured. + The name of the property to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the entity type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property with this overload the property name must match the + name of a CLR property or field on the entity type. This overload cannot be used to + add a new shadow state property. + + + The name of the property to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + Excludes the given property from the entity type. This method is typically used to remove properties + from the entity type that were added by convention. + + The name of then property to be removed from the entity type. + + + + Configures an index on the specified properties. If there is an existing index on the given + set of properties, then the existing index will be returned for configuration. + + The names of the properties that make up the index. + An object that can be used to configure the index. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The name of the entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. + + An action that performs configuration of the relationship. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The name of the entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. + + An action that performs configuration of the relationship. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or to fully configure + the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or to fully configure + the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The name of the entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a collection that contains + instances of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the collection navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a collection that contains + instances of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The name of the entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the collection navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + Configures the to be used for this entity type. + This strategy indicates how the context detects changes to properties for an instance of the entity type. + + The change tracking strategy to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the to use for all properties of this entity type. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found by convention or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. Calling this method will change that behavior + for all properties of this entity type as described in the enum. + + + Calling this method overrides for all properties of this entity type any access mode that was + set on the model. + + + The to use for properties of this entity type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures this entity to have seed data. It is used to generate data motion migrations. + + + An array of seed data of the same type as the entity we're building. + + An object that can be used to configure the model data. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a one-to-one ownership. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the foreign key. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The name(s) of the foreign key property(s). + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + + A lambda expression representing the foreign key property(s) (t => t.Id1). + + + If the foreign key is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including the + properties (t => new { t.Id1, t.Id2 }). The order specified should match the order of + corresponding keys in . + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + + + If multiple principal key properties are specified, the order of principal key properties should + match the order that the primary key or unique constraint properties were configured on the principal + entity type. + + + The name(s) of the reference key property(s). + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + + + If multiple principal key properties are specified, the order of principal key properties should + match the order that the primary key or unique constraint properties were configured on the principal + entity type. + + + + + A lambda expression representing the reference key property(s) (t => t.Id). + + + If the principal key is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including + the properties (t => new { t.Id1, t.Id2 }). + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures how a delete operation is applied to dependent entities in the relationship when the + principal is deleted or the relationship is severed. + + The action to perform. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the entity type. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the entity type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property, if a property with the same name exists in the entity class + then it will be added to the model. If no property exists in the entity class, then + a new shadow state property will be added. A shadow state property is one that does not have a + corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances of the entity class. + + + The type of the property to be configured. + + A lambda expression representing the property to be configured ( + blog => blog.Url). + + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + Excludes the given property from the entity type. This method is typically used to remove properties + from the entity type that were added by convention. + + The name of then property to be removed from the entity type. + + + + Excludes the given property from the entity type. This method is typically used to remove properties + from the entity type that were added by convention. + + + A lambda expression representing the property to be ignored + (blog => blog.Url). + + + + + Configures an index on the specified properties. If there is an existing index on the given + set of properties, then the existing index will be returned for configuration. + + + + A lambda expression representing the property(s) to be included in the index + (blog => blog.Url). + + + If the index is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including the + properties (post => new { post.Title, post.BlogId }). + + + An object that can be used to configure the index. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + A lambda expression representing the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents + the relationship (customer => customer.Address). + + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + A lambda expression representing the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents + the relationship (customer => customer.Address). + + An action that performs configuration of the relationship. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + A lambda expression representing the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents + the relationship (post => post.Blog). If no property is specified, the relationship will be + configured without a navigation property on this end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a collection that contains + instances of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + A lambda expression representing the collection navigation property on this entity type that represents + the relationship (blog => blog.Posts). If no property is specified, the relationship will be + configured without a navigation property on this end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + Configures the to be used for this entity type. + This strategy indicates how the context detects changes to properties for an instance of the entity type. + + The change tracking strategy to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the to use for all properties of this entity type. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found by convention or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. Calling this method will change that behavior + for all properties of this entity type as described in the enum. + + + Calling this method overrides for all properties of this entity type any access mode that was + set on the model. + + + The to use for properties of this entity type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures this entity to have seed data. It is used to generate data motion migrations. + + + An array of seed data. + + An object that can be used to configure the model data. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a one-to-one relationship. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the relationship. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The entity type that is the dependent in this relationship (the type that has the foreign key + properties). + + + The name(s) of the foreign key property(s). + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The name of the entity type that is the dependent in this relationship (the type that has the foreign + key properties). + + + The name(s) of the foreign key property(s). + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + + If multiple principal key properties are specified, the order of principal key properties should + match the order that the primary key or unique constraint properties were configured on the principal + entity type. + + + The entity type that is the principal in this relationship (the type + that has the reference key properties). + + The name(s) of the reference key property(s). + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + + If multiple principal key properties are specified, the order of principal key properties should + match the order that the primary key or unique constraint properties were configured on the principal + entity type. + + + The name of the entity type that is the principal in this relationship (the type + that has the reference key properties). + + The name(s) of the reference key property(s). + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Configures whether this is a required relationship (i.e. whether the foreign key property(s) can + be assigned null). + + A value indicating whether this is a required relationship. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures how a delete operation is applied to dependent entities in the relationship when the + principal is deleted or the relationship is severed. + + The action to perform. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets the first entity type used to configure this relationship. + + + + + Gets the second entity type used to configure this relationship. + + + + + Gets the internal builder being used to configure this relationship. + + + + + Gets the internal builder being used to configure this relationship. + + + + + The foreign key that represents this relationship. + + + + + The model that this relationship belongs to. + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a one-to-one relationship. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the relationship. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The entity type that is the dependent in this relationship (the type that has the foreign key + properties). + + + The name(s) of the foreign key property(s). + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The entity type that is the dependent in this relationship (the type that has the foreign key + properties). + + + The name(s) of the foreign key property(s). + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + + If multiple principal key properties are specified, the order of principal key properties should + match the order that the primary key or unique constraint properties were configured on the principal + entity type. + + + The entity type that is the principal in this relationship (the type + that has the reference key properties). + + The name(s) of the reference key property(s). + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + + The entity type that is the principal in this relationship (the type + that has the reference key properties). + + The name(s) of the reference key property(s). + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The name of entity type that is the dependent in this relationship (the type that has the foreign key + properties). + + + The name(s) of the foreign key property(s). + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint + will be introduced. + + + If multiple principal key properties are specified, the order of principal key properties should + match the order that the primary key or unique constraint properties were configured on the principal + entity type. + + + The name of entity type that is the principal in this relationship (the type + that has the reference key properties). + + The name(s) of the reference key property(s). + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The entity type that is the dependent in this relationship. That is, the type + that has the foreign key properties. + + + + A lambda expression representing the foreign key property(s) (t => t.Id1). + + + If the foreign key is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including the + properties (t => new { t.Id1, t.Id2 }). The order specified should match the order of + corresponding keys in . + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + + If multiple principal key properties are specified, the order of principal key properties should + match the order that the primary key or unique constraint properties were configured on the principal + entity type. + + + The entity type that is the principal in this relationship. That is, the type + that has the reference key properties. + + + + A lambda expression representing the reference key property(s) (t => t.Id). + + + If the principal key is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including + the properties (t => new { t.Id1, t.Id2 }). + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures whether this is a required relationship (i.e. whether the foreign key property(s) can + be assigned null). + + A value indicating whether this is a required relationship. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures how a delete operation is applied to dependent entities in the relationship when the + principal is deleted or the relationship is severed. + + The action to perform. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Base implementation for a set of conventions used to build a model. This base implementation is an empty set of conventions. + + + + + Conventions to run when an entity type is added to the model. + + + + + Conventions to run when an entity type is ignored. + + + + + Conventions to run when an entity type is removed. + + + + + Conventions to run when a property is ignored. + + + + + Conventions to run when the base entity type is changed. + + + + + Conventions to run when an annotation is set or removed on an entity type. + + + + + Conventions to run when an annotation is set or removed on a model. + + + + + Conventions to run when a foreign key is added. + + + + + Conventions to run when a foreign key is removed. + + + + + Conventions to run when a key is added. + + + + + Conventions to run when a key is removed. + + + + + Conventions to run when a primary key is changed. + + + + + Conventions to run when an index is added. + + + + + Conventions to run when an index is removed. + + + + + Conventions to run when the uniqueness of an index is changed. + + + + + Conventions to run when an annotation is changed on an index. + + + + + Conventions to run when the principal end of a relationship is configured. + + + + + Conventions to run when model building is completed. + + + + + Conventions to run to setup the initial model. + + + + + Conventions to run when a navigation property is added. + + + + + Conventions to run when a navigation property is removed. + + + + + Conventions to run when the uniqueness of a foreign key is changed. + + + + + Conventions to run when the ownership of a foreign key is changed. + + + + + Conventions to run when a property is added. + + + + + Conventions to run when the nullability of a property is changed. + + + + + Conventions to run when the field of a property is changed. + + + + + Conventions to run when an annotation is changed on a property. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Parameter object containing service dependencies. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Indicates whether the specified property can have the value generated by the store or by a non-temporary value generator + when not set. + + The key property that might be store generated. + A value indicating whether the specified property should have the value generated by the sto + + + + Represents an entity type in an . + + + + + Gets the base type of the entity. Returns null if this is not a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy. + + + + + Gets the name of the defining navigation. + + + + + Gets the defining entity type. + + + + + Gets the LINQ expression filter automatically applied to queries for this entity type. + + + + + Gets the LINQ query used as the default source for queries of this type. + + + + + Gets whether this entity type is a query type. + + true if the entity type is a query type; otherwise false. + + + + + Gets primary key for this entity. Returns null if no primary key is defined. + + + To be a valid model, each entity type must have a primary key defined. Therefore, the primary key may be + null while the model is being created, but will be present by the time the model is used with a . + + + The primary key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Gets the primary or alternate key that is defined on the given properties. Returns null if no key is defined + for the given properties. + + The properties that make up the key. + The key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Gets the primary and alternate keys for this entity. + + The primary and alternate keys. + + + + Gets the foreign key for the given properties that points to a given primary or alternate key. Returns null + if no foreign key is found. + + The properties that the foreign key is defined on. + The primary or alternate key that is referenced. + + The entity type that the relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the key is defined on the + base type of the hierarchy). + + The foreign key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Gets the foreign keys defined on this entity. + + The foreign keys defined on this entity. + + + + Gets the index defined on the given properties. Returns null if no index is defined. + + The properties to find the index on. + The index, or null if none is found. + + + + Gets the indexes defined on this entity. + + The indexes defined on this entity. + + + + + Gets the property with a given name. Returns null if no property with the given name is defined. + + + This API only finds scalar properties and does not find navigation properties. Use + to find a navigation property. + + + The name of the property. + The property, or null if none is found. + + + + + Gets the properties defined on this entity. + + + This API only returns scalar properties and does not return navigation properties. Use + to get navigation properties. + + + The properties defined on this entity. + + + + + Gets the with a given name. Returns null if no property with the given name is defined. + + + This API only finds service properties and does not find scalar or navigation properties. + + + The name of the property. + The service property, or null if none is found. + + + + + Gets all the defined on this entity. + + + This API only returns service properties and does not return scalar or navigation properties. + + + The service properties defined on this entity. + + + + Represents a relationship where a foreign key property(s) in a dependent entity type + reference a corresponding primary or alternate key in a principal entity type. + + + + + Gets the dependent entity type. This may be different from the type that + are defined on when the relationship is defined a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the properties + may be defined on a base type). + + + + + Gets the foreign key properties in the dependent entity. + + + + + Gets the principal entity type that this relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance + hierarchy (since the key is defined on the base type of the hierarchy). + + + + + Gets the primary or alternate key that the relationship targets. + + + + + Gets the navigation property on the dependent entity type that points to the principal entity. + + + + + Gets the navigation property on the principal entity type that points to the dependent entity. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the values assigned to the foreign key properties are unique. + + + + + Gets a value indicating if this relationship is required. If true, the dependent entity must always be + assigned to a valid principal entity. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether this relationship defines ownership. If true, the dependent entity must always be + accessed via the navigation from the principal entity. + + + + + Gets a value indicating how a delete operation is applied to dependent entities in the relationship when the + principal is deleted or the relationship is severed. + + + + + Represents an index on a set of properties. + + + + + Gets the properties that this index is defined on. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the values assigned to the indexed properties are unique. + + + + + Gets the entity type the index is defined on. This may be different from the type that + are defined on when the index is defined a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the properties + may be defined on a base type). + + + + + Represents a primary or alternate key on an entity. + + + + + Gets the properties that make up the key. + + + + + Gets the entity type the key is defined on. This may be different from the type that + are defined on when the key is defined a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the properties + may be defined on a base type). + + + + + Metadata about the shape of entities, the relationships between them, and how they map to the database. A model is typically + created by overriding the method on a derived context, or + using . + + + + + Gets all entity types defined in the model. + + All entity types defined in the model. + + + + Gets the entity type with the given name. Returns null if no entity type with the given name is found + or the entity type has a defining navigation. + + The name of the entity type to find. + The entity type, or null if none are found. + + + + Gets the entity type for the given name, defining navigation name + and the defining entity type. Returns null if no matching entity type is found. + + The name of the entity type to find. + The defining navigation of the entity type to find. + The defining entity type of the entity type to find. + The entity type, or null if none are found. + + + + + A class that exposes annotations that can be modified. Annotations allow for arbitrary metadata to be + stored on an object. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the annotation with the given name. + + The key of the annotation. + + The value of the existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists. Otherwise, null. + + + + + Gets all annotations on the current object. + + + + + Adds an annotation to this object. Throws if an annotation with the specified name already exists. + + The key of the annotation to be added. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The newly added annotation. + + + + Sets the annotation stored under the given key. Overwrites the existing annotation if an + annotation with the specified name already exists. + + The ket of the annotation to be added. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + + + + Gets the annotation with the given name, returning null if it does not exist. + + The key of the annotation to find. + + The existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists. Otherwise, null. + + + + + Removes the given annotation from this object. + + The annotation to remove. + The annotation that was removed. + + + + + Represents an entity in an . + + + This interface is used during model creation and allows the metadata to be modified. + Once the model is built, represents a ready-only view of the same metadata. + + + + + + Gets the model this entity belongs to. + + + + + Gets or sets the base type of the entity. Returns null if this is not a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy. + + + + + Gets or sets the LINQ expression filter automatically applied to queries for this entity type. + + + + + Gets or sets whether this entity type is a query type. + + true if the entity type is a query type; otherwise false. + + + + Gets the LINQ query used as the default source for queries of this type. + + + + + Sets the primary key for this entity. + + The properties that make up the primary key. + The newly created key. + + + + + Gets primary key for this entity. Returns null if no primary key is defined. + + + To be a valid model, each entity type must have a primary key defined. Therefore, the primary key may be + null while the model is being created, but will be present by the time the model is used with a . + + + The primary key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Adds a new alternate key to this entity type. + + The properties that make up the alternate key. + The newly created key. + + + + Gets the primary or alternate key that is defined on the given properties. Returns null if no key is defined + for the given properties. + + The properties that make up the key. + The key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Gets the primary and alternate keys for this entity. + + The primary and alternate keys. + + + + Removes a primary or alternate key from this entity. + + The properties that make up the key. + The key that was removed. + + + + Adds a new relationship to this entity. + + The properties that the foreign key is defined on. + The primary or alternate key that is referenced. + + The entity type that the relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the key is defined on the + base type of the hierarchy). + + The newly created foreign key. + + + + Gets the foreign key for the given properties that points to a given primary or alternate key. Returns null + if no foreign key is found. + + The properties that the foreign key is defined on. + The primary or alternate key that is referenced. + + The entity type that the relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the key is defined on the + base type of the hierarchy). + + The foreign key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Gets the foreign keys defined on this entity. + + The foreign keys defined on this entity. + + + + Removes a relationship from this entity. + + The properties that the foreign key is defined on. + The primary or alternate key that is referenced. + + The entity type that the relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the key is defined on the + base type of the hierarchy). + + The foreign key that was removed. + + + + Adds an index to this entity. + + The properties that are to be indexed. + The newly created index. + + + + Gets the index defined on the given properties. Returns null if no index is defined. + + The properties to find the index on. + The index, or null if none is found. + + + + Gets the indexes defined on this entity. + + The indexes defined on this entity. + + + + Removes an index from this entity. + + The properties that make up the index. + The index that was removed. + + + + Adds a property to this entity. + + The name of the property to add. + The type of value the property will hold. + The newly created property. + + + + + Gets the property with a given name. Returns null if no property with the given name is defined. + + + This API only finds scalar properties and does not find navigation properties. Use + to find + a navigation property. + + + The name of the property. + The property, or null if none is found. + + + + + Gets the properties defined on this entity. + + + This API only returns scalar properties and does not return navigation properties. Use + to get navigation + properties. + + + The properties defined on this entity. + + + + Removes a property from this entity. + + The name of the property to remove. + The property that was removed. + + + + Adds a to this entity. + + The or of the property to add. + The newly created property. + + + + + Gets the with a given name. Returns null if no property with the given name is defined. + + + This API only finds service properties and does not find scalar or navigation properties. + + + The name of the property. + The service property, or null if none is found. + + + + + Gets all the defined on this entity. + + + This API only returns service properties and does not return scalar or navigation properties. + + + The service properties defined on this entity. + + + + Removes an from this entity. + + The name of the property to remove. + The property that was removed. + + + + + Represents a relationship where a foreign key property(s) in a dependent entity type + reference a corresponding primary or alternate key in a principal entity type. + + + This interface is used during model creation and allows the metadata to be modified. + Once the model is built, represents a ready-only view of the same metadata. + + + + + + Gets the foreign key properties in the dependent entity. + + + + + Gets the primary or alternate key that the relationship targets. + + + + + Gets the dependent entity type. This may be different from the type that + are defined on when the relationship is defined a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the properties + may be defined on a base type). + + + + + Gets the principal entity type that this relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance + hierarchy (since the key is defined on the base type of the hierarchy). + + + + + Gets the navigation property on the dependent entity type that points to the principal entity. + + + + + Gets the navigation property on the principal entity type that points to the dependent entity. + + + + + Sets the navigation property on the dependent entity type that points to the principal entity. + + + The name of the navigation property on the dependent type. Passing null will result in there being + no navigation property defined. + + The newly created navigation property. + + + + Sets the navigation property on the dependent entity type that points to the principal entity. + + + The navigation property on the dependent type. Passing null will result in there being + no navigation property defined. + + The newly created navigation property. + + + + Sets the navigation property on the principal entity type that points to the dependent entity. + + + The name of the navigation property on the principal type. Passing null will result in there being + no navigation property defined. + + The newly created navigation property. + + + + Sets the navigation property on the principal entity type that points to the dependent entity. + + + The name of the navigation property on the principal type. Passing null will result in there being + no navigation property defined. + + The newly created navigation property. + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether the values assigned to the foreign key properties are unique. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether this relationship is required. If true, the dependent entity must always be + assigned to a valid principal entity. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether this relationship defines ownership. If true, the dependent entity must always be + accessed via the navigation from the principal entity. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating how a delete operation is applied to dependent entities in the relationship when the + principal is deleted or the relationship is severed. + + + + + + Represents an index on a set of properties. + + + This interface is used during model creation and allows the metadata to be modified. + Once the model is built, represents a ready-only view of the same metadata. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether the values assigned to the indexed properties are unique. + + + + + Gets the properties that this index is defined on. + + + + + Gets the entity type the index is defined on. This may be different from the type that + are defined on when the index is defined a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the properties + may be defined on a base type). + + + + + + Represents a primary or alternate key on an entity. + + + This interface is used during model creation and allows the metadata to be modified. + Once the model is built, represents a ready-only view of the same metadata. + + + + + + Gets the properties that make up the key. + + + + + Gets the entity type the key is defined on. This may be different from the type that + are defined on when the key is defined a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the properties + may be defined on a base type). + + + + + + Metadata about the shape of entities, the relationships between them, and how they map to the database. A model is typically + created by overriding the method on a derived context, or + using . + + + This interface is used during model creation and allows the metadata to be modified. + Once the model is built, represents a ready-only view of the same metadata. + + + + + + + Adds a shadow state entity type to the model. + + + Shadow entities are not currently supported in a model that is used at runtime with a . + Therefore, shadow state entity types will only exist in migration model snapshots, etc. + + + The name of the entity to be added. + The new entity type. + + + + Adds an entity type to the model. + + The CLR class that is used to represent instances of the entity type. + The new entity type. + + + + Adds an entity type with a defining navigation to the model. + + The name of the entity to be added. + The defining navigation. + The defining entity type. + The new entity type. + + + + Adds an entity type with a defining navigation to the model. + + The CLR class that is used to represent instances of this entity type. + The defining navigation. + The defining entity type. + The new entity type. + + + + Gets the entity with the given name. Returns null if no entity type with the given name is found + or the entity type has a defining navigation. + + The name of the entity type to find. + The entity type, or null if none are found. + + + + Gets the entity type for the given name, defining navigation name + and the defining entity type. Returns null if no matching entity type is found. + + The name of the entity type to find. + The defining navigation of the entity type to find. + The defining entity type of the entity type to find. + The entity type, or null if none are found. + + + + Removes an entity type without a defining navigation from the model. + + The name of the entity type to be removed. + The entity type that was removed. + + + + Removes an entity type with a defining navigation from the model. + + The name of the entity to be removed. + The defining navigation. + The defining entity type. + The entity type that was removed. + + + + Gets all entity types defined in the model. + + All entity types defined in the model. + + + + Adds a query type to the model. + + The CLR class that is used to represent instances of the query type. + The query type. + + + + + Represents a navigation property which can be used to navigate a relationship. + + + This interface is used during model creation and allows the metadata to be modified. + Once the model is built, represents a ready-only view of the same metadata. + + + + + + Gets the type that this property belongs to. + + + + + Gets the foreign key that defines the relationship this navigation property will navigate. + + + + + Determines whether this navigation should be eager loaded by default. + + + + + + Represents a scalar property of an entity. + + + This interface is used during model creation and allows the metadata to be modified. + Once the model is built, represents a ready-only view of the same metadata. + + + + + + Gets the type that this property belongs to. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether this property can contain null. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating when a value for this property will be generated by the database. Even when the + property is set to be generated by the database, EF may still attempt to save a specific value (rather than + having one generated by the database) when the entity is added and a value is assigned, or the property is + marked as modified for an existing entity. See and + for more information. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether or not this property can be modified before the entity is + saved to the database. + + + If , then an exception + will be thrown if a value is assigned to this property when it is in + the state. + + + If , then any value + set will be ignored when it is in the state. + + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether or not this property can be modified before the entity is + saved to the database. + + + If , then an exception + will be thrown if a new value is assigned to this property after the entity exists in the database. + + + If , then any modification to the + property value of an entity that already exists in the database will be ignored. + + + + + + This property is obsolete. Use instead. + + + + + This property is obsolete. Use instead. + + + + + This property is obsolete. Use or instead. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether this property is used as a concurrency token. When a property is configured + as a concurrency token the value in the database will be checked when an instance of this entity type + is updated or deleted during to ensure it has not changed since + the instance was retrieved from the database. If it has changed, an exception will be thrown and the + changes will not be applied to the database. + + + + + + Base type for navigation and scalar properties. + + + This interface is used during model creation and allows the metadata to be modified. + Once the model is built, represents a ready-only view of the same metadata. + + + + + + Gets the type that this property belongs to. + + + + + A in the Entity Framework model that represents an + injected service from the . + + + + + Gets the type that this property belongs to. + + + + + + Represents a type in an . + + + This interface is used during model creation and allows the metadata to be modified. + Once the model is built, represents a ready-only view of the same metadata. + + + + + + Gets the model that this type belongs to. + + + + + Represents a navigation property which can be used to navigate a relationship. + + + + + Gets the entity type that this property belongs to. + + + + + Gets the foreign key that defines the relationship this navigation property will navigate. + + + + + Determines whether this navigation should be eager loaded by default. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Runs the conventions when an annotation was set or removed. + + The key of the set annotation. + The annotation set. + The old annotation. + The annotation that was set. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Runs the conventions when an annotation was set or removed. + + The key of the set annotation. + The annotation set. + The old annotation. + The annotation that was set. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Runs the conventions when an annotation was set or removed. + + The key of the set annotation. + The annotation set. + The old annotation. + The annotation that was set. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Runs the conventions when an annotation was set or removed. + + The key of the set annotation. + The annotation set. + The old annotation. + The annotation that was set. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this property requires a to generate + values when new entities are added to the context. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Represents a scalar property of an entity. + + + + + Gets the entity type that this property belongs to. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this property can contain null. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether or not this property can be modified before the entity is + saved to the database. + + + If , then an exception + will be thrown if a value is assigned to this property when it is in + the state. + + + If , then any value + set will be ignored when it is in the state. + + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether or not this property can be modified after the entity is + saved to the database. + + + If , then an exception + will be thrown if a new value is assigned to this property after the entity exists in the database. + + + If , then any modification to the + property value of an entity that already exists in the database will be ignored. + + + + + + This property is obsolete. Use instead. + + + + + This property is obsolete. Use instead. + + + + + This property is obsolete. Use or instead. + + + + + Gets a value indicating when a value for this property will be generated by the database. Even when the + property is set to be generated by the database, EF may still attempt to save a specific value (rather than + having one generated by the database) when the entity is added and a value is assigned, or the property is + marked as modified for an existing entity. See and + for more information. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this property is used as a concurrency token. When a property is configured + as a concurrency token the value in the database will be checked when an instance of this entity type + is updated or deleted during to ensure it has not changed since + the instance was retrieved from the database. If it has changed, an exception will be thrown and the + changes will not be applied to the database. + + + + + Gets the type of value that this property holds. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this is a shadow property. A shadow property is one that does not have a + corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances of the entity class. + + + + + Base type for navigation and scalar properties. + + + + + Gets the name of the property. + + + + + Gets the type that this property belongs to. + + + + + Gets the type of value that this property holds. + + + + + Gets the for the underlying CLR property that this + object represents. This may be null for shadow properties or properties mapped directly to fields. + + + + + Gets the for the underlying CLR field that this + object represents. This may be null for shadow properties or if the backing field for the + property is not known. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this is a shadow property. A shadow property is one that does not have a + corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances of the entity class. + + + + + A in the Entity Framework model that represents an + injected service from the . + + + + + Gets the entity type that this property belongs to. + + + + + Represents a type in an . + + + + + Gets the model that this type belongs to. + + + + + Gets the name of this type. + + + + + + Gets the CLR class that is used to represent instances of this type. Returns null if the type does not have a + corresponding CLR class (known as a shadow type). + + + Shadow types are not currently supported in a model that is used at runtime with a . + Therefore, shadow types will only exist in migration model snapshots, etc. + + + + + + Indicates how changes to the value of a property will be handled by Entity Framework change tracking + which in turn will determine whether the value set is sent to the database or not. + Used with and + + + + + + The value set or changed will be sent to the database in the normal way. + + + + + Any value set or changed will be ignored. + + + + + If an explicit value is set or the value is changed, then an exception will be thrown. + + + + + + Creates instances of that have no conventions. This is useful when + Exhaustively configuring a model based on some existing metadata. + + + This is typically not used in application code since building a model by overriding + or using + directly is much easier. + + + + + + Creates an empty model with no conventions. All aspects of the model must be exhaustively configured. + + The newly created model. + + + + + Indicates when a value for a property will be generated by the database. + + + Even when a property is set to be generated by the database, EF may still attempt to save + a specific value (rather than having one generated by the database) when an entity is added + and a value is assigned, or the property is marked as modified for an existing entity. + See for more details. + + + + + + A value is never generated by the database. + + + + + A value is generated by the database when an entity is first added to the database. The most common + scenario for this is generated primary key values. + + + + + No value is generated when the entity is first added to the database, but a value will be read + from the database whenever the entity is subsequently updated. + + + + + A value is read from the database when the entity is first added and whenever the entity + is subsequently updated. This is typically used for computed columns and scenarios such as + rowversions, timestamps, etc. + + + + + + Provides a simple API surface for configuring a that defines the shape of your + entities, the relationships between them, and how they map to the database. + + + You can use to construct a model for a context by overriding + on your derived context. Alternatively you can create the + model externally and set it on a instance that is passed to the context constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class that will + apply a set of conventions. + + The conventions to be applied to the model. + + + + The model being configured. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the model. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + The internal being used to configure this model. + + + This property is intended for use by extension methods to configure the model. It is not intended to be used in + application code. + + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a given entity type in the model. + If the entity type is not already part of the model, it will be added to the model. + + The entity type to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a given entity type in the model. + If the entity type is not already part of the model, it will be added to the model. + + The entity type to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a given entity type in the model. + If an entity type with the provided name is not already part of the model, + a new entity type that does not have a corresponding CLR type will be added to the model. + + The name of the entity type to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + + Performs configuration of a given entity type in the model. If the entity type is not already part + of the model, it will be added to the model. + + + This overload allows configuration of the entity type to be done in line in the method call rather + than being chained after a call to . This allows additional + configuration at the model level to be chained after configuration for the entity type. + + + The entity type to be configured. + An action that performs configuration of the entity type. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + + Performs configuration of a given entity type in the model. If the entity type is not already part + of the model, it will be added to the model. + + + This overload allows configuration of the entity type to be done in line in the method call rather + than being chained after a call to . This allows additional + configuration at the model level to be chained after configuration for the entity type. + + + The entity type to be configured. + An action that performs configuration of the entity type. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + + Performs configuration of a given entity type in the model. + If an entity type with the provided name is not already part of the model, + a new entity type that does not have a corresponding CLR type will be added to the model. + + + This overload allows configuration of the entity type to be done in line in the method call rather + than being chained after a call to . This allows additional + configuration at the model level to be chained after configuration for the entity type. + + + The name of the entity type to be configured. + An action that performs configuration of the entity type. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a given query type in the model. + If the query type is not already part of the model, it will be added to the model. + + The query type to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the query type. + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a given query type in the model. + If the query type is not already part of the model, it will be added to the model. + + The query type to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the query type. + + + + + Performs configuration of a given query type in the model. If the query type is not already part + of the model, it will be added to the model. + + + This overload allows configuration of the query type to be done in line in the method call rather + than being chained after a call to . This allows additional + configuration at the model level to be chained after configuration for the query type. + + + The query type to be configured. + An action that performs configuration of the query type. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + + Performs configuration of a given query type in the model. If the query type is not already part + of the model, it will be added to the model. + + + This overload allows configuration of the query type to be done in line in the method call rather + than being chained after a call to . This allows additional + configuration at the model level to be chained after configuration for the query type. + + + The query type to be configured. + An action that performs configuration of the query type. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Excludes the given entity type from the model. This method is typically used to remove types from + the model that were added by convention. + + The entity type to be removed from the model. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Excludes the given entity type from the model. This method is typically used to remove types from + the model that were added by convention. + + The entity type to be removed from the model. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Applies configuration that is defined in an instance. + + The entity type to be configured. + The configuration to be applied. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Applies configuration that is defined in an instance. + + The query type to be configured. + The configuration to be applied. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Marks an entity type as owned. All references to this type will be configured as + separate owned type instances. + + The entity type to be configured. + + + + Marks an entity type as owned. All references to this type will be configured as + separate owned type instances. + + The entity type to be configured. + + + + Configures the default to be used for this model. + This strategy indicates how the context detects changes to properties for an instance of an entity type. + + The change tracking strategy to be used. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + + Sets the to use for all properties of this entity type. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found by convention or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. Calling this method will change that behavior + for all properties in the model as described in the enum. + + + The to use for properties of this model. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Pass a value from this enum to , + , or + to change whether the property + or backing field will be used when reading and writing to a property or field. + + + If no access mode is set, then the backing field for a property will be used if possible + when constructing new instances of the entity. The property getter or setter will be used, + if possible, for all other accesses of the property. Note that when it is not possible + to use the field because it could not be found by convention and was not specified using + , then the property will be used instead. Likewise, + when it is not possible to use the property getter or setter, for example when the + property is read-only, then the field will be used instead. + + + + + + + Enforces that all accesses to the property must go through the field. + + + An exception will be thrown if this mode is set and it is not possible to read + from or write to the field. + + + + + + + Enforces that all accesses to the property must go through the field when + new instances are being constructed. New instances are typically constructed when + entities are queried from the database. + An exception will be thrown if this mode is set and it is not possible to + write to the field. + + + All other uses of the property will go through the property getters and setters, + unless this is not possible because, for example, the property is read-only, in which + case these accesses will also use the field. + + + This access mode is similar to the default mode used if none has been set except + that it will throw an exception if it is not possible to write to the field for + entity construction. The default access mode will fall back to using the property + instead. + + + + + + + Enforces that all accesses to the property must go through the property + getters and setters, even when new objects are being constructed. + + + An exception will be thrown if this mode is set and it is not possible to read + from or write to the property, for example because it is read-only. + + + + + + Indicates how the results of a query are tracked by the . + + + + + The change tracker will keep track of changes for all entities that are returned from a LINQ query. + Any modification to the entity instances will be detected and persisted to the database during + . + + + + + + The change tracker will not track any of the entities that are returned from a LINQ query. If the + entity instances are modified, this will not be detected by the change tracker and + will not persist those changes to the database. + + + Disabling change tracking is useful for read-only scenarios because it avoids the overhead of setting + up change tracking for each entity instance. You should not disable change tracking if you want to + manipulate entity instances and persist those changes to the database using + . + + + Identity resolution will still be performed to ensure that all occurrences of an entity with a given key + in the result set are represented by the same entity instance. + + + + + + Represents an asynchronous sequence produced by executing a compiled query. + + The result type. + + + + Creates a new instance of + + The underlying instance. + + + + Asynchronously creates a from this + by enumerating it asynchronously. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains elements from the input sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously creates an array from this . + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains an array that contains elements from the input sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously enumerates the query. When using Entity Framework, this causes the results of the query to + be loaded into the associated context. This is equivalent to calling ToList + and then throwing away the list (without the overhead of actually creating the list). + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + Creates a from this + by enumerating it asynchronously according to a specified key selector function. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the key returned by . + + A function to extract a key from each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains selected keys and values. + + + + + Creates a from this + by enumerating it + asynchronously + according to a specified key selector function and a comparer. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the key returned by . + + A function to extract a key from each element. + + An to compare keys. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains selected keys and values. + + + + + Creates a from this + by enumerating it asynchronously according to a specified key selector and an element selector function. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the key returned by . + + + The type of the value returned by . + + A function to extract a key from each element. + A transform function to produce a result element value from each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains values of type + selected from the input sequence. + + + + + Creates a from this + by enumerating it asynchronously according to a specified key selector function, a comparer, and an element selector function. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the key returned by . + + + The type of the value returned by . + + A function to extract a key from each element. + A transform function to produce a result element value from each element. + + An to compare keys. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains values of type + selected from the input sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously enumerates the query results and performs the specified action on each element. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + The action to perform on each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + + Creates keys that uniquely identifies a query. This is used to store and lookup + compiled versions of a query in a cache. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Dependencies used to create a + + + + + Generates the cache key for the given query. + + The query to get the cache key for. + A value indicating whether the query will be executed asynchronously. + The cache key. + + + + Generates the cache key for the given query. + + The query to get the cache key for. + A value indicating whether the query will be executed asynchronously. + The cache key. + + + + + A key that uniquely identifies a query. This is used to store and lookup + compiled versions of a query in a cache. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The query to generate the key for. + The model that queries is written against. + The tracking behavior for results of the query. + A value indicating whether the query will be executed asynchronously. + + + + Determines if this key is equivalent to a given object (i.e. if they are keys for the same query). + + + The object to compare this key to. + + + True if the object is a and is for the same query, otherwise false. + + + + + Gets the hash code for the key. + + + The hash code for the key. + + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + The model that queries will be written against. + The context that queries will be executed for. + + + + The model that queries will be written against. + + + + + The context that queries will be executed for. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + + Information required to create an instance of an entity based on a row of data returned from a query. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the struct. + + The row of data that represents this entity. + The method to materialize the data into an entity instance. + Dictionary containing mapping from property indexes to values in ValueBuffer. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the struct. + + The current for creating the entity. + The method to materialize the data into an entity instance. + Dictionary containing mapping from property indexes to values in ValueBuffer. + + + + Gets the row of data that represents this entity. + + + + + Materializes the data into an entity instance. + + The entity instance. + + + + Creates a new ValueBuffer containing only the values needed for entities of a given type. + + The type of this entity. + Updated value buffer. + + + + + The core visitor that processes a query to be executed. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Expression to reference the parameter for a query. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + The to be used when processing the query. + + + + Gets the expression that represents this query. + + + + + Gets the expression for the current parameter. + + + + + Gets the being used for this query. + + + + + Gets the being used for this query. + + + + + Creates an action to execute this query. + + The type of results that the query returns. + The query. + An action that returns the results of the query. + + + + Creates an action to asynchronously execute this query. + + The type of results that the query returns. + The query. + An action that asynchronously returns the results of the query. + + + + Executes the query and logs any exceptions that occur. + + + + + Rewrites collection navigation projections so that they can be handled by the Include pipeline. + + The query. + + + + Populates based on annotations found in the query. + + The query. + + + + Pre-processes query model before we rewrite its navigations. + + Query model to process. + + + + Applies optimizations to the query. + + The query. + True if we are compiling an async query; otherwise false. + + + + Determine whether a defining query should be applied when querying the target entity type. + + The target entity type. + The target query source. + true if the target type should have a defining query applied. + + + + Converts the results of the query from a single result to a series of results. + + The query. + The type of results returned by the query. + + + + Applies tracking behavior to the query. + + The type of results returned by the query. + The query. + + + + Creates an action to execute this query. + + The type of results that the query returns. + An action that returns the results of the query. + > + + + + Visits the root node. + + The query. + + + + Visits the node. + + The node being visited. + The query. + + + + Compiles the node. + + The node being compiled. + The query. + The compiled result. + + + + Visits nodes. + + The node being visited. + The query. + Index of the node being visited. + + + + Compiles nodes. + + The node being compiled. + The query. + The compiled result. + + + + Visits nodes. + + The node being visited. + The query. + Index of the node being visited. + + + + Compiles nodes. + + The node being compiled. + The query. + The compiled result. + + + + Visits nodes + + The node being visited. + The query. + Index of the node being visited. + + + + Compiles nodes. + + The node being compiled. + The query. + The compiled result. + + + + Visits nodes. + + The node being visited. + The query. + Index of the node being visited. + + + + Visits nodes. + + The node being visited. + The query. + The for the ordering. + Index of the node being visited. + + + + Removes orderings for a given query model. + + Query model to remove orderings on. + + + + Determines whether correlated collections (if any) can be optimized. + + True if optimization is allowed, false otherwise. + + + + Visits nodes. + + The node being visited. + The query. + + + + The _SelectAsync method info. + + + + + Visits nodes. + + The node being visited. + The query. + Index of the node being visited. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Translates a re-linq query model expression into a compiled query expression. + + The re-linq query model expression. + The query source. + True when the expression is a projector. + + A compiled query expression fragment. + + + + + Binds a method call to a value buffer access. + + The method call expression. + The target expression. + + A value buffer access expression. + + + + + Binds a member access to a value buffer access. + + The member access expression. + The target expression. + + A value buffer access expression. + + + + + Binds a value buffer read. + + Type of the member. + The target expression. + A value buffer index. + The property being bound. + + A value buffer read expression. + + + + + Binds a navigation path property expression. + + Type of the result. + The property expression. + The property binder. + + A TResult. + + + + + Binds a member expression. + + The member access expression. + The member binder. + + + + Binds a member expression. + + Type of the result. + The member access expression. + The query source. + The member binder. + + A TResult. + + + + + Binds a method call expression. + + Type of the result. + The method call expression. + The query source. + The method call binder. + + A TResult. + + + + + Binds a method call expression. + + Type of the result. + The method call expression. + The method call binder. + + A TResult. + + + + + Binds a method call expression. + + The method call expression. + The method call binder. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + The to be used when processing the query. + + The to be used when + processing the query. + + + The to be used when + processing the query. + + + The to be used when + processing the query. + + The to be used when processing the query. + + The to be used when + processing the query. + + + The to be used when processing the + query. + + + The to be used when + processing the query. + + The to be used when processing the query. + The to be used when processing the query. + The to be used when processing the query. + The to be used when processing the query. + The to be used when processing the query. + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + + Creates instances of . + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Dependencies used to create a + + + + + Creates a new . + + + Compilation context for the query. + + + The visitor for the outer query. + + The new created visitor. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Expression representing null-conditional access. + Logic in this file is based on https://github.com/bartdesmet/ExpressionFutures + + + + + Creates a new instance of NullConditionalExpression. + + Expression representing potentially nullable caller that needs to be tested for it's nullability. + Expression representing access operation. + + + + Expression representing potentially nullable caller that needs to be tested for it's nullability. + + + + + Expression representing access operation. + + + + + Indicates that the node can be reduced to a simpler node. If this returns true, + Reduce() can be called to produce the reduced form. + + + + + Gets the static type of the expression that this expression represents. + + + + + Gets the node type of this expression. + + + + + Reduces this node to a simpler expression. If CanReduce returns true, this should + return a valid expression. This method can return another node which itself must + be reduced. + + + + + Reduces the node and then calls the visitor delegate on the reduced expression. + The method throws an exception if the node is not + reducible. + + + The expression being visited, or an expression which should replace it in the tree. + + An instance of . + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Returns a textual representation of the . + + + A textual representation of the . + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Visitor for processing entity types roots. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The visitor for the query. + + + + Visits nodes. + + The node being visited. + An expression to use in place of the node. + + + + Visits entity type roots. + + The entity type of the root. + An expression to use in place of the node. + + + + A base expression visitor that ignores Block expressions. + + + + + Visits the children of the extension expression. + + + The modified expression, if it or any subexpression was modified; otherwise, returns the original expression. + + The expression to visit. + + + + Visits the children of the subquery expression. + + + The modified expression, if it or any subexpression was modified; otherwise, returns the original expression. + + The expression to visit. + + + Visits the children of the . + + The modified expression, if it or any subexpression was modified; otherwise, returns the original + expression. + + The expression to visit. + The type of the delegate. + + + + A factory for creating entity queryable expression visitors. + + + + + Creates a new entity queryable ExpressionVisitor. + + The query model visitor. + The query source. + + An ExpressionVisitor. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + A factory for creating projection expression visitors. + + + + + Creates a new ExpressionVisitor. + + The entity query model visitor. + The query source. + + An ExpressionVisitor. + + + + + A projection expression visitor. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.ExpressionVisitors.ProjectionExpressionVisitor class. + + The entity query model visitor. + + + + Visits the children of the . + + The expression to visit. + + The modified expression, if it or any subexpression was modified; otherwise, returns the original expression. + + + + + Visit a subquery. + + The subquery expression. + + A compiled query expression fragment representing the input subquery expression. + + + + + A cache key generator for the compiled query cache. + + + + + Generates a cache key. + + The query to generate a cache key for. + True if the query will be executed asynchronously. + An object representing a query cache key. + + + + A factory for creating EntityQueryModelVisitors. + + + + + Creates a new EntityQueryModelVisitor. + + Context for the query compilation. + The parent entity query model visitor. + + An EntityQueryModelVisitor instance. + + + + + Supports queryable Include/ThenInclude chaining operators. + + The entity type. + The property type. + + + + Represents a single query include operation. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.IncludeResultOperator class. + + The query source. + The set of navigation properties to be included. + + + + Gets the query source. + + + The query source. + + + + + Gets the set of navigation properties to be included. + + + The set of navigation properties to be included. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether this object is an enumerable target. + + + True if this object is an enumerable target, false if not. + + + + + Convert this object into a string representation. + + + A string that represents this object. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Structure to store metadata needed for correlated collection optimizations. + + + + + Creates a new . + + Id associated with the collection that is being optimized. + Flag indicating whether query should be tracked or not. + First navigation in the chain leading to collection navigation that is being optimized. + Collection navigation that is being optimized. + Query source that is origin of the collection navigation. + + + + Id associated with the collection that is being optimized. + + + + + Flag indicating whether query should be tracked or not. + + + + + First navigation in the chain leading to collection navigation that is being optimized. + + + + + Collection navigation that is being optimized. + + + + + Query source that is origin of the collection navigation. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Creates a new . + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Creates instances for use by the query compiler. + + + + + Creates a . + + The . + + + + Registers methods to be used with the . + + The methods to register. + The node type for these methods. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Creates instances for use by the query compiler + based on a . + + + + + Creates a new that will use the given + + + The registry to use./> + + + + Registers methods to be used with the . + + The methods to register. + The node type for these methods. + + + + Creates a . + + The . + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Factory for instances. + + + + + Creates a new QueryCompilationContext. + + true if the query will be executed asynchronously. + + A instance. + + + + + Factory for instances. + + + + + Creates a new QueryContext. + + + A QueryContext instance. + + + + + A handler for instances. + + + + + Handles a result operator. + + The entity query model visitor. + The result operator. + The query model. + + A compiled query expression fragment representing the result operator. + + + + + Signals that custom LINQ operator parameter should not be parameterized during query compilation. + + + + + A query compilation context. The primary data structure representing the state/components + used during query compilation. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Registers a mapping between correlated collection query models and metadata needed to process them. + + The main from clause. + Flag indicating whether query should be tracked or not. + First navigation in the chain leading to collection navigation that is being optimized. + Collection navigation that is being optimized. + Query source that is origin of the collection navigation. + + + + Looks up a mapping between correlated collection query models and metadata needed to process them. + + The main from clause. + The correlated sub-query metadata. + True if correlated sub-query metadata was registered; false otherwise. + + + + Gets the model. + + + The model. + + + + + Gets the logger. + + + The logger. + + + + + Gets the LINQ operator provider. + + + The LINQ operator provider. + + + + + Gets the type of the context./ + + + The type of the context. + + + + + Gets a value indicating the default configured tracking behavior. + + + true if the default is to track query results, false if not. + + + + + Gets the query source mapping. + + + The query source mapping. + + + + + Get a value indicating whether query that is being processed is asynchronous. + + + + + Gets the entity type mapped to the given query source + + + + + Gets the entity type mapped to the given query source + + + + + Updates the query source mappings to the new query sources + + The new query source mapping + + + + Adds or updates the expression mapped to a query source. + + The query source. + The expression mapped to the query source. + + + + Gets the query annotations. + + + The query annotations. + + + + + Adds query annotations to the existing list. + + The query annotations. + + + + Creates cloned annotations targeting a new QueryModel. + + A query source mapping. + A query model. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this is a tracking query. + + + true if this object is a tracking query, false if not. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this query should have model-level query filters applied. + + + true if query filters should be applied, false if not. + + + + + The query has at least one Include operation. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this query requires a query buffer. + + + true if this query requires a query buffer, false if not. + + + + + Determine if the query requires a query buffer. + + The query model. + + + + Creates query model visitor. + + + The new query model visitor. + + + + + Creates query model visitor. + + The parent entity query model visitor. + + The new query model visitor. + + + + + Adds a trackable include. + + The query source. + The included navigation path. + + + + Gets all trackable includes for a given query source. + + The query source. + + The trackable includes. + + + + + Determines all query sources that require materialization. + + The query model visitor. + The query model. + + + + Determine whether or not a query source requires materialization. + + The query source. + + true if it requires materialization, false if not. + + + + + Add a query source to the set of query sources requiring materialization. + + The query source. + + + + The principal data structure used by a compiled query during execution. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets the current DbContext. + + + + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + + The query buffer. + + + + + The state manager. + + + The state manager. + + + + + The query provider. + + + The query provider. + + + + + Gets the concurrency detector. + + + The concurrency detector. + + + + + Gets or sets the cancellation token. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + The parameter values. + + + + + Adds a parameter. + + The name. + The value. + + + + Sets a parameter value. + + The name. + The value. + + + + Removes a parameter by name. + + The name. + + The parameter value. + + + + + Notify the state manager that a tracking query is starting. + + + + + Start tracking an entity. + + The entity. + Information describing how to track the entity. + + + + Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. + + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + The cache being used to store value generator instances. + + + + + Gets the change detector. + + + + + Gets the state manager. + + + + + Gets the query provider. + + + + + Gets the concurrency detector. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + A factory for instances. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + + Creates a query buffer. + + + The new query buffer. + + + + + Creates a new QueryContext. + + + A QueryContext. + + + + + The default client-eval result operator handler. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Handles the result operator. + + The entity query model visitor. + The result operator. + The query model. + + An compiled query expression fragment representing the result operator. + + + + + Call a client operator that may have a cancellation token. + + The method to call. + A variable-length parameters list containing arguments. + + A method call expression. + + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + A query annotation that can be cloned. + + + + + Clones this annotation. + + The new query source. + The new query model. + The cloned annotation. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Represents an annotation on a query. + + + + + Gets the query source. + + + The query source. + + + + + Gets the query model. + + + The query model. + + + + + A simple default implementation of + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Dependencies used to create a + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the given .NET type is mapped. + + The .NET type. + True if the type can be mapped; otherwise false. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + The registry of known s. + + + + The registry of known s. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + + Represents the mapping between a .NET type and a database type. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Parameter object for use in the hierarchy. + + + + + Creates a new parameter object. + + The .NET type used in the EF model. + Converts types to and from the store whenever this mapping is used. + Supports custom value snapshotting and comparisons. + Supports custom comparisons between keys--e.g. PK to FK comparison. + An optional factory for creating a specific . + + + + The mapping CLR type. + + + + + The mapping converter. + + + + + The mapping comparer. + + + + + The mapping key comparer. + + + + + An optional factory for creating a specific to use with + this mapping. + + + + + Creates a new parameter object with the given + converter composed with any existing converter and set on the new parameter object. + + The converter. + The new parameter object. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The parameters for this mapping. + + + + Returns the parameters used to create this type mapping. + + + + + Gets the .NET type used in the EF model. + + + + + Converts types to and from the store whenever this mapping is used. + May be null if no conversion is needed. + + + + + An optional factory for creating a specific to use with + this mapping. + + + + + A adds custom value snapshotting and comparison for + CLR types that cannot be compared with + and/or need a deep copy when taking a snapshot. + + + + + A adds custom value comparison for use when + comparing key values to each other. For example, when comparing a PK to and FK. + + + + + Returns a new copy of this type mapping with the given + added. + + The converter to use. + A new type mapping + + + + + The main interaction point between a context and the database provider. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + + Persists changes from the supplied entries to the database. + + Entries representing the changes to be persisted. + The number of state entries persisted to the database. + + + + Asynchronously persists changes from the supplied entries to the database. + + Entries representing the changes to be persisted. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous save operation. The task result contains the + number of entries persisted to the database. + + + + + Translates a query model into a function that can be executed to get query results from the database. + + The type of results returned by the query. + An object model representing the query to be executed. + A function that will execute the query. + + + + Translates a query model into a function that can be executed to asynchronously get query results from the database. + + The type of results returned by the query. + An object model representing the query to be executed. + A function that will asynchronously execute the query. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + Factory for compilation contexts to process LINQ queries. + + + + Factory for compilation contexts to process LINQ queries. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + + The primary point where a database provider can tell EF that it has been selected for the current context. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + The type of options that the database provider will add to + to identify that is has been selected (and to store its database specific settings). + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + The unique name used to identify the database provider. This should be the same as the NuGet package name + for the providers runtime. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this database provider has been selected for a given context. + + The options for the context. + True if the database provider has been selected, otherwise false. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + Represents the execution state of an operation. + + The type of the result. + + + + Creates a new instance of . + + true if the operation succeeded. + The result of the operation if successful. + + + + Indicates whether the operation succeeded. + + + + + The result of the operation if successful. + + + + + The base class for implementations. + + + + + The default number of retry attempts. + + + + + The default maximum time delay between retries, must be nonnegative. + + + + + The default maximum random factor, must not be lesser than 1. + + + + + The default base for the exponential function used to compute the delay between retries, must be positive. + + + + + The default coefficient for the exponential function used to compute the delay between retries, must be nonnegative. + + + + + Creates a new instance of . + + The context on which the operations will be invoked. + The maximum number of retry attempts. + The maximum delay between retries. + + + + Creates a new instance of . + + Parameter object containing service dependencies. + The maximum number of retry attempts. + The maximum delay between retries. + + + + The list of exceptions that caused the operation to be retried so far. + + + + + A pseudo-random number generator that can be used to vary the delay between retries. + + + + + The maximum number of retry attempts. + + + + + The maximum delay between retries. + + + + + Parameter object containing service dependencies. + + + + + Indicates whether the strategy is suspended. The strategy is typically suspending while executing to avoid + recursive execution from nested operations. + + + + + Indicates whether this might retry the execution after a failure. + + + + + Executes the specified operation and returns the result. + + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A delegate representing an executable operation that returns the result of type . + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown. + The type of the state. + The return type of . + The result from the operation. + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation and returns the result. + + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown. + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + The type of the state. + The result type of the returned by . + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Method called before the first operation execution + + + + + Method called before retrying the operation execution + + + + + Determines whether the operation should be retried and the delay before the next attempt. + + The exception thrown during the last execution attempt. + + Returns the delay indicating how long to wait for before the next execution attempt if the operation should be retried; + null otherwise + + + + + Determines whether the specified exception could be thrown after a successful execution. + + The exception object to be verified. + + true if the specified exception could be thrown after a successful execution, otherwise false. + + + + + Determines whether the specified exception represents a transient failure that can be compensated by a retry. + + The exception object to be verified. + + true if the specified exception is considered as transient, otherwise false. + + + + + Recursively gets InnerException from as long as it is an + exception created by Entity Framework and calls on the innermost one. + + The exception to be unwrapped. + A delegate that will be called with the unwrapped exception. + The return type of . + + The result from . + + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + Indirection to the current instance. + The options for the current instance. + A logger. + + + + The options for the current instance. + + + + + Indirection to the current instance. + + + + + The logger. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + + The main interaction point between a context and the database provider. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Persists changes from the supplied entries to the database. + + Entries representing the changes to be persisted. + The number of state entries persisted to the database. + + + + Asynchronously persists changes from the supplied entries to the database. + + Entries representing the changes to be persisted. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous save operation. The task result contains the + number of entries persisted to the database. + + + + + Translates a query model into a function that can be executed to get query results from the database. + + The type of results returned by the query. + An object model representing the query to be executed. + A function that will execute the query. + + + + Translates a query model into a function that can be executed to asynchronously get query results from the database. + + The type of results returned by the query. + An object model representing the query to be executed. + A function that will asynchronously execute the query. + + + + + Creates and deletes databases for a given database provider. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + + Ensures that the database for the context does not exist. If it does not exist, no action is taken. If it does + exist then the database is deleted. + + + Warning: The entire database is deleted an no effort is made to remove just the database objects that are used by + the model for this context. + + + True if the database is deleted, false if it did not exist. + + + + + Asynchronously ensures that the database for the context does not exist. If it does not exist, no action is taken. If it does + exist then the database is deleted. + + + Warning: The entire database is deleted an no effort is made to remove just the database objects that are used by + the model for this context. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous save operation. The task result contains true if the database is deleted, + false if it did not exist. + + + + + Ensures that the database for the context exists. If it exists, no action is taken. If it does not + exist then the database and all its schema are created. If the database exists, then no effort is made + to ensure it is compatible with the model for this context. + + True if the database is created, false if it already existed. + + + + Asynchronously ensures that the database for the context exists. If it exists, no action is taken. If it does not + exist then the database and all its schema are created. If the database exists, then no effort is made + to ensure it is compatible with the model for this context. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous save operation. The task result contains true if the database is created, + false if it already existed. + + + + + + The primary point where a database provider can tell EF that it has been selected for the current context + and provide the services required for it to function. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + The unique name used to identify the database provider. This should be the same as the NuGet package name + for the providers runtime. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this database provider has been configured for a given context. + + The options for the context. + True if the database provider has been configured, otherwise false. + + + + + A transaction against the database. + + + Instances of this class are typically obtained from and it is not designed + to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + Gets the transaction identifier. + + + + + Commits all changes made to the database in the current transaction. + + + + + Discards all changes made to the database in the current transaction. + + + + + + Creates and manages the current transaction. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Begins a new transaction. + + The newly created transaction. + + + + Asynchronously begins a new transaction. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the newly created transaction. + + + + + Commits all changes made to the database in the current transaction. + + + + + Discards all changes made to the database in the current transaction. + + + + + Gets the current transaction. + + + + + A strategy that is used to execute a command or query against the database, possibly with logic to retry when a failure occurs. + + + + + Indicates whether this might retry the execution after a failure. + + + + + Executes the specified operation and returns the result. + + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A delegate representing an executable operation that returns the result of type . + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown. + The type of the state. + The return type of . + The result from the operation. + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation and returns the result. + + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown. + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + The type of the state. + The result type of the returned by . + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Factory for instances. + + + + + Creates a new . + + An instance of . + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Parameter object containing service dependencies. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this class with the given service dependencies. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Creates a new . + + An instance of . + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Manages the current . + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + The currently enlisted transaction. + + + + + Specifies an existing to be used for database operations. + + The transaction to be used. + + + + + Maps .NET types to their corresponding provider database types. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the given .NET type is mapped. + + The .NET type. + True if the type can be mapped; otherwise false. + + + + + The core type mapping interface for EF Core, starting with version 2.1. Type mappings describe how a + provider maps CLR types/values to database types/values. + + + Warning: do not implement this interface directly. Instead, derive from + for non-relational providers, or 'RelationalTypeMappingSourceBase' for relational providers. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Finds the type mapping for a given . + + The property. + The type mapping, or null if none was found. + + + + + Finds the type mapping for a given representing + a field or a property of a CLR type. + + + Note: Only call this method if there is no available, otherwise + call + + + The field or property. + The type mapping, or null if none was found. + + + + + Finds the type mapping for a given . + + + Note: Only call this method if there is no + or available, otherwise call + or + + + The CLR type. + The type mapping, or null if none was found. + + + + + Parameter object containing context needed for materialization of an entity. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Creates a new instance. + + The to use to materialize an entity. + + + + Creates a new instance. + + The to use to materialize an entity. + The current instance being used. + + + + The to use to materialize an entity. + + + + + The current instance being used. + + + + + The exception that is thrown when the action failed more times than the configured limit. