From d7942fe5fc197d1eb77986b5c73b5c36d82e141e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Frantisek Sumsal <>
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2024 20:39:40 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] core: escape spaces in paths during serialization

Otherwise we split them incorrectly when deserializing them.

Resolves: #30747


 src/core/execute-serialize.c            | 17 ++++++------
 test/units/ | 36 ++++++++++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/core/execute-serialize.c b/src/core/execute-serialize.c
index 55d24094f7..dd48ad3f65 100644
--- a/src/core/execute-serialize.c
+++ b/src/core/execute-serialize.c
@@ -1930,7 +1930,7 @@ static int exec_context_serialize(const ExecContext *c, FILE *f) {
                 FOREACH_ARRAY(i, c->directories[dt].items, c->directories[dt].n_items) {
                         _cleanup_free_ char *path_escaped = NULL;
-                        path_escaped = shell_escape(i->path, ":");
+                        path_escaped = shell_escape(i->path, ":" WHITESPACE);
                         if (!path_escaped)
                                 return log_oom_debug();
@@ -1943,7 +1943,7 @@ static int exec_context_serialize(const ExecContext *c, FILE *f) {
                         STRV_FOREACH(d, i->symlinks) {
                                 _cleanup_free_ char *link_escaped = NULL;
-                                link_escaped = shell_escape(*d, ":");
+                                link_escaped = shell_escape(*d, ":" WHITESPACE);
                                 if (!link_escaped)
                                         return log_oom_debug();
@@ -2264,11 +2264,11 @@ static int exec_context_serialize(const ExecContext *c, FILE *f) {
         FOREACH_ARRAY(mount, c->bind_mounts, c->n_bind_mounts) {
                 _cleanup_free_ char *src_escaped = NULL, *dst_escaped = NULL;
-                src_escaped = shell_escape(mount->source, ":");
+                src_escaped = shell_escape(mount->source, ":" WHITESPACE);
                 if (!src_escaped)
                         return log_oom_debug();
-                dst_escaped = shell_escape(mount->destination, ":");
+                dst_escaped = shell_escape(mount->destination, ":" WHITESPACE);
                 if (!dst_escaped)
                         return log_oom_debug();
@@ -2455,11 +2455,11 @@ static int exec_context_serialize(const ExecContext *c, FILE *f) {
         FOREACH_ARRAY(mount, c->mount_images, c->n_mount_images) {
                 _cleanup_free_ char *s = NULL, *source_escaped = NULL, *dest_escaped = NULL;
-                source_escaped = shell_escape(mount->source, " ");
+                source_escaped = shell_escape(mount->source, WHITESPACE);
                 if (!source_escaped)
                         return log_oom_debug();
-                dest_escaped = shell_escape(mount->destination, " ");
+                dest_escaped = shell_escape(mount->destination, WHITESPACE);
                 if (!dest_escaped)
                         return log_oom_debug();
@@ -2496,7 +2496,7 @@ static int exec_context_serialize(const ExecContext *c, FILE *f) {
         FOREACH_ARRAY(mount, c->extension_images, c->n_extension_images) {
                 _cleanup_free_ char *s = NULL, *source_escaped = NULL;
-                source_escaped = shell_escape(mount->source, ":");
+                source_escaped = shell_escape(mount->source, ":" WHITESPACE);
                 if (!source_escaped)
                         return log_oom_debug();
@@ -2847,7 +2847,8 @@ static int exec_context_deserialize(ExecContext *c, FILE *f) {
                                 _cleanup_free_ char *tuple = NULL, *path = NULL, *only_create = NULL;
                                 const char *p;
-                                r = extract_first_word(&val, &tuple, WHITESPACE, EXTRACT_RETAIN_ESCAPE);
+                                /* Use EXTRACT_UNESCAPE_RELAX here, as we unescape the colons in subsequent calls */
+                                r = extract_first_word(&val, &tuple, WHITESPACE, EXTRACT_UNESCAPE_SEPARATORS|EXTRACT_UNESCAPE_RELAX);
                                 if (r < 0)
                                         return r;
                                 if (r == 0)
diff --git a/test/units/ b/test/units/
index c84974f1de..dd63163008 100755
--- a/test/units/
+++ b/test/units/
@@ -93,6 +93,13 @@ systemd-run --wait --pipe -p BindPaths="/etc /home:/mnt:norbind -/foo/bar/baz:/u
     bash -xec "mountpoint /etc; test -d /etc/systemd; mountpoint /mnt; ! mountpoint /usr"
 systemd-run --wait --pipe -p BindReadOnlyPaths="/etc /home:/mnt:norbind -/foo/bar/baz:/usr:rbind" \
     bash -xec "test ! -w /etc; test ! -w /mnt; ! mountpoint /usr"
+# Make sure we properly serialize/deserialize paths with spaces
+# See:
+touch "/tmp/test file with spaces"
+systemd-run --wait --pipe -p TemporaryFileSystem="/tmp" -p BindPaths="/etc /home:/mnt:norbind /tmp/test\ file\ with\ spaces" \
+    bash -xec "mountpoint /etc; test -d /etc/systemd; mountpoint /mnt; stat '/tmp/test file with spaces'"
+systemd-run --wait --pipe -p TemporaryFileSystem="/tmp" -p BindPaths="/etc /home:/mnt:norbind /tmp/test\ file\ with\ spaces:/tmp/destination\ wi\:th\ spaces" \
+    bash -xec "mountpoint /etc; test -d /etc/systemd; mountpoint /mnt; stat '/tmp/destination wi:th spaces'"
 # Check if we correctly serialize, deserialize, and set directives that
 # have more complex internal handling
@@ -206,18 +213,20 @@ fi
 # {Cache,Configuration,Logs,Runtime,State}Directory=
-    -p CacheDirectory="foo/bar/baz"
+    -p CacheDirectory="foo/bar/baz also\ with\ spaces"
     -p CacheDirectory="foo"
     -p CacheDirectory="context"
     -p CacheDirectoryMode="0123"
     -p CacheDirectoryMode="0666"
-    -p ConfigurationDirectory="context/foo also_context/bar context/nested/baz"
+    -p ConfigurationDirectory="context/foo also_context/bar context/nested/baz context/semi\:colon"
     -p ConfigurationDirectoryMode="0400"
     -p LogsDirectory="context/foo"
     -p LogsDirectory=""
     -p LogsDirectory="context/a/very/nested/logs/dir"
-    -p RuntimeDirectory="context"
-    -p RuntimeDirectory="also_context"
+    -p RuntimeDirectory="context/with\ spaces"
+    # Note: {Runtime,State,Cache,Logs}Directory= directives support the directory:symlink syntax, which
+    #       requires an additional level of escaping for the colon character
+    -p RuntimeDirectory="also_context:a\ symlink\ with\ \\\:\ col\\\:ons\ and\ \ spaces"
     -p RuntimeDirectoryPreserve=yes
     -p StateDirectory="context"
     -p StateDirectory="./././././././context context context"
@@ -226,21 +235,22 @@ ARGUMENTS=(
 rm -rf /run/context
 systemd-run --wait --pipe "${ARGUMENTS[@]}" \
-    bash -xec '[[ $CACHE_DIRECTORY == /var/cache/context:/var/cache/foo:/var/cache/foo/bar/baz ]];
-               [[ $(stat -c "%a" ${CACHE_DIRECTORY##*:}) == 666 ]]'
+    bash -xec '[[ $CACHE_DIRECTORY == "/var/cache/also with spaces:/var/cache/context:/var/cache/foo:/var/cache/foo/bar/baz" ]];
+               [[ $(stat -c "%a" "${CACHE_DIRECTORY##*:}") == 666 ]]'
 systemd-run --wait --pipe "${ARGUMENTS[@]}" \
-    bash -xec '[[ $CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY == /etc/also_context/bar:/etc/context/foo:/etc/context/nested/baz ]];
-               [[ $(stat -c "%a" ${CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY##*:}) == 400 ]]'
+    bash -xec '[[ $CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY == /etc/also_context/bar:/etc/context/foo:/etc/context/nested/baz:/etc/context/semi:colon ]];
+               [[ $(stat -c "%a" "${CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY%%:*}") == 400 ]]'
 systemd-run --wait --pipe "${ARGUMENTS[@]}" \
     bash -xec '[[ $LOGS_DIRECTORY == /var/log/context/a/very/nested/logs/dir:/var/log/context/foo ]];
-               [[ $(stat -c "%a" ${LOGS_DIRECTORY##*:}) == 755 ]]'
+               [[ $(stat -c "%a" "${LOGS_DIRECTORY##*:}") == 755 ]]'
 systemd-run --wait --pipe "${ARGUMENTS[@]}" \
-    bash -xec '[[ $RUNTIME_DIRECTORY == /run/also_context:/run/context ]];
-               [[ $(stat -c "%a" ${RUNTIME_DIRECTORY##*:}) == 755 ]];
-               [[ $(stat -c "%a" ${RUNTIME_DIRECTORY%%:*}) == 755 ]]'
+    bash -xec '[[ $RUNTIME_DIRECTORY == "/run/also_context:/run/context/with spaces" ]];
+               [[ $(stat -c "%a" "${RUNTIME_DIRECTORY##*:}") == 755 ]];
+               [[ $(stat -c "%a" "${RUNTIME_DIRECTORY%%:*}") == 755 ]]'
 systemd-run --wait --pipe "${ARGUMENTS[@]}" \
     bash -xec '[[ $STATE_DIRECTORY == /var/lib/context ]]; [[ $(stat -c "%a" $STATE_DIRECTORY) == 0 ]]'
-test -d /run/context
+test -d "/run/context/with spaces"
+test -s "/run/a symlink with : col:ons and  spaces"
 rm -rf /var/{cache,lib,log}/context /etc/{also_,}context
 # Limit*=