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message. + + The message that describes the error. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The message that describes the error. + The exception that is the cause of the current exception. + + + + Describes metadata needed to decide on a type mapping for a property or type. + + + + + Creates a new instance of . + + The property for which mapping is needed. + + + + Creates a new instance of . + + The principal property chain for the property for which mapping is needed. + + + + Creates a new instance of . + + The CLR type in the model for which mapping is needed. + + + + Creates a new instance of . + + The property or field for which mapping is needed. + + + + Creates a new instance of . + + The CLR type in the model for which mapping is needed. + If true, then a special mapping for a key or index may be returned. + Specifies Unicode or ANSI mapping, or null for default. + Specifies a size for the mapping, or null for default. + Specifies a row-version, or null for default. + Specifies a precision for the mapping, or null for default. + Specifies a scale for the mapping, or null for default. + + + + Creates a new instance of with the given . + + The source info. + The converter to apply. + Specifies Unicode or ANSI mapping, or null for default. + Specifies a size for the mapping, or null for default. + Specifies a precision for the mapping, or null for default. + Specifies a scale for the mapping, or null for default. + + + + Returns a new with the given converter applied. + + The converter to apply. + The new mapping info. + + + + Indicates whether or not the mapping is part of a key or index. + + + + + Indicates the store-size to use for the mapping, or null if none. + + + + + Indicates whether or not the mapping supports Unicode, or null if not defined. + + + + + Indicates whether or not the mapping will be used for a row version, or null if not defined. + + + + + The suggested precision of the mapped data type. + + + + + The suggested scale of the mapped data type. + + + + + The CLR type in the model. + + + + + Compares this to another to check if they represent the same mapping. + + The other object. + True if they represent the same mapping; false otherwise. + + + + Compares this to another to check if they represent the same mapping. + + The other object. + True if they represent the same mapping; false otherwise. + + + + Returns a hash code for this object. + + The hash code. + + + + + The base class for non-relational type mapping starting with version 2.1. Non-relational providers + should derive from this class and override + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the this class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + + Finds the type mapping for a given . + + + Note: providers should typically not need to override this method. + + + The property. + The type mapping, or null if none was found. + + + + + Finds the type mapping for a given . + + + Note: Only call this method if there is no + or available, otherwise call + or + + + Note: providers should typically not need to override this method. + + + The CLR type. + The type mapping, or null if none was found. + + + + + Finds the type mapping for a given representing + a field or a property of a CLR type. + + + Note: Only call this method if there is no available, otherwise + call + + + Note: providers should typically not need to override this method. + + + The field or property. + The type mapping, or null if none was found. + + + + + The base class for non-relational type mapping starting with version 2.1. Non-relational providers + should derive from this class and override + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the this class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Dependencies used to create this + + + + + + Overridden by database providers to find a type mapping for the given info. + + + The mapping info is populated with as much information about the required type mapping as + is available. Use all the information necessary to create the best mapping. Return null + if no mapping is available. + + + The mapping info to use to create the mapping. + The type mapping, or null if none could be found. + + + + Called after a mapping has been found so that it can be validated for the given property. + + The mapping, if any. + The property, if any. + + + + + Finds the type mapping for a given . + + + Note: providers should typically not need to override this method. + + + The property. + The type mapping, or null if none was found. + + + + + Finds the type mapping for a given . + + + Note: Only call this method if there is no + or available, otherwise call + or + + + Note: providers should typically not need to override this method. + + + The CLR type. + The type mapping, or null if none was found. + + + + + Finds the type mapping for a given representing + a field or a property of a CLR type. + + + Note: Only call this method if there is no available, otherwise + call + + + Note: providers should typically not need to override this method. + + + The field or property. + The type mapping, or null if none was found. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + The registry of known s. + + + + The registry of known s. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + + Represents a set of indexed values. Typically used to represent a row of data returned from a database. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + A buffer with no values in it. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The list of values for this buffer. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The list of values for this buffer. + + The starting slot in for this buffer. + + + + + Gets the value at a requested index. + + The index of the value to get. + The value at the requested index. + + + + Gets the number of values in this buffer. + + + + + Creates a new buffer with data starting at the given index in the current buffer. + + + The slot in the current buffer that will be the starting slot in the new buffer. + + The newly created buffer. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the value buffer is empty. + + + + + Determines if this value buffer is equivalent to a given object (i.e. if they are both value buffers and contain the same values). + + + The object to compare this value buffer to. + + + True if the object is a and contains the same values, otherwise false. + + + + + Gets the hash code for the value buffer. + + + The hash code for the value buffer. + + + + + Converts values to and from two string values. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. A case-insensitive first character test is used + when converting from the store. + + The string to use for false. + The string to use for true. + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts values to and from two different values. + + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter that will convert a false false + to one value and a true to another. + + + Use for converting a to zero/one. + + + The value to convert to for false. + The value to convert to for true. + Optional custom translator from store. + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + Converts values to and from 0 and 1. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. This converter preserves order. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts arrays of bytes to and from strings. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts TModel to and from TProvider using simple casts from one type + to the other. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts a to and from a single-character . + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. This converter preserves order. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Specifies hints used by the type mapper when mapping using a . + + + + + Creates a new instance. Any hint contained in the instance + can be null to indicate it has not been specified. + + The suggested size of the mapped data type. + The suggested precision of the mapped data type. + The suggested scale of the mapped data type. + Whether or not the mapped data type should support Unicode. + An optional factory for creating a specific . + + + + Adds hints from the given object to this one. Hints that are already specified are + not overridden. + + The hints to add. + The combined hints. + + + + The suggested size of the mapped data type. + + + + + The suggested precision of the mapped data type. + + + + + The suggested scale of the mapped data type. + + + + + Whether or not the mapped data type should support Unicode. + + + + + An optional factory for creating a specific to use for model + values when this converter is being used. + + + + + Converts to and from binary representation in a long. + The DateTime is truncated beyond 0.1 millisecond precision. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts to and from arrays of bytes. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts to and from strings. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts using . This + will preserve the . + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts to and from strings. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts to and . + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + Converts enum values to and from their underlying numeric representation. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. This converter preserves order. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts enum values to and from their string representation. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. This converter does not preserve order. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts a to and from an array of . + + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + This converter does not preserve order because the ordering of bits in + the standard binary representation of a GUID does not match the ordering + in the standard string representation. + + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts a to and from a using the + standard "8-4-4-4-12" format./>. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + A registry of that can be used to find + the preferred converter to use to convert to and from a given model type + to a type that the database provider supports. + + + + + Returns the list of instances that can be + used to convert the given model type. Converters nearer the front of + the list should be used in preference to converters nearer the end. + + The type for which a converter is needed. + The store type to target, or null for any. + The converters available. + + + + Converts numeric values to and from arrays of bytes. + + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + This converter supports , , , + , , , , + , , , , + and . + + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts numeric values to and from their string representation. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts strings to and from arrays of bytes. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + The string encoding to use. + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts to and from strings. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts to and . + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Defines conversions from an object of one type in a model to an object of the same or + different type in the store. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The expression to convert objects when writing data to the store, + exactly as supplied and may not handle + nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + The expression to convert objects when reading data from the store, + exactly as supplied and may not handle + nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + Gets the function to convert objects when writing data to the store, + setup to handle nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + + + Gets the function to convert objects when reading data from the store, + setup to handle nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + + + Gets the expression to convert objects when writing data to the store, + exactly as supplied and may not handle + nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + + + Gets the expression to convert objects when reading data from the store, + exactly as supplied and may not handle + nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + + + The CLR type used in the EF model. + + + + + The CLR type used when reading and writing from the store. + + + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + Checks that the type used with a value converter is supported by that converter and throws if not. + + The type to check. + The value converter type. + The types that are supported. + The given type. + + + + Composes another instance with this one such that + the result of the first conversion is used as the input to the second conversion. + + The second converter. + The composed converter. + + + + Contains information on an available including a factory to + create an instance. + + + + + Creates a new instance. + + The CLR type used in the EF model. + The CLR type used when reading and writing from the database provider. + A factory to create the converter, if needed. + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + The CLR type used in the EF model. + + + + + The CLR type used when reading and writing from the database provider. + + + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + Creates an instance of the . + + + + + A registry of instances that can be used to find + the preferred converter to use to convert to and from a given model type + to a type that the database provider supports. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Dependencies used to create a + + + + + Returns the list of instances that can be + used to convert the given model type. Converters nearer the front of + the list should be used in preference to converters nearer the end. + + The type for which a converter is needed. + The database provider type to target, or null for any. + The converters available. + + + + Defines conversions from an object of one type in a model to an object of the same or + different type in the store. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + An expression to convert objects when writing data to the store. + An expression to convert objects when reading data from the store. + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + Gets the function to convert objects when writing data to the store, + setup to handle nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + + + Gets the function to convert objects when reading data from the store, + setup to handle nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + + + Gets the expression to convert objects when writing data to the store, + exactly as supplied and may not handle + nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + + + Gets the expression to convert objects when reading data from the store, + exactly as supplied and may not handle + nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + + + The CLR type used in the EF model. + + + + + The CLR type used when reading and writing from the store. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + The information passed to a database provider to save changes to an entity to the database. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + The type of entity to be saved to the database. + + + + + The state of the entity to be saved. + + + + + The other entry that has the same key values, if one exists. + + + + + Gets a value indicating if the specified property is modified. If true, the current value assigned + to the property should be saved to the database. + + The property to be checked. + True if the property is modified, otherwise false. + + + + Gets a value indicating if the specified property has a temporary value. + + The property to be checked. + True if the property has a temporary value, otherwise false. + + + + Gets a value indicating if the specified property should have a value generated by the database. + + The property to be checked. + True if the property should have a value generated by the database, otherwise false. + + + + Gets the value assigned to the property. + + The property to get the value for. + The value for the property. + + + + Gets the value assigned to the property when it was retrieved from the database. + + The property to get the value for. + The value for the property. + + + + Gets the value assigned to the property. + + The property to get the value for. + The type of the property. + The value for the property. + + + + Gets the value assigned to the property when it was retrieved from the database. + + The property to get the value for. + The type of the property. + The value for the property. + + + + Gets the value assigned to the property. + + The property to set the value for. + The value to set. + + + + Gets an for the entity being saved. is an API optimized for + application developers and is optimized for database providers, but there may be instances + where a database provider wants to access information from . + + An for this entity. + + + + Generates values using . + The generated values are non-temporary, meaning they will be saved to the database. + + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the values generated are temporary or permanent. This implementation + always returns false, meaning the generated values will be saved to the database. + + + + + + Acts as a by requesting a block of values from the + underlying database and returning them one by one. Will ask the underlying + database for another block when the current block is exhausted. + + + A block is represented by a low value fetched from the database, and then a block size + that indicates how many sequential values can be used, starting from the low value, before + a new low value must be fetched from the database. + + + The type of values that are generated. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The state used to keep track of which value to return next. + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + Gets the low value for the next block of values to be used. + + The low value for the next block of values to be used. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The thread safe state used by . + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The number of sequential values that can be used, starting from the low value, before + a new low value must be fetched from the database. + + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The type of values being generated. + + A function to get the next low value if needed. + + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The type of values being generated. + + A function to get the next low value if needed. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Keeps a cache of value generators for properties. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Gets the existing value generator from the cache, or creates a new one if one is not present in + the cache. + + The property to get the value generator for. + + The entity type that the value generator will be used for. When called on inherited properties on derived entity types, + this entity type may be different from the declared entity type on + + Factory to create a new value generator if one is not present in the cache. + The existing or newly created value generator. + + + + + Selects value generators to be used to generate values for properties of entities. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Selects the appropriate value generator for a given property. + + The property to get the value generator for. + + The entity type that the value generator will be used for. When called on inherited properties on derived entity types, + this entity type may be different from the declared entity type on + + The value generator to be used. + + + + Generates sequential values using the same algorithm as NEWSEQUENTIALID() + in Microsoft SQL Server. This is useful when entities are being saved to a database where sequential + GUIDs will provide a performance benefit. The generated values are non-temporary, meaning they will + be saved to the database. + + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the values generated are temporary or permanent. This implementation + always returns false, meaning the generated values will be saved to the database. + + + + + Generates values using . + The generated values are temporary, meaning they will be replaced by database + generated values when the entity is saved. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the values generated are temporary or permanent. This implementation + always returns true, meaning the generated values will be replaced by database generated values when + the entity is saved + + + + + Generates values for properties when an entity is added to a context. + + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + Template method to be overridden by implementations to perform value generation. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The generated value. + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + Template method to be overridden by implementations to perform value generation. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The generated value. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the values generated are temporary (i.e they should be replaced + by database generated values when the entity is saved) or are permanent (i.e. the generated values + should be saved to the database). + + + An example of temporary value generation is generating negative numbers for an integer primary key + that are then replaced by positive numbers generated by the database when the entity is saved. An + example of permanent value generation are client-generated values for a primary + key which are saved to the database. + + + + + + + Keeps a cache of value generators for properties. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Gets the existing value generator from the cache, or creates a new one if one is not present in + the cache. + + The property to get the value generator for. + + The entity type that the value generator will be used for. When called on inherited properties on derived entity types, + this entity type may be different from the declared entity type on + + Factory to create a new value generator if one is not present in the cache. + The existing or newly created value generator. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + Base class for factories that create value generators. + + + + + Creates a new value generator. + + The property to create the value generator for. + The newly created value generator. + + + + + Selects value generators to be used to generate values for properties of entities. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + The cache being used to store value generator instances. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + + Selects the appropriate value generator for a given property. + + The property to get the value generator for. + + The entity type that the value generator will be used for. When called on inherited properties on derived entity types, + this entity type may be different from the declared entity type on + + The value generator to be used. + + + + Creates a new value generator for the given property. + + The property to get the value generator for. + + The entity type that the value generator will be used for. When called on inherited properties on derived entity types, + this entity type may be different from the declared entity type on + + The newly created value generator. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + The cache to be used to store value generator instances. + + + + The cache being used to store value generator instances. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Generates values for properties when an entity is added to a context. + + + + + Template method to be overridden by implementations to perform value generation. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The generated value. + + + + Template method to be overridden by implementations to perform value generation. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The generated value. + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + The runtime behavior of warnings generated by Entity Framework + + + + + A warning is logged. + + + + + No action is taken. + + + + + An exception is thrown. + + + + + Extension methods for setting up Entity Framework related services in an . + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the . + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + + + public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) + { + var connectionString = "connection string to database"; + + services.AddDbContext<MyContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(connectionString)); + } + + + The type of context to be registered. + The to add services to. + + + An optional action to configure the for the context. This provides an + alternative to performing configuration of the context by overriding the + method in your derived context. + + + If an action is supplied here, the method will still be run if it has + been overridden on the derived context. configuration will be applied + in addition to configuration performed here. + + + In order for the options to be passed into your context, you need to expose a constructor on your context that takes + and passes it to the base constructor of . + + + The lifetime with which to register the DbContext service in the container. + The lifetime with which to register the DbContextOptions service in the container. + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the . + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + + + public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) + { + var connectionString = "connection string to database"; + + services.AddDbContext<MyContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(connectionString)); + } + + + The class or interface that will be used to resolve the context from the container. + The concrete implementation type to create. + The to add services to. + + + An optional action to configure the for the context. This provides an + alternative to performing configuration of the context by overriding the + method in your derived context. + + + If an action is supplied here, the method will still be run if it has + been overridden on the derived context. configuration will be applied + in addition to configuration performed here. + + + In order for the options to be passed into your context, you need to expose a constructor on your context that takes + and passes it to the base constructor of . + + + The lifetime with which to register the DbContext service in the container. + The lifetime with which to register the DbContextOptions service in the container. + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the and enables DbContext pooling. + Instance pooling can increase throughput in high-scale scenarios such as web servers by re-using + DbContext instances, rather than creating new instances for each request. + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + The type of context to be registered. + The to add services to. + + + A required action to configure the for the context. When using + context pooling, options configuration must be performed externally; + will not be called. + + + + ESets the maximum number of instances retained by the pool. + + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the and enables DbContext pooling. + Instance pooling can increase throughput in high-scale scenarios such as web servers by re-using + DbContext instances, rather than creating new instances for each request. + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + The class or interface that will be used to resolve the context from the container. + The concrete implementation type to create. + The to add services to. + + + A required action to configure the for the context. When using + context pooling, options configuration must be performed externally; + will not be called. + + + + ESets the maximum number of instances retained by the pool. + + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the and enables DbContext pooling. + Instance pooling can increase throughput in high-scale scenarios such as web servers by re-using + DbContext instances, rather than creating new instances for each request. + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + + This overload has an that provides the applications . + This is useful if you want to setup Entity Framework to resolve its internal services from the primary application service + provider. + By default, we recommend using the other overload, which allows Entity Framework to create and maintain its own + + for internal Entity Framework services. + + + The type of context to be registered. + The to add services to. + + + A required action to configure the for the context. When using + context pooling, options configuration must be performed externally; + will not be called. + + + + Sets the maximum number of instances retained by the pool. + + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the and enables DbContext pooling. + Instance pooling can increase throughput in high-scale scenarios such as web servers by re-using + DbContext instances, rather than creating new instances for each request. + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + + This overload has an that provides the applications . + This is useful if you want to setup Entity Framework to resolve its internal services from the primary application service + provider. + By default, we recommend using the other overload, which allows Entity Framework to create and maintain its own + + for internal Entity Framework services. + + + The class or interface that will be used to resolve the context from the container. + The concrete implementation type to create. + The to add services to. + + + A required action to configure the for the context. When using + context pooling, options configuration must be performed externally; + will not be called. + + + + Sets the maximum number of instances retained by the pool. + + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the . + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + + + public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) + { + var connectionString = "connection string to database"; + + services.AddDbContext<MyContext>(ServiceLifetime.Scoped); + } + + + The type of context to be registered. + The to add services to. + The lifetime with which to register the DbContext service in the container. + The lifetime with which to register the DbContextOptions service in the container. + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the . + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + + + public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) + { + var connectionString = "connection string to database"; + + services.AddDbContext<MyContext>(ServiceLifetime.Scoped); + } + + + The class or interface that will be used to resolve the context from the container. + The concrete implementation type to create. + The to add services to. + The lifetime with which to register the DbContext service in the container. + The lifetime with which to register the DbContextOptions service in the container. + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the . + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + + This overload has an that provides the applications . + This is useful if you want to setup Entity Framework to resolve its internal services from the primary application service + provider. + By default, we recommend using the other overload, which allows Entity Framework to create and maintain its own + + for internal Entity Framework services. + + + + + public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) + { + var connectionString = "connection string to database"; + + services + .AddEntityFrameworkSqlServer() + .AddDbContext<MyContext>((serviceProvider, options) => + options.UseSqlServer(connectionString) + .UseInternalServiceProvider(serviceProvider)); + } + + + The type of context to be registered. + The to add services to. + + + An optional action to configure the for the context. This provides an + alternative to performing configuration of the context by overriding the + method in your derived context. + + + If an action is supplied here, the method will still be run if it has + been overridden on the derived context. configuration will be applied + in addition to configuration performed here. + + + In order for the options to be passed into your context, you need to expose a constructor on your context that takes + and passes it to the base constructor of . + + + The lifetime with which to register the DbContext service in the container. + The lifetime with which to register the DbContextOptions service in the container. + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the . + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + + This overload has an that provides the applications . + This is useful if you want to setup Entity Framework to resolve its internal services from the primary application service + provider. + By default, we recommend using the other overload, which allows Entity Framework to create and maintain its own + + for internal Entity Framework services. + + + + + public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) + { + var connectionString = "connection string to database"; + + services + .AddEntityFrameworkSqlServer() + .AddDbContext<MyContext>((serviceProvider, options) => + options.UseSqlServer(connectionString) + .UseInternalServiceProvider(serviceProvider)); + } + + + The class or interface that will be used to resolve the context from the container. + The concrete implementation type to create. + The to add services to. + + + An optional action to configure the for the context. This provides an + alternative to performing configuration of the context by overriding the + method in your derived context. + + + If an action is supplied here, the method will still be run if it has + been overridden on the derived context. configuration will be applied + in addition to configuration performed here. + + + In order for the options to be passed into your context, you need to expose a constructor on your context that takes + and passes it to the base constructor of . + + + The lifetime with which to register the DbContext service in the container. + The lifetime with which to register the DbContextOptions service in the container. + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Extension methods for the returned from + for use with . + + + + + Specifies an existing to be used for database operations. + + The for the context. + The transaction to be used. + + + + Returns the currently enlisted transaction. + + The for the context. + The currently enlisted transaction. + + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.Domain.dll" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.Domain.dll" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bd18230bd01060215d40b5cfcabc0cc9a17eb196 Binary files /dev/null and "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.Domain.dll" differ diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.Domain.pdb" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.Domain.pdb" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..22b06c1940daee47ba0baa6b74ef322fe5df17c5 Binary files /dev/null and "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.Domain.pdb" differ diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.Implement.deps.json" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.Implement.deps.json" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..95c3e8c3c2099228c2af72dd21b57fe14e7c4491 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.Implement.deps.json" @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +{ + "runtimeTarget": { + "name": ".NETStandard,Version=v2.0/", + "signature": "cfe1dc2a80602aef150a12815387068463a61a0d" + }, + "compilationOptions": {}, + "targets": { + ".NETStandard,Version=v2.0": {}, + ".NETStandard,Version=v2.0/": { + "WebApi001.Implement/1.0.0": { + "dependencies": { + "NETStandard.Library": "2.0.3", + "WebApi001.Domain": "1.0.0", + "WebApi001.inetrface": "1.0.0", + "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore": "" + }, + "runtime": { + "WebApi001.Implement.dll": {} + } + }, + "Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms/1.1.0": {}, + "NETStandard.Library/2.0.3": { + "dependencies": { + "Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms": "1.1.0" + } + }, + "WebApi001.Domain/1.0.0": { + "runtime": { + "WebApi001.Domain.dll": {} + } + }, + "WebApi001.inetrface/1.0.0": { + "dependencies": { + "WebApi001.Domain": "1.0.0" + }, + "runtime": { + "WebApi001.inetrface.dll": {} + } + }, + "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore/": { + "runtime": { + "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.dll": { + "assemblyVersion": "", + "fileVersion": "" + } + } + } + } + }, + "libraries": { + "WebApi001.Implement/1.0.0": { + "type": "project", + "serviceable": false, + "sha512": "" + }, + "Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms/1.1.0": { + "type": "package", + "serviceable": true, + "sha512": "sha512-kz0PEW2lhqygehI/d6XsPCQzD7ff7gUJaVGPVETX611eadGsA3A877GdSlU0LRVMCTH/+P3o2iDTak+S08V2+A==", + "path": "microsoft.netcore.platforms/1.1.0", + "hashPath": "microsoft.netcore.platforms.1.1.0.nupkg.sha512" + }, + "NETStandard.Library/2.0.3": { + "type": "package", + "serviceable": true, + "sha512": "sha512-st47PosZSHrjECdjeIzZQbzivYBJFv6P2nv4cj2ypdI204DO+vZ7l5raGMiX4eXMJ53RfOIg+/s4DHVZ54Nu2A==", + "path": "netstandard.library/2.0.3", + "hashPath": "netstandard.library.2.0.3.nupkg.sha512" + }, + "WebApi001.Domain/1.0.0": { + "type": "project", + "serviceable": false, + "sha512": "" + }, + "WebApi001.inetrface/1.0.0": { + "type": "project", + "serviceable": false, + "sha512": "" + }, + "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore/": { + "type": "reference", + "serviceable": false, + "sha512": "" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.Implement.dll" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.Implement.dll" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..26e88730c54da184e5aff2205e904517a49cd95f Binary files /dev/null and "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.Implement.dll" differ diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.Implement.pdb" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.Implement.pdb" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a18b7a28aa2bf28a6d7b8126bde252db9dc763e7 Binary files /dev/null and "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.Implement.pdb" differ diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.inetrface.dll" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.inetrface.dll" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ddc22483a364a6dd156d1bf6fd8a3178df73fd2e Binary files /dev/null and "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.inetrface.dll" differ diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.inetrface.pdb" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.inetrface.pdb" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bd539863198f29d07185829aceae76764d0517f2 Binary files /dev/null and "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.inetrface.pdb" differ diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/obj/Debug/netstandard2.0/.NETStandard,Version=v2.0.AssemblyAttributes.cs" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/obj/Debug/netstandard2.0/.NETStandard,Version=v2.0.AssemblyAttributes.cs" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..45b1ca02d487bf4a8a079a43852a16d3c1a5a5f1 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.Implement/obj/Debug/netstandard2.0/.NETStandard,Version=v2.0.AssemblyAttributes.cs" @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +// +using System; +using System.Reflection; +[assembly: global::System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute(".NETStandard,Version=v2.0", FrameworkDisplayName = "")] diff --git 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WebApi001.Tools.DbInitialization +{ + public class DbInitialization + { + public static void Seed(IServiceProvider service) + { + using(var scope = service.CreateScope()) + { + var db = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(WebApi001DoContexe)) as WebApi001DoContexe; + db.Database.EnsureCreated(); + + var hasUsers = db.Users.Any(); + if (!hasUsers) + { + var userRes = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(IRespository)) as Efrespository; + var roleRes = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(IRespository)) as Efrespository; + var userRoleRes = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(IRespository)) as Efrespository; + + var role = new Roles + { + RolesName = "管理员", + Description = "是一个管理员" + }; + roleRes.Add(role); + //db.Roles.Add(role); + //db.SaveChanges(); + var user = new Users + { + Username = "admain", + Password = "123", + + }; + userRes.Add(user); + userRoleRes.Add(new UserRoles + { + UserId = user.Id, + RolesId = role.Id + }); + } + } + } + } +} diff --git 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"system.threading.nuspec" + ] + }, + "System.Threading.Tasks/4.0.11": { + "sha512": "k1S4Gc6IGwtHGT8188RSeGaX86Qw/wnrgNLshJvsdNUOPP9etMmo8S07c+UlOAx4K/xLuN9ivA1bD0LVurtIxQ==", + "type": "package", + "path": "system.threading.tasks/4.0.11", + "files": [ + ".nupkg.metadata", + "ThirdPartyNotices.txt", + "dotnet_library_license.txt", + "lib/MonoAndroid10/_._", + "lib/MonoTouch10/_._", + "lib/net45/_._", + "lib/portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81/_._", + "lib/win8/_._", + "lib/wp80/_._", + "lib/wpa81/_._", + "lib/xamarinios10/_._", + "lib/xamarinmac20/_._", + "lib/xamarintvos10/_._", + "lib/xamarinwatchos10/_._", + "ref/MonoAndroid10/_._", + "ref/MonoTouch10/_._", + "ref/net45/_._", + "ref/netcore50/System.Threading.Tasks.dll", + "ref/netcore50/System.Threading.Tasks.xml", + "ref/netcore50/de/System.Threading.Tasks.xml", + "ref/netcore50/es/System.Threading.Tasks.xml", + "ref/netcore50/fr/System.Threading.Tasks.xml", + "ref/netcore50/it/System.Threading.Tasks.xml", + 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"ref/netstandard1.3/de/System.Threading.Tasks.xml", + "ref/netstandard1.3/es/System.Threading.Tasks.xml", + "ref/netstandard1.3/fr/System.Threading.Tasks.xml", + "ref/netstandard1.3/it/System.Threading.Tasks.xml", + "ref/netstandard1.3/ja/System.Threading.Tasks.xml", + "ref/netstandard1.3/ko/System.Threading.Tasks.xml", + "ref/netstandard1.3/ru/System.Threading.Tasks.xml", + "ref/netstandard1.3/zh-hans/System.Threading.Tasks.xml", + "ref/netstandard1.3/zh-hant/System.Threading.Tasks.xml", + "ref/portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81/_._", + "ref/win8/_._", + "ref/wp80/_._", + "ref/wpa81/_._", + "ref/xamarinios10/_._", + "ref/xamarinmac20/_._", + "ref/xamarintvos10/_._", + "ref/xamarinwatchos10/_._", + "system.threading.tasks.4.0.11.nupkg.sha512", + "system.threading.tasks.nuspec" + ] + }, + "WebApi001.Domain/1.0.0": { + "type": "project", + "path": "../WebApi001.Domain/WebApi001.Domain.csproj", + "msbuildProject": "../WebApi001.Domain/WebApi001.Domain.csproj" + }, + "WebApi001.Implement/1.0.0": { + "type": "project", + "path": "../WebApi001.Implement/WebApi001.Implement.csproj", + "msbuildProject": "../WebApi001.Implement/WebApi001.Implement.csproj" + }, + "WebApi001.inetrface/1.0.0": { + "type": "project", + "path": "../WebApi001.inetrface/WebApi001.inetrface.csproj", + "msbuildProject": "../WebApi001.inetrface/WebApi001.inetrface.csproj" + } + }, + "projectFileDependencyGroups": { + ".NETStandard,Version=v2.0": [ + "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore >= 2.1.1", + "NETStandard.Library >= 2.0.3", + "WebApi001.Domain >= 1.0.0", + "WebApi001.Implement >= 1.0.0", + "WebApi001.inetrface >= 1.0.0" + ] + }, + "packageFolders": { + "C:\\Users\\HP\\.nuget\\packages\\": {}, + "C:\\Program Files\\dotnet\\sdk\\NuGetFallbackFolder": {} + }, + "project": { + "version": "1.0.0", + "restore": { + "projectUniqueName": "F:\\Git\\vue-admin-template2\\曾志勇\\WebApi001\\WebApi001.Tools\\WebApi001.Tools.csproj", + "projectName": "WebApi001.Tools", + "projectPath": "F:\\Git\\vue-admin-template2\\曾志勇\\WebApi001\\WebApi001.Tools\\WebApi001.Tools.csproj", + "packagesPath": "C:\\Users\\HP\\.nuget\\packages\\", + "outputPath": "F:\\Git\\vue-admin-template2\\曾志勇\\WebApi001\\WebApi001.Tools\\obj\\", + "projectStyle": "PackageReference", + "fallbackFolders": [ + "C:\\Program Files\\dotnet\\sdk\\NuGetFallbackFolder" + ], + "configFilePaths": [ + "C:\\Users\\HP\\AppData\\Roaming\\NuGet\\NuGet.Config", + "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\NuGet\\Config\\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Offline.config" + ], + "originalTargetFrameworks": [ + "netstandard2.0" + ], + "sources": { + "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SDKs\\NuGetPackages\\": {}, + "https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json": {} + }, + "frameworks": { + "netstandard2.0": { + "projectReferences": { + "F:\\Git\\vue-admin-template2\\曾志勇\\WebApi001\\WebApi001.Domain\\WebApi001.Domain.csproj": { + "projectPath": "F:\\Git\\vue-admin-template2\\曾志勇\\WebApi001\\WebApi001.Domain\\WebApi001.Domain.csproj" + }, + "F:\\Git\\vue-admin-template2\\曾志勇\\WebApi001\\WebApi001.Implement\\WebApi001.Implement.csproj": { + "projectPath": "F:\\Git\\vue-admin-template2\\曾志勇\\WebApi001\\WebApi001.Implement\\WebApi001.Implement.csproj" + }, + "F:\\Git\\vue-admin-template2\\曾志勇\\WebApi001\\WebApi001.inetrface\\WebApi001.inetrface.csproj": { + "projectPath": "F:\\Git\\vue-admin-template2\\曾志勇\\WebApi001\\WebApi001.inetrface\\WebApi001.inetrface.csproj" + } + } + } + }, + "warningProperties": { + "warnAsError": [ + "NU1605" + ] + } + }, + "frameworks": { + "netstandard2.0": { + "dependencies": { + "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore": { + "target": "Package", + "version": "[2.1.1, )" + }, + "NETStandard.Library": { + "suppressParent": "All", + "target": "Package", + "version": "[2.0.3, )", + "autoReferenced": true + } + }, + "imports": [ + "net461" + ], + "assetTargetFallback": true, + "warn": true + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.inetrface/Data/IRespository.cs" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.inetrface/Data/IRespository.cs" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f34a4f424c25bf595850f5273e844cd0e2ad6be8 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.inetrface/Data/IRespository.cs" @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using System.Text; +using WebApi001.Domain; + +namespace WebApi001.inetrface.Data +{ + public interface IRespository + { + IQueryable Table { get; } + + T GetById(int id); + + void Add(T entity); + void Add(IEnumerable entites); + void Update(T entity); + void Update(IEnumerable entites); + void Delete(T entuty); + void Delete(IEnumerable entites); + + } +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.inetrface/WebApi001.inetrface.csproj" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.inetrface/WebApi001.inetrface.csproj" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce7a7ca86357587ad36277aa615c2e2090c7d1fa --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.inetrface/WebApi001.inetrface.csproj" @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ + + + + netstandard2.0 + + + + + + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.inetrface/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.dll" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.inetrface/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.dll" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3e6dc3ba9dddc9698075b32ae889d0fb4f57697e Binary files /dev/null and "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.inetrface/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.dll" differ diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.inetrface/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.xml" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.inetrface/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.xml" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..865f36ae0af9b48aeaadde20f82b254753e35346 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.inetrface/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.xml" @@ -0,0 +1,42663 @@ + + + + Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore + + + + + Indicates how the context detects changes to properties for an instance of the entity type. + + + + + Original values are recorded when an entity is queried from the database. Changes are detected by scanning the + current property values and comparing them to the recorded values. This scanning takes place when + is called, or when another API call (such as ) + triggers the change detection process. + + + + + To use this strategy, the entity class must implement . + Original values are recorded when an entity is queried from the database. Properties are marked as modified when the + entity raises the event. + + + + + + To use this strategy, the entity class must implement and + . + Original values are recorded when the entity raises the event. Properties + are + marked as modified when the entity raises the event. + + + Original values are only recorded when they are required to save changes to the entity. For example, properties that are configured + as + concurrency tokens. + + + + + + + To use this strategy, the entity class must implement and + . + Original values are recorded when the entity raises the . Properties are + marked as modified when the entity raises the event. + + + Original values are only recorded for all properties, regardless of whether they are required to save changes to the entity. + + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for entity instances the context is tracking. + Instances of this class are typically obtained from and it is not designed + to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether the method is called + automatically by methods of and related classes. + + + The default value is true. This ensures the context is aware of any changes to tracked entity instances + before performing operations such as or returning change tracking + information. If you disable automatic detect changes then you must ensure that + is called when entity instances have been modified. + Failure to do so may result in some changes not being persisted during + or out-of-date change tracking information being returned. + + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether navigation properties for tracked entities + will be loaded on first access. + + + The default value is true. However, lazy loading will only occur for navigation properties + of entities that have also been configured in the model for lazy loading. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the tracking behavior for LINQ queries run against the context. Disabling change tracking + is useful for read-only scenarios because it avoids the overhead of setting up change tracking for each + entity instance. You should not disable change tracking if you want to manipulate entity instances and + persist those changes to the database using . + + + This method sets the default behavior for the context, but you can override this behavior for individual + queries using the + and methods. + + + The default value is . This means the change tracker will + keep track of changes for all entities that are returned from a LINQ query. + + + + + + Gets an for each entity being tracked by the context. + The entries provide access to change tracking information and operations for each entity. + + An entry for each entity being tracked. + + + + Gets an for all entities of a given type being tracked by the context. + The entries provide access to change tracking information and operations for each entity. + + The type of entities to get entries for. + An entry for each entity of the given type that is being tracked. + + + + + Checks if any new, deleted, or changed entities are being tracked + such that these changes will be sent to the database if + or is called. + + + Note that this method calls unless + has been set to false. + + + True if there are changes to save, otherwise false. + + + + + Gets the internal state manager being used to store information about tracked entities. + + + This property is intended for use by extension methods. It is not intended to be used in + application code. + + + + + + Gets the context this change tracker belongs to. + + + + + Scans the tracked entity instances to detect any changes made to the instance data. + is usually called automatically by the context when up-to-date information is required (before + and when returning change tracking information). You typically only need to + call this method if you have disabled . + + + + + Accepts all changes made to entities in the context. It will be assumed that the tracked entities + represent the current state of the database. This method is typically called by + after changes have been successfully saved to the database. + + + + + + Begins tracking an entity and any entities that are reachable by traversing it's navigation properties. + Traversal is recursive so the navigation properties of any discovered entities will also be scanned. + The specified is called for each discovered entity and must set the + that each entity should be tracked in. If no state is set, the entity + remains untracked. + + + This method is designed for use in disconnected scenarios where entities are retrieved using one instance of + the context and then changes are saved using a different instance of the context. An example of this is a + web service where one service call retrieves entities from the database and another service call persists + any changes to the entities. Each service call uses a new instance of the context that is disposed when the + call is complete. + + + If an entity is discovered that is already tracked by the context, that entity is not processed (and it's + navigation properties are not traversed). + + + The entity to begin traversal from. + + An action to configure the change tracking information for each entity. For the entity to begin being tracked, + the must be set. + + + + + + Begins tracking an entity and any entities that are reachable by traversing it's navigation properties. + Traversal is recursive so the navigation properties of any discovered entities will also be scanned. + The specified is called for each discovered entity and must set the + that each entity should be tracked in. If no state is set, the entity + remains untracked. + + + This method is designed for use in disconnected scenarios where entities are retrieved using one instance of + the context and then changes are saved using a different instance of the context. An example of this is a + web service where one service call retrieves entities from the database and another service call persists + any changes to the entities. Each service call uses a new instance of the context that is disposed when the + call is complete. + + + Typically traversal of the graph should stop whenever an already tracked entity is encountered or when + an entity is reached that should not be tracked. For this typical behavior, use the + overload. This overload, on the other hand, + allows the callback to decide when traversal will end, but the onus is then on the caller to ensure that + traversal will not enter an infinite loop. + + + The entity to begin traversal from. + An arbitrary state object passed to the callback. + + An delegate to configure the change tracking information for each entity. The second parameter to the + callback is the arbitrary state object passed above. Iteration of the graph will not continue down the graph + if the callback returns false. + + The type of the state object. + + + + An event fired when an entity is tracked by the context, either because it was returned + from a tracking query, or because it was attached or added to the context. + + + + + + An event fired when an entity that is tracked by the associated has moved + from one to another. + + + Note that this event does not fire for entities when they are first tracked by the context. + Use the event to get notified when the context begins tracking an entity. + + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a collection + navigation property that associates this entity to a collection of another entities. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets or sets the value currently assigned to this property. If the current value is set using this property, + the change tracker is aware of the change and is not required + for the context to detect the change. + + + + + + Loads the entities referenced by this navigation property, unless + is already set to true. + + + Note that entities that are already being tracked are not overwritten with new data from the database. + + + + + + + Loads entities referenced by this navigation property, unless + is already set to true. + + + Note that entities that are already being tracked are not overwritten with new data from the database. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous save operation. + + + + + + Returns the query that would be used by to load entities referenced by + this navigation property. + + + The query can be composed over using LINQ to perform filtering, counting, etc. without + actually loading all entities from the database. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a collection + navigation property that associates this entity to a collection of another entities. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The type of the entity the property belongs to. + The type of the property. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The to which this member belongs. + + An entry for the entity that owns this member. + + + + Gets or sets the value currently assigned to this property. If the current value is set using this property, + the change tracker is aware of the change and is not required + for the context to detect the change. + + + + + + Returns the query that would be used by to load entities referenced by + this navigation property. + + + The query can be composed over using LINQ to perform filtering, counting, etc. without + actually loading all entities from the database. + + + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given entity. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets the entity being tracked by this entry. + + + + + + Gets or sets that state that this entity is being tracked in. + + + This method sets only the state of the single entity represented by this entry. It does + not change the state of other entities reachable from this one. + + + When setting the state, the entity will always end up in the specified state. For example, if you + change the state to the entity will be marked for deletion regardless + of its current state. This is different than calling where the entity + will be disconnected (rather than marked for deletion) if it is in the state. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets the context that is tracking the entity. + + + + + Gets the metadata about the shape of the entity, its relationships to other entities, and how it maps to the database. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given + property or navigation property of this entity. + + The property to access information and operations for. + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the given property. + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for all + properties and navigation properties of this entity. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given + navigation property of this entity. + + The property to access information and operations for. + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the given property. + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for all + navigation properties of this entity. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given + property of this entity. + + The property to access information and operations for. + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the given property. + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for all + properties of this entity. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a reference (i.e. non-collection) + navigation property that associates this entity to another entity. + + The name of the navigation property. + + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the + given navigation property. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and loading information for all + reference (i.e. non-collection) navigation properties of this entity. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a collection + navigation property that associates this entity to a collection of another entities. + + The name of the navigation property. + + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the + given navigation property. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and loading information for all + collection navigation properties of this entity. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating if the key values of this entity have been assigned a value. + + + For keys with store-generated properties (e.g. mapping to Identity columns), the + return value will be false if any of the store-generated properties have the + CLR default value. + + + For keys without any store-generated properties, the return value will always be + true since any value is considered a valid key value. + + + + + + Gets the current property values for this entity. + + The current values. + + + + Gets the original property values for this entity. The original values are the property + values as they were when the entity was retrieved from the database. + + The original values. + + + + + Queries the database for copies of the values of the tracked entity as they currently + exist in the database. If the entity is not found in the database, then null is returned. + + + Note that changing the values in the returned dictionary will not update the values + in the database. + + + The store values, or null if the entity does not exist in the database. + + + + + Queries the database for copies of the values of the tracked entity as they currently + exist in the database. If the entity is not found in the database, then null is returned. + + + Note that changing the values in the returned dictionary will not update the values + in the database. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the store values, + or null if the entity does not exist in the database. + + + + + + Reloads the entity from the database overwriting any property values with values from the database. + + + The entity will be in the state after calling this method, + unless the entity does not exist in the database, in which case the entity will be + . Finally, calling Reload on an + entity that does not exist in the database is a no-op. Note, however, that an Added entity may + not yet have had its permanent key value created. + + + + + + + Reloads the entity from the database overwriting any property values with values from the database. + + + The entity will be in the state after calling this method, + unless the entity does not exist in the database, in which case the entity will be + . Finally, calling Reload on an + entity that does not exist in the database is a no-op. Note, however, that an Added entity may + not yet have had its permanent key value created. + + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + Event arguments for events relating to tracked s. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The for the entity. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a node in a + graph of entities that is being traversed. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets the entry tracking information about this entity. + + + + + Gets the navigation property that is being traversed to reach this node in the graph. + + + + + Gets or sets state that will be available to all nodes that are visited after this node. + + + + + Gets the entry tracking information about this entity. + + + + + + Gets the internal entry that is tracking information about this entity. + + + This property is intended for use by extension methods. It is not intended to be used in + application code. + + + + + + Creates a new node for the entity that is being traversed next in the graph. + + The node that the entity is being traversed from. + + The internal entry tracking information about the entity being traversed to. + + The navigation property that is being traversed to reach the new node. + The newly created node. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given entity. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The type of entity being tracked by this entry. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets the entity being tracked by this entry. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given + property of this entity. + + + A lambda expression representing the property to access information and operations for + (t => t.Property1). + + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the given property. + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a reference (i.e. non-collection) + navigation property that associates this entity to another entity. + + + A lambda expression representing the property to access information and operations for + (t => t.Property1). + + + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the + given navigation property. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a collection + navigation property that associates this entity to a collection of another entities. + + + A lambda expression representing the property to access information and operations for + (t => t.Property1). + + + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the + given navigation property. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a reference (i.e. non-collection) + navigation property that associates this entity to another entity. + + The name of the navigation property. + + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the + given navigation property. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a collection + navigation property that associates this entity to a collection of another entities. + + The name of the navigation property. + + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the + given navigation property. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given + property of this entity. + + The type of the property. + The property to access information and operations for. + An object that exposes change tracking information and operations for the given property. + + + + Event arguments for the event. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The state that the entity is transitioning from. + + + + + The state that the entity is transitioning to. + + + + + Event arguments for the event. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + True if the entity is being tracked as part of a database query; false otherwise. + + + + + A service to traverse a graph of entities and perform some action on at each node. + + + + + Traverses a graph of entities allowing an action to be taken at each node. + + The node that is being visited. + An arbitrary state object. + A delegate to call to handle the node. + The type of the state object. + + + + Traverses a graph of entities allowing an action to be taken at each node. + + The node that is being visited. + An arbitrary state object. + A delegate to call to handle the node. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + The type of the state object. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + The state manager is tracking for a single query for one entity type and no self-refs. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + The state manager is tracking for a single query, but with multiple entity types and/or self refs. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + The state manager is tracking for multiple queries and/or with other tracked entities. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + A collection that stays in sync with entities of a given type being tracked by + a . Call to obtain a + local view. + + + This local view will stay in sync as entities are added or removed from the context. Likewise, entities + added to or removed from the local view will automatically be added to or removed + from the context. + + + Adding an entity to this collection will cause it to be tracked in the + state by the context unless it is already being tracked. + + + Removing an entity from this collection will cause it to be marked as , + unless it was previously in the Added state, in which case it will be detached from the context. + + + The collection implements , + , and such that + notifications are generated when an entity starts being tracked by the context or is + marked as or . + + + Do not use this type directly for data binding. Instead call + for WPF binding, or for WinForms. + + + The type of the entity in the local view. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Returns an implementation that stays in sync with this collection. + Use this for WPF data binding. + + The collection. + + + + Returns an for all tracked entities of type TEntity + that are not marked as deleted. + + An enumerator for the collection. + + + + Returns an for all tracked entities of type TEntity + that are not marked as deleted. + + An enumerator for the collection. + + + + + Adds a new entity to the . If the entity is not being tracked or is currently + marked as deleted, then it becomes tracked as . + + + Note that only the given entity is tracked. Any related entities discoverable from + the given entity are not automatically tracked. + + + The item to start tracking. + + + + + Marks all entities of type TEntity being tracked by the + as . + + + Entities that are currently marked as will be marked + as since the Added state indicates that the entity + has not been saved to the database and hence it does not make sense to attempt to + delete it from the database. + + + + + + Returns true if the entity is being tracked by the context and has not been + marked as Deleted. + + The entity to check. + True if the entity is being tracked by the context and has not been marked as Deleted. + + + + Copies to an array all entities of type TEntity that are being tracked and are + not marked as Deleted. + + The array into which to copy entities. + The index into the array to start copying. + + + + + Marks the given entity as . + + + Entities that are currently marked as will be marked + as since the Added state indicates that the entity + has not been saved to the database and hence it does not make sense to attempt to + delete it from the database. + + + The entity to delete. + True if the entity was being tracked and was not already Deleted. + + + + The number of entities of type TEntity that are being tracked and are not marked + as Deleted. + + + + + False, since the collection is not read-only. + + + + + Occurs when a property of this collection (such as ) changes. + + + + + Occurs when a property of this collection (such as ) is changing. + + + + + Occurs when the contents of the collection changes, either because an entity + has been directly added or removed from the collection, or because an entity + starts being tracked, or because an entity is marked as Deleted. + + + + + Raises the event. + + Details of the property that changed. + + + + Raises the event. + + Details of the property that is changing. + + + + Raises the event. + + Details of the change. + + + + Returns an implementation that stays in sync with this collection. + Use this for WinForms data binding. + + The binding list. + + + + + This method is called by data binding frameworks when attempting to data bind + directly to a . + + + This implementation always throws an exception as + does not maintain an ordered list with indexes. Instead call + for WPF binding, or for WinForms. + + + Always thrown. + Never returns, always throws an exception. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection is a collection of System.Collections.IList objects. + Always returns false. + + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given property + or navigation property. + + + Scalar properties use the derived class , reference navigation + properties use the derived class , and collection navigation + properties use the derived class . + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + For non-navigation properties, gets or sets a value indicating whether the value of this + property has been modified and should be updated in the database when + + is called. + + + For navigation properties, gets or sets a value indicating whether any of foreign key + property values associated with this navigation property have been modified and should + be updated in the database when is called. + + + + + + Gets the metadata that describes the facets of this property and how it maps to the database. + + + + + Gets or sets the value currently assigned to this property. If the current value is set using this property, + the change tracker is aware of the change and is not required + for the context to detect the change. + + + + + The to which this member belongs. + + An entry for the entity that owns this member. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a navigation property + that associates this entity to one or more other entities. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Loads the entity or entities referenced by this navigation property, unless + is already set to true. + + + Note that entities that are already being tracked are not overwritten with new data from the database. + + + + + + + Loads the entity or entities referenced by this navigation property, unless + is already set to true. + + + Note that entities that are already being tracked are not overwritten with new data from the database. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + + + Returns the query that would be used by to load entities referenced by + this navigation property. + + + The query can be composed over using LINQ to perform filtering, counting, etc. without + actually loading all entities from the database. + + + The query to load related entities. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether the entity or entities referenced by this navigation property + are known to be loaded. + + + Loading entities from the database using + or + + , , or will set this flag. Subsequent calls to + or will then be a no-op. + + + It is possible for IsLoaded to be false even if all related entities are loaded. This is because, depending on + how entities are loaded, it is not always possible to know for sure that all entities in a related collection + have been loaded. In such cases, calling or will ensure all + related entities are loaded and will set this flag to true. + + + + True if all the related entities are loaded or the IsLoaded has been explicitly set to true. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether any of foreign key property values associated + with this navigation property have been modified and should be updated in the database + when is called. + + + + + Gets the metadata that describes the facets of this property and how it maps to the database. + + + + + + Extends and adds an explicit implementation of . + + + The method is implemented to return an + implementation that stays in sync with the ObservableCollection. + + + This class can be used to implement navigation properties on entities for use in Windows Forms data binding. + For WPF data binding use an ObservableCollection rather than an instance of this class. + + + The type of elements in the collection. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class that + contains elements copied from the specified collection. + + The collection from which the elements are copied. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class that + contains elements copied from the specified list. + + The list from which the elements are copied. + + + + Always false because there is never a contained collection. + + + + + Returns an implementation that stays in sync with + this . The returned list is cached on this object + such that the same list is returned each time this method is called. + + + An in sync with the ObservableCollection. + + + + + A hash set that implements the interfaces required for Entity Framework to use notification based change tracking + for a collection navigation property. + + The type of elements in the hash set. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + that is empty and uses the default equality comparer for the set type. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + that is empty and uses the specified equality comparer for the set type. + + + The implementation to use when + comparing values in the set, or null to use the default + implementation for the set type. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + that uses the default equality comparer for the set type, contains elements copied + from the specified collection, and has sufficient capacity to accommodate the + number of elements copied. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new set. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + that uses the specified equality comparer for the set type, contains elements + copied from the specified collection, and has sufficient capacity to accommodate + the number of elements copied. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new set. + + The implementation to use when + comparing values in the set, or null to use the default + implementation for the set type. + + + + + Occurs when a property of this hash set (such as ) changes. + + + + + Occurs when a property of this hash set (such as ) is changing. + + + + + Occurs when the contents of the hash set changes. + + + + + Removes all elements from the hash set. + + + + + Determines whether the hash set object contains the + specified element. + + The element to locate in the hash set. + + True if the hash set contains the specified element; otherwise, false. + + + + + Copies the elements of the hash set to an array, starting at the specified array index. + + + The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from + the hash set. The array must have zero-based indexing. + + The zero-based index in array at which copying begins. + + + + Removes the specified element from the hash set. + + The element to remove. + + True if the element is successfully found and removed; otherwise, false. + + + + + Gets the number of elements that are contained in the hash set. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the hash set is read-only. + + + + + Returns an enumerator that iterates through the hash set. + + + An enumerator for the hash set. + + + + + Adds the specified element to the hash set. + + The element to add to the set. + + true if the element is added to the hash set; false if the element is already present. + + + + + Modifies the hash set to contain all elements that are present in itself, the specified collection, or both. + + The collection to compare to the current hash set. + + + + Modifies the current hash set to contain only + elements that are present in that object and in the specified collection. + + The collection to compare to the current hash set. + + + + Removes all elements in the specified collection from the hash set. + + The collection of items to remove from the current hash set. + + + + Modifies the current hash set to contain only elements that are present either in that + object or in the specified collection, but not both. + + The collection to compare to the current hash set. + + + + Determines whether the hash set is a subset of the specified collection. + + The collection to compare to the current hash set. + + True if the hash set is a subset of other; otherwise, false. + + + + + Determines whether the hash set is a proper subset of the specified collection. + + The collection to compare to the current hash set. + + True if the hash set is a proper subset of other; otherwise, false. + + + + + Determines whether the hash set is a superset of the specified collection. + + The collection to compare to the current hash set. + + True if the hash set is a superset of other; otherwise, false. + + + + + Determines whether the hash set is a proper superset of the specified collection. + + The collection to compare to the current hash set. + + True if the hash set is a proper superset of other; otherwise, false. + + + + + Determines whether the current System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1 object and a specified collection share common elements. + + The collection to compare to the current hash set. + + True if the hash set and other share at least one common element; otherwise, false. + + + + + Determines whether the hash set and the specified collection contain the same elements. + + The collection to compare to the current hash set. + + True if the hash set is equal to other; otherwise, false. + + + + + Copies the elements of the hash set to an array. + + + The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from + the hash set. The array must have zero-based indexing. + + + + + Copies the specified number of elements of the hash set to an array, starting at the specified array index. + + + The one-dimensional array that is the destination of the elements copied from + the hash set. The array must have zero-based indexing. + + The zero-based index in array at which copying begins. + The number of elements to copy to array. + + + + Removes all elements that match the conditions defined by the specified predicate + from the hash set. + + + The delegate that defines the conditions of the elements to remove. + + The number of elements that were removed from the hash set. + + + + Gets the object that is used to determine equality for the values in the set. + + + + + Sets the capacity of the hash set to the actual number of elements it contains, rounded up to a nearby, + implementation-specific value. + + + + + Raises the event. + + Details of the property that changed. + + + + Raises the event. + + Details of the property that is changing. + + + + Raises the event. + + Details of the change. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given property. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether the value of this property has been modified + and should be updated in the database when + is called. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether the value of this property is considered a + temporary value which will be replaced by a value generated from the store when + is called. + + + + + Gets the metadata that describes the facets of this property and how it maps to the database. + + + + + Gets or sets the value that was assigned to this property when it was retrieved from the database. + This property is populated when an entity is retrieved from the database, but setting it may be + useful in disconnected scenarios where entities are retrieved with one context instance and + saved with a different context instance. + + + + + + Provides access to change tracking information and operations for a given property. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The type of the entity the property belongs to. + The type of the property. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The to which this member belongs. + + An entry for the entity that owns this member. + + + + Gets or sets the value currently assigned to this property. If the current value is set using this property, + the change tracker is aware of the change and is not required + for the context to detect the change. + + + + + Gets or sets the value that was assigned to this property when it was retrieved from the database. + This property is populated when an entity is retrieved from the database, but setting it may be + useful in disconnected scenarios where entities are retrieved with one context instance and + saved with a different context instance. + + + + + + A collection of all property values for an entity. + + + Objects of this type can be obtained from , + , , + or . + Once obtained, the objects are usually used in various combinations to resolve optimistic + concurrency exceptions signaled by the throwing of a . + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Creates an instance of the entity type and sets all its properties using the + values from this object. + + The values of this object copied into a new entity instance. + + + + + Sets the values of this object by copying values from the given object. + + + The given object can be of any type. Any property on the object with a name that + matches a property name in the entity type and can be read will be copied. Other + properties will be ignored. This allows, for example, copying of properties from + simple Data Transfer Objects (DTOs). + + + The object to read values from. + + + + Creates a clone of the values in this object. Changes made to the new object will not be + reflected in this object and vice versa. + + A clone of this object. + + + + + Sets the values of this object by reading values from another + object. + + + The other object must be based on the same type as this object, or a type derived + from the type for this object. + + + The object from which values should be copied. + + + + + Sets the values of this object by copying values from the given dictionary. + + + The keys of the dictionary must match property names. Any key in the dictionary + that does not match the name of a property in the entity type will be ignored. + + + The dictionary to read values from. + + + + Gets the properties for which this object is storing values. + + The properties. + + + + Gets the underlying entity type for which this object is storing values. + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the property with the specified property name. + + The property name. + The value of the property. + + + + Gets or sets the value of the property. + + The property. + The value of the property. + + + + Gets the value of the property just like using the indexed property getter but + typed to the type of the generic parameter. + + The type of the property. + The property name. + The value of the property. + + + + Gets the value of the property just like using the indexed property getter but + typed to the type of the generic parameter. + + The type of the property. + The property. + The value of the property. + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a reference (i.e. non-collection) + navigation property that associates this entity to another entity. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The of the entity this navigation targets. + + An entry for the entity that owns this navigation targets. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Provides access to change tracking and loading information for a reference (i.e. non-collection) + navigation property that associates this entity to another entity. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API and it is + not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The type of the entity the property belongs to. + The type of the property. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The to which this member belongs. + + An entry for the entity that owns this member. + + + + The of the entity this navigation targets. + + An entry for the entity that owns this navigation targets. + + + + Gets or sets the value currently assigned to this property. If the current value is set using this property, + the change tracker is aware of the change and is not required + for the context to detect the change. + + + + + + Returns the query that would be used by to load the entity referenced by + this navigation property. + + + The query can be composed over using LINQ to perform filtering, counting, etc. without + actually loading the entity from the database. + + + + + + + Specifies custom value snapshotting and comparison for + CLR types that cannot be compared with + and/or need a deep copy when taking a snapshot. For example, arrays of primitive types + will require both if mutation is to be detected. + + + Snapshotting is the process of creating a copy of the value into a snapshot so it can + later be compared to determine if it has changed. For some types, such as collections, + this needs to be a deep copy of the collection rather than just a shallow copy of the + reference. + + + + + + Creates a new with the given comparison and + snapshotting expressions. + + The comparison expression. + The associated hash code generator. + The snapshot expression. + + + + The type. + + + + + Compares the two instances to determine if they are equal. + + The first instance. + The second instance. + True if they are equal; false otherwise. + + + + Returns the hash code for the given instance. + + The instance. + The hash code. + + + + + Creates a snapshot of the given instance. + + + Snapshotting is the process of creating a copy of the value into a snapshot so it can + later be compared to determine if it has changed. For some types, such as collections, + this needs to be a deep copy of the collection rather than just a shallow copy of the + reference. + + + The instance. + The snapshot. + + + + The comparison expression. + + + + + The hash code expression. + + + + + + The snapshot expression. + + + Snapshotting is the process of creating a copy of the value into a snapshot so it can + later be compared to determine if it has changed. For some types, such as collections, + this needs to be a deep copy of the collection rather than just a shallow copy of the + reference. + + + + + + Takes and replaces the two parameters with the given expressions, + returning the transformed body. + + The new left expression. + The new right expression. + The body of the lambda with left and right parameters replaced. + + + + Takes the and replaces the parameter with the given expression, + returning the transformed body. + + The new expression. + The body of the lambda with the parameter replaced. + + + + Takes the and replaces the parameter with the given expression, + returning the transformed body. + + The new expression. + The body of the lambda with the parameter replaced. + + + + + Specifies custom value snapshotting and comparison for + CLR types that cannot be compared with + and/or need a deep copy when taking a snapshot. For example, arrays of primitive types + will require both if mutation is to be detected. + + + Snapshotting is the process of creating a copy of the value into a snapshot so it can + later be compared to determine if it has changed. For some types, such as collections, + this needs to be a deep copy of the collection rather than just a shallow copy of the + reference. + + + The type. + + + + Creates a new with a default comparison + expression and a shallow copy for the snapshot. + + + If true, then EF will use if the type + implements it. This is usually used when byte arrays act as keys. + + + + + Creates a new with the given comparison expression. + A shallow copy will be used for the snapshot. + + The comparison expression. + The associated hash code generator. + + + + + Creates a new with the given comparison and + snapshotting expressions. + + + Snapshotting is the process of creating a copy of the value into a snapshot so it can + later be compared to determine if it has changed. For some types, such as collections, + this needs to be a deep copy of the collection rather than just a shallow copy of the + reference. + + + The comparison expression. + The associated hash code generator. + The snapshot expression. + + + + Compares the two instances to determine if they are equal. + + The first instance. + The second instance. + True if they are equal; false otherwise. + + + + Returns the hash code for the given instance. + + The instance. + The hash code. + + + + Compares the two instances to determine if they are equal. + + The first instance. + The second instance. + True if they are equal; false otherwise. + + + + Returns the hash code for the given instance. + + The instance. + The hash code. + + + + + Creates a snapshot of the given instance. + + + Snapshotting is the process of creating a copy of the value into a snapshot so it can + later be compared to determine if it has changed. For some types, such as collections, + this needs to be a deep copy of the collection rather than just a shallow copy of the + reference. + + + The instance. + The snapshot. + + + + + Creates a snapshot of the given instance. + + + Snapshotting is the process of creating a copy of the value into a snapshot so it can + later be compared to determine if it has changed. For some types, such as collections, + this needs to be a deep copy of the collection rather than just a shallow copy of the + reference. + + + The instance. + The snapshot. + + + + The type. + + + + + The comparison expression. + + + + + The hash code expression. + + + + + + The snapshot expression. + + + Snapshotting is the process of creating a copy of the value into a snapshot so it can + later be compared to determine if it has changed. For some types, such as collections, + this needs to be a deep copy of the collection rather than just a shallow copy of the + reference. + + + + + + A DbContext instance represents a session with the database and can be used to query and save + instances of your entities. DbContext is a combination of the Unit Of Work and Repository patterns. + + + + Typically you create a class that derives from DbContext and contains + properties for each entity in the model. If the properties have a public setter, + they are automatically initialized when the instance of the derived context is created. + + + Override the method to configure the database (and + other options) to be used for the context. Alternatively, if you would rather perform configuration externally + instead of inline in your context, you can use + (or ) to externally create an instance of + (or ) and pass it to a base constructor of . + + + The model is discovered by running a set of conventions over the entity classes found in the + properties on the derived context. To further configure the model that + is discovered by convention, you can override the method. + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. The + + method will be called to configure the database (and other options) to be used for this context. + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified options. + The method will still be called to allow further + configuration of the options. + + + The options for this context. + + + + Provides access to database related information and operations for this context. + + + + + Provides access to information and operations for entity instances this context is tracking. + + + + + The metadata about the shape of entities, the relationships between them, and how they map to the database. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Creates a that can be used to query and save instances of . + + The type of entity for which a set should be returned. + A set for the given entity type. + + + + Creates a that can be used to query instances of . + + The type of query for which a DbQuery should be returned. + A DbQuery for the given query type. + + + + + Override this method to configure the database (and other options) to be used for this context. + This method is called for each instance of the context that is created. + The base implementation does nothing. + + + In situations where an instance of may or may not have been passed + to the constructor, you can use to determine if + the options have already been set, and skip some or all of the logic in + . + + + + A builder used to create or modify options for this context. Databases (and other extensions) + typically define extension methods on this object that allow you to configure the context. + + + + + Override this method to further configure the model that was discovered by convention from the entity types + exposed in properties on your derived context. The resulting model may be cached + and re-used for subsequent instances of your derived context. + + + If a model is explicitly set on the options for this context (via ) + then this method will not be run. + + + The builder being used to construct the model for this context. Databases (and other extensions) typically + define extension methods on this object that allow you to configure aspects of the model that are specific + to a given database. + + + + + Saves all changes made in this context to the database. + + + This method will automatically call to discover any + changes to entity instances before saving to the underlying database. This can be disabled via + . + + + The number of state entries written to the database. + + + An error is encountered while saving to the database. + + + A concurrency violation is encountered while saving to the database. + A concurrency violation occurs when an unexpected number of rows are affected during save. + This is usually because the data in the database has been modified since it was loaded into memory. + + + + + Saves all changes made in this context to the database. + + + Indicates whether is called after the changes have + been sent successfully to the database. + + + This method will automatically call to discover any + changes to entity instances before saving to the underlying database. This can be disabled via + . + + + The number of state entries written to the database. + + + An error is encountered while saving to the database. + + + A concurrency violation is encountered while saving to the database. + A concurrency violation occurs when an unexpected number of rows are affected during save. + This is usually because the data in the database has been modified since it was loaded into memory. + + + + + Asynchronously saves all changes made in this context to the database. + + + + This method will automatically call to discover any + changes to entity instances before saving to the underlying database. This can be disabled via + . + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous save operation. The task result contains the + number of state entries written to the database. + + + An error is encountered while saving to the database. + + + A concurrency violation is encountered while saving to the database. + A concurrency violation occurs when an unexpected number of rows are affected during save. + This is usually because the data in the database has been modified since it was loaded into memory. + + + + + Asynchronously saves all changes made in this context to the database. + + + Indicates whether is called after the changes have + been sent successfully to the database. + + + + This method will automatically call to discover any + changes to entity instances before saving to the underlying database. This can be disabled via + . + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous save operation. The task result contains the + number of state entries written to the database. + + + An error is encountered while saving to the database. + + + A concurrency violation is encountered while saving to the database. + A concurrency violation occurs when an unexpected number of rows are affected during save. + This is usually because the data in the database has been modified since it was loaded into memory. + + + + + Releases the allocated resources for this context. + + + + + Gets an for the given entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + The type of the entity. + The entity to get the entry for. + The entry for the given entity. + + + + + Gets an for the given entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + This method may be called on an entity that is not tracked. You can then + set the property on the returned entry + to have the context begin tracking the entity in the specified state. + + + The entity to get the entry for. + The entry for the given entity. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that + they will be inserted into the database when is called. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The type of the entity. + The entity to add. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + + This method is async only to allow special value generators, such as the one used by + 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.SequenceHiLo', + to access the database asynchronously. For all other cases the non async method should be used. + + + The type of the entity. + The entity to add. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous Add operation. The task result contains the + for the entity. The entry provides access to change tracking + information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state + such that no operation will be performed when + is called. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The type of the entity. + The entity to attach. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state such that it will + be updated in the database when is called. + + + All properties of the entity will be marked as modified. To mark only some properties as modified, use + to begin tracking the entity in the + state and then use the returned to mark the desired properties as modified. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The type of the entity. + The entity to update. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state such that it will + be removed from the database when is called. + + + + If the entity is already tracked in the state then the context will + stop tracking the entity (rather than marking it as ) since the + entity was previously added to the context and does not exist in the database. + + + Any other reachable entities that are not already being tracked will be tracked in the same way that + they would be if was called before calling this method. + This allows any cascading actions to be applied when is called. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The type of the entity. + The entity to remove. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to add. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + This method is async only to allow special value generators, such as the one used by + 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.SequenceHiLo', + to access the database asynchronously. For all other cases the non async method should be used. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to add. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous Add operation. The task result contains the + for the entity. The entry provides access to change tracking + information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state + such that no operation will be performed when + is called. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to attach. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state such that it will + be updated in the database when is called. + + + All properties of the entity will be marked as modified. To mark only some properties as modified, use + to begin tracking the entity in the + state and then use the returned to mark the desired properties as modified. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to update. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state such that it will + be removed from the database when is called. + + + + If the entity is already tracked in the state then the context will + stop tracking the entity (rather than marking it as ) since the + entity was previously added to the context and does not exist in the database. + + + Any other reachable entities that are not already being tracked will be tracked in the same way that + they would be if was called before calling this method. + This allows any cascading actions to be applied when is called. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to remove. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + The entities to add. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + + This method is async only to allow special value generators, such as the one used by + 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.SequenceHiLo', + to access the database asynchronously. For all other cases the non async method should be used. + + + The entities to add. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state + such that no operation will be performed when + is called. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + The entities to attach. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state such that they will + be updated in the database when is called. + + + All properties of each entity will be marked as modified. To mark only some properties as modified, use + to begin tracking each entity in the + state and then use the returned to mark the desired properties as modified. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + The entities to update. + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state such that it will + be removed from the database when is called. + + + + If any of the entities are already tracked in the state then the context will + stop tracking those entities (rather than marking them as ) since those + entities were previously added to the context and do not exist in the database. + + + Any other reachable entities that are not already being tracked will be tracked in the same way that + they would be if was called before calling this method. + This allows any cascading actions to be applied when is called. + + + The entities to remove. + + + + Begins tracking the given entities, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + The entities to add. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + + This method is async only to allow special value generators, such as the one used by + 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.SequenceHiLo', + to access the database asynchronously. For all other cases the non async method should be used. + + + The entities to add. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state + such that no operation will be performed when + is called. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + The entities to attach. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state such that they will + be updated in the database when is called. + + + All properties of each entity will be marked as modified. To mark only some properties as modified, use + to begin tracking each entity in the + state and then use the returned to mark the desired properties as modified. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + The entities to update. + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state such that it will + be removed from the database when is called. + + + + If any of the entities are already tracked in the state then the context will + stop tracking those entities (rather than marking them as ) since those + entities were previously added to the context and do not exist in the database. + + + Any other reachable entities that are not already being tracked will be tracked in the same way that + they would be if was called before calling this method. + This allows any cascading actions to be applied when is called. + + + The entities to remove. + + + + Finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with the given primary key values + is being tracked by the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the + database. Otherwise, a query is made to the database for an entity with the given primary key values + and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and returned. If no entity is found, then + null is returned. + + The type of entity to find. + The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. + The entity found, or null. + + + + Finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with the given primary key values + is being tracked by the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the + database. Otherwise, a query is made to the database for an entity with the given primary key values + and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and returned. If no entity is found, then + null is returned. + + The type of entity to find. + The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. + The entity found, or null. + + + + Finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with the given primary key values + is being tracked by the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the + database. Otherwise, a query is made to the database for an entity with the given primary key values + and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and returned. If no entity is found, then + null is returned. + + The type of entity to find. + The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + The entity found, or null. + + + + Finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with the given primary key values + is being tracked by the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the + database. Otherwise, a query is made to the database for an entity with the given primary key values + and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and returned. If no entity is found, then + null is returned. + + The type of entity to find. + The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. + The entity found, or null. + + + + Finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with the given primary key values + is being tracked by the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the + database. Otherwise, a query is made to the database for an entity with the given primary key values + and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and returned. If no entity is found, then + null is returned. + + The type of entity to find. + The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. + The entity found, or null. + + + + Finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with the given primary key values + is being tracked by the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the + database. Otherwise, a query is made to the database for an entity with the given primary key values + and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and returned. If no entity is found, then + null is returned. + + The type of entity to find. + The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + The entity found, or null. + + + + + Gets the scoped being used to resolve services. + + + This property is intended for use by extension methods that need to make use of services + not directly exposed in the public API surface. + + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + The options to be used by a . You normally override + or use a + to create instances of this class and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. You normally override + or use a + to create instances of this class and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + The extensions that store the configured options. + + + + Gets the extensions that store the configured options. + + + + + Gets the extension of the specified type. Returns null if no extension of the specified type is configured. + + The type of the extension to get. + The extension, or null if none was found. + + + + Gets the extension of the specified type. Throws if no extension of the specified type is configured. + + The type of the extension to get. + The extension. + + + + Adds the given extension to the options. + + The type of extension to be added. + The extension to be added. + The same options instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + The type of context that these options are for. Will return if the + options are not built for a specific derived context. + + + + + Specifies that no further configuration of this options object should occur. + + + + + Returns true if . has been called. A frozen options object cannot be further + configured with . + + + + + + Provides a simple API surface for configuring . Databases (and other extensions) + typically define extension methods on this object that allow you to configure the database connection (and other + options) to be used for a context. + + + You can use to configure a context by overriding + or creating a + externally and passing it to the context constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with no options set. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class to further configure + a given . + + The options to be configured. + + + + Gets the options being configured. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether any options have been configured. + + + This can be useful when you have overridden to configure + the context, but in some cases you also externally provide options via the context constructor. This property can be + used to determine if the options have already been set, and skip some or all of the logic in + . + + + + + + Sets the model to be used for the context. If the model is set, then + will not be run. + + The model to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the that will be used to create instances + for logging done by this context. It is never necessary to call this method since EF can obtain + or create a logger factory automatically. + + + There is no need to call this method when using one of the 'AddDbContext' methods. + 'AddDbContext' will ensure that the used by EF is obtained from the + application service provider. + + + Note that changing the logger factory can cause EF to build a new internal service provider, which + may cause issues with performance. Generally it is expected that no more than one or two different + instances will be used for a given application. + + + This method cannot be used if the application is setting the internal service provider + through a call to . In this case, the + should be configured directly in that service provider. + + + The logger factory to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the to be used for query caching by this context. It is never + necessary to call this method since EF can obtain or create a memory cache automatically. + + + There is no need to call this method when using one of the 'AddDbContext' methods. + 'AddDbContext' will ensure that the used by EF is obtained from the + application service provider. + + + Note that changing the memory cache can cause EF to build a new internal service provider, which + may cause issues with performance. Generally it is expected that no more than one or two different + instances will be used for a given application. + + + This method cannot be used if the application is setting the internal service provider + through a call to . In this case, the + should be configured directly in that service provider. + + + The memory cache to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the that the context should resolve all of its services from. EF will + create and manage a service provider if none is specified. + + + The service provider must contain all the services required by Entity Framework (and the database being + used). The Entity Framework services can be registered using an extension method on . + For example, the Microsoft SQL Server provider includes an AddEntityFrameworkSqlServer() method to add + the required services. + + + If the has a or + registered, then this will be used as the options for + this context instance. + + + The service provider to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the from which application services will be obtained. This + is done automatically when using 'AddDbContext', so it is rare that this method needs to be called. + + The service provider to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Enables application data to be included in exception messages, logging, etc. This can include the + values assigned to properties of your entity instances, parameter values for commands being sent + to the database, and other such data. You should only enable this flag if you have the appropriate + security measures in place based on the sensitivity of this data. + + + Note that if the application is setting the internal service provider through a call to + , then this option must configured the same way + for all uses of that service provider. Consider instead not calling + so that EF will manage the service providers and can create new instances as required. + + + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the tracking behavior for LINQ queries run against the context. Disabling change tracking + is useful for read-only scenarios because it avoids the overhead of setting up change tracking for each + entity instance. You should not disable change tracking if you want to manipulate entity instances and + persist those changes to the database using . + + + This method sets the default behavior for all contexts created with these options, but you can override this + behavior for a context instance using or on individual + queries using the + and methods. + + + The default value is . This means + the change tracker will keep track of changes for all entities that are returned from a LINQ query. + + + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the runtime behavior of warnings generated by Entity Framework. You can set a default + behavior and behaviors for each warning type. + + + Note that changing this configuration can cause EF to build a new internal service provider, which + may cause issues with performance. Generally it is expected that no more than one or two different + configurations will be used for a given application. + + + Note that if the application is setting the internal service provider through a call to + , then this option must configured the same way + for all uses of that service provider. Consider instead not calling + so that EF will manage the service providers and can create new instances as required. + + + + + optionsBuilder.ConfigureWarnings(warnings => + warnings.Default(WarningBehavior.Ignore) + .Log(CoreEventId.IncludeIgnoredWarning, CoreEventId.ModelValidationWarning) + .Throw(RelationalEventId.QueryClientEvaluationWarning)) + + + + An action to configure the warning behavior. + + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Replaces the internal Entity Framework implementation of a service contract with a different + implementation. + + + This method can only be used when EF is building and managing its internal service provider. + If the service provider is being built externally and passed to + , then replacement services should be configured on + that service provider before it is passed to EF. + + + The replacement service gets the same scope as the EF service that it is replacing. + + + The type (usually an interface) that defines the contract of the service to replace. + The new implementation type for the service. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Adds the given extension to the options. If an existing extension of the same type already exists, it will be replaced. + + + This method is intended for use by extension methods to configure the context. It is not intended to be used in + application code. + + + The type of extension to be added. + The extension to be added. + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides a simple API surface for configuring . Databases (and other extensions) + typically define extension methods on this object that allow you to configure the database connection (and other + options) to be used for a context. + + + You can use to configure a context by overriding + or creating a + externally and passing it to the context constructor. + + + The type of context to be configured. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with no options set. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class to further configure + a given . + + The options to be configured. + + + + Gets the options being configured. + + + + + Sets the model to be used for the context. If the model is set, then + will not be run. + + The model to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the that will be used to create instances + for logging done by this context. It is never necessary to call this method since EF can obtain + or create a logger factory automatically. + + + There is no need to call this method when using one of the 'AddDbContext' methods. + 'AddDbContext' will ensure that the used by EF is obtained from the + application service provider. + + + Note that changing the logger factory can cause EF to build a new internal service provider, which + may cause issues with performance. Generally it is expected that no more than one or two different + instances will be used for a given application. + + + This method cannot be used if the application is setting the internal service provider + through a call to . In this case, the + should be configured directly in that service provider. + + + The logger factory to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the to be used for query caching by this context. It is never + necessary to call this method since EF can obtain or create a memory cache automatically. + + + There is no need to call this method when using one of the 'AddDbContext' methods. + 'AddDbContext' will ensure that the used by EF is obtained from the + application service provider. + + + Note that changing the memory cache can cause EF to build a new internal service provider, which + may cause issues with performance. Generally it is expected that no more than one or two different + instances will be used for a given application. + + + This method cannot be used if the application is setting the internal service provider + through a call to . In this case, the + should be configured directly in that service provider. + + + The memory cache to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the that the context should resolve all of its services from. EF will + create and manage a service provider if none is specified. + + + The service provider must contain all the services required by Entity Framework (and the database being + used). The Entity Framework services can be registered using an extension method on . + For example, the Microsoft SQL Server provider includes an AddEntityFrameworkSqlServer() method to add + the required services. + + + If the has a or + registered, then this will be used as the options for + this context instance. + + + The service provider to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the from which application services will be obtained. This + is done automatically when using 'AddDbContext', so it is rare that this method needs to be called. + + The service provider to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Enables application data to be included in exception messages, logging, etc. This can include the + values assigned to properties of your entity instances, parameter values for commands being sent + to the database, and other such data. You should only enable this flag if you have the appropriate + security measures in place based on the sensitivity of this data. + + + Note that if the application is setting the internal service provider through a call to + , then this option must configured the same way + for all uses of that service provider. Consider instead not calling + so that EF will manage the service providers and can create new instances as required. + + + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the tracking behavior for LINQ queries run against the context. Disabling change tracking + is useful for read-only scenarios because it avoids the overhead of setting up change tracking for each + entity instance. You should not disable change tracking if you want to manipulate entity instances and + persist those changes to the database using . + + + This method sets the default behavior for all contexts created with these options, but you can override this + behavior for a context instance using or on individual + queries using the + and methods. + + + The default value is . This means the + change tracker will keep track of changes for all entities that are returned from a LINQ query. + + + + + + + Configures the runtime behavior of warnings generated by Entity Framework. You can set a default + behavior and behaviors for each warning type. + + + Note that changing this configuration can cause EF to build a new internal service provider, which + may cause issues with performance. Generally it is expected that no more than one or two different + configurations will be used for a given application. + + + Note that if the application is setting the internal service provider through a call to + , then this option must configured the same way + for all uses of that service provider. Consider instead not calling + so that EF will manage the service providers and can create new instances as required. + + + + + optionsBuilder.ConfigureWarnings(warnings => + warnings.Default(WarningBehavior.Ignore) + .Log(CoreEventId.IncludeIgnoredWarning, CoreEventId.ModelValidationWarning) + .Throw(RelationalEventId.QueryClientEvaluationWarning)) + + + + An action to configure the warning behavior. + + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Replaces the internal Entity Framework implementation of a service contract with a different + implementation. + + + This method can only be used when EF is building and managing its internal service provider. + If the service provider is being built externally and passed to + , then replacement services should be configured on + that service provider before it is passed to EF. + + + The replacement service gets the same scope as the EF service that it is replacing. + + + The type (usually an interface) that defines the contract of the service to replace. + The new implementation type for the service. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + The options to be used by a . You normally override + or use a + to create instances of this class and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + The type of the context these options apply to. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. You normally override + or use a + to create instances of this class and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. You normally override + or use a + to create instances of this class and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + The extensions that store the configured options. + + + + Adds the given extension to the options. + + The type of extension to be added. + The extension to be added. + The same options instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + The type of context that these options are for (). + + + + + Provides CLR methods that get translated to database functions when used in LINQ to Entities queries. + The methods on this class are accessed via . + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + Provides CLR methods that get translated to database functions when used in LINQ to Entities queries. + The methods on this class are accessed via . + + + + + + An implementation of the SQL LIKE operation. On relational databases this is usually directly + translated to SQL. + + + Note that if this function is translated into SQL, then the semantics of the comparison will + depend on the database configuration. In particular, it may be either case-sensitive or + case-insensitive. If this function is evaluated on the client, then it will always use + a case-insensitive comparison. + + + The DbFunctions instance. + The string that is to be matched. + The pattern which may involve wildcards %,_,[,],^. + true if there is a match. + + + + + An implementation of the SQL LIKE operation. On relational databases this is usually directly + translated to SQL. + + + Note that if this function is translated into SQL, then the semantics of the comparison will + depend on the database configuration. In particular, it may be either case-sensitive or + case-insensitive. If this function is evaluated on the client, then it will always use + a case-insensitive comparison. + + + The DbFunctions instance. + The string that is to be matched. + The pattern which may involve wildcards %,_,[,],^. + + The escape character (as a single character string) to use in front of %,_,[,],^ + if they are not used as wildcards. + + true if there is a match. + + + + + An API for getting logger categories in an Intellisense/tab-completion friendly manner. + + + Get an Entity Framework Core logger category using its Name property. For example, + LoggerCategory.Database.Sql.Name. + + + Use these types with or + to create a logger. + + + + + + The root/prefix for all Entity Framework categories. + + + + + Logger categories for messages related to database interactions. + + + + + Logger category for messages related to connection operations. + + + + + Logger category for command execution, including SQL sent to the database. + + + + + Logger category for messages related to transaction operations. + + + + + Logger category for messages related to , excluding + messages specifically relating to database interactions which are covered by + the categories. + + + + + Logger categories for messages related to model building and metadata. + + + + + Logger category for messages from model validation. + + + + + Logger category for messages related to queries, excluding + the generated SQL, which is in the category. + + + + + Logger category for miscellaneous messages from the Entity Framework infrastructure. + + + + + Logger category for messages from scaffolding/reverse engineering. + + + + + Logger category messages from Migrations. + + + + + Logger category for messages from change detection and tracking. + + + + + + A can be used to query instances of . + LINQ queries against a will be translated into queries against the database. + + + The results of a LINQ query against a will contain the results + returned from the database and may not reflect changes made in the context that have not + been persisted to the database. For example, the results will not contain newly added views + and may still contain views that are marked for deletion. + + + Depending on the database being used, some parts of a LINQ query against a + may be evaluated in memory rather than being translated into a database query. + + + objects are usually obtained from a + property on a derived or from the + method. + + + The type of view being operated on by this view. + + + + Returns an which when enumerated will execute a query against the database + to load all views from the database. + + The query results. + + + + Returns an which when enumerated will execute a query against the database + to load all views from the database. + + The query results. + + + + Returns an which when enumerated will asynchronously execute the query against + the database. + + The query results. + + + + Gets the IQueryable element type. + + + + + Gets the IQueryable LINQ Expression. + + + + + Gets the IQueryable provider. + + + + + + Gets the scoped being used to resolve services. + + + This property is intended for use by extension methods that need to make use of services + not directly exposed in the public API surface. + + + + + + + A can be used to query and save instances of . + LINQ queries against a will be translated into queries against the database. + + + The results of a LINQ query against a will contain the results + returned from the database and may not reflect changes made in the context that have not + been persisted to the database. For example, the results will not contain newly added entities + and may still contain entities that are marked for deletion. + + + Depending on the database being used, some parts of a LINQ query against a + may be evaluated in memory rather than being translated into a database query. + + + objects are usually obtained from a + property on a derived or from the + method. + + + The type of entity being operated on by this set. + + + + + Gets an that represents a local view of all Added, Unchanged, + and Modified entities in this set. + + + This local view will stay in sync as entities are added or removed from the context. Likewise, entities + added to or removed from the local view will automatically be added to or removed + from the context. + + + This property can be used for data binding by populating the set with data, for example by using the + extension method, + and then binding to the local data through this property by calling + for WPF binding, or + for WinForms. + + + + + + Finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with the given primary key values + is being tracked by the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the + database. Otherwise, a query is made to the database for an entity with the given primary key values + and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and returned. If no entity is found, then + null is returned. + + The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. + The entity found, or null. + + + + Finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with the given primary key values + is being tracked by the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the + database. Otherwise, a query is made to the database for an entity with the given primary key values + and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and returned. If no entity is found, then + null is returned. + + The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. + The entity found, or null. + + + + Finds an entity with the given primary key values. If an entity with the given primary key values + is being tracked by the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the + database. Otherwise, a query is made to the database for an entity with the given primary key values + and this entity, if found, is attached to the context and returned. If no entity is found, then + null is returned. + + The values of the primary key for the entity to be found. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + The entity found, or null. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to add. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + + This method is async only to allow special value generators, such as the one used by + 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.SequenceHiLo', + to access the database asynchronously. For all other cases the non async method should be used. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to add. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous Add operation. The task result contains the + for the entity. The entry provides access to change tracking + information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state + such that no operation will be performed when + is called. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to attach. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state such that it will + be removed from the database when is called. + + + + If the entity is already tracked in the state then the context will + stop tracking the entity (rather than marking it as ) since the + entity was previously added to the context and does not exist in the database. + + + Any other reachable entities that are not already being tracked will be tracked in the same way that + they would be if was called before calling this method. + This allows any cascading actions to be applied when is called. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to remove. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + + Begins tracking the given entity in the state such that it will + be updated in the database when is called. + + + All properties of the entity will be marked as modified. To mark only some properties as modified, use + to begin tracking the entity in the + state and then use the returned to mark the desired properties as modified. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + Use to set the state of only a single entity. + + + The entity to update. + + The for the entity. The entry provides + access to change tracking information and operations for the entity. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + The entities to add. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + + This method is async only to allow special value generators, such as the one used by + 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.SequenceHiLo', + to access the database asynchronously. For all other cases the non async method should be used. + + + The entities to add. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state + such that no operation will be performed when + is called. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + The entities to attach. + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state such that they will + be removed from the database when is called. + + + + If any of the entities are already tracked in the state then the context will + stop tracking those entities (rather than marking them as ) since those + entities were previously added to the context and do not exist in the database. + + + Any other reachable entities that are not already being tracked will be tracked in the same way that + they would be if was called before calling this method. + This allows any cascading actions to be applied when is called. + + + The entities to remove. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state such that they will + be updated in the database when is called. + + + All properties of each entity will be marked as modified. To mark only some properties as modified, use + to begin tracking each entity in the + state and then use the returned to mark the desired properties as modified. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + The entities to update. + + + + Begins tracking the given entities, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + The entities to add. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities, and any other reachable entities that are + not already being tracked, in the state such that they will + be inserted into the database when is called. + + + This method is async only to allow special value generators, such as the one used by + 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.SequenceHiLo', + to access the database asynchronously. For all other cases the non async method should be used. + + + The entities to add. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state + such that no operation will be performed when + is called. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + The entities to attach. + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state such that they will + be removed from the database when is called. + + + + If any of the entities are already tracked in the state then the context will + stop tracking those entities (rather than marking them as ) since those + entities were previously added to the context and do not exist in the database. + + + Any other reachable entities that are not already being tracked will be tracked in the same way that + they would be if was called before calling this method. + This allows any cascading actions to be applied when is called. + + + The entities to remove. + + + + + Begins tracking the given entities in the state such that they will + be updated in the database when is called. + + + All properties of each entity will be marked as modified. To mark only some properties as modified, use + to begin tracking each entity in the + state and then use the returned to mark the desired properties as modified. + + + A recursive search of the navigation properties will be performed to find reachable entities + that are not already being tracked by the context. These entities will also begin to be tracked + by the context. If a reachable entity has its primary key value set + then it will be tracked in the state. If the primary key + value is not set then it will be tracked in the state. + An entity is considered to have its primary key value set if the primary key property is set + to anything other than the CLR default for the property type. + + + The entities to update. + + + + Returns an which when enumerated will execute a query against the database + to load all entities from the database. + + The query results. + + + + Returns an which when enumerated will execute a query against the database + to load all entities from the database. + + The query results. + + + + Returns an which when enumerated will asynchronously execute the query against + the database. + + The query results. + + + + Gets the IQueryable element type. + + + + + Gets the IQueryable LINQ Expression. + + + + + Gets the IQueryable provider. + + + + + + Gets the scoped being used to resolve services. + + + This property is intended for use by extension methods that need to make use of services + not directly exposed in the public API surface. + + + + + + + This method is called by data binding frameworks when attempting to data bind + directly to a . + + + This implementation always throws an exception as binding directly to a + will result in a query being + sent to the database every time the data binding framework requests the contents + of the collection. Instead load the results into the context, for example, by using the + extension method, + and then bind to the local data through the by calling + for WPF binding, or + for WinForms. + + + Always thrown. + Never returns, always throws an exception. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection is a collection of System.Collections.IList objects. + Always returns false. + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + An exception that is thrown when a concurrency violation is encountered while saving to the database. A concurrency violation + occurs when an unexpected number of rows are affected during save. This is usually because the data in the database has + been modified since it was loaded into memory. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The error message that explains the reason for the exception. + The entries that were involved in the concurrency violation. + + + + An exception that is thrown when an error is encountered while saving to the database. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The error message that explains the reason for the exception. + The exception that is the cause of the current exception. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The error message that explains the reason for the exception. + The entries that were involved in the error. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The error message that explains the reason for the exception. + The entries that were involved in the error. + The exception that is the cause of the current exception. + + + + Gets the entries that were involved in the error. Typically this is a single entry, but in some cases it + may be zero or multiple entries. + + + + + + Indicates how a delete operation is applied to dependent entities in a relationship when the + principal is deleted or the relationship is severed. + + + Behaviors in the database are dependent on the database schema being created + appropriately. Using Entity Framework Migrations or + will create the appropriate schema. + + + Note that the in-memory behavior for entities that are currently tracked by + the can be different from the behavior that happens in the database. + See the behavior for more details. + + + + + + + For entities being tracked by the , the values of foreign key properties in + dependent entities are set to null. This helps keep the graph of entities in a consistent + state while they are being tracked, such that a fully consistent graph can then be written to + the database. If a property cannot be set to null because it is not a nullable type, + then an exception will be thrown when is called. + This is the same as the behavior. + + + If the database has been created from the model using Entity Framework Migrations or the + method, then the behavior in the database + is to generate an error if a foreign key constraint is violated. + This is the same as the behavior. + + + This is the default for optional relationships. That is, for relationships that have + nullable foreign keys. + + + + + + + For entities being tracked by the , the values of foreign key properties in + dependent entities are not changed. This can result in an inconsistent graph of entities + where the values of foreign key properties do not match the relationships in the + graph. If a property remains in this state when + is called, then an exception will be thrown. + + + If the database has been created from the model using Entity Framework Migrations or the + method, then the behavior in the database + is to generate an error if a foreign key constraint is violated. + + + + + + + For entities being tracked by the , the values of foreign key properties in + dependent entities are set to null. This helps keep the graph of entities in a consistent + state while they are being tracked, such that a fully consistent graph can then be written to + the database. If a property cannot be set to null because it is not a nullable type, + then an exception will be thrown when is called. + + + If the database has been created from the model using Entity Framework Migrations or the + method, then the behavior in the database is + the same as is described above for tracked entities. Keep in mind that some databases cannot easily + support this behavior, especially if there are cycles in relationships. + + + + + + + For entities being tracked by the , the dependent entities + will also be deleted when is called. + + + If the database has been created from the model using Entity Framework Migrations or the + method, then the behavior in the database is + the same as is described above for tracked entities. Keep in mind that some databases cannot easily + support this behavior, especially if there are cycles in relationships. + + + This is the default for required relationships. That is, for relationships that have + non-nullable foreign keys. + + + + + + + Identifies where to find the design time services for a given database provider. This attribute should + be present in the primary assembly of the database provider. + + + This attribute is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The name of the type that can be used to add the database providers design time services to a . + This type should implement . + + + + + Gets the name of the type that can be used to add the database providers design time services to a . + This type should implement . + + + + + + Identifies where to find additional design time services. + + + This attribute is typically used by design-time extensions. It is generally not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The assembly-qualified name of the type that can be used to add additional design time services to a . + This type should implement . + + + + + Gets the assembly-qualified name of the type that can be used to add additional design time services to a . + This type should implement . + + + + + A factory for creating derived instances. Implement this interface to enable + design-time services for context types that do not have a public default constructor. At design-time, + derived instances can be created in order to enable specific design-time + experiences such as Migrations. Design-time services will automatically discover implementations of + this interface that are in the startup assembly or the same assembly as the derived context. + + The type of the context. + + + + Creates a new instance of a derived context. + + Arguments provided by the design-time service. + An instance of . + + + + Enables configuring design-time services. Tools will automatically discover implementations of this + interface that are in the startup assembly. + + + + + Configures design-time services. Use this method to override the default design-time services with your + own implementations. + + The design-time service collection. + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a query expression. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The left . + The right . + + + + The left . + + + + + The right . + + + + + A event payload class for events that indicate + an entity is being deleted because its parent entity has been deleted. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The entity entry for the entity that is being deleted. + The entity entry for the parent that trigger the cascade. + The state that the child is transitioning to--usually 'Deleted'. + + + + The state that the child is transitioning to--usually 'Deleted'. + + + + + The entity entry for the parent that trigger the cascade. + + + + + A event payload class for events that indicate + an entity is being deleted because its required relationship to a parent has been severed. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The entity entry for the entity that is being deleted. + The entity type to which the relationship was severed. + The state that the child is transitioning to--usually 'Deleted'. + + + + The state that the child is transitioning to--usually 'Deleted'. + + + + + The entity type to which the relationship was severed. + + + + + A event payload class for events that indicate + a collection navigation property has had entities added and/or removed. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The entry for the entity instance on which the property value has changed. + The navigation property. + The entities added to the collection. + The entities removed from the collection. + + + + The entry for the entity instance on which the navigation property has been added + to or removed from. + + + + + The entities added to the collection. + + + + + The entities removed from the collection. + + + + + A event payload class for context initialization events. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The that is initialized. + The being used. + + + + The that is initialized. + + + + + The being used. + + + + + + Event IDs for events that correspond to messages logged to an + and events sent to a . + + + These IDs are also used with to configure the + behavior of warnings. + + + + + + The lower-bound for event IDs used by any Entity Framework or provider code. + + + + + The lower-bound for event IDs used by any relational database provider. + + + + + The lower-bound for event IDs used only by database providers. + + + + + The lower-bound for event IDs used only by database provider design-time and tooling. + + + + + + An error occurred while attempting to save changes to the database. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + The same entity is being tracked as a different weak entity type. + This event is in the category. + + + + + + An error occurred while processing the results of a query. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A query model is being compiled. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A query uses a row limiting operation (Skip/Take) without OrderBy which may lead to unpredictable results. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A query uses First/FirstOrDefault operation without OrderBy and filter which may lead to unpredictable results. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A query model was optimized. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A navigation was included in the query. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A navigation was ignored while compiling a query. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A query is planned for execution. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + Possible unintended comparison of collection navigation to null. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + Possible unintended reference comparison. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A warning indicating that sensitive data logging is enabled and may be logged. + + + This event may be in different categories depending on where sensitive data is being logged. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A service provider was created for internal use by Entity Framework. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + Many service providers were created in a single app domain. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A was initialized. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A transient exception has been encountered during execution and the operation will be retried. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A navigation property is being lazy-loaded. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + An attempt was made to lazy-load a property after the DbContext had been disposed. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + An attempt was made to lazy-load a property from a detached/no-tracking entity. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + A shadow property has been created. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + An index was not created as the properties are already covered. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + The best match for foreign key properties are incompatible with the principal key. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + The entity type with the navigation property that has the + was configured as the dependent side in the relationship. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + Navigations separated into two relationships as was specified on both navigations. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + The properties that best match the foreign key convention are already used by a different foreign key. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a . + + + + + + + There are multiple properties that could be used as the primary key. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + There are multiple properties that could be navigations to the same type. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + There are multiple navigations with that point + to the same inverse navigation. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + There navigation that points to is not the defining navigation. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + There navigation that points to is not the defining navigation. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + Navigations separated into two relationships as was specified on properties + on both sides. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + Navigations separated into two relationships as was specified on navigations + on both sides. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + The specified on the navigation doesn't match the + specified on the property. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + DetectChanges is starting. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + DetectChanges has completed. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + DetectChanges has detected a change in a property value. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + DetectChanges has detected a change in a foreign key property value. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + DetectChanges has detected entities were added and/or removed from a collection + navigation property. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + DetectChanges has detected a change to the entity references by another entity. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + An entity is being tracked by the . + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + An entity tracked by the is changing from one + to another. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + A property of a tracked entity is getting a generated value. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + An entity is being deleted or detached because its parent was deleted. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + An entity is being deleted or detached because the required relationship to its + parent was severed. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + or one of its overloads started. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + or one of its overloads has completed. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + + The is being disposed. + + + This event is in the category. + + + This event uses the payload when used with a + . + + + + + + A event payload class for error events that reference + a . + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The current . + The exception that triggered this event. + + + + The exception that triggered this event. + + + + + A event payload class for events that reference + a . + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The current . + + + + The current . + + + + + A event payload class for error events that reference + a type. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The type of the current . + The exception that triggered this event. + + + + The exception that triggered this event. + + + + + A event payload class for events that reference + a type. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The current . + + + + The current . + + + + + A event payload class for events that reference + a . + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The entity entry. + + + + The entity entry. + + + + + A base class for all Entity Framework event payloads. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + + + + The that defines the message ID and name. + + + + + The that would be used to log message for this event. + + + + + A logger message describing this event. + + A logger message describing this event. + + + + Defines metadata for an event with no parameters and a cached delegate to log the + event with reduced allocations. + + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Generates the message that would be logged without logging it. + Typically used for throwing an exception in warning-as-error cases. + + Optional exception associated with this event. + The message string. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Whether the event should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Base class for event definitions. + + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings. + + + + The . + + + + + The at which the event will be logged. + + + + + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings to suppress this event as an error. + + + + + Returns a warning-as-error exception wrapping the given message for this event. + + The message to wrap. + + + + Gets the log behavior for this event. This determines whether it should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + + The . + The logger to which the event would be logged. + Whether the event should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Defines metadata for an event with one parameter and a cached delegate to log the + event with reduced allocations. + + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings. + + + + Generates the message that would be logged without logging it. + Typically used for throwing an exception in warning-as-error cases. + + The message argument. + Optional exception associated with this event. + The message string. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Whether the event should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + Message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Defines metadata for an event with three parameters and a cached delegate to log the + event with reduced allocations. + + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Generates the message that would be logged without logging it. + Typically used for throwing an exception in warning-as-error cases. + + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + Optional exception associated with this event. + The message string. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Whether the event should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Defines metadata for an event with three parameters and a cached delegate to log the + event with reduced allocations. + + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Generates the message that would be logged without logging it. + Typically used for throwing an exception in warning-as-error cases. + + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + Optional exception associated with this event. + The message string. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Whether the event should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Defines metadata for an event with three parameters and a cached delegate to log the + event with reduced allocations. + + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Generates the message that would be logged without logging it. + Typically used for throwing an exception in warning-as-error cases. + + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + The fourth message argument. + Optional exception associated with this event. + The message string. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + The fourth message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Whether the event should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + The fourth message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Defines metadata for an event with three parameters and a cached delegate to log the + event with reduced allocations. + + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Generates the message that would be logged without logging it. + Typically used for throwing an exception in warning-as-error cases. + + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + The fourth message argument. + The fifth message argument. + Optional exception associated with this event. + The message string. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + The fourth message argument. + The fifth message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Whether the event should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + The fourth message argument. + The fifth message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Defines metadata for an event with three parameters and a cached delegate to log the + event with reduced allocations. + + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings. + A cached delegate for logging the event. + + + + Generates the message that would be logged without logging it. + Typically used for throwing an exception in warning-as-error cases. + + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + The fourth message argument. + The fifth message argument. + The sixth message argument. + Optional exception associated with this event. + The message string. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + The fourth message argument. + The fifth message argument. + The sixth message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Whether the event should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + The first message argument. + The second message argument. + The third message argument. + The fourth message argument. + The fifth message argument. + The sixth message argument. + Optional exception associated with the event. + + + + The event payload for + execution strategy events. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + + The exceptions that have been caught during the execution of an operation. + + The delay before retrying the operation. + + Indicates whether or not the command was executed asynchronously. + + + + + A correlation ID that identifies the instance being used. + + + + + The delay before retrying the operation. + + + + + Indicates whether or not the operation is being executed asynchronously. + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a query expression. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The . + + + + The . + + + + + Defines metadata for an event with more than six parameters such that it has to have + special handling. + + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + The parameterized message definition. + + + + Creates an event definition instance. + + The . + The at which the event will be logged. + A string representing the code that should be passed to ConfigureWanings. + The parameterized message definition. + + + + Generates the message that would be logged without logging it. + Typically used for throwing an exception in warning-as-error cases. + + A delegate that will log the message to an . + The message string. + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + A delegate that will log the message to an . + + + + Logs the event, or throws if the event has been configured to be treated as an error. + + The . + The logger to which the event should be logged. + Whether the event should be logged, thrown as an exception or ignored. + A delegate that will log the message to an . + + + + The parameterized message definition. + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a foreign key. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The foreign key. + + + + The foreign key. + + + + + + Combines and + for use by all EF Core logging so that events can be sent to both + for ASP.NET and for everything else. + + + Also intercepts messages such that warnings + can be either logged or thrown, and such that a decision as to whether to log + sensitive data or not can be made. + + + + + + Checks if the given is enabled or the given event, and, + if so, whether the event should be logged or thrown. + + The event ID that will be logged, if enabled. + The logging level to which the event will be logged. + One of Log, Throw, or Ignore. + + + + Entity Framework logging options. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether sensitive information should be written + to the underlying logger. This also has the side effect of writing a warning + to the log the first time sensitive data is logged. + + + + + The underlying . + + + + + The . + + + + + An interface implemented by any subclass that represents an + error event with an . + + + + + The exception that was thrown to signal the error. + + + + + Options set at the singleton level to control how\ + messages are logged and/or thrown in exceptions. + + + + + Reflects the option set by . + + + + + This flag is set once a warning about has been + issued to avoid logging the warning again. + + + + + Reflects the option set by . + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + an specification. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The . + + + + The result operator. + + + + + A event payload class for events from + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The current . + The entity instance on which lazy-loading was initiated. + The navigation property name of the relationship to be loaded. + + + + The entity instance on which lazy-loading was initiated. + + + + + The navigation property name of the relationship to be loaded. + + + + + Generic helper class used to implement the property. + + The logger category type. + + + + The logger category name, for use with , etc. + + The category name. + + + + The logger category name. + + The logger category name. + + + + The logger category name. + + The category. + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a navigation. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The navigation. + + + + The navigation. + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a navigation property. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The navigation property. + + + + The navigation property. + + + + + A event payload class for events that indicate + a changed property value. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The entry for the entity instance on which the property value has changed. + The property. + The old value. + The new value. + + + + The entry for the entity instance on which the property value has changed. + + + + + The old value. + + + + + The new value. + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a property. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The property. + + + + The property. + + + + + A event payload class for events that indicate + a property value. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The entry for the entity instance on which the property value has changed. + The property. + The old value. + + + + The entry for the entity instance. + + + + + The value. + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a query expression. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The . + An that can be used to render the . + + + + The . + + + + + An that can be used to render the . + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a query model. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The . + + + + The . + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a query model and an expression. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The . + The query model element requiring client-eval. + + + + The expression. + + + + + A event payload class for events that indicate + a changed property value. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The entry for the entity instance on which the property value has changed. + The navigation property. + The old referenced entity. + The new referenced entity. + + + + The entry for the entity instance on which the navigation property value has changed. + + + + + The old referenced entity. + + + + + The new referenced entity. + + + + + A event payload class for events that indicate + has completed. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The current . + The number of entities saved to the database. + + + + The number of entities saved to the database. + + + + + A event payload class for events that + specify the entities being saved and the rows affected. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + Entries for the entities being saved. + The rows affected. + + + + Entries for the entities being saved. + + + + + The rows affected. + + + + + A event payload class for events that reference + a container. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The . + + + + The . + + + + + A event payload class for events that reference + multiple containers. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The s. + + + + The s. + + + + + A event payload class for events that reference + two instances. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The first . + The second . + + + + The first . + + + + + The second . + + + + + A event payload class for events that indicate + a change of a tracked entity from one to another. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The entity entry. + The old state. + The new state. + + + + The old state. + + + + + The new state. + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + two property collections. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The first property collection. + The second property collection. + + + + The first property collection. + + + + + The second property collection. + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + two unmapped property collections. + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The first property collection. + The second property collection. + + + + The first property collection. + + + + + The second property collection. + + + + + A event payload class for events that have + a . + + + + + Constructs the event payload. + + The event definition. + A delegate that generates a log message for this event. + The CLR type. + The . + + + + The CLR type. + + + + + The . + + + + + + Represents configuration for which warnings should be thrown, logged, or ignored. + by database providers or extensions. These options are set using . + + + Instances of this class are designed to be immutable. To change an option, call one of the 'With...' + methods to obtain a new instance with the option changed. + + + + + + Creates a new, empty configuration, with all options set to their defaults. + + + + + Called by a derived class constructor when implementing the method. + + The instance that is being cloned. + + + + Override this method in a derived class to ensure that any clone created is also of that class. + + A clone of this instance, which can be modified before being returned as immutable. + + + + The option set from the method. + + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with the given explicit set for + all given event IDs. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The event IDs for which the behavior should be set. + The behavior to set. + A new instance with the behaviors set. + + + + Gets the set for the given event ID, or the + if no explicit behavior has been set. + + + + + Creates a new instance with the given explicit set for + the given event ID, but only if no explicit behavior has already been set. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The event ID for which the behavior should be set. + The behavior to set. + A new instance with the behavior set, or this instance if a behavior was already set. + + + + Returns a hash code created from any options that would cause a new + to be needed. + + A hash over options that require a new service provider when changed. + + + + + Configures the runtime behavior of warnings generated by Entity Framework. + You can set a default behavior and behaviors for each warning type. + + + This class is used within the + + API and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The options builder to which the warnings configuration will be applied. + + + + Sets the default behavior when a warning is generated. + + The desired behavior. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + Causes an exception to be thrown when the specified core warnings are generated. Database providers (and other extensions) + may provide extension method overloads of this method to configure this behavior for warnings they generate. + + + The and 'RelationalEventId' for the warnings. + + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + Causes a warning to be logged when the specified core warnings are generated. Database providers (and other extensions) + may provide extension method overloads of this method to configure this behavior for warnings they generate. + + + The and 'RelationalEventId' for the warnings. + + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + Causes nothing to happen when the specified core warnings are generated. Database providers (and other extensions) + may provide extension method overloads of this method to configure this behavior for warnings they generate. + + + The and 'RelationalEventId' for the warnings. + + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + Static methods that are useful in application code where there is not an EF type for the method to be accessed from. For example, + referencing a shadow state property in a LINQ query. + + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The type of the fifth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The type of the fifth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The type of the fifth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The included property type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The query result type. + The included property type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The query result type. + The included property type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The query result type. + The included property type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The query result type. + The included property type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The type of the fifth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The type of the fifth query parameter. + The query result type. + The included property type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Creates a compiled query delegate that when invoked will execute the specified LINQ query. + + The target DbContext type. + The type of the first query parameter. + The type of the second query parameter. + The type of the third query parameter. + The type of the fourth query parameter. + The type of the fifth query parameter. + The query result type. + The LINQ query expression. + A delegate that can be invoked to execute the compiled query. + + + + Addresses a given property on an entity instance. This is useful when you want to reference a shadow state property in a + LINQ query. Currently this method can only be used in LINQ queries and can not be used to access the value assigned to a + property in other scenarios. + + + The following code performs a filter using the a LastUpdated shadow state property. + + var blogs = context.Blogs + .Where(b => EF.Property<DateTime>(b, "LastUpdated") > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-5)) + + + The type of the property being referenced. + The entity to access the property on. + The name of the property. + The value assigned to the property. + + + + Provides CLR methods that get translated to database functions when used in LINQ to Entities queries. + Calling these methods in other contexts (e.g. LINQ to Objects) will throw a . + + + + + Entity Framework LINQ related extension methods. + + + + + Asynchronously determines whether a sequence contains any elements. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to check for being empty. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains true if the source sequence contains any elements; otherwise, false. + + + + + Asynchronously determines whether any element of a sequence satisfies a condition. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An whose elements to test for a condition. + + A function to test each element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains true if any elements in the source sequence pass the test in the specified + predicate; otherwise, false. + + + + + Asynchronously determines whether all the elements of a sequence satisfy a condition. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An whose elements to test for a condition. + + A function to test each element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains true if every element of the source sequence passes the test in the specified + predicate; otherwise, false. + + + + + Asynchronously returns the number of elements in a sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An that contains the elements to be counted. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the number of elements in the input sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously returns the number of elements in a sequence that satisfy a condition. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An that contains the elements to be counted. + + A function to test each element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the number of elements in the sequence that satisfy the condition in the predicate + function. + + + + + Asynchronously returns an that represents the total number of elements in a sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An that contains the elements to be counted. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the number of elements in the input sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously returns an that represents the number of elements in a sequence + that satisfy a condition. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An that contains the elements to be counted. + + A function to test each element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the number of elements in the sequence that satisfy the condition in the predicate + function. + + + + + Asynchronously returns the first element of a sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the first element of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the first element in . + + + + + Asynchronously returns the first element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the first element of. + + A function to test each element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the first element in that passes the test in + . + + + + + Asynchronously returns the first element of a sequence, or a default value if the sequence contains no elements. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the first element of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains default ( ) if + is empty; otherwise, the first element in . + + + + + Asynchronously returns the first element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition + or a default value if no such element is found. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the first element of. + + A function to test each element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains default ( ) if + is empty or if no element passes the test specified by ; otherwise, the first + element in that passes the test specified by . + + + + + Asynchronously returns the last element of a sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the last element of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the last element in . + + + + + Asynchronously returns the last element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the last element of. + + A function to test each element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the last element in that passes the test in + . + + + + + Asynchronously returns the last element of a sequence, or a default value if the sequence contains no elements. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the last element of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains default ( ) if + is empty; otherwise, the last element in . + + + + + Asynchronously returns the last element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition + or a default value if no such element is found. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the last element of. + + A function to test each element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains default ( ) if + is empty or if no element passes the test specified by ; otherwise, the last + element in that passes the test specified by . + + + + + Asynchronously returns the only element of a sequence, and throws an exception + if there is not exactly one element in the sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the single element of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the single element of the input sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously returns the only element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition, + and throws an exception if more than one such element exists. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the single element of. + + A function to test an element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the single element of the input sequence that satisfies the condition in + . + + + + + Asynchronously returns the only element of a sequence, or a default value if the sequence is empty; + this method throws an exception if there is more than one element in the sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the single element of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the single element of the input sequence, or default ( + ) + if the sequence contains no elements. + + + + + Asynchronously returns the only element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition or + a default value if no such element exists; this method throws an exception if more than one element + satisfies the condition. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the single element of. + + A function to test an element for a condition. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the single element of the input sequence that satisfies the condition in + , or default ( ) if no such element is found. + + + + + Asynchronously returns the minimum value of a sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An that contains the elements to determine the minimum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the minimum value in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously invokes a projection function on each element of a sequence and returns the minimum resulting value. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + The type of the value returned by the function represented by . + + + An that contains the elements to determine the minimum of. + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the minimum value in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously returns the maximum value of a sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An that contains the elements to determine the maximum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the maximum value in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously invokes a projection function on each element of a sequence and returns the maximum resulting value. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + The type of the value returned by the function represented by . + + + An that contains the elements to determine the maximum of. + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the maximum value in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the sum of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the values in the sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained by invoking a projection function on + each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values of type . + + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the sum of the projected values.. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A sequence of values to calculate the average of. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the sequence of values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously computes the average of a sequence of values that is obtained + by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + A sequence of values of type . + A projection function to apply to each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains the average of the projected values. + + + + + Asynchronously determines whether a sequence contains a specified element by using the default equality comparer. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to return the single element of. + + The object to locate in the sequence. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains true if the input sequence contains the specified value; otherwise, false. + + + + + Asynchronously creates a from an by enumerating it + asynchronously. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to create a list from. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains elements from the input sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously creates an array from an by enumerating it asynchronously. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to create an array from. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains an array that contains elements from the input sequence. + + + + + Specifies related entities to include in the query results. The navigation property to be included is specified starting with the + type of entity being queried (). If you wish to include additional types based on the navigation + properties of the type being included, then chain a call to + + after this call. + + + + The following query shows including a single level of related entities. + + context.Blogs.Include(blog => blog.Posts); + + + + The following query shows including two levels of entities on the same branch. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => post.Tags); + + + + The following query shows including multiple levels and branches of related data. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => post.Tags).ThenInclude(tag => tag.TagInfo) + .Include(blog => blog.Contributors); + + + + The following query shows including a single level of related entities on a derived type using casting. + + context.Blogs.Include(blog => ((SpecialBlog)blog).SpecialPosts); + + + + The following query shows including a single level of related entities on a derived type using 'as' operator. + + context.Blogs.Include(blog => (blog as SpecialBlog).SpecialPosts); + + + + The type of entity being queried. + The type of the related entity to be included. + The source query. + + A lambda expression representing the navigation property to be included (t => t.Property1). + + + A new query with the related data included. + + + + + Specifies additional related data to be further included based on a related type that was just included. + + + + The following query shows including a single level of related entities. + + context.Blogs.Include(blog => blog.Posts); + + + + The following query shows including two levels of entities on the same branch. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => post.Tags); + + + + The following query shows including multiple levels and branches of related data. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => post.Tags).ThenInclude(tag => tag.TagInfo) + .Include(blog => blog.Contributors); + + + + The following query shows including two levels of entities on the same branch, second one being on derived type using casting. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => ((SpecialPost)post).SpecialTags); + + + + The following query shows including two levels of entities on the same branch, second one being on derived type using 'as' operator. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => (post as SpecialPost).SpecialTags); + + + + The type of entity being queried. + The type of the entity that was just included. + The type of the related entity to be included. + The source query. + + A lambda expression representing the navigation property to be included (t => t.Property1). + + + A new query with the related data included. + + + + + Specifies additional related data to be further included based on a related type that was just included. + + + + The following query shows including a single level of related entities. + + context.Blogs.Include(blog => blog.Posts); + + + + The following query shows including two levels of entities on the same branch. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => post.Tags); + + + + The following query shows including multiple levels and branches of related data. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => post.Tags).ThenInclude(tag => tag.TagInfo) + .Include(blog => blog.Contributors); + + + + The following query shows including two levels of entities on the same branch, second one being on derived type. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => ((SpecialPost)post).SpecialTags); + + + + The following query shows including two levels of entities on the same branch, second one being on derived type using alternative method. + + context.Blogs + .Include(blog => blog.Posts).ThenInclude(post => (post as SpecialPost).SpecialTags); + + + + The type of entity being queried. + The type of the entity that was just included. + The type of the related entity to be included. + The source query. + + A lambda expression representing the navigation property to be included (t => t.Property1). + + + A new query with the related data included. + + + + + Specifies related entities to include in the query results. The navigation property to be included is + specified starting with the type of entity being queried (). Further + navigation properties to be included can be appended, separated by the '.' character. + + + + The following query shows including a single level of related entities. + + context.Blogs.Include("Posts"); + + + + The following query shows including two levels of entities on the same branch. + + context.Blogs.Include("Posts.Tags"); + + + + The following query shows including multiple levels and branches of related data. + + context.Blogs + .Include("Posts.Tags.TagInfo') + .Include("Contributors"); + + + + The type of entity being queried. + The source query. + A string of '.' separated navigation property names to be included. + A new query with the related data included. + + + + Specifies that the current Entity Framework LINQ query should not have any + model-level entity query filters applied. + + The type of entity being queried. + The source query. + + A new query that will not apply any model-level entity query filters. + + + + + + Returns a new query where the change tracker will not track any of the entities that are returned. + If the entity instances are modified, this will not be detected by the change tracker and + will not persist those changes to the database. + + + Disabling change tracking is useful for read-only scenarios because it avoids the overhead of setting + up change tracking for each entity instance. You should not disable change tracking if you want to + manipulate entity instances and persist those changes to the database using + . + + + Identity resolution will still be performed to ensure that all occurrences of an entity with a given key + in the result set are represented by the same entity instance. + + + The default tracking behavior for queries can be controlled by . + + + The type of entity being queried. + The source query. + + A new query where the result set will not be tracked by the context. + + + + + + Returns a new query where the change tracker will keep track of changes for all entities that are returned. + Any modification to the entity instances will be detected and persisted to the database during + . + + + The default tracking behavior for queries can be controlled by . + + + The type of entity being queried. + The source query. + + A new query where the result set will not be tracked by the context. + + + + + Enumerates the query. When using Entity Framework, this causes the results of the query to + be loaded into the associated context. This is equivalent to calling ToList + and then throwing away the list (without the overhead of actually creating the list). + + The source query. + + + + Asynchronously enumerates the query. When using Entity Framework, this causes the results of the query to + be loaded into the associated context. This is equivalent to calling ToList + and then throwing away the list (without the overhead of actually creating the list). + + The source query. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + Creates a from an by enumerating it + asynchronously + according to a specified key selector function. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + The type of the key returned by . + + + An to create a from. + + A function to extract a key from each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains selected keys and values. + + + + + Creates a from an by enumerating it + asynchronously + according to a specified key selector function and a comparer. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + The type of the key returned by . + + + An to create a from. + + A function to extract a key from each element. + + An to compare keys. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains selected keys and values. + + + + + Creates a from an by enumerating it + asynchronously + according to a specified key selector and an element selector function. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + The type of the key returned by . + + + The type of the value returned by . + + + An to create a from. + + A function to extract a key from each element. + A transform function to produce a result element value from each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains values of type + selected from the input sequence. + + + + + Creates a from an by enumerating it + asynchronously + according to a specified key selector function, a comparer, and an element selector function. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + The type of the key returned by . + + + The type of the value returned by . + + + An to create a from. + + A function to extract a key from each element. + A transform function to produce a result element value from each element. + + An to compare keys. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains values of type + selected from the input sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously enumerates the query results and performs the specified action on each element. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the elements of . + + + An to enumerate. + + The action to perform on each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + The state in which an entity is being tracked by a context. + + + + + The entity is not being tracked by the context. + + + + + The entity is being tracked by the context and exists in the database. Its property + values have not changed from the values in the database. + + + + + The entity is being tracked by the context and exists in the database. It has been marked + for deletion from the database. + + + + + The entity is being tracked by the context and exists in the database. Some or all of its + property values have been modified. + + + + + The entity is being tracked by the context but does not yet exist in the database. + + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets all types in the model that derive from a given entity type. + + The base type to find types that derive from. + The derived types. + + + + Gets the root base type for a given entity type. + + The type to find the root of. + + The root base type. If the given entity type is not a derived type, then the same entity type is returned. + + + + + Determines if an entity type derives from (or is the same as) a given entity type. + + The base entity type. + The entity type to check if it derives from . + + True if derives from (or is the same as) , otherwise false. + + + + + Gets the least derived type between the specified two. + + The type to compare. + The other entity type to compare with. + + The least derived type between the specified two. + If the given entity types are not related, then null is returned. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this entity type has a defining navigation. + + True if this entity type has a defining navigation. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this entity type is owned by another entity type. + + True if this entity type is owned by another entity type. + + + + Gets the primary or alternate key that is defined on the given property. Returns null if no key is defined + for the given property. + + The entity type to find the key on. + The property that the key is defined on. + The key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Gets the foreign keys defined on the given property. Only foreign keys that are defined on exactly the specified + property are returned. Composite foreign keys that include the specified property are not returned. + + The entity type to find the foreign keys on. + The property to find the foreign keys on. + The foreign keys. + + + + Gets the foreign keys defined on the given properties. Only foreign keys that are defined on exactly the specified + set of properties are returned. + + The entity type to find the foreign keys on. + The properties to find the foreign keys on. + The foreign keys. + + + + Gets the foreign key for the given properties that points to a given primary or alternate key. Returns null + if no foreign key is found. + + The entity type to find the foreign keys on. + The property that the foreign key is defined on. + The primary or alternate key that is referenced. + + The entity type that the relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the key is defined on the + base type of the hierarchy). + + The foreign key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Gets all foreign keys that target a given entity type (i.e. foreign keys where the given entity type + is the principal). + + The entity type to find the foreign keys for. + The foreign keys that reference the given entity type. + + + + Gets a navigation property on the given entity type. Returns null if no navigation property is found. + + The entity type to find the navigation property on. + The navigation property on the entity class. + The navigation property, or null if none is found. + + + + Gets a navigation property on the given entity type. Returns null if no navigation property is found. + + The entity type to find the navigation property on. + The name of the navigation property on the entity class. + The navigation property, or null if none is found. + + + + Gets all navigation properties on the given entity type. + + The entity type to get navigation properties for. + All navigation properties on the given entity type. + + + + + Gets a property on the given entity type. Returns null if no property is found. + + + This API only finds scalar properties and does not find navigation properties. Use + to find a navigation property. + + + The entity type to find the property on. + The property on the entity class. + The property, or null if none is found. + + + + Gets the index defined on the given property. Returns null if no index is defined. + + The entity type to find the index on. + The property to find the index on. + The index, or null if none is found. + + + + Gets the change tracking strategy being used for this entity type. This strategy indicates how the + context detects changes to properties for an instance of the entity type. + + The entity type to get the change tracking strategy for. + The change tracking strategy. + + + + Extension methods for + + + + + Executes the specified operation. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + A delegate representing an executable operation that doesn't return any results. + + + + Executes the specified operation and returns the result. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + + A delegate representing an executable operation that returns the result of type . + + The return type of . + The result from the operation. + + + + Executes the specified operation. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + A delegate representing an executable operation that doesn't return any results. + The type of the state. + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + A function that returns a started task. + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + A function that returns a started task. + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation and returns the result. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + + The result type of the returned by . + + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation and returns the result. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + + The result type of the returned by . + + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + A function that returns a started task. + The type of the state. + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + A function that returns a started task. + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + The type of the state. + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation and returns the result. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + The type of the state. + + The result type of the returned by . + + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + + + Executes the specified operation and returns the result. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A delegate representing an executable operation that returns the result of type . + + The type of the state. + The return type of . + The result from the operation. + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation and returns the result. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + The type of the state. + + The result type of the returned by . + + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + + + Executes the specified operation and returns the result. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + + A delegate representing an executable operation that returns the result of type . + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + The type of the state. + The return type of . + The result from the operation. + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation and returns the result. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown. + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + The type of the state. + The result type of the returned by . + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified operation in a transaction. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + + A delegate representing an executable operation. + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation in a transaction. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + + A function that returns a started task. + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation in a transaction. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + + A function that returns a started task. + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified operation in a transaction and returns the result. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + + A delegate representing an executable operation that returns the result of type . + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + The return type of . + The result from the operation. + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation in a transaction and returns the result. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + The result type of the returned by . + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified operation in a transaction. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A delegate representing an executable operation. + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + The type of the state. + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation in a transaction. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A function that returns a started task. + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + The type of the state. + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified operation in a transaction and returns the result. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A delegate representing an executable operation that returns the result of type . + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + The type of the state. + The return type of . + The result from the operation. + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation in a transaction and returns the result. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + The type of the state. + The result type of the returned by . + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified operation in a transaction and returns the result. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A delegate representing an executable operation that returns the result of type . + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + A delegate that begins a transaction using the given context. + The type of the state. + The return type of . + The result from the operation. + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation in a transaction and returns the result. Allows to check whether + the transaction has been rolled back if an error occurs during commit. + + The strategy that will be used for the execution. + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown when the + transaction was being committed. + + A delegate that begins a transaction using the given context. + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + The type of the state. + The result type of the returned by . + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + This should only be called from as it is created + before the context is initialized + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This type may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + Re-writes the registration for the given service such that if the implementation type + implements , then + will be called while resolving + the service allowing additional services to be injected without breaking the existing + constructor. + + + This mechanism should only be used to allow new services to be injected in a patch or + point release without making binary breaking changes. + + + The service contract. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The string argument '{argumentName}' cannot be empty. + + + + + Unable to save changes because a circular dependency was detected in the data to be saved: '{cycle}'. + + + + + The value provided for argument '{argumentName}' must be a valid value of enum type '{enumType}'. + + + + + The application or database provider is using an Obsolete TypeMapper API even after the provider has implemented a TypeMappingSource. The code must be updated to use the non-obsolete replacement APIs, as indicated by the Obsolete compiler warnings. + + + + + The properties expression '{expression}' is not valid. The expression should represent a simple property access: 't => t.MyProperty'. When specifying multiple properties use an anonymous type: 't => new {{ t.MyProperty1, t.MyProperty2 }}'. + + + + + The expression '{expression}' is not a valid property expression. The expression should represent a simple property access: 't => t.MyProperty'. + + + + + The instance of entity type '{entityType}' cannot be tracked because another instance with the same key value for {keyProperties} is already being tracked. When attaching existing entities, ensure that only one entity instance with a given key value is attached. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the conflicting key values. + + + + + The instance of entity type '{entityType}' cannot be tracked because another instance with the key value '{keyValue}' is already being tracked. When attaching existing entities, ensure that only one entity instance with a given key value is attached. + + + + + Cannot start tracking InternalEntityEntry for entity type '{entityType}' because it was created by a different StateManager instance. + + + + + Cannot start tracking InternalEntityEntry for entity type '{entityType}' because another InternalEntityEntry is already tracking the same entity. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' could not be found. Ensure that the property exists and has been included in the model. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' is being accessed using the '{PropertyMethod}' method, but is defined in the model as a navigation property. Use either the '{ReferenceMethod}' or '{CollectionMethod}' method to access navigation properties. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' is being accessed using the '{ReferenceMethod}' or '{CollectionMethod}' method, but is defined in the model as a non-navigation property. Use the '{PropertyMethod}' method to access non-navigation properties. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' is being accessed using the '{ReferenceMethod}' method, but is defined in the model as a collection navigation property. Use the '{CollectionMethod}' method to access collection navigation properties. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' is being accessed using the '{CollectionMethod}' method, but is defined in the model as a non-collection, reference navigation property. Use the '{ReferenceMethod}' method to access reference navigation properties. + + + + + Navigation property '{navigation}' on entity type '{entityType}' cannot have 'IsLoaded' set to false because the referenced entity is non-null and therefore is loaded. + + + + + Navigation property '{navigation}' on entity of type '{entityType}' cannot be loaded because the entity is not being tracked. Navigation properties can only be loaded for tracked entities. + + + + + The collection argument '{argumentName}' must contain at least one element. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' requires a primary key to be defined. + + + + + The specified key properties {key} are not declared on the entity type '{entityType}'. Ensure key properties are declared on the target entity type. + + + + + The specified foreign key properties {foreignKey} are not declared on the entity type '{entityType}'. Ensure foreign key properties are declared on the target entity type. + + + + + The specified index properties {index} are not declared on the entity type '{entityType}'. Ensure index properties are declared on the target entity type. + + + + + The source IQueryable doesn't implement IAsyncEnumerable<{genericParameter}>. Only sources that implement IAsyncEnumerable can be used for Entity Framework asynchronous operations. + + + + + The provider for the source IQueryable doesn't implement IAsyncQueryProvider. Only providers that implement IEntityQueryProvider can be used for Entity Framework asynchronous operations. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' is configured to use the '{changeTrackingStrategy}' change tracking strategy but does not implement the required '{notificationInterface}' interface. + + + + + The collection type being used for navigation property '{navigation}' on entity type '{entityType}' does not implement 'INotifyCollectionChanged'. Any entity type configured to use the '{changeTrackingStrategy}' change tracking strategy must use collections that implement 'INotifyCollectionChanged'. Consider using 'ObservableCollection<T>' for this. + + + + + 'ObservableCollection<T>.Clear()' is not supported because it uses the 'INotifyCollectionChanged' 'Reset' operation, which does not supply the items removed. Either use multiple calls to 'Remove' or use a notifying collection that supports 'Clear', such as 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.ObservableHashSet<T>'. + + + + + The original value for property '{property}' of entity type '{entityType}' cannot be accessed because it is not being tracked. Original values are not recorded for most properties of entities when the 'ChangingAndChangedNotifications' strategy is used. To access all original values use a different change tracking strategy such as 'ChangingAndChangedNotificationsWithOriginalValues'. + + + + + The value for property '{property}' of entity type '{entityType}' cannot be set to null because its type is '{propertyType}' which is not a nullable type. + + + + + The value for property '{property}' of entity type '{entityType}' cannot be set to a value of type '{valueType}' because its type is '{propertyType}'. + + + + + The property '{property}' belongs to entity type '{entityType}' but is being used with an instance of entity type '{expectedType}'. + + + + + The specified field '{field}' could not be found for property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}'. + + + + + The specified field '{field}' of type '{fieldType}' cannot be used for the property '{entityType}.{property}' of type '{propertyType}'. Only backing fields of types that are assignable from the property type can be used. + + + + + No field was found backing property '{property}' of entity type '{entity}'. Either name the backing field so that it is picked up by convention, configure the backing field to use, or use a different '{pam}'. + + + + + No field was found backing property '{property}' of entity type '{entity}'. Lazy-loaded navigation properties must have backing fields. Either name the backing field so that it is picked up by convention or configure the backing field to use. + + + + + No backing field could be found for property '{property}' of entity type '{entity}' and the property does not have a setter. + + + + + No backing field could be found for property '{property}' of entity type '{entity}' and the property does not have a getter. + + + + + Field '{field}' of entity type '{entity}' is readonly and so cannot be set. + + + + + No property was associated with field '{field}' of entity type '{entity}'. Either configure a property or use a different '{pam}'. + + + + + The property '{property}' of entity type '{entity}' does not have a setter. Either make the property writable or use a different '{pam}'. + + + + + The property '{property}' of entity type '{entity}' does not have a getter. Either make the property readable or use a different '{pam}'. + + + + + The CLR entity materializer cannot be used for entity type '{entityType}' because it is a shadow state entity type. Materialization to a CLR type is only possible for entity types that have a corresponding CLR type. + + + + + Services for database providers {storeNames} have been registered in the service provider. Only a single database provider can be registered in a service provider. If possible, ensure that Entity Framework is managing its service provider by removing the call to UseInternalServiceProvider. Otherwise, consider conditionally registering the database provider, or maintaining one service provider per database provider. + + + + + AddDbContext was called with configuration, but the context type '{contextType}' only declares a parameterless constructor. This means that the configuration passed to AddDbContext will never be used. If configuration is passed to AddDbContext, then '{contextType}' should declare a constructor that accepts a DbContextOptions<{contextType}> and must pass it to the base constructor for DbContext. + + + + + No database provider has been configured for this DbContext. A provider can be configured by overriding the DbContext.OnConfiguring method or by using AddDbContext on the application service provider. If AddDbContext is used, then also ensure that your DbContext type accepts a DbContextOptions<TContext> object in its constructor and passes it to the base constructor for DbContext. + + + + + Entity Framework services have not been added to the internal service provider. Either remove the call to UseInternalServiceProvider so that EF will manage its own internal services, or use the method from your database provider to add the required services to the service provider (e.g. AddEntityFrameworkSqlServer). + + + + + A call was made to '{replaceService}', but Entity Framework is not building its own internal service provider. Either allow EF to build the service provider by removing the call to '{useInternalServiceProvider}', or build replacement services into the service provider before passing it to '{useInternalServiceProvider}'. + + + + + A call was made to '{useService}', but Entity Framework is not building its own internal service provider. Either allow EF to build the service provider by removing the call to '{useInternalServiceProvider}', or build the '{service}' services to use into the service provider before passing it to '{useInternalServiceProvider}'. + + + + + A call was made to '{optionCall}' that changed an option that must be constant within a service provider, but Entity Framework is not building its own internal service provider. Either allow EF to build the service provider by removing the call to '{useInternalServiceProvider}', or ensure that the configuration for '{optionCall}' does not change for all uses of a given service provider passed to '{useInternalServiceProvider}'. + + + + + An 'IServiceProvider' was created for internal use by Entity Framework. + + + + + More than twenty 'IServiceProvider' instances have been created for internal use by Entity Framework. This is commonly caused by injection of a new singleton service instance into every DbContext instance. For example, calling UseLoggerFactory passing in a new instance each time--see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=869049 for more details. Consider reviewing calls on 'DbContextOptionsBuilder' that may require new service providers to be built. + + + + + Entity Framework Core {version} initialized '{contextType}' using provider '{provider}' with options: {options} + + + + + The database provider attempted to register an implementation of the '{service}' service. This is not a service defined by EF and as such must be registered as a provider-specific service using the 'TryAddProviderSpecificServices' method. + + + + + The implementation type for the registration of the '{service}' service could not be determined. Specific implementation types must be used for services that expect multiple registrations so as to avoid duplicates. + + + + + An attempt was made to register an instance for the '{scope}' service '{service}'. Instances can only be registered for 'Singleton' services. + + + + + The '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' does not have a value set and no value generator is available for properties of type '{propertyType}'. Either set a value for the property before adding the entity or configure a value generator for properties of type '{propertyType}'. + + + + + The service dependencies type '{dependenciesType}' has been registered inappropriately in the service collection. Service dependencies types must only be registered by Entity Framework, or in rare cases by database providers and then only to change the service lifetime. + + + + + The type '{givenType}' cannot be used a a value generator because it does not inherit from '{expectedType}'. + + + + + Cannot create instance of value generator type '{generatorType}'. Ensure that the type is instantiable and has a parameterless constructor, or use the overload of HasValueGenerator that accepts a delegate. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' has a temporary value while attempting to change the entity's state to '{state}'. Either set a permanent value explicitly or ensure that the database is configured to generate values for this property. + + + + + An exception occurred in the database while iterating the results of a query for context type '{contextType}'.{newline}{error} + + + + + An exception occurred in the database while saving changes for context type '{contextType}'.{newline}{error} + + + + + DetectChanges starting for '{contextType}'. + + + + + DetectChanges completed for '{contextType}'. + + + + + Unchanged '{entityType}.{property}' detected as changed and will be marked as modified. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see property values. + + + + + Unchanged '{entityType}.{property}' detected as changed from '{oldValue}' to '{newValue}' and will be marked as modified for entity with key '{keyValues}'. + + + + + Foreign key property '{entityType}.{property}' detected as changed. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see property values. + + + + + Foreign key property '{entityType}.{property}' detected as changed from '{oldValue}' to '{newValue}' for entity with key '{keyValues}'. + + + + + Detected {addedCount} entities added and {removedCount} entities removed from navigation property '{entityType}.{property}'. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see key values. + + + + + Detected {addedCount} entities added and {removedCount} entities removed from navigation property '{entityType}.{property}' on entity with key '{keyValues}'. + + + + + Navigation property '{entityType}.{property}' detected as changed. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see key values. + + + + + Navigation property '{entityType}.{property}' for entity with key '{keyValues}' detected as changed. + + + + + Cascade state change of '{entityType}' entity to '{state}' due to deletion of parent '{parentType}' entity. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see key values. + + + + + Cascade state change of '{entityType}' entity with key '{keyValues}' to '{state}' due to deletion of parent '{parentType}' entity with key '{parentKeyValues}'. + + + + + '{entityType}' entity changed to '{state}' state due to severed required relationship to parent '{parentType}' entity. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see key values. + + + + + '{entityType}' entity with key '{keyValues}' changed to '{state}' state due to severed required relationship to parent '{parentType}' entity. + + + + + Context '{contextType}' started tracking '{entityType}' entity. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see key values. + + + + + Context '{contextType}' started tracking '{entityType}' entity with key '{keyValues}'. + + + + + An '{entityType}' entity tracked by '{contextType}' changed from '{oldState}' to '{newState}'. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see key values. + + + + + The '{entityType}' entity with key '{keyValues}' tracked by '{contextType}' changed from '{oldState}' to '{newState}'. + + + + + '{contextType}' generated a value for the '{property}' property of new '{entityType}' entity. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see key values. + + + + + '{contextType}' generated value '{keyValue}' for the '{property}' property of new '{entityType}' entity. + + + + + '{contextType}' generated a temporary value for the '{property}' property of new '{entityType}' entity. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see key values. + + + + + '{contextType}' generated temporary value '{keyValue}' for the '{property}' property of new '{entityType}' entity. + + + + + SaveChanges starting for '{contextType}'. + + + + + SaveChanges completed for '{contextType}' with {savedCount} entities written to the database. + + + + + '{contextType}' disposed. + + + + + The EF.Property<T> method may only be used within LINQ queries. + + + + + The property '{property}' cannot be added to type '{entityType}' because the type of the corresponding CLR property or field '{clrType}' does not match the specified type '{propertyType}'. + + + + + The property '{property}' cannot exist on type '{entityType}' because the type is marked as shadow state while the property is not. Shadow state types can only contain shadow state properties. + + + + + The property '{property}' cannot be removed from entity type '{entityType}' because it is being used in the key {key}. All containing keys must be removed or redefined before the property can be removed. + + + + + Cannot remove key {key} from entity type '{entityType}' because it is referenced by a foreign key in entity type '{dependentType}'. All foreign keys must be removed or redefined before the referenced key can be removed. + + + + + The service property '{property}' of type '{serviceType}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because service property '{duplicateName}' of the same type already exists on entity type '{duplicateEntityType}'. + + + + + The navigation property '{navigation}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because there is no corresponding CLR property on the underlying type and navigations properties cannot be added to shadow state. + + + + + The navigation property '{navigation}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because its CLR type '{clrType}' does not match the expected CLR type '{targetType}'. + + + + + The collection navigation property '{navigation}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because its CLR type '{clrType}' does not implement 'IEnumerable<{targetType}>'. Collection navigation properties must implement IEnumerable<> of the related entity. + + + + + The number of properties specified for the foreign key {foreignKey} on entity type '{dependentType}' does not match the number of properties in the principal key {principalKey} on entity type '{principalType}'. + + + + + The types of the properties specified for the foreign key {foreignKey} on entity type '{dependentType}' do not match the types of the properties in the principal key {principalKey} on entity type '{principalType}'. + + + + + The type of navigation property '{navigation}' on the entity type '{entityType}' is '{foundType}' which does not implement ICollection<{targetType}>. Collection navigation properties must implement ICollection<> of the target type. + + + + + The type of navigation property '{navigation}' on the entity type '{entityType}' is '{foundType}' which is an array type.. Collection navigation properties cannot be arrays. + + + + + The navigation property '{navigation}' on the entity type '{entityType}' does not have a setter and no writable backing field was found or specified. Read-only collection navigation properties must be initialized before use. + + + + + The type of navigation property '{navigation}' on the entity type '{entityType}' is '{foundType}' for which it was not possible to create a concrete instance. Either initialize the property before use, add a public parameterless constructor to the type, or use a type which can be assigned a HashSet<> or List<>. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' is part of a key and so cannot be modified or marked as modified. To change the principal of an existing entity with an identifying foreign key first delete the dependent and invoke 'SaveChanges' then associate the dependent with the new principal. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' is defined to be read-only after it has been saved, but its value has been modified or marked as modified. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' is defined to be read-only before it is saved, but its value has been set to something other than a temporary or default value. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' must be marked as read-only after it has been saved because it is part of a key. Key properties are always read-only once an entity has been saved for the first time. + + + + + The association between entity types '{firstType}' and '{secondType}' has been severed but the relationship is either marked as 'Required' or is implicitly required because the foreign key is not nullable. If the dependent/child entity should be deleted when a required relationship is severed, then setup the relationship to use cascade deletes. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the key values. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' is marked as null, but this cannot be saved because the property is marked as required. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the key values. + + + + + The foreign key {foreignKey} cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because a foreign key on the same properties already exists on entity type '{duplicateEntityType}' and also targets the key {key} on '{principalType}'. + + + + + The index {index} cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because an index on the same properties already exists on entity type '{duplicateEntityType}'. + + + + + The key {key} cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because a key on the same properties already exists on entity type '{duplicateEntityType}'. + + + + + The navigation property '{navigation}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because the target entity type '{targetType}' is defined in shadow state and navigations properties cannot point to shadow state entities. + + + + + The specified entity type '{entityType}' is invalid. It should be either the dependent entity type '{dependentType}' or the principal entity type '{principalType}' or an entity type derived from one of them. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added to the model because an entity type with the same name already exists. + + + + + The annotation '{annotation}' cannot be added because an annotation with the same name already exists. + + + + + The annotation '{annotation}' was not found. Ensure that the annotation has been added. + + + + + The property '{property}' is not a navigation property of entity type '{entityType}'. The 'Include(string)' method can only be used with a '.' separated list of navigation property names. + + + + + Compiling query model: {newline}'{queryModel}' + + + + + Optimized query model: {newline}'{queryModel}' + + + + + Including navigation: '{navigation}' + + + + + {plan} + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' cannot be marked as nullable/optional because the type of the property is '{propertyType}' which is not a nullable type. Any property can be marked as non-nullable/required, but only properties of nullable types and which are not part of primary key can be marked as nullable/optional. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' cannot be marked as nullable/optional because it has been included in a key {key}. + + + + + An attempt was made to use the model while it was being created. A DbContext instance cannot be used inside OnModelCreating in any way that makes use of the model that is being created. + + + + + An attempt was made to use the context while it is being configured. A DbContext instance cannot be used inside OnConfiguring since it is still being configured at this point. This can happen if a second operation is started on this context before a previous operation completed. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be removed because it is being referenced by foreign key {foreignKey} on '{referencingEntityType}'. All referencing foreign keys must be removed or redefined before the entity type can be removed. + + + + + The property '{property}' of the argument '{argument}' cannot be null. + + + + + The principal and dependent ends of the relationship cannot be flipped once foreign key or principal key properties have been specified. + + + + + The entity type '{type}' provided for the argument '{argumentName}' must be a reference type. + + + + + The relationship from '{referencingEntityTypeOrNavigation}' to '{referencedEntityTypeOrNavigation}' with foreign key properties {foreignKeyPropertiesWithTypes} cannot target the primary key {primaryKeyPropertiesWithTypes} because it is not compatible. Configure a principal key or a set of compatible foreign key properties for this relationship. + + + + + The property '{keyProperty}' cannot be configured as 'ValueGeneratedOnUpdate' or 'ValueGeneratedOnAddOrUpdate' because the key value cannot be changed after the entity has been added to the store. + + + + + An exception was thrown while attempting to evaluate a LINQ query parameter expression. To show additional information call EnableSensitiveDataLogging() when overriding DbContext.OnConfiguring. + + + + + The '{factory}' cannot create a value generator for property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}'. Only integer properties are supported. + + + + + A key cannot be configured on '{derivedType}' because it is a derived type. The key must be configured on the root type '{rootType}'. If you did not intend for '{rootType}' to be included in the model, ensure that it is not included in a DbSet property on your context, referenced in a configuration call to ModelBuilder, or referenced from a navigation property on a type that is included in the model. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot inherit from '{baseEntityType}' because '{baseEntityType}' is a descendant of '{entityType}'. + + + + + Unable to set a base type for entity type '{entityType}' because it has one or more keys defined. + + + + + The edge cannot be added because the graph does not contain vertex '{vertex}'. + + + + + Unable to create an instance of type entity type '{entityType}' because it is abstract. Either make it non-abstract or consider mapping at least one derived type. + + + + + Entity type '{entityType}' is defined with a single key property, but {valuesCount} values were passed to the 'DbSet.Find' method. + + + + + Entity type '{entityType}' is defined with a {propertiesCount}-part composite key, but {valuesCount} values were passed to the 'DbSet.Find' method. + + + + + The key value at position {index} of the call to 'DbSet<{entityType}>.Find' was of type '{valueType}', which does not match the property type of '{propertyType}'. + + + + + The provided principal entity key '{principalKey}' is not a key on the entity type '{principalEntityType}'. + + + + + Property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' is of type '{actualType}' but the generic type provided is of type '{genericType}'. + + + + + The DbContextOptions passed to the {contextType} constructor must be a DbContextOptions<{contextType}>. When registering multiple DbContext types make sure that the constructor for each context type has a DbContextOptions<TContext> parameter rather than a non-generic DbContextOptions parameter. + + + + + Options extension of type '{optionsExtension}' not found. + + + + + The type '{entityType}' cannot have base type '{baseType}' because the properties '{derivedPropertyType}.{derivedProperty}' and '{basePropertyType}.{baseProperty}' are conflicting. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' cannot be marked as nullable/optional because the property is a part of a key. Any property can be marked as non-nullable/required, but only properties of nullable types and which are not part of a key can be marked as nullable/optional. + + + + + The foreign key {foreignKey} on entity type '{entityType}' cannot be marked as optional because it does not contain any property of a nullable type. Any foreign key can be marked as required, but only foreign keys with at least one property of a nullable type and which is not part of primary key can be marked as optional. + + + + + Entity type '{entityType}' is in shadow-state. A valid model requires all entity types to have corresponding CLR type. + + + + + Entity type '{entityType}' has composite primary key defined with data annotations. To set composite primary key, use fluent API. + + + + + The type '{entityType}' cannot have base type '{baseType}' because both types include the navigations: {navigations}. + + + + + The entity types '{firstEntityType}' and '{secondEntityType}' do not belong to the same model. + + + + + The block size used for Hi-Lo value generation must be positive. When the Hi-Lo generator is backed by a SQL sequence this means that the sequence increment must be positive. + + + + + Value generation is not supported for property '{entityType}.{property}' because it has a '{converter}' converter configured. Configure the property to not use value generation using 'ValueGenerated.Never' or 'DatabaseGeneratedOption.None' and specify explict values instead. + + + + + The entity type related to '{entityType}' cannot be determined because the specified foreign key {foreignKey} references entity type '{principalEntityType}' that it is in the same hierarchy as the entity type that it is declared on '{dependentEntityType}'. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot inherit from '{baseEntityType}' because '{baseEntityType}' is a shadow state entity type while '{entityType}' is not. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot inherit from '{baseEntityType}' because '{entityType}' is a shadow state entity type while '{baseEntityType}' is not. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot inherit from '{baseEntityType}' because '{clrType}' is not a descendant of '{baseClrType}'. + + + + + CLR property '{property}' cannot be added to entity type '{entityType}' because it is declared on the CLR type '{clrType}'. + + + + + The InversePropertyAttribute on property '{property}' on type '{entityType}' is not valid. The property '{referencedProperty}' is not a valid navigation property on the related type '{referencedEntityType}'. Ensure that the property exists and is a valid reference or collection navigation property. + + + + + A relationship cannot be established from property '{property}' on type '{entityType}' to property '{referencedProperty}' on type '{referencedEntityType}'. Check the values in the InversePropertyAttribute to ensure relationship definitions are unique and reference from one navigation property to its corresponding inverse navigation property. + + + + + Data binding directly to a store query is not supported. Instead populate a DbSet with data, for example by calling Load on the DbSet, and then bind to local data to avoid sending a query to the database each time the databound control iterates the data. For WPF bind to 'DbSet.Local.ToObservableCollection()'. For WinForms bind to 'DbSet.Local.ToBindingList()'. For ASP.NET WebForms bind to 'DbSet.ToList()' or use Model Binding. + + + + + The derived type '{derivedType}' cannot have KeyAttribute on property '{property}' since primary key can only be declared on the root type. + + + + + InversePropertyAttributes on navigation '{navigation}' in entity type '{entityType}' and on navigation '{referencedNavigation}' in entity type '{referencedEntityType}' are not pointing to each other. + + + + + There are multiple properties pointing to navigation '{navigation}' in entity type '{entityType}'. To define composite foreign key using data annotations, use ForeignKeyAttribute on navigation. + + + + + The ForeignKeyAttributes on property '{property}' and navigation '{navigation}' in entity type '{entityType}' do not point at each other. The value of ForeignKeyAttribute on property should be navigation name and the value of ForeignKeyAttribute on navigation should be the foreign key property name. + + + + + The property list specified using ForeignKeyAttribute on navigation '{navigation}' in entity type '{entityType}' is incorrect. The attribute value should be comma-separated list of property names. + + + + + Invalid relationship has been specified using InversePropertyAttribute and ForeignKeyAttribute. The navigation '{navigation}' in entity type '{entityType}' and the navigation '{referencedNavigation}' in entity type '{referencedEntityType}' are related by InversePropertyAttribute but the ForeignKeyAttribute specified for both navigations have different values. + + + + + The property or navigation '{member}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because a property or navigation with the same name already exists on entity type '{conflictingEntityType}'. + + + + + The specified entity type '{entityType}' is invalid. It should be either the dependent entity type '{dependentType}' or the principal entity type '{principalType}'. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be removed because '{derivedEntityType}' is derived from it. All derived entity types must be removed or redefined before the entity type can be removed. + + + + + Unable to determine the relationship represented by navigation property '{entityType}.{navigation}' of type '{propertyType}'. Either manually configure the relationship, or ignore this property using the '[NotMapped]' attribute or by using 'EntityTypeBuilder.Ignore' in 'OnModelCreating'. + + + + + The property '{entityType}.{property}' could not be mapped, because it is of type '{propertyType}' which is not a supported primitive type or a valid entity type. Either explicitly map this property, or ignore it using the '[NotMapped]' attribute or by using 'EntityTypeBuilder.Ignore' in 'OnModelCreating'. + + + + + The property '{entityType}.{property}' is of type '{propertyType}' which is not supported by current database provider. Either change the property CLR type or ignore the property using the '[NotMapped]' attribute or by using 'EntityTypeBuilder.Ignore' in 'OnModelCreating'. + + + + + The property '{entityType}.{navigation}' is of an interface type ('{propertyType}'). If it is a navigation property manually configure the relationship for this property by casting it to a mapped entity type, otherwise ignore the property using the NotMappedAttribute or 'EntityTypeBuilder.Ignore' in 'OnModelCreating'. + + + + + The navigation property '{navigation}' on entity type '{entityType}' cannot be associated with foreign key {targetFk} because it was created for foreign key {actualFk}. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' was not found. Ensure that the entity type has been added to the model. + + + + + The extension method '{method}' is being used with a custom implementation of '{interfaceType}'. Use of custom implementations of the Entity Framework metadata interfaces is not supported. Consider deriving from '{concreteType}' instead. Please contact the Entity Framework team if you have a compelling case for a custom implementation of the metadata interfaces so that we can consider ways to achieve this. + + + + + Unhandled operation: MemberInitExpression binding is not a MemberAssignment + + + + + Unable to track an entity of type '{entityType}' because primary key property '{keyProperty}' is null. + + + + + Unable to track an entity of type '{entityType}' because alternate key property '{keyProperty}' is null. If the alternate key is not used in a relationship, then consider using a unique index instead. Unique indexes may contain nulls, while alternate keys must not. + + + + + Sensitive data logging is enabled. Log entries and exception messages may include sensitive application data, this mode should only be enabled during development. + + + + + An exception was thrown while attempting to evaluate the LINQ query parameter expression '{expression}'. + + + + + There are multiple navigations in entity type '{entityType}' which are pointing to same set of properties - '{propertyList}' using ForeignKeyAttribute. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' should derive from '{baseEntityType}' to reflect the hierarchy of the corresponding CLR types. + + + + + You are configuring a relationship between '{dependentEntityType}' and '{principalEntityType}' but have specified a foreign key on '{entityType}'. The foreign key must be defined on a type that is part of the relationship. + + + + + You are configuring a relationship between '{dependentEntityType}' and '{principalEntityType}' but have specified a foreign key targeting '{entityType}'. The foreign key must be targeting a type that is part of the relationship. + + + + + The property '{property}' cannot be part of a foreign key on '{entityType}' because it has value generation enabled and is contained in the key {key} defined on a base entity type '{baseEntityType}'. + + + + + The property '{property}' cannot be part of a key on '{entityType}' because it has value generation enabled and is contained in a foreign key defined on a derived entity type. + + + + + A key on entity type '{entityType}' cannot contain the property '{property}' because it is nullable/optional. All properties on which a key is declared must be marked as non-nullable/required. + + + + + A second operation started on this context before a previous operation completed. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe. + + + + + The specified entity types '{invalidDependentType}' and '{invalidPrincipalType}' are invalid. They should be '{dependentType}' and '{principalType}' or entity types in the same hierarchy. + + + + + Cannot create a DbSet for '{typeName}' because this type is not included in the model for the context. + + + + + The child/dependent side could not be determined for the one-to-one relationship between '{dependentToPrincipalNavigationSpecification}' and '{principalToDependentNavigationSpecification}'. To identify the child/dependent side of the relationship, configure the foreign key property. If these navigations should not be part of the same relationship configure them without specifying the inverse. See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=724062 for more details. + + + + + Both relationships between '{firstDependentToPrincipalNavigationSpecification}' and '{firstPrincipalToDependentNavigationSpecification}' and between '{secondDependentToPrincipalNavigationSpecification}' and '{secondPrincipalToDependentNavigationSpecification}' could use {foreignKeyProperties} as the foreign key. To resolve this configure the foreign key properties explicitly on at least one of the relationships. + + + + + The {methodName} property lambda expression '{includeLambdaExpression}' is invalid. The expression should represent a property access: 't => t.MyProperty'. To target navigations declared on derived types, specify an explicitly typed lambda parameter of the target type, E.g. '(Derived d) => d.MyProperty'. For more information on including related data, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=746393. + + + + + The corresponding CLR type for entity type '{entityType}' is not instantiable and there is no derived entity type in the model that corresponds to a concrete CLR type. + + + + + The property '{property}' cannot be added to the type '{entityType}' because there was no property type specified and there is no corresponding CLR property or field. To add a shadow state property the property type must be specified. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' has a temporary value. Either set a permanent value explicitly or ensure that the database is configured to generate values for this property. + + + + + The database generated a null value for non-nullable property '{property}' of entity type '{entityType}'. Ensure value generation configuration in the database matches the configuration in the model. + + + + + A parameterless constructor was not found on entity type '{entityType}'. In order to create an instance of '{entityType}' EF requires that a parameterless constructor be declared. + + + + + The Include operation for navigation '{include}' is unnecessary and was ignored because the navigation is not reachable in the final query results. See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=850303 for more information. + + + + + Cannot create a relationship between '{newPrincipalEntityType}.{newPrincipalNavigation}' and '{newDependentEntityType}.{newDependentNavigation}', because there already is a relationship between '{existingPrincipalEntityType}.{existingPrincipalNavigation}' and '{existingDependentEntityType}.{existingDependentNavigation}'. Navigation properties can only participate in a single relationship. + + + + + Error generated for warning '{eventName}: {message}'. This exception can be suppressed or logged by passing event ID '{eventId}' to the 'ConfigureWarnings' method in 'DbContext.OnConfiguring' or 'AddDbContext'. + + + + + Cannot access a disposed object. A common cause of this error is disposing a context that was resolved from dependency injection and then later trying to use the same context instance elsewhere in your application. This may occur if you are calling Dispose() on the context, or wrapping the context in a using statement. If you are using dependency injection, you should let the dependency injection container take care of disposing context instances. + + + + + Unable to resolve service for type '{service}'. This is often because no database provider has been configured for this DbContext. A provider can be configured by overriding the DbContext.OnConfiguring method or by using AddDbContext on the application service provider. If AddDbContext is used, then also ensure that your DbContext type accepts a DbContextOptions<TContext> object in its constructor and passes it to the base constructor for DbContext. + + + + + An exception occurred while reading a database value for property '{entityType}.{property}'. See the inner exception for more information. + + + + + An exception occurred while reading a database value for property '{entityType}.{property}'. The expected type was '{expectedType}' but the actual value was of type '{actualType}'. + + + + + An exception occurred while reading a database value for property '{entityType}.{property}'. The expected type was '{expectedType}' but the actual value was null. + + + + + An exception occurred while reading a database value. See the inner exception for more information. + + + + + An exception occurred while reading a database value. The expected type was '{expectedType}' but the actual value was of type '{actualType}'. + + + + + An exception occurred while reading a database value. The expected type was '{expectedType}' but the actual value was null. + + + + + The property '{property}' cannot be ignored on entity type '{entityType}', because it's declared on the base entity type '{baseEntityType}'. To exclude this property from your model, use NotMappedAttribute or Ignore method on the base type. + + + + + Maximum number of retries ({retryLimit}) exceeded while executing database operations with '{strategy}'. See inner exception for the most recent failure. + + + + + The configured execution strategy '{strategy}' does not support user initiated transactions. Use the execution strategy returned by '{getExecutionStrategyMethod}' to execute all the operations in the transaction as a retriable unit. + + + + + '{property}' cannot be used as a property on entity type '{entityType}' because it is configured as a navigation. + + + + + Query: '{queryModel}' uses a row limiting operation (Skip/Take) without OrderBy which may lead to unpredictable results. + + + + + The property '{property}' cannot be removed from entity type '{entityType}' because it is being used in the foreign key {foreignKey} on '{foreignKeyType}'. All containing foreign keys must be removed or redefined before the property can be removed. + + + + + The property '{property}' cannot be removed from entity type '{entityType}' because it is being used in the index {index} on '{indexType}'. All containing indexes must be removed or redefined before the property can be removed. + + + + + Query: '{queryModel}' uses First/FirstOrDefault/Last/LastOrDefault operation without OrderBy and filter which may lead to unpredictable results. + + + + + The specified poolSize must be greater than 0. + + + + + The DbContext of type '{contextType}' cannot be pooled because it does not have a single public constructor accepting a single parameter of type DbContextOptions. + + + + + OnConfiguring cannot be used to modify DbContextOptions when DbContext pooling is enabled. + + + + + The foreign keys on entity type '{dependentType}' cannot target the same entity type because it is a weak entity type. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be removed because it is referencing '{referencedEntityType}' by foreign key {foreignKey}. All foreign keys must be removed before the entity type can be removed. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added to the model because a weak entity type with the same name already exists. + + + + + The weak entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added to the model because an entity type with the same name already exists. + + + + + The type '{entityType}' cannot have weak entity type '{baseType}' as the base type. + + + + + The weak entity type '{entityType}' cannot have a base type. + + + + + The property list {propertyList} cannot be used, because it contains a duplicate - '{property}'. + + + + + The convention invocations have reached the recursion limit. This is likely an issue in EF Core, please report it. + + + + + The navigation '{navigation}' used to define the entity type '{entityType}' is not present on '{definingEntityType}'. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' is the target of multiple ownership relationships. + + + + + The ownership by '{ownershipNavigation}' should use defining navigation '{definingNavigation}' for the owned type '{entityType}' + + + + + The entity type '{ownedEntityType}' is configured as owned, but the entity type '{nonOwnedEntityType}' is not. All entity types sharing a CLR type must be configured as owned. + + + + + The navigation '{principalEntityType}.{navigation}' is not supported because it is pointing to an owned entity type '{ownedType}'. Only the ownership navigation from the entity type '{ownerType}' can point to the owned entity type. + + + + + The relationship from '{referencingEntityTypeOrNavigation}' to '{referencedEntityTypeOrNavigation}' is not supported because the owned entity type '{ownedType}' cannot be on the principal side of a non-ownership relationship. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' has a defining navigation and the supplied entity is currently referenced from several owner entities. To access the entry for a particular reference call '{targetEntryCall}' on the owner entry. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' has a defining navigation and the supplied entity is currently not being tracked. To start tracking this entity call '{targetEntryCall}' on the owner entry. + + + + + The filter expression '{filter}' specified for entity type '{entityType}' is invalid. The expression must accept a single parameter of type '{clrType}', return bool, and may not contain references to navigation properties. + + + + + The filter expression '{filter}' cannot be specified for entity type '{entityType}'. A filter may only be applied to the root entity type in a hierarchy. + + + + + Converter for model type '{converterType}' cannot be used for '{entityType}.{propertyName}' because its type is '{propertyType}'. + + + + + Comparer for type '{type}' cannot be used for '{entityType}.{propertyName}' because its type is '{propertyType}'. + + + + + The Include operation '{include}' is not supported. '{invalidNavigation}' must be a navigation property defined on an entity type. + + + + + Collection navigations are only considered null if their parent entity is null. Use '.Any()' to check whether collection navigation '{navigationPath}' is empty. + + + + + Possible unintended reference comparison between '{left}' and '{right}'. + + + + + The same entity is being tracked as different weak entity types '{dependent1}' and '{dependent2}'. If a property value changes it will result in two store changes, which might not be the desired outcome. + + + + + The instance of entity type '{entityType}' cannot be tracked because another instance with the same key value for {keyProperties} is already being tracked. When replacing owned entities modify the properties without changing the instance or detach the previous owned entity entry first. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the conflicting key values. + + + + + The instance of entity type '{entityType}' cannot be tracked because another instance with the key value '{keyValue}' is already being tracked. When replacing owned entities modify the properties without changing the instance or detach the previous owned entity entry first. + + + + + Cannot compose converter from '{typeOneIn}' to '{typeOneOut}' with converter from '{typeTwoIn}' to '{typeTwoOut}' because the output type of the first converter is different from the input type of the second converter. + + + + + The '{mapping}' does not support value conversions. Support for value conversions typically requires changes in the database provider. + + + + + The value converter '{converter}' cannot be used with type '{type}'. This converter can only be used with {allowed}. + + + + + The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because another seed entity with the same key value for {keyProperties} has already been added. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the conflicting key values. + + + + + The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because another seed entity with the key value '{keyValue}' has already been added. + + + + + The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because the value provided for the property '{property}' is not of the type '{type}'. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the involved property values. + + + + + The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because the value '{value}' provided for the property '{property}' is not of the type '{type}'. + + + + + The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because there was no value provided for the required property '{property}'. + + + + + The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because it has the navigation '{navigation}' set. To seed relationships you need to add the related entity seed to '{relatedEntityType}' and specify the foreign key values {foreignKeyProperties}. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the involved property values. + + + + + The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' with the key value '{keyValue}' cannot be added because it has the navigation '{navigation}' set. To seed relationships you need to add the related entity seed to '{relatedEntityType}' and specify the foreign key values {foreignKeyProperties}. + + + + + The seed entity for entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added because the value provided is of a derived type '{derivedType}'. Add the derived seed entities to the corresponding entity type. + + + + + No suitable constructor found for entity type '{entityType}'. The following parameters could not be bound to properties of the entity: '{parameters}'. + + + + + Two constructors were found with the same number of parameters that could both be used by Entity Framework. The constructor to use must be configured explicitly. The two constructors are '{firstConstructor}' and '{secondConstructor}'. + + + + + The type '{entityType}' cannot be marked as owned because a non-owned entity type with the same name already exists. + + + + + Current provider doesn't support System.Transaction. + + + + + The property '{property}' on entity type '{entityType}' was created in shadow state because there are no eligible CLR members with a matching name. + + + + + A transient exception has been encountered during execution and the operation will be retried after {delay}ms.{newline}{error} + + + + + Navigation property '{navigation}' of entity type '{entityType}' is being lazy-loaded. + + + + + An attempt was made to lazy-load navigation property '{navigation}' on entity type '{entityType}' after the associated DbContext was disposed. + + + + + An attempt was made to lazy-load navigation property '{navigation}' on detached entity of type '{entityType}'. Lazy-loading is not supported for detached entities or entities that are loaded with 'AsNoTracking()'. + + + + + Cannot create a DbSet for '{typeName}' because it is a query type. Use the DbContext.Query method to create a DbQuery instead. + + + + + Cannot create a DbQuery for '{typeName}' because it is not a query type. Use the DbContext.Set method to create a DbSet instead. + + + + + Unable to create a foreign key with the query type '{queryType}' as the principal type. Only entity types are allowed as foreign key principal types. + + + + + Unable to track an instance of type '{type}' because it is a query type. Only entity types may be tracked. + + + + + Cannot set '{baseType}' as the base type of '{derivedType}'. Inheritance hierarchies cannot contain a mix of entity types and query types. + + + + + The query type '{queryType}' cannot be added to the model because an entity type with the same name already exists. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' cannot be added to the model because a query type with the same name already exists. + + + + + Cannot create a navigation targeting type '{type}' because it is a query type. Only entity types can be used as navigation target types. + + + + + The index {redundantIndex} was not created as the properties are already covered by the index {otherIndex}. + + + + + The foreign key properties haven't been configured by convention because the best match {foreignKey} are incompatible with the current principal key {principalKey}. This message can be disregarded if explicit configuration has been specified. + + + + + The navigation property '{navigation}' has a RequiredAttribute causing the entity type '{entityType}' to be configured as the dependent side in the corresponding relationship. + + + + + The RequiredAttribute on '{principalEntityType}.{principalNavigation}' was ignored because there is also a RequiredAttribute on '{dependentEntityType}.{dependentNavigation}'. RequiredAttribute should only be specified on the dependent side of the relationship. + + + + + Navigations '{dependentEntityType}.{dependentNavigation}' and '{principalEntityType}.{principalNavigation}' were separated into two relationships as ForeignKeyAttribute was specified on navigations on both sides. + + + + + Navigations '{dependentEntityType}.{dependentNavigation}' and '{principalEntityType}.{principalNavigation}' were separated into two relationships as ForeignKeyAttribute was specified on properties '{dependentProperty}' and '{principalProperty}' on both sides. + + + + + The relationship was separated into two relationships because ForeignKeyAttribute specified on the navigation '{navigationEntityType}.{navigation}' doesn't match the ForeignKeyAttribute specified on the property '{propertyEntityType}.{property}'. + + + + + There are multiple navigations ({navigations}) configured with InversePropertyAttribute that point to the same inverse navigation '{inverseNavigation}'. + + + + + There are multiple relationships between '{dependentEntityType}' and '{principalEntityType}' without configured foreign key properties causing EF to create shadow properties on '{dependentType}' with names dependent on the discovery order. + + + + + No relationship from '{firstEntityType}' to '{secondEntityType}' has been configured by convention because there are multiple properties on one entity type {navigationProperties} that could be matched with the properties on the other entity type {inverseNavigations}. This message can be disregarded if explicit configuration has been specified. + + + + + Primary key hasn't been configured by convention as both properties '{firstProperty}' and '{secondProperty}' could be used as the primary key for the entity type '{entityType}'. This message can be disregarded if explicit configuration has been specified. + + + + + The owned entity type '{entityType}' cannot have a base type. + + + + + Cannot create a DbSet for '{typeName}' because it is mapped to multiple entity types and should they should be accessed through the defining entities. + + + + + The navigation '{targetEntityType}.{inverseNavigation}' cannot be used as the inverse of '{weakEntityType}.{navigation}' because it's not the defining navigation '{definingNavigation}' + + + + + The navigation '{targetEntityType}.{inverseNavigation}' cannot be used as the inverse of '{ownedEntityType}.{navigation}' because it's not the ownership navigation '{ownershipNavigation}' + + + + + The property '{property}' is marked as null on entity '{entityType}' with the key value '{keyValue}', but this cannot be saved because the property is marked as required. + + + + + The association between entities '{firstType}' and '{secondType}' with the key value '{secondKeyValue}' has been severed but the relationship is either marked as 'Required' or is implicitly required because the foreign key is not nullable. If the dependent/child entity should be deleted when a required relationship is severed, then setup the relationship to use cascade deletes. + + + + + The foreign key {foreignKey} set on '{dependentEntityType}' matches an entity of type '{foundPrincipalEntityType}', however the principal entity type should be assignable to '{principalEntityType}'. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the key values. + + + + + The foreign key '{foreignKeyValues}' set on '{dependentEntityType}' with the key value '{keyValue}' matches an entity of type '{foundPrincipalEntityType}', however the principal entity type should be assignable to '{principalEntityType}'. + + + + + The entity type '{entityType}' is part of a relationship cycle involving its primary key. + + + + + The service property '{property}' of type '{serviceType}' cannot be added to the entity type '{entityType}' because there is another property of the same type. Ignore one of the properties using the NotMappedAttribute or 'EntityTypeBuilder.Ignore' in 'OnModelCreating'. + + + + + Cannot use multiple DbContext instances within a single query execution. Ensure the query uses a single context instance. + + + + + The query type '{queryType}' cannot have a defining query bacause it is derived from '{baseType}'. Only base query types can have a defining query. + + + + + The owned entity type '{ownedType}' requires to be referenced from another entity type via a navigation. Add a navigation to an entity type that points at '{ownedType}'. + + + + + The query type '{queryType}' cannot be added to the model because a query type with the same name already exists. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets all foreign keys that target a given primary or alternate key. + + The key to find the foreign keys for. + The foreign keys that reference the given key. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets the entity that maps the given entity class. Returns null if no entity type with the given CLR type is found + or the entity type has a defining navigation. + + The model to find the entity type in. + The type to find the corresponding entity type for. + The entity type, or null if none if found. + + + + Gets the entity that maps the given entity class, where the class may be a proxy derived from the + actual entity type. Returns null if no entity type with the given CLR type is found + or the entity type has a defining navigation. + + The model to find the entity type in. + The type to find the corresponding entity type for. + The entity type, or null if none if found. + + + + Gets the entity type for the given type, defining navigation name + and the defining entity type. Returns null if no matching entity type is found. + + The model to find the entity type in. + The type of the entity type to find. + The defining navigation of the entity type to find. + The defining entity type of the entity type to find. + The entity type, or null if none are found. + + + + Gets the entity types for the given type. + + The model to find the entity type in. + The type of the entity type to find. + The entity types found. + + + + Gets the entity types for the given name. + + The model to find the entity type in. + The name of the entity type to find. + The entity types found. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the corresponding entity type has a defining navigation. + + The model to find the entity type in. + The type used to find an entity type a defining navigation. + true if the model contains a corresponding entity type with a defining navigation. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the corresponding entity type has a defining navigation. + + The model to find the entity type in. + The name used to find an entity type with a defining navigation. + true if the model contains a corresponding entity type with a defining navigation. + + + + Gets the default change tracking strategy being used for entities in the model. This strategy indicates how the + context detects changes to properties for an instance of an entity type. + + The model to get the default change tracking strategy for. + The change tracking strategy. + + + + + Gets the being used for properties of entity types in this model. + Null indicates that the default property access mode is being used. + + + Note that individual entity types can override this access mode, and individual properties of + entity types can override the access mode set on the entity type. The value returned here will + be used for any property for which no override has been specified. + + + The model to get the access mode for. + The access mode being used, or null if the default access mode is being used. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets the existing annotation with a given key, or adds a new annotation if one does not exist. + + The object to find or add the annotation to. + The key of the annotation to be found or added. + The value to be stored in the annotation if a new one is created. + The found or added annotation. + + + + Adds annotations to an object. + + The object to add the annotations to. + The annotations to be added. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets all types in the model that derive from a given entity type. + + The base type to find types that derive from. + The derived types. + + + + Gets the root base type for a given entity type. + + The type to find the root of. + + The root base type. If the given entity type is not a derived type, then the same entity type is returned. + + + + + Sets the primary key for this entity. + + The entity type to set the key on. + The primary key property. + The newly created key. + + + + Gets the existing primary key of an entity, or sets it if one is not defined. + + The entity type to get or set the key on. + The property to set as the primary key if one is not already defined. + The existing or newly created key. + + + + Gets the existing primary key of an entity, or sets it if one is not defined. + + The entity type to get or set the key on. + The properties to set as the primary key if one is not already defined. + The existing or newly created key. + + + + Gets the primary or alternate key that is defined on the given property. Returns null if no key is defined + for the given property. + + The entity type to find the key on. + The property that the key is defined on. + The key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Adds a new alternate key to this entity type. + + The entity type to add the alternate key to. + The property to use as an alternate key. + The newly created key. + + + + Gets the existing alternate key defined on a property, or creates a new one if one is not + already defined. + + The entity type to get or create the alternate key on. + The property that is used as the alternate key. + The existing or newly created alternate key. + + + + Gets the existing alternate key defined on a set of properties, or creates a new one if one is not + already defined. + + The entity type to get or create the alternate key on. + The properties that are used as the alternate key. + The existing or newly created alternate key. + + + + Gets the foreign keys defined on the given property. Only foreign keys that are defined on exactly the specified + property are returned. Composite foreign keys that include the specified property are not returned. + + The entity type to find the foreign keys on. + The property to find the foreign keys on. + The foreign keys. + + + + Gets the foreign keys defined on the given properties. Only foreign keys that are defined on exactly the specified + set of properties are returned. + + The entity type to find the foreign keys on. + The properties to find the foreign keys on. + The foreign keys. + + + + Gets the foreign key for the given properties that points to a given primary or alternate key. Returns null + if no foreign key is found. + + The entity type to find the foreign keys on. + The property that the foreign key is defined on. + The primary or alternate key that is referenced. + + The entity type that the relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the key is defined on the + base type of the hierarchy). + + The foreign key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Gets all foreign keys that target a given entity type (i.e. foreign keys where the given entity type + is the principal). + + The entity type to find the foreign keys for. + The foreign keys that reference the given entity type. + + + + Adds a new relationship to this entity. + + The entity type to add the foreign key to. + The property that the foreign key is defined on. + The primary or alternate key that is referenced. + + The entity type that the relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the key is defined on the + base type of the hierarchy). + + The newly created foreign key. + + + + Gets an existing relationship, or creates a new one if one is not already defined. + + The entity type to get or add the foreign key to. + The property that the foreign key is defined on. + The primary or alternate key that is referenced. + + The entity type that the relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the key is defined on the + base type of the hierarchy). + + The existing or newly created foreign key. + + + + Gets an existing relationship, or creates a new one if one is not already defined. + + The entity type to get or add the foreign key to. + The properties that the foreign key is defined on. + The primary or alternate key that is referenced. + + The entity type that the relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the key is defined on the + base type of the hierarchy). + + The existing or newly created foreign key. + + + + Gets a navigation property on the given entity type. Returns null if no navigation property is found. + + The entity type to find the navigation property on. + The navigation property on the entity class. + The navigation property, or null if none is found. + + + + Gets a navigation property on the given entity type. Returns null if no navigation property is found. + + The entity type to find the navigation property on. + The name of the navigation property on the entity class. + The navigation property, or null if none is found. + + + + Gets all navigation properties on the given entity type. + + The entity type to get navigation properties for. + All navigation properties on the given entity type. + + + + + Gets a property on the given entity type. Returns null if no property is found. + + + This API only finds scalar properties and does not find navigation properties. Use + to find a navigation property. + + + The entity type to find the property on. + The property on the entity class. + The property, or null if none is found. + + + + Adds a property to this entity. + + The entity type to add the property to. + The corresponding property in the entity class. + The newly created property. + + + + Gets the property with the given name, or creates a new one if one is not already defined. + + The entity type to get or add the property to. + The name of the property. + The type of value the property will hold. + The existing or newly created property. + The returned property might not have the specified type. + + + + Gets the property with the given name, or creates a new one if one is not already defined. + + The entity type to get or add the property to. + The corresponding property in the entity class. + The existing or newly created property. + The returned property might not have the specified type. + + + + Gets the index defined on the given property. Returns null if no index is defined. + + The entity type to find the index on. + The property to find the index on. + The index, or null if none is found. + + + + Adds an index to this entity. + + The entity type to add the index to. + The property to be indexed. + The newly created index. + + + + Gets the index defined on the given property or creates a new one if one is not already defined. + + The entity type to get or add the index to. + The property to be indexed. + The existing or newly created index. + + + + Gets the index defined on the given property or creates a new one if one is not already defined. + + The entity type to get or add the index to. + The properties to be indexed. + The existing or newly created index. + + + + + Sets the to use for properties and navigations of this entity type. + + + Note that individual properties and navigations can override this access mode. The value set here will + be used for any property or navigation for which no override has been specified. + + + The entity type for which to set the access mode. + The , or null to clear the mode set. + + + + + Sets the to use for navigations of this entity type. + + + Note that individual navigations can override this access mode. The value set here will + be used for any navigation for which no override has been specified. + + + The entity type for which to set the access mode. + The , or null to clear the mode set. + + + + Sets the change tracking strategy to use for this entity type. This strategy indicates how the + context detects changes to properties for an instance of the entity type. + + The entity type to set the change tracking strategy for. + The strategy to use. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets all foreign keys that target a given primary or alternate key. + + The key to find the foreign keys for. + The foreign keys that reference the given key. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets the entity that maps the given entity class. Returns null if no entity type with the given name is found. + + The model to find the entity type in. + The type to find the corresponding entity type for. + The entity type, or null if none if found. + + + + Gets the entity type for the given name, defining navigation name + and the defining entity type. Returns null if no matching entity type is found. + + The model to find the entity type in. + The type of the entity type to find. + The defining navigation of the entity type to find. + The defining entity type of the entity type to find. + The entity type, or null if none are found. + + + + Gets the entity type with the given name or adds a new entity type if none is found. + + The model to find or add the entity type to. + The name of the entity type. + The existing or newly created entity type. + + + + Gets the entity type with the given CLR class or adds a new entity type if none is found. + + The model to find or add the entity type to. + The CLR class of the entity type. + The existing or newly created entity type. + + + + Removes an entity type from the model. + + The model to remove the entity type from. + The entity type to be removed. + The entity type that was removed. + + + + Removes an entity type from the model. + + The model to remove the entity type from. + The entity type to be removed. + The entity type that was removed. + + + + Removes an entity type with a defining navigation from the model. + + The model to remove the entity type from. + The CLR class that is used to represent instances of this entity type. + The defining navigation. + The defining entity type. + The entity type that was removed. + + + + + Sets the to use for properties of all entity types + in this model. + + + Note that individual entity types can override this access mode, and individual properties of + entity types can override the access mode set on the entity type. The value set here will + be used for any property for which no override has been specified. + + + The model to set the access mode for. + The , or null to clear the mode set. + + + + Sets the default change tracking strategy to use for entities in the model. This strategy indicates how the + context detects changes to properties for an instance of an entity type. + + The model to set the default change tracking strategy for. + The strategy to use. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets the navigation property on the other end of the relationship. Returns null if + there is no navigation property defined on the other end of the relationship. + + The navigation property to find the inverse of. + + The inverse navigation, or null if none is defined. + + + + + Gets the entity type that a given navigation property will hold an instance of + (or hold instances of if it is a collection navigation). + + The navigation property to find the target entity type of. + The target entity type. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + + Sets the backing field to use for this property. + + + Backing fields are normally found by convention as described + here: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=723277. + This method is useful for setting backing fields explicitly in cases where the + correct field is not found by convention. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. This can be changed by calling + . + + + The property for which the backing field should be set. + The name of the field to use. + + + + Sets the to use for this property. + + The property for which to set the access mode. + The , or null to clear the mode set. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + + Sets the factory to use for generating values for this property, or null to clear any previously set factory. + + + Setting null does not disable value generation for this property, it just clears any generator explicitly + configured for this property. The database provider may still have a value generator for the property type. + + + The property to set the value generator for. + + A factory that will be used to create the value generator, or null to + clear any previously set factory. + + + + + Sets the maximum length of data that is allowed in this property. For example, if the property is a ' + then this is the maximum number of characters. + + The property to set the maximum length of. + The maximum length of data that is allowed in this property. + + + + Sets a value indicating whether or not this property can persist Unicode characters. + + The property to set the value for. + True if the property accepts Unicode characters, false if it does not, null to clear the setting. + + + + Gets all foreign keys that use this property (including composite foreign keys in which this property + is included). + + The property to get foreign keys for. + + The foreign keys that use this property. + + + + + Gets the primary key that uses this property (including a composite primary key in which this property + is included). + + The property to get primary key for. + + The primary that use this property, or null if it is not part of the primary key. + + + + + Gets all primary or alternate keys that use this property (including composite keys in which this property + is included). + + The property to get primary and alternate keys for. + + The primary and alternate keys that use this property. + + + + + Sets the type that the property value will be converted to before being sent to the database provider. + + The property. + The type to use, or null to remove any previously set type. + + + + Sets the custom for this property. + + The property. + The converter, or null to remove any previously set converter. + + + + Sets the custom for this property. + + The property. + The comparer, or null to remove any previously set comparer. + + + + Sets the custom for this property when performing key comparisons.. + + The property. + The comparer, or null to remove any previously set comparer. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the given navigation property is the navigation property on the dependent entity + type that points to the principal entity. + + The navigation property to check. + + True if the given navigation property is the navigation property on the dependent entity + type that points to the principal entity, otherwise false. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the given navigation property is a collection property. + + The navigation property to check. + + True if this is a collection property, false if it is a reference property. + + + + + Gets the navigation property on the other end of the relationship. Returns null if + there is no navigation property defined on the other end of the relationship. + + The navigation property to find the inverse of. + + The inverse navigation, or null if none is defined. + + + + + Gets the entity type that a given navigation property will hold an instance of + (or hold instances of if it is a collection navigation). + + The navigation property to find the target entity type of. + The target entity type. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Returns an implementation that stays in sync with the given + . + + The element type. + The collection that the binding list will stay in sync with. + The binding list. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets the name of the backing field for this property, or null if the backing field + is not known. + + The property for which the backing field will be returned. + The name of the backing field, or null. + + + + + Gets the being used for this property. + Null indicates that the default property access mode is being used. + + + The property for which to get the access mode. + The access mode being used, or null if the default access mode is being used. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets the factory that has been set to generate values for this property, if any. + + The property to get the value generator factory for. + The factory, or null if no factory has been set. + + + + Gets the maximum length of data that is allowed in this property. For example, if the property is a ' + then this is the maximum number of characters. + + The property to get the maximum length of. + The maximum length, or null if none if defined. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether or not the property can persist Unicode characters. + + The property to get the Unicode setting for. + The Unicode setting, or null if none if defined. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this property is used as a foreign key (or part of a composite foreign key). + + The property to check. + + True if the property is used as a foreign key, otherwise false. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this property is used as an index (or part of a composite index). + + The property to check. + + True if the property is used as an index, otherwise false. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this property is used as the primary key (or part of a composite primary key). + + The property to check. + + True if the property is used as the primary key, otherwise false. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this property is used as part of a primary or alternate key + (or part of a composite primary or alternate key). + + The property to check. + + True if the property is part of a key, otherwise false. + + + + + Gets all foreign keys that use this property (including composite foreign keys in which this property + is included). + + The property to get foreign keys for. + + The foreign keys that use this property. + + + + + Gets all indexes that use this property (including composite indexes in which this property + is included). + + The property to get indexes for. + + The indexes that use this property. + + + + + Gets the primary key that uses this property (including a composite primary key in which this property + is included). + + The property to get primary key for. + + The primary that use this property, or null if it is not part of the primary key. + + + + + Gets all primary or alternate keys that use this property (including composite keys in which this property + is included). + + The property to get primary and alternate keys for. + + The primary and alternate keys that use this property. + + + + + Gets the type that the property value will be converted to before being sent to the database provider. + + The property. + The provider type, or null if none has been set. + + + + Gets the custom set for this property. + + The property. + The converter, or null if none has been set. + + + + Gets the for this property, or null if none is set. + + The property. + The comparer, or null if none has been set. + + + + Gets the for this property, or null if none is set. + + The property. + The comparer, or null if none has been set. + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + + Gets the being used for properties and navigations of this type. + Null indicates that the default property access mode is being used. + + + Note that individual properties and navigations can override this access mode. The value returned here will + be used for any property or navigation for which no override has been specified. + + + The type for which to get the access mode. + The access mode being used, or null if the default access mode is being used. + + + + + Gets the being used for navigations of this type. + Null indicates that the default property access mode is being used. + + + Note that individual navigations can override this access mode. The value returned here will + be used for any navigation for which no override has been specified. + + + The type for which to get the access mode. + The access mode being used, or null if the default access mode is being used. + + + + Allows configuration for an entity type to be factored into a separate class, + rather than in-line in . + Implement this interface, applying configuration for the entity in the + method, + and then apply the configuration to the model using + + in . + + The entity type to be configured. + + + + Configures the entity of type . + + The builder to be used to configure the entity type. + + + + + Extension methods for . + + + These methods are typically used by database providers (and other extensions). They are generally + not used in application code. + + + is used to hide properties that are not intended to be used in + application code but can be used in extension methods written by database providers etc. + + + + + + + Resolves a service from the exposed from a type that implements + . + + + This method is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + is used to hide properties that are not intended to be used in + application code but can be used in extension methods written by database providers etc. + + + The type of service to be resolved. + The object exposing the service provider. + The requested service. + + + + + Gets the value from a property that is being hidden using . + + + This method is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + is used to hide properties that are not intended to be used in + application code but can be used in extension methods written by database providers etc. + + + The type of the property being hidden by . + The object that exposes the property. + The object assigned to the property. + + + + + Base class for types that support reading and writing annotations. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Gets all annotations on the current object. + + + + + Adds an annotation to this object. Throws if an annotation with the specified name already exists. + + The key of the annotation to be added. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The newly added annotation. + + + + Adds an annotation to this object. Throws if an annotation with the specified name already exists. + + The key of the annotation to be added. + The annotation to be added. + The added annotation. + + + + Sets the annotation stored under the given key. Overwrites the existing annotation if an + annotation with the specified name already exists. + + The ket of the annotation to be added. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + + + + Sets the annotation stored under the given key. Overwrites the existing annotation if an + annotation with the specified name already exists. + + The key of the annotation to be added. + The annotation to be set. + The annotation that was set. + + + + Runs the corresponding conventions when an annotation was set or removed. + + The key of the set annotation. + The annotation set. + The old annotation. + The annotation that was set. + + + + Adds an annotation to this object or returns the existing annotation if one with the specified name + already exists. + + The key of the annotation to be added. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + + The existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists. Otherwise, the newly + added annotation. + + + + + Gets the annotation with the given name, returning null if it does not exist. + + The key of the annotation to find. + + The existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists. Otherwise, null. + + + + + Removes the given annotation from this object. + + The annotation to remove. + The annotation that was removed. + + + + Gets the value annotation with the given name, returning null if it does not exist. + + The key of the annotation to find. + + The value of the existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists. + Otherwise, null. + + + + + Creates a new annotation. + + The key of the annotation. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The newly created annotation. + + + + Gets all annotations on the current object. + + + + + Gets the annotation with the given name, returning null if it does not exist. + + The key of the annotation to find. + + The existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists. Otherwise, null. + + + + + Extension methods for . + + + + + Gets the annotation with the given name, throwing if it does not exist. + + The object to find the annotation on. + The key of the annotation to find. + The annotation with the specified name. + + + + + An arbitrary piece of metadata that can be stored on an object that implements . + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The key of this annotation. + The value assigned to this annotation. + + + + Gets the key of this annotation. + + + + + Gets the value assigned to this annotation. + + + + + + Represents options managed by the core of Entity Framework, as opposed to those managed + by database providers or extensions. These options are set using . + + + Instances of this class are designed to be immutable. To change an option, call one of the 'With...' + methods to obtain a new instance with the option changed. + + + + + + Creates a new set of options with everything set to default values. + + + + + Called by a derived class constructor when implementing the method. + + The instance that is being cloned. + + + + Override this method in a derived class to ensure that any clone created is also of that class. + + A clone of this instance, which can be modified before being returned as immutable. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The service contract. + The implementation type to use for the service. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + Creates a new instance with all options the same as for this instance, but with the given option changed. + It is unusual to call this method directly. Instead use . + + The option to change. + A new instance with the option changed. + + + + The option set from the method. + + + + + The option set from the method. + + + + + The option set from the method. + + + + + The option set from the method. + + + + + The option set from the method. + + + + + The option set from the method. + + + + + The options set from the method. + + + + + The option set from the method. + + + + + The options set from the method. + + + + + The option set from the + + method. + + + + + Adds the services required to make the selected options work. This is used when there + is no external and EF is maintaining its own service + provider internally. This allows database providers (and other extensions) to register their + required services when EF is creating an service provider. + + The collection to add services to. + False since no database provider is registered. + + + + Returns a hash code created from any options that would cause a new + to be needed. + + A hash over options that require a new service provider when changed. + + + + Gives the extension a chance to validate that all options in the extension are valid. + If options are invalid, then an exception will be thrown. + + The options being validated. + + + + Creates a message fragment for logging typically containing information about + any useful non-default options that have been configured. + + + + + Provides access to database related information and operations for a context. + Instances of this class are typically obtained from and it is not designed + to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. Instances of this class are typically + obtained from and it is not designed to be directly constructed + in your application code. + + The context this database API belongs to . + + + + + Ensures that the database for the context exists. If it exists, no action is taken. If it does not + exist then the database and all its schema are created. If the database exists, then no effort is made + to ensure it is compatible with the model for this context. + + + Note that this API does not use migrations to create the database. In addition, the database that is + created cannot be later updated using migrations. If you are targeting a relational database and using migrations, + you can use the DbContext.Database.Migrate() method to ensure the database is created and all migrations + are applied. + + + True if the database is created, false if it already existed. + + + + + Asynchronously ensures that the database for the context exists. If it exists, no action is taken. If it does not + exist then the database and all its schema are created. If the database exists, then no effort is made + to ensure it is compatible with the model for this context. + + + Note that this API does not use migrations to create the database. In addition, the database that is + created cannot be later updated using migrations. If you are targeting a relational database and using migrations, + you can use the DbContext.Database.Migrate() method to ensure the database is created and all migrations + are applied. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous save operation. The task result contains true if the database is created, + false if it already existed. + + + + + + Ensures that the database for the context does not exist. If it does not exist, no action is taken. If it does + exist then the database is deleted. + + + Warning: The entire database is deleted, and no effort is made to remove just the database objects that are used by + the model for this context. + + + True if the database is deleted, false if it did not exist. + + + + + Asynchronously ensures that the database for the context does not exist. If it does not exist, no action is taken. If it does + exist then the database is deleted. + + + Warning: The entire database is deleted, and no effort is made to remove just the database objects that are used by + the model for this context. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous save operation. The task result contains true if the database is deleted, + false if it did not exist. + + + + + Starts a new transaction. + + + A that represents the started transaction. + + + + + Asynchronously starts a new transaction. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous transaction initialization. The task result contains a + that represents the started transaction. + + + + + Applies the outstanding operations in the current transaction to the database. + + + + + Discards the outstanding operations in the current transaction. + + + + + Creates an instance of the configured . + + An instance. + + + + + Gets the current being used by the context, or null + if no transaction is in use. + + + This property will be null unless one of the 'BeginTransaction' or 'UseTransaction' methods has + been called, some of which are available as extension methods installed by EF providers. + No attempt is made to obtain a transaction from the current DbConnection or similar. + + + For relational databases, the underlying DbTransaction can be obtained using the + 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.GetDbTransaction'extension method + on the returned . + + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not a transaction will be created + automatically by if none of the + 'BeginTransaction' or 'UseTransaction' methods have been called. + + + Setting this value to false will also disable the + for + + + The default value is true, meaning that SaveChanges will always use a transaction + when saving changes. + + + Setting this value to false should only be done with caution since the database + could be left in a corrupted state if SaveChanges fails. + + + + + + + Returns the name of the database provider currently in use. + The name is typically the name of the provider assembly. + It is usually easier to use a sugar method such as 'IsSqlServer()' instead of + calling this method directly. + + + This method can only be used after the has been configured because + it is only then that the provider is known. This means that this method cannot be used + in because this is where application code sets the + provider to use as part of configuring the context. + + + + + + + Gets the scoped being used to resolve services. + + + This property is intended for use by extension methods that need to make use of services + not directly exposed in the public API surface. + + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + Identifies the that a class belongs to. For example, this attribute is used + to identify which context a migration applies to. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The associated context. + + + + Gets the associated context. + + + + + Provides information about the environment an application is running in. + + + + + Gets or sets the directory containing the application. + + + + + Gets or sets the directory containing the application content files. + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the environment. + + + + + Extension methods for setting up Entity Framework related services in an . + + + + + This method is no longer functional. Call a provider-specific method such as + AddEntityFrameworkSqlServer, AddEntityFrameworkSqlite, etc. instead. + + The service collection. + Always throws NotSupportedException. + Always throws NotSupportedException. + + + + + A builder API designed for database providers to use when registering services. + + + Providers should create an instance of this class, use its methods to register + services, and then call to fill out the remaining Entity + Framework services. + + + Relational providers should use 'EntityFrameworkRelationalServicesBuilder instead. + + + Entity Framework ensures that services are registered with the appropriate scope. In some cases a provider + may register a service with a different scope, but great care must be taken that all its dependencies + can handle the new scope, and that it does not cause issue for services that depend on it. + + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + This dictionary is exposed for testing and provider-validation only. + It should not be used from application code. + + + + + + Used by database providers to create a new for + registration of provider services. Relational providers should use + 'EntityFrameworkRelationalServicesBuilder'. + + The collection to which services will be registered. + + + + Access to the underlying . + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Database providers should call this method for access to the underlying + such that provider-specific services can be registered. + Note that implementations of Entity Framework services should be registered directly on the + and not through this method. + + The underlying map to which provider services should be added. + This builder, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Registers default implementations of all services not already registered by the provider. + Database providers must call this method as the last step of service registration--that is, + after all provider services have been registered. + + This builder, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds an implementation of an Entity Framework service only if one has not already been registered. + The scope of the service is automatically defined by Entity Framework. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + This builder, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds an implementation of an Entity Framework service only if one has not already been registered. + The scope of the service is automatically defined by Entity Framework. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + This builder, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a factory for an Entity Framework service only if one has not already been registered. + The scope of the service is automatically defined by Entity Framework. + + The contract for the service. + The factory that will create the service instance. + This builder, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a factory for an Entity Framework service only if one has not already been registered. + The scope of the service is automatically defined by Entity Framework. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The factory that will create the service instance. + This builder, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a factory for an Entity Framework service only if one has not already been registered. + The scope of the service is automatically defined by Entity Framework. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The factory that will create the service instance. + This builder, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds an implementation of an Entity Framework service only if one has not already been registered. + This method can only be used for singleton services. + + The contract for the service. + The implementation of the service. + This builder, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds an implementation of an Entity Framework service only if one has not already been registered. + This method can only be used for singleton services. + + The contract for the service. + The implementation of the service. + This builder, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + A class that exposes annotations. Annotations allow for arbitrary metadata to be stored on an object. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Gets the value annotation with the given name, returning null if it does not exist. + + The key of the annotation to find. + + The value of the existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists. Otherwise, null. + + + + + Gets the annotation with the given name, returning null if it does not exist. + + The key of the annotation to find. + + The existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists. Otherwise, null. + + + + + Gets all annotations on the current object. + + + + + + An arbitrary piece of metadata that can be stored on an object that implements . + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Gets the key of this annotation. + + + + + Gets the value assigned to this annotation. + + + + + A factory for creating derived instances. Implement this interface to enable + design-time services for context types that do not have a public default constructor. At design-time, + derived instances can be created in order to enable specific design-time + experiences such as Migrations. Design-time services will automatically discover implementations of + this interface that are in the same assembly as the derived context. + + The type of the context. + + + + Creates a new instance of a derived context. + + Information about the environment an application is running in. + An instance of . + + + + The options to be used by a . You normally override + or use a + to create instances of classes that implement this interface, they are not designed to be directly created + in your application code. + + + + + Gets the extensions that store the configured options. + + + + + Gets the extension of the specified type. Returns null if no extension of the specified type is configured. + + The type of the extension to get. + The extension, or null if none was found. + + + + + Explicitly implemented by to hide methods that are used by database provider + extension methods but not intended to be called by application developers. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + + Adds the given extension to the options. If an existing extension of the same type already exists, it will be replaced. + + + This property is intended for use by extension methods to configure the context. It is not intended to be used in + application code. + + + The type of extension to be added. + The extension to be added. + + + + + Interface for extensions that are stored in . + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Adds the services required to make the selected options work. This is used when there + is no external and EF is maintaining its own service + provider internally. This allows database providers (and other extensions) to register their + required services when EF is creating an service provider. + + The collection to add services to. + True if a database provider and was registered; false otherwise. + + + + Returns a hash code created from any options that would cause a new + to be needed. Most extensions do not have any such options and should return zero. + + A hash over options that require a new service provider when changed. + + + + Gives the extension a chance to validate that all options in the extension are valid. + Most extensions do not have invalid combinations and so this will be a no-op. + If options are invalid, then an exception should be thrown. + + The options being validated. + + + + Creates a message fragment for logging typically containing information about + any useful non-default options that have been configured. + + + + + + This interface is explicitly implemented by type to hide properties that are not intended to be used in application code + but can be used in extension methods written by database providers etc. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + The type of the property being hidden. + + + + Gets the value of the property being hidden. + + + + + + Creates keys that uniquely identifies the model for a given context. This is used to store and lookup + a cached model for a given context. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Gets the model cache key for a given context. + + + The context to get the model cache key for. + + The created key. + + + + + Performs additional configuration of the model in addition to what is discovered by convention. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + When replacing this service consider deriving the implementation from or + 'RelationalModelCustomizer' to preserve the default behavior. + + + + + + + Builds the model for a given context. + + + If any instance data from is + used when building the model, then the implementation of + also needs to be updated to ensure the model is cached correctly. + + + + The builder being used to construct the model. + + + The context instance that the model is being created for. + + + + + + Produces an based on a context. This is typically implemented by database providers to ensure that any + conventions and validation specific to their database are used. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Gets the model to be used. + + The context the model is being produced for. + The convention set to use when creating the model. + The validator to verify the model can be successfully used with the context. + The model to be used. + + + + Validates a model after it is built. + + + + + Validates a model, throwing an exception if any errors are found. + + + + + + This interface must be implemented by any service that needs to be reset between + different uses of the same in different pools. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Resets the service so that it can be used from the pool. + + + + + Implemented by any class that represents options that can only be set at the + singleton level. + + + + + Initializes the singleton options from the given . + + + + + Validates that the options in given have not + changed when compared to the options already set here, and throws if they have. + + + + + + A key that uniquely identifies the model for a given context. This is used to store and lookup + a cached model for a given context. This default implementation uses the context type as they key, thus + assuming that all contexts of a given type have the same model. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The context instance that this key is for. + + + + + Determines if this key is equivalent to a given key (i.e. if they are for the same context type). + + + The key to compare this key to. + + + True if the key is for the same context type, otherwise false. + + + + + Determines if this key is equivalent to a given object (i.e. if they are keys for the same context type). + + + The object to compare this key to. + + + True if the object is a and is for the same context type, otherwise false. + + + + + Gets the hash code for the key. + + + The hash code for the key. + + + + + + Creates keys that uniquely identifies the model for a given context. This is used to store and lookup + a cached model for a given context. This default implementation uses the context type as they key, thus + assuming that all contexts of a given type have the same model. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Gets the model cache key for a given context. + + + The context to get the model cache key for. + + The created key. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Builds the model for a given context. This default implementation builds the model by calling + on the context. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Dependencies used to create a + + + + + Performs additional configuration of the model in addition to what is discovered by convention. This default implementation + builds the model for a given context by calling + on the context. + + + The builder being used to construct the model. + + + The context instance that the model is being created for. + + + + + Adds the entity types found in properties on the context to the model. + + The being used to build the model. + The context to find properties on. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + Gets the that will locate the properties + on the derived context. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + + An implementation of that produces a model based on + the properties exposed on the context. The model is cached to avoid + recreating it every time it is requested. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Dependencies used to create a + + + + + Returns the model from the cache, or creates a model if it is not present in the cache. + + The context the model is being produced for. + The convention set to use when creating the model. + The validator to verify the model can be successfully used with the context. + The model to be used. + + + + Creates the model. This method is called when the model was not found in the cache. + + The context the model is being produced for. + The convention set to use when creating the model. + The validator to verify the model can be successfully used with the context. + The model to be used. + + + + Creates the convention set to be used for the model. Only uses the + if is null. + + The provider convention set builder to be used. + The convention set to be used. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + Gets the that will build the conventions to be used + to build the model. + + + + + Gets the that will perform additional configuration of the model + in addition to what is discovered by convention. + + + + + Gets the that will create keys used to store and lookup models + the model cache. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + The validator that enforces core rules common for all providers. + + + + + Creates a new instance of . + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Dependencies used to create a + + + + + Validates a model, throwing an exception if any errors are found. + + The model to validate. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + The validation logger. + The model logger. + + + + The validation logger. + + + + + The model logger. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + + Provides a map over a that allows + entries to be conditionally added or re-written without requiring linear scans of the service + collection each time this is done. + + + Note that the collection should not be modified without in other ways while it is being managed + by the map. The collection can be used in the normal way after modifications using the map have + been completed. + + + + + + Creates a new to operate on the given . + + The collection to work with. + + + + The underlying . + + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete type if no service for the given service + type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The service lifetime. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The factory that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The factory that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The factory that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that the given factory creates. + The factory that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that the given factory creates. + The factory that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that the given factory creates. + The factory that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The factory that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The factory that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The factory that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory if no service for the given service type + has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The factory that implements the service. + The service lifetime. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given instance + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The object that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given instance + if no service for the given service type has already been registered. + + The contract for the service. + The object that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given concrete + type to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The service lifetime. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The factory that implements this service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The factory that implements this service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The factory that implements this service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given factory + to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The concrete type that implements the service. + The factory that implements this service. + The service lifetime. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given instance + to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The object that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Adds a service implemented by the given instance + to the list of services that implement the given contract. The service is only added + if the collection contains no other registration for the same service and implementation type. + + The contract for the service. + The object that implements the service. + The map, such that further calls can be chained. + + + + Allows configuration for a query type to be factored into a separate class, + rather than in-line in . + Implement this interface, applying configuration for the query in the + method, + and then apply the configuration to the model using + + in . + + The query type to be configured. + + + + Configures the query of type . + + The builder to be used to configure the query type. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a relationship where configuration began on + an end of the relationship with a collection that contains instances of another entity type. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Gets the internal builder being used to configure the relationship. + + + This property is intended for use by extension methods that need to make use of services + not directly exposed in the public API surface. + + + + + + + Configures this as a one-to-many relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + + The name of the reference navigation property on the other end of this relationship. + If null or not specified, then there is no navigation property on the other end of the relationship. + + An object to further configure the relationship. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a relationship where configuration began on + an end of the relationship with a collection that contains instances of another entity type. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The entity type to be configured. + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Configures this as a one-to-many relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + + A lambda expression representing the reference navigation property on the other end of this + relationship (post => post.Blog). If no property is specified, the relationship will be + configured without a navigation property on the other end of the relationship. + + An object to further configure the relationship. + + + + Configures this as a one-to-many relationship. + + + The name of the reference navigation property on the other end of this relationship. + If null, there is no navigation property on the other end of the relationship. + + An object to further configure the relationship. + + + + Allows further configuration of model data. + + + + + Allows further configuration of model data. + + The entity type of the data. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring an . + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets the internal builder being used to configure the entity type. + + + + + The entity type being configured. + + + + + The model that the entity type belongs to. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the entity type. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this entity in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The name of the base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this entity in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the properties that make up the primary key for this entity type. + + The names of the properties that make up the primary key. + An object that can be used to configure the primary key. + + + + Creates an alternate key in the model for this entity type if one does not already exist over the specified + properties. This will force the properties to be read-only. Use to specify uniqueness + in the model that does not force properties to be read-only. + + The names of the properties that make up the key. + An object that can be used to configure the key. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the entity type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property, if a property with the same name exists in the entity class + then it will be added to the model. If no property exists in the entity class, then + a new shadow state property will be added. A shadow state property is one that does not have a + corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances of the entity class. + + + The type of the property to be configured. + The name of the property to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the entity type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property, if a property with the same name exists in the entity class + then it will be added to the model. If no property exists in the entity class, then + a new shadow state property will be added. A shadow state property is one that does not have a + corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances of the entity class. + + + The type of the property to be configured. + The name of the property to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the entity type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property with this overload the property name must match the + name of a CLR property or field on the entity type. This overload cannot be used to + add a new shadow state property. + + + The name of the property to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + Excludes the given property from the entity type. This method is typically used to remove properties + from the entity type that were added by convention. + + The name of then property to be removed from the entity type. + + + + Specifies a LINQ predicate expression that will automatically be applied to any queries targeting + this entity type. + + The LINQ predicate expression. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The name of the entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type provides identity to + the other type in the relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. + + An action that performs configuration of the relationship. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type provides identity to + the other type in the relationship. + + + The name of the entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. + + An action that performs configuration of the relationship. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + Configures an index on the specified properties. If there is an existing index on the given + set of properties, then the existing index will be returned for configuration. + + The names of the properties that make up the index. + An object that can be used to configure the index. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or to fully configure + the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or to fully configure + the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The name of the entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a collection that contains + instances of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the collection navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a collection that contains + instances of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The name of the entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the collection navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + Configures the to be used for this entity type. + This strategy indicates how the context detects changes to properties for an instance of the entity type. + + The change tracking strategy to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the to use for all properties of this entity type. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found by convention or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. Calling this method will change that behavior + for all properties of this entity type as described in the enum. + + + Calling this method overrides for all properties of this entity type any access mode that was + set on the model. + + + The to use for properties of this entity type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures this entity to have seed data. It is used to generate data motion migrations. + + + An array of seed data of the same type as the entity we're building. + + An object that can be used to configure the model data. + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring an . + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The entity type being configured. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the entity type. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same typeBuilder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this entity in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The name of the base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this entity in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this entity in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the properties that make up the primary key for this entity type. + + + + A lambda expression representing the primary key property(s) (blog => blog.Url). + + + If the primary key is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including the + properties (post => new { post.Title, post.BlogId }). + + + An object that can be used to configure the primary key. + + + + Creates an alternate key in the model for this entity type if one does not already exist over the specified + properties. This will force the properties to be read-only. Use to specify uniqueness + in the model that does not force properties to be read-only. + + + + A lambda expression representing the key property(s) (blog => blog.Url). + + + If the key is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including + the properties (post => new { post.Title, post.BlogId }). + + + An object that can be used to configure the key. + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the entity type. + If the specified property is not already part of the model, it will be added. + + + A lambda expression representing the property to be configured ( + blog => blog.Url). + + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + Excludes the given property from the entity type. This method is typically used to remove properties + from the entity type that were added by convention. + + + A lambda expression representing the property to be ignored + (blog => blog.Url). + + + + + Excludes the given property from the entity type. This method is typically used to remove properties + from the entity type that were added by convention. + + The name of then property to be removed from the entity type. + + + + Specifies a LINQ predicate expression that will automatically be applied to any queries targeting + this entity type. + + The LINQ predicate expression. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures an index on the specified properties. If there is an existing index on the given + set of properties, then the existing index will be returned for configuration. + + + + A lambda expression representing the property(s) to be included in the index + (blog => blog.Url). + + + If the index is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including the + properties (post => new { post.Title, post.BlogId }). + + + An object that can be used to configure the index. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + A lambda expression representing the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents + the relationship (customer => customer.Address). + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + A lambda expression representing the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents + the relationship (customer => customer.Address). + + An action that performs configuration of the relationship. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + A lambda expression representing the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents + the relationship (post => post.Blog). If no property is specified, the relationship will be + configured without a navigation property on this end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a collection that contains + instances of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + A lambda expression representing the collection navigation property on this entity type that represents + the relationship (blog => blog.Posts). If no property is specified, the relationship will be + configured without a navigation property on this end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a collection that contains + instances of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the collection navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + Configures the to be used for this entity type. + This strategy indicates how the context detects changes to properties for an instance of the entity type. + + The change tracking strategy to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the to use for all properties of this entity type. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found by convention or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. Calling this method will change that behavior + for all properties of this entity type as described in the enum. + + + Calling this method overrides for all properties of this entity type any access mode that was + set on the model. + + + The to use for properties of this entity type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures this entity to have seed data. It is used to generate data motion migrations. + + + An array of seed data. + + An object that can be used to configure the model data. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring an . + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The internal builder being used to configure the index. + + + + + The index being configured. + + + + + The model that the index belongs to. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the index. If an annotation with the key specified in + + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures whether this index is unique (i.e. the value(s) for each instance must be unique). + + A value indicating whether this index is unique. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a . + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The internal builder being used to configure the key. + + + + + The key being configured. + + + + + The model that the key belongs to. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the key. If an annotation with the key specified in + + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The entity type being configured. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a . + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The internal builder being used to configure the property. + + + + + The property being configured. + + + + + The model that the property belongs to. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the property. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures whether this property must have a value assigned or whether null is a valid value. + A property can only be configured as non-required if it is based on a CLR type that can be + assigned null. + + A value indicating whether the property is required. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the maximum length of data that can be stored in this property. + Maximum length can only be set on array properties (including properties). + + The maximum length of data allowed in the property. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property as capable of persisting unicode characters or not. + Can only be set on properties. + + A value indicating whether the property can contain unicode characters or not. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property as and + . + + + Database providers can choose to interpret this in different way, but it is commonly used + to indicate some form of automatic row-versioning as used for optimistic concurrency detection. + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the that will generate values for this property. + + + Values are generated when the entity is added to the context using, for example, + . Values are generated only when the property is assigned + the CLR default value (null for string, 0 for int, Guid.Empty for Guid, etc.). + + + A single instance of this type will be created and used to generate values for this property in all + instances of the entity type. The type must be instantiable and have a parameterless constructor. + + + This method is intended for use with custom value generation. Value generation for common cases is + usually handled automatically by the database provider. + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the that will generate values for this property. + + + Values are generated when the entity is added to the context using, for example, + . Values are generated only when the property is assigned + the CLR default value (null for string, 0 for int, Guid.Empty for Guid, etc.). + + + A single instance of this type will be created and used to generate values for this property in all + instances of the entity type. The type must be instantiable and have a parameterless constructor. + + + This method is intended for use with custom value generation. Value generation for common cases is + usually handled automatically by the database provider. + + + Setting null does not disable value generation for this property, it just clears any generator explicitly + configured for this property. The database provider may still have a value generator for the property type. + + + A type that inherits from + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures a factory for creating a to use to generate values + for this property. + + + Values are generated when the entity is added to the context using, for example, + . Values are generated only when the property is assigned + the CLR default value (null for string, 0 for int, Guid.Empty for Guid, etc.). + + + This factory will be invoked once to create a single instance of the value generator, and + this will be used to generate values for this property in all instances of the entity type. + + + This method is intended for use with custom value generation. Value generation for common cases is + usually handled automatically by the database provider. + + + A delegate that will be used to create value generator instances. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures whether this property should be used as a concurrency token. When a property is configured + as a concurrency token the value in the database will be checked when an instance of this entity type + is updated or deleted during to ensure it has not changed since + the instance was retrieved from the database. If it has changed, an exception will be thrown and the + changes will not be applied to the database. + + A value indicating whether this property is a concurrency token. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures a property to never have a value generated by the database when an instance of this + entity type is saved. + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + Note that values may still be generated by a client-side value generator, if one is set explicitly or by a convention. + + + + + Configures a property to have a value generated only when saving a new entity, unless a non-null, + non-temporary value has been set, in which case the set value will be saved instead. The value + may be generated by a client-side value generator or may be generated by the database as part + of saving the entity. + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures a property to have a value generated when saving a new or existing entity. + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures a property to have a value generated when saving an existing entity. + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the backing field to use for this property. + + + Backing fields are normally found by convention as described + here: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=723277. + This method is useful for setting backing fields explicitly in cases where the + correct field is not found by convention. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. This can be changed by calling + . + + + The field name. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the to use for this property. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found by convention or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. Calling this method will change that behavior + for this property as described in the enum. + + + Calling this method overrides for this property any access mode that was set on the + entity type or model. + + + The to use for this property. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property so that the property value is converted to the given type before + writing to the database and converted back when reading from the database. + + The type to convert to and from. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property so that the property value is converted to the given type before + writing to the database and converted back when reading from the database. + + The type to convert to and from. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property so that the property value is converted to and from the database + using the given . + + The converter to use. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a . + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the property. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures whether this property must have a value assigned or whether null is a valid value. + A property can only be configured as non-required if it is based on a CLR type that can be + assigned null. + + A value indicating whether the property is required. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the maximum length of data that can be stored in this property. + Maximum length can only be set on array properties (including properties). + + The maximum length of data allowed in the property. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property as capable of persisting unicode characters or not. + Can only be set on properties. + + A value indicating whether the property can contain unicode characters or not. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property as and + . + + + Database providers can choose to interpret this in different way, but it is commonly used + to indicate some form of automatic row-versioning as used for optimistic concurrency detection. + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the that will generate values for this property. + + + Values are generated when the entity is added to the context using, for example, + . Values are generated only when the property is assigned + the CLR default value (null for string, 0 for int, Guid.Empty for Guid, etc.). + + + A single instance of this type will be created and used to generate values for this property in all + instances of the entity type. The type must be instantiable and have a parameterless constructor. + + + This method is intended for use with custom value generation. Value generation for common cases is + usually handled automatically by the database provider. + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the that will generate values for this property. + + + Values are generated when the entity is added to the context using, for example, + . Values are generated only when the property is assigned + the CLR default value (null for string, 0 for int, Guid.Empty for Guid, etc.). + + + A single instance of this type will be created and used to generate values for this property in all + instances of the entity type. The type must be instantiable and have a parameterless constructor. + + + This method is intended for use with custom value generation. Value generation for common cases is + usually handled automatically by the database provider. + + + Setting null does not disable value generation for this property, it just clears any generator explicitly + configured for this property. The database provider may still have a value generator for the property type. + + + A type that inherits from + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures a factory for creating a to use to generate values + for this property. + + + Values are generated when the entity is added to the context using, for example, + . Values are generated only when the property is assigned + the CLR default value (null for string, 0 for int, Guid.Empty for Guid, etc.). + + + This factory will be invoked once to create a single instance of the value generator, and + this will be used to generate values for this property in all instances of the entity type. + + + This method is intended for use with custom value generation. Value generation for common cases is + usually handled automatically by the database provider. + + + A delegate that will be used to create value generator instances. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures whether this property should be used as a concurrency token. When a property is configured + as a concurrency token the value in the database will be checked when an instance of this entity type + is updated or deleted during to ensure it has not changed since + the instance was retrieved from the database. If it has changed, an exception will be thrown and the + changes will not be applied to the database. + + A value indicating whether this property is a concurrency token. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures a property to never have a value generated when an instance of this + entity type is saved. + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + Note that temporary values may still be generated for use internally before a + new entity is saved. + + + + + Configures a property to have a value generated only when saving a new entity, unless a non-null, + non-temporary value has been set, in which case the set value will be saved instead. The value + may be generated by a client-side value generator or may be generated by the database as part + of saving the entity. + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures a property to have a value generated when saving a new or existing entity. + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures a property to have a value generated when saving an existing entity. + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the backing field to use for this property. + + + Backing fields are normally found by convention as described + here: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=723277. + This method is useful for setting backing fields explicitly in cases where the + correct field is not found by convention. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. This can be changed by calling + . + + + The field name. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property so that the property value is converted to the given type before + writing to the database and converted back when reading from the database. + + The type to convert to and from. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property so that the property value is converted to the given type before + writing to the database and converted back when reading from the database. + + The type to convert to and from. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property so that the property value is converted to and from the database + using the given conversion expressions. + + The store type generated by the conversions. + An expression to convert objects when writing data to the store. + An expression to convert objects when reading data from the store. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property so that the property value is converted to and from the database + using the given . + + The store type generated by the converter. + The converter to use. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the property so that the property value is converted to and from the database + using the given . + + The converter to use. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the to use for this property. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found by convention or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. Calling this method will change that behavior + for this property as described in the enum. + + + Calling this method overrides for this property any access mode that was set on the + entity type or model. + + + The to use for this property. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a query type. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The query type being configured. + + + + + The model that the query type belongs to. + + + + + Gets the internal builder being used to configure the query type. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the query type. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this query type in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The name of the base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this query type in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the query type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property, if a property with the same name exists in the query type class + then it will be added to the model. If no property exists in the query type class, then + a new shadow state property will be added. A shadow state property is one that does not have a + corresponding property in the query type class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances of the query type class. + + + The type of the property to be configured. + The name of the property to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the query type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property, if a property with the same name exists in the query type class + then it will be added to the model. If no property exists in the query type class, then + a new shadow state property will be added. A shadow state property is one that does not have a + corresponding property in the query type class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances of the query type class. + + + The type of the property to be configured. + The name of the property to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the query type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property with this overload the property name must match the + name of a CLR property or field on the query type. This overload cannot be used to + add a new shadow state property. + + + The name of the property to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + Excludes the given property from the query type. This method is typically used to remove properties + from the query type that were added by convention. + + The name of then property to be removed from the query type. + + + + Specifies a LINQ predicate expression that will automatically be applied to any queries targeting + this query type. + + The LINQ predicate expression. + An object that can be used to configure the query type. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this query type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or to fully configure + the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The query type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this query type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this query type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or to fully configure + the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The name of the query type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this query type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Sets the to use for all properties of this query type. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found by convention or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. Calling this method will change that behavior + for all properties of this query type as described in the enum. + + + Calling this method overrrides for all properties of this query type any access mode that was + set on the model. + + + The to use for properties of this query type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring an . + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The query type being configured. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the query type. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same typeBuilder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this query type in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The name of the base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this query type in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Sets the base type of this query type in an inheritance hierarchy. + + The base type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the query type. + If the specified property is not already part of the model, it will be added. + + + A lambda expression representing the property to be configured ( + blog => blog.Url). + + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + Excludes the given property from the query type. This method is typically used to remove properties + from the query type that were added by convention. + + + A lambda expression representing the property to be ignored + (blog => blog.Url). + + + + + Excludes the given property from the query type. This method is typically used to remove properties + from the query type that were added by convention. + + The name of then property to be removed from the query type. + + + + Specifies a LINQ predicate expression that will automatically be applied to any queries targeting + this query type. + + The LINQ predicate expression. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures a query used to provide data for a query type. + + The query that will provider the underlying data for the query type. + The same builder instance so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this query type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The query type that this relationship targets. + + A lambda expression representing the reference navigation property on this query type that represents + the relationship (post => post.Blog). If no property is specified, the relationship will be + configured without a navigation property on this end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Sets the to use for all properties of this query type. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found by convention or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. Calling this method will change that behavior + for all properties of this query type as described in the enum. + + + Calling this method overrrides for all properties of this query type any access mode that was + set on the model. + + + The to use for properties of this query type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a one-to-many relationship. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The foreign key that represents this relationship. + + + + + The model that this relationship belongs to. + + + + + Gets the internal builder being used to configure this relationship. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the relationship. If an annotation with the key specified in + + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one that does not + have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to match + the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The name(s) of the foreign key property(s). + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + The name(s) of the reference key property(s). + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Configures whether this is a required relationship (i.e. whether the foreign key property(s) can + be assigned null). + + A value indicating whether this is a required relationship. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures how a delete operation is applied to dependent entities in the relationship when the + principal is deleted or the relationship is severed. + + The action to perform. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a one-to-many relationship. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The principal entity type in this relationship. + The dependent entity type in this relationship. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If is not specified, then + an attempt will be made to match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the + primary key of the principal entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that + form a unique index will be added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + A shadow state property is one that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The + current value for the property is stored in the rather than being + stored in instances of the entity class. + + + + + A lambda expression representing the foreign key property(s) (post => post.BlogId). + + + If the foreign key is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including the + properties (comment => new { comment.BlogId, comment.PostTitle }). The order specified should match the order of + corresponding keys in . + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + + + A lambda expression representing the reference key property(s) (blog => blog.BlogId). + + + If the principal key is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including + the properties (post => new { post.BlogId, post.PostTitle }). + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the relationship. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match + the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The name(s) of the foreign key property(s). + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + The name(s) of the reference key property(s). + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures whether this is a required relationship (i.e. whether the foreign key property(s) can + be assigned null). + + A value indicating whether this is a required relationship. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures how a delete operation is applied to dependent entities in the relationship when the + principal is deleted or the relationship is severed. + + The action to perform. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a relationship where configuration began on + an end of the relationship with a reference that points to an instance of another entity type. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets the internal builder being used to configure the relationship. + + + + + + Configures this as a one-to-many relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + + The name of the collection navigation property on the other end of this relationship. + If null or not specified, there is no navigation property on the other end of the relationship. + + An object to further configure the relationship. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Configures this as a one-to-one relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + + The name of the reference navigation property on the other end of this relationship. + If null or not specified, there is no navigation property on the other end of the relationship. + + An object to further configure the relationship. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a relationship where configuration began on an end of the + relationship with a reference that points to an instance of another entity type. + + + Instances of this class are returned from methods when using the API + and it is not designed to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + The entity type to be configured. + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Configures this as a one-to-many relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + + A lambda expression representing the collection navigation property on the other end of this + relationship (blog => blog.Posts). If no property is specified, the relationship will be + configured without a navigation property on the other end of the relationship. + + An object to further configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures this as a one-to-one relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + + A lambda expression representing the reference navigation property on the other end of this + relationship (blog => blog.BlogInfo). If no property is specified, the relationship will be + configured without a navigation property on the other end of the relationship. + + An object to further configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures this as a one-to-many relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + + The name of the collection navigation property on the other end of this relationship. + If null or not specified, there is no navigation property on the other end of the relationship. + + An object to further configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures this as a one-to-many relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + + The name of the reference navigation property on the other end of this relationship. + If null or not specified, there is no navigation property on the other end of the relationship. + + An object to further configure the relationship. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a one-to-one ownership. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets the internal builder being used to configure the entity type. + + + + + The entity type being configured. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the foreign key. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The name(s) of the foreign key property(s). + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + + + If multiple principal key properties are specified, the order of principal key properties should + match the order that the primary key or unique constraint properties were configured on the principal + entity type. + + + The name(s) of the reference key property(s). + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures how a delete operation is applied to dependent entities in the relationship when the + principal is deleted or the relationship is severed. + + The action to perform. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the entity type. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the entity type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property, if a property with the same name exists in the entity class + then it will be added to the model. If no property exists in the entity class, then + a new shadow state property will be added. A shadow state property is one that does not have a + corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances of the entity class. + + + The type of the property to be configured. + The name of the property to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the entity type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property, if a property with the same name exists in the entity class + then it will be added to the model. If no property exists in the entity class, then + a new shadow state property will be added. A shadow state property is one that does not have a + corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances of the entity class. + + + The type of the property to be configured. + The name of the property to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the entity type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property with this overload the property name must match the + name of a CLR property or field on the entity type. This overload cannot be used to + add a new shadow state property. + + + The name of the property to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + Excludes the given property from the entity type. This method is typically used to remove properties + from the entity type that were added by convention. + + The name of then property to be removed from the entity type. + + + + Configures an index on the specified properties. If there is an existing index on the given + set of properties, then the existing index will be returned for configuration. + + The names of the properties that make up the index. + An object that can be used to configure the index. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The name of the entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. + + An action that performs configuration of the relationship. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The name of the entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. + + An action that performs configuration of the relationship. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or to fully configure + the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or to fully configure + the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The name of the entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a collection that contains + instances of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the collection navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a collection that contains + instances of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The name of the entity type that this relationship targets. + + The name of the collection navigation property on this entity type that represents the relationship. If + no property is specified, the relationship will be configured without a navigation property on this + end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + Configures the to be used for this entity type. + This strategy indicates how the context detects changes to properties for an instance of the entity type. + + The change tracking strategy to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the to use for all properties of this entity type. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found by convention or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. Calling this method will change that behavior + for all properties of this entity type as described in the enum. + + + Calling this method overrides for all properties of this entity type any access mode that was + set on the model. + + + The to use for properties of this entity type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures this entity to have seed data. It is used to generate data motion migrations. + + + An array of seed data of the same type as the entity we're building. + + An object that can be used to configure the model data. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a one-to-one ownership. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the foreign key. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The name(s) of the foreign key property(s). + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + + A lambda expression representing the foreign key property(s) (t => t.Id1). + + + If the foreign key is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including the + properties (t => new { t.Id1, t.Id2 }). The order specified should match the order of + corresponding keys in . + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + + + If multiple principal key properties are specified, the order of principal key properties should + match the order that the primary key or unique constraint properties were configured on the principal + entity type. + + + The name(s) of the reference key property(s). + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + + + If multiple principal key properties are specified, the order of principal key properties should + match the order that the primary key or unique constraint properties were configured on the principal + entity type. + + + + + A lambda expression representing the reference key property(s) (t => t.Id). + + + If the principal key is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including + the properties (t => new { t.Id1, t.Id2 }). + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures how a delete operation is applied to dependent entities in the relationship when the + principal is deleted or the relationship is severed. + + The action to perform. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the entity type. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a property of the entity type. + If no property with the given name exists, then a new property will be added. + + + When adding a new property, if a property with the same name exists in the entity class + then it will be added to the model. If no property exists in the entity class, then + a new shadow state property will be added. A shadow state property is one that does not have a + corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances of the entity class. + + + The type of the property to be configured. + + A lambda expression representing the property to be configured ( + blog => blog.Url). + + An object that can be used to configure the property. + + + + Excludes the given property from the entity type. This method is typically used to remove properties + from the entity type that were added by convention. + + The name of then property to be removed from the entity type. + + + + Excludes the given property from the entity type. This method is typically used to remove properties + from the entity type that were added by convention. + + + A lambda expression representing the property to be ignored + (blog => blog.Url). + + + + + Configures an index on the specified properties. If there is an existing index on the given + set of properties, then the existing index will be returned for configuration. + + + + A lambda expression representing the property(s) to be included in the index + (blog => blog.Url). + + + If the index is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including the + properties (post => new { post.Title, post.BlogId }). + + + An object that can be used to configure the index. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + A lambda expression representing the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents + the relationship (customer => customer.Address). + + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + + Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity. + The target entity key value is always propagated from the entity it belongs to. + + + The target entity type for each ownership relationship is treated as a different entity type + even if the navigation is of the same type. Configuration of the target entity type + isn't applied to the target entity type of other ownership relationships. + + + Most operations on an owned entity require accessing it through the owner entity using the corresponding navigation. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + A lambda expression representing the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents + the relationship (customer => customer.Address). + + An action that performs configuration of the relationship. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a reference that points + to a single instance of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + or + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + A lambda expression representing the reference navigation property on this entity type that represents + the relationship (post => post.Blog). If no property is specified, the relationship will be + configured without a navigation property on this end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + + Configures a relationship where this entity type has a collection that contains + instances of the other type in the relationship. + + + Note that calling this method with no parameters will explicitly configure this side + of the relationship to use no navigation property, even if such a property exists on the + entity type. If the navigation property is to be used, then it must be specified. + + + After calling this method, you should chain a call to + + to fully configure the relationship. Calling just this method without the chained call will not + produce a valid relationship. + + + The entity type that this relationship targets. + + A lambda expression representing the collection navigation property on this entity type that represents + the relationship (blog => blog.Posts). If no property is specified, the relationship will be + configured without a navigation property on this end. + + An object that can be used to configure the relationship. + + + + Configures the to be used for this entity type. + This strategy indicates how the context detects changes to properties for an instance of the entity type. + + The change tracking strategy to be used. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Sets the to use for all properties of this entity type. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found by convention or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. Calling this method will change that behavior + for all properties of this entity type as described in the enum. + + + Calling this method overrides for all properties of this entity type any access mode that was + set on the model. + + + The to use for properties of this entity type. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures this entity to have seed data. It is used to generate data motion migrations. + + + An array of seed data. + + An object that can be used to configure the model data. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a one-to-one relationship. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the relationship. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The entity type that is the dependent in this relationship (the type that has the foreign key + properties). + + + The name(s) of the foreign key property(s). + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The name of the entity type that is the dependent in this relationship (the type that has the foreign + key properties). + + + The name(s) of the foreign key property(s). + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + + If multiple principal key properties are specified, the order of principal key properties should + match the order that the primary key or unique constraint properties were configured on the principal + entity type. + + + The entity type that is the principal in this relationship (the type + that has the reference key properties). + + The name(s) of the reference key property(s). + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + + If multiple principal key properties are specified, the order of principal key properties should + match the order that the primary key or unique constraint properties were configured on the principal + entity type. + + + The name of the entity type that is the principal in this relationship (the type + that has the reference key properties). + + The name(s) of the reference key property(s). + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Configures whether this is a required relationship (i.e. whether the foreign key property(s) can + be assigned null). + + A value indicating whether this is a required relationship. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures how a delete operation is applied to dependent entities in the relationship when the + principal is deleted or the relationship is severed. + + The action to perform. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets the first entity type used to configure this relationship. + + + + + Gets the second entity type used to configure this relationship. + + + + + Gets the internal builder being used to configure this relationship. + + + + + Gets the internal builder being used to configure this relationship. + + + + + The foreign key that represents this relationship. + + + + + The model that this relationship belongs to. + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Provides a simple API for configuring a one-to-one relationship. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the relationship. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The entity type that is the dependent in this relationship (the type that has the foreign key + properties). + + + The name(s) of the foreign key property(s). + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The entity type that is the dependent in this relationship (the type that has the foreign key + properties). + + + The name(s) of the foreign key property(s). + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + + If multiple principal key properties are specified, the order of principal key properties should + match the order that the primary key or unique constraint properties were configured on the principal + entity type. + + + The entity type that is the principal in this relationship (the type + that has the reference key properties). + + The name(s) of the reference key property(s). + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + + The entity type that is the principal in this relationship (the type + that has the reference key properties). + + The name(s) of the reference key property(s). + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The name of entity type that is the dependent in this relationship (the type that has the foreign key + properties). + + + The name(s) of the foreign key property(s). + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint + will be introduced. + + + If multiple principal key properties are specified, the order of principal key properties should + match the order that the primary key or unique constraint properties were configured on the principal + entity type. + + + The name of entity type that is the principal in this relationship (the type + that has the reference key properties). + + The name(s) of the reference key property(s). + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Configures the property(s) to use as the foreign key for this relationship. + + + If the specified property name(s) do not exist on the entity type then a new shadow state + property(s) will be added to serve as the foreign key. A shadow state property is one + that does not have a corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the + property is stored in the rather than being stored in instances + of the entity class. + + + If is not specified, then an attempt will be made to + match the data type and order of foreign key properties against the primary key of the principal + entity type. If they do not match, new shadow state properties that form a unique index will be + added to the principal entity type to serve as the reference key. + + + + The entity type that is the dependent in this relationship. That is, the type + that has the foreign key properties. + + + + A lambda expression representing the foreign key property(s) (t => t.Id1). + + + If the foreign key is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including the + properties (t => new { t.Id1, t.Id2 }). The order specified should match the order of + corresponding keys in . + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures the unique property(s) that this relationship targets. Typically you would only call this + method if you want to use a property(s) other than the primary key as the principal property(s). If + the specified property(s) is not already a unique constraint (or the primary key) then a new unique + constraint will be introduced. + + + If multiple principal key properties are specified, the order of principal key properties should + match the order that the primary key or unique constraint properties were configured on the principal + entity type. + + + The entity type that is the principal in this relationship. That is, the type + that has the reference key properties. + + + + A lambda expression representing the reference key property(s) (t => t.Id). + + + If the principal key is made up of multiple properties then specify an anonymous type including + the properties (t => new { t.Id1, t.Id2 }). + + + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures whether this is a required relationship (i.e. whether the foreign key property(s) can + be assigned null). + + A value indicating whether this is a required relationship. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Configures how a delete operation is applied to dependent entities in the relationship when the + principal is deleted or the relationship is severed. + + The action to perform. + The same builder instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + Base implementation for a set of conventions used to build a model. This base implementation is an empty set of conventions. + + + + + Conventions to run when an entity type is added to the model. + + + + + Conventions to run when an entity type is ignored. + + + + + Conventions to run when an entity type is removed. + + + + + Conventions to run when a property is ignored. + + + + + Conventions to run when the base entity type is changed. + + + + + Conventions to run when an annotation is set or removed on an entity type. + + + + + Conventions to run when an annotation is set or removed on a model. + + + + + Conventions to run when a foreign key is added. + + + + + Conventions to run when a foreign key is removed. + + + + + Conventions to run when a key is added. + + + + + Conventions to run when a key is removed. + + + + + Conventions to run when a primary key is changed. + + + + + Conventions to run when an index is added. + + + + + Conventions to run when an index is removed. + + + + + Conventions to run when the uniqueness of an index is changed. + + + + + Conventions to run when an annotation is changed on an index. + + + + + Conventions to run when the principal end of a relationship is configured. + + + + + Conventions to run when model building is completed. + + + + + Conventions to run to setup the initial model. + + + + + Conventions to run when a navigation property is added. + + + + + Conventions to run when a navigation property is removed. + + + + + Conventions to run when the uniqueness of a foreign key is changed. + + + + + Conventions to run when the ownership of a foreign key is changed. + + + + + Conventions to run when a property is added. + + + + + Conventions to run when the nullability of a property is changed. + + + + + Conventions to run when the field of a property is changed. + + + + + Conventions to run when an annotation is changed on a property. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Parameter object containing service dependencies. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Indicates whether the specified property can have the value generated by the store or by a non-temporary value generator + when not set. + + The key property that might be store generated. + A value indicating whether the specified property should have the value generated by the sto + + + + Represents an entity type in an . + + + + + Gets the base type of the entity. Returns null if this is not a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy. + + + + + Gets the name of the defining navigation. + + + + + Gets the defining entity type. + + + + + Gets the LINQ expression filter automatically applied to queries for this entity type. + + + + + Gets the LINQ query used as the default source for queries of this type. + + + + + Gets whether this entity type is a query type. + + true if the entity type is a query type; otherwise false. + + + + + Gets primary key for this entity. Returns null if no primary key is defined. + + + To be a valid model, each entity type must have a primary key defined. Therefore, the primary key may be + null while the model is being created, but will be present by the time the model is used with a . + + + The primary key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Gets the primary or alternate key that is defined on the given properties. Returns null if no key is defined + for the given properties. + + The properties that make up the key. + The key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Gets the primary and alternate keys for this entity. + + The primary and alternate keys. + + + + Gets the foreign key for the given properties that points to a given primary or alternate key. Returns null + if no foreign key is found. + + The properties that the foreign key is defined on. + The primary or alternate key that is referenced. + + The entity type that the relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the key is defined on the + base type of the hierarchy). + + The foreign key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Gets the foreign keys defined on this entity. + + The foreign keys defined on this entity. + + + + Gets the index defined on the given properties. Returns null if no index is defined. + + The properties to find the index on. + The index, or null if none is found. + + + + Gets the indexes defined on this entity. + + The indexes defined on this entity. + + + + + Gets the property with a given name. Returns null if no property with the given name is defined. + + + This API only finds scalar properties and does not find navigation properties. Use + to find a navigation property. + + + The name of the property. + The property, or null if none is found. + + + + + Gets the properties defined on this entity. + + + This API only returns scalar properties and does not return navigation properties. Use + to get navigation properties. + + + The properties defined on this entity. + + + + + Gets the with a given name. Returns null if no property with the given name is defined. + + + This API only finds service properties and does not find scalar or navigation properties. + + + The name of the property. + The service property, or null if none is found. + + + + + Gets all the defined on this entity. + + + This API only returns service properties and does not return scalar or navigation properties. + + + The service properties defined on this entity. + + + + Represents a relationship where a foreign key property(s) in a dependent entity type + reference a corresponding primary or alternate key in a principal entity type. + + + + + Gets the dependent entity type. This may be different from the type that + are defined on when the relationship is defined a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the properties + may be defined on a base type). + + + + + Gets the foreign key properties in the dependent entity. + + + + + Gets the principal entity type that this relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance + hierarchy (since the key is defined on the base type of the hierarchy). + + + + + Gets the primary or alternate key that the relationship targets. + + + + + Gets the navigation property on the dependent entity type that points to the principal entity. + + + + + Gets the navigation property on the principal entity type that points to the dependent entity. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the values assigned to the foreign key properties are unique. + + + + + Gets a value indicating if this relationship is required. If true, the dependent entity must always be + assigned to a valid principal entity. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether this relationship defines ownership. If true, the dependent entity must always be + accessed via the navigation from the principal entity. + + + + + Gets a value indicating how a delete operation is applied to dependent entities in the relationship when the + principal is deleted or the relationship is severed. + + + + + Represents an index on a set of properties. + + + + + Gets the properties that this index is defined on. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the values assigned to the indexed properties are unique. + + + + + Gets the entity type the index is defined on. This may be different from the type that + are defined on when the index is defined a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the properties + may be defined on a base type). + + + + + Represents a primary or alternate key on an entity. + + + + + Gets the properties that make up the key. + + + + + Gets the entity type the key is defined on. This may be different from the type that + are defined on when the key is defined a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the properties + may be defined on a base type). + + + + + Metadata about the shape of entities, the relationships between them, and how they map to the database. A model is typically + created by overriding the method on a derived context, or + using . + + + + + Gets all entity types defined in the model. + + All entity types defined in the model. + + + + Gets the entity type with the given name. Returns null if no entity type with the given name is found + or the entity type has a defining navigation. + + The name of the entity type to find. + The entity type, or null if none are found. + + + + Gets the entity type for the given name, defining navigation name + and the defining entity type. Returns null if no matching entity type is found. + + The name of the entity type to find. + The defining navigation of the entity type to find. + The defining entity type of the entity type to find. + The entity type, or null if none are found. + + + + + A class that exposes annotations that can be modified. Annotations allow for arbitrary metadata to be + stored on an object. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the annotation with the given name. + + The key of the annotation. + + The value of the existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists. Otherwise, null. + + + + + Gets all annotations on the current object. + + + + + Adds an annotation to this object. Throws if an annotation with the specified name already exists. + + The key of the annotation to be added. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The newly added annotation. + + + + Sets the annotation stored under the given key. Overwrites the existing annotation if an + annotation with the specified name already exists. + + The ket of the annotation to be added. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + + + + Gets the annotation with the given name, returning null if it does not exist. + + The key of the annotation to find. + + The existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists. Otherwise, null. + + + + + Removes the given annotation from this object. + + The annotation to remove. + The annotation that was removed. + + + + + Represents an entity in an . + + + This interface is used during model creation and allows the metadata to be modified. + Once the model is built, represents a ready-only view of the same metadata. + + + + + + Gets the model this entity belongs to. + + + + + Gets or sets the base type of the entity. Returns null if this is not a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy. + + + + + Gets or sets the LINQ expression filter automatically applied to queries for this entity type. + + + + + Gets or sets whether this entity type is a query type. + + true if the entity type is a query type; otherwise false. + + + + Gets the LINQ query used as the default source for queries of this type. + + + + + Sets the primary key for this entity. + + The properties that make up the primary key. + The newly created key. + + + + + Gets primary key for this entity. Returns null if no primary key is defined. + + + To be a valid model, each entity type must have a primary key defined. Therefore, the primary key may be + null while the model is being created, but will be present by the time the model is used with a . + + + The primary key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Adds a new alternate key to this entity type. + + The properties that make up the alternate key. + The newly created key. + + + + Gets the primary or alternate key that is defined on the given properties. Returns null if no key is defined + for the given properties. + + The properties that make up the key. + The key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Gets the primary and alternate keys for this entity. + + The primary and alternate keys. + + + + Removes a primary or alternate key from this entity. + + The properties that make up the key. + The key that was removed. + + + + Adds a new relationship to this entity. + + The properties that the foreign key is defined on. + The primary or alternate key that is referenced. + + The entity type that the relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the key is defined on the + base type of the hierarchy). + + The newly created foreign key. + + + + Gets the foreign key for the given properties that points to a given primary or alternate key. Returns null + if no foreign key is found. + + The properties that the foreign key is defined on. + The primary or alternate key that is referenced. + + The entity type that the relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the key is defined on the + base type of the hierarchy). + + The foreign key, or null if none is defined. + + + + Gets the foreign keys defined on this entity. + + The foreign keys defined on this entity. + + + + Removes a relationship from this entity. + + The properties that the foreign key is defined on. + The primary or alternate key that is referenced. + + The entity type that the relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the key is defined on the + base type of the hierarchy). + + The foreign key that was removed. + + + + Adds an index to this entity. + + The properties that are to be indexed. + The newly created index. + + + + Gets the index defined on the given properties. Returns null if no index is defined. + + The properties to find the index on. + The index, or null if none is found. + + + + Gets the indexes defined on this entity. + + The indexes defined on this entity. + + + + Removes an index from this entity. + + The properties that make up the index. + The index that was removed. + + + + Adds a property to this entity. + + The name of the property to add. + The type of value the property will hold. + The newly created property. + + + + + Gets the property with a given name. Returns null if no property with the given name is defined. + + + This API only finds scalar properties and does not find navigation properties. Use + to find + a navigation property. + + + The name of the property. + The property, or null if none is found. + + + + + Gets the properties defined on this entity. + + + This API only returns scalar properties and does not return navigation properties. Use + to get navigation + properties. + + + The properties defined on this entity. + + + + Removes a property from this entity. + + The name of the property to remove. + The property that was removed. + + + + Adds a to this entity. + + The or of the property to add. + The newly created property. + + + + + Gets the with a given name. Returns null if no property with the given name is defined. + + + This API only finds service properties and does not find scalar or navigation properties. + + + The name of the property. + The service property, or null if none is found. + + + + + Gets all the defined on this entity. + + + This API only returns service properties and does not return scalar or navigation properties. + + + The service properties defined on this entity. + + + + Removes an from this entity. + + The name of the property to remove. + The property that was removed. + + + + + Represents a relationship where a foreign key property(s) in a dependent entity type + reference a corresponding primary or alternate key in a principal entity type. + + + This interface is used during model creation and allows the metadata to be modified. + Once the model is built, represents a ready-only view of the same metadata. + + + + + + Gets the foreign key properties in the dependent entity. + + + + + Gets the primary or alternate key that the relationship targets. + + + + + Gets the dependent entity type. This may be different from the type that + are defined on when the relationship is defined a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the properties + may be defined on a base type). + + + + + Gets the principal entity type that this relationship targets. This may be different from the type that + is defined on when the relationship targets a derived type in an inheritance + hierarchy (since the key is defined on the base type of the hierarchy). + + + + + Gets the navigation property on the dependent entity type that points to the principal entity. + + + + + Gets the navigation property on the principal entity type that points to the dependent entity. + + + + + Sets the navigation property on the dependent entity type that points to the principal entity. + + + The name of the navigation property on the dependent type. Passing null will result in there being + no navigation property defined. + + The newly created navigation property. + + + + Sets the navigation property on the dependent entity type that points to the principal entity. + + + The navigation property on the dependent type. Passing null will result in there being + no navigation property defined. + + The newly created navigation property. + + + + Sets the navigation property on the principal entity type that points to the dependent entity. + + + The name of the navigation property on the principal type. Passing null will result in there being + no navigation property defined. + + The newly created navigation property. + + + + Sets the navigation property on the principal entity type that points to the dependent entity. + + + The name of the navigation property on the principal type. Passing null will result in there being + no navigation property defined. + + The newly created navigation property. + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether the values assigned to the foreign key properties are unique. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether this relationship is required. If true, the dependent entity must always be + assigned to a valid principal entity. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether this relationship defines ownership. If true, the dependent entity must always be + accessed via the navigation from the principal entity. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating how a delete operation is applied to dependent entities in the relationship when the + principal is deleted or the relationship is severed. + + + + + + Represents an index on a set of properties. + + + This interface is used during model creation and allows the metadata to be modified. + Once the model is built, represents a ready-only view of the same metadata. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether the values assigned to the indexed properties are unique. + + + + + Gets the properties that this index is defined on. + + + + + Gets the entity type the index is defined on. This may be different from the type that + are defined on when the index is defined a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the properties + may be defined on a base type). + + + + + + Represents a primary or alternate key on an entity. + + + This interface is used during model creation and allows the metadata to be modified. + Once the model is built, represents a ready-only view of the same metadata. + + + + + + Gets the properties that make up the key. + + + + + Gets the entity type the key is defined on. This may be different from the type that + are defined on when the key is defined a derived type in an inheritance hierarchy (since the properties + may be defined on a base type). + + + + + + Metadata about the shape of entities, the relationships between them, and how they map to the database. A model is typically + created by overriding the method on a derived context, or + using . + + + This interface is used during model creation and allows the metadata to be modified. + Once the model is built, represents a ready-only view of the same metadata. + + + + + + + Adds a shadow state entity type to the model. + + + Shadow entities are not currently supported in a model that is used at runtime with a . + Therefore, shadow state entity types will only exist in migration model snapshots, etc. + + + The name of the entity to be added. + The new entity type. + + + + Adds an entity type to the model. + + The CLR class that is used to represent instances of the entity type. + The new entity type. + + + + Adds an entity type with a defining navigation to the model. + + The name of the entity to be added. + The defining navigation. + The defining entity type. + The new entity type. + + + + Adds an entity type with a defining navigation to the model. + + The CLR class that is used to represent instances of this entity type. + The defining navigation. + The defining entity type. + The new entity type. + + + + Gets the entity with the given name. Returns null if no entity type with the given name is found + or the entity type has a defining navigation. + + The name of the entity type to find. + The entity type, or null if none are found. + + + + Gets the entity type for the given name, defining navigation name + and the defining entity type. Returns null if no matching entity type is found. + + The name of the entity type to find. + The defining navigation of the entity type to find. + The defining entity type of the entity type to find. + The entity type, or null if none are found. + + + + Removes an entity type without a defining navigation from the model. + + The name of the entity type to be removed. + The entity type that was removed. + + + + Removes an entity type with a defining navigation from the model. + + The name of the entity to be removed. + The defining navigation. + The defining entity type. + The entity type that was removed. + + + + Gets all entity types defined in the model. + + All entity types defined in the model. + + + + Adds a query type to the model. + + The CLR class that is used to represent instances of the query type. + The query type. + + + + + Represents a navigation property which can be used to navigate a relationship. + + + This interface is used during model creation and allows the metadata to be modified. + Once the model is built, represents a ready-only view of the same metadata. + + + + + + Gets the type that this property belongs to. + + + + + Gets the foreign key that defines the relationship this navigation property will navigate. + + + + + Determines whether this navigation should be eager loaded by default. + + + + + + Represents a scalar property of an entity. + + + This interface is used during model creation and allows the metadata to be modified. + Once the model is built, represents a ready-only view of the same metadata. + + + + + + Gets the type that this property belongs to. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether this property can contain null. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating when a value for this property will be generated by the database. Even when the + property is set to be generated by the database, EF may still attempt to save a specific value (rather than + having one generated by the database) when the entity is added and a value is assigned, or the property is + marked as modified for an existing entity. See and + for more information. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether or not this property can be modified before the entity is + saved to the database. + + + If , then an exception + will be thrown if a value is assigned to this property when it is in + the state. + + + If , then any value + set will be ignored when it is in the state. + + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether or not this property can be modified before the entity is + saved to the database. + + + If , then an exception + will be thrown if a new value is assigned to this property after the entity exists in the database. + + + If , then any modification to the + property value of an entity that already exists in the database will be ignored. + + + + + + This property is obsolete. Use instead. + + + + + This property is obsolete. Use instead. + + + + + This property is obsolete. Use or instead. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether this property is used as a concurrency token. When a property is configured + as a concurrency token the value in the database will be checked when an instance of this entity type + is updated or deleted during to ensure it has not changed since + the instance was retrieved from the database. If it has changed, an exception will be thrown and the + changes will not be applied to the database. + + + + + + Base type for navigation and scalar properties. + + + This interface is used during model creation and allows the metadata to be modified. + Once the model is built, represents a ready-only view of the same metadata. + + + + + + Gets the type that this property belongs to. + + + + + A in the Entity Framework model that represents an + injected service from the . + + + + + Gets the type that this property belongs to. + + + + + + Represents a type in an . + + + This interface is used during model creation and allows the metadata to be modified. + Once the model is built, represents a ready-only view of the same metadata. + + + + + + Gets the model that this type belongs to. + + + + + Represents a navigation property which can be used to navigate a relationship. + + + + + Gets the entity type that this property belongs to. + + + + + Gets the foreign key that defines the relationship this navigation property will navigate. + + + + + Determines whether this navigation should be eager loaded by default. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Runs the conventions when an annotation was set or removed. + + The key of the set annotation. + The annotation set. + The old annotation. + The annotation that was set. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Runs the conventions when an annotation was set or removed. + + The key of the set annotation. + The annotation set. + The old annotation. + The annotation that was set. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Runs the conventions when an annotation was set or removed. + + The key of the set annotation. + The annotation set. + The old annotation. + The annotation that was set. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Runs the conventions when an annotation was set or removed. + + The key of the set annotation. + The annotation set. + The old annotation. + The annotation that was set. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this property requires a to generate + values when new entities are added to the context. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Represents a scalar property of an entity. + + + + + Gets the entity type that this property belongs to. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this property can contain null. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether or not this property can be modified before the entity is + saved to the database. + + + If , then an exception + will be thrown if a value is assigned to this property when it is in + the state. + + + If , then any value + set will be ignored when it is in the state. + + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether or not this property can be modified after the entity is + saved to the database. + + + If , then an exception + will be thrown if a new value is assigned to this property after the entity exists in the database. + + + If , then any modification to the + property value of an entity that already exists in the database will be ignored. + + + + + + This property is obsolete. Use instead. + + + + + This property is obsolete. Use instead. + + + + + This property is obsolete. Use or instead. + + + + + Gets a value indicating when a value for this property will be generated by the database. Even when the + property is set to be generated by the database, EF may still attempt to save a specific value (rather than + having one generated by the database) when the entity is added and a value is assigned, or the property is + marked as modified for an existing entity. See and + for more information. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this property is used as a concurrency token. When a property is configured + as a concurrency token the value in the database will be checked when an instance of this entity type + is updated or deleted during to ensure it has not changed since + the instance was retrieved from the database. If it has changed, an exception will be thrown and the + changes will not be applied to the database. + + + + + Gets the type of value that this property holds. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this is a shadow property. A shadow property is one that does not have a + corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances of the entity class. + + + + + Base type for navigation and scalar properties. + + + + + Gets the name of the property. + + + + + Gets the type that this property belongs to. + + + + + Gets the type of value that this property holds. + + + + + Gets the for the underlying CLR property that this + object represents. This may be null for shadow properties or properties mapped directly to fields. + + + + + Gets the for the underlying CLR field that this + object represents. This may be null for shadow properties or if the backing field for the + property is not known. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this is a shadow property. A shadow property is one that does not have a + corresponding property in the entity class. The current value for the property is stored in + the rather than being stored in instances of the entity class. + + + + + A in the Entity Framework model that represents an + injected service from the . + + + + + Gets the entity type that this property belongs to. + + + + + Represents a type in an . + + + + + Gets the model that this type belongs to. + + + + + Gets the name of this type. + + + + + + Gets the CLR class that is used to represent instances of this type. Returns null if the type does not have a + corresponding CLR class (known as a shadow type). + + + Shadow types are not currently supported in a model that is used at runtime with a . + Therefore, shadow types will only exist in migration model snapshots, etc. + + + + + + Indicates how changes to the value of a property will be handled by Entity Framework change tracking + which in turn will determine whether the value set is sent to the database or not. + Used with and + + + + + + The value set or changed will be sent to the database in the normal way. + + + + + Any value set or changed will be ignored. + + + + + If an explicit value is set or the value is changed, then an exception will be thrown. + + + + + + Creates instances of that have no conventions. This is useful when + Exhaustively configuring a model based on some existing metadata. + + + This is typically not used in application code since building a model by overriding + or using + directly is much easier. + + + + + + Creates an empty model with no conventions. All aspects of the model must be exhaustively configured. + + The newly created model. + + + + + Indicates when a value for a property will be generated by the database. + + + Even when a property is set to be generated by the database, EF may still attempt to save + a specific value (rather than having one generated by the database) when an entity is added + and a value is assigned, or the property is marked as modified for an existing entity. + See for more details. + + + + + + A value is never generated by the database. + + + + + A value is generated by the database when an entity is first added to the database. The most common + scenario for this is generated primary key values. + + + + + No value is generated when the entity is first added to the database, but a value will be read + from the database whenever the entity is subsequently updated. + + + + + A value is read from the database when the entity is first added and whenever the entity + is subsequently updated. This is typically used for computed columns and scenarios such as + rowversions, timestamps, etc. + + + + + + Provides a simple API surface for configuring a that defines the shape of your + entities, the relationships between them, and how they map to the database. + + + You can use to construct a model for a context by overriding + on your derived context. Alternatively you can create the + model externally and set it on a instance that is passed to the context constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class that will + apply a set of conventions. + + The conventions to be applied to the model. + + + + The model being configured. + + + + + Adds or updates an annotation on the model. If an annotation with the key specified in + already exists its value will be updated. + + The key of the annotation to be added or updated. + The value to be stored in the annotation. + The same instance so that multiple configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + The internal being used to configure this model. + + + This property is intended for use by extension methods to configure the model. It is not intended to be used in + application code. + + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a given entity type in the model. + If the entity type is not already part of the model, it will be added to the model. + + The entity type to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a given entity type in the model. + If the entity type is not already part of the model, it will be added to the model. + + The entity type to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a given entity type in the model. + If an entity type with the provided name is not already part of the model, + a new entity type that does not have a corresponding CLR type will be added to the model. + + The name of the entity type to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the entity type. + + + + + Performs configuration of a given entity type in the model. If the entity type is not already part + of the model, it will be added to the model. + + + This overload allows configuration of the entity type to be done in line in the method call rather + than being chained after a call to . This allows additional + configuration at the model level to be chained after configuration for the entity type. + + + The entity type to be configured. + An action that performs configuration of the entity type. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + + Performs configuration of a given entity type in the model. If the entity type is not already part + of the model, it will be added to the model. + + + This overload allows configuration of the entity type to be done in line in the method call rather + than being chained after a call to . This allows additional + configuration at the model level to be chained after configuration for the entity type. + + + The entity type to be configured. + An action that performs configuration of the entity type. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + + Performs configuration of a given entity type in the model. + If an entity type with the provided name is not already part of the model, + a new entity type that does not have a corresponding CLR type will be added to the model. + + + This overload allows configuration of the entity type to be done in line in the method call rather + than being chained after a call to . This allows additional + configuration at the model level to be chained after configuration for the entity type. + + + The name of the entity type to be configured. + An action that performs configuration of the entity type. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a given query type in the model. + If the query type is not already part of the model, it will be added to the model. + + The query type to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the query type. + + + + Returns an object that can be used to configure a given query type in the model. + If the query type is not already part of the model, it will be added to the model. + + The query type to be configured. + An object that can be used to configure the query type. + + + + + Performs configuration of a given query type in the model. If the query type is not already part + of the model, it will be added to the model. + + + This overload allows configuration of the query type to be done in line in the method call rather + than being chained after a call to . This allows additional + configuration at the model level to be chained after configuration for the query type. + + + The query type to be configured. + An action that performs configuration of the query type. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + + Performs configuration of a given query type in the model. If the query type is not already part + of the model, it will be added to the model. + + + This overload allows configuration of the query type to be done in line in the method call rather + than being chained after a call to . This allows additional + configuration at the model level to be chained after configuration for the query type. + + + The query type to be configured. + An action that performs configuration of the query type. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Excludes the given entity type from the model. This method is typically used to remove types from + the model that were added by convention. + + The entity type to be removed from the model. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Excludes the given entity type from the model. This method is typically used to remove types from + the model that were added by convention. + + The entity type to be removed from the model. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Applies configuration that is defined in an instance. + + The entity type to be configured. + The configuration to be applied. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Applies configuration that is defined in an instance. + + The query type to be configured. + The configuration to be applied. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Marks an entity type as owned. All references to this type will be configured as + separate owned type instances. + + The entity type to be configured. + + + + Marks an entity type as owned. All references to this type will be configured as + separate owned type instances. + + The entity type to be configured. + + + + Configures the default to be used for this model. + This strategy indicates how the context detects changes to properties for an instance of an entity type. + + The change tracking strategy to be used. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + + Sets the to use for all properties of this entity type. + + + By default, the backing field, if one is found by convention or has been specified, is used when + new objects are constructed, typically when entities are queried from the database. + Properties are used for all other accesses. Calling this method will change that behavior + for all properties in the model as described in the enum. + + + The to use for properties of this model. + + The same instance so that additional configuration calls can be chained. + + + + + Returns a string that represents the current object. + + A string that represents the current object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + The object to compare with the current object. + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as the default hash function. + + A hash code for the current object. + + + + + Pass a value from this enum to , + , or + to change whether the property + or backing field will be used when reading and writing to a property or field. + + + If no access mode is set, then the backing field for a property will be used if possible + when constructing new instances of the entity. The property getter or setter will be used, + if possible, for all other accesses of the property. Note that when it is not possible + to use the field because it could not be found by convention and was not specified using + , then the property will be used instead. Likewise, + when it is not possible to use the property getter or setter, for example when the + property is read-only, then the field will be used instead. + + + + + + + Enforces that all accesses to the property must go through the field. + + + An exception will be thrown if this mode is set and it is not possible to read + from or write to the field. + + + + + + + Enforces that all accesses to the property must go through the field when + new instances are being constructed. New instances are typically constructed when + entities are queried from the database. + An exception will be thrown if this mode is set and it is not possible to + write to the field. + + + All other uses of the property will go through the property getters and setters, + unless this is not possible because, for example, the property is read-only, in which + case these accesses will also use the field. + + + This access mode is similar to the default mode used if none has been set except + that it will throw an exception if it is not possible to write to the field for + entity construction. The default access mode will fall back to using the property + instead. + + + + + + + Enforces that all accesses to the property must go through the property + getters and setters, even when new objects are being constructed. + + + An exception will be thrown if this mode is set and it is not possible to read + from or write to the property, for example because it is read-only. + + + + + + Indicates how the results of a query are tracked by the . + + + + + The change tracker will keep track of changes for all entities that are returned from a LINQ query. + Any modification to the entity instances will be detected and persisted to the database during + . + + + + + + The change tracker will not track any of the entities that are returned from a LINQ query. If the + entity instances are modified, this will not be detected by the change tracker and + will not persist those changes to the database. + + + Disabling change tracking is useful for read-only scenarios because it avoids the overhead of setting + up change tracking for each entity instance. You should not disable change tracking if you want to + manipulate entity instances and persist those changes to the database using + . + + + Identity resolution will still be performed to ensure that all occurrences of an entity with a given key + in the result set are represented by the same entity instance. + + + + + + Represents an asynchronous sequence produced by executing a compiled query. + + The result type. + + + + Creates a new instance of + + The underlying instance. + + + + Asynchronously creates a from this + by enumerating it asynchronously. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains elements from the input sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously creates an array from this . + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains an array that contains elements from the input sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously enumerates the query. When using Entity Framework, this causes the results of the query to + be loaded into the associated context. This is equivalent to calling ToList + and then throwing away the list (without the overhead of actually creating the list). + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + Creates a from this + by enumerating it asynchronously according to a specified key selector function. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the key returned by . + + A function to extract a key from each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains selected keys and values. + + + + + Creates a from this + by enumerating it + asynchronously + according to a specified key selector function and a comparer. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the key returned by . + + A function to extract a key from each element. + + An to compare keys. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains selected keys and values. + + + + + Creates a from this + by enumerating it asynchronously according to a specified key selector and an element selector function. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the key returned by . + + + The type of the value returned by . + + A function to extract a key from each element. + A transform function to produce a result element value from each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains values of type + selected from the input sequence. + + + + + Creates a from this + by enumerating it asynchronously according to a specified key selector function, a comparer, and an element selector function. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + + The type of the key returned by . + + + The type of the value returned by . + + A function to extract a key from each element. + A transform function to produce a result element value from each element. + + An to compare keys. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + The task result contains a that contains values of type + selected from the input sequence. + + + + + Asynchronously enumerates the query results and performs the specified action on each element. + + + Multiple active operations on the same context instance are not supported. Use 'await' to ensure + that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. + + The action to perform on each element. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + + Creates keys that uniquely identifies a query. This is used to store and lookup + compiled versions of a query in a cache. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Dependencies used to create a + + + + + Generates the cache key for the given query. + + The query to get the cache key for. + A value indicating whether the query will be executed asynchronously. + The cache key. + + + + Generates the cache key for the given query. + + The query to get the cache key for. + A value indicating whether the query will be executed asynchronously. + The cache key. + + + + + A key that uniquely identifies a query. This is used to store and lookup + compiled versions of a query in a cache. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The query to generate the key for. + The model that queries is written against. + The tracking behavior for results of the query. + A value indicating whether the query will be executed asynchronously. + + + + Determines if this key is equivalent to a given object (i.e. if they are keys for the same query). + + + The object to compare this key to. + + + True if the object is a and is for the same query, otherwise false. + + + + + Gets the hash code for the key. + + + The hash code for the key. + + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + The model that queries will be written against. + The context that queries will be executed for. + + + + The model that queries will be written against. + + + + + The context that queries will be executed for. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + + Information required to create an instance of an entity based on a row of data returned from a query. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the struct. + + The row of data that represents this entity. + The method to materialize the data into an entity instance. + Dictionary containing mapping from property indexes to values in ValueBuffer. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the struct. + + The current for creating the entity. + The method to materialize the data into an entity instance. + Dictionary containing mapping from property indexes to values in ValueBuffer. + + + + Gets the row of data that represents this entity. + + + + + Materializes the data into an entity instance. + + The entity instance. + + + + Creates a new ValueBuffer containing only the values needed for entities of a given type. + + The type of this entity. + Updated value buffer. + + + + + The core visitor that processes a query to be executed. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Expression to reference the parameter for a query. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + The to be used when processing the query. + + + + Gets the expression that represents this query. + + + + + Gets the expression for the current parameter. + + + + + Gets the being used for this query. + + + + + Gets the being used for this query. + + + + + Creates an action to execute this query. + + The type of results that the query returns. + The query. + An action that returns the results of the query. + + + + Creates an action to asynchronously execute this query. + + The type of results that the query returns. + The query. + An action that asynchronously returns the results of the query. + + + + Executes the query and logs any exceptions that occur. + + + + + Rewrites collection navigation projections so that they can be handled by the Include pipeline. + + The query. + + + + Populates based on annotations found in the query. + + The query. + + + + Pre-processes query model before we rewrite its navigations. + + Query model to process. + + + + Applies optimizations to the query. + + The query. + True if we are compiling an async query; otherwise false. + + + + Determine whether a defining query should be applied when querying the target entity type. + + The target entity type. + The target query source. + true if the target type should have a defining query applied. + + + + Converts the results of the query from a single result to a series of results. + + The query. + The type of results returned by the query. + + + + Applies tracking behavior to the query. + + The type of results returned by the query. + The query. + + + + Creates an action to execute this query. + + The type of results that the query returns. + An action that returns the results of the query. + > + + + + Visits the root node. + + The query. + + + + Visits the node. + + The node being visited. + The query. + + + + Compiles the node. + + The node being compiled. + The query. + The compiled result. + + + + Visits nodes. + + The node being visited. + The query. + Index of the node being visited. + + + + Compiles nodes. + + The node being compiled. + The query. + The compiled result. + + + + Visits nodes. + + The node being visited. + The query. + Index of the node being visited. + + + + Compiles nodes. + + The node being compiled. + The query. + The compiled result. + + + + Visits nodes + + The node being visited. + The query. + Index of the node being visited. + + + + Compiles nodes. + + The node being compiled. + The query. + The compiled result. + + + + Visits nodes. + + The node being visited. + The query. + Index of the node being visited. + + + + Visits nodes. + + The node being visited. + The query. + The for the ordering. + Index of the node being visited. + + + + Removes orderings for a given query model. + + Query model to remove orderings on. + + + + Determines whether correlated collections (if any) can be optimized. + + True if optimization is allowed, false otherwise. + + + + Visits nodes. + + The node being visited. + The query. + + + + The _SelectAsync method info. + + + + + Visits nodes. + + The node being visited. + The query. + Index of the node being visited. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Translates a re-linq query model expression into a compiled query expression. + + The re-linq query model expression. + The query source. + True when the expression is a projector. + + A compiled query expression fragment. + + + + + Binds a method call to a value buffer access. + + The method call expression. + The target expression. + + A value buffer access expression. + + + + + Binds a member access to a value buffer access. + + The member access expression. + The target expression. + + A value buffer access expression. + + + + + Binds a value buffer read. + + Type of the member. + The target expression. + A value buffer index. + The property being bound. + + A value buffer read expression. + + + + + Binds a navigation path property expression. + + Type of the result. + The property expression. + The property binder. + + A TResult. + + + + + Binds a member expression. + + The member access expression. + The member binder. + + + + Binds a member expression. + + Type of the result. + The member access expression. + The query source. + The member binder. + + A TResult. + + + + + Binds a method call expression. + + Type of the result. + The method call expression. + The query source. + The method call binder. + + A TResult. + + + + + Binds a method call expression. + + Type of the result. + The method call expression. + The method call binder. + + A TResult. + + + + + Binds a method call expression. + + The method call expression. + The method call binder. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + The to be used when processing the query. + + The to be used when + processing the query. + + + The to be used when + processing the query. + + + The to be used when + processing the query. + + The to be used when processing the query. + + The to be used when + processing the query. + + + The to be used when processing the + query. + + + The to be used when + processing the query. + + The to be used when processing the query. + The to be used when processing the query. + The to be used when processing the query. + The to be used when processing the query. + The to be used when processing the query. + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Gets the to be used when processing a query. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + + Creates instances of . + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Dependencies used to create a + + + + + Creates a new . + + + Compilation context for the query. + + + The visitor for the outer query. + + The new created visitor. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Expression representing null-conditional access. + Logic in this file is based on https://github.com/bartdesmet/ExpressionFutures + + + + + Creates a new instance of NullConditionalExpression. + + Expression representing potentially nullable caller that needs to be tested for it's nullability. + Expression representing access operation. + + + + Expression representing potentially nullable caller that needs to be tested for it's nullability. + + + + + Expression representing access operation. + + + + + Indicates that the node can be reduced to a simpler node. If this returns true, + Reduce() can be called to produce the reduced form. + + + + + Gets the static type of the expression that this expression represents. + + + + + Gets the node type of this expression. + + + + + Reduces this node to a simpler expression. If CanReduce returns true, this should + return a valid expression. This method can return another node which itself must + be reduced. + + + + + Reduces the node and then calls the visitor delegate on the reduced expression. + The method throws an exception if the node is not + reducible. + + + The expression being visited, or an expression which should replace it in the tree. + + An instance of . + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Returns a textual representation of the . + + + A textual representation of the . + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Visitor for processing entity types roots. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The visitor for the query. + + + + Visits nodes. + + The node being visited. + An expression to use in place of the node. + + + + Visits entity type roots. + + The entity type of the root. + An expression to use in place of the node. + + + + A base expression visitor that ignores Block expressions. + + + + + Visits the children of the extension expression. + + + The modified expression, if it or any subexpression was modified; otherwise, returns the original expression. + + The expression to visit. + + + + Visits the children of the subquery expression. + + + The modified expression, if it or any subexpression was modified; otherwise, returns the original expression. + + The expression to visit. + + + Visits the children of the . + + The modified expression, if it or any subexpression was modified; otherwise, returns the original + expression. + + The expression to visit. + The type of the delegate. + + + + A factory for creating entity queryable expression visitors. + + + + + Creates a new entity queryable ExpressionVisitor. + + The query model visitor. + The query source. + + An ExpressionVisitor. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + A factory for creating projection expression visitors. + + + + + Creates a new ExpressionVisitor. + + The entity query model visitor. + The query source. + + An ExpressionVisitor. + + + + + A projection expression visitor. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.ExpressionVisitors.ProjectionExpressionVisitor class. + + The entity query model visitor. + + + + Visits the children of the . + + The expression to visit. + + The modified expression, if it or any subexpression was modified; otherwise, returns the original expression. + + + + + Visit a subquery. + + The subquery expression. + + A compiled query expression fragment representing the input subquery expression. + + + + + A cache key generator for the compiled query cache. + + + + + Generates a cache key. + + The query to generate a cache key for. + True if the query will be executed asynchronously. + An object representing a query cache key. + + + + A factory for creating EntityQueryModelVisitors. + + + + + Creates a new EntityQueryModelVisitor. + + Context for the query compilation. + The parent entity query model visitor. + + An EntityQueryModelVisitor instance. + + + + + Supports queryable Include/ThenInclude chaining operators. + + The entity type. + The property type. + + + + Represents a single query include operation. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.IncludeResultOperator class. + + The query source. + The set of navigation properties to be included. + + + + Gets the query source. + + + The query source. + + + + + Gets the set of navigation properties to be included. + + + The set of navigation properties to be included. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether this object is an enumerable target. + + + True if this object is an enumerable target, false if not. + + + + + Convert this object into a string representation. + + + A string that represents this object. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Structure to store metadata needed for correlated collection optimizations. + + + + + Creates a new . + + Id associated with the collection that is being optimized. + Flag indicating whether query should be tracked or not. + First navigation in the chain leading to collection navigation that is being optimized. + Collection navigation that is being optimized. + Query source that is origin of the collection navigation. + + + + Id associated with the collection that is being optimized. + + + + + Flag indicating whether query should be tracked or not. + + + + + First navigation in the chain leading to collection navigation that is being optimized. + + + + + Collection navigation that is being optimized. + + + + + Query source that is origin of the collection navigation. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Creates a new . + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Creates instances for use by the query compiler. + + + + + Creates a . + + The . + + + + Registers methods to be used with the . + + The methods to register. + The node type for these methods. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Creates instances for use by the query compiler + based on a . + + + + + Creates a new that will use the given + + + The registry to use./> + + + + Registers methods to be used with the . + + The methods to register. + The node type for these methods. + + + + Creates a . + + The . + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Factory for instances. + + + + + Creates a new QueryCompilationContext. + + true if the query will be executed asynchronously. + + A instance. + + + + + Factory for instances. + + + + + Creates a new QueryContext. + + + A QueryContext instance. + + + + + A handler for instances. + + + + + Handles a result operator. + + The entity query model visitor. + The result operator. + The query model. + + A compiled query expression fragment representing the result operator. + + + + + Signals that custom LINQ operator parameter should not be parameterized during query compilation. + + + + + A query compilation context. The primary data structure representing the state/components + used during query compilation. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Registers a mapping between correlated collection query models and metadata needed to process them. + + The main from clause. + Flag indicating whether query should be tracked or not. + First navigation in the chain leading to collection navigation that is being optimized. + Collection navigation that is being optimized. + Query source that is origin of the collection navigation. + + + + Looks up a mapping between correlated collection query models and metadata needed to process them. + + The main from clause. + The correlated sub-query metadata. + True if correlated sub-query metadata was registered; false otherwise. + + + + Gets the model. + + + The model. + + + + + Gets the logger. + + + The logger. + + + + + Gets the LINQ operator provider. + + + The LINQ operator provider. + + + + + Gets the type of the context./ + + + The type of the context. + + + + + Gets a value indicating the default configured tracking behavior. + + + true if the default is to track query results, false if not. + + + + + Gets the query source mapping. + + + The query source mapping. + + + + + Get a value indicating whether query that is being processed is asynchronous. + + + + + Gets the entity type mapped to the given query source + + + + + Gets the entity type mapped to the given query source + + + + + Updates the query source mappings to the new query sources + + The new query source mapping + + + + Adds or updates the expression mapped to a query source. + + The query source. + The expression mapped to the query source. + + + + Gets the query annotations. + + + The query annotations. + + + + + Adds query annotations to the existing list. + + The query annotations. + + + + Creates cloned annotations targeting a new QueryModel. + + A query source mapping. + A query model. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this is a tracking query. + + + true if this object is a tracking query, false if not. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this query should have model-level query filters applied. + + + true if query filters should be applied, false if not. + + + + + The query has at least one Include operation. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this query requires a query buffer. + + + true if this query requires a query buffer, false if not. + + + + + Determine if the query requires a query buffer. + + The query model. + + + + Creates query model visitor. + + + The new query model visitor. + + + + + Creates query model visitor. + + The parent entity query model visitor. + + The new query model visitor. + + + + + Adds a trackable include. + + The query source. + The included navigation path. + + + + Gets all trackable includes for a given query source. + + The query source. + + The trackable includes. + + + + + Determines all query sources that require materialization. + + The query model visitor. + The query model. + + + + Determine whether or not a query source requires materialization. + + The query source. + + true if it requires materialization, false if not. + + + + + Add a query source to the set of query sources requiring materialization. + + The query source. + + + + The principal data structure used by a compiled query during execution. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Gets the current DbContext. + + + + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + + The query buffer. + + + + + The state manager. + + + The state manager. + + + + + The query provider. + + + The query provider. + + + + + Gets the concurrency detector. + + + The concurrency detector. + + + + + Gets or sets the cancellation token. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + The parameter values. + + + + + Adds a parameter. + + The name. + The value. + + + + Sets a parameter value. + + The name. + The value. + + + + Removes a parameter by name. + + The name. + + The parameter value. + + + + + Notify the state manager that a tracking query is starting. + + + + + Start tracking an entity. + + The entity. + Information describing how to track the entity. + + + + Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. + + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + The cache being used to store value generator instances. + + + + + Gets the change detector. + + + + + Gets the state manager. + + + + + Gets the query provider. + + + + + Gets the concurrency detector. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + A factory for instances. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + + Creates a query buffer. + + + The new query buffer. + + + + + Creates a new QueryContext. + + + A QueryContext. + + + + + The default client-eval result operator handler. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Handles the result operator. + + The entity query model visitor. + The result operator. + The query model. + + An compiled query expression fragment representing the result operator. + + + + + Call a client operator that may have a cancellation token. + + The method to call. + A variable-length parameters list containing arguments. + + A method call expression. + + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + A query annotation that can be cloned. + + + + + Clones this annotation. + + The new query source. + The new query model. + The cloned annotation. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Represents an annotation on a query. + + + + + Gets the query source. + + + The query source. + + + + + Gets the query model. + + + The query model. + + + + + A simple default implementation of + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Dependencies used to create a + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the given .NET type is mapped. + + The .NET type. + True if the type can be mapped; otherwise false. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + The registry of known s. + + + + The registry of known s. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + + Represents the mapping between a .NET type and a database type. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Parameter object for use in the hierarchy. + + + + + Creates a new parameter object. + + The .NET type used in the EF model. + Converts types to and from the store whenever this mapping is used. + Supports custom value snapshotting and comparisons. + Supports custom comparisons between keys--e.g. PK to FK comparison. + An optional factory for creating a specific . + + + + The mapping CLR type. + + + + + The mapping converter. + + + + + The mapping comparer. + + + + + The mapping key comparer. + + + + + An optional factory for creating a specific to use with + this mapping. + + + + + Creates a new parameter object with the given + converter composed with any existing converter and set on the new parameter object. + + The converter. + The new parameter object. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The parameters for this mapping. + + + + Returns the parameters used to create this type mapping. + + + + + Gets the .NET type used in the EF model. + + + + + Converts types to and from the store whenever this mapping is used. + May be null if no conversion is needed. + + + + + An optional factory for creating a specific to use with + this mapping. + + + + + A adds custom value snapshotting and comparison for + CLR types that cannot be compared with + and/or need a deep copy when taking a snapshot. + + + + + A adds custom value comparison for use when + comparing key values to each other. For example, when comparing a PK to and FK. + + + + + Returns a new copy of this type mapping with the given + added. + + The converter to use. + A new type mapping + + + + + The main interaction point between a context and the database provider. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + + Persists changes from the supplied entries to the database. + + Entries representing the changes to be persisted. + The number of state entries persisted to the database. + + + + Asynchronously persists changes from the supplied entries to the database. + + Entries representing the changes to be persisted. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous save operation. The task result contains the + number of entries persisted to the database. + + + + + Translates a query model into a function that can be executed to get query results from the database. + + The type of results returned by the query. + An object model representing the query to be executed. + A function that will execute the query. + + + + Translates a query model into a function that can be executed to asynchronously get query results from the database. + + The type of results returned by the query. + An object model representing the query to be executed. + A function that will asynchronously execute the query. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + Factory for compilation contexts to process LINQ queries. + + + + Factory for compilation contexts to process LINQ queries. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + + The primary point where a database provider can tell EF that it has been selected for the current context. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + The type of options that the database provider will add to + to identify that is has been selected (and to store its database specific settings). + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + The unique name used to identify the database provider. This should be the same as the NuGet package name + for the providers runtime. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this database provider has been selected for a given context. + + The options for the context. + True if the database provider has been selected, otherwise false. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + Represents the execution state of an operation. + + The type of the result. + + + + Creates a new instance of . + + true if the operation succeeded. + The result of the operation if successful. + + + + Indicates whether the operation succeeded. + + + + + The result of the operation if successful. + + + + + The base class for implementations. + + + + + The default number of retry attempts. + + + + + The default maximum time delay between retries, must be nonnegative. + + + + + The default maximum random factor, must not be lesser than 1. + + + + + The default base for the exponential function used to compute the delay between retries, must be positive. + + + + + The default coefficient for the exponential function used to compute the delay between retries, must be nonnegative. + + + + + Creates a new instance of . + + The context on which the operations will be invoked. + The maximum number of retry attempts. + The maximum delay between retries. + + + + Creates a new instance of . + + Parameter object containing service dependencies. + The maximum number of retry attempts. + The maximum delay between retries. + + + + The list of exceptions that caused the operation to be retried so far. + + + + + A pseudo-random number generator that can be used to vary the delay between retries. + + + + + The maximum number of retry attempts. + + + + + The maximum delay between retries. + + + + + Parameter object containing service dependencies. + + + + + Indicates whether the strategy is suspended. The strategy is typically suspending while executing to avoid + recursive execution from nested operations. + + + + + Indicates whether this might retry the execution after a failure. + + + + + Executes the specified operation and returns the result. + + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A delegate representing an executable operation that returns the result of type . + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown. + The type of the state. + The return type of . + The result from the operation. + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation and returns the result. + + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown. + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + The type of the state. + The result type of the returned by . + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Method called before the first operation execution + + + + + Method called before retrying the operation execution + + + + + Determines whether the operation should be retried and the delay before the next attempt. + + The exception thrown during the last execution attempt. + + Returns the delay indicating how long to wait for before the next execution attempt if the operation should be retried; + null otherwise + + + + + Determines whether the specified exception could be thrown after a successful execution. + + The exception object to be verified. + + true if the specified exception could be thrown after a successful execution, otherwise false. + + + + + Determines whether the specified exception represents a transient failure that can be compensated by a retry. + + The exception object to be verified. + + true if the specified exception is considered as transient, otherwise false. + + + + + Recursively gets InnerException from as long as it is an + exception created by Entity Framework and calls on the innermost one. + + The exception to be unwrapped. + A delegate that will be called with the unwrapped exception. + The return type of . + + The result from . + + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + Indirection to the current instance. + The options for the current instance. + A logger. + + + + The options for the current instance. + + + + + Indirection to the current instance. + + + + + The logger. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + + The main interaction point between a context and the database provider. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Persists changes from the supplied entries to the database. + + Entries representing the changes to be persisted. + The number of state entries persisted to the database. + + + + Asynchronously persists changes from the supplied entries to the database. + + Entries representing the changes to be persisted. + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous save operation. The task result contains the + number of entries persisted to the database. + + + + + Translates a query model into a function that can be executed to get query results from the database. + + The type of results returned by the query. + An object model representing the query to be executed. + A function that will execute the query. + + + + Translates a query model into a function that can be executed to asynchronously get query results from the database. + + The type of results returned by the query. + An object model representing the query to be executed. + A function that will asynchronously execute the query. + + + + + Creates and deletes databases for a given database provider. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + + Ensures that the database for the context does not exist. If it does not exist, no action is taken. If it does + exist then the database is deleted. + + + Warning: The entire database is deleted an no effort is made to remove just the database objects that are used by + the model for this context. + + + True if the database is deleted, false if it did not exist. + + + + + Asynchronously ensures that the database for the context does not exist. If it does not exist, no action is taken. If it does + exist then the database is deleted. + + + Warning: The entire database is deleted an no effort is made to remove just the database objects that are used by + the model for this context. + + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous save operation. The task result contains true if the database is deleted, + false if it did not exist. + + + + + Ensures that the database for the context exists. If it exists, no action is taken. If it does not + exist then the database and all its schema are created. If the database exists, then no effort is made + to ensure it is compatible with the model for this context. + + True if the database is created, false if it already existed. + + + + Asynchronously ensures that the database for the context exists. If it exists, no action is taken. If it does not + exist then the database and all its schema are created. If the database exists, then no effort is made + to ensure it is compatible with the model for this context. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous save operation. The task result contains true if the database is created, + false if it already existed. + + + + + + The primary point where a database provider can tell EF that it has been selected for the current context + and provide the services required for it to function. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + The unique name used to identify the database provider. This should be the same as the NuGet package name + for the providers runtime. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this database provider has been configured for a given context. + + The options for the context. + True if the database provider has been configured, otherwise false. + + + + + A transaction against the database. + + + Instances of this class are typically obtained from and it is not designed + to be directly constructed in your application code. + + + + + + Gets the transaction identifier. + + + + + Commits all changes made to the database in the current transaction. + + + + + Discards all changes made to the database in the current transaction. + + + + + + Creates and manages the current transaction. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Begins a new transaction. + + The newly created transaction. + + + + Asynchronously begins a new transaction. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the newly created transaction. + + + + + Commits all changes made to the database in the current transaction. + + + + + Discards all changes made to the database in the current transaction. + + + + + Gets the current transaction. + + + + + A strategy that is used to execute a command or query against the database, possibly with logic to retry when a failure occurs. + + + + + Indicates whether this might retry the execution after a failure. + + + + + Executes the specified operation and returns the result. + + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A delegate representing an executable operation that returns the result of type . + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown. + The type of the state. + The return type of . + The result from the operation. + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Executes the specified asynchronous operation and returns the result. + + The state that will be passed to the operation. + + A function that returns a started task of type . + + A delegate that tests whether the operation succeeded even though an exception was thrown. + + A cancellation token used to cancel the retry operation, but not operations that are already in flight + or that already completed successfully. + + The type of the state. + The result type of the returned by . + + A task that will run to completion if the original task completes successfully (either the + first time or after retrying transient failures). If the task fails with a non-transient error or + the retry limit is reached, the returned task will become faulted and the exception must be observed. + + + The operation has not succeeded after the configured number of retries. + + + + + Factory for instances. + + + + + Creates a new . + + An instance of . + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + Parameter object containing service dependencies. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this class with the given service dependencies. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Creates a new . + + An instance of . + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Manages the current . + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + The currently enlisted transaction. + + + + + Specifies an existing to be used for database operations. + + The transaction to be used. + + + + + Maps .NET types to their corresponding provider database types. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the given .NET type is mapped. + + The .NET type. + True if the type can be mapped; otherwise false. + + + + + The core type mapping interface for EF Core, starting with version 2.1. Type mappings describe how a + provider maps CLR types/values to database types/values. + + + Warning: do not implement this interface directly. Instead, derive from + for non-relational providers, or 'RelationalTypeMappingSourceBase' for relational providers. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Finds the type mapping for a given . + + The property. + The type mapping, or null if none was found. + + + + + Finds the type mapping for a given representing + a field or a property of a CLR type. + + + Note: Only call this method if there is no available, otherwise + call + + + The field or property. + The type mapping, or null if none was found. + + + + + Finds the type mapping for a given . + + + Note: Only call this method if there is no + or available, otherwise call + or + + + The CLR type. + The type mapping, or null if none was found. + + + + + Parameter object containing context needed for materialization of an entity. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Creates a new instance. + + The to use to materialize an entity. + + + + Creates a new instance. + + The to use to materialize an entity. + The current instance being used. + + + + The to use to materialize an entity. + + + + + The current instance being used. + + + + + The exception that is thrown when the action failed more times than the configured limit. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message. + + The message that describes the error. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The message that describes the error. + The exception that is the cause of the current exception. + + + + Describes metadata needed to decide on a type mapping for a property or type. + + + + + Creates a new instance of . + + The property for which mapping is needed. + + + + Creates a new instance of . + + The principal property chain for the property for which mapping is needed. + + + + Creates a new instance of . + + The CLR type in the model for which mapping is needed. + + + + Creates a new instance of . + + The property or field for which mapping is needed. + + + + Creates a new instance of . + + The CLR type in the model for which mapping is needed. + If true, then a special mapping for a key or index may be returned. + Specifies Unicode or ANSI mapping, or null for default. + Specifies a size for the mapping, or null for default. + Specifies a row-version, or null for default. + Specifies a precision for the mapping, or null for default. + Specifies a scale for the mapping, or null for default. + + + + Creates a new instance of with the given . + + The source info. + The converter to apply. + Specifies Unicode or ANSI mapping, or null for default. + Specifies a size for the mapping, or null for default. + Specifies a precision for the mapping, or null for default. + Specifies a scale for the mapping, or null for default. + + + + Returns a new with the given converter applied. + + The converter to apply. + The new mapping info. + + + + Indicates whether or not the mapping is part of a key or index. + + + + + Indicates the store-size to use for the mapping, or null if none. + + + + + Indicates whether or not the mapping supports Unicode, or null if not defined. + + + + + Indicates whether or not the mapping will be used for a row version, or null if not defined. + + + + + The suggested precision of the mapped data type. + + + + + The suggested scale of the mapped data type. + + + + + The CLR type in the model. + + + + + Compares this to another to check if they represent the same mapping. + + The other object. + True if they represent the same mapping; false otherwise. + + + + Compares this to another to check if they represent the same mapping. + + The other object. + True if they represent the same mapping; false otherwise. + + + + Returns a hash code for this object. + + The hash code. + + + + + The base class for non-relational type mapping starting with version 2.1. Non-relational providers + should derive from this class and override + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the this class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + + Finds the type mapping for a given . + + + Note: providers should typically not need to override this method. + + + The property. + The type mapping, or null if none was found. + + + + + Finds the type mapping for a given . + + + Note: Only call this method if there is no + or available, otherwise call + or + + + Note: providers should typically not need to override this method. + + + The CLR type. + The type mapping, or null if none was found. + + + + + Finds the type mapping for a given representing + a field or a property of a CLR type. + + + Note: Only call this method if there is no available, otherwise + call + + + Note: providers should typically not need to override this method. + + + The field or property. + The type mapping, or null if none was found. + + + + + The base class for non-relational type mapping starting with version 2.1. Non-relational providers + should derive from this class and override + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the this class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Dependencies used to create this + + + + + + Overridden by database providers to find a type mapping for the given info. + + + The mapping info is populated with as much information about the required type mapping as + is available. Use all the information necessary to create the best mapping. Return null + if no mapping is available. + + + The mapping info to use to create the mapping. + The type mapping, or null if none could be found. + + + + Called after a mapping has been found so that it can be validated for the given property. + + The mapping, if any. + The property, if any. + + + + + Finds the type mapping for a given . + + + Note: providers should typically not need to override this method. + + + The property. + The type mapping, or null if none was found. + + + + + Finds the type mapping for a given . + + + Note: Only call this method if there is no + or available, otherwise call + or + + + Note: providers should typically not need to override this method. + + + The CLR type. + The type mapping, or null if none was found. + + + + + Finds the type mapping for a given representing + a field or a property of a CLR type. + + + Note: Only call this method if there is no available, otherwise + call + + + Note: providers should typically not need to override this method. + + + The field or property. + The type mapping, or null if none was found. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + The registry of known s. + + + + The registry of known s. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + + Represents a set of indexed values. Typically used to represent a row of data returned from a database. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + A buffer with no values in it. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The list of values for this buffer. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The list of values for this buffer. + + The starting slot in for this buffer. + + + + + Gets the value at a requested index. + + The index of the value to get. + The value at the requested index. + + + + Gets the number of values in this buffer. + + + + + Creates a new buffer with data starting at the given index in the current buffer. + + + The slot in the current buffer that will be the starting slot in the new buffer. + + The newly created buffer. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the value buffer is empty. + + + + + Determines if this value buffer is equivalent to a given object (i.e. if they are both value buffers and contain the same values). + + + The object to compare this value buffer to. + + + True if the object is a and contains the same values, otherwise false. + + + + + Gets the hash code for the value buffer. + + + The hash code for the value buffer. + + + + + Converts values to and from two string values. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. A case-insensitive first character test is used + when converting from the store. + + The string to use for false. + The string to use for true. + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts values to and from two different values. + + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter that will convert a false false + to one value and a true to another. + + + Use for converting a to zero/one. + + + The value to convert to for false. + The value to convert to for true. + Optional custom translator from store. + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + Converts values to and from 0 and 1. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. This converter preserves order. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts arrays of bytes to and from strings. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts TModel to and from TProvider using simple casts from one type + to the other. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts a to and from a single-character . + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. This converter preserves order. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Specifies hints used by the type mapper when mapping using a . + + + + + Creates a new instance. Any hint contained in the instance + can be null to indicate it has not been specified. + + The suggested size of the mapped data type. + The suggested precision of the mapped data type. + The suggested scale of the mapped data type. + Whether or not the mapped data type should support Unicode. + An optional factory for creating a specific . + + + + Adds hints from the given object to this one. Hints that are already specified are + not overridden. + + The hints to add. + The combined hints. + + + + The suggested size of the mapped data type. + + + + + The suggested precision of the mapped data type. + + + + + The suggested scale of the mapped data type. + + + + + Whether or not the mapped data type should support Unicode. + + + + + An optional factory for creating a specific to use for model + values when this converter is being used. + + + + + Converts to and from binary representation in a long. + The DateTime is truncated beyond 0.1 millisecond precision. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts to and from arrays of bytes. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts to and from strings. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts using . This + will preserve the . + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts to and from strings. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts to and . + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + Converts enum values to and from their underlying numeric representation. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. This converter preserves order. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts enum values to and from their string representation. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. This converter does not preserve order. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts a to and from an array of . + + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + This converter does not preserve order because the ordering of bits in + the standard binary representation of a GUID does not match the ordering + in the standard string representation. + + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts a to and from a using the + standard "8-4-4-4-12" format./>. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + A registry of that can be used to find + the preferred converter to use to convert to and from a given model type + to a type that the database provider supports. + + + + + Returns the list of instances that can be + used to convert the given model type. Converters nearer the front of + the list should be used in preference to converters nearer the end. + + The type for which a converter is needed. + The store type to target, or null for any. + The converters available. + + + + Converts numeric values to and from arrays of bytes. + + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + This converter supports , , , + , , , , + , , , , + and . + + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts numeric values to and from their string representation. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts strings to and from arrays of bytes. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + The string encoding to use. + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts to and from strings. + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Converts to and . + + + + + Creates a new instance of this converter. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + A for the default use of this converter. + + + + + Defines conversions from an object of one type in a model to an object of the same or + different type in the store. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The expression to convert objects when writing data to the store, + exactly as supplied and may not handle + nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + The expression to convert objects when reading data from the store, + exactly as supplied and may not handle + nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + Gets the function to convert objects when writing data to the store, + setup to handle nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + + + Gets the function to convert objects when reading data from the store, + setup to handle nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + + + Gets the expression to convert objects when writing data to the store, + exactly as supplied and may not handle + nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + + + Gets the expression to convert objects when reading data from the store, + exactly as supplied and may not handle + nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + + + The CLR type used in the EF model. + + + + + The CLR type used when reading and writing from the store. + + + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + Checks that the type used with a value converter is supported by that converter and throws if not. + + The type to check. + The value converter type. + The types that are supported. + The given type. + + + + Composes another instance with this one such that + the result of the first conversion is used as the input to the second conversion. + + The second converter. + The composed converter. + + + + Contains information on an available including a factory to + create an instance. + + + + + Creates a new instance. + + The CLR type used in the EF model. + The CLR type used when reading and writing from the database provider. + A factory to create the converter, if needed. + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + The CLR type used in the EF model. + + + + + The CLR type used when reading and writing from the database provider. + + + + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + Creates an instance of the . + + + + + A registry of instances that can be used to find + the preferred converter to use to convert to and from a given model type + to a type that the database provider supports. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Dependencies used to create a + + + + + Returns the list of instances that can be + used to convert the given model type. Converters nearer the front of + the list should be used in preference to converters nearer the end. + + The type for which a converter is needed. + The database provider type to target, or null for any. + The converters available. + + + + Defines conversions from an object of one type in a model to an object of the same or + different type in the store. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + An expression to convert objects when writing data to the store. + An expression to convert objects when reading data from the store. + + Hints that can be used by the to create data types with appropriate + facets for the converted data. + + + + + Gets the function to convert objects when writing data to the store, + setup to handle nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + + + Gets the function to convert objects when reading data from the store, + setup to handle nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + + + Gets the expression to convert objects when writing data to the store, + exactly as supplied and may not handle + nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + + + Gets the expression to convert objects when reading data from the store, + exactly as supplied and may not handle + nulls, boxing, and non-exact matches of simple types. + + + + + The CLR type used in the EF model. + + + + + The CLR type used when reading and writing from the store. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + The information passed to a database provider to save changes to an entity to the database. + + + This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + The type of entity to be saved to the database. + + + + + The state of the entity to be saved. + + + + + The other entry that has the same key values, if one exists. + + + + + Gets a value indicating if the specified property is modified. If true, the current value assigned + to the property should be saved to the database. + + The property to be checked. + True if the property is modified, otherwise false. + + + + Gets a value indicating if the specified property has a temporary value. + + The property to be checked. + True if the property has a temporary value, otherwise false. + + + + Gets a value indicating if the specified property should have a value generated by the database. + + The property to be checked. + True if the property should have a value generated by the database, otherwise false. + + + + Gets the value assigned to the property. + + The property to get the value for. + The value for the property. + + + + Gets the value assigned to the property when it was retrieved from the database. + + The property to get the value for. + The value for the property. + + + + Gets the value assigned to the property. + + The property to get the value for. + The type of the property. + The value for the property. + + + + Gets the value assigned to the property when it was retrieved from the database. + + The property to get the value for. + The type of the property. + The value for the property. + + + + Gets the value assigned to the property. + + The property to set the value for. + The value to set. + + + + Gets an for the entity being saved. is an API optimized for + application developers and is optimized for database providers, but there may be instances + where a database provider wants to access information from . + + An for this entity. + + + + Generates values using . + The generated values are non-temporary, meaning they will be saved to the database. + + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the values generated are temporary or permanent. This implementation + always returns false, meaning the generated values will be saved to the database. + + + + + + Acts as a by requesting a block of values from the + underlying database and returning them one by one. Will ask the underlying + database for another block when the current block is exhausted. + + + A block is represented by a low value fetched from the database, and then a block size + that indicates how many sequential values can be used, starting from the low value, before + a new low value must be fetched from the database. + + + The type of values that are generated. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The state used to keep track of which value to return next. + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + Gets the low value for the next block of values to be used. + + The low value for the next block of values to be used. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + The thread safe state used by . + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The number of sequential values that can be used, starting from the low value, before + a new low value must be fetched from the database. + + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The type of values being generated. + + A function to get the next low value if needed. + + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The type of values being generated. + + A function to get the next low value if needed. + + A to observe while waiting for the task to complete. + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used + directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases. + + + + + + Keeps a cache of value generators for properties. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Gets the existing value generator from the cache, or creates a new one if one is not present in + the cache. + + The property to get the value generator for. + + The entity type that the value generator will be used for. When called on inherited properties on derived entity types, + this entity type may be different from the declared entity type on + + Factory to create a new value generator if one is not present in the cache. + The existing or newly created value generator. + + + + + Selects value generators to be used to generate values for properties of entities. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Selects the appropriate value generator for a given property. + + The property to get the value generator for. + + The entity type that the value generator will be used for. When called on inherited properties on derived entity types, + this entity type may be different from the declared entity type on + + The value generator to be used. + + + + Generates sequential values using the same algorithm as NEWSEQUENTIALID() + in Microsoft SQL Server. This is useful when entities are being saved to a database where sequential + GUIDs will provide a performance benefit. The generated values are non-temporary, meaning they will + be saved to the database. + + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the values generated are temporary or permanent. This implementation + always returns false, meaning the generated values will be saved to the database. + + + + + Generates values using . + The generated values are temporary, meaning they will be replaced by database + generated values when the entity is saved. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the values generated are temporary or permanent. This implementation + always returns true, meaning the generated values will be replaced by database generated values when + the entity is saved + + + + + Generates values for properties when an entity is added to a context. + + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + Template method to be overridden by implementations to perform value generation. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The generated value. + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + Template method to be overridden by implementations to perform value generation. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The generated value. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the values generated are temporary (i.e they should be replaced + by database generated values when the entity is saved) or are permanent (i.e. the generated values + should be saved to the database). + + + An example of temporary value generation is generating negative numbers for an integer primary key + that are then replaced by positive numbers generated by the database when the entity is saved. An + example of permanent value generation are client-generated values for a primary + key which are saved to the database. + + + + + + + Keeps a cache of value generators for properties. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Gets the existing value generator from the cache, or creates a new one if one is not present in + the cache. + + The property to get the value generator for. + + The entity type that the value generator will be used for. When called on inherited properties on derived entity types, + this entity type may be different from the declared entity type on + + Factory to create a new value generator if one is not present in the cache. + The existing or newly created value generator. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + Base class for factories that create value generators. + + + + + Creates a new value generator. + + The property to create the value generator for. + The newly created value generator. + + + + + Selects value generators to be used to generate values for properties of entities. + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + + + + The cache being used to store value generator instances. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + Parameter object containing dependencies for this service. + + + + + Selects the appropriate value generator for a given property. + + The property to get the value generator for. + + The entity type that the value generator will be used for. When called on inherited properties on derived entity types, + this entity type may be different from the declared entity type on + + The value generator to be used. + + + + Creates a new value generator for the given property. + + The property to get the value generator for. + + The entity type that the value generator will be used for. When called on inherited properties on derived entity types, + this entity type may be different from the declared entity type on + + The newly created value generator. + + + + + Service dependencies parameter class for + + + This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally + not used in application code. + + + Do not construct instances of this class directly from either provider or application code as the + constructor signature may change as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in + your constructor so that an instance will be created and injected automatically by the + dependency injection container. To create an instance with some dependent services replaced, + first resolve the object from the dependency injection container, then replace selected + services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call the constructor at any point in this process. + + + + + + + Creates the service dependencies parameter object for a . + + + Do not call this constructor directly from either provider or application code as it may change + as new dependencies are added. Instead, use this type in your constructor so that an instance + will be created and injected automatically by the dependency injection container. To create + an instance with some dependent services replaced, first resolve the object from the dependency + injection container, then replace selected services using the 'With...' methods. Do not call + the constructor at any point in this process. + + + The cache to be used to store value generator instances. + + + + The cache being used to store value generator instances. + + + + + Clones this dependency parameter object with one service replaced. + + A replacement for the current dependency of this type. + A new parameter object with the given service replaced. + + + + Generates values for properties when an entity is added to a context. + + + + + Template method to be overridden by implementations to perform value generation. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The generated value. + + + + Template method to be overridden by implementations to perform value generation. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The generated value. + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + Gets a value to be assigned to a property. + + The change tracking entry of the entity for which the value is being generated. + The value to be assigned to a property. + + + + The runtime behavior of warnings generated by Entity Framework + + + + + A warning is logged. + + + + + No action is taken. + + + + + An exception is thrown. + + + + + Extension methods for setting up Entity Framework related services in an . + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the . + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + + + public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) + { + var connectionString = "connection string to database"; + + services.AddDbContext<MyContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(connectionString)); + } + + + The type of context to be registered. + The to add services to. + + + An optional action to configure the for the context. This provides an + alternative to performing configuration of the context by overriding the + method in your derived context. + + + If an action is supplied here, the method will still be run if it has + been overridden on the derived context. configuration will be applied + in addition to configuration performed here. + + + In order for the options to be passed into your context, you need to expose a constructor on your context that takes + and passes it to the base constructor of . + + + The lifetime with which to register the DbContext service in the container. + The lifetime with which to register the DbContextOptions service in the container. + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the . + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + + + public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) + { + var connectionString = "connection string to database"; + + services.AddDbContext<MyContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(connectionString)); + } + + + The class or interface that will be used to resolve the context from the container. + The concrete implementation type to create. + The to add services to. + + + An optional action to configure the for the context. This provides an + alternative to performing configuration of the context by overriding the + method in your derived context. + + + If an action is supplied here, the method will still be run if it has + been overridden on the derived context. configuration will be applied + in addition to configuration performed here. + + + In order for the options to be passed into your context, you need to expose a constructor on your context that takes + and passes it to the base constructor of . + + + The lifetime with which to register the DbContext service in the container. + The lifetime with which to register the DbContextOptions service in the container. + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the and enables DbContext pooling. + Instance pooling can increase throughput in high-scale scenarios such as web servers by re-using + DbContext instances, rather than creating new instances for each request. + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + The type of context to be registered. + The to add services to. + + + A required action to configure the for the context. When using + context pooling, options configuration must be performed externally; + will not be called. + + + + ESets the maximum number of instances retained by the pool. + + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the and enables DbContext pooling. + Instance pooling can increase throughput in high-scale scenarios such as web servers by re-using + DbContext instances, rather than creating new instances for each request. + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + The class or interface that will be used to resolve the context from the container. + The concrete implementation type to create. + The to add services to. + + + A required action to configure the for the context. When using + context pooling, options configuration must be performed externally; + will not be called. + + + + ESets the maximum number of instances retained by the pool. + + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the and enables DbContext pooling. + Instance pooling can increase throughput in high-scale scenarios such as web servers by re-using + DbContext instances, rather than creating new instances for each request. + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + + This overload has an that provides the applications . + This is useful if you want to setup Entity Framework to resolve its internal services from the primary application service + provider. + By default, we recommend using the other overload, which allows Entity Framework to create and maintain its own + + for internal Entity Framework services. + + + The type of context to be registered. + The to add services to. + + + A required action to configure the for the context. When using + context pooling, options configuration must be performed externally; + will not be called. + + + + Sets the maximum number of instances retained by the pool. + + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the and enables DbContext pooling. + Instance pooling can increase throughput in high-scale scenarios such as web servers by re-using + DbContext instances, rather than creating new instances for each request. + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + + This overload has an that provides the applications . + This is useful if you want to setup Entity Framework to resolve its internal services from the primary application service + provider. + By default, we recommend using the other overload, which allows Entity Framework to create and maintain its own + + for internal Entity Framework services. + + + The class or interface that will be used to resolve the context from the container. + The concrete implementation type to create. + The to add services to. + + + A required action to configure the for the context. When using + context pooling, options configuration must be performed externally; + will not be called. + + + + Sets the maximum number of instances retained by the pool. + + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the . + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + + + public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) + { + var connectionString = "connection string to database"; + + services.AddDbContext<MyContext>(ServiceLifetime.Scoped); + } + + + The type of context to be registered. + The to add services to. + The lifetime with which to register the DbContext service in the container. + The lifetime with which to register the DbContextOptions service in the container. + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the . + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + + + public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) + { + var connectionString = "connection string to database"; + + services.AddDbContext<MyContext>(ServiceLifetime.Scoped); + } + + + The class or interface that will be used to resolve the context from the container. + The concrete implementation type to create. + The to add services to. + The lifetime with which to register the DbContext service in the container. + The lifetime with which to register the DbContextOptions service in the container. + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the . + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + + This overload has an that provides the applications . + This is useful if you want to setup Entity Framework to resolve its internal services from the primary application service + provider. + By default, we recommend using the other overload, which allows Entity Framework to create and maintain its own + + for internal Entity Framework services. + + + + + public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) + { + var connectionString = "connection string to database"; + + services + .AddEntityFrameworkSqlServer() + .AddDbContext<MyContext>((serviceProvider, options) => + options.UseSqlServer(connectionString) + .UseInternalServiceProvider(serviceProvider)); + } + + + The type of context to be registered. + The to add services to. + + + An optional action to configure the for the context. This provides an + alternative to performing configuration of the context by overriding the + method in your derived context. + + + If an action is supplied here, the method will still be run if it has + been overridden on the derived context. configuration will be applied + in addition to configuration performed here. + + + In order for the options to be passed into your context, you need to expose a constructor on your context that takes + and passes it to the base constructor of . + + + The lifetime with which to register the DbContext service in the container. + The lifetime with which to register the DbContextOptions service in the container. + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + + Registers the given context as a service in the . + You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such as with ASP.NET. + For more information on setting up dependency injection, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890. + + + This overload has an that provides the applications . + This is useful if you want to setup Entity Framework to resolve its internal services from the primary application service + provider. + By default, we recommend using the other overload, which allows Entity Framework to create and maintain its own + + for internal Entity Framework services. + + + + + public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) + { + var connectionString = "connection string to database"; + + services + .AddEntityFrameworkSqlServer() + .AddDbContext<MyContext>((serviceProvider, options) => + options.UseSqlServer(connectionString) + .UseInternalServiceProvider(serviceProvider)); + } + + + The class or interface that will be used to resolve the context from the container. + The concrete implementation type to create. + The to add services to. + + + An optional action to configure the for the context. This provides an + alternative to performing configuration of the context by overriding the + method in your derived context. + + + If an action is supplied here, the method will still be run if it has + been overridden on the derived context. configuration will be applied + in addition to configuration performed here. + + + In order for the options to be passed into your context, you need to expose a constructor on your context that takes + and passes it to the base constructor of . + + + The lifetime with which to register the DbContext service in the container. + The lifetime with which to register the DbContextOptions service in the container. + + The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained. + + + + + Extension methods for the returned from + for use with . + + + + + Specifies an existing to be used for database operations. + + The for the context. + The transaction to be used. + + + + Returns the currently enlisted transaction. + + The for the context. + The currently enlisted transaction. + + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.inetrface/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.Domain.dll" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.inetrface/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.Domain.dll" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bd18230bd01060215d40b5cfcabc0cc9a17eb196 Binary files /dev/null and "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.inetrface/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.Domain.dll" differ diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.inetrface/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.Domain.pdb" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.inetrface/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.Domain.pdb" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..22b06c1940daee47ba0baa6b74ef322fe5df17c5 Binary files /dev/null and "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.inetrface/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.Domain.pdb" differ diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.inetrface/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.inetrface.deps.json" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.inetrface/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.inetrface.deps.json" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..586c88cb42dac0ca4151cf517fb57409d7ad849d --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001.inetrface/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/WebApi001.inetrface.deps.json" @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +{ + "runtimeTarget": { + "name": ".NETStandard,Version=v2.0/", + "signature": "cfe1dc2a80602aef150a12815387068463a61a0d" + }, + "compilationOptions": {}, + "targets": { + ".NETStandard,Version=v2.0": {}, + ".NETStandard,Version=v2.0/": { + "WebApi001.inetrface/1.0.0": { + "dependencies": { + "NETStandard.Library": "2.0.3", + 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"build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Runtime.InteropServices.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Runtime.Numerics.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Runtime.Serialization.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Runtime.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Security.Claims.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Security.Cryptography.Csp.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Security.Principal.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Security.SecureString.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.ServiceModel.Web.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Text.Encoding.Extensions.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Text.Encoding.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Threading.Overlapped.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Threading.Tasks.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Threading.Thread.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Threading.ThreadPool.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Threading.Timer.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Threading.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Transactions.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.ValueTuple.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Web.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Windows.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Xml.Linq.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Xml.ReaderWriter.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Xml.Serialization.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Xml.XDocument.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Xml.XPath.XDocument.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Xml.XPath.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Xml.XmlDocument.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Xml.XmlSerializer.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.Xml.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/System.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/mscorlib.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/netstandard.dll", + "build/netstandard2.0/ref/netstandard.xml", + "lib/netstandard1.0/_._", + "netstandard.library.2.0.3.nupkg.sha512", + "netstandard.library.nuspec" + ] + }, + "WebApi001.Domain/1.0.0": { + "type": "project", + "path": "../WebApi001.Domain/WebApi001.Domain.csproj", + "msbuildProject": "../WebApi001.Domain/WebApi001.Domain.csproj" + } + }, + "projectFileDependencyGroups": { + ".NETStandard,Version=v2.0": [ + "NETStandard.Library >= 2.0.3", + "WebApi001.Domain >= 1.0.0" + ] + }, + "packageFolders": { + "C:\\Users\\HP\\.nuget\\packages\\": {}, + "C:\\Program Files\\dotnet\\sdk\\NuGetFallbackFolder": {} + }, + "project": { + "version": "1.0.0", + "restore": { + "projectUniqueName": "F:\\Git\\vue-admin-template2\\曾志勇\\WebApi001\\WebApi001.inetrface\\WebApi001.inetrface.csproj", + "projectName": "WebApi001.inetrface", + "projectPath": "F:\\Git\\vue-admin-template2\\曾志勇\\WebApi001\\WebApi001.inetrface\\WebApi001.inetrface.csproj", + "packagesPath": "C:\\Users\\HP\\.nuget\\packages\\", + "outputPath": "F:\\Git\\vue-admin-template2\\曾志勇\\WebApi001\\WebApi001.inetrface\\obj\\", + "projectStyle": "PackageReference", + "fallbackFolders": [ + "C:\\Program Files\\dotnet\\sdk\\NuGetFallbackFolder" + ], + "configFilePaths": [ + "C:\\Users\\HP\\AppData\\Roaming\\NuGet\\NuGet.Config", + "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\NuGet\\Config\\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Offline.config" + ], + "originalTargetFrameworks": [ + "netstandard2.0" + ], + "sources": { + "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SDKs\\NuGetPackages\\": {}, + "https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json": {} + }, + "frameworks": { + "netstandard2.0": { + "projectReferences": { + "F:\\Git\\vue-admin-template2\\曾志勇\\WebApi001\\WebApi001.Domain\\WebApi001.Domain.csproj": { + "projectPath": "F:\\Git\\vue-admin-template2\\曾志勇\\WebApi001\\WebApi001.Domain\\WebApi001.Domain.csproj" + } + } + } + }, + "warningProperties": { + "warnAsError": [ + "NU1605" + ] + } + }, + "frameworks": { + "netstandard2.0": { + "dependencies": { + "NETStandard.Library": { + "suppressParent": "All", + "target": "Package", + "version": "[2.0.3, )", + "autoReferenced": true + } + }, + "imports": [ + "net461" + ], + "assetTargetFallback": true, + "warn": true + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Controllers/LoginDTO.cs" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Controllers/LoginDTO.cs" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a7bf6e6ce875cf952ac87c3952fa9c64bcbdbae9 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Controllers/LoginDTO.cs" @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +namespace WebApi001.Controllers +{ + public class LoginDTO + { + public object Username { get; internal set; } + public object Password { get; internal set; } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Controllers/PremissionDto.cs" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Controllers/PremissionDto.cs" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d52729f984e81e747a22959aeabd027662ecd381 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Controllers/PremissionDto.cs" @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +namespace WebApi001.Controllers +{ + public class PremissionDto + { + public string Title { get; set; } + public string Name { get; set; } + } +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Controllers/RoleControllers.cs" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Controllers/RoleControllers.cs" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..31c85514f162da965f2c005d433f677e9c36504d --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Controllers/RoleControllers.cs" @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using System.Threading.Tasks; +using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; +using WebApi001.Controllers; +using WebApi001.Domain.Entity; +using WebApi001.inetrface.Data; + +// For more information on enabling Web API for empty projects, visit https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=397860 + +namespace WebApi001 +{ + [Route("api/[controller]")] + public class RolesController : Controller + { + private readonly IRespository _rolesRes; + private readonly IRespository _rolePermissionRes; + + public RolesController(IRespository rolesRes, IRespository rolePermissionRes) + { + _rolesRes = rolesRes; + _rolePermissionRes = rolePermissionRes; + } + // GET: api/ + [HttpGet] + public ActionResult Get() + { + var list = _rolesRes.Table + .Where(x => x.IsActived == true && x.IsDeleted == false) + .ToList(); + return Ok(new { code = 20000, data = list, msg = "获取用户信息成功!" }); + } + + // GET api//5 + [HttpGet("{id}")] + public string Get(int id) + { + return "value"; + } + + // POST api/ + [HttpPost] + public ActionResult Post([FromBody]Roles request) + { + var item = new Roles + { + RolesName = request.RolesName, + Description = request.Description + }; + _rolesRes.Add(item); + return Ok(new { code = 20000, data = item, msg = "用户添加成功!" }); + } + + // PUT api//5 + [HttpPut("{id}")] + public ActionResult Put(int id, [FromBody]Roles request) + { + var item = _rolesRes.GetById(id); + if(item != null) + { + item.RolesName = request.RolesName; + item.Description = request.Description; + _rolesRes.Update(item); + return Ok(new { code = 20000, data = "", msg = "用户更新成功!" }); + } + else + { + return Ok(new { code = 20000, data = "", msg = "当前用户不存在!" }); + } + + } + + // DELETE api//5 + [HttpDelete("{id}")] + public ActionResult Delete(int id) + { + var item =_rolesRes.GetById(id); + if(item != null) + { + item.IsDeleted = true; + _rolesRes.Update(item); + return Ok(new { code = 1000, data = "", msg = "角色删除成功" }); + } + else + { + return Ok(new { code = 1000, data = "", msg = "角色删除失败" }); + } + } + [HttpPost,Route("saverolePermission")] + public ActionResult SaverolePermission([FromBody] RolePermissionDto rolePermission) + { + var accessList = new List(); + foreach(var item in rolePermission.Access) + { + var acc = new RolesPermission + { + RolesId = rolePermission.RoleId, + PermissionName = item.Name, + }; + accessList.Add(acc); + } + _rolePermissionRes.Add(accessList); + return Ok(new { code = 20000, data = "", msg = "用户登出成功!" }); + } + } +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Controllers/RolePermissionDto.cs" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Controllers/RolePermissionDto.cs" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..abfebfca170c0123852a308b3c474236aba03817 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Controllers/RolePermissionDto.cs" @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +using System.Collections.Generic; + +namespace WebApi001.Controllers +{ + public class RolePermissionDto + { + public int RoleId { get; set; } + public IEnumerable Access { get; set; } + } +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Controllers/UsersController.cs" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Controllers/UsersController.cs" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..09ff629ee37dac8c939cb6210503c190fbe76def --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Controllers/UsersController.cs" @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using System.Threading.Tasks; +using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http; +using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; + +namespace WebApi001.Controllers +{ + [Route("api/[controller]")] + [ApiController] + public class UsersController : ControllerBase + { + // GET: api/Users + [HttpGet] + public IEnumerable Get() + { + return new string[] { "value1", "value2" }; + } + + // GET: api/Users/5 + [HttpGet("{id}", Name = "Get")] + public string Get(int id) + { + return "value"; + } + + // POST: api/Users + [HttpPost] + + public ActionResult Post([FromBody] UsersDTO users) + { + return Ok(new { code = 1000, data = "", msg = "用户添加成功!" }); + } + // PUT: api/Users/5 + [HttpPut("{id}")] + public void Put(int id, [FromBody] string value) + { + } + + // DELETE: api/ApiWithActions/5 + [HttpDelete("{id}")] + public void Delete(int id) + { + } + [HttpPost, Route("Login")] + public ActionResult Login([FromBody] LoginDTO LoginDTO) + { + var username = LoginDTO.Username; + var password = LoginDTO.Password; + return Ok(new { code = 20000, data = new { token = "admin-token" }, msg = "用户登录成功!" }); + } + [HttpPost("{token}"), Route("GetUserInfo")] + public ActionResult GetInfo(string token) + { + var roleList = new List { "admin"}; + var accessList = new List + { + "setting", + "users", + "roles", + "dashboard" + }; + return Ok(new + { + code = 20000, + data = new + { + name = "小曾", + roles = roleList, + avatar= "https://wpimg.wallstcn.com/f778738c-e4f8-4870-b634-56703b4acafe.gif", + access = accessList + }, + msg = "登录成功" + }); + + } + [HttpPost, Route("logout")] + public ActionResult logout() + { + return Ok(new { code = 20000, data = "", msg = "用户登出成功!" }); + } + } +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Controllers/UsersDTO.cs" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Controllers/UsersDTO.cs" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d870f3743ea9b48b18542778d56a8e4a37de88be --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Controllers/UsersDTO.cs" @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +namespace WebApi001.Controllers +{ + public class UsersDTO + { + public string UserNmae { get; set; } + public string NickNmae { get; set; } + } + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Controllers/ValuesController.cs" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Controllers/ValuesController.cs" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..413454e6ea607d73e135b3f26d1e721594d0df7a --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Controllers/ValuesController.cs" @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using System.Threading.Tasks; +using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; + +namespace WebApi001.Controllers +{ + [Route("api/[controller]")] + [ApiController] + public class ValuesController : ControllerBase + { + // GET api/values + [HttpGet] + public ActionResult> Get() + { + //return new string[] { "value1", "value2" }; + var accessTemp = new List + { + "admin", + "user" + }; + var list = new List + { + new {username="",avatar="",access=accessTemp} + }; + return list; + + } + + // GET api/values/5 + [HttpGet("{id}")] + public ActionResult Get(int id) + { + return "value"; + } + + // POST api/values + [HttpPost] + public void Post([FromBody] string value) + { + } + + // PUT api/values/5 + [HttpPut("{id}")] + public void Put(int id, [FromBody] string value) + { + } + + // DELETE api/values/5 + [HttpDelete("{id}")] + public void Delete(int id) + { + } + + } +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Program.cs" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Program.cs" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..80bc6ed68dbab6f4bdbf9ae6f0bea0110ccde459 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Program.cs" @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.IO; +using System.Linq; +using System.Threading.Tasks; +using Microsoft.AspNetCore; +using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting; +using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; +using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; + +namespace WebApi001 +{ + public class Program + { + public static void Main(string[] args) + { + CreateWebHostBuilder(args).Build().Run(); + } + + public static IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string[] args) => + WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder(args) + .UseStartup(); + } +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Properties/launchSettings.json" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Properties/launchSettings.json" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..05b7a4be6b039110a96d369afcedda0e810b804c --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Properties/launchSettings.json" @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +{ + "$schema": "http://json.schemastore.org/launchsettings.json", + "iisSettings": { + "windowsAuthentication": false, + "anonymousAuthentication": true, + "iisExpress": { + "applicationUrl": "http://localhost:53144", + "sslPort": 0 + } + }, + "profiles": { + "IIS Express": { + "commandName": "IISExpress", + "launchBrowser": true, + "launchUrl": "api/values", + "environmentVariables": { + "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT": "Development" + } + }, + "WebApi001": { + "commandName": "Project", + "launchBrowser": true, + "launchUrl": "api/values", + "applicationUrl": "http://localhost:5000", + "environmentVariables": { + "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT": "Development" + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Startup.cs" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Startup.cs" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a8bc3b11e6fe8c8c5460f647c19a0e2268741a54 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/Startup.cs" @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder; +using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting; +using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; +using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; +using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; +using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; +using WebApi001.Domain; +using WebApi001.Implement.Data; +using WebApi001.inetrface.Data; +using WebApi001.Tools.DbInitialization; + +namespace WebApi001 +{ + public class Startup + { + public Startup(IConfiguration configuration) + { + Configuration = configuration; + } + + public IConfiguration Configuration { get; } + + // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container. + public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) + { + services.AddDbContext(option => + { + option.UseSqlServer(Configuration.GetConnectionString("SqlServerConnection")); + }); + services.AddScoped(typeof(IRespository<>), typeof(Efrespository<>)); + + //跨域设置 + services.AddCors(options => options.AddPolicy("CorsPolicy", + builder => + { + builder.AllowAnyMethod() + .SetIsOriginAllowed(_ => true) + .AllowAnyHeader() + .AllowCredentials(); + })); + + + services.AddMvc().SetCompatibilityVersion(CompatibilityVersion.Version_2_1); + } + + // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline. + public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env) + { + if (env.IsDevelopment()) + { + app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); + } + app.UseCors("CorsPolicy"); + + app.UseMvc(); + DbInitialization.Seed(app.ApplicationServices); + } + } +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/WebApi001.csproj" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/WebApi001.csproj" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..49fc42eb8ff1182e4abf39242fc87748c15963ba --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/WebApi001.csproj" @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ + + + + netcoreapp2.1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/WebApi001.csproj.user" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/WebApi001.csproj.user" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2dbec45358e1038a8c09da93298ef1318d8af577 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/WebApi001.csproj.user" @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ + + + + ApiControllerEmptyScaffolder + root/Controller + 600 + True + False + True + + False + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/appsettings.Development.json" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/appsettings.Development.json" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e203e9407e74a6b9662aab8fde5d73ae64665f18 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/appsettings.Development.json" @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "Logging": { + "LogLevel": { + "Default": "Debug", + "System": "Information", + "Microsoft": "Information" + } + } +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/appsettings.json" 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System.Reflection.AssemblyConfigurationAttribute("Debug")] +[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersionAttribute("")] +[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute("1.0.0")] +[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyProductAttribute("WebApi001")] +[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyTitleAttribute("WebApi001")] +[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute("")] + +// 由 MSBuild WriteCodeFragment 类生成。 + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/obj/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/WebApi001.AssemblyInfoInputs.cache" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/obj/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/WebApi001.AssemblyInfoInputs.cache" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e4cc6c7372420e923a9e1cc6a8eabb33325f3412 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/obj/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/WebApi001.AssemblyInfoInputs.cache" @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +6509f16ca4693d91af58bdc702d235445adaeb95 diff 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0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6b743b9fdb56ca26e63cdb929e4169f05f982be8 Binary files /dev/null and "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/obj/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/WebApi001.dll" differ diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/obj/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/WebApi001.pdb" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/obj/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/WebApi001.pdb" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..22455b44b0009dc75e7c3364c8cbee89d4690e7a Binary files /dev/null and "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/obj/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/WebApi001.pdb" differ diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/obj/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/project.razor.json" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/obj/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/project.razor.json" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a47ac19a4e8a1f3ed739bda40f342d885d6ab1c1 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/obj/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/project.razor.json" @@ -0,0 +1,1821 @@ +{ + "FilePath": "f:\\Git\\vue-admin-template2\\曾志勇\\WebApi001\\WebApi001\\WebApi001.csproj", + "Configuration": { + "ConfigurationName": "MVC-2.1", + "LanguageVersion": "2.1", + "Extensions": [ + { + "ExtensionName": "MVC-2.1" + } + ] + }, + "ProjectWorkspaceState": { + "TagHelpers": [ + { + "HashCode": 1391904457, + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.AnchorTagHelper", + "AssemblyName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers", + "Documentation": "\n \n implementation targeting <a> elements.\n \n ", + "CaseSensitive": false, + "TagMatchingRules": [ + { + "TagName": "a", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-action" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "a", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-controller" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "a", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-area" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "a", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-page" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "a", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-page-handler" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "a", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-fragment" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "a", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-host" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "a", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-protocol" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "a", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-route" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "a", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-all-route-data" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "a", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-route-", + "NameComparison": 1 + } + ] + } + ], + "BoundAttributes": [ + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-action", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The name of the action method.\n \n \n Must be null if or is non-null.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Action" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-controller", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The name of the controller.\n \n \n Must be null if or is non-null.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Controller" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-area", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The name of the area.\n \n \n Must be null if or is non-null.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Area" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-page", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The name of the page.\n \n \n Must be null if or , \n or is non-null.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Page" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-page-handler", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The name of the page handler.\n \n \n Must be null if or , or \n is non-null.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "PageHandler" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-protocol", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The protocol for the URL, such as \"http\" or \"https\".\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Protocol" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-host", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The host name.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Host" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-fragment", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The URL fragment name.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Fragment" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-route", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n Name of the route.\n \n \n Must be null if one of , , \n or is non-null.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Route" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-all-route-data", + "TypeName": "System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary", + "IndexerNamePrefix": "asp-route-", + "IndexerTypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n Additional parameters for the route.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "RouteValues" + } + } + ], + "Metadata": { + "Runtime.Name": "ITagHelper", + "Common.TypeName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.AnchorTagHelper" + } + }, + { + "HashCode": 909298277, + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.CacheTagHelper", + "AssemblyName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers", + "Documentation": "\n \n implementation targeting <cache> elements.\n \n ", + "CaseSensitive": false, + "TagMatchingRules": [ + { + "TagName": "cache" + } + ], + "BoundAttributes": [ + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "priority", + "TypeName": "Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory.CacheItemPriority?", + "Documentation": "\n \n Gets or sets the policy for the cache entry.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Priority" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "vary-by", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n Gets or sets a to vary the cached result by.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "VaryBy" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "vary-by-header", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n Gets or sets a comma-delimited set of HTTP request headers to vary the cached result by.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "VaryByHeader" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "vary-by-query", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n Gets or sets a comma-delimited set of query parameters to vary the cached result by.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "VaryByQuery" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "vary-by-route", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n Gets or sets a comma-delimited set of route data parameters to vary the cached result by.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "VaryByRoute" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "vary-by-cookie", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n Gets or sets a comma-delimited set of cookie names to vary the cached result by.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "VaryByCookie" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "vary-by-user", + "TypeName": "System.Boolean", + "Documentation": "\n \n Gets or sets a value that determines if the cached result is to be varied by the Identity for the logged in\n .\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "VaryByUser" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "expires-on", + "TypeName": "System.DateTimeOffset?", + "Documentation": "\n \n Gets or sets the exact the cache entry should be evicted.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "ExpiresOn" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "expires-after", + "TypeName": "System.TimeSpan?", + "Documentation": "\n \n Gets or sets the duration, from the time the cache entry was added, when it should be evicted.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "ExpiresAfter" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "expires-sliding", + "TypeName": "System.TimeSpan?", + "Documentation": "\n \n Gets or sets the duration from last access that the cache entry should be evicted.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "ExpiresSliding" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "enabled", + "TypeName": "System.Boolean", + "Documentation": "\n \n Gets or sets the value which determines if the tag helper is enabled or not.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Enabled" + } + } + ], + "Metadata": { + "Runtime.Name": "ITagHelper", + "Common.TypeName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.CacheTagHelper" + } + }, + { + "HashCode": -888861679, + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.DistributedCacheTagHelper", + "AssemblyName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers", + "Documentation": "\n \n implementation targeting <distributed-cache> elements.\n \n ", + "CaseSensitive": false, + "TagMatchingRules": [ + { + "TagName": "distributed-cache", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "name" + } + ] + } + ], + "BoundAttributes": [ + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "name", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n Gets or sets a unique name to discriminate cached entries.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Name" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "vary-by", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n Gets or sets a to vary the cached result by.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "VaryBy" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "vary-by-header", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n Gets or sets a comma-delimited set of HTTP request headers to vary the cached result by.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "VaryByHeader" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "vary-by-query", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n Gets or sets a comma-delimited set of query parameters to vary the cached result by.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "VaryByQuery" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "vary-by-route", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n Gets or sets a comma-delimited set of route data parameters to vary the cached result by.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "VaryByRoute" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "vary-by-cookie", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n Gets or sets a comma-delimited set of cookie names to vary the cached result by.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "VaryByCookie" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "vary-by-user", + "TypeName": "System.Boolean", + "Documentation": "\n \n Gets or sets a value that determines if the cached result is to be varied by the Identity for the logged in\n .\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "VaryByUser" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "expires-on", + "TypeName": "System.DateTimeOffset?", + "Documentation": "\n \n Gets or sets the exact the cache entry should be evicted.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "ExpiresOn" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "expires-after", + "TypeName": "System.TimeSpan?", + "Documentation": "\n \n Gets or sets the duration, from the time the cache entry was added, when it should be evicted.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "ExpiresAfter" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "expires-sliding", + "TypeName": "System.TimeSpan?", + "Documentation": "\n \n Gets or sets the duration from last access that the cache entry should be evicted.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "ExpiresSliding" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "enabled", + "TypeName": "System.Boolean", + "Documentation": "\n \n Gets or sets the value which determines if the tag helper is enabled or not.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Enabled" + } + } + ], + "Metadata": { + "Runtime.Name": "ITagHelper", + "Common.TypeName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.DistributedCacheTagHelper" + } + }, + { + "HashCode": -164167365, + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.EnvironmentTagHelper", + "AssemblyName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers", + "Documentation": "\n \n implementation targeting <environment> elements that conditionally renders\n content based on the current value of .\n If the environment is not listed in the specified or , \n or if it is in , the content will not be rendered.\n \n ", + "CaseSensitive": false, + "TagMatchingRules": [ + { + "TagName": "environment" + } + ], + "BoundAttributes": [ + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "names", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n A comma separated list of environment names in which the content should be rendered.\n If the current environment is also in the list, the content will not be rendered.\n \n \n The specified environment names are compared case insensitively to the current value of\n .\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Names" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "include", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n A comma separated list of environment names in which the content should be rendered.\n If the current environment is also in the list, the content will not be rendered.\n \n \n The specified environment names are compared case insensitively to the current value of\n .\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Include" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "exclude", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n A comma separated list of environment names in which the content will not be rendered.\n \n \n The specified environment names are compared case insensitively to the current value of\n .\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Exclude" + } + } + ], + "Metadata": { + "Runtime.Name": "ITagHelper", + "Common.TypeName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.EnvironmentTagHelper" + } + }, + { + "HashCode": 2033036889, + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.FormActionTagHelper", + "AssemblyName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers", + "Documentation": "\n \n implementation targeting <button> elements and <input> elements with\n their type attribute set to image or submit.\n \n ", + "CaseSensitive": false, + "TagMatchingRules": [ + { + "TagName": "button", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-action" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "button", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-controller" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "button", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-area" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "button", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-page" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "button", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-page-handler" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "button", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-fragment" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "button", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-route" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "button", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-all-route-data" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "button", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-route-", + "NameComparison": 1 + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "input", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "type", + "Value": "image", + "ValueComparison": 1 + }, + { + "Name": "asp-action" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "input", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "type", + "Value": "image", + "ValueComparison": 1 + }, + { + "Name": "asp-controller" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "input", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "type", + "Value": "image", + "ValueComparison": 1 + }, + { + "Name": "asp-area" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "input", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "type", + "Value": "image", + "ValueComparison": 1 + }, + { + "Name": "asp-page" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "input", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "type", + "Value": "image", + "ValueComparison": 1 + }, + { + "Name": "asp-page-handler" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "input", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "type", + "Value": "image", + "ValueComparison": 1 + }, + { + "Name": "asp-fragment" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "input", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "type", + "Value": "image", + "ValueComparison": 1 + }, + { + "Name": "asp-route" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "input", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "type", + "Value": "image", + "ValueComparison": 1 + }, + { + "Name": "asp-all-route-data" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "input", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "type", + "Value": "image", + "ValueComparison": 1 + }, + { + "Name": "asp-route-", + "NameComparison": 1 + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "input", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "type", + "Value": "submit", + "ValueComparison": 1 + }, + { + "Name": "asp-action" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "input", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "type", + "Value": "submit", + "ValueComparison": 1 + }, + { + "Name": "asp-controller" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "input", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "type", + "Value": "submit", + "ValueComparison": 1 + }, + { + "Name": "asp-area" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "input", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "type", + "Value": "submit", + "ValueComparison": 1 + }, + { + "Name": "asp-page" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "input", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "type", + "Value": "submit", + "ValueComparison": 1 + }, + { + "Name": "asp-page-handler" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "input", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "type", + "Value": "submit", + "ValueComparison": 1 + }, + { + "Name": "asp-fragment" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "input", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "type", + "Value": "submit", + "ValueComparison": 1 + }, + { + "Name": "asp-route" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "input", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "type", + "Value": "submit", + "ValueComparison": 1 + }, + { + "Name": "asp-all-route-data" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "input", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "type", + "Value": "submit", + "ValueComparison": 1 + }, + { + "Name": "asp-route-", + "NameComparison": 1 + } + ] + } + ], + "BoundAttributes": [ + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-action", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The name of the action method.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Action" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-controller", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The name of the controller.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Controller" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-area", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The name of the area.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Area" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-page", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The name of the page.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Page" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-page-handler", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The name of the page handler.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "PageHandler" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-fragment", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n Gets or sets the URL fragment.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Fragment" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-route", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n Name of the route.\n \n \n Must be null if or is non-null.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Route" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-all-route-data", + "TypeName": "System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary", + "IndexerNamePrefix": "asp-route-", + "IndexerTypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n Additional parameters for the route.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "RouteValues" + } + } + ], + "Metadata": { + "Runtime.Name": "ITagHelper", + "Common.TypeName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.FormActionTagHelper" + } + }, + { + "HashCode": 1107602250, + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.FormTagHelper", + "AssemblyName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers", + "Documentation": "\n \n implementation targeting <form> elements.\n \n ", + "CaseSensitive": false, + "TagMatchingRules": [ + { + "TagName": "form" + } + ], + "BoundAttributes": [ + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-action", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The name of the action method.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Action" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-controller", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The name of the controller.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Controller" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-area", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The name of the area.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Area" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-page", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The name of the page.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Page" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-page-handler", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The name of the page handler.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "PageHandler" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-antiforgery", + "TypeName": "System.Boolean?", + "Documentation": "\n \n Whether the antiforgery token should be generated.\n \n Defaults to false if user provides an action attribute\n or if the method is ; true otherwise.\n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Antiforgery" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-fragment", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n Gets or sets the URL fragment.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Fragment" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-route", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n Name of the route.\n \n \n Must be null if or is non-null.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Route" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-all-route-data", + "TypeName": "System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary", + "IndexerNamePrefix": "asp-route-", + "IndexerTypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n Additional parameters for the route.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "RouteValues" + } + } + ], + "Metadata": { + "Runtime.Name": "ITagHelper", + "Common.TypeName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.FormTagHelper" + } + }, + { + "HashCode": 1748629713, + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.ImageTagHelper", + "AssemblyName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers", + "Documentation": "\n \n implementation targeting <img> elements that supports file versioning.\n \n \n The tag helper won't process for cases with just the 'src' attribute.\n \n ", + "CaseSensitive": false, + "TagMatchingRules": [ + { + "TagName": "img", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-append-version" + }, + { + "Name": "src" + } + ] + } + ], + "BoundAttributes": [ + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "src", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n Source of the image.\n \n \n Passed through to the generated HTML in all cases.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Src" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-append-version", + "TypeName": "System.Boolean", + "Documentation": "\n \n Value indicating if file version should be appended to the src urls.\n \n \n If true then a query string \"v\" with the encoded content of the file is added.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "AppendVersion" + } + } + ], + "Metadata": { + "Runtime.Name": "ITagHelper", + "Common.TypeName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.ImageTagHelper" + } + }, + { + "HashCode": 1984446477, + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.InputTagHelper", + "AssemblyName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers", + "Documentation": "\n \n implementation targeting <input> elements with an asp-for attribute.\n \n ", + "CaseSensitive": false, + "TagMatchingRules": [ + { + "TagName": "input", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-for" + } + ] + } + ], + "BoundAttributes": [ + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-for", + "TypeName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.ModelExpression", + "Documentation": "\n \n An expression to be evaluated against the current model.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "For" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-format", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The format string (see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/txafckwd.aspx) used to format the\n result. Sets the generated \"value\" attribute to that formatted string.\n \n \n Not used if the provided (see ) or calculated \"type\" attribute value is\n checkbox, password, or radio. That is, is used when calling\n .\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Format" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "type", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The type of the <input> element.\n \n \n Passed through to the generated HTML in all cases. Also used to determine the \n helper to call and the default value. A default is not calculated\n if the provided (see ) or calculated \"type\" attribute value is checkbox,\n hidden, password, or radio.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "InputTypeName" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "name", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The name of the <input> element.\n \n \n Passed through to the generated HTML in all cases. Also used to determine whether is\n valid with an empty .\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Name" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "value", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The value of the <input> element.\n \n \n Passed through to the generated HTML in all cases. Also used to determine the generated \"checked\" attribute\n if is \"radio\". Must not be null in that case.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Value" + } + } + ], + "Metadata": { + "Runtime.Name": "ITagHelper", + "Common.TypeName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.InputTagHelper" + } + }, + { + "HashCode": -211652195, + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.LabelTagHelper", + "AssemblyName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers", + "Documentation": "\n \n implementation targeting <label> elements with an asp-for attribute.\n \n ", + "CaseSensitive": false, + "TagMatchingRules": [ + { + "TagName": "label", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-for" + } + ] + } + ], + "BoundAttributes": [ + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-for", + "TypeName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.ModelExpression", + "Documentation": "\n \n An expression to be evaluated against the current model.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "For" + } + } + ], + "Metadata": { + "Runtime.Name": "ITagHelper", + "Common.TypeName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.LabelTagHelper" + } + }, + { + "HashCode": -1728899976, + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.LinkTagHelper", + "AssemblyName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers", + "Documentation": "\n \n implementation targeting <link> elements that supports fallback href paths.\n \n \n The tag helper won't process for cases with just the 'href' attribute.\n \n ", + "CaseSensitive": false, + "TagMatchingRules": [ + { + "TagName": "link", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-href-include" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "link", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-href-exclude" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "link", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-fallback-href" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "link", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-fallback-href-include" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "link", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-fallback-href-exclude" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "link", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-fallback-test-class" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "link", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-fallback-test-property" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "link", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-fallback-test-value" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "link", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-append-version" + } + ] + } + ], + "BoundAttributes": [ + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "href", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n Address of the linked resource.\n \n \n Passed through to the generated HTML in all cases.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Href" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-href-include", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n A comma separated list of globbed file patterns of CSS stylesheets to load.\n The glob patterns are assessed relative to the application's 'webroot' setting.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "HrefInclude" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-href-exclude", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n A comma separated list of globbed file patterns of CSS stylesheets to exclude from loading.\n The glob patterns are assessed relative to the application's 'webroot' setting.\n Must be used in conjunction with .\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "HrefExclude" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-fallback-href", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The URL of a CSS stylesheet to fallback to in the case the primary one fails.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "FallbackHref" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-append-version", + "TypeName": "System.Boolean?", + "Documentation": "\n \n Value indicating if file version should be appended to the href urls.\n \n \n If true then a query string \"v\" with the encoded content of the file is added.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "AppendVersion" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-fallback-href-include", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n A comma separated list of globbed file patterns of CSS stylesheets to fallback to in the case the primary\n one fails.\n The glob patterns are assessed relative to the application's 'webroot' setting.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "FallbackHrefInclude" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-fallback-href-exclude", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n A comma separated list of globbed file patterns of CSS stylesheets to exclude from the fallback list, in\n the case the primary one fails.\n The glob patterns are assessed relative to the application's 'webroot' setting.\n Must be used in conjunction with .\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "FallbackHrefExclude" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-fallback-test-class", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The class name defined in the stylesheet to use for the fallback test.\n Must be used in conjunction with and ,\n and either or .\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "FallbackTestClass" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-fallback-test-property", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The CSS property name to use for the fallback test.\n Must be used in conjunction with and ,\n and either or .\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "FallbackTestProperty" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-fallback-test-value", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The CSS property value to use for the fallback test.\n Must be used in conjunction with and ,\n and either or .\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "FallbackTestValue" + } + } + ], + "Metadata": { + "Runtime.Name": "ITagHelper", + "Common.TypeName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.LinkTagHelper" + } + }, + { + "HashCode": -714559924, + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.OptionTagHelper", + "AssemblyName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers", + "Documentation": "\n \n implementation targeting <option> elements.\n \n \n This works in conjunction with . It reads elements\n content but does not modify that content. The only modification it makes is to add a selected attribute\n in some cases.\n \n ", + "CaseSensitive": false, + "TagMatchingRules": [ + { + "TagName": "option" + } + ], + "BoundAttributes": [ + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "value", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n Specifies a value for the <option> element.\n \n \n Passed through to the generated HTML in all cases.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Value" + } + } + ], + "Metadata": { + "Runtime.Name": "ITagHelper", + "Common.TypeName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.OptionTagHelper" + } + }, + { + "HashCode": -1523759610, + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.PartialTagHelper", + "AssemblyName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers", + "Documentation": "\n \n Renders a partial view.\n \n ", + "CaseSensitive": false, + "TagMatchingRules": [ + { + "TagName": "partial", + "TagStructure": 2, + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "name" + } + ] + } + ], + "BoundAttributes": [ + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "name", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The name or path of the partial view that is rendered to the response.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Name" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "for", + "TypeName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.ModelExpression", + "Documentation": "\n \n An expression to be evaluated against the current model. Cannot be used together with .\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "For" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "model", + "TypeName": "System.Object", + "Documentation": "\n \n The model to pass into the partial view. Cannot be used together with .\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Model" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "view-data", + "TypeName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.ViewDataDictionary", + "IndexerNamePrefix": "view-data-", + "IndexerTypeName": "System.Object", + "Documentation": "\n \n A to pass into the partial view.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "ViewData" + } + } + ], + "Metadata": { + "Runtime.Name": "ITagHelper", + "Common.TypeName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.PartialTagHelper" + } + }, + { + "HashCode": -1448786079, + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.ScriptTagHelper", + "AssemblyName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers", + "Documentation": "\n \n implementation targeting <script> elements that supports fallback src paths.\n \n \n The tag helper won't process for cases with just the 'src' attribute.\n \n ", + "CaseSensitive": false, + "TagMatchingRules": [ + { + "TagName": "script", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-src-include" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "script", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-src-exclude" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "script", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-fallback-src" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "script", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-fallback-src-include" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "script", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-fallback-src-exclude" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "script", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-fallback-test" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "script", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-append-version" + } + ] + } + ], + "BoundAttributes": [ + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "src", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n Address of the external script to use.\n \n \n Passed through to the generated HTML in all cases.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Src" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-src-include", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n A comma separated list of globbed file patterns of JavaScript scripts to load.\n The glob patterns are assessed relative to the application's 'webroot' setting.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "SrcInclude" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-src-exclude", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n A comma separated list of globbed file patterns of JavaScript scripts to exclude from loading.\n The glob patterns are assessed relative to the application's 'webroot' setting.\n Must be used in conjunction with .\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "SrcExclude" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-fallback-src", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The URL of a Script tag to fallback to in the case the primary one fails.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "FallbackSrc" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-append-version", + "TypeName": "System.Boolean?", + "Documentation": "\n \n Value indicating if file version should be appended to src urls.\n \n \n A query string \"v\" with the encoded content of the file is added.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "AppendVersion" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-fallback-src-include", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n A comma separated list of globbed file patterns of JavaScript scripts to fallback to in the case the\n primary one fails.\n The glob patterns are assessed relative to the application's 'webroot' setting.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "FallbackSrcInclude" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-fallback-src-exclude", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n A comma separated list of globbed file patterns of JavaScript scripts to exclude from the fallback list, in\n the case the primary one fails.\n The glob patterns are assessed relative to the application's 'webroot' setting.\n Must be used in conjunction with .\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "FallbackSrcExclude" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-fallback-test", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The script method defined in the primary script to use for the fallback test.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "FallbackTestExpression" + } + } + ], + "Metadata": { + "Runtime.Name": "ITagHelper", + "Common.TypeName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.ScriptTagHelper" + } + }, + { + "HashCode": 479877022, + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.SelectTagHelper", + "AssemblyName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers", + "Documentation": "\n \n implementation targeting <select> elements with asp-for and/or\n asp-items attribute(s).\n \n ", + "CaseSensitive": false, + "TagMatchingRules": [ + { + "TagName": "select", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-for" + } + ] + }, + { + "TagName": "select", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-items" + } + ] + } + ], + "BoundAttributes": [ + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-for", + "TypeName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.ModelExpression", + "Documentation": "\n \n An expression to be evaluated against the current model.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "For" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-items", + "TypeName": "System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable", + "Documentation": "\n \n A collection of objects used to populate the <select> element with\n <optgroup> and <option> elements.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Items" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "name", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The name of the <input> element.\n \n \n Passed through to the generated HTML in all cases. Also used to determine whether is\n valid with an empty .\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Name" + } + } + ], + "Metadata": { + "Runtime.Name": "ITagHelper", + "Common.TypeName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.SelectTagHelper" + } + }, + { + "HashCode": 142058432, + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.TextAreaTagHelper", + "AssemblyName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers", + "Documentation": "\n \n implementation targeting <textarea> elements with an asp-for attribute.\n \n ", + "CaseSensitive": false, + "TagMatchingRules": [ + { + "TagName": "textarea", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-for" + } + ] + } + ], + "BoundAttributes": [ + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-for", + "TypeName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.ModelExpression", + "Documentation": "\n \n An expression to be evaluated against the current model.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "For" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "name", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n The name of the <input> element.\n \n \n Passed through to the generated HTML in all cases. Also used to determine whether is\n valid with an empty .\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "Name" + } + } + ], + "Metadata": { + "Runtime.Name": "ITagHelper", + "Common.TypeName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.TextAreaTagHelper" + } + }, + { + "HashCode": -1962348626, + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.ValidationMessageTagHelper", + "AssemblyName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers", + "Documentation": "\n \n implementation targeting any HTML element with an asp-validation-for\n attribute.\n \n ", + "CaseSensitive": false, + "TagMatchingRules": [ + { + "TagName": "span", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-validation-for" + } + ] + } + ], + "BoundAttributes": [ + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-validation-for", + "TypeName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.ModelExpression", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "For" + } + } + ], + "Metadata": { + "Runtime.Name": "ITagHelper", + "Common.TypeName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.ValidationMessageTagHelper" + } + }, + { + "HashCode": -859036519, + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.ValidationSummaryTagHelper", + "AssemblyName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers", + "Documentation": "\n \n implementation targeting any HTML element with an asp-validation-summary\n attribute.\n \n ", + "CaseSensitive": false, + "TagMatchingRules": [ + { + "TagName": "div", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-validation-summary" + } + ] + } + ], + "BoundAttributes": [ + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-validation-summary", + "TypeName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Rendering.ValidationSummary", + "IsEnum": true, + "Documentation": "\n \n If or , appends a validation\n summary. Otherwise (, the default), this tag helper does nothing.\n \n \n Thrown if setter is called with an undefined value e.g.\n (ValidationSummary)23.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "ValidationSummary" + } + } + ], + "Metadata": { + "Runtime.Name": "ITagHelper", + "Common.TypeName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers.ValidationSummaryTagHelper" + } + }, + { + "HashCode": 8243079, + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaServices.Prerendering.PrerenderTagHelper", + "AssemblyName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaServices", + "Documentation": "\n \n A tag helper for prerendering JavaScript applications on the server.\n \n ", + "CaseSensitive": false, + "TagMatchingRules": [ + { + "TagName": "*", + "Attributes": [ + { + "Name": "asp-prerender-module" + } + ] + } + ], + "BoundAttributes": [ + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-prerender-module", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n Specifies the path to the JavaScript module containing prerendering code.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "ModuleName" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-prerender-export", + "TypeName": "System.String", + "Documentation": "\n \n If set, specifies the name of the CommonJS export that is the prerendering function to execute.\n If not set, the JavaScript module's default CommonJS export must itself be the prerendering function.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "ExportName" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-prerender-data", + "TypeName": "System.Object", + "Documentation": "\n \n An optional JSON-serializable parameter to be supplied to the prerendering code.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "CustomDataParameter" + } + }, + { + "Kind": "ITagHelper", + "Name": "asp-prerender-timeout", + "TypeName": "System.Int32", + "Documentation": "\n \n The maximum duration to wait for prerendering to complete.\n \n ", + "Metadata": { + "Common.PropertyName": "TimeoutMillisecondsParameter" + } + } + ], + "Metadata": { + "Runtime.Name": "ITagHelper", + "Common.TypeName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaServices.Prerendering.PrerenderTagHelper" + } + } + ], + "CSharpLanguageVersion": 703 + }, + "RootNamespace": "WebApi001", + "Documents": [], + "SerializationFormat": "0.2" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/obj/WebApi001.csproj.nuget.cache" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/obj/WebApi001.csproj.nuget.cache" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d10c3d8185f2581076d2f20df7f4bbbd065ad028 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/obj/WebApi001.csproj.nuget.cache" @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +{ + "version": 1, + "dgSpecHash": "yezN4ZsD0BjfmOosXFOrn4W4bcqmQvZREB61xuZCWA+Y6VsqW8uFOicwNYEqe6Ks0r16p7A9FH/rudeL4dxPMQ==", + "success": true +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/obj/WebApi001.csproj.nuget.g.props" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/obj/WebApi001.csproj.nuget.g.props" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..615a0c322f3cff30f4f3797c7a0c6b26d74eddce --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/obj/WebApi001.csproj.nuget.g.props" @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ + + + + True + NuGet + F:\Git\vue-admin-template2\曾志勇\WebApi001\WebApi001\obj\project.assets.json + $(UserProfile)\.nuget\packages\ + C:\Users\HP\.nuget\packages\;C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\NuGetFallbackFolder + PackageReference + 4.9.3 + + + $(MSBuildAllProjects);$(MSBuildThisFileFullPath) + + + + + + + + + + + + C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\NuGetFallbackFolder\microsoft.entityframeworkcore.tools\2.1.1 + C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\NuGetFallbackFolder\microsoft.codeanalysis.analyzers\1.1.0 + C:\Users\HP\.nuget\packages\microsoft.aspnetcore.razor.design\2.2.0 + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/obj/WebApi001.csproj.nuget.g.targets" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/obj/WebApi001.csproj.nuget.g.targets" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2d7dd2878488df18229e10be4c960765125535cd --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/obj/WebApi001.csproj.nuget.g.targets" @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + + + + $(MSBuildAllProjects);$(MSBuildThisFileFullPath) + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/obj/project.assets.json" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/obj/project.assets.json" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4e09689ac71fb17a9cf6ef88488f85338b9340ba --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/WebApi001/WebApi001/obj/project.assets.json" @@ -0,0 +1,12015 @@ 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"[2.1.1, 2.2.0)", + "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Abstractions": "[2.1.1, 2.2.0)", + "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Server.Abstractions": "[2.1.1, 2.2.0)", + "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html.Abstractions": "[2.1.1, 2.2.0)", + "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http": "[2.1.1, 2.2.0)", + "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions": "[2.1.1, 2.2.0)", + "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Connections": "[1.0.1, 1.1.0)", + "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Connections.Common": "[1.0.1, 1.1.0)", + "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions": "[2.1.1, 2.2.0)", + "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features": "[2.1.1, 2.2.0)", + "Microsoft.AspNetCore.HttpOverrides": "[2.1.1, 2.2.0)", + "Microsoft.AspNetCore.HttpsPolicy": "[2.1.1, 2.2.0)", + "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity": "[2.1.1, 2.2.0)", + "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore": "[2.1.1, 2.2.0)", + "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.UI": "[2.1.1, 2.2.0)", + "Microsoft.AspNetCore.JsonPatch": "[2.1.1, 2.2.0)", + "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Localization": "[2.1.1, 2.2.0)", + 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"已使用“.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1”而不是项目目标框架“.NETCoreApp,Version=v2.1”还原包“Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design 3.1.4”。此包可能与项目不完全兼容。", + "libraryId": "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design", + "targetGraphs": [ + ".NETCoreApp,Version=v2.1" + ] + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/babel.config.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/babel.config.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fb82b2715f46a87182f3e004dcc731f5a5f49fe8 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/babel.config.js" @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +module.exports = { + presets: [ + // https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli/tree/master/packages/@vue/babel-preset-app + '@vue/cli-plugin-babel/preset' + ], + 'env': { + 'development': { + // babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node plugin only does one thing by converting all import() to require(). + // This plugin can significantly increase the speed of hot updates, when you have a large number of pages. + // https://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin-site/guide/advanced/lazy-loading.html + 'plugins': ['dynamic-import-node'] + } + } +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/build/index.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/build/index.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0c57de2aad9ee533046b71c08b56943be304d867 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/build/index.js" @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +const { run } = require('runjs') +const chalk = require('chalk') +const config = require('../vue.config.js') +const rawArgv = process.argv.slice(2) +const args = rawArgv.join(' ') + +if (process.env.npm_config_preview || rawArgv.includes('--preview')) { + const report = rawArgv.includes('--report') + + run(`vue-cli-service build ${args}`) + + const port = 9526 + const publicPath = config.publicPath + + var connect = require('connect') + var serveStatic = require('serve-static') + const app = connect() + + app.use( + publicPath, + serveStatic('./dist', { + index: ['index.html', '/'] + }) + ) + + app.listen(port, function () { + console.log(chalk.green(`> Preview at http://localhost:${port}${publicPath}`)) + if (report) { + console.log(chalk.green(`> Report at http://localhost:${port}${publicPath}report.html`)) + } + + }) +} else { + run(`vue-cli-service build ${args}`) +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/jest.config.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/jest.config.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..143cdc868cbc529ca55eff89bbc0dc3f23fba65d --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/jest.config.js" @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +module.exports = { + moduleFileExtensions: ['js', 'jsx', 'json', 'vue'], + transform: { + '^.+\\.vue$': 'vue-jest', + '.+\\.(css|styl|less|sass|scss|svg|png|jpg|ttf|woff|woff2)$': + 'jest-transform-stub', + '^.+\\.jsx?$': 'babel-jest' + }, + moduleNameMapper: { + '^@/(.*)$': '/src/$1' + }, + snapshotSerializers: ['jest-serializer-vue'], + testMatch: [ + '**/tests/unit/**/*.spec.(js|jsx|ts|tsx)|**/__tests__/*.(js|jsx|ts|tsx)' + ], + collectCoverageFrom: ['src/utils/**/*.{js,vue}', '!src/utils/auth.js', '!src/utils/request.js', 'src/components/**/*.{js,vue}'], + coverageDirectory: '/tests/unit/coverage', + // 'collectCoverage': true, + 'coverageReporters': [ + 'lcov', + 'text-summary' + ], + testURL: 'http://localhost/' +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/jsconfig.json" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/jsconfig.json" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ed079e2b9b8c3deaea3b75d6311c3352c73009f2 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/jsconfig.json" @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "compilerOptions": { + "baseUrl": "./", + "paths": { + "@/*": ["src/*"] + } + }, + "exclude": ["node_modules", "dist"] +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/mock/index.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/mock/index.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c514c1357332895f0c6b1b55379748f5ff59d60d --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/mock/index.js" @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +const Mock = require('mockjs') +const { param2Obj } = require('./utils') + +const user = require('./user') +const table = require('./table') + +const mocks = [ + ...user, + ...table +] + +// for front mock +// please use it cautiously, it will redefine XMLHttpRequest, +// which will cause many of your third-party libraries to be invalidated(like progress event). +function mockXHR() { + // mock patch + // https://github.com/nuysoft/Mock/issues/300 + Mock.XHR.prototype.proxy_send = Mock.XHR.prototype.send + Mock.XHR.prototype.send = function() { + if (this.custom.xhr) { + this.custom.xhr.withCredentials = this.withCredentials || false + + if (this.responseType) { + this.custom.xhr.responseType = this.responseType + } + } + this.proxy_send(...arguments) + } + + function XHR2ExpressReqWrap(respond) { + return function(options) { + let result = null + if (respond instanceof Function) { + const { body, type, url } = options + // https://expressjs.com/en/4x/api.html#req + result = respond({ + method: type, + body: JSON.parse(body), + query: param2Obj(url) + }) + } else { + result = respond + } + return Mock.mock(result) + } + } + + for (const i of mocks) { + Mock.mock(new RegExp(i.url), i.type || 'get', XHR2ExpressReqWrap(i.response)) + } +} + +module.exports = { + mocks, + mockXHR +} + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/mock/mock-server.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/mock/mock-server.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8941ec0f8035485e9c432ae7789ffd817e96ef42 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/mock/mock-server.js" @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +const chokidar = require('chokidar') +const bodyParser = require('body-parser') +const chalk = require('chalk') +const path = require('path') +const Mock = require('mockjs') + +const mockDir = path.join(process.cwd(), 'mock') + +function registerRoutes(app) { + let mockLastIndex + const { mocks } = require('./index.js') + const mocksForServer = mocks.map(route => { + return responseFake(route.url, route.type, route.response) + }) + for (const mock of mocksForServer) { + app[mock.type](mock.url, mock.response) + mockLastIndex = app._router.stack.length + } + const mockRoutesLength = Object.keys(mocksForServer).length + return { + mockRoutesLength: mockRoutesLength, + mockStartIndex: mockLastIndex - mockRoutesLength + } +} + +function unregisterRoutes() { + Object.keys(require.cache).forEach(i => { + if (i.includes(mockDir)) { + delete require.cache[require.resolve(i)] + } + }) +} + +// for mock server +const responseFake = (url, type, respond) => { + return { + url: new RegExp(`${process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API}${url}`), + type: type || 'get', + response(req, res) { + console.log('request invoke:' + req.path) + res.json(Mock.mock(respond instanceof Function ? respond(req, res) : respond)) + } + } +} + +module.exports = app => { + // parse app.body + // https://expressjs.com/en/4x/api.html#req.body + app.use(bodyParser.json()) + app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ + extended: true + })) + + const mockRoutes = registerRoutes(app) + var mockRoutesLength = mockRoutes.mockRoutesLength + var mockStartIndex = mockRoutes.mockStartIndex + + // watch files, hot reload mock server + chokidar.watch(mockDir, { + ignored: /mock-server/, + ignoreInitial: true + }).on('all', (event, path) => { + if (event === 'change' || event === 'add') { + try { + // remove mock routes stack + app._router.stack.splice(mockStartIndex, mockRoutesLength) + + // clear routes cache + unregisterRoutes() + + const mockRoutes = registerRoutes(app) + mockRoutesLength = mockRoutes.mockRoutesLength + mockStartIndex = mockRoutes.mockStartIndex + + console.log(chalk.magentaBright(`\n > Mock Server hot reload success! changed ${path}`)) + } catch (error) { + console.log(chalk.redBright(error)) + } + } + }) +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/mock/table.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/mock/table.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bd0e0133e1d8df7ba1411016f4c81fa9f4e69624 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/mock/table.js" @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +const Mock = require('mockjs') + +const data = Mock.mock({ + 'items|30': [{ + id: '@id', + title: '@sentence(10, 20)', + 'status|1': ['published', 'draft', 'deleted'], + author: 'name', + display_time: '@datetime', + pageviews: '@integer(300, 5000)' + }] +}) + +module.exports = [ + { + url: '/vue-admin-template/table/list', + type: 'get', + response: config => { + const items = data.items + return { + code: 20000, + data: { + total: items.length, + items: items + } + } + } + } +] diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/mock/user.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/mock/user.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..33f4d014923e324541e73488609829427aa0fa94 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/mock/user.js" @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ + +const tokens = { + admin: { + token: 'admin-token' + }, + editor: { + token: 'editor-token' + } +} + +const users = { + 'admin-token': { + roles: ['admin'], + introduction: 'I am a super administrator', + avatar: 'https://wpimg.wallstcn.com/f778738c-e4f8-4870-b634-56703b4acafe.gif', + name: 'Super Admin', + access: ['setting','users','roles','dashboard'] + }, + 'editor-token': { + roles: ['editor'], + introduction: 'I am an editor', + avatar: 'https://wpimg.wallstcn.com/f778738c-e4f8-4870-b634-56703b4acafe.gif', + name: 'Normal Editor' + } +} + +module.exports = [ + // user login + { + url: '/vue-admin-template/user/login', + type: 'post', + response: config => { + const { username } = config.body + const token = tokens[username] + + // mock error + if (!token) { + return { + code: 60204, + message: 'Account and password are incorrect.' + } + } + + return { + code: 20000, + data: token + } + } + }, + + // get user info + { + url: '/vue-admin-template/user/info\.*', + type: 'get', + response: config => { + const { token } = config.query + const info = users[token] + + // mock error + if (!info) { + return { + code: 50008, + message: 'Login failed, unable to get user details.' + } + } + + return { + code: 20000, + data: info + } + } + }, + + // user logout + { + url: '/vue-admin-template/user/logout', + type: 'post', + response: _ => { + return { + code: 20000, + data: 'success' + } + } + } +] diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/mock/utils.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/mock/utils.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..95cc27d5fe6446bc16960a0c2f79975ca6cec411 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/mock/utils.js" @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +/** + * @param {string} url + * @returns {Object} + */ +function param2Obj(url) { + const search = decodeURIComponent(url.split('?')[1]).replace(/\+/g, ' ') + if (!search) { + return {} + } + const obj = {} + const searchArr = search.split('&') + searchArr.forEach(v => { + const index = v.indexOf('=') + if (index !== -1) { + const name = v.substring(0, index) + const val = v.substring(index + 1, v.length) + obj[name] = val + } + }) + return obj +} + +module.exports = { + param2Obj +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/package.json" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/package.json" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2d2cc1165f940bf8fa54d478037abb7e0f3d263e --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/package.json" @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +{ + "name": "vue-admin-template", + "version": "4.4.0", + "description": "A vue admin template with Element UI & axios & iconfont & permission control & lint", + "author": "Pan ", + "scripts": { + "dev": "vue-cli-service serve", + "build:prod": "vue-cli-service build", + "build:stage": "vue-cli-service build --mode staging", + "preview": "node build/index.js --preview", + "svgo": "svgo -f src/icons/svg --config=src/icons/svgo.yml", + "lint": "eslint --ext .js,.vue src", + "test:unit": "jest --clearCache && vue-cli-service test:unit", + "test:ci": "npm run lint && npm run test:unit" + }, + "dependencies": { + "axios": "0.18.1", + "core-js": "3.6.5", + "element-ui": "2.13.2", + "normalize.css": "7.0.0", + "nprogress": "0.2.0", + "path-to-regexp": "2.4.0", + "vue": "2.6.10", + "vue-router": "3.0.6", + "vuex": "3.1.0" + }, + "devDependencies": { + "@vue/cli-plugin-babel": "4.4.4", + "@vue/cli-plugin-eslint": "4.4.4", + "@vue/cli-plugin-unit-jest": "4.4.4", + "@vue/cli-service": "4.4.4", + "@vue/test-utils": "1.0.0-beta.29", + "autoprefixer": "9.5.1", + "babel-eslint": "10.1.0", + "babel-jest": "23.6.0", + "babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node": "2.3.3", + "chalk": "2.4.2", + "connect": "3.6.6", + "eslint": "6.7.2", + "eslint-plugin-vue": "6.2.2", + "html-webpack-plugin": "3.2.0", + "mockjs": "1.0.1-beta3", + "runjs": "4.3.2", + "sass": "1.26.8", + "sass-loader": "8.0.2", + "script-ext-html-webpack-plugin": "2.1.3", + "serve-static": "1.13.2", + "svg-sprite-loader": "4.1.3", + "svgo": "1.2.2", + "vue-template-compiler": "2.6.10" + }, + "browserslist": [ + "> 1%", + "last 2 versions" + ], + "engines": { + "node": ">=8.9", + "npm": ">= 3.0.0" + }, + "license": "MIT" +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/postcss.config.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/postcss.config.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..10473efcf85dc43627ec84b86fe06b5f7fd1296b --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/postcss.config.js" @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +// https://github.com/michael-ciniawsky/postcss-load-config + +module.exports = { + 'plugins': { + // to edit target browsers: use "browserslist" field in package.json + 'autoprefixer': {} + } +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/public/favicon.ico" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/public/favicon.ico" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..34b63ac63a87ee3ea8e7a0f3f5b5406c437e2112 Binary files /dev/null and "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/public/favicon.ico" differ diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/public/index.html" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/public/index.html" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fa2be9164ac798754109790fb853df97fc5e85d4 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/public/index.html" @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ + + + + + + + + <%= webpackConfig.name %> + + + +
+ + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/App.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/App.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ec9032c1c638e918ec97e413aa081993a95048f4 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/App.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ + + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/api/product.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/api/product.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..129c1dfa92709306b50d8b52dc177b0e852e5e57 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/api/product.js" @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + +export function getList(params) { + return request({ + // baseURL: 'https://api.apiopen.top', + url: '/getJoke', + method: 'get', + params + }) +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/api/role.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/api/role.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c13bdde756cd84393c350594a2f8f82608d5f469 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/api/role.js" @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + +export function getRoles() { + return request({ + url: 'api/roles', + method: 'get' + }) +} + +export function addRoles(data) { + return request({ + url: '/api/roles', + method: 'post', + data + }) +} + +export function updateRoles(id,data) { + return request({ + url: '/api/roles/'+ id, + method: 'put', + data + }) +} + +export function deleteRoles(id) { + return request({ + url: '/api/roles/'+ id, + method: 'delete', + }) +} + +export function saveRolePermission(data) { + return request({ + url: '/api/roles/saveRolePermission', + method: 'post', + data + }) + } + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/api/table.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/api/table.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2752f52e164096081bd566162e62e4a66fa065d3 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/api/table.js" @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + +export function getList(params) { + return request({ + url: '/vue-admin-template/table/list', + method: 'get', + params + }) +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/api/user.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/api/user.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fa15b40b0d8a1c0dc3c0f68ff4d48c68fca2d6dd --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/api/user.js" @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request' + +export function login(data) { + return request({ + url: 'api/Users/login', + method: 'post', + data + }) +} + +export function getInfo(token) { + return request({ + url: '/api/Users/getuserInfo', + method: 'get', + params: { token } + }) +} + +export function logout() { + return request({ + url: 'api/Users/logout', + method: 'post' + }) +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/assets/404_images/404.png" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/assets/404_images/404.png" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3d8e2305cc973ad2121403aee4bf08728f76c461 Binary files /dev/null and "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/assets/404_images/404.png" differ diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/assets/404_images/404_cloud.png" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/assets/404_images/404_cloud.png" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c6281d09013e0a2c5f8e699a0a6038d9480291e5 Binary files /dev/null and "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/assets/404_images/404_cloud.png" differ diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/components/Breadcrumb/index.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/components/Breadcrumb/index.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..29f9a04c9dcf9f8d1b216f5cbdf0046606c4d203 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/components/Breadcrumb/index.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ + + + + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/components/Hamburger/index.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/components/Hamburger/index.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..368b002154ef7dfb2625e15a43d2ad264bfa040c --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/components/Hamburger/index.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ + + + + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/components/SvgIcon/index.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/components/SvgIcon/index.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b07ded2af39d367113e28f68ca581b74b2625718 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/components/SvgIcon/index.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ + + + + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/index.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/index.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2c6b309c96cc2e43761a691860858f232f6d5d1a --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/index.js" @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +import Vue from 'vue' +import SvgIcon from '@/components/SvgIcon'// svg component + +// register globally +Vue.component('svg-icon', SvgIcon) + +const req = require.context('./svg', false, /\.svg$/) +const requireAll = requireContext => requireContext.keys().map(requireContext) +requireAll(req) diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/dashboard.svg" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/dashboard.svg" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5317d37029218281b4da78eccf40ce9e94941301 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/dashboard.svg" @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/example.svg" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/example.svg" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..46f42b5323d11686c44b573729db0df115343d5c --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/example.svg" @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/eye-open.svg" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/eye-open.svg" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..88dcc98e6c80d145e3807f00a6e5ed91ce5371e4 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/eye-open.svg" @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/eye.svg" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/eye.svg" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..16ed2d872d1cadeb36fc9101cbf77397fbf4fd70 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/eye.svg" @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/form.svg" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/form.svg" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dcbaa185a845cdf01a7fdfb849c224ce9c4af011 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/form.svg" @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/link.svg" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/link.svg" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..48197ba4da7b4314a16a19a698fe96c1b2a7ad0b --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/link.svg" @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/nested.svg" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/nested.svg" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..06713a86c6a3db0cd5eeb26cf81ffb27b538e9a1 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/nested.svg" @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/password.svg" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/password.svg" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e291d85df22083536bb2e40fd18120ef6d6b141d --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/password.svg" @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/table.svg" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/table.svg" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0e3dc9dea5a0ff92d617cdfee4f10ef600a02433 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/table.svg" @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/tree.svg" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/tree.svg" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dd4b7dd22fe06076831935066592caec48e323b0 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/tree.svg" @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/user.svg" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/user.svg" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0ba0716a62a92f7cb2f2e6f3c745ace2be6b3b31 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svg/user.svg" @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svgo.yml" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svgo.yml" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d11906aec26dd14372dd1b298f72270c38cce1b7 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/icons/svgo.yml" @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +# replace default config + +# multipass: true +# full: true + +plugins: + + # - name + # + # or: + # - name: false + # - name: true + # + # or: + # - name: + # param1: 1 + # param2: 2 + +- removeAttrs: + attrs: + - 'fill' + - 'fill-rule' diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/components/AppMain.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/components/AppMain.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f6a3286f585e7f86e8c9913c53615d2d74afc497 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/components/AppMain.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ + + + + + + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/components/Navbar.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/components/Navbar.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0ca5cf6a09fa5a73a304573ef406910b2f5cddea --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/components/Navbar.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ + + + + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/components/Sidebar/FixiOSBug.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/components/Sidebar/FixiOSBug.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bc14856f0768d6b1aed2f59bbfed3f2775977ac8 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/components/Sidebar/FixiOSBug.js" @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +export default { + computed: { + device() { + return this.$store.state.app.device + } + }, + mounted() { + // In order to fix the click on menu on the ios device will trigger the mouseleave bug + // https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin/issues/1135 + this.fixBugIniOS() + }, + methods: { + fixBugIniOS() { + const $subMenu = this.$refs.subMenu + if ($subMenu) { + const handleMouseleave = $subMenu.handleMouseleave + $subMenu.handleMouseleave = (e) => { + if (this.device === 'mobile') { + return + } + handleMouseleave(e) + } + } + } + } +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/components/Sidebar/Item.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/components/Sidebar/Item.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aa1f5da4de23482ad3fdb4a0d8d07772117ecd36 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/components/Sidebar/Item.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ + + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/components/Sidebar/Link.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/components/Sidebar/Link.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..530b3d5b3749538745ffbf2fcb32547a4de3bfa3 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/components/Sidebar/Link.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ + + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/components/Sidebar/Logo.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/components/Sidebar/Logo.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..040fab64696f4a2406edc9a0182a234e2619ed3f --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/components/Sidebar/Logo.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ + + + + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/components/Sidebar/SidebarItem.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/components/Sidebar/SidebarItem.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a418c3d712a6d23a6aa70f4fa779011cac3b64ef --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/components/Sidebar/SidebarItem.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ + + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/components/Sidebar/index.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/components/Sidebar/index.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..da39034fd058f2dac91ff5d9cc0157e74189b9b1 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/components/Sidebar/index.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ + + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/components/index.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/components/index.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..97ee3cd12dce9a371b571dfba3c2b9fc16dc988c --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/components/index.js" @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +export { default as Navbar } from './Navbar' +export { default as Sidebar } from './Sidebar' +export { default as AppMain } from './AppMain' diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/index.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/index.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..db22a7bc3eb02e559fb32f99667288e6cfe0783a --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/index.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ + + + + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/mixin/ResizeHandler.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/mixin/ResizeHandler.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e8d0df8c237c20405aacc19a1e317ce5b09cd5d1 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/layout/mixin/ResizeHandler.js" @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +import store from '@/store' + +const { body } = document +const WIDTH = 992 // refer to Bootstrap's responsive design + +export default { + watch: { + $route(route) { + if (this.device === 'mobile' && this.sidebar.opened) { + store.dispatch('app/closeSideBar', { withoutAnimation: false }) + } + } + }, + beforeMount() { + window.addEventListener('resize', this.$_resizeHandler) + }, + beforeDestroy() { + window.removeEventListener('resize', this.$_resizeHandler) + }, + mounted() { + const isMobile = this.$_isMobile() + if (isMobile) { + store.dispatch('app/toggleDevice', 'mobile') + store.dispatch('app/closeSideBar', { withoutAnimation: true }) + } + }, + methods: { + // use $_ for mixins properties + // https://vuejs.org/v2/style-guide/index.html#Private-property-names-essential + $_isMobile() { + const rect = body.getBoundingClientRect() + return rect.width - 1 < WIDTH + }, + $_resizeHandler() { + if (!document.hidden) { + const isMobile = this.$_isMobile() + store.dispatch('app/toggleDevice', isMobile ? 'mobile' : 'desktop') + + if (isMobile) { + store.dispatch('app/closeSideBar', { withoutAnimation: true }) + } + } + } + } +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/main.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/main.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eb7d037135df09eb315cf35035c0db27b171ff2a --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/main.js" @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +import Vue from 'vue' + +import 'normalize.css/normalize.css' // A modern alternative to CSS resets + +import ElementUI from 'element-ui' +import 'element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/index.css' +import locale from 'element-ui/lib/locale/lang/en' // lang i18n + +import '@/styles/index.scss' // global css + +import App from './App' +import store from './store' +import router from './router' + +import '@/icons' // icon +import '@/permission' // permission control + +/** + * If you don't want to use mock-server + * you want to use MockJs for mock api + * you can execute: mockXHR() + * + * Currently MockJs will be used in the production environment, + * please remove it before going online ! ! ! + */ +// if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { +// const { mockXHR } = require('../mock') +// mockXHR() +// } + +// set ElementUI lang to EN +Vue.use(ElementUI, { locale }) +// 如果想要中文版 element-ui,按如下方式声明 +// Vue.use(ElementUI) + +Vue.config.productionTip = false + +new Vue({ + el: '#app', + router, + store, + render: h => h(App) +}) diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/permission.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/permission.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..62d69b07ce56b9abc418d4ff441dd8af3773847d --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/permission.js" @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +import router from './router' +import store from './store' +// import { Message } from 'element-ui' +import NProgress from 'nprogress' // progress bar +import 'nprogress/nprogress.css' // progress bar style +import { getToken } from '@/utils/auth' // get token from cookie +import getPageTitle from '@/utils/get-page-title' +import { canTurnTo } from '@/utils/access' + +NProgress.configure({ showSpinner: false }) // NProgress Configuration + +// const whiteList = ['/login'] // no redirect whitelist + +const turnTo = (to, access, next) => { + var can = canTurnTo(to.name, access, router.options.routes) + if (can) next() // 有权限,可访问 + else next({ replace: true, name: 'error_401' }) // 无权限,重定向到401页面 +} + +router.beforeEach(async(to, from, next) => { + // start progress bar + NProgress.start() + + // 设置网页标题 + document.title = getPageTitle(to.meta.title) + + // 判断用户是否登录,登录了是否有用户信息,有用户信息是否有权限访问要跳转的路由 + const hasToken = getToken() + if (hasToken) { + if (to.path === '/login') { + // 登录后,试图重定向到登录页面的,重新跳转到应用首页 + next({ path: '/' }) + NProgress.done() + } else { + var userInfo = store.state.user.name + if (userInfo) { + turnTo(to, store.state.user.access, next) + } else { + console.log('登录成功,已经有token,但是还没有用户信息,准备获用户信息') + store.dispatch('user/getInfo').then(user => { + // 拉取用户信息,通过用户权限和跳转的页面的name来判断是否有权限访问; + // access必须是一个数组,如:['super_admin'] ['super_admin', 'admin'] + turnTo(to, user.access, next) + }).catch(() => { + // 获取用户信息失败,重置token + store.dispatch('user/resetToken') + next('/login') + }) + } + } + } else { + // 没有登录(因为没有token) + + if (to.path === '/login') { + next() + } else { + next('/login') + NProgress.done() + } + } +}) + +router.afterEach(() => { + // finish progress bar + NProgress.done() +}) diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/router/index.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/router/index.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f63d4903dfa1e1590e1e3122a4c721600c92cb3 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/router/index.js" @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +import Vue from 'vue' +import Router from 'vue-router' +import routes from './routes' +import store from '@/store' +// import { Message } from 'element-ui' +import NProgress from 'nprogress' // progress bar +import 'nprogress/nprogress.css' // progress bar style +import { getToken } from '@/utils/auth' // get token from cookie +import getPageTitle from '@/utils/get-page-title' +import { canTurnTo } from '@/utils/access' + +// 全局引用vue-router +Vue.use(Router) +NProgress.configure({ showSpinner: false }) // NProgress Configuration + +// const whiteList = ['/login'] // no redirect whitelist + +/** + * Note: sub-menu only appear when route children.length >= 1 + * Detail see: https://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin-site/guide/essentials/router-and-nav.html + * + * hidden: true if set true, item will not show in the sidebar(default is false) + * alwaysShow: true if set true, will always show the root menu + * if not set alwaysShow, when item has more than one children route, + * it will becomes nested mode, otherwise not show the root menu + * redirect: noRedirect if set noRedirect will no redirect in the breadcrumb + * name:'router-name' the name is used by (must set!!!) + * meta : { + roles: ['admin','editor'] control the page roles (you can set multiple roles) + title: 'title' the name show in sidebar and breadcrumb (recommend set) + icon: 'svg-name'/'el-icon-x' the icon show in the sidebar + breadcrumb: false if set false, the item will hidden in breadcrumb(default is true) + activeMenu: '/example/list' if set path, the sidebar will highlight the path you set + } + */ + +// 创建route实例 +const createRouter = () => new Router({ + // mode: 'history', // require service support + scrollBehavior: () => ({ y: 0 }), + routes: routes +}) + +const router = createRouter() + +// Detail see: https://github.com/vuejs/vue-router/issues/1234#issuecomment-357941465 +export function resetRouter() { + const newRouter = createRouter() + router.matcher = newRouter.matcher // reset router +} + +// 路由拦截器,引入权限管理 +const turnTo = (to, access, next) => { + var can = canTurnTo(to.name, access, routes) + if (can) next() // 有权限,可访问 + else next({ replace: true, name: 'error_401' }) // 无权限,重定向到401页面 +} + +router.beforeEach(async(to, from, next) => { + // start progress bar + NProgress.start() + + // 设置网页标题 + document.title = getPageTitle(to.meta.title) + + // 判断用户是否登录,登录了是否有用户信息,有用户信息是否有权限访问要跳转的路由 + const hasToken = getToken() + if (hasToken) { + if (to.path === '/login') { + // 登录后,试图重定向到登录页面的,重新跳转到应用首页 + next({ path: '/' }) + NProgress.done() + } else { + var userInfo = store.state.user.name + if (userInfo) { + turnTo(to, store.state.user.access, next) + } else { + console.log('登录成功,已经有token,但是还没有用户信息,准备获用户信息') + store.dispatch('user/getInfo').then(user => { + // 拉取用户信息,通过用户权限和跳转的页面的name来判断是否有权限访问; + // access必须是一个数组,如:['super_admin'] ['super_admin', 'admin'] + turnTo(to, user.access, next) + }).catch(() => { + // 获取用户信息失败,重置token + store.dispatch('user/resetToken') + next('/login') + }) + } + } + } else { + // 没有登录(因为没有token) + + if (to.path === '/login') { + next() + } else { + next('/login') + NProgress.done() + } + } +}) + +router.afterEach(() => { + // finish progress bar + NProgress.done() +}) + +export default router \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/router/routes.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/router/routes.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9bb7ff4b60289189328ffa5c7166c2d7ebec07e3 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/router/routes.js" @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +/* 布局 */ +import Layout from '@/layout' + +// 路由定义(即所有可能的路由,定义在此) +const routes = [ + { + path: '/login', + name: 'login', + component: () => import('@/views/login/index'), + hidden: true + }, + { + path: '/', + component: Layout, + redirect: '/dashboard', + children: [{ + path: 'dashboard', + name: 'Dashboard', + component: () => import('@/views/dashboard/index'), + meta: { title: 'Dashboard', icon: 'dashboard' } + }] + }, + + { + path: '/example', + component: Layout, + redirect: '/example/table', + name: 'Example', + meta: { title: 'Example', icon: 'el-icon-s-help' }, + children: [ + { + path: 'table', + name: 'Table', + component: () => import('@/views/table/index'), + meta: { title: 'Table', icon: 'table' } + }, + { + path: 'tree', + name: 'Tree', + component: () => import('@/views/tree/index'), + meta: { title: 'Tree', icon: 'tree' } + } + ] + }, + + { + path: '/shopping', + component: Layout, + redirect: '/shopping/product', + name: 'shopping', + meta: { title: '商城', icon: 'el-icon-s-help', access: ['shopping'] }, + children: [ + { + path: 'product', + name: 'product', + component: () => import('@/views/shopping/product/index'), + meta: { title: '商品', icon: 'table', access: ['product'] } + }, + { + path: 'tree1', + name: 'Tree1', + component: () => import('@/views/tree/index'), + meta: { title: 'Tree1', icon: 'tree',access: ['tree1'] } + } + ] + }, + + { + path: '/setting', + component: Layout, + redirect: '/setting/roles', + name: 'setting', + meta: { title: '系统设置', icon: 'el-icon-s-help', access: ['setting'] }, + children: [ + { + path: 'roles', + name: 'roles', + component: () => import('@/views/setting/roles/index'), + meta: { title: '角色设置', icon: 'table', access: ['roles'] } + }, + { + path: 'users', + name: 'users', + component: () => import('@/views/setting/users/index'), + meta: { title: '用户设置', icon: 'tree', access: ['users'] } + } + ] + }, + { + path: '/404', + name: 'error_404', + component: () => import('@/views/error/404'), + hidden: true + }, + + { + path: '/401', + name: 'error_401', + component: () => import('@/views/error/401'), + hidden: true + }, + + // 404 page must be placed at the end !!! + { path: '*', redirect: '/404', hidden: true } +] + +export default routes \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/settings.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/settings.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ae3c4949a90d81fe8637934e39f383747b6bb798 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/settings.js" @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +module.exports = { + + title: 'Vue Admin Template', + + /** + * @type {boolean} true | false + * @description Whether fix the header + */ + fixedHeader: false, + + /** + * @type {boolean} true | false + * @description Whether show the logo in sidebar + */ + sidebarLogo: false +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/store/getters.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/store/getters.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5ab7b4c8ba23fe62a23208cafeca2b9a3a5a2a40 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/store/getters.js" @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +const getters = { + sidebar: state => state.app.sidebar, + device: state => state.app.device, + token: state => state.user.token, + avatar: state => state.user.avatar, + name: state => state.user.name +} +export default getters diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/store/index.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/store/index.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6be466a5d2a89799b809407f360556360e8f5f83 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/store/index.js" @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +import Vue from 'vue' +import Vuex from 'vuex' +import getters from './getters' +import app from './modules/app' +import settings from './modules/settings' +import user from './modules/user' + +Vue.use(Vuex) + +const store = new Vuex.Store({ + modules: { + app, + settings, + user + }, + getters +}) + +export default store diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/store/modules/app.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/store/modules/app.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..47112d772a451816d4d73440a0700db4171a87ed --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/store/modules/app.js" @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +// import Cookies from 'js-cookie' + +var sidebarKey = 'sidebarStatus' +var GetsidebarStatus = () => { + return localStorage.getItem(sidebarKey) +} +var SetsidebarStatus = (status) => { + return localStorage.setItem(sidebarKey,status) +} +var app = { + namespaced: true, + state: { + sidebar: { + opened: GetsidebarStatus() ? !!+GetsidebarStatus() : true, + withoutAnimation: false + }, + device: 'desktop' + }, + mutations: { + toggleSidebar: state => { + state.sidebar.opened = !state.sidebar.opened + state.sidebar.withoutAnimation = false + if (state.sidebar.opened) { + // Cookies.set('sidebarStatus', 1) + } else { + // Cookies.set('sidebarStatus', 0) + } + }, + closeSidebar: (state, withoutAnimation) => { + // Cookies.set('sidebarStatus', 0) + SetsidebarStatus(0) + state.sidebar.opened = false + state.sidebar.withoutAnimation = withoutAnimation + }, + toggleDevice: (state, device) => { + state.device = device + } + }, + actions: { + toggleSideBar({ commit }) { + commit('toggleSidebar') + }, + closeSideBar({ commit }, { withoutAnimation }) { + commit('closeSidebar', withoutAnimation) + }, + toggleDevice({ commit }, device) { + commit('toggleDevice', device) + } + } +} +export default app diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/store/modules/settings.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/store/modules/settings.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6132c68e7b8a964dc8fe333548bacb317177f1e1 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/store/modules/settings.js" @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +import defaultSettings from '@/settings' + +const { showSettings, fixedHeader, sidebarLogo } = defaultSettings +var settings = { + namespaced: true, + state: { + showSettings: showSettings, + fixedHeader: fixedHeader, + sidebarLogo: sidebarLogo + }, + mutations: { + CHANGE_SETTING: (state, { key, value }) => { + // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins + if (state.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + state[key] = value + } + } + }, + actions: { + changeSetting({ commit }, data) { + commit('CHANGE_SETTING', data) + } + } +} +export default settings diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/store/modules/user.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/store/modules/user.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b1e649cdd04c5a97aa41ee24c398c52e6790288d --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/store/modules/user.js" @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +import { login, logout, getInfo } from '@/api/user' +import { getToken, setToken, removeToken } from '@/utils/auth' +import { resetRouter } from '@/router' +var user = { + namespaced: true, + state: { + token: getToken(), + name: '', + avatar: '', + access: [] + }, + mutations: { + RESET_STATE: (state) => { + var tempState = { + token: getToken(), + name: '', + avatar: '', + access: [] + } + Object.assign(state, tempState) + }, + SET_TOKEN: (state, token) => { + state.token = token + }, + SET_NAME: (state, name) => { + state.name = name + }, + SET_AVATAR: (state, avatar) => { + state.avatar = avatar + }, + SET_ACCESS: (state, access) => { + state.access = access + } + }, + // user login + actions: { + // user login + login({ commit }, parms) { + var userInfo=parms.loginForm + var remeber=parms.remberMe + const { username, password } = userInfo + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + login({ username: username.trim(), password: password }).then(response => { + const { data } = response + commit('SET_TOKEN', data.token) + // commit('SET_ACCESS', data.access) + setToken(data.token,remeber) + resolve() + }).catch(error => { + reject(error) + }) + }) + }, + // get user info + getInfo({ commit, state }) { + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + getInfo(state.token).then(response => { + console.log(response) + const { data } = response + if (!data) { + return reject('Verification failed, please Login again.') + } + + const { name, avatar, access } = data + + commit('SET_NAME', name) + commit('SET_AVATAR', avatar) + commit('SET_ACCESS', access) + resolve(data) + }).catch(error => { + reject(error) + }) + }) + }, + // user logout + logout({ commit, state }) { + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + logout(state.token).then(() => { + removeToken() // must remove token first + resetRouter() + commit('RESET_STATE') + resolve() + }).catch(error => { + reject(error) + }) + }) + }, + // remove token + resetToken({ commit }) { + return new Promise(resolve => { + removeToken() // must remove token first + commit('RESET_STATE') + resolve() + }) + } + } +} +export default user diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/styles/element-ui.scss" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/styles/element-ui.scss" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00624119c460a57d7ff146397db37350705af5a4 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/styles/element-ui.scss" @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +// cover some element-ui styles + +.el-breadcrumb__inner, +.el-breadcrumb__inner a { + font-weight: 400 !important; +} + +.el-upload { + input[type="file"] { + display: none !important; + } +} + +.el-upload__input { + display: none; +} + + +// to fixed https://github.com/ElemeFE/element/issues/2461 +.el-dialog { + transform: none; + left: 0; + position: relative; + margin: 0 auto; +} + +// refine element ui upload +.upload-container { + .el-upload { + width: 100%; + + .el-upload-dragger { + width: 100%; + height: 200px; + } + } +} + +// dropdown +.el-dropdown-menu { + a { + display: block + } +} + +// to fix el-date-picker css style +.el-range-separator { + box-sizing: content-box; +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/styles/index.scss" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/styles/index.scss" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3b4da517cd9b276c82ab9b51a85cc0a206f2c102 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/styles/index.scss" @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +@import './variables.scss'; +@import './mixin.scss'; +@import './transition.scss'; +@import './element-ui.scss'; +@import './sidebar.scss'; + +body { + height: 100%; + -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; + -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; + text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; + font-family: Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, PingFang SC, Hiragino Sans GB, Microsoft YaHei, Arial, sans-serif; +} + +label { + font-weight: 700; +} + +html { + height: 100%; + box-sizing: border-box; +} + +#app { + height: 100%; +} + +*, +*:before, +*:after { + box-sizing: inherit; +} + +a:focus, +a:active { + outline: none; +} + +a, +a:focus, +a:hover { + cursor: pointer; + color: inherit; + text-decoration: none; +} + +div:focus { + outline: none; +} + +.clearfix { + &:after { + visibility: hidden; + display: block; + font-size: 0; + content: " "; + clear: both; + height: 0; + } +} + +// main-container global css +.app-container { + padding: 20px; +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/styles/mixin.scss" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/styles/mixin.scss" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..36b74bbd995e7cc5c6baab1ce6808ecfda8c27ae --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/styles/mixin.scss" @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +@mixin clearfix { + &:after { + content: ""; + display: table; + clear: both; + } +} + +@mixin scrollBar { + &::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece { + background: #d3dce6; + } + + &::-webkit-scrollbar { + width: 6px; + } + + &::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { + background: #99a9bf; + border-radius: 20px; + } +} + +@mixin relative { + position: relative; + width: 100%; + height: 100%; +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/styles/sidebar.scss" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/styles/sidebar.scss" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..94760cc76136d17fe1350793dd07b98e85d370bb --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/styles/sidebar.scss" @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +#app { + + .main-container { + min-height: 100%; + transition: margin-left .28s; + margin-left: $sideBarWidth; + position: relative; + } + + .sidebar-container { + transition: width 0.28s; + width: $sideBarWidth !important; + background-color: $menuBg; + height: 100%; + position: fixed; + font-size: 0px; + top: 0; + bottom: 0; + left: 0; + z-index: 1001; + overflow: hidden; + + // reset element-ui css + .horizontal-collapse-transition { + transition: 0s width ease-in-out, 0s padding-left ease-in-out, 0s padding-right ease-in-out; + } + + .scrollbar-wrapper { + overflow-x: hidden !important; + } + + .el-scrollbar__bar.is-vertical { + right: 0px; + } + + .el-scrollbar { + height: 100%; + } + + &.has-logo { + .el-scrollbar { + height: calc(100% - 50px); + } + } + + .is-horizontal { + display: none; + } + + a { + display: inline-block; + width: 100%; + overflow: hidden; + } + + .svg-icon { + margin-right: 16px; + } + + .sub-el-icon { + margin-right: 12px; + margin-left: -2px; + } + + .el-menu { + border: none; + height: 100%; + width: 100% !important; + } + + // menu hover + .submenu-title-noDropdown, + .el-submenu__title { + &:hover { + background-color: $menuHover !important; + } + } + + .is-active>.el-submenu__title { + color: $subMenuActiveText !important; + } + + & .nest-menu .el-submenu>.el-submenu__title, + & .el-submenu .el-menu-item { + min-width: $sideBarWidth !important; + background-color: $subMenuBg !important; + + &:hover { + background-color: $subMenuHover !important; + } + } + } + + .hideSidebar { + .sidebar-container { + width: 54px !important; + } + + .main-container { + margin-left: 54px; + } + + .submenu-title-noDropdown { + padding: 0 !important; + position: relative; + + .el-tooltip { + padding: 0 !important; + + .svg-icon { + margin-left: 20px; + } + + .sub-el-icon { + margin-left: 19px; + } + } + } + + .el-submenu { + overflow: hidden; + + &>.el-submenu__title { + padding: 0 !important; + + .svg-icon { + margin-left: 20px; + } + + .sub-el-icon { + margin-left: 19px; + } + + .el-submenu__icon-arrow { + display: none; + } + } + } + + .el-menu--collapse { + .el-submenu { + &>.el-submenu__title { + &>span { + height: 0; + width: 0; + overflow: hidden; + visibility: hidden; + display: inline-block; + } + } + } + } + } + + .el-menu--collapse .el-menu .el-submenu { + min-width: $sideBarWidth !important; + } + + // mobile responsive + .mobile { + .main-container { + margin-left: 0px; + } + + .sidebar-container { + transition: transform .28s; + width: $sideBarWidth !important; + } + + &.hideSidebar { + .sidebar-container { + pointer-events: none; + transition-duration: 0.3s; + transform: translate3d(-$sideBarWidth, 0, 0); + } + } + } + + .withoutAnimation { + + .main-container, + .sidebar-container { + transition: none; + } + } +} + +// when menu collapsed +.el-menu--vertical { + &>.el-menu { + .svg-icon { + margin-right: 16px; + } + .sub-el-icon { + margin-right: 12px; + margin-left: -2px; + } + } + + .nest-menu .el-submenu>.el-submenu__title, + .el-menu-item { + &:hover { + // you can use $subMenuHover + background-color: $menuHover !important; + } + } + + // the scroll bar appears when the subMenu is too long + >.el-menu--popup { + max-height: 100vh; + overflow-y: auto; + + &::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece { + background: #d3dce6; + } + + &::-webkit-scrollbar { + width: 6px; + } + + &::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { + background: #99a9bf; + border-radius: 20px; + } + } +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/styles/transition.scss" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/styles/transition.scss" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4cb27cc811e28605bb6d0657a6257f0c901f6809 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/styles/transition.scss" @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +// global transition css + +/* fade */ +.fade-enter-active, +.fade-leave-active { + transition: opacity 0.28s; +} + +.fade-enter, +.fade-leave-active { + opacity: 0; +} + +/* fade-transform */ +.fade-transform-leave-active, +.fade-transform-enter-active { + transition: all .5s; +} + +.fade-transform-enter { + opacity: 0; + transform: translateX(-30px); +} + +.fade-transform-leave-to { + opacity: 0; + transform: translateX(30px); +} + +/* breadcrumb transition */ +.breadcrumb-enter-active, +.breadcrumb-leave-active { + transition: all .5s; +} + +.breadcrumb-enter, +.breadcrumb-leave-active { + opacity: 0; + transform: translateX(20px); +} + +.breadcrumb-move { + transition: all .5s; +} + +.breadcrumb-leave-active { + position: absolute; +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/styles/variables.scss" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/styles/variables.scss" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be5577263874f458b69364b492fd1dd6f26247fa --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/styles/variables.scss" @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +// sidebar +$menuText:#bfcbd9; +$menuActiveText:#409EFF; +$subMenuActiveText:#f4f4f5; //https://github.com/ElemeFE/element/issues/12951 + +$menuBg:#304156; +$menuHover:#263445; + +$subMenuBg:#1f2d3d; +$subMenuHover:#001528; + +$sideBarWidth: 210px; + +// the :export directive is the magic sauce for webpack +// https://www.bluematador.com/blog/how-to-share-variables-between-js-and-sass +:export { + menuText: $menuText; + menuActiveText: $menuActiveText; + subMenuActiveText: $subMenuActiveText; + menuBg: $menuBg; + menuHover: $menuHover; + subMenuBg: $subMenuBg; + subMenuHover: $subMenuHover; + sideBarWidth: $sideBarWidth; +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/utils/access.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/utils/access.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4fc081d26b8d046fab149b85f369655bf8d64b1d --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/utils/access.js" @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +/** + * @param {Array} target 目标数组 + * @param {Array} arr 需要查询的数组 + * @description 判断要查询的数组是否至少有一个元素包含在目标数组中 + */ +export const hasOneOf = (targetarr, arr) => { + return targetarr.some(_ => arr.indexOf(_) > -1) +} + +/** + * @param {*} access 用户权限数组,如 ['super_admin', 'admin'] + * @param {*} route 路由列表 + */ +const hasAccess = (access, route) => { + if (route.meta && route.meta.access) return hasOneOf(access, route.meta.access) + else return true +} + +/** + * 权鉴 + * @param {*} name 即将跳转的路由name + * @param {*} access 用户权限数组 + * @param {*} routes 路由列表 + * @description 用户是否可跳转到该页 + */ +export const canTurnTo = (name, access, routes) => { + const routePermissionJudge = (list) => { + return list.some(item => { + if (item.children && item.children.length) { + return routePermissionJudge(item.children) + } else if (item.name === name) { + return hasAccess(access, item) + } + }) + } + + return routePermissionJudge(routes) +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/utils/auth.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/utils/auth.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8d67bbb5b7a9396b57b7856ebdc764ca8d595f75 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/utils/auth.js" @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +// import Cookies from 'js-cookie' + +const TokenKey = 'vue_admin_template_token' + +export function getToken() { + return localStorage.getItem(TokenKey) || sessionStorage.getItem(TokenKey) +} + +export function setToken(token,rember) { + if(rember){ + localStorage.setItem(TokenKey,token) + }else{ + sessionStorage.setItem(TokenKey,token) + } +} + +export function removeToken() { + localStorage.removeItem(TokenKey) + sessionStorage.removeItem(TokenKey) +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/utils/get-page-title.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/utils/get-page-title.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a6de99dde35f92f0a5d28573d62661f38542b942 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/utils/get-page-title.js" @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +import defaultSettings from '@/settings' + +const title = defaultSettings.title || 'Vue Admin Template' + +export default function getPageTitle(pageTitle) { + if (pageTitle) { + return `${pageTitle} - ${title}` + } + return `${title}` +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/utils/index.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/utils/index.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4830c04890a16a899c846ff2d5aab320c5f2a0c5 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/utils/index.js" @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +/** + * Created by PanJiaChen on 16/11/18. + */ + +/** + * Parse the time to string + * @param {(Object|string|number)} time + * @param {string} cFormat + * @returns {string | null} + */ +export function parseTime(time, cFormat) { + if (arguments.length === 0 || !time) { + return null + } + const format = cFormat || '{y}-{m}-{d} {h}:{i}:{s}' + let date + if (typeof time === 'object') { + date = time + } else { + if ((typeof time === 'string')) { + if ((/^[0-9]+$/.test(time))) { + // support "1548221490638" + time = parseInt(time) + } else { + // support safari + // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4310953/invalid-date-in-safari + time = time.replace(new RegExp(/-/gm), '/') + } + } + + if ((typeof time === 'number') && (time.toString().length === 10)) { + time = time * 1000 + } + date = new Date(time) + } + const formatObj = { + y: date.getFullYear(), + m: date.getMonth() + 1, + d: date.getDate(), + h: date.getHours(), + i: date.getMinutes(), + s: date.getSeconds(), + a: date.getDay() + } + const time_str = format.replace(/{([ymdhisa])+}/g, (result, key) => { + const value = formatObj[key] + // Note: getDay() returns 0 on Sunday + if (key === 'a') { return ['日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六'][value ] } + return value.toString().padStart(2, '0') + }) + return time_str +} + +/** + * @param {number} time + * @param {string} option + * @returns {string} + */ +export function formatTime(time, option) { + if (('' + time).length === 10) { + time = parseInt(time) * 1000 + } else { + time = +time + } + const d = new Date(time) + const now = Date.now() + + const diff = (now - d) / 1000 + + if (diff < 30) { + return '刚刚' + } else if (diff < 3600) { + // less 1 hour + return Math.ceil(diff / 60) + '分钟前' + } else if (diff < 3600 * 24) { + return Math.ceil(diff / 3600) + '小时前' + } else if (diff < 3600 * 24 * 2) { + return '1天前' + } + if (option) { + return parseTime(time, option) + } else { + return ( + d.getMonth() + + 1 + + '月' + + d.getDate() + + '日' + + d.getHours() + + '时' + + d.getMinutes() + + '分' + ) + } +} + +/** + * @param {string} url + * @returns {Object} + */ +export function param2Obj(url) { + const search = decodeURIComponent(url.split('?')[1]).replace(/\+/g, ' ') + if (!search) { + return {} + } + const obj = {} + const searchArr = search.split('&') + searchArr.forEach(v => { + const index = v.indexOf('=') + if (index !== -1) { + const name = v.substring(0, index) + const val = v.substring(index + 1, v.length) + obj[name] = val + } + }) + return obj +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/utils/request.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/utils/request.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c962eb09f23fb028180aabfb7ad80e6f572d0936 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/utils/request.js" @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +import axios from 'axios' +import { MessageBox, Message } from 'element-ui' +import store from '@/store' +import { getToken } from '@/utils/auth' + +// create an axios instance +const service = axios.create({ + baseURL: process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API, // url = base url + request url + // withCredentials: true, // send cookies when cross-domain requests + timeout: 5000 // request timeout +}) + +// 请求拦截器 放入Token +service.interceptors.request.use( + config => { + // do something before request is sent + + if (store.getters.token) { + // let each request carry token + // ['X-Token'] is a custom headers key + // please modify it according to the actual situation + config.headers['X-Token'] = getToken() + } + return config + }, + error => { + // do something with request error + console.log(error) // for debug + return Promise.reject(error) + } +) + +// 响应拦截器 +service.interceptors.response.use( + /** + * If you want to get http information such as headers or status + * Please return response => response + */ + + /** + * Determine the request status by custom code + * Here is just an example + * You can also judge the status by HTTP Status Code + */ + response => { + const res = response.data + + // if the custom code is not 20000, it is judged as an error. + if (res.code !== 20000) { + Message({ + message: res.message || 'Error', + type: 'error', + duration: 5 * 1000 + }) + + // 50008: Illegal token; 50012: Other clients logged in; 50014: Token expired; + if (res.code === 50008 || res.code === 50012 || res.code === 50014) { + // to re-login + MessageBox.confirm('You have been logged out, you can cancel to stay on this page, or log in again', 'Confirm logout', { + confirmButtonText: 'Re-Login', + cancelButtonText: 'Cancel', + type: 'warning' + }).then(() => { + store.dispatch('user/resetToken').then(() => { + location.reload() + }) + }) + } + return Promise.reject(new Error(res.message || 'Error')) + } else { + return res + } + }, + error => { + console.log('err' + error) // for debug + Message({ + message: error.message, + type: 'error', + duration: 5 * 1000 + }) + return Promise.reject(error) + } +) + +export default service diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/utils/validate.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/utils/validate.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8d962ad4a25007489f5630e0e41b285247ac8cb1 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/utils/validate.js" @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +/** + * Created by PanJiaChen on 16/11/18. + */ + +/** + * @param {string} path + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +export function isExternal(path) { + return /^(https?:|mailto:|tel:)/.test(path) +} + +/** + * @param {string} str + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +export function validUsername(str) { + const valid_map = ['admin', 'editor'] + return valid_map.indexOf(str.trim()) >= 0 +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/404.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/404.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1791f55a34ef18dae1cbd583d62f997bf33fffa9 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/404.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,228 @@ + + + + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/dashboard/index.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/dashboard/index.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..33e5ab6ecfef1d683c22654ac42cad7d41d0ce9d --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/dashboard/index.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ + + + + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/error/401.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/error/401.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ba531178e3e810f5478cfc69fd17f6852a00500b --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/error/401.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/error/404.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/error/404.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..288eff3f1b401e6baab61d7fca4dca383f6fe4e2 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/error/404.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/form/index.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/form/index.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f4d66d3bdb73260c97bcb8fa8b9b10d6775dccbc --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/form/index.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ + + + + + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/login/index.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/login/index.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5ae1c98c4876929e517eb4616f5cf9159dacab46 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/login/index.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,242 @@ + + + + + + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/nested/menu1/index.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/nested/menu1/index.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..30cb670118ee7441850a6f8f83bda2b3514d8e0c --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/nested/menu1/index.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/nested/menu1/menu1-1/index.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/nested/menu1/menu1-1/index.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..27e173a6b473d2eb308f059384bf9c4790894a5f --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/nested/menu1/menu1-1/index.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/nested/menu1/menu1-2/index.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/nested/menu1/menu1-2/index.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0c86276e0162396768de0d2781927e7d0322130f --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/nested/menu1/menu1-2/index.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/nested/menu1/menu1-2/menu1-2-1/index.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/nested/menu1/menu1-2/menu1-2-1/index.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f87d88f4908681b45eae1fbb26389b86b5f9cc1d --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/nested/menu1/menu1-2/menu1-2-1/index.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/nested/menu1/menu1-2/menu1-2-2/index.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/nested/menu1/menu1-2/menu1-2-2/index.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d88789f205ed5bbba622bfb1b6291ad827e6004d --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/nested/menu1/menu1-2/menu1-2-2/index.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/nested/menu1/menu1-3/index.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/nested/menu1/menu1-3/index.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f7cd0738f1b36e662bf6b088b337c79865878c4c --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/nested/menu1/menu1-3/index.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/nested/menu2/index.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/nested/menu2/index.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..19dd48f0edf37f54317f14b0cfb707d00ab04f11 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/nested/menu2/index.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/setting/roles/index.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/setting/roles/index.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9201c49d701029fbbf0b5547e51b12709272a2a1 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/setting/roles/index.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ + + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/setting/users/index.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/setting/users/index.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3078480e721bb58f6518204400b22bebb6d5ebf2 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/setting/users/index.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ + + + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/shopping/product/index.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/shopping/product/index.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0b07a9101897c8f0e7943adc0de63fcf4bb4288e --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/shopping/product/index.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ + + + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/table/index.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/table/index.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a1ed847f954a40c0e80f8d90614305f22274578e --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/table/index.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ + + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/tree/index.vue" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/tree/index.vue" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..89c6b01de2ccba837d3f76aedc0638d88edcf003 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/src/views/tree/index.vue" @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ + + + + diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/tests/unit/.eslintrc.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/tests/unit/.eslintrc.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..958d51ba27f55d294e6950088886d7ad71199d74 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/tests/unit/.eslintrc.js" @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +module.exports = { + env: { + jest: true + } +} diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/tests/unit/components/Breadcrumb.spec.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/tests/unit/components/Breadcrumb.spec.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1d94c8fc7114473c0f9e9875ee727276a109a149 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/tests/unit/components/Breadcrumb.spec.js" @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +import { mount, createLocalVue } from '@vue/test-utils' +import VueRouter from 'vue-router' +import ElementUI from 'element-ui' +import Breadcrumb from '@/components/Breadcrumb/index.vue' + +const localVue = createLocalVue() +localVue.use(VueRouter) +localVue.use(ElementUI) + +const routes = [ + { + path: '/', + name: 'home', + children: [{ + path: 'dashboard', + name: 'dashboard' + }] + }, + { + path: '/menu', + name: 'menu', + children: [{ + path: 'menu1', + name: 'menu1', + meta: { title: 'menu1' }, + children: [{ + path: 'menu1-1', + name: 'menu1-1', + meta: { title: 'menu1-1' } + }, + { + path: 'menu1-2', + name: 'menu1-2', + redirect: 'noredirect', + meta: { title: 'menu1-2' }, + children: [{ + path: 'menu1-2-1', + name: 'menu1-2-1', + meta: { title: 'menu1-2-1' } + }, + { + path: 'menu1-2-2', + name: 'menu1-2-2' + }] + }] + }] + }] + +const router = new VueRouter({ + routes +}) + +describe('Breadcrumb.vue', () => { + const wrapper = mount(Breadcrumb, { + localVue, + router + }) + it('dashboard', () => { + router.push('/dashboard') + const len = wrapper.findAll('.el-breadcrumb__inner').length + expect(len).toBe(1) + }) + it('normal route', () => { + router.push('/menu/menu1') + const len = wrapper.findAll('.el-breadcrumb__inner').length + expect(len).toBe(2) + }) + it('nested route', () => { + router.push('/menu/menu1/menu1-2/menu1-2-1') + const len = wrapper.findAll('.el-breadcrumb__inner').length + expect(len).toBe(4) + }) + it('no meta.title', () => { + router.push('/menu/menu1/menu1-2/menu1-2-2') + const len = wrapper.findAll('.el-breadcrumb__inner').length + expect(len).toBe(3) + }) + // it('click link', () => { + // router.push('/menu/menu1/menu1-2/menu1-2-2') + // const breadcrumbArray = wrapper.findAll('.el-breadcrumb__inner') + // const second = breadcrumbArray.at(1) + // console.log(breadcrumbArray) + // const href = second.find('a').attributes().href + // expect(href).toBe('#/menu/menu1') + // }) + // it('noRedirect', () => { + // router.push('/menu/menu1/menu1-2/menu1-2-1') + // const breadcrumbArray = wrapper.findAll('.el-breadcrumb__inner') + // const redirectBreadcrumb = breadcrumbArray.at(2) + // expect(redirectBreadcrumb.contains('a')).toBe(false) + // }) + it('last breadcrumb', () => { + router.push('/menu/menu1/menu1-2/menu1-2-1') + const breadcrumbArray = wrapper.findAll('.el-breadcrumb__inner') + const redirectBreadcrumb = breadcrumbArray.at(3) + expect(redirectBreadcrumb.contains('a')).toBe(false) + }) +}) diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/tests/unit/components/Hamburger.spec.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/tests/unit/components/Hamburger.spec.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..01ea303a5e16f875972722d7665383836b20654c --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/tests/unit/components/Hamburger.spec.js" @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils' +import Hamburger from '@/components/Hamburger/index.vue' +describe('Hamburger.vue', () => { + it('toggle click', () => { + const wrapper = shallowMount(Hamburger) + const mockFn = jest.fn() + wrapper.vm.$on('toggleClick', mockFn) + wrapper.find('.hamburger').trigger('click') + expect(mockFn).toBeCalled() + }) + it('prop isActive', () => { + const wrapper = shallowMount(Hamburger) + wrapper.setProps({ isActive: true }) + expect(wrapper.contains('.is-active')).toBe(true) + wrapper.setProps({ isActive: false }) + expect(wrapper.contains('.is-active')).toBe(false) + }) +}) diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/tests/unit/components/SvgIcon.spec.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/tests/unit/components/SvgIcon.spec.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..31467a9f6fba16a81a90923db02da289248e2bc6 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/tests/unit/components/SvgIcon.spec.js" @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils' +import SvgIcon from '@/components/SvgIcon/index.vue' +describe('SvgIcon.vue', () => { + it('iconClass', () => { + const wrapper = shallowMount(SvgIcon, { + propsData: { + iconClass: 'test' + } + }) + expect(wrapper.find('use').attributes().href).toBe('#icon-test') + }) + it('className', () => { + const wrapper = shallowMount(SvgIcon, { + propsData: { + iconClass: 'test' + } + }) + expect(wrapper.classes().length).toBe(1) + wrapper.setProps({ className: 'test' }) + expect(wrapper.classes().includes('test')).toBe(true) + }) +}) diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/tests/unit/utils/formatTime.spec.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/tests/unit/utils/formatTime.spec.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..24e165b42df1d849b994d6f477eea79da9431e51 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/tests/unit/utils/formatTime.spec.js" @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +import { formatTime } from '@/utils/index.js' + +describe('Utils:formatTime', () => { + const d = new Date('2018-07-13 17:54:01') // "2018-07-13 17:54:01" + const retrofit = 5 * 1000 + + it('ten digits timestamp', () => { + expect(formatTime((d / 1000).toFixed(0))).toBe('7月13日17时54分') + }) + it('test now', () => { + expect(formatTime(+new Date() - 1)).toBe('刚刚') + }) + it('less two minute', () => { + expect(formatTime(+new Date() - 60 * 2 * 1000 + retrofit)).toBe('2分钟前') + }) + it('less two hour', () => { + expect(formatTime(+new Date() - 60 * 60 * 2 * 1000 + retrofit)).toBe('2小时前') + }) + it('less one day', () => { + expect(formatTime(+new Date() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 1 * 1000)).toBe('1天前') + }) + it('more than one day', () => { + expect(formatTime(d)).toBe('7月13日17时54分') + }) + it('format', () => { + expect(formatTime(d, '{y}-{m}-{d} {h}:{i}')).toBe('2018-07-13 17:54') + expect(formatTime(d, '{y}-{m}-{d}')).toBe('2018-07-13') + expect(formatTime(d, '{y}/{m}/{d} {h}-{i}')).toBe('2018/07/13 17-54') + }) +}) diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/tests/unit/utils/param2Obj.spec.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/tests/unit/utils/param2Obj.spec.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e106ed88b54ea85bf0c714dc73f8f4c740877d24 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/tests/unit/utils/param2Obj.spec.js" @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +import { param2Obj } from '@/utils/index.js' +describe('Utils:param2Obj', () => { + const url = 'https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin?name=bill&age=29&sex=1&field=dGVzdA==&key=%E6%B5%8B%E8%AF%95' + + it('param2Obj test', () => { + expect(param2Obj(url)).toEqual({ + name: 'bill', + age: '29', + sex: '1', + field: window.btoa('test'), + key: '测试' + }) + }) +}) diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/tests/unit/utils/parseTime.spec.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/tests/unit/utils/parseTime.spec.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..56045af4a8b471c8e2747db6f8b56daf30bfe9c5 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/tests/unit/utils/parseTime.spec.js" @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +import { parseTime } from '@/utils/index.js' + +describe('Utils:parseTime', () => { + const d = new Date('2018-07-13 17:54:01') // "2018-07-13 17:54:01" + it('timestamp', () => { + expect(parseTime(d)).toBe('2018-07-13 17:54:01') + }) + it('timestamp string', () => { + expect(parseTime((d + ''))).toBe('2018-07-13 17:54:01') + }) + it('ten digits timestamp', () => { + expect(parseTime((d / 1000).toFixed(0))).toBe('2018-07-13 17:54:01') + }) + it('new Date', () => { + expect(parseTime(new Date(d))).toBe('2018-07-13 17:54:01') + }) + it('format', () => { + expect(parseTime(d, '{y}-{m}-{d} {h}:{i}')).toBe('2018-07-13 17:54') + expect(parseTime(d, '{y}-{m}-{d}')).toBe('2018-07-13') + expect(parseTime(d, '{y}/{m}/{d} {h}-{i}')).toBe('2018/07/13 17-54') + }) + it('get the day of the week', () => { + expect(parseTime(d, '{a}')).toBe('五') // 星期五 + }) + it('get the day of the week', () => { + expect(parseTime(+d + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 2, '{a}')).toBe('日') // 星期日 + }) + it('empty argument', () => { + expect(parseTime()).toBeNull() + }) + + it('null', () => { + expect(parseTime(null)).toBeNull() + }) +}) diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/tests/unit/utils/validate.spec.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/tests/unit/utils/validate.spec.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f774905b00e87bc002972c21b8fab5c4b34ecc81 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/tests/unit/utils/validate.spec.js" @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +import { validUsername, isExternal } from '@/utils/validate.js' + +describe('Utils:validate', () => { + it('validUsername', () => { + expect(validUsername('admin')).toBe(true) + expect(validUsername('editor')).toBe(true) + expect(validUsername('xxxx')).toBe(false) + }) + it('isExternal', () => { + expect(isExternal('https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin')).toBe(true) + expect(isExternal('http://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin')).toBe(true) + expect(isExternal('github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin')).toBe(false) + expect(isExternal('/dashboard')).toBe(false) + expect(isExternal('./dashboard')).toBe(false) + expect(isExternal('dashboard')).toBe(false) + }) +}) diff --git "a/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/vue.config.js" "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/vue.config.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..495e464d0d5d59ee498b5c84d547baaf5e87f5c5 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\346\233\276\345\277\227\345\213\207/vue.config.js" @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +'use strict' +const path = require('path') +const defaultSettings = require('./src/settings.js') + +function resolve(dir) { + return path.join(__dirname, dir) +} + +const name = defaultSettings.title || 'vue Admin Template' // page title + +// If your port is set to 80, +// use administrator privileges to execute the command line. +// For example, Mac: sudo npm run +// You can change the port by the following methods: +// port = 9528 npm run dev OR npm run dev --port = 9528 +const port = process.env.port || process.env.npm_config_port || 9528 // dev port + +// All configuration item explanations can be find in https://cli.vuejs.org/config/ +module.exports = { + /** + * You will need to set publicPath if you plan to deploy your site under a sub path, + * for example GitHub Pages. If you plan to deploy your site to https://foo.github.io/bar/, + * then publicPath should be set to "/bar/". + * In most cases please use '/' !!! + * Detail: https://cli.vuejs.org/config/#publicpath + */ + publicPath: '/', + outputDir: 'dist', + assetsDir: 'static', + lintOnSave: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development', + productionSourceMap: false, + // devServer: { + // port: port, + // open: true, + // overlay: { + // warnings: false, + // errors: true + // }, + // before: require('./mock/mock-server.js') + // }, + configureWebpack: { + // provide the app's title in webpack's name field, so that + // it can be accessed in index.html to inject the correct title. + name: name, + resolve: { + alias: { + '@': resolve('src') + } + } + }, + chainWebpack(config) { + // it can improve the speed of the first screen, it is recommended to turn on preload + config.plugin('preload').tap(() => [ + { + rel: 'preload', + // to ignore runtime.js + // https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli/blob/dev/packages/@vue/cli-service/lib/config/app.js#L171 + fileBlacklist: [/\.map$/, /hot-update\.js$/, /runtime\..*\.js$/], + include: 'initial' + } + ]) + + // when there are many pages, it will cause too many meaningless requests + config.plugins.delete('prefetch') + + // set svg-sprite-loader + config.module + .rule('svg') + .exclude.add(resolve('src/icons')) + .end() + config.module + .rule('icons') + .test(/\.svg$/) + .include.add(resolve('src/icons')) + .end() + .use('svg-sprite-loader') + .loader('svg-sprite-loader') + .options({ + symbolId: 'icon-[name]' + }) + .end() + + config + .when(process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development', + config => { + config + .plugin('ScriptExtHtmlWebpackPlugin') + .after('html') + .use('script-ext-html-webpack-plugin', [{ + // `runtime` must same as runtimeChunk name. default is `runtime` + inline: /runtime\..*\.js$/ + }]) + .end() + config + .optimization.splitChunks({ + chunks: 'all', + cacheGroups: { + libs: { + name: 'chunk-libs', + test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/, + priority: 10, + chunks: 'initial' // only package third parties that are initially dependent + }, + elementUI: { + name: 'chunk-elementUI', // split elementUI into a single package + priority: 20, // the weight needs to be larger than libs and app or it will be packaged into libs or app + test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/]_?element-ui(.*)/ // in order to adapt to cnpm + }, + commons: { + name: 'chunk-commons', + test: resolve('src/components'), // can customize your rules + minChunks: 3, // minimum common number + priority: 5, + reuseExistingChunk: true + } + } + }) + // https:// webpack.js.org/configuration/optimization/#optimizationruntimechunk + config.optimization.runtimeChunk('single') + } + ) + } +